How to tighten the skin of the face after losing weight. Peach and banana mask. Age-related changes in the skull

How useful is facial massage and what manifestations of age can be eliminated or smoothed out with this procedure?

Before answering this question, I would like to say about age-related changes in the face and neck, which entail external signs of aging.

Part 1. Why we look worse with age

Part 2. Benefits of massage and basic rules

Part 3. Massage techniques

Part 4. How to choose a specialist for facial massage

Part 5. Myths about massage

Answers on questions:

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Why do we look worse with age?

Skin aging is just the tip of the iceberg

Often noticing wrinkles, folds or a floating oval of the face in the mirror, women believe that the skin is to blame for everything. And therefore, they begin to intensively care for the skin of the face and neck - they buy anti-wrinkle creams, anti-aging serums, make masks, peels, mesotherapy and other home and salon skin care procedures.

Of course, our skin is subject to both chrono- and photoaging, so with age it really requires more and more care. But, which we see on the skin of the face and neck - this is just the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, the appearance of wrinkles, folds or edema is associated not only with skin aging, but also with age-related changes in the bones of the skull, our muscles and blood vessels. It's just that these changes are hidden from our eyes, and therefore we often do not attach due importance to them.

But in order for anti-aging care to be adequate and as effective as possible, you need to know and remember about these changes.

Age-related changes in the skull

First of all, it should be noted that throughout life, our skull is deformed and reduced in volume, and after this, our face also changes.

However, while our muscles are young and elastic, they tend to tightly wrap around the changing skull, and healthy elastic skin follows the muscles. Therefore, at the age of 30, our face already looks a little different than at 20, but, as a rule, there are still no pronounced signs of aging.

But the older we get, the more our bones shrink and the skull decreases in volume, and the muscles of the face weaken, lose volume, elasticity and can no longer wrap around our skull as tightly as before. And since the facial muscles are woven into the skin at one end, where the muscles of the face sag, our skin also sags.

Hypertonicity of the muscles of the face and neck

But besides the fact that some muscles in us weaken with age and begin to sag, that is, they are in hypotonicity, other muscles are often in hypertonicity, for example, the muscles of the forehead or neck. Hypertonicity is excessive muscle tension.

Many people now lead a sedentary lifestyle - they work all day at the computer, or spend a lot of time driving, and in the evening they often relax again at the computer, for example, watching videos on YouTube.

All this contributes to the hypertonicity of the neck muscles. And for sure, many of you know that when the neck muscles are overstrained, they squeeze the blood vessels, which disrupts the blood supply to the brain - headaches appear, attention decreases, memory deteriorates, sleep is disturbed, in general, our health and well-being suffer.

But perhaps not everyone knows that the beauty of our face largely depends on the state of the neck muscles. When blood flow is disrupted, our skin cells receive less nutrients and oxygen, and as a result, the skin ages faster.

In addition, due to muscle hypertonicity, venous outflow and lymph outflow are disturbed, which contributes to the appearance of edema and other problems. The face becomes pasty (that is, puffy, as if wrinkled), an oval floats, a second chin forms.

Hypertonicity of certain muscles of the face, such as the muscles of the forehead, contributes to the appearance of wrinkles and folds in this area.

Benefits of massage and basic rules

The benefits of massage

Fortunately, our muscles are capable of self-healing. You know perfectly well that if you train skeletal muscles - the muscles of our body, then at almost any age they will become denser and more elastic, and the body more toned. Facial muscles are no exception.

Massage is not accidentally called passive gymnastics. With the help of massage of the face, neck and décolleté, you can relax tense muscles and tone weakened ones. As a result, the oval of the face will be tightened, folds and wrinkles will be smoothed out or reduced.

In addition, during the massage, blood circulation improves - it increases the flow of arterial blood and skin cells receive more nutrients and oxygen. As a result, the complexion, skin turgor improves, and the aging process slows down. By improving the outflow of venous blood and lymph, facial massage helps to eliminate edema and has a lifting effect.

And of course, massage affects the nervous system - relieves emotional stress and other consequences of stress. Endorphins are produced - hormones of joy, happiness and pleasure. It improves mood, improves sleep and overall well-being.

As for me, I can say frankly: massage is my favorite salon procedure. I love enjoying a good massage myself, as well as giving massages to my clients, learning new massage techniques and incorporating them into various care programs.

At what age can you do facial massage

Facial massage can be done at any age. But before the age of 25, massage is usually done when indicated. For example, if there are edema or nervous strain. At 25-30 years old, massage can be done in a small course to prevent aging. And from the age of 30, it is advisable to regularly include massage in your salon anti-aging care.

Contraindications for facial massage

What are the contraindications for facial massage? Fever, colds. Various skin rashes - exacerbation of acne, herpes, allergic reactions. Any damage to the skin - wounds, abrasions, scratches.

In this case, you just need to wait until the exacerbation passes. And also a contraindication are some diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer and other serious health problems.

Effect duration

Here again, a comparison of massage with fitness classes will be appropriate. If you went to only one workout, then for 3-4 days you will feel muscle tone, but then these sensations will come to naught. If you have been doing fitness regularly for some time and have reached a good shape, then even if you stop exercising, your muscles will still be elastic for a few more months and your figure will be toned. However, over time, if you do not practice, you will lose your former shape.

With facial massage, the situation is very similar. If the massage is performed as a one-time procedure, then the effect will last for about 3-4 days, and then come to naught. From a good massage, after the first session, puffiness will decrease, complexion will improve, eyes will open, the oval will tighten. That is, go to a banquet, an important date or a meeting of classmates - the effect is enough.

But in order to achieve a stable result, you need to take a course of 10-15 procedures, and in the future it is advisable to periodically do supportive massage sessions. Or repeat the course in a few months.

How often should you massage your face

On average, it is recommended to undergo an intensive massage course 2 times a year - 10-15 procedures 2-3 times a week. And to maintain the achieved result, it is desirable to do supportive massage sessions at least 1-2 times a month. But of course, these are very average and generalized recommendations. In real life, there should be an individual trip.

At the age of 25-30 years, if there are no special problems, half a course of 5-7 procedures may be enough and never, ever look at a beautician for a supportive session. And after 40 years, you will most likely need at least 10-15 procedures to achieve the maximum effect, and maintenance sessions at this age should be regular.

Well, of course, you need to take into account the lifestyle of a person. For example, someone can visit the salon only once a week on their day off, and someone is constantly on the road, and such people need an individual approach.

How long should a massage last?

How long a facial massage should last from a good specialist does not depend on the qualifications of the specialist, but on the massage technique. Because there are techniques, for example, therapeutic massage according to Jacquet, which lasts from 10 to 20 minutes. And there are massages that last from an hour to an hour and a half.

But on average, a massage of the face, neck and décolleté usually lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour. That is, 30-40-45 minutes is in my opinion the best option. Because if the massage lasts more than an hour, then some people start to get tired of the massage. But if a person likes it and is ready for a 1.5 hour massage, then this is also possible.

Which massage to choose

Basic facial massage techniques

If you are puzzled by this question, you will find on the Internet that there are a huge number of different massage techniques. And it may become completely incomprehensible what kind of massage you need?

But if you look into beauty salons, then most often you will find three types of massage in the list of services:

  1. Classical
  2. Plastic
  3. Therapeutic massage according to Jacquet

The fact is that these three massages are included in the training program in almost all cosmetologist courses in the post-Soviet space. And if you live in Europe or America, then classic massage can be found there under the name Swedish massage.

More efficient techniques

I don't want to say anything bad about these massages, classics are classics. And if you have the opportunity to do only such a massage, this is also good. But massage also does not stand still - it develops, improves, and now there are new, more effective massage techniques.

Why more efficient? Classical or plastic massage is a set of movements that are repeated one after another. That is, by and large, this is a clear scheme - the same for everyone, regardless of age, type of aging and the severity of some problems. That is, in this case, massage has a general effect on the lymphatic, circulatory, muscular and nervous systems.

But there are techniques that are aimed at working out certain problems. For example, lymphatic drainage massage, where the emphasis is on the lymphatic system, which makes it possible to more effectively fight edema, eliminate bags under the eyes and tighten the oval of the face, or muscular-structural massage, where the emphasis is on working with the muscles of the face and neck.

Individual schemes

And there is another important point - our body very quickly adapts to the same type of exposure, and after 4-5 procedures, a plateau effect can occur - when progress stops. The plateau effect happens when playing sports, when losing weight, and massage is no exception.

But there are modern techniques that allow you to create individual schemes for each client - depending on age, type of aging and the presence of certain problems, and you can change these schemes from session to session, which allows you to avoid the plateau effect and make each massage session as effective as possible. .

How to choose a specialist for facial massage

I see two ways. The first way is to use the experience of your friends, and the second is to look for a specialist on your own by trial and error.

Of course, the first way is preferable, so I would advise you to first ask your friends, perhaps some of them already visit the beautician regularly, do massages, have been to different specialists and they have something to compare with.

And perhaps they will advise a good specialist for you. And if you do not have such acquaintances, then you will have to look for a specialist yourself. I can only give a few tips on what to look for when choosing a specialist.

Nice person

First of all, I would like to say that massage is a rather intimate procedure. Because if during the hardware techniques the specialist practically does not contact you, but only washes you with cotton pads or sponges, touches the device, then during the massage the specialist strokes you, your shoulders, face, back of the neck.

And if a person is unpleasant to you, then no matter how good a specialist he is, you are unlikely to enjoy the massage. Therefore, first of all, I would advise you not to sign up with someone blindly, and if you are looking for a person on the Internet, then at least look at a photo - whether this person is pleasant to you or not.

And if you go to the nearest salon, then I would not sign up right away either, but I would advise you to ask for a minute to talk with the beautician, ask some question. For example, the same question about rosacea. Say that you would like to know “can I massage my rosacea” and if the specialist does massage for such a problem. At least you will see a person, you will be able to understand whether he is pleasant to you, disposes you to himself or not.

Effect after the first procedure

Of course, during the first massage, you may be a little tense, because the procedure is new to you, and you will not be able to completely relax. But still, after the massage, you should feel relaxation, you should get up and feel light. And of course, even after the first session, you should see the effect.

The effect will depend on your age and on the condition of the skin, and not only on the massage technique and the qualifications of the specialist. Because if you are over 40-50, and there are already some pronounced age-related changes, then of course after the massage the effect can be more noticeable.

And if you are 25-30 years old and you are doing massage to prevent aging, then you will not have any “wow effect”. But nevertheless, the complexion, skin turgor should still improve, it should become more elastic, and in general the oval should become clearer.

Try different specialists

Focus on your feelings:

  • how much a specialist has you
  • How do you enjoy the procedure?
  • How do you see the effect after this procedure

If you suddenly doubt that you have come to a qualified specialist, then I can advise you not to continue the massage course, or maybe try a massage from another, third specialist. Then you will compare and be able to determine for yourself what you really like, where you felt the greatest effect and are sure that the result will be better and stop at that specialist.

Myths about massage

Massage stretches the skin

This myth has no basis, but nevertheless it is quite tenacious. Firstly, facial massage is performed along the massage lines - the lines of the least stretching of the skin. And secondly, our skin is very elastic, and it is impossible to take and stretch it so easily.

Our skin stretches only in one case - when the volume of tissues under it increases. For example, when gaining weight, during pregnancy or in case of severe edema. But as soon as the volume decreases, the skin tends to shrink back under the changed volume.

Of course, over the years, the elasticity of the skin decreases, but even in old age, the skin sags not so much because it has lost elasticity, but because the volume of tissues under it has changed significantly - the volume of the bones of the skull, muscles and subcutaneous fat.

I do not see any effect from the massage

Sometimes you can hear such reviews. In fact, after a good massage, the effect is felt after the first session. Those who had the pleasure of enjoying a good massage will certainly confirm this. If there is no effect from the massage, then either the specialist has poor knowledge of the massage technique, or the technique itself is weak, ineffective.

Massage is a procedure where the result depends very much on the qualifications of a specialist, unlike, for example, some hardware techniques, where it is relatively easy to master the correct technique for performing the procedure. For example, some girls now do the same (ultrasonic cleaning) at home on their own using a portable ultrasound scrubber and instructions for use.

