Why does the child's feet and palms sweat. Wet palms and feet in a baby - what to do. How to fight, how to be treated, what means to use

Cold and wet feet in a child when he is warm is not a good sign. He can talk about health problems, and the main thing in this case is to take action on time, because in a few months everything can get worse.

Of course, when a child has wet feet after a walk, this phenomenon should not cause much concern. But when the baby was warm, and he suddenly had such a sign, this cannot be called the norm, on the contrary, it is time to sound the alarm. Indeed, such a feature is often associated with a symptom of a certain disease or a malfunction of one or more internal organs. According to the conclusion of doctors, a similar picture is often observed in those children who suffer from rickets. However, this disease is very insidious, as it is most often diagnosed in the last stages. It is characterized by cold feet and hands. If you have such suspicions, you should be examined by a doctor. It is worth noting that rickets occurs in children quite often, but in most cases this disease is quite mild.

When thinking about why a child has wet feet and a low temperature, one should take into account that this may be the result of impaired blood circulation. It often happens that the baby has low blood pressure, and the blood does not enter the limb in the required volume. A pediatrician will help to understand this situation, as a rule, with such a violation, a diet and a complex of vitamins are prescribed. Usually, the treatment of such an ailment requires the inclusion in the diet of foods high in vitamin D and calcium. You should also purchase a vitamin preparation, but better in the form of an oil solution. So vitamins are better absorbed. Despite the fairly simple treatment, it should not be carried out without a doctor's prescription, since it can seriously harm the child.

If the child's legs are wet and the body is hot, then any parent will be confused. After all, it doesn't look like a common cold. And if the legs are also cold, then most simply do not know what to do. It is impossible to wrap up a child, because he has a fever, but it is also impossible to undress, because his legs are cold. So pediatricians are advised to leave the baby in a T-shirt, and put on warm socks on his feet.

You can not ignore the fact that a child has wet cold feet. Be sure to put on socks and warm the baby. In this case, you can resort to folk remedies, but you should not be zealous, since the effect may be opposite.

Some pediatricians cannot give an exact answer to the question of why the feet are wet and cold, since there may be several reasons. Moreover, such symptoms do not always indicate a particular disease of the internal organs. After all, often the child is simply not comfortable in certain conditions. So, parents should dress it according to the weather, and shoes should be of high quality, made from natural materials. In this case, the legs will not sweat, and the risk that it will leak will be minimal. Thus, it will be possible to avoid colds. Some parents think that rubber shoes for a child will be a great solution, but they should only be worn in wet weather, and then with a warm toe. The rest of the time, it is recommended that the child wear suede and leather products. It is very important in this case to choose the right tights and socks. They should be made only from natural fabrics, as synthetic products will make your feet sweat a lot. Due to the fact that thermoregulation is not very well developed in babies, pediatricians recommend dressing them only according to the weather, otherwise problems cannot be avoided. However, it happens that the child is naughty and does not want to dress in warm clothes. To avoid hysteria, you can put thermal underwear on him. As a result, the problem will be solved. But it must also be of high quality, otherwise there will be no sense from it, and the baby will catch a cold. If this happens, then measures should be taken immediately so that the common cold does not develop into pneumonia. So, pediatricians recommend steaming the baby's legs and be sure to drink tea with raspberry jam. Thanks to such measures, he will sweat and the next day he will feel better. If these measures do not help, then you should consult a doctor for appropriate treatment. This cannot be delayed, since serious diseases respond well to antibiotics at an early stage. However, a neglected cold can easily turn into bronchitis, which will become chronic.

If the child has a temperature and cold feet, then warm socks should be put on them and the baby should be given an antipyretic mixture. However, often this is not enough, so you should seek medical help so that it does not get worse.

If a child has cold and wet feet, this should alert the parents. After all, this feature can be a symptom of some diseases. That's why you need to contact the pediatrician to make sure that everything is fine with him and nothing threatens his life.

She prescribed to take D3 3 drops each, saying that it could be features of the nervous system or incipient rickets. I would like to hear your opinion - why wet palms and heels and what to do in this case?

Answered by Komarovsky E.O.

If a child is fed a quality milk formula, he cannot have rickets. If the baby is breastfed, he also cannot have rickets at 3 months of age. Wet palms are an individual feature of the nervous system and nothing more. Wet palms are not a symptom of rickets. Judging by your descriptions, there is no reason to feed a child with this amount of vitamin D, and in general there is no reason to give vitamin D.

Hands and feet often sweat. 3 months.

