A 1 month old baby is very active. The growth of the baby, the circumference of the chest and head. Special skills of a month old baby

The first weeks of life are the most memorable for parents, because during this period everything happens for the first time. The most disturbing and interesting, full of worries and troubles, the first month of a baby's life is characterized by the beginning of intensive physical and mental development.

Many young parents believe that a one-month-old baby is still too small, and all he needs is healthy sleep and mother's milk. But this is not so: babies develop very rapidly, especially when they are given a lot of time and practice. To assess how the baby develops, parents should know what a child should be able to do at 1 month.

Features of the physical development of a monthly baby

It should be noted that the first month of a baby's life mostly passes in a dream: newborns can stay awake only 4-6 hours a day. This is a normal phenomenon when the child is not disturbed by anything and is healthy.

When the baby does not sleep, he actively "moves" in his own way - he twists his legs and arms a lot, sometimes he makes involuntary movements. This phenomenon is called neonatal hypertonicity and refers to the characteristic features of the development of a child at 1 month.

The physical development of a child at 1 month is different in that the baby no longer sleeps in the fetal position, his movements become more coordinated.

By the end of the first month of life, he will try to raise both his head and buttocks together. If the baby's heels can rest on his mother's palm, then he will be able to push off on his own - this will be his first serious movement. .

Height and weight table*

* - Data are given according to the charts of the World Health Organization (WHO):

  • Growth of girls from birth to 2 years.
  • Growth of boys from birth to 2 years.
  • Weight of girls from birth to 2 years.
  • Weight of boys from birth to 2 years.
  • Head circumference, girls 0-2 years old.
  • Head circumference, boys 0-2 years

How does a child learn about the world around him?

The list of what a baby can do at 1 month is not limited to strictly physical skills. Hearing, vision, facial expressions and even speech - all this does not stand still.

In the first month, the baby still cannot really move, but the newborn hears remarkably. When he is awake, he constantly turns his head - so he tries to determine where the sounds he heard come from.

Speech directly depends on how hearing develops in a baby. Of course, a small child will not yet be able to reproduce complex sounds, but the first “agu” and “ghouls” are already appearing in him, read when the child starts to coo. The more parents talk to him, the faster the speech is laid in the crumbs.

The development of the child suggests that at 1 month of life he likes to follow the movement of objects and people's faces. The last fact is scientifically proven.

The facial expressions of the crumbs are also developing: he begins to smile at his mother, show his tongue, trying to copy her movements.

Emotional and mental development of a monthly baby

The normal mental development of a child at 1 month directly depends on the emotional background in which a small person grows. I must say that babies feel the mood of their mother very well, any emotions are instantly reflected in his psychological well-being.

Irritation, fatigue, frustration of the most important person brings discomfort to the child, and the only way to “throw it out” is to burst into tears.

Crying is the only signal that a baby is able to give if something bothers him. When the family is calm and quiet, the baby feels safe, which means that it develops normally.

Features of the emotional development of a child at 1 month old are that the baby begins to give signs - when he is dissatisfied with something and rejoice when he likes everything.

By the end of the first month, many new sounds appear, the baby begins to react in a special way to the appearance of loved ones: smile and even laugh.

Important children's reflexes

The psychomotor development of a child at 1 month is characterized by the presence of unconditioned reflexes, by which it is possible to determine how well the baby adapts to new conditions - this is the key to further development. Be sure to have a baby of the first month of life, subject to a healthy nervous system, such reflexes as:

  • Rhythmic movements necessary for sucking breast milk. In other words, the sucking reflex. It is present during the first year of a baby's life.

The development of a premature baby at 1 month is characterized by a weak manifestation of this reflex. The fact is that babies born prematurely are not yet prepared by nature to suck out milk, and often their sucking reflex is practically not formed. For this reason, premature babies who are bottle-fed for the first weeks of life refuse to accept mother's milk at all;

  • The search reflex lies in the fact that, barely touching the corner of the baby's mouth, you can call on his side an active search for the mother's breast;
  • The ability of a baby to firmly grasp his mother's fingers with his palms is called a grasping reflex;
  • If the baby is placed on his stomach, he will immediately turn his head to the side. This is a manifestation of a protective reflex that protects the baby from the possibility of suffocation. That is why healthy children, even infants, can sleep on their tummy without fear. Read more about this in the article Can a newborn sleep on his stomach?>>>;
  • The crawling reflex manifests itself as follows: the child rests with his feet, for example, in the palms of an adult and pushes away from them, thereby moving forward;
  • To see how a monthly baby "walks", it is enough to hold it vertically so that the feet lie on a hard surface. By slightly tilting the baby, you can observe involuntary steps;
  • An interesting reflex is the palmar-mouth reflex. It turns out that if you touch the palm of the baby and press it lightly, he will open his mouth and at the same time slightly tilt his head forward.

