The girl described herself by chance stories of revenge. My hobby

Newbies may not believe it, but almost half of all mountain adventures begin with a girl going to pee. Hearing this, newbies smile skeptically or even laugh, thinking it’s a joke. Indeed, what can be difficult about being away for a few minutes? But the old people frown, remembering how in 1988 in the Tien Shan because of such a trifle 200 people suffered, and some even died. In the evenings, tourists usually sit by the fire and share their impressions. The topic of girls who went into the bushes often comes up ... Such stories happened all the time, but, fortunately, not in my groups. Finally, it was my turn. We walk in a group along the mountains, along the fabulous Ergaki. Beauty is all around, the seas of flowers, nightingales are pouring in, the air is amazing, sheer pleasures. Let's go, for three days without incident. Let's go to Azure ...

We went up to the Golova pass, stopped there for a rest. The weather is sunny, dry, and you can sit for half an hour. The views from the top open up - wow! Okay, rested, it's time to move on. As soon as we took up our backpacks, one girl suddenly decided that it would be necessary to go into the bushes before the road. And she left. We sit listening to the birds. After 5 minutes, they began to joke, after 10 minutes they were worried about the absence, and after half an hour they realized that something serious had happened. They rushed to call and search. There is no our girl, as if she has sunk into the water. Only at the top of the pass there is not even water. But a man has disappeared! There are no bears, no hooligans, no maniacs, no terrorists, no police. Who could steal our girl? We even suggested that some villain crept unnoticed, kicked the girl over the head and hid the body under stones. We understand that this is not a city, this is unlikely here, but, theoretically, it is permissible. They searched the entire pass, looked under every stone. Not found! We began to carefully look at the path forward and backward. And here ... they found it! We saw that the tiny figure was already approaching the lake. It's good that in the right direction. But what was the reason that made her throw her backpack and the group here ?!

Cursing, we rushed down to the lake. I also had to carry an extra backpack. We walked very quickly. It was suspected that our girl might urgently need help. What if she has an acute mental disorder? Without a single halt, we ran to Lazurnoe, where we found our loss, peacefully sitting on the grass.
- What's happened?!?..
The answer shocked us:
- What, did something happen? ..
- Why did you go alone? Why without a backpack?
- And I thought I was following you ...
- What, did you see one of us in front of you?
- No, I haven't, but I thought I was behind and now I'm trying to catch up.
This is the logic. This story is real and far from an isolated one. Then we discussed it, analyzed it. An idea was expressed - not to take her backpack with you, but to leave her at the pass. So she would have to go back for a backpack, and that would be a punishment. But we are realists, and we understood that one of her could not be released to the pass, even if in the form of a just punishment.

The correspondence with this girl began after I read her tweet that she was going home and would describe herself soon. Outwardly, this is a very sexy girl with very beautiful long legs. Such qualities as modesty, bashfulness are not inherent in her. She is one of those girls who want to live to the fullest: drinking, smoking, having sex, having fun. She just breathes with sexuality, but her sexuality is not available to everyone. Several times she also tweeted that she wanted to go to the toilet badly and was about to endure it. For her, this is mischief, nothing more. Rarely did I manage to enter into a dialogue with her, so the correspondence turned out to be so intermittent (I saved the dates of all the dialogues). Vika agreed to give me an interview, but then wrote that she did not have time for this.




“I am traveling in a cattle truck. I'll describe myself right now ... but it's still ... 20 minutes to get to the house. "


haaaa))))) was not described) everything was fine)))) thanks for the experience))


So what did you have that day?)) Strongly wanted to go to the toilet?)))


I don't remember much of everything that happens)) comfortable memory) in general, everything is always fine with me, and small trifles are also funny ..... although ....)))))


I remember running by the way)) it's good that everything is near \


like this topic))))?



usually, if absolutely kapets, then the panties are removed and you piss where you have to)))


Well, this is also an option. Although for me the main trick is when the girl is already in such a state that she just wants to write how she wants to write, and she doesn't care just to do it. At such moments, the girls are just super sexy)))


when you don't run straight seeeeksi)))))) it was the case, I described the shorts))) it was bummer))))


I ran home, and at the sight of the toilet everything poured out on its own, I did not notice


How old were you? And what kind of background was there, in short?))


I ran home from somewhere, it was cool for shorts, and I just rush home, run to the bathroom and ... probably from cold to warm))))))


walked))) was 2 years ago))


Well, I can imagine how sexy you were at that moment when you ran home, and you had a full bladder))) Well, when it started flowing down your legs…. Well, it's just probably indescribable)))


warm and wet)))) and kayfovo)))))) hihihih))


That is, did you like it?)))


by the way, I'll go pee, otherwise I've been putting up with it for an hour, I forget to go))


And by the way, was it so hard for you that you really wanted to poop, and barely managed to get there?))))


pee))) scat is aaaaaad)))) about pooping was not) everything on time)) but about the girl I read that she crap in the market)))) did not have time and got dirty, then I went to wash in a public toilet)))


What's the story about the girl? Where did you read it?))


I don't remember, VKontakte seems to be))) she was later glorified by her neighbor who worked at the checkout counter)))))))) and all her friends found out about it


that is, this is a real story ??? Can you find and give a link?


the story is real, but I can hardly find it))) there is a joke in the fact that she told a friend that she almost botched herself, and he tells her that he knows how she is real, and not just, and that the whole yard knows blabblah


so she was upset, or just endured for a long time and did not reach it?))


just walked and didn't reach))


and so it happened with a person)))) children somehow at first do not control themselves and involuntarily with them. When PIK, the body no longer responds to the desires of the soul)) the desire of the body is above all))


but ... I thought she was an adult ... well then, okay))


giggle))))) adult))) 17-18 like her))) at this age all the rules)


I mean, it was 17 - 18 when she got in her pants?


she was so many years old))) yes) when she walked around the market


Do you like scat too?


yes, not quite scat and uro))) I like it when a girl really wants to go to the toilet))) This is the very salt)))


a strong desire + the likelihood of disgrace))


hihih))))) the note is understandable))) very cute))) and how would you react if a girl is described in front of your eyes?


Would react very positively


By the way, I had pictures somewhere, as I write)) the sexiest .... photo .... I don't know) I chose from 70 more or less)


who photographed you?)


my ex-husband)


you managed to be married)))


he has a lot of my photos ..... did not have time)))) ran away the day before the wedding, but we are friends, and conditionally we call each other that way.


By the way, the day before yesterday I still wet myself ....)


I sat at the computer, kept up a very active correspondence, and because at the dacha, you can not only run to the home toilet, but also just sit down in the bushes for pleasure. I endured for a long time and everything was fine, I ran and thought for a long time where to go to write. I went to the home toilet, and there I just took off my shorts, as I wrote in my panties. I was not upset))) I changed my clothes and that's it.


and right now I also want ... but I'll go outside)


Hey! Pleased with your tweet today. But you did not describe yourself, I think))


Ha) funny. I didn’t describe myself, but I could. Mom washed and I could not get to the toilet.


Hey! Was there an adventure again this morning?)))

I don’t believe that you wouldn’t go out on the street without waiting for the office. How did you solve the problem?)


Hai)) there was nowhere. Heaps of people ... stood dancing, then they let me in. Here at home I have already really described myself.


Day of tin


I ran in and straight away ...


From the doorstep to the pants


Is it after work?


Yes. Mom opened the door and didn't let me run ...


It’s me that caught a cold. All the girls are peeing right now

Difficult day. I was everywhere, thinking about forgetting ... it's easier to piss.

