Celebrate New Year with children. We are celebrating the New Year abroad. We decorate the house for the holiday


If you want the holiday in your house to turn out "for the glory", become its main organizer. This will add hassle, but it will ensure that your New Year's Eve does not pass into boring table gatherings.

Think carefully about the scenario of the holiday. You can organize a small home carnival. Then you will have to prepare costumes for all its participants in advance and determine their roles. If there is no time to make costumes, you can simply make beautiful holiday signs with the names of the characters and distribute them to guests.

Pick up games that will enliven and diversify your festive night. It is better to focus on the tastes and habits of your guests. In one company, they prefer outdoor games, in another - calm ones, allowing them to show their erudition.

Be sure to take care of the appropriate decoration at home. Depending on your imagination and possibilities, you can decorate the whole house, or just one room where the celebration will take place. There are many interesting ways to create a New Year's fairy tale in the house. Quite suitable for this are traditional snowflakes, "rain", Christmas decorations and, of course, spruce or at least spruce branches. You can decorate the house yourself, or you can involve guests in this process - for example, ask them to bring one or two Christmas tree decorations (better made on their own) and thus decorate the Christmas tree.

Do not spend the whole New Year's Eve at the stove trying to cook as many delicious and original dishes as possible. Otherwise, by the onset of New Year's Eve, you will no longer have the strength or desire to have fun yourself and entertain guests. It is quite possible to limit yourself to a "buffet" with a variety of sandwiches and snacks. And it is better to decorate the table not with the maximum amount of food, but with the help of a beautiful and original New Year's serving.

Prepare holiday fireworks. Fireworks like nothing else can create the mood of the holiday. However, so that it does not turn into a disappointment, and even more so in major troubles, the salute must be carefully thought out and prepared. Pyrotechnics should be purchased only certified, in special stores and be sure to consider a place to launch (at a safe distance from home, away from windows, balconies, etc.).

One of the most family holidays in our country is the New Year. Since ancient times, it was considered the beginning of something new, the transition to the next step. Traditionally, on this day, you need to wish well-being to your family. But lately, many have been striving to meet the New Year in a nightclub or restaurant, although circle families You can spend your time just as well, or even better.

You will need

  • - Christmas tree;
  • - tinsel;
  • - garland;
  • - Christmas decorations;
  • - twister;
  • - stickers.


Think about decorating the apartment in which the holiday will take place. Garlands and tinsel - these two festive attributes will help you decorate the room. In addition to them, you can buy rain and Christmas tree decorations. Thanks to imagination and work, the apartment will become bright, shiny and will cheer you up during the holidays.

Do not forget to put up and decorate the Christmas tree, because this is the main symbol of the New Year A. You can do decoration on your own, but it's better to connect all the members families. Let this become your tradition. And, of course, think about the festive menu. There are a large number of dishes that will look great on the table and create an unforgettable atmosphere.

If you have not yet matured plans for New Year's Eve, welcome to the piggy bank of the most incredible ideas. Here you will find how unusual it is to celebrate the New Year 2017, the symbol of which is the Fiery Rooster. This holiday rightfully deserves special attention and requires careful preparation. If you show more courage, activity, freedom of thought and creativity, you can get a lot of unforgettable impressions and memories!

How to celebrate the New Year alone

There are such sad cases when on such a special night a person is left without company. Although some are satisfied with this arrangement. If this happened to you, but you do not want to be bored on such a brilliant holiday, use the following ideas.

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Become a Snow Maiden or Santa Claus

Don't stay at home! As soon as the evening of December 31 comes, dress up in the outfit of the good old Santa Claus (well, or the Snow Maiden) and go outside. What is there to do? If you do not have enough communication - go to the square, to the park, to any other place where people usually gather to count the last seconds of the outgoing year.

Congratulate the celebrants, give them gifts (inexpensive, of course, if you are not a very wealthy person). These can be the most simple, but cute handmade postcards with congratulations and wishes. And people will be pleased, and you will not be bored. Perhaps you will find yourself new friends!

The Snow Maiden will not be left alone

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Find yourself a partner

The scenario can be left the same, with only one change: Santa Claus must find a Snow Maiden for himself (or vice versa). This is easy to do by posting an invitation in advance on any social network on the Internet. Write about how you would like to celebrate this New Year, wandering the streets as a fairy tale character and making people smile. Surely, you will find like-minded people. Perhaps even the whole company will gather.

