Where can I get a duplicate marriage certificate. Ways to obtain a duplicate marriage certificate, procedural features and nuances of the process. What documents are required to restore a marriage certificate

A marriage certificate is not one of the documents that you have to use often. Sometimes his wife notices his loss only after a few years. There are no penalties for such a loss, but it is recommended not to delay recovery. There are many situations where it may be required, but not all methods guarantee a quick certificate.

Obtaining a duplicate in the registry office

The registry office is not only an institution where newlyweds can register their relationship. Archives about the change in the status of citizens are also stored here, so even for questions about how to restore if a marriage certificate is lost, it is best to contact here.

Note! The registration authorities receive not only a duplicate of the certificate, but also a certificate with similar information. The papers are not equal in strength. A certificate is usually issued after a divorce, if there is a need, for example, to confirm the previous change of surname.

Any spouse can apply for a duplicate. In this case, the presence of the second is not mandatory. Also, not only spouses, but also third parties can write an application for restoration and receive a “certificate”, if they have the appropriate rights:

  • children of a married couple can receive paper if both parents have already died, but you will need to present a birth certificate that indicates the father and mother;
  • guardians of one of the spouses, if he is incompetent, upon presentation of a decision on the appointment of a guardian;
  • other relatives by court order;
  • other citizens with a power of attorney certified by a notary.

A new certificate is used to replace the lost or damaged one. At the same time, it is not required to return the old document to the state institution. It expires and cannot be used. If the wife has lost her marriage certificate, it is recommended to look at home before restoring it. The information in the duplicate will not completely match the original, and the recovery time

Appeal to the registry office, where the spouses signed

The fastest way to recover is a personal appeal to the same department where the newlyweds signed and received marriage documents. The necessary information is stored here, so it takes no more than an hour to check it.
A citizen only needs to write an application in the form, present his passport and pay the fee. The receipt for payment of the fee is issued by the employee of the branch. While the applicant is paying, employees of the state institution check the archives and create a duplicate. It is issued only after payment.

This method is the fastest and also one of the cheapest. The amount of the fee is 350 rubles, there are no additional payments. However, if the recipient is a third party, the costs of issuing a power of attorney must be included.

Contacting the registry office at the place of residence

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If the spouses signed in another city, and it is difficult to go there, you can restore the document at the local registry office. The instruction on how to recover a lost marriage certificate is completely identical to the previous one. The difference lies in the timing. The local branch cannot independently check the marriage records, therefore it sends a request to the archives of the registry office where the marriage took place. The document is usually restored also in another city, and then sent by letter.
The applicant will have to wait about a month if he got married in another city in Russia. If the marriage was formalized in another country, then the wait is sometimes delayed for six months. In addition, it is usually required to provide additional information (for example, TIN), and the payment for the transfer of all papers falls on the shoulders of the applicant.

Reference! The fee for the restoration of a marriage "certificate" issued in another state may differ from the laws of the Russian Federation.

Post office

In cases where a citizen is in another city, and he needs to restore marriage documents, you can receive a duplicate by registered mail through the Russian Post. To do this, you must send an application to the registry office of your hometown:

  • by registered mail;
  • electronic.

A registered letter must contain a statement in the form. It is recommended that this letter be notarized. Copies of documents that will be required to restore the certificate are also enclosed. The answer also comes in the form of a registered letter with ready-made paper.

Attention! They receive a letter even in the case of a personal appeal to the local registry office. In this case, the application is submitted in person, and the answer is by mail.

Recovery through intermediaries

Almost all services today are issued through intermediary firms. These are legal offices that take on the obligation to apply to government agencies instead of the client. In the case of the restoration of marriage papers, this approach will not be all convenient, because the services of a law office cost from 2,000 to 5,000 thousand.
As part of this amount, a notarized power of attorney is issued to the intermediary company, a fee is paid, and funds are paid for sending documents if necessary.

It is recommended to contact intermediaries in cases where you need to get a duplicate quickly, as many law firms can expedite the process of considering an appeal. It is faster only to personally contact the registry office, where the relationship of the spouses was formalized. Also, firms can reduce the waiting time for a document from another state to 1-2 months. And sometimes such cases are processed even faster.

