A good friend is a joy to the soul. Proverbs and sayings about friendship. Russian proverbs and sayings about friendship Being with enemies on a proverb

Russian folk proverbs and sayings about friendship, mutual assistance, friends, kindness, kindness

This article presents Russian folk proverbs and sayings about friendship, friends, mutual assistance,

and kindness.

  • You will not get to know your friend without trouble.
  • Many friends, if you have money.
  • A horse is known on a mountain, and a friend is in trouble.
  • A thing is good while it is new, and a friend is good when it is old.
  • Have everything new, and have old friends.
  • A faithful friend is better than a hundred servants.
  • Do not be afraid of a smart enemy, but be afraid of a stupid friend.
  • A smart comrade is half way.
  • If you don't live, you won't recognize a friend.
  • Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are.
  • Trouble is not so terrible when there are friends.
  • Life is hard without a friend.
  • Suddenly you won't be a friend.
  • A true friend is priceless.
  • A true friend is a rare bird.
  • Friendship is true.
  • For a friend, seven miles is not a detour.
  • A friend in need is a doubly friend.
  • There is a friend - and the heart is heated.
  • A friend is a valuable treasure, no one is happy with an enemy.
  • Don't lose a friend - don't lend.
  • An unfaithful friend is a dangerous enemy.
  • Make your friends, and help out your fathers.
  • It is a great merit to help out a friend in trouble.

There are a huge number of people proverbs and sayings on the topic "Friendship", which indicates the high role of friendly relations. Peers, boys and girls, parents and children, different peoples of the world can be friends. Friendship involves mutual assistance and mutual assistance between friends. Friendship greatly affects the formation of the character and personality of a person.

Find proverbs about friendship simple, but the most important thing is to understand their essence. Parents and teachers should help children with this. Adults can be of great help to children in choosing friends, in enriching their friendships, and in creating the right relationship between friends. In this section Russian proverbs about friendship divided into subgroups: proverbs about the value of friendship, about friendship and mutual assistance, about friends, about school friendship, about the friendship of peoples.

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Proverbs about friendship for children

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
There is safety in numbers.
Friend is known in trouble.
An old friend is better than two new ones.

Life is hard without a friend.
There is safety in numbers.
Money can't buy friendship.

Proverbs about the value of friendship

Friendship is like glass, if you break it, you can't put it together.
Make new friends, but don't lose old ones.
Money can't buy a friend.
Where there is friendship, there is harmony.
To live without a friend is to be shameful to oneself.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
When the shepherds squabble, the wolf boldly attacks the herd of sheep.
A planted horse, a broken bow, and a reconciled friend are equally unreliable.
Where there is discord, there things do not go well.
The common pot boils thicker.
Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you can't glue it together.
A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.
There is no friend, so look for it, but you found it, so take care.
Plow is not a plow, a friend is not a friend.
Good brotherhood is more precious than wealth.

Proverbs about friendship and mutual assistance

More than that love does not happen, as one dies for each other.
Two friends - frost and blizzard.

It is a great merit to help out a friend in trouble.
Don't leave a friend in trouble.
One for all and all for one.
In crowded but not mad.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Lose yourself, and save a comrade.

Proverbs about friends and enemies

In the enemy there is an arrow that is in the stump, and in the friend that is in me.
A friend becomes friends - worse than a foe.
Enmity does no good.
Drinking water from a friend is better than enemy honey.
Scammer first whip.
Better an honest enemy than a cunning friend.

To live with wolves - howl like a wolf.
Straw is not friends with fire.
The quiet water of the shore washes away.
Hold on to a friend, but beware of an enemy.
Whoever loves to lie cannot be taken as a friend.
Whoever loves to lie cannot be called a friend.
An unfaithful friend is more dangerous than an enemy.
Where friendship is valued, there the enemies tremble.

Russian proverbs on the topic "Friendship"

A tree is supported by roots, but a person is supported by friends.
Not the friend who walks at the feast, but the one who helps in trouble.
There is no friend, so look for it: but you have found it, so take care of it.
Friendship strife friendship, but at least drop the other.

Enmity does no good

Spring ice is deceptive, and a new friend is not reliable.
Be a friend, but not suddenly.
To know a friend, you need to eat a pound of salt together.
For a friend, even seven miles is not a suburb
There is no friend - look for, but found - take care.
Live, do not be stingy, share with friends.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

With whom you lead, from that you will gain.
You cannot break a tied broom, but you can break the whole broom along a twig.
Friendship is like glass: you can't break it.
A strong friendship cannot be cut with an ax.
A man without friends is like a tree without roots.
A tree is supported by roots, and a person by friends.
Trouble will knock on the window - a dog will make friends with a cat.

Proverbs about friendship and friends

Don't recognize a friend in three days, find out in three years.
Once you deceive a friend, you will deceive yourself forever.
Look for a friend, and if you find - take care.
Was with a friend, drank water - it seemed sweeter than honey.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
Friendship strife friendship, but at least drop the other.
There are many friends at the feast. At beer, at brew all the friends.
Where there is peace and love, there are all friends.
If there was a friend, there would be leisure.
A friend is easier to lose than to find.
For a friend, even seven miles is not a suburb.
Hold on to an old friend, and a new one at home
The wind destroys mountains, and the word - friendship.
Where is the world, oh well, no treasure is needed.
To live in discord is not to make good.
From the warm word and the ice melts.

Many friends, but no friend.
Sorry friend, but not like myself.

With another to be carried - that to sit down in a nettle.
Mil and love, so be a friend.

Don't be stubborn, be straight.

The smart one blames himself, the stupid one blames his comrade.
A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.
Friendship is friendship, and service is service.
The king is truly the best friend.
Suddenly you won't be a friend.
To love a friend is to love yourself.

proverbs about friendship and motherland

Hold on to mother earth - she alone will not give out.
Own land and in a handful is sweet.

The peoples of our country are strong in friendship.
Our invincible country is sealed by the friendship of peoples
Friendship is friendship, and service is service.
The people have one home - the Motherland.
If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.
If the people are united, they are invincible.
One bee will bring some honey.
There is safety in numbers.

Proverbs on the topic "Friendship of peoples"

To stand together for peace - there will be no war.
Overseas fun, but someone else's, but in the homeland and grief, but your own
Our invincible country is sealed by the friendship of peoples.
Friendship of peoples is stronger than the storm, brighter than the sun.
Enmity does no good.
Friendship of people creates a mountain of treasures.
Friendship of peoples is the wealth of the people.
To whom the friendship of peoples is dear, he beats the enemy.
The language of friendship does not need translation.
The spring water is pure, the color of the rose is beautiful, the steel is strong. But purer than water, more beautiful than flowers, stronger than steel - the friendship of the Russian peoples.
If it were not for friendship, then people would be lost.
Friendship and brotherhood are better than wealth.
The friendship of peoples shines like the sun.

Proverbs about friendship between mother and children

You won't find a better friend than a mother.
There is no friend like a mother.

A mother feeds her children like the earth feeds people.
A puppy learns to bark from its mother.
The bird is glad of spring, and the child of the mother.
Aspens don't grow oranges.
The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
Where there is harmony in the family, children are raised well there.
When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.
The righteous mother is a stone fence.
A child without a mother is like a table without a tablecloth.

