How to transport a newborn in a car from the hospital. What a young mother needs to remember in the first days after returning home from the hospital Mistakes of young mothers after discharge from the hospital

When the baby is already born, all relatives are in anticipation of a long-awaited meeting with a new family member. Few people think about how to properly transport a newborn in a car from the hospital. Meanwhile, this is a very important issue, which should be resolved even before the birth of the crumbs.

How to prepare for your child's first car ride

According to the established tradition, children from the maternity hospital are taken home by relatives in cars or a taxi is called. The rules for transporting children in a car provide for the mandatory presence of a child restraint. No need to think that this does not apply to newborn babies. Many people think that it is enough that mom or another family member will hold the child tightly in her arms during the trip, this is wrong and threatens with a fine of 3,000 rubles. Carrying a newborn from the hospital should be strictly in a car seat or a special cradle.

In addition to a special cradle, you need to prepare something else to make the baby comfortable:

  • Clothing for the newborn, appropriate for the season and comfortable to use with the car seat.
  • Protective curtains on the windows of the car so that the sun does not shine in the eyes and does not interfere with the child's sleep.
  • Neutral odor interior air freshener. Harsh odors can cause allergies in a child.
  • It is better to wash the car in advance and, if necessary, dry-clean the interior. Dry cleaning is done a few days before the mother and baby are discharged, so that there is an opportunity to properly ventilate the salon.

Car seat or bassinet?

When choosing a restraint for a baby, you need to decide on the model. There are three options:

  • Car seat 0/0+/I/II is suitable from birth up to 18, 25 or 36 kg.
  • Car seat 0+ from birth up to 10 or 13 kg.
  • The infant carrier 0+ is used from birth up to 7-8 months.

The choice is not easy, because you want to ensure the comfort and safety of the child, as well as to purchase a functional thing that will last as long as possible. It is worth considering all the pros and cons of each model in order to finally decide.


  • Most of the models are equipped with the IsoFix system, which provides a good degree of security.
  • Can be used from birth up to 3-5 years, depending on the model and dimensions of the child.
  • Many models have a table, footrest, orthopedic backrest and many other options for the convenience of the crumbs.

Great option for budget conscious parents who don't want to buy multiple restraints as their baby grows


  • The chair is not removable. The baby will have to be carried to the car in his arms.
  • Most quality models are quite expensive.


  • Convenient to use as a carrier.
  • Can be used at home as a rocking chair.
  • Many of these car seats have adapters for the respective company's stroller chassis. That is, mommy can not disturb the baby if he falls asleep, but simply rearrange the car seat on the chassis of the stroller and take a walk.
  • The price is lower compared to universal car seats.
  • Often a similar model is already included in the kit for 3 in 1 strollers.

The most popular option for transporting newborns


  • A lower degree of security, which can be increased by additionally purchasing a base with an IsoFix system. But the price of a car seat-carrier will immediately increase by several thousand.
  • Short time of use. In fact, such an armchair will last up to 7-9 months. After that, you will have to purchase a model in the next category.


  • The child is provided with a completely horizontal position, which is convenient on long trips.
  • The visor and sides protect from sunlight and drafts.
  • Good protection in case of a possible accident.
  • Most cradles can be installed on the chassis of the stroller of the same company.
  • It is convenient to carry the baby in the car.
  • It does not require the purchase of a base, as it is fastened with standard seat belts.


  • Can be used up to a maximum of 6 months. Then the cradle will be too small, and the baby will no longer be interested in lying all the way.
  • The cost of such a device is high.
  • The cradle is quite bulky and heavy, it takes up a lot of space in the car.

Such a device is used quite rarely, but it also has advantages.

Don't confuse a car seat with a carry bag! Ordinary baby carriers cannot be used to carry a baby in a car. The infant carriers are made of durable materials, have internal seat belts and devices for securing them in the car using standard belts. Simple carrying bags do not differ in such characteristics.

By and large, you can use any model for transporting a baby in a car. Each family decides for itself which restraint to buy. But before choosing, you need to weigh all the pros and cons and purchase the safest and most high-quality model.

What clothes for the baby will be comfortable in the car seat

Many parents worry about how to take the baby home: they buy a chair, wash and clean the car, but forget about choosing comfortable clothes for the baby. Not all blankets and blankets are suitable for use in a car seat. In most of them, the child cannot be fastened with seat belts. In this case, the holding device becomes meaningless.

Modern parents know that the main thing is the safety of the child. Therefore, they purchase an extract envelope based on the fact that it is intended to be worn in a holding device. To do this, the product must have a special cut or slots for the seat belt.

