What happens if your child is not vaccinated. Why do children get different vaccinations abroad? Why are vaccinations needed?

May 22, 2011, 01:23


Something about vaccinations for newborns. Information for thought

Article added: 2009-02-06

Article author: J.V. Tsaregradskaya, book “Newborn. Care and education "

Now many young parents are concerned about the question of whether newborn babies need to be vaccinated. This issue also affected our family, and therefore I began to look for information that would help me draw the appropriate conclusions.

In any case, the administration should be started when the dog is a puppy, within two months: it will follow a precise schedule, including new injections and reminders - that is, repetitions - of those already given. If the animal we are caring for is an adult, without knowing if it has been subjected to such prophylaxis, we can force it to follow a different speaking time. Let's take a look at what is needed and when the 4 mandatory dog ​​vaccines should be provided.

Parvovirus, a dangerous hemorrhagic gastroenteritis

This vaccine prevents a high chance of infection, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. This is usually done when puppies are 8 weeks old and also in adult dogs if needed. Reminders are always needed at a variable time distance depending on the occasion. Therefore, the first vaccination should be carried out after about two months of life, the second after the third month. For some pharmaceutical companies, a recall is required after four and a half months. The vaccine must be repeated every year, and there are two types, one with viruses and one active.

I am publishing an informative article on my website that talks about the rules of vaccination, as well as whether newborn children need vaccinations:

“We are not in favor of or against vaccinations, we are in favor of the prudent use of vaccinations and the right of the child to be healthy. When parents think about vaccinating their child, they should not take the word of those who zealously advise them to get vaccinated. Since measures have been taken in Russia to provide economic incentives for doctors in the distribution of vaccinations, parents should be extremely vigilant in dealing with medical institutions of any kind. Particular attention should be paid to the actions of employees of maternity hospitals and children's clinics, as well as other institutions that perform similar functions.

Gallbladder vaccine, canine measles

It serves to counter even fatal disease that affects the respiratory, nervous and gastrointestinal systems of the animal. The vaccine is administered to weaned puppies and adult dogs who have to spend a lot of time with other animals.

Antidote for infectious hepatitis

It is a very dangerous disease which, if it is late, can lead to death, and for which there is no cure other than prevention. It is therefore advisable to vaccinate the same methods used for convulsions and parvovirus starting at 3 months of age. Caused by adenovirus type 1, the virus responsible for respiratory infections, this disease is highly contagious in saliva, urine, or stool. This mainly applies to puppies that are from 3 to 12 months old.

In the maternity hospital

A newborn who has just been born does not need to be vaccinated, and his parents need the opportunity to make a well-informed decision about whether they will vaccinate their baby or not. However, despite this, the staff of the maternity hospital is in a hurry to vaccinate all newborns without parental consent. Babies are vaccinated against tuberculosis, known as BCG, and hepatitis B.

We have already talked about: this is a disease that is more easily reduced at the end of summer, due to contamination of food or direct contact. Among the four diseases for which a vaccine is mandatory, it is the only one that can be transmitted to humans, another reason for its use. Vaccination, which is best left off until two months, for dogs living in rural areas or near watercourses, can be repeated every six months.

Dog vaccination schedule

Vaccination should be done by a veterinarian, preferably a veterinarian: have a reference figure who knows our pet well and his needs are useful to us and reassure our four-legged friend who will learn to trust him and his white shirt.

The most unpleasant moment in this action is that your child is undergoing some kind of procedure without your knowledge, and you are not even able to assess its harm or benefit. Moreover, they don’t even ask you anything, as if the medical staff of the maternity hospital has much more rights to the child than legal parents. These actions fit perfectly under the category of medical arbitrariness.

Our doctor will follow the protocol and, depending on the health and needs of your dog, will schedule the vaccination. Basically, it is. At about 2 months: vaccination with parvovirus, cervical and, if necessary, parainfluenza vaccine. Twenty-one days after this first vaccine, a preparation including infectious hepatitis, parvovirus, cymus, leptospirosis and parainfluenza should be included, recurring after three weeks. After about 4 months, a rabies vaccine can be given if needed. Then, a 5-digit reminder should be done every year, and every 3 for parvovirus, convulsions, parainfluenza, and hepatitis. These recommendations are valid if we are dealing with a puppy.

