How to learn to be a smart person. How to be smart

Try to keep learning. People tend to believe that intelligence is something permanent that cannot be improved through effort. However, contemporary evidence suggests that this is not the case. Although an ignorant person will probably never become a genius, there is still an opportunity for everyone to develop their intellect to a certain level. However, this process does not equate to simply expanding your vocabulary. It takes time and effort to delve more deeply and critically into the world around you.

Follow your passions. People learn more effectively when they are passionate about what they are learning. If you have an addiction to a certain area, you definitely need to delve into it, try to understand it better. It is this purposeful, constant study that leads to an increase in intelligence. True intelligence is a deep mastery of several subjects, not a superficial understanding of a wide range of topics. Was Albert Einstein equally gifted in the fields of physics, anthropology, linguistics, geology, animal behavior and literary criticism? Of course not. To be the proverbial jack of all trades is to be a master of nothing. If you try to learn a little of everything, you may end up knowing nothing at all.

Challenge yourself. If you are not trying, then you are not moving forward. Learning shouldn't be torture. It should bring some benefit and reward, and this probably won't happen if you don't put in as much effort as possible. Try harder to absorb new ideas and enter unfamiliar intellectual territory.

Think about how you think. It's called metacognition, and that's what smart people stand out for. Metacognition allows you to understand your learning method and apply these strategies in different contexts. If you realize that you learn best when you study alone, for example, then you will know that you should not enroll in a group of courses to prepare for the final exam.

Take care of your body. Sometimes people forget that the brain is just as much a physical organ as any other. Your skin stays healthier if you take a bath, and your lungs stay healthier if you don't smoke, just as a well-cared for physical brain functions at a higher level than one that is neglected. It may surprise you how much more efficiently you will process information if you get enough sleep and exercise, and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Learn a new language. This will force your brain to form new ways of constructing meaning, as well as increase your intuitive and conscious understanding of language systems. Learning a new language also has the added benefit of improving your ability in your native language, and learning all these new words will help improve your memory.

Learn to play a musical instrument. It trains the parts of your brain that are used in different kinds of cognitive processes and introduces you to new ways of receiving and transmitting information. It also helps to improve memory and reduce stress, which is a major factor in suppressing intellectual development.

Read the news. While being aware of current events won't be very helpful in boosting intelligence, a truly intelligent, inquisitive person will want to keep an eye on the world they live in. New ideas often emerge from existing ones, so it would be wise to learn as much as possible about the problems the world is facing and the methods people are trying to deal with them. But remember that all news sources have a certain amount of bias, so be sure to read the news from different sources, and never accept something as absolute truth just because it is written in the newspaper.

Rely less on technology. The ease with which we can get information today makes our lives much more convenient, but it can make us more stupid. The neural pathways involved in card reading are likely to be weaker in today's youth than in their parents. This is because most young people these days rely more on GPS navigators to find their way, while older people would pull out a map if they got lost. In the same vein, if a young person can't remember what a word means, in most cases they'll just Google it quickly instead of sitting around trying to remember its meaning. Instead of enhancing his ability to recall information, he can easily retrieve information with little to no use of his brain. Try to rely less on your phone and more on your mind.

This article is written for those who ask questions:, "How to become a smart person" and so on.

It seems to many people, including me, that in order to be a smart person, you need to be born like that, you need to have an innate talent. Like, if you were born stupid - it can't be fixed. But in reality, this is a myth, the biggest misconception. The fact is that our brain for many years of life needed improvement and regular training. And this means that if you want to become a smart person, any of us can.

The first and most banal answer to the question - "How to become smart?" - this is - train your brain(first tip)! Even if the smartest person in the world abandons the daily training of the gray matter, then in the future, he will lose his mental abilities. His brain just atrophies. The brain needs regular activation of various thought processes, just like software needs to be constantly updated.

