Why does the nail exfoliate. The nails on the hands are moving away from the skin. Treatment plan

You can count a considerable number of ailments in which deformation of the nail plates is observed. Some of them are easy enough to get rid of, while others are not. One of these problems is large. This unpleasant pathology can not only seriously scare a person, but also negatively affect the general state of health.

Features of the course of pathology

So, onycholysis (exfoliation of the nail plate) is a pathological change in the keratinized part of the thumb, in which it separates from the skin. It may be partial or complete. At the same time, a void appears under the nail, in which harmful bacteria can multiply.

The disease develops quite quickly. For example, in six months the nail can peel off completely. Despite the fact that it is the disease that is first affected, it spreads further over time. Refusal of treatment can provoke a complete loss of the nail plate, and without the possibility of recovery.

Most often, detachment of nails on the big toes is diagnosed in men who do not always monitor the health of their feet. Naturally, the pathology must be treated. However, the factors that provoked it must first be established.

Reasons for development

If the nail on the big toe exfoliates, the reasons may be as follows:

Circulatory problems in the lower extremities.

Allergic reaction.

Fungal infection of the legs.

Some chronic pathologies.

Eczema or psoriasis.

Acquired or hereditary diseases that are somatic in nature (and in the acute phase).

Traumatic finger injury.

Infection of the finger, in the treatment of which the wrong methods were used.

Abnormal nail growth.

Use of uncomfortable shoes.

Taking certain medications or chemicals.

Detachment of the nail on the big toe (the causes of the development of the pathological process can only be established after diagnosis) is a serious problem. It is impossible to delay the treatment of pathology.


So, the presented disease has the following symptoms:

1. A cavity appears under the nail in which air accumulates.

2. That part of the plate that has moved away becomes yellow, blue or acquires a brown tint.

3. First, only the edge of the nail is separated, and then the process covers the entire stratum corneum.

It should be noted that in the early stages of development, the disease is not accompanied by pain. However, when an infection enters the air cavity, significant discomfort may appear: ulcers develop, pus is released, and bleeding occurs.

Features of diagnostics

Detachment of the nails on the big toes must be treated, otherwise the consequences can be extremely unpleasant. However, first you need to find out the cause of the development of pathology.

Diagnosis of the disease is not difficult. If there was a finger injury, then the patient should talk about it. In addition, the doctor externally examines the detached plate. If necessary, a bacteriological culture is carried out to determine the microflora in the void.

Features of proper nutrition

Want to keep your nails strong and healthy? Then eat well. The following rules must be observed:

In order to have a sufficient amount of iron in the body, you can drink a decoction of sorrel, burdock or dandelion flowers.

The lack of silicon can be filled with bananas, salt, parsley and lettuce.

If there is not enough magnesium, it is necessary to consume milk and meat.

In order for the body to receive a sufficient amount of calcium, it is necessary to eat nuts, cabbage, cheese, seaweed, vegetable oil. It is advisable to use animal calcium, as it is easier to digest. You can get it by grinding eggshells.

Features of traditional treatment

If the detachment of the nail on the big toe has begun, the treatment will be as follows:

1. If the plate moves away due to a fungal infection, then for the purpose of therapy, the drugs "Bifonazole", "Exoderil" are used. Moreover, these funds are not only topical - some of them are sold in tablets for oral administration. Combined treatment from the inside and outside will be more effective. "Fukortsin" is considered a good enough medicine. This tool can lubricate the nails up to 4 times a day. Next, a 3-5% oxytetracycline ointment is applied to the plates.

2. Infectious and fungal pathologies can be treated using a laser.

3. If the nail has peeled off completely, its surgical removal is indicated. In order for the stratum corneum to recover more quickly, it is recommended to use a gelatin solution. You will have to drink it at least 5 times a day, and the therapy itself lasts 3 months.