To prevent the irreparable from happening, parents must write a refusal to vaccinate their newborn child in advance and leave it with the head physician of the maternity hospital. Then you should insist on 24-hour co-housing and relentlessly warn all children's nurses and doctors every day that you refuse to be vaccinated. And, of course, if possible, it is desirable to be discharged from the hospital on the 2nd or 3rd day.

If the animal is an adult, the protocol does not change much. Among the differences we find the immediate use of the vaccine for leptospirosis and infectious hepatitis, excluding the puppy program. In addition to those prescribed by law in Italy, there are others whose administration depends on the sensitivity of the veterinarian and the dog owner, depending on the specifics of the case.

The vaccine should be administered after the first 9 weeks of life, and then after 3-4 months and after every year. And again: parainfluenza, which needs an annual recall, and bruising, preferably if the dog frequents places with other animals. These are the pathogenic agents responsible for canine cough, a disease that affects the respiratory tract but is not fatal.

In Russia, economicencouraging physicians to providecoverage of the population with vaccinations was introduced from1993. The Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia decided to "introduce economic incentives for medical workers for the timely implementation and achievement of a high level of coverage with preventive vaccinations." Such measures have been very effective in achieving close to 95% vaccination coverage. But that is not all. In order for doctors to be able to “cover” the population more successfully, the lists of medical contraindications for vaccinating children were significantly reduced.

Veterinarians also advise vaccination against herpes, piroplasmosis, infants, acute anemic agent, coronavirus and lambia, carriers of gastroenteritis. The cost of vaccination varies depending on the type of disease that the veterinarian in the region has to counteract: on average, from 20 to 50 euros, but this figure may vary. An economic sacrifice that leads to an act of civilization, given the danger of certain diseases and in some cases, as we have seen, the risk of infecting people - just like the habit of periodic checks by the veterinarian, the vaccine is actually a good practice that ensures health and well-being to all, men and animals.

Vaccinations and relationship with the children's clinic

Regardless of where the birth took place, sooner or later, parents will encounter a pediatrician from a children's clinic and fall under vaccination pressure, since vaccinations begin at the age of 3 months in a children's clinic. If the decision on vaccination has not yet been made by the parents, they can write a refusal of preventive vaccinations, guided by the following reasons:

In that sense, a lot of help comes from dog insurance plans that include services and covers that provide 24/7 phone assistance, cheaper rates, and the ability to get advice and practical guidance as needed by professionals.

Obviously, this was a certain historical and biological state. But here, like all correct historical considerations that can be made, in my opinion, pro-illness can sometimes recall these unpleasant events. It turns out that the black plague disappeared because it infected 100% of the population, leaving those who survived immune and therefore the virus could no longer infect anyone.

- an infant does not need to be vaccinated, because it uses the passive immunity of the mother, and its immune system is still immature;

- the start of vaccination can be postponed until the child is six years old, that is, until the maturation of the immune system is completed. Vaccination of a child whose immune system has not yet been formed has a devastating effect on the state of his body as a whole.

If the vaccine theory was truth, not theory. It doesn't seem to me that epidemics have ever been so high, other than stupidity. Even at that time, Eugene wrote that the snow was black. . Let's first see what will happen to our children. Children who did not have dermatitis, such as children, did not have allergies, did not take antibiotics, were not obese, asthma, hyperactivity, etc. Our children are very sick, so there are reasons. The main reason today's children have a common illness and diagnosis, medication, and restrictive diets is because they have a compromised immune system.

So, in order to protect yourself from excessive intrusiveness of health workers, parents must give a written refusal to vaccinate. On the basis of the federal law “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases”, Article 5, Clause 3 “When implementing immunoprophylaxis, citizens are obliged to: follow the instructions of medical workers; confirm in writing the refusal of preventive vaccinations.