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To carry out certain important processes, entire sets of documents are often needed. Therefore, if they are lost, it is important to be ready to quickly restore the necessary papers. At the same time, it should be noted that citizens periodically need to issue a new lost marriage certificate. This process is not complicated, but it is still worth knowing the standard algorithm of actions.

Why is such documentation important?

When it becomes necessary to restore a marriage certificate, it is important to understand what steps need to be taken. If this document is not updated on time, then you may encounter certain difficulties.

We are talking about blocking the following processes, which are problematic to implement without evidence:

  • obtaining a loan from a bank, including a mortgage;
  • sale or purchase of real estate;
  • divorce;
  • registration of alimony for children or any of the spouses due to disability.

In case of loss, a marriage certificate can be restored at the registry office. And it is better to contact the branch where it was issued.

Features of a visit to the registry office

If you contact this authority and take all the necessary steps, then there is a chance that it will be possible to restore the lost marriage certificate within one day.

In general, the procedure is as follows:

  • Submission of an application, which must be written in the name of the management of the registry office. In this case, it is necessary to indicate its purpose: the issuance of a duplicate certificate. Difficulties at this stage should not arise, since in any department there are samples of writing an application or ready-made forms in which you only need to enter data.
  • The next step that will help restore the marriage certificate is - This is the payment of state duty. It can vary from 150 to 300 rubles, depending on which federal district you have to perform this procedure. As for the details, they are issued by the employees of the registry office. After payment, you must attach the received check to the written application.
  • The last thing you need to provide for the successful completion of the process is a copy of your passport with a marriage registration stamp.

When all the above steps are completed, the applicant has every reason to expect the issuance of duplicates within one day. In extreme cases, the process can be delayed for three days, but no more.

Certificate restoration in another city

The current legislation does not impose any restrictions on obtaining a duplicate in the registry office at a new place of registration, even if the lost certificate was received at a different address.

In such a situation, in order to restore a marriage certificate, you must also contact the civil registry office and write an application for a duplicate.

The set of documents does not differ from the previous version, but at the same time, the application should indicate which registry office issued the certificate that was lost. You should not count on a quick review, since this procedure implies a mandatory confirmation of the fact that the certificate was issued by the civil registry office indicated in the application at a different address of registration.

Important nuances

Initially, it is worth noting that either spouse has the right to apply for a copy of the certificate. But in the application it will be necessary to indicate the passport data of both the husband and wife.

If the passport does not contain a stamp confirming the registration of marriage, this does not mean that the application for a duplicate will not be considered.

Another circumstance that you need to pay attention to is the long-term residence of the spouses separately from each other. The complexity of this situation lies in the fact that the other party may refuse to provide their passport data. In this case, you will have to use the services of a lawyer who can obtain the necessary information through official requests.

If there are no documents that contain information about the lost certificate, and the date of its issue cannot be remembered, then it will be enough to indicate only the year of marriage registration.

The following information also deserves attention: the fact that the registry office where the registration was made cannot find the requested data is not a reason to refuse to issue a duplicate. Employees of the civil registry office should continue to search the archives of the executive committees by sending appropriate requests.

How to restore a marriage certificate after a divorce

The procedure for issuing a duplicate certificate after the spouses have been divorced is no different from that described above. This means that you will have to write an application, pay a state fee and provide a passport with a stamp confirming the divorce.

The situation may be somewhat complicated by the fact that the divorce was carried out through the courts. In this case, to restore the certificate of divorce, you need to provide a court decision. Otherwise, you won't be able to get a duplicate.

At the same time, it is important to understand that a court decision in itself is not a sufficiently weighty document to officially confirm the dissolution of a marriage. Evidence will have to be done in any case.

How to restore the marriage certificate of parents

Periodically there are situations when for certain processes the certificate of parents is necessary, but since they are dead (or one of the spouses), it is necessary to restore documents without their participation.

This provision is already provided for by law and there is a clear algorithm of actions. First of all, it should be noted that either the direct heirs or the second spouse have the right to apply for a duplicate.