In order to prevent the further spread of the pathology, it is necessary to cut your nails short once a week, try not to use cosmetic pedicure varnishes. In addition, you should change socks daily and use antiseptics (if there are no contraindications).

The use of folk remedies

If from the skin, treatment can be carried out not only with the help of medications. Folk recipes will also be useful:

Olive or sea buckthorn oil has a good effect. It should simply be rubbed into the nail plates every night before going to bed.

Warm baths with sea salt not only strengthen the nails, but also disinfect the formed cavity. However, it must be borne in mind that the salt must be free of impurities. The procedure should be performed 2 times a day for 90 days.

Detachment of the nails on the big toes can be treated with baths with the addition of herbal decoctions. For cooking, you should take a large spoonful of pre-shredded pine needles and chamomile. The mixture is steamed with boiling water, and then diluted with strong green tea (half). Next, you need to dip your toes in this liquid for half an hour.

Gelatin baths. You should dissolve half a teaspoon of gelatin in a glass of water and let it brew for half an hour. In order for the raw material to completely dissolve, the liquid can be slightly warmed up. Next, you should lower the nails into the prepared mixture for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated three times a week.

Well helps to eliminate onycholysis apple cider vinegar. It must be mixed in equal amounts with water and used as baths. Leave your feet in this mixture for 20 minutes, and the procedure is repeated twice a day.

In any case, before using the presented funds, you should consult with your doctor.

Prevention of pathology

Many patients turn to doctors with the question: "The nail on the big toe has gone: what to do?" Naturally, such a disease must be treated. But it can be prevented by observing the following preventive measures:

1. It is better to buy comfortable shoes that are made of natural material.

2. Socks should always be clean, and do not use synthetic materials. It is better to give preference to cotton or linen products.

3. If your feet get wet, they should be wiped and dried as soon as possible.

4. If the finger has been injured, it must be immediately bandaged and consult a doctor.

5. When working with heavy objects, you must wear appropriate shoes: with a steel toe. This will protect against injury.

6. If symptoms of a fungal or bacterial infection have been noticed, an urgent need to consult a doctor, otherwise the whole family may suffer.

7. It is impossible for the toe of the shoe to press on the fingers.

8. After visiting public places for bathing or washing, wash your feet well with antibacterial soap and treat your feet with an antiseptic.

What does a sore nail look like?

Free space appears between the nail plate and the nail bed, the nail changes its color, the nail plate loses its integrity. The nail seems to be moving away from the finger

The main causes of onychodystrophy:

  1. The most common cause of such a nail disease as onycholysis is a trauma to the nail. Injury also includes blows, clamps, pressing. In most cases of such an injury, the detachment of the nail will simply come off, being replaced by a new healthy nail.
  2. A common cause of onychodystrophy is the nail. In this case, you should contact a dermatologist-mycologist (a doctor who specializes in fungal diseases).
  3. Non-infectious causes of nail disease include impaired blood circulation in the body (in particular, limbs), impaired neuroregulation.
  4. Allergic reactions to contact with chemical agents (powders, concentrated solutions). In this case, direct contact with allergens should be avoided. For example, wear protective gloves and use protective hand creams.
  5. Onycholysis can appear in some systemic diseases that affect the cardiovascular system, the digestive system, and the nervous system.
  6. Contributes to the onychodystrophy of eczema, psoriasis, dermatosis, dermatitis.


Onycholysis is treated for a long time. You should be patient and believe in a positive result. In some cases, the nail bed may atrophy, and the nail no longer “grows” to it.

So, first you need to find out the cause of the disease. You can try to remember the trauma. The fungus is detected by mycologists. Systemic disorders, allergic diseases are examined in polyclinics.

