The girl lies on the guy and they kiss. The guy kisses the girl on the lips and in other places - what does it mean

The first kiss is one of the most exciting moments in a nascent love relationship, when people reveal their sexual nature and temperament to each other. There are different types of kisses, but the most sensual and exciting, of course, is French, which is known for its use of language. How to kiss with the tongue and how to make the first such contact make an unforgettable impression on both?

Kissing is a very natural process, which implies, rather, the ability to relax, trust and enjoy, than the possession of a special technique. Despite this, many people are afraid to make a mistake, to show inexperience at the first contacts of this kind. Because of this, there is excitement, insecurity, fear of opening up to a partner. In this state, a person, naturally, can perform awkward actions and instead of pleasure and a feeling of rapprochement, feel only disappointment. The most important point is the internal state: the first kiss is not an exam for experience, but the first close contact with a loved one, which should not bring anything but joy and pleasure.

Getting ready for sweet kisses!

Of considerable importance in finding a comfortable psychological and emotional state is the environment and atmosphere around: smells, sounds, lighting. In order to relax and let go of emotions as much as possible, it is best if the first kiss takes place in a pleasant romantic setting, where both the guy and the girl will feel easy and calm.

  • A beautiful place in nature is ideal for this event. But, if the weather or other circumstances do not allow, you can create a very pleasant atmosphere at home. It can be a romantic dinner or just a tea party in a cozy atmosphere.
  • Lighting should be soft, unobtrusive: live fire is great for this: candles, aroma lamp, fireplace.
  • Music will also help create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere. You can choose absolutely any music, the main thing is that both the guy and the girl like it.
  • Smells play a special role in the emotional state. The fact is that in addition to an attractive appearance, the partner - both subconsciously and consciously - receives a large amount of information about his boyfriend / girlfriend through smell. A stale smell from the skin or from the mouth can spoil the impression and make the kiss unpleasant and even repulsive. Too sharp and saturated smell of toilet water, deodorant or perfume also creates a not very pleasant impression, even if the aroma itself is pleasant. In addition, a rich smell completely interrupts the natural smell of the body, which is the most attractive from the point of view of the partner's sexual perception. The most suitable option is light fresh or spicy smells that are noticeable only at close range.
  • Girls should not use a large amount of cosmetics: a thick layer of foundation, powder, oily lipstick. With a kiss, the makeup will definitely deteriorate, and the partner will only worry about how she looks. And a guy is unlikely to enjoy the taste of cosmetics in his mouth.
  • Tactile sensations also play an important role: soft, smooth, clean skin will be incredibly attractive to a partner. But chapped dry lips and stiff bristles can cause discomfort during a kiss.

How to kiss the first time with the tongue?

First of all, although it is possible that your partner really likes surprises, it is better to kiss him at the moment when he is ready for it. The question "Can I kiss you?" can sometimes be confusing. Therefore, it is better to trust your intuition and try to read your partner’s body language, “calculate” when his gaze, facial expressions, movements indicate that he is pleased with your close presence, and he wants closer contact.

Secondly, the kissing process itself must be accompanied by hugs, gentle touches, stroking the face, hair, back - in this case, the contact of the lips will bring maximum pleasure.

And now more specifically about how to properly kiss with the tongue.

  • Touch your relaxed lips very gently to the lips of your boyfriend / girlfriend, kiss the upper or lower lip. You can make light suction movements.
  • Gently run the tip of your tongue over your partner's lips, penetrating inside.
  • You should not penetrate too deeply at the first kiss: the second party may not like it. It is enough to find the partner's tongue with the tip of your tongue and gently stroke it: in circular motions around the tip or along the side and along the surface.
  • You can gently run your tongue over the palate and teeth of your partner.
  • Alternate these movements with light sucking movements of the lips.
  • The lips and tongue should be soft, relaxed, but not too loose.
  • Try alternating light and gentle tongue movements with more intense ones.
  • The first kiss shouldn't be too long (unless you feel like your partner really doesn't want to leave you).
  • Do not open your eyes during a kiss and monitor the reaction of your partner. It is better to relax, give in to your feelings and just enjoy the moment - this way it is much more likely that the kiss will please both of you.
  • Breathe freely through your nose during contact, do not hold your breath.
  • The head should be at a slight angle, so that the nose does not interfere.
  • If necessary, swallow saliva periodically to keep your lips from getting too wet.