What does the phrase mean - "Training the brain?" To date, there are both well-known and proven methods for a long time (reading books, solving logical problems of varying complexity and focus), as well as new ways to improve attention, memory and other mental functions.

Take a piece of paper and write, according to which you will have to read N amount in N time, solve N number of logical problems, master one or another technique to improve the functioning of mental processes.

However, I will read more to you. Reading books develops our brains much more than viewing. In the process of reading books, we have to think a lot, and when watching a video, we have by and large only to contemplate and only sometimes think. Although, of course, there are videos that contain a lot of useful information. But it certainly isn't in the movies we watch every day, and certainly not in the news. This is a special training video - for example, recording lectures or conferences on some useful topic.

My second advice getting smarter is autonomy in decision making. It sounds strange, but it is also an important aspect. A person who makes decisions on his own first thinks a lot about choosing his decision. And it's much easier to hang your pile on other people and let them make the decision for you. Maybe that's why women are often dumber than men. After all, a man much more often takes responsibility for himself, and makes his own decision. And very often a man decides for a woman. And the woman only obeys the choice of the man and completely transfers the initiative to him. Why use your brains if a man can solve all problems. Maybe that's why, among the names of the smartest people, it is male names that appear more often.

My third tip for becoming a smart person is talking to smart people. As they say, with whom you will lead, from that you will type. One of the laws of how to become the smartest person says - surround yourself with smart people. And it will be better if they are smarter than you. Surrounding yourself with idiots who admire your intellect will, of course, satisfy your ego. And yet, communication with foolish people will only lead you to degradation, because you will have no one to equal and no one to learn from. Of course, interacting with smart people can lower your self-esteem, as you will feel stupid, and you will not always understand them. But it's still one of the best ways to get smarter. After all, smart people inspire and always give useful and wise advice.

Fourth tip - actively explore the world, expand your horizons. Becoming a smart person sitting at home with encyclopedias and educational films is not a very wise decision. After all, as practice proves, what is written in books and shown on TV does not correspond to what reality offers us.

Discard the myth that a wise man must be a hermit, and begin to actively explore the world around you. Visit new places as often as possible, travel more often, if finances allow you to, visit other countries. This contributes to the expansion of horizons.

Fifth advice - act outside the box. Patterned actions do not contribute to the development of our brain. But inventing non-standard solutions and their applications are being developed. That is, stop acting according to a pattern, stop being predictable and start improvising in your actions, bring new tones into your life. It will be cool when people around you have no idea how you will act or what you will answer in certain situations.

The sixth tip to become smarter is - ask questions and find answers. Your curiosity must be constantly maintained. By the way, this is Einstein's technique. He said that he was able to keep the child in himself and always asked questions. He was convinced that a person who constantly asks a question will surely find an answer to it. If you manage to keep your childishness, you will be able to understand a lot in this mysterious world. You can also find answers to your questions based on the knowledge and life experience that you already have in your head. Thus, you will force your brain to work actively. And looking for answers, both in your head and in other sources, will definitely make you smarter.

Seventh way - observance of the daily routine. It sounds a little ridiculous, but this tip is one of the very first on the list of how to become smarter. But why does this seem ridiculous? After all, improper unbalanced nutrition, insomnia, bad habits and obscene work - all this definitely does not contribute to the active activity of the brain. "Knotted" the brain is quite difficult to stir.

Therefore, if you want to become smart, you definitely need to follow the golden rules of good nutrition, rest and work: eat only healthy foods, get enough sleep (but not oversleep), do exercises every morning, and so on. You should also give up bad habits, try to avoid overwork and be in the fresh air as often as possible.

As for nutrition, the best foods for the full functioning of the brain will be those that contain B vitamins: liver, fish, vegetables, nuts.

Eighth advice - engage in spiritual self-development The answer is simple… Start to know your "I"! Thanks to various systems of spiritual self-development, you can discover the abilities of your body, hidden in you before, including the abilities of your brain.