Do not worry if it is not possible to find suitable costumes, use improvised materials, cotton wool, Christmas tree tinsel, paper. Even in half an hour, you can create a New Year's image to have fun in the Year of the Rooster.

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Build a house for the Rooster - the symbol of the year

Many people believe that the most interesting New Year's celebrations are left in their childhood. And sometimes you just want to go back to the carefree past. Any couple with such nostalgic moods can occupy themselves on the eve of the year of the rooster with the construction of a house for a chicken family. That is, a chicken coop.

To do this, prepare a children's designer or any improvised materials (it all depends on your imagination!). When the "cottage" is built, you can put toy chickens there or take toys that grow in water - this will be even more interesting.

The main thing is not the quality of the drawing, but its semantic content: it should be fun! The winner will get a prize, a beautiful frame and a place of honor for a masterpiece above the bed in the bedroom, for the whole next year. It is better to make frames with your own hands, decorating with sparkles and New Year's paraphernalia.

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In the theme of art - festive body art

You can stock up on body paints and create unique drawings on each other's bodies all night long. The game will turn out to be quite intimate, and is very suitable for young couples who want to spend New Year's Eve fun and romantic. Be sure to take a photo for memory in a family (or future family) album.

Do not forget that the Fire Rooster rules next year, so choose bright colors. If you arrange a "tattoo parlor" before the chiming clock, then you will be able to meet the first minutes of the new year in all its glory!

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Meeting the New Year in the company

It would be too boring to celebrate the Year of the Rooster in the company of friends with a traditional glass of champagne and a piece of cake in front of the TV screen. This is how it will be celebrated by millions of other people. But this is not for you. Stock up on energy and unbridled cheerful mood to go on the most unforgettable winter night of your life.

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Organize a Christmas flash mob

Agree with friends to organize a flash mob in the city. This can be done using a special website or social network. Come up with tasks for the participants together. For example, the gathered people will need to crow 12 times to the chiming clock and shine colorful lanterns into the sky - if it snows, they will learn very beautifully (a strange task, but the purpose of the flash mob is to surprise passers-by).

After the action, friends gather at a common table and share their impressions. Perhaps your company will replenish with new acquaintances.

Flashmob on the city square

For example, the main task of the quest is to find a hen-companion for the rooster-king of the holiday. Naturally, the rooster (toy) should be in the most visible place, and his lost girlfriend should be somewhere in a secluded place, for example, in a safe, then the participants will need to find the key to it. Hints and tasks can be placed where and how you want (only in compliance with safety regulations - first of all).

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chicks beauty pageant

So unusual to celebrate the New Year is not difficult if the company has several active girls (the more the better). They must prepare, dress in a "chicken" style, brightly, magnificently, using feathers, improvised combs and earrings. To improve your mood, you can use competitions for the best dance, the best story on the topic “I am a chicken” (this word is by no means offensive on such a night!).

Plan a varied menu ahead of time. Part of the dishes (jelly, aspic, pies, some salads, etc.) can be prepared in advance, 1-2 days in advance. Try to festively decorate the New Year's table and dishes, because a rare and cheerful holiday is ahead.

To appease the Cockerel, be sure to put a carafe of clean water and a plate of grains on the festive table. Greens, fruits and nuts are welcome on the New Year's table.

If you have a "team" company, then distribute the responsibilities for preparing cold appetizers, salads and desserts between the participants of the ball. And cook hot on the spot.

Write a script for the new year

For such a holiday, there must be a director who will take care of the New Year's Eve program. Give each guest the task of thinking up a cheerful greeting for your company. Let everyone write a note with a wish for the next year for one of the guests. Notes can be simply folded into a box, or can be placed in a balloon. It will be fun when such wishes are read out by random selection.

You can agree in advance on the exchange of small souvenirs. The rustle of gift paper will give the holiday a special atmosphere.

Organize fun games

Do not be lazy, make a list of fun games. Winners can be awarded symbolic prizes.