Otherwise, the process of requesting and receiving a duplicate implies the same procedure that has already been described. The only difference is that you need to add a document to the standard list of documents that gives the heir the right to apply for duplicate marriage certificates of his parents. To do this, the application will have to attach a copy of the birth certificate, which contains the data of the father and mother.

As for the terms of issue, in this case they are standard - one day from the date of application.

Actions on the territory of a neighboring state

It is not uncommon for residents of countries bordering Russia to move to some region of the Russian Federation. In this case, you will have to contact the registry office at the place of registration in order to restore the marriage certificate. Ukraine is one of those regions that is home to a large part of the Russian population.

The procedure for actions in the territory of this country in case of loss or damage to the certificate is as follows:

  • write an application for a duplicate;
  • provide documents that can confirm the right to obtain a certificate (passport, TIN, birth certificate);
  • attach to the application a receipt confirming the payment of the state duty.

In some cases, you may have to pay extra for the extraction of data from the state register of civil status.

As you can see, it is possible to restore a marriage certificate in another country at the cost of moderate efforts and using virtually the same algorithm as in Russia. But wherever you have to go for the necessary documentation, you should always consult with representatives of the registration authorities and do not forget to read the thematic forums in advance, where many necessary nuances are voiced.


It is easy to conclude that the state has made the procedure for restoring a marriage registration certificate as accessible as possible. If you initially provide all the necessary documents and generally respond promptly, you can get a duplicate in the shortest possible time.

In case of loss or damage to the marriage certificate, you should immediately start restoring it.

A marriage certificate is a registration document that is drawn up and issued by the registry office. Each new document is registered in the register of acts, this register is stored in the archive of the registry office. The procedure for restoring registration documents drawn up by the registry office is regulated the norms of the Federal Law No. 143 "On acts of civil status".

The law does not regulate the terms for issuing a duplicate document, but usually this process does not take more than one day. Below is a step-by-step instruction on where to go and what to do in certain situations in order to issue a duplicate certificate.

What documents are needed to restore a marriage certificate due to loss?

In order for the registration of a duplicate to take a minimum of time, the applicant must prepare all documents in advance.

Issuance of a duplicate certificate is carried out after the submission of the following documents:

  • a completed application form in form No. 19, it can be downloaded on the website of the regional division of the registry office or received upon application on the spot;
  • passports of both spouses, if only one of them submits the application, then the passport data of both people who have entered into marriage will be required, and it is not necessary that the marriage registration be stamped in the passport;
  • a receipt for payment of the state duty, in 2017 its amount is 350 rubles, you can get the details for payment at the registry office or download on the website of the regional division of the registry office;
  • a power of attorney for the right to carry out legally significant actions on behalf of the principal, if the spouses themselves are unable to submit documents;
  • other documents arguing the need to issue a duplicate of the certificate, this is possible if third parties want to receive a duplicate.

The payment of state duty is mandatory. Moreover, you can deposit funds both at the cash desk of any bank, and through the terminal. Now government agencies are installing special terminals for paying duties and obligatory payments.

Where can I apply for a duplicate marriage certificate?

The right to issue duplicates of civil status acts on marriage registration belongs only to the registry office.

You can contact:

  1. in the registry office at the place of its registration. Upon application, a duplicate is issued quite quickly - within a day. There may be delays if the department does not have the required forms, but this may take no more than three days.
  2. in the registry office at the place of residence (not at the place of registration). This is the most difficult course of action and may take several weeks.

There is no unified archive of the registry office, which is why you have to contact the very authority where the document was originally registered.

The duplicate will have a new series and number, which is also entered in the civil status register. Therefore, if the original is found, then it will already be invalid.

How to get a duplicate marriage certificate for other persons?

Life circumstances can be different, therefore, registration of a duplicate of the state act of marriage can be carried out not only by spouses.