Girls, happy holiday everyone! A very unpleasant story happened to me ... Yesterday my friends and I gathered at a friend's house to celebrate March 8 and her birthday, at night. At the institute we had a very friendly company and after graduation we still meet. It's been a few years now and it's always nice to meet. We walked wonderfully. Somewhere after 12 I was drifting off to sleep, I was very tired, and the amount I had drunk made itself felt - I confess, I went over a bit. So, I fell asleep right in the armchair in the living room, where they continued to celebrate with might and main. And before that, I tried several times unsuccessfully to get to the toilet, because I wanted to pee for a long time, but it was always busy there. It so happened that I fell asleep without leaving. I sleep and through my sleep I feel that I want to write terribly, and I seem to understand that I need to get up and go .... I almost wake up, but I fall asleep back. Then I remember very well that I dreamed about the toilet, but for some reason it was standing right on the street and there were a lot of people around, and I still could not go to it. Then there were some more vague episodes. In the end, I dream that I am going to the toilet, there is no one around and I sit down on the toilet and start to write ... and pee for real :(, in the virtual toilet - unfortunately, right into the chair. I slept until I was woke up a friend, a young man with whom I met for a while was standing next to me. UUH Horror! I woke up in a puddle, all wet. It seems that I went to the full program, because I almost did not want to write. I have never felt such a shame. Around is a full room. familiar people, it felt like everyone was looking at me. I don’t know how long I sat in a puddle before they woke me up, but everything was perfectly visible: (the chair was all wet, my trousers were soaked almost to my knees. A shame. I immediately hid in the bathroom , my friend found me some clothes, I ran in a taxi and went home. MCH accompanied me, I didn't even know what to talk to him about.

Today I woke up with a feeling of great shame. How will I look my friends in the eye? How will I look my boyfriend in the eyes tomorrow (we also work together)? Just think, a serious girl, but she wrote in front of everyone. This has happened to me before, but it was in my bed, no one knew about it. Once at the age of 13, at my grandmother's, I ate a watermelon before going to bed. Another time - 5-6 years ago, at home, after a stormy party. And every time I had a dream with a toilet. But since then, it has not been repeated. Maybe I should see a doctor?

Here I sit, tormented, I just can't calm down. MCH called, asked, and I'm even ashamed to talk to him. Ruined my whole holiday.

Nicky checked herself in the office (part 2)

Golden Rain

(The story is already underway)

Notes on the topic of the story on the forum on the Internet: Girl: “Gee, but I often have this ... it's simple patamuchta too lazy to get to the toilet ... well, that's laziness and that's it, you mean. Well, at the expense of my temper ... it discourages the feeling of orgasm by 60 percent.T.K. concentration of attention and all the forces of the body and the brain goes to the point of not being descriptive ... and finally ... do you understand if I want to get an orgasm in their tenacious paws and then another kind of necrosis arises. Although you can create a separate science: getting an orgasm from your own sex and from a long need to go to the toilet, as a result, a double orgasm!)) ... well, first, develop a certain method of breathing and relaxation)

Boy: I personally don't like it when a girl pisses when you pissed her off. So in the current story, Phil was lucky with Nicky, and Nicky was lucky with Phil, given the piquancy of the method. At night, she managed not to describe herself, but in the morning Niki was in a hurry to work in the office, and being still with a full bladder, she rode away anyway, hitting her bladder full from the night right from the doorway first to the one-hour morning meeting, and then .. .well read on for yourself:

Everyone was already sitting, but the meeting had not started yet. Andy, her boss, looked at her sternly. - I apologize for being late. - We were only waiting for you.

While the chief was saying this, Niki glanced at the door to the corridor and further to the toilets, where she had no time. “I got caught” ... - So, let's begin, - Andy uttered, coughed up and began a leisurely speech, feeling at ease.

And Nicky could no longer endure the pain in the bladder - she imagined what would happen if now she was described, to top it off, in the middle of the office in full view of all employees and employees. Then Nicky moved into a plush chair next to her, which was softer. She was unable to contain her fidgeting.

Andy was the first to notice her strange behavior, and immediately guessed what was the matter. He himself had greasy hair hanging from his head, he was poorly shaven, stale, as if from a Sunday hangover. Nicky has already studied every defect on his face, and apparently the only thing her boss definitely managed to do was to go to the toilet before the meeting.

We are worried about the future prospects of promotion ... in the service sector ... our efforts ... (He's only about thirty, and already such a bore, - thought Nicky). When the respite was announced, Andy asked her why she was late today. - I had a busy day off, slept longer than usual. My apologies. - Forgivable for the first time.

Would you like some coffee to cheer up? - No, thank you. - Niki answered excitedly, trying not to move. Andy shrugged and didn't ask any more. After the "intermission" Niki made up her mind and showed even greater freedom in her body movements. Confidence entered into her, she would not endure as if nothing had happened until the end of the meeting and would not do anything "unforeseen." Nevertheless, she twitched with might and main. Andy involuntarily began to look at her longer.

Her short skirt was also tight, so the swollen area of ​​the lower abdomen, which he now and then examined, was strongly outlined. She was ready to cry, she dropped her eyes and eyelashes and looked at her still dry skirt.

Everyone looked at the speaker, and only the speaker looked into the hall. Nicky felt uneasy about the attention the chef was giving her and began to play with her curls, twitching her hair and trying to distract herself from the tension at the bottom of her bladder, which was trying to contain all its contents.

So, - Andy interrupted his widespread speech, that no one was watching what he was talking about,

What awaits us after this?

Eh ..., - Nicky at that moment felt that the bladder was swollen in the shape of a ball as much as it could, urine tried to seep down her, and soon she would not be contained by any efforts.

Well, we'll be damn diligent in our work, apply all our skills, except maybe not walk on our hands. She laughed at her mistake and immediately fell silent. Everyone around laughed too. Then the other boss mumbled too quickly. Andy turned his head in that direction, but gestured to stop. And he continued himself:

I can assure you that soon everything will go like clockwork. So what have we been working on lately? In Nika's head, one thought was spinning: I drank tea and coffee over the past day and a half and kept it all in myself. Everything Phil wanted from me.

I see your results, ”Andy said. Andy picked up the handle and twisted it in his hands, watching as Nicky squirmed in her chair.

Does anyone have fears that all our efforts may turn out to be a crushing collapse for us? But we are ready for that too, our bank account will help us out in difficult times.

“What could help me out now? Eh, if I had diapers on myself. And she said aloud: - So what's next? - Don't interrupt me. Andy instructed her.

He continued his monologue, going into new and new jungle. He talked about everything and nothing. While Andy kept talking and talking, Nicky watched the movement of the second hand on her wristwatch, thinking about every 5 seconds that passed with the movement of the hand.

Nicky suddenly bent so hard that Andy looked at her again. Nicky was counting down the number of minutes that had passed, five, ten, fifteen, it seems that everything is already, at the fifteenth minute of the countdown, the bladder was no longer able to endure. Finally Andy finished his report and sat down, looking around him with satisfaction and resting his hands on the armrests. Nicky did not expect such a sudden stop, and immediately began to jump off the spot. Niki noted with horror that the time was approaching ten in the morning - Andy's performance took almost an hour, minus a ten-minute delay. It usually lasted no more than half an hour.

Is everything all right? Is there something wrong with you? - asked Andi, seeing her predicament.

What do you have in mind?

Didn't you listen to what I just said? I suggested calculating what if they did it ... I will repeat it again for those who are inattentive and not awakened.

And so Andy was again chatting and chatting in the same boring manner as before, drilling Nicky and leaving her nothing to do but think about his bladder and fear of wetting. Nicky only used the toilet in the office a couple of times, following her habit of avoiding outside toilets whenever possible and using mostly only her own household. But now she was replaying in her mind the picture of the faience structures she had seen, and replaying the sequence of actions. "There is no doubt that I am now ..." she thought, "I definitely ...". Niki stopped thinking about anything else and concentrated only on the muscles of the nerves within her panties. There was a sensation of phlegm. "Oh my God!" Nicky was all teary, holding her breath, feeling that like urine began to flow down her legs between her tightly squeezed thighs, completely wetting the strip of panties.

“At this pace,” she returned to her thoughts, “everyone will see the smudges on my legs when I have to leave this office, and I’ll also have to go through the entire office.” Fortunately for her, Andy finished summing up the considerations, bewilderedly thinking to himself: "Why doesn't she ask for time off?" Niki looked around from side to side, trying not to push her legs apart. Finally Andy stopped and wiped the sweat from his forehead. His tongue was tangled, he was tired.