Special skills of a month old baby

Children's development cannot and should not be identical: they learn new things and acquire skills at different rates. But, having considered the features of the development of a child in 1 month , It is possible to single out the moments that should be manifested in the development of each baby:

  1. holding the head, lifting it from a prone position;
  2. search for the source of sounds, listening to them and the ability to distinguish between mother's voice among others;
  3. startling from a sharp or too loud sound;
  4. observation of bright objects, and later - of people's faces;
  5. grasping and holding mother's finger or toy;
  6. "cooing", the ability to emotionally respond to the gentle voice of the mother.

The development of a child in the first month of life is more dependent on a warm family environment so that the baby feels safe. When communicating with him, leave problems and bad moods aside, smile and talk affectionately.

It is often necessary to take the baby in your arms, because the heartbeat of a loved one and mother's smell act on his nervous system exclusively from the good side. And rhythmic rocking will help put him to sleep.

What does a baby need in the first months of life? , so that it develops harmoniously? For the development of hearing and the laying of speech - songs, nursery rhymes, jokes. If you respond to his “aha”, he will rather learn other sounds.

No less important are touches, stroking the back and stomach. This calms the child, and massage contributes to the physical development of all muscle groups. Bright toys and instrumental melodies will help develop the eyesight and hearing of the baby.

To test your knowledge of how a child changes and develops in the 1st month, go through

The development of the baby, especially in the first month of life, is very important. The intervals of wakefulness during this period are small, so it is important to build a schedule for the baby in such a way as to accommodate the necessary activities. It is important to set priorities correctly and choose activities that will be aimed at psychomotor development, physiological development, and the development of the senses.

What can a baby in 1 month

For a child at this age, first of all, it is important that the mother is always present nearby and breastfeeding. However, we must not forget about other elements of development, including swimming, walking, and so on. Parents are interested in what a child should be able to do at 1 month. A baby by one month can:

  • Make micromovements, actively move arms and legs;
  • cry and smile;
  • Recognize the voice, smell and touch of the mother;
  • Distinguish between bright colors, checkered and striped patterns;
  • Focus on the face of an adult or on a bright fixed object;
  • Follow a moving object;
  • Pronounce sounds in time with the speaker's speech and distinguish the features of sounds;
  • Raise and hold the head for a few seconds, lying on the stomach.

It is important for parents to provide proper care for the baby, because this is the key to the successful development and good health of the child.

Proper care for a 1 month old baby

Feeding. In the first month it is important to establish breastfeeding, because only breast milk 100% satisfies the baby's needs for food and drink. It contains the necessary vitamins and useful elements that ensure the full physical development of the baby. Breastfeed more often and feed on demand.

In the first month, the number of feedings can reach up to 20 times a day, 3-4 of which occur at night. Do not limit the duration of feeding and do not wean until the baby is full. To protect the child from health problems and maintain lactation at a good level, a nursing mother needs to follow the rules of nutrition when breastfeeding.

Sleep and wakefulness. In the first month, the baby sleeps most of the day, sleep is 20 hours. At the moments of wakefulness, the child needs not only to be fed, but also to develop. Play and walk with the baby, read books and tell stories. Spend this time next to the baby while he is awake. For a baby in the first month, physical and emotional contact with the mother is very important, because it has a positive effect on the psychomotor development of the child.

Bathing It has a beneficial effect on the physical development of the child, because it strengthens the immune system and muscles. Light exercises in the water will help develop the sense of balance and the vestibular apparatus, straighten the fingers, arms and legs. Regular bathing improves the functioning of internal organs, stimulates blood circulation and stabilizes blood pressure. So that the baby is not afraid of water, for the first time start lowering it from the heels and do it carefully. Start bathing with 10-15 minutes and gradually increase the time to 40 minutes.

It is important to keep the water and bathroom at a comfortable temperature so that the child does not overheat or become cold. You need to start swimming at 37 degrees above zero, then lower the water temperature by 1 degree every four days. Pediatricians recommend starting hardening no earlier than 3-4 months from the date of birth. Useful exercises with babies in the water can be found at the link /.

walks with a newborn, they begin already 7-10 days after birth, if the weather is warm outside. At temperatures below 10 degrees, it is better to postpone going outside. The first walks should be no more than 20-30 minutes. Gradually increase the time to 2-2.5 hours. This is a good time for walking in warm and calm weather. In frost and heat, the walking time is up to 40 minutes. In hot weather over 25 degrees Celsius, do not walk with your baby between 11 and 17 hours, as the sun is most active and dangerous at this time.

Walking in the fresh air stimulates blood circulation, improves sleep and increases appetite, and temperature changes contribute to hardening. The baby grows healthy and kind, the baby cries less, eats well and sleeps peacefully. However, it is important to choose the right clothes. What to take with you for a walk, and how to dress a newborn for the weather, read.

