How to wash a newborn girl under the tap. How to wash a newborn girl? Basics of the procedure and step-by-step instructions for its implementation. What underwear to choose

In the first days after birth, the medical staff of the maternity hospital takes care of the child: it treats the eyes, nose, washes the face and washes. But after discharge, the hygiene of a newborn girl is completely transferred to the duties of the mother. Due to frequent urination and bowel movements, care for the intimate organs of the crumbs must be constant and properly organized. Mothers of daughters need to be especially careful, because due to the specific structure of the genital organs, an infection can easily be introduced into them.

How to properly care for the external genital organs of a girl

Proper hygiene for newborn girls is extremely important. An adult woman has already formed a microflora that prevents the penetration of infections into the body through the genital tract, but a child does not have such a barrier. Therefore, insufficient or improperly carried out intimate hygiene of girls can cause various inflammations and fusion of the labia. And subsequently transferred diseases can have a negative impact on the regularity of the cycle, the course of childbirth, and even on the ability to have children.

Speaking about the rules for washing girls, most mothers will only remember that this should be done from front to back. However, it will be useful for happy owners of daughters to learn about other nuances regarding the care of "tender" places. So, the rules of hygiene for a newborn girl:

  • Before washing the girl, the mother should wash her hands with soap and water.
  • Washing should be carried out in the direction from the pubis to the anus.
  • Washing newborn girls should be done every morning after waking up and every evening before going to bed. In this case, you should first wash the genitals, and then the anus.
  • Babies need to be washed during the day after each act of defecation. If this is not done, stool particles can get on the vaginal mucosa and cause vulvovaginitis.
  • You need to wash your baby at every diaper change. After washing, leave the baby for a few minutes without a diaper so that the skin can breathe.
  • Intimate hygiene of the girl is carried out only when using baby soap. It is used only with severe pollution. In all other cases, the child should be washed only with clean water or a decoction of chamomile.
  • A newborn girl should have her own personal soap and towel.
  • When washing, do not use washcloths, as this can injure the delicate skin of the genital organs.
  • After washing, you need to gently wipe the external genitalia of a newborn girl. In this case, you can not rub, but it is better to get them wet with a napkin that absorbs moisture well.
  • After washing, the external genitalia should be treated with baby cream or sterilized oil. You can also lubricate the inguinal folds of the baby.

The state of the genital organs of the girl after birth

Many mothers believe that a newborn girl should not have any discharge from the genitals. Therefore, when they see something white or bloody, they get scared. However, you should not worry too much when it comes to a breastfeeding baby in the first weeks of life. Discharge from the genitals of a child at this age is due to a sexual crisis. Normally, they can be white, yellowish, transparent, and even bloody, similar to menstruation.

The sexual crisis on average lasts up to 2 weeks, although sometimes it drags on up to 6-8 weeks. In addition to vaginal discharge, it is accompanied by swelling of the genital organs, engorgement of the mammary glands and acne. This phenomenon is explained by an excess of female sex hormones that the child received from the mother at birth. After the birth, the baby gets rid of them in such a way that frightens many mothers.

Allocations do not cause discomfort to the baby. However, at the time when they appeared, it should be remembered that she needed special intimate hygiene for a newborn girl. Washing should be carried out, observing all the hygiene rules described above. But you need to do this more often than usual. For washing, use only boiled water or a decoction of chamomile.

White discharge between the labia majora and labia minora in a girl: what to do?

Hygiene of newborn girls should be sufficient, but not excessive. What does this expression mean? Do not get hung up on the intimate purity of the baby. You need to treat the secretions carefully, noting their changes. Girls should be washed very carefully, the labia should be pushed apart only for a significant reason, while acting very delicately. Otherwise, fusion of the labia may occur.

One of the burning questions of every mother is the white discharge that accumulates between the large and small labia. What's this? How to deal with them? Do they need to be cleaned out?

This is a secret secreted by the glands of the labia. It is necessary to protect the genital tract of newborn girls from various kinds of infections; it should not be cleaned out. In general, it is not necessary to spread the genital lips once again unless absolutely necessary. However, baby powder or excess baby cream can accumulate in this “interesting” place. They can be cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in baby or sterilized vegetable oil.

When is it time to teach a girl to independent intimate hygiene?