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Brotherly love is better than stone walls.

There is no friend against a brother.

Brother - brother, matchmaker - matchmaker, and money is not relatives.

Two brothers, and both Ivanovichi.

He is my brother, and he has his own mind.

Brother sister is not a decree in cooking.

From a good brother - to gain mind; from a thin brother - glad to get rid of.

Climbed into wealth - and forgot the brotherhood.

Good brotherhood is dearer than wealth.

Brother to brother with his head in payment.

Good brotherhood is more precious than any wealth.

The brotherhood of soldiers is born in battle.

Brother, brother, don't take money!

Brother will not betray brother.

Brother is brother, matchmaker is matchmaker, and money is not relatives.

Brother and brother go to the bear.

A brother is a brother, not a brother - so give me my cross and bast shoes.

You are my brother, eat your bread.

Brother matchmaker, and our relatives.

Brother for brother is not a payer.

My brother, and he has his own ears.

A brother is not a brother, but don't go into the peas!

My brother, eat your bread.

Unity and brotherhood is a great force. (ukr)

The unity of brothers is stronger than a stone cliff. (shorsk)

Brother will certainly intercede for brother. (Kazakh)

The love of brothers is stronger than a rock. (Tuva)

Brotherly love is a stone wall. (Belarusian, muzzle)

Whoever has an older brother has protection. (Kazakh)

A pillar that has no brother embraces. (abh)

The great Russian language is rich and unique! Proverbs and sayings about friendship, one could say endless...