Subsequently, when you begin to feel what exactly your partner likes, you can experiment: make the kiss faster, passionate and active, or, conversely, more gentle, slow and sensual, make light, fluttering tongue movements or more persistent and deep. The main thing is that all this should be like a pleasant game in which you get to know each other, and not a set of learned movements in which you mentally analyze all your actions.

How to kiss with a tongue with a girl? There is no particular difference between the actions of a guy and a girl during a kiss. But still, the nature of the kiss may differ: a girl, as a rule, expects more active actions from a guy. As already mentioned, during a kiss, people subconsciously read information about their partner from his actions. So, if a guy kisses too languidly, slowly and timidly, this can give the impression of him as an indecisive and incapable of leading a person - and this is exactly what girls are often afraid to find in a boyfriend. At the same time, if the kiss is too rough and persistent, the girl may take it as an indicator that the guy only needs a relationship of a sexual nature, and he does not have any romantic feelings at all. In this sense, a kiss can be compared to a dance, when a man must be soft and romantic, but be able to lead his partner. It is very important that “in the process” the girl feels gentle touches, hugs, hears gentle words in her ear before and after the kiss, and sees the admiring glance of the man.

How to kiss a guy with a tongue? Just as in the case of a guy, on the part of a girl, a kiss should not be too sluggish and inactive. Otherwise, it will give the impression that the contact does not give her any pleasure. It is important for a guy to feel that his actions are pleasing to the other side. This, of course, does not apply to the case when the girl is not ready for a kiss and does not want it at all. At the same time, it is quite natural if the girl's first kiss is a little uncertain, as if tasting. She should not be afraid of this and try in every possible way to show that she is experienced in the ability to kiss. On the contrary, a little timidity and excitement on her part can be exciting and intriguing for a guy.

Many do not know how to first kiss with a guy or a girl, but this is actually a very important step in creating a strong relationship. Kisses are not meaningless pleasures, but the attitude of our spiritual world, the merging of souls, which we see in kisses and other physical mergers of a guy and a girl.

In the article you will learn how to make the right first kiss with a guy or a girl, so that this kiss is remembered for a long time and gives you more pleasure. After all, guys and girls love kissing equally, but when everything happens naturally because of the feelings of both parties, then the kiss itself seems more pleasant and memorable.

For your first kiss with a guy to be successful and correct, you just need to relax, trust your soul and feelings. If you like the guy and he touched your soul and you feel that you want to kiss him, then do not hesitate, as he may think that you are not interested in him and do not like him and will simply leave so as not to take away your and his time wasted.

For the first kiss with a guy to go right, do not think about the kiss, think about how you feel for the guy, whether it is worth continuing the relationship with him. After all, kissing all the guys and giving them parts of your soul, you will not be able to love the only guy who will meet your fate, since you mercilessly gave your soul to the wrong guys who deserved it.

That's why a lot of girls can't find their boyfriend now, because they got too carried away searching and didn't understand who they need. Check your relationship not only first kiss with a guy, do not give yourself to the guy for beautiful words, follow his actions and then you will understand what he wants and whether he has a soul.

For the first kiss with a girl to go right and well, you need to be a confident man and behave with dignity. If you liked a girl, then you don’t need to force her to kiss and hug, just try to seduce her with your character, words, actions and look.

All girls love successful and significant guys, so prove that you are a serious and worthy guy, and not like everyone else, and then the girl will be the first to want to make the first kiss with you. Find out: .

Your task is to do everything so that on the first or second date the girl you like is the first to reach out to kiss you. This is a sign that you seduced her and she likes you. But do not immediately agree to the first kiss with a girl, the girl should see and understand that you have a devoted character and you don’t kiss right away when they climb up to kiss you. This will create even more feelings and the girl will just fall head over heels in love with you.

But you don’t need to apply this knowledge and skills to seduce girls for selfish purposes, this is only necessary in order to find and not lose your only girlfriend, and not run after everyone. First kiss with a girl should be romantic and natural, then you can build a serious and long-term relationship, and not run after all the girls all your life in search of happiness.