  • The children of the spouses may also apply for a duplicate certificate, provided that they have a document indicating the reasons for the need to issue a certificate. This may be a court decision, or a power of attorney from a parent. Also, the application for issuing a duplicate must present a birth certificate, which contains the data of the parents.
  • Trusted Persons. They can draw up a document only if there is a notarized power of attorney on behalf of the principal to perform the required actions.
  • Guardians of disabled persons. It is allowed to obtain a duplicate certificate, if there are documents on registration of guardianship.
  • Spouses' heirs. If the spouses have already died, then only relatives or direct heirs (who do not have family ties with the deceased) can receive a duplicate certificate. You may need to present a court decision and documents on entering into an inheritance at the registry office.

The process of processing documents by third parties is complicated, as additional documents are needed. The terms of issuance may be delayed until all the nuances are clarified. The cost of registration is 350 rubles (for the state duty).

Recovery of the certificate, being in another city

As practice shows, duplicates of certificates issued not at the place of application are issued extremely reluctantly. To avoid bureaucratic difficulties, you can resort to the help of people living in the city where the certificate was issued (for example: relatives). To do this, you need to issue a power of attorney for the right to conduct legally significant actions on behalf of the principal and ask the person to issue a duplicate of the act of civil status.

As a rule, registry office employees are unwilling to make requests to the archive of another registry office, so some employees are ready to find any reason to refuse. This is illegal. In this case, a written waiver must be requested., which will set out the arguments why a duplicate cannot be issued in this department. Documents must be accepted, even if you have to send a request to another region.

If the applicant decides to independently send a request to the registry office, then you must call in advance the office where the documents will be sent in order to preliminarily agree on all the necessary points. You will need to write an application and prepare documents yourself. The state duty can be paid immediately before shipment, the receipt must be attached to the package of documents. Documents are sent by registered mail. Please note that the response to the request comes by mail, so the documents will be sent at the expense of the applicant.

A duplicate will be sent to the address of the registry office located in the area where the applicant lives. After receiving the letter, the registry office staff will contact the applicant and inform you when it will be possible to pick up the documents.

Recovery of marriage certificate after divorce

It happens that spouses do not live together, but are not divorced either. The original certificate may be kept by one of the spouses. As you know, for the dissolution of a marriage, you need the original act of civil status. But in case of family conflicts, it is not always possible to obtain this certificate voluntarily. Then the second spouse goes to the registry office and receives marriage certificate: not a duplicate of the certificate, but a certificate, this is important. Issuance of a duplicate is possible in case of damage or loss of the document. In the situation described, it turns out that with the receipt of a duplicate, the original certificate, which is with the second spouse, loses its legal force.

A duplicate of the act of marriage is issued only if the marriage is still valid. If there was a termination of the act, then only a certificate is issued stating that this marriage union was concluded. The same document will necessarily indicate that the spouses were divorced.

Very often, citizens take certificates of a change of surname after marriage, in which case a duplicate of the document does not need to be obtained. You just need to contact the registry office and take a certificate of marriage with a change of surname.

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If you are aware that a certificate of marriage or divorce has been lost or rendered unusable, you should not wait until you need to present the damaged / missing document, but take care of its prompt restoration.

What to do if the certificate is lost

This is what a marriage certificate looks like.

A marriage certificate is not needed every day; in everyday life, it is enough to present a passport with a mark on marital status. But since it is it that testifies to the recording of acts of civil status, if the family has lost the document, it should be restored if it is lost as soon as possible.

According to the Law "On acts of civil status" No. 43-FZ (1997), the registry office has the right to issue a repeated certificate of any act of civil status (Article 9). Reasons for reissuance may include:

  • Loss (if lost, stolen);
  • Dilapidated condition (abrasion, illegible text or printing);
  • Damage (for example, painted by a child);
  • Lamination.

Thus, it is quite legal to obtain a new form of marriage certificate (or divorce) instead of a lost or damaged one.

The registry office cannot refuse to issue a repeated document, regardless of the reason for the appeal.

How and where to recover

The restoration of the certificate of registration of marriage (or divorce) takes place in the same place where they were originally issued, that is, in the registry office. This procedure is not complicated, you can paint it step by step. It is only necessary:

  1. Appear at the appropriate (where you received the document, or at the place of residence) registry office with documents proving the identity of the applicant (only one of the spouses is allowed);
  2. Write an application in form No. 19 (the form is provided by an employee of the registry office), without corrections and indicating the reason for the appeal;
  3. Pay the state duty for the action (details can be downloaded from the website of the registry office or they will be issued by employees when filling out an application, see information on the amount below);
  4. Show receipt of payment and obtain a second certificate ( usually on the same day).