Hygiene- the most important element in the care of the baby. Compliance with hygiene standards and cleanliness around will help to avoid health problems in the newborn. Bathe your baby every day and wash your face twice with water, wipe your eyes with wet cotton pads, trim your nails, change diapers every two to three hours. It is important that the baby is clean and dry.

Use wet and dry wipes, arrange air baths. Ventilate the room regularly in the absence of the baby and carry out wet cleaning. Don't forget about your hygiene. Be sure to wash your hands with soap before each feeding.

Massage favorably affects the mental and physical development of a small child, calms and relaxes, relieves overstrain and improves sleep. You can start massage as early as 4-5 days after the birth of the baby. However, keep in mind that tummy massage should not be done until the umbilical wound heals! As a rule, this happens by two months.

Physical development

From the first minutes after birth, the body begins to gradually adapt to new environmental conditions. Today, doctors recommend immediately putting the baby to the breast, as this has a positive effect on both the physical development of the baby and the development of lactation in the mother. In the first 12 hours, the baby is vaccinated against hepatitis B, and during the week - against tuberculosis. A month later, hepatitis is re-vaccinated.

Often in the first week after birth, the baby loses about 10% of body weight. This is a normal phenomenon that occurs due to the adaptation period and the restructuring of the internal organs of the baby. Only by the second week the baby's condition stabilizes, he becomes calmer and begins to gradually gain weight. Let's take a closer look at the indicators that a baby should have by one month.

Note that in the first month of life, the rate of weight gain is 90-150 grams per week. Thus, by the first month, the weight of a newborn increases by an average of 400-600 grams compared to birth weight. How to correctly calculate the rate of weight gain in children under one year old, read.

psychomotor development

Children have several innate reflexes, including sucking, grasping and searching. So, when holding a finger or a nipple around the mouth, the baby makes sucking movements with his lips. In addition, the child grabs what touches the palm of his hand and turns his head when stroking any part of the body.

When a newborn hears a sudden or loud sound, he spreads his arms and legs to the sides and brings them back. Lying on his tummy, he makes swimming movements. And if you take the baby in your arms so that the legs lightly touch the surface, he will begin to make movements that imitate walking.

By the third week, the baby begins to copy the active movements of the mother's facial expressions. Do not forget that intuitively the baby feels the emotions of adults. If mom or dad feel comfortable, then the child behaves calmly. If they are irritated or angry, the newborn becomes anxious, cries and acts up. And by the fourth week, “speech” is already beginning to develop, when the baby makes snorting and squeaking sounds.

To develop motor skills and speech, you need to regularly talk with your baby in voice, facial expressions, gestures. In addition, it is important to support the development of the sense organs. You can develop vision with the help of bright and colored toys that are handed to the child, hung over the crib or in the stroller. For the development of the auditory organs, you can not only talk with the baby, but also let them listen to music. The more varied it is, the better.

Play with your child, tell stories and sing songs. This develops vision and hearing, motor skills and concentration while listening, has a beneficial effect on the mental state and well-being of the baby.

Premature baby development

A baby born before 260 days of pregnancy is considered premature. There are many reasons for preterm birth. These are mother's health problems, unhealthy lifestyle, previous abortions, stress, etc.

In a premature baby, thin skin and reddish wrinkled skin can be observed. External differences from children who were born on time disappear by the year. More noticeable differences are not in external signs. Early children learn skills and abilities a little later. So, with a premature birth earlier than a week of pregnancy, the child may lag behind in development by 1.5-4 months.

In the first month, a premature baby has poorly developed congenital reflexes and inactivity, lethargy and reduced muscle tone. These children are slowly gaining weight. Until the baby learns to eat on his own, he receives food through a special tube.

To ensure the correct psychomotor and physical development of a premature baby, it is important to pay special attention to him and carefully monitor the functioning of each organ. With proper care, the condition of the baby approaches normal by 12 months after birth.

  • Try to establish breastfeeding, because mother's milk is the best way to increase immunity in a premature baby. Breast milk gives strength, promotes weight gain and accelerates the development of an early child. No formula can replace milk! Therefore, if lactation has already begun, express milk and feed the baby through a bottle or tube. Offer the breast to your baby regularly to develop the sucking-swallowing reflex;
  • Pay attention to the climate in the room, monitor the humidity and avoid drafts. The temperature in the room for a premature baby should be slightly higher. In ordinary infants, it is 18-24 degrees above zero, in premature babies, the indicators vary between 22-25 degrees;
  • Dress your baby warmer if he weighs less than 2 kg. Otherwise, the child should be dressed in the same way as a normal newborn;
  • Bathing for children weighing less than 1.5 kg can begin after two to three weeks. In other cases, you can bathe your baby for 7-10 days. The water temperature should be 38 degrees, and in the bathroom - at least 25;
  • Walks begin only in warm weather after 12-14 days from the date of birth. The first walk should be short and be 10 minutes, then increase the time to 1.5 hours. During cold or hot weather, it is better to postpone going out;
  • The doctor must draw up an individual vaccination schedule, since in the first month of life, a premature baby seriously increases the risk of infectious diseases;
  • Massage will bring invaluable benefits to a premature baby, because almost 50% of these babies begin to gain weight faster. Light, simple touches and strokes have a positive effect on the well-being and physical condition of the baby. Massage can be started as early as the second week of life. And after 1-1.5 months they begin to do special gymnastics.