A girl should be a girl and try to find and seduce a guy at first sight. And the guy should do his masculine affairs and show in practice that he is worthy and not like all the guys who spend their lives not on success and development, but on chasing girls.

Do not waste your soul on those who are not worthy of this, and then the person who will be worthy of you will find you, and you will find him. Remember that the first kiss with a girl or a guy, this is just the beginning and a test of feelings and the strength of the relationship foundation that you start building from the first date if you like each other.

psycho- olog. en

Many do not know how to first kiss with a guy or a girl, but this is actually a very important step in creating a strong relationship. Kisses are not meaningless pleasures, but the attitude of our spiritual world, the merging of souls, which we see in kisses and other physical mergers of a guy and a girl.

In the article you will learn how to make the right first kiss with a guy or a girl, so that this kiss is remembered for a long time and gives you more pleasure. After all, guys and girls love kissing equally, but when everything happens naturally because of the feelings of both parties, then the kiss itself seems more pleasant and memorable.

For your first kiss with a guy to be successful and correct, you just need to relax, trust your soul and feelings. If you like the guy and he touched your soul and you feel that you want to kiss him, then do not hesitate, as he may think that you are not interested in him and do not like him and will simply leave so as not to take away your and his time wasted.

For the first kiss with a guy to go right, do not think about the kiss, think about how you feel for the guy, whether it is worth continuing the relationship with him. After all, kissing all the guys and giving them parts of your soul, you will not be able to love the only guy who will meet your fate, since you mercilessly gave your soul to the wrong guys who deserved it.

That's why a lot of girls can't find their boyfriend now, because they got too carried away searching and didn't understand who they need. Check your relationship not only first kiss with a guy, do not give yourself to the guy for beautiful words, follow his actions and then you will understand what he wants and whether he has a soul.

For the first kiss with a girl to go right and well, you need to be a confident man and behave with dignity. If you liked a girl, then you don’t need to force her to kiss and hug, just try to seduce her with your character, words, actions and look.

All girls love successful and significant guys, so prove that you are a serious and worthy guy, and not like everyone else, and then the girl will be the first to want to make the first kiss with you. Find out how to hint a guy for a kiss.

Your task is to do everything so that on the first or second date the girl you like is the first to reach out to kiss you. This is a sign that you seduced her and she likes you. But do not immediately agree to the first kiss with a girl, the girl should see and understand that you have a devoted character and you don’t kiss right away when they climb up to kiss you. This will create even more feelings and the girl will just fall head over heels in love with you.

But you don’t need to apply this knowledge and skills to seduce girls for selfish purposes, this is only necessary in order to find and not lose your only girlfriend, and not run after everyone. First kiss with a girl should be romantic and natural, then you can build a serious and long-term relationship, and not run after all the girls all your life in search of happiness.

A girl should be a girl and try to find and seduce a guy at first sight. And the guy should do his masculine affairs and show in practice that he is worthy and not like all the guys who spend their lives not on success and development, but on chasing girls.

Do not waste your soul on those who are not worthy of this, and then the person who will be worthy of you will find you, and you will find him. Remember that the first kiss with a girl or a guy, this is just the beginning and a test of feelings and the strength of the relationship foundation that you start building from the first date if you like each other.

A kiss is an important thing in a relationship between a man and a woman. After all, how do all long and romantic relationships begin? Not only that you liked each other, a kiss plays an important role in a relationship. A lot of girls and guys are asking questions:

How to kiss correctly so that your partner would like it and remember it not only for a moment?

This article will help you in all these matters, and after reading those who have never kissed before in their lives - decide on their first kiss, and those who already have experience in this love affair - learn something new and will be able to improve your skills.

At what age should you decide on the first kiss?

If you are interested in this issue, then most likely you have never kissed, but you already want to experience these sensations that are still unknown to you.

Of course, you are worried, because everything that we will experience for the first time is always exciting. The first real kiss of a lifetime will be remembered by you.

According to statistics, the first kiss occurs between the ages of 12 and 16. Most often, girls begin to develop this experience a little earlier than boys. This is due to the fact that girls succeed in development for 2 - 3 years, although the age is in fact the same. Such is the structure of man. And that is why young girls most often look at high school students.

