A happy family is a monogamous relationship. monogamy in relationships

“Men are polygamous, and women are monogamous”, “all men go to the left, this is masculine nature”, “women always wait for their one and only” - such opinions can be found with amazing frequency both on the Internet and in decent communication. These stereotypes are sometimes so stable that it never occurs to us to question them. However, how true are they?

What do scientists say?

In nature, approximately 90% of bird species and 5% of mammals are monogamous (that is, they create stable pairs and raise offspring together), and among primates (to which scientists include humans) such 23%. Scientists are still arguing whether Homo Sapience is inherently polygamous or monogamous.

Some researchers believe that people are polygamous and the biological task of a man in this case is to impregnate as many women as possible, and the task of a woman is to become pregnant from the most status and physically strong man.

But this view is not supported by historians and anthropologists. According to them, our ancestors, as well as modern primitive tribes, formed pairs for living together and raising children. Such unions were beneficial from the point of view of the survival of the population, since they allowed both parents to distribute responsibilities and take care of the offspring. According to researcher Tom Smith, “such marriages, on the one hand, guaranteed the wife and children the care and support of the husband / father, and on the other hand, guaranteed the husband that the children in whom he invested his resources were from him. Contrary to popular belief, there have not been and do not exist societies where sexual and love relationships would not be regulated by tradition or law. These traditions can be more or less rigid, but they are always there.” However, whatever point of view the scientists adhere to, they agree that all people should be considered monogamous or polygamous, without making a division into men and women.

Speaking about the differences between men and women, scientists also often point out that men have higher levels of testosterone, a hormone responsible, among other things, for sexual desire. But on the basis of this, it cannot be concluded that men are prone to polygamy, since testosterone stimulates sexual desire, and not the desire to have as many sexual partners as possible.

What do sociologists and psychologists say?

If we were writing an article about hamsters, or pygmy jerboas, then this discussion could be over - all biological theories have been sorted out, there is nothing further to discuss. However, man, unlike animals, is not controlled by physiology and hormones alone. Therefore, let's look at how the sexual behavior of men and women differs, based on modern sociological research.

In general, according to surveys and social experiments, men do indeed tend to have more sexual partners, move into sexual relationships faster, and even think about sex more often than women. As a result of a social experiment conducted in the United States, 72% of men agreed to have sex with a pretty stranger. While all the women who participated in the experiment refused to have sex with a handsome stranger.

According to one survey, American men, on average, would prefer to have 18 sexual partners in their lifetime, while women, on average, preferred to stop at 4. But in reality, both men and women had about the same number of sexual partners (4 for men and 3.5 in women). In addition, a fairly large percentage of Americans, regardless of gender, remain faithful to one partner all their lives (among people over 60, this figure is 40%, and among thirty-year-olds, 25%).

In other words, in sociological surveys, both men and women, as a rule, express only their desired position, trying to comply with social norms as much as possible, prescribing that a man should strive to have many sexual partners, and a woman should strive to find “the very one”. The real situation may differ significantly from what it is seen on the basis of dry statistics. In practice, the number of sexual partners in men and women differs little.

And what about the ideas of polygamy/monogamy/treason in Russia?

According to polls by the Levada Center, regardless of gender, the majority of Russians (63%) consider cheating unacceptable. Among men of those who do not see anything reprehensible in treason, 34%, while among women - 16%. But these differences are not so significant that it could be argued that men approve of cheating more or are more prone to cheating. Regardless of gender, Russians most often aim for monogamy in permanent relationships.

In a word, each person builds his own personal life and decides for himself how many sexual partners he will have - one, a couple of dozen or none at all. But whatever choice we make, it is we who make it, not the X or Y chromosomes in our DNA.

Mostly people are divided into two types: some prefer monogamous relationships, while others are considered adherents of polygamy. Most countries in the world still have monogamous marriages. First, let's define the meaning of these concepts. From Latin "mono" is translated as "one". This means that a person who prefers such a relationship does not exchange his attention for many partners, but focuses on only one thing - he remains faithful to him. "Poly" means "a lot". In this case, a person does not see the need to connect his life with only one chosen one, and does not deny himself the pleasure of regularly starting new novels.