It's been a month since the baby was born. This month has been full of anxiety, sleepless nights and the greatest responsibility. But at the same time, this is a time of joyful changes, an amazing feeling of motherhood, acquaintance with the dearest little man on earth.

The first days at home are the period of the formation of relations between the baby and parents, mutual adaptation to each other and to new conditions of existence. This is a period of searching for optimal and compromise solutions to problems that arise.

The baby can report about his problems only by screaming and increased anxiety. And parents, of course, are in a hurry to find out the reasons and are looking for how they can help and what needs to be done.

A child at 1 month often cries because he has no other way to inform others about his troubles. Of course, the mother's instinctive desire to immediately take the baby in her arms is entirely justified. You should not listen to the fact that in this way a child can be spoiled: he must be sure that he will always be consoled.

It only at first glance seems that all children always cry the same way. But very soon the mother realizes that the child changes intonation depending on the reason. With the help of crying, a baby can show various emotions - resentment, complaint, anxiety, mental suffering, etc. To make it easier for parents to navigate and help their baby, the main characteristics of crying are distinguished.

Types and causes of baby crying

  1. Inviting crying - the child screams for a few seconds, then pauses in anticipation of the result, then screams a little longer and falls silent again. Such a cycle may repeat several times until it turns into a continuous cry.
  2. Hungry crying begins with inviting crying. If at the same time the mother took the baby in her arms and did not put it on her chest, an angry cry begins with characteristic searching movements of the head. If after that you do not feed, crying turns into a continuous cry at the top of your lungs.
  3. Crying in pain - monotonous continuous crying, during which screams periodically occur, most likely indicates an increase in pain.
  4. Crying from wanting to sleep. Features of the nervous system are such that the baby is easily overtired. At the same time, a rather monotonous whimper sounds, a complaint that is accompanied by yawning and frequent blinking of the eyes.
  5. Crying with discomfort - the baby may be cold or hot, diaper rash or uncomfortable wrapping may bother.

Loving and attentive parents very quickly begin to understand the types of crying of their baby and do everything to make it easier for him.

Pain in the tummy

If the child is 1 month old, and he still cries because of pain, it is necessary to eliminate its source as soon as possible. Very often, a monthly baby suffers from colic in the intestines - spasms that appear with an increase in gas formation in the intestines. Thus, the baby's intestines adapt to new nutritional conditions. With pain in the tummy, the baby actively moves the legs, as if sorting them out. The baby experiences severe pain during a spasm and asks for help with his cry. There are several ways to help your baby deal with colic.

  • First of all, you need to take the baby in your arms and press it to you, putting your head on your shoulder or put your tummy on your knees. The heat will relax the intestinal muscles and the spasm will ease. For the same purpose, you can attach a heated warm diaper to the baby's tummy. Sometimes tummy massage helps. The main thing is for the baby to feel that the mother is nearby at such an unpleasant moment and is ready to help.
  • You can give the baby an infusion of a special mixture of herbs that have an antispasmodic effect, as well as other medicines, but only as directed by a doctor.
  • Often, young parents use a gas tube, but it should not be abused.
  • Mothers who are breastfeeding should carefully control their diet. Drinking strong tea, coffee, cabbage, legumes, forbidden vegetables and fruits can cause colic in the baby.

Ear ache

The baby can hurt not only the tummy. Often it can be an earache. More often this happens if the child has a runny nose. With discomfort in the ears, a monthly baby often turns his head. A runny nose often leads to inflammation of the middle ear at this age.

If parents suspect ear inflammation in a child, you should definitely consult a doctor, first an otolaryngologist, then a pediatrician. Your doctor may prescribe a warm compress for your ear or nose drops.

diaper rash

Caring for a one-month-old baby is the daily work of a mother. Waking up with the baby, the mother rushes to wash, feed, change clothes as soon as possible. And how glad she is to receive a friendly and joyful smile from her child! You need to see how he grew and got stronger overnight, and at the same time find out if there are any other changes.

When dressing a baby, be sure to carefully examine his skin, because it reflects everything that happens in his body. Particular attention should be paid to the armpits, the area behind the ears, the folds on the neck, in the groin, the buttocks are sweet, on the arms and legs. In these places, diaper rash can be found, which will disturb the baby.

Diaper rash is reddened areas of the delicate skin of the child, which becomes inflamed, becomes painful. Affected skin is easily infected, irritated and disturbs the baby. Intertrigo should be eliminated as soon as possible. They need to be washed with decoctions of chamomile, marigold, St. John's wort or another solution that has a weak antimicrobial effect. After that, dry the skin of the baby with blotting movements. You can use baby powder and sterile baby oil.