  1. The poor know both friend and foe.
  2. You will not get to know your friend without trouble.
  3. Life is hard without a friend.
  4. Without a friend in the heart of a blizzard.
  5. Without a friend who is lost, it is bad, but it is also bad with a friend who is unfaithful.
  6. Without friendship, things will not go smoothly.
  7. There is no happiness without friendship.
  8. Without a good friend, you won't know your mistakes.
  9. Take it together - it will not be heavy.
  10. The battle is red with courage, and the friend with friendship.
  11. More friends - more enemies.
  12. More than that love does not happen, as one dies for each other.
  13. Be a friend, but without loss.
  14. Be a friend, don't be a loser.
  15. Be a friend, but not suddenly.
  16. There would be a friend, but there will be time.
  17. If there was a friend, there would be leisure.
  18. If there was a friend, there would be leisure.
  19. Was with a friend, drank water - it seemed sweeter than honey.
  20. Filya was in power - all the others felled to him, and trouble came - everyone was away from the yard.
  21. I was with a friend, I drank water: sweeter than honey.
  22. If there were pies, there would be friends.
  23. To give in debt - to lose friendship.
  24. There is unity in friendship. (Kazakh)
  25. In friendship, either be equal, or not be friends at all. (azerb)
  26. Friendship makes life easier. (udm)
  27. Friendship is true.
  28. In a harmonious herd, the wolf is not terrible.
  29. Have a nice day and make friends well. (uzb)
  30. Suddenly you won't be a friend.
  31. A true friend is priceless.
  32. A true friend is the most valuable treasure.
  33. A faithful friend is better than a hundred servants.
  34. Spring ice is deceptive, and a new friend is unreliable.
  35. The friend's water is better than the enemy's honey.
  36. The military community is strong with courage and courage.
  37. The wolf is a predator by nature, and the man - by envy.
  38. The wolf is not a friend to the horse.
  39. Do not bow to the enemy, do not regret life for a friend.
  40. Enmity does no good.
  41. All for one and one for all.
  42. All for one, and one for all, then there will be success in business.
  43. Everyone loves goodness, but not everyone loves it.
  44. Everything will pass, only the truth will remain.
  45. Everyone is his own friend and foe.
  46. Everyone chooses his friend according to his own liking.
  47. Where there is friendship and advice, there is light.
  48. Where there is friendship and advice, there are no mistakes.
  49. Where friendship is valued, there enemies will tremble.
  50. Where there is harmony, there is treasure.
  51. Where there is no friendship, there is no success. (mold)
  52. Absolutely stupid, who does not know anyone.
  53. To tell the truth is to lose friendship.
  54. Woe for two is half grief, joy for two is two joys.
  55. The mountain is destroyed by the wind, human friendship - by the word.
  56. The cast iron pot is not a friend.
  57. Mountains and stones are destroyed by the wind, human friendship - by a word.
  58. A goose is not a friend of a pig.
  59. Let's be friends: then like you, then you take me to yourself.
  60. You gave me your word, keep it.
  61. A long way, but a close friend.
  62. Two sorrows together, the third in half.
  63. Two friends - frost and blizzard.
  64. Two bears do not live in the same den.
  65. Two cats in a bag of friendship will not lead.
  66. A tree lives by its roots, but a man lives by his friends.
  67. Hold on to an old friend, and a new one at home
  68. For a dear friend, the gates are wide open.
  69. For a friend - everything is not tight.
  70. For a friend, even seven miles is not a suburb.
  71. Nothing for a friend.
  72. There are no distances for friendship.
  73. For friends - pies, for enemies - fists.
  74. For a dear friend - and horses from the plow.
  75. For a dear friend, do not look for leisure.
  76. For a sweet friend and an earring from an ear.
  77. For a good friend, neither bread nor leisure is a pity.
  78. Good brotherhood is better than wealth.
  79. A good word heals, but a bad word kills.
  80. A good word heals, and an evil one cripples.
  81. A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.
  82. A good horse is not without a rider, and an honest man is not without a friend.
  83. Scammer first whip.
  84. A friend is your mirror.
  85. A friend is a valuable treasure, no one is happy with an enemy.
  86. A friend in need is a doubly friend.
  87. A friend in need is recognized.
  88. A friend in need is a true friend.
  89. A friend is faithful, measured in everything.
  90. A friend of grief has the right to be a friend of power.
  91. A friend of money is more valuable.
  92. A friend for the time being is the same enemy.
  93. Hold on to each other - do not be afraid of anything.
  94. Stand up for each other and you will win the battle.
  95. Friend and brother is a great thing: you won’t get it soon.
  96. An old friend is better, and a new dress.
  97. Looking at each other, you smile; looking at yourself will only make you cry.
  98. A friend will teach, and an enemy will teach a lesson.
  99. An untested friend is like an unbroken nut.
  100. About each other, and God about everyone.
  101. He is my friend, and he has his own mind.
  102. Friend is known in trouble.
  103. A friend argues, and an enemy agrees.
  104. Save a friend, and teach yourself.
  105. To have a friend is not to feel sorry for yourself.
  106. Look for a friend, but found, take care.
  107. Love a friend - do not ruin yourself.
  108. To love a friend is not to spare oneself.
  109. Money can't buy a friend.
  110. Do not lose a friend - do not lend.
  111. To amuse a friend - to put yourself on the hook.
  112. You recognize a friend in trouble, and a glutton in food.
  113. They are friends like a cat and a dog.
  114. Friendship is a great power.
  115. Friendship is sacred.
  116. Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you can't put it together.
  117. Friendship of brothers is stronger than a stone wall.
  118. Friendship at lunch, but like a tablecloth from the table - and friendship swam away.
  119. Friendship and brotherhood are more precious than any wealth.
  120. Friendship to the limit.
  121. Friendship is more valuable than money.
  122. Friendship strife friendship, but at least drop the other.
  123. Friendship is friendship, but don’t go into your pocket (and into the peas)!
  124. Friendship is friendship, and money is an expense.
  125. Friendship is friendship, but money apart.
  126. Friendship is friendship, but money itself.
  127. Friendship is friendship, but do not lose order.
  128. Friendship is friendship, and service is service.
  129. Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart.
  130. Friendship with care and help is strong.
  131. Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth.
  132. Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you can't put it together.
  133. Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor.
  134. Friendship is true.
  135. Friendship loves business.
  136. Friendship of people creates a mountain of treasures. (Tuvin.)
  137. Friendship of peoples is the wealth of the people. (Bashk.)
  138. The friendship of peoples increases their strength.
  139. Friendship is not afraid of sacrifice.
  140. Friendship is not a mushroom - you will not find it in the forest.
  141. Friendship is not a service; and with whom to be friends, to serve.
  142. Friendship does not tolerate any deceit and is torn where lies begin.
  143. Friendship lives close to hostility.
  144. Friendship is supported by feet.
  145. Friendship adds strength. (Evenk, Yakuts)
  146. Soldier's friendship is stronger than stone walls.
  147. Friendship is flattering, which is honest.
  148. Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you can't fix it.
  149. Treasure friendship, do not rush to forget it.
  150. Friendship does not offend each other, but protect.
  151. Friendship lead - do not spare yourself.
  152. Friendship lead - so do not spare yourself.
  153. Friendship lead, so do not spare yourself.
  154. You can't buy friendship with money, you can't take it by force.
  155. Money can't buy friendship.
  156. Strengthen friendship - easier to serve.
  157. Remember friendship, but forget evil.
  158. Remember friendship, but do not forgive betrayal.
  159. Friendship is strengthened by justice. (karach)
  160. Keep friendship above all else.
  161. Make friends, but don't hold on to the floor.
  162. Boyfriend to friend, and everything to Petrushka.
  163. There is no friend - not nice and white light.
  164. Friendly life is long, unfriendly life is short. (Khakas)
  165. To stand together for peace - there will be no war.
  166. Friendly is not heavy, but at least drop it apart.
  167. It’s not heavy together, but one and the porridge will perish.
  168. A friendly herd is not afraid of wolves either.
  169. Friendly - you will not spill water.
  170. Friendly magpies eat goose.
  171. Friendly magpies and goose will be eaten, friendly gulls and hawks will be killed.
  172. Friendly magpies will eat a kite, twisted twine will cut even a stone. (Buryat)
  173. A friendly herd of wolves is not afraid.
  174. Friendly people are not afraid of anyone.
  175. The skin of a lamb covers the friendly, but it will not cover the unfriendly and the bull. (abaz)
  176. Friends are like geese near chaff.
  177. Many friends, but no friend.
  178. Friends of the rich are like chaff around the grain.
  179. Friends - to the first bone.
  180. Friends - until a rainy day.
  181. Friends of our friends are our friends.
  182. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  183. Friends are known in misfortune and in bad weather.
  184. Friends are direct - brothers.
  185. Friends and in the same grave is not crowded.
  186. Boast about your friends, but don't follow in the tail yourself.
  187. The only way to have a friend is to be a friend.
  188. If you fear misfortune, then there will be no happiness.
  189. If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.
  190. If you make friends with a good one, you will achieve your goal; if you make friends with bad people, you will disgrace yourself. (nogaysk)
  191. There is a friend - would have bitten him, but no - would have bought.
  192. There are pies - there are friends, there are no pies - there are no friends.
  193. Sorry friend, but not like myself.
  194. You live not with the one you are born with, but with the one you make friends with.
  195. It was to live with a friend, but the enemy prevented.
  196. You can live in friendship when it is not false.
  197. To live not to grieve - to get good and dashing to get rid of.