And this means that the immune system, the protective mechanism of their body does not respond in a normal and expected way to external stimuli. Vaccination is one of the most powerful provocateurs for the immune system. Their creators create them for healthy children with normal immune systems who will respond in predictable ways to a stimulus. In some children, vaccination will be the last straw in the over-immune system and cause conditions such as autism, asthma, eczema, diabetes, etc. in other children, whose immune systems are less compromised, the vaccine will not cause any of the aforementioned dangerous conditions, but will bring the child into them, exacerbating the immune response problem.

IMPORTANT: A vaccine given to a child who is allergic or predisposed to it can lead to anaphylactic shock!

How to decide whether to vaccinate your child

After the rear is protected, and the doctors do not pester the parents with the requirements to start vaccinating the baby, you can think about everything and make an informed, balanced decision. An informed choice can be made with access to complete information, and this is always difficult to do in relation to vaccination, since parents always have a lot of contradictory, incomplete and unreliable information at their disposal.

Worst of all, in the third, when the immune system is significantly damaged, the disease is unblocked even if the child is not vaccinated. Last year's autism summit talked about the increased incidence of unvaccinated children with autism, asthma, and attention deficit disorder. The conclusion is that vaccines are not a direct cause of autism and other serious illnesses in children, but they can make a significant contribution and, in some cases, be a trigger. Again we turn to the question: Do I vaccinate my child?

As a result of frequent vaccination scandals and heated public controversy, more and more parents are choosing to forego vaccines. What some of these parents don't want to think is that before vaccines existed, it was normal for a family to lose one, two, three or more children as a result of childhood infections and illnesses such as measles, rubella, tuberculosis. and others. My own grandmother lost her younger sister as a child to meningitis.

If parents are still thinking about vaccination and are faced with making a decision in its favor, or they do not have enough information to refuse it, it is necessary to try to carefully understand the issues that we will give below.

First, when making such a decision, one should not rely on the advice of a doctor who is interested in maximizing coverage of the population. Collect independent information. All vaccination studies were paid for by vaccine companies, so there is no credibility to them.

It was natural selection imposed by Mother Nature of all living organisms: only the most powerful and adaptable survive. In the animal kingdom, it is very rare that all mothers of mothers remain alive. Natural selection ensures that only the best of the animal species will populate the Earth. But we, modern people, are not ready to obey and follow this law of nature. No mother would agree to lose her child if she had the opportunity to keep it just because that child is not the healthiest and most adaptable organism she can create and export.

In addition to these studies, there are a number of independent studies against vaccination. These studies can be found in the medical library and on Internet sites. Parents are not immunologists or virologists, therefore, before making any decision, it is necessary to get acquainted with all the available pros and cons.

However, childhood infections are a mechanism of natural selection. Children who overcome them survive and have stronger and more resilient immune systems. Weak and unprepared children should not survive. Vaccines are a mechanism that Man has created to resist natural selection, to preserve and protect the weaker species, to greatly reduce infant mortality. Thus, we cannot completely abandon vaccines with light, unless we are willing to obey the natural laws of Nature!

Sounds like a very simple dilemma, but it's not! It's not that vaccines, which have saved the lives of millions of children around the world over the past century, are now becoming a threat in their own right. The reason for this is that the immune systems of today's children are constantly stimulated as a result of the modern environment and lifestyle. Any packaged food labeled with weird names is dead food. You may not see the result directly. No one dies from slices of white bread with margarine, but the effect affects the accumulation and transmission of the next generation, creates and maintains internal inflammation, undermines the immune system, makes it more reactive until the catalyst becomes a drip that overflows the bowl.

An important argument for deciding whether to vaccinate a child is information about lifelong and absolute contraindications to vaccination. If a child has diathesis or has a family history of allergies on the part of the father or mother, this is a lifelong contraindication to vaccination.

It should be especially noted that modern medicine has deliberately excluded allergies from the list of contraindications to vaccination. Today, a doctor can allow a child to be vaccinated even at the time of a pronounced allergic reaction. In such a child, any vaccination can cause anaphylactic shock and even lead to death.

