A fake on how Christmas trees are made. Blimey! A whole spruce forest of crafts turned out! Christmas tree made of threads. Master Class

With the end of autumn, you increasingly begin to think that the New Year holidays are coming, which we all associate with a good and cheerful mood, bright meetings with relatives and good old friends, and, of course, with gifts. And what would a holiday be without a dazzling Christmas tree. Today it is about her and will be discussed.

To become the owner of a Christmas tree, it is not necessary to purchase it. Check out this article, and you will learn many options on how to make a Christmas tree from improvised means at home. Of course, for a general festive atmosphere, you can put a live Christmas tree, however, you can really decorate a house or make a nice souvenir for a loved one without much effort by familiarizing yourself with different techniques for making this beloved New Year's symbol.

Christmas tree made of plastic spoons

And the first master class will be devoted to creating an unusual Christmas tree from plastic spoons. Quite creative, as well as a quick way to create a bright Christmas decoration. For work, prepare the paper as densely as possible (the base will be made from it), plastic spoons, glue (it is better if you use a glue gun), as well as a spray of any color you like.

Manufacturing process

First you need to make a base. You should take whatman paper or thick cardboard and draw a circle on it. Its diameter will be equal to the height of the future Christmas tree, so the size of the circle depends entirely on your preferences. Cut out the fourth part of the circle and make a cone from the remaining part. Its edges should be fastened with glue or double-sided tape. Keep in mind one thing: if you use double-sided tape, then it should not go to the front side, because. subsequently, plastic spoons will not stick to this area.

Next, start preparing spoons for the Christmas tree. Trim the handles to the base as shown in the photo. In the store you can find spoons of different sizes. You need to choose those that are ideal for the size of the future New Year's decor. The number of plastic spoons also depends on the size of the base.

When you have finished preparing all the parts of the Christmas tree, start painting them. To make the work more convenient, first paint all the spoons on the back, as shown in the second photo. Thanks to this, you can practice, see how the paint will lay on the surface or experiment with colors, because. the front part will be visible on the Christmas tree, the spoons are attached to the base with the back side.

After painting the back side, wait for it to dry completely and paint the spoons on the other side. When all the details are dry, they need to be fixed on a paper basis with a glue gun (you can use the “Moment”).

The Christmas tree should be filled by gluing all the spoons in separate rows. Start doing this work from the bottom, as illustrated in the photo. Following these recommendations, you will be able to create a very unusual Christmas tree that will become a real decoration of your holiday. In a similar way, you can make Christmas trees from tinsel or Christmas balls. An example of what beauties you can get, look at the photo.

Unusual Christmas tree made of threads

A very simple and at the same time incredibly original Christmas tree is obtained using the most ordinary floss threads. This festive detail will become a special magical decoration of the New Year's table or will take its rightful place on a prominent shelf. It is best to use such a decor element with an electric candle so that there are no questions regarding the safety of others.

Try to make such a Christmas tree with your child, the manufacturing process will be quite interesting for him, and the result of the work will delight everyone.

In addition to thread and paper, for such a Christmas tree you will need starch or water with cornmeal.

Christmas tree making process

To make a Christmas tree from threads, prepare a mixture of water with starch or cornmeal. Mix the flour with cool water in a ratio of 1:1 (2 tsp each), pour the mixture over 1 tbsp. boiling water and put on fire, cook it, stirring constantly. Gradually, the mixture will thicken, you need to achieve the consistency of the sauce, an approximate result can be seen in the first illustration.

Let the solution cool and proceed to the second step. Make a base cone. Cut out a circle from paper, remove its fourth part and glue the edges of the cone. To keep it from getting wet, wrap the paper cone with cling film, hiding all the edges inside.

Of course, you can use PVA glue in your work instead of a mixture, but in this case you need to carefully lubricate the paper base with a fat cream or petroleum jelly. Otherwise, the cone will be quite difficult to remove from the structure.

Now moisten the thread in the resulting solution, it is important to make sure that it does not get tangled. It will be most convenient to wind the thread around your fingers or wrist. After your thread is completely soaked, remove any excess mixture, but do not twist it out.

Start wrapping the base. Initially, secure the tip well in the manner illustrated in the photo. Then wind the thread, according to personal wishes: up, down, tighter or not. Upon completion of this work, the Christmas tree should be left in a warm room overnight so that the product can dry completely.

Now you can get the cone. The first step is to remove the paper structure, and only then remove the film. Be extremely careful as the structure is very fragile.

If you wish, you can make your Christmas tree narrower, in which case the template should be folded more tightly. To make the Christmas decoration look brighter and more unusual, combine the threads of several colors, while making it thicker or vice versa.

Gorgeous chiffon Christmas tree

To make such a beauty with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Put all your efforts, as well as attentiveness, and become the owner of such a wonderful Christmas tree.

A similar decorative item made of chiffon or other airy fabric is a very effective home decoration for the New Year holidays.

Manufacturing process

First, prepare the paper base in the same way that was described in the previous master classes. Choose the size of the tree yourself. You can use the finished base in the form of a foam cone.

Now start preparing the material. Sew a strip of chiffon on a sewing machine, picking up the material, you can see an example in the photo. When the chiffon stripes are ready, glue them to the base, starting from the bottom.

Decorate your Christmas tree with beads and other decorative items. Attach them with a glue gun. Your chic Christmas tree is ready to delight all guests and give them a cheerful New Year's mood.

Christmas tree made from satin ribbon

This variation of the New Year's decor is quite simple in its execution. At the same time, you will spend a minimum of your time, and the effect will be bright and unusual. This idea can be used to make a greeting card, you can also use it when creating a picture.

By making such a tree with your child, you will contribute to his creative development, as well as spatial thinking. Prepare thick paper or fabric that will serve as the base, satin ribbon, buttons for decoration, as well as glue or thread with a needle if using a fabric base.

When making such a picture, you need to prepare a cork base covered with fabric. Next, take the ribbon and fix its tip as shown in the picture. After that, lay the ribbon in the shape of a Christmas tree and secure the edges with threads or pins. Make a tree trunk in the same way, and then make a decorative star to attach to the top of the tree.

We decorate pastries with a Christmas tree

Using skewers or toothpicks, you can decorate any culinary masterpiece in an original way.

To make such an unusual Christmas tree, simply thread a paper ribbon through a wooden base. Additionally decorate the top. To do this, print or cut out an asterisk (heart) from colored paper. Your holiday baking decoration is ready.