An envelope-blanket that transforms into a dungaree for traveling in a car seat

Another model of overalls-bag with a slot for a seat belt

You can pick up both winter and demi-season versions of such outerwear for crumbs. There are a variety of colors to suit both boys and girls. Yes, these models are not decorated with bows and lace, but they are of high quality, comfortable, versatile and will last the whole season, and not just a few hours during discharge.

In the summer, you can limit yourself to a cotton slip and fleece or velor overalls, depending on the weather.

Tip: No need to wrap the child in blankets: this is the last century and has long been irrelevant! In addition, such equipment for a baby is a direct threat to his safety while traveling by car.

How to Prepare for a Taxi Ride

Unfortunately, not all taxi services provide child restraints. Therefore, parents of a newborn child need to think about this. A car seat or bassinet can be purchased, rented or asked from friends.

Even if the family doesn't have a car, buying a baby carrier is a good idea. It will definitely come in handy for taxi rides to the clinic. In the first year of life, visits to the pediatrician and other specialists will be frequent. In addition, it is convenient to use the car seat at home as a deck chair or rocking chair. With it, you can go to nature, relax in the country - the child will always be comfortable and convenient. There is no need to take a bulky stroller with you.

It would also be useful to ask a taxi operator to send a car with a clean, smoke-free interior and a sober, responsible driver. If in big cities all these conditions are not a problem, then in small towns, where there are many private traders in personal cars, you have to be vigilant.

It is necessary to decide how to take a newborn from the hospital even before the birth of the baby, while there is time to prepare everything without haste. And then the meeting of relatives and mother with the baby will go smoothly and joyfully without troubles in the form of fines or accidental falls of the child in the car.

Life begins with a new, long-awaited and already very beloved family member. And even if the child is not the first in the family, it doesn’t matter, especially at first, with the advent of a newborn at one moment, parents have a lot of new worries.

What difficulties can a young mother expect immediately after discharge from the hospital, and how to deal with them? Let's try to answer these questions.

  • Guests: to accept or not?
  • Mom's dream
  • First bath
  • Newborn care

"The main rule in the first days after the hospital, from which, in fact, all the specific advice follows is to rest as much as possible!

Yes, sometimes after childbirth, against the backdrop of emotional upsurge and rapid hormonal changes, it seems to a young mother that she is full of strength and energy, and can literally move mountains. Believe me, this is a deceptive feeling! The body of a woman who has recently given birth, having already withstood a considerable load during pregnancy, is actively rebuilt, lactation is established. Especially a lot of strength was spent during childbirth, and there were probably plenty of experiences. And if you do not save your strength, in just a few days, overwork can make itself felt with weakness, and sometimes even.

Here are some tips on how to save your strength in the first days after the birth.

Guests: to accept or not?

Finally, all relatives can see a new family member! And often a solemn meeting from the maternity hospital smoothly turns into a home feast. It's nice, no doubt. But most often - and very tiring, both for a mother who has not yet recovered from childbirth, and for a baby who is not used to the new environment and fuss. Although there are, of course, exceptions, when mother not only welcomes guests with pleasure, but even easily prepares a festive table herself. However, often all that a woman wants after the maternity hospital is to relax and get comfortable with the baby in her native walls.

How to be, so as not to offend relatives who are eager to congratulate young parents, and at the same time spend the first day at home as calmly as possible?

"In fact, the majority is sympathetic to the fact that after the maternity hospital, the mother is not yet ready to receive guests, and do not be afraid to announce that you will be ready to receive visits later. But for the closest, for example, grandparents, you can , of course, make an exception - ask them to drop by for a while.

By the way, it’s not at all superfluous to ask them for help - for example, to buy something you need on the way that you forgot about, or to help dad around the house, who has been hit by a lot of things (hang a shelf, wash the dishes, cut a salad ...).

Well, if the parents are categorically against visiting the child in the first days, a holiday in honor of the first month lived by the baby, or christening, can be an excellent option. By this time, it will be possible to gather strength, get used to the new conditions and, slowly, prepare for the “bride”.

Mom's dream

It is known that newborn babies in the first month sleep most of the time, waking up only for feedings (at least, pediatricians believe so). It would seem - what is the problem, why shouldn't mom sleep off, recovering from childbirth? In practice, everything is somewhat more complicated.
Firstly, even a perfectly calm baby in the first month wants to eat often and irregularly, including at night - that is, the vast majority of parents can only dream of sleeping for at least 6 hours in a row in the first days.
Secondly, at the slightest deviation in well-being (for example, digestive problems, neurological problems after difficult births), the baby will certainly “break” the ideal regimen, and whole hours without sleep are quite possible, regardless, again, of the time of day.

