How to recognize perfect compatibility and spiritual marriage? Spiritual marriage (G. Kvasha, Structural horoscope)

SPIRITUAL MARRIAGE is a supra-social* type of marriage, it is a monogamous* type of marriage, it is a voluntary and equal union only exclusively of a man and a woman.
Suprasocial * - a marriage in which both individuals (a man and a woman) are suprasocial people, they intuitively or consciously understand the functions of vowel and tacit morality.
Monogamy * - marriage, monogamy, the historical form of marriage and family, in which two representatives of opposite sexes are in a marriage union.
Monogamous * type of marriage - as opposed to polygamous marriage, in which a representative of one sex is married to more than one representative of the opposite sex.
Monogamous * type of marriage - is opposed to same-sex marriage (marriage between persons of the same sex), which is prohibited by the Bible, but exists at the moment in society.
Such terms as "soul" and "spirit" do not yet officially exist in the laws of the countries of the world, but in the future I think the situation will change when a person reaches a higher level in technical development and in spiritual development too.
The meaning of the word "Spiritual" according to Ephraim's dictionary: Spiritual - 1. Corresponding in meaning. with noun: spirit (1,3,4) associated with it.; 2. Not having a physical, material expression; intangible, incorporeal.; 3. Associated with religion, church (opp.: secular).; 4. Written, composed on a biblical or religious theme.
The meaning of the word Spiritual according to USHAKOV's dictionary: SPIRITUAL - spiritual, spiritual. 1. App. to the spirit in 1 meaning, intangible, incorporeal (bookish). spiritual interests. spiritual closeness. Who gave the counter-revolutionary bourgeoisie spiritual weapons against Bolshevism in the form of the thesis that it is impossible to build socialism in our country? (Trotskyism). Stalin. 2. Ethereal (obsolete). 3. Church, composed on a biblical or church theme; opposite secular. spiritual music. spiritual drama. Spiritual poems (works of oral folk poetry; lit.). 4. App., by value. associated with the clergy; opposite secular. Spiritual title. Spiritual face. 5. in value noun spiritual, spiritual, m. A person of spiritual rank (colloquial). 6. Church-administrative, relating to church administration; opposite secular (official pre-revolutionary and foreign). spiritual consistory. spiritual censorship. 7. in value noun spiritual, spiritual The same as the spiritual testament (obsolete). Spiritual father (church) - the same as a confessor. Spiritual son, spiritual daughter (church) - confessing, confessing in relation to the confessor. Spiritual will (official obsolete) - a written and legally executed will in the event of death.
What do the terms MARRIAGE and MARRIAGE UNION mean? "Marriage (Greek words - marriage; derived from the verb to take), or a marriage union, matrimony - a family relationship regulated by society and, in most states, registered with the relevant state bodies between people who have reached marriageable age, giving rise to their rights and obligations in relation to to each other, and also, if a couple has children, to children.Traditionally, marriage is between one man and one woman.In some states, marriage can be concluded between a man and several women (polygyny), less often between a woman and several men (polyandry).In some countries, marriages can also be entered into between two persons of the same sex (same-sex marriages).A married man is called a husband or spouse, a woman is called a wife or spouse (men who are not married are called unmarried or single; women who are not those who are married are called unmarried). "Wikipedia"
TYPES OF MARRIAGE in relation to the legislation that currently exist in the world:
"1) Registered civil marriage (a marriage formalized in the relevant state authorities without the participation of the church. In the Russian Federation, the only possible type of marriage that is covered by civil law. It should not be confused with an unregistered marriage, which is often erroneously called civil in colloquial speech);
2) Church marriage (marriage consecrated by the church. In many countries it has legal force, in some it is the only legal form of marriage. Other states (including Russia) currently do not recognize the legal force of church marriage, therefore priests recommend holding registration in the registry office. In Orthodoxy, Protestantism and Catholicism, marriage is one of the sacraments - Wedding. Nikah - marriage according to the laws of Islam, and polygamy is often allowed in this marriage.);
3) Polygyny or polygamy (the simultaneous state of a man in marriage with several women. Usually such a marriage is concluded by a man with each of the women separately, and restrictions are possible. Sharia has a limit on the number of wives - no more than four. All other residents of the harem are not considered wives, however, they have certain guarantees (from the owner of the harem) that the child will be recognized if he is born.In the modern world, polygamy is officially allowed in several dozen states of the Muslim world and some non-Muslim countries in Africa (for example, South Africa));
4) Polyandry (the simultaneous state of a woman married to several men. It is rare, for example, among the peoples of Tibet, the Hawaiian Islands. Traces of polyandry are seen in the Mahabharata (5 + 1: Draupadi was the wife of all the Pandava brothers));
5) Temporary marriage (in some countries, legislation recognizes its legal force. The duration is determined by agreement of the parties and is established in the marriage contract. At the same time, the amount of the ransom that the spouse transfers to his wife in such a marriage is established. After the expiration of the period for which he was concluded, marriage and all legal relations between spouses are considered terminated.Exists in some Muslim countries, for example, in Egypt.);
6) Same-sex marriage (marriage between persons of the same sex. The first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage in 2001 was the Netherlands. As of November 2013, same-sex couples can marry in 16 countries. In the USA, Mexico and Australia, same-sex marriages possible only in some regions.Some countries or regions recognize same-sex marriages performed in other countries or regions, but do not themselves allow them to take place on their territory.);
7) Actual marriage or cohabitation or unregistered marriage ((in Russian law - "cohabitation") or unregistered marriage (also actual marriage relations, marriage-like relations), often non-terminologically called "civil" - relations between partners that are not formalized in the manner prescribed by law. Even when running a common household and / or having common children (see civil marriage), it is not recognized by all religious denominations.In the USSR, it was legally recognized in 1926-1944. According to the current Family Code of the Russian Federation, unregistered cohabitation of a man and a woman does not give rise to marriage rights and duties, although the rights of children born in wedlock do not differ from the rights of children born out of wedlock (moreover, the latter in a sense even have more rights: in the event of the death of one of the parents, the second, whose marriage was not registered, does not have inheritance rights under the law, and children are accordingly entitled to a larger share). other foreign countries is recognized as concubinage.);
8) Civil partnerships and unions (in many Western countries they are an intermediate form between a registered marriage and an actual marriage (cohabitation). Civil partners, as a rule, have a certain list of rights and obligations in relation to each other, but their legal status is not equal to spouses Civil partnerships are usually available to both opposite-sex and same-sex couples, or only to same-sex couples, in which case they are a parallel form of registration of relationships for ordinary heterosexual marriage.). "Wikipedia
TYPES OF MARRIAGE for the purpose of the conclusion that currently exist in the world:
"1) Arranged marriage (this is a practice in which someone other than the couple themselves makes the selection of the bride or groom, in the meantime shortening or completely omitting the courtship process);
2) Marriage for love (this is a union of two persons based on mutual love, affection, attraction and obligations);
3) marriage of convenience (this is a marriage union concluded not for reasons of relationship, family or love);
4) Forced marriage (this is a term used to describe a marriage union in which one or both parties married without his or her consent or against his or her will with the assistance of their parents or a third party (matchmaker) in selecting a spouse, although the difference between the last two may be insignificant);
5) Marriage "by flight" (this is a type of forced marriage in case of an unplanned pregnancy);
6) Fictitious marriage (sham registration of marriage without the intention of both parties or one of them to start a family);
7) Lavender marriage (marriages between a gay man and a lesbian or between a gay man and a heterosexual woman, serving to cover up homosexual orientation);
8) Compensatory marriage (also known by other names such as wanni, swara, or san chatti is the traditional practice of forced marriage of girls to resolve tribal feuds in parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Although this practice is banned in Pakistan, it is all still widely used in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa);
9) Political marriage (marriage concluded for reasons of political gain);
10) "White marriage" (marriage, entering into which, the spouses deliberately refuse sexual relations, pursuing exclusively spiritual goals);
11) Marriage on assignment - a marriage concluded by agents of the special services on the instructions of the leadership, the purpose of such a marriage is to cover up illegal activities in the host country). "Wikipedia
ADJACENT TERMS relating to marriage relations that currently exist in the world:
"1) A wedding is a solemn ceremony of marriage.
2) Guest marriage - a registered marriage in which the spouses do not run a joint household, live separately, sometimes in different cities.
3) Posthumous marriage - a marriage entered into "backdating" after the death of one of the spouses.
4) Misalliance - marriage between people of different estates or classes, between people who are very different in property or social status;
5) Morganatic marriage is a kind of misalliance, as a result of which a person of a lower social position does not raise it. At present, this concept has been preserved in the dynastic regulations and laws of a number of countries.
6) Group marriage - a hypothetical historically first form of marriage, in which two kinds of people entered into marriage relations, and not separate people. Each person from one clan could arbitrarily be in sexual relations free from obligations with one (or several at the same time) representatives of the opposite sex from the second clan, but not their own, intra-clan was punishable by death. At the same time, property relations were regulated intra-clan, relations of childbearing - inter-clan. Also in everyday life, group marriage (M + N) is often called the cohabitation of several women (N) with several men (M). The existence of a phase of group marriage in human history has not been rigorously proven.
7) A virtual marriage is a fake marriage concluded and existing only on the Internet." Wikipedia
8) "Levira;t (from lat. levir - brother-in-law, husband's brother), u; zhichestvo, amengerstvo (from Kaz.; me; gerlik and kaz.; me; gershilik) - a marriage custom characteristic of many peoples at the stage of patriarchal the tribal system, according to which the widow was obliged or had the right to remarry only with the closest relatives of her deceased husband, in the first place with his brothers.In the representation of certain peoples, the levirate acted as one of the means of procreation of the deceased by the closest relatives.In various versions of the levirate the elements of duty and right are strengthened or weakened on the side of both the widow and her potential husbands. Wikipedia
9) "Sororat is a custom according to which a man marries at the same time or successively with several of his wife's relatives or cousins. Such a marriage was concluded both during marriage, despite the fact that the wife was still alive, and after her death. Similar the practice was common among the nobility of the Zhou dynasty, continuing into later periods.
Several wives with equal status. The emperors of some relatively unimportant dynasties had multiple wives. The reason for this was special circumstances. For example, in wartime, a man could be separated from his wife, and therefore he mistakenly believed that his wife had died. He remarried, and later it turned out that his first wife was alive. After they reconnected, the presence of both wives was recognized. The Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty allowed polygamous marriages for a special purpose, namely to produce heirs in a different family branch. This is the so-called "multiple inheritance", that is, if a man is the only son of his father, and his uncle has no children, then in this case, by mutual agreement, he can take another wife. A child-boy from such a marriage becomes the uncle's grandson and his heir. In addition to the main desire - the birth of male heirs for procreation - this assumption solves the dilemma posed by the emperor. At one time, he banned all forms of non-paternal heritage in order to keep them in proper order. Therefore, if a married couple does not have a son, then she cannot take a child within the extended family. They are forced to either take a child from outside, or be left without an heir. Marriages with multiple inheritance are possible provided that the husband's brother has a son." Wikipedia
And so, the CONCLUSION IS THIS: Spiritual marriage and Spiritual union - as a kind of marriage and union, has the right to exist in society if at least one couple (man and woman) has entered into it or entered into such a marriage and union.
In this situation, I openly declare that the precedent was created in 2010 and the theory of spiritual marriage was successfully put into practice (there are supporting documents - texts of vows and witnesses of events).
Also, the word VOW can be used as a synonym for the concept of "vow" or "oath".
1. Promise (Hebrew "neder" - a promise or something promised). A vow includes promises to do something or sacrifice to God in gratitude for His response or blessings from Him: the vows of Jacob, Jephthah, Anna, and Absalom.” (vow - Wikipedia
SPIRITUAL MARRIAGE (Spiritual union) is a double ascetic feat:
1) in relation to each other two lovers (men and women) - an oath to each other in eternal love and fidelity;
2) in relation to God - an oath to God and serve him forever.
At the moment I have no official statistics on entering into a Spiritual marriage in Russia, except for the case indicated above.
At the moment I don't have the world's official statistics on entering into a Spiritual marriage.
But according to information from various sources, there are already couples in the world who have entered into a Spiritual marriage (but not in Christianity).
But an EXAMPLE OF VARIETY OF SPIRITUAL MARRIAGE AND SPIRITUAL UNION AND SPIRITUAL RELATIONSHIPS - have already been in the history of our human civilization, and they were given by God to people, as a miracle and as an example of the ideal of marriage, family and spiritual relationships:
1) Union of Hell with Eve. Adam (Hebrew - Son of the Earth or man) and wife Eve (Hebrew Chava - living or giving life) - according to the Bible, they are the first people on Earth, created by God and the progenitors of the human race. In the Pentateuch (Gen. 2-4) - is given a fairly detailed description of the life of the first human couple, and plot elements include the creation of Adam and Eve, then temptation and the fall, for which the subsequent expulsion from Eden, as well as the subsequent resettlement of people around the world on earth already outside the Garden of Eden.
2) Union of the Virgin Mary and Joseph the Betrothed. From the immaculate conception of the virgin Virgin Mary, a son was born to her - our Lord Jesus Christ or Jesus of Nazareth. The marital union of the Virgin Mary and Joseph the Betrothed is considered an example of a charitable marriage.
3) The union of the priest Zechariah and the righteous Elizabeth - in which John the Baptist or John the Baptist was born, although the couple was barren.
4) The spiritual relationship of St. Catherine and our Lord Jesus Christ.
"At this time, the Most Holy Theotokos took the right hand of the maiden and said to her Son:
- Give her, My child, a wedding ring as a sign of Your betrothal to her, take her away to Yourself in order to vouchsafe her to Your Kingdom.
Then Vladyka Christ gave Catherine the most beautiful ring and said:
“Behold, I now choose you to be my bride, incorruptible and eternal.
So, keep with great care this union inviolably and by no means choose for yourself any earthly bridegroom."
5) The Union of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom - Orthodox patrons of the family, love and marriage in Orthodoxy, whose marital union is considered a model of Christian marriage.
6) Union of Saint Xenia of Petersburg with her husband Andrei. Upon reaching the age of majority, Ksenia Grigoryevna married a court chorister, Andrei Fedorovich Petrov, and lived with her husband, who had reached the rank of colonel in St. Petersburg. After the sudden death of her husband, 26-year-old Ksenia chose the difficult path of foolishness. She donated her house in the parish of the Matthias Church to one of her acquaintances, dressed in her husband's clothes, responded only to his name and said that he was alive, and Ksenia had died.
7) The Union of St. Theodora, the Byzantine Empress, with her husband Emperor Justinian I. Theodora (ancient Greek - “God's gift”; c. 500, Famagusta, Cyprus - June 28, 548, Constantinople, Byzantine Empire). She had a great influence on the religious and political life of the Byzantine Empire in the middle of the VI century. The most famous owner of this name. Revered by the Christian Church - as a saint. The memory of Empress Theodora is celebrated in the Orthodox Church together with her husband on November 27 (November 14, old style).
8) Union of the Emperor of All Russia Nicholas II with the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Children of Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna: daughters - Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia, son - Alexei. Nicholas II Alexandrovich (May 6, 1868 [note 1], Tsarskoe Selo - July 17, 1918, Yekaterinburg) - Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland, Emperor of the Russian Empire (October 20, 1894 - March 2, 1917). From the Imperial House of the Romanovs. Colonel (1892); in addition, from the British monarchs he had the ranks: Admiral of the Fleet (May 28, 1908) and Field Marshal of the British Army (December 18, 1915). Name day - December 6 according to the Julian calendar (Nicholas the Wonderworker). Nicholas II, together with his wife Alexandra Fedorovna and children, was glorified as a saint by the Russian Orthodox Church as a martyr on August 20, 2000; earlier, in 1981, he was glorified by the Russian Church Abroad as a martyr.
And so, I will reveal ONE IMPORTANT POINT - this is sexual relations. In Spiritual marriage (Spiritual union) - sexual relations may or may not take place, because sex comes second here, like the body itself, because the soul comes first, and the body comes second, therefore, such a marriage preserves love and spiritual relations even in cases of: loss of potency in men, the presence of mutilations and injuries of the body, disability, age differences between spouses, physiological changes in the body of spouses due to aging of the body, the impossibility or prohibition to have sexual relations for some reason. or church canons or laws of society (recommendation to conclude a spiritual union), etc. Now I hope the reader will understand more clearly why Spiritual marriage is a supra-social type of marriage.
There are no barriers for Spiritual marriage, it does not need the approval of society, and there is no such force in the earthly material world that could separate two souls. Only God has the right to unite or separate the souls of loving people, and this is not subject to man, because the body is mortal, and the soul is immortal, and real marriages are made in heaven, although there is no concept of "marriage", there is the concept of "spiritual union" between kindred souls" of men and women. Spiritual marriage (Spiritual union) is valid before God and before society - for earthly life and for heavenly life.
A spiritual couple forever is when a spiritual marriage saves relationships and love, gives hope and the main dream of a lifetime: forever - love, a strong family and children.
Spiritual marriage is one of the miracles given to people, according to the plan of the great Creator.
SPIRITUAL MARRIAGE proves that a person has a soul, and therefore there is GOD.
Orthodox anthropology says about the essence of the soul:
"1. The soul is a creaturely essence, unlike the body, "breathed in" by the breath of the Creator. The essence of the soul is of a different kind than everything else. In the entire cosmos of creation there is no other such essence as the soul. It is unique.
2. "The soul is not a body and not a property ... it is an incorporeal essence" (Bishop Nemesius of Emesa)
3. "The soul is in itself a completely immaterial substance" (Origen)
4. "The soul ... has life not only as energy, but also as an essence, for it lives on its own" (St. Gregory Palamas)
5. “The soul is a mental [reasonable], incorporeal, immortal…” (Pseudo-Athanasius)
6. "The soul is a created essence, a living, intelligent essence" (St. Gregory of Nyssa)."
JESUS ​​CHRIST clearly said:
"Think not that I came to bring peace to the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword, for I came to divide a man from his father, and a daughter from her mother, and a daughter-in-law from her mother-in-law. And the enemies of a man are his household. Who who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. but he who loses his life for my sake will save it” (Mat. 10: 34-39)
“I did not come to reconcile truth and falsehood, wisdom and stupidity, good and evil, truth and violence, morality and bestiality, chastity and debauchery, God and mammon; no, I brought a sword to cut and separate one from the other, so that there would be no confusion."
So what God has joined together, let no man separate. (Mark 10:9)
It is true that JESUS ​​CHRIST is something very similar in Matthew 19:6, but his words were:
1. “Therefore, what God has joined together, let no man separate”
((Synodal translation))
2. "What God has joined together, let no man separate"
((translated from the English translation of the King James Version of the Bible))
3. "Man must not separate what God has joined together"
((translation from the English translation of the Good News Bible)).
SPIRITUAL MARRIAGE - is given only once in earthly life, it is pleasing to God and created to save the souls of people, to strengthen mutual love between a man and a woman, to strengthen faith in the Most High Creator God and the Lord Jesus Christ, to strengthen the Christian faith, to strengthen the Orthodox faith.
A man and a woman who have entered into a spiritual marriage choose the only path for their souls - the path to God, and they go along it together - in earthly life and after it into eternity.
Spiritual marriage (Spiritual Union) - is built solely on mutual chastity * (men and women, husband and wife, groom and bride), who are in this marriage or union of good will and mutual consent.
Chastity* is a moral virtue, meaning the control of sexual desires, and historically the requirements of chastity are based on religious ethical ideas and moral precepts.
Spiritual marriage is the highest level of marital relations for an earthly person, and since there are no - divorces and no - debunks (if the marriage is married), therefore it is placed above the Crowned marriage (in the classical sense), the bar is higher, thereby not violating the canons The ROC and the canons of the RCC, and the laws of Christianity, because it is as close as possible to the plan of God the Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ in creating a family and concluding a marriage or union between a man and a woman, and it is recommended to consolidate the Spiritual marriage with a wedding ceremony in the church in order to give status before God and in front of the society to this marriage - "A crowned spiritual marriage."
Spiritual marriage, from a moral and religious point of view, is the union of a man and a woman of a future highly spiritual society.
Spiritual marriage is the ideal of marriage because it has an idealistic and idealized relationship between spouses.
In Spiritual marriage: a man acts as a brilliant creator (he is primary), and a woman, as a no less brilliant perceiver (she is secondary).
Spiritual marriage is the union of kindred souls of two loving people, in the soul of deeply lonely people, by their nature - romantics and maximalists.
Finding your only soul mate (soul mate) is the most difficult thing you can get in this life. For some people, this is the main goal of their whole life. But not all people are given - to find it in this earthly incarnation ... The reasons may be different.
SPIRITUAL MARRIAGE, at the request of both spouses, can be fixed by law:
1. Marriage relations are fixed:
a) an indissoluble vow (a precedent was already created in 2010, the texts of vows have already been developed and applied in society as a spiritual vow marriage or a vow spiritual union).
2. Marriage relations are fixed:
a) an indissoluble vow and registration of marriage in the registry office - in society (there was no precedent).
3. Marriage relations are fixed:
a) an indissoluble vow and registration of marriage in the registry office and a wedding in the church, depending on the faith after baptism (or in the Russian Orthodox Church, or in the RCC, or in the church of another branch of Christianity) - in society (there was no precedent).
1. In Spiritual marriage: no - dethronement, no - widowhood, no - divorces, no - adultery, no - betrayal, and it is not terminated (termination is excluded), because the soul will never betray the soul, but the soul of a man and the soul women - unite forever, as one whole spiritually, and their two bodies - become as one whole (a man and a woman in marriage become one flesh), because this is a spiritual union of a spiritual couple (the affinity of the souls of two kindred souls, two second halves for each other ).
2. Spiritual marriage is a fact and already a precedent * in Russia (created in 2010 and successfully put into practice), it is a phenomenon *, it is a spiritual union between two souls in love, this is the triumph of Christianity, this is the triumph of Orthodoxy, it proves the existence of God, he shows people the way to spiritual development and improvement, he shows the way to the salvation of two souls through each other, he is like a kind of biblical marriage - which also points the way to the salvation of the soul.
Precedent *, -a, m. (book). A case that serves as an example or justification for subsequent cases of the same kind. Create a precedent (give a reason for similar cases in the future). Set a precedent (find a similar case in the past).
Phenomenon* - an unusual, incredible phenomenon or fact.
The soul of a person is immortal and it is alive, even Jesus Christ said.
Spiritual love and Spiritual union are eternal, because they are inseparable.
For the soul and spirit of a deceased person (when his soul is with God) - God is the most important thing in the world, and the wife is the first after God and the husband is the first after God, as Jesus Christ bequeathed to us Christians.
Man and woman in marriage become one flesh. The New Testament adds a warning to this "unity": "So they are one flesh. Therefore, whatever God has joined together, let no man separate” (Matthew 19:6).
The text in Ephesians is particularly strong in its treatment of successful Biblical marriage. “Wives, be subject to your husbands as to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, and he is the Savior of the body” (Ephesians 5:22-23). “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself up for her” (5:25). “Thus should husbands love their wives as their bodies: he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one has ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and warms it, just as the Lord does the Church” (5:28-29). “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and the two shall be one flesh” (5:31).
When these principles are chosen by husband and wife in harmony with their relationship as reborn believers, that is what Biblical marriage is all about.
In Russia, there is already the first spiritual couple - who entered into a Spiritual marriage (confirmed information), they chose principles solely for the salvation of their souls, and they entered into a Spiritual marriage (Spiritual union) by vow - this is like a kind of spiritual relationship, this is a similar marriage to a biblical marriage, like an example of regeneration and salvation of souls. This relationship is not one-sided, but one that corresponds to the idea of ​​Christ as the heads of husband and wife together. Thus, the biblical idea of ​​marriage is the unity of two individuals, which reflects the unity of Christ with His Church.
3. I have been developing the theory of Spiritual marriage for 5 years since 2009, having read a lot of different literature, including the Bible, so I wrote this article about Spiritual marriage, and by posting the article to the society on August 3, 2014, I thereby opened a new path to spiritual development and improvement, spiritual growth and rebirth for people.
4. People! Take care of the miracle and blessing given to you by God with love and grace! Look for your only soul mate and believe in eternal love, believe in God and eternal life..... All this is and has a place to be in the Universe according to the plan of the Most High God the Creator. And I am a witness to this and a participant, but I am only a performer, a guide, and a humble servant of the Lord. Save me, God! Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ, glory forever! Glory to the Creator God Almighty, glory forever!
5. My proposal, as a developer of the theory of spiritual marriage and a lawyer, is to introduce the term "spiritual marriage" into everyday life in society, and I recommend strongly fixing the status of "spiritual marriage" in society by law at the official level: 1) in the laws of the countries of the world; 2) in Christian legislation and canons, because spiritual marriage is pleasing to God and beneficial to society. Spiritual marriage - I was specially developed with an absolutely good purpose: to save spiritual and moral values ​​​​in society, to save the soul of a person during life and after the death of the body, to strengthen the status of Christianity - as a type of religion in the world, to strengthen Orthodoxy - as a type of religion , to preserve mutual love and fidelity between spouses or lovers during earthly life and in the spiritual world, to consolidate faith in the Most High Creator God and the Lord Jesus Christ, to consolidate faith in eternal life and eternal love, exclusively for the benefit of mankind and its salvation.