What is the difference between monogamous and polygamous relationships

Polygamy As follows from the previous paragraph, a polygamous person can have relationships with several people at the same time. Such an alliance can be called successful only when all its participants are completely satisfied with this state of affairs. That is, if one of the spouses starts an affair on the side, without informing the other, then this is not at all about polygamy - it is simply treason. Monogamy It is believed that most people are still more prone to monogamy, and, of course, count on such an attitude towards themselves. It is worth noting that women still gravitate towards this form of marriage, and this is not surprising, because most of the fair sex is known as the keepers of the hearth. As a rule, the vast majority of women, even being unhappy in marriage, hardly decide on treason.

Examples of monogamy in the animal kingdom

It is generally accepted that most animals are polygamous, and do not attach importance to who they will mate with. Most often this happens, but not always! So, what kind of representatives of the animal world are prone to being faithful to a partner? 1. Swans The pairs that swans form can last for many years, or even until the death of one of the birds. No wonder swans have become a kind of symbol of love for many! 2. Wolves One of the clearest examples of devotion to your partner, which many people can only envy. If the male dies, the female, as a rule, remains alone for the rest of her life. In turn, the wolf is ready to fight anyone for his partner and offspring. 3. Beavers Not many people know that these small and nimble animals are amazingly loyal! While the beaver is preparing to give birth to offspring, her partner provides her with food. Subsequently, they raise the baby together for about two years, after which they release him into a free life. 4. Penguins Penguins live in pairs for many years. After they become a couple, returning every few months to the colony, they try to find each other among other penguins. 5. Steppe voles When voles become mates, they release hormones that affect certain parts of the brain. The male is faithful to his partner and does not pay attention to other rodents.

Examples of female polygamy (in history, in the culture of other peoples)

Female polygamy has long had a scientific definition - polyandry. According to the latest data, there are about fifty nations in the world in which this type of relationship is practiced - a woman can have more than one spouse. This phenomenon occurs among the Indian population, the Eskimos, in Tibet, and so on. For example, in India, the appearance of polyandry can be explained by gender considerations. Many families have a negative attitude towards the appearance of a girl in the family, and resort to abortions - the reason for this is the unwillingness or inability to collect the necessary dowry. As a result, there are now far fewer women in India than men. Of course, such a phenomenon is not widespread everywhere, but only in remote outbacks. Nowadays, there are places where female polygamy is not only found - it is officially legalized. This type of relationship is quite acceptable in Nigeria, Polynesia. Why do some nations go for it? We can consider the situation on the example of Tibet, where many citizens value their land very much, which often feeds them. Naturally, when sons grow up, they need to create families. Not wanting to exchange land, parents prefer to marry only their eldest son. If there are more boys in the family, then later they are also considered the husbands of the only daughter-in-law in the house. Also, polyandry was once widespread in Venezuela. A woman could live with two husbands, and, having given birth to a baby, as a rule, did not know who his father was. As a result, paternal obligations were assumed by two spouses at once, which subsequently developed quite favorably for the fate of the heir.

Polygamy of men: a question that interests many

Are men polygamous by nature?

Usually women are forced to ask such questions, whose chosen one was improved in an attempt to betray. Not wanting to endure this state of affairs, the woman declares her readiness to break off the relationship, but the man convinces her not to cut it off her shoulder and not to hope that the next romance will turn out better, because all men are naturally prone to polygamy. Is it really?

Unfortunately, there is still some truth in these statements. A man can really show interest in several women at once - it is so provided by nature. Simply put, this behavior is already in the genes. In the old days, even before humanity gained faith, earthlings were adherents of polygamy. This was not caused by promiscuity or dishonesty - this is how people simply survived, because large-scale wars were not uncommon then, taking many lives. The male population has always suffered in these battles, so society was in dire need of male children. Gradually, harems began to appear. Much has changed since then, but one should not be surprised that, at the level of instincts, men still gravitate towards several women at once. A cultural society began to emerge only three thousand years ago, but polygamous relationships existed much longer!

The real problem or excuse of womanizer men

However, it is worth noting another important fact: yes, men are polygamous by nature, but this does not mean at all that they are not able to control their instincts! Of course, a man with a weak will will easily succumb to intrigues on the side, more confident males prefer to lead a monogamous lifestyle. Also note that some men are still more polygamous than others. Lack of attention in childhood. Many psychologists agree that if an adult man periodically commits adultery, then this means that, most likely, he had problems in his childhood. More specifically, he probably lacked maternal attention. As a boy, he remembered this feeling - the need for female participation, care. Subsequently, he carries this need through his whole life, and, as a rule, the attention of one partner is not enough for him. The more often new women appear in his life, the more harmonious he feels. Too much attention. At the same time, there is another extreme - in childhood, a man gets used to the increased attention of a woman. We can talk about an overly caring mother, or a situation where the boy was raised by his mother and grandmother. The second case is more critical. A man on a subconscious level notes for himself that two women can take care of him at once, and he likes this state of affairs. In adulthood, he is likely to also seek increased attention from women - this way he is more comfortable.