Home help

  • Nutrition: vitamins and minerals (V A, B, zinc, calcium); gelatin (gelatin jelly, fruit jelly).
  • / feet with the addition of sea salt, you can add oils (for example, tea tree). Prepare warm, comfortable water. Twice a week for 20 minutes. After the bath, you should clean the accumulated dirt under the nail, and also massage it well.
  • Daily use (e.g. olive oil) – rub in

It is not such a rare situation when the nail exfoliates on the hand. This problem, which causes severe discomfort and negative emotions, can be due to various reasons. To put your nails in order and choose the right effective treatment, you must first find out the source of the disease. The publication will tell about this - about the causes of nail exfoliation and their elimination.


Typically, this condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • The nails peel off the skin on the hands.
  • Under the plate, a free space is formed in which air accumulates.
  • Nails begin to turn yellow, gradually becoming dark brown.
  • The skin around the exfoliated part becomes inflamed.
  • Sometimes there is bleeding and pus.
  • Discomfort and pain.

If you do not take any measures, then subsequently the nail can completely exfoliate. The disease progresses in different ways.

  • The middle part of the plate comes off. This condition is called kaylonchinia. It is characterized by the formation of an air or blood bubble.
  • Detachment occurs across, perpendicular to the nail bed. This is onycholysis.
  • The very base of the plate lags behind, in which serious inflammation occurs. The disease is called onychomadesis.

The most common is onycholysis. It usually occurs on the nails of the hands: on the little finger and ring finger. As a rule, the exfoliated part occupies no more than half of the plate. It can take the form of a crescent, a trapezoid or stripes. A process that affects the entire nail is extremely rare and occurs due to significant damage.

Why do fingernails peel off?

This disease has many causes. In exfoliation of nails, physical activity plays an important role. Sad consequences most often occur during weightlifting. It can also happen from a blow to the finger. In this case, the plate immediately changes color, but the process is rarely accompanied by severe pain.

Perhaps the most severe case is fungal diseases. Even with a clean and proper lifestyle, onychomycosis can occur. On the hands, it does not spread as quickly as on the legs, but is difficult to treat. With a fungus, pain is almost never felt, but the color of the plate changes, a certain discomfort is felt, and an unpleasant odor is felt.

As already mentioned, due to significant damage, the nails on the hands exfoliate very strongly. The reasons may be the following. Non-infectious trauma of the fingers, erythroderma, alopecia areata, taking tetracycline drugs, acute paronychia of strepto-staphylococcal or candidal nature.

Secondary sources of the problem

Doctors note that there are also reasons that indirectly affect why the nails on the hands exfoliate. This ailment itself can be a symptom of other diseases: atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, circulatory disorders, functional disorders of the endocrine, nervous or cardiovascular system.

Promotes the use of strong and fluoroquinolone antibiotics, hand contact with chemicals. It is important to watch your diet. The diet should not include synthetic additives and fast food: they harm the health of the whole organism. Constant lack of sleep and stress also greatly affect the condition of the hands.

At the first suspicious symptoms, urgent measures must be taken. The first step is to figure out why the nails on the hands exfoliate. Causes and treatment are directly interconnected. The doctor will be able to choose the appropriate treatment regimen only on the basis of the diagnosis.

Detachment of extended nails

Many girls are faced with the fact that extended nails fall off. Often this is due to improper preparation for the natural plate procedure. The master should not use tools with rough abrasiveness, since excessive filing reduces the adhesive properties of the nail. If you file it in the transverse direction, then the plate will also weaken, and the material will not hold. Blunt files can also cause peeling. They do not remove the thickness, but only heat the material. As a result, it shifts from the natural nail, violating adhesion.

Of great importance is the quality of laying out the gel. If the composition gets on the cuticle or lies in a thick layer, then in most cases this will lead to peeling. In addition, it is important to press the corners in the stress zone when working with forms. If extended fingernails peel off, and during the correction the master left a crack or made another mistake, this will further aggravate the problem. This can be explained by the fact that the air left under the new material will begin to move and lift it.

Also, the client's hands may be too cold or wet. In the first case, the fingers need to be thoroughly warmed up. In the second, you will have to use special tools to eliminate excessive moisture.

