Pattern from relief columns crochet 67 scheme. Embossed column pattern. Crochet mesh patterns

How to crochet different embossed crochet stitches + patterns and tutorials

Very often in the scheme and descriptions of patterns there are embossed or concave columns. I am often asked what it is and what it is eaten with. From this lesson you will learn how to crochet embossed columns.

The name of the column speaks for itself - these columns are used to create a relief of a knitted fabric, they are often used to knit an elastic band or braids. The difference between a embossed double crochet and a regular double crochet is in the method of fastening relative to the previous row. With the help of embossed columns, you can change the texture of the main loops, create beautiful embossed patterns on your knitted products.

There are two types of relief columns:
- embossed facial or "convex"
- embossed purl or "concave"

Let's look at both options with examples:

It is important to note that embossed columns cannot be knitted in a chain of air loops; the initial row must be connected with any other loops. The columns are not knitted for the loops of the previous row, the hook is inserted under the columns themselves.

I have already prepared a sample and knitted two rows of regular double crochets. Let's start knitting a embossed facial column, so we make a crochet on the hook,

we introduce the hook from the front side from right to left, under the double crochet of the previous row

grab the thread

and pull out a new loop (there will be three loops on the hook),

With the method of knitting a double crochet "before work", such a column is called embossed facial or "convex"

Its designation on the diagrams:

Consider knitting a embossed purl ("concave") double crochet. We make a crochet,

clasping the leg of the double crochet of the previous row,

grab the thread

and pull out a new loop.

We knit the loops in pairs in two steps, as when knitting a regular double crochet, i.e. we grab the thread and knit 2 loops, grab the thread again and knit the 2 remaining loops.

With the method of knitting a double crochet "at work", such a column is called a relief purl or "concave".

Its designation on the diagrams:

Similarly, they knit embossed single crochets, embossed half-columns with a crochet, etc.

Concave single crochet faces.

To perform a concave double crochet, the double crochet is not inserted into the base loop, but is carried out in front of the column of the previous row. Having captured the working thread, knit a single crochet.

Convex column without crochet.

To make a convex double crochet, a double crochet is inserted behind the previous row's stitch and a single crochet is knitted.

Embossed elastic is performed by alternating the front embossed double crochet and the purl embossed double crochet.
The ribbing mimics the appearance of 1x1 ribbing made on knitting needles, but is not as elastic.

In order to start knitting a relief elastic band, make a chain of air loops and knit the first row with double crochets. Next, make 3 lifting air loops and turn the knitting over. Let's start knitting embossed gum.

Knit one front embossed double crochet (Fig. 1):
Yarn over your hook and insert your hook behind the second crochet of the previous row. Throw a working thread on the hook and drag it under this column. Yarn over again and pull through two loops. Yarn over again and pull through the two loops remaining on the hook.

Rice. 1. Knit one front embossed double crochet.

Next, knit one purl embossed double crochet (Fig. 2):
Yarn over the hook and insert the hook from front to back under the next stitch of the previous row. Put the working thread on the hook and pull it through. Yarn over again and pull through two loops. Yarn over again and pull through the two loops remaining on the hook.

Rice. 2. Knit one purl embossed double crochet.

Rice. 3. One row knitted with ribbing.

To go to the next row, work three chain lift loops and turn the knitting.
Now knit over the front embossed double crochets of the previous row - purl, and over the purl embossed double crochets of the previous row - front.
Please note that on the other hand, the facial (convex) embossed double crochets look like purl (concave) and vice versa.
Thus, you will get a knitting that resembles an elastic band knitted on the needles (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Embossed elastic.

The relief of this pattern is formed by convex (embossed) columns. For the sample, the number of loops of the initial chain is a multiple of 3, plus 2 loops for the symmetry of the pattern.

1 row: double crochets, the first column is knitted in the 5th loop from the hook;

2 row: 3 lifting loops, 1 raised single crochet before work, * 1 double crochet, 2 raised single crochet before work *, 1 double crochet in the air loop of the previous row;

3 row: 3 lifting loops, * 2 double crochets, 1 raised single crochet before work *, 2 double crochets.

Pattern knitting pattern

Symbols for the knitting pattern

Air loop.









