What is the nickname given by matryona korchagina. The image of Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina ("Who should live well in Russia"). Tragic events after the death of a baby

The grandiose idea of ​​Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Russia” was to show a large-scale cross-section of the entire Russian rural life of that time through the eyes of ignorant peasants, freedmen. From the bottom to the very heights, the heroes go in search of the “happiest person”, ask everyone they meet, listen to stories that are very often filled with worries, sorrows and troubles.

One of the most touching, soul-stirring stories: a story in which Matryona Timofeevna is described as a peasant woman, wife, mother. Matrena tells about herself fully, without fantasies, without concealment, she pours out her whole self, lyrically retelling such an ordinary story of a woman of her class for that time. In it alone, Nekrasov reflected the terrible and bitter, but not devoid of bright moments of happiness, truth about the most bonded, the most dependent. Not only from the will of the tyrant-master, but from the all-powerful master of the husband, from the mother-in-law and father-in-law, from her own parents, to whom the young woman was obliged to obey unquestioningly.

Matryona Timofeevna remembers her youth with gratitude and sadness. She lived with her father and mother like Christ in her bosom, but, despite their kindness, she did not mess around, she grew up as a hardworking and modest girl. They begin to welcome grooms, send matchmakers, but from the wrong side. Matrena's mother does not rejoice at the imminent separation from her beloved, she understands what her own child is waiting for:

» Someone else's side

Not sprinkled with sugar

Not watered with honey!

It's cold there, it's hungry there

There is a well-groomed daughter

Violent winds will blow,

Shaggy dogs bark,

And people will laugh!

This quote shows well how Nekrasov's poetic lines are filled with the lyricism of folk wedding songs, traditional lamentation for the outgoing girlhood. Maternal fears are not in vain - in a strange house, Matrena Timofeevna does not find love from new relatives, who always reproach her: “Drowsy, drowsy, messy!” The work that is thrown on the shoulders of a young woman seems exorbitant. There is no need to wait for intercession from Philip, the legal spouse, he spends all the time away from his young wife, looking for work to live on. Yes, and he himself does not hesitate to “teach” Matryona with a whip, although he treats her with affection, and if luck happens in business, he pampers the chosen one with gifts:

“Filipushka came in winter,

Bring a silk handkerchief

Yes, I took a ride on a sled

On Catherine's day

And there was no grief!

Sang like I sang

In my parents' house."

But now, among all the troubles of life, an event happens that turns the whole existence of Matryona - the birth of her first child! She gives him all her tenderness, unable to part, look at the wonderful gift of fate, with these words she describes the appearance of the boy:

“How written was Demushka

Beauty taken from the sun

The snow is white

Poppies have scarlet lips

The eyebrow is black in sable,

The Siberian sable

The falcon has eyes!

All the anger from my soul is my handsome

Driven away with an angelic smile,

Like the spring sun

Drives snow from the fields ... "

However, the happiness of a peasant woman is short-lived. It is necessary to harvest, Matryona Timofeevna, with a heavy heart, leaving the baby in the care of the old man Savely, and he, having dozed off, does not have time to save the boy who has got out of the cradle. The tragedy reaches its peak at the moment when Matryona is forced to look at the autopsy of Demushka's body - the city authorities decide that the mother herself planned to kill the child and conspired with the old convict.

Not broken by this grief, Matryona Timofeevna continues to live, embodying the whole strength of a Russian woman, able to endure many blows of fate and continue to love. The feat of her maternal heart does not stop, each of the subsequent children is dear to Matryona no less than the firstborn, for them she is ready to endure any punishment. Devotion to her husband, against all odds, is no less great. Saving Philip from being taken to the soldiers, she convinces the governor's wife to let the father of the family go home, and returns with a victory, for which the villagers give the woman the nickname "governor".

Self-denial, fidelity and a great ability to love - all these are the features of the image of Matrena Timofeevna, a Russian peasant woman who embodied all the difficult female lot.

"Long-suffering" Matrena Timofeevna.

(Poem by N.A. Nekrasov “Who should live well in Russia?”)

During the classes.

1. Epigraph to the lesson:

Rumor goes all over the world,

That you are at ease, happily

You live ... Say in a divine way,

What is your happiness?

"To whom in Russia it is good to live"

    Introduction by the teacher. Setting the goal of the lesson and defining tasks.

Nekrasov's poem, which became a milestone in the literature of the 19th century, opened up new paths, new techniques, new heroes. What place did this poem occupy in Nekrasov's work? (Nekrasov wrote a poem for 14 years, collecting material, in his words, “by word.” 1863-1877)

- What year are you counting?
In what land - guess
On the pillar path
Seven men got together.

But it is not difficult to understand what period Nekrasov is talking about? (About the reform of 1861, according to which the peasants were freed.)

Has the life of the peasants become better, richer, freer? (And truthful pictures of Russian reality pass before us. Peasant life excites, Nekrasov, peasant problems ... There is a lot of melancholy and sadness in the poem, there are many human tears and grief in it.)

Let's return to the content and remember what question worried the peasants?

(To find out:
Who has fun
Freely in Russia ...,)

And now let's determine what we need to do today in the lesson:

4. Uncover in yourself ... ()

2. Introductory speech of the teacher:

Nekrasov is rightly considered the first singer of a Russian peasant woman who portrayed the tragedy of her situation and sang the struggle for her liberation.

D for Nekrasova - she is a symbol of life and its national content. Calling his Muse "sister", the poet creates ideal images of tremendous power.

(Speech by Melnikova V "Jack Frost", Sapronova E "Russian women", Gevorgyan - "Yesterday at six o'clock...")

(1863 - "Frost, Red Nose"; 1864 - "Orina, a soldier's mother"; 1872 - "Russian Women" and many poems)

Heavy blond braids

Fell on a swarthy chest,

Bare feet covered her legs,

They prevent the peasant woman from looking.

She took them away with her hands,

He looks angrily at the guy.

The face is majestic, as in a frame ...

I immediately recall the Russian Madonnas on the canvases of Venetsianov, Vasnetsov and others. (Venetsianov's painting At