Why are women less likely to be polygamous?

It is quite possible to explain female monogamy - like male polygamy, it was laid down by nature. This is how it is now, and it was started many centuries ago - it is mostly women who are destined to raise children and be the keepers of home comfort and hearth. It is worth noting that both spouses may be prone to polygamy, but the fair sex usually has more deterrent factors - in the past times they simply had no time to look for new chosen ones. Also, one cannot leave aside their hormonal background, which helps a woman take care of her children. Of course, this item, as a rule, prevents the establishment of numerous sexual partners.

What history and religion says about polygamy

In world religion, questions about polygamy periodically appear on the agenda, but it cannot be said that this topic has gained some kind of transparency and consensus over time. From time to time, it nevertheless becomes a cause of controversy. Previously, it was believed that this phenomenon first appeared among the Muslim people. However, even now this theory is considered erroneous. As it turned out, many centuries ago, different segments of the population were prone to polygamy, and one spouse for several husbands was not uncommon. As already mentioned, this was due to the fact that many males died in battles, and the survivors considered it their duty to leave as many other healthy offspring as possible. Of course, in these situations, women gradually began to feel disadvantaged, because in fact they were used only for reproduction. At the same time, it was considered a great joy and blessing if a boy was born, but few people were pleased with the appearance of a girl. But Islam, in turn, has significant differences from the described tradition. Muslims have established certain restrictions on polygamy. First of all, it is important to note that a Muslim cannot have an uncountable number of women - he is allowed to marry no more than four chosen ones. It is also worth clarifying that polygamy in Islam is not at all a prerequisite - it is the choice of each individual family, and nothing more. Many Muslims prefer to live with one woman, and consider it as natural as possible for themselves. There are reasons why polygamy is welcomed in Islam. The first of them - polygamy has been applicable since time immemorial where there are significantly fewer men than women. At the same time, no one wants to be left without a husband, and every woman needs male protection. Having failed to become the first wife of her chosen one, the Muslim woman agrees to become the second, third or fourth. In this case, it cannot be said that the rights of women are infringed. Rather, they feel protected, and such a marriage is preferable to them than living alone.

How to change a polygamous man into monogamy

Often, having confirmed their guesses that a man is naturally prone to polygamy, women feel confused. Some of them come to the conclusion that there is only one thing left for them - to come to terms with their fate. However, there is another solution to the problem! 1. Trust relationship According to psychologists, a woman may well avoid betrayal by a partner if a trusting relationship develops in their union. If a man understands the nature of his inclinations, but at the same time strives for monogamy, then you can not worry much. In addition, if he finds in the woman he loves everything that he previously tried to find in others, he will not have the desire to spend his energy looking for better options. It is important for a woman to listen to the wishes of the chosen one, and then their couple will be able to avoid many problems. 2. Work on yourself In order to always remain interesting for her partner, a woman will have to regularly carry out serious work on herself - on her behavior and appearance. Realizing that nature in a man has a tendency to diversity, you can use this to your advantage by periodically making positive changes to your usual image. For someone, in order to refresh their feelings, a change in hair color is enough, but for someone, a complete change of style will be a great shake-up. Be that as it may, it is important to remember that one cannot keep a partner's appearance alone. Every woman intuitively feels what kind of fair sex her husband is striving for - impudent, modest, intellectuals, hippies, etc. If the desired feature is present in the chosen one, then the man will most likely stop “looking around”.