The use of old lamps also leads to delamination of artificial material. The fact is that the LEDs do not burn out suddenly, but gradually lose power. This negatively affects the polymerization of the gel. Under a low-power lamp, the material “dries out” only from above, and remains “raw” below. Because of this, the detachment of the extended nail occurs.

Features of diagnosing a problem

If the nail exfoliates from the nail plate on the hands, it is urgent to go to the clinic to see your doctor. Usually, with such a problem, doctors write out a referral for analysis, the results of which determine the presence of a fungal infection. If the results of the study are negative, additional studies are carried out to identify the cause. As a rule, the doctor sends to the dermatovenerological dispensary, which already uses other types of diagnostics.

Which doctor to contact?

If you do not want to stand in line and waste time going to the clinic, you can make an appointment in private medical offices. There, doctors will conduct a qualitative examination and laboratory tests. To solve the problem, you should first consult a dermatologist.

If there is confirmation of a fungal nail disease, then it is worth making an appointment with a specialist in this problem. Such ailments are dealt with by a doctor of a narrow focus - a mycologist.

The nail on the hand exfoliates: treatment

The method of therapy directly depends on the cause that served as the development of nail detachment.

The easiest way is to put in order a plate that has changed its state and suffered as a result of some kind of injury. As the experts themselves say, in this case, simple care is often enough. It does not cause difficulties, but it must be done in a timely manner and very carefully. Care consists in the gradual shearing of the damaged nail. The next step is to treat the finger with antibacterial agents and seal it with a band-aid. This is necessary so that foreign microorganisms do not penetrate into the injury site, which can initiate an infection. If everything is done correctly, then it remains only to wait for the exfoliating nail to grow back and be replaced by healthy tissues.

If the nails exfoliate from the skin on the hands due to a systemic disease, then local treatment of the finger can only temporarily eliminate the symptoms. In general, this will not give the expected result, and the problem will not be solved. Therefore, it is required to deal with the underlying disease that caused the detachment of the nails.

If the onset of the disease is due to exposure to strong chemicals, you will have to get rid of any contact with the irritant. The condition of the nails will return to normal over time. The same can be said about taking strong antibiotics. In this case, you don't have to do anything either. The plates themselves will stop peeling off and become healthy, although this process will drag on for an indefinite period. To speed up recovery, experts advise drinking vitamins for nails.

If the nails on the hands exfoliate due to a fungal infection, then you will have to be patient. The treatment will be very difficult, and one cannot do without the help of a doctor. Fungi are insidious in that they can spread throughout the body with the bloodstream. In some cases, they can be completely eliminated only after a few years. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the extent of the damage to the body and the stage of the disease. Doctors usually prescribe antifungals and antimycotics. It is also recommended during the treatment period to fight the disease with the help of auxiliary methods. This is the observance of proper nutrition, physiotherapy, baths with salt, soda and potassium permanganate.

An important point in recovery is following hygiene requirements. As a rule, experts recommend eliminating any allergens from everyday life. It can be anything: food, household chemicals, animals, and so on. It is also necessary to constantly use a pharmacy hand cream, which is designed to treat dermatitis or eczema. If the disease occurs during the cold season, then it is necessary to treat the gloves with special agents that can kill the fungus. It will have to be repeated often until it gets warm outside.

Folk methods

Some doctors recommend that their patients supplement their medication with folk remedies. They will speed up recovery if the nail on the hand exfoliates. What can you do yourself at home? In general, not all folk recipes will be good. With a serious pathology, there is a risk of harming so much that complications will arise that will not be easy to eliminate. Usually doctors prescribe all kinds of baths and lotions. The following folk remedies will help restore health to the nails:

  • Olive oil. Warm up to a warm state and dip your nails into it.
  • Sea salt. Dissolve in warm water and dip your fingers into it.
  • Chamomile. Prepare a decoction, cool and hold the affected area in it.
  • Green tea. Let it brew, cool down and dip your nails into it.
  • Berries of black currant, cranberry or lingonberry. Grind and apply to the affected area as a mask.
  • Alum. Dissolve in water and mix with glycerin. Moisten cotton wool with the solution and apply to your finger.
  • Iodine. Apply to the plate before going to bed.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Wipe the affected nails with it several times a day.
  • Gelatin. Dilute in water and heat a little. Lower your fingers and hold until the mixture cools.