Facial massage is a useless procedure

This opinion can sometimes be heard from some cosmetologists. I think for the most part this is said by those cosmetologists who either have poor knowledge of massage techniques, or are in poor physical shape and are simply not able to regularly perform such procedures, because massage is hard physical labor.

Massage gives only relaxation and nothing else

Even if massage gave only relaxation, for that alone it would become an indispensable procedure in our days, when most people suffer from physical and mental overstrain.

There are even special techniques, for example, neurosedative massage of the face and body, where the effect is directed mainly at the nervous system. The purpose of this massage is to eliminate the effects of prolonged stress, because stress has a negative effect on the entire body.

However, as I said, the effect of massage is not limited to relaxation alone.

Massage is a panacea for all problems

This opinion can sometimes be heard from some massage therapists. In fact, massage is an element of a healthy lifestyle for your face and body, like exercise.

In other words, it is an important component of care, but not a panacea. There is no panacea at all - in order to slow down aging and maintain health, an integrated approach is needed.

Answers to questions about facial massage

Facial massage for rosacea and rosacea

If the vessels are located close to the surface, is it possible to massage. They tell me absolutely not!

Is it possible to do massage with rosacea and what is the difference between rosacea and rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic condition that is accompanied by persistent redness of the central part of the face and sometimes rashes in the form of rosacea. But there are different types of rosacea, so the picture may be slightly different.

And rosacea, or as it is called in the medical language “telangiectasia”, is a persistent expansion of small vessels, which is expressed in the form of spider veins. Couperose can be a symptom of the same rosacea, chronic venous insufficiency and other diseases.

With rosacea, massage is contraindicated only in the acute stage. Just like with an exacerbation of herpes or acne and other skin diseases. And in the stage of remission massage can be done. Moreover, there are even special techniques that are aimed at improving venous return, and they are indicated for rosacea because they help improve the skin condition in people with similar problems.

However, it must be clarified that if you have rosacea or rosacea even at the initial stage, you should avoid too hard massage techniques.

Massage and Botox injections

Is it possible to do massage after biorevitalization and Botox?

Botulinum toxin injections and biorevitalization are not a contraindication to massage, and a month after the procedures, massage can be done, but this is not advisable. Because massage will increase blood circulation and will contribute to the absorption of the drug. But if you are injecting, you want the drug to last as long as possible and the interval between injections to be as long as possible.

Therefore, if you want to combine both massage and injections in your care, then it would be more correct to first undergo a massage course, and then, as a final chord, make injections. And then, for several months, while you have the effect of the drug, it is better not to massage. And when the effect of the drug comes to naught, you can repeat the massage course again, and then inject again.

Pimples after facial massage

2 years ago I did a course of facial massage, after which I became covered with acne and went through them for several months. It was terrible. Since then, I have been very afraid of facial massage. Tell me, please, what is the cause of acne?

I think that the reason for the acne in this case is the use of massage oil or a very oily, very rich massage cream. And if you have oily, combination or porous skin prone to clogged pores, then after an oil massage you may experience rashes and pimples.

In this case, this problem is solved by choosing a good massage product, which, on the one hand, gives good gliding and the ability to work, but on the other hand, does not clog pores. And if it is very young, oily skin, then it is advisable to use a massage gel. The gel is water based so it won't clog pores.

Massage and nasolabial folds

Does massage help to smooth out nasolabial folds? I really hope you make a separate video about caring for this part of the face.

Nasolabial folds is a rather serious issue and perhaps it deserves a separate video. So maybe in time I will make such a video. As for the effectiveness of massage in this case, it largely depends on the reasons why nasolabial folds are formed. Because the reasons may be different.

This may be hypertonicity of some muscles and hypotonicity of other muscles of the face. It can be stagnation when venous outflow or lymphatic outflow is disturbed. It could be an overbite, it could be the habit of sleeping face down on a pillow 🙂

If the cause of the nasolabial fold is only hypertonicity and hypotonicity of certain muscles of the face, then with the help of massage you can eliminate these problems, bring the muscles into normal balance and the fold will noticeably smooth out, the effect will be very good.

And if there are other reasons, for example, malocclusion or there are kidney diseases or hormonal disorders in the body that cause swelling, then of course with the help of massage we will not be able to eliminate these causes and therefore the effect will be less pronounced, but there will also be an improvement.

Greetings, dear blog readers!

How to prevent neck aging?

Imagine an apple, its smooth, firm skin supported by juicy flesh. If you leave it in the open air, through the pores of the apple shell, the liquid from it will evaporate, from which it will wrinkle and become like an old woman's face. These are approximately the processes that occur with our skin throughout life.

If, before the age of forty, a woman, caring for her face, does not forget about her neck and decollete, she can push back the aging process of the neck.

How to rejuvenate the neck after 40

How to deal with the aging of the skin of the neck, so that after forty and after fifty years it remains young and beautiful? How to care for our beloved neck? Do you think it is difficult and expensive? Not at all!

Against wrinkles on the neck and décolleté, simple home remedies that are in any kitchen will help. With their help, we can carry out all the procedures necessary for neck rejuvenation: peeling, masks, body wraps. Don't believe? Well, let's take a look at the kitchen.

Neck care is easy to do with affordable home remedies.

Cleanse, rejuvenate

The first procedure that will help you get rid of the signs of neck aging is peeling. It relieves the neck of the upper keratinized layers of the skin, removes fine wrinkles, rejuvenates.

You can easily do peeling at home! The main thing to remember is that before proceeding to the peeling procedure, you must definitely cleanse your face.

Look in your refrigerator and kitchen cabinet. Surely you will find there:

  • fine salt;
  • soda;
  • oatmeal;
  • kefir.

Take everything in 1 tablespoon, mix, in a circular motion with a soft brush, massage the décolleté, neck and face for a couple of minutes. Wash off with warm water, apply a nourishing cream. If you have dry skin, it is better to add olive or other unrefined vegetable oil.

At home, you can easily make chemical peeling.

  • Cut off half a lemon and rub it on your décolleté and neck until a slight redness appears. Hold the lemon juice for about 15 minutes, wash with warm water. It will be better if after that you lubricate the treated areas with a nourishing cream.
  • Make a gruel from any berries: strawberries, currant pulp, raspberries, plums, pineapple. Sour fruits are better suited, because they contain a high content of fruit acid, which dissolves dead skin cells. Apply to neck and décolleté while you go about your business. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with cool water, smear one of the masks, which I will tell you about in the next section.

If there are sores, irritation, allergies to the components of peeling - of course, you should not do it, so as not to harm yourself even more.

Well, now, after the skin has breathed, opened the pores, it's time to nourish it. You can do this with masks.

It will be better if, after applying the mask, you lie down and relax. It would be nice to turn on pleasant music, although you can just lie down in silence for at least 20 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water.

And remember, if you have damaged skin or are allergic to the components of the masks, you can’t make them!

Chemical peeling with berries and fruits rich in organic acids can be done at home. The result is amazing!

Masks for beauty and tenderness

from yeast:

  • 1 pack of dry yeast;
  • 2 tablespoons of warm water;
  • half a teaspoon of olive or linseed oil.

Mix everything, let stand for 5 minutes. The mask is applied in four layers. First, the first, as soon as it dries up - the next, so four times.

From oatmeal:

  • Hot water - 4 tablespoons;
  • Oatmeal - 2 tablespoons.

Pour the flakes with hot water, let stand so that the mixture becomes warm. After applying, cover with cling film, and on top with a towel.

From flax flour:

  • Warm water;
  • Olive oil;
  • Flax flour.

We mix everything in equal proportions.

Curd mask:

  • Egg 1 piece;
  • Cottage cheese - 2 tablespoons;
  • Aloe juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • Sour cream - 1 tablespoon.

honey mask:

Spread liquid honey on the neck and décolleté, hold until slight redness appears, but no more than 10 minutes, rinse with warm water and admire your refreshed skin.

Gently wrap your neck, look at the smooth skin

To make the neck smooth and tender, it would be good to pamper it with body wraps two or three times a week.

Oil wrap:

Do it better at night. Flaxseed or olive oil is heated to body temperature, applied with a brush on the skin of the neck and décolleté, covered with a linen napkin, secured with a bandage, and go to bed. In the morning you clean everything, there will be nothing to wash off - the oil is completely absorbed. Of course, you need to apply the oil on cleansed skin.

potato wrap:

  • 1 teaspoon of glycerin and olive oil;
  • Two boiled potatoes.

We knead the potatoes with glycerin and oil, apply for 30 minutes on the neck and décolleté, cover with a napkin, then rinse with warm water.

Invigorating compresses

So that the skin of the face and neck does not sag, it is useful to do contrasting water compresses a couple of times a week.

For this you need:

  • Two cups of water - one with cold, preferably with ice, the other with tolerably hot. It would be good to add sea salt, or decoctions of herbs to the water;
  • Two waffle towels.

Wetting and squeezing towels, apply them alternately for 2-3 minutes. This rejuvenating treatment improves skin tone.

ice freshness

Alas, in order to make the skin of the neck and décolleté of a woman tender and elastic, one procedure will not be enough. Be sure to combine anti-aging products, change them, because your skin needs different substances.

It is very useful every day, in the morning after washing and in the evening, before going to bed, before applying the cream, wipe the decollete, neck and face with ice cubes. It is very easy to make such ice. Chamomile decoction, mineral water, a mixture of water and parsley juice, pour into ice containers, put in the freezer.

In order for the skin of the decollete and neck to remain young and elastic, cleansing and masks are not enough, it is necessary to apply massage and gymnastics to this area.

Massage is our helper


Lymphatic drainage massage is contraindicated for those who have any rashes, scratches or abrasions on the massaged area. If you have papillomas or protruding moles, then when performing a massage, you need to be very careful not to rip them off.

You can not do this massage for those who have diseases of the lymphatic system.

Before performing the massage, apply massage oil or moisturizer to cleansed skin.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the neck also affects the condition of the skin of the face - after all, after it, the skin is better supplied with blood.

Massage techniques.

  1. Stroking with the right palm of the lateral surface of the neck on the left side, from the earlobe to the collarbone and back;
  2. We draw a palm from the collarbone to the earlobe, and further towards the chin;
  3. With four fingers, gently, in a circular motion, massage the lateral muscle of the neck;
  4. Without affecting the area of ​​​​the thyroid gland, gently pat the back of the palms under the chin;
  5. With the open palm of the right hand, stroking in a circular motion, we lead the hand from the middle of the décolleté to the left armpit;

All massage movements are performed twenty times alternately with the right and left hand.

And, of course, to keep the muscles of the neck and décolleté in good shape, it is necessary to do rejuvenating exercises.

The neck is in order - thanks to the charge!

Exercises are best done after a shower, warming up the muscles with a massage.

  1. We fold our hands in front of the chest, as if we are going to dance Indian dances. We squeeze and unclench our palms ten times;
  2. Without lowering our hands, we make circular movements with clenched palms parallel to the floor, eight times to the right and left;
  3. The position of the hands is the same, we raise and lower our hands, tightly squeezing our palms. Eight times up and down;
  4. We lower our shoulders, the crown stretches up, as if someone is pulling you by the rope. In this position, nod your head back and forth. We do not throw our heads back strongly;
  5. The shoulders are lowered, the rope pulls you up by the top of the head, and you turn your head left and right;
  6. Now the strings are “tied” to your ears, in turn, first with one ear we stretch up, then with the other;
  7. The shoulders are lowered, the crown stretches up, draw circles with the nose.
  8. We clasp our hands in the lock, raise them to the forehead, rest with force on the palms, and push the head back with our palms;
  9. Then we transfer the lock to the back of the head, we rest our head against closed hands;
  10. We sit on a chair, hands under the buttocks, straighten our shoulders, bring the shoulder blades together so as to feel the muscle between them. Inhale - raise your head, exhale - lower it, perform ten times.