As time goes by, the girl grows. From 1.5-2 years old, it is already possible to accustom her to independent personal hygiene. A very convenient option is when a mother shows the process on a doll or by her own example in the shower. But it is worth remembering that children at the age of 2 see an example in their mother's actions and imitate them. Therefore, tampons should not be inserted when a child has reached the age of 2 years.

The intimate hygiene of a 2-year-old girl should be based on the same principles and rules as the hygiene of a newborn baby. Separately, I would like to add that situations should not be allowed when a girl without panties could sit on a chair or sofa, the cleanliness of which does not inspire confidence. You should also explain to the child that you can not touch the genitals without a reason. Dirty hands can bring an infection or injure the mucous membrane with careless actions.

The hygiene of a girl at the age of 3 can be carried out under the supervision of her mother, but already on her own, if from the age of 2 the baby was explained how to properly wash herself. At 3 years old, a girl should have her own personal hygiene products that are in an accessible place. At the age of 3, a baby needs to change her underwear 2 times a day, at night you can leave her to sleep without panties in one pajama. At the age of 3, a child actively plays outside in the summer, so panties should be worn under a skirt or dress, which reliably protect the genitals from dirt, dust and sand.

Intimate hygiene for a girl is an important concept. Moreover, this is a useful habit that mom should accustom her to. Poor hygiene is the cause of many diseases.

As soon as a child is born, parents do not have free time, because new worries and responsibilities appear. After being discharged from the hospital, parents are wondering how to properly wash the little one. The anatomical structure of the body of men and women is different, so it is important to know the algorithm for carrying out the washing procedure for newborn girls and boys.

Before you start cleaning your baby's skin, it is important to prepare the products so that you do not keep the child waiting later and do not run around in search of care items.

Disposable diapers

Pampers are designed taking into account the characteristics of the child, exclude contact of the skin of the little one with irritating particles, with water, and prevent chafing. In diapers, the baby feels warm and comfortable.

Wet wipes

Hygiene products are necessary to care for the sensitive skin of an infant, especially when a mother and child travel or are away from home. With their help, you can wipe the baby's skin after bowel movements.

This method of cleaning the skin is very good and fast, but you need to choose a good manufacturer of wipes to be sure that after treatment the baby will not develop skin irritation.

Baby soap

The most common baby skin care product. Parents should know that the best way to wash a newborn is to cleanse the skin with baby soap, but it should be used no more than 2 times a day, all other times you need to wash it with just clean warm water.

Sterile cotton

Cotton wool is needed to treat rashes on the skin of a child, diaper rash. Cotton wool must be sterile so as not to infect.

Antiseptic solution

When buying an antiseptic solution, it is important to read the instructions for use and its composition. A solution that does not contain alcohol can be considered good.

baby oil

The tool is used to lubricate the baby's skin, which turned red as a result of wearing diapers. Do not use oil after each wash, it is advisable to alternate the product with powder.

water thermometer

A thermometer is necessary to determine the temperature of the water so as not to burn the sensitive skin of the child or wash it with cold water. Many mothers determine the temperature of the water with their hand - tactilely.

Creams and ointments for skin regeneration

As a result of wearing diapers, irritations and rashes appear on the soft skin of the baby, that is, the skin is damaged. To regenerate damaged tissues, mothers use creams and ointments designed to care for the skin of newborns. Creams help cells recover and protect against the negative effects of external factors.

The importance of choosing hygiene products

Before buying hygiene products for a newborn, it is important to familiarize yourself with the manufacturers and read the reviews. It is recommended to use only high-quality and safe cosmetics, because the health of the child should be in the foreground.

You can not rush into the pool headlong and buy expensive care products. It is advisable to purchase those that have already proven themselves well. Purchases should be made at the pharmacy.

Where is it better to wash the baby: in a basin, bath or under the tap

This question cannot be unequivocally answered, since mothers themselves must decide how it will be more convenient for them to wash the baby. Many tend to wash under the tap. Unfortunately, in the villages, not everyone has amenities, so nothing will happen if you wash the child in the basin.

How to hold a baby

It is important to carry out the washing procedure every time the baby "goes to the toilet." It is important for a mother to know how to take a child for washing with one hand, how to hold it correctly. When adjusting the water temperature, it is important to remember: it must be within +37 ° C.

  1. Both boys and girls are washed in exactly one direction - they start in front and direct the water back.
  2. The child is on one hand of the mother, and with her free hand, the mother is washing away.
  3. Before the water reaches the baby's genitals, it flows over the mother's arm, which means that the mother can control the temperature of the water so as not to burn the baby or wash it with cold water.