"The way out suggests itself: forget about the previous, "childless" schedule and sleep as soon as possible, at least in very small portions, when the child is sleeping or someone else is taking care of him.

For many, it is more convenient to sleep with a child. On top of everything else, getting enough sleep helps a lot with lactation!

Walking in the first days after discharge

Opinions of experts about when to start walking with a newborn differ greatly. In Soviet times, in warm weather, walks were recommended from the very first days, and long ones. Now you can hear directly opposite advice - do not leave the house with your baby for a month or more. Within the framework of this article, we will not argue about where the truth is (most likely, as usual, somewhere in the middle).

"I would only like to emphasize that a walk in the first days and even weeks after childbirth should not cause fatigue in the mother.

If the weather is bad, especially in winter, there is no need to rush to walk with the child in the first days. But if, on the contrary, the mother wants to get some air, show the baby the world, and the weather is conducive to this - why not? The main thing is that this does not turn into “obligatory” long hiking trips, for which she does not have enough strength for the first time after giving birth. By the way, dad or grandmother can also walk with the baby, giving mom an additional opportunity to relax.

Feeding in the first days of a child's life

Within the framework of this article, we will not dwell on breastfeeding issues in detail - after all, we are only talking about about the first hours and days after the birth. But, nevertheless, feeding is the most important part of the life of a mother with a newborn, and it is important to try to avoid possible problems.
On the topic of breastfeeding, many copies have been broken.

" Let's just try to give a few tips in order to make life easier for moms in the first days at home.

  1. Feed on demand.
    Even if you are a strict regimen, trust me, don't set limits just yet: it will be much easier, instead of soothing, to just try to feed your baby every time he is worried or when his breasts feel full. This will save a lot of effort and nerves for you and him.
  2. Don't express unnecessarily.
    That is, if you do not need to leave, or there is no feeling of fullness in the chest (in the second case, they are expressed until they are relieved, and not “dry”). For some reason, the persistent myth, which still exists in some places in our maternity hospitals, that after each feeding it is necessary to express the rest of the milk, takes a lot of time and effort from young mothers.
  3. Don't wash your breasts after every feed.
    If you want, rinse it with warm water, no soap. But in general, subject to hygiene standards, a common shower once a day is quite enough. In fact, this is not such a trifle: I remember that in Soviet times, women sometimes rushed into the bathroom a couple of dozen times a day - before each feeding (even if the child only tried to suck and did not want to) and after it, on the recommendation of pediatricians, thoroughly washed soapy chest. Now, fortunately, no one requires such a fuss.
  4. Don't be too restrictive in your food choices. Although the question of whether is also controversial, your body now definitely needs good nutrition. So, in any case, try to eat a balanced diet and drink plenty (a nursing mother just needs a lot of liquid!).

First bath

Most likely, when discharged from the maternity hospital, the neonatologist recommended starting bathing the newborn on the same day. And for first-born mothers, especially if there are no grandmothers nearby, this sometimes becomes a real test!
In fact, a lot of small practical questions arise: how to install a bath? Or do you prefer a large bath? Do you boil water? Should I add something to it, and what exactly? What temperature to do, and how to adjust it (in the absence of experience, this also does not work out quickly)? Should you bathe your baby before or after feeding? With soap or without? How long should the first bath take?

And most importantly - how to hold it so as not to drop it?!

Of course, it would be better if you think through all the household trifles as much as possible in advance, and also
However, we dare to assure you: if something goes "not according to plan", nothing irreparable will happen. The child will not be harmed by too short a bath (for example, he screamed out of habit). Slightly warmer or colder water than pediatricians advise is also not a reason to panic, the main thing is be sure to always try it a second before you dip the baby!
How it is more convenient to hold the child while bathing, you can see on the Internet (the classic position is the baby's neck on the elbow of the left hand of mom or dad). It is very good if at first dad helps mom while bathing, and maybe it will even become his honorable duty?

"And even if there was no bathing at all on the first day at home, this does not at all mean "deuce" to you, as parents.

The child may fall asleep soundly or, on the contrary, cry desperately just when the parents have finally prepared everything. They may not be up to it for new troubles, and so on. Nothing, bathe the baby tomorrow! After all, the main task for today is my mother's peace of mind.

Newborn care

Hygiene procedures are something that, without delay, will need to be done on the first day after discharge from the hospital.