Here is another great set of exercises for the neck:

And a version of anti-aging gymnastics for the beauty of the decollete and neck from the charming Anita Lutsenko:

Naturally, you should not count on the fact that once you have completed all the recommendations, you will get beautiful and young skin for the rest of your life. Only regular procedures will lead you to the long-awaited result. Therefore, just get into the habit of taking care of your neck and décolleté, and you will easily see that you can preserve your beauty without plastic surgery.

See you soon on our blog pages! If you want to be aware of how to always stay healthy and beautiful, subscribe to our updates.

Facelift (“facelift”, English) is a set of plastic surgeries aimed at eliminating age-related changes in the face and neck by tightening the skin and subcutaneous muscular-fascial structures. In anti-aging operations, lipofilling and/or liposuction of the face are also used, moving and fixing subcutaneous and deeper fatty structures that play an important role in shaping the contours of the face. Quite often, facelift is used in combination with eyelid rejuvenation, that is, upper and / or lower blepharoplasty.

A face (and neck) lift is a surgical operation whose purpose is to eliminate age-related changes in the face and neck. You can also find the following names for this operation: facelift, rejuvenating surgery in the face and neck, rhytidectomy.

The operation is performed through incisions located in natural folds (in front of the auricle), places hidden from the eye (behind the auricle, in the scalp) or along the hairline. The essence of various facelift techniques is to move the soft tissues that have fallen during the aging process, fix them and remove excess skin in the face and neck.

Face and neck lift: surgery planning

Indications for a lift are the drooping of the skin of the forehead and eyebrows, the drooping of the cheek area with a violation of the correct oval of the face, the deepening of the nasolabial folds and the exposure of the bony edge of the orbit, the violation of the contour of the lower jaw and the formation of "flews", sagging of the chin area and neck. These changes occur as a result of the prolapse of the soft tissues of the face and neck and are accompanied by stretching of the skin, the gradual formation and deepening of skin folds.

When planning the operation, you can place your fingers in front of and below the auricle and, by pushing them up and back, get a fairly good idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat kind of result you can expect. As with other types of aesthetic surgery, it is important that the patient has a realistic idea of ​​the possible outcome.

It should be noted that a facelift does not affect the aesthetic characteristics of the skin itself. Therefore, deep nasolabial folds, folds around the lips inward from the nasolabial folds (“purse-string wrinkles”), around the chin require additional techniques that affect the skin itself (laser and chemical peeling or mechanical skin resurfacing - dermabrasion). There are other factors that limit the possibility of achieving an ideal result. This is an anatomically flattened angle between the neck and chin or an underdeveloped chin, which may require concomitant correction (enlargement) with a chin implant. On thinner faces with pronounced cheekbones, lower jaw and chin, the result is more obvious than on fuller and smoother anatomical structures.

When planning a facelift, it is important to have information about the patient's diseases, especially those that lead to poor blood circulation (microcirculation). These are, first of all, atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus. Also, bad habits (smoking) for the same reasons can lead to a deterioration in the blood supply to the flaps and, accordingly, healing. It is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the hair on the temples and behind the ears. Poor hair quality in these areas can lead to temporary hair loss, which must be taken into account when planning incision lines.

Face and neck lift: preparation for surgery

In preparation for surgery, the patient undergoes a standard examination. The examination is carried out no more than 2 weeks before the operation. The examination includes a standard list of tests, an ECG and a consultation with a therapist.

Two weeks before surgery and one week after, you must stop taking acetylsalicylic acid and other drugs that may contribute to bleeding. Patients who smoke should stop smoking two weeks before surgery for the reasons mentioned above. On the evening before the operation, the patient must thoroughly wash his face and hair, on the day of the operation, do not wear cosmetics. 6 hours before the operation, it is necessary to exclude food intake and 4 hours - fluids.

Immediately before the operation, preoperative marking is applied, the hair on the head is laid in such a way that it does not fall into the surgical field and does not impede the operation, and also does not fall directly into the wound, which could lead to inflammatory complications. Before marking, photographs are taken in several standard projections.

Face and neck lift: the course of the operation

The operation is performed under general anesthesia (narcosis), which is supplemented by the introduction of a local anesthetic with a vasoconstrictor drug into the subcutaneous tissue in order to reduce the sensitivity and bleeding of tissues.

Depending on which parts of the face are more involved in age-related changes, incisions are made in the temporal region, in front of the auricle, around the earlobe, behind the auricle and in the scalp above the neck, according to pre-applied markings. With the maximum volume of the operation, this line forms a single incision bordering the auricle. With a limited scope of the operation, only a fragment from the specified incision is used, corresponding to the area of ​​the face that is supposed to be rejuvenated. With a moderate descent of the soft tissues of the middle zone of the face, which is manifested by their movement into the nasolabial fold and is accompanied by a deepening of the fold and depletion of the soft tissue covering of the zygomatic region and the lower edge of the orbit, provided that these changes are not accompanied by pronounced excess skin, micro incisions are made in the temporal region, supplemented incisions in front of the mouth.

From these incisions, using endoscopic techniques, it is possible to quite effectively lift the tissues of the middle zone of the face and fix them in a higher position inherent in a young face. Such an operation, however, will not be effective for pronounced age-related changes, accompanied by obvious excess skin.

It is widely practiced to make an incision located in front of the ear - behind the tragus of the auricle, that is, practically in the outer part of the ear canal. This modification of the incision allows for a less noticeable scar in front of the ear. With this method, the natural contour of the tragus of the auricle is somewhat disturbed, but this does not bother patients, since this characteristic smoothness of the tragus is very little noticeable.

With pronounced age-related changes in the neck, an incision along the chin fold can be additionally used, which expands the surgeon's ability to influence the subcutaneous muscle of the neck (platysma). With a facelift, excess fatty tissue under the chin and on the neck is also removed by liposuction. This greatly improves the contours of the neck. After the incisions, the skin is detached in the corresponding area of ​​the face.

Previously, the operation was limited specifically to skin tightening, but since 1970, a facelift of the musculoaponeurotic system of the face, that is, a deep or SMAS lift, has been increasingly used.

A deep lift is aimed at moving and fixing the system of superficial muscles of the face and neck in the direction opposite to the direction of gravity. Directly under this layer are the branches of the facial nerve, which provide contraction of facial muscles. Therefore, the technique of these operations is much more complicated, and the duration is longer.

Nevertheless, it is a deep lift that allows you to achieve the longest long-term result. After the stage of tightening and fixing the muscular-aponeurotic layer, the facial skin is moved upward and backward, excess skin is removed along the incision lines, fixed with special sutures, and the incisions are sutured. Next, an aseptic pressure bandage is applied.

Face and neck lift: postoperative period

The early postoperative period is characterized by moderate soreness and a feeling of tension in the face and behind the ears. The first day after the operation, analgesics are used.

To prevent infectious complications, antibiotics are prescribed for 5 days after surgery. Edema reaches a maximum for 2-3 days, then gradually subsides. Hematomas go away in about 2-3 weeks. Up to 2 months, and sometimes a little longer, moderate asymmetries of the face may persist due to uneven convergence of edema. Temporary weakness of the facial muscles is also possible, as a result of compression of the small branches of the facial nerve by edema or hematoma, which disappears in the same time frame.

The bandage is removed on the 3rd day after the operation, after which the hair is washed with shampoo, dried with a hairdryer, and the area of ​​surgical incisions is treated with an alcohol solution (vodka).

Faster and more even convergence of edema can be achieved with the help of rehabilitation procedures (physiotherapy, hardware cosmetology), but, as a rule, this does not affect the final result of the operation.

The sutures are removed in several stages: partially from 7 to 10 days and finally (fixing sutures) on 14-16 days. The final result of the operation is assessed after about 6 months, however, the final appearance of the scars in the incision area can be assessed 12 - 18 months after the operation.

In some cases, hypertrophy of scars behind the auricle is possible, which may require additional physiotherapy and injections of hormonal drugs into the scar area. As after most aesthetic operations, accompanied by hematomas on the face, tanning is contraindicated 1.5-2 months after the operation.

Physical activity is not recommended for the first 3 weeks after surgery. Patients may experience a temporary decrease in the sensitivity of the skin on the cheeks and around the ears. This disappears within 2-4 months, but some decrease in skin sensitivity may persist in areas adjacent to the auricle, but, as a rule, this discomfort passes quickly, especially against the background of those positive aesthetic changes that such operations give.

Everyone knows that in the first place in women, the neck is aging. Not a single plastic surgeon will help her regain her youth, so you should take care of her from a young age, otherwise you will have to wear turtlenecks and blouses with a high collar already at 30 with a ponytail. Why are you doing this if you are still so young? Better learn how to take care of your neck.

How to take care of her?

1. Clean up. The delicate skin of the neck should be cleansed daily with cosmetic milk, tonic or herbal lotions.

2. We feed. Make face masks. Use masks for dry skin, for example, this one: boil rye bran with boiling water and add 1 yolk and 1 tsp to the mass. any kernel oil. Apply the composition on the neck, and after a while, wash it off first with warm, and then with cold water. After this procedure, be sure to lubricate the skin of the neck with a fat cream.

3. Soften. Do oil wraps a couple of times a week. Wet a washcloth with warm kernel oil and wrap around your neck, covering the washcloth with plastic wrap. Wrap your neck with a warm scarf or scarf. Take it off after an hour.

Face and neck care after 35

At the age of 30-35, serious attention is paid to the appearance of the skin. It is easy to care for and the results are noticeable quite quickly.

Facial care at 30 is impossible without effective home masks

Ways to rejuvenate the skin after 30 - 35 years.

Folk remedies for face care at 30 , vitamins.

Plants are helpers:

Wheat contains biologically active substances involved in skin regeneration and improve metabolism. Wheatgrass contains vitamin E and is an excellent antioxidant.

Aloe moisturizes well, has antibacterial, wound healing properties.

Sea buckthorn is a storehouse of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B4, B6, B8, B9, K, P, PP, E), microelements, organic acids and biologically active substances.

Sunflower helps not only restore cells, but also helps to moisturize them.

Orange moisturizes and stimulates metabolic processes, cell rejuvenation.

Lotions from calendula, raspberry and sage do an excellent job with bags and puffiness under the eyes.

Parsley contains vitamins C, provitamins A, B, PP, K, folic acid and essential oils, mineral salts of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus.

Parsley is an indispensable assistant in removing freckles, age spots and getting rid of edema.

If you add three vitamins sold in a pharmacy in oil to a regular cream, then it will give a miraculous result.

Vitamin A renews cells, improves skin turgor, and prevents peeling.

Vitamin E rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin.

Vitamin D protects the skin from negative external influences.

For one tube of cream: a teaspoon of vegetable oil, 20 drops of vitamin A, 15 drops of vitamin E, 10 drops of vitamin D.

Vitamin F is found in vegetable oil. It increases skin elasticity, heals cracks, oxygenates.

Vitamin C is involved in the formation of collagen responsible for skin elasticity, neutralizes free radicals.

B vitamins treat skin diseases.

Patentol or B5 helps skin regeneration, protects from sunlight, is found in beans, baker's and brewer's yeast, rosehip oil.

Facial exercises

Facial care at 30 is impossible without short exercises for 15 seconds each. - So that the cheeks do not sag: pronounce the sound "A". - Against the appearance of wrinkles on the upper lip: a wide smile with tightly compressed lips. - Against wrinkles from the nose to the corners of the mouth, pronounce the sound "O".

Face and neck care after 40

At home, facial care makes the skin of the face able to recover. At 35-40 years old, the skin of the face is especially capricious and does not tolerate prolonged exposure to the sun.

Facial care at home at 35-40 years old consists in the use of effective home masks

There are various ways to carry out daily facial care at home after 35-40 years.
homemade masks for aging skin:

50 gr. boil flax seeds for five minutes. Add 5 gr. white clay. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes.

A mixture of 30 gr. onion juice, 30 gr. honey, 30 gr. wax, 30 gr. Heat the cucumber pulp in a water bath until the wax melts, apply on the face.

Mask of grated carrots. Remove the mask after half an hour.

Mix 200 gr. cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk, 3 drops of lemon juice. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes.

Mix carrot gruel, a teaspoon of honey, garlic cloves. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes and apply cream on the face.

Mix gruel from raw potatoes, yolk, a tablespoon of milk. Spread the resulting mixture between two layers of gauze and apply on the face. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes.