If it is a bath or lotion, then the procedure can last 15-30 minutes.

If the nail still hurts

If the nail exfoliates on the hand at the initial stage, then usually this process is not accompanied by pain. Only over time, the pathogen enters the cavity under the plate. It already spreads to the soft tissues under the nail, resulting in the formation of sores that become inflamed and often fester. It is this condition that is accompanied by pain. In some cases, they are unbearable. The disease is dangerous because it develops very rapidly and can lead to complete loss of the nail. No doctor can guarantee that the plate will grow back. In addition, there is a high risk of infection spreading to neighboring fingers.

If not only the nail on the hand exfoliates, but pain is also felt, it is necessary to act immediately. You should immediately consult a doctor and take tests to determine the source of the problem. Only proper and timely therapy will get rid of discomfort and save nails. If the pain began in the evening, and there is no way to immediately go to a specialist, you can take an analgesic. It will reduce discomfort, make it possible to fall asleep and endure until the morning.


In order not to know how the nails exfoliate from the nail bed on the hands, it is necessary to prevent this problem. Experts recommend the following preventive measures:

  • Take care of your nails carefully and regularly. Timely clean them of dirt and trim as they grow.
  • Observe personal hygiene. Wash hands after every visit to the street. After swimming in a pool or pond, use antibacterial soap.
  • Do a manicure after disinfecting the instruments.
  • Boost the immune system, periodically drink a course of vitamins.

  • Prompt treatment of chronic diseases.
  • Massage your fingers while applying the cream to improve blood circulation.
  • Minimize contact with toxic and harmful substances. When cleaning the house using household chemicals, wear personal protective equipment. Hands must be in gloves.
  • When treating with antibiotics, it is advisable to take antifungal drugs. But on this issue, you should first consult with your doctor.

This publication provides information on what measures to take if the nail on the hand exfoliates, and why this happens. There can be many reasons for such a disease. These are fungus, trauma, chronic diseases, an unbalanced diet, poor hygiene and safety when working with chemicals. Only an experienced doctor will be able to diagnose the cause of the pathology and prescribe the appropriate treatment. If you do not start it in a timely manner, then you can completely lose the nail. In order not to feel this problem, it is necessary to take elementary preventive measures in a timely manner.

Detachment of nails from the bed is a rather unpleasant and difficult to eliminate disease. In addition to tangible discomfort, it also significantly reduces the aesthetic appearance of the nails. And if for women at an early stage of the disease it is possible to hide its manifestations under varnish, then for men there is no such possibility. Most often, the entire detachment of the nail from the nail bed occurs on the big toe, however, the treatment is the same for any nails, both on the hands and on the legs.

The reasons

There are many reasons why this disease can develop. Depending on them, this or that treatment is prescribed. The effectiveness of such treatment in different cases will be different. Peeling nails on the legs or on the hands can cause the following reasons:

  1. Chemical damage;
  2. mechanical injury;
  3. Fungus;
  4. Allergens (here, most often, we are talking about powerful chemical reagents contained in household chemicals);
  5. Taking antibiotics of certain pharmacological groups;
  6. Wrong manicure or pedicure;
  7. Chronic diseases.

In this case, chemical exposure refers to the destruction caused by household chemicals. When cleaning, washing or washing dishes without protective rubber gloves, the chemicals contained in detergents have an extremely negative effect on the nails. Especially dangerous in this sense are cleaning products for plumbing, as well as for pipe care. We can talk about an allergic reaction to these drugs when, after their use, a rash, itching and exfoliation of the nails on the hands appear, the treatment of which can take a long time.