Yes, and after a year, children sweat a lot, by the age of 5-6 it disappears.

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Baby's sweaty palms

Every conscious mother closely monitors the behavior of her child. How does he eat, sleep, what mood is he in? Wrinkles on the skin, irritations, rashes are checked no less carefully. Many parents are worried about the sweating of the baby. It happens that when playing, he grabs his finger with a wet pen. Why do baby's palms sweat? Is this normal and should I be worried?


There is no need to panic prematurely. Excessive sweating can be explained by natural causes. The following factors should be assessed first:

  • Cloth. Out of the best of intentions, parents try to put on a lot of vests and blouses on the baby, and not only in winter. Many believe that the thermoregulation of the newborn has not formed, and he quickly freezes. It's true. But the baby also quickly overheats, as a result of which the child's hands, head and feet sweat.
  • Nutrition. If the baby overeats, his behavior becomes restless, capricious, sweat appears. It is necessary to regulate nutrition and avoid overfeeding.
  • Irritants. Sweating palms can cause internal irritation and stress. During nervous overexcitation, the sweat glands receive an impulse from the nerve endings and work much more actively, which causes sweating. You should observe the baby, identify the cause and eliminate it.
  • Room temperature. If the child is in an excessively dry and warm room during physical exertion, his hands and feet will definitely begin to sweat. The microclimate of the nursery must be carefully monitored.
  • Sleep deprivation and fatigue. It is important to follow the daily routine. Eliminating lack of sleep, you can get rid of sweat.

Even when the hands of a one-year-old child sweat, you should not worry in advance. At this age, heat transfer is not completely formed, and this leads to sweating. After a while the child will grow up, the problem will go away naturally. If the child is a year and a half or more, and the palms and feet are sweating, then you need to sound the alarm and undergo an examination. Perhaps this is a symptom of some disease.

Severe sweating is treated.


If the baby eats normally, is properly dressed and there are no visible irritating factors, and sweat appears regularly, this can be a serious reason:

Sweating is eliminated when its root causes are identified. But prevention is the best way to fight disease.

  1. Personal hygiene. It must be observed not only by adults, but also by kids. Hands and feet should be washed with soap. With increased sweating, sea salt, a weak decoction of oak bark, sage or mint are added to the water when bathing. At night, hands and feet should be treated with a drying powder.
  2. Change socks and panties daily. Bedding, pajamas or undershirts should be made from high-quality natural fibers and should be appropriate for the season.
  3. The room temperature should be no higher than +20 C, and humidity 60%.

Important! Do not wrap the baby and regularly ventilate the room.

  • Hardening, frequent walks in the sun, physical activity will be extremely useful for babies with heavy sweating. It should be remembered that an extra blanket will not hurt a baby on a walk, because he lies all the time. But here, too, one must not overdo it, and not overdo it.
  • Very effective foot massage. Every day, when bathing, they pat, stroke and pinch the feet of the baby.
  • To relieve tension, you should often caress and kiss the baby so that he feels safe and feels love. Nervous sweating is one of the common causes of hyperhidrosis, which will subsequently be difficult to cure.
  • If the child sweats due to hyperactivity, he is shown soothing herbal preparations. After this, you should consult a doctor, and he will select the best option, starting from the individual characteristics of the baby.
  • In order to prevent rickets, take drugs with vitamin D

Dr. Komarovsky assures that if a child is 3 months old. eats high-quality mixtures or is breastfed, does not overeat, parents observe the correct temperature regime, often walk with the baby and bathe daily, he cannot have rickets. It is believed that wet palms in a child are a feature of the nervous system and are not a symptom of the disease under such conditions.

Folk ways

Some mothers successfully use this recipe:

  • For 25 ml of water, 25 g of motherwort, brew, stand, strain. Give the baby 1/2 tsp. overnight for 5 days. Then, before daytime sleep and at night, give the same amount for a month.

Wet feet and hands.


in the "questions and answers" at Komarovsky I just read:

Dear Evgeny Olegovich! My daughter is one year and four months old. Since birth, she has cold and wet feet, she had to wear socks almost constantly. By the year, as doctors say and written in books, thermoregulation is getting better. But perhaps there is some reason. As soon as the daughter falls asleep and relaxes, the legs become warm and dry. Thank you very much in advance!

The reason is in the peculiarities of the regulation of vascular tone. Examination, and even more so treatment and anxiety, this condition does not require. It also does not require additional socks, because it is not a sign that the child is cold, i.e. a cold leg is a spasm of skin vessels - an adaptive mechanism so that there is no heat loss.