Watching the chair

Anxiety and crying of the child may be the result of a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. The frequency of bowel movements in babies at the age of 1 month can be different. A breastfed baby usually goes to the toilet in a big way after each meal, formula-fed babies - once a day or even every other day. All of these are variants of the norm.

It is important that the feces are soft, homogeneous, and the child remains calm and gains weight normally. If the child has a suspicion of constipation, you can try to stroke his tummy clockwise, press the legs to the tummy, do light gymnastics and wait. If the baby pushes to no avail, he can be helped by inserting a gas tube. A mother who is breastfeeding needs to be more careful about her diet.

We don't wrap up

It is important to properly dress your baby in the first month of life. It should be remembered that in children of the first months of life, the thermoregulation of the body has not yet been fully established. If a child has an elevated body temperature, it may be the result of simple overheating.

You should see if the baby is too wrapped up. Then unfold it and examine the skin: if it is red, and even more so wet, then, of course, the baby is hot. If the child is trying to open up, and his skin is red and hot to the touch, it is necessary to undress him, leaving him in lighter clothes until the skin returns to normal color. Let the baby drink boiled cooled water.

Love and care

Young parents should know that sometimes it's not because they're hungry or something hurts. Perhaps this is a simple request to be picked up. Such a desire is a natural need for contact with the mother. If the baby is a month old, he should not be left alone to cry, waiting for him to shut up. This practice is long outdated.

Of course, the baby will fall silent sooner or later due to fatigue, but he will still need his mother's hands. Only to it will be added the feeling that he was abandoned, that he lacks love and understanding. Such indifference of parents can lead in the future to the fact that the baby will grow up unsociable, withdrawn, it will not be easy to communicate with him. That is why children in orphanages rarely cry. They know that their cries will not be answered, they will not be picked up as often as they want. First of all, the baby needs love and care, because from the first days the personality is being formed. If the baby is often picked up, this does not mean at all that he will grow up spoiled and sissy, as some parents are afraid.

What can a baby do at this age?

Behind the first month of the baby, his development is progressing. The child has already adapted to new living conditions, gradually all the functions of a small organism are adjusting their work. He is significantly different from a helpless newborn baby, he has new baby skills at 1 month.

  1. Firstly, a 1-month-old child has grown by about 3 cm and has significantly gained weight. On average, it is about 800 grams. If the mother applied it to the breast on demand, then an increase of about a kilogram is possible.
  2. Visual function develops. The baby not only knows how to keep a stationary object in sight, but also follows a smoothly moving toy.
  3. Listens to the voice of an adult, a sounding toy or music.
  4. The handles are mostly compressed into a fist, a grasping reflex is expressed.
  5. Lying on his tummy, he tries to raise his head and hold it.
  6. Gives out separate sounds in response to an appeal to it.

The kid quickly gets used to the new living conditions and environment, he begins to smile at his mother. This means that the baby is doing well, and he is looking for communication. The child has an interest in loved ones, a desire to attract their attention with a smile, cooing and animation.

The baby begins to react emotionally to adults. If parents take the baby in their arms, communicate with the child, bring it to different objects, then by doing this they develop his emotional and informational need. Nothing that the child is still too small. It is imperative for him that his loved ones show their love and care with affectionate words, intonation of voice, smile, gentle touches, then he will grow up healthy, happy and cheerful.

During the first month of life, a person has to get used to the new conditions of existence, to adapt to new conditions of life. Now this is no longer a newborn man, but an infant. During this month, he imperceptibly learned a lot, he already knows a lot.

Physical development

  • By the end of the first month, the baby gradually ceases to take the position of the embryo, moves more actively, twists his arms and legs. All his movements are still unbalanced, but gradually they become more coordinated. This will take another 2-3 months.
  • Some babies at 1 month manage to lift their head slightly when they lie on their tummy. The baby manages to hold the head for a while when held upright.
  • Lying on his tummy, he should be able to slightly raise his ass and head at the same time. If at this time he put his hand under his heels, he will push off from it and advance a few centimeters.

emotional development

  • In the first four weeks of life, the child already knows how to distinguish his mother's voice from all the others. He perfectly knows her smell, her touch.
  • The kid copies everything he can see. Smile at him more often. And very quickly he will answer your smile with a smile. And it will no longer be a reflex involuntary smile of a newborn, but quite conscious, intended just for you.
  • At one month, he has been looking at bright, motionless objects not far from his eyes for several minutes. He is already able to follow the toy with his eyes, which is slowly carried before his eyes.
  • The kid constantly copies the sounds with which he is addressed. At this age, the child begins to walk, responds when they turn to him.
  • At the age of one month, the child knows how to show his mood - crying or smiling.
  • The baby reacts to sounds, can determine where it comes from, turn his head in that direction.