Decorative Christmas tree made of felt

To make such a cute souvenir in the form of a Christmas tree, you need to cut out 2 parts in the shape of a Christmas tree from felt or other similar fabric. Sew them together, remembering to insert the loop into the top. You can add filler to make your decoration more voluminous. Now fix the felt Christmas tree on the postcard. To do this, make a small hole in the paper, insert a loop into it and fix it on the door. Make the cut as carefully as possible so that your craft is perfect.

Volumetric miracle tree

This is another version of the Christmas tree, which will be quite simple to make. Take your child and spend an unforgettable time creating together.

Stages of making such a Christmas tree

First you need to draw the figure illustrated below. To do this, use a compass. Cut out your blank and cut it along the lines to the middle.

Now each of the sectors needs to be glued into a kind of petal. When all parts are glued, turn the finished part over.

For the base of our Christmas tree, you need to use wire, which should be wrapped in the way shown in the image below. Make several similar parts, gradually reducing their radius. In the center of each, make a hole and string them onto a piece of wire.

From the same paper, make a small cone and attach it on top of the resulting figure.

Christmas tree made of pasta

From what materials green beauties are not made. Try to make a bright and unusual pasta Christmas tree with your child. Making such a masterpiece can captivate and unite the whole family.

First, prepare a base of thick paper in the form of a cone and glue the pasta to it in a spiral, as shown in the photo.

Now we have come to the next stage. You need to glue New Year's tinsel between the rows of pasta. For these purposes, it is better to use a glue gun.

Complete your Christmas tree by decorating it with toys.

Sweet Christmas Tree

Sweet design has become quite common in the manufacture of all kinds of crafts, which can also serve as quite pleasant sweet souvenirs for people close to us. And let's try to make a Christmas tree in a similar technique. You will not need any extra effort or rare materials.

Since the candies are quite heavy, build a frame out of thick paper that will support their weight. Secure the cone with glue, stapler or tape.

If you plan to make a Christmas tree with a top, take care of it at this stage, when the base is still empty.

To decorate the Christmas tree, you will need tinsel and sweets. Their number will directly depend on the size of the product. Now use tape or a glue gun. With their help, glue all the candies to the base by the tails of the wrapper. If it is more convenient for you, first make notes on the future location of the sweets.

When all the “Christmas balls” are hung, make a kind of needles by wrapping the base with tinsel in a spiral. To keep all the candy in sight, pass it under them. In such a simple way, we managed to make a sweet Christmas tree. Your kids will be very happy.

Snow-white Christmas tree made of cotton pads

Here is such a wonderful Christmas tree you can create from the most ordinary improvised means. To get a charming snow-white beauty, stock up on a large number of cotton pads.

To make such a tree, at least 4 packs of cotton pads will take. Additionally, prepare a stapler, glue, cardboard for the base, white acrylic paints and additional decor in the form of mother-of-pearl beads.

To create such an unusual New Year's decoration, we need a lot of petals made from cotton pads. Following the illustration, bend the disk four times and secure the corner with a stapler. You should get the same details as in photo 4-6.

When all the decorative “needles” from the disks are ready, make a cone-shaped base from thick cardboard. Choose the size of your choice. If there are not enough needles, they can always be completed. Paint the base with white acrylic paint and let it dry.

Now that all the preparations are finished, you need to glue all the petals to the base. Start gluing from the bottom, gradually rising to the top.

When all the needles are in place, start decorating. Plant the beads on the glue.

And at the end, make a star according to the template. Cut out two identical parts and open them with white acrylic paint. Next, apply several layers of gold acrylic paint to the star and decorate the edges with gold tinsel.

It remains to place an asterisk on top and our unusual Christmas tree is completely ready.

Putting up a Christmas tree for the New Year is a good tradition supported by many families. But chopping a live spruce to enjoy the beauty of a forest beauty for just a few days is not very humane. Fortunately, recently people have begun to think more and more about this issue and make their choice in favor of artificial beauties that can brighten up the New Year holidays for more than one year.

To get the main attribute of the New Year into your home, it is not necessary to buy a Christmas tree. It will be much more interesting to make it with your own hands, especially if there is no free space for a big fluffy beauty or there is an active baby in the house. Moreover, similar handmade Christmas trees- a great gift for the New Year.

If you choose colorful magazine pages, you get a bright Christmas tree that can be put in a nursery.

To make an original Christmas tree from pieces of a magazine, you will need:

  • old magazine (a book with bright pictures, glossy posters, etc.);
  • a thick sheet of paper or cardboard;
  • PVA glue (it is better to take a glue gun);
  • pencil;
  • scissors (much more convenient to take a shaped hole punch).

Step 1. From a thick sheet of paper, make a cone, fixing the edges with glue.

Step 2 Take magazine pages with bright pictures and cut out many identical circles. If there is a shaped hole punch, it will be much more beautiful if you use it.

Step 3 To make the cut out circles twirl a little, wrap them around a pencil for a while.

Step 4 It's time to start assembling your Christmas tree. Starting at the base of the cone, glue it in a circle with bright swirling circles. Try to make neat rows, glue the circles tightly so that there are no holes.

Step 5 From one of the circles make a small cone and put it on the peak.

Do-it-yourself fragrant Christmas tree from dried citrus fruits and cones

Such a Christmas tree will favorably decorate any interior, and a delicate aroma will create a festive mood.

To make a fragrant Christmas tree you will need:

  • a sheet of thick paper or cardboard;
  • dried slices of lemon or orange;
  • cones;
  • puncture;
  • glue gun.

Step 1. Make a cone out of cardboard or thick paper. You can make several cones of different sizes at once.

Step 2 Prepare and dry citrus slices. Prepare the cones.

Step 3 Stick dried lemon or orange circles and cones on the cone. You can make a separate citrus Christmas tree, a separate Christmas tree from cones, but it’s better to combine the ingredients and you get a lemon-cone Christmas tree.

Step 4 Twist a star from the wire and attach it to the "crown" of the Christmas tree.

A wonderful fragrant Christmas tree is ready!

Christmas trees from wrapping paper

You can decorate the house with such Christmas trees, supply them to a group in kindergarten, and also present them to the teacher on the eve of the New Year holidays.

To make a Christmas tree from bright wrapping paper, you will need:

  • a large sheet of cardboard or thick paper;
  • wrapping;
  • double-sided tape and regular tape;
  • scissors;
  • small jewelry (beads, beads, sequins, sequins, ribbons, etc.).

Step 1. Make a cone out of cardboard. If the wrapping paper is thick enough, then the cone can be made immediately from it.

1.1. Fold the paper diagonally to make a cone.

1.2. Secure the resulting cone with tape.

1.3. Carefully cut off the excess paper at the base of your cone.

Step 2 Take bright wrapping paper and cover the cone.