Dear Evgeny Olegovich! My daughter, Milana (6 months), has constantly sweaty hands and feet, is this somehow related to the autonomic system or something else? And how can or should it be treated? Thanks in advance for your help!

It is not dangerous and certainly not a reason for treatment. The most common cause of sweaty hands and feet is exercise in dry and warm air. Therefore, first of all, you need to think not about the fact that the child has some kind of illness, but about what kind of air he breathes. And another quite possible reason is an excess of clothing.

Why does my child's hands and feet sweat?

Sometimes some children may experience such a problem as profuse sweating in the arms and legs. This cannot but disturb parents, because sometimes such a sign indicates the presence of some kind of disease. That is why it is necessary to know what are the causes of this condition and how to help in the right way. Excessive sweating happens for various reasons: it is too hot in your apartment or you dress your baby too warmly. But it can also be a symptom of a serious pathology. Therefore, it is better to show the child to the pediatrician and consult with him on this issue.

Sweating is a normal physiological process. Together with sweat, the body gets rid of excess moisture, as well as toxins and some other substances. Different parts of the body can sweat, but the armpits, soles of the feet and palms are most affected. Increased sweating, which in medical practice is called hyperhidrosis, is not the norm and may signal some disturbances in the functioning of certain body systems or diseases.

Causes of excessive sweating in a child

We understand further why the legs and hands sweat. In medical institutions, the Minor test is used to determine the level of sweating. This is a completely painless procedure. First, iodine will be applied to the patient's skin, then starch powder. And already by the size of the resulting purple spot, they can tell about the degree of hyperhidrosis:

  • moderate hyperhidrosis: spot no more than 10 cm;
  • its severe form: a spot of more than 20 cm.

Here are some possible reasons why the palms of the hands and feet sweat in children:

Excessive sweating is accompanied by a number of diseases:

  • Endocrine system. Another reason why hands sweat is a malfunction of the human endocrine system. It has the most direct impact on metabolic processes and the entire work of the body. And since sweating is part of the exchange, it can increase with some problems. Most often this can be due to increased thyroid function, as well as adrenal disease.
  • In a child, excessive sweating of the hands and feet can be the cause of rickets, a disease associated with a lack of calcium and manifested in the form of brittle bones. With such a disease, other symptoms will be observed: curvature of the bones of the legs, irritability, an increase in the volume of the abdomen, and so on.
  • Hormonal disorders. Often hyperhidrosis with a lack or excess of certain hormones.
  • Hyperhidrosis can also be observed in diabetes mellitus. Such a symptom can occur not only with an increased level of sugar in the blood, but also with its decrease.
  • Violations of the processes of thermoregulation. In this case, the body cannot independently control and regulate body temperature, due to which sweat can be released in large quantities. This problem is most common in children.
  • With tuberculosis, the feet and hands can also sweat.
  • Problems in the work of the somatic nervous system, which consists of nerve fibers responsible for sensations and movements. It also affects the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and skin.
  • Disorders of the autonomic nervous system can also cause hyperhidrosis. Such a system regulates the most important processes and functions and can influence sweating.
  • The kidneys excrete fluid, and if they do not cope with this function normally, then excess moisture can partially exit through the skin in the form of sweat.
  • Excess sweat occurs episodically with increased intracranial pressure.
  • Sweating is often observed in a condition such as vegetative-vascular dystonia. In this case, there are vasospasms and a violation of many important processes, including thermoregulation and sweating.

Causes of sweaty feet

What can be said separately about the feet. So, they can also sweat due to the above reasons, because sweating of the hands and feet is often a complex phenomenon. However, in this case, such symptoms can also occur for the following reasons:

  • improper selection of shoes when it is too small;
  • wearing shoes or socks made of synthetic materials;
  • non-compliance with hygiene when caring for legs and feet;
  • fungal diseases of the feet.

What to do if the child's feet sweat

If the hands and feet sweat heavily and almost constantly, and this does not depend on the condition of the child, then you should contact a specialist to identify the exact cause of hyperhidrosis and help eliminate it. Treatment can be carried out in several ways. Let's take a closer look at some areas of therapy.