Rub parsley in a meat grinder, add a tablespoon of sour cream and spread on the face and neck for half an hour.

70 gr. fresh rose petals, 250 ml. boiled water, 25 ml. Eleutherococcus extract, 3 drops of rose oil. This mixture can be kept in the refrigerator and wiped on the face and neck in the mornings and evenings.
Facial care at home, of course, will not do without a facial massage. Stroking the face from the middle to the edges, lightly patting the cheeks.

The neck is especially capricious. In the morning and in the evening it should be cleansed with milk. Then tone and moisturize. Neck massage is performed with circular movements of the shower in the direction from top to bottom.

Facial care at home is impossible without appropriate exercises

Facial exercises for 6 seconds each:
- Exercises for wrinkles on the forehead: hold the skin in front of the hair with your fingers, close your eyes, without opening your eyes, drive your eyeballs down and to the sides.

Double chin exercises: pat under the chin with your hand.

Exercises for wrinkles on the neck: tilt your head back (then to the sides), tighten your neck and pat.

Exercises for sagging cheeks: tighten the muscles of the face and raise and lower the corners of the mouth. Push your lips forward and smile.

Exercises for flabbiness of the upper eyelids are performed with closed eyes: Fingertips are under the eyebrows. Lift your eyebrows up and press your fingers on the skin for 6 seconds.

Exercise for flabbiness of the lower eyelids: Pressing with your fingers on the upper cheekbones, slightly squinting your eyes, but so that the muscles tense up.

Masks for the neck after 40 years

After reaching the age of forty, women need to be more careful with the skin of the neck, because it is the neck that gives out the true age of its owner. And who likes to look at a youthful woman with a wrinkled neck? To make the neck look young, you need to make nourishing masks a couple of times a week. Here are two recipes for masks for the neck after 40 years:

Grind a ripe banana into a pulp and add a tablespoon of cottage cheese and chicken yolk to it. Rub the mass well and apply on the neck. After twenty minutes, wash everything off with warm water;

Prepare a scarf or piece of cotton fabric equal to the circumference of the neck. Beat one chicken yolk, a teaspoon of soft butter and a teaspoon of runny honey. Apply the resulting mixture to a cloth in a thin layer and apply it to the neck like a compress. Wrap plastic wrap and a warm scarf or handkerchief on top. Wait 20 minutes and wash your neck with warm water. Then apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

These neck masks will make the skin soft and tender and will significantly improve its appearance. Ideally, you need to do them at night, and not from time to time, but regularly, then the effect will be clearly visible and last a long time.

Face and neck massage at home

Home facial massage is of great importance. To take care of your skin professionally, you do not have to go to an expensive beauty salon. The maximum effect can be achieved at minimal cost with a facial massage at home.

Home facial massage anti-wrinkle lymphatic drainage

Facial massage is the main element in facial care. The habit of taking care of yourself

inseparable from the image of a beautiful
women. If in youth beauty is the merit of nature, then in more
In adulthood, a beautiful face is a woman's reward for taking care of her skin.

Stunning skin care results can be achieved by doing a home facial massage. Simple, effective, daily procedures can improve the condition of the skin several times. The skin of the face, as well as our body, needs charging, that is, facial massage.

Modeling sculptural home facial massage

Special devices, the so-called “face sculptors”, due to microcurrents, cause a deep contraction of the facial muscles, tone the skin and allow you to achieve a facelift without surgery with simple, useful, guaranteed effective and time-consuming procedures in the comfort of your own home.

Particularly good for facial massage are vibrating massage devices with infrared light that warms up, regenerates the skin, removes toxins and removes impurities from the pores and dead cells.

Such a device, performing home massage of the face with microcurrents, improves metabolism, blood circulation, oxygen metabolism of skin cells, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin youth proteins, reduces wrinkles, reduces pores, makes the skin supple and elastic.

Home appliances facial massage help with sagging cheeks and the appearance of a second chin, restore the oval of the face, help with puffiness under the eyes and flabbiness of the neck.

Thanks to electro stimulation during facial massage
energy processes in cells, the skin turns pink before the eyes,
becomes elastic, even and radiant.

Facial massage technique

Facial massage procedures are carried out 2 times a week for no more than 15 minutes. The device can massage all problem areas on the face. Can
close your eyes and massage the inner corners of your eyes
for the disappearance of wrinkles "crow's feet",
or walk with a massage preparation lightly touching the lips.

The effect of a home face and neck massage at home will be phenomenal, no face exercises and creams can achieve such a result without such a device. Weak galvanic currents of the device allow creams and serums to be absorbed better, deeper and their action becomes much more productive.

When using massage miracle-super devices, the effect after facial massage is observed almost immediately, after several days of use. The tips of the eyebrows rise up to the temples on the first day.

The look after a facial massage opens and becomes younger.

The neck and décolleté are the most delicate parts of the body, the skin in these areas is thin, and the activity of the sebaceous glands is weak. There is another problem - with age, the layer of subcutaneous fat is deformed and shifted, and this leads to the formation of wrinkles and the appearance of a double chin. Of course, age-related changes and general condition largely depend on the type of constitution, hereditary factors and hormone levels, but not least the appearance of the neck and décolleté is the result (or lack thereof) of daily and careful care.

When should you start?

Pay special attention to the neck and décolleté area should be even before the appearance of the first age-related changes. From about the age of 25, daily stimulating massage should be introduced into the habit. Raise the tone of the skin light patting with the palms from the bottom up on the bottom of the chin. Particular attention must be paid to cleansing. The usual soaps, gels, and scouring pads you use on your body won't work for this delicate area. For the neck and décolleté, use the same cleansers that you use for the face. However, if the skin of the face is oily, and your product contains drying components, then it is not suitable for cleansing the neck - for the neck, you should choose a softer product with a neutral pH. Massage of this area with a jet of cool water is effective: this procedure helps to gently cleanse the skin of impurities and improves overall tone.

An important step in neck care is moisturizing. Non-greasy creams with vitamins F and E help improve skin elasticity. It is important to distribute the cream correctly: for this, you need to tilt your head slightly back, apply a small amount of the product with your fingers with light patting movements along the massage lines from the collarbones to the center of the chin. It is convenient to distribute the cream in cruciform alternate movements - moisten the left side of the neck with the right hand, and lead the left side on the right side. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to pat the lower area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chin with the back of the hand.

Neck care after 30: proper nutrition

After 30 years, nourishing products should be involved in the care of the neck and décolleté area. Cosmetologists advise using vitamin tonics and lotions. They restore the acid-base balance, refresh and tone the skin, prepare it for the procedure of applying the cream and massage.

By the age of 30, the first visual signs of wilting appear on the neck, which are the result of loss of moisture and a decrease in elasticity. It is for this reason that from now on, it is necessary to add nutritional and vitamin products with natural active ingredients to cleansing care products that will stimulate the renewal of epidermal cells.

An important role in the restoration of the skin is played by products containing fatty acids - creams based on avocado, almond, evening primrose and macadamia oils. It is worth remembering that antioxidant protection is also necessary at this age: useful extracts are found in cedar oil and green tea.

Swan neck for all time

After 45 years, the neck and décolleté area should not only be looked after, but also pampered from time to time. Alkaline-free cleansers at this age are cosmetic milk and tonic lotion based on natural ingredients. It must be remembered that regeneration processes are activated at night, so for evening care you should use nourishing creams with collagen and elastin, which activate protein synthesis and slow down the skin aging process.

Pinch massage well improves tone. To do this, fingers grab small areas across the wrinkles and carry out a series of small jerky pinches until a slight redness appears. At the end of the procedure, a nourishing cream must be applied to the skin of the neck.

After 45, the contours of the face gradually lose their clarity. This is also due to the loss of skin elasticity in the lower part of the chin. Therefore, massage and patting of this area should be carried out regularly with the back of the hand from the middle towards the ears.

Believe me, the delicate neck area will be able to appreciate your efforts, not a single minute of the time spent will be in vain, and you will still hear a lot of compliments addressed to you.

For some reason, the skin of the neck remains forgotten by many women who take care of themselves. But it is on the neck that wrinkles and a chin appear, called the “double”. A woman's neck betrays her age, so it is imperative to take care of her. When you have dry or normal skin, this process is not difficult. If you have oily or problematic skin, you need to be careful here. not to mess up.

Before going to bed, you need to do self-massage in the décolleté and neck area before applying the cream. Self-massage is done in the direction from the chest to the chin with light pats up from the chest, you can pinch the neck on the sides.

Using contrast compresses or a neck shower once a week is also very effective. It is necessary to pat the neck and chin 15 times with a wet linen towel in saline solution. Then rinse your neck with cool water. With a folded towel to its full length, soaked in the middle of it in a solution, we clap the neck and chin. 15 times, after the procedure, rinse with cold water and lubricate with cream.

Very often, women wash their necks incorrectly. Washcloth is contraindicated here. It is necessary to use special creams and gels with emollients. It is also good to apply creams containing zinc after washing, which are great for nourishing the skin, healing wounds and scratches. Creams are applied by patting with the palms, not by rubbing.

Facials for free can have the same effect as for money. At 50-55 years old, the skin especially needs moisture. The metabolism will slow down and the skin needs constant care and the supply of essential vitamins and elements.

Facial care free of charge consists in the use of effective homemade masks after 50-55 years

Of course, you can't compare free facials to plastic surgery and a facelift. But these procedures will not make the skin of the face healthy, but will only give temporary improvements. Maintaining her normal condition after 55 years is achieved through the constant implementation of certain procedures.

Ways to care for the face 50-55 years

They are the same as after 45 years. Natural biological substances of plants will give the skin a healthy look.
An effective face mask for 50-55 years old is a mask of semolina. Mix egg yolk, two tablespoons of liquid semolina, one and a half tablespoons of flower honey, one and a half tablespoons of olive oil. The duration of the mask is ten minutes.
For women after 50 - 55 years old home facial skin care free of charge is not possible without a daily five-minute beneficial effect on the supply of oxygen to cells and metabolism.

Massage makes the skin firmer. It is carried out with light strokes with the fingertips from the middle of the face to the temples. On the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples.
Chin massage is performed with pinching and tingling movements.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following information: "Wrinkles of the face and neck diagnostics" and discuss the article in the comments.

Treatment of premature wrinkling of the face should be general and local. The general thing is to improve the nutrition of the whole organism, and the skin of the face in particular, the normalization of the regime of work, rest and sleep. With dry skin, the use of nourishing creams and masks is indicated according to the rules of cosmetology and dermatology.

Indications for surgical intervention should be based on the degree of clinical manifestations of facial aging, the age of the patient, the nature of his profession, and his general condition.

It is advisable to distinguish 3 degrees of manifestations of facial aging: at degree 1 (weakening of the turgor of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, slight folds and furrows of the skin), the indications for surgery are relative, it should be performed with a small detachment of the skin.

At II and III degrees of manifestation of aging (pronounced skin folds, displacement of subcutaneous tissue downwards, deep furrows, eyebrows hanging over the eyes, etc.), the indications for surgery are absolute, it requires detachment of large areas of skin, strengthening of subcutaneous formations, excision excess skin areas and stretching of widely separated adjacent areas to close the resulting wound surfaces. In all cases, you should strive to ensure that the scars are located in inconspicuous places.

Since operations for facial wrinkles are performed mainly on the elderly, they must be carefully examined before the intervention. It is recommended to avoid operations in persons with an unbalanced psycho-emotional status, who do not adequately assess the degree of their cosmetic defects. Each patient should be informed about the nature, plan of the upcoming operation, possible complications, the duration of the effect of the operation and the localization of scars. It is advisable to obtain the consent of the spouse of the operated person for the operation in order to prevent the possibility of presenting various kinds of claims. It is necessary to tell the patient that during the treatment he must take leave without pay.

With wrinkles of the entire face and neck, different methods of operations are possible. Let's consider one of them. On the eve of the day of the operation, the contours of a zigzag skin tape to be excised in the temporal region, in front of and behind the auricle, are outlined with methylene blue.