After washing, the sensitive intimate places of the newborn should be slightly blotted with a cotton fluffy towel, do not rub hard. To prevent diaper rash, it is recommended to use powder without first lubricating with cream, otherwise the powder will become wet and will not work.

Basic rules for washing the baby

Washing a newborn baby begins with preparation for the procedure. Mom should wash her hands with soap and water, preferably warm water, so that contact with the baby's skin does not cause discomfort, and put the newborn baby on the changing table. The baby needs to take off the diaper.

Algorithm for washing a newborn:

  1. After the diaper is removed, the baby's bottom must be cleaned of feces.
  2. Then you should take the baby in your arms so that his face is turned up, that is, the back should lie along the mother's arm, and the head should be placed approximately in the elbow area.
  3. It is necessary to fix the leg of the little one along the thigh, and hold the ass with your free hand.

Such manipulations should be carried out when washing young children, regardless of gender. And then it is necessary to observe the features of washing girls and boys.

When changing diapers

When changing a diaper, it is important to properly treat intimate areas:

  1. First you need to clean the cleanest skin, then gradually move to places that require thorough cleansing.
  2. When washing boys, special attention should be paid to the penis, scrotum and the area around the anus. You can wash in any direction.
  3. In girls, the outer folds and perineum are cleaned first, then the buttocks. It is important to wash from front to back so that the remains of feces do not get into the intimate area.

At the end of washing, it is recommended to give the baby's skin a little rest, and only then put on another diaper. If redness is noticeable on the skin, it is important to treat the damaged areas with special products and apply powder.

Before bedtime

Before putting the child to sleep, it is important to carry out a hygienic washing procedure. It is necessary. The technique is similar to regular washing, only this should be done after feeding. The clean skin of the child will avoid discomfort, and the baby will sleep soundly, nothing will bother him.

How to wash a child in the hospital?

It is also desirable to wash a small toddler in the maternity hospital under the tap, with warm water, using cosmetics no more than 1-2 times a day. If soap is used more often, it can dry out the baby's skin. If the maternity hospital does not have such an opportunity, you can use sanitary napkins.

Nuances in hygiene procedures

Washing of newborn boys and girls is different due to the structural features of the genital organs.

Washing up the boy

After completing the procedure, the boy should not immediately put on diapers, it is necessary to let the body breathe a little - take a break for 30 minutes.

Subtleties of intimate hygiene

When caring for the genitals of boys, you need to know the features. The head of the penis, covered from above by the foreskin, is a special, tender place, which, when washed, should be given more attention.

The main stages of the procedure

Washing a little boy is carried out according to this plan:

  1. First, it is recommended to lay the son on his arm so that his face looks down. In this position, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the baby's ass.
  2. At the next stage, you will need to turn the little one on its back and wash the penis and scrotum under running water.

It is important to follow the sequence of actions so as not to infect the baby's genitals.

What to do with the foreskin

The foreskin that covers the penis is not recommended to be pulled back during washing up to the time until the little one is 1 year old.

  1. However, despite the prohibition of pulling the foreskin, the mother needs to know that white flakes - smegma - constantly accumulate in the bag. They are formed due to the secretion of the sebaceous glands. It is recommended to remove this smegma during the evening washing of the boy. Don't do this often, only when necessary.
  2. Smegma must be removed carefully by moistening the index and thumb in vegetable oil, pushing the skin of the foreskin with them, remove the smegma using a disc also dipped in boiled vegetable oil.
  3. After the end of the manipulations, it is necessary to release the foreskin, and moisten the head of the penis with a drop of oil.
  4. Many parents make the mistake of pulling the foreskin as far as possible while washing. This is not worth doing, because when moving, white flakes rise up on their own, and they can be easily removed with a cotton pad.

On a note! When removing white flakes, it is important to use a material that does not leave lint behind. The fact is that later these villi will lead to rashes, and the baby will experience discomfort.

For a newborn girl

The intimate organs of a girl who has just been born are still deprived of natural protection - the hymen. It is just beginning to form, therefore, when washing, water should be directed from front to back. If this rule is not observed, feces that have entered the vagina will contribute to the development of inflammatory processes.