The author of the article is Galina Prokofievna Zholonkovskaya (the founder of spiritual marriage, the developer of her own theory of spiritual marriage, the developer of samples of vows for entering into spiritual marriage (spiritual union), practices in the application of spiritual marriage (spiritual union) and vows - a precedent has been created, a lawyer (higher education - Moscow State Law Academy ), Christian at heart, Orthodox by baptism, spiritual status in her Family (Head of the family in the spiritual line, Confessor of the family, prayer)).


I received 10 positive reviews for the article "Spiritual Marriage"
from the poet from the literary portal "Izba-Chitalnya" and 2 reviews from VKontakte.

1. Larisa Strauss 11/17/2015 21:41:24
Feedback: positive
Galina, an interesting article! Informative!

2. Tamara Makeeva - Pakhistakhis 14.10.2015 13:31:39
Feedback: positive
With love and gratitude, Tamara.

3. Betty (Svetlana Mangutova) 08.10.2015 17:16:31
Feedback: positive
Yes, I agree, God's Word is Truth.
Distortion of the Truth is for personal gain, for some reason it is necessary.
Thanks a lot!! With warmth of soul!!

4. Mikhail Bulygin 05.10.2015 01:04:53
Feedback: positive
Thank you, Galya, for your work!
I read it with great interest.
I knew a lot of what you wrote
but I didn't know even more... Thank you!!!
Have a good mood and creative inspiration!
Regards, Mikhail.

5. Valentina Kavetskaya 2 09/16/2015 07:22:39
Feedback: positive
The necessary article! I read it with great attention.
It was a pleasure to touch your creativity.
Good luck! Regards.

6. Valery Gulyanov 09/15/2015 15:17:51
Feedback: positive
Thank you for a very interesting and informative article, Galina!
It is very relevant now, when spiritual values ​​are often
replaced by material values.
Spiritual marriage is wonderful, but it seems that now,
not everyone is ready for it, because it is also a big responsibility.
Also, some of you may have some questions...
After all, a vow cannot be broken.
Well, if after a few years of living together it turns out
that the spouses did not agree in character?
Or suddenly, feelings will cool down, and love will fade away?
What to do in this case?
This, as I understand it, is the highest stage of marriage,
the highest (ideal) form of marriage,
and that such a marriage be fully established and
individual and society itself must achieve
very high degree of spiritual development.
Individual (some) people can achieve
this highest level and have already reached it.
But it is important that the whole society reaches this stage...
These are the thoughts I had immediately after reading the article,
but the article is very serious and it takes some time,
to fully comprehend it.
With sincere warmth and respect.

7. Elena Esaulova 09/10/2015 02:09:54
Feedback: positive
Wow, it was very interesting to read!
Thanks a lot! There are so many things in life that you don't even think about.
you let everything go with the flow of life ... But you should at least sometimes!

8. Polina 09/09/2015 12:55:08
Feedback: positive
How did you sort it all out!
White marriage - yes, too, but rare.

9. Krasik Elvira 09/08/2015 14:10:21
Feedback: positive

10. Pushkarev Vladimir Valerievich 09/08/2015 09:55:02
Feedback: positive
The article is good.

So: only that union can be called a spiritual marriage, in which the types of thinking of the spouses are mutually complementary.
So will is complemented by mysticism, and logic is complemented by realism.
Rat - Rooster, Rat - Bull, Rat - Snake, Monkey - Rooster, Monkey - Bull, Dragon - Rooster, Dragon - Bull, Dragon - Snake. In this half, one marriage is missing, he went under the vector (Monkey - Snake). There are more holes in the other half. Horse - Cat, Horse - Goat, Tiger - Cat, Tiger - Boar, Dog - Cat, Dog - Boar, Dog - Goat. In this half, two marriages are missing (Horse - Boar and Tiger - Goat), it is clear that these are vector exceptions. Any other marriage, no matter how many spiritual insights, UFO flights, psychic breakthroughs and a poltergeist, cannot be called a spiritual marriage.

