How gold is imitated. Hallmarks of Russia and foreign countries

The word "test" comes from the Latin "prodo", which means "to evaluate". In other words, a sample is an indicator of the evaluation of a precious metal, its parameters.

The main parameter is the content of this very metal in the product. For jewelry, for example, pure gold is practically not used. It's too plastic. A little pressure is enough to ruin an earring or ring.

Mix, silver,. The additive is called a ligature, which improves the strength characteristics of the main element. Its share in the alloy is displayed by the sample.

In Russia, the following designations are used: 333, 375, 500, 583, 585, 750, 958, 999. The first marking is recognized as technical (33.3% of gold in total). The last mark is only on bank ingots, being considered pure metal with only 1% impurities.

Gold 1000 is almost never found even in nature. But, on the country's market you can find gold with the 875th mark. There is none on the list. Let's figure out what kind of alloy.

What is 875 gold

Gold proof 875 confuses that is absent in the metric system. It operates in Russia and determines the number of grams of yellow metal in one kilogram of the alloy.

The mark 875 is found only in the list of assays for silver, meaning that it is 87.5% in the product. Does this mean that gold things with the indicated marking are actually silver, that is, fake? Is there a sample of gold 875 at all?

Answer: Yes, there is such a test. It is not indicated in the metric system, since it is a simplified, understandable for Russians designation of the 21k carat marking. This mark is placed in the USA and European countries.

They measure it not in grams in a kilogram, but in parts of the yellow metal per mass of 24 parts. That is, pointer 21 indicates that there are 24 parts of the mass in the alloy, of which 21 parts are gold.

If you translate the indicator into the metric system, you get the marking 875. It is not prohibited for use in Russia, it is simply not considered the main, state one.

The 875th test of gold is a "golden field" for scammers

What is the need to apply a little-known sample instead of explaining to the client the meaning of the European marking 21k? There is no need. On the other hand, there is a reason to gild the standard 875 silver item to give things a spectacular look. Some sellers talk about the real state of affairs, others give out coated samples for solid gold, inflating the price.

Therefore, it is worth checking the documents if the decoration is sample 875. Gold or silver is the basis of the alloy specified in the papers. If there are none, the risk is high. Outwardly gilded and pure gold are indistinguishable, especially for a non-specialist.

There is no need to be afraid of being deceived if the decoration, for example, is from Mexico. In this country, the metric system of samples also operates, but there is also the 875th in the standard line. It stands on many investment coins of the state.

Gold of the 875th test in the USSR

In the country of the Soviets, as in modern Russia, starting from 1927, the metric system of samples was adopted. It matched modern. Therefore, jewelry with the 875th marking from the USSR is nothing more than silver with solid gilding. The production in the Union of Socialist Republics is indicated by a star engraved next to it.

875th proof of gold with a star does not exist. These are just delusions of ordinary citizens who have found unusual items in a family box. They are trying to sell them, especially on the Internet, under the guise of gold. There are also buyers who are not versed in the intricacies of the gemological industry and jewelry.

Some claim that they own jewelry from the time of Tsarist Russia with the 875th test. Until 1927, that is, under the tsar and at the beginning of Lenin's power, the spool marking system operated. It is outdated and is no longer in use.

The system was based on the Russian pound (about 410 grams). It was divided into 96 spools. How many of them were really gold, such a figure was written on the product. The method is similar to the carat method currently in force in Europe.

Under the tsar, there were hallmarks: 36, 48, 56, 72, 84, 88, 91, 92 and 96. In theory, the marking 875 corresponds to the 84th spools. However, it was the last number that was affixed to the jewelry.

The price of 875 gold

In the question how much is the 875th test of gold are guided by the cost of a gram in conventional systems. Marking 21K, which corresponds to the stamp 875, indicates a high content of the yellow element in the product. Almost 90% of gold is a reason for the high cost. The low price of a supposedly golden thing is a reason to doubt its origin and quality.

The cost of the product is calculated based on the price per gram of gold. It often changes, being established by world financial exchanges. Therefore, a single-digit amount cannot be specified. Approximately in March 2015, they ask for about 1600 rubles.

This is the price quoted purely for the metal. The margins of firms selling jewelry from it are unlimited. Only for the name of a famous master can throw 100%.

In this article:

Almost never in jewelry is gold and silver used in its pure form. These metals have high ductility and softness, as well as low wear resistance, which makes them unsuitable for jewelry and products. Alloys that are used instead of these metals contain a certain percentage of gold and silver. Depending on how much is contained in the noble metal alloy, it has a certain sample. Consider the samples of gold and silver, the tables of which will be presented below.