Features of the physiology of the girl

With each washing of girls, it is necessary to remove pleural lubrication in the area of ​​the labia. The “delicate place” should be wiped with a cotton swab, and this should be done very carefully. If the technique is not followed in the future, you can get such a problem as the fusion of the labia minora, it will be possible to get rid of it only with the help of surgical intervention.

What means to use

To cleanse the skin in the intimate area, pediatricians recommend baby soap or other care products for little peanuts. Any remedy should only be used to treat the outer surface of the labia.

How often to wash

If you take the minimum - then 2 times a day. However, it is advisable to wash the little one every time you change a diaper. After birth, you need to wash your baby up to 8-9 times a day. When performing work, special attention is paid to the folds, as it is possible to infect the urinary tract.

Pediatricians advise washing with plain water. And only when the parents with the baby are on the road, that is, outside the home, you can carry out a wet wipe with the help of special wipes, which were made using soft material that does not leave lint on the skin. The lotion used for cleansing must be alcohol-free.

When a mother sees her newborn miracle for the first time, a feeling of tenderness overwhelms her heart. But a young mother understands that caring for a baby is a huge responsibility, and you need to seriously monitor the health of the child. If a girl is born, the intimate hygiene of the newborn becomes especially delicate and important. Due to the physiological characteristics of a girl, the likelihood of infection, inflammation and injury to the genital organs is greater than that of. But don't be afraid. With proper daily hygiene and following simple rules, the baby will not have such problems.

In some newborn girls, a cream or light gray coating is visible on the labia. This means that the original lubricant remained on the genitals, and if there is not a lot of it, you need to wash the baby as usual. After a few days, this plaque will disappear on its own. However, if the plaque is thick and plentiful, you need to carefully remove it with a cotton swab moistened with boiled water. You should not be very zealous in wiping, you need to gently, with smooth, light movements, remove plaque. After a few days, it will begin to roll, and after another 2-3 days it will disappear altogether.

To wash the baby in the first days of life, you can use boiled water that has cooled to a temperature of 37 ° C, then wash it with warm running water. Before you start washing your child, you should pay attention to your nails, if necessary, cut them. Then you need to wash your hands well with soap and water and adjust the temperature of the water, at first you can use a special thermometer for this purpose. The most important rule: do not allow the jet of water to be directed from the anus to the vagina! Feces that get on the labia and mucous membranes can cause irritation, itching and infection. Therefore, you need to put the baby on your hand sideways or on the back, with your head in your elbow bend and hold the leg or buttocks with the same hand. With the other hand, you need to rinse the perineum and genitals. There is no need to strongly push the labia, climb into the genital gap with your fingers or rub the skin and mucous membranes of the baby. First, the vagina is washed, and only then the anus.

Many mothers disagree on whether to use wet wipes, baby soap foam. With regular washing, which occurs after each diaper or diaper change, there is no need for special products. Of course, if the baby went to the toilet "in a big way", you can use wet wipes to remove the bulk of the stool. In this case, only baby wipes should be used, they contain fewer harmful additives. You also need to pay attention to the age at which these wipes are recommended, for newborns this is “0+”. If the baby's skin is very dirty after a bowel movement, you can wash it with soap and water, but the soap should also be baby-friendly, with a neutral pH.

After washing, the baby should be put on her personal towel and gently blot the labia and folds on the legs with a towel or diaper. It is recommended to leave the newborn naked for 10-15 minutes, so the baby will gradually harden, and the skin will dry completely naturally. You can use baby oil or a special diaper cream if your baby's skin is dry. But you shouldn't apply a lot of cream because it gets into the pores and can prevent air from circulating freely between the skin and the diaper.

Subject to these necessary rules, the baby will be calm and in a good mood. And parents will be able to communicate with their newborn daughter without interference from health.

In order for a baby to grow up as a healthy child, in addition to proper nutrition and physical development, it is necessary to maintain the cleanliness of his body. The intimate zone of the baby requires special attention, and the care of a girl and a boy, due to their physiological characteristics, will be different. What is the hygiene of newborn girls, every mother raising her daughter must know. In the future, the happiness and health of the future woman will depend on her actions to care for the girl.

Caring for a baby today is good health tomorrow!

What should be remembered when washing a girl?

It is important for a mother who has a daughter to remember that due to the anatomical structures, the baby's genital area is very sensitive to external stimuli. If body hygiene is observed for a newborn girl, water procedures should not be neglected, the baby should be washed regularly, carefully, adhering to certain rules. At the same time, you need to know that the beneficial bacteria that are on the skin and mucous membranes are necessary to maintain a healthy environment. In order for the beneficial microflora not to be washed out excessively, experts advise washing the baby with soap no more than three times a week.

