Hair blonding is a radical procedure in the fight for color. Coloring of brown-haired women and brunettes

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Men, according to statistics, prefer blonde girls. Therefore, many of the fair sex, whose hair is not naturally blond (or not light enough, in their opinion), resort to the use of brightening products at home or go to the salon for a popular procedure called “hair blonding”.

Blonding is a process of lightening hair by an average of 7-8 levels. This procedure can be both an independent method of staining, and a preparatory part before toning. Coloring is most easily tolerated by naturally blond hair. Dark hair can also be dyed, but more difficult. Dark-haired girls who want to go blonde in one or two procedures need to be prepared for the fact that the condition of their hair will noticeably worsen.

What kinds exist?

Blonde hair is often referred to as full lightening. This is partly true, and partly not. Blonding means much more than just lightening, there are several technologies and types of this fashionable coloring. Full clarification is only one of them. This method involves dyeing directly to blond, ranging from dark blond to "ultra-light blond". This procedure itself is simple, but it needs to be supervised by a specialist in order to prevent a significant deterioration in the quality of the hair. It is important to know the measure in lightening - a long exposure to a lightening composition severely injures the hair.

In salons, Premium class clarifiers are used, containing components that restore the hair structure. In the hands of a skilled master, the hair will remain healthy, the well-groomed appearance will not be lost, and the desired color will be achieved. It is highly undesirable to carry out this procedure at home.

There are several absolute contraindications to complete lightening or full blonding: “fresh” perm, sensitive or inflamed scalp, recent use of henna or other vegetable dyes. This procedure is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. If there are no contraindications to staining, then you need to choose the right shade of “blonde” after consulting with a specialist.

Classic lightening, the next type of blonding, involves raising the level by 2-3 tones from the original color. This procedure can be performed using paint or special clarifying agents. The paint is unlikely to be taken on dark hair, therefore, for dark-haired girls, lightening with the help of a special tool and subsequent toning is suggested, which will help even out the color.

Full bleaching is used to obtain an exclusively white color as a final color or as a preparatory step for subsequent tinting. This is the most difficult procedure for hair, before which control over their condition and preliminary treatment, if necessary, is required. Despite severe damage to the hair structure and long pre-treatment, this is the only way to achieve a snow-white color.

There is also a procedure for partial lightening of hair - highlighting. In this case, individual strands are clarified. Some masters position highlighting as a type of blonding, but, in fact, this is a completely different procedure.

What shades of "blonde" are in fashion?

As for fashion trends in coloring, the unequivocal absolute fashion trend of this season is “platinum blond”. It goes well with blue or gray eyes and pale skin. The rest of the fairer sex with this color need to be extremely careful, because this trendy shade is not suitable for everyone!

For dark-haired and red-haired girls, natural, natural colors are ideal: “nut blond”, caramel, honey, light blond or golden. For owners of naturally light hair, both natural and ashy shades are suitable: “golden blond”, milky cream, as well as mother of pearl and pearls. Such colors can be achieved, as a rule, with the help of lightening and subsequent toning.

For opponents of frequent tinting of the roots, hair blonding is an unattractive procedure. After all, you will have to tint the roots at least once a month or more often. But there is a nice alternative - "blonde" with the effect of darkened roots. In this case, the hair will look well-groomed even after a month and a half, however, it is better to entrust this type of coloring to a professional. Self-coloring may not work, and the hair will look messy.

Blonding technologies

In addition to standard clarification, the blonding procedure is performed by masters using various techniques. The most popular of them:

  1. Scandinavian point. The procedure consists in coloring the root part in a lighter color, and the tips in a darker one.
  2. Platiphys. This technology is similar to the previous one, only the main colors used are silver and platinum.
  3. "Lace", or cotton technique. Only part of the hair is lightened. In this case, as a result of staining, the clarified strands will not have clear contours. To achieve this effect, cotton strips with a brightening composition are applied to the hair. This procedure is the most gentle of all types of clarification.
  4. "Zigzag". The strands are wound in a checkerboard pattern on curlers of various sizes, then clarification or tinting with different shades is carried out.
  5. "Sitechko". As a result of this technology, the effect of the play of light in the hair is achieved. An oxidizing agent is applied to the top of the head, then a powdered clarifier, then an oxidizing agent is applied again, and then a toner.

Do-it-yourself hair lightening

If there is no money for a salon, then a great way out is lightening at home. However, there are several subtleties of this procedure that you need to be aware of.

It is necessary to choose the right means for clarification. Such funds are both ammonia and do not contain ammonia in their composition. The latter are characterized by less resistance and intensity, but they affect the hair structure much softer than ammonia. Two types of clarifiers are produced: paints and powders. Paints are more convenient for home use, do not spread. Powder brighteners are more aggressive and are needed for those who want to lighten their hair by more than 5-6 tones. But their quality will undoubtedly deteriorate more from powder than from paint.

There are many companies that produce specialty paints. Very popular among women who lighten their hair at home are the brightening products of the company "Vellaton".

If you plan to bleach with subsequent toning, then you need to buy toner in advance. When buying coloring agents in a special store, you can seek the help of a sales assistant who will tell you which shade for toning should be taken.

Before the procedure, you need to wear gloves and prepare a brightening composition. A clarifier is applied to dry, unwashed hair, with the exception of the root part. It is necessary to withstand the composition for 15-30 minutes. The exposure time depends on the desired degree of clarification. After that, the composition is applied to the roots and aged for another 15-20 minutes. Next, you need to thoroughly rinse the composition with warm running water, preferably with shampoo and subsequent use of conditioner. If bleaching followed by toning was planned, then the conditioner is applied after the completion of the toner staining.


How to care for bleached hair?

Bleached hair needs more careful care, as during dyeing they are subjected to severe drying and damage.

There are special shampoos and balms for bleached hair. The fact is that on the surface of bleached hair, fat is formed much more slowly compared to dark hair, so they need to be washed less often (no more than 3 times a week). Otherwise, the shampoo will dry out, which will lead to increased brittleness. The balm is necessary for deep moisturizing of the hair after washing, so do not neglect its use.

Bleached hair should only be combed when dry, as combing it when wet leads to stretching, deformation and increased brittleness. Detangling sprays containing silicones help prevent split ends and protect hair from environmental stressors.

The use of masks and serums will help heal hair after severe damage as a result of bleaching. Homemade masks must be applied immediately before washing, and store masks after. Masks are best done 2 times a week. As for serums, they are different: there are those that are suitable for daily care, and those that need to be used 2 times a week. Moisturizing and nutrition is very necessary for bleached hair.

Ignoring the emerging split ends leads to the destruction of the hair structure. Therefore, it is impossible to neglect the procedure for trimming or cutting split ends. Popular haircut hot scissors. During the procedure, the tips are “soldered”, which prevents their further delamination.

As a rule, owners of blond hair by nature, lighten them quite easily. And dark-haired beauties will be able to achieve white color without severe damage to the condition of the hair only after 3 lightening procedures, if not more. Therefore, before you decide on lightening, whether it is bleaching at home or in a salon, you need to contact a master who will help you evaluate the quality of your hair and give advice on the intensity of lightening.

My budget-friendly bleached hair care | carrying win

Light color is a fashion trend that has kept its relevance for many years. If you want to follow in the footsteps of the stars who changed their look by dyeing their hair blonde, this article will tell you about the basic blond hair, which can drastically change the image.

What is blonding

The blonding process resembles the washing off of natural pigment from the hair, creating shades of light tones. The color that you get in the end depends on the exposure time of the substance on the hair, as well as on the natural pigment. If you have painted before, this will affect the result.

Harm or benefit

Lightening affects the health of the strands, as the coloring matter eats up the natural pigment. After applying the composition, they become dry, so they will have to be looked after very carefully, making natural masks and using professional cosmetics.

Before coloring the hair, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications:

  • If you are allergic to a dye;
  • Coloring is contraindicated for girls suffering from psoriasis, seborrhea, etc.
  • It is not recommended to do staining if you have sensitive skin or have wounds and abrasions;
  • If you have recently had a perm, wait two weeks before blonding, and preferably a month;
  • If you used henna or basma, this coloring is undesirable, as green strands may turn out. In addition, vegetable paints are a strong pigment that is difficult to get rid of. Read how to lighten hair after henna.

Features of the procedure

Blonding in the salon is a long process that takes at least an hour and a half. It is better to carry out lightening on an unwashed head, since sebum, which creates a film on the scalp, can protect against irritation and from exhaustion of the lock.

Before the procedure, the master evaluates the condition of the curls and trims the ends. Further, the blondorant is diluted with 1.5 or 3% oxygen.

The mixture is applied to the strands, to speed up the process they are wrapped in foil. Washing can last from 15 minutes to 45, it depends on the color and structure of the hair.

After washing with a blondorant, the head is washed with a special shampoo with a balm - a color stabilizer that removes yellowness. After washing, the curls are tinted with paint with a low content of oxidant.

Price overview

The approximate cost of services in beauty salons ranges from 500 to 1,500 rubles in the regions and from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles in Moscow and large cities. The price depends on the length of your curls:

  • long - from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles
  • medium length - from 700 to 3,500 rubles
  • short - from 500 to 3,000 rubles

Types of blonding


This process involves lightening the hair a few tones above the original. The classic is made in two ways: paint or special brightening agents. After the strands are tinted to obtain the desired result. This technique will emphasize light tones of hair, while brown-haired women and brunettes need stronger coloring if dark-haired girls want to become dazzling blondes. Although the warm and muted tones obtained after blonding dark strands look good.


A radical look involves complete discoloration. The method is suitable for healthy hair, which after this procedure will need careful care.

Coloring of brown-haired women and brunettes

Blonding on dark hair is a complex process. If you want to become an ash blonde, then this procedure will need to be repeated many times, with a frequency of two weeks to a month. A wash is first done on dark hair, since the paint is suitable only for light and blond curls.

Those who want to radically change their image turn to radical lightening, but the procedure is best done in a beauty salon.

Photo of blonding on dark hair

Photo of blonding on blond hair

Short hair

The most profitable transformation into a blond is for a short haircut, since the ends do not split, and it is much easier to take care of short hair.
The coloring of individual strands in ashy colors looks beautiful. This gives a significant volume to the hairstyle, and such coloring can also refresh the image, making the owner of the hair younger.

Useful video - professional hair blonding at home:


Scandinavian point

A special technique by which the crown is painted in lighter shades, while the ends should be darker.

Platinum Blonde (Platifiz)

The name of this technique speaks for itself: with the help of it you can get an ash-silver shade. It is worth remembering that platinum blonde is difficult to obtain, especially on dark and red hair. Looks good on short haircuts.


Hair after California blonding gives the impression of naturally burnt strands, like the inhabitants of sunny California, whose favorite vacation spot is a radiant American beach. With this style, the roots remain dark, and the strands will gradually lighten towards the tips. In addition, it is impossible to see the borders where the dark color ends and white begins.


Such coloring creates a visual play with light: peroxide and blondorant are applied to the strands, and different products are applied to the root zone and to the tips. The master carefully selects the strands for clarification, which are then painted in the selected shade. This technique looks aesthetically pleasing and creates the effect of vibrant color and volume.

Zigzag technique

Suitable for those who want to create original overflows that will give volume to curls. Before dyeing, the hairdresser winds the strands on different curlers and paints them in different shades: cold and warm.


The master winds curls on threads with a coloring tint, creating a visual blurring of the borders. The method looks spectacular and is also safe for the health of the strands.

With the effect of regrown roots

If earlier regrown roots in blondes were considered unacceptable, now it is a real rage! First, the roots are dyed in a dark chocolate color, and then the hair is lightened along the entire length.
Blonding at home

If you decide on home procedures - you need to do it efficiently. Before staining, do not forget to test for an allergic reaction. Use gloves and special non-metallic utensils for diluting the composition.

Important! At home, it is better not to do radical blonding, but to do with lightening by several tones. For a more comfortable and even application, use someone else's help.

Paint for clarification "Wellaton"

Such a complex procedure as blonding can be done at home using Wellaton paint. which is a great budget option. The package includes: a bag of blond, a bottle of development, a pair of gloves, instructions.

The paint is applied quickly and easily. It will be more convenient to use a special brush for staining.


Consider the most popular shades:

  1. Honey- a beautiful color with a golden sheen that will suit almost every type: light or warm skin tones and any eye color.
  2. Pearl- the most popular shade that suits women from 35 to 45 years old with fair skin and light eyes.
  3. Wheat- a natural and warm shade that will suit both older women and young fashionistas.

Care after blonding

Important! Lightened hair becomes dry and brittle, especially if you resorted to a radical method. Masks for bleached hair will help restore their beauty and strength.

To restore curls, make natural masks and oils from split ends. It is not recommended to resort to constant heat treatment of the strands: try to dry your hair naturally or use a heat-protective spray.

It's no secret that hair lightening is considered one of the most complex and unpredictable coloring processes.

The main task of the procedure is not only to give an attractive blond shade to curls, but also to maintain their proper quality.

Wrong technology or incorrect choice of dyes adversely affect the structure of the hair - they become brittle, dull and lifeless.

In most of these cases, the only solution to the problem is to grow your hair back to its previous length, and then cut off the damaged tow.

Therefore, the lightening procedure should be entrusted to a professional stylist, especially since any salon today can offer gentle coloring with minimal risk to hair health.

Many girls who have dark shades of their natural hair have dreamed of dyeing their hair blonde at least once in their lives.

Hairdressing professionals use innovative coloring compositions and modern technologies for this procedure, thanks to which not a primitive and flat color is obtained, but the most spectacular and multifaceted shades.

However, if it is not possible to lighten the hair in the salon, any woman can carry out this process on her own.

It should be remembered that lightening curls at home, you can get unpleasant yellow shades, uneven color and other adverse effects.

Therefore, before proceeding with the procedure, you should carefully study the features and technology of applying a coloring agent.

To give the strands a light shade, you can use the following tools and methods:

  • clarification with hydroperite, peroxide or supra;
  • bleaching folk remedies.

Just as in the case of professional paints, after staining with the listed products, an allergic reaction to the active ingredient may occur, so you need to remember the precautions.

Staining with supra

Numerous reviews indicate that the supra is very popular among women and girls who want to update their image or hide their gray hair.

With the help of supra, you can lighten individual strands, discolor them before dyeing, and also eliminate an unsuccessful result after using other dyes.

This effect is achieved due to the strong chemical and plant components that make up the product.

For the procedure, supra powder and oxygens of various concentrations are purchased, which are selected depending on the expected result.

It should be remembered that a high content of oxygen adversely affects the condition of the hair.

Before dyeing, it is necessary to prepare the composition, for this the powder is combined with an oxygen in a ratio of 2: 1, after which it is mixed in a plastic container and applied to the curls.

To minimize the negative effects of chemicals, it is recommended to lighten the hair on a dirty head.

Lightening with hydroperite

Lightening hair with hydroperite has been popular among women for more than a dozen years, due to its availability and low cost.

However, do not forget that the active components of this product are hydrogen peroxide and urea, which destroy the color pigment, having a direct effect on the hair shaft, so it is better not to abuse hydroperite.

To lighten or discolor curls without harming them, the concentration of the substance should not be higher than 15%.

Lightening hair begins with the preparation of the composition, for which it is necessary to crush two tablets of hydroperite, after which add two milliliters of ammonia to the resulting powder and beat thoroughly until smooth.

On dark hair, the desired result is usually difficult to achieve after one procedure, so after a while it can be repeated.

Using folk methods

For those who prefer natural ingredients to chemicals and want to lighten strands easily and safely, folk remedies such as chamomile, lemon, honey or cinnamon are perfect.

As the reviews show, cinnamon is ideal for dark hair, which is able to qualitatively lighten the strands by several tones, giving them a well-groomed look.

Lemon juice can be used for home highlighting, but it is recommended to mix it with honey to avoid burns and flaking of the skin.

Chamomile does not give a visible effect on very dark hair, and light brown hair, on the contrary, begins to play with shining light shades.

To achieve a more pronounced lightening of the hair, you can combine natural ingredients with a small amount of persistent coloring agents.

The use of natural dyes not only allows you to achieve an attractive light shade, but also has a healing effect on the hair and scalp, regular use of these products will help women grow their natural hair in the shortest possible time.

Popular professional lighting techniques

At-home hair lightening methods are simple and affordable, and provide mostly a uniform and simple blond shade that helps hide gray hair, but does not look as spectacular as professional coloring.

Today, there are many lightening technologies that provide the most natural result, give the hair a lively shine and extra volume, and its owner - a harmonious and stylish appearance.

Each woman who wants to lighten her curls can choose a specific coloring procedure depending on the following factors:

  • expected effect;
  • natural structure, color and type of hair;
  • the degree of influence of the clarifying agent;
  • frequency of updating and color correction after the procedure;
  • condition of the hair at the time of the procedure.

Classic blonding

The classic type of coloring allows you to lighten the curls a few tones higher than the existing color, for this, various lightening agents or dyes are used, which are not suitable for every type of hair.

For brunettes, brown-haired women and owners of red hair who want to make their curls light or give them a shade of blond, one procedure will not be enough.

After blonding, in this case, additional means will be needed to even out the color, for example, toning.

Natural blondes and girls with light brown hair should choose a light beige, milky-creamy, mother-of-pearl and pearl palette.

Technique platinum blonde

Lightening hair in the style of platinum blond is considered the pinnacle of hairdressing, as with the correct procedure, a spectacular and impressive shade is achieved.

This technique helps the owners of fair skin, blue and gray eyes, as well as the natural cold shade of curls, to emphasize their noble features and give the image some mystery.

On dark hair, the platinum blond technique will not bring the desired result, but will only worsen their quality, in addition, such a deep and cold blond does not suit brown eyes and tanned skin.

Lightening with darkening of the roots

Lightening hair with a deep dark color of the root zone should be entrusted to a professional stylist, since only with the observance of technology can the desired result be achieved.

In the photo of the results after lightening with darkening of the roots, you can see how impressive this coloring looks on cascading and multi-level haircuts.

The light shade of the hairstyle in this case looks stylish, natural and deep, this is achieved thanks to smooth transitions from dark roots to lighter tips.

It should be remembered that if you grow your curls by more than 3 cm and do not correct the color, the hairstyle will take on a sloppy look.

Lightening with highlights

Lightening hair by highlighting is one of the most popular coloring methods, which involves a combination of natural shades with lightened strands.

This technique provides not only multifaceted light colors on the hair, but also gives them extra volume and makes the structure more dynamic and lively.

For girls who want to lighten their curls by 2-3 tones, frequent highlighting of thin strands is well suited, which exposes only 30-50% of the entire volume of hair to coloring and has a gentle effect on its structure.

With the help of highlighting, you can achieve warm yellowish-beige shades or cold ash, as well as the effect of burnt strands, which will look stylish, even if you grow your hair a little.

To create a more even shade and smooth out the contrasts between the bleached strands and natural hair, tinting is carried out after the clarification procedure.

Bronde lighting

Lightening hair with bronding has become popular not so long ago, but has already won the hearts of many of the fair sex, thanks to a natural and elegant result.

The essence of this technique is the gradual application of several shades from the same color palette to thin strands, which will harmoniously combine and provide smooth transitions.

Bronde dyeing gives the hair extra volume and saturates the strands with shine and natural tints.

To achieve the maximum effect, several bronding procedures will be required, during which honey, light beige, wheat tones or other light shades are applied to the strands.

Ombre staining is one of the original types of bronding, in which the root zone has a deep dark color, smoothly turning into light tips.

In this case, light shades seem to stretch along the entire length of the hair, providing the effect of regrown hair with glare shades at the tips.

To get the lightest blond close to white, radical bleaching of the curls is used, which can be the final goal or the basis for applying other tones.

This procedure has an aggressive effect on the structure of curls, so it is not recommended for weakened hair and sensitive scalp.

To minimize the harmful effects, experts advise using keratin care products before and after bleaching.

After bleaching, the strands can be dyed in almost any color, while it will be as saturated and expressive as possible, and not have unwanted shades.

The best solution in this case would be tinting using a honey, golden, ash-blond and pearl palette.

I get a lot of questions from you about hair, face and body care.

And I am absolutely sure that the answers to these questions should be received not from ordinary people (like me), but from professionals.

Those who have been following me for a long time know that I have only trusted my hair for several years Z Flat. The guys have already written one mega-useful one about the myths of the salon industry for you on the ShSH blog, so that you choose only useful and safe hair treatments and do not become victims of marketing and advertising campaigns.

Today the Z_Flat team will talk about fashionable hair coloring techniques and show how they look.

But before we move on to them, I will quickly answer the most frequent questions about hair loss.

I'm not a doctor, of course!

But taking this opportunity, I want to remind all the girls that the reason, as a rule, is INSIDE.

In the summer, while we lived in, my hair fell out terribly, so between trips I urgently visited a trichologist, to whom, for speed and due to eternal time pressure, I immediately came with analyzes:

  • thyroid gland: ttg, t4 free, t3 free, atTPO
  • iron, I always rent an expanded profile, tk. more than familiar with anemia: hemoglobin, serum iron, ferritin
  • female hormones on day 2-5 of the cycle: LH, FSH, prolactin, testosterone, cortisol, estradiol, DHAS, 17OH-progesterone,
  • vitamin D
  • general blood test

Usually, severe hair loss lasting up to 3 months can be considered the norm, more - you need to sound the alarm.

I sounded the alarm quickly, but a lot of hair still fell out. Half is no exaggeration. I received care and treatment.

On the third month, the loss stopped, now the whole head is covered with "antennas" of short hairs, fortunately, they are growing rapidly.

I believe in sleep (I’m sinful, I believe, but I don’t sleep as much as I need), normal nutrition, at least minimal sports and scalp mesotherapy. And only then all sorts of shampoos, rubs and masks, selected by professionals, and not bought at random in a grocery store.

If you feel that there is a problem with hair - save your time and nerves, go to a trichologist at least.

And in general, in addition to hair loss, there are 1000 reasons to take tests every six months or a year and do an ultrasound of the mammary glands and visit a gynecologist. So if you've been waiting for a sign, this is it.

Take care of yourself girls! And do not postpone it indefinitely - you yourself know that hair loss is far from the most serious consequence of a frivolous attitude to women's health.

And now let's figure out how exactly a stylish and modern coloring should look like.

Team Z_Flat tells and shows what types of hair coloring exist, what techniques are now in trend, and which ones you should be more careful with.



Classic hair coloring or toning. Classic is always in fashion. True, this does not work with clothes, but with coloring - please! It's hard to go wrong here.

But here it is worth remembering that coloring in one tone and toning are still diametrically different procedures :-)

Their main differences:

  • Toning can NOT ALWAYS cover gray hair
  • Permanent dye (coloring) on ​​previously undyed hair can make the color a tone or two lighter. Toning is either your own color or a tone darker.
  • As a rule, toning is washed off much faster than staining.

There are still nuances in coloring. Especially with dark shades. Surely, many have come across a situation where you paint in the same color, and after a while your hair becomes ... black.

And the thing is that the pigment from any paint is not completely washed off and tends to accumulate in the hair (even when it seems that everything has been washed off). Layering on each other, the color molecules gradually become denser and give the same undesirable effect.

By the way, if you paint according to the same formula from roots to tips every time, at a certain point after drying, you will see the roots lighter than the main length. Reasons are the same :-)

What to do? Find a master who understands the subject and run away from those who offer you to choose a color in the palette, and then use it.


This technique assumes an even color, without transitions and glare along the entire length of the hair, of a selected light tone. But you can get a beautiful blond only from a qualified colorist who will do the job correctly, taking into account all the nuances. And there are really a lot of nuances.

Yes, extra-light blondes do require a lot of time, effort and money - this is an axiom! But even with all these conditions, it is worth remembering the main thing!

It will be possible to keep the quality of color and hair at a decent level if the native color in saturation is from 7 tones and higher. Other cases are the exception rather than the rule. Turning from a burning natural oriental brunette into a golden-haired Rapunzel is something from the realm of urban legends.

do not do it this way:(


Highlights, ombre, balayage, shatushi and other buzzwords, the dictionary of which is updated annually, are complex stains. But in fact, it is not necessary for an ordinary person to memorize all these names. After all, they all relate exclusively to the technique and pattern of applying the product, and in terms of plus or minus effect they are similar.


A pioneer among complex colorings on the Russian beauty market.

Highlighting can be done with both lightening powder and paint. The main thing is to choose a professional colorist. He will keep your hair in good condition, and he will select the right paint.

I especially want to emphasize that highlighting is the basis. Therefore, after the procedure, the hair must be tinted!

Otherwise, the result will not be beautiful and, to put it mildly, it has long been out of fashion and simply indecent.

Unfortunately, highlighting without subsequent toning is still common and quite common. Let me explain why this is not good. First of all, the result of highlighting is hair “etched” with lightening powder. And this means that the hair was left without pigment, became porous, brittle, inelastic. The appearance of such hair without styling is extremely untidy.

Secondly, of course, the color of the strands: from golden yellow to ash white. Not everyone likes and suits the shades of the first, and the second can add 5-10 years to you, because. will give the effect of gray hair.

Therefore, it is imperative that after highlighting it is necessary to tint the hair with ammonia-free dyes! Color transitions will turn out soft, which gives a feeling of greater volume and naturalness.

Toning will close the scales of the bleached hair and make it smooth again. Therefore, the hairstyle on toned hair will always look well-groomed, and the hair will always be healthy.


As I wrote above, the effect of complex stains is similar. The main idea of ​​shatush, ombre and balayage (although the latter is generally the name of the paint application technique, but again, everyone does not need to delve into the theory of color) is deep roots and dawn to the ends.

They give a feeling of volume, density to the hair. Tones close to each other create an effect in which the hair becomes a single voluminous mop. It turns out a very beautiful imitation of burnt strands.

There should not be any sharp contrasts, only smooth transitions between shades.


AIR TOUCH is a relatively new coloring technique. According to one of the legends, it was invented by a Russian colorist. The effect is still the same. Gradual transition from dark to light. But the application technique is not quite ordinary.

When dyeing, the strands are blown out with a hairdryer. All fluffy hairs are blown out and not used, and long hairs are lightened. And since everyone has a different amount of these same vellus hairs, they are blown out differently for everyone. It turns out an individual story. Coloring like no other. It looks very soft, small and delicate. But since the work is more painstaking, the cost is higher, unlike previous techniques.

And finally, I want to once again urge you NOT to memorize all kinds of coloring names. They are as useless as the name of hair colors in paper palette catalogs. Better find a colorist with golden hands (and brains). I'm already like that found which I sincerely wish you.

By the way, here is their answer about the "California highlights" and other passions. Screenshot and read like a mantra before going to the salon :-)

And, girls, remember that no matter how beautiful the coloring in the picture on someone else's head looks, it does not mean at all that this particular shade will be right for you. And we have only one hair. They will certainly grow back. Or maybe you can painlessly correct unsuccessful staining.

But in most cases, inappropriate coloring brings a lot of grief, expenses for hair restoration and treatment, etc.

Natural hair color is often dull, faded. Many women, trying to look attractive, carry out staining. You can change the image not only by radically switching to a different suit. There are many different techniques for partial staining. Most often, techniques are chosen that involve lightening individual strands. Let's take a closer look at how you can transform with the help of a partial change in hair color with light shades.

Lightening effect of the strands

Before deciding to lighten the strands, it is desirable decide what effect is needed. Partial highlighting of the owners of the natural light brown color variant will look most attractive.

Highlighting dark-haired people is a complex process, consisting of several stages. Multi-component bleaching, tone equalization, complex care for damaged hair will inevitably await the owners of the burning darkness of the natural color.

Often, strands are lightened in order to achieve the effect of sun-bleached hair. This procedure involves staining the root region in darker tones, the ends are lightened. In this case, there should not be a sharp transition. Lightening is done carefully, the result looks very natural.

American or California highlights will create a wonderful play of light in blondes. The blond toning technique will “stretch” the color along the length, the effect of light burnout is provided. Shades are selected natural, moderately light: wheat, caramel.

Some ladies prefer a beautiful play of highlights in their hair. The contrast perception works. Darker inner layers are combined with bleached, toned outer areas.

Different techniques make it possible to achieve different degrees of contrast. Deep strands can be as close as possible to the natural color of curls or slightly lightened. External often completely deprive of pigment, give them completely new shades.

Root shade option perfectly complement a stylish haircut, hair regrowth will not cause inconvenience. Zonal contrast will emphasize the shape of the face, the geometry of the hairstyle. Shatush will create an interesting shimmer.

Balayage technique will provide a scattering of highlights, gently, carefully treat thin, weakened curls.

Before the procedure

Hair with various defects(thinned, burnt, damaged) should be pre-treated, and then perform any kind of clarification.

When choosing the option of transforming curls, you should consider some peculiarities:

  • The dazzling white color of the strands is unsuccessfully combined with dark skin, dark eyes, eyebrows;
  • It is better for brown-haired women, brunettes to choose natural tones;
  • Dark curls are perfectly combined with cold shades of white;
  • Owners of non-light brown hair should be especially careful when choosing a partial lightening technique so as not to look ridiculous;
  • It is advisable for dark-haired virgins not to experiment at home, but to turn to a professional.
  • Brunettes who are going to radically change their image should think carefully before performing lightening. Complete repeated discoloration, giving the desired shades mercilessly to the hair.

Important! If you are going to lighten part of the hair, you should not first perform dyeing, toning, or any other exposure to chemicals. Recently changed strands can accept a new procedure with a completely unexpected result. An experienced craftsman will never undertake such work without first complete discoloration.

The choice of clarifying agent

Any coloring composition is a chemical substance, so it must be handled carefully, according to the instructions. Manufacturers always recommend pre-testing for allergies. This should not be neglected. Preference should be given to well-known brands, proven products. Be sure to pay attention to whether the packaging is broken, whether the expiration dates are observed.

In the salon, an experienced craftsman easily handles the components for the preparation of the composition, clearly observes the proportions. Required for home use very read the instructions carefully, Strictly follow the technology of preparation of the brightening composition. You should not buy products intended for professional use, they require a special approach.

Hydrogen peroxide with chamomile


  • 100 g of dry chamomile flowers;
  • 200 ml hot water;
  • 30 ml hydrogen peroxide (6%).

Pour chamomile with water, leave for about 1 hour, strain. Add hydrogen peroxide to room temperature solution, shake well. Spread over dry, unwashed strands, insulate with a film, towels. After 40 minutes, rinse with warm water, rinse the curls with shampoo. A perfect completion of the procedure will be a moisturizing mask, rinsing with a simple infusion of chamomile. The effect is noticeable after 1 procedure. The recipe is suitable for lightening dark strands.

Coloring strands in the salon

Coloring strands refers to the type of procedures that are best done in the salon. If you want to get an impeccable result, enjoy a transformed appearance, amaze others with dazzling tints, and not redo the result, it is better to trust an experienced professional.

The master, well versed in hair, coloring, blonding techniques, will recommend exactly what is perfect. When choosing a method of lightening, it is necessary to take into account skin tone, hair length, eye color, eyebrows, face shape. During the procedure, a professional will correctly distribute the location, the number of colored curls.

The process of coloring strands is very time consuming, requires special training, experience in this area. Salon procedure is preferable for both blondes and brunettes. It is difficult for blondes to choose the right color that will not be too contrasting at the same time and will not merge with the main one. It is difficult for brunettes to lighten brightly pigmented strands. A good master knows how to lighten any color of curls.

The result of home staining is not always predicted correctly.

The more professional the master, the more prestigious the salon, the amount of payment for such a procedure is higher. Don't skimp on your appearance. High-quality highlighting is worth the money spent.

This video shows Shatush highlighting in the salon.


After bleaching your hair, you need to take care of it properly. By protecting them from further drying out, providing the required nutrition, hydration, you can maintain health, excellent appearance of the hair.

To maintain the beauty of curls recommendations must be followed:

  • limit the effect of the temperature of styling devices (hairdryer, straightener), refuse or reduce the amount of styling products used;
  • mild sulfate-free cleansers or those intended for dyed, damaged curls are most preferred;
  • make regular nourishment with the help of masks, make wraps, heal with the help of special medical cosmetics;
  • provide protection from the sun;
  • healthy eating, adequate sleep.

To diversify your appearance with the help of lightening strands is available to every woman. There are no restrictions on hair color. Even a burning brunette can become more attractive with the help of light strands.