Monogamous, monogamous. Ant. polygamous Dictionary of Russian synonyms. monogamous adj. monogamous Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 Informatics. 2012 ... Synonym dictionary

MONOGAMY, and, f. (specialist.). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

I adj. 1. ratio with noun. monogamy I associated with it 2. Peculiar to monogamy [monogamy I], characteristic of it. II adj. 1. ratio with noun. monogamy II, associated with it 2. Peculiar to monogamy [monogamy II], characteristic of it. Explanatory ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, monogamous, ... ... Forms of words

Polygamous ... Antonym Dictionary

monogamous- monog amny; briefly form of men, me ... Russian spelling dictionary

MONOGAMOUS- having flowers of only one sexual type on one individual ... Glossary of botanical terms

monogamous- Syn: monogamous (rare) Ant: polygamous ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

monogamous- see monogamy; oh, oh; me, me, many. My family … Dictionary of many expressions

monogamous- mono / din / n / th ... Morphemic spelling dictionary


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  • Wise mother-in-law advice. About children, husbands and not only, Metlitskaya M. Looking at young people in wedding dresses, I usually think: “God grant you! May you have the wisdom to understand and tolerate each other, and may the passion that united you grow into ...

Hello dear readers. In this article, we will talk about what constitutes monogamy and polygamy. Find out if all men are polygamous and all women are monogamous. You will know whether it is possible to instill monogamy in a male representative.

General information

A polygamous person is able to simultaneously create relationships with several people at once. Such an alliance will be successful only if all its participants know about each other and are satisfied with the current situation. It should be understood that marital relations in which one of the partners has an affair are not considered as polygamous. In this case, there is a betrayal.

Monogamy is a type of relationship that most people have, where there is one woman for one man. Monogamy defines a woman's nature. In most cases, a woman does not think about another partner, even if she is unhappy in marriage, as she tries to remain faithful and the family hearth.

There are three types of polygamous relationships:

  • polyandry is a marriage in which there is one wife and several husbands;
  • polygyny - relationship between one man and several wives;
  • Bigamy is a kind of polygyny, when there is a presence of two wives in one man. In this case, one wife does not know about the existence of the other.

Each person hopes that his partner will be faithful only to him.

Polygamy in men

Regarding male polygamy, there is a long debate. Many are sure that men are polygamous, and this is due to their nature. Often they justify their betrayal by this phenomenon. A man is able to simultaneously experience strong feelings for two or more women. This behavior in the male body is laid down at the gene level. It must be borne in mind that in the distant past, farmers tended to polygamy. This was not due to dishonesty or licentiousness, but to a way of survival. It should be borne in mind that at the time when the wars were going on, many men died, there weren’t enough of them for everyone, it became necessary for one gentleman to take care of several ladies, give them the opportunity to give birth to offspring.

Polygamous relationships are practiced by Muslims. However, this does not mean that they can have an infinite number of wives, this number does not exceed four chosen ones. Despite this, many men decide to join their fate with only one woman, they are more comfortable that way. A Muslim woman, when it did not work out to become the first wife, agrees to be the second, fourth, because it is better than being single for life, in such a situation she has a spouse, has male protection.

It must be understood that polygamy among many peoples is due to difficult conditions, in particular, the need to maintain genetic diversity and low population size.

It is worth considering the fact that certain factors that have arisen on the way of growing up of a future man can influence the need for polygamous relationships.

  1. Lack of attention. The situation when a man tries to meet several women at the same time or regularly resorts to cheating is justified by the lack of parental attention in childhood, in particular maternal. As a boy, he constantly felt the lack of female care. This need goes with him throughout his life and it so happens that the attention of one partner is insufficient. The more new young ladies appear on his life path, the better he feels.
  2. Too much attention. This is the other extreme, when a man grows up with constant attention and care from his mother, especially if he is raised with her by his grandmothers and aunts. Then the future man understands that several women should take care of him. So he feels more confident, in demand and desired.

It must be understood that, despite the presence of a built-in instinct, a man can control his impulses. An honest and faithful person who has a strong will will never betray his partner, he will prefer a monogamous lifestyle.

Women on an instinctive level prefer males, who in their eyes look stronger, more courageous. Such a phenomenon is the result of human evolution and is due to the desire to get good offspring. Women for this reason tend to avoid weak partners. In this regard, strong men had the opportunity to have close relationships with several women at the same time, while the weak remained lonely.

Polygamous relationships in women

Polygamy in women also takes place, such cases are known in history. In addition, the female manifestation of this phenomenon is given a specific name, namely polyandry. Today, there are several dozen peoples in the world, this number is close to 50, in which it is considered normal for one woman to have several spouses. For example, this is practiced by the Eskimos and the Indian population. If we consider India, then the occurrence of polyandry is explained in most cases by gender considerations. Many families are against the birth of a daughter, they decide to have abortions, the reason for this is the impossibility or unwillingness to prepare a dowry. As a result, today in India there are many times fewer women than men. In fact, this phenomenon is not typical for the whole country, but for the outback.