In this article you will find tips mainly related to appearance and behavior at school. A smart girl is able to conquer any heights if she does everything possible to achieve her goals. This article already assumes that you are a smart girl, but if you want to improve your intellectual abilities, you can pick up the relevant articles.


    Think of yourself as an "intellectual" person. Follow the example of other smart girls. What do you like and dislike about them? Make a list of pros and cons before changing yourself.

    Your hair should be of medium length. Studies show that girls with medium length hair are perceived as smart. If your hair is medium length, you can tie it neatly into a ponytail, wear it loose, or pin it up in a bun. If you prefer long hair, this is your choice, but you must make sure that the hair looks clean and well-groomed. Regardless of your style, always allow enough time to style your hair. However, don't spend too much time on it. You should focus more on your studies and not stand in front of a mirror for hours. Your hair should look natural, avoid overuse of a variety of hair products. Be especially careful with paints. A small leather hoop can be a decoration for you.

    Wear suitable clothing. Cotton shirts, T-shirts with the names of museums or university logos, simple formal trousers, knee-length skirts, leather sandals - this is what you should opt for. Navy blue and brown would be suitable colors for a smart girl's outfit. In addition, you can consider plaid clothing. However, you should not wear clothes of the above colors every day. Avoid flashy clothes. Dress modestly. Don't show too much skin.

    Do simple makeup. Avoid glitter and shine. Look for inspiration on websites that offer a variety of makeup options for working women. If you do not want to use cosmetics, you are free to not do so. Avoid piercings.

    Wear glasses if indicated. Many people look smarter with glasses, especially rectangular and round ones. Keep them clean. A thick frame will accentuate your smart look. However, if glasses are not indicated for medical purposes, you should not wear them.

    Carry the following items with you: a practical backpack of a reasonable size, a good book to read, a notebook with your friends' phone numbers, a notebook for notes, paper, pencils with erasers, erasers, ballpoint pens, a sharpener with a container, a diary.

    Try to impress the teachers. Study hard and aim for high grades. Ask your teacher what you can do to improve your grades. Your teachers will write recommendations that are required for college admission. Keep that in mind! Try to prove yourself in school. Write good articles for the school newspaper, take part in different competitions.

    Show your enthusiasm. Many teenagers say that they are bored and not interested in school. They show with all their appearance that they are not ready to make an effort. They think that by their indifference they are gaining a reputation as tough guys. Don't follow their example. If you don't feel satisfied with schoolwork, then why waste your time? You are here to learn.

    Create a comfort zone for doing homework. Keep all your work/books/materials in one place. Mandatory elements of the study area should be a desk and a table lamp. This place should have a calm atmosphere. No one should disturb your peace. If you do not have the opportunity to retire at home and be in silence, do your homework in the library. Organizing work and making lists will help you, not only in school, but in life.

    After asking permission from the principal, start a project at your school. Become a volunteer and collect financial assistance, for example for the following projects: "Stop hunger in Africa" ​​or "Treatment of children with cancer". You will experience satisfaction from this work.

    Get exercise. This will help you be more focused and more relaxed at the same time. Eat protein foods: egg white, tuna, chicken, protein bars, etc. Try team sports like soccer or volleyball. Over time, you will be good at it, and you will experience satisfaction from classes. Attend a sports camp in the summer (at least 2 weeks). Try running up to 5 km a day to build up your endurance. Also walk up and down stairs to strengthen your leg muscles. You will be proud of yourself because you will become slim and beautiful. Also training in the gym, you can develop willpower and self-confidence.

    Find a smart woman to follow. Ask yourself if she can be your "mentor" while you're at school.

    Set goals for yourself. It will be easier for you to achieve a goal if you clearly define it for yourself.

    Work hard to get into a good college. As a rule, during the introductory campaign at the college, they look at the results of your studies at school and the recommendations of teachers. In addition, you will be interviewed.

    Expand the boundaries of your hobbies. Discover fun activities like frisbee, guitar lessons, art or photography. You can practice with your friends.