The described option of how to obtain a certificate is valid when a citizen applies to the department where the marriage registration (dissolution) took place at one time.

If the marriage was registered in another city, you can apply for a duplicate at the place of residence: the registration procedure will be the same, but the issue will occur only after the registry office receives information about the civil status record from the place of its commission (this may take up to a month).

Is it possible to get the document in another way?

How to recover a document otherwise? Use the following tips:

  • Through the portal of public services. In this case, the repeated certificate will be sent to the registry office at the place of residence of the applicant, where it will subsequently be issued.
  • In the multifunctional center of the state. and municipal services. The actions are similar to the restoration procedure in the registry offices, see above.
  • By mail(and the application and information about the fee are sent by mail to the department that registered the marriage (divorce), receipt also occurs by letter).

You can use any of the receiving methods. Important: a receipt for payment of the state duty may not be provided, since the relevant services can see information about its payment in the unified state information system of payments.

What documents are needed

To restore and re-issue a marriage certificate, you must submit the following documents:

  • General passport;
  • Power of attorney (notarized) to represent interests, if the document is received by another person.

The presence of both spouses is not required: you can apply alone.

In order to obtain a duplicate certificate of termination, in addition to the passport (s) of the applicants, one of the documents, if any, will be required:

  • Court order for divorce (if any);
  • Marriage certificate (or its data).

The registry office will issue a second certificate and only on the basis of a passport, but it will take longer.

You should be aware that if the family union is terminated, it is impossible to obtain a marriage certificate again. But in this case, a certificate will be issued stating that a registered marriage has taken place.

Duplicate certificate - what is it and how to get it

The Federal Law "On acts of civil status" does not operate with the concept of a duplicate, speaking of a repeated certificate. However, given that a duplicate is a repeated copy of the original (GOST R 7.0.8-2013), we can conclude that these concepts are identical in relation to documents evidencing acts of civil status.

A duplicate is issued in case of loss / damage to the original by its owners, executed on a strict accountability form (number, series, etc.), and by legal nature is equated to the original, has the same legal force. It is unlawful to use the original after receiving a duplicate, even if it is found.

How to get a copy of a marriage certificate

A repeated marriage (divorce) certificate and its copy are different concepts.

A copy of any document is its exact reproduction (scanned, photographed, redrawn). Uncertified in the prescribed manner, such a document has no legal force, so you should remember that you need to present a copy somewhere, certify it in a notary's office.

Restoration cost and duplicate fee

Restoring a lost/damaged marriage or divorce document will cost citizens 350 rubles, exactly as much as the state duty for 2019 for restoring such certificates (in accordance with Article 333.33 of the Tax Code). There are no fines or other recovery fees.

How much does it cost to get a duplicate marriage certificate

Since a duplicate and a repeated certificate are equivalent concepts, the required duplicate will also cost 350 rubles. Getting a copy of these papers costs about 50-80 rubles (fee for making a copy and notarization) per page.

According to the current legislation, it is quite simple to obtain, if necessary, a duplicate of a marriage or its dissolution, but one should remember the need for careful handling of any documents in order to prevent their use by unauthorized persons.

If there was a minor, at first glance, trouble in the form of the loss of a marriage document, then how to get a duplicate marriage certificate, and what is needed for this?

What if the marriage took place in another region? Where can I get a duplicate marriage certificate in this case?

A marriage certificate is issued during the wedding procedure, regardless of the splendor of the ceremony and the place where this action takes place - in the wedding palace, the regional registry office, places of detention or on the road.

The document is issued in a single copy, one for the new family, and the other two original copies are stored in the archives of the registry office and the executive authority.

Law “On acts of civil status” No. 143-FZ (1997) art. 9, paragraph 3 states that it is possible to obtain such paper again, but only in the form of a duplicate, and not the original.