A collection of unusual beautiful crochet patterns, in which the edges of the rows are blurred, and simple tricks and knitting elements create a three-dimensional relief. Such patterns are well suited for knitting bags, hats, berets, jackets and coats, as they are quite dense and give an interesting texture to the thing.
Crochet pattern "asterisks"

The pattern knitting rapport is 2 air loops +1.
1st row: do 1 air. lift loop and knit a row of st. b/n.
2nd row: dial 3 air. lifting loops, * yarn over, insert the hook into the second loop from the hook, grab the working thread and pull up the loop, then insert the hook into the next loop, the corner and into the first two loops of the initial chain, pulling from each loop onto the hook. Then knit the elongated loops on the hook and knit one air loop, repeat from * according to the scheme to the end of the row (look at the photo of the hook injection point).

Crochet pattern with grains.

The pattern repeat is 2 loops + 1. Cast on a chain of air loops and knit the first row of st. b/n. 2nd row: alternate st. b / n, then from one loop knit st b / n, 3 air. loops and connections st (which forms a small tubercle). Next, knit alternating the first and second row.

Pattern with voluminous stripes very easy to knit.

Having typed a chain of air loops of the required length + lifting loops, knit the first row with double crochets. For the second row, make one air. lifting loop and st. b / n introducing the hook only for the front half-loop of the previous row, and the next row of st. s / n knit, introducing a hook for the second half-loop, so on the front side there will be embossed stripes from a row of art. b/n.

Crochet pattern "corn kernels".

Pattern repeat is 3 loops +1.
1st row: having made 3 lifting air loops, knit st. s / n from each loop of the initial chain.
2nd row: inserting the hook behind the leg of the last st. s / n, knit st. b / n, semist., 3 tbsp. s / n, then * skipping 2 columns on the leg of the next knit st. b / n, semist., 3 tbsp. s / n, repeat from * to the end of the row.
Next, to knit a pattern, alternate the 1st and 2nd row.

Crochet pattern "Embossed ripples"

The rapport is 2 loops +1. Having typed the initial chain, knit the first row of st. s / n.
2nd row: knit st. b/n.
3rd row: alternate st. s / n, and a relief convex column, introducing a hook for the leg of st. s / n, located nearby below.
4th row: art. b/n.
5th row: over the relief columns of the 3rd row, knit st. s / n, for simple columns, knit convex columns with two crochets.
Then repeat knitting from the 2nd to the 5th row.

Crochet pattern with lush leaves.

Pattern repeat: 4 loops +1.
Knit the first row of st. s / n. In the second row, knit volumetric bifurcated elements according to the scheme. To do this, double crochet on the hook, insert the hook behind the column of the bottom row according to the scheme, pull out the loop, double crochet again and pull out a long loop, repeat again, an unknitted fluffy column is formed on the hook. While leaving all the elongated long loops on the hook, insert the hook behind the second column and pull up the long loops in the same amount. There are two fluffy stitches on the hook, grab the working thread and knit all the elongated loops and crochets, leaving only the first loop, then knit it too. Next, knit 3 tbsp. s / n and repeat the knitting of the volumetric element.
Alternate the knitting of the first and second rows, placing the volume elements in a checkerboard pattern.

I bring to your attention a rather simple and, in my opinion, an interesting pattern with embossed columns. Actually, I prefer to call these columns convex. But, now it is more customary to call them embossed facial columns ... So you know - (in my understanding) - this is the same thing ... There is another trick - overhead columns - this is a slightly different action, which we will talk about soon.

In the meantime, we knit a simple pattern with embossed facial columns.

Pattern with embossed columns - scheme

Description of knitting a pattern using facial columns

We knit a chain of an odd number of air loops and a “preparatory” row (the whole row)

- 1 row - all

- 2 row - 3 VP lifting, we knit a convex (front) embossed column, then a column with a crochet.

Next, to the end of the row, we alternate (and we introduce the hook for the double crochet of the “preparatory” row) and the double crochet into the previous (2) row (where st. b / n)
Look, here you can see, first there are lifting loops.

Then we knit a convex column (for the column of the "preparatory row"), and then a column with a crochet (as with a simple knitting).
So we knit the whole row.

The last column of the row is a double crochet in the loop of the previous row!
3 row - 2 VP lifting and the whole row - single crochet
4th row, like 2nd row, but exactly the opposite)))

Those. where there was a convex column below, now we knit the usual st. s / n, and where it was usual - we knit a convex one (while capturing just that ordinary double crochet two rows below)
So, we start a row of 3 VP lifting loops, * CCH, front relief column *, ** repeat to the end of the row. Convex columns are obtained in a "checkerboard pattern".