The commandments are: Hunger for an eternal friend, forget about the rest, love complexity, stop loving simplicity communicate limitlessly, intrigue each other, pursue two separate careers, shake them up but do not mix them, be liberated, think less about public institutions, communicate with God directly , build life in a spiral and be above circumstances. Now a little more.
a) The ideal situation for entering into a spiritual marriage is a feeling of unbearable loneliness. Only the one who carries the fear of the end of youth, the fear of losing friends and loved ones, the fear that children will grow up and scatter, the fear of darkness and the abyss, into which you cannot step without holding hands with at least someone, only he is finally ripe for spiritual marriage.
b) Protecting themselves from loneliness and foreseeing the betrayal of friends, colleagues and other citizens, confessors must strike a preemptive blow and be the first to turn away from the world of people. You can say hello, talk, poison jokes, but at the same time be aware that people are just an object of decoration, and there are only two real characters in the play of life - spiritually interacting spouses. Therefore, it is so easy to communicate with other people, because they are just spectators and listeners, and maybe readers, but they cannot influence the real action, only two people decide everything there.
c) Be wise, deep, do not look for simple ways and easy truths. Complicate where it is simple, stir up where it is transparent, pile up where it was spacious. This is your destiny. You are called to complex routes, leave simple paths to other people, your path is not banal. Hence the very style of your communication, go from the opposite, you want to say "Yes!", say "No!", look for black in white, look for the villain where he is kind, look for the hero where he is vile. This is how Stanislavsky taught us.
d) Communicate unlimitedly. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of turning any topic into a subject of great sophistication and philosophical research. Learn to listen to an opinion that is unpleasant and incomprehensible to you, find a symmetrical answer to it and enter into a long contact of tangential blows. But head-on collisions must be avoided. Spiritual marriage is not in a hurry, it does not run anywhere, and therefore quick decisions, truths born in heated debates, are not needed here. Take your time, do not clash foreheads, not the truth is needed in spiritual marriage, but only the search for it, the joint path of passing to this truth. And hence the favorite style of communication - one talks about one thing, the other about another. Questions remain unanswered, effects change with causes, up becomes down, right becomes left, and so on. The main thing is that this style does not anger the interlocutors, but amuses.
e) Hence the main criterion for the vitality of a spiritual union - spouses must be extremely interesting to each other. They are like outlandish animals, like aliens. Unbelievable, incomprehensible, bewitching. Hence the conclusion - disguise yourself, do not help to reveal you to the end, keep secrets, muddy the waters, cover your tracks. A transparent and clear little man in a spiritual marriage will not last long. The ideal option for mutual alienation is great skill in exactly what the spouse is most mediocre at. Possession of skill in what is inaccessible to the understanding of a partner is the path to maximum delight. And the state of creative enthusiasm in a spiritual marriage is a good thing, a necessary thing.
f) The unique skills of the spouses inevitably give rise to a system of two careers. But the trick is that each of the two careers is accomplished not by itself, but for the sake of an eternal friend. This is the uniqueness of a spiritual career, it is disinterested, because its achievement is the delight and satisfaction of the only person for whom it is worth living and creating. So four are born from one tandem. It is not so much two people interacting with each other, and not even so much two careers, as each of the spouses with someone else's career. They seem to pull each other, speaking in a modern way, they become producers for each other. Such an option would be ideal.
g) Fear of spiritual marriage as a kind of psychiatric hospital, asylum for the insane, a forge of all kinds of deviations and pathologies is completely unjustified. This is a marriage of the highest spiritual ascent, an experiment of pure and selfless penetration beyond the horizon line, beyond the line separating the temporary world from the eternal world. Well, if someone has not matured yet before understanding the depths of the universe, then these are his problems. No one has yet proven that humanity must stop in its development, therefore, it is necessary to move forward, and only he is ahead, a selfless, quiet and deep spiritual union, no matter how abnormal it may seem now, when viewed from the world of greed, aggression and cult individual achievements.
h) Those who have already decided for themselves that a spiritual marriage is a collection of angels with wings, that everyone in it walks in soft slippers, and speaks only in a whisper, the author is forced to disappoint. The participants in the spiritual union are too wise and too deep to skim the surface of hypocritical stereotypes, to follow the rules of morality imposed on the plebeians. Confessors can do everything that their personal conscience allows them, not rented from the prescriptions of lawyers and dogmatists, but suffered through endless struggles of spirit and flesh. By the way, there has always been enough flesh in spiritual marriage, this is not some kind of incorporeal romantic union for you. This is the paradox of compensation. While the flesh is strong, it aspires to the romantic heights, but now the almost incorporeal spirit clings to the flesh with both hands.
i) Spiritual marriage, in its ideal version, should perform a miracle - reveal a line of really useful interaction between the sexes. Flying through the romance of the superficial layer of external differences, breaking through the palisade of the patriarchal-economic expediency of the division of labor, and finally, slipping through the war of the sexes, the spiritual sign demonstrates the main difference between the sexes. A man is a brilliant creator, a woman is no less a brilliant perceiver. Men's creativity is always too independent, too unfounded, too arbitrary. A woman goes a longer, ornate path, compares and assimilates someone else's better and more objectively. In that sense, they are the perfect couple.
j) Marriage is strong by its achievements. In a spiritual marriage, these achievements lie in the unique path of two careers coexisting. No one will ever come up with such perfect co-authorship as in spiritual marriage. If there is at least something in the world that exists at the junction of two sciences, or two arts, or two sides of being, then a man and a woman must achieve the highest success there, intertwined either in bodies, or minds, or their souls. The dark and dense soul is male, the light and loose soul is female.
k) By enslaving their individualities in spiritual marriage, spouses receive complete emancipation in relation to society. Thus, this marriage is anti-social in its essence. A romantic marriage must give its beauty to society, a patriarchal marriage must give its children to society, an equal marriage must give its energy and its aggression to society. Spiritual marriage owes nothing to society - it is the basis of the future anarchist-individualistic society. In the meantime, until a bright future has come, do not hesitate to pay less attention to politicians, officials, governments, presidents, states of all types, all kinds of get-togethers, scientific meetings, societies, communities, academies, and so on and so forth ...
m) Remember the fairy tale about the "white bull". Here is a spiritual marriage about it. There is movement in marriage, but this movement goes in a spiral, with endless visits to the same circles. Such a movement is in harmony with the essence of marriage, in which nothing is ever agreed to the end, where everything is confused, it is not clear where not a single dot is put down, and commas are almost invisible. Therefore, forward - to what is behind or back - to what is ahead. And therefore, never give up, there are no reasons that forbid, in case of inconsistency, to go one more circle, then another, another and another ... So: the romantic is always unchanged, the equal always changes, the patriarchal in gradual deterioration, but the spiritual , due to its spiral ascent, should always improve. That's what the spiral is for. Every theme of marriage should be revised, improved and strengthened from time to time. Just don't rush, don't rush anywhere.
m) Spiritual marriage is the only one of equilibrium (vector does not count), in which a person "floats" from his sign. Those who possessed a strong-willed type of thinking are gradually shifting towards a mystical worldview. The mystic, thanks to whom this advancement took place, in turn moves forward into the volitional element. Similarly, the interaction between the logical and realistic elements. So a person, due to unstoppable work and powerful marital interaction, not only changes his fate, but also transforms what was given to him from birth - his sign.
o) At some stage, spiritual marriage apparently requires constant communication. However, if the "capture" of souls has occurred, then is it really important whether the spouse is nearby or not. In this sense, as in many others, spiritual marriage is the arithmetic mean of romantic and equal unions. The romantic demanded constant separation, the equal demanded constant contact, therefore, the spiritual demanded something in between. For example, constant contact in conditions of separation, or non-contact stay nearby. Most likely, we are talking about the continuous alternation of separations and meetings, approximations and distances. Spiritual marriage must sway.
o) Spiritual marriage is called spiritual because, despite its anti-social and anti-social nature, it is as close as possible to the religious understanding of marriage. There is no chatter about eternal love, no ascetic service, no battle for the cause of the Lord. But there is a real presence of divine forces, which, in fact, stand out at the moment the signs descend from their places. The sign is like a cork that closes a bottle. The less ground the cork, the faster the genie (spirit) living in the bottle begins to evaporate. In a vector marriage, the bottle opens like champagne, with a roar and foam. In a spiritual marriage, the cork is removed slowly.
p) Spiritual marriage less than others experiences antagonism to other marriages. From his height, he looks favorably on all other marriages. For him, all these are games, but quite funny. It's fun to play romance, it's fun to play patriarchal relationships, you can, however, arrange a fight and socialist competition in the manner of an equal union. Well, when all this gets tired, you can return to the spiritual union. In this sense, spiritual marriage is the only synthetic one.

To summarize: spiritual marriage, although the most difficult to implement, is not strict in its implementation. Therefore, the very concept of commandments is not entirely appropriate here. It's more about wishes.


    The four chapters of this part talk about alliances where:

    1) husband - Rat, Monkey, Dragon,
    wife - Rooster, Snake, Ox;
    2) husband - Cat, Boar, Goat,
    wife - Horse, Tiger, Dog;
    3) husband - Horse, Tiger, Dog,
    wife - Cat, Boar, Goat;
    4) husband - Rooster, Snake, Ox,
    wife - Rat, Monkey, Dragon.
    This marriage is a hymn to the human spirit, a hymn to the human mind. The path of spouses to each other in such a union is the most difficult. It is difficult for them to find a common language. It is difficult for them to find unity in the sphere of reason - different types of thinking. And yet, the one who decides on such a marriage and is able to do colossal spiritual work in search of community will receive the highest reward. None of the three previous types of marriage is able to bring the high harmony that such a union gives.
    The deepest joys of this marriage are the reward for selflessness, for renunciation of the world. Only spouses who are maximally absorbed by each other will be able to solve the most difficult tasks of a spiritual union.

    (Husband: Rat, Monkey, Dragon; wife: Rooster, Snake, Ox)
    Examples: D. Ya. Mamin-Sibiryak - M. M. Abramova (Rat - Bull),
    Peter III - Catherine II (Monkey - Rooster),
    A. A. Blok - L. D. Mendeleev (Dragon - Snake),
    A. I. Herzen - Ya. L. Herzen (Monkey - Bull),
    J. Lennon - Y. It (Dragon - Rooster),
    F. Fellini -D. Mazina (Monkey - Rooster),
    R. K Shchedrin -M. M. Plisetskaya (Monkey - Bull),
    S. G. Volkonsky - M. N. Volkonskaya (Monkey - Bull),
    M. A. Fonvizin - Ya. D Fonvizin (Monkey - Bull).
    Of course, the title of our chapter is rather arbitrary. But even at the beginning of work on the marriage theory, these marriages were conspicuous by their solidity, the inseparability of spouses so different in their characteristics. After all, both are sources of love and will, but of two opposite types, and therefore, instead of a head-to-head collision, a spiritual merger occurs, which is not found in any of the three remaining spiritual marriages. The connection is so strong that the people themselves do not seem to exist, but there is only marriage. If an analogy from chemistry is appropriate, then this marriage is like a nitrogen molecule with a triple bond.
    In such a union, everything external, non-spiritual falls away like a husk. Neither age, nor appearance, nor money matter. It can be said that people have only one essence or they form a new quality, and the image, what we call language, the sign characteristic that we inherited from animal counterparts, as it were, dissolves. Therefore, additional characteristics of marriages are practically not needed.
    But even the absoluteness of this marriage, the lucky star of the birth signs of both spouses, does not allow one to step over the main law of the union - the need for painstaking and long spiritual work for mutual merging. This is a two-way traffic, and the desire for one is not enough here.
    Let us return to the work of the soul, to the search for spiritual unity. It is easy to enter the path, the path itself is difficult, if you have an attitude towards independence, towards the integrity of the personality, and even a young age can also be a hindrance.
    The legendary marriage of film director Federico Fellini and actress Giulietta Masina.
    "In the world of cinema, directors and actresses often love each other. But then most often parting occurs. Love stories, even the most beautiful ones, come to an end; they become memories. But the love story of Juliet and Federico has been going on for almost half a century."
    It began, as it usually happens in these unions, with a correspondence acquaintance with each other's work, and continued with non-stop joint work, in which it is already difficult to separate them from each other. The interviewer was amazed that "during the conversation, Federico called her at least four times in total just to hear her voice..."
    On the one hand, the spouses form a single whole - love helps them in this, on the other hand, they are not burdened by dependence on each other, they are only glad of it.
    When asked by a correspondent how Shchedrin felt about the fact that in some circles he was called the husband of Maya Plisetskaya, he replied that in other circles Plisetskaya was called Shchedrin's wife.
    Yes, the separation of spheres of influence in this marriage is painless, even if the spouses are united by a common cause. In addition, the spheres of application of the true abilities of the spouses have very clear boundaries: love, will. Isn't it at all like a mixture of intuition and logic, or a combination of a wife's cold sexual insight and her husband's ardent romantic love, her romantic will with his reasonable will.
    Love in this marriage is led by the husband. Brilliantly know the psychology of women, men of the signs of the Rat, Monkey, Dragon.

    MARRIAGE 109. He is a Rat, she is a Rooster
    Spouses are open signs. Their desire to embrace the immensity is unlikely to play a positive role in marriage. In the field of the people, one can act only when an internal contact is established. Also, do not follow the path of least resistance and satisfy your desire for simplicity in everything. Spiritual relationships are always high style.

    The activity of the wife and the housekeeping of the husband are perfectly combined in this marriage.

    MARRIAGE 110. HE is a Rat, she is a Snake
    Here the quality of spiritual marriage will be determined by the wife, her innate aristocracy and aesthetic taste. The abundance of friendly contacts of the husband will interfere with this union. It is better for the husband to give his energy to the family.

    He should watch his behavior: coldness and rudeness on his part will not strengthen the family. We must also remember that the excessive fussiness of the Rat, her passion for diversity is unbearable for the Snake, who needs peace and a leisurely lifestyle.

    MARRIAGE 111. He is a Rat, she is a Bull
    generality of psychology. Ruthlessness towards oneself, a willingness to break one's character is a plus, but ruthlessness towards each other is not needed. You better avoid violent quarrels. Spouses are able to withstand a long confrontation, but during this time spiritual contact may disappear, and everything will have to start over.

    The wife is a very family-oriented sign, but the husband has a lot of work to do on himself. But every cloud has a silver lining, he will be able to expand the scope of those stereotypes that the wife is in captivity.

    MARRIAGE 112. HE is a Monkey, she is a Rooster
    Spouses are very active people, although the husband may hide his abilities. The base for unity is large: if it has not become a common profession, then there is a business within the family - a common hobby, craft, hobby, etc. The husband will give this an aesthetic beginning, the wife will take care of development.

    It is better for a spouse to forget about her own career and a huge circle of acquaintances. She must devote herself to her family. The husband should not be isolated on himself.

    MARRIAGE 113. HE is a Monkey, she is a Snake
    The vector ring and the esotericism of spouses as the ability to penetrate someone else's personality are playing a cruel joke here. There is no need to penetrate anywhere, you are already a single whole, the depth of spiritual searches can deprive you of vitality, but let's hope that a sentimental wife will take pity on her husband, and an understanding of female psychology will not allow him to make fatal mistakes for a servant.

    In this marriage, it is better to withdraw into yourself. A rich inner world is a great haven from vector passions.

    MARRIAGE 114. He is a Monkey, she is a Bull
    The wife's orthodox desire to strengthen the marriage is a good basis for any union. However, there are too many "buts". Will the wife be able to discern behind the outward strangeness of her husband his loving soul, especially since it is usually a prisoner of generally accepted stereotypes? Will she be able to travel with him to his strange depths? And will her husband open up to her completely? The main thing is her perseverance and tact. And she usually lacks tact.

    MARRIAGE 115. HE is a Dragon, she is a Rooster
    Double romanticism is always the basis for endless searches in the spiritual realm. The most important thing is not to lose reasonable contact with the emotions that such a combination of signs evokes. Spouses are quite stubborn and difficult to compromise.

    The husband is a supporter of order, nepotism and constancy. The wife has a lot of work to do to destroy her husband's standard outlook on life, and she will also have to fight the simplicity inherent in her own character. Here the husband comes to the rescue with his dreaminess and detachment from the world. We wish the couple good luck.

    MARRIAGE 116. HE is a Dragon, she is a Snake
    The simplicity of their union does not threaten. This guarantee is dreaminess and isolation from the life of the husband and the aristocracy of the wife. Spouses almost instantly become isolated on each other and begin to live in the world of their own passions. There is no doubt about their depth and transformative power.

    Only at the beginning of the path do not clip your wings with excessive attention to the material side of life. Your contact will not disappear, but will become poorer.

    MARRIAGE 117. He is a Dragon, she is a Bull
    Orthodox marriage, often it is realized only in the plane of building a family, material wealth, raising children. Do not impoverish your life, look beyond the generally accepted, there are great opportunities in your union. This is one of the most favorable marriages for the Ox woman: the husband calmly reacts to her straightforwardness, stubbornness, even rudeness. Let the wife appreciate such a husband.

    The Dragon Husband does not like to quarrel and therefore is prone to compromise.

    (Husband: Cat, Boar, Goat; wife: Horse, Tiger, Dog)
    The titles we give to the chapters are rather conventional. The title of this chapter only indicates one of the many ways in which generality can be sought. Indeed, in the end, the powerful mind of the wife and a deep understanding of life by the husband should merge here.

    Examples: S. A. Yesenin - 3. N. Reich (Goat - Horse),
    G. Alexandrov - L. Orlova (Cat - Tiger),
    V. Menshov - V. Alentova (Cat - Horse),
    L. D. Trotsky - Ya. I. Sedova-Trotskaya (Cat - Horse),
    F. Sinatra -A. Gardner (Cat - Dog),
    F. Schiller - Sh. Schiller (Cat - Dog),
    F. I. Tyutchev - E. A. Denisyeva (Boar - Dog).
    Spiritual marriage is always difficult, but in this case the situation is complicated many times over by the fact that there are no powerful energy sources - will and love. Only the mind controls the actions of spouses. In addition, women of the years of the Horse, Tiger, Dog, despite their powerful intellect, primarily strive to realize themselves as a wife-companion, a wife-assistant, and not an equal intellectual partner.
    The interest in the husband's business should become only the first step for the wife, and not an end in itself, because then the realization does not come of an intellectual union, but of a primitive marriage. The couple miss their blue bird and try to find intellectual unity in everyday problems, lowering the level of their relationship.
    There are more than enough obstacles in such a marriage. Much can spoil the image of a strong, strong-willed personality that the women of this trio carry. The desire to subdue the husband, to curb him will not lead to good. Only the work of the mind, the endless search for semantic parallels, can go through the difficult path to intellectual kinship.
    We must also remember that the path to the harmony of mind in this marriage lies in the combat plane. And oddly enough, but scandals, thunderstorms in family relationships will only strengthen the union, but only if all the fighting energy of the husband and wife is directed to the field of intellect, and not to everyday life.

    MARRIAGE 118. He is a Cat, she is a Horse
    Marriage open signs. This is an additional factor in building relationships. If difficulties arise, listen to your friends, it will become easier for you, unnecessary emotions will go away. But at the same time, do not overdo it in communicating with friends.
    There is a lot of romanticism in the family: a very active wife is complemented by a husband - a contemplative of contemplators. With a very "sofa" position of the husband, conflicts can arise. Let him overcome himself and help his wife in everything. And again: be afraid of everyday life, you have a tendency to simplify everything.

    MARRIAGE 119. He is a Cat, she is a Tiger
    Simplicity does not threaten this marriage. A contemplative husband is complemented by a dreamy wife. The take-off of the spouses will help them in communication. The aristocracy of the wife gives solidity to the husband.
    Here is another danger - you can fly too far in dreams, and a hated life and attempts to blame it on each other will cause a negative reaction from both. The advice is the same - difficulties must be overcome together.

    MARRIAGE 120. He is a Cat, she is a Dog
    The dog woman's obsession with everyday problems can send a marriage in the wrong direction. The contemplative husband will not interfere with anything, but one day he will get up and leave, since the "nest" and everyday comforts will not keep him in spiritual union.
    The main thing is to focus on each other. The wife should calm down and not grab onto everything at once.

    MARRIAGE 121. He is a Boar, she is a Horse
    There is no time for spiritual searches here, because the vector ring interferes. It spins almost instantly and very powerfully: the fiery passions of the wife clash with the recklessness of the husband. Oddly enough, but the wife-mistress can not withstand all this round dance faster than the husband. Great passions will lead to great disappointments. Be calm - this is advice primarily to the wife. Your husband can handle a lot.

    MARRIAGE 122. He is a Boar, she is a Tiger
    Spouses are initially aimed at spiritual quests. They are helped in this by innate aristocracy, admiration for the individual, etc. The main thing is that all these qualities should be directed at each other, and not inward.
    A wife should not get hung up on household problems. Your husband, although an aristocrat, is at the same time a very unpretentious person. Spend your time not on cooking, but on communicating with your spouse.
    A husband should not abuse his wife's patience and burden her with the burden of everyday life. Everything will return to you a hundredfold in the form of a perfectly organized attack.

    MARRIAGE 123. He is a Boar, she is a Dog
    Spouses must do a lot of work on themselves in order to avoid temptations: for the Pig - to focus on their own interests, for the Dog - on the idea of ​​a family, life or social career instead of focusing on their own husband.
    Family standards are not for such a man, he wants variety and surprises. The combination of such qualities in a husband and rich spiritual gifts in a wife will become a guiding thread in marriage.
    Let the wife not pay attention to some coldness of her husband, take advantage of the reverse side of this quality: there is no more unpretentious sign than the Pig.

    MARRIAGE 124. He is a Goat, she is a Horse
    The danger is the same. An energetic wife may not hear the inner voice and will begin to build a "nest" instead of encouraging her husband to spiritual unity. Marriages developing according to this scenario usually break up.
    Does not facilitate the situation and the sensitivity of both spouses. Any showdown causes such a flow of emotions and is such a blow to the psyche that spiritual unity can be destroyed to the ground. It is better to take care of each other and decide everything with a cold head.

    MARRIAGE 125. He is a Goat, she is a Tiger
    Vector ring, here spiritual unity is an application to the passions of this couple. From love to hate ... Admiration for his wife and the inability to withstand her pressure for a long time. The compassionate soul of a husband, like a clear barometer, shows how a vector marriage develops. How long will he endure, will he not overstrain, and maybe he will get bored with his wife. In any case, the loss of a family is a disaster for both. Be carefull.

    MARRIAGE 126. He is a Goat, she is a Dog
    Orthodox marriage. Spouses are supporters of constancy in feelings, strength in relationships. This family will break up only in emergency circumstances. The danger lies elsewhere: spouses are lovers of standards in everything, and spiritual quests deny any standards. Spouses can lower the level of their relationship, spiritualize life, and not improve the soul.
    Stubbornness - an innate feature of all orthodox signs - does not contribute to deepening contact. Learn to compromise.

    (Husband: Horse, Tiger, Dog; wife: Cat, Boar, Goat)
    Examples: I. K Roerich - E. I. Roerich (Dog - Cat),
    Pavel I-Maria Fedorovna (Dog - Cat),
    A. Mitskevich - K. Pavlova (Horse - Cat),
    I. A. Bunin - E. Fekhner (Horse - Goat),
    G. Ivanov - I. Odoevtseva (Horse - Goat),
    S. Gerasimov - T. Makarova (Horse - Goat),
    G. Panfilov - I. Churikova (Dog - Goat).
    The husband's romantic passion is blind, but in alliance with his wife, for whom there are no secrets in the love sphere, and he begins to understand this mysterious area of ​​\u200b\u200bfeelings little by little.
    Recall what the love insight of these women means. Actress I. Alferova (Cat): "For example, I know - I can be different, I will find everything in myself, I will adapt, just tell me how you want to see me."
    If so, then the romantic image of the beloved, which is created by strong-willed men, in this marriage may not become an illusion, but a reality, since the wife is able to fill the romantic image with life. And yet, the romanticization of love and the accompanying blindness haunt a man for a long time.
    Mutual romanticism, husband's love - this is only the beginning of a long path of spiritual improvement, constant work on oneself. Not everyone is given such strength, not everyone wants to part with their independence, independence. Often, romantic feelings last longer than the union itself.
    In unity, the strength of this marriage, when it disappears, the spouses can become irreconcilable enemies.

    MARRIAGE 127. He is a Horse, she is a Cat
    The advantage of marriage is the openness of the spouses. With all the difficulties, go to the people. Extraneous analysis will help you in many ways to understand what you did not understand together.
    The husband needs to get rid of the house-building habits and harness himself to the household. Your wife will never be able to fully devote herself to the kitchen. Diktat in relation to female Cats is not appropriate at all.
    A wife should remember that she will achieve everything if she turns to the sensitive heart of her husband.

    MARRIAGE 128. He is a Horse, she is a Boar
    A vector ring intervenes in spiritual quest, which will speed up interpenetration, but make marriage a very risky undertaking. An energetic and purposeful husband will try to remake, stir up his companion. The uncomplaining admiration of the servant for the master will also be added to her romantic feeling. How long can she endure this? Perhaps the ability to be ruthless to herself will help her.
    And yet, from vector unions, this is not the most disastrous option.

    MARRIAGE 129. He is a Horse, she is a Goat
    Spouses are sensitive and easily hurt people. First of all, be attentive to your life partner, and not to yourself. Every quarrel will be a shock for you. Any emotion breaks spiritual unity.
    Excessive openness and hospitality of the husband, on the one hand, and stubbornness plus capriciousness of the wife, on the other, can become an obstacle. It is important to remember that in this marriage all obstacles are overcome, over time your habits must change.

    MARRIAGE 130. He is a Tiger, she is a Cat
    Spiritual quests have something to rely on here, the spouses belong to the take-off signs, to which the materialization of the word is available.
    The main thing is not to reduce this high style of relations to banal everyday conflicts: take-off signs do not like to do housework. The husband should forget about home construction, help his wife in everything.

    The wife should reduce her circle of acquaintances and focus on her husband. Only there you will avoid his terrible jealousy.

    MARRIAGE 131. He is a Tiger, she is a Boar
    Both spouses are aesthetic signs. This is a wonderful additional quality for spiritual quests. The main thing is that the priority of one's own personality does not take precedence over spiritual unity.
    Much depends on the husband, since the Pig woman can exist in a huge range of life options. It is in his power to make her prefer a spiritual orientation.
    Life shouldn't be a problem. The wife simply will not notice that the husband has withdrawn himself from household chores.

    MARRIAGE 132. He is a Tiger, she is a Goat
    And again, the vector ring rules the ball. And disaster may become inevitable, despite the fact that the spouses are perfect for each other: a tender, sexy, familial wife and a loving, jealous husband. The pressure of the master-husband can be excessive - a sensitive wife is unlikely to withstand this. And the husband will be at a loss from her constant tantrums. What to wish? As always in a vector marriage - do not breathe, freeze ...

    MARRIAGE 133. He is a Dog, she is a Cat
    Marriage is illuminated by the name of the Roerichs. For the sake of this alone, it is worth trying to find ways to get closer. It seems that the desire of the Dog man for the constancy of relations, his industriousness and the loving wisdom of his wife will facilitate the path of spiritual quest. The openness of the wife will give her husband additional confidence in his abilities. But the mutual pessimism of the spouses will not make it easier for them to work on spiritual unity. Try to control yourself.
    Marriage is very common and almost always successful.

    MARRIAGE 134. He is a Dog, she is a Boar
    There are not so many additional incentives for rapprochement, but there is no need to be sad. The optimism of the Pig woman will suppress the eternal longing of the Dog man. He will no longer waste energy on emotional experiences, but will take up a specific matter.
    The family orientation inherent in the character of the husband, and the closeness (esotericism) of the wife play into the hands of the stability of the process of spiritual unity. A wife can exist in a huge range of life options - a lot depends on her husband. He must be persistent in his desire to isolate himself from the world.
    The industriousness of the Dog and the unpretentiousness of the Boar make it possible not to focus on everyday life.

    MARRIAGE 135. He is a Dog, she is a Goat
    Both spouses are orthodox, that is, both are stubborn - this is a minus, and both are kind to the family - this is a plus. Spouses will not scatter at the first difficulties, but the process of spiritual interpenetration will be intermittent. We must learn to compromise.
    The main thing is not to reduce the spiritual union to everyday life. Spouses can overdo it with housekeeping and at one fine moment find themselves with a broken trough: there is a family, but there is no spirituality.
    The wife must know that her tears and whims will not achieve the goal. The husband will not understand her emotions, although he will regret it.

    (Husband: Rooster, Snake, Ox; wife: Rat, Monkey, Dragon).
    Examples: S. Ya. Efron - M. I. Tsvetaeva (Snake - Dragon),
    L. Aragon - E. Triolet (Rooster - Monkey),
    M. V. Voynich - 3. L. Voynich (Bull - Rat),
    A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin - I. K. Naryshkina (Bull - Rat),
    Ya. M. Sverdlov -K. T. Novgorodtseva-Sverdlov (Rooster-Rat),
    B. Ya. Bryusov - I am I. Petrovskaya (Rooster - Monkey).
    Passionate marriage - such a definition is very difficult to connect with the main task of this type of marriage: with the search for spiritual unity. Yes, it is in this union that spouses go the most difficult and difficult path to the heights of spiritual unity. After all, here there are (remember the marriage characteristics of signs) Knight and Beauty. Passion not only accompanies these unions, but is an integral part of the relationship. Is it up to clarifying the meaning here, searching for reasonable compromises, in general, is it up to the mind here, when a fire is literally burning in the blood. But neither of the spouses possesses the energy of love and will, in the end the passion passes. Here, it would seem, and engage in spiritual interpenetration, but what about mutual disappointment, resentment? Moreover, spiritual searches are going on in the combat area.
    Yes, the spirituality of this union is also born in constant struggle. The type of fight doesn't matter. It can be revolutionary, as in the Sverdlov family, or any other - the main thing is that it be joint.
    Yes, spouses experience a deep, romantic, bright feeling that lifts them above themselves, changes them, “finishes them”. Therefore, grief from the loss of not just a loved one, but a part of one's personality is not only deep, but also infinite.
    Passion, because it is she who makes this union so difficult. Like no other, it is full of errors and illusions.
    Yes, such a connection requires a person without a trace.

    MARRIAGE 136. He is a Rooster, she is a Rat
    In society, on people, this alliance is formed, which is characterized by an ideological struggle and a fire of passions. The Rat woman cannot do without admirers, the Rooster man will win her back from the whole world. The main thing is not to lose your head in this process, not to disperse in the sea of ​​life.
    The activity of the husband will create excellent material support for the wife. She, having devoted herself only to him, will free him from complexes and doubts for any reason. Spouses should not transfer their relationship only to the economic mainstream. It is necessary to overcome innate inclinations and strive for the high.

    MARRIAGE 137. He is a Rooster, she is a Monkey
    The wife is responsible for the high level of relationships in marriage. But if the union of two specific people results in a purely business enterprise, that's not bad either.
    The wisdom and benevolence of the Monkey woman is a guarantee that this marriage will not be overwhelmed by passions and the path of spiritual unity will be passed to the end.
    For such active people, everyday life will not become a stumbling block in spiritual searches. They won't notice him.

    MARRIAGE 138. He is a Rooster, she is a Dragon
    In this marriage, in addition to spiritual communication, a romantic wave is very strong. The main thing is to turn these emotions for the benefit of spiritual unity. Let the husband fall in love with the dreaminess and slowness of his wife, and she - his activity. These qualities of a husband will help to overcome domestic difficulties.
    A great work of spirit is required from a wife: there is no need to become isolated in generally accepted standards, follow her husband, adopt from him the breadth of coverage of any problem.

    MARRIAGE 139. He is a Snake, she is a Rat
    A wise and coldish male Snake is not easy to catch on romantic feelings, but the Rat, if he wants, can be irresistible in his charm. He, sensitive and sexy, will conquer her, beat off all the fans.
    The husband will be delighted with the breadth of his wife's soul, she will find attractive features in his aristocracy. The spiritual level will be supported in this marriage by the husband. The main thing is not to descend from the spiritual level to the everyday one.
    The wife should not forget about the sensitive soul of her husband, he must forgive her some rudeness. Over time, he will find attractive features in her behavior.

    MARRIAGE 140. He is a Snake, she is a Monkey
    Caution: vector marriage, you seem to be gone, you are a single being. The ability of the esoteric to penetrate into someone else's soul reaches its maximum. A closed sign works in one direction: forgetting about its personality, it lives in another direction. Spiritual communication will be at its best, but will the spouses withstand the energy costs? Oddly enough, a sensitive husband may not be the first to stand it ... He is too kind a host, but if the wife takes on all the hardships of everyday life and maintains a high level of communication, then the marriage can last quite a long time.

    MARRIAGE 141. He is a Snake, she is a Dragon
    The wife is very attractive, the Snake man is an esthete. Her sign is family, and his - quickly tired and quite pampered. The husband needs home warmth. All this contributes to the fact that the spouses soon become isolated in their home and on each other. There is only one danger - to delve too deeply into the everyday side of life and forget about poetry, painting, and religious searches.
    A wife needs to pay more attention to the inner world of her husband, otherwise he will close in on himself, and spiritual unity will not work. A husband should appreciate his wife's unobtrusive optimism, which will help him cope with depression.

    MARRIAGE 142. He is a Bull, she is a Rat
    Fighting in this alliance is undesirable. Spouses can withstand a long confrontation, but at the same time completely eliminate spiritual interpenetration.
    A compromise must be reached between the husband's orthodoxy and the wife's breadth of interests. There is a gigantic base for collaboration here.
    Both spouses are unpretentious, and if they are busy with something interesting, they generally do not pay attention to food, sleep, and similar trifles.

    MARRIAGE 143. He is a Bull, she is a Monkey
    Bulls do not belong to the signs of increased spirituality, the main thing for them is action. Let the wife begin to re-educate her husband. This is a great way to show your innate esoteric abilities.
    The husband should know that the wife is not as unpretentious a person as he is. She needs comfort.
    The concreteness of the Monkey's thinking goes well with the industriousness of the Ox. But, to put it mildly, the husband's low sensitivity hurts the wife's aristocratic soul. For family happiness, a husband needs to become a little more sentimental.

    MARRIAGE 144. He is a Bull, she is a Dragon
    Both spouses have a craving for nepotism and constancy. The main thing is to quickly pass the family stage and engage in the knowledge of the soul. Here, the first violin will be played by the wife with her take-off and dreams, the husband must give activity to this process.
    Spiritual relationships are built on compromises, and the mutual stubbornness of two orthodoxies can complicate interpenetration.
    The difficulty is that the Ox is an insensitive sign, and the wife, behind her dreams, can forget that her husband must be constantly consulted. She must remember: every day and hour she must break through his armor.