Funny game for adults "Feed a friend" - blindfolded, sitting opposite each other to feed sour cream or yogurt. In advance, of course, it is recommended to cover festive clothes with a towel.
For accurate snipers, the game “Get into the Champagne” will be good - by tying a fountain pen to a belt on trousers, a dress or a skirt on a rope, you need to get into the neck of an empty bottle without the help of hands.
With children, you can arrange a funny drawing contest with your eyes closed - draw, for example, a portrait of your mother with a felt-tip pen.
The classics of the genre are forfeits, when one item is collected from each guest and, turning away, the presenter gives a funny task to each forfeit.
And if you have a company of adults, then the “Thread of Friendship” game is great - with a needle and thread, each guest must sew some thing on himself. Thus, all guests remain connected by one thread. And now the task is that you will need to remove this thing from yourself. The main thing is that guests do not know the rules of the game in advance, because sometimes you have to take off both trousers and blouses to the laughter of the others.

New Year Party Ideas

If there are those who want to act as Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, then let them ring your doorbell at 12 o’clock, gather the children in a circle and each of the children will be able to demonstrate their talents. And then the turn of adults will come. Of course, Santa Claus should have a bag with gifts behind him.
It will be great if guests agree to come to the New Year's party in themed costumes. And how many different themes you can think of: pirates, cowboys, retro, disco - 80, Caribbean, Asia, black and white, etc. In the year of the Fire Rooster, a red theme would be ideal, because the Rooster loves bright and creative people.

How about a masquerade with masks so you don't get recognized? After all, masks can not only be made by yourself, but also bought without problems in the store.

If there are creative people in the company, why not write a script for the holiday on the theme of the "Fire Rooster"? Collect poems or fairy tales on this topic, print them out, and let the guests recite them cheerfully.

Take care of dance music in advance. "Christmas lights" on TV don't always inspire you to dance, let's have your own selection of dance tunes.

And if your company has people who can sing and play musical instruments, do not forget to prepare and tune the instruments in advance.
If the weather is good outside, why not celebrate the New Year with friends, neighbors and townspeople?
Well, if you have a warm company and want to stay at home, then take care of fireworks and fireworks. After all, it is they who give solemnity to the holiday. Do not forget about safety measures, do not allow children to approach fireworks. Try to purchase pyrotechnics only from certified sellers.

Don't forget that 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster. This bird is emotional, active, cocky and cheerful. Therefore, try to have fun and celebrate the new year. This will appease this difficult bird - the symbol of 2017.
I wish that all your desires and dreams come true, and I told you how to make them
I wish you all a merry, memorable holiday, a successful and prosperous New Year!

Be that as it may, but the New Year is still considered a family holiday, and most houses celebrate it in the circle of their closest people.

If you decide to celebrate with your family, this does not mean that the New Year should be boring!

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10 ways to have a fun New Year's Eve with your family

holiday attributes

What is the New Year without funny costumes, crackers, garlands, confetti and sparklers? Let the kids take part in the fun turmoil that accompanies preparing the house for the holidays.

family video

Most of us have loads of home video recordings, but how often do we watch them? Spend the last evening of 2011 watching a movie about your family with the people you love. And during the break, you can cook your favorite dish of your household.

New Recipes

Gather loved ones for cheese fondue, for example. It's fun, brings people together and is liked by almost everyone! To prepare this national Swiss dish, you will need: heat-resistant dishes (caquelon or catnelone) and long forks. You can melt your favorite kind of cheese, season it with garlic, nutmeg and dip slices of bread, potatoes or other products strung on forks into the hot mass. During the meal, you can have fun: for example, someone who drops his piece of bread into a bowler hat will have to kiss the person sitting to his left. And children will definitely like sweet fondue - with cream and chocolate. For adults, offer champagne or hot mulled wine for this dish.

pajama party

On New Year's Eve, run with the children to the video rental store and pick up films that are interesting to them, and then indulge them and let them buy sweets. At home, throw pillows and blankets on the floor, set up a small family camp for the night. For such an evening, board games, cards, charades and everything that you like to spend time with are suitable.

New Year's ball at home

Turn your home into a dance hall by hanging a disco ball, decorating everything with fabrics and colored lights. Any music is suitable for such an evening, and the form of clothing can be both formal and casual - the main thing is to have fun! By the way, you can make a disco ball with your own hands - from papier-mâché and shiny paper. Fill it up with candy and small prizes, and smash it at midnight!