That's how much, it turns out, the baby already knows! And you say - a month!

Moms take note!

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What can a baby in 1 month video

Video: Development of a newborn from birth to 1 month. What should be able to? How to develop a baby at this age? How to deal with the most common problems of this age (colic, belching, crying, etc.)

The first month of a baby's life is magical and restless at the same time. It is necessary in the first month of a newborn's life to learn how to feed, put to sleep and understand his constant requirements. And the beginning of the life of a newborn is saturated with them especially densely.

The first days of a newborn are pretty easy. All he really cares about is eating every few hours, sleeping well and often, having a dry diaper, and getting lots of love. But for you, as a new parent, caring for a newborn baby can seem a lot more difficult. Therefore, focus only on the main points and basic needs of the child.

Child development 1 month of life

Your newborn does little more than eat, sleep, cry. You will discover the child's reaction to things like light, noise and touch. You will see that the sense organs are working hard.

Vision in the first month of a child's life

Your baby sees things best at a distance of 20 - 25 cm. This is the ideal distance for gazing into the eyes of mom or dad.

Their eyes are particularly sensitive to bright light, so babies are more likely to open their eyes in low light.

Don't worry if your child sometimes squints or rolls his eyes. This is normal until your child's vision improves and the eye muscles strengthen.

Let your child look at many attractive things. People's faces, contrasting patterns, bright colors, movements - this is what newborns like the most. Black and white photographs or toys will keep your child interested longer than objects or paintings with many similar colors.

The child must be able to follow the slow movements of a person or object.

What can a baby hear before 1 month?

The baby heard sounds while still in the womb. The mother's heartbeat, the murmur of her digestive system, and even the sounds of her voice are all part of the baby's world before birth.

When a baby is born, the sounds of the surrounding world are loud and clear. A child may be startled by the unexpected barking of a nearby dog ​​or calmed down by the gentle buzz of a hair dryer.

Pay attention to the reaction of the newborn to the voice. The voices of people, especially parents, are the favorite “music” for a child. If the baby is crying in the cradle, see how quickly your approaching voice soothes him.

Taste and olfactory sensations of the newborn in the first month

Babies have a sense of taste and smell and will be attracted to sweet tastes rather than bitter ones. For example, a newborn will prefer to suck on a bottle of sweetened water, but will turn away or cry if given something bitter or sour in taste. Likewise, newborns will turn to smells they like and turn away from smells they don't like.

Studies have shown that a mother's diet affects the taste of breast milk. These first flavors will help shape taste preferences later on. For example, a baby whose mother ate spicy food during breastfeeding is likely to favor spicy food.

Touch is important for a newborn. With each touch, the newborn learns life and its surroundings.

In the womb, babies are kept warm and protected, but after birth, for the first time, they feel cold, hot, hard seams of clothes.

Make sure the newborn finds the outside world a calming place. Provide plenty of comfortable clothing and soft blankets, tender kisses, caresses, and comforting hugs.

From the moment of birth, babies begin to react to the world around them. Their reactions to a mother's hug or a loud sound are examples of normal child development.

Doctors use these factors to determine if development is progressing as expected. There is a wide range of what is considered normal, so some children develop skills earlier or later than others.

What should a child be able to do at 1 month of age?

Newborn behavior

  1. Turns head towards parent's voice or other sounds.
  2. Cries to communicate the need to pick him up or feed him, change diapers or put him to bed.
  3. Stops crying when his desire is satisfied (the child was picked up, fed or put to bed).

Motor and physical development of the child in the first month

From the very beginning, the child has a set of reflexes designed to protect him and provide the necessary assistance, even if parental instincts have not yet come into force.

These early reflexes include the searching reflex, which helps locate a breast or feeding bottle, the sucking reflex (helps you eat), the grasping reflex (the one that makes you squeeze your finger when it's in your baby's hand), and the Moro reflex (a nerve reaction that he feels when he is scared).

You can try testing your child for reflexes, but keep in mind that your results may vary and are likely to be less reliable than the doctor's test results.

Emotional and social development of a child up to 1 month of life

  • calms down from the voice and touch of parents;
  • can focus for a short time.

Cognitive skills (thinking and learning)

  1. Looks at faces.
  2. Follows the expression on the face of the parents.

Newborn care in the first month of life

If you haven't spent much time around newborns, their fragility can be frightening.

Rules for caring for a child in the first month of life

  • Be sure to wash your hands before handling an infant. Newborns do not yet have a strong immune system, so they are susceptible to infection. Make sure that everyone who interacts with the child has clean hands;
  • be careful to support the baby's head and neck when you carry him or put him in the crib;
  • do not shake the newborn, whether in play or when upset. Violent shaking can cause intracranial bleeding and even death. If you need to wake the baby, do not do it by shaking the baby. Instead, tickle your baby's feet or gently pat her cheek;
  • You need to make sure that the baby in the carrier, stroller or car seat is well fastened. Limit any activity that may be too rough or energetic for your little one.