Children live in a polluted toxic environment - they breathe dirty city air and gas fumes, are exposed to radiation, toxic cosmetics and household chemicals. Children are immobilized - tied to TVs, computers and tablets, deprived of outdoor games and time in nature. Their bodies are equipped with natural detox and cleansing mechanisms, but they are activated by physical activity, oxygen flow, lymph movement - things that are largely absent from the daily lives of today's children and the parents who created them.

Children take antibiotics that alter their microbial and therefore their immune response, take them directly as prescribed treatment, take them in utero, if the mother is treated during pregnancy or breastfeeding, they are taken by food, because industrial products of animal origin, receiving antibiotics. 60% of the world's production of antibiotics is not for the pharmacy, but for industrial livestock. For all these reasons, children do not respond to vaccines as manufacturers and pediatricians expected.

An absolute contraindication to vaccination under 6 years of age is the presence of neurological disorders and perinatal problems in a child (PEP, prematurity, malnutrition, increased intracranial pressure, hypertonicity, dystonia, etc.).

And one more important argument - the presence of vaccinations is not a guaranteed protection against the disease. We have already talked about the fact that after a measles vaccination, a child can get measles. True, after vaccination, the disease will proceed atypically (i.e., with a distorted picture), and it will not be easy to recognize.

According to research carried out inGreat Britain, in a group of people of anythe number of cases of anyor disease is equal to the number vaccinated againstthis disease. Thus, in the groupwhere there were 80% vaccinated against any disease, the incidence of this disease was 80%, where it was 50% - it was 50%, and where 10% - 10%. This study proves that the vaccine does not save the child from the disease, he can get this disease with the same probability as an unvaccinated child.

Vaccination rules

If, as a result of collecting information, carefully weighing all the pros and cons, the parents decided to refuse vaccinations, then they have exercised the right granted to them by law.

If they decide to be vaccinated, then they should know that there are certain rules for vaccinating. Parents should, from the point of view of the consumer, be able to use the pharmaceutical product that is the vaccine. This is all the more important because the vaccine is not a harmless commodity at all.

Vaccinations must be given strictly according to indications., which is extremely important, because in terms of the effect on the body, the vaccine is equivalent to a complex heart operation.

Indication for vaccination is lack of immunity in relation to any disease. To establish this fact, it is necessary to pass an immunological blood test for the composition of antibodies and get a conclusion about which antibodies the child does not have.

Only by analysis you can prescribe this or that vaccination, which will allow the body to develop the “missing” antibodies. Vaccination against a disease to which immunity has already been formed leads to the destruction of this immunity, and the child will remain unprotected.

The vaccine should not be given if the child is sick or weak. In cases where the child is sick or teething, vaccinations should not be given.. They can be done after a month after the end of the disease or unfavorable physiological state.

Do not vaccinate even if the child has diathesis, since vaccinations can significantly increase it.

It is not recommended to vaccinate in the second year of a child's life. Back in the late 80s - early 90s of the last century, when parental leave was increased to three years and there was no need to send a small child to a nursery, the number of children who were not vaccinated for one to three years increased significantly.

It was to these mothers that immunologists addressed in popular TV programs of that time. They assured that children who did not receive a single vaccination in the first year of life should not be vaccinated until they are two years old. This was explained by the fact that in the second year of life, the child's own immunity begins to form, and any intervention in this process can seriously disrupt it.

An intervention such as vaccination was seen as a rather traumatic procedure. The main disadvantage of vaccination at this age is that vaccinations simply do not take root. The child's body does not give a sufficient immune response to the vaccine.

Therefore, doctors recommended postponing the start of vaccination until 2-3 years, while authoritatively stating that a child who is breastfed and with whom the mother sits at home is protected no less than a child who received all vaccinations on time.

When the doctor doeslittlevaccination for the patienthe maintains the honor of the uniform, and does not take care of the health of the baby

It is not recommended to do more than one vaccination in one session. However, in reality, up to 4 vaccinations can be given to a child in one session. Usually this malicious sabotage is presented as concern for the convenience of the mother. “So that you don’t have to visit us twice, we’ll do everything at once!” - the nurse says cheerfully and cheerfully.