There are a number of ways to deal with this problem:

  • Use of antiperspirants (based on formalin and talc).
  • Iontophoresis. This procedure involves the impact on the channels of the sweat glands of the current. The patient immerses the limb in water, through which weak current flows. In total, sessions are required, and the effect will last about six months. This procedure is excellent for the sweat glands.
  • Botulinum toxin injections. This method appeared relatively recently, when it was proved that weak toxins of botulinum pathogens can block the work of nerve endings that regulate the activity of the sweat glands. Sweating is noticeably reduced, but the effect lasts only 2-4 months.
  • Botox. The method allows you to block the activity of the nerves responsible for the supply of fluid to the sweat glands. The procedure in most cases is painless and very effective, but to prolong the action it must be repeated every six months or a year. However, this method is not widely used due to the high cost of the drug.
  • Surgical intervention. You can also deal with the problem if you remove the node of the vegetative system. But this radical method is used as a last resort, if other methods do not help.
  • Laser exposure is also used, with the help of which special optical fibers are introduced under the skin, damaging the walls of the sweat glands and blocking their work.

The disadvantage of the above methods for eliminating excessive sweating is that almost all of them are not used in childhood.

Traditional medicine recipes

There are some effective folk remedies:

  • A solution of ammonia. Take a liter of water, dissolve one or two tablespoons of ammonia in it and rub your palms with this composition several times a day.
  • An important factor is the emotional state of the child. Frequent overexertion and tantrums can lead to hypersweating. In such cases, you can give the child decoctions of herbs that have a sedative effect.
  • Decoctions of herbs help: nettle, chamomile, oak bark, sage.
  • Try a vinegar solution. Take a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water, mix everything. Wipe problem areas with liquid in the morning and evening.
  • For the prevention of rickets, vitamin D is prescribed. It is advised to be outdoors and in the sun more often.

Temperature is an important factor. The air temperature in the room should be approximately +20 degrees, and humidity - no more than 60%. It is not necessary to dress the child excessively warmly, and also to purchase clothes made of synthetic fabrics.

Why do babies sweat hands and feet

The behavioral characteristics of young children say a lot about their state of health. Parents also pay special attention to the physical condition of their children: if the baby is weakened or constantly crying, it means that he has any health problems. Quite often, young parents ask themselves the question: why do the arms and legs of the baby sweat? This feature can serve as a signal for the emergence of several diseases.

natural causes

In the body of any person, sweating normalizes the water-salt balance. Based on this, excessive sweating signals problems. There are both external and internal factors that affect sweat production. It can be provoked by many factors: from banal ones, such as high air temperature, to serious illnesses.

Worth paying attention! The body of a newborn baby in the first months of life intensively adapts to the environment. Therefore, even a slight change in air temperature can cause increased sweating.

Mild childhood hyperhidrosis occurs in 40% of cases. This is directly related to the adaptation processes, so you should not worry. In most cases, sweating of the hands and feet does not signal illness. The natural causes of sweating are:

  • clothes made of artificial fabrics and synthetics;
  • excess fluid intake;
  • excess clothing on the body of the child, excessive wrapping;
  • overfeeding or overfeeding, an allergic reaction to foods;
  • high air temperature;
  • poisoning with poor-quality products;
  • taking certain medications;
  • stress or excitement, increased anxiety, as well as the crying and crying of the baby.

To get rid of excessive sweating, it is enough to adjust the diet, put on clothes made from natural fabrics (for example, cotton), and ventilate the room daily. Symptoms of the problem will disappear on their own over time, and it will not be necessary to consult a doctor. If the child does not get better, it is worth resorting to the help of a specialist.

Important! Heredity plays an important role. If the parents of the child have excessive sweating, the child will also sweat at the slightest increase in temperature.

If you are not sure that everything is in order with the baby, be sure to consult your doctor. Remember in advance and write down which parts of the baby's body sweat the most, as well as how intense and long sweating is. Be sure to report other suspicious symptoms.

In any case, with a uniform release of odorless sweat, you should not worry - this is an absolutely natural process.

Signs of health problems

There are several common signs of health problems in babies. When observing two or more of them, a visit to the doctor is mandatory. Pay special attention to the following warning factors:

  • the body sweats unevenly, for example, only the palms and feet;
  • sweat has a sharp sour smell;
  • places with excessive sweating are reddened and irritated;
  • the baby is nervous, his sleep and diet are disturbed;
  • sweating is strong and frequent, especially during physical activity;
  • wet parts of the body are cool or even cold.

There is a definition for excessive sweating - "hyperhidrosis". This disease provokes the production of an increased amount of sweat. The feet, palms and armpits are most susceptible to sweating.

The cause of the disease is considered to be the peculiarities of the work of the sweat glands, as well as the nervous excitement of the child. Some scientists suggest that children with hyperhidrosis have more sweat glands than healthy children. Sweating is directly affected by stress and anxiety. In addition, with hyperhidrosis, sweat has an unpleasant odor.