South American Ritual

Try a traditional ritual that comes from Colombia and South America. Assemble a mannequin to represent Ano Nuevo (Old Year) using heavy paper or cardboard. You can draw clothes on it or glue scraps of old clothes of family members on the mannequin. Ask everyone to write down on pieces of paper the mistakes and failures of the outgoing year. At exactly midnight, Ano Nuevo must be torn to shreds or burned. While the dummy is being destroyed, you need to read the list of failures aloud and they will disappear along with the old year!

good luck cake

Greeks traditionally prepare a vasilopita pie on the eve of the Christian New Year, which is cut at midnight by the head of the family immediately after the new year. A coin is usually placed in the cake, and whoever gets it will have good luck all year. Make this dish with your kids - they'll love messing around with the sweet and fluffy vasilopita!

Midnight of another country

If your kids are young, it's hard for them to stay up until midnight to celebrate the holiday. Therefore, you can mark midnight according to the time of another country. Organize a celebration in its spirit and traditions, turn on national music and cook appropriate dishes.


Many ski resorts offer holiday packages that include not only accommodation, meals, but also the organization of the holiday itself with fireworks and New Year's fun.

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Try to write new words for an ageless song with your children, or you can also ask them to learn a couple of New Year's songs and arrange a small karaoke concert!

There is nothing better than spending the New Year holidays with your family. But not just lie down on the sofa and watch TV, but celebrate this holiday noisily and cheerfully. Especially if you have small children. Therefore, you need to think in advance about how fun it is to celebrate the New Year at home with your family.

Prepare a festive atmosphere among the household

The holiday will be fun and relaxed only if all family members are in a good mood. And for this to be so, you need to set the right tone for him in advance. And collective preparation for the upcoming event will help in this. Involve everyone and give them assignments to the best of their ability:

  1. Together with the children, write a letter to Santa Claus, but do not do it for the child, let him create on his own, but under your clear guidance. Those who do not yet know how to write can express their wishes in the form of pictures.
  2. Buying gifts for relatives should also be done together, and what could be better than going to shopping centers during this period?
  3. For grandparents, make New Year's crafts - a garland, a Christmas tree toy or an angel.
  4. Home decoration should be festive and fun - a lot of garlands, a big Christmas tree, a lot of themed toys, painting on the windows.
  5. Entrust the children to prepare some dish for the New Year's table.

Table setting is festive and solemn.

Perhaps you will introduce some kind of tradition that will be a joy from year to year, it may be a trip somewhere, or maybe you will collectively cook a New Year's cake according to the same recipe. By the way, the cake is also important in this festival, especially for children. Therefore, if you do not bake it together, take care to buy it in advance or bake it yourself. Next year is the Fire Rooster, so you can make a cake in the shape of this bird or decorate it with cockerel figurines. And of course, New Year's decor - snowball, snowmen, etc.

Games and contests to celebrate the new year

If adults can spend the whole holiday at the festive table (and even then not always), then this is absolutely not suitable for children. After all, their active nature expects something more noisy and festive. Here it is worth considering the entertainment program of the evening.

You can make the holiday themed - pirate, carnival or masquerade. Let you have at hand a sufficient amount of New Year's tinsel - serpentine, sparklers, crackers and small gifts to reward the winners in the competitions. By the way, about competitions and entertainment: If you have a financial opportunity and a free room, you can buy artificial snow and arrange a snow battle there or collective snowman modeling.

Collect the snowflake game

It will be no less interesting to play “Collect a Snowflake” - fix the snowflakes cut in advance on a thread under the ceiling at different heights and compete for a while in who cuts or breaks the snowflakes more.

Christmas tree decorating contest

"Decorate the tree." Here you need to prepare a couple of Christmas tree models and appliqués of toys on it, which are attached with double-sided tape. Blindfold the participants and for a while let them hang the toys as beautifully and quickly as possible. Or you can not make toys in advance, but draw them for speed, developing into different teams. Or play for more painted Christmas balls.

fairytale game

"Continue the story." The host will begin to tell a fairy tale, and the participants must come up with a continuation of the story, but not like this in the book, but completely different. For example, so that in the "little red riding hood" the hat, and not the wolf, becomes a bad hero.

New Year's guessing game

"Guess what?". Put an object in a large box, close it. Participants need to guess what is hidden there, with leading questions about the subject.

new year goal

"My goal". After the chimes have sounded, the whole family needs to draw two of their goals that everyone is going to achieve. On the next holiday, you will need to get it and check whether the participants have achieved their goals.