However, this action leads to a serious load on the immune system and significantly impairs the body's resistance. It is this situation that is the most dangerous, since the introduction of combined vaccines most often develops severe post-vaccination complications,

Vaccination is not carried out during epidemics and epizootics because in these cases, vaccination contributes to a significant increase in the areola of the spread of the disease. In other words, during a diphtheria epidemic, children should not be vaccinated against diphtheria in any case, since vaccination will serve as an additional source of the spread of the disease.

Vaccine selection. A vaccine is a commodity like any other, and you need to know how to use it. By agreeing to be vaccinated, parents have the right to familiarize themselves with the certificate and instructions for the vaccine that their child will be vaccinated with. In addition, the appendix to the vaccine must have a "List of contraindications" and "List of post-vaccination complications".

The medical institution where the mother is going to be vaccinated must provide all documents and lists in writing. Moreover, these documents should be presented in an accessible form for the uninitiated reader.

The mother should familiarize herself with them in a calm atmosphere and after a while make a decision. If there are no lists, then the vaccine is experimental, and no one really knows about the consequences of this vaccine. Getting vaccinated with an experimental vaccine is a big risk.

Do not vaccinate with a live vaccine, since this is not a vaccine, but a deliberate infection with a disease that a child in a free form might not have contracted. It is preferable to vaccinate with a weakened or killed vaccine.

Security guarantee. Each parent should know that, having received assurances of the safety of the vaccine, he has the right to ask the head of the children's department of the polyclinic for a letter of guarantee that her child will not experience any post-vaccination complications over the next 10 years, i.e. during the validity period vaccines. And if the doctor assures of complete safety, then the medical institution must give the required letter of guarantee. If parents really receive such a letter in their hands, they can safely vaccinate!

Monitoring and checking the result of vaccination. After vaccination, it is very important to make sure that it is effective. Therefore, one month after vaccination, an analysis should be taken for the antibody titer in relation to the disease that was vaccinated. If antibodies were not detected, do not rush to repeat the vaccination, on the contrary, you should stop and try to figure out what is the reason for this result.

Everyone knows about vaccinations almost from birth. Vaccination in modern society is considered generally accepted, and vaccinations for children are mandatory. But only after the appearance of their own child, young parents begin to seriously think about whether children need to be vaccinated, whether or not a child should be vaccinated, how much vaccination really protects children from terrible diseases? Or maybe the vaccine will harm the baby? Before answering these questions, you need to know the pros and cons of vaccination.


In search of the question "vaccination for and against", parents stumble upon two-sided, diametrically opposed opinions. Answering whether vaccinations are mandatory, some experts argue that they are simply necessary, other experts argue against vaccination, fiercely defending the opinion about their monstrous harmfulness.

I think that the truth in the question of whether vaccinations are mandatory for children, as always, is somewhere in the middle, or rather, everyone has their own, one way or another, and you, dear parents, will have to make an independent decision. It is on you that the main responsibility for your baby, and not on the aunt from the clinic, inviting for vaccinations or a neighbor who passionately dissuades them. It is up to you, not the kindergarten teacher, to decide whether or not to vaccinate your child. Although this is a little more complicated - today many kindergartens practice refusals to admit children who do not have age-appropriate vaccinations, despite the fact that they have no legal grounds.

But before deciding, you need to know all the arguments in favor of vaccination and all the arguments against vaccination, pros and cons. Your choice must be balanced.


Unfortunately, we are not immune today from outbreaks of the epidemic. But, literally a couple of decades ago, it never even occurred to a single person to refuse vaccination, because the vaccine protected against really dangerous roaming viruses, and the risk of getting sick was very high, including an incurable and deadly disease.

Today, there are no such serious outbreaks, and it should be noted, partly due to vaccination. We have become so accustomed to believing that we are immune from disease that such a thing cannot happen to us, that we can afford to neglect the importance of vaccinations. However, dangerous viruses have not disappeared anywhere, they can be very close: for example, your good friend recently visited Africa, the most ordinary passer-by brought some kind of terrible disease from India, or a trolleybus passenger recently returned from “places not so remote” and is sick tuberculosis... And remember our "amazing" sandboxes in the yards - a hotbed of infection, in which stray dogs and cats are regularly "marked", in which small children then play, and some even taste the sand ....