Note! In addition, hyperhidrosis can be a side effect of more serious diseases. Not all of them go away on their own, so in some cases additional examination and treatment of the crumbs is required.

For example, increased sweating can signal:

  1. Cardiac pathologies. With this disease, wet palms and feet remain cold.
  2. Genetics and diseases.
  3. Vegetovascular dystonia. It happens that the vessels of the newborn do not function properly, expand and contract unevenly, which weakens. That is why the baby may feel dizzy, have a headache and weakness throughout the body, excessive sweating of the palms and feet.
  4. infectious diseases. It is they who cause temperature fluctuations in a child, discourage appetite, initiate weakness. With infectious diseases, the neck, forehead, legs and palms sweat.
  5. Rickets. Determine the disease will allow the smell of sweat, reminiscent of vinegar. Rickets is caused by vitamin D deficiency. When it occurs, you can notice a violation of appetite and sleep in a child, nervousness, sweating of certain parts of the body.
  6. Increased pressure.
  7. Muscle hypertonicity. The disease leads to constant clenching of the fists, stretching of the legs and arms. This is what causes sweating.
  8. Obesity.
  9. diabetes mellitus. Symptoms are constant thirst, changes in the color of urine, an unpleasant smell of sweat.
  10. Hyperthyroidism. In addition to increased sweating, trembling in the hands, poor sleep and lack of appetite are noticeable.

If you notice any of the above symptoms in your baby, contact your doctor immediately. In most cases, complex treatment is required: a visit to a neurologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist. It is the specialists who will decide: what to do and what treatment options to apply.

Methods for the treatment of sweating in infants

Before starting treatment for hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to pass tests and undergo a comprehensive examination. If any diseases are found, additional studies will be required to determine the causes of their occurrence. The standard list of analyzes is as follows:

  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • fluorography;
  • the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • Wasserman's test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • sweat chloride analysis.

After receiving the results, the pediatrician will determine what treatment is needed. Why are these tests required? The full range of tests provided above helps to recognize even severe and latent diseases. It is possible that some serious disease will be discovered in the process. If the causes of increased sweating do not lie in the baby's illness, then it is enough to adjust the diet and regimen, as well as to ventilate the room more thoroughly. But what to do if the examination revealed a serious pathology?

Medical treatment

The most effective is drug treatment. But we note that without consulting a doctor, it is unacceptable to use medicines. Even with minor symptoms, you need to be vigilant.

When sweating, doctors recommend the use of special antiperspirants created specifically for children. Such drugs can reduce the manifestations of sweating and are universal, therefore they are used everywhere. It is worth paying special attention to the composition of the preparations - each of them has a different concentration and name of the active substance.

Physiotherapy is the most effective. For example, electrophoresis is a direct effect on the skin of a weak current. In this way, drugs are injected directly under the skin, which allows them to act more effectively. It is advisable to use for babies from 3 months.

Attention! Surgery is also used to treat hyperhidrosis. But for babies, it is not recommended, as it can lead to complications.


If the symptoms are not very pronounced and do not signal an illness, parents can try alternative methods. They are not always effective, but they can stop the development of hyperhidrosis in infants.

The use of a variety of powders is common: for example, from alum, boric acid or saline solutions. Also used are tinctures and decoctions of oak bark, chamomile, horsetail, birch leaves, oat straw. Powders are especially helpful when the child's feet sweat a lot.

Separately, consider cosmetics. Products offered in cosmetics stores and pharmacies relieve irritation and relieve itching, burning. It is important that the cream or ointment is hypoallergenic. It is also worth paying attention to the cleansing and nutrition of damaged children's skin. After all, untimely treatment leads to thickening and coarsening of the skin.

There is also a method of treatment. proposed by the pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky. The doctor suggests combining the use of medications with physiotherapy. This option is suitable in especially advanced stages of hyperhidrosis. Komarovsky recommends not to ignore the increase in sweating in infants, but to immediately begin treatment.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition and behavior of the crumbs. In the absence of any symptoms, you should not worry, but it is better to consult with your doctor in advance to avoid health problems in the future. Wet feet do not always signal serious illnesses (such as rickets).

If sweating occurs, E. O. Komarovsky also recommends taking vitamin D if there is a suspicion of rickets in a child. The vitamin complex should serve as an addition to the basic nutrition of the child. You also need to take fish oil.