The upper-posterior border of this tape (abcd) corresponds to the line of the first incision, which is applied with paint, starting from the border of the temporal and frontal regions, then along the border of the scalp in the region of the temple and auricle. Having rounded it, the line is continued to the longitudinal midline of the mastoid process. From here, the line of the future incision is drawn backwards and downwards (at an angle of 90 °) by 2.5-3 cm. In front of the upper-posterior line of the incision, an anterior-lower line (aezzd) is applied with paint, the length of which should be equal to the length of the first line. The length of both lines is determined by applying a silk thread to them. If one of them turns out to be longer, appropriate adjustments are made to the planned cut plan only by changing the distance between the lines. It is determined by picking up the skin with your fingers, depends on the degree of extensibility of the skin and is equal (in the middle part) to 2-3 cm.

A transparent x-ray or thick cellophane film is applied to the intended two incision lines converging at the ends, on which the contours of the skin tape to be removed are drawn. Above and below its film is cut off. It turns out a template, according to which it is possible to produce a completely symmetrical excision of excess skin.

When outlining the lines of incisions in front of the hair in the area of ​​the temple and auricle, one should strive to ensure that as a result of the operation the greatest skin tension is created only in two areas: above the auricle and behind it - at the level of the middle. Due to this, the upper tension zone provides smoothing of the nasolabial fold, folds in the temples and on the cheeks, and the lower zone smoothes the folds of the chin and upper neck.

In all other areas, the tension in the seams should be as minimal as possible; otherwise, the auricle may move forward and down, the earlobe may be pulled back, or a noticeable wide postoperative scar may form in front of and behind the auricle.

With a significant decrease in the turgor of the subcutaneous tissue in the cheeks and neck, the most effective is its subcutaneous strengthening, which contributes to a longer postoperative cosmetic result, which is confirmed by both clinical data and measurements of the elasticity of the cheeks before and after surgery using vacuum diagnostics.

In the postoperative period, the patient is prescribed general and local rest (forbidden to smile and turn his head to the side); inside - multivitamins, and intramuscularly - a complex of antibiotics to prevent suppuration in the wound area.

The sutures are removed on the 10-12th day to avoid stretching a weak and fragile scar.

After that, the scars should be irradiated with Bucca rays, head movements and contractions of mimic muscles should be limited for 1.5-2 months.

Treatment of wrinkles of the forehead and bridge of the nose

With wrinkles of the forehead and bridge of the nose, a simple excision of the spindle-shaped area of ​​the skin along the edge of the scalp or in the region of the folds of the bridge of the nose gives only a short-term effect. After some time, most of the operated folds appear again.

In this case, two variants of the operation are used: with an incision above the border of the hair on the forehead and in the region of the border of the scalp.

Before surgery on the scalp, stepping back 1.5-2 cm from its border with the skin of the forehead, a strip of skin connecting both temporal regions is shaved. The shaved area should be in the shape of an elongated oval; its width depends on the degree of mobility of the forehead skin (from 2 to 4 cm), and its length is 20-25 cm. The hair remaining in front of the shaved area is braided. In the future, they will close postoperative scars.

During the operation, the patient's chin is brought to the chest; the surgeon should be behind - at the head of the patient.

An incision is made along the upper edge of the shaved strip from temple to temple through the entire thickness of the skin. Bleeding from the wound is stopped by pressing on the skin above the eyebrows.

The lower edge of the wound is grasped with symmetrical clamps.

Blunt curved Cooper's scissors or a curved raspator exfoliate the skin of the forehead from the tendon helmet and the frontal belly of the occipital-frontal muscle to the eyebrows and bridge of the nose, without damaging the neurovascular bundles emerging from the supraorbital foramens.

The mobilized skin is pulled up and dissected (between the clips of each pair) until a fixed wound edge appears. A seam is applied between the central pair of clamps, and then between the side pairs. Excess skin between these main sutures is excised, the wound is sutured tightly and a pressure bandage is applied.

This technique allows not only to straighten the transverse furrows, but also to smooth out the vertical wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, to reduce the wrinkles of the eyelids and corners of the eyes.

The disadvantage of the method is the increase in the skin of the forehead. Therefore, in people with a high open forehead and bald patches, this method is not applicable. In them, the line of skin dissection should be drawn in waves along the border of the hairline, ending the incisions in the scalp.

With significant forehead baldness, it is recommended to use the Fomon-G operation. I. Pakovich, in which a continuous superciliary incision is made, the skin is widely cut off to the middle of the crown, the skin of the forehead is shifted down, its excess is excised and deaf sutures are applied to the skin edges of the wound.

To turn off the mechanism of formation of forehead wrinkles, I. A. Frishberg (1971), modifying the operation according to Uchida (1965), cuts the skin of the forehead along the hairline or in the scalp, exfoliates the skin over the frontal muscle and tendon helmet; then cuts them along the line of the skin incision and from its ends to the outer ends of the eyebrows reduces the muscle and tendon helmet to a new level. Due to this, the effect of the frontal abdomen of the occipital-frontal mouse on the skin of the forehead is turned off, the threat of recurrence of wrinkles in the forehead is eliminated, but at the same time the ability of the mouse to raise eyebrows is preserved.

Lowered eyebrow correction

When correcting lowered eyebrows according to the method of I. A. Frishberg (unlike the methods of Barnes, Fomon, Clarkson, which involve the excision of elliptical areas of the skin above the eyebrows), all soft tissues of the superciliary region are excised up to the bone, the frontal belly of the occipital-frontal muscle is dissected and the tissues are sutured eyebrows to the periosteum. Due to this, a more reliable fixation of the eyebrows is achieved,

This technique can be used when you need to raise too low eyebrows; moreover, if there is no need to eliminate the frown lines at the same time, it is not necessary to make an incision on the bridge of the nose.

Elimination of wrinkles of the upper eyelids

Eyelid wrinkles are divided into two main types:

  • folds of only the skin of the eyelids;
  • swelling of the eyelids due to the displacement of the subcutaneous tissue of the orbit into the thickness of the eyelid, which can be observed even in young patients with a weak ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the eyelids.

Anatomical tweezers capture the fold of the skin in the place of its greatest sagging; above and below the fold, paint marks corresponding to the largest width of the excess skin area. Lines lead from these points, converging at their ends at the outer and inner corners of the eyelids. In this case, an oval of irregular shape is obtained, the widest closer to the outer edge of the eyelid.

A transparent x-ray film is applied to the eyelid with a drawn oval, the contours of the skin area to be excised are applied, the edges of the film are cut off and a template is obtained that is also suitable for applying contours (cuts) on another eyelid.

If the folds on the upper eyelids are clearly asymmetrical, the operation plan is planned for each eyelid separately, that is, without the use of a plastic template (some authors do not resort to it even with symmetrical folds).

Excess skin is excised without ligating the vessels, since the catgut nodules, slowly dissolving, will be visible under the thin (750-800 microns) skin of the eyelids.

Bleeding is stopped by temporarily pressing the bleeding surface or by instilling 1-2 drops of adrenaline solution (1:1000) into the wound.

After a small separation of the edges of the wound, one continuous plastic suture is applied, which is removed after 3 days by pulling it by the outer end (the inner end of the thread should not be fixed with a knot during stitching the edges of the wound).

When subcutaneous tissue is mixed after excision of excess skin, its upper edge is mobilized upwards, the circular muscle of the eye (under the supraorbital edge) and the thinned fascia are stratified, protruding fat lobules are detected and removed. The edges of the muscle and fascia are brought together with thin catgut sutures, and the edges of the skin are brought together with a continuous suture of polypropylene fiber.

Elimination of wrinkles of the lower eyelids

The skin is cut 2-3 mm below the ciliary edge from the inner to the outer corner of the eye. Next, the incision is extended horizontally (along one of the natural grooves) by 5-8 mm, the lower edge of the skin is captured by two handles, and the skin of the eyelid is exfoliated with blunt scissors without damaging the circular muscle of the eye.

If fatty lobules protrude into the wound, the skin is exfoliated lower - further from the infraorbital margin. In the middle part of the wound, the infraorbital edge is groped with a finger, the muscle and fascia are stratified with blunt scissors, and subcutaneous tissue lobules are found.

After additional light pressure on the eyeball, the fiber that has protruded into the wound is removed from above. The muscle and fascia are sutured with catgut. If the muscle is flabby and thin, it is sutured with several U-shaped catgut sutures in such a way as to invaginate part of the muscle in place of the removed fat and thus strengthen the muscular wall of the eyelid.

The exfoliated skin of the eyelid is mixed without tension upwards and outwards, the excess skin is dissected towards the outer apex of the wound and the first knotted suture is applied here.

Excess skin is cut off, bringing the edges of the skin together without tension. It is possible to impose a continuous seam on the skin with polypropylene fiber.

Simultaneous elimination of wrinkles of both eyelids

Simultaneous elimination of wrinkles of both eyelids is best done according to the method, the essence of which is a combination of the above methods for the separate elimination of folds and wrinkles on the upper and lower eyelids. At the same time, a slingshot-like flap of the skin of both eyelids is excised, connected in its lateral part by a bridge.

After operations on the eyelids, a light aseptic bandage is applied, fixed with narrow strips of adhesive tape.

In the first hours after the operation and in the next 2-3 days, cold is prescribed for the eyelid area. It is recommended to remove the stitches on the 4th day.

Elimination of neck and chin wrinkles

Wrinkles of the neck and chin are effectively eliminated by an independent operation only in thin people with well-moving skin, without significant deposits of subcutaneous tissue. In this case, the incision is made from the upper level of the tragus, goes around the lobe and continues behind the auricle to the border of the hair on the neck, then along this border.

After widely separating the skin, pull it up and back until the wrinkles on the neck disappear. The edge of the skin is cut towards the top of the wound and behind the ear, where the first suture is applied, capturing the tissues up to the periosteum of the mastoid process. Then the excess skin is cut off and knotted sutures are applied.

Elimination of wrinkles and sagging cheeks

Wrinkles and sagging cheeks are often formed in relatively young people without signs of baldness, bald patches. Therefore, they should use the technique of surgery with incisions above the border of the hair on the temples; at the same time, the hair in the temple area is braided, a strip of skin 2-2.5 cm is shaved, an incision is made along the upper edge of the shaved area, which is continued down in front of the auricle.

Exfoliate the skin within the entire parotid region and up to the middle of the neck, grab its edges with two clamps, pulling it up and back.

To eliminate pronounced persistent nasolabial furrows, L. L. Pavlyuk-Pavlyuchenko and V. E. Tapiya (1989) recommend (along with excision of excess subcutaneous tissue and skin) to use the temporal fascia, the graft from which is inserted through the subcutaneous tunnel in the cheek area and sutured to the aponeurosis of the nasolabial sulcus.

The sequence of operations for facial wrinkles

If the whole face of the patient is dotted with wrinkles and folds, first they undertake a general operation - they eliminate wrinkles on the entire face and neck, then on the forehead. After that, there may be no need for an operation on the eyelids, since during the tightening of the skin of the forehead and cheeks, wrinkles in the area of ​​​​the corners of the eyes and eyelids are simultaneously smoothed out to a certain extent. If surgery is needed, the amount of skin removed can be reduced.

Outcomes of operations for facial wrinkles

The duration of the effect of surgical intervention for facial wrinkles depends on the general condition of the patient, his psycho-emotional mood, living conditions, family relationships, nutrition, constancy of body weight, etc.

In some patients, a good condition is noted for 7-8 years or more, while others require a second operation after 2-3 years.

The more flabby and mobile skin on the face was before the operation, the better and longer the results of the operation. Since in young patients the process of reducing the elasticity of the skin is still ongoing, the effect of the operation is less stable in them than in the elderly.

When a keloid scar appears, the effect of the operation is reduced to zero. Its occurrence can be prevented by irradiation with soft X-rays (Bukki) at a dose of 10-15 Gy. The appearance of hypertrophic, atrophic and keloid scars is promoted by traumatization of the flap during the operation, overtension of the displaced flaps, the use of coarse suture material and the long-term leaving of sutures in the suture channels.