    Learn to manage your time. Thanks to this, you will have more opportunities for entertainment. Find out what you spend a lot of time on and try to make adjustments to your schedule.

    Develop self-control. Work on willpower and confidence. Try to show self-control when necessary. Sarcasm and gossip are disarming. Learn how to properly respond to these situations, and you will be able to feel comfortable, no matter what.

    Always have school supplies in class. Put all the necessary supplies on the desk: a pencil case, pens, pencils, notebooks and textbooks. Show that you are willing to learn.

  1. Take an active part in the lesson. Raise your hand and answer. The teacher will certainly notice this, which will be reflected in your grades.

    • Whatever you do, be yourself. You don't get smarter by playing a part. Girls who pretend to be smart when they aren't really look pretty pathetic. Don't lose the respect of others.
    • If you're trying to impress others with a large vocabulary, make sure you actually understand what you're saying. Otherwise, you will look stupid and everyone will laugh at you. Try to learn one new word from the dictionary every day.
    • Always try to be noticed. Take notes in class and listen to your teachers. Sometimes you have to put in a lot of effort to get special recognition in school. Be the first when it comes to school projects. Don't just look smart, but be smart. Receive several awards and words of praise from teachers. Set a goal to improve your grades!
    • Spend time with your friends! You are a teenager, after all, so have fun.
    • Start writing. Most high schools and colleges reward students for a good essay. They might even read your story to the whole class!
    • Never play the fool at school. Be serious and kind. If someone in class asks you for something, answer him quietly (but remember to keep your answer short).
    • Decide on your hobbies and life goals. Is it so important! See what contributes to your personal growth. Try something new every week, a couple of experiments a week will be enough. See if you can make the world perfect. If someone makes fun of you for it, just ignore those people, even if it's hard.
    • Be competitive. Always strive to be better than others.
    • Is always use proper English. Watch how you build sentences.
      • If you have a cell phone and text frequently, try to use as little "text slang" as possible.
    • Take up something new for yourself - learn to play the trombone, try horseback riding or live in another country for eight weeks. Try all the possibilities and evaluate them with an open mind.
    • Engage in "smart" activities, such as forensic science. Do your research, learn impromptu speech, oratory, or choose the style of debate that suits you best. It's a fun and exciting way to learn new things. In addition, you can try yourself in the role of a tutor, a sociologist and maybe even a politician.
    • Get rewards for your achievements. You can place all rewards on one of the walls in your room. You can hang commendations, school awards, team medals, trophies, and anything else you've earned for your accomplishments on the wall. Over time, the rewards will become more and more, and you will be able to proudly evaluate your results.
    • Take part in the creation of the school newspaper. Set aside time to participate in extracurricular activities. Team sports and any charitable work will be assessed for college admissions.
    • In striving towards the goal of becoming a smart girl, try to enrich your mind. When choosing a book to read, try to take a step forward. If you love reading fictional stories about strong girls and women, go ahead and read a book about modern feminism. Watch or listen to the news as often as possible. Opinions about human intelligence are built over time, so the more often you say smart things that you learned from books, the smarter you will seem.
      • Always carry a book with you - again, not something primitive. A good book is a conversation starter. Browse classic books in the bookstore. In addition, select educational literature that will help you prepare for college.
      • However, keep in mind that not all women who write, say, romance novels actually enjoy doing so (although many of them enjoy writing!). Some are just trying to make ends meet. Always look at the big picture.
    • Ask others about their progress. Smart girls are obsessed with getting good grades because they want to get into a good university.
    • Strive to have your own beliefs and views. Be interested in everything and be curious. Develop a love for social activities. Do you like any political party? Why? Are you for or against the death penalty? Why? You will need to write an essay for college, showing what your values ​​are. Do your own research. Strive to always be aware of current events and politics.
    • Do yoga at home, it's a good way to relieve stress. The shops sell activity CDs or you can take a lesson from an instructor.


    • When you go to a party, do not drink alcoholic beverages. Alcohol destroys brain cells, not to mention liver cells. Many children, experiencing stress at school, try to drown it out with alcoholic beverages. Don't follow their example. You can do something that you will regret very much later. Instead of alcoholic drinks, drink soda. In addition to being bad for your health, drinking alcohol is against the law if you are underage.
    • If you're shy, it's likely that you find it difficult to ask your teacher a question. This situation can be exacerbated if your culture a) discourages girls from asking questions, and/or b) asking questions shows that the teacher is not competent in their subject. But you can try asking the question anyway. Listen very carefully to the teacher's answer.
    • Try to be consistent and consistent. Your behavior and your speech should be gentle and not rough.
    • Is always Do your homework and turn everything in on time. Smart girls are ready to take responsibility and do all the work on time.
    • Unfortunately, you will encounter people and situations that will prevent you from reaching your goals and dreams. However, if you really want it, you will be successful.
    • Many smart people go to extremes, and boasting becomes their hallmark. Don't act like that, be simple and humble. Never brag about your quiz or test scores. Let people know about your success! Wait for them to hear about it from your mom, best friend, or teacher.
    • If your parents encourage you to study better, etc., say that you are striving for this. If they are obsessed with your academic performance, it will be difficult for you to get along with them. Advise them, very gently and kindly, to start a new hobby and leave you alone. Smile and hug your parents. You are not only smart and beautiful (inside and out), but you are a lady first and foremost. Remember about this.
    • If you feel tired, ask your parents to rest.
    • Don't let your unsuccessful attempts to get into college affect your mood. Getting into some universities is almost impossible... nearly. Don't take it personally!
    • The usual day of a smart girl is quite busy. You may have to set aside a lot of time for extra classes. During your summer holidays, take up swimming and cycling to improve your physical endurance. Exercise improves brain function.
882 0 Hello our dear readers! In this article, you will learn how to become smarter with the help of certain techniques and exercises, as well as introducing new healthy habits into your lifestyle. Since the nineteenth century, scientists have been finding out what factors affect a person's mental abilities. As a result, they came to the conclusion that the level of intelligence does not depend on the volume of the brain, but on neural connections between individual areas. In this age of information and constantly changing technology, many would like to increase the level of their mental abilities. How to do it?

Smart man - what is he?

Genetics plays an important role in the formation of personality, but affects the development of intelligence at birth by only 20%. A smart person is a subjective concept. No one can give a precise definition of this term. But there are criteria that define a smart person.

  1. A smart person, unlike a stupid one, is interested in new information, gains knowledge throughout his life.

Intelligence is the ability to accumulate knowledge and skills that are successfully implemented in practice, depending on the conditions set. Each situation is analyzed, possible consequences are calculated. The optimal solution of the problem is found.

There are concepts of erudite and intellectual. An erudite is a person with extensive encyclopedic knowledge in various fields. The intellectual, in addition to the accumulated information, has the ability to think, brings culture and moral values ​​to society.

When raising a child, one must strive not only to assimilate a large amount of information, but also to teach them to think correctly, to apply knowledge in practice. If this knowledge is "dead", then it will not make him smart.

  1. In addition to constant improvement, an intelligent person is distinguished by a sense of humor and restraint. He does not demonstrate his advantage among the environment.
  2. Smart people quickly adapt in society, they are able to calculate the cause-and-effect relationships not only of their actions, but also of other members of society.
  3. It is interesting to communicate with intellectuals, they quickly accept, are tactful, follow the novelties of the cultural life of society. Everywhere they succeed, they have an active life position.
  4. At work, they do not turn to colleagues with excessive requests and questions, they quickly get to the bottom of the matter, they know where to find the necessary information. They are self-sufficient and independent.
  5. They cope with the tasks of management, being able to distinguish priority tasks from secondary ones, correctly allocate working time, while not overworking. A smart person understands that the resources of the body are not unlimited, so he alternates hard work with short breaks.
  6. A smart person monitors emotions, and can restrain himself in any situation, since an increased or decreased emotional background prevents him from thinking logically and making the right decisions.

Some want to become the smartest in their environment in order to outshine everyone with intelligence and shine with erudition, while others need this for specific purposes. But the main thing that an intelligent person should strive for is to become wise, and, as a rule, the accumulated knowledge, abilities and experience help to achieve this.

A wise person, in addition to logical thinking, has life experience that helps to more likely calculate the consequences of an act.

A child may be smart, but no one will call him wise. Wisdom comes with age, helps to avoid unnecessary situations.

The mind of men and women

The mind of men is direct and logical. Women, on the other hand, often look for workarounds, find someone who will make a decision for them or provide life's blessings. This does not mean that women are stupid and do not know how to solve tasks on their own, they are more cunning.

  • easily maintain communication on many different topics, including men's;
  • do not panic and hysteria often and for no apparent reason;
  • give valuable advice;
  • choose a suitable candidate for husband;
  • distinguish love from passion;
  • to live without a man;
  • don't ask about feelings;
  • find other points of contact, except for intimate life.

The brain requires care, attention, training. The study of new areas of knowledge, the acquisition of experience allow you to use the brain to a greater extent. After all, in addition to genetics, the development of intelligence is influenced by upbringing, education, and work on oneself.

To increase the level of mental abilities will help regular performance of actions that improve brain function:

1. Do morning exercises.

For a full blood supply to the brain, physical activity is needed, which includes gymnastic exercises, walking, jogging, fitness classes. The body is enriched with oxygen, the work of internal organs is activated. The brain begins to absorb information easier, memory improves, concentration of attention increases. The charge of morning energy is enough for the whole working day.

2. Eat right.

The brain, deprived of nutrition, does not absorb information in full. People who use diets for a long time fail their memory, their logic is “lame”. For normal functioning, the brain needs "slow" carbohydrates - bread, rice, legumes. From proteins, it is preferable to use nuts, fish, eggs, dietary meat. Fats are necessary, but in order to avoid elevated cholesterol levels, they are consumed in a limited way. Greens, vegetables, fruits containing minerals, vitamins C, group B prolong the youthfulness of the brain. Chocolate is useful in moderate doses, but provided that it is natural, that is, with a high cocoa content and with a minimum amount of various flavors and preservatives.

3. Learn to relax.

To become smarter and wiser, you need to get enough sleep. The brain needs rest. With overwork, attention is dispersed, thinking slows down. In addition to a full night's sleep, you need 10-minute breaks after each working hour. At this time, a change of occupation is necessary. If the work is office, then you can walk along the corridor, do exercises for the eyes, drink a glass of water. For people engaged in physical labor, rest should be static.

4. Read literature of different genres.

World literature is a storehouse of accumulated knowledge. After reading a fiction novel, you analyze the actions of the characters, begin to better understand people. Science fiction makes you think about the scenario in which society will develop. Entertaining "reading" develops a sense of humor, teaches to relate to some problems with ease.

5. And, for example, to become smart at school, no matter how trite it may sound, you need to study well. That means reading textbooks. Physics helps to understand the laws of nature, mathematics helps to think logically. To be a versatile educated person, it is necessary to gain knowledge from historical opuses, read about traveling around the world. Classical literature is the best that writers have created. She teaches morality, as well as finding ways out of difficult life situations, is always relevant.

6. Play mind games.

Playing chess, checkers, you learn to calculate the situation several moves ahead, to analyze the opponent's capabilities. Memory and cognitive abilities develop, which are expressed in the ability to convert the information received into knowledge used in everyday life.

7. Hang out with smart people.

Talking to people who are smarter than you may not increase self-esteem, but you will gain new knowledge, invaluable communication experience. They have a lot to learn. In a difficult situation, a smart person will always give good advice.