When it is worth deciding on the first kiss will depend only on you. Take your time in this gentle matter, because you will never forget the first kiss. And often you will remember him.

How to prepare for the first kiss?

In order for your kiss to leave a pleasant, memorable impression on your partner and give you pleasure, you should take a few rules into the habit:

  1. Delicate lips. When kissing, your lips should be tender, smooth and soft. And in no case be weathered and rough. In order for lips to always look seductive and attractive, it is worth performing several actions:
Use a lip mask. The mask will take only 2-3 minutes. But the effect will pleasantly surprise and delight you. Before going outside, do not forget about the use of hygienic lipstick. It will save your lips from chapping.
  1. Fresh breath. When kissing, you must have fresh breath. If you do not have the opportunity to brush your teeth before a kiss, then the use of chewing gum will come to your aid;
  2. Touch. Hugs, caressing your hair, touching your hands and face will help you get to the heart of the matter more.

The first kiss is always exciting. Both the guy and the girl are always nervous, worried and don’t know how to start and make that very long-awaited first kiss - so that the partner would like everything. Follow the technique below and your kiss will be the most memorable:

  1. Be seductive. Each of us can not only hear, but also feel. Try not to be nervous, look into your partner's eyes and smile gently;
  2. Touch is the best assistant. While you are interacting with your partner, lightly and smoothly run your hand through your hair, touch your hand, or hug your partner;
  3. Switch your gaze. You should not look only into the partner’s eyes, look at the lips, and then again at the partner’s eyes and smile gently. Then - kiss your partner on the cheek and smile shyly again;
  4. Gentle kiss. Next, gently kiss your partner on the lips, for a start several times, without opening your lips, you can close your eyes while kissing.
  5. At any time, you can repeat the kiss, so kissing for the first time is not worth it for a long time, 15-17 seconds will be enough.
  6. Watch the video and you will be able to understand the details clearly:

A few mistakes and interference during the first kiss

  • If you like risk and are very brave, and your boyfriend still does not dare to kiss you first, then take matters into your own hands, in this situation, on the lips. Kiss him first and you will understand, by his reaction, whether it is worth continuing;
  • Most girls at a young age are embarrassed to kiss in public. Find a secluded place where you will be alone and perhaps you will be able to persuade her to more decisive action;
  • For starters, you can practice kissing at home, on a peach. Bring it to your lips and try some kind of simple kiss. Imagine that you are kissing a guy. Do it alone, otherwise it will be stupid and embarrassing if your parents catch you;
  • Your own teeth can come to your hindrance, you can just hit them. To avoid this, do everything slowly and carefully;
  • Don't open your mouth too wide when kissing;
  • You can bump noses, so it's worth kissing so that your partner tilts his head a little to the side;
  • Do not hold your breath, because you do not dive under water. Breathe calmly through your nose;
  • Advice for a girl Do not paint your lips before kissing with lipstick or gloss. And then you can paint the face of a partner, and smear yourself.

light romantic kiss

After the first sweet kiss, you can move on to a more romantic kiss. It will allow you to feel and understand each other better:

  1. Contacting your partner with your lips, do not strain them, relax and close your eyes;
  2. Gently grab your partner's bottom lip. Lean back a little, but no more than 2-4 centimeters from it;
  3. You can open your eyes and smile at him, so you establish eye contact and can understand whether it is worth continuing the process, if so, then continue;
  4. Just as before, grab your partner’s upper or lower lip with your lips, do it the same way as before, but it’s already worth slightly pinching the partner’s lip between your lips. Do this action alternately with both the upper and lower lip.

French or passionate kiss in a hickey

This kind of kiss will be more sensitive, passionate and deep. After all, during such a kiss, you touch your partner's tongue with your tongue. French kiss does not like compromises and taboos:

  1. Touching your partner with your lips, touch them with your tongue. It will become clear to him that you want to try out the French kiss. If not, then it is worth postponing this type of kiss for another time;
  2. Next, you should slightly open your mouth and move your tongue into your partner's mouth. The tips of your tongues on the way to each other should meet and touch, run the tip of the tongue along the tip of the tongue of the partner and take the tongue to the side;
  3. Moving on to the next stage of the kiss, you should open your mouth a little wider than before and move your tongue further than before, so that your tongues are completely in contact;
  4. Add touch. Run your hands through your partner's hair. Then kiss your partner's lips like you're thirsty and can't get enough. Suck, bite your partner's lips. Try to do it naturally;
  5. To end the kiss, you can slightly start to reduce the pace of the kiss.