Since facial features have a direct relationship with the main internal organs, the circulatory system, the nervous system and other systems of the human body, the study of facial features, skin conditions, can be of great help in diagnosing a health condition. This was known and used in their practice by doctors in ancient China and India. In Ayurveda, to this day, the Five Mirrors method is used, where mirrors reflect the state of health - eyes, skin, tongue, ears and pulse.

In general, we can say that if a person is healthy, this is expressed in the relative balance of his face. Unbalance is manifested by changes in skin color, the appearance of deep wrinkles, certain parts of the face, such as eyes or lips, begin to protrude excessively or greatly increase. Since facial diagnostics is a science in itself, only some examples of its use are given below.

Experienced doctor a lot will tell the condition of the skin of the face, its color, moisture, vascular pattern, location and depth of wrinkles. If there are violations in the organs on the skin in certain places corresponding to these organs, rashes may occur. The skin of the face, like a litmus test, reacts to the state of the body.

For example: in cases of problems with the intestines or kidneys, the skin, as an important excretory organ, takes on an additional mission - to remove metabolic products. And in this case, acne, comedones, as well as swelling, pallor, etc. may appear on the skin. Each specific part of the person is responsible for the functioning of any internal organ. And each disease leaves its characteristic mark on a person's face.

Projection of internal organs on the face:

The forehead as a whole is the small intestine.

The peripheral region of the forehead is the large intestine.
The upper part of the forehead is the bladder.
Whiskey on both sides - spleen.
The eyes are the kidneys and ovaries in women and the testicles in men.
The left eye is the spleen and pancreas.
Right eye - liver and gallbladder.
The area between the eyebrows is the liver.
The upper part of the nose is the pancreas.
The middle part of the nose is the stomach.
Nostrils - bronchi.
The tip of the nose is the heart.
Cheeks are light.
The mouth is the digestive tract.
The upper lip is the stomach.
The inner part of the lower lip is the small intestine.
The peripheral part of the lower lip is the large intestine.
The corners of the lips are the duodenum.
The chin is the genitals.

Descending part of the large intestine. 6. Left adrenal gland. 7. Area of ​​the pelvis of the left kidney. 8. Upper pole of the left kidney. 9. Left lobe of the liver. 10. Body of the gallbladder, spleen. 11. The left side of the transverse colon. 12. Pancreas. 13. Bile-excretory ducts of the liver and gallbladder. 14. Left kidney. 15. Cardiac pathologies. 16. Ureter of the left kidney. 17. Left lobe of the liver. 18. Left mammary gland. 19. Left lung. 20. Cardiac disorders (more often - rhythm disturbance). 21. Bronchus of the left lung. 22. Diaphragm, costal arch. 23. Lesser curvature of the stomach. 24. Bulb of the duodenum, pyloric stomach. 25. Adrenal gland of the left kidney. 26. Left inguinal fold and area of ​​the pupart ligament. 27. Left ovary in women, left testicle in men. 28 Left mammary gland. 29. Pubic symphysis. 30. Left kidney. 31. Greater curvature of the stomach. 32. The left appendage with the ovary, the left lobe of the prostate gland with the testis. 33. Bladder. 34. The pelvis of the left kidney. 35. Pancreas. 36. Left lobe of the thyroid gland. 37. Left ureter. 38 and 41. The pyloric part of the stomach. 39. Uterus, prostate lobes, perineum. 40. Right mammary gland. 41. and 38. The pyloric part of the stomach. 42. Right ureter. 43. Gallbladder. 44. Right lobe of the thyroid gland. 45. The pelvis of the right kidney. 46. ​​Gynecology, right appendage with ovary, right lobe of the prostate gland with testis. 47. Lesser curvature of the stomach. 48. Right kidney. 49. Right ovary in women, right testicle in men. 50. Lymphatic system of the iliac region. 51. Adrenal gland of the right kidney. 52. Small intestine. 53. Greater curvature of the stomach. 54. Hormonal system. 55. Signs of scleroderma. 56. Small intestine. 57. The xiphoid process. 58. Greater curvature of the stomach. 59. Lesser curvature of the stomach. 60. Bladder, ureter of the right kidney. 61. Bronchus of the right lung. 62. Right mammary gland. 63. Right lobe of the liver. 64. Ureter of the right kidney. 65. Right lung. 66. Right kidney. 67. Congestion in the renal structures. 68. Right side of the transverse colon. 69. Kidney infection. 70. Right kidney. 71. Body of the gallbladder with ducts. 72. Right lobe of the liver. 73. The pelvis of the right kidney. 74. Right adrenal gland. 75. Ascending colon (ileocecal angle). 76. Transverse colon. 77. Appendix. 79. Bladder. 80. Uterus in women, genitals in men.

Interpretation of diseases by face.

The forehead area represents the projection area of ​​the intestine. Moreover, its lower part refers to the small intestine, and the upper part to the large intestine. The area of ​​the beginning of hair growth on the forehead is a projection of bladder disorders.
The gallbladder zone is located on the temples. In case of violations in his work, the appearance of acne and redness is observed, often accompanied by the occurrence of a headache of temporal localization. Additionally, it can be noted that in some cases, the appearance of yellowness of the face is noted.
The curved temporal artery protruding under the skin, which has sharp contours, in combination with periodic reddening of the face, indicates a sharp increase in blood pressure with a possible outcome in a hypertensive crisis.
Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead and under the eyes, which are associated with excess fluid in the body, may indicate kidney problems.

The area between the eyebrows above the bridge of the nose.

The vertical line between the eyebrows on the right side shows that the suppression of your emotions is reflected in the normal functioning of the liver.
A vertical line between the eyebrows on the left side indicates that your spleen needs to be relieved.
Horizontal wrinkles between the eyes, on the bridge of the nose, indicate the presence of congestion in the intestines, as well as possible menstrual problems in women.
Soreness of the eyebrows when pressed indicates a disorder of the heart.

The patient's eyes can often reflect both his mental state and physical deviations.

What is taken into account when making a diagnosis?

Eye color is one of the main indicators in determining the type of your constitution. According to the theory of iridology, only brown, blue and their mixture are natural eye colors. Green is not a natural color. Its genetic basis is blue. It is marked with yellowness, indicating some kind of functional disorder.
The structure, or rather, the texture of the fibers of the iris, also reflects the features of the internal structure. In iridology, the texture of the fibers is compared to the texture of the fabric: it all depends on how soft and loose the weave of the “threads” is.
Various marks - specks, spots, circles, half rings in different sections of the iris segments tell about physical and emotional stress. The color of the spots - from white to yellow and orange-brown to black - indicates the severity of the problem.
In order to correctly and fully assess the picture of changes in the iris, a lot of special knowledge, experience and a fairly long time are required.

Tearing of the eyes when leaving a warm room in a cold one or on the street indicates a potassium deficiency in the body. Frequent causeless appearance of tears in the eyes, increased tearfulness indicates a deep neurosis, pathology of the spleen.

Sometimes hepatic disorders are additionally expressed by redness of the sclera of the eyes, a decrease in visual acuity. The yellowness of the sclera of the eyes also speaks of a diseased liver.
Bulging eyes are a sign of thyroid disease.
Red streaks in the sclera are a signal of nervous exhaustion, chronic fatigue.
A small iris indicates joint weakness. If there is a white circle around the shell, then you are consuming too much salt or sugar. In middle-aged people, this can be a sign of stress. If the white ring is very protruding and very white (especially in middle age), this indicates degeneration of the joints. They will crack and break, and joint pain and arthritis are likely. Brownish-dark dots on the iris indicate that the intestines do not absorb iron.

By the appearance of the area around the eyes, one can judge the presence of renal pathologies. In this case, special attention should be paid to signs such as swelling, redness, darkening. The presence of papillomas in this area indicates congestion, cyst formation, or a predisposition to this. For example, the appearance of fatty plaques in the eye area indicates congestion in the kidney areas with the formation of sand or stones.

Long, curved, beautiful, fluffy eyelashes are a sign of a pulmonary patient or a person prone to pulmonary pathologies and asthma.

The bridge of the nose is a zone of deviations in the work of the pancreas and stomach.

A red bumpy nose with streaks of blood vessels indicates a heart pathology accompanied by a high level of blood pressure. Low blood pressure often manifests as a blue-red discoloration of the nose.
The wings of the nose belong to the projection zones of the respiratory system, namely the bronchi. With bronchitis, you can observe their redness, the appearance of acne, large pores.
Cardiac disorders sometimes appear in the area of ​​the tip of the nose and indicate the presence of arrhythmias.

Human cheeks carry information about possible disorders in the lungs. In this case, the right cheek corresponds to the right lung, the left cheek to the left. With organic disorders in the lungs, the appearance of a vascular pattern or persistent redness is sometimes observed. The shape of the lung is repeated by the shape of the protruding part of the cheek, and the top of the cheek is the top of the lung, and the bottom of the cheek is, respectively, the lower part of the lung.

The capillary mesh on the cheeks is a signal of high blood pressure and a tendency to stroke - apoplexy type.
Pink, red cheeks and at the same time bluish lips - mitral heart disease.
A discoloration (like a butterfly) of the nose or cheeks also refers to the kidney area and means that the body is not absorbing iron or folic acid and the digestive metabolism is not working properly.

Some cardiac disorders are indicated by the appearance of a red spot on the upper part of the left cheek. With the hollowness of the left cheek, one can think of heart disease.

In chronic liver diseases, the occurrence of dysfunction of the jaw joints can be observed. At the initial stage of the disease, this is manifested by pain during palpation, and the left jaw joint signals trouble in the left lobe of the liver, the right one, respectively, in the right one.

The oral cavity together with the lips reflects the condition of the stomach. Dry lips with jams in the corners signal gastritis or a stomach ulcer. The large intestine is projected onto the line around the mouth. Therefore, if you meet a person with tightly compressed lips, then know that he suffers from intestinal spasms.

Different areas of the lips indicate the state of different parts of the digestive system. The upper part of the upper lip corresponds to the upper part of the stomach, the middle part of the upper lip corresponds to the middle part of the stomach, and the lower part of the upper lip corresponds to the duodenum (the exit from the stomach that connects to the liver, gallbladder and pancreas). The lower lip indicates the condition of the intestines. Swollen lips indicate that the digestive tract is stretched. Swelling of the lower lip on the outside indicates a tendency to constipation. Spots and sores on the lips can appear with ulceration and stagnation of blood in the digestive system. Pale lips indicate poor circulation and poor intestinal absorption.

Dryness and trembling of the lips - nervousness and fear, indicates dehydration or vata disorders.

Pale lips in anemia.
Brownish-black from chronic smoking.
Repeated occurrence of inflamed areas on the surface of the lips - lichen and chronic pitta disorder.
Light brown dots - poor digestion or the presence of worms in the colon.
Yellowish color of the lips - with a disease of jaundice of the lips
Blue lips due to cardiac disorders or due to lack of oxygen.
Unequal coloration of different parts of the lips indicates defects in the corresponding organs (see figure below - reflection in the mirror).
Vata lips are thin and dry. Pitta lips are red while Kapha lips are full and moist.

The ureters are projected onto the face along the nasolabial fold. They begin near the lacrimal canal on the face and end in the lower part of the chin in the region of the projection zone of the bladder.

One of the important signs of increased stress on the heart and circulatory organs is a deep and elongated nasolabial fold on both sides.
The cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle is also a very dangerous signal that warns of a pre-infarction condition, heart failure, and a possible defect in the heart septum. a sign of a possible myocardial infarction is a violation of sensitivity, up to numbness of the skin zone between the chin and lower lip.
If you rise higher from this zone, then the presence of a deep wrinkle between the lip and nose indicates a defect in the heart valve.

The chin reflects the state of the human reproductive system. In women, the appearance of acne and redness in this area indicates disorders in the appendages and ovaries (and in this case, there is also a third-party correspondence). In men, these signs indicate the development or presence of prostatitis. In a word, this zone indicates a congestive phenomenon in the pelvic area.

Other external manifestations of various diseases confirmed by medical practice:

Amimic, mask-like face, facial expressions do not correspond to ongoing events - a symptom of a severe mental illness, especially schizophrenia.