  • After swimming, you will need. This is quite simple and really necessary: ​​if bathing did not take place, treat the navel anyway at the next diaper change.
  • If the baby's nails have grown strongly, it is better to cut them without delay so that he does not get scratched.
  • a newborn, mother is usually shown in the hospital. If it is not at all difficult to wipe the eyes with cotton wool from the outer edge of the eyes to the inner, then in order to clean the nose with a cotton flagellum, you need a certain skill - if possible, ask someone more experienced for a “master class”. However, if the nose is clean and breathes freely, leave it alone!
  • There is no need to urgently achieve sterility, “like in a maternity hospital”, especially since your family, of course, has already done a wet cleaning. It is enough to observe the usual hygiene standards.
  • But it is necessary to ventilate the apartment (without creating drafts), as well as to maintain not too dry air in it - the latter is especially important during the heating season. If there is no humidifier, they can temporarily help out ... diapers hung out to dry.

The first day at home with a baby is a wonderful event! May it pass in every family as calmly and joyfully as possible!

Many mothers are familiar with the following condition - you and your baby were brought from the hospital, so he woke up, cried, and what to do next with him? It is especially scary for those mothers who were separated from the baby in the maternity hospital and therefore could not gain valuable experience in caring for the baby under the strict guidance of nurses.

Some parents are even afraid to take the child in their arms, afraid of hurting him or dropping him. Of course, these fears will pass very soon, but for this you need to know how to properly care for a newborn.

Eat, now you can sleep ...

So, let's start with feeding and sleep, as these are the two most important things for a newborn. You need to feed the child "on demand", that is, when he asks. A strict daily routine - to feed after 3 hours - is a relic of the past. Children themselves after some time go to a certain regime. For example, start eating every 2 hours. This is the routine that parents need to follow.

Of course, it is better to breastfeed - it is more convenient for the mother and much more beneficial for the child than artificial feeding. At night, the child is also fed on demand, so it is not advisable to immediately allocate a separate room for him - the mother will have to run back and forth several times a night. Many parents move the baby bed close to their own or put the baby with them.

In the intervals between feedings, the baby, most often, sleeps. In the first month, children sleep 14-19 hours a day, periods of wakefulness increase every month, and by six months the child sleeps 13-14 hours a day. Moreover, if in the first months the baby can wake up every 1.5-4 hours, regardless of whether it is night or day, then at about the age of eight months, many children can already recognize the time of day and sleep from 10 pm to 6 am. And during the day they sleep 2 times for 2 hours. By the age of one, the baby begins to sleep "like an adult" - all night and once a day, after dinner.

To swaddle or not to swaddle a child at bedtime, each parent decides for himself. Many swaddle children so that they do not wake themselves up with their movements, some children are more comfortable to sleep in this way. Now most doctors believe that a child should have free arms and legs, as this is necessary for normal psychomotor development. Therefore, starting from the second month, it is better to wear baby sliders.

Diapers and hygiene

One of the hottest topics in child care is the topic of diapers. The debate about whether they are harmful or not has not subsided so far. The main argument of opponents of diapers is that men who wear diapers in childhood suffer from infertility in the future. And although this information has not been reliably confirmed, pediatricians do not advise wearing them all the time. Of course, this is very convenient for parents, but prolonged contact of the baby's skin and a wet diaper is not desirable. The maximum diaper wearing time is 4-6 hours. It is most convenient to use it for a walk, during sleep and at a party.

When changing a diaper, the baby's bottom must be washed. On the other hand, it is often not necessary to wash the child, as the protective layer is washed off from the delicate baby skin. Babies get dirty a little until they start to crawl and walk. It is quite enough every day, before going to bed, to bathe the baby in the bath. In the water, you can add a means for bathing children, bright toys. The water should be warm, but not hot - 36-37 degrees, after the bath, you can pour cooler water over the child as a hardening procedure. If you wish, you can teach him to swim - the pediatrician will tell you the teaching method. Usually, babies quickly get used to bathing and love it, because the aquatic environment is familiar to them from the prenatal period. Bathed, tired children usually eat very well and fall asleep quickly.

In front of passers-by...

You have to play a lot with your child. You can start walking from the 10th day of a baby's life, while the air temperature outside should not be lower than -10 degrees. The first walk usually lasts 10 minutes, and each subsequent walk is increased by 5 minutes. Ideally, you should walk for 1.5 - 2 hours 2-3 times a day, in any weather, avoiding too hot and too frosty. In cold weather, this hardens the child, and in warm and sunny weather it contributes to the formation of vitamin D in the baby's body, which prevents the development of rickets. It is not recommended to expose the child to direct sunlight, it is better to walk in the shade in the morning and evening.