To become smarter and increase the level of intelligence, make your own environment. To meet smart people, visit art exhibitions, presentations, trainings, seminars.

Communicating with intellectuals, you will unwittingly adopt their manners, habits, culture.

8. Learn languages.

Scientists have proven that learning foreign languages ​​improves the neural connections of the brain. In addition, new linguistic knowledge facilitates communication with local residents when traveling abroad, helps to better understand the originality and way of life.

9. Use special techniques to activate brain activity.

To quickly become smart, increase the level of glucose in the blood. To do this, drink a cup of coffee or eat chocolate. Chewing gum speeds up thought processes. During the movement of the jaws, cerebral circulation improves. The smell of rosemary helps to quickly concentrate attention.

10. Travel.

Expand your horizons. New impressions, meetings with people of a different culture will enrich knowledge, thinking will become more voluminous and large-scale.

11. Constantly educate yourself.

Find time to gain new knowledge. There are many educational sites on the Internet. Choose from them those that broaden your horizons or correspond to professional activities. You can take advanced training courses, sign up for interesting seminars, trainings.

Often, the fair sex asks the question: how to become a smart girl. Most often, such a desire arises in difficult life situations, for example, when problems arise in relationships or at work they are not perceived as a serious specialist. For this you need:

  • read books with deep content, watch meaningful films;
  • limit viewing of entertainment television programs, reality shows;
  • do not sit aimlessly watching social networking feeds;
  • develop a sense of humor;
  • learn proper articulation;
  • use competent speech without verbal garbage;
  • keep a distance;
  • look into the eyes of the interlocutor;
  • control emotions, gesticulate moderately.

A smart girl is successful in everything. She will be able to choose a worthy husband, create a strong family, make a career.

Many are interested in how smart to become rich. To do this, you can repeat positive attitudes, apply the visualization method, graphically displaying desires on the stand. You need to use your mental abilities to learn how to set specific goals, generate new ideas, and correctly distribute finances.

Mind Development Exercises

Memory training, the development of logical thinking will help to become smart. The role of aids are the Rubik's cube, puzzles, rebuses, sudoku.

Do simple things regularly exercises.

1. Count in your mind.

While in the supermarket, picking up products in the basket, calculate how much you have to pay at the checkout. Learn to determine the amount visually.

2. Draw conclusions.

After reading another “smart” book, or watching an educational program on TV, try to briefly summarize. Analyze and give yourself an answer to the question, what benefit did you read and see.

3. Train both hemispheres of the brain.

Learn to use your right and left hand equally. Walking upstairs or upstairs with your back forward - this develops new neural connections in the brain.

4. Solve puzzles.

Crosswords, chainwords, puzzles, anagrams can be purchased in printed form or found on the Internet. They develop memory, logic, teach to create cause-and-effect relationships.

5. Play with words.

Think of a word and try to mentally pronounce it backwards. Choose words that rhyme in pairs. Choose an object, pick up epithets for it. For example, think of at least 15 definitions in a minute. Play "cities" with a friend, where each new geographical feature starts with the last letter of the previous name. Come up with original figurative names for household items.

6. Learn to make and guess riddles.

Analyze the hidden object from all sides. Turn on your imagination. To come up with a riddle, find an object similar to the given one. Then write a description.

7. Come up with a scenario for the intended event.

By imagining the possible ways of the event, you plan, analyze a possible scenario, and prepare in advance for any option.

And finally, tips to help you become smarter:

  • develop a sense of rhythm;
  • draw, show creative initiative;
  • relax and smarten up by listening to classical music;
  • rationally organize the workplace;
  • put things in order;
  • do not spread out by performing several tasks at the same time;
  • learn to understand people without words, anticipate their desires;
  • get an original hobby for leisure;
  • do not watch TV;
  • finish what you started;

Charlie Gordon wanted to be smart. So much so that he decided on a scientific experiment that, through brain surgery, would make him a genius. Charlie Gordon is the hero of the best science fiction novel of our time "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes (download). Are you ready to go under the knife in order to understand the structure of spaceships and easily speak three dead languages? Not? Then read on how to become a smart person using little-known tricks and standard tricks.