Kissing Problems - And You're Not the Only One

  • The partner is a bad kisser. There is nothing wrong with this, if you like a person, then be patient and teach him this skill. After all, once upon a time you yourself did not know how to kiss;
  • Height difference. Do you feel tension in your neck when you kiss because you constantly have to bow your head towards your partner or vice versa? That is not a problem at all. After all, you can kiss while sitting or move to a lying position.

Throughout our lives, people kiss. We constantly notice this inadvertently, walking down the street, in shopping centers, cinemas - in general, you can see kissing people everywhere. And it's not just any manifestation of feelings.

Thus, people express their love, passion for each other. Everything that surrounds us is gradually progressing, a kiss is no exception.

Kiss as an original gift for a girl on March 8. If you have already experienced all the sweetness of the first kiss, so to speak, you have basic skills and it so happened that the holiday of March 8 is approaching, then in addition to giving an “official” gift, you can give as an addition a new original kiss that you and your chosen one have not yet experienced. It will be a great addition and your girlfriend will surely like it;

An original kiss on February 23 to a guy from a girlfriend. The beginning of your relationship is a very romantic period. If you want to not only impress a guy with a gift, but want to give him something memorable and untried, then with the help of an unusual kiss you will be able to present the whole gift in full abundance. From the many types of kiss, choose the one that you and your partner have not yet had time to try out.

Today there are many types of kisses. Here is some of them:

  • eskimo kiss. Very cute and innocent nose kiss. Partners touch each other with their noses, and, so to speak, lightly rub their noses;
  • Kiss the butterfly. This type of kiss is as innocent as the prelude kiss, and is done with the help of eyelashes. To perform such a kiss, close your eyes and touch your partner's lips or cheek with your cilia, you can pat your cilia;
  • Inato. Gentle and very romantic kiss. We can say that the relationship between a guy and a girl begins with such a kiss. Lips of partners touch. And that's all, just a merger of lips, no frills;
  • Romantic. This kiss is considered more relaxed than the ghost kiss. After all, there is not only a touch of the lips, but also their gentle biting and sucking. With the help of such a kiss, passion is aroused in a partner;
  • French. This type of kiss can be called more frank. After all, when the action of this kiss takes place, not only the lips but also the tongues of the partners are involved;
  • Samyan. It is also considered a rather frank and depraved type of kiss. All actions begin with the merging of the lips of the partners, turning into playful sucking of the tongue with the help of the lips;
  • Kiss on the ear. This type of kiss is more exciting and at the same time innocent and gentle. Slowly approach your partner's snake and wrap your lips around the earlobe, start with gentle sucking, run your tongue over it, and finish the kiss by slightly biting the earlobe with your teeth;
  • Mint kiss with ice. For this kiss, paint your lips with mint gloss. It is very cooling on the lips and will give this unusual effect to your boyfriend. It is also worth taking a small piece of ice in your mouth. Start kissing your loved one, while passing a piece of ice to each other with your tongue. Such a kiss can be made not only on the lips of a loved one, but also on the entire naked body. This kiss will bring new sensations to your relationship and cause a storm of positive emotions in a guy.

Kissing is a very intimate activity between people in love. Give your kiss only to the person you love. Try and experiment all kinds of kisses and they will give you a real pleasure!

Mutual attraction between two people is expressed by the desire to kiss. And if everything has to happen for the first time? How to learn to kiss if you have never done it before? No panic! Nature took care of the attraction of the sexes at the level of instinct. So learning to kiss is just a matter of time. The first time the desire to learn how to kiss comes in the teenage period of falling in love. We have not yet understood what is happening, but unconsciously the program has started its course.

Before moving on to the next stage of a more intimate relationship, we want to kiss the person to make sure they're really the one. If the partners were pleased, then the rapprochement continues, if not, the relationship will most likely end there. Of course, there are techniques that suggest how to learn to kiss, but our internal receptors cannot be deceived. What signal they send to the brain department, the person will feel that reaction.