Now in our country they use the metric system. It shows the content of pure metal in the alloy in thousandths. In the West, the carat system is more popular. Pure gold has a hallmark of 24 carats. An alloy containing half gold is 12 carats, and the most common 585th test is 14 carats.

Test on a gold item

In the Russian Empire there was a different sample system - spool. It is somewhat similar to carat, but in pure gold there were not 24, but 96 spools, the rest of the sample values ​​are also proportional to the percentage of pure metal.

gold samples

Pure gold is not found in nature, it is an alloy of gold and silver, which has various additives. After its purification, additional metals are still introduced into the metal - to improve its characteristics. Gold is alloyed with silver, nickel, copper, palladium, platinum, zinc. In the Russian Federation, such samples are legally allowed for use in jewelry - 375, 500, 583, 585, 750 and 958. But, in addition, in the world, as in Russia, other samples can be found for other purposes.

gold samplescarat systemSpool system
990 and above24 K96
958 23 K92
916; 917 22 K88
875 21 K84
833 20 K81
800 19.2 K76.8
792 19 K76
750 18 K72
625 15 K60
585; 583 14 K56
500 12 K48
417 10 K40
375 9 K36
333 8 K32

1) Gold 350. This alloy contains 35% pure gold, the alloy may have a yellowish or reddish tint. Due to the low content of gold, it loses almost all of its useful properties - such as, for example, inertness, therefore it oxidizes very easily and becomes unattractive. It is most often used for making cigarette cases, figurines, for finishing furniture, interiors, etc. Jewelers can use this alloy to obtain metal of a higher standard. There are also 325 and 333 samples, however, they are rare and do not make sense in jewelry.

2) Gold 375. Such an alloy was very popular in the USSR, wedding rings were mainly made from it, since it is stronger than the most popular one - the 575th test, and is more comfortable to wear. Such a metal is not called gold, but a gold-bearing alloy.

3) 583 Sample. Almost the same as the 585th sample is not used now, but in the days of the USSR it was very common. Its replacement with 585 was due to the popularity of this type of alloy. The paradox is that it happened that 583 assay contained even more gold than 585.

4) Gold 585. The most popular and running alloy. It is widely used to make jewelry in a wide variety of colors - pink, yellow, green, white, red and others. It goes well with stones, both precious and semi-precious. It is easy to process and has sufficient stability. Can be used for daily use.

5) 750 gold is another common standard. The so-called gold standard. The alloy is durable, although it is used in products that are not too large. Somewhat inferior to the 585 test in strength. It lends itself very well to processing, for which it is valued among jewelers. May be white or have a greenish, pinkish or reddish tinge.

6) Gold 875. Not common with us, but the most common gold in the countries of the Middle East. It is practically impossible to find such a sample on a product, because where it was made, it will be tested by a carat system of samples. In Mexico, coins are minted from such an alloy.

7) 999 gold sample. Such gold is called pure gold. It has no impurities and has the highest cost. It is rarely used for making jewelry, because the metal is very soft.

Basically, this metal is used in banking. It is used to make ingots and coins for investment. Sometimes it can be used to make awards and medals.

Test on a silver ring

Silver samples

Silver in jewelry has a higher standard than 925 gold, and 800 is considered the minimum silver standard. There is silver with lower standards, but it is not used anywhere.

Silver samplescarat systemSpool system
999 24 K96
970 23.28 K93
960 23 K92
950 22.8K91
940 22.56 K90
925 22 K88
916 22 K88
900 21.6 K86
875 21 K84
830 20 K80
800 19 K77
770 18.5K74
750 18 K72
625 15 K60
600 14.4K58
500 12 K48
375 9 K36

1) 800 silver. This alloy contains 80% silver. The rest is copper, although there are other impurities. Due to the high copper content, the alloy has a yellowish tint. It has casting properties, which makes it possible to make durable devices from it. Over time, it does not wear out and does not change shape.

2) 830 silver sample. Such silver should contain at least 83% pure metal. In appearance, it is no different from 800 silver, has a yellowish tint and is considered low-grade. It is often used to make decorative ornaments.

3) Silver 857. It contains at least 87.5% silver. It can also be found in jewelry, but is most often used for the manufacture of silverware, figurines and dishes. Has a less pronounced tint.