    I was going to write about marriage))
    Undoubtedly, I agree, as the author points out, indeed such relationships are not simple.
    Somewhere I wrote here earlier that when entering into this relationship, I thought, understood, realized that this is an extremely difficult relationship for me, like the martyr.
    A lot of what is listed on the points really takes place, as well as the fact that, nevertheless, they slightly give away as a hospital))
    These are relations that include all other types, including at some points the vector. Something in between.
    And this is important, it is also important to maintain some kind of average level of each of them .. because if something starts to sag, it immediately "flies in the atmosphere"))

    To a greater extent, these items that we have:
    - constant contact in conditions of separation, or non-contact stay nearby. Most likely, we are talking about the continuous alternation of separations and meetings, approximations and distances.
    - enslaving their individualities in spiritual marriage, spouses receive complete emancipation in relation to society.
    - Achievements lie on the unique path of coexistence of two careers. But the trick is that each of the two careers is accomplished not by itself, but for the sake of an eternal friend.
    - male creativity is always too independent, too unreasonable, too arbitrary. A woman goes a longer, ornate path, compares and assimilates someone else's better and more objectively.
    - there is no chatter about eternal love, no ascetic service, no battle for the cause of the Lord.
    - hypocritical stereotypes, to follow the rules of morality imposed on the plebeians. Confessors can do everything that their personal conscience allows them, not rented from the prescriptions of lawyers and dogmatists, but suffered through endless struggles of spirit and flesh. By the way, there was always enough flesh in a spiritual marriage.
    - people are just an object of decoration, and there are only two real characters in the play of life - spiritually interacting spouses. Therefore, it is so easy to communicate with other people, because they are just spectators and listeners, and maybe readers, but they cannot influence the real action, only two people decide everything there.
    - we complicate where it is simple, muddle where it is transparent, pile up where it was spacious, complex routes, leave simple paths to other people.
    - learned to listen to an opinion that is unpleasant and incomprehensible to us, to find a symmetrical answer to it and to enter into a long contact of tangential blows.
    - hence the favorite style of communication - one talks about one thing, the other about another. Questions remain unanswered, the consequences change with the causes, the top becomes the bottom, the right becomes the left, and so on.))) Indeed, like unknown animals, aliens))
    My husband immediately turns on the running line on his forehead - urgently inclusive transliteration)))

    Well, for now, for us, already much less often, but still present - a head-on collision, of course, tin, and all-round defense, it happens for several months, there are no winners, no losers, hence the scrapping of their individualities, uncompromisingness goes away, and uncertain steps towards a compromise are born.

    realfaq .NET- a mirror of the forum where it will be available in case of quirks of Internet regulation in the Russian Federation Copying materials is allowed only with a direct active link to the source!


So: only that union can be called a spiritual marriage, in which the types of thinking of the spouses are mutually complementary. So will is complemented by mysticism, and logic is complemented by realism. Rat - Rooster, Rat - Bull, Rat - Snake, Monkey - Rooster, Monkey - Bull, Dragon - Rooster, Dragon - Bull, Dragon - Snake. In this half, one marriage is missing, he went under the vector (Monkey - Snake). There are more holes in the other half. Horse - Cat, Horse - Goat, Tiger - Cat, Tiger - Boar, Dog - Cat, Dog - Boar, Dog - Goat. In this half, two marriages are missing (Horse - Boar and Tiger - Goat), it is clear that these are vector exceptions. Any other marriage, no matter how many spiritual insights, UFO flights, psychic breakthroughs and a poltergeist, cannot be called a spiritual marriage.

The commandments are: Hunger for an eternal friend, forget about the rest, love complexity, stop loving simplicity communicate limitlessly, intrigue each other, pursue two separate careers, shake them up but do not mix them, be liberated, think less about public institutions, communicate with God directly , build life in a spiral and be above circumstances. Now a little more.

a) The ideal situation for entering into a spiritual marriage is a feeling of unbearable loneliness. Only the one who carries the fear of the end of youth, the fear of losing friends and loved ones, the fear that children will grow up and scatter, the fear of darkness and the abyss, into which you cannot step without holding hands with at least someone, only he is finally ripe for spiritual marriage.

b) Protecting themselves from loneliness and foreseeing the betrayal of friends, colleagues and other citizens, confessors must strike a preemptive blow and be the first to turn away from the world of people. You can say hello, talk, poison jokes, but at the same time be aware that people are just an object of decoration, and there are only two real characters in the play of life - spiritually interacting spouses. Therefore, it is so easy to communicate with other people, because they are just spectators and listeners, and maybe readers, but they cannot influence the real action, only two people decide everything there.

c) Be wise, deep, do not look for simple ways and easy truths. Complicate where it is simple, stir up where it is transparent, pile up where it was spacious. This is your destiny. You are called to complex routes, leave simple paths to other people, your path is not banal. Hence the very style of your communication, go from the opposite, you want to say "Yes!", say "No!", look for black in white, look for the villain where he is kind, look for the hero where he is vile. This is how Stanislavsky taught us.

d) Communicate unlimitedly. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of turning any topic into a subject of great sophistication and philosophical research. Learn to listen to an opinion that is unpleasant and incomprehensible to you, find a symmetrical answer to it and enter into a long contact of tangential blows. But head-on collisions must be avoided. Spiritual marriage is not in a hurry, it does not run anywhere, and therefore quick decisions, truths born in heated debates, are not needed here. Take your time, do not clash foreheads, not the truth is needed in spiritual marriage, but only the search for it, the joint path of passing to this truth. And hence the favorite style of communication - one talks about one thing, the other about another. Questions remain unanswered, effects change with causes, up becomes down, right becomes left, and so on. The main thing is that this style does not anger the interlocutors, but amuses.

e) Hence the main criterion for the vitality of a spiritual union - spouses must be extremely interesting to each other. They are like outlandish animals, like aliens. Unbelievable, incomprehensible, bewitching. Hence the conclusion - disguise yourself, do not help to reveal you to the end, keep secrets, muddy the waters, cover your tracks. A transparent and clear little man in a spiritual marriage will not last long. The ideal option for mutual alienation is great skill in exactly what the spouse is most mediocre at. Possession of skill in what is inaccessible to the understanding of a partner is the path to maximum delight. And the state of creative enthusiasm in a spiritual marriage is a good thing, a necessary thing.

f) The unique skills of the spouses inevitably give rise to a system of two careers. But the trick is that each of the two careers is accomplished not by itself, but for the sake of an eternal friend. This is the uniqueness of a spiritual career, it is disinterested, because its achievement is the delight and satisfaction of the only person for whom it is worth living and creating. So four are born from one tandem. It is not so much two people interacting with each other, and not even so much two careers, as each of the spouses with someone else's career. They seem to pull each other, speaking in a modern way, they become producers for each other. Such an option would be ideal.

g) Fear of spiritual marriage as a kind of psychiatric hospital, asylum for the insane, a forge of all kinds of deviations and pathologies is completely unjustified. This is a marriage of the highest spiritual ascent, an experiment of pure and selfless penetration beyond the horizon line, beyond the line separating the temporary world from the eternal world. Well, if someone has not matured yet before understanding the depths of the universe, then these are his problems. No one has yet proven that humanity must stop in its development, therefore, it is necessary to move forward, and only he is ahead, a selfless, quiet and deep spiritual union, no matter how abnormal it may seem now, when viewed from the world of greed, aggression and cult individual achievements.

h) Those who have already decided for themselves that a spiritual marriage is a collection of angels with wings, that everyone in it walks in soft slippers, and speaks only in a whisper, the author is forced to disappoint. The participants in the spiritual union are too wise and too deep to skim the surface of hypocritical stereotypes, to follow the rules of morality imposed on the plebeians. Confessors can do everything that their personal conscience allows them, not rented from the prescriptions of lawyers and dogmatists, but suffered through endless struggles of spirit and flesh. By the way, there has always been enough flesh in spiritual marriage, this is not some kind of incorporeal romantic union for you. This is the paradox of compensation. While the flesh is strong, it aspires to the romantic heights, but now the almost incorporeal spirit clings to the flesh with both hands.

i) Spiritual marriage, in its ideal version, should perform a miracle - reveal a line of really useful interaction between the sexes. Flying through the romance of the superficial layer of external differences, breaking through the palisade of the patriarchal-economic expediency of the division of labor, and finally, slipping through the war of the sexes, the spiritual sign demonstrates the main difference between the sexes. A man is a brilliant creator, a woman is no less a brilliant perceiver. Men's creativity is always too independent, too unfounded, too arbitrary. A woman goes a longer, ornate path, compares and assimilates someone else's better and more objectively. In that sense, they are the perfect couple.

j) Marriage is strong by its achievements. In a spiritual marriage, these achievements lie in the unique path of two careers coexisting. No one will ever come up with such perfect co-authorship as in spiritual marriage. If there is at least something in the world that exists at the junction of two sciences, or two arts, or two sides of being, then a man and a woman must achieve the highest success there, intertwined either in bodies, or minds, or their souls. The dark and dense soul is male, the light and loose soul is female.

k) By enslaving their individualities in spiritual marriage, spouses receive complete emancipation in relation to society. Thus, this marriage is anti-social in its essence. A romantic marriage must give its beauty to society, a patriarchal marriage must give its children to society, an equal marriage must give its energy and its aggression to society. Spiritual marriage owes nothing to society - it is the basis of the future anarchist-individualistic society. In the meantime, until a bright future has come, do not hesitate to pay less attention to politicians, officials, governments, presidents, states of all types, all kinds of get-togethers, scientific meetings, societies, communities, academies, and so on and so forth ...

m) Remember the fairy tale about the "white bull". Here is a spiritual marriage about it. There is movement in marriage, but this movement goes in a spiral, with endless visits to the same circles. Such a movement is in harmony with the essence of marriage, in which nothing is ever agreed to the end, where everything is confused, it is not clear where not a single dot is put down, and commas are almost invisible. Therefore, forward - to what is behind or back - to what is ahead. And therefore, never give up, there are no reasons that forbid, in case of inconsistency, to go one more circle, then another, another and another ... So: the romantic is always unchanged, the equal always changes, the patriarchal in gradual deterioration, but the spiritual , due to its spiral ascent, should always improve. That's what the spiral is for. Every theme of marriage should be revised, improved and strengthened from time to time. Just don't rush, don't rush anywhere.

m) Spiritual marriage is the only one of equilibrium (vector does not count), in which a person "floats" from his sign. Those who possessed a strong-willed type of thinking are gradually shifting towards a mystical worldview. The mystic, thanks to whom this advancement took place, in turn moves forward into the volitional element. Similarly, the interaction between the logical and realistic elements. So a person, due to unstoppable work and powerful marital interaction, not only changes his fate, but also transforms what was given to him from birth - his sign.

o) At some stage, spiritual marriage apparently requires constant communication. However, if the "capture" of souls has occurred, then is it really important whether the spouse is nearby or not. In this sense, as in many others, spiritual marriage is the arithmetic mean of romantic and equal unions. The romantic demanded constant separation, the equal demanded constant contact, therefore, the spiritual demanded something in between. For example, constant contact in conditions of separation, or non-contact stay nearby. Most likely, we are talking about the continuous alternation of separations and meetings, approximations and distances. Spiritual marriage must sway.

o) Spiritual marriage is called spiritual because, despite its anti-social and anti-social nature, it is as close as possible to the religious understanding of marriage. There is no chatter about eternal love, no ascetic service, no battle for the cause of the Lord. But there is a real presence of divine forces, which, in fact, stand out at the moment the signs descend from their places. The sign is like a cork that closes a bottle. The less ground the cork, the faster the genie (spirit) living in the bottle begins to evaporate. In a vector marriage, the bottle opens like champagne, with a roar and foam. In a spiritual marriage, the cork is removed slowly.

p) Spiritual marriage less than others experiences antagonism to other marriages. From his height, he looks favorably on all other marriages. For him, all these are games, but quite funny. It's fun to play romance, it's fun to play patriarchal relationships, you can, however, arrange a fight and socialist competition in the manner of an equal union. Well, when all this gets tired, you can return to the spiritual union. In this sense, spiritual marriage is the only synthetic one.