  198. Friendship is paid for with friendship.
  199. Envious from someone else's happiness dries.
  200. Envy will not add good.
  201. The key to happiness is friendship. (kirg)
  202. The snake bites not for satiety, but for dashing.
  203. We know you - you were with us: after you the cleavers were not counted.
  204. Knew a friend in joy, do not leave in sorrow.
  205. It is called a friend, but robs around.
  206. Gold is known by fire, and a friend by gold.
  207. And the matchmaker is a friend of the matchmaker, but not suddenly.
  208. And do not break the service, and do not destroy friendship. (uzb)
  209. And the dog remembers who feeds it.
  210. The village stands like a needle and a harrow.
  211. A friend is known - they ate a sack of salt together.
  212. A friend is known, having eaten a sack of salt together.
  213. Having outlived the need, I forgot the friendship.
  214. Outlived the need, forgot the friendship.
  215. Don't lose your old friend over a new friend.
  216. Look for friends, and enemies will be found.
  217. Look for a friend better than yourself, not worse than yourself.
  218. He who seeks a friend without flaw will be left without a friend.
  219. The road to a friend's house is never long.
  220. As it comes around, so it will respond.
  221. How good is the one who has a smart head and a good heart.
  222. What kind of friendship you make, such is your life.
  223. What friends are, such are pies.
  224. What cup you poured for a friend, drink this yourself.
  225. The pockets are tight so it will be different.
  226. When a friend asks, there is no "tomorrow".
  227. When my haystack caught fire, I met my friends.
  228. To whom the friendship of peoples is dear, he beats the enemy.
  229. To whom the world is inexpensive, that is our enemy.
  230. A horse is known in grief, and a friend in trouble.
  231. Short account - long friendship.
  232. A strong friendship cannot be cut with an ax.
  233. He who is cool in his temper is no one's friend.
  234. Who is a friend to himself, and who is a foe.
  235. Whoever leads friendship finds happiness.
  236. Whoever seeks a friend without flaws will be left without a friend.
  237. He who has not experienced friendship has not lived.
  238. Who shares a difficult moment with you is a true friend.
  239. Who is stingy and greedy, that in friendship is not good.
  240. Friends are easy to find but hard to keep.
  241. It's easier to lose a friend than to find one.
  242. A liar is always an unfaithful friend, he will deceive you around.
  243. Lies destroy friendship, why friendship does not love her.
  244. Better a faithful friend than a precious stone.
  245. It is better to keep friendship than to have treasures. (Tuva)
  246. You won't find a better friend than a mother.
  247. It is better to die near a friend than to live near your enemy.
  248. Love the arguer, don't love the indulgence.
  249. Love and friendship bring happiness. (belor)
  250. A small friendship is better than a big fight.
  251. Mil and love, so be a friend.
  252. There is a lot of goodness in the jug, but you can’t crawl into it with your head.
  253. Sometimes powerless enemies take revenge.
  254. We are with you, like a fish with water.
  255. We are with you, like a fish with water: you - to the bottom, I - to the shore.
  256. Trust in God, but keep up with good people.
  257. Every man to his own taste.
  258. Money can't buy a friend.
  259. To hope for a friend - to disappear yourself.
  260. Peace is based on friendship.
  261. Don't talk to yourself, talk to a friend.
  262. Laugh at your friend, cry at yourself.
  263. It is necessary to eat a pood of salt together in order to recognize a friend.
  264. He called himself a friend - help in trouble.
  265. Popular friendship and brotherhood is more precious than any wealth.
  266. You won't be forced to be nice.
  267. True friendship is impartial. (azerb)
  268. Our grief and axes do not flog.
  269. Do not hit someone else's gate with a whip, they would not hit yours with a club.
  270. Don't be afraid of a smart enemy, be afraid of a stupid friend.
  271. Don't be afraid of a smart enemy, but be afraid of a stupid friend.
  272. Don't leave your friend in misfortune.
  273. Don't be fed up with a piece, but be fed up with a friend.
  274. Don't be stubborn, be straight.
  275. Without offense.
  276. Not in service, but in friendship.
  277. Not years bring people together, but minutes.
  278. Don't give money, don't lose friendship.
  279. Not to my friend, to my belly.
  280. Not known - a friend, but known - two friends.
  281. Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
  282. The light is not sweet when there is no friend.
  283. Do not argue - do not make friends.
  284. A good piece will not be boring, a good friend will not get bored.
  285. We did not agree on the custom - there will be no friendship.
  286. Do not make your enemy a sheep, but make him a wolf.
  287. It is not the friendship that is strong that is wound up in words, but the one that is sealed in battle.
  288. Not the friend who smears honey, but the one who tells the truth in the face.
  289. Not the friend who indulges, but the one who instructs the mind.
  290. Not the one who is strong is strong, but the one who is friends.
  291. Not that friend to you who flatters in the eye, but that friend to you who does good in absentia.
  292. Do not recognize a friend in three days, recognize in three years.
  293. An unfaithful friend is a dangerous enemy.
  294. Distrust kills friendship.
  295. Lack of trust hurts friendship.
  296. The enemy agrees, and the friend argues.
  297. Our country is invincible, sealed by the friendship of peoples.
  298. There is no friend - look for, but if you find - take care.
  299. There are no ties holier than partnership (N. Gogol).
  300. Nothing compares to a friendly life.
  301. The guest is not dear, the friendship is dear.
  302. Make new friends, but don't forget the old ones.
  303. Need unites.
  304. It takes many days and nights to get to know a person.
  305. Clothes are good new, and a friend is old.
  306. If you don’t take care of your clothes, they will soon tear, you don’t take care of friendship, you will soon disperse. (Tuva)
  307. From the warm word and the ice melts.
  308. A father is a mentor, a brother is a support, and a friend is both.
  309. A bad friend is like a shadow: you only see him on bright days.
  310. A bad friend is like a shadow: on a sunny day he won’t get rid of it, on a rainy day you won’t find it.
  311. By the generosity of the hand, you can see what a heart is.
  312. Near the bee - in honey, and near the beetle - in manure.
  313. Make friends with the bad - you will be disgraced, make friends with the good - you will reach the goal. (Tatars)
  314. Because it is good to live, that the friendship of the peoples in our country is maintained.
  315. The truth is more precious than anything.
  316. To tell the truth is not to make a friend.
  317. To warn in time is the business of friends.
  318. A bird is strong with its wings, but a man is strong with friendship.
  319. The path to victory is shorter if the peasant and the worker are on friendly terms.
  320. Glad mad, seeing a friend in adversity.
  321. I would be glad for a friend of a pie, but he himself has not a piece.
  322. A friend who becomes friends is worse than a foe.
  323. Distance does not interfere with friendship.
  324. A fish cannot live without water, and a person cannot live without friendship. (Evenk)
  325. With a good friend and a living is not at a loss.
  326. Make friends with the good, and beware of the evil ones.
  327. With a friend, you will burn grief in half.
  328. With whom you lead, from that you will gain.
  329. With whom you lead, from that you will pick up: from a bee to honey, from a bug to dung.
  330. With whom you drive bread and salt, you are like that.
  331. From the world on a thread - a naked shirt.
  332. With friends like that, you don't need enemies.
  333. The sword hurts the head, but the word hurts the soul.
  334. Die yourself, but save a comrade.
  335. Lose yourself, and save a comrade.
  336. The world is not without good people.
  337. Make your friends, but don't lose your father's.
  338. Seven - not one, we will not give offense.
  339. Seven do not wait for one.
  340. A heart friend is not born suddenly.
  341. The strength of life is in friendship. (nogaysk)
  342. The strength of a bird is in its wings, the strength of a man is in friendship. (Tatars)
  343. Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.
  344. Tablecloth from the table - and friendship swam away.
  345. Soviet friendship is stronger than stone walls.
  346. Soldier friendship helps the service.
  347. Soldier friendship can't be burned down by fire.
  348. Straw is not friends with fire.
  349. Sokha is not a plow, a friend is not a friend.
  350. Plow is not a plow, a friend is not a friend.
  351. You can't make friendship with a quarrel.
  352. An old friend is better than two new ones.
  353. Old friend! See you for the first time.
  354. A hundred friends are few, one enemy is many.
  355. He said so much that you can’t even take it in a hat.
  356. Choose the color of the cloth, and hello to the friend.
  357. The account of friendship does not spoil.
  358. The kalach cheese is whiter, and the mother of all friends is cuter.
  359. Such friends that grab, you can’t turn around with a stake.
  360. The body is adorned by clothes, but the soul is adorned by friendship. (uzb)
  361. Our matchmaker has neither a friend nor a brother.
  362. One with difficulty, two with laughter.
  363. Quinoa bread is like mustard, and who stirs up friendship is not good for friends. (Bashkir)
  364. Good friendship is like a fortified bunker.
  365. If you want friendship, be a friend.
  366. If you want to lose a friend, lend him a loan.
  367. If you want to test a friend, give him a loan.
  368. A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.
  369. Thin grass from the field out.
  370. The king and the beggar are always friendless.
  371. The king is truly the best friend.
  372. More often the score is stronger friendship.
  373. A man without a friend is like earth without water.
  374. A man without friends is like a tree without roots.
  375. A man without friends is like a falcon without wings.
  376. A man who has many friends is as wide as the steppe; a man who has no friends is as narrow as a hand. (alto)
  377. The stronger the friendship, the easier the service.
  378. The stronger the friendship, the closer the union.
  379. What is there to chase after who does not want to know.
  380. Do not laugh at someone else's grief
  381. A jester is not good for friendship.

Here you can find proverbs about work.

V R A G, V R A F D A

If the enemy does not surrender, he is destroyed.
Ancient wisdom says: Man is his own friend, and there is no worse enemy for him than he is himself!
Most of all, one must fear the enemy who appears in the guise of a friend.
Lots of money, lots of enemies.
Better to be an honest enemy than a fake friend.
Even the Sun has opponents.
If you have no enemies, then you have no character.
On the "maybe" the enemy will not be defeated.
Only dead enemies don't shoot in the back.
Your friends may be fake, but your enemies are always real.
People are their own worst enemies.
The best way to recognize and destroy the enemy is to become his "friend".
Love your enemies - they are the best teachers, they show us our shortcomings.
Whoever wants pain from a stranger, all means are good for him.
The enemy must be known by sight.
The truth is where the enemy is defeated.
The villain miscalculated, the enemy is cunning, and we are cunning.
The more cunning the enemy, the more honorable the victory.
The enemy's is stucco, but God's is strong.
The artist has one serious enemy - his bad paintings.
Hidden hatred - hidden enmity.
The acquired good is overgrown with enemies.
Let's use all the tricks to shake the soul out of the enemy.
Where the timid Semyon is, there the enemy is strong.
She consoled herself, tried, and even remained an enemy.
The enemy knows how our sailor fights.
Take a closer look at your enemy, he can fight on your side. (Ancient Eastern wisdom).
There is hostility in the family - do not expect good.
The enemy of all living things is death.
It is better to leave good to enemies than to beg for friends.
No enemies, no wars.
Do not neglect your enemies, they are the first to notice your mistakes.
A smart man can learn a lot from an enemy.
There is an agreement between friends only if there is a common enemy.
A misunderstood joke can ignite hostility.
In enmity, a friend is no different from an enemy.
The invisible enemy is more dangerous.
Talk to the enemy, and weld the end of the pike.
Your friend is building your house, and your enemy is digging your grave.
Count the enemies not killed, but unfinished.
Under water and on water - the enemy will not hide anywhere.
That enemy is safe, who is sure that he holds you in his hands.
A dead enemy is better than a living enemy.
The enemy must be given his due, otherwise you will not learn anything and will always be beaten.
Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.
The sun cannot be extinguished by the enemy, and we cannot be defeated.
Beat the enemy not in the eyebrow, but in the eye - this is the people's mandate.
In a hysterical state, a person is his own enemy.
A frightened enemy is a defeated enemy.
The enemy wanted to feast, but had to grieve.
Peace in the language of the enemy, but war in the heart.
Better water from a friend than honey from an enemy.
You need to fight the enemy only with his own weapons.
With you and in the open field closely.
The enemy may be new and the friend old.
He who did not have an enemy will not appreciate a friend.
Enmity is a former friendship.

To turn back the enemy is not yet grace; trample the enemy - that's grace.
When people have equal merit, enmity arises between them. (Chinese p.)
Enmity was not given to us by God, and it will not be stopped by God. (Kyrgyzskaya p.)
An external enemy serves to strengthen power.
The enemy must be beaten with his own weapon.
A small enemy is a big problem.
Our border is close to the enemy, but afraid to cross.
Don't spare your enemy, save your friend.
Our truth pricks the eyes of the enemy.
Not all eyes see the enemy.
Sweeter is the water of a friend than the honey of an enemy.

If you spare the enemy, you will destroy yourself.
Speak with the enemy not with the tongue, but with the bayonet.
Beware of the enemy, be it from an ant.
One enemy does more evil than a hundred good friends.
We will not spare life, but we will defeat the enemy.
How much the enemy does not cheat, but the bullets do not pass.
The enemy is cunning, but we are more cunning; The enemy is strong, but we are stronger.
Each enemy has its own power.
The enemy is invincible as long as they are unanimous.
There is no place for enmity in love.
If you don’t feed, don’t drink, you won’t make an enemy.
There are no good enemies.
Enmity is the path to self-destruction.
It is better to drown yourself in a rotten swamp than to make friends with the enemy.
The enemy is formidable behind the mountains, and more formidable behind.
The enemy is nearby - hit with the butt.
Slash the enemy - do not spare your shoulders.
They beat the enemy - the pores do not wait.
Pursue the enemy, but not on the trail, but on the heels.
Enemies are not counted, they are beaten.
Best the enemy of the good.
Upright enemies are better than crafty friends.
There is space everywhere with peace, and enmity is like a wall.
If you tell the truth, you will make enemies, if you keep silent, your heart is sick.
The most bitter word is more useful than the praise of the enemy.
Whoever sows panic helps the enemy.

You know what was said: love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you: love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, pray for those who curse and persecute you, and then you will become sons of your Father in heaven, who commands the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends down rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. For if you love those who love you, what good will it do you? Isn't that what mothers do? And if you greet only your friends, what is it that makes you so special? Isn't that what the pagans do? So be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect.
Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5

If we are scolded by our enemies, then we are doing everything right.

The Christian Church taught to love enemies. The Bolsheviks accustomed people to class hostility. The Church taught to forgive, the Bolsheviks taught to hate. A bright future - communism - which they promised people to build, would be an ordinary satanic temptation, only rarely anyone guessed about it.
God for the Bolsheviks was one of the main enemies. They did not know that any deed devoid of Divine light turns against the one who plots this deed.
V. Voskoboynikov "Great Service"

All enemies after our death will sign up as friends with us.
But before the storm it is always safer to look into the future ...
The captain orders to put on the cleanest shirts!
B. Okudzhava "Letter to Antokolsky"

- ... In our business, there can be no half-friends. Half friend is always half enemy.
Strugatsky brothers "It's hard to be God"

“Do not quarrel with a low person. He has enemies only among his own kind. Do not threaten a noble husband. He does not show mercy out of self-interest.”
Hong Zicheng

Humanity can strike the enemy no less than weapons.
A.V. Suvorov

Real enemies are revealed only after victory.
Rudy Mil, Austrian philosopher.

I may be a sinner, but the wise forgave sinners,
After all, they had indulgence in sin.
How can your enemies avoid sorrow
If they are all in the abyss, and you are at the top?
"Thousand and One Nights"

“Love your enemies, crush the enemies of the Fatherland, abhor the enemies of God” - this is the sovereign voice of the people, expressed in the chased style of Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow, one of the greatest Russian saints of the last century.

On his grave cover
We, instead of all wreaths, put simple words:
He wouldn't have many enemies
When not yours, Russia.
F. Tyutchev 1866

... He sat down on a chair and whimpered, but then, feeling that no one needed it, no one would sympathize, he looked at Peter unkindly:
- Wait, chief, you will still drink your own blood and snack on snot, wait ...
Peter, bowing his head, watched him. Strange, he liked being scared. Because he believed that if a person is without friends and enemies, then he is neither fish nor fowl - junk. And if a person already has at least enemies, then it’s still worth living.
S. Ionin "Pure Stars"

Have smaller friends, do not expand their circle.
And remember: it is better to have a close, distant friend.
Take a calm look at everyone who sits around.
In whom you saw support, you will suddenly see the enemy.
Omar Khayyam

Proverbs and sayings for schoolchildren. Friends, friendship and enemies in proverbs and sayings for children and adults.

Proverbs and sayings about friendship, about friends, about enemies.

Birds are strong with wings, and people are strong with friendship.

Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor.

What kind of friendship you make, such is your life.

Friendship is paid for with friendship.

A small friendship is better than a big fight.

Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you can't put it together.

If you want friendship, be a friend.

The mountain is destroyed by the wind, and human friendship is destroyed by words.

A man without friendship is like a tree without roots.

Friendship is friendship, and service is service.

All for one, and one for all, then there will be success in business.

A strong friendship cannot be cut with an ax.

Money can't buy friendship.

Friendship strife friendship: even throw another.

Proverbs and sayings about friends and enemies

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

A tree is held together by roots, and a man by friends.