Mechanical injuries are understood as various types of damage to the nail plate. These can be injuries resulting from a blow or a pinched finger. The wrong manicure can be attributed to the same group. A rough cut, filing at an angle and in different directions, rough cutting of the cuticle - all this can serve as a cause.

The answer to the question why the nails on the hands and on the legs exfoliate can be given by various internal reasons. First of all, this is a disease such as a fungus, and in addition, chronic diseases. Most often, these are diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems. In addition, diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, and various dermatitis can manifest themselves through the detachment of the plate.


When you have found out why the fingernails are coming off and you know that this is not associated with any serious systemic diseases, you can proceed to how to get rid of this phenomenon on your own. However, if you have a suspicion that the detachment is associated with internal ailments or a fungus, be sure to consult a doctor. Indeed, in this case, treatment requires an integrated approach.

One of the important reasons why the nails on the hands exfoliate even with careful treatment is the presence of dead skin particles under the free edge of the nail. They can cause re-infection and, as a result, exfoliation. Therefore, the most important guarantee of successful treatment and speedy recovery is thorough hygiene. A good effect is the use of baths with potassium permanganate or sea salt. They have a general strengthening effect on the nails and prevent the spread of infection.

In addition, it is recommended to adjust your diet in such a way that more iron, calcium, vitamins A and E, as well as B enter the body. To do this, you should consume apples, dairy products, butter and sunflower oil, cereals, seeds, nuts .

Also, if the nails on the hands fall off, you can apply local treatment. For example, cover your nails with iodine. It is better to do this at night, since during this time all the yellowness from iodine will come off. A solution of sea salt at the rate of 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of boiled water is rubbed directly into the damaged plates.

You can also rub a mixture of grated garlic with butter into them. You can also make foot or hand baths from a decoction of lilac flowers and oak bark. It has an antibacterial, strengthening and regenerating effect on the nail plates.

medical approach

In the event that you decide to treat the exfoliation of the nail plate by a specialist, be prepared for the fact that he, regardless of the causes of the disease, will prescribe you vitamins A, B and E, as well as calcium. These substances are the basis for the construction of a new nail, and therefore are necessary in any case. In addition, experts recommend all the same baths with potassium permanganate.

Almost always, the doctor prescribes to the patient compresses with synthomycin ointment or a two percent alcohol solution of tinol. The duration and intensity of the procedures is selected for each patient individually.

After establishing the reason why the nails go away on the legs or hands, a massage of the feet or hands is usually prescribed, respectively. This is done in order to improve blood circulation and accelerate the growth of a healthy plate. Physiotherapeutic procedures serve the same purpose.

It is especially important to get qualified medical care in full if the fungus is the cause of the exfoliation of the nail plate. It is not only very difficult to treat, but also very contagious, and therefore, self-medicating, you only contribute to the further spread of the infection. In addition, the infection develops very quickly and literally in a matter of weeks there is a possibility that you will not only lose a nail, but also get a fungal infection of the whole body.

The first stage of treatment in this case is the collection of tests. The doctor will take a scraping from the affected nail in order to identify the causative agent of the disease. The fact is that this or that type of fungus is more effectively treatable with one or another drug. Based on this study, treatment will be prescribed, which most often involves only the use of local medicines.

However, if the lesion is strong enough and is in an advanced stage, the doctor may prescribe oral antifungal drugs in the form of tablets for a complex antimycotic effect on the entire body. Although the treatment takes a lot of time, from 2 months to a year or more, nevertheless, it is quite successful. Nail removal is carried out only in the most extreme and most neglected cases.