How to get smarter in 8 days

We do not guarantee that in 8 days you will become a smart person and defend a couple of doctoral dissertations without any problems, but you will be able to raise the level of knowledge. Implement the simple tips below.

Learn to play chess

The intellectual game develops thinking and. Stick to the plan: spend the first 4 days studying and playing three games a day. Morning, afternoon and evening. Play against the clock for the next 4 days. Choose a tablet or computer as an opponent so that you don’t suffer excruciatingly from losses.

play woman

Women advice can be neglected. We are sure that this technique is included in the brain by default. Within 8 days, think of phrases for the interlocutor. In the first two days, think to yourself, and in the next 6, finish the phrase out loud. Suitable for testing on relatives and friends. Do not do this at work, otherwise you will get into an unpleasant situation.

Solve crossword puzzles

No no and one more time no! This is not an activity for grandmothers on trains, but a great puzzle game for mature and wealthy people. The brain gets used to doing routine tasks and perceives the crossword with delight. This is a great opportunity to get facts, figures, stories from memory. For 8 days of daily crossword puzzles, you will become smarter, broaden your horizons.

Fix Wikipedia

Everyone can read, but only a few can separate the true from the imaginary. It is known that Wikipedia is written by ordinary people for ordinary people. Therefore, it contains factual and stylistic errors. Once a day, copy the article into Word, study it carefully. Find confirmation of facts, correct errors or inconsistencies. After you are sure that you have finalized the article and made it better, submit it for moderation.

Change the way you get information

Do you always read? Drop and listen. Are you used to gaining knowledge by listening to the radio? Turn off and rewrite an interesting article. To become smarter, develop all possible ways of perception. For 2 days, try several combinations, choose the most uncomfortable. Use them in the next 6 days for brain development. If it is difficult to perceive information from an unusual source, try Glycine D3. It promotes the activation of brain activity and is incredibly invigorating. On the second day of admission, you will notice that knowledge is absorbed better.

Arrange daily fashion shows around the house

You can grow new active brain cells quickly and easily. For 8 days, walk around the house and breathe fresh air.

Do neurobics

We have already written about this terrible beast. The main article is located. Do not neglect the exercises, and do them for 8 days. It is not in vain that scientists uncles and aunts tried hard, developing a program for those who want to become smarter.

Why you need to get smarter

The answer is simple: to evolve. When the environment around you is rapidly changing, it is inconvenient to remain at the average level of thinking. To become smarter, it is not necessary to quote Omar Khayyam from memory or, even worse, to know nuclear physics to perfection. It is enough to perform exercises that will give the brain a boost and keep it in a state of readiness. This way you can react faster to external circumstances. In addition, a smart person is always an interesting conversationalist, and the generation of useful ideas will allow you to climb the career ladder.

Helpful Hint: You can greatly increase your brain response levels by taking effective supplements. For example, Glycine D3. It is not only useful, but also delicious.

How to Become a Smart Person in 10 Minutes: Bonus

Yes, you can. Let's tell efficient way.

  1. Open the smart words dictionary. Take any paper version or a link from Yandex issuance. We recommend paying attention to the project "Smart word for every day" or Everydayword.
  2. Learn one word. Make 5-7 sentences with him, write them down in a notebook. Sentences should form a text united by a common meaning.
  3. Do the exercise daily, writing sentences in your notebook and leading the thread of the story. At the end of the workout, you should get a coherent story.
  4. Before writing down new sentences, reread the old ones to reinforce the word in your head.
  5. Do 10 minutes for 30 days.

We hope you got the answer to the question of how to become a smart person. Develop, because the world is more interesting than you think!