To get a new marriage certificate, you need to present the following documents:

  • application in form No. 19 (issued at the registration authority);
  • passport of one of the spouses;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

If there is not enough time or it is impossible to be physically present at the registry office, you can send your legal representative there if you draw up a notarized power of attorney.

In this case, the authorized person is obliged to present, in addition to other papers, his own passport and power of attorney.

The passport of the representative of the couple must have an imprint of a marriage stamp, otherwise the service will not be provided, only a photocopy of the certificate will help solve the problem, and then at the discretion of the employees. Form No. 19 itself will be issued free of charge, all that remains is to enter information:

  • details of the applicant's passport;
  • date and place of marriage;
  • what caused the appeal (theft, damage, loss, impossibility of obtaining the original from the spouse, etc.).

It is unacceptable to have corrections, illegible entered data, incomplete or incorrect information on the application form. Sometimes you need a duplicate of the marriage that took place in relation to citizens who have already died, then additional documents will be needed confirming the degree of relationship with the deceased or others.

State duty, as indicated in subparagraph 6 of paragraph 1 of Art. 333.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, for the issuance of a duplicate of a marriage certificate is 350 rubles. You need to pay before the delivery of papers according to the details specified by the bureau employees. The presence of the second representative of the family, as well as the presentation of his passport, is not required.

The applicant may be:

  • each of the married couple;
  • relatives (close) of the deceased spouse;
  • guardians of a person recognized by the court as incompetent;
  • representative acting under power of attorney.

The place of application may be the registry office, in which the marriage was registered, and where exactly the certificate was issued, or the registry office at the place of residence. Why is it necessary to have the original marriage certificate or its duplicate, is it possible to do without it? It is possible, but only until the moment when it is required:

  • change the wife's surname;
  • register the baby;
  • make an inheritance
  • receive benefits, benefits, etc.;
  • take out a mortgage
  • exercise the right to a long visit with a spouse in custody, etc.

So far, in our country, official marriage has powerful legal force.

Steps for obtaining a duplicate

The procedure for a person who needs to have a marriage document consists of the following steps:

  • If the document is lost, try to find it again by checking all possible and impossible places, and if the husband or wife does not give the paper before the divorce, then try to persuade.
  • If the attempts were unsuccessful, then find out on what days the registry office receives visitors on such issues.
  • Come to the reception office with a passport during reception hours and ask for an application form, and at the same time the details for paying the state duty.
  • Carefully and clearly, legibly fill in the columns of form 19.
  • At the nearest branch of the bank, pay a receipt for the state duty.
  • Return to the office and hand over to the receptionist a complete set of documents.

Next, the employee will verify the correctness of filling out form 19, pick up the papers and name the day and hour of receiving the duplicate.

If this is the same body that registered the marriage, then in an hour or so it will be possible to receive another duplicate.

If this is a different registry office, then the registrars will need several days for all actions, the contact numbers indicated on f. 19 will allow them to contact the applicant and invite for paper.

The work of the registrar is as follows: in the archive, by the date of the marriage, they look for the original of the certificate stored there, make sure that it is available and the information is correct, and then they print a completely new document that has a series and date relevant to the current period of time. “Duplicate” will be written on the paper, and from the moment it is handed over to the applicant, this document becomes valid.

In the event that a lost original appears, then it should not be presented and used, this is not only wrong, but illegal. Spouses who have become former will not be given such a document: their marital status and civil status are now regulated by another certificate - the termination of the bonds of Hymen.

If the original marriage certificate has been lost in the archive of the registry office for the time that has elapsed from the date of the marriage, then the registrars will contact the local authorities and find a second copy of the document there.

Obtaining a duplicate when you are in another city

If the official marriage took place in another region or other locality, then the issue of mastering a duplicate can be resolved in two ways:

  • make a trip to that locality and contact the local registry office;
  • visit your office at the current place of residence.

The trip may not be within everyone's means and strength, so the second option is quite real. But you need to understand that clarifications and mailings will require additional time of about 2-3 weeks, after which a person will receive such a duplicate he needs in his registry office.

You can solve the problem using other methods:

  • appeals to the MFC;
  • the Internet;
  • Russian post.