Do not despair. If you have already started a relationship, you have a mutual attraction, then a kiss will only prove it once again.

In contact with

Love and passion are not the same thing. These feelings sometimes do not occur simultaneously, but complement each other. Kisses in both cases differ in the strength of attraction and sympathy. You can learn to kiss passionately with the tongue, without the tongue, in French. Kissing is instinctive. If there are real feelings between partners, then nature will tell them how to learn to kiss, with or without tongue.

In addition to technology, kisses have a temperamental component:

  • caress;
  • excitation;

With a caressing kiss, the tongue is only slightly drawn over the lips. Exciting and passionate kisses - deep, with a full plexus of tongues. Passionate - characterized by intensity, greater frankness and the same touches of the hands.

A passionate kiss and a French kiss are completely different. In the latter, both tongues are involved, while the suction technique involves a tight touch of the lips, with alternate sucking of each lip without a tongue.

How to learn to kiss in French:

  • heads should be positioned so as not to collide with noses;
  • relax, close your eyes, just touch your lips;
  • penetrating into the mouth of a loved one, unobtrusively touch the tongue;
  • increase activity, stroke the mouth with the tongue in any direction.

Do not hold your breath, let it go along with the kiss. A suffocated partner is not a pleasant sight. In a French kiss, the speed and intensity of gripping and biting the lips changes. Partners alternately assume dominance.

You can kiss not only on the lips, sucked and with the tongue. A nice friendly kiss on the cheek will make your loved one smile again. An Eskimo Kiss (with noses) will set a playful tone during a date. Kissing the eyes is a sign of tenderness and love.

Kisses without feelings are more like exercises for the mouth. There is no pleasure, and disgust may appear. There are many other ways to show your maturity.

All the techniques that tell you how to learn to kiss will not help to impress if the partner does not openly show his feelings. In addition to the tongue, use your hands. Gentle touches, stroking, hugs bring lovers even closer.

If I'm a guy, how assertive should I be?

The first kiss is the most unforgettable experience. For teenagers, the question of how to learn to kiss for the first time is a very serious problem. Guys try to deal with this as early as possible, because they want to look experienced, feel like winners.

On the first date, the girl should have a desire to meet again. Do not be distracted from the process, otherwise the girl will decide that you are kissing her without much desire. And this fact will be perceived as indifference, which means that there may not be a second date. Having studied the technique and understood how to learn how to kiss for the first time, you should be more careful with a girl. There are several rules that you should never do when kissing:

  • biting and sucking lips to the point of pain;
  • before the meeting, eat garlic, onions, and other foods with a strong odor; it is unpleasant to kiss a person who has bad breath;
  • to force kissing, to impose their own ideas about kisses; only a complete understanding of the partner and his desires; too active actions, and even more so forcing them, can ruin relationships.

When kissing, the body itself will do most of the work if there is attraction between partners. It is not difficult to understand that it is time to act. The girl stops, looks into her eyes, then at her lips, her mouth slightly open.

If I'm a girl, can I kiss a guy first?

Do you want to learn how to kiss a guy? First time on a date? It is generally accepted that the guy should take the main step in a relationship. But sometimes young people simply don’t understand if a girl wants this, will she reciprocate? A situation is created where she tries to remain mysterious and inaccessible, and he is shy and does not know what to do. And how, then, to learn to kiss on the lips, if no one is going to start?

Sometimes a girl should be more open. Show the guy your feelings so that he is sure of her desire. Tactile contact, touching the hair, looking into the eyes will let the guy know that his partner is ready to kiss.

He will definitely kiss the girl. Well, if not (there are such insecure guys), then you need to go on the offensive. Only gently, gently and unobtrusively.

How to learn to kiss a guy who is afraid to make the first move? Just talk about it. Tell him how you want him to kiss you. Words can be anything, the main thing is to express your desire directly. You can kiss him goodbye when he walked home. One glance is enough for the guy to understand everything. This method is often shown in movies. If a friend is visibly nervous, then it is worth approaching him, touching his lips with his lips. Guys don't miss this gesture.

Learning to kiss is easier than it seems at first glance. We are born with the ability to do this. All that hinders us is our own fears and insecurities.