He noticed Nicky's fidgeting, and therefore deliberately delayed his lecture to see what would happen to her next. But he was already tired of waiting. He had no idea that she had suffered for a very long time, and decided to have some fun to make her suffer now. He was already aroused by the fact that he saw a wet mark on the skirt, ...

when Nicky left the hall. He moved to the door and watched as Niki walked down the corridor. Nicky glanced at her colleagues who met her on her way to the toilet. Nicky wondered how much she had released from that volume, how much could be safely released to relieve herself. And in fact, she didn't feel any relief from it.

Luckily for her, no one except Andy saw her from behind or saw her wet spot on her skirt, which she waved from side to side as she walked. Nicky pushed open the door to the women's toilet, and involuntarily swore. The interior space was occupied by smoking girls from other offices, and two doors to the booths were closed. She walked over, pushed one door, then another, none of them gave in. Either there is someone inside each, or maybe they are generally closed. "My business is bad" - she thought - "and this scoundrel still offered me coffee half an hour ago!"

She looked at herself from behind and the wet stain on her skirt, wondering how long it would take to dry. Fortunately, the skirt was made of dark material and the contrast was not very great. She let out an agonistic cry when she felt something splash through her panties again, and spread her legs wider. Something hit the floor, but the skirt is not more wet than it was. Nicky was still waiting for some door, the first or the second, to finally open. "Phil would love to see me like this." Finally she decided to sit on the floor and make a puddle right under her. The urine ran across the flat floor. The smoking girls stared at the growing pear-shaped puddle with ridiculous eyes, one smoker dropped a cigarette from her hands.

The locked doors also opened almost simultaneously, and two brunettes fluttered out of them.

What are you, so much ofigela? Everything was fine in the corridor with the carpet-runner. Just then, her employees began to enter the toilet from the corridor after the meeting. The horror for the stunned Nicky was that she presented the seriousness of the consequences of the present situation. She dashed away, through the door, hiding from view, while the bladder had not yet had time to empty, and the wet trail continued along the corridor. But I didn't feel anything anymore. There were more people than ever before, well, everyone was gathered here, and everyone could see her now.

Leave me alone !!! leave me alone !!! Nicky caught Andy's stunned gaze on herself. "I should have taken a pee from his bladder under the table."

See what happened to me from your meeting and after your suggested coffee! Verbose Andy this time did not find what to say. Niki ran into the room where she was sitting with two more employees. - Nicky, is there something wrong with you? - decided to ask Joanne, not understanding why she ran in in a hurry, and even wet from behind. The bladder has already poured everything on the floor of the toilet and the entire corridor.

I wet myself, can't you see? Give me a towel! I could barely endure all this damn meeting at Andy's, and when I was already going to the toilet, these bastards made a queue there.

She fell silent, feeling how from her wet skirt had already begun to drip onto the floor, in full view of her friends. Suddenly the murmur suddenly resumed again, Niki herself could not understand where. It turned out that she had just overturned a vessel with water for watering flowers.

So, I did it here, look! - At the door there is already a queue of people peeking in.

Don't look at me! - Nicky flushed all over, covering her face with the hem of her skirt. And she rushed straight at the curious crowd, back to the toilet, in which there was no one else, and to the white toilet.

But what poured out of her there were only tears. Having previously emptied her bladder, as it seemed to her, several liters, Niki continued to sit and do nothing, naked and wet on the toilet seat, reflecting on the deplorable state of herself, her underwear and skirt. She tried to remember if in childhood there was something like that not with her, but with someone around. Mom brought her up strictly, and then she did not avoid beer walks, did not stay at parties, and was not used to doing it even among the bushes of trees. "If only he knew that I would be afraid to use other people's toilets." “On the one hand, it turned out great after all,” the main thing is more from here, more quickly!

Now she did not know how to appear in front of colleagues about explaining the situation. “Pee-pee is such a delicate matter” - and who invented such a punishment for women. And it was absolutely true, because it is much more convenient and safer for men to do it. She wiped her skirt with scraps of paper as far as possible, stuffed the papers into her panties so that it would not be cold, left the booth, tried and stepped over the puddle she had made herself earlier, and walked along the corridor with a measured step. In front of her, everything floated in a fog. How she played in the sand as a child, how she knitted wreaths and ribbons, recalled the minutes of peeping at the boys.

Even as a child, she did not skate but a board, but skates and rollerblades, which were so difficult to shoe, and had to be endured to the last. She didn’t remember how it was in kindergarten, but it was completely different at school. But already at the age of eight, she recalled, she was strong in her abilities and, despite the pain from which she suffered every time, she could endure with firm confidence. Then, when she was rollerblading with her friend, he drove into the bushes without taking off his shoes, and she was waiting for him on the asphalt. She could remember a lot ...

There was no hope that her trick would be ignored and soon forgotten. When Nicky returned down the hallway to the office to pick up her purse with a wallet and a mobile phone, this time there was complete silence among her colleagues. She ignored them too.

I have to go home, I feel bad, ”she announced to her colleagues, trying to pronounce it as if nothing had happened in her usual even voice, and slipping as quietly as possible to the door. She did not find the courage to turn around and say goodbye, although the thought gnawed at her. And she also felt a dozen glances directed at the wet bottom of her skirt.

It was only her first month of work, and this is such a shame. On the bus on the way back, there was almost no one except for her, but she rode while standing. Returning home and sitting on a chair with her elbows resting on the table, Niki could hardly believe that everything had ended so ridiculously and naturally. And she was not thinking about the fact that she had been able to endure for so long, but pondering how she had made a concession to her bladder. With her, there has never been such a thing that she wrote. "And what am I going to tell Joanna's friends and the rest?" It's a shame, I can't seem to them anymore!

If I have been hiding my toilet affairs from my best friends since I was eight, now I am all the more an adult. Nicky was now solving two things of great importance, replaying them in her brain. First, she will never again show herself to people from her office. The second thing she will live on is that she could live off the reserves, but she will no longer be able to continue working in the same place.

And she sat down to write a letter of resignation, her pen scribbled resolutely on the paper, and besides the statement she came to the following statement: "I will never write again." Phil can go on with his quirks, make her endure, she already likes to be filled, but next time she will hold back. She punished her bladder: I will make you wait as long as necessary until I tell you, "pee." - she added with a firm note in her voice.

Taking the written paper in her hand, Niki stood up resolutely, but immediately relaxed a little, looking out the window at the street. The world swarmed outside the window, on the street, leaving her temporarily alone with her thoughts. When she tried again to focus her thoughts, she realized that her frivolous decision was the result of complete carelessness and adventurism. If you can't, you can't, there was nothing to meddle with.

Her work was not considered prestigious, it was better to change jobs altogether. But the anticipation of lightness and the anticipation that she would be free to flutter for a couple of weeks, until she settled in a more suitable place, delighted her. The chief won't see her again. “And schedule a short break with the dissolution of the meeting if anyone shows signs of fidgeting again,” she smiled at the thought. She held out after all 19 hours in total, after four or five cups of coffee drunk. Andy probably decided to prank on her, but Phil, she was sure, would have liked this idea even more.

Dinner time was approaching, so Nicky got down to cooking. Her wet clothes were rinsed and dried in the bathroom, and she replaced them with sweatpants and a T-shirt on herself. Nicky's career, which had not yet begun, was doomed, she would become a saleswoman for newspapers or cigarettes (damn, there will be nowhere to pee at the kiosk, but at least there is not in sight).

Then other household chores, including walking to the post office to mail the letter of resignation, loaded it up until Phil's supposed return from London. When she called him on the phone, Phil answered immediately. - Hi Phil !!! May I come to you?