Naturally, at first a small child only sleeps on a walk. Many mothers do not want to wander the streets with a stroller all day when there are a lot of household chores waiting at home. In this case, a child's sleep on the balcony can be an excellent way out. True, later, when the child begins to take an interest in the outside world on a walk, you still have to walk along the streets and playgrounds.

Children's dowry

In addition to food, sleep and walks, the child also needs to dress in something, sleep somewhere and walk on something. It is good if there are friends or relatives who have recently given birth to a child who can suggest, advise or give away things from which they have “grown”. If there are no such people in a close environment, then it is usually difficult for parents to decide what to buy for a child right away, and what can be delayed. Therefore, below is a list of "children's dowries." Naturally, parents can reduce or, conversely, expand it at their own discretion.


T-shirts 2-3 pcs.

Blouses with buttons are light and warm 2-6 pcs.

Rompers - 3 pcs.

Body 3-6 pcs.

Light overalls - 3-4 pcs.

Warm suit, for example knitted 1 - 2 pcs.

Warm envelope or overalls for the street (according to the season) - 1 pc.

Socks 3-4 pcs. + warm - 2 pcs.

Hats warm and light - 2 pcs.

Blanket warm and light - 2 pcs.

How to care for the baby, how many times to feed, what to wear, how to bathe properly? - These questions begin to worry many mothers long before the birth and discharge of the child from the hospital. In order for the first days after the maternity hospital to be light and joyful, it is important to tune in positively and prepare for the arrival of the baby. It will be easier and easier for parents to care for a newborn if they know in advance what care should be.

Actions immediately after exit

For the happy day when the baby is at home for the first time, it is better to prepare in advance.

  • install a crib (do not forget about a waterproof mattress cover),
  • equip a place for hygienic care for the baby,
  • prepare everything you need for swimming,
  • iron the clothes and diapers of the newborn,
  • carry out wet cleaning
  • thoroughly ventilate the apartment.

Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of the "workplace" of the mother. A good option in choosing a "platform" for carrying out daily manipulations for caring for a child is to use a changing board. Currently, such boards are mounted in chests of drawers and are a removable folding top shelf above the linen boxes. The changing table saves the mother's back from excessive stress when bending over, helps to maintain the correct posture after childbirth. For a thorough examination of the baby's body after an evening bath, you can install an additional lamp above the swaddle. It is important, without leaving the child lying on the swaddle, to take everything that may be needed for daily procedures. Therefore, it is better to place hygiene products for baby care directly on the changing board itself or next to it. To do this, you can use a nightstand or shelf. The top drawer of the chest of drawers is convenient for storing diapers, diapers, newborn clothes.

When the newborn is at home, you need to undress him, feed him and put him to bed. It is important not to forget to feed the baby, even if he is fast asleep. The sucking reflex is already sufficiently developed, and the baby can eat even in a dream. In the first days after birth, children sleep for more than three hours in a row, sometimes sleep can last up to 6-8 hours during the daytime. The interval recommended by pediatricians for feeding newborns is a maximum of 4 hours.

If during feeding or sleeping the baby has soiled a diaper, a diaper, do not be afraid to replace them with clean ones. Newborns are fast asleep and won't mind. You can use wet wipes, and when the baby wakes up, wash it in the bathroom. Sleeping in a dirty diaper can lead to diaper rash and dermatitis.

Immediately after discharge, the child's nails should be cut, if this was not done in the maternity hospital. You can buy specialized children's scissors with rounded edges, they can not accidentally cut or prick the fingers of a small crumb. It is best to trim the nails of a sleeping baby.

We wash boys and girls

Many parents are worried and do not know how to properly hold the baby while washing and are afraid to drop it. Even in the maternity hospital, nurses teach mothers how to properly hold the baby, but it also happens that children do not lie in the same room with their mother, and meet only at feeding and discharge. Then mothers themselves have to choose a convenient way to wash their children at home. This is easy to do, you just need to correctly put the baby in your hand and not worry. The excitement of the mother is quickly transmitted to the child, and he may begin to cry. In most cases, children are soothed by the water and enjoy bathing.

You need to wash the newborn under running water, checking the temperature with your hand so as not to burn the delicate skin of the baby. Do not put your baby's bottom under a strong stream of water, adjust the water supply with your hand. Washing girls is different from washing boys. The boy can be placed with his stomach on his arm. In girls, you should avoid getting fecal particles into the genitals, you need to wash them, laying your back on your hand, fix the baby’s leg with your fingers and wipe the genitals with the palm of your other hand from top to bottom towards the anus. In no case should you do this: rub the girl's organs from the bottom up, so as not to bring bacteria.