2.1. Lay the wrapping paper face down on the table. Tape the end of the colorful paper to the top of the cone with tape.

2.2. While slowly turning the cone, wrap it tightly in wrapping paper.

2.3. Attach double-sided tape to the edges of the paper and connect the end to the cone. Cut off the excess at the base so that the "bottom" is even.

Step 3 Decorate the Christmas tree however you like.

Creative Christmas tree is ready!

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of felt

A soft and delicate Christmas tree made of fabric can be presented as a New Year's gift to a colleague, girlfriend or relative.

To make a Christmas tree from felt, you will need:

  • felt (it is better to take felt of two or more colors in the same range so that the Christmas tree looks prettier);
  • cardboard;
  • double-sided tape or glue;
  • scissors.

Step 1. Make a narrow cone out of cardboard, securing it with glue or tape.

Step 2 Now take the felt and scissors cut out circles of different diameters in ascending order. It is better to use pre-prepared cardboard circles as templates.

Step 3 Attach Christmas tinsel to the base of the cone with glue or tape.

Step 4 Make a criss-cross cut in the center of each circle of felt.

Step 5 Sequentially put the circles on the cone to the very top.

Step 6 To decorate the "top" of the Christmas tree, add tinsel, attach a star or a pre-prepared felt cone with decoration at the very peak.

A cute cozy Christmas tree is ready!

Glowing creative Christmas tree with your own hands.

Such a Christmas tree will be a wonderful night light for your baby during the New Year holidays. It can also be placed on the windowsill, which will give a special originality to the interior of your home.

To make a glowing Christmas tree you will need:

  • floristic (flower) mesh (it is better to take a mesh of several shades of green);
  • floral wire;
  • cardboard or thick paper;
  • scissors;
  • cellophane
  • PVA glue;
  • pins;
  • Christmas tree garland with small bulbs;
  • additional decorations (optional).

Step 1. Roll up a cardboard cone.

Step 2 From above, the cone must be wrapped with cellophane.

Step 3 In a deep container, make a solution of a small amount of water and PVA glue.

Step 4 Dip small pieces of floral mesh into the solution and stick them on the cone. Joints can be coated with glue additionally.

Step 5 Reinforce the structure with pins and wait until the first layer is completely dry.

Step 6 In the same way, make the second layer of the future creative Christmas tree.

Step 7 After drying, you need to remove the Christmas tree from the cone and remove the cellophane.

Step 8 Place a garland inside the Christmas tree, securing it with floral wire.

A wonderful luminous Christmas tree is ready! It remains only to decorate the Christmas tree to your taste.

Christmas tree made of pasta

You can make such an interesting Christmas tree with your child. A fascinating activity will also be useful for fine motor skills of fingers.

To make a Christmas tree from pasta, you will need:

  • foam or plastic cone (you can make a cone from thick paper or cardboard);
  • pasta (various shapes and sizes);
  • dye;
  • PVA glue;
  • tassel.

Step 1. Prepare the cone and paint it any color you like.

Step 2 After the cone dries, you can start gluing pasta in any desired design.

Step 3 After all the pasta has been applied, they can be carefully painted, preferably in two layers.

Christmas tree of pasta is ready! Every grandmother will be delighted with such a sincere gift from her beloved grandson or granddaughter.

DIY colorful paper Christmas tree

A paper Christmas tree will decorate any workplace and create a festive mood for everyone who is lucky enough to see it.

To make a Christmas tree out of paper, you will need:

  • long skewer;
  • colored colorful cardboard or design paper;
  • thick cardboard;
  • glue gun or glue moment.

Step 1. From thick cardboard, cut out a square base for the future Christmas tree.

Step 2 Use glue to fix the skewer in the base.

Step 3 From designer paper or colored cardboard, you need to cut out circles (preferably with curly edges) of different diameters, 3 circles for each diameter.

Step 4 Make small holes in the center of each circle.

Step 5 Lubricating the holes in the circles with glue, gradually assemble the Christmas tree.

Step 6 Decorate the top of the finished Christmas tree with a paper star or any other beautiful detail.

New Year's cozy Christmas tree made of thread

Lovely fluffy Christmas trees made of yarn will give a lot of warm pleasant impressions.

To make a Christmas tree from a thread, you will need:

  • cardboard for a cone or ready-made foam cone;
  • pile yarn;
  • thick yarn;
  • miniature pins;
  • decorations.

Step 1. Prepare a pre-purchased styrofoam cone or make a cardboard cone.

Step 2 Take two threads at once and fasten the ends with pins at the very base of the cone.

Step 3 Wind the threads around the base of the cone, securing with pins about every 5 cm.

Step 4 Wind the threads towards the top of the cone, after a full circle at the base, you can no longer fasten the threads with pins.

Step 5 When you get to the top, fasten the threads and wrap the cone already in the downward direction, covering the Christmas tree with a second layer of threads.

Step 6 Cut off the ends of the threads at the base and secure them with pins.

The Christmas tree is ready! You can leave it in this form, but it is better, nevertheless, to decorate the Christmas tree with various beads, beads and other decorative elements.

Creative Christmas tree made of corrugated paper

If you want something unusual, you can make a huge Christmas tree on the wall.

To make a Christmas tree from corrugated paper, you will need:

  • matte cardboard or foam base;
  • corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • masking tape;
  • stationery knife;
  • PVA glue;
  • marker.

Step 1. Lay the cardboard on the floor and, using duct tape, connect all the sheets to get a large rectangle. I used black tape in the photo, but white tape is better (painting tape works best).

Step 2 Draw the size of your future Christmas tree and using a clerical knife, cut out a large triangle.

Step 3 Fold the crepe paper in half and cut the fringe with scissors.

Step 4 Glue the fringe carefully, starting at the base of the tree and all the way to the top, leaving no gaps.

Step 5 Make a barrel out of a rectangle of brown paper or cardboard. You can decorate the trunk with a fringe of brown corrugated paper.

The tree is ready! You can hang it on the wall and decorate as you wish. It turned out to be a wonderful photo zone for New Year's photos.

Hi all!

DIY Christmas tree, which can be the best gift for the New Year 2019. But if you do not take into account, which we talked about in the previous article. You knew that such a symbol of the new year should be in every home. Therefore, I suggest that you consider all the most popular materials for making Christmas trees. Believe me, there are a lot of them, you can make such a craft from almost everything.

We will make a prickly symbol from materials such as: cones, plastic bottles, isolon and even sweets. I picked up options easier - from cardboard. Such masterpieces can be made with your kids. I assure you that this activity, oh, how they will like it. The main thing is to choose something suitable and affordable for children.