Qualified medical assistance is very important for any disease, including such an insignificant, at first glance, as detachment of the nail plate. If other symptoms were observed before the peeling began, such as darkening or yellowing of the plate, its softness and friability, then it will probably not be possible to fix the problem quickly and independently. Since, most likely, it is a symptom of a general disease of the body.

A situation in which the nail has moved away from the skin can occur even in the most attentive to themselves, and at the same time well-groomed women. And this usually happens quite unexpectedly. Such an unpleasant disease is called onycholysis. This is a whole problem in which the nail plates move away from the soft tissues on the fingers or toes. A void begins to form in this area, because of this, the nail becomes very cloudy, yellow, and looks extremely painful.


The main symptoms indicating that a person’s nail has moved away from the skin include the following manifestations:

  • The nail plates extend from the tissue of the fingers.
  • Air begins to collect under the plate.
  • and darken.
  • Inflammatory processes begin.
  • There are constant aching pains and bleeding.
  • Over time, such plates begin to move away over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nail.

Types of pathology

So, the nail has moved away from the skin. The disease under consideration is divided into three types:

Onycholysis. Description and features of pathology

When the nail has moved away from the skin, it is always extremely painful and very unpleasant, this can lead to inflammation and the process of suppuration. In addition to an infectious disease, tight shoes that squeeze your toes can be the cause. It is the wearing of tight shoes that leads girls to especially often this is observed in those who constantly wear stilettos or running shoes.

In addition, many fashionistas prefer to grow their toenails. It can look pretty nice in open shoes. But by wearing closed shoes with such a pedicure, you create an extremely unfavorable environment for the health of the nails, leading to their compression, as a result, the nails can bend, break and move away from their bed.

Possible Complications

Initially, when the nail has moved away from the skin on the hand, there are no symptoms. However, this space often gets infected very quickly, affecting the soft tissue of the skin on the fingers. As a result, ulcers occur along with inflammation and suppuration. In the event that this violation is not cured, after a while the nails may fall off the finger. The disease usually develops rapidly, so you should not pull for a long time. It is very important to start treatment immediately if the skin under the nail has moved away.

In the event that the disease is not cured, then after six months you can be left without a nail at all, which will make your fingers extremely ugly. Often the big toe or toe is affected. True, the infection can be transferred to other fingers. Such a disease is typical not only for women, but also for men, who, as a rule, do not attach much importance to it, which leads to serious problems, and in addition, to the painful course of the pathological process.

Thus, it is very important to contact a dermatologist as soon as possible, who will require you to take tests, and based on their results, it will determine which fungus affects the nail. This will make it possible to prescribe the correct therapy and save the nails.

The reasons

The reasons for the development of the nail moving away from the skin on the finger are, as a rule, the following factors:

  • The appearance of fungus and infection.
  • Injury to the phalanx, especially the ring or thumb.
  • The presence of a hereditary or acquired disease.
  • Presence of problems with growth.
  • Carrying out improper treatment (self-medication).
  • The action of chemical components or drugs.
  • Performing poor-quality nail extensions.

Before therapy, you must initially completely get rid of the reasons that led to the fact that the nail moves away from the skin (pictured). The therapy will take a long time.

Treatment Methods

In the event that the cause was an injury, it will be easy to remove this factor. To do this, simply cut your nails carefully, watching them until the plate grows to a healthy state. You can stick a special antibacterial patch on your finger for this period. This will make it possible to avoid the penetration of infection under the damaged plate.

In the event that the cause is a disease, you should immediately contact a specialist. When chemistry is the cause of the disease, you should protect your hands from contact with such substances, each time putting on rubber gloves.


There are so-called antimycotics that are allowed to be taken only under the supervision of a doctor, since they have many side effects. Their treatment is carried out from three months to one year without any interruptions. Antimycotics are presented in the form of Ketoconazole, Griseofulvin, Intraconazole, Fluconazole and Terbinafine.

Every day it is required to make baths with salt, and in addition, carry out procedures with potassium permanganate or soda. After such baths, an antifungal cream is applied to the affected area for fifteen days. As the plate grows, it should be carefully cut off. Immediately after removing the affected area, the ointment is rubbed daily into the nail hole for another month. It helps to deal with eczema as well as dermatitis.

It is very unpleasant when the nail moves away from the skin. Treatment can be supplemented with folk methods.

The use of folk methods

It is also possible to carry out treatment with alternative methods, especially if there are any contraindications to treatment with oral antimycotics. For folk therapy, herbal infusions with olive oil are used. These funds make it possible to stop the further spread of the fungus. Against the background of such procedures, nails grow very quickly, intensively becoming strong and elastic, they acquire a healthy color. In the event that you follow and care for your nails, reacting in time to any change in their structure and color, you will be able to always be beautiful and healthy.

Why the nails move away from the skin on the hands is now known.


In order to avoid questions about why the nails move away from the skin, you need to monitor them by taking various preventive measures that will certainly help not only prevent the onset of the disease, but also strengthen the nail plates, and at the same time heal the whole the organism as a whole. It is required to treat not only the hand with creams, but also the nail plates themselves. To avoid certain troubles, you need to take the following recommendations into the habit:

  • You need to constantly monitor your health.
  • You need to carefully choose for yourself to perform a manicure, or it is best to get your own special tools for this procedure.
  • It is necessary to process not only the hands with the help of creams, but also the nail plates as well.
  • Be sure to carry out hardening and wellness baths. Such procedures greatly help to activate blood circulation.
  • It is necessary to treat nails with the help of special nourishing and strengthening agents: serums, medical varnishes. Then the question of why the nails move away from the skin will not arise.

Such a symptom, when the nails move away from the skin, may indicate a deficiency of vitamins and useful elements in the body. Thus, to strengthen the nails, it is extremely important to take also vitamin complexes. Unfortunately, when the nail plate begins to move away from the skin, this can lead to its complete loss. That is why it is extremely important to correctly diagnose the disease, and at the same time choose a treatment that, in order to achieve the best effect, should be comprehensive and include drugs with folk remedies.

Why does the thumb nail come off the skin

Onycholysis is a condition in which the nail plate can peel off from its bed. What to do if the nail has moved away, for example, on the big toe? How can such a cosmetic defect be corrected, while maintaining a healthy appearance of the nail for a long time?

Often the nail plate on the big toe departs as a result of fungal infections. In this case, not only the exfoliation of the bed occurs, but also the development of inflammatory processes in the skin around the nail itself. With a severe nature, the disease can spread to the interdigital space, the skin of the feet, and in some cases goes to the lower leg. Only timely therapy of a fungal infection of the nail will give a chance to avoid introducing infections to other parts of the body.

Often, onycholysis can develop on the big toe. The reasons for this condition lie not only in infection with a fungus, but also in the frequent infliction of injuries to this area. It is the thumb that gets damaged when falling and bruising against various protruding objects in the premises. Much less often, the nail plates depart on the second and other toes.

The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the correct diagnosis for the patient. The easiest way to deal with onycholysis, which was caused by trauma. In the event that the nail has moved away due to a strong blow, it is recommended to carefully remove the damaged part. You can remove the plate using special tools at home. In almost any pharmacy, you can always buy Nogtivit without any problems, as well as Nogtimycin or another similar drug. Such tools allow you to get rid of the affected nail very quickly and quite painlessly, thereby solving the problem of its exfoliation.


Thus, today quite often there are people who have diseases that are associated with damage to the nail plate and the skin around it. Even if a person takes excellent care of his hands or nails, this is not at all a 100% guarantee of protection against a fungal infection. In addition, the condition, as well as the health of the nails, according to doctors, is influenced by many factors in the form of the external environment, internal nutrition with nutrients and vitamins, and so on.

We looked at why the nail is moving away from the skin, and how to deal with such a condition.