Wrinkled face even in a young man - endocrine disorders.
Elastic facial skin is a sign of health. And flabbiness speaks of premature aging of the skin. This happens in diseases of the metabolism and the gastrointestinal tract.
General puffiness of the face - a sick heart.
An earthy complexion, a “lowered” face is a sign of the development of a tumor disease.
Light spotty pigmentation on the face of a woman is a sign of pregnancy.
The appearance of yellowish-brown pigment spots on the face indicates a renal pathology.
A bluish pallor of the face is a symptom of anemia or pulmonary pathology. Waxy pallor is a sign of tuberculosis.
Brittle hair - metabolic insufficiency, beriberi.
Fat, tow hanging hair is a sign of endocrine problems, diseases of the stomach and intestines.
An indirect sign of an early violation of the coronary circulation at a fairly young age is premature graying of the hair.
When you first look at a person with a predisposition to heart disease, his short neck indicates
In addition to heart problems, for the owner of a short neck, the threat of early sclerosis of cerebral vessels is quite real.
The pallor of the auricles with a characteristic waxy tint also indicates a violation of blood circulation.

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11. Left side of the transverse colon.

The representation is located in the lower medial part of the corner of the left eye. Its dysfunction is manifested by bulging of the skin from the inner corner of the eye under the lower eyelid to the outer side of the face, sometimes redness or pigmentation.

12. Pancreas.

Its representation is located on the lower part of the bridge of the nose, on the border of the connection with the tip of the nose. Pathology is manifested by skin irritation, pigmentation, and sometimes a venous vascular pattern.

13. Bile-excretory ducts of the liver and gallbladder.

The projection is located in the lower part of the temporal bone of the left half of the face. With their pathology, redness, pigmentation, acne and vascular pattern are observed on the skin, with prolonged pathology - porosity. The periosteum of the temporal region becomes painful. Often the pathology is accompanied by a headache of temporal localization. Additionally, it can be noted that sometimes with blockage of the bile ducts, yellowness of the skin of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face is noted.

14. Left kidney.

The projection is represented by the left auricle (skin and cartilaginous base). The ear canal is a projection of the ureter, the inner ear is a projection of the bladder. In pathological conditions of the kidney, hearing is reduced, inflammation of the inner ear occurs, and vestibular disorders appear. In some cases, hardening of the cartilaginous base is observed. Sometimes it softens, sulfur excretion from the ear canal increases.

15. Cardiac pathologies.

The projection is presented in the upper left part of the left cheek at the junction with the orbit. Pathologies are expressed by swelling of the skin, redness, pigmentation, vascular pattern in the infraorbital region.

16. Ureter of the left kidney.

It is projected onto the skin of the face by a line running from the corner of the eye along the cheek to the lower part of the chin. When it is irritated by sand, small stones or inflammation in it, a pattern of a line or part of a line of white or red color appears on the skin (depending on which part of the autonomic nervous system prevails - sympathetic or parasympathetic).

17. Left lobe of the liver.

Its representation is located on the face on the left side, in the region of the muscles of the jaw joint. It is manifested by an involuntary increased tone of the muscle group, the development of arthrosis of the joint. Rarely, the disorder projects onto the skin in the form of a pigment or irritation.

18. Left mammary gland.

The projection is located on the skin of the left cheek at the intersection of a vertical line extending from the outer part of the corner of the eye and a horizontal line passing through the upper pole of the wings of the nose. The diameter of the projection of the mammary gland on the cheek will be approximately equal to the distance from the corner of the eye to its iris. Pathology is manifested by pigmentation, redness, increased porosity, swelling of the skin.

19. Left lung.

It is projected onto the skin of the left cheek, covering the zygomatic part. Pathology can be manifested by redness, angiopathic pattern, porosity, pigmentation, acne, dryness, unevenness or roughness of the skin surface.

20. Cardiac disorders (more often - rhythm disturbance).

Projected on the skin of the tip of the nose in the form of redness, angiopathy, acne.

21. Bronchus of the left lung.

It is projected on the skin of the wing of the left half of the nose. Violations are expressed by a vascular pattern, redness, acne, pigmentation.

22. Diaphragm, costal arch.

Projected on the skin along the nasolabial fold. Violations are manifested by redness of the fold, dry skin in it.

23. Lesser curvature of the stomach.

It is projected onto the skin and mucous membrane of the upper lip. Pathology is manifested by transverse cracks on the lip, herpetic eruptions, peeling of the skin, loss of color of the lips, the appearance of the effect of wrinkling the lips.

24. Bulb of the duodenum, pyloric stomach.

The projection zone is located on the skin outside the corner of the mouth. Violations are manifested by pigmentation, reddening of the skin, seizures and cracks in the corners of the mouth, and in degenerative processes - the growth of moles.

25. Adrenal gland of the left kidney.

It is projected onto the skin and muscles of the upper neck on the left lateral axelary line, as well as to the left and right of it along the muscular lateral surface. Pathology is manifested by muscle pain on palpation, on the skin it is sometimes manifested by irritation, pigmentation, papillomatosis.

26. Left inguinal fold and area of ​​the pupart ligament.

The projection is on the left outer surface of the skin of the chin. Violations are manifested by reddening of the skin, acne, age spots.

27. Left ovary in women, left testicle in men.

The representation is located on the skin of the chin on the left side, near the left chin crease. Pathology is manifested by reddening of the skin, acne, dryness and peeling of the skin, the growth of moles during degenerative processes.

28. Left mammary gland.

It is projected on the chin on the left side under the lower lip on the bone tuberosity. Pathology is manifested by increased pain sensitivity, redness, pigmentation or acne on the skin, growing moles.

29. Pubic symphysis.

Its representation on the face is on the chin, in the chin fossa. Pathology is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the chin during its palpation examination.

30. Left kidney.

It is projected onto the skin and muscles of the lateral surface of the neck (along the left lateral axial line), as well as to the left and right of it along the muscular surface. Pathology is manifested by muscle pain on palpation. Pigmentation, redness appear on the skin, papillomas grow.

31. Greater curvature of the stomach.

The projection is the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side of the head. The disorder is manifested by increased tone and pain on palpation. The place of attachment of the muscle to the skull is projected onto the upper part of the stomach and the esophagus that enters it. The place of attachment to the collarbone is the projection of the pylorus.

32. The left appendage with the ovary, the left lobe of the prostate gland with the testis.

It is projected on the upper third of the carotid artery on the left. It is manifested by swelling and soreness, an increase in lymph nodes in this area.

33. Bladder.

It is projected onto the skin from the chin to the epiglottis of the neck. Dysfunction is manifested by redness, pigmentation, growth of moles or acne on the skin.

34. The pelvis of the left kidney.

The projection is located on the left side of the neck, on the muscles of the lateral surface towards the base of the neck (along the lateral axial line). It is manifested by pain on palpation with irradiation to different parts of the body and head, on the skin - papillomas (infection of the pelvis), dryness, roughness.

35. Pancreas.

The representation is located at the base of the neck on the left side, between the clavicle and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Manifested by palpation examination of muscle pain, irradiation in the shoulder, arm, shoulder blade, hand, fingers, breast area, sometimes in the pancreas area.

36. Left lobe of the thyroid gland.

It is projected onto the lower part of the neck along the esophagus, into the supraclavicular region and the region of the jugular notch. It is manifested by muscle soreness of these areas, tissue swelling, the skin is manifested by an angiopathic pattern (redness), papillomas.

37. Left ureter.

The representation is located on the left side of the neck along the lateral axial line from the projection of the pelvis of the left kidney to the shoulder joint. In pathological conditions, during palpation examination, the muscular projection is painful. On the skin, the violation is manifested by age spots, papillomas.

38 and 41. The pyloric part of the stomach.

It is projected onto the area of ​​attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the collarbone. Pathology is manifested by soreness of the attachment area.

39. Uterus, prostate lobes, perineum.

The representation is located in the central lower part of the chin. The violation is manifested by soreness of the periosteum on palpation, on the skin - by redness, pigmentation, acne, with degenerative processes in the organs it is characterized by the growth of moles.

40. Right mammary gland.

It is projected on the chin on the right side under the lower lip on the bone tuberosity. It is manifested by increased pain sensitivity, on the skin from above it is expressed by redness, acne, pigmentation, moles during degenerative processes.

41. and 38. The pyloric part of the stomach.

The projection is located on the right at the base of the neck in the area of ​​​​attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the collarbone. With functional disorders of the department and palpation examination, the projection is painful.

42. Right ureter.

The representation is located on the right side of the neck along the lateral axial line, from the projection of the pelvis of the left kidney to the shoulder joint. In pathological conditions of the ureter and during palpation examination, the muscular projection is painful, on the skin the violation is manifested by pigment spots, papillomas.

43. Gallbladder.

The projection is located on the right side of the base of the neck, in the region of the angle formed by the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the right clavicle. Depending on the pathological state of the bladder, when pressing on its projection zone, pain radiates to the right temporal region of the head, right shoulder, hand and fingers of this hand, shoulder blade, chest, face, teeth, thyroid gland, neck skin, body of the gallbladder.

44. Right lobe of the thyroid gland.

It is projected onto the lower third of the neck of the supraclavicular region on the right side along the esophagus. It is manifested by muscle soreness in this area, tissue swelling. The skin in this place in pathological conditions of the gland is manifested by porosity, redness, papillomas.

45. The pelvis of the right kidney.

The projection is located on the right side, on the muscles of the lateral surface of the base of the neck, along the lateral axial line. With the pathology of the renal pelvis, pain occurs during palpation examination of the muscles with irradiation to different parts of the body and head. On the skin, the violation is manifested by papillomas (infection of the pelvis), dryness, roughness, moles.

46. ​​Gynecology, right appendage with ovary, right lobe of the prostate gland with testis.

It is projected on the upper third of the carotid artery on the right. The violation is manifested by swelling and soreness of the artery, an increase in the lymph nodes of this area.

47. Lesser curvature of the stomach.

The projection is the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side of the neck. The upper section of the stomach and the esophagus entering the stomach are projected to the place of attachment of the muscle to the skull, and the pylorus of the stomach is projected to the place of attachment of the muscle to the collarbone. Indigestion is manifested by increased muscle tone and pain on palpation.

48. Right kidney.

It is projected on the neck on the right, on the muscles located on the lateral axial line. Pathology in the kidney is manifested by pain on palpation of the lateral muscular surface, sometimes with irradiation to various areas of the head, arm and upper shoulder girdle, and neck. With deep pathology during pressure, irradiation goes to the right kidney. On the skin, disorders are expressed by papillomatosis, redness, dryness and roughness.

49. Right ovary in women, right testicle in men.

The representation is located on the skin of the chin on the right side, near the right chin crease. Pathology is manifested by redness, dryness and peeling of the skin, acne, growth of moles during degenerative processes.

50. Lymphatic system of the iliac region.

On the face, the iliac region (inguinal fold) is projected by a fold extending to the lower jaw from the corners of the mouth as a continuation of the nasolabial fold. With pathological processes in the groin, the problem can manifest itself as skin irritation, pigmentation, acne.

51. Adrenal gland of the right kidney.

It is projected on the skin and on the muscles of the upper neck on the right, on the lateral axial line, as well as in front and behind it along the muscular surface. With a functional disorder, muscle pain sensitivity is present, sometimes with irradiation to various areas of the head and neck. The skin reacts with irritation, the growth of papillomas.

52. Small intestine.

The representation is located under the base of the lower lip. In pathology, it manifests itself on the skin with irritation, pigmentation, and the growth of moles.

53. Greater curvature of the stomach.

It is projected onto the skin and mucous membrane of the lower lip. The violation is manifested by cracks, herpetic eruptions, peeling, loss of color, the appearance of the effect of wrinkling the lips.

54. Hormonal system.

The projection area is the space on the face between the nose and upper lip. When the system is disturbed, acne, irritation, pigmentation appear on the skin, hairline grows.

55. Signs of scleroderma.

The skin becomes deeply wrinkled. Sometimes there is an increase in hairline (in women).

56. Small intestine.

The projection is located in the lower part of the cheek under the cheekbone of the face. Disturbances in the small intestine are expressed by skin irritation, acne, unevenness or roughness.