In general, any work done by oneself is valued many times more. Therefore, if you have decided to give something to loved ones, let it be something, then thematically made with your own hands. No one will remain indifferent to such a gift. I am sure that the product will take pride of place on the festive table. We will decorate it and remind you of you.

Speaking of the festive table, who has already prepared the upcoming menu? If not then welcome to mine. Where can I find the recipe for you? There's a new salad with shrimp and tangerines. Or you can make a regular Olivier in the shape of a pig. And there are a couple more options. So I'll be waiting for you!

So we talked a little about the coming year and gifts. While we get down to business, we stock up on the necessary material and get to work. The main thing is not to be lazy and it is advisable to start preparing now. All options are simple and accessible to everyone, show maximum effort and everything will work out.

DIY Christmas tree for the New Year 2019

There are a lot of ideas for creating Christmas trees. They perfectly come to mind when there is something unnecessary at home, but it’s a pity to throw it away. It is at this moment that we are placed not by real thoughts that are realizable. It is enough to show a minimum of effort and the first thing you need to do is drive a search query into the Internet. Well, probably everyone will succeed and it’s not worth going into details here. Well then, let's go further to analyze suitable ideas.

And the first option presented will be the beauty of cotton pads. Think it's impossible? I want to prove it back to you and lay out a small master class.

You see, everything is quite easy and simple. We stock up on a pack of cotton pads, glue and a stapler. The basis for the cone can be made independently from whatman paper. This is very easy to do, see below.

We do everything according to the instructions. The glue must be strong so that the cone holds well. And the finished work pleased us as long as possible. If this option for making the base turned out to be too much for you, we get a ready-made cone in specialized needlework stores. Believe me, there you can find the right height and size.

We will decorate the finished Christmas tree with multi-colored beads. Do not forget about the asterisk, it plays an important role in the decor. Well, it's time to move on to the next option.

We will talk about another craft made of tinsel. Such work will be ideal for kindergarten or for classes with children. It is done quite easily, but how much beauty it will bring to your room. I suggest not just wrapping the finished base with tinsel, but making something unique. Candy will help us with this.

Attach the tip of the prepared sweets to the cone. Scotch tape can serve as a fixative. So that during the removal of sweets, the tree remains safe and sound. Now that everything is hanging in its place, you can start wrapping the base with tinsel. By the way, the color of the fluffy decoration can be any, in our case it is green.

Here is another interesting idea to make a New Year's beauty from pasta. First, we start gluing the base. To do this, choose the appropriate form of cereals. We decided to focus on feathers, but curls look just as good.

We will start attaching the pasta from the very top of the head. Going down slightly twisting to the side, with each new circle. Thus we will reach the very bottom.

Now that the cone is completely pasted over with grits, let's start painting it. To do this, we need gold-colored spray paint.

Work with spray paint at home is prohibited. Since during spraying it releases toxic substances. The ideal place for painting would be a balcony or street.

In places where there are gaps, decorate with tinsel. We will hang colorful balls, and decorate the crown with a star. The finished work can be planted in a pot. To do this, you need to pierce the base with a stick (for sushi). And stick it into the pot, first filling it with alabaster cement mixture.

But keep in mind that in this case the cone must be made of foam material.

You can decorate the pot with decorative stones. By the way, in this work it is not recommended to use earthenware, preferably metal.

Check out more great pasta creations. Painted green. And the shape of the flour product is slightly different. Despite this, everything looks perfect.

So in conclusion of this subtitle, consider another way to make crafts. We will make our symbol of the new year from pompoms. Remember, as a child, we were taught to make them in kindergarten. I remember we made chickens out of them. Who forgot? For you a more detailed scheme of manufacturing.

Yarn is desirable to use thicker and lush. Now that the pompoms are prepared, we decide on the option of the Christmas tree. And here are two options for you.

In the first case, the product is made of smaller pom-poms. Here the base is used where all the fluffy blanks are attached. In the second version, everything is a little different. The balls here are very large and this forest beauty is made without additional foundation. Thus, all blanks from threads are attached to each other with glue. Here it is desirable to use quality glue. I have a hot gun for such purposes. Which is refilled with glue rods. When heated, they melt and hold the bonded material together very tightly.

We will decorate such a beauty with improvised materials. It can be anything from ordinary rhinestones and beads to decorative buttons.

In general, there are a lot of options for creating Christmas trees. Today we will analyze a lot of them. All this is done so that you can decide and make a choice. The New Year is already close, so you need to stock up on such crafts now. Or at least start thinking about making them.

We proceed to the next sub-topic, no less useful and very relevant, so to speak.

Craft from fir cones and pine cones to the garden - in the form of a Christmas tree

When in kindergarten they give some task for making crafts, parents are divided into several parts. Someone just skips past the ears, dumping all their employment on work. Some rush into a panic without understanding what is required of them. And most still sit down on the Internet and look for a suitable idea. And as the saying goes, "he who seeks will always find." This is where I will help you now.

We will make a Christmas tree from cones, no matter from which tree they fell from pine or spruce. Our task is to choose the most whole, and pay attention to the size. Try to choose the same ones.

Let's start with the simplest option. For the manufacture we need a large cone. Decided, now you need to choose a suitable pot. You can take an ordinary plastic cup after hammering it with something heavy. And decorate the surface, for example, with burlap. Sew a small bag out of this rough material and plant a pot with a Christmas tree in it.

Such a mini product should be decorated with beads, the color is not important. The main thing is to make it bright and beautiful. By the way, an asterisk can be cut out of thick cardboard. The edges of the cone can be decorated with white paint.

Well, all the work is ready, now you can carry it to the kindergarten. In principle, you should not have any difficulties in your work. If you have questions write in the comments. I will definitely answer and help.

Another no less interesting option is to glue the homemade base with cones. We will make a cone from thick cardboard. We use hot glue as a fixative.

The direction of the cones should be chosen independently. The photo shows one of them. Once the base is completely trimmed, you can proceed to the scenery. Here we already turn on our imagination. There are a lot of options, these can be: beads of different sizes, walnuts in the shell, decorative mountain ash, acorns, etc. In a word, the decoration should be similar to the main material, which means it is made of natural materials.

Some people make bows from a regular tourniquet. They fasten them to the finished work, it turns out very beautifully. Just don't go overboard with the quantity.

If you disassemble the cones into scales, you can create a very beautiful work. True, it will be a little more difficult in the execution of the previous options. We will attach the material to the foam base.