Not the friend who indulges, but the one who helps.

Without a friend in the heart of a blizzard.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

An untested friend is like an unbroken nut.

There are many friends, but not a single friend.

Whoever forgets old friends will not make new ones.

It's easier to lose a friend than to find one.

Blood is not native, but the soul of one.

A friend is not a mushroom: you cannot choose with your heart, you cannot find with your eyes.

Not years bring people together, but minutes.

To love a friend is not to spare oneself.

A friend's honor is more precious than one's own.

A friend in need is a true friend.

A friend for the time being is the same enemy.

A true friend is priceless.

A true friend loves to death.

An unfaithful friend is a dangerous enemy.

It is bad without a friend who is lost, but it is also bad with a friend who is not faithful.

A bad friend is like a shadow: on a sunny day he won’t get rid of it, on a rainy day you won’t find it.

Better water from a friend than honey from an enemy.

Better a friend far away than an enemy near.

A friend is a valuable treasure, no one is happy with an enemy.

You can't drown your enemy in tears.

Don't be afraid of a smart enemy, be afraid of a stupid friend.

One enemy will do more harm than a hundred friends will do good.

A secret enemy is worse than an open one.

A friend will torment, an enemy will teach.

A man without friends is a left hand without a right.

Better the bitter truth of a friend than the flattery of an enemy.

The enemy agrees, and the friend argues.

It is called a friend, but responds to an enemy.

A cowardly friend is more dangerous than an enemy: you fear the enemy, but you rely on your friend.

The light is not sweet when there is no friend.

An orphan without a friend, but a family man with a friend.

A good horse is not without a rider, and an honest man is not without a friend.

Make new friends, but don't lose old ones.

Don't leave your friend in misfortune.

A thing is good while it is new, and a friend is good when it is old.

And a lot of friends, but no friend.

The battle is red with courage, and pleasant with friendship.

A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.

Three friends: father, mother and faithful wife.

A friend of money is more valuable.

Look for a diligent friend, but if you find it, take care of it.

Choose a friend according to your liking.

Whoever is a direct friend is a brother.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

Be a friend, but not suddenly.

Rye and wheat will be born in a year, and a true friend will always come in handy.

The enemy agrees, and the friend argues.

Money can't buy a friend.

There is no other way to lose.

Direct friends are like brothers.

Not known - friend, but known - two.

A friend for the time being is the same enemy.

If a friend becomes friends, it is worse than an enemy.

Make friends with the good ones, and stay away from the bad ones.

Feels the heart of both friend and foe.

A friend is known in misfortune.

Do not recognize a friend in three days, recognize in three years.

Suddenly you won't be a friend.

A humble friend is unreliable.

You will not get to know your friend without trouble.

And you are my friend, and I am your friend, but not both suddenly.

You recognize a horse in rati, but a friend in trouble.

An untested friend is not reliable.

Don't be afraid of a smart enemy, be afraid of a stupid friend.

You don’t recognize a friend on dates, just as you don’t go into business with him.

An untested friend - that a nut is not split.

A planted horse, a broken bow, and a reconciled friend are equally unreliable.

For the sake of a dear friend and an earring from an ear.

Help each other.

For a good friend, it is not a pity to lose much.

If there was a friend, there would be leisure.

There is no circle for a friend.

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Feel sorry for the bag, not to see a friend.

Your reluctant friend.

Don't trust every friend.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

For a friend in fire and water.

For a friend and an earring from an ear.

Friendship is friendship, and service is service.

Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart.

Be friends with crooks, but keep a stone in your bosom.

Die yourself, but save a comrade.

Friends in a tavern are not chosen.

Show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are.

Friendly - not heavy, but at least drop it apart.

A ram is friends with a wolf - there will be no sense.

Better to have a clever thief as a friend than an honest fool.

Don't dig a hole for another, you'll fall in yourself.

With whom you lead, from that you will gain.

You will fly with a bee, you will be in honey, you will fly with a beetle, you will be in shit.

Be friends with your girlfriend, but don't tell her everything.

The best friend is a pillow.

A goose is not a friend of a pig.

Not the friend who smears flatteringly, but the one who tells the truth.

You need to look for a friend, but the enemy will be found.

Honor your friends, don't piss off your enemies.

Friends by dress are not chosen.

Not in service, but in friendship.

The best friend will take the friend away.

True friendship does not need many vows.

Together they ate a pood of salt.

Did a disservice to a friend.

As they became friends, so they became friends.

Where is the enemy, where is the friend, you will not suddenly know.

The battle is red with courage, and a friend with friendship.

A true friend loves to death.

A faithful friend is better than hundreds of servants.

Blood is not native, but one soul.

Better a faithful friend than a precious stone.

A cowardly friend is more dangerous than an enemy: you fear the enemy, but you rely on your friend.

It is bad without a friend who is lost, but it is also bad with a friend who is not faithful.

A true friend is priceless.

Don't leave your friend in misfortune.

Not the friend who indulges, but the one who helps.

You won't know a friend in fidelity without trouble.

For a friend, it's not hard.

To love a friend is not to spare oneself.

Do not bow to the enemy, do not regret life for a friend.

In the enemy, the arrow is in the stump, in the friend, in me.

A bad friend's service is resilient.

With whom the world is in harmony, he is my friend and brother.

A friend is faithful in everything measured.

Hold on to each other - do not be afraid of anything.

Looking at each other, you smile; looking at yourself, you will only cry.

Friend for friend - all for Andryushka.

He is my friend, and he has his own mind.

A friend is known in rati and in trouble.

A friend of the heart is a baked cockroach.

A friend puts up a tower, but an enemy gets along well.

A friend is a valuable treasure, no one is happy with an enemy.

A friend to have no loss.

To have a friend is not to feel sorry for yourself.

To please a friend is to annoy yourself.

Without a friend in the heart of a blizzard.

Without a good friend, a person does not know his mistakes.

A tree is supported by roots, and a person by friends.

For a friend, seven miles is not a suburb.

A friend in need is a true friend.

Friend is known in trouble.

There are many friends, but not a single friend.

He who forgets old friends will not make new ones.

It's easier to lose a friend than to find one.

Not the friend who smears honey, but the one who tells the truth in the face.

Life is hard without a friend.

To live without a friend is to be shameful to oneself.

Friends are like geese near the chaff.

There are many friends, but no friend.

Friends - to the first bone.

Friends - until a rainy day.

Friends are recognized in need.

Friends and in the same grave is not crowded.

A friend in need is a doubly friend.

A friend is more valuable than money.

Helps each other in everything, and the enemy digs a hole for the enemy.

Each other puts the tower, and the enemy's foe's coffin gets along.

There is a friend - and the heart is warmed.

An old friend is better, and a new dress.

A friend will teach, and an enemy will teach a lesson.

An untested friend is like an unbroken nut.

A friend close by is better than two or three far away.

Keeping a friend is not unprofitable.

Look for a friend, and if you find - take care.

Love a friend - do not ruin yourself.

Do not lose a friend - do not lend.

Pity a friend - cry yourself.

To amuse a friend - to put yourself on the hook.

You recognize a friend in trouble, and a glutton in food.

Find out a friend - eat a pound of salt together.