Competition with balls

"Race on the balls." Here to help you, big dense balls, a couple of obstacles in the form of chairs or stools, fun music and a big clock with a timer.


"Guess who?" Here you need to show with facial expressions or gestures the distinctive features of the behavior of someone from the family, or your favorite cartoon character or other characters.


And, of course, fireworks. This will be the culmination of the holiday, after which the children will go to bed satisfied and happy. Do not save on this entertainment, because often cheap fireworks can turn out to be fake, and this is already dangerous. Do not forget about safety measures when launching fireworks.

Handing out New Year's gifts

Of course, you have already bought a gift "from Santa Claus", but this is only half the battle, because you need to give it beautifully. For kids, this will not be too difficult. You will need to discreetly put them under a fluffy Christmas tree or dress up dad in that same grandfather and present gifts to the child. But the older the kids, the faster they understand what's what. This is where professional help comes in handy. Order them to come to your house. Children especially like it when they are not only given a gift, but also laugh and have fun. It will cost you a little more than the usual arrival of Santa Claus, but don't your children's happy eyes deserve it!

Game - search for a gift

It will be very interesting to go in search of gifts, especially if you live in your home. Hide gifts in advance, and go looking for them with a flashlight. Already this trip itself will be joyful for the baby, and when at the end a treasured gift awaits him, even more so. And if you have several older children, draw a map for them and let them search for clues that you leave in the right places. Usually such searches are noisy and fun, giving joy to both kids and adults. But do not overdo it and think about the safety of such a trip so as not to end the holiday in the hospital.

After a new year spent in this way, your children will go to bed happy and contented. And you will be immensely happy for them, and for the fact that you managed to please your loved ones and relatives. With such a plan, you will no longer need to think about how to have fun in the new year at home with your family, but simply bring it to life.

How fun to celebrate the New Year with children!

New Year is one of the most beloved holidays among the people. Cozy gatherings at home with the usual Russian olives and the flickering of colorful garlands ornoisy party with friends,costumes and crackers. Everyone celebrates in their own way, but everyone is looking forward to this wonderful holiday with equal impatience.

But what if you decide to celebrate the New Year in the company of friends and get together with your families? And every family has small children. The question always arises, how to entertain the kids?

Give me a fairy tale!

The most important thing is to start preparing for the holiday in advance.

Firstly , this is an occasion to communicate with your child. Make invitations together, prepare gifts. Involve your child in the process of decorating the Christmas tree. Learn New Year's songs and poems with your baby.

Secondly , pay great attention to the festive decor of the apartment. Only a tree is not enough. For children, the New Year is a fairy tale. So give it to them. Let your house become the residence of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden or just a fabulous hut. Everything will be used: Christmas balls and figurines, garlands and tinsel, rain, Christmas tree branches. Use balloons! Yes, this is not exactly a New Year's attribute, but an interesting composition of balloons will delight children. In addition, you can make stylized Santa Claus from balls. And how to have fun with balls, the children will come up with themselves, be sure!

Funny Games

Adults with delicious treats, champagne and a pleasant conversation can sit at the TV all night. But the kids will quickly get bored. What can you play with them?

Look for the treasure! Or rather, gifts. Hide them in the apartment, make a map - a puzzle of several pieces and also hide them. Let the path to the treasure be not close: give out a piece of the map that will indicate the location of the next part of the makeshift treasure, and then the kids can handle it themselves.

Arrange active games in the yard.Of course, snowballs! The kids will have fun, and the adults too. At the end of the walk, festive fireworks will be a wonderful option, just follow all precautions, keep children away from pyrotechnics!

Arrange a contest.Let the children read poetry, sing, dance and draw. Everything will go especially well if there are musical instruments in the house. If not, then find recordings of songs or karaoke, this should not be a problem. Santa Claus and Snegurochka can hold the competition. Have an adult dress up in a costume and put on a little show for the children.

Arrange a small theatrical scene with them.If the children are of different ages, then older children can also be involved in organizing entertainment. Making costumes is not so difficult, and everyone will be satisfied with the result: kids, adult children, and adults.