In Polynesia or Nigeria, polygamous relationships, in which a woman has the right to several partners, are officially legalized. In Tibet, the situation with polyandry is due to the fact that many families do not want to part with their household. For example, with the land that feeds them, so adult sons marry one girl and stay in their home. Previously, polyandry also took place in Venezuela. A woman was allowed to cohabit simultaneously with two spouses, when she gave birth to a son, she had no idea who his father was. Therefore, the obligations of the father fell on two men at once, which favorably reflected on the growing child.


In women, monogamy is inherent in the internal level. As a rule, young ladies are supposed to raise children and keep the family hearth. A woman is more restrained, since she has certain obligations, and she has no time to look for a new partner. It should be borne in mind that female representatives feel the need to take care of their children, this is largely due to the hormonal background. What kind of mother decides to start several men at once.

A person must independently decide whether to remain faithful to one partner. He must be responsible for his decisions. There is no need to refer to society, instincts.

If we turn to the animal kingdom, then the realization will come that polygamy is inherent in them. As a rule, animals do not attach importance to who will become their partner for mating. However, there are also representatives of monogamy.

  1. Swans. Create pairs that are inseparable until the death of one of the partners.
  2. Wolves. Loyal to their soul mate. In a situation where the male dies, his partner continues to be lonely until her death. The wolf protects his she-wolf and offspring, entering into a fight even with an unequal opponent.
  3. Beavers. The male protects his partner, takes care of her when she is preparing to give birth, together they raise the baby until the age of two, after which they release him into adulthood, and they themselves continue to be faithful to each other.
  4. Penguins. These animals have lived in pairs for many years. When it's time to return to the colony, every few months, they look for each other.
  5. Steppe voles. Having chosen a partner, the vole produces special hormones, as a result of which the male continues to be faithful to his partner, does not pay attention to other females.

Is it possible to change a polygamous man

When women discover that their partner is prone to polygamy, they tend to feel confused. Some decide that it is necessary to come to terms with this fate, it will not work to fix such a man. In fact, this problem can be solved.

  1. Creation of trusting relationships. Any woman can influence her husband not to resort to cheating in a situation where her partner is aware of his polygamy, but still wants to be monogamous. Especially if the partner with whom he is now has all the features that he needs so much. A woman should try to be the best for her partner, support him in all endeavors, listen to his opinion. This will get rid of many problems.
  2. Work on yourself. In order for a man not to want to look for someone on the side, he must find everything he needs at home. A woman should be a good housewife, an excellent lover, an ideal wife and mother. It is necessary that the young lady does not relax after she gets married, but continues to take care of herself, her body, be well-groomed, look beautiful not only in public, but also at home. It is also desirable that she be liberated and constantly surprise her husband with some minor changes in herself.

The desire of most adult women is limited by the mechanisms of morality, as well as psychological attitudes. Young ladies understand that it is wrong and indecent to even think about having close relationships with several men at the same time. While it seems right for men to have several partners at once, they feel they are in demand, successful, they believe that in this way they become more attractive.

Now you know what is monogamy in a relationship, and what is polygamy. As you can see, in the modern world there is both monogamy and polygamy, both in women and in men. Each person must determine for himself what is really important to him, to have many partners or to be faithful to one person.

Man is a rational being. It is the presence of gray matter and its active work, the ability to analyze and logical thinking that distinguishes it from animals. Ethics and morality also favorably distinguish him from other creatures, therefore, unlike them, he tries to behave prudently and civilized. One of the manifestations of this behavior is monogamy. This is a deep and sublime feeling described by poets, which forever binds us to our only partner.

What is monogamy?

Since childhood, we are told that one of the main goals of a person is to create a family in order to continue the family line and raise offspring. Therefore, girls, in fact, from the sandbox dream of ideal love, a prince on a white horse and several beautiful children. Boys, too, deep down strive to find their soul mate in order to build a strong relationship. Such a desire is quite natural, it is the platform on which monogamy develops, it is the desire for monogamy, a union between two members of opposite sexes, based on trust and devotion.

In monogamy there is no place for a third person. These are close family ties that are maintained by two people throughout their lives. Monogamy is not condemned, but, on the contrary, is supported by the majority. Instead, other forms of relationships, such as polygamy - polygamy, and polyandry - polyandry, are condemned, equated with debauchery and immorality.