Remember that a 1 month old newborn is not prepared for rough play such as shaking or tossing.

How to care for a newborn in the first month?

Newborn care at home includes feeding, changing diapers, changing clothes, caring for the umbilical wound, trimming nails, bathing, and going to bed.

Feeding a newborn

How to feed your newborn in the first month, breast or bottle, the mother decides.

You may be confused about how often to do this. As a rule, it is recommended to feed the children on demand, that is, every time he seems hungry. The baby may signal with crying, fist sucking, or smacking sounds.

A newborn baby should be fed every 2 to 3 hours. If you are breastfeeding, let your baby suckle for about 10 to 15 minutes from each breast. If you are formula feeding, give about 60 to 90 milliliters for each feeding. For each individual baby, you can individually calculate the one-time volume of the mixture.

When formula feeding, you can easily control the amount of food. But if you are breastfeeding the baby, it will be a little more difficult. If the baby seems satisfied, has about six wet diapers and stools several times a day, the baby sleeps well and gains weight well, then there is no shortage of food.

Before changing a diaper, make sure that all accessories are within reach so that you do not have to leave the baby alone on the changing table.

To change a diaper you need:

  • clean diaper;
  • ointment under the diaper, if the baby has a rash;
  • a container filled with warm water;
  • clean cloth, wet wipes or cotton pads.

After each bowel movement, or if the diaper is wet, lay the baby on the back and remove the dirty diaper. Using water, cotton pads and napkins, gently wipe the child's genitals. When changing a boy's diaper, do it with care, as exposure to air can cause urination.

When drying a girl, wipe the perineum from the labia to the bottom to avoid urinary tract infections. Apply ointment to prevent and treat a rash.

Always wash your hands thoroughly before and after changing a diaper.

Diaper rash is a common problem. As a rule, it is red and convex. After a few days, it will disappear with bathing in warm water, using diaper cream and a small amount of time spent without it. Most breakouts are caused by skin sensitivity that is irritated by a wet diaper.

To prevent or treat diaper rash, try a number of ways:

  1. Change your baby's diaper frequently and as soon as possible after a bowel movement.
  2. After washing, apply a "barrier" cream. Zinc creams are preferred as they form a moisture barrier.
  3. Leave the baby without a diaper for a while. This gives the skin the opportunity to take an air bath.

If the diaper rash continues for more than 3 days or seems to get worse, see your doctor. The rash may be caused by a fungal infection that requires medical treatment.


You will change your baby many times a day.

Here Here are some tips to make work more enjoyable for you and your baby:

  • start with comfortable clothes. Look for stretch fabrics; wide necks; loose sleeves, cuffs and ankles; buttons, snaps or zippers on the front of the garment, not on the back. Lace may look adorable on your little girl, but it can be scratchy or even tangle your little one's fingers, so save it for special occasions;
  • Attach a bib if your baby is spitting up regularly. After all, it is much easier to replace than clothes.

Umbilical wound care and circumcision

Taking care of your umbilical cord is very important. Experts suggest wiping the area with alcohol until the umbilical cord dries up and falls off.

The baby's navel area should not be submerged in water until the umbilical cord falls off and the area has healed.

Check with your doctor if your belly button area becomes red, smells bad, or has discharge.

If the boy is circumcised, immediately after the procedure, the glans penis is covered with gauze lubricated with petroleum jelly so that the wound does not stick to the diaper. Gently wipe the head after changing the diaper with clean warm water, then apply petroleum jelly. The redness or irritation of the penis should heal in a few days, but if the redness, swelling, or pus-filled blisters get worse, call your doctor right away.

Nails were growing even before the baby was born, so you can get a manicure in the first week of life. This procedure should be carried out every 2 to 3 days in the first month, until the nails harden and stop growing so quickly.

When trimming, hold the child's finger, pressing the tip of the finger down and away from the nail. Gently cut nails following the natural curve of the nail. Make sure that you do not cut too low and do not make sudden movements. While holding your tiny toes, cut your nails straight without rounding the edges. Remember that toenails grow more slowly and therefore require less maintenance.

Although you won't feel well, try not to worry if you hurt your child. It happens to all well-meaning moms. Clamp the wound with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth or gauze pad, and the bleeding will soon stop.

Bathing Basics

You should wipe the baby with a soft sponge before the umbilical cord falls off and the navel is completely healed (1-4 weeks).

Prepare the following items before bathing a child:

  • clean soft washcloth;
  • mild baby soap and unscented shampoo;
  • soft brush for scalp massage;
  • towel or blanket;
  • clean diaper;
  • fresh clothes.


To do this, choose a flat, safe surface in a warm room. Fill a sink, if available, or a bowl with warm water. Undress the child and wrap him in a towel. Wipe baby's eyes with clean cotton balls dipped in water. Movement should be directed from the inner corner to the outer.