(ending in part 3)

Santa Claus and eternal summer ... or meeting the New Year in Africa

- Can we go to the mall today? Kelly asked.
“Of course,” said Maggie, who herself really didn’t want to stay at home: being a babysitter is boring, although the word “nanny” is hardly suitable here.
Kelly attended a very prestigious private school, she was 17 years old (although she looked like a 14-15 year old girl with a well-developed figure). And Meg, who was a little more (to be precise, 19 years old), could not understand why Kelly's parents called her on an ad that indicated that the girl wanted to get a job as a sitting or babysitter.
In fact, Meg was a lesbian, so she agreed to this job not only because of the money, but also because Kelly attracted her attention very much, and sometimes even turned her on with her behavior. Today the girl was dressed very sexy, according to Meg: rather tight leggings almost from the navel to the middle of the thighs, a short top, more like a bra in size, and light sneakers. Kelly was really very pretty: not very tall, slender (if she had lost a few more pounds, she could be called thin), with small but firm breasts with hard nipples, but the main thing is her legs: anyone could envy her legs fashion model.
Well, why is she not yet eighteen, Meg thought, I would try to seduce her right now, because she's just driving me crazy.
- Let's go faster, don't delay, - Kelly hastened her.
- Why such a rush? - Meg was surprised.
- I want to be there before closing: they have a shortened day, - answered the girl.
- Did you forget your wallet? Meg asked, locking the front door from the outside.
- I do not need him: anyway, I have almost no money. I just want to see the windows, ”Kelly replied with a slight hesitation.
The girls got into the car and drove to the store. During the twenty-minute trip, Meg looked at Kelly several times and noticed that she was not looking around and was somehow too focused.
- Why are you quiet? Mag asked.
- What? .. Oh, nothing. Just like that ... - the ward answered absently, squeezing her knees, because she noticed that her bladder had become quite full: the girl remembered that she had not gone to the toilet before the trip and had not emptied her bladder for a couple of hours, while she drank a couple of glasses of soda almost just before leaving.
Meg soon parked her car. She and Kelly headed to the store, and the nanny next to her was looking at the gorgeous ass of a 17-year-old girl, tightly covered in thin black leggings.

As they approached the store, Kelly noticed the toilets nearby and said:
- I'll go to the toilet, it's not far. By the way, buy me some soda: it's hot today.
“Okay, I'll wait here,” said Meg. She went to the tent and took two liter glasses of Pepsi, since the half-liter glasses were already over, but she was not worried about herself, as she went to the toilet before the trip. She didn't have to wait long, and as soon as Meg came back, she saw Kelly and muttered to her in surprise:
- Wow, I wouldn't have made it that fast.
- I did not go to the toilet: all the stalls are closed until tomorrow. Let's go to the store, - answered the girl, grimacing.
“You asked me to buy soda,” Meg said, and handed her one glass.
- Oh yes. I wish I hadn’t asked, but the store has toilets, I think I’ll endure them, even after drinking Pepsi. ”Kelly took a glass and the girls entered the mall.
They went to the music department to look at the new CDs, and Kelly had already drunk almost half a glass. If she had imagined how soon Pepsi would be in her bladder, she would have been drinking much slower. Kelly liked one CD, but she didn't take the money, so Meg grinned and asked:
- What, no money?
- Get off, I'll come here tomorrow with my mother, and she will buy me ten CDs if I want, - Kelly replied, offended by the joke.
The nanny was already beginning to get angry with the girl, who had been in a bad mood all day, and took her to another department. Kelly looked around because she wanted to go to the toilet more and more. The soda she had just finished was already starting to process and increasing the pressure in the bladder. The girl began to get a little nervous, because she felt a familiar sensation - the pressure of the belt on the slowly filling bladder: the tight elastic band on the belt of her leggings made Kelly's position only worse, squeezing her poor belly along a line a couple of fingers below the navel.
“Wow, look at that silver bracelet,” Kelly said suddenly, turning to Meg.
“Yes, he’s very handsome, although he must be very expensive,” said Meg.
Kelly asked the seller to show her the bracelet and tried it on, and her mentor, in order not to stand nearby just like that, asked to show her emerald earrings. Kelly thought that the bracelet looked great on her white skin, but after looking at the price tag, she realized that even her parents would not buy her such an expensive piece of jewelry. When Meg tried on the earrings, she noticed that Kelly was starting to dance a little.
“Oh, Maggie, let's go home,” the already exhausted girl whispered nervously, imperceptibly running her hand between her thighs, covering them with a bag.
- Wait a minute, I want to look at that ring with topaz, - asked the nanny and began to examine it, while Kelly, already quite noticeable to those around her, shifted from foot to foot, and even jumped a little a couple of times.
“Okay, thanks, I was just looking,” Meg said, returning the ring to the seller.
- Let's go quickly, - Kelly hastened her, feeling a very strong urge to pee.
The girls went to the car, Kelly looked around all the time.
- Are you okay? - asked Meg, noticing that Kelly bit her lip and walks very slowly.
“Almost, I just really want to go to the toilet,” she answered, embarrassed.
“Be patient, you can endure home, you’re not a two-year-old baby who needs diapers, we have no more than twenty minutes to go,” said Meg, deciding to tease the girl a little, getting excited by her need.
“Okay, I’ll bear it, just go faster,” Kelly said nervously, walking towards the car.
As the nanny was about to open the door, she noticed a silver bracelet peeking out of her ward's purse.
- Where did you get this bracelet? Meg asked incredulously, thinking that the girl had stolen it from the store.
- What are you g-talking about? - Kelly asked nervously, realizing that she had been caught.
- I mean this bracelet. You stole it from the store while I asked the salesman to show me the ring? - asked Meg, looking directly into the eyes of the young thief, who was nervous both because of a full bladder and because the stealthy theft had failed.
- Yes, I stole it, but what does it matter to you, - the girl muttered in response, trying to defend herself.
“You’ll return this to the store, and immediately,” the mentor said earnestly. - I'm not going to cover you, because now you are under my supervision and, if anything, your parents will ask everything from me.
Kelly grinned and tried to get into the car, but the nanny grabbed her hand and led her back to the store. Long-legged, realizing that her plan of theft had finally failed, she asked:
- Okay, we'll return the bracelet, but can I go to the toilet first?
“No,” Meg answered harshly.

“But I really really need to, please,” Kelly continues to plead in a shaking voice.
“No, you’re still lucky that I’m not going to hand you over to the store security, and they would probably have called the police,” said Meg and went to the entrance.
Kelly quietly and tensely followed her; her bladder began to throbbing painfully, the girl constantly felt the fullness of the bladder, as it began to protrude above the pubic bone and rested against the leggings belt.
- Please, can I go to the toilet before this showdown with the seller? I really need pee, ”Kelly asked, stopping halfway to the store and clasping her hands between her thighs.
- No, no, and again no: the store is closing soon, and I'm afraid I won't be in time. If we are late - and this will happen if you go to the toilet - the seller will leave, and I will have to inform the security about your action, - Maggie answered in all seriousness.
- Oh please! Kelly almost screamed in despair.
“No, and stop asking me,” Meg snapped.
Kelly followed her again, continuing to feel not yet very strong pain along the line a couple of centimeters below the navel, where the leggings belt cut into the stomach. The poor girl felt that she could not hold a small trickle at any moment, so she clasped her hands in front of her, holding the stolen bracelet in them so that no one would notice a wet speck that might appear between her legs. The girls quickly reached the jewelry department, and Meg, taking the bracelet from Kelly, told the salesman:
“Excuse me, I'm afraid this girl tried to leave without paying the bracelet. You can take it back.
The salesman looked at Kelly, then at Mag, and thanked the other. Meg thought about it and added:
“I don’t want you to call security and make a fuss, but I would be grateful if you would write a note to the parents of this girl and put a stamp so that they would believe it. I assure you that they will take appropriate action towards it.