Prevention of excessive sweating

To avoid hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to pay attention to prevention. Even at the first signs of increased sweating, it is necessary to resort to preventive measures, without fail monitoring the condition of the crumbs. If it worsens, then medical intervention is required.

It is important that the child is accustomed to cleanliness, so often change his clothes and bedding in the crib. In addition, ensure the cleanliness of the children's room. So you can avoid the unpleasant smell of sweat, even if the crumbs have mild hyperhidrosis of the feet and hands.

Preventive measures will help avoid health problems in babies and get rid of excessive sweating. The basics of prevention are the following rules:

  1. Ventilate the room daily, for at least twenty minutes a day. Make sure that the nursery has clean and fresh air.
  2. Buy clothes made of cotton and linen, avoid synthetics.
  3. Bathe the child often (at least once a day), use herbal decoctions. Use warm, but not hot, bathing water.
  4. When breastfeeding a baby, do not eat spicy, salty, fatty foods. Such food can affect the quality of milk and even cause poisoning.
  5. If you are formula feeding your baby, make sure to dose your meals properly and don't give him too much. This way you will avoid excessive weight gain and obesity.
  6. Enter complementary foods for the baby according to the recommendations of the pediatrician. Don't overfeed your baby.

Do not self-medicate until the diagnosis is established if the child's condition worsens. You should immediately consult a doctor to avoid side effects and the development of the disease.


As mentioned earlier, hyperhidrosis must be dealt with by regulating nutrition, ventilating the nursery, and using medication (in especially severe cases). Do not forget that before you buy medicines, you should definitely consult a pediatrician. On your own, you can only use herbal decoctions for bathing, since most of them cannot cause significant harm or aggravate the disease.

Sweating in a child older than 5 months can be corrected with surgery if medications and physical therapy do not help.

The fight against hyperhidrosis is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Why do babies sweat legs and arms?

Many parents are interested in the question of why the baby's legs sweat. Such a phenomenon must necessarily excite adults, since in some cases severe sweating is a symptom of serious pathologies.

1 Provoking factors

If the baby's feet sweat, the violations can be caused by natural causes. The following factors are important:

  1. Clothing - often they put on a mask of vests on the crumbs, believing that it is constantly freezing. This is true, but the baby overheats no less quickly, because of which the limbs begin to sweat.
  2. Nutrition - if the newborn eats a lot, he becomes restless and capricious, sweat is released. To solve the problem, it is necessary to adjust the diet and prevent overfeeding.
  3. Irritants - the problem may be related to stress. With strong excitation, the sweat glands receive an impulse from the nerve endings and begin to work more actively. The cause of the problems should be identified and corrected.
  4. The temperature regime in the apartment - if the child is in a too dry and warm room, his limbs will sweat with any movement. Therefore, it is important to maintain an optimal microclimate.
  5. Overwork - the regime of the day is of great importance. By eliminating sleep disorders, you can quickly solve the problem of sweating.

If your child's feet and hands are sweating, there is no need to panic. Heat exchange is only being formed, as a result of which sweating occurs. Over time, it will disappear on its own. But if the child is already one and a half years old, and he sweats a lot, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. Perhaps this is a sign of a serious illness.

2 Causes of pathology

If the baby eats normality, is properly dressed, there are no external stimuli, the question of why the baby's hands and feet sweat requires the closest attention. The constant appearance of sweat may indicate the presence of serious problems:

Heavy sweating is called hyperhidrosis. The primary type of the disease is little studied, but scientists believe that it develops with more sweat glands in the body. The disease is hereditary and can occur even in newborns. The clinical picture includes such signs as:

  • wet palms and feet in the baby;
  • sweating of the whole body.

The disease is not considered dangerous, it cannot lead to death or the development of dangerous pathologies. But a person can constantly suffer from heavy sweating.

If a child suffers from this disease, it is important to maintain a comfortable climate, perform hygiene every day and follow other recommendations that will simplify the life of the child.

Treatment is carried out with the help of special medicines and physiotherapy procedures.

Secondary hyperhidrosis is a consequence of diseases of the internal organs. In this case, the baby sweats not only the arms and legs, but the whole body. The following symptoms may appear:

4 Treatment

Having found out why the baby has wet palms and feet, you can begin to fight the problem. For this, a variety of methods are used.