Excessive use of soap, foam for washing, wet wipes can lead to drying of the skin, mucous membranes, allergic reactions and redness, the appearance of synechia in girls - such care is harmful. It is not necessary to wash a newborn after he has peed. It is worth orienting 3-4 changes of diapers or panties. After that, you can rinse the baby's bottom without using soap. After a bowel movement, you should also not use soap and wet wipes. The best way to wash the delicate skin of newborns is clean water. Soap should be used once a week. After the child is washed, you need to gently blot the inguinal folds with a towel, in no case do not rub. If particles of feces remain in the folds, it is recommended to wipe them with a wet cotton pad or a damp cloth. After that, if the child is wearing a diaper, you need to spread a thin layer of a special cream (drying the skin) on the anus and inguinal folds. The best remedy for the prevention of diaper rash and prickly heat is air baths. The more time the child spends naked or in panties without a diaper, the less problems with his skin.

Diaper or undershirt

Many specialists and mothers argue about whether it is necessary to swaddle a baby after discharge from the hospital. There is no single opinion on this matter. Neurologists recommend swaddling a child in the first days after birth, so that he does not wake himself up with his hands, which he has not yet learned to own. There is an opinion that it is necessary to swaddle the child's legs so that they do not become crooked. Modern medicine does not find confirmation of this. There are several ways to swaddle a baby:

  • free swaddling,
  • foot swaddling,
  • tight swaddling,
  • swaddling hands during feeding.

Daily hygiene rules

Newborn care needs to be done every day. The newborn's first aid kit should include:

  • sterile cotton,
  • cotton swabs with limiter,
  • cosmetic scissors,
  • green,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • baby cream,
  • diaper cream containing zinc and dexpanthenol,
  • powder,
  • alcohol-free wet wipes
  • thermometer for water.

In what sequence to change clothes, wash, wash, feed, mothers decide for themselves, focusing on the crumbs. Some babies are naughty and ask for food immediately after waking up, while others can wait and wash first.

To wash a newborn, you need to pour boiled water into a glass and prepare 2 pieces of cotton wool. Soak one piece in boiled water, wring out and gently wipe one baby's eye from the outer corner to the inner. Then take the second piece of cotton wool and do the same with the second eye. After that, wipe the face, neck folds, palms.

After washing, clean the child's nose. Make flagella (turundas) from cotton wool by scrolling small pieces between the thumb and forefinger. Soak them in boiled water and clean the baby's nose with gentle swirling movements. For each nostril - a separate flagellum. If you can’t make turundas on your own, you can use high-quality cotton swabs, make sure that there are no cotton villi left in your nose.

Once a week, after an evening bath, clean the ears of children, behind the ear folds with cotton swabs with a limiter. Do not try to clean the wax from the ear passages, it will come out by itself. And excessive cleaning with cotton swabs can drive sulfur further into the ear canal.

The treatment of the umbilical wound should be carried out daily after evening bathing. To do this, the navel is slightly moved apart, wiped with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide, and then cauterized with greenery. It is important to monitor the condition of the umbilical wound and inform the doctor at the slightest change in it.

Bathing is the most important ritual in the first year of a baby's life.

Even more exciting than washing the baby, the first bath in the baby bath causes parents. There are many questions related to swimming. Here are the most popular:

  1. Is it possible to bathe a newborn on the day of discharge?
  2. Why boil water?
  3. What is a separate baby bath for?
  4. How to disinfect the tub before bathing?
  5. Why add herbal infusions to water?

The answers to these questions are provided below.

You can bathe a newborn upon arrival from the hospital if the vaccinations were made the day before. When the vaccine is given on the day of discharge, the child is bathed only a day later.

Until the navel is completely healed, boiled water and a baby bath are used to protect the navel from infection, staphylococcus and other bacteria. A small bath is easier to clean, it requires less boiled water and herbal infusions. It can be placed directly in the room on chairs or special stands. It is convenient for the mother not to lean low into the large bath so that the newborn does not experience temperature differences between the room and the bathroom. This method is also convenient for owners of small bathrooms.

Before bathing a newborn, the bath must be washed with soda, baby soap or baby shampoo, rinsed thoroughly with running water. It is not recommended to use chlorine-containing cleaners and washing powders, they can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions in the child.

Before lowering the child into the bath, you need to add an infusion of chamomile or string herbs to the water. For the first bath, you should use a weak infusion of chamomile, because the succession dries the skin a lot. It is added mainly for prickly heat or diaper rash.