Children's holiday table

And why not surprise the children here? Decorate a soda bottle. Let her be some kind of cartoon character. Beautifully decorate dishes on the table, make fun sandwiches. You can even bake curly cookies, then decorating them with icing.

Remember , a festive children's table should not only be tasty, but also bright and beautiful. Use a bright tablecloth and colored napkins for table decor. You may even find some interesting service or other utensils. Even if it is too colorful, everything is possible in the New Year!

A holiday with children is a great opportunity for adults not only to please their beloved children, but also to plunge into the atmosphere of a fairy tale for a while. Preparations for the New Year should begin as early as possible, then you will definitely have time for everything. Present a gift of vivid impressions and positive emotions to your family and friends!

You can protect yourself from all these troubles by contacting a travel agency. But it should be remembered that only you can arrange for yourself a comfortable stay that meets all the requirements and wishes.

New Year holidays in Russia

You can have a fun long-awaited vacation without leaving the country. Such a holiday has certain advantages:

  • Small amount of time spent on the road;
  • Lack of acclimatization;
  • No language barrier;
  • Availability.

Sochi (Krasnaya Polyana)

Fans of outdoor activities can go to Sochi, go skiing from the mountain slopes and enjoy the festive atmosphere. Many people speak positively about the Krasnaya Polyana ski resort in Sochi. It includes 4 complexes.

But if parents or children are unsure about skiing, or are afraid of getting hurt, then it's better to find something safer.

Veliky Ustyug

Here, children can fully experience the magic:

  1. Visit the residence of Santa Claus.
  2. Plenty to ride on a sleigh or snowmobile down the hill.
  3. Ride horses, ponies.
  4. Enjoy delicious pancakes with natural honey.
  5. Immerse yourself in a fairy tale and spend time in the company of your favorite characters.
  6. Make a New Year's souvenir with your own hands at one of the master classes.

While the children will enjoy the rest and have fun, parents will not be bored either. They can:

  1. Visit a bath or sauna.
  2. Play billiards, bowling.
  3. Try yourself as a hunter or fisherman.


Children from birth to middle school age will be interested in Karelia. In this wonderful place, the local Santa Claus reigns, who is friends with the trolls and the Snow Maiden.

In addition to fairy-tale characters, children together with their parents will be able to enjoy the sights that this place is famous for:

  1. Museum with a huge number of New Year's toys (located in Olonets).
  2. Waterfall Kivach, which is the second largest in Europe.
  3. Kennel for dogs, where you can ride in a dog sled.
  4. Onega lake.
  5. You can also visit the local cathedral or park.

Celebrate New Year's Eve Abroad

If parents plan to celebrate the New Year with children outside the country, then they should pay attention to the most popular resorts. Having visited them, the whole family will get a lot of pleasure.


Finland - well, where without it. After all, the kids have heard that Santa Claus lives here, and they dream of visiting it. So why not fulfill their dream if the financial situation allows it.

Going to Finland, you will get a lot of positive emotions.

Here you can:

  1. Get to know Santa Claus personally, see how he lives and what he does.
  2. Ride a snowmobile, snowmobile.
  3. Experience all the delights of winter fishing.
  4. Enjoy the beauty of the northern lights.
  5. Ski down the mountain.
  6. Ride a sleigh pulled by reindeer or dogs.


For those who want to escape from winter into summer, a trip to Bali is suitable. Here, instead of snow, warm sand, instead of -30 degrees +30, and instead of fir trees, palm trees. This holiday will be remembered by the child for a long time, because he will be able to enjoy:

  1. Swimming and sunbathing.
  2. Fun activities.
  3. Trips and excursions.
  4. Acquaintance with previously unknown species of fish, birds and animals.
  5. Master classes. Every child can discover stone carving, ivory, wood carving, cooking and much more.

A trip to Bali will cost a lot for parents. The bulk of the money will have to pay for the flight. As for entertainment, here they are for every taste and budget.

New Year with a child in Europe

  1. Czech Republic, Prague)- the number of tourists on the eve of the New Year holidays here is increasing every year. During the New Year holidays, Prague is simply magical. There is something to do for both adults and children. On the streets you will meet characters from fairy tales loved by children, it feels like you are in a magical, cozy town sparkling with different lights. Children and adults will be simply delighted with the beauty and charm of the city at this time.
  2. Hungary (Budapest)– a great opportunity to get acquainted with the Hungarian Santa Claus, visit the zoo, water park, railway and other interesting places. In Budapest, the child will be interested, he will be impressed for a long time.
  3. Austria Vienna)- adults and children on New Year's Eve will be able to enjoy a fascinating performance, and even become part of it, visit the entertainment center, children's theater, the residence of the emperors of Austria and many other interesting places.
  4. Italy- this country is famous for its holidays, or rather their scope. On a festive night, you can see gorgeous fireworks here, an amazing show that lasts all night long. In the morning you can visit the amusement park, the zoo and many other fascinating places.
  5. France- a great opportunity to remember childhood with a child and visit Disneyland, see a 24-meter Christmas tree, Santa Claus and fairy-tale characters.

Having learned about the cities of Russia and European countries where you can spend the New Year holidays with a child, you will certainly make the right choice. And remember, it does not matter where you will be on this magical night, it is important that at that moment there is a good mood and relatives are nearby. After all, as you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it.

How to prepare for the New Year with a baby under 1 year old

Do not neglect the decoration of the apartment and the child, if he is not a few days or weeks old, this is not a hindrance, but in order not to fall down from fatigue before the holiday, connect the whole family to this activity. Someone will be able to take a walk with the child with pleasure while you clean up to cheerful music, someone will keep you company in decorating the apartment. Men send to the store with a list. Believe me, they will cope, the main thing is not to find fault with trifles. Do not forget to bring a Christmas tree from the frost, a few days before the holiday. The smell of pine needles will improve mood. Yes, and the baby, if more than 6 months, it will be interesting. Let him touch the needles, hold tinsel in his hand, New Year's toys - tactile perception will help him form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200beach object.

It is better to celebrate the New Year with a baby who is not even a year old within the walls of his own home. This will make both you and your baby more comfortable. Invite your grandparents, your brothers and sisters, close friends to visit you. Offer everyone to cook one simple dish, so you will avoid many hours of cooking at the stove, and the table will be festively set. Or instead of gifts, you can cooperate and order treats in a restaurant.

Be sure to prepare several contests and pranks, both without the participation of the child, and with the participation of the child. For example, the best New Year's photo with a baby in the costume of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or any other hero of fairy tales. Costumes can be built from improvised materials.

And do not forget that the child is accustomed to a certain regimen, so be sure to retire with him, feed him, talk in a calm voice, lulling him to relieve the excitement of new experiences. Wait until he falls asleep, and only then return to the family feast. And your beloved child will sleep and see fabulous dreams.

How to prepare for the New Year with a child from 1 to 3 years old

From the second year of life, the child becomes a real fidget. Everything is interesting to him, curious, and constant attention is required from parents during this period. And it's time to use the activity of the baby in preparation for the celebration.

Turn on winter songs, fool around and dance with your child - this will help throw out his emotions. Involve in the manufacture of Christmas tree decorations - let the handles crumple a sheet of paper, here's a snow globe for you, paint a sheet from which you cut a paper lantern, and so on. Be sure to let him help decorate the Christmas tree under your supervision. Read Christmas-themed books, look at pictures, and make up stories.

It will be interesting for children older than a year to attend children's holidays, where they will get acquainted with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. And to make it more fun, invite friends who also have small children to these events.

The holiday itself can be celebrated not only at home, but also at a party, especially if there are other children there. So that the child does not distract you over trifles and whims, think over games for him, prepare toys by hiding them under the bed, in the freezer, on the windowsill for flowers, and from time to time go in search of gifts from Santa Claus. All this will captivate the child and for some time leave you to enjoy conversations with loved ones or friends.

As with a baby under one year old, you will need to retire. If you celebrate the New Year with relatives or friends, discuss in advance where you can put the child to sleep. Bring along pajamas, perhaps your child's favorite blanket, or a toy to reduce stress from the unfamiliar environment in which the baby will fall asleep. Do not leave quickly from the child to the table, let him fall asleep soundly, knowing that you are nearby.

New Year's Eve and the New Year itself is a magical time. And no matter how old your baby is, you can organize a fairy tale around him and immerse yourself in it together, and the holiday will become even more beautiful.

Someone likes to celebrate the New Year in hot countries, others choose restaurants and cafes. However, this holiday is not in vain called a family holiday. Most celebrate it at home with family and friends. True, often such parties are equal to the usual feast. Everyone sits down at a table bursting with goodies, turn on the TV and get carried away with noisy conversations with glasses in their hands. As a result, on the first day of the New Year, we get a headache, a couple of extra pounds and no happy memories.

However, the New Year is a special holiday, which means that it must be celebrated in an unforgettable and magical way.

Preparing for the New Year

The old Russian tradition - in preparation for the holiday, to be so tired that no party is a joy, should be thrown aside. From the hostess - decoration of the house and a hot dish. Do not take on 100% of the New Year's troubles.

A few days before the holiday, the whole family do a general cleaning and decorate the house.

Read more about New Year's home decor.

New Year's table

Just because you have a party doesn't mean you have to cook 15 meals for your dear guests. Throw aside the shyness and timidity and directly distribute the organization of the table among all the guests. Forget about 6 mayonnaise salads, 10 hot and 100 appetizers. Enough 1-2 salads, appetizers, hot and dessert.

Does the menu seem modest to you? Then get creative with canapés, sandwiches and other snacks. Add to this pickles, meat and fish cuts, fruits and sweets. Something can be ordered from a restaurant or bought in a trusted supermarket. Distribute the main menu among the guests. From you - hot, from others - salad and dessert. Cooking one dish is not difficult for anyone.

And finally, most importantly - try to arrange everything so that the table is not the main thing at this celebration of life. So that you can not only eat, but also communicate, play and dance. Maybe you will opt for a buffet, or plan dinner in the kitchen and the rest of the party in the living room.

How to beautifully decorate the New Year's table, read.

Conceptual New Year

To make the preparation for the holiday more interesting - decide on the concept. The easiest option is to arrange national new year. Remember Russian folk fun, fortune-telling, roller-skating, throwing shoes, etc. On the table - pancakes, pies, potatoes, pickles and jams!

You can take another country as a basis. You can easily pick up Italian or French music. Or maybe you will have a German, Czech or English beer party? Or do you prefer Hawaii and pineapples will show off on the New Year's table, and guests, despite the winter frost, will dress in bright outfits and drink cocktails from fruit cups?

  • Italian New Year- this is Prosecco sparkling wine, fireworks on the streets, grapes on the table and the tradition of throwing old unnecessary things out of the windows. Are you embarrassed to throw your old sweater out the window? Invite guests to throw out old thoughts! Prepare as a main dish - pizza or pasta, one of the traditional Italian salads, starters with sun-dried tomatoes and tiramisu or panna cotta. By the way, Italian cuisine is easy to prepare. Grapes should be in the amount of 12 pieces for each. If during the festive night the guest eats all the berries, then all 12 months will be happy.
  • If your choice is French holiday, then prepare your shoes- in it in this country it is customary to put New Year's gifts. On the table should be black pudding, baked poultry with lentils, peas and other legumes. For dessert - a cake with a surprise. Place a pea, coin or bean inside. Whoever gets a piece with an object will be lucky next year.
  • In Cuba, just before the New Year many containers are filled with water, and after the clock strikes, they are poured out of the window! This is a wish for the old year - a happy and bright path like water. Traditional Cuban New Year's dishes are fried pork or pig, and of course, rum from alcohol. It is mixed with orange juice and ice is added to the cocktail.

A youth party can be organized under the auspices of your favorite movie or series. Persuade guests to dress up as vampires or aliens. Maybe you love Pirates of the Caribbean or The Hunger Games. Preparation and entourage will increase the level of festive mood in your company.

Do not want to bother with grandiose preparations? Then host a cocktail party. Find out which alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks your guests like the most and prepare recipes based on them. Part can be done in advance, and the rest right in the process of the holiday all together. You will need several shakers and measuring cups. And, of course, an incredible amount of ice. Give children the opportunity to create airy milk desserts.

New Year's contests

The festive table and outfits correspond to the chosen theme, but after the first course you already want to warm up. How to have fun on New Year's Eve? First, divide the responsibilities again. Let everyone who comes prepare a creative number or competition. Prepare the program and you.

New Year with children

Whatever scenario of the New Year's holiday you choose, the main thing is that you have a great mood and expectation of a miracle, and then your wishes, made to the sound of the clock, will certainly come true! Happiness and success to you in the New Year!