The best remedy for sweating is preventive measures. They include:

  1. Personal hygiene - hands and feet should be washed with soap, sea salt, decoctions of medicinal herbs should be added to the bath for bathing. Apply drying powder at night.
  2. Daily change of panties - bedding, pajamas and all clothes for a newborn should be made from natural materials and should be appropriate for the season.
  3. Maintaining an optimal microclimate in the room - the temperature is not higher than twenty degrees, humidity - sixty percent. It is important not to wrap the baby up and regularly ventilate the room.
  4. Soothing herbal preparations are effective for a hyperactive child, but only a doctor can prescribe them.
  5. Taking vitamin D to prevent rickets.
  • Folk ways

If the baby's feet sweat, many mothers use the following recipe: brew motherwort, insist and strain. Ready means to give the baby at night for five days. After that, give a decoction before daytime and evening sleep for a month. When bathing in water, you can add two to three tablespoons of soda. A proven recipe is washing the crumbs with laundry soap, especially in the folds of the arms and legs.

An effective remedy for sweating is a solution of ammonia. They should wipe their hands and feet several times a day. In a similar way, you can use a solution of vinegar. To reduce sweating, you can use various powders or talc. But before treating a newborn, you need to consult a pediatrician to find out exactly why the baby is sweating.

And some secrets.

Have you ever had problems with Itching and irritation? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you have a lot of experience. And of course, you know firsthand what it is:

  • scratch annoyance
  • wake up in the morning with another itchy plaque in a new place
  • persistent unbearable itching
  • severe dietary restrictions
  • inflamed, bumpy skin, spots.

Now answer the question: Are you satisfied with this? Is it possible to endure? And how much money have you already “leaked” for ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end them! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an interview with Elena Malysheva, in which she reveals in detail the secret of why the skin itches and how to deal with it. Read article.

Sweating in children is quite specific, especially for the infant group. Children of this age are more prone to excessive sweating, as thermoregulation mechanism in their body is not sufficiently adjusted.

In older children, sweating occurs more smoothly, but since they are constantly active, their bodies need to give off the generated heat to an increased extent. Sweating helps with this.

Usually the child sweaty hands and feet as well as the scalp. In these places, the greatest number of sweat glands is concentrated.

Strong sweating in childhood is a variant of the norm, but a dangerous pathology can be hidden under such a phenomenon. Therefore, you need to be very careful if your child sweats heavily and often, and if additional symptoms appear, immediately seek medical help.

Parents need to remember that in infancy, the manifestation of heavy sweating is a variant of the norm. Thus, a small organism tries to adapt to the ambient temperature. But if the baby sweaty feet or hands, it must be protected from hypothermia. At this stage, the baby can easily catch a cold, which is undesirable.

For a better understanding of what causes children to sweat heavily, we will divide them into a younger group - up to 1 year old, and an older group - more than a year.

Causes of sweating in children under one year old

At this age, the baby's body is only getting used to an independent life, outside the mother's womb. Therefore, severe sweating is a completely physiological process. In this case, the baby's legs and arms, head and back sweat. Profuse sweating begins only at the age of one month or later. Upon reaching this period, the sweat glands are fully formed and begin to function.

The reason for this phenomenon may be:

  1. Heredity- if the parents of a newborn have increased sweating, even under normal conditions, then it is likely that a similar picture can be observed in their offspring.
  2. Environment- is one of the main factors that provoke sweating. If the baby sweats a lot, this may indicate that the ambient temperature is too high for him, and his body is trying to cool down. A similar picture sometimes occurs due to hot or poor-quality clothing. In this case, it is necessary to gradually undress the child so that he does not catch a cold.
  3. Rickets - sweating in this case is not a variant of the norm. With rickets, the back of the head, feet and palms can sweat a lot. To suspect rickets in an infant will allow the fact that with heavy sweating on the back of the head, hair begins to roll, the child himself becomes capricious, cries a lot and eats little. Such manifestations should already encourage parents to seek medical help. And if all of the above is added to the deformation of the legs, the appearance of hard tubercles on the hands or near the sternum, then we can no doubt assert that he lacks vitamin D3 and calcium.

Young children are often at risk of catching a cold.

Important With a cold or other infectious diseases, profuse sweating is also observed both on the palms and feet, and on other parts of the body. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly control the temperature body of the baby, do not try to warm him even more, this will only worsen the condition. As you know, babies tolerate cold better than heat.

Causes of sweating palms and feet in children older than a year

Why does my child's hands and feet sweat? Similar questions can be asked by parents whose baby is characterized by excessive activity. In such children, a huge amount of heat is released in the process of life. Blood rushes more to the periphery and muscles to provide sufficient nutrition and oxygen supply. At the same time, the vessels expand to release excess heat, and the secretion and evaporation of sweat accelerates this process. In this case, heavy sweating is a normal process.

Causes of heavy sweating in children of this age group can be:

Children are at risk of developing many pathologies. Their body is not sufficiently protected. Therefore, the constantly wet palms and feet of the baby should alert parents. After all, a serious illness can be hidden behind such a picture. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly undergo examinations with a doctor, if necessary, seek advice on your own. After all, the expectation that sweating will pass by itself can aggravate the situation and provoke the further development of the disease.

With heavy sweating, parents should mainly monitor the general condition of the child. How he behaves, how he plays, whether he eats well, whether he drinks enough water. Visual and olfactory evaluation of sweat is mandatory. If a cloudy secret with a strong odor appears, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

note Medical attention is also required in cases where sweat has a strange aroma (rotten apples, acetone, sourness, mice, sheepskin, old age). A similar picture indicates a serious pathology, and requires urgent treatment to the hospital.

Some pediatricians associate wet palms in a child with incipient rickets. But these days - a rare phenomenon, but sweaty hands are very common. Therefore, it is important to determine the true causes of this deviation.

Why does the child have wet palms?

If you notice that a child's palms are sweating, several factors should be monitored:

  • how warm and humid it is in the room;
  • What is the child wearing?
  • how he eats;
  • whether it receives enough sun;
  • Are there any peculiarities in the behavior of the baby.

The most common cause of wet palms in a child is incorrect temperature conditions. Normally, the room should be warmed up to 19-20 degrees, while wrapping children is also not recommended, some parts of the body should be left open for free air ventilation.

If the baby is breastfed, or receives high-quality, calcium-fortified and milk formula, rickets does not threaten him. You can identify the disease by a long non-overgrowing fontanel and restless behavior.

Development features

The palms of the child sweat heavily during physical labor. When you breastfeed your baby, he tries, makes great efforts to get milk. That's why he sweats.

If your hands and feet are damp after sleeping, try using a lighter blanket.

Most often, the palms sweat due to the peculiarities of the development of the nervous system. Children simply outgrow this period, and the situation normalizes by itself. Very rarely, vegetovascular dystonia develops on this basis, if you are afraid of this deviation, go to a pediatric cardiologist. Hereditary predisposition to sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is a reason to visit an endocrinologist. This is a rather rare occurrence, and therefore do not rush to give the child a terrible diagnosis, which will subsequently greatly complicate his life.

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Sweating is a normal process and helps the body adjust to changes in ambient temperature. Often this is not abnormal. But sometimes mothers pay attention to the constantly wet palms of their child. Why do children's palms sweat?

Often, sweating of children's palms is not a cause for concern: the child is simply overheated. Thermoregulation in children normalizes by the age of five or six years, and the sweat glands begin to function already in the first month of life. Plus, the metabolism of a child is higher than that of an adult. To an increase in skin temperature, overheating, all babies react with sweating. Be careful and dress your child according to the weather, do not wrap him up. You should not hit the other extreme, leaving him with little to no clothes in cool weather. Of course, it is better to dress warmly for babies in a stroller, as they practically do not move and cannot warm themselves. Whereas older kids can quickly warm up during outdoor games.

With night sweats, it is desirable to adjust the home microclimate. The most optimal air temperature is + 20, air humidity is about 50%. Do not forget about ventilation, especially before going to bed. Pay attention to the bed, it is better to replace the duvet, pillow. Choose natural fabric pajamas for your baby and focus on the season.

Sometimes the cause of wet palms in a child is lack of sleep or fatigue. When they are eliminated, sweating returns to normal. Don't ignore your next of kin: the cause of sweating may lie in a genetic predisposition. Pay attention to your baby's weight. Excess body weight and increased activity can lead to the fact that the hands are constantly wet.

Be careful! If all causes are ruled out and excessive sweating persists, contact your pediatrician, as this may be a symptom of the disease. What are the pathological causes of palm sweating in children?

If the palms of the baby sweat, it may be worth thinking about rickets. Other signs of rickets may be moodiness, anxiety, tearfulness, poor appetite. In addition, pay attention to the occurrence of bald patches on the head, sweating of the head. Perhaps these symptoms indicate a lack of vitamin D and a violation of calcium metabolism in the baby.

If the palms are not only sweaty, but also swollen, then the water-salt balance of the child's body may be disturbed.

The cause of sweating at an older age may be lymphatic diathesis. Diathesis is not a disease and does not require specific treatment, but it is advisable to be observed by a specialist.

Remember that the diagnosis and treatment should be done by a qualified specialist.