We knit to the end of the row. Then repeat rows 1-4...

Is the principle clear?
Here is such a crochet mess - a rather dense three-dimensional pattern ... Unfortunately, the photo does not convey its real appearance at all.

Here's a video I found on FB, check it out...

By the way, any pattern with embossed columns can be knitted in several colors ... It turns out a very interesting color effect.

Pattern with embossed raised columns in two colors

This is the same pattern with embossed facial columns described above. The only thing is that every two rows (starting with a row with convex columns)) we change the color of the yarn, as a result, we get a very interesting color crochet pattern ...

How to crochet patterns

Over the years, this crochet needlework has developed very strongly. Many amendments and innovations were made by needlewomen who lived at all times and in all nations. Nowadays, do-it-yourself crochet has a very large selection of patterns. If you know all of them, then you can create so many miracles that you never even dreamed of.

As elsewhere, among all the patterns there are simple ones that beginners can master. There are also complex ones for which you need to spend more time and effort. But it is conditionally possible to divide all schemes into the following groups:

  • simple;
  • mesh;
  • shells;
  • dense patterns;
  • openwork;
  • embossed;
  • patterns for motifs;
  • jacquard.

Let's look in detail at each of these groups and its examples for patterns.

Crochet mesh patterns

Mesh patterns are so named because they look like a mesh when ready. They can only be distinguished by the shape of the holes and their size. Fillet mesh is considered the most popular pattern among all craftswomen. Let's see how you can crochet with descriptions and diagrams:

How to crochet patterns diagram

Dial 13 loops for the sample. Make 1 incline at the beginning of each row.

Make 12 air samples. 1 loop for lifting a row at the beginning of odd rows, in even rows, two loops are needed.

  • 1r. five air, skip three, 1 b \ n, three air, one column b \ n in the same loop as the previous column, the actions must be done until the end of the row.
  • 2r. five air, then repeat the pattern: one column b \ n in the third loop of the arc, three air, one column b \ n in the same loop, five air, one column b \ n in the third loop of the arc, three air, one column b \ n in the same loop. At the end of the row, you need to dial two lifting air loops of the previous row and make one column without three crochets. Repeat knitting to the end of the fabric according to the 2nd row.

Here are some diagrams in order for future products.

Knitting pattern

Knitting pattern

We knit simple crochet patterns

In simple patterns, there are different designs of the product that can be created using simple knitting techniques: single crochet pattern. At the beginning of the row, in all rows, you need to make 2 lifting loops, and then knit a b / n column into each next loop. Single crochet stitch pattern and more. There are only double crochets here.

It is necessary to increase the number of lifting loops at the beginning of each row, by 1 in accordance with the number of yarns. For example, if you make one crochet, then there should be three air loops, if there are two crochets, then 4 and so on. The pattern of the canvas can be changed depending on which wall and for how many loops the column was knitted. Using the bottom diagram, you can make a regular crochet pattern:

Pattern for knitting a simple pattern

Crochet openwork patterns

Do-it-yourself openwork patterns can look like graceful and delicate patterns that look like cobwebs. They are usually used for, made from thin threads and crocheted. This also includes lace patterns. With the help of a combination of braids and columns of air loops, you can add beautiful results in patterns. Openwork patterns decorate things: and beacons. There is also an option to knit curtains, napkins or tablecloths. There are a lot of openwork patterns all over the world. For an example, you can look at the diagram below:

openwork pattern

Make a chain of 14 air for the sample. Do the same three loops for lifting at the beginning of each row:

Openwork pattern scheme

  • 1r. make one column with / n in the sixth loop of the chain, then two air ones, one half-column in the same loop, two air ones, one column with / n in the same loop, then two air ones go and knit 1 column b / n through 4 loops. Then leave 4 sts loose until the end of the second row. Repeat this report and at the end knit one b \ n column, and after 2 loops in the last there will be one b \ n column.
  • 2r. there are three air ones, then the scheme: one column s / n in a single crochet of the previous row, two air ones, one half-column in the same loop, two air ones, one column s / n in the same loop. Then new flower leaves come: pick up three air ones and put a working thread on the hook, pull a new loop through three loops and get 3 loops. Knit the first 2 loops so that there are two left on the hook, then yarn over, then the hook is inserted into the loop of the end of the leaf, which is knitted in the previous row, then a new loop is pulled out again. Next, two loops are knitted, which are on the hook and one column is knitted with / n in the same loop of the previous row. Further, two columns of s \ n, which you did not finish to the end, are knitted in the same way as before, only this is done in the loop of the tip of the next leaflet in the bottom row. When you have done all the procedures, then there should be six loops on the hook, and you knit them together. The next step is to knit one air loop and make the fourth leaf. To do this, you knit 2 more air loops and knit 1 column s / n in the middle of a new flower. Repeat all of the above until the end of the row. At the end, you need to knit 1 column with / n in the last loop of the lift.
  • other rows must be knitted according to the report of the second row.