Use a separate cotton ball for each eye. Wipe your baby's ears and nose with a damp cloth. Then blot the cloth again and, using a little soap, gently wash your face and pat it dry.

Then lather baby shampoo and gently wash your baby's hair. Try to wash off the foam as thoroughly as possible. Gently wipe the body with a damp cloth, paying particular attention to the underarm creases, areas around the neck, behind the ears and in the genital area. Then you need to dry the skin, put on a diaper and clothes.

When your child is ready to take a bath, the first baths should be short.

An infant bath will be added to the items listed above. A baby bath is a plastic bath that fits inside a large tub. It is the best size for babies and makes bathing easier with it.

Make sure that the water in the bath is no more than 5 - 7 cm deep. Undress your baby in a warm room, then immediately put him in water to prevent chills. Slowly lower the baby to the chest into the bath, holding the head with one hand.

Wash your face and hair with a washcloth. Gently massage the scalp with your fingertips or a soft baby brush.

When you are rinsing shampoo or soap off your baby's head, place your hand on your forehead so that the lather runs down the sides to keep the soap out of your eyes.

Gently wash the rest of the child's body with water.

During the entire bath, constantly pour water on the child so that he does not catch a cold. After bathing, immediately wrap your baby in a towel, making sure it covers his head.

Hooded baby towels are great for keeping a freshly washed baby warm.

When bathing a child, never leave him alone. If you need to leave the bathroom, wrap your baby in a towel and take it with you.

Sleep Basics

A newborn who seems to need you every minute of the day actually sleeps for about 16 hours or more. Newborns usually sleep for 2 to 4 hours. Don't expect him to sleep through the night. Babies' digestive systems are so small that they need to be fed every few hours, and babies should wake up if they haven't been fed for 4 hours.

Put your baby to sleep on their back or on their side to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Also, remove all fluffy items, quilts, sheepskins, soft toys, and pillows from the bed to make sure your baby doesn't get tangled up in them and can't suffocate.

Also, in order to prevent unilateral flattening of the head, do not forget to alternate the position of the baby every night.

Many newborns have day and night mixed up. They tend to stay awake at night and sleep more during the day. One way to help them is to keep nighttime excitement to a minimum. Keep the light low by using a night light. Talk and play with your baby throughout the day. When the baby wakes up during the day, try to keep him awake a little more, talking and playing.

Encouraging the newborn to learn

As parents take care of their newborn, he learns to recognize touch, the sound of voices, and the sight of faces.

In the first weeks, you can start a few simple, age-appropriate toys that develop hearing, vision and tactile sensations.

  1. Rattles.
  2. Kids toys.
  3. Musical toys.
  4. Unbreakable bed mirrors.

Try toys and mobiles with contrasting colors and patterns. Strong contrasts (such as red, white and black), curves and symmetry stimulate the development of a child's vision. As vision improves and children gain more control over their movements, they will interact more and more with their environment.

While the focus these days is naturally on keeping the baby healthy, it becomes much more difficult if the mom doesn't stay healthy herself. Therefore, make your health a priority in the first month after giving birth. A short fifteen-minute sleep will allow you to refresh a little.

Keep stocks of easily accessible yet nutritious foods such as cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, fruit, and cooked vegetables so you can eat often. Know that your nutritional requirements will be higher if you breastfeed your baby.


When the child is 1 month old, he needs to be fed at least 6 times a day. Try not to control the time of feeding too strictly, let the child determine how much and how often he wants to eat.

Let the baby sleep enough at 1 month, be sensitive to his signals.

Even at this early stage, try to put the baby in his crib when he is tired, but not yet asleep. Most young children go to bed shortly after feeding, and their "sleep window" can be very short.


Perhaps you will observe early smiles when the newborn is one month old. But most likely this will be due to their reflexes, and not to the reaction. Closer to six weeks, the baby will give a true smile. Many children develop colic at the age of 1 month of life.

Motor skills of a 1 month old baby

A 1 month old baby will be stronger than a newborn. He may be able to lift his head for a short time when he is held upright or lying on his stomach. He might even be able to turn it from side to side. But you still need to give him support.

Your child also becomes more expressive and may start to hum when he sees his family. Be sure to respond to his efforts to encourage these communication skills.

How to develop a child in 1 month?

  • provide the child with daily laying out on the tummy. This will help develop muscles in the neck and upper torso;
  • turn on the music and try not to filter your child's world. While it may be tempting to tiptoe around at home when the baby is sleeping, this will cause the baby to become sensitive to environmental noise. Babies who come to families with many small children do not react to household noise and learn to adapt because they have to.

All children are unique and go through developmental stages at their own pace. Development recommendations simply show what the baby can implement. And if not now, then soon.

If you have questions or concerns, ask your doctor for suggestions on how to help you and your baby grow together.