Girl care requirements

Pediatricians emphasize that pathology can occur due to the frequent use of soap, which injures the mucous membrane of the genital organs and causes an inflammatory process. It is also unacceptable to wash the baby very deeply, since the cosmetics that get inside are poorly washed out and cause vaginitis in the girl. Therefore, it will be sufficient to carry out a thorough washing after defecation, as well as during evening bathing.

The rest of the time, to maintain cleanliness of the body, you can simply rinse under running water from the tap when changing diapers (after 2-3 hours) and use wipes for external wiping.

The hygiene of a newborn girl requires knowledge of the basic rules for caring for the genital area, which are formulated approximately as follows:

  1. Be sure to wash your hands with soap before washing.
  2. After removing the diaper, remove the stool with a paper towel or damp cloth.
  3. Choose the most comfortable washing position from front to back. It is best to put the baby on the elbow of a bent arm and fix it by holding it by the left thigh.
  4. Pre-check the water temperature (about 37 °).
  5. To avoid burns, do not direct the jet of water directly at the child's body, as hot or cold water may suddenly come out. If you hold the baby securely, then the water will first fall on the mother’s hand and you can quickly respond to temperature changes.
  6. To prevent stool from entering the vagina, causing inflammation, rinsing should be carried out by moving the hand from top to bottom towards the anus.
  7. When washing older girls, the movement of the hand will be from the bottom up towards the coccyx. This is necessary for preliminary washing of the anal area.
  8. Then wash your hands and rinse the external genitalia of the child with running water.

After water procedures, do not rush to put on a diaper, give the baby 15-20 minutes of air baths

Caring for a girl after washing

The rules for care after washing are quite simple, but they are also important to consider in order to observe the hygiene of newborns, especially girls:

  1. After washing, putting the baby comfortably on the table, gently blot the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe genital area, folds in the groin with a clean towel and only then wipe the anus area.
  2. It is better to moisten the skin and mucous membranes with baby cream, since in newborns they are still dry and vulnerable.
  3. It is important to know that the labia cannot be wiped from the inside, as this causes a violation of the internal microflora and leads to genitourinary infections.
  4. Soap for washing and bathing must be for children, preferably liquid.
  5. After washing and treating the genitals of the baby, you need to give her the opportunity to lie down naked (15 minutes), since air baths protect against diaper rash better than any cosmetics and help the mucosa in the genital area.

Washing cosmetics

To avoid many troubles while caring for newborn girls, you need to carefully approach the choice of cosmetics (we recommend reading:). The best way to care for the genital area of ​​the breast crumbs is clean running water. If the baby's skin is contaminated, you need to use soaps and other detergents, which are best purchased in specialized stores - this is more reliable than the market, since storage rules are observed here and there are quality certificates. Cosmetics (gels, foams, liquid soap) are used during evening bathing no more than 3 times a week so as not to harm the child.

After bathing, the baby can be allowed to lie down for some time without clothes - the genitals will dry naturally and there will be no diaper rash

Physiological features after birth

Every mother should know some physiological features that may appear immediately after the birth of a child - for example, a baby can have a special coating of light gray or cream color on the labia - the remnants of the original lubricant (smegma). These secretions should not frighten the mother, since with their small amount no medical intervention is needed, they will gradually be absorbed into the skin. If there is a sufficiently dense coating, it is necessary to carefully remove it with a soft swab dipped in boiled oil.

After birth (in the first week) from the genitals of a tiny girl, you can notice mucous-bloody discharge, which indicates a hormonal crisis in newborns. This condition is not dangerous for the baby, as it goes away after a while, but the mother should be attentive to her daughter at this moment, and if the skin is very red, purulent discharge, consult a specialist.

Rules for the care of the mammary glands

In addition to these features, the baby, some time after birth, may swell and redden the mammary glands, and a discharge similar to colostrum may appear. Such manifestations occur due to hormonal changes, they should not cause fear in the mother, since all discharge will disappear in two to three weeks. At this time, the mother should especially carefully monitor the cleanliness of the skin around the mammary glands, the comfort of clothes for the child. No need to massage the chest or try to squeeze something. Only an increase in the size of the mammary glands and a pronounced redness can alert - then you definitely need to show the child to the doctor.