Try looking at the samples below, which will show you some openwork patterns:

Crochet shell pattern

shell pattern

This pattern was named so because when you knit it, the pattern is very reminiscent of a shell. This pattern can be used as an openwork, making light and thin products. The technology of the shell pattern, in execution, is very much like an openwork pattern, but there are some differences:

  • Cast on 32 sample stitches. Two sts are needed for lifting at the beginning of an even row, 4 sts are needed for an odd row.
  • 1r. knit 9 columns with 2 crochets in the fifth loop of the chain, then skip four loops and in the next make one column with / n, repeat everything to the end of the row.
  • 2r. make a column with 2 crochets in the first loop. Next, make five in / n and in a column with one cape of the previous row, knit a column with 2 crochets. Then cast on 3 in \ n and knit in the same column with 2 crochets. Knitting must be done in the same way until the end of the row. Then follow the diagram:

Pattern shell scheme

The number of crochets that you knit in a loop can be 2, 3 or even more. The height of the shell will depend on the number of these yarns. It is best to take an odd number of columns, otherwise the canvas will be deformed, not even.

If you want all the main elements to be beautifully located in a hand-made drawing, and the product does not stretch, then you need to leave a distance between the shell pattern. When you are just starting to knit a shell, you need to correctly calculate the number of loops. Then the main elements will be knitted in full in the figure.

We knit dense crochet patterns

Dense patterns are those that look like a solid canvas without holes. They may have different weaves of the simplest pillars. Usually things are knitted with dense patterns for the winter. The pattern below looks very good already in the finished product:

dense pattern

Making a tight pattern is not very difficult. When you are just starting, at the beginning of the row it is tedious to knit 2 loops for volume, and all other loops of the row are made using elongated columns b \ n: where is an elongated column.

Dense Pattern Diagram

An elongated column must be done like this: you need to insert a hook into the loop of the previous row, then grab the working thread and pull out the loop. From this loop, make one air loop, and then the two resulting loops must be knitted on the hook.

elongated post

We knit jacquard crochet patterns

Do-it-yourself multi-color or jacquard patterns are those patterns that use threads of several different shades. These patterns can be dense, simple, mesh or openwork at the same time. And also sometimes performed in one of these written options. Usually jacquard patterns are a little more difficult to make, because several threads are involved in the work, but among these patterns there are simple ones that any beginner can do.

For example, the following pattern is very easy to make. There are only two shades here. It is necessary to knit 2 rows with each shade, which are given in this scheme: 1 air for lifting, a column b / n in the arch of the previous row and one air.

jacquard pattern

If you practice a little, then in the future you can make these beautiful patterns:

Pattern scheme

We knit embossed crochet patterns

This pattern will later be with a convex pattern and three-dimensional. Patterns must be made using relief columns. This pattern is well suited for products such as a sweater, cardigan or thick jacket. Here, for example, the waffle pattern looks very cute:

Embossed pattern "Waffle"

You can make this drawing like this:

  • 1r. make columns with one crochet, knit three air loops at the beginning of each row.
  • 2r. there is an alternation: one column with \ n and two convex relief columns.
  • 3r. make s\n columns above the embossed columns, and make embossed ones over the s\n columns.

Relief pattern scheme

Continue to knit, repeating everything from the second row. If you connect the embossed columns, you can get a beautiful embossed rubber band:

We knit patterns for crochet motifs

The motive is a separate element, with the help of them you can assemble any canvas. You can choose a different pattern for knitting a motif with your own hands, and you can take any pattern that you read about today as the basis for creating it. If you want to create a model from motifs, then first you need to make a pattern, because then you can get confused in the process of making the canvas. The following video offers to see how crochet motifs are made:

If you are a beginner, then it is best for you to take light patterns. After all, otherwise the whole process will resemble hard labor. And when you already have experience, then you can safely take on the most difficult schemes and then the work will bring only one great pleasure.