Kelly looked indignantly at Meg: she knew that if her parents found out about this theft, they would whip her with a belt and for a month or two would be banned from leaving the yard.
- Yes, of course, if you ask, - said the seller and began to write a note to Kelly's parents, after which he signed and stamped the store.
Meg hid the note in her backpack, once again apologized to the salesman and led Kelly to the exit.
“What… what are you going to do with this note ?! - Kelly nervously asked Meg.
- Do not know yet. Maybe I'll give it to your parents, maybe not, ”Maggie replied calmly.
“Please don't give them the note. This coming weekend I was going to go on a picnic with my boyfriend, and if my parents find out about this theft, they won't let me go, ”Kelly muttered.
“Shut up,” Meg said as she began to get tired of these stories.
- Well, please, don't tell my parents anything, please, - Kelly didn't calm down.
Meg thought for a minute ... She had a plan in her head when she remembered that the girl still really wants to go to the toilet, besides, she just adores her boyfriend and will do everything to go to this picnic.
- Okay, we can make a deal. Until your parents arrive, you will do as I tell you. If you do everything I think of, I will not tell your parents anything and will give you a note, ”Maggie said soon after.
- Are you kidding? Okay, I agree! - Kelly said quickly, smiling, to which Meg replied:
- It's a deal then. From now on, you only do what I tell you.
The girls walked along the almost empty corridors of the store, and Kelly, stopping at the public toilets, asked:
- I really need to go to the toilet, can I pee before we go home?
- Not. Be patient home and don't forget our agreement, ”Mag said slyly.
- Well, please, I really need it. I’m almost full to the brim, honestly, I really, really need it, please, ”Kelly continued to ask.
“No, bear with me, you’re not five years old so you couldn’t get home, so restrain yourself,” Maggie said in a tone that didn’t tolerate objection.
Kelly followed Mag, squeezing her hips to keep from puffing into her pants. When they got to the car, Kelly sat quietly in the front seat. On the way home, Kelly sat silently, clenching her right hand between her thighs and leaning forward slightly as her bladder began to hurt palpably.
The road took only 15 minutes, but this time was a real torture for Kelly, she had never in her life wanted to go to the toilet as badly as now. The girl constantly felt a burning pain in the lower abdomen, and she had to constantly strain her pelvic muscles to keep the urethra closed. She tried to figure out how to alleviate her suffering, but she never came up with anything, so she just continued to sit, squeezing her pelvic muscles with all her might. Kelly even thought about letting out a small trickle under her and relieving the pressure in the bubble a little, but she quickly realized that Maggie would notice a wet spot on the seat and would never give her the note. Kelly continued to endure and finally the trip came to an end as she saw her street. “Just a little more, and I can go to the toilet,” Kelly thought to herself. She wanted to go to the toilet so badly that she almost let out a trickle just at the thought that if it hadn't been for Meg. She could pee on the front lawn with her leggings off.
“Follow me,” Maggie said, heading for the house, and Kelly followed her, holding her crotch from time to time. “Wow, you really really want to go to the toilet,” Maggie said with a laugh, seeing her walk.
- Yes, really, I'm about to describe myself. Hurry, open the door, - asked Kelly.
- Oh, really? Meg asked, turning to Kelly, keys in hand. “Maybe I should wait a minute or two before letting you in?” The weather is fine now, I can still get some air ...
“No, please don’t,” the girl asked fearfully, squeezing both hands between her thighs and dancing slightly. Meg looked at her, grinned, and opened the door. Immediately, as soon as Kelly, limping in pain, ran into the house, Meg grabbed her hand and ordered her to stop.
- What? I need to pee, I'm going to the toilet! - Perplexed, said Kelly, trying to pull her hand away, to which she heard the answer:
- Do you remember our agreement?
- I remember, but I’ll describe myself now, let me go, I need to go to the toilet! Kelly screamed, still trying to rip her wrist out of Meg's hand, which reminded her:
- And don't dream! You will do whatever I say. So you better take it easy.
- I know, I will do whatever you say. But why can't I pee before this, so as not to puff on the floor? Let me go to the toilet, and after that I'm all at your disposal, - Kelly did not understand Meg's plans.
- Not. Either you do what I tell you, or your parents will find out. So are you going to the bathroom or are you trying to win a note? Mag said sharply.
The girl realized that she had no choice and muttered, “Okay. I will do whatever you say, just give me the note later, and don’t tell your parents anything, they will beat me if they find out. ” Kelly thought that she had little choice: either play Maggie's strange games, or skip the trip out of town with her boyfriend (the girl knew that her parents would definitely not allow her any dates, at least for a month, if they found out about the theft). Kelly, feeling a terrible pain in her bladder, secretly hoped that she would persuade Meg to let her go to the toilet before she simply made a puddle on the floor. Maggie herself at this time enjoyed the torment of Kelly and, having thought of something, took her to the gymnastics room. "Stand here," Maggie said and pointed to the wall bars. “What?” Kelly asked absently, thinking only about her desire to go to the toilet. A second later, the girl crossed her legs and sat down a little in this position, feeling a very strong pain in the bladder for several seconds. From this movement, it was clear that Kelly already really wanted to pee. Maggie had watched Kelly's urge to go to the toilet almost from the very beginning of her trip to the store, so buying a liter of Pepsi was just part of a premeditated plan that Kelly herself made adjustments to by stealing the bracelet. More than an hour has passed since Kelly drank the soda, and, according to the girl's feelings, the liquid was processed with might and main by the kidneys, later entering the bladder. Kelly felt very uncomfortable, because her bladder had been perceptibly painful for half an hour, and Meg asked herself how much longer this girl could endure. Of course, Kelly had an obnoxious personality, but Meg could not help but agree that her body was just great. Even with her face tense from pain, tight hips and constant shivering, Kelly was very beautiful and exciting. Kelly's leggings hugged her hips very tightly. Hard nipples of small but very elastic breasts clearly protruded through her short top. Excited, Maggie wanted to make Kelly feel humiliated, she ordered the girl to take the bar with her outstretched arms. Then she took out of her backpack the real handcuffs she took with her for this occasion (Meg had a police brother) and quickly snapped one ring on Kelly's wrist, then threw the chain over the ladder bar so that Kelly stretched out to her full height, and instantly snapped the second ring on the girl's other wrist. She did it all so quickly that Kelly, distracted by her need, realized everything only when she was already strapped to the stairs, squeezing her legs and trying to pull her hands out of the handcuffs.
“Bitch, what are you doing ?!” Kelly screamed, realizing that Maggie had fastened her to the stairs with real handcuffs and was not going to unfasten her. “I’m just punishing you for stealing,” Mag said with a grin, watching with interest as it was now difficult for Kelly to endure, because she could not only squeeze her hands between her legs, but even bend. “Are you out of your mind? You have no right to mock me like that !!! "- Kelly screamed in rage with shame and pain. “But you, too, had no right to steal a bracelet in the store. You broke the law, and I didn't turn you over to the store guard. If you do not want your parents to know about this story, do what I tell you, but if you prefer that I unfasten you and give your parents a note in the evening ... ”Maggie said calmly. “Listen, I agree that you fasten me to the Swedish wall, I agree to everything so that they do not see the note, but just let me go to the toilet before that! I really want to go to the toilet, I beg you ... "- Kelly's voice jumped to a very high note and was replaced by the girl's sobs when she understood. that all her requests are in vain. Maggie thought about it, and soon said, “One hour. If you endure one hour, I will let you go to the toilet, and you will receive a note from the seller. If you do not endure and describe yourself before the end of this hour, I will tell your parents everything.
I will come in a minute, and remember: you have to endure one hour, the time has passed. " Meg left the poor girl alone with a terrible need, looked at her watch, and went down the stairs to the kitchen, she decided to make this hour even more interesting. Maggie took two bottles of iced lemon tea from the refrigerator and returned to the gym with them. Kelly stood by the wall bar, squeezing her hips tightly and dancing desperately on tiptoe, still trying to endure. The handcuffs rang on the rung of the stairs because the girl was constantly wriggling. The inability to help herself with her hands, squeezing them between her legs, calmed Kelly a little, because she knew that she still probably would not be able to endure another hour, although if Meg had told her to endure half an hour, it would still be possible. Kelly remembered that the last time she so badly wanted to use the toilet was a few years ago on the bus on a school trip, but then she could not stand it and wrote on the seat in front of classmates. “This is iced tea with lemon. Drink it, ”said Meg, running into the room and bringing the neck of one of the bottles to Kelly's lips. "What? Are you out of your mind? ”The girl screamed, feeling an unbearable throbbing pain from her abdomen. "Drink this or I'll tell your parents everything," Meggie replied inexorably.
“Okay, but can I go to the toilet when I have this tea, please?” Kelly asked hopefully. When she started drinking the first bottle, tears of pain came to the corners of her eyes as her belly, filling with an icy liquid, pressed harder on her bladder, into which a belt of leggings cut a couple of centimeters in front. Kelly felt a burning pain in her entire lower abdomen and did not know how to get rid of it. She incredibly wanted to go to the toilet, it seemed to the girl that her crotch was about to break down and a huge stream would rush through her leggings with a noise. Kelly wriggled, danced, in general, tried to do everything to endure longer, but the constantly pouring cold tea into her stomach nullified all these efforts. When Kelly finished her half-liter bottle of tea, Meg raised a second to her lips and said: "Drink this too, I know you can." “Please, s-s-s-s-s, I can't, my belly is swollen and my bladder is about to burst, ooh, really. I beg you, I really need to pee! ”- the girl whined, starting to squeeze even her toes. She did everything not to wet herself. Kelly remembered very well the accident on the bus when she sat in a pool of her own piss, and her friends laughed at her, and she did not want to experience such a shame again.
On the other hand, there was no one in the room but Meg, and she would have been glad if Kelly had wet herself, but the thought of it terrified Kelly. A few months ago, Maggie came across a website with photos of girls who really wanted to use the toilet on the Internet, it turned on her, and she decided, by all means, to try to get some girl to endure to the limit, to see how it looks in life. The incident in the store happened at an opportune moment, and Meg specially took a note from the seller in order to carry out her plan. She thought she was lucky with the "subject of observation" because there was also a little revenge mixed in here.
Boys at school have always liked girls like Kelly: slender, long-haired blondes, with long thin legs, a flat belly, and small firm breasts. And girls with a Meg physique (large, slightly plump, but with slightly raised muscles, with large soft breasts, plump legs and wide rounded hips) did not enjoy success. Therefore, Meg always disliked people like Kelly, and now, she had a chance to mock and humiliate such a girl. Meg brought the neck of the bottle to Kelly's mouth and said, "Drink this, or some piece of paper will end up in your parents' hands!" Kelly, having no choice, began to drink tea.
Immediately feeling an increase in pressure in the bladder, because the tea filled the stomach, crushing the already overflowing bladder. The pain in the girl's abdomen became unbearable, and Kelly, knowing that she could not stand much longer, screamed, “Okay, I drank this! Please, can I go to the toilet now? I beg you! " Meg looked at her and thought that the girl was making every effort to endure: Kelly's face was all wet with sweat, her hair was stuck together on her forehead, her breathing was very deep and uneven. Maggie put a stool not far from Kelly, sat on it and said: “You only have to endure 50 minutes. If you can stand it, I will let you go to the toilet and tear the note from the seller, ”realizing that the girl's bladder is filled to such an extent that she will not be able to stand it for so long anyway.
Once at school, Maggie almost wrote in the library, collecting material for an essay, and, realizing in time that she needed to run somewhere, she barely managed to run to the toilet with dry jeans, and she realized that Kelly now wants to go to the toilet no less than herself that time. Meg was turned on by the sight of tight black leggings on Kelly's long legs and a tight sports tank top, through which the girl's hard nipples clearly protruded. Her bladder was so full that the girl's belly even protruded and barely hung over the belt of leggings, which was two fingers below the navel, although before the trip, when Kelly was getting dressed, her belly looked absolutely flat, and the belt even dangled a little. Kelly writhed in a semi-suspended state, constantly moving, and contractions and sharp flashes of pain in the bladder became more frequent.