Monogamy and polygamy

These are diametrically opposed principles of building relationships. Polygamy in our time means not only polygamy. The concept has long been expanded and is interpreted as a sexual or emotional connection of one partner not only with the official spouse, but also with other people. By polygamy, many people mean the ability of a man or woman to fall in love several times throughout their lives, even if these feelings remain platonic and do not have at least a friendly continuation.

Despite the fact that society has a negative attitude towards numerous connections, in some countries they are allowed at the official level. For example, in Muslim states, a man has the right to have a whole harem of women and several legal wives. Even in the modern West, there are so-called free relationships, where both spouses, having agreed among themselves, do not comply with the principle of monogamy. They start intrigues on the side, believing that betrayal will only add zest to real relationships and make them stronger and more stable.

Positive aspects of monogamy

No matter how attractive polygamy may seem, it is destructive and destructive, first of all, for the personality itself. Torn between several connections, a person loses his "I", its integrity and depth. In contrast, monogamy is peace, confidence in the future. Living by the rules set by society, the couple is not amenable to condemnation. She is understood and recognized: such people are glad to see in any house, the owners are not afraid that the free principles of friends can negatively affect their soulmate.

In addition, spouses who maintain monogamous relationships are healthier than their more liberated counterparts. They know that they are unique and loved, so they do not feel fear and discomfort. They have no competition, which means there is no constant stress, neurosis. In such families, there are fewer quarrels and conflicts: people do not feel the risk of family breakup. Instead, they feel complete unity with the chosen one. I want to open my soul and heart to my soulmate, give her all the tenderness, care and love.


At first glance, the picture is perfect. But if you look closely, you can see its reverse (dark) side. First, knowing what monogamy is in humans can create a false impression of a couple. For example, about a man. Friends can make fun of him, calling him henpecked and slobbery. In the understanding of the majority of the stronger sex, men are real males, and even marriage should not affect their true nature. Therefore, when a man refuses the next adventure on the side and hurries to his wife, they put an end to him as an inferior and physically unhealthy person, calling him impotent.

It is clear that this will not be said about a woman. On the contrary, she will be praised for her devotion and loyalty. But over the years, the lady herself may have a feeling of being overwhelmed by one sexual partner, boredom, a desire to diversify and change something in relationships. Secondly, both partners may experience fear due to the fact that they will have to live with one person all their lives. They feel limited in choice and stop striving for excellence, because they do not see direct competition.

monogamous woman

This is every man's dream. She devotes her whole life to her beloved spouse, serves and courtes him with pleasure, waits for him from work and feeds him with a delicious dinner. Her shirts are usually always ironed, the house is clean and tidy, the children are fed and prepared for the next school day. Monogamy in relations with her husband manifests itself as a desire to become loved and desired by him, so a woman tries to take care of herself in every possible way. Although sometimes it happens that life becomes boring. In this case, the woman, on the contrary, stops doing makeup, forgets to buy herself beautiful underwear and believes that washing her hair once a week is the norm. The lady believes that her husband likes her for who she is, without undue effort.

By the way, this mistake is the most common among women. Even if the relationship is stable and strong, the spouse is obliged to surprise the chosen one with her appearance, new positive facets of character, and intellectual development. It will be interesting for the husband to communicate, he will bring his soulmate into society with pleasure and pride, while becoming monogamous himself.

monogamous man

If women are usually monogamous by nature, then meeting a representative of the stronger sex with this predisposition is really a rarity. Although exceptions do happen. A man who is faithful to his wife does not feel discomfort. He is really happy: next to him is his beloved woman, who is at the same time a faithful comrade and a reliable colleague. Everything suits him in life. A man understands that they are not looking for good from good, so monogamy reigns in his house. This is the case when the spouse is usually reasonable and intelligent, or an incorrigible romantic. He is completely concentrated on the chosen one, is not exchanged for casual relationships.

We think that such a husband would be ideal. But, as practice shows, in such families the percentage of female infidelity is very high. After all, the absence of trips “to the left” does not guarantee that the husband will provide for the family, help with the housework, be well-groomed, passionate, tender, and so on. Therefore, many women are ready to close their eyes to the polygamy of their spouse, if only he performs all the functions assigned to him by society. Of course, a monogamous relationship is a destination to aim for. But if there are pitfalls and obstacles along the way, do not lose heart. Struggle - only this path will lead you to the desired victory, temper relationships and make them truly strong.