Often children scream loudly at the first bath, frightening their parents and making them hurry and nervous. In order for bathing to bring joy to all family members, it is worth remembering a few rules:

  • prepare boiled water in advance, a jug, an infusion of herbs,
  • feed the baby a little before bathing,
  • swaddle in a thin diaper so that the child does not immediately feel the change of environment,
  • use warm water 36-37 degrees,
  • pouring water on the head as a last resort, often this process causes crying in children,
  • hold the baby in a towel for 1-2 minutes to give him the opportunity to warm up.

Every day the baby will grow faster and get used to the daily repetitive rituals. He will learn to wait for an evening swim, stop being afraid of water, and begin to calmly respond to washing, changing clothes. From the correct organization of the day will depend on its further development and mood. Good luck!

The article will help young parents competently organize child care in the first days after discharge from the hospital.

The birth of a baby is the most exciting event for every parent. However, with the advent of a new little man, new troubles arise. Young parents can get confused among the new responsibilities, so you need to prepare in advance for the appearance of the baby.

What do you need at home after discharge from the hospital?

The main requirement for a home is, of course, cleanliness. But this does not mean that the expectant mother a few days before the birth should run around with a rag and wash every corner. On the contrary, it is strictly forbidden to do so. In such a case, you need to ask for help from your husband, and best of all from a future grandmother or even two. Order must be restored when the woman in labor is in the hospital, a couple of days before discharge. The second necessary action is to prepare the children's room or, if this is not possible, a special place in the room. The room should be bright, spacious, well ventilated. In addition, you also need:

  • Purchase a night light in advance, because. I have to get up more than once during the night to feed my baby.
  • Children's clothes should be kept separate from adult clothes, so a chest of drawers for children's things will come in handy.
  • Get a baby bed. The choice of beds is very large: the variety of designs, colors and shapes is simply amazing. Which crib is best for your child is up to you. The main thing is that the crib should be a comfortable place for the child to sleep and spend time. Along with the bed, you need to choose a mattress. It is not worth saving on buying a mattress, since the health of your little one will depend on the quality of the mattress.

If the air in the house is dry (due to the heating season or for other reasons), it is best to purchase a special humidifier. Dry air has a negative effect on the baby, the nasal mucosa begins to dry out and a runny nose begins, which can easily develop into a chronic one. Therefore, it is impossible to forget to monitor the humidity in the room. You can, of course, try to do without a special humidifier. For this you need:

  • do wet cleaning every day
  • ventilate the room more often
  • you can put a large container of water near the battery or hang wet things in the room and on the battery

However, as practice shows, such methods are ineffective and short-lived.

What does a newborn need after discharge from the hospital?

The list of necessary things for newborns can be very large and endless, but you can get by with a very modest list, which will include only the most necessary things.

One way or another, the baby can not do without the following things:

  • A first-aid kit, which must necessarily include brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, sterile cotton wool, a colic remedy (for example, espumizan, bobotik, plantex, etc.). The first-aid kit can also be supplemented with a children's thermometer, an antipyretic for newborns, and a pipette.
  • Baby skin care products. The modern industry offers a large selection of different creams, shampoos, powders, etc. The choice of funds depends on the preferences of the parents, as well as the skin of the baby. Be sure to get a cream or powder for a diaper and a bathing agent. However, you need to remember that you need to use the bathing product no more than 2 times a week. The rest of the time you need to bathe the baby in plain water, to which an infusion of chamomile or calendula is added.
  • Cotton pads, cotton buds, wet wipes.
  • Diapers (disposable or reusable, depending on the choice of parents).
  • Diaper. Even if you don't intend to swaddle your baby, swaddling clothes will always come in handy. There should be both warm diapers and regular ones. Always a topical question about the number of diapers. The minimum set is 4 warm and 5-7 regular. You just need to remember one rule: the fewer diapers, the more often you need to wash them.
  • A blanket for the crib and another one for the stroller.
  • Minimum 2 sets of baby bedding. Now you can also buy bumpers in the crib and a canopy. However, in the first month of a baby's life, the sides in the crib are not particularly needed, on the contrary, they can only interfere, closing the baby from the mother.
  • The canopy is also a controversial subject, it plays a more decorative role, while collecting dust on itself. Therefore, if the child suffers from allergies, it is better to refuse the canopy.
  • Bath tub. Recently, you can come across the opinion that you can bathe in an ordinary bathroom, but in the first months it will still be more comfortable and safer for a child to have a special bath.
  • Towel, nail scissors for baby.
  • Stroller, baby car seat.
  • If the baby is bottle-fed, you must also purchase 2 feeding bottles.
  • Baby clothes. It is best to buy clothes that are unbuttoned. Such clothes allow you to dress the child in the most comfortable way.