Are you still wondering if vaccinations are mandatory? If yes, then it's time to find out how vaccination can help in such situations.

  • What is the point of vaccination? Do newborns need vaccines and why?

The vaccination is not able to 100% protect the baby from infectious diseases, but it can significantly reduce the risk of morbidity in children under one year old. This fact should not be underestimated: the younger the child, the weaker his immune system. But even if the baby gets sick, the vaccination made earlier will allow the disease to pass in a milder form, eliminating its serious consequences and complications. Large-scale vaccination (about 92% of the country's population) helps to avoid large epidemics at the national level.

There is an opinion that babies who are breastfed, thanks to their mother's milk, are protected from almost all diseases. This is true only in part: of course, the overall immunity of a breastfed baby is much higher. But it is impossible to reliably say in what quantity antibodies are transmitted to the child with mother's milk. Therefore, there is no guarantee that such a child will not get sick with a dangerous disease.


After quite a bit of digging on the Internet, you can find a more or less authoritative, competent “oppositionist” to vaccine prevention, Dr. Kotok. A vocal opponent of total vaccination, he argues based on information not available to the public and a variety of scientific literature. Why, in his opinion, children do not need vaccinations, newborns do not need vaccinations, he will explain as follows:

  • 1. Vaccinations carry a great risk of complications after vaccination.
  • 2. We babies get too many vaccines.
  • 3. The danger of diseases against which children are vaccinated is greatly exaggerated.
  • 4. Modern vaccines do not live up to the hopes placed on them to protect health.

But what arguments against vaccination support this position:

  • 1. DTP vaccine (against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough). The toxoids of this vaccine are adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide. It contains formaldehyde. To create almost all vaccinations, except for Tetrakok, they use the preservative merthiolate, but simply an organic salt of mercury. The listed substances, without exception, are very toxic, and for babies - in twins. In addition, the dose of diphtheria toxoid in the vaccine that is administered to children is not standard (it is impossible to standardize it), that is, it is variable even in one series of the drug from one manufacturer. Such discord is quite dangerous.
  • 2. Based on the vaccination schedule in the Russian Federation, during the first year and a half, the child must receive nine different vaccinations. The first vaccination for newborns is generally given almost immediately after birth (the first 12 hours). It turns out that the baby his first 18 months of life should be in the "post-vaccination period", and legally. That is, to be not quite healthy, and quite intentionally. In addition, any vaccine depresses the baby's immune system for a period of several months, from 4 to 6 months inclusive.
  • 3. In 1990, there was a significant case: mass diphtheria, which fell ill with 80% of people who had previously been vaccinated more than once, but all this did not prevent them from getting sick. In fact, a large percentage of vaccinated adults and children do not develop immunity at all. There is also evidence from 1994 that a year after vaccination, 20.1% of people were "unprotected", two years after vaccination this threshold increased to 35.5%, and three years later - about 80.1%. Such statistics, albeit indirectly, but nevertheless, testify in favor of the fact: having transferred diphtheria, it is impossible to guarantee lifelong immunity from it. Moreover, vaccination cannot guarantee this.
  • 4. Hepatitis-B disease - is a viral infection that affects the liver and is transmitted through blood or other body fluids. It is not transmitted through mother's milk or through dirty hands. Often it is a disease of prostitutes, drug addicts, or patients who are faced with blood transfusions. Studies have confirmed that among newborn babies from 402 women who were carriers of the hepatitis B virus, only 15 babies became infected. Moreover, risk factors were premature birth. Once a disease with hepatitis B, gives either persistent or lifelong immunity. Completely and without consequences, at least 80% of adults are cured of this disease, and in children this percentage is even higher.

Today, the absolute majority of independent experts recommend that parents first of all familiarize themselves with vaccines, the risks associated with their use, and the consequences. And only then decide whether newborns need to be vaccinated, whether children should be vaccinated. And of course, do not forget about the elementary rules of hygiene and nutrition for newborns - this will help the baby develop stronger immunity and maintain health.

A little more about whether children need vaccinations: