The earliest fetal movement. Video: Obstetrician-gynecologist on self-diagnosis of the condition of the fetus by the nature of the movements. Pain from fetal movements

When the baby in the tummy begins to move, it gives mommy joy and many new sensations. The expectant mother can feel the first tremors on, and if this is not the first child, then 2-3 weeks earlier. At first, these tremors are barely noticeable, they can be compared with the light flapping of a butterfly's wings or with the bursting of bubbles.

When does the baby start moving?

The rapid growth of the child continues, and he acquires more familiar human features. At this time, the baby clenches his hands at the elbows and wrists, can clench his fists and even suck his thumb. At 16 weeks, the legs become longer than the arms, and the baby can move them. Usually, women feel the first movements (movements) of the fetus between 16 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, but for each it is individual. As a rule, multiparous women feel fetal movements earlier. At week 17, the baby is still swimming freely in the amniotic fluid, its height is a little more than 16 centimeters. So far, the baby does not move every day, but with an increase in the period, the tremors will be felt more often and stronger. At week 18, active fetal movement can be felt 4-8 times per hour.

Is there a norm for fetal movements in the second trimester?

With a gestational age of up to, it is impossible to determine the well-being of the fetus or its state of health by the number of shocks that the mother can feel. Until this time, the child's nervous system is not yet mature enough for movements to become regular. The constant concern of the mother about the health of the baby is not the best for the baby, because he reacts to the state of the mother's body. In the meantime, the expectant mother, for her part, can contribute to the healthy development of a small organism if she eats regularly and properly, gets enough sleep, spends more time in the fresh air and does not succumb to stress and depression.

What does the baby react to with movements?

For a period of 28-30 weeks, the baby usually behaves very actively. It can react with movements in response to different types of stimuli. For example, when there is a sharp or loud sound, the child may respond with stronger and faster jolts. When the baby lacks nutrients, he also moves more actively: this can happen if the mother moves quickly or lies in an uncomfortable position, as a result of which the large vessels of her body are squeezed, and less blood flows to the placenta. Babies feel their mother's anxiety and can move more actively if the mother is nervous. If the mother feels that the baby suddenly rebelled for no reason, this should be a sign for her that the baby is experiencing discomfort. To calm the child, you can change the position of the body, move away from loud sounds, or simply calm down, driving away disturbing thoughts. If the expectant mother is very worried that the fetus has not moved for a long time, she can eat something high-calorie or do light gymnastics - and then the baby should react.

Is there any reason for concern?

The reason for the excitement may be a violation of the usual activity of the baby. Some children are active already in the womb, and some are not, so there is no strict norm for fetal movements. But if the baby begins to behave in an unusual manner, this is an occasion to consult a doctor. For example, sudden and too active fetal movement may be an indicator of hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Lethargy and a sudden decrease in the baby's motor activity can also be the result of deep hypoxia, and in this condition, the growth and development of the baby slows down. To prevent this from happening, the obstetrician will prescribe additional examinations and prescribe treatment if necessary.

Observation diary

There are several methods for monitoring the behavior of the crumbs. It is useful to keep a diary where you can record the time and duration of wakefulness of the baby.

The baby has not yet been born, but he already has his own habits and a certain regimen. The periods of sleep in the crumbs are replaced by periods of wakefulness, and its activity may also depend on its mood. According to experts, the child should make itself felt at least 10 times a day, including when the mother is sleeping. You can count the movements of the baby for 6 hours in a row at a certain time of the day every day. If you feel less than 5 tremors within 6 hours at least 2 days a week - this is an occasion to consult a doctor. There is another testing system (according to Pearson): when the baby moves for the first time during the day, from this moment you need to time and track the movements of the crumbs. If the baby makes 10 movements within 10-20 minutes, then everything is within the normal range. If it took him a little more time, then perhaps the child is not very mobile. If he needs an hour or more to complete 10 movements, he should consult a doctor.

The fetus begins to move actively already at 7-8 weeks pregnant. But the expectant mother does not yet feel this, because the fetus is still too small and moves freely inside the uterus.

However, by the middle of pregnancy, its mass already reaches a significant size and shocks against the walls of the uterus become noticeable to the mother. This usually happens at 18-23 weeks.

Most often the first movement of the fetus during pregnancy, women feel in a calm state in the evenings before bed.

Some compare this exciting moment to the fluttering of a butterfly or a swimming fish. Well, others describe their feelings more prosaically: it looks like the passage of gases through the intestines.

In the future, the baby grows up more and more, and his movements become more regular and noticeable to the mother. At 27-30 weeks they will already be able to listen and feel, putting a hand or ear to the tummy, the future dad and other close relatives.

It is often from this moment that many parents begin to solemnly call the belly a child and actively communicate with him. After all, now the baby with his movements can respond to the sounds of voices and music.

It can respond with a light kick at the place where the mother’s hand touches the stomach, or it can shrink in fear if the hand is someone else’s and unfamiliar. Almost all pussies express their dissatisfaction with active kicks if the mother has taken an uncomfortable position for them.

This usually happens if the woman is sitting with her legs crossed, or lying on her back or stomach. In such positions, the access of oxygen to the fetus is limited and, of course, he does not like it.

Most often, active movements of the fetus during pregnancy occur during periods of mother's calmness.

When a pregnant woman sits, lies or tries to sleep, the child often begins to "warm up". And vice versa, when mommy moves and is busy with something, the baby, lulled by her movements, sleeps peacefully.

One to two weeks before delivery fetal movements are noticeably reduced and this is normal. The baby, having taken the right position, begins to prepare for his first life test - childbirth.

During the first pregnancy

Women who are expecting their first child, as a rule, are more reverent about any changes in their body associated with pregnancy. And carefully "listen" to their tummy in anticipation of the first movements.

And often they begin to worry about their absence by the 20th week. Especially if others are actively interested: how is the baby, pushing?

However, if the observing gynecologist claims that everything is in order: the baby is growing, the heartbeat is good, then you should not worry. For primiparous women the first perceptible movement of the fetus may be the norm only by the 23rd week.

The reason may be:

  • female physique: thin mothers usually feel the movement of the fetus earlier than plump ones;
  • woman activity: if the expectant mother is always on the move and active, then she may simply not notice the movements (or take them for prostate) until they are weak.

The following method can help you feel your baby. Drink a glass of milk or eat something delicious and lie quietly on your back, carefully "listening" to your tummy. After a hearty portion of food and in such a mother's position, the baby usually announces itself by stirring.

The fetus grows very quickly and soon its movements will become distinct and understandable for the mother and she will not confuse them with anything.

During the second pregnancy

Usually, a woman who has already given birth knows how the movements of the fetus should feel, and her uterus is more elastic and sensitive. Therefore, during the second pregnancy, the first “moved” can be seen at an earlier date. In some cases, as early as 14-15 weeks.

It is believed that a woman who is expecting her second child begins to feel his first movements on average two weeks earlier than she did with her first child.

With third pregnancy

Many mothers with many children note that with each pregnancy they begin to feel the first “move” everything before. For example, I felt the first-born at 20 weeks, the second at 18, and the third already at 15-16 weeks.

The first movement of the fetus felt by the expectant mother causes a lot of positive emotions. Almost every woman who carries a little man under her heart is looking forward to the moment when she can feel his stirring. Most often, fetal movements become noticeable when the woman is already accustomed to her position, and early toxicosis has passed. At the same time, no one except the mother is able to feel how it is when the baby moves inside you.

The fetus begins to make the first movements at a gestational age of 8-9 weeks. However, during this period, its size is still so small that while floating in the womb, it does not come into contact with the uterine walls, so mommy cannot feel them. Doctors say that a pregnant woman can notice the first tangible movements of the fetus at a period of about 20 weeks, since by this time the baby can already stretch its arms and legs, touching them to the uterus. However, due to individual sensitivity and the course of pregnancy, this period may differ in one direction or another. For example, a slender woman will feel the first movements of the baby earlier than a chubby one, and if a woman is carrying more than her first pregnancy, then she begins to hear the baby by about the 18th week.

Usually, multiparous women feel the first fetal movements about 2-4 weeks earlier than primiparous women, since they are already well acquainted with such sensations, and the muscles of their uterus have long been prepared for this, but primiparous women very often do not feel their movements. baby even at 24 weeks. At the same time, there should be no reason to worry only if your doctor is sure that the pregnancy is proceeding normally. In any case, you will soon begin to regularly feel the activity of your baby. But if you really want to speed up the process, then try drinking a glass of milk in the evening and lying on your back, this position is quite uncomfortable for the baby and he will try to let you know about it with jerks.

As a rule, by the time of 24 weeks, not only you, but also your family members can feel the movements of the baby, since by this moment the tremors are already so strong that they are well felt outside the abdomen. The longer the gestation period, the more intense and stronger the pushes of your baby. For example, for a period of 20 weeks, the baby makes about 200 tons of movements daily, and between the 28th and 32nd weeks, at least 600 tons of movements. By the approach of childbirth, the baby grows already so much that it becomes very crowded in the mother's womb. Therefore, the frequency of his movements begins to gradually decrease, but the strength of the shocks can increase.

According to studies, the highest activity of the baby in the last stages of pregnancy occurs at night between 8 pm and 8 am, and during the day the baby sleeps, as he is lulled by his mother's movements. The first movements of the child in each individual pregnant woman evoke their own associations. Some say that these movements resemble the flutter of butterfly wings, others - the swimming of a fish in an aquarium, still others say that these are ordinary tremors, and still others feel their baby like a rumbling in the intestines.

Until birth, the only work of the baby is active growth, which will allow him to continue to live independently, regardless of the mother's body, for which he needs to acquire certain skills. During ultrasound diagnostics, you can often see how a baby sucks a finger in the mother's womb. In addition, already from a period of 9 weeks, the baby can swallow amniotic fluid, which requires complex motor activity - smacking lips, sipping, moving limbs. By the 17th week, the baby already knows how to close his eyes, and by the 18th week, he can sort out the umbilical cord with his hands, squeeze and unclench his fists, feel his face and cover it with his hands during sharp or unpleasant sounds.

Intrauterine fetal movements are not only a sign of its presence and activity in the mother's nutria, but also a way of transmitting information about the needs of the baby to the mother. The expectant mother on an intuitive level knows how to figure out what exactly the baby is trying to tell her with her movements: he is having fun, or he is outraged. From about the 16th week of pregnancy, the baby, in response to her mother's stroking the tummy or voice, is already able to respond with physical activity.

The baby begins to make the most active movements when his mother decides to rest. Moreover, as soon as she lies down, he immediately begins to push, but during his mother's activity, the baby prefers to sleep.

In addition, the first manifestations of the character of the crumbs occur even inside the mother's tummy. For example, some children begin to actively move in response to sharp sounds, while others, on the contrary, stop activity. At the same time, most children, in response to their mother's uncomfortable posture, begin to react with indignation and strong jolts. There is an opinion that if the baby pushes too hard, then he may have hypoxia, but this is nothing more than a myth, but rare and weak tremors of the crumbs should cause concern.

If the expectant mother has stones in the gallbladder, then in the last stages of pregnancy she may feel discomfort, and even soreness due to the movements of the baby, which should be reported to the doctor. Also, pain in response to the tremors of the crumbs can occur in the area of ​​​​the scar on the uterus, which remained after the caesarean section, which is also worth telling the doctor. Sometimes expectant mothers feel a pulse in the stomach, but if this does not happen all the time, then you should not worry, as this is just blood pulsing in her vessels or the umbilical cord.

Good afternoon, and someone is already evening or even morning! My special greetings to all pregnant readers, because today's topic is about them again. Well, I love you, what to do, that's why I pay so much attention. I know how many expectant mothers sometimes have worries, worries and questions. I will answer one of them today. Many people ask: "When can you feel the movement of the fetus?". I will answer this way: everything is purely individual.

Experienced mothers will confirm: the timing when they felt the first cherished push with a tiny hand or foot inside the tummy varies. Differences of a week or two with the norm of the appearance of the first movements are considered insignificant. But about the norm itself, and when it is worth starting to worry if the baby “sits” too quietly, read on ...

Early movements: are they possible?

At the first pregnancy, it seems that the little life inside is about to make itself felt. Inexperienced girls already at week 12 are trying to catch some movement inside themselves. And they succeed! Only it is not the child that is moving, but internal organs are shifting due to the growing uterus or accumulated gases make themselves felt. Understand that for such a short time, the baby is still swimming inside the tummy, like a fish, and you simply cannot feel its movements.

But when it becomes too crowded for him, namely, from about the 18th week of pregnancy, you yourself will understand. Either with his elbow, or with his head, or with his knee, he will “stretch” your belly in one direction or the other. It is generally accepted that the primiparous mother should feel the first movements from 18 to 22 weeks. With the second pregnancy, the baby begins to move earlier - already from the 16th week.

Why do multiparous people feel movements earlier? Well, firstly, their abdominal wall is already quite stretched and more sensitive. And secondly, they already know what the first movements of the baby look like. By the way, many compare it with the “fluttering of a butterfly”, which only barely touches the walls of the abdomen with its “wings”.

With the third pregnancy, the baby moves at about 15 weeks, possibly a little earlier. It is believed that obese women feel movements later than skinny ones. All due to the fact that the fat layer on the stomach makes it difficult to clearly "hear" the signals of the crumbs.

At how many weeks can you feel the already obvious, strong tremors of the baby? In the second trimester, that is, from about 18 weeks, the movements of the child are still quite chaotic. He has not yet taken a certain position and “walks” in the amniotic fluid, so you will feel small tremors from different sides. Stronger movements, when you can already feel the protruding tiny knee or elbow with your palm, will begin in the 3rd trimester.

Don't hit the ribs, baby

At how many weeks does the baby finally settle down in the stomach with the head down (head presentation) or up (breech presentation) and no longer change position? After 32 weeks, the baby will become clumsy, gain weight, and it will be more difficult for him to move. True, get ready for active attacks with your feet in the right hypochondrium (with cephalic presentation) or ... in the bladder (with pelvic).

Both that, and another - not from pleasant, especially closer to childbirth. For me personally, my 4-kilogram son immediately pushed in the ribs, and pressed his head down. I remember waking up at night from the fact that the child was bored and was playing “football” inside me, kicking my bones. Yes, and I constantly wanted to go to the toilet, the bladder is disturbed. Almost always the urges were false, in a word, the kid made fun of me. So get ready moms.

Closer to childbirth, it’s not butterflies fluttering inside the stomach at all, but little elephant foals pushing. In addition, babies have a habit of often hiccuping, swallowing amniotic fluid. As I remember now: you are trying to sleep, you just close your eyes, and the belly begins to shudder, as during the first shocks of an earthquake. When I talk about this son now, he laughs fervently. And then it wasn't funny to me at all.

Before the birth itself, for two days, there is a noticeable calm. The kid no longer pushes, but freezes, as at the “start” before the race, or rather the “escape”, which he is about to make. Although some lively, on the contrary, begin to move even more actively than before, warming up, so to speak.

Are you moving normally?

Many mothers are wondering how much perturbation should be normal? This question is correct and very even competent. The number of movements of the baby is an indicator of its normal vital activity in the womb. Therefore, count! From the very beginning, from the first shocks, that is, from 20 weeks to 26, the baby will move infrequently, or rather, you will not always notice his activity. He's still small.

From 26 to 28 weeks, the baby should move about 10 times every 2-3 hours. Gynecologists advise mothers to keep a calendar of movements, where you need to note how many times the fetus moved in two hours. If the baby “does not fulfill the norm”, but moves, for example, not 10, but 6-7 times in the specified time, you should not worry.

When no movements are felt at all, you should change the position of the body, walk a little, eat something. It has been proven that after eating the fetus noticeably perks up. You need to be wary if the "lull" lasts more than 6 hours: immediately go to the doctor or call an ambulance.

The gynecologist will listen to the baby's heart, it should beat at a frequency of 120-140 beats per minute (read the topic ""). Even if the heart beats within the normal range, after listening, they will do a CTG (cardiotocography) to determine if the baby has

Calm is a sign of hypoxia

If it is found that the child is suffering from a lack of oxygen, the mother will be prescribed special drugs to improve blood circulation and nutrient intake. CTG and dopplerometry will be periodically performed again. Unfortunately, it happens that all the measures taken do not help, and hypoxia begins to increase. Then an emergency delivery is prescribed so that the baby does not suffocate. Whether it will be or natural childbirth, the gynecologist will decide.

In order not to bring to this and bring the baby to the due date, at the slightest doubt, run to the doctor. Sometimes delay can be too costly. If the baby sits too quietly in the stomach or, on the contrary, “arranges dances” around the clock, you should check if everything is in order!

Easy pregnancy and childbirth! Write in the comments at what time you felt the first movements of your children, describe what these sensations were like for you. And now I say goodbye to you for a while, see you soon!

During pregnancy, the most anticipated and exciting event is the first movement of the baby in the womb. Without exception, all pregnant women are looking forward to this event, because in this way they can be reliably convinced that the little life inside them is successfully developing and growing. The movement of the baby is his peculiar way of communicating with his mother in response to her voice and gentle stroking of the abdomen.

First fetal movements during pregnancy

A tiny baby moves for the first time in the womb as early as the 8th week of pregnancy. However, at this time it is still so small that it floats freely in the amniotic fluid, turning over, occasionally touching the walls of the uterus. His movements are still very weak, so the pregnant woman does not yet feel them. A woman begins to really feel the movements of her baby at 18-25 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the baby is already quite strong and grown up, his movements are already well felt. The moment of feeling the first movements of the baby is very individual. During the first pregnancy, fetal movements are felt later than during the second. This is explained by the fact that pregnant women who are expecting the birth of their first child do not yet know what sensations arise when the baby moves and often mistake them for excessive intestinal activity. With a second (and subsequent) pregnancy, moms already know how they will feel when their baby moves actively in the womb for the first time.

The first movements are usually not yet strong enough for relatives to feel them with a hand on their stomach. However, over time, they will become much stronger and everyone will be able to feel them, and even see them by the end of pregnancy.

You definitely need to remember the date of the appearance of the first movements of the baby. Later, you will need to communicate this date to the attending gynecologist. After evaluating the period at which this happened, as well as other objective factors, the doctor will come to a conclusion about the condition and development of the child. Also, knowing the date of the first movements, you can calculate the date of birth. If a woman has her first pregnancy, then 20 weeks are added to the date of the first movements. During the second pregnancy, 22 weeks are added to this date, since usually with it, movements are felt earlier.

If you have reached the 22nd week of pregnancy, and you still do not feel the movements of the fetus, inform the obstetrician-gynecologist about this. He will conduct a series of studies, on the basis of which he will establish whether everything is in order with the baby.

Feelings during fetal movement during pregnancy

Pregnant women describe these sensations in different ways: a light sliding touch from the inside, fluttering butterflies in the stomach, rolling a ball, light jolts, and intestinal motility. The movements of the baby are pleasant sensations that do not cause any discomfort or pain. After you first feel the movement, you will feel it very often. The activity of the baby's movements will only increase over time, but just before the birth, the child seems to subside.

If at first the movements are chaotic, then over time they become conscious. With the help of movements in the womb, the baby learns to communicate with you. For example, many mothers have noticed a pattern in the movements of the baby when certain music is played. Also, babies actively respond to changes in the taste of amniotic fluid, which, in turn, acquire the taste of food eaten by their mother. Different positions of the mother's body during pregnancy can also cause different reactions in the baby. For example, if a mother lies or sits down uncomfortably for the baby, his thrusts can become very intense, reminiscent of a struggle. But if the mother gently strokes the pregnant tummy, sings a song or just talks to the baby, he will most likely calm down and calm down.

If you do not feel the movement of the baby for several hours, do not panic - most likely, he is just sleeping. Even unborn children also sleep in the womb and even dream. Therefore, as in newborns, periods of wakefulness and activity replace each other. Children in the womb often behave cheerfully at night and sleep during the day, which causes some discomfort to the mother. Do not worry, most often over time, the biorhythms of mother and baby will converge.

If you do not feel the movement of the baby for 12 hours or more, this is a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor. Often, a decrease in fetal movement indicates hypoxia or oxygen starvation. You will be assigned such studies as ultrasound and CTG, the results of which will establish the general condition of the baby, as well as the level of oxygen saturation.

It is with the advent of perturbations that most mothers are finally convinced that a real miracle is happening inside them - a new life is growing. You need to listen very carefully to these movements, because so far this is the only way for you to communicate with your unborn child, as well as a signal that everything is in order with him.