4) 925 sterling silver. The bulk of silver jewelry on the market is made from it. It is also called sterling silver. Its color does not differ from the color of pure metal and is practically in no way inferior to white gold and platinum in its appearance.

Less than all other samples, subject to oxidation. Considered the silver standard. It is also used for minting collectible coins in industry.

5) 960 silver sample. Silver in this alloy is not less than 96%. In physical properties, it is no different from pure silver. Works well, soft, plastic. It is used for the manufacture of highly artistic products, not applicable for wearing.

6) 999 silver sample. As with gold, 999 is the highest. 1000 proof does not exist, it can be used as something virtual or conditional. This is due to the fact that at the moment there is no technology that would make it possible to obtain silver of such purity.

In the manufacture of jewelry is not used. It is mainly used in cans for the manufacture of ingots and coins. Also silver 999 covers cutlery, jewelry and radio elements. It is also used in medicine, for example, they cover milk teeth to prevent further development of caries.

It is almost impossible to determine the metal sample by eye. All jewelry made in the country must have an approved sample and be approved in everyday life. If the product is brought from abroad, it must bear the stamp of the assay supervision of the Russian Federation. When choosing gold jewelry, it is best to buy 575 or 750 as they are resistant to impact. Silver products choose 925 samples.

Popular items in the modern jewelry market are those made of gold or silver. Modern technologies used in the manufacture of jewelry can often mislead the layman who finds it difficult to distinguish gold from silver. In this article, we will try to deal with a small segment of the market, that is, with those products that are marked with a 875 mark with a star.

Gold or Silver

By the hallmark, which is affixed to jewelry, you can determine what precious metal the jewelry is made of. Taking into account the approved nomenclature, we conclude that the hallmark 875 means: the product is made of silver.

Features and composition

The designation of the hallmark with the sign "875" means that the product is made of a silver-containing alloy, the coefficient of the precious metal in which is about 87.5%. This alloy does not apply to sterling silver due to the presence of a larger amount of ligature.

The composition of the alloy at number 875 as a ligature may include the following metals:

  • copper;
  • germanium;
  • silicon;
  • platinum.

The nature, quality and other features of the ligature can affect both the enhancement of the useful qualities inherent in natural precious metal and the color of the finished product. The price of the finished product also depends on the composition of the ligature. For example, the presence of platinum in the alloy increases the cost of the product several times.

Most often, the 875 alloy ligature is copper, which enhances the elasticity and strength of silver, but the lack of proper care for the product can lead to the formation of a black coating.

It is important! In the USSR, assay marks in the form of a star were put on items made of 875 silver. Today, such products are popular in pawnshops, which are more willing to buy “Soviet star” silver.

How to care

Proper care of silver is to clean it regularly. The best way to clean silver jewelry is with special liquids and wipes, which are part of the range of many jewelry stores.

Examples of silver cleaning fluids can be:

  1. Johnson "Silver Quick".
  2. Leuchturm.

This cleaning method consists in immersing the product in a solution for several minutes, so that they will be completely cleaned.

It is important! Such solutions can only be used for jewelry without inlay.

In addition to the cleaning itself, such solutions cover the products with a thin protective layer that protects jewelry from oxidation. After carrying out this procedure, the product must be washed with water and wiped with a soft cloth.

Do not forget about the existence of a variety of folk methods for cleaning silver, which include:

  • treatment with a solution of ammonia (1:10 concentration of alcohol together with water). Wipe the products with a soft cloth dipped in the prepared solution;
  • use of tooth powder, paste or soda;
  • cleaning with soda solution (at the rate of 50 grams of soda per 1 liter of hot water);
  • the use of a soap solution (for 1 liter of solution - 1 tablespoon of ammonia).

There are many other folk methods for cleaning silver. All of them are effective to some extent. However, when using them, the following should be taken into account:

  • in no case should silver items inlaid with pearls or amber be cleaned using folk methods;
  • any silver items with stones should be cleaned with a weak soapy solution, which contains 3 drops of ammonia per half a glass of water;
  • for silver products without inlay, cleaning with washing powder may also be suitable: put a container of water on fire, add a little washing powder and put the products, after 2-3 minutes, after the water boils, they can be removed.

Differences from 925

875 silver in Russia is one of the most popular. Its scope is diverse, but the most common is the production of jewelry, cutlery and decorative ornaments.

In the jewelry business, there is an unspoken “coding” of silver samples, according to which 875 is classified as second-rate, jewelers often prefer 925. What is their main difference?

Firstly, we note that talking about the advantages of a particular silver sample is appropriate only in the context of a certain scope. So, for example, if we are talking about jewelry, then, undoubtedly, in the foreground we will have a 925 sample of the precious metal, and if we are talking about cutlery, then the 875th.

For comparison, you can look at the photos of products made of silver of different samples.

Silverware 925
Table silver 875

Did you know that the digital designation of a sample of an alloy of silver with other metals helps to determine the percentage of the precious metal. That is, the 875th sample contains about 87.5% pure silver in its composition, the 925th, respectively, about 92.5%.

Jewelers prefer 925 because this alloy is more ductile and has an elegant look, which allows you to create real works of art.

A larger amount of ligature in the alloy leads to a change in the color of silver. So, 875 silver used in the production of cutlery can acquire yellowish and reddish hues.

Thus, the main difference between these silver samples is the nature and quantitative composition of the ligature, depending on which the structure and color range of the alloy changes, which, in fact, forms the scope of specific samples.

Price per gram in Russia for the last month

To find out the cost of 875 silver as of July 31, 2015, you need to obtain the following data:

  • the cost of one gram of silver, established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on that day;
  • coefficient of pure silver content in the sample.

We take the first value according to the summary of the Central Bank, focusing on the date, the second corresponds to the digital designation of the sample.

In this way,27.77 / 1000x875 = 24.30 rubles - the cost of one gram of 875 silver as of July 31, 2015.

Of course, you can use other alternative sources for obtaining information about the value of silver of a particular sample, but we advise you to make independent calculations based on official data that will help you get the most complete and up-to-date information,

In general, 875 sterling silver is a very popular alloy that is used in the production of cutlery, decor elements, and less often jewelry. Such an alloy contains a sufficient amount of pure silver and the optimal amount of ligature, which allows it to be used effectively.

At all times of the existence of mankind, these precious metals were valued: gold and silver. Today, these metals are still valued, but the world does not stand still, new metal processing technologies are being improved, radiation and sputtering are widely used. A simple person can make a mistake when buying a precious product, mistaking silver for gold. Let's figure out how not to make a mistake and not become a victim of fraud. Passing off silver items with tests 875 and 925 as expensive white gold, adventurers easily deceive gullible buyers.

Nomenclature of samples of gold and silver

The Assay Supervision of the Russian Federation has developed a system of impressions for various types of precious metals. For example, a hallmark of a special form is used for gold - an elongated rectangle with a certain set of numbers, characteristic only for gold: 333, 375, 500, 585, 750, 958, 999.

For silver, the following numerical indicators are used: 800, 830, 875, 925, 960. The 999 sample is an exception, which also indicates the almost complete absence of other impurities. So we got the answer to such a fairly common question: “875 test: what kind of metal is this?”.

What does trial mean

This is the most important characteristic of any precious metal. Such metals in their pure form are soft, malleable. They are not suitable for jewelry: all precious products contain different chemical elements in certain proportions, and the above figures indicate the content of the base metal (gold or silver) in the alloy. Next, we will definitely deal with the material that may have a stigma 875 sample. What kind of metal is this?


Let's draw an analogy: 585 gold test indicates that 585 parts of gold, or 58.5%, fall on a thousand parts of the alloy. A similar example is with a sample of 925 silver: 925 parts of silver or 92.5% fall on 1000, the rest is impurities or, as it is also called, ligature. The higher the number, the more valued the item. 875 sample - what is it: gold or silver? Summing up from the above: products marked 875 are classified as silver.

Why does such a question arise?

875 test - what is it: gold or silver? Products from it can often be mistaken for gold. Such a visual similarity is given by some metals that make up the composition, in particular copper. It increases the elasticity and strength of the finished material, but a product of this composition requires some care, otherwise a dark coating appears, which negatively affects the appearance. Silver with a breakdown of 875 can also imitate white gold. Moreover, white color can be given to gold regardless of the height of the sample, the color will depend only on the composition of impurities, that is, on the ligature. Also, don't forget about the list of numbers for silver and gold, in which the number 875 refers to the first.

So we got the answer to our question: 875 silver is a very common marking of a precious metal alloy, products from which are of high quality. From all that has been said before, it follows that if this is gold - 875 samples (the USSR and Russia use this standard), it cannot be. Only precious items made from a less noble metal have such a designation.

Sample 875 with a star - what is it? Alternative labeling

The sample under consideration had a special marking in the days of the USSR. The Soviet sample 875 had a special sign - this is a star. Today, products with this sign are especially valued for two reasons: firstly, many decor items or dishes are not produced at all today. Such things have received the status of rare, that is, those that are rarely found, and many exist in several copies. This fact significantly raises their cost. These are, for example, vases, ashtrays, cup holders. During the existence of the Soviet Union, and more specifically, from 1958 to 1994 inclusive, 875 silver items were branded in the form of a star. Secondly, if the product is with a star, this in itself is a guarantee of quality. And speaking in general terms, this fact is not related to GOST. To date, all alloyed compositions are produced with good characteristics, all work is carried out in compliance with GOST. However, there is one thing… Most of the precious metals are imported, and imported alloys, among which Egyptian and Turkish can be especially distinguished, unfortunately, very often contain a smaller percentage of the precious base than the standard requires. So we ask ourselves the question: “Sample 875 with a star: what is it?”. In the classical sense, these are silver products that were made back in the USSR. But there is an alternative to such marking when there is a sample of 875 with a star. What's this? These are not very high-quality modern fakes.

The cost of sterling silver 875

Now let's figure out how much 875 silver is worth. The price of precious metals largely depends on the London Stock Exchange. Everything is running, everything is changing, here the picture is about the same, but approximately fixed prices today are 30-50 rubles per gram of silver.

Why, unlike gold, is it so cheap? It has always been so, silver has always been valued less. The price of products can be much higher if semi-precious stone inserts are used in the work, a separate fee is paid for the work of a jeweler. When compared with the value of gold, we see a huge difference, although the quality of silver items does not differ much from gold items. But precious metals like gold and silver will never depreciate, and their value is not affected by inflation.

The metric system is used by many countries, including Russia. A maiden's head in a kokoshnik indicates that in front of you is a product for which 875 silver was taken. Also in the USSR they used certain symbols. Thanks to it, the composition of the jewelry alloy was determined. At that time, this was the very sample 875 with a star. Inside the stamp itself, one could see the symbol of the Soviet era - the hammer and sickle, and the number itself was indicated next to it.


To this day, silver goods continue to be in great demand. Jewelry sample 875 is successfully used for the manufacture of jewelry, dishes, decor items. The most common products made of 875 silver are rings, earrings, pendants, chains and bracelets are much less common.

You can see how inexpensive semi-precious stones of natural origin and artificially grown ones, such as amethyst, smoky and rose quartz, jasper, turquoise, cubic zirconia and many others, are used as additional decoration. Thanks to modern technologies using radiation and sputtering, 875 silver items acquire a unique shade that cannot be distinguished from white gold by an ordinary layman. On the one hand, this fact leads to misconceptions and even fraud, and on the other hand, for a much lower cost, you can buy beautiful highly artistic things.

How to recognize silver?

After we have dealt with the question, 875 sample - what is it, gold or silver, we will find out how to distinguish the first precious metal from the second. First of all, you need to pay attention to the cost of goods: the price of silver is an order of magnitude lower than the cost of gold. Silver is very popular and that is why it is often counterfeited. Aluminum, zinc and even lead are used for these purposes. There are also such cases that the products are slightly covered with a silver layer. Pay attention to the presence of the stigma: if it is erased or not clearly visible, you have a fake.

It is far from always that purchased silver items can be considered counterfeit if they have turned black. In this case, toothpaste will help restore their former shine. The quality of a product can be checked in several ways. First of all, it is not only the presence of the brand, but also its numerical value, do not forget about the peculiarity of the very type of print, which looks like a barrel. Professionals in their field can very clearly distinguish silver from gold. This is due to the fact that white gold products include palladium and platinum, which give a unique cold hue, and silver products, as you understand, include less expensive metals, such as copper. It in combination with silver gives a completely different shade.

With the use of new technologies, spraying can be carried out so professionally that special reagents are indispensable. In this case, the help of a jeweler may also be needed. There is another old, even barbaric way of recognizing silver and gold: drop iodine on the product. If you have gold in front of you, then you will see a dark spot on its surface. If it turns out to be silver, then the surface will brighten significantly.


Now the question as to whether the 875 sample: what is it, gold or silver, is closed. As noted earlier, this is silver. And there simply cannot be gold items with such a hallmark.

Modern jewelry stores can offer their customers products from a wide variety of precious alloys. At the same time, it is simply impossible to determine whether gold or silver is used in jewelry without knowing the samples. This confusion arose due to the addition of various ligatures to the precious metal, which affect the final color of the alloy. So gold products can acquire yellow, brown, pink, red, white and even green, black or blue hues. But still, what is it - 875 test with a star?