Each outburst was so strong that the girl closed her eyes and tried to collect all her physical and mental strength in order not to describe herself. She wanted to go to the toilet so badly that she seriously thought about the possibility of releasing a small trickle in order to at least slightly reduce the pressure in the bladder, but she also understood that, having released one trickle, she probably would not be able to stop. "Maggie is just a bitch," Kelly thought with hatred, "I wonder how she would behave if I strapped her to the stairs when she wanted to piss like I do now and make her endure for an hour." - but then her thoughts were interrupted as the pressure in the bubble increased. Kelly's perineum twitched pulsatingly, and her bladder literally screamed for help. The girl felt the first droplets of urine at the very exit of the urethra, and they were already ready to leak, but only thanks to Kelly's perseverance, willpower and critical concentration did she manage to stay dry.
Meg began to get aroused more and more, observing the torment of her ward, but she also began to understand that she herself also wanted to go to the toilet quite badly, and from this she was even more excited. Of course, her need was negligible compared to Kelly's. But Meg wanted to experience the feeling when you want to go to the toilet so much that you can no longer bear it and literally dripped into your panties, although you squeeze with all your might. And then you just can't stand it, and urine flows out of you, no matter how hard you try to keep it, so Meg decided to endure it too, but there was another reason: Meg was afraid that Kelly would not stand it while she was in the toilet herself, and she I really wanted to see this moment. Maggie was surprised to notice that her own nipples became hard, although this rarely happened due to her large soft breasts with large, but almost not protruding nipples. “So, describe to me how badly you want to go to the toilet?” She asked out of interest, imagining the answer in advance.
“I’m about to wet myself, I can’t stand it anymore, please let me go to the toilet, I’ll do anything for you, oh, just don’t torture me anymore,” Kelly pleaded, still hoping that her tormentor take pity on her. “Well, I have bad news for you. I don’t think your bladder has filled to its limit, so you can be patient a little longer, ”replied Meg, moving the stool a few steps away from Kelly so that she could better see all the movements of the poor girl. "Not! Please, I can't stand it any longer, I beg you ... "- Kelly begged, feeling that the pain in the bladder is getting worse every minute. “Kelly, you studied anatomy in high school and you know that the bladder can stretch quite a lot if it can't empty. It is believed that the average bubble expands only up to 500-600 ml, but many ordinary people, when they have no place to make pee-pee, and they endure with all their might, can endure a liter, and even more. On the Internet, I found a site that had information about people who can withstand almost two liters. You can probably endure more than half a liter or even a liter - you have a very good incentive - a note from the seller. So bear with me, I'll be back in a minute, ”said Meg, remembering something.
Maggie ran up the stairs to the first floor, jumping over the steps, though her tight miniskirt and full bladder prevented her from doing so. Kelly looked with regret at Meg's fat ass, in her opinion, and regretted that she could not change places with her tormentor, she wondered if Meg could endure such pain as Kelly herself is now suffering. The girl crossed her legs, for which she had to stand on tiptoe, and jumped slightly, unable to stop even for a minute. Maggie, meanwhile, went to her bag by the front door and took out a video camera that her father's colleague at work asked to give him (Mag thought she would do this after she bought a new cassette, and took this one for herself). She checked the batteries and understood. that they will be enough for at least an hour. Maggie herself could hardly believe what she had just decided. “I have to do this, I may not have a second chance,” she thought, and went back to the room where Kelly, handcuffed by handcuffs, writhed next to the Swedish wall. The girl looked at Meg with eyes round with horror when she saw a video camera in her hands, and moaned, thinking only about the pressure in her tortured bladder: "What are you going to do ?!"
“I want to interview you,” Meg replied, turned on the tape and pointed the camera at the poor girl. She saw in the viewfinder Kelly's sweaty, reddened face, eyes round with pain and shame. Meg understood. how much the girl wants to go to the toilet, and hoped that she still had the strength to endure, because this videotape could be good fun for Meg. She zoomed in and shot Kelly in sequence from top to bottom: hands cuffed, a desperate face, a bulging belly and tightly clenched legs. Kelly thought she would have wet herself if it weren't for the camera. The thought that Meg could capture the moment when Kelly's leggings became wet made the girl endure even more. After a couple of seconds, Meg started asking questions: "What is your name, full name?" "Kelly," the girl muttered, unable to consider the question due to the unbearable pain in the perineum. “I said my full name!” Meg continued to mock. "C-Caroline," the girl muttered with difficulty. “Why are you handcuffed?” Was another question. "Because ... you are a bitch and a bastard!" Kelly screamed loudly, barely coping with the burst of pressure in the bladder, which almost made her pee.
“The answer is wrong. You said I was a bitch? Don't you think that I can cancel our contract and still give the note to your parents? ”Maggie asked, squinting. “No, not that! OK, sorry. I'm sorry, I just really want to go to the toilet and it hurts a lot. Please let me go to the toilet, I really, really need to pee, ”the girl said through her tears. "How strong? I also want to go to the toilet, and I want to understand how much more you want, "- said Maggie, moving the stool closer to Kelly. "Very much! So, it's hard to imagine !!! I can’t stand it anymore, I never wanted so much in my life, mmm, I beg you, well, let me pee! ”The girl screamed, moaning from time to time in pain and impatience. The throbbing pain almost made Kelly give up, but now the girl felt not flashes of pain, but simply constant unbearable pain in the bladder, which did not change over time. The first drops of urine were already coming out of Kelly's urethra, and she knew that she would not last long until the hot liquid flowed down her legs. “Why don't I let you go to the toilet and make you endure for so long that you just can't stand it?” Was another question from Meg. Kelly answered with difficulty: "Because I stole a silver bracelet in the store, and you decided to punish me ... Please let me go to the toilet, please, I will describe myself now, oh-oh, it hurts me a lot, I can't stand it." the girl muttered, sobbing, tears were already streaming down her cheeks. “Wow, I believe you really want to go to the bathroom badly. Tell me how do you feel? Where and what hurts you? What sensations do you have in your bladder? ”- asked Meg, running her fingers along the waist of Kelly's leggings, who flinched in pain and whined when the tormentor stuck the tip of her index finger into the girl's navel and began to gently drive it back and forth, and then barely noticeable describe circles clockwise. Usually, from these actions, the soft tissues of the abdomen would simply bend inward a little, but now Mag's finger came across the girl's bladder, hard as a stone, separated from the nail by a thin septum of the press. A minute later, Maggie put her index finger just above Kelly's pubic bone and lightly pressed it on the front wall of the girl's swollen bladder, after a second she removed her hand and snapped Kelly's fingers just above the pubis. From this, Kelly shuddered and with force sucked in air through clenched teeth, after which she moaned pleadingly: "Maggie, please, do not press on my stomach anymore, I could hardly bear it, no more, I am in great pain."