These are the basic things that will be needed in the first days of a baby's life. Of course, the list can be expanded. It all depends on the desire and wallet of the parents.

A rocking chair, a nipple, a special slide for swimming, a water thermometer, etc. will be very useful. In about a month, you can already buy bright toys and rattles.
The main thing is not to panic and not to sweep everything necessary and unnecessary from the shelves of children's stores. If something is not bought in addition, it can always be done in the process.

What to do with the child after the birth?

Immediately after the birth, the child needs to be fed and allowed to rest. On the first day, you do not need to immediately bathe and walk the baby, it is enough to follow the rules of elementary hygiene for newborns. The main thing is to provide him with a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. The number of visitors should also be limited, especially in the first days after discharge. Relatives and friends will still have time to get acquainted with a new little man.

When can I walk after the hospital?

Walking is a necessary element of child care.

You can go for a walk the next day after discharge.

You need to start with 10-15 minutes, adding 5-10 minutes every day.

In summer, walks can last up to three hours, you can walk several times a day.

In winter and in the cold season, the duration of the walk will depend on the air temperature.

It is important for a mother to dress her baby correctly, in accordance with the weather.

Inexperienced parents, in an effort to protect their child from colds, can dress him excessively warmly, which will cause the child to overheat. And the state of overheating is even worse than hypothermia. To avoid such a mistake, you need to remember the rule: you need to wear as many layers of clothing as an adult plus one layer.

First bath after birth

The first bath is a very important ritual for parents and children. In many respects, how the first bath will go, depends on how the child will subsequently relate to this procedure. Therefore, you need to try so that swimming takes place in a calm environment and the child receives positive emotions. For this:

  • you can choose any time for swimming, but it is necessary that swimming takes place at about the same time every day
  • the baby must be in a good mood
  • water temperature should be around 37 degrees
  • you need to add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the water, but you do not need to add potassium permanganate every day, it greatly dries the baby's skin. But chamomile or calendula should be added daily. Potassium permanganate should be used until the umbilical wound heals
  • at first it is better to bathe the baby in a diaper
  • you need to bathe the child holding the back of the head, neck and back with one hand, and the legs and buttocks with the other. You can put the child's head on your forearm, holding your hand in the area of ​​​​the shoulder joint, insuring the child from slipping out and diving under water
  • the child must be immersed in water carefully, starting with the legs
  • the duration of the first bath is a few minutes, gradually, if your child likes, you can add time

Video: Bathing a newborn

The arrival of the pediatrician after the hospital

After discharge from the maternity hospital, a visiting nurse and a pediatrician should come to the house within 3 days. They can be asked any questions regarding child care. It is best to write down the questions you are interested in so as not to forget anything.

The doctor will check the heartbeat, the size of the fontanel and the umbilical wound, feel the tummy, and examine the oral cavity. The patronage nurse will get a medical record for the child and will come to you regularly. During the first month - 1-2 times a week, then - about 1 time per month.

Newborn care at home after delivery

After the maternity hospital, painstaking everyday life begins. Caring for a baby takes a lot of effort and energy, so don't try to do everything on your own. It is best to assign certain duties to dad, such as ironing, walking, cooking, etc. Mom has to have time to rest. In the first weeks of his life, the baby sleeps almost all the time, so the mother can also sleep during the baby's daytime sleep.

From the first days it is necessary to establish a certain regimen for the child. The morning of a newborn will look something like this:

  • after sleep, you need to feed the baby.
  • then arrange morning hygiene procedures: undress the child, remove the diaper, thereby arranging an air bath for him. Wipe the eyes with a damp cotton pad (you need to wipe from the outer corner of the eyes to the inner), then wipe the entire face. Clean ears and nose with cotton swabs. Wipe all the folds on the baby's body and grease with baby cream.
  • it is necessary to treat the umbilical wound. To do this, treat the navel with hydrogen peroxide and grease with brilliant green.
  • It is desirable to do a light massage and light exercises.
  • dress the baby and let him rest.

During the day, be sure to go out with the child for a walk and bathe him.

You can feed the baby either strictly according to the schedule (every 3 hours) or at the request of the child.
The second direction is currently considered more literate, but such feeding does not allow you to strictly adhere to the daily routine. The choice is up to the mother.

Thus, caring for a newborn takes a lot of time and effort, but the most important thing for a baby is the love of parents!

Video: Newborn care