Find out a friend - eat a sack of salt together.

A friend is recognized in adversity.

It is called a friend, but responds to an enemy.

Be friends with a friend, but do not be rude to another.

Befriend a friend, but do not destroy an enemy.

Be friends with a friend, but do not be rude to an enemy.

Befriend a friend, do not harm an enemy.

Help your friend as much as you can.

Skill a friend, but do not forget yourself.

Friendly help is more precious than gold.

For a good friend and an ox from a plow.

For a dear friend, the gates are wide open.

Nothing for a friend.

For a friend, the last piece is eaten.

I'll give you the last piece for a friend.

For a friend, fasting is allowed.

For a friend, seven miles is not a detour.

Pies for friends, fists for enemies.

For true friends, even water is sweet.

For a good friend, neither bread nor leisure is a pity.

A good friend is not at the end of the hand.

Stand up for each other and win the fight.

Friend and brother is a great thing: you won’t get it soon.

Easy to make friends, hard to part.

Better than a hundred rubles a hundred friends.

Don't be afraid of a smart enemy, but be afraid of a stupid friend.

Don't be for a cous, be for a friend.

Do not be a reserve for a friend, be glad to a friend.

Do not be full of cous, but be full of a friend.

Do not love the friend of the indulgence, love the counter.

Not the one who is strong is strong, but the one who is friends.

Not that friend to you who flatters in the eye, but that friend to you who does good in absentia.

Don't recognize a friend in three days, find out in three years.

An unfaithful friend is a dangerous enemy.

The enemy is greeted with salty words, and the friend with puff pies.

An unknown friend is not good for services.

There is no friend, so look for it, but you found it, so take care.

Desire a new friend, but do not get rid of an old one.

A new friend that is not a charter plow.

Make new friends, but don't lose old ones.

A friend becomes friends - worse than a foe.

With whom you lead, from that you will pick up: from a bee to honey, from a bug to dung.

With whom you behave, you will be known.

With whom you get to know, from that you will pick up.

Make your friends, but don't lose your father's.
Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are.

Two friends gathered: an arc and a cinch.

Old friendships don't rust.

Such friends that grab, you can’t turn around with a stake.

If you want friendship, be a friend.

A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

A true friend is a rare bird.

A faithful friend is better than a hundred servants.

Spring ice is deceptive, and a new friend is unreliable.

A thing is good while it is new, and a friend is good when it is old.


positive psychology 23.03.2018

Dear readers, it is not in vain that proverbs and sayings have been passed from mouth to mouth for centuries. They learn to cherish true friends, stand up for them, choose the right comrades, treat friends as if they were oneself, and beware of those who only impersonate a friend. Thanks to the meaning inherent in them, proverbs and sayings about friendship contribute to the fact that all these correct ideas about friendship are literally recorded in our subconscious and help us look for true friendship in life.

Found a friend - take care of him

Watching the children, you can see that they tend to gather in companies and flocks: they are fun and interesting together. But there are also loners who find it difficult to get acquainted and communicate. And it always causes so many emotions, because children already understand well how valuable friendships are.

In this section you will find proverbs and sayings about friendship for children in grades 1, 2, 3.

Proverbs about friendship

Remember friendship, but forget evil.
A friend and brother is a great thing: you won’t get it soon.
It is better to listen to the reproaches of a friend than to lose him.
Where friendship is strong, things go well.
You will not get to know your friend without trouble.

Was with a friend, drank water - it seemed sweeter than honey.
Hold on to each other - do not be afraid of anything.
Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you can't fix it.

A strong friendship cannot be cut with an ax.
He who is cool in his temper is no one's friend.
Whoever leaves a friend in trouble, he himself gets into trouble.
To tell the truth is not to make a friend.
A heart friend is not born suddenly.
Better the bitter truth of a friend than the flattery of an enemy.
A thing is good when it's new, and a friend is good when it's old.
Don't recognize a friend in three days - find out in three years.
You recognize a horse in rati, but a friend in trouble.
Without a friend - an orphan; with a friend - a family man.
An untested friend that the nut is not split.
The mountain is destroyed by the wind, human friendship - words.
Why be friends with those who want to scold.
With whom you lead, from that you will pick up: from a bee to honey, from a bug to dung.

You will quarrel in smoke, then - burn with shame.
Without a friend who is lost, it is bad, but it is also bad with a friend who is unfaithful.
Without a good friend, you won't know your mistakes.
The wind destroys the mountain, the word destroys human friendship.
A friend is a valuable treasure, no one is happy with an enemy.
A father is a mentor, a brother is a support, and a friend is both.
Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
What you don't want for yourself, don't do it to someone else.
What is your friend, such is your respect.
Die yourself, save a friend.
There is no friend - look for, but found - take care.
Make new friends, but don't lose old ones!
A good piece will not be boring, a good friend will not get bored.
Don't lose a friend - don't lend.
Do not reveal secrets to a friend - know that he also has a friend.

friendship sayings

The road to a friend's house is never long.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
The battle is red with courage, and the friend with friendship.
The light is not sweet when there is no friend.
If there was a friend, there would be leisure.
A good friend is a joy to the soul.
You won't find a better friend than a mother.
There is no better friend than your own mother.
Suddenly you won't be a friend.
Friendship is sacred.
There is no distance for friendship.
One for all and all for one.
Life is hard without a friend.
A friend before the first trouble.
Peace is based on friendship.
Distrust kills friendship.
Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.
Nothing for a friend.
Close together, but boring apart.
It's easier to lose a friend than to find one.
Friend is known in trouble.
A true friend is priceless.

To stand together for peace - there will be no war.
You recognize a friend in trouble, and a glutton in food.
Friendship is not a mushroom, you will not find it in the forest.

Friendship friendship - strife.
Man to man is friend and brother.
Money can't buy a friend.
Need unites.
Friendship is true.

Friendship is more valuable than money

Friendship is more valuable than money - always a relevant statement. No amount of wealth can buy true friends. Schoolchildren already understand this very well and value true friends.

This section contains proverbs and sayings about friendship for grades 4-5.