But Meg just grinned, put her hand on the girl's upper abdomen, above the navel, and slightly, very carefully, pressed her whole palm not only into the abdomen, to the spine, but also down. Kelly screamed loudly in pain and after a moment suddenly loudly farted, but the pain and pressure in her abdomen were too strong, and the girl could not contain herself due to the sudden release of gases, therefore, a second later, a stream of urine escaped from Kelly's crotch. A wet spot about 5 centimeters in diameter appeared on the leggings, and tears of pain spurted from Kelly's eyes as she tensed to the limit, squeezing the sphincter again. "I lost. Please, I got my leggings wet, please let me go to the toilet now, please ... ”, - her voice trailed off, and Meg realized that Kelly is now describing herself. At that time, Meggie stroked Kelly's crotch with her fingers, but now she realized that the girl could wet her whole hand, so Meg moved her hand, began stroking the inside of Kelly's thighs and again took the video camera, pointing it at the girl's face. When Maggie saw the expression on the girl's face in the viewfinder, she even felt a little sorry for her: tears ran down Kelly's cheeks, her eyes were wide open from pain and tension, and her lips trembled.
Meggie realized that this girl could describe herself at any second, so she aimed the lens at the wet spot between Kelly's legs, and after a few seconds she moved away to shoot her in full growth. “So, Kelly, I can forgive you for this trickle and pretend that I didn’t notice anything, but there is still almost half an hour until the end of the agreed hour. Do you think you can handle another 27 minutes? ”Maggie asked with a grin, deciding to continue the“ interview ”. “No-no, I beg you, I won't be able to stand another half an hour, I can't stand it anymore! I can't stand it, I really want to pee, I need to pee !!! ”- Kelly screamed loudly in a trembling voice, squeezing her hips with all her might and clenching her fists, although her hands were fastened. A second later, Kelly felt the strongest urge in her life to urinate and the most severe severe pain in the bladder. Her crotch muscles could not stand, and she released another small trickle, which immediately increased the spot on the leggings almost doubled. Almost immediately, the poor girl could not keep the second trickle in a row, blurred on the inside of Kelly's thighs, but after a second she managed to tighten, although Kelly knew that this was a futile effort and she would not be able to endure much longer.
Meg went up to her and spread her legs, after which she saw wet streaks on her leggings. Suddenly, Kelly screamed loudly as an unbearable wave of pain passed through her stomach and the girl's tortured bladder began to fail. Kelly was not in the toilet for a little over 4 hours, but more than two hours ago she drank one and a half glasses of soda, at about the same time - a liter of Pepsi in the park near the store, and half an hour ago - a liter of iced tea. Her perineal muscles, even tense to the limit, could no longer withstand the enormous pressure in the bladder, and Kelly began to release short, strong streams of urine one after another. The girl tried with all her strength to stop them, and she almost succeeded, but every time she squeezed the sphincter and the stream stopped, a flash of pain pierced her bladder, from which Kelly involuntarily opened the sphincter again, and a new trickle broke free. Kelly very quickly realized that she would not be able to stop, and screamed in panic: “No! Oh, God, no-no! ”- still trying to slow down the flow even a little. She poured non-stop, hot and almost transparent urine burst out of her crotch with such force that by the sight of the stream it was not even possible to say that she was passing through panties and leggings, it seemed that these barriers simply did not exist.
The insides of the girl's thighs were completely wet, a pool of urine was spreading between the girls on the floor. Kelly stood motionless in a pool of her own urine, tears streaming down her face, her eyes were round with shame and horror, but she continued to urinate through her clothes. In a puddle of urine, the ceiling of the room reflected the lights on the floor. Meg filmed it all on film, although at the sight of her own desire to pee grew stronger. She also really wanted to wet herself like Kelly, in order to feel what it means to puff into clothes (the last time Meg wet herself was either at the age of 5 or at the age of 6, and she hardly remembered about it). But she didn’t want to describe herself on purpose, throwing a stream into her panties, but so that it happened accidentally due to a too full bladder. Her own bladder suddenly began to ache and demand to empty it, but Maggie endured, because she would be ashamed to pee in front of Kelly, whom she had just humiliated. Finally, Kelly's bladder emptied, leaving a puddle more than a meter in diameter on the floor. The last drops dripped from Kelly's leggings and fell to the floor, the girl sobbed with shame, realizing that she pissed in front of Meg, and she filmed it all. If earlier Kelly was very angry with Meg, and tried to behave more or less proudly, now she realized that she could not stand it, and thereby humiliated herself in the eyes of her tormentor, so now Kelly resembled an elementary school girl who peed at the blackboard in the lesson ...
Meg unfastened it from the bar and said, stroking Kelly's crotch: "Go change, you need to wash." Kelly, blushing, went to the bathroom, leaving wet marks on the floor, and stepped into the shower. Ten minutes later, she came out of the bathroom, changed her clothes, and bashfully approached Meg, who asked her: "Do you feel better after a shower?" Kelly, embarrassed, said, “Yes. I hope that now you will not inform my parents about the theft or what happened in this room? " Maggie just grinned and said, “Why is that? You had to endure a little more than twenty minutes, and you failed to do it, which means that you did not fulfill the agreement. Okay, so, I will not talk about the incident in this room, because you really tried to endure, but I will not be silent about the theft. " Meg thought that Kelly looked very sexy in the white miniskirt and thin denim shirt she wore after the shower. Also Maggie noticed. that the girl had not put on a bra, and her hard nipples were clearly visible through the fabric of the shirt. Kelly didn't say anything, and just went to the third floor, where her room was, Maggie followed her and quietly turned on the camera, filming from behind and slightly from below everything that Kelly had under her skirt. Meg was surprised to notice that Kelly did not wear not only a bra, but also panties, and her crotch was clean-shaven. They went up to Kelly's room, and Meg went there for the girl, thinking that Kelly really did have an almost perfect body.