We decorate the finished work at our discretion. I would recommend that you paint the tips of the “scales” white. As if creating an image of snow. Unforgettable about the asterisk, it plays a very important role.

Now that the work is ready, you should take care of its storage and care in advance. Of course, such a tree should be kept out of the reach of children. Because the product is very fragile. But care does not require much time. Our task is to remove the formed dust on the surface. This task is perfectly handled by a regular toothbrush.

Well, we’re all carrying the finished beauty to the kindergarten. I think the teacher will appreciate your work. Be sure to please yourself with such a prickly craft. In the interior, it looks very nice.

On the festive table, such work will occupy the most “crown” place. By the way, the perfect gift for family. Let's not be lazy and start preparing.

How to make a Christmas tree from improvised means (photo ideas)

In general, the creation of a Christmas tree is not a tricky business, and if you really want to create a masterpiece, then you will definitely succeed. Moreover, such beauty can be created from various materials that are likely to be at hand. So it's time to look back and take a closer look at what it is like to throw it away. Well, you don’t need to throw it away, I propose to make a New Year’s beauty. Below are some photo ideas.

And here is the first of them, what is the New Year without spruce branches and garlands. I propose to fix these attributes in the form of a Christmas tree on the wall and beautifully decorate with balls. Here is an example of this you should succeed. I think it turns out great.

No less interesting is the idea of ​​​​a sweet beauty from caramel sticks. But the version of the wooden symbol looks quite interesting. Made from ice cream sticks. You can dream up a little and decorate it on top of some kind of garland. Or paste over with rhinestones and voluminous beads of bright colors.

Look, and the version of such a Christmas tree will become not only a symbol of the new year, but also a kind of talisman. After all, it is made of banknotes. I think this beauty will be to the liking of everyone for the holiday. Only here with the technique of execution should be decided in advance. In principle, nothing complicated, the main thing is to get a base in the form of a cone. Or make paper paper yourself, and then carefully attach banknotes to it. By the way, the asterisk is made from the same material.

Look at what Christmas tree made from plain paper and skewers. The main thing is to take not an ordinary white sheet, but something interesting. For example, with printed text in an unfamiliar language. And look at the size of the squares, they are all different, starting with the largest and ending with the smallest. As a basis for the load, ordinary cardboard is used, so the tree will be more stable.

Let's look at a couple more ideas. Here, for example, is a wonderful option made from ordinary dense threads. Red beads, decorative snowflakes and buttons of different colors were used as decorations. By the way, a foam cone is also used here as a basis.

See what beauty can be created from corrugated paper. And all thanks to the special structure of this paper. In the form of a base, we use the same shape in the form of a cone. But the paper itself will be cut into squares. We will start making this craft from the very bottom. All our beauty will be attached with hot glue.

And in conclusion of this subtitle, one more idea for creating a prickly beauty. We will make it from ordinary sisal. The color of which can be absolutely any. This material can be found in needlework stores. Here we decide on the decor ourselves, it can be anything.

Let's move on to the next topic of making a New Year's symbol.

Master class of a Christmas tree from plastic bottles

Well, ready to create a unique Christmas tree from an ordinary plastic bottle. Let's get down to business, we'll need a little. With a minimum amount of material, we will make with you the most unique New Year's beauty. And believe that it will be just as good as the rest of the crafts.

We will need:

  • Empty 2 liter plastic bottle (green)
  • Scotch
  • Scissors
  • Sheet of paper (landscape)

Manufacturing technique:

1. First of all, let's make a stand for our future crafts. To do this, cut off the neck of the bottle. Make marks in advance so that the edges are even.

2. Now we will make the base (trunk) to which we will later attach all parts of the tree. To do this, we twist a sheet of paper into a tube. The diameter of which should be equal to the opening of the neck.

Fasten the edges of the resulting tube with tape. And insert the finished barrel into the hole.

3. Let's move on to the next step. We will prepare needles for our Christmas tree. But first you need to make small blanks in the amount of 12 pieces. As you can see in the photo, they are all different sizes. That's right, because the tree will be narrower towards the top. Therefore, from below we will fasten large parts.

The size of the blanks: rectangular shape - 8 by 7 cm, 8 by 5.5 cm, 6 by 4 cm. You can not stick to the given sizes and make all the shapes twice as large.

Please note that if you plan to make a large Christmas tree, then we double the size of the blanks. Do not forget about the barrel, it will also be much longer.

4. It's time to create needles. We take scissors and one of the cut out rectangular parts. And we begin to cut it into strips 3-4 mm wide. without reaching the end. On average, you must maintain a distance of 0.7-1 cm from the edge. We do the same with all parts.

Take the scissors in your hands and with the sharp side go through the cut needles. As if twisting them to the side. Take this matter seriously. Take your time and do not take all the strips in one pile at once. It is better to divide them into 3-4 times. So your work will look much better.

5. Now we will attach all twisted shapes to the trunk. To do this, wrap the finished workpiece around the base. Then we carefully glue everything with adhesive tape, it is possible in several layers. So to speak for reliability.

Thus we act with all parts, moving to the very top. To complete the work, take one of the small pieces. Then twist it in your hands, secure with tape. We dress the finished spare part to the very top.

Congratulations, we made a wonderful Christmas tree. By the way, such work is within the power of any student. But preschool children will be great helpers. This work can be decorated with beads of different sizes, but without fanaticism.

We make a voluminous Christmas tree out of paper - step by step instructions

Here is another interesting idea to make a Christmas tree out of paper. This work at first glance seems quite simple, but it is. But despite this, its manufacture still requires step-by-step instructions. That is why I decided to bring to your attention a small video tutorial. Where we will not only learn how to make such beauty in detail, but also receive additional recommendations that you should definitely listen to.

The work is truly amazing. When you repeat everything after the author of the video, everything turns out very quickly. I also liked that everything is recorded in the video so slowly, it’s simply impossible not to have time to repeat one of the steps.

I found another great idea on the Internet to create a Christmas tree out of paper. Look, in principle, there is nothing complicated in its manufacture. So, take a sheet of paper of the desired color and get down to business.

Here are some interesting paper works you can create with your own hands. And we go further, we need to disassemble quite a few crafts.

We make a Christmas tree lamp from isolon

Before proceeding with the manufacture of crafts from isolon, I propose first to talk about the material itself. So, what is it? I will not scatter clever words, so as not to confuse you, I will simply say this is a building insulation. But despite this, he is in great demand in needlework. Especially in making giant flowers. We will make a Christmas tree with you in the form of an unusual lamp.

Below is a video with a complete master class on creating this beauty. So, stock up on material and start watching. Watch the tutorial in its entirety before starting. This is the only way to understand if you can do this job.