Proverbs about friendship

Be a friend, don't be a loser.
The friends of the rich are like chaff around the grain.
What cup you poured for a friend, drink this yourself.
Friendship does not offend each other, but protect.
He who has not experienced friendship has not lived.
Who is stingy and greedy, he is not good in friendship.
Filya was in power - all the others felled to him, and trouble came - everyone was away from the yard.
A bad friend is like a shadow: on a sunny day he won’t get rid of it, on a rainy day you won’t find it.
Pity a friend - cry yourself.
Make friends, but don't hold on to the floor.
Where there is friendship and advice, there is light.
He who seeks a friend without flaw will be left without a friend.
Spring ice is deceptive, and a new friend is not reliable.
To have a friend is not to feel sorry for yourself.
An unfaithful friend is a dangerous enemy.
One enemy will do more harm than a hundred friends will do good.
Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor.
Don't lose your old friend over a new friend.
For a dear friend - and horses from the plow.
For a friend, even seven miles is not a suburb.
The enemy agrees, and the friend argues.
A friend is faithful, measured in everything.
Friendship with care and help is strong.
A liar is always an unfaithful friend, he will deceive you around.
It is better to die near a friend than to live near your enemy.
Mil and love, so be a friend.
Don't talk to yourself, talk to a friend.
Plow is not a plow, a friend is not a friend.
A smart man blames himself, a stupid one blames his comrade.
What are friends, such are their pies.
Friendship lives close to non-friendship.
Not the one who is strong is strong, but the one who is friends.
You can live in friendship when it is not false.
Where friendship is valued, there enemies tremble.
Love knows no revenge, and friendship knows no flattery.
Friendship strife friendship, but at least drop the other.
Not known - friend; and known - two.
In the enemy there is an arrow that is in the stump, and in the friend that is in me.
Have fun, eat and drink - so any friend is good, and on a day of grief only a close soul is good.
Not that friend to you who flatters in the eye, but that friend to you who does good in absentia.
Make friends with the good, and beware of the evil ones.
You live not with the one you are born with, but with the one you make friends with.
Gold is known by fire, and a friend by gold.
A friend is known - they ate a sack of salt together.
What kind of friendship you make, such is your life.
You, thunderstorm, threaten, and we hold on to each other.
If you want friendship, be a friend.
Do not trust the smile of an enemy, do not suspect malice in a friend.
Better the face of an enemy than the back of a friend.
It’s not heavy together, but one and the porridge will perish.
A true friend is more likely to become an enemy than betray.
If an enemy attacks you, an unreliable friend will go over to him.
Like bread and kvass, so everything is with us, and the tablecloth from the table, and friendship swam away.

friendship sayings

A goose is not a friend of a pig.
It is called a friend, but responds to an enemy.
Everyone is his own friend and foe.
Everyone chooses a friend according to his own liking.
It is called a friend, but robs around.
Lose yourself, and save a comrade.
A long way is a close friend.
Two sorrows together, the third in half.
If you make friends with a snake, it will sting you.
Every man to his own taste.
Friendship is not afraid of sacrifice.
The strength of life is in friendship.
To strengthen friendship is easier to serve.
Outlived the need, forgot the friendship.
Friendship is supported by feet.
A friendly herd is not afraid of wolves either.
With whom you lead, from that you will gain.
Friendship is friendship, and service is service.
Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart.
For comrades and glory.
For a friend - everything is not tight.
Not in service, but in friendship.
Friendship to the limit.
For a sweet friend and an earring from an ear.
The poor know both friend and foe.
You will not get to know your friend without trouble.
Be a friend, don't be a loser.
Be a friend, but not suddenly.
Pockets are tight, so there will be others.
Who is a friend to himself, and who is a foe.
Everyone's friend is nobody's friend.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Where it is closer, there it is friendlier.

Friendship with care and help is strong

They say that friends are known in trouble, but I really don’t want to check this statement on my own experience. May troubles bypass us all, and friendship be easy and joyful, and only pleasant occasions for meeting friends. This section presents sayings and proverbs about friendship, kindness and mutual assistance.

Hold on to each other - do not be afraid of anything.
Artel is good to beat the enemy.
Take it together - it will not be heavy.
It is necessary to eat a pood of salt together in order to recognize a friend.
He called himself a friend - help in trouble.
The military community is strong with courage and courage.
Soldier friendship helps the service.
The stronger the friendship, the easier the service.
It is not the friendship that is strong that is wound up in words, but the one that is sealed in battle.
With a friend, you will burn grief in half.
Wherever you live, serve everywhere and be friends with your neighbor.
You will hold on to each other - you can not be afraid of anything.
Friendly magpies and goose will be eaten, friendly gulls and hawks will be killed.
When my haystack caught fire, I met my friends.
Pour the last tea for a friend.
Save a friend - save yourself.
Share advice and a dressing bag with a friend.
Who helps each other, he overcomes the enemy.
Take on the right thing boldly: you can’t do it yourself - comrades will help.
Who soon helped, he helped twice.
You don't know a friend until you need his help.
Good brotherhood is better than wealth.
A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.
If you lose good, you will still make money, but if you lose a friend, you will not return it.
It is bad to live for those who do no good to anyone.
Enmity does no good.
Everyone loves goodness, but not everyone loves it.

A tree is held by its roots, and a man by his friends

It is not given to everyone in life to have real and true friends who are able to go through fire and water for each other. Such friends will always tell the truth, criticize if necessary, and support if necessary. And we believe them and are not offended, because we know that they do this out of a kind and sincere attitude towards us. And, of course, we ourselves can be honest with friends. It is this essence of friendship that proverbs and sayings about friendship and friends reflect.

Proverbs about friendship and friends

Pies for friends, fists for enemies.
More than that love does not happen, as one dies for each other.
Make your friends, but don't lose your father's.
Such friends that grab, you can’t turn around with a stake.
The king and the beggar are always friendless.
He who hopes that his friends will prefer his interests to theirs will suffer.
He who reproaches friends for trifles finds enemies.
Friends are easy to find but hard to keep.
Friendship is not a service; and with whom to be friends, to serve.
True friends are tested by everyone - and even by pain.
Choose your friends wisely.
A tree lives by its roots, and a man lives by his friends.
A hundred friends are few, one enemy is many.
Do not have crafty people for friends.
Look for friends, and enemies will be found.
He who does not know how to choose friends finds enemies well.
If you work together with your friends, your heart will become strong like a lion's.
Boast about your friends, but don't follow in the tail yourself.
A man without friends is a left hand without a right.
At feast and conversation there are many friends, but at grief and sorrow there is no one.

sayings about friends

There are many friends, but no friend.
Big friends are like brothers.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Friends until a rainy day.
The world is not without good people.

The earth is strong

People united by friendship and one goal cannot be defeated. When everything is at the same time, then there is well-being, and prosperity, and everyone lives in the world, and it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about a group of friends or a whole people. You will find proverbs about the need for friendship and unity in this section.

The friendship of peoples increases their strength.
The path to victory is easier and shorter when the peasant and the worker are on friendly terms.
Popular friendship and brotherhood is more precious than any wealth.
To whom the friendship of peoples is dear, he beats the enemy.
If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.
Our country is invincible, sealed by the friendship of peoples.
Friendship of peoples is the wealth of the people.
The earth is strong with its people.
The language of friendship does not need translation.
A ruble is collected from a penny, friendship begins with unity.
Stand up for each other - you will win the battle.
Rivers may dry up, mountains may collapse, but the friendship of peoples is eternal and indestructible.
Friendship of peoples is stronger than the storm, brighter than the sun.
A people that does not know unity makes friends with need; a people strong in unity, making friends with happiness.
Friendship of peoples creates a mountain of treasures.
To stand together for peace - there will be no war.
The spring water is pure, the color of the rose is beautiful, the steel is strong. But purer than water, more beautiful than flowers, stronger than steel - the friendship of the Russian peoples.
The friendship of peoples shines like the sun.

Friendship between people is not just a pleasant relationship. True friends know and understand each other well, almost at a glance, and some even feel each other from a distance. Accepting another person with all his shortcomings is sometimes very difficult. But if you are ready for this, then true friendship will definitely be in your life.

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And for the mood, I invite you to listen to a wonderful song about friendship performed by the Barbariki group.

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