Bathing organization

Although bathing girls and boys is not particularly different, the baby needs to be washed first. This necessary condition is associated with the structural features of the girl - it is not allowed for the stool to get inside and cause inflammation. The principle of washing the crumbs before lowering into the bath is the same as after changing diapers.

When carrying out water procedures, the water temperature should be equal to the temperature of the child's body (about 36 °), then with the active accustoming of babies to bathing, it decreases by 1 ° every week. For a month, until the umbilical wound heals, the procedure is carried out in a baby bath, then babies can be bathed in a large bath, and then use a shower.

Before complex bathing, the baby must be thoroughly washed so that the feces do not get into the water, and then onto the genitals. This is done to prevent infection.

Summarizing the rules for maintaining cleanliness when washing a newborn, it is necessary to recall:

  • the means for carrying out the procedure and preventing inflammation is clean running water;
  • cosmetics, liquid soap are used only when dirty and while bathing a child;
  • it is permissible to use liquid cosmetics up to 3 times a week; care products are used only for external washing;
  • before washing the crumbs, you need to thoroughly wash your hands; washing is done with one-way movements from top to bottom;
  • after finishing the procedure, blot the intimate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe baby with a towel;
  • when using linen, you need to make sure that it does not rub in the groin area, it is made from natural fabrics;
  • be sure to show the girl to a specialist once a year;
  • to teach the baby to properly care for herself as she grows up and at the age of 5-6, teach her to be independent when washing.

Turning to the children's doctor Komarovsky for recommendations, mothers can watch the step-by-step process of washing the girl on the video. You can take the advice of a doctor who reminds you that problems in the intimate sphere of babies can occur because of soap, because of chlorinated water. Therefore, in order not to harm the child, one should not get involved in active and frequent washing.

Caring for a newborn baby requires special knowledge on the part of new parents. The gender of the child also affects the features of the procedures for caring for the baby. Not every young mother, and even more so a father, knows how to properly wash a newborn girl, and the health of her reproductive system in the future directly depends on this.

The health of a woman's reproductive system is directly related to intimate hygiene. You should start from birth, while still in the hospital. Indeed, immediately after the birth of girls, the hymen that protects the vagina is not fully formed, and the beneficial microflora has not yet had time to settle. Therefore, the remains of bowel movements, inappropriate cosmetics and other factors can cause damage and disease of the girl's genitals. Parents need to learn how to properly care for the intimate places of a newborn daughter.

Difficulties of the first days

A newborn baby has its own characteristics. Some phenomena may cause alertness on the part of parents.
Newborn girls may have vaginal discharge associated with the restructuring of the child's body after intrauterine development, its adaptation to the new environment and an excess of maternal hormones.

White, odorless discharge is normal. This is the original lubricant - smegma. No need to try to immediately completely remove this white coating. It serves to protect the mucous membrane of the vagina. Gradually, when wiping, it rolls off and is removed.

Excess creams and powders must be removed with a cotton swab dipped in oil. But purulent discharge and redness of the labia require the attention of a doctor. This is most likely a sign of an infection.

When performing hygiene procedures, it is important to be careful and not overdo it. After all, it is very easy to injure the delicate skin and mucous membrane of a newborn.

Intimate hygiene rules

When performing hygiene procedures for caring for a newborn girl, certain rules should be followed.

    1. Perform all procedures with clean hands
    2. Washing with water is necessary after defecation

If there is no stool in the diaper, then simply wipe the baby with a damp cloth.

    1. Wash with warm but not hot water

Better to use running water.

    1. When rinsing under a faucet, adjust the water first and then take the baby.
    2. Movement should be directed from the pubis to the perineum

And not vice versa, so that the feces do not enter the vagina.

    1. After washing, gently dry the baby's skin with a clean soft cloth (diaper)

No need to rub the skin of the crumbs, just get wet.

    1. Examine the labia, make sure they are well rinsed

If necessary, gently moisten a cotton pad with warm water to remove the missed dirt.

    1. After washing and drying, apply a protective cream or oil to the skin. and put on a diaper
    2. It is mandatory to carry out hygiene procedures in the morning and in the evening and after the stool
    3. Change the diaper after every bowel movement

If there is no feces, then every three hours.

    1. Air baths more often for a child
    2. Do not abuse cosmetics- powders, creams, oils

Use them as needed.