This is beauty, I think that such beauty should decorate every home. I think we need to get started now.

Delicious DIY candy tree

What could be better than a delicious gift made in the form of a Christmas tree. The base is made from champagne. So to speak, two in one drink and a snack to it. And believe me, the whole technique for making such crafts is so simple that even a child can do it according to the instructions.

And in order for our forest beauty to be more saturated and bright, I propose to supplement it with tinsel. The color will be the corresponding green. Yes, I keep saying and saying it's time to get down to business.

We will need:

  • Champagne - 1 bottle
  • Double-sided adhesive tape
  • Candies
  • Scissors
  • Tinsel
  • Beads on a fishing line

Manufacturing technique:

1. First of all, let's deal with the processing of the bottle. Be sure to degrease it with any alcohol tincture. Then glue it with double-sided adhesive tape from bottom to top. We immediately remove the protective layer so that in the future there will be no difficulties.

Scotch can be absolutely any color. It does not play a special role in this case. All the same, it will be hidden behind all our beauty.

2. Now that the bottle is ready, let's start decorating it. We take tinsel and start wrapping from the very bottom. Take your time, our task is to make one row for now. Then we stop and fix sweets in a circle on top of the tinsel. Sweets should be fastened by the tail. Thus, when you later remove one of the sweets, it will be almost imperceptible.

Thus, it is necessary to fill the entire space of the bottle.

Try to choose candies with a brighter label. So the finished work will look much more impressive.

Now you can start decorating the finished Christmas tree. Everything is possible here. It is desirable to use beads on a thread. So that they can be removed later. As for the rest, let your imagination run wild.

Everyone will be happy with this gift. Despite the minimal amount of material used in the composition, the Christmas tree came out wonderful. And just the decoration of the bottle itself is very beautiful.

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmaking a Christmas tree from cardboard at home

Well, we have come to the final stage. Consider with you another idea for creating cardboard Christmas trees. Seems impossible? I want to convince you because in the West such beauties have gained great popularity. And if in our country it is made in the form of a small craft, then everything is different there. See for yourself...

They are made in full human growth. And the design of such a Christmas tree can be absolutely any. You can see it for yourself in the picture above. If initially the forest beauty is presented in a more real form. In the second version, everything is different, we see a certain geometric detail in front of us. Which, by the way, is very similar to the symbol of any new year, and it is decorated with a bright garland. And at the top, a familiar star flaunts with all of us. Move on…..

Look at what a unique masterpiece, I'm sure such beauty can not be found in everyone. Because, as to its creation, you need to apply maximum effort. Although in practice everything is quite easy. Initially, it is clear that the entire design is applied to the base in the form of a cone. Which by the way you can make your own with the help of cardboard. And then you can safely turn on your imagination. The only thing is that if you want to make a Christmas tree on a stand, then you should think about the stand in advance. Although even without it, the work looks just as good.

More flamboyant Christmas trees in human growth. In this case, we see that the work is in progress. And as you can see, all products are made from the most ordinary cardboard. It's all about the decoration, it will surely cover all unnecessary defects.

Here is another interesting idea. A Christmas tree in this style initially turned out to be very unusual. That is why it does not require any additional decorations, it will already be superfluous.

Look how beautiful it turns out if you do the work in gentle colors. This Christmas tree will brighten up any room. For a girl, it will be possible to make a forest beauty in pink.

Below I will present you with several templates that will help in the implementation of your ideas. And here is one of them, by the way, you can play a little with the size. It does not have to be A4 size cardboard.

This work is best made from thicker cardboard. So that when you hang any toy on the spout, it does not bend. Naturally hung toy should not be very large. Everything should be in moderation.

Here is another template, which, by the way, looks just as good in practice as the others. Again, this is just a diagram. And how the finished work will look primarily depends on you. It's all about the design, the colors you use.

Finally, I will present to your attention another interesting template. By the way, according to him, it’s just possible to make a Christmas tree in human height. The main thing is to decorate it correctly, you can learn about design options from the subheading by going up a little higher.

Wow, before writing this article, I didn’t even think that a Christmas tree can be created from almost everything. Any improvised material can be in business. The main thing at the right time is to turn on the fantasy.

Well guys, it's time to say goodbye. You choose one of the options. Or bookmark the article in its entirety. And I'm going to get ready to write a new one. After all, the new year is coming soon, which means you need to accelerate. There is still a lot of work.

Until we meet again, dear readers. I would love any feedback in the comments below. And in order not to lose a note, share it on social networks. To do this is quite simple, click one of the buttons below. And then everything is according to the instructions. Until then, I'll be waiting for you...

Preparations for the New Year and Christmas holidays are in full swing. You need to choose gifts for family and friends, think over the menu and, of course, decorate the house! We have collected options for making small Christmas trees with our own hands from various materials. Such Christmas trees will be a wonderful decoration for your home, and they can also become an original addition to a New Year's gift.

Bright Christmas tree made of Christmas balls

  1. To make this Christmas tree, we need one spool of tape (or any other material), Christmas balls of different colors and diameters, a beautiful pencil (“trunk” of our Christmas tree), a sheet of colored paper, an asterisk or a bow as a top.
  2. We decorate our stand (in this case, a tape spool) by wrapping it with a piece of colored paper.

  3. In the center of the coil, if its hole is large enough, you can put a piece of cotton wool, and stick a pencil into it. The main thing is that nothing staggers, the base for the Christmas tree must be stable.

  4. We begin to string balls on a pencil. You can go from large to smaller, you can string them in a chaotic manner.

  5. On the sharp end of the pencil we string our top. In this example, a star was used, you can tie a bow with a suitable ribbon.

  6. Our bright Christmas tree made of Christmas balls is ready! Looks very elegant!

"Natural" Christmas tree

  1. This Christmas tree looks just like the real thing! It can be made in a variety of sizes - it all depends on the amount of time and patience you have. To make it, you will need corrugated paper, scissors, soft wire, ribbons and beads for decoration and a stand (you can use a cork if the size of the Christmas tree is not large).
  2. First, cut the corrugated paper into strips (the longer the better). Let's make a fringe on these strips (cuts on the paper not reaching its edges from one edge). Twist each strip of fringe tightly with your fingers. You should get a tape with needles, as in the photo.

  3. We take a piece of soft wire and twist our tape in a spiral on it.

  4. If you twist it tightly, then additional fixation of the tape is not even needed. It turns out here is such a beautiful Christmas tree "brush".