Alloy 875

Are you interested in 875 assay, what is it - gold or silver? Existing gold samples will help to understand this issue. The current metric system in Russia has only seven of them, but 875 gold is not among them. Therefore, an alloy with this marker is silver, not gold.

In the modern world, 875 silver alloy is widely used in the jewelry industry (rings, rings, brooches, earrings, chains, bracelets, pendants, pendants), in the manufacture of cutlery, dishes (dishes, trays), souvenirs (cigarette cases, pens, figurines, key chains, caskets), decorative interior decorations or sprayed jewelry.

Alloy characteristics

The alloy of 875 samples contains about 87.5% silver. 12.5% ​​are impurities, for which it is customary to use the following materials:

  • Platinum.
  • Copper.
  • Silicon.
  • Germanium.

From the variety of impurities involved in the alloy, its main characteristics, shade and cost depend. The most expensive piece of jewelry of this sample will be a piece of jewelry in which platinum represents the ligature.

The most common ligature of 875 samples is copper. Such an alloy is characterized by high strength, elasticity and ductility in processing, but at the same time it requires careful maintenance. In the absence of proper cleaning, a dark coating appears on the decoration, and the surface itself fades and loses its original luster.

The main characteristics of sterling silver 875 include:

  • High strength and hardness.
  • Plastic.
  • The coefficient of reflection of light from the surface of the product, as close as possible to 100%.
  • Cold color, with a slightly pronounced red or yellow tint.
  • Low melting point.

Sample 875 with a star

On products made from 875 samples, you can sometimes find a mark in the form of a star. It looks like this: a state code (3), a five-pointed star with a sickle and a hammer (symbol of the USSR), and a marker of the sample itself. Such things are valued much higher than with an ordinary marker. But what factors influence the criteria for such an assessment?

In order to answer the question "sample 875 with a star - what is it?", you will have to turn to history. Such a stigma appeared back in the USSR, and products with it were produced in wide circulation from 1958 to 1994. Experts classify most of them as antiques, which significantly increases the cost of these things.

Many of the star-stamped silver items are unique creations long out of mass production. The most popular of them include:

  • Ashtrays;
  • Wine glasses;
  • Candy vases;
  • Coasters.

Also among the main reasons for the high price of the star brand is the highest quality of the Soviet 875 standard. In the USSR, there were strict standards for the manufacture of precious alloys, and there was no import of them into the country. Therefore, the entire process of creating jewelry was carefully controlled by the state. Now the import of precious metals is a very frequent occurrence, and their quality is not always subject to a thorough examination.

The cost of 875 tests with a star

The standard cost of silver products with a star mark is twice the price of scrap silver. At the moment, it is about 65 rubles per gram. Also, the value of a thing is directly related to its age and uniqueness. For example, for rare Soviet silver cups, made in the post-war period, you can get a fortune.

Beware of scammers!

875 gold does not exist. However, scammers very often pass off silver with this marker as white gold. These two precious metals are indeed very similar in appearance. But the price of one ranges from 2,800 to 6,500 rubles per gram, and the second - only 37 rubles. Therefore, such a deception is a very profitable deal for intruders, but for buyers - a real robbery.

In order to recognize a fake, try to follow the following tips:

  1. The first sign of a fake is, of course, the sample marker (the presence of a hallmark, clear boundaries, shape and number). But sometimes scammers forge the stigma, so it cannot be a 100% guarantee of quality.
  2. The certificate of a precious item is also recognized as the fundamental proof of its authenticity. Therefore, when buying, be sure to carefully study this document.
  3. Pay attention to the cost of a product made of white gold. If its price is much lower than the market price, then you have an 875 sterling silver jewelry.
  4. Spill some iodine on the surface of the jewelry and notice the change in color of the liquid. If its shade becomes lighter - silver is in front of you, darkens - gold.
  5. The highest quality check of the alloy can only be organized by an experienced jeweler. Therefore, if you have some doubts about the authenticity of the product, it is better to turn to professional expertise.
  6. It is also worth paying attention to the fastening of stones, if any, in the decoration. On fakes, poorly fixed decor elements are very often found.

875 test - what is it, we have already figured it out. And despite the fact that scammers often present it as white gold, it is a high-quality and very practical alloy for jewelry and other products. The main thing is to understand in time the authenticity of the thing you are buying, and in no case overpay for it!