Meg turned off the camera and put it on the bed, saying, “Okay. I will not tell your parents anything, but in a week we will repeat it all. I’ll take some videotapes, we’ll go to the supermarket, but you won’t steal anything there, you’ll drink a liter of soda again, then we’ll come home, I’ll fasten you to the stairs, I’ll give you the same amount of liquid to drink as today, and you will have to endure an hour. ... And, if you can do it next time, I promise that I will give you a note from the seller, although I will keep the tapes for me. I only agree to this because I want to film it all from start to finish next time, and not just the last fifteen minutes. " "Not! I won't do it again, ”Kelly screamed. "Well then, I'll give the note to your parents as soon as they arrive," was Maggie's reply. Kelly thought for a second, and, as it seemed to her, having figured out how to try to get out of this situation as a winner, she said with a smile: “Well, well, we will repeat this in a week with the condition that then you give me a note from the seller. Rest assured, next time I'll hold out until the end of the hour and win a note. " Maggie, not suspecting anything, said: “Agreed. Sit here, I need to go to the toilet and shower, I'll be back in a while. " Maggie took the cassette with her from the cell, hid it in her backpack, then came back to the gymnastics room, removed the handcuffs from the stairs, and then sat on a stool.
Now she really wanted to go to the toilet herself, but decided to endure as long as possible in order to experience the same sensations that Kelly had before puffing this puddle. Maggie specifically told Kelly to sit in her room, because she did not want the girl to watch her torment after her own humiliation, and Maggie decided to do it alone. Also Maggie decided not to wipe the puddle on the floor and tell Kelly's parents that their daughter wet herself in the room. Soon, Meg felt that the urge to pee became even stronger, and now the girl's bladder was quite painful. She remembered that she wanted to feel in Kelly's place, so she stood near the Swedish wall and raised her hands, grabbing the bar with them. To stay dry at the same time, Maggie had to cross her legs, but standing in this position on heels was uncomfortable, and the girl took off her shoes, remaining in tights, a tight miniskirt and a sports blouse, through which the outlines of Maggie's lush rounded breasts were clearly visible. A few seconds later, she noticed a bottle of mineral water on the windowsill, left here in the morning, in which there was even more half a liter, and Meg decided to speed up the process by finishing this water. She imagined that at first Kelly felt exactly the same, and then her bladder filled more and more. These thoughts made Maggie very excited and thought that she would endure too until she increased the puddle on the floor.
True, she thought that Kelly's parents might not believe that Kelly had done this puddle. If Meg herself is described in the same place, because there was already a huge amount of urine on the floor, incredible for a slender 17-year-old girl. And if you add the contents of Meg's full bladder to this, no sane person would believe that Kelly could inflate so much on the floor. Her bladder should have burst from that much urine, so Meg decided she would just wipe up the puddle around the edges a little when she couldn't bear it. Maggie had already had to let go of the bar a couple of times with her right hand and squeeze herself between her legs, because it became simply unbearable to endure. Lowering her eyes, Meg noticed that her belly, which was not so flat because of its fullness, now bulges very much and from the side it should look rather fat. The girl began to regret that she did not make Kelly pee in some container to see how much she managed to withstand, and then pee there herself and find out who has the larger bladder, but she thought that in a week, when Kelly would be back here to suffer, she will do so. Maggie was more difficult to endure due to the fact that she was forced to stand barefoot in a pool of Kelly's already cold urine, and since it was impossible to stand still for natural reasons, Mag was trampled in a pool of cold liquid, which only worsened the position of her bladder.
Suddenly, Meg heard a car drive up to the house. Kelly's parents came home ahead of time! Maggie, realizing that she no longer had time to go to the toilet, quickly put on her shoes, shifting from foot to foot, then went into the room for Kelly, and the girls went into the hall to meet Kelly's parents. “Hi, how are you?” Asked Kelly's mom, Jane. Before Meg could open her mouth, Kelly carried out her plan, shouting, “Mom, Mom! You won't believe what Maggie made me do! Mom, she tortured me and forced me to wet myself in front of her. She filmed it all on camera! " “What are you saying, daughter? Do you have a temperature? ”- asked her mother in bewilderment. “I'm sorry, madam. I am afraid that your daughter committed a theft in the store, and in this way she is trying to make sure that you don’t believe me, because I just wanted to tell you about it, ”said Meg in a calm voice. “It’s not true, Mommy,” Kelly said plaintively, “she’s lying, she mocked me ...” “Madam, I have proof of my words,” Maggie said calmly again, holding out a note from the seller to the woman, “here’s a note , there is a store stamp here. Your daughter tried to steal a piece of jewelry. If you don’t believe that too, you can go to the store tomorrow and check. ” "Well, what is it?" - Kelly's father asked, to which her mother nervously said: "Hush, I'm still reading!"
Almost immediately, Kelly herself turned white almost as chalk, realizing that everything was revealed. “Kelly, can you explain this to us somehow? We told you that if something like this happens again, we will seriously punish you, "said Kelly's mom, and turning to Mag, said:" I should have warned you, Maggie, that this is not her first case of theft in shops". “No, Mom, I didn't steal anything today!” Kelly screamed, still trying to somehow justify herself, but her father sternly asked: “I want you to tell the truth. Did you steal the bracelet as written here? " Kelly knew that her father would find out the truth anyway, so she confessed: “Yes, dad, but I… I didn't want… it's an accident…” “Okay, sit on that chair,” her father said sternly. Kelly, almost crying, sat down, but immediately realized with horror that she suddenly wanted to pee, and, although she was in the toilet just half an hour ago, her bladder was very painful and demanded to empty it. The girl's tired pelvic muscles could not calmly restrain her bladder, which was quickly filling up with the remnants of the fluid she had been drinking earlier. Then my mother came from the gymnastics room, where she took the mineral water bought in the store and told her father that there was a huge pool of urine. “Maggie, what happened there?” - asked the father, and Mag answered as calmly as possible: “Unfortunately, your daughter could not bear it, practicing on the Swedish wall. She said that she would not clean up after herself, and that was not my job. ” “Okay, Maggie, sit down in another chair,” said Kelly's father, glancing at Meg's tight thighs, which were clearly visible from under her skirt (he liked girls with Maggie's physique, and it was not by chance that he hired her, despite the almost complete lack of experience in the educational process and a young age). The girl sat down, crossing her legs to make it easier to endure, and Kelly's father noticed that she had very small and almost transparent blue panties under her skirt. With a stern face, Kelly's father told his daughter: “You did very badly and you will be punished. You will be under house arrest for a month. " "No, dad, please!" Kelly asked, "you know I have a trip this weekend, please." "What? And you dare to contradict me after everything you've done today ?! ”- her father was beside himself with the behavior of his daughter. Kelly began to fidget in her chair and began to cry. She again felt unbearable pain in the bladder, the girl, completely unexpectedly for herself, could not squeeze the sphincter tightly enough, tired from the recent test, and after a few seconds she described herself, sitting on a chair. Urine flowed between her clenched thighs, and soon there was a rather large pool under the chair. Maggie was very excited by such a sight for the second time that day. She herself already wanted to pee unbearably, and knew that if she didn't go to the toilet soon, the same thing would happen to her as to Kelly.
The father, seeing that his daughter had wet herself again, shouted in rage: “Kelly, I don’t understand what this means, and what you are doing here, but I’m tired of it! Get up now! " Kelly's father took a large wooden ruler, forced his daughter to bare her bottom, sat down in a chair and put Kelly belly down on his lap, and then began to whip her with a ruler. Kelly screamed after the first blow, and Meg saw a scarlet stripe on the girl's delicate ass. Mr. Smith stopped only after twenty-five strokes, he let go of Kelly, and the girl, crying, fell to the floor. Suddenly, Kelly again unbearably wanted to use the toilet, and, despite the fact that her bubble was already almost empty, she released a thin stream, which stopped after a couple of seconds. "You probably shouldn't have seen this, Maggie, but for the moral shock I'll pay you another twenty dollars," said Kelly's father, looking at Meg's crotch, who, although she noticed it, was not against such looks, if everything is really limited to glances. Maggie stood up, but then her full bladder made itself felt, and urine for a second spurted from her tightly compressed sphincter. The girl gritted her teeth and managed to stop the trickle, after which she took the money that Mr. Smith handed her, said goodbye, and went to the exit, feeling that she could not bear it and urine seeped drop by drop between her legs.
Walking around the corner of the house where she left the car, Maggie squeezed her sphincter with her last strength and realized that she could not stand a minute longer, she would simply burst. Then the girl squatted down and, without taking off her panties and skirt, relaxed. Seconds later, her skirt and panties were wet, and a pool of hot urine was growing under her feet. For the first time in her life, Meg specifically described herself in clothes, and she liked it. A minute later, Maggie was on her way home, thinking that she had a videotape in her bag, on which she filmed Kelly's torment. Meg thought that it would be nice to catch on something forbidden and other girls with whom she sits during the absence of their parents, in order to punish them in the same way, you just have to borrow a video camera from someone ...