To summarize: spiritual marriage, although the most difficult to implement, is not strict in its implementation. Therefore, the very concept of commandments is not entirely appropriate here. It's more about wishes.

The commandments are: yearn for an eternal friend, forget about the rest, love complexity, stop loving simplicity, communicate endlessly, intrigue each other, pursue two separate careers, stir them up but do not mix them, be liberated, think less about social institutions, communicate with God directly, build a life in a spiral and be above the circumstances. Now a little more.

a) The ideal situation for entering into a spiritual marriage is a feeling of unbearable loneliness. Only the one who carries the fear of the end of youth, the fear of losing friends and loved ones, the fear that children will grow up and scatter, the fear of darkness and the abyss, into which you cannot step without holding hands with at least someone, only he is finally ripe for spiritual marriage.

b) Protecting themselves from loneliness and foreseeing the betrayal of friends, colleagues and other citizens, confessors must strike a preemptive blow and be the first to turn away from the world of people. You can greet, talk, poison jokes, but at the same time be aware that people are just an object of decoration, and there are only two real characters in the play of life - spiritually interacting spouses. Therefore, it is so easy to communicate with other people, because they are just spectators and listeners, and maybe readers, but they cannot influence the real action, only two people decide everything there.

c) Be wise, deep, do not look for simple ways and easy truths. Complicate where it is simple, stir up where it is transparent, pile up where it was spacious. This is your destiny. You are called to complex routes, leave simple paths to other people, your path is not banal. Hence the very style of your communication, go from the opposite, you want to say "Yes!" - say "No!", look for black in white, look for villain where he is good, look for hero where he is vile. This is how Stanislavsky taught us.

d) Communicate unlimitedly. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of turning any topic into a subject of great sophistication and philosophical research. Learn to listen to an opinion that is unpleasant and incomprehensible to you, find a symmetrical answer to it and enter into a long contact of tangential blows. But head-on collisions must be avoided. Spiritual marriage is not in a hurry, it does not run anywhere, and therefore quick decisions, truths born in heated debates, are not needed here. Take your time, do not clash foreheads, not the truth is needed in spiritual marriage, but only the search for it, the joint path of passing to this truth. And hence the favorite style of communication - one talks about one thing, the other about another. Questions remain unanswered, effects change with causes, up becomes down, right becomes left, and so on. The main thing is that this style does not anger the interlocutors, but amuses.

e) Hence the main criterion for the viability of a spiritual union - the spouses must be extremely interesting to each other. They are like outlandish animals, like aliens. Unbelievable, incomprehensible, bewitching. Hence the conclusion - disguise yourself, do not help to reveal you to the end, keep secrets, muddy the waters, cover your tracks. A transparent and clear little man in a spiritual marriage will not last long. The ideal option for mutual alienation is great skill in exactly what the spouse is most mediocre at. Possession of skill in what is inaccessible to the understanding of a partner is the path to maximum delight. And the state of creative enthusiasm in spiritual marriage is a good thing, a necessary thing.

f) The unique skills of the spouses inevitably give rise to a system of two careers. But the trick is that each of the two careers is accomplished not by itself, but for the sake of an eternal friend. This is the uniqueness of a spiritual career, it is disinterested, because its achievement is the delight and satisfaction of the only person for whom it is worth living and creating. So four are born from one tandem. It is not so much two people interacting with each other, and not even so much two careers, as each of the spouses with someone else's career. They seem to pull each other, speaking in a modern way, they become producers for each other. Such an option would be ideal.

g) Fear of spiritual marriage as a kind of psychiatric hospital, an asylum for the insane, a forge of all kinds of deviations and pathologies is completely unjustified. This is a marriage of the highest spiritual ascent, an experiment of pure and selfless penetration beyond the horizon line, beyond the line that separates the temporary world from the eternal world. Well, if someone has not matured yet before understanding the depths of the universe, then these are his problems. No one has yet proven that humanity must stop in its development, therefore, it is necessary to move forward, and only he is ahead, a selfless, quiet and deep spiritual union, no matter how abnormal it may seem now, when viewed from the world of greed, aggression and cult individual achievements.

h) Those who have already decided for themselves that a spiritual marriage is a collection of angels with wings, that everyone in it walks in soft slippers and speaks only in a whisper, the author is forced to disappoint. The participants in the spiritual union are too wise and too deep to skim the surface of hypocritical stereotypes, to follow the rules of morality imposed on the plebeians. Confessors can do everything that their personal conscience allows them, not rented from the prescriptions of lawyers and dogmatists, but suffered through endless struggles of spirit and flesh. By the way, there has always been enough flesh in spiritual marriage, this is not some kind of incorporeal romantic union for you. This is the paradox of compensation. While the flesh is strong, it aspires to the romantic heights, but now the almost incorporeal spirit clings to the flesh with both hands.

i) Spiritual marriage, in its ideal version, should perform a miracle - reveal a line of really useful interaction between the sexes. Flying through the romance of the superficial layer of external differences, breaking through the palisade of the patriarchal-economic expediency of the division of labor, and finally, slipping through the war of the sexes, the spiritual sign demonstrates the main difference between the sexes. A man is a brilliant creator, a woman is no less a brilliant perceiver. Men's creativity is always too independent, too unreasonable, too arbitrary. A woman goes a longer, ornate path, compares and assimilates someone else's better and more objectively. In that sense, they are the perfect couple.

j) Marriage is strong by its achievements. In a spiritual marriage, these achievements lie in the unique path of two careers coexisting. No one will ever come up with such perfect co-authorship as in spiritual marriage. If there is at least something in the world that exists at the junction of two sciences, or two arts, or two sides of being, then a man and a woman must achieve the highest success there, intertwined either in bodies, or minds, or their souls. The dark and dense soul is male, the light and loose soul is female.

k) By enslaving their individualities in spiritual marriage, spouses receive complete emancipation in relation to society. Thus, this marriage is anti-social in its essence. A romantic marriage must give its beauty to society, a patriarchal marriage must give its children to society, an equal marriage must give its energy and its aggression to society. Spiritual marriage owes nothing to society - it is the basis of the future anarchist-individualistic society. In the meantime, until a bright future has come, feel free to pay less attention to politicians, officials, governments, presidents, states of all types, all kinds of get-togethers, scientific meetings, societies, communities, academies, and so on and so forth.

m) Remember the fairy tale about the "white bull". Here is a spiritual marriage about it. There is movement in marriage, but this movement goes in a spiral, with endless visits to the same circles. Such a movement is in harmony with the essence of marriage, in which nothing is ever agreed to the end, where everything is confused, it is not clear where not a single dot is put down, and commas are almost invisible. Therefore, forward - to what is behind or back - to what is ahead. And therefore, never give up, there are no reasons that forbid, in case of inconsistency, to go one more round, then another, another and another ... So: a romantic marriage is always unchanged, an equal always changes, a patriarchal one in a gradual deterioration, well, the spiritual, through its spiraling ascent, must always improve. That's what the spiral is for. Every theme of marriage should be revised, improved, and strengthened from time to time. Just don't rush, don't rush anywhere.

m) Spiritual marriage is the only one of equilibrium (vector does not count), in which a person "floats" from his sign. Those who possessed a strong-willed type of thinking are gradually shifting towards a mystical worldview. The mystic, thanks to whom this advancement has taken place, is in turn advanced into the volitional element. Similarly, the interaction between the logical and realistic elements. So a person, due to unstoppable work and powerful marital interaction, not only changes his fate, but also transforms what was given to him from birth - his sign.

o) At some stage spiritual marriage seems to require constant communication. However, if the "capture" of souls has occurred, then is it really important whether the spouse is nearby or not. In this, as in many other senses, spiritual marriage is the arithmetic mean of romantic and equal unions. The romantic demanded constant separation, the equal demanded constant contact, therefore, the spiritual demanded something in between. For example, constant contact in conditions of separation, or non-contact stay nearby. Most likely, we are talking about the continuous alternation of separations and meetings, approximations and distances. Spiritual marriage must sway.

o) Spiritual marriage is called spiritual because, despite its anti-social and anti-social nature, it is as close as possible to the religious understanding of marriage. There is no chatter about eternal love, no ascetic service, no battle for the cause of the Lord. But there is a real presence of divine forces, which, in fact, stand out at the moment the signs descend from their places. The sign is like a cork that closes the bottle. The less ground the cork is, the faster the genie/spirit that lives in the bottle begins to evaporate. In a vector marriage, the bottle opens like champagne, with a roar and foam. In a spiritual marriage, the cork is removed slowly.

p) Spiritual marriage less than others experiences antagonism to other marriages. From his height, he looks favorably on all other marriages. For him, all these are games, but quite funny. It's fun to play romance, it's fun to play patriarchal relationships, you can, however, arrange a fight and socialist competition in the manner of an equal union. Well, when all this gets tired, you can return to the spiritual union. In this sense, spiritual marriage is the only synthetic one.

To summarize: spiritual marriage, although the most difficult to implement, is not strict in its implementation. Therefore, the very concept of commandments is not entirely appropriate here. Rather, it is about wishes.

Grigory Kvasha: Marriage horoscope

So: only that union can be called a spiritual marriage, in which the types of thinking of the spouses are mutually complementary. For example, will is complemented by mysticism, and logic is complemented by realism. Rat - Rooster, Rat - Bull, Rat - Snake, Monkey - Rooster, Monkey - Bull, Dragon - Rooster, Dragon - Bull, Dragon - Snake. In this half, one marriage is missing, he went under the vector (Monkey - Snake). In the other half Horse - Cat, Horse - Goat, Tiger - Cat, Tiger - Boar, Dog - Cat, Dog - Boar, Dog - Goat. In this half, there are more gaps, two marriages are missing (Horse - Boar and Tiger - Goat), it is clear that these are vector exceptions. Any other marriage, no matter how many spiritual insights, UFO flights, psychic breakthroughs and a poltergeist, cannot be called a spiritual marriage.

Spiritual marriage should be the most difficult, the most difficult to establish. It is not surprising that the signs of the spouses are as far away as possible. They have no equality in anything - neither in the type of thinking, nor in the image (two parts of the sign in the ideological structure). That is, of the four possible options for marriage, the spiritual one turned out to be the one in which the road to each other is as far as possible, as confusing and not obvious as possible.

If spouses enter a spiritual marriage young, then they will have to go through many big and small crises and disagreements, and maybe even through divorce. However, if it is possible in crises, overcoming one’s own “I”, to reach a new level of communication each time, as if moving in a spiral and rising higher and higher, then gradually spiritual marriage will strengthen, deepen and, ultimately, become the best of all possible marriages. In such a marriage, there will no longer be separate personalities, no separate horoscopes, even souls will merge together. That's how high the stakes are in spiritual marriage.

Love, which psychologists have so far considered a detrimental factor for the strength of marriage (vector or romantic union), will inevitably become necessary in a spiritual marriage. However, in this love there will be much less passion, less struggle between the sexes, less blindness and anger.

Grigory Kvasha.
Structural horoscope: Marriage destinations.

The stakes are high in spiritual marriage.


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updated 05/17/2012

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