How to wash properly - algorithm of actions

Washing the girl is best done with running water. How to properly perform this procedure:

    • Adjust the pressure and temperature of the water;
    • Place your baby on one arm, tummy up.

At the same time, the baby’s head lies on the elbow bend, the back on the arm, the ass is supported by the hand.

    • Bring to the faucet

With your free hand, gently pour water and move from the pubis to the pope.

    • Do not use washcloths or other accessories, it is best to wash by hand so as not to injure the delicate skin of the crumbs
    • When performing the procedure not under the tap, you can simply pour water on the baby's genitals, following the direction

Pre-lay an absorbent waterproof diaper or substitute a bowl.

Pediatric neonatologist about the hygiene of girls - video

How often to carry out procedures

Too frequent washing of the baby, for example, after each urination, is not required. On the contrary, it can be harmful, because the beneficial flora of the vagina is also washed out. How often should this procedure be carried out? Washing a newborn girl should be done after each stool. Sometimes in the first weeks it can be 10 times a day. Later, when the child's stool returns to normal and becomes 1-2 times a day or every other day, the washing procedure is carried out at least twice a day.

Video of the washing process of a boy and a girl


Some doctors recommend using boiled water when bathing and washing newborns. However, the well-known pediatrician Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich says that this is not necessary. It is perfectly acceptable to use ordinary tap water. Thus, parents must decide for themselves how convenient it is for them.

For example, in the first days of a baby's life, you can use boiled water to avoid exposure to chlorine on the baby's delicate skin, and later tap water. You can immediately wash the child under the tap.

Hygiene procedures without water

If you need to clean the skin, but there is no water, then you can use special wet wipes or a clean, soft cloth moistened with water. It is necessary to remove the diaper from the girl, wipe her genitals from top to bottom, the folds between the legs, and then the ass, each time taking a clean napkin as it gets dirty, and put on a clean diaper.

Do not abuse the use of wet wipes. Their frequent use can adversely affect the condition of the child's skin. It is impossible to replace water hygiene procedures with wiping with napkins unnecessarily.

Soaps and special products or decoctions

Washing with infusions of herbs or a solution of potassium permanganate should also not be used just like that. They kill not only pathogenic microbes, but also the beneficial microflora of the vagina. Only sometimes, if there are indications, it is possible to use decoctions of such herbs for washing: oak bark (combats diaper rash), chamomile (anti-inflammatory, sedative), string (relieves rash, promotes skin regeneration).

However, they can be used rarely, when it is really necessary.

Diaper use

The hygiene of girls is directly related to the use of diapers. There is an opinion that the use of disposable diapers is harmful to health. However, if you follow the rules when using them, then they will not bring any harm.

    • Change the diaper in a timely manner, especially after a stool;
    • Wash your baby properly

Carefully remove fecal stools from the genitals when changing a diaper;

    • Arrange air baths, leaving the child for several minutes in the air without a diaper;
    • Buy quality diapers

About the fusion of the labia

Often, girls in infancy may have such a problem as synechia - fusion of the labia minora.
Many people think that this is due to insufficient hygiene of the genitals. However, it is not. Synechia occurs due to insufficient content of the hormone estrogen in the body. At the same time, the labia minora seems to stick together - grow together.

If such a problem arose, then in no case should you separate the labia yourself. You can hurt your baby. It's best to see a doctor.

Usually, treatment is started if the adhesion is so large that it interferes with urination. In other cases, separation treatment is usually not required. In the treatment, a special hormonal ointment is used, which gradually eliminates the accretion.

Separation by surgery is carried out only as a last resort, if treatment with ointment has not brought results. However, there is a high chance of re-growth if the child is less than 3 years old. This problem occurs up to 3-5 years, and then goes away on its own.

In any case, it is better to consult a pediatric gynecologist.
For the prevention of synechia during hygienic procedures, it is necessary to periodically push the small lips apart and gently wipe them. You can lubricate your lips with special oil.

Immediately after birth, a newborn girl, due to an incorrect hormonal background, may experience the following features:

  • Bloody discharge from the vagina;
  • Swelling of the labia;

These phenomena disappear with age as the child gets rid of maternal hormones. Therefore, you should not use any means to eliminate them.
However, if the baby has purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor, redness, a rash in the perineum and genitals, then you should consult a doctor.
Compliance with all the rules of intimate hygiene from birth will help the girl become a healthy woman and a happy mother in the future.