Some brave girls take matters into their own hands. They can easily passionately kiss the guy on the lips in a hickey with the tongue. By the way, many guys really like this surprise and remember it for a long time. However, you shouldn't do this all the time. This trick works amazingly only once.

For the shy, this is risky. Here you don’t know how to at least learn to kiss, not to kiss passionately, and even the first one. But if several dates have passed, and the beloved is still just holding his hand, you will have to act:

  1. Look at his lips, look into his eyes.
  2. Approach, slightly touching his lips.
  3. Engage language.

This method will definitely push even the most shy guy to action. Stop for a moment, look at him. Let him reach out to you and want to continue what he started.

The answer is practice. Just studying the theory, it is impossible to learn how to kiss cool. Take action! It's great if young people both have no experience, but trust each other. This is an ideal option for learning how to kiss quickly and efficiently.

  1. It is easier to start kissing with caressing lips, touching, stroking.
  2. Simultaneous breathing helps to relax even more.
  3. There are a large number of receptors on the tongue, even the lightest contact with the tongue is already pleasant. Here you need to surrender to feelings, they will tell you when to increase or decrease activity.

On the lips

How to learn to kiss on the lips? First: relax, switch to a partner. Secondly, use the classic option to start with: kissing without a tongue.

The first time it is advisable not to rush, actively wielding the tongue. From the outside it will look, at least, strange. Let the kiss be soft, but promising continuation.

Kissing is a unique part of the love game. Experienced seductresses know that a light fleeting kiss sometimes has a much stronger and more exciting effect on a partner. This is worth learning. Kissing for the first time with a guy with a tongue is too fast a jump at the beginning of a relationship. Decide for yourself, according to the situation.

With tongue

How to learn to kiss cool with tongue? Remember your partner. Do not try to swallow it or stick your tongue deeper. At home, during training, think not only about how to learn how to kiss a guy, with or without tongue, but about feelings for your loved one. Believe me, instinct itself will lead you where you need to go. When kissing, throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head. Everything has already begun, so add improvisations. Let it be unforgettable! Caresses with the tongue should change, move from lips to tongue, exploring every millimeter of the mouth. Hand touches are essential. And then everything is simple:

  1. Touch your lips.
  2. Penetrate into the mouth of another gradually.
  3. With explicit agreement, penetrate deeper, allowing the tongues to embrace each other.
  4. Hugs can be strong, but caring, gentle.

This is the most common kissing technique. It is quite enough to learn how to kiss a guy for the first time.

Watch your personal hygiene. With cracks or herpes on the lips, it is better to postpone the kiss until complete recovery.


How to learn to kiss passionately? The scheme is the same as with the language. It's just that in one case the language is used, in the other it is not. Or rather, not always. combines both methods. It depends on how to learn. Kissing passionately is simple:

  1. Lip touch.
  2. Light sucking alternately on each lip of the partner.
  3. Transition to licking the inside of them.

Even a deep sucking kiss involves tongue penetration.

Strong biting, sucking - it hurts. Be careful. Better to be awkward than rude and nasty.

Without a partner

How to learn without a partner? If you are afraid to admit your inexperience, use the old grandfather ways. Check out all the techniques by kissing your own hand or picking up a peach. If you decide to learn how to kiss without a guy, then these methods will definitely work. There is nothing weird or funny about them. But on a date you will feel more confident.

How to learn to kiss without a partner on peaches, and why on them? The peach has a thin, delicate skin that feels like human skin. It remains to close your eyes and work out the above techniques one by one. The same goes for arm training. There are no other secrets in the "science of kissing".

Useful video

A video tutorial on the secret technique of proper kissing will help you learn how to kiss cool:


  1. One day we think about how to learn to kiss. The first steps are always difficult, but no one has yet parted from an inept kiss. Skill comes with practice.
  2. A girl may well discuss how to learn how to kiss properly with a guy. Young people do not require this skill from their partners at all. On the contrary, they themselves want to be experienced and look like that.
  3. How to learn to kiss - on the hand, apricot, peach, or immediately with a friend or girlfriend - you choose. The main thing is not to wind yourself up and not to worry. This can only spoil the date.

Nature has made sure that we receive mental and physical benefits in relationships. Scientists have proven that kissing improves mood, improves well-being, adds energy and prolongs youth.