  5. Make several of these brushes of different sizes and attach to each other by twisting the ends of the wire. You should get some beautiful Christmas tree branches. Now it's up to the small - decide on the size and create!

  6. Make the required number of branches for your Christmas tree and fasten them to each other. The basis for your design can be a cork, a piece of wood or an ordinary jar filled with newspapers or cotton wool for fixing. Decorate it to your liking: beads, rain, ribbons and the Christmas tree is ready!

Christmas tree made of yarn

  1. This Christmas tree can be made in just a few minutes! For the manufacture you will need foam (we cut out the base for spruce from it). You can also make an ordinary cone from thick cardboard, yarn, beads, glue.
  2. We cover our cone (regardless of what it is made of) with glue. From the base of the spruce, we begin to twist the thread to the very top.
  3. We decorate the Christmas tree with beads.
  4. Anything can be used as a top: a New Year's ball, a bow, a ball of thread. In this example, a wire star was made.

  5. Experiment with decorations for Christmas trees, with their sizes and create compositions!

    If you liked this Christmas tree, then similar ones can be found in the article

coffee tree

  1. For this original Christmas tree, you will need coffee beans, a cone made of any material (cork, foam, thick cardboard), glue and decorations to your taste. First, let's make a cone for spruce.
  2. Lubricate the cone with glue (you can apply it dotted for each grain with a syringe) and fix the grains.

  3. You can glue beads between the grains, with them the Christmas tree will look more elegant.

  4. After you cover the entire cone with grains, you can additionally decorate the spruce with bows, ribbons, beads.
  5. This is what the finished coffee trees look like! By the way, instead of coffee beans, you can use beans.

ribbon tree

  1. Another proof of the phrase that "everything ingenious is simple"! This original Christmas tree can be made in just a few minutes from the most elementary materials. To make it, you will need a cone of any material (maybe ordinary thick cardboard), ribbons of small thickness, scissors, pins (possible with beads at the ends), glue.
  2. We cut our ribbons into identical stripes, as in the photo.

  3. We fold each of the strips in half and fasten with a pin (you can alternate ordinary pins with those with beads at the ends).

  4. We fix the resulting blanks to the very top.

  5. The top can be decorated with anything. In this case, a paper gift bow was used. The Christmas tree is ready!

Herringbone from tulle

  1. To make this Christmas tree, you will need tulle, a thread with a needle, a couple of beads for decoration. First, twist our wire from one end in any shape (this will be our top).

  2. We take several pieces of tulle and thread a thread through one edge, thereby creating folds like on a skirt.

  3. We fasten the skirt along the wire. The wire, in turn, can be further decorated by wrapping it with ribbon in a spiral, as in this example. Make as many of these “skirts as possible, from this the Christmas tree will only be more magnificent. You can use tulle in different sizes and colors.
  4. Decorate the Christmas tree with ribbons, beads and a beautiful delicate Christmas tree is ready!

Christmas tree made of polymer clay

Volumetric Christmas tree made of paper

  1. To create such a Christmas tree, you need plain paper, soft wire, scissors and a pencil. First you need to make a base of wire. We twist one of the ends in the form of a spiral, for the stability of the future structure.
  2. Draw a circle on a sheet of paper with marked lines, as in the template.

  3. We make cuts on the resulting circle, without affecting the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe second circle (inside).

  4. We form “sharp corners” by gluing the ends of the resulting pieces.
  5. It turned out the first tier for the Christmas tree. Now we make a puncture in the middle and string it on our wire.
  6. We make several such tiers, gradually reducing the radius of the original circle-template.
  7. We close the top with a cone made of the same paper and a voluminous Christmas tree made of paper is ready!

Christmas trees made of paper

Helpful Hints

To become the owner of a Christmas tree,you don't have to buy it- just look at the useful tips and find out how you can do itbeautiful Christmas tree with your own hands.

Today you can findmany Christmas treesin stores and on the street.

You can put in the house a natural Christmas tree or sprigs from a Christmas tree for smell, but you can decorate a house, or a gift for a loved one, knowing a few interesting tricks.

On our website you will also find:

  • 20 small DIY Christmas trees that will decorate any home
  • How to make a Christmas tree from cones
  • How to make a Christmas tree

Learn how to make a Christmas treepaper, food, fabric and even pasta.

Make this craft quite easy, and your house will be decorated with a unique decor, and friends and acquaintances will be happy to receive a Christmas tree made by you as a present.

Christmas tree made of paper with your own hands. Christmas tree made from scraps of magazine pages.

You will need:

Unnecessary magazine or book with bright pictures

Cardboard or thick paper

Glue gun or PVA glue

Shaped hole punch, optional

Pencil or pen

1. Make a cone out of a thick sheet of paper and fix it with glue.

2. Prepare pages from a magazine with bright pictures and cut out many circles of the same diameter from them. If there is a shaped hole punch (the shape of a flower or a large circle) it will be easier.

3. Wrap the cut circles around the pencil so that they curl a little.

4. Starting from the bottom of the cone, start gluing the bent circles.

Make neat rows. The circles should be tightly glued to each other so that the cardboard is not visible.

5. From one circle, make a small cone, and glue it to the top of the cardboard cone.

The tree is ready!

DIY Christmas tree made from cones and dried citrus fruits

Christmas tree with your own hands (master class). Trees from wrapping paper.

You will need:

Large thick sheet of paper


double tape



1. Make a cone out of a sheet of thick paper.

* If your wrapping paper is quite thick, you can bypass step 1 and make a cone out of wrapping paper.

1.1 Fold the paper diagonally, holding one end to keep it sharp.

1.2 Secure the folded paper with tape. You do not need to do everything too carefully, since you will cover the cone with wrapping paper.

1.3 Cut off the excess at the bottom of the cone to make a flat base.

2. Prepare colorful wrapping paper and cover the cone with it. To do this, lay the paper face down on a flat surface.

2.1 Using tape, attach the end of the colored paper to the top of the cone.

2.2 Start slowly twisting the cone, wrapping it in wrapping paper. You need to wrap the cone tightly.

2.3 Measure the paper and cut before wrapping the cone all the way around. Glue double tape to the edges and connect to the other end. At the base, you need to cut off the excess so that the paper is even.

3. It remains only to decorate the Christmas tree as desired. You can make paper stars, use glitter, stickers, glue on beads and/or buttons, wrap with ribbon, etc.

Similar trees:

Christmas tree made of fabric with your own hands. How to make a Christmas tree out of felt.

You will need:

Glue or double tape


* Try using felt in two colors to make the Christmas tree even more beautiful. In this example, yellow and orange felt was used.

1. Make a cone out of cardboard. Secure the ends with glue or double tape.

2. Prepare the felt and cut out circles of different diameters from it, from small to large (see picture). You can use pre-prepared circle templates made of cardboard.

3. Glue Christmas tinsel to the bottom of the cone.

4. Now you need to make a criss-cross cut in the center of each circle cut out of felt. Do not cut too much so that the felt robe does not fall. Make an incision exactly such that you can tightly put the circle on the cone.

5. Start gradually putting the circles on the cone. If you use two colors, then put on the circles in sequence, first one color, then another. Also worth noting. That you need to put on the next circle not only on the cone, but also over the tips of the cuts of the previous circle.

6. We decorate the top of the Christmas tree. To do this, simply add tinsel, to which you will need to add a pre-prepared small cone of felt. Fix the tinsel and crown with glue.

* If you wish, you can hide a sweet gift inside the cone.

Original Christmas trees with their own hands. Glowing tree.

You will need:

Floral florist net (preferably several shades of green)


Cardboard for the cone

PVA glue




floral wire

Decorations on request

1. Make a cone out of cardboard.

2. Wrap the cone in cellophane.

3. Take any container and make a solution of PVA glue and a small amount of water in it

3. Prepare your floral grid. Cut it into small pieces and lower each into a container with a solution.

4. Start gluing the pieces onto the cellophane-covered cone. Glue different shades of mesh in different directions. The joints should be anointed with another layer of glue for a more durable fastening.

5. Secure the entire structure with pins and wait for the glue to dry.

6. You have the first layer of the Christmas tree. Now in the same style you need to make a second layer. After finishing gluing the second layer, leave the structure to dry.

7. Now remove the Christmas tree from the cone - the glue should quickly lag behind the cellophane.

8. Place a garland inside the Christmas tree, which you need to secure with floral wire.

9. It remains to decorate the Christmas tree according to your taste.

DIY Christmas trees (photo). Christmas tree made of pasta with your own hands.

You will need:

Plastic or foam cone (or you can make your own out of cardboard)

PVA glue

Pasta of various shapes and sizes

Spray paint, acrylic paint or gouache


1. Prepare the cone and paint it in the desired color. Wait for the paint to dry.

* If you are using spray paint, you can skip this step.

2. Prepare pasta. Start applying glue to each piece and stick the pieces to the cone. Create a Christmas tree design the way your imagination tells you.

After applying the glue, press the piece a little and hold it so that it adheres well to the cone. It's okay if glue is visible from under the pasta.

Continue until you have covered the weight of the cone with the pasta. Wait for the glue to dry.

3. Start painting on the pasta. In this example, acrylic paint was used. Try to carefully paint all the details so that there are no empty spots.

* It is desirable to paint in two layers.

* If painted with white paint, the Christmas tree will look like a porcelain product.

Useful advice: if you want to remove the craft, then put it first in a plastic bag, so you can immediately find the part that could come off the cone.

We make a Christmas tree with our own hands. Bright paper tree.

You will need:

Colored cardboard or design paper

Thick cardboard

Glue moment or glue gun (with hot glue)

1. Cut out a square base for the Christmas tree from thick cardboard.

2. Insert the skewer into the cardboard and fix with glue.

3. Now you need to cut out circles of different diameters from designer paper or colored cardboard. You need to make 3 circles of the same size.

For example, if you want to make circles in 10 different sizes, then you will need to cut out 30 circles (3 for each size).

* If you don't want to cut out a lot of circles, just shorten the skewer and you end up with a cute mini Christmas tree.

4. Make a small hole in the center of each circle.

5. Before you start putting the circles on the skewer, grease the hole in the middle with glue.

6. Start putting the circles on the skewer, leaving some space between them.

7. Cut out stars from paper and glue them to the top of the Christmas tree. You can use another detail for the crown and not necessarily paper.

Crafts. Fir-trees from a thread with their own hands.

You will need:

thick yarn

Pile yarn

Cone (made of cardboard or foam)


Decorations to taste.

1. Make a paper cone or buy a Styrofoam cone from specialty stores.

2. Take both strands and secure their ends with pins at the base of the cone.

3. Start winding the threads around the base of the cone, pinning about every 2 inches.

4. Now start moving towards the top of the cone, gently wrapping the future Christmas tree with both threads. At this stage, you do not need to attach the thread to the cone.

5. When you get to the crown, secure the threads again with pins, wrapping the threads several times around the crown.

6. Both yarns now need to be pulled down, also wrapping the cone with a second layer.

7. Cut the threads at the base of the cone and fasten them.

You can leave the tree as it is, or you can also decorate it.

In this example, artificial berries were used for decoration, but you can use multi-colored beads, buttons, buttons, etc.

Try also to make a decoration for the top of the Christmas tree. The crown can be decorated the way you like.

You can leave the tree as it is, or you can also decorate it.

You can make just a paper hat or a star, or you can make something more complicated. If you chose the latter option, then the instructions for you follow.

You will need:

flower wire

Wire cutters (for wire)


PVA glue

Fine wire (calibrated wire)

1. Bend the wire into a star shape (see pictures) and cut off the excess.

2. Cover the star with glue and sprinkle glitter on it.

3. Attach a thin wire to the star, as shown in the picture:

4. Attach a star to your Christmas tree.

DIY creative Christmas tree

If you want something original, or you just don't have enough space for a large Christmas tree at home, you can try to make such a simple design.

It is worth noting that such a tree is suitable for any room. It can be done both at home with children and at work.

This Christmas tree can rise by 1.5-2 meters and takes up almost no space in the house. In addition, it is a good background for New Year's photography.

You will need:

Foam base or matte cardboard


corrugated paper

masking tape

adhesive tape

PVA glue

Stationery knife

marker, optional

1. Lay out the styrofoam or cardboard on a flat surface to get a large rectangle (see picture).

2. Use adhesive tape to connect all parts.

* In this example, black tape was used for better visibility, but white tape is better.

3. Mark the size of your future Christmas tree with masking tape.

4. Using a utility knife, carefully cut out the shape of the future tree.

5. Prepare the crepe paper, fold it in half and cut the fringe. You should have plenty of fringed paper to cover the entire Christmas tree.

6. Start gently gluing the crepe paper to the styrofoam, starting at the base of the tree. The fringe should hang just below the base to cover the styrofoam (or cardboard) and also slightly cover the top of the tree trunk, which we'll make later.

7. Move to the top, covering the entire tree with a bright green fur coat made of crepe paper.

8. On the back of the tree, add a hook so that the tree can be hung. Instead of a hook, you can use double tape to cover the perimeter of the Christmas tree.