57. The xiphoid process.

The projection is located under the base of the nose. When it is injured or a pathological condition occurs in the base of the nose, increased pain sensitivity, acne, and redness appear.

58. Greater curvature of the stomach.

Projection is the inner region of the left nostril. In case of indigestion, the nasal mucosa reacts with the formation of inflammation, edema, and herpetic eruptions.

59. Lesser curvature of the stomach.

The projection is the inner region of the right nostril. In case of indigestion, the nasal mucosa reacts with the formation of inflammation, edema, and herpetic eruptions.

60. Bladder, ureter of the right kidney.

It is projected onto the ear canal and inner ear. With inflammatory processes in the organs, pain appears in the ear canal, sometimes inflammation occurs, increased sulfur secretion, and hearing decreases.

61. Bronchus of the right lung.

It is projected on the skin of the wing of the right half of the nose. Violations are expressed by a vascular pattern at the base of the wing of the nose, redness, pigmentation.

62. Right mammary gland.

The projection is located on the skin of the right cheek at the intersection of a vertical line extending from the outer part of the corner of the eye and a horizontal line passing through the upper pole of the wings of the nose. The problem is manifested by redness, pigmentation, acne, growth of moles, skin swelling.

63. Right lobe of the liver.

The projection is located on the area of ​​the muscles of the jaw joint. It is manifested by an involuntary increased tone of the muscle group, the development of arthrosis of the joint, and occasionally the violation is projected onto the skin in the form of pigment or irritation.

64. Ureter of the right kidney.

It is projected on the face by a line running from the inner corner of the right eye to the outer part of the chin. When it is irritated by sand moving along the ureter, small stones or inflammation in it, a white or red line appears on the skin (depending on which part of the autonomic nervous system prevails - sympathetic or parasympathetic).

65. Right lung.

It is projected on the skin of the cheek of the right half of the face, covering the zygomatic part. Lung pathology can be manifested by redness, angiopathic pattern, porous skin, pigmentation, acne, dryness, unevenness, roughness of the surface.

66. Right kidney.

Projected on the right auricle. The size of the ear is proportional to the size of the kidney: a big ear is a big kidney. Kidney damage manifests itself on a cartilaginous basis. It becomes painful and more dense, in some cases, on the contrary, too soft.

67. Congestion in the renal structures.

It is projected onto the region of the eye socket. It appears on the skin in the form of wen, papillomas, dark spots.

68. Right side of the transverse colon.

The representation is located in the lower medial part of the corner of the left eye. Dysfunction is manifested by swelling of the skin from the inner corner of the eye under the lower eyelid to the outer side of the lime, sometimes redness or pigmentation.

69. Kidney infection.

The information zone is the conjunctiva of the eye. The external manifestation of an infectious disease is conjunctivitis, blepharitis, barley, eyelid edema.

70. Right kidney.

The projection zone is located on the skin of the right eye socket (periorbicular region). With functional disorders of the kidney, the skin of the orbit is expressed by swelling, redness, darkening, the appearance of fatty plaques, and the growth of papillomas.

71. Body of the gallbladder with ducts.

The projection zone of the gallbladder is the temporal region of the head. With its functional disorders, the skin of the temporal region reacts, on which acne, age spots, porosity appear. The periosteum of the temporal bone also reacts, it becomes painful on palpation.

72. Right lobe of the liver.

It is projected onto the protein shell of the right eye. Violation in the liver is expressed by a red vascular pattern on the shell of the eye.

73. The pelvis of the right kidney.

The projection zone is located in the inner corner of the eye in the region of the lacrimal duct. Inflammation or irritation of the pelvis is expressed by blockage of the lacrimal duct, inflammation in it, lacrimation, and skin irritation.

74. Right adrenal gland.

The projection zone is located above the right eyebrow from the inside. His disorder is expressed by soreness of the periosteum of the superciliary region, skin irritation.

75. Ascending colon (ileocecal angle).

The projection site is the upper right corner of the frontal region on the skin. Pathology is manifested by pigmentation, acne, skin irritation, growth of moles.

76. Transverse colon.

Its projection is in the lower part of the forehead above the superciliary arches. With its functional violation, a skin reaction occurs (pimples, age spots, porosity, redness, growth of moles).

77. Appendix.

Its projection zone is located on the skin in the upper part of the forehead on the right. When it is inflamed, the skin reacts with redness, dryness, pigmentation.

78. Stomach.

The projection is located on the skin of the cartilaginous part of the bridge of the nose (the middle region of the nose). On the left side of the nose, a large curvature of the stomach is projected, and on the right - a small, pyloric stomach and duodenum. In pathology, the skin reacts with irritation, pigmentation.

79. Bladder.

The projection zone is located in the upper part of the forehead (the place where the hairline begins to grow). In pathology, pigmentation, skin irritation, hair loss, dandruff in this area of ​​the head, psoriatic plaques are observed.

80. Uterus in women, genitals in men.

The projection area is located in the upper part of the forehead, under the projection of the bladder. In pathology, the skin is irritated.


Wrinkles of the face and neck, or rather, skin folds in these areas, as a rule, are explained by age-related changes, depending on the loss of skin elasticity. In relatively young persons, wrinkles of the face and neck may occur as a result of a sharp weight loss after serious illness.

Loss of skin elasticity is also observed in metabolic disorders and after severe nervous shocks. An unnaturally large number of wrinkles can be seen most often at the outer corners of the eyes ("crow's feet"), on the eyelids, forehead and in front of the ears. They are especially pronounced in the region of the nasolabial furrows and in the region of the transition of the chin to the cheeks, where they hang down in the form of large and deep folds. On the neck, wrinkles are more often observed in the form of transverse or longitudinally arranged folds.

Elimination of wrinkles of the face and neck does not present technical difficulties, but requires careful operation, after which there should be as few scars on the face as possible. Therefore, incisions are recommended to be made, if possible, at the border with the scalp, stepping back 1-1.5 cm, where the hair is pre-shaved, or along the natural folds of the skin (in front of the ear).

Forehead wrinkles removed as follows. An elongated oval skin incision is made 1-1.5 cm behind the border of the forehead skin with the scalp, where the hair is pre-shaved in the form of a strip parallel to the edge of the hair. The width of the shaved strip is 3-4 cm, depending on the mobility of the skin of the forehead: the better the mobility, the wider the hair is shaved (Fig. 449). A skin incision is made through its entire thickness to the aponeurosis. Then, with folded Cooper's scissors, going along the aponeurosis, they peel off the entire skin of the forehead to the eyebrows. Taking the edges of the exfoliated skin on the sutures-holders, pull the skin up strongly and cut off the excess. Seams (nylon, silk) are applied from the middle to the sides. With this method, the postoperative scar remains invisible, as it is covered with hair. Sometimes very deep vertical folds are observed in the forehead, passing to the bridge of the nose. Such folds can be eliminated by oval excision of the skin on the bridge of the nose.

Eyelid wrinkles removed by methods different for the upper and lower eyelids.

To eliminate the wrinkles of the lower eyelid and at the same time the "crow's foot" near the outer corner of the eye, a gauge incision is made close to the ciliary edge (1-2 mm away), starting from the inner corner of the eye. The incision is brought to the outer corner of the eye, from where it is continued along the median fold of the "crow's foot" by 2-3 cm (Fig. 450). The skin is dissected throughout the lower eyelid and at the outer corner of the eye. Stretching the prepared flap, cut off the excess skin under the edge of the eyelid and at the outer corner of the eye. It should be remembered that there should not be a strong tension of the skin so that the eversion of the eyelid does not occur. It should be sewn with the thinnest silk or hair. If horsehair sutures are applied, then they do not need to be cut so that the remaining ends do not prick the skin or mucous membrane of the eyelids. All ends of the hair sutures are tied into one bundle and strengthened on the cheek with a sticky plaster.

With wrinkles of the upper eyelid or when they overhang, the first incision should be made along the line of the deepest fold and the skin should be excised with a second oval incision, starting from the inner corner of the eye to the outer (Fig. 451). To exclude the possibility of eversion of the eyelid with excessively excised skin, it is necessary before the operation and before the injection of novocaine to grab the fold in the middle of the eyelid with tweezers and invite the patient to close the eye. If the eye closes without any effort, then paint marks should be made at the site of the capture of the skin. These points will correspond to the largest width of the cut leather.

It is not recommended to put any bandage on the eyelids after the operation. You can close your eyes only with a gauze curtain.

Ways to remove wrinkles on the face and neck we describe together, since they are more often applied simultaneously. During this operation, one should strictly adhere to the rule: the greatest skin tension should be noted only at two points - above the auricle in the scalp and behind the auricle at the level of its middle, also in the scalp (Fig. 452).

The upper tension point will smooth the nasolabial furrow, the lower one will smooth the neck. All other sutures are placed with very little tension, and there should be no tension in front of the ear so as not to move the ear anteriorly.

Preparation for the operation and the procedure for its implementation. Before the operation, the hair of the temporal region on both sides to a width of 2-3 cm is woven in the form of a thin pigtail (Fig. 453) and their bases are lubricated with collodion so that during the operation they do not get into the wound. A strip of 3-4 cm wide is shaved behind the braided hair, and the hair is also lubricated with collodion behind this strip. Then the hair is shaved for 1-2 cm behind the ear in the area of ​​the mastoid process and the hair on the border with the shaved ones is smeared with collodion, the rest of the scalp is covered with a gauze scarf. Before the operation, wipe the entire skin of the face and neck with alcohol and lubricate with 1-2% iodine solution. An incision along the back line of the shaved skin is made through its entire thickness, starting from above on the temporal region to the upper curl of the ear, then down the fold in front of the ear and up to the lobe. Further, the incision goes under the base of the lobe and up immediately behind the ear along the fold to the hair, from where, along the shaved field, the incision goes down along the edge of the hair by 5-7 cm. Thus, a triangular flap is outlined behind the ear.

Then proceed to the preparation of the skin. The latter in the temporal region is conducted towards the corner of the eye, and in front of the ear - towards the nasolabial groove. The width of the prepared skin is 5-8 cm, depending on its pliability. Then detachment of the skin occurs from the lobe to the body of the lower jaw and down to the neck. The triangular flap behind the ear is dissected all down and anteriorly until it meets the dissected skin under the earlobe. With a Kocher clamp, the edge of the prepared skin is grasped above the auricle and strongly pulled backwards and upwards. The resulting excess skin is cut off and the edge of the stretched skin is fixed with deep silk sutures. With another Kocher forceps, a dissected triangular flap of skin is grasped behind the ear by its apex and strongly pulled upwards and backwards, where, after excision of excess skin, it is strengthened with a deep silk suture (Fig. 454).

After the application of the main sutures, the skin prepared on the cheeks will be superimposed on the anterior edge of the auricle. This excess skin should be excised (without pulling it) along the incision line both in front of the ear and under its lobe and behind the ear. All other sutures made of horsehair or thin nylon thread are applied to the wound. The bandage should be kept for one day only. The next day it is replaced with a sticker. The sutures are removed on the 6-7th day, with the exception of the two main silk sutures, which are removed on the 8-10th day. If a hematoma is detected during the first dressing, then one suture is removed and the blood is squeezed out. Bruising of the eyelids that sometimes appears disappears on the 8-9th day (Fig. 455, 456).

The given operation only in front of the ear remains an inconspicuous scar. To reduce it, you can make an incision not in front of the ear, but from the front edge of the upper curl of the ear, extend it to the inside of the tragus and bring it out again in front of the lobe.

Neck wrinkle removal surgery is rarely performed in isolation from facial wrinkle removal. The operation is done in the same way as described above, with the only difference that the incision is started under the lobe and is led immediately behind the ear to the scalp.

Kromayer suggests that when removing neck wrinkles on its posterior surface, make an oval excision of the skin, prepare the skin of the lateral surfaces of the neck and tighten the edges of the wound with sutures. This operation cannot be recommended, since it is extremely bleeding due to the abundant vascular network here, and wound healing is often complicated by divergence of sutures.

As a complication during operations for wrinkles, keloid degeneration of the scar along the skin incision line is observed. It is prophylactically necessary to irradiate postoperative scars with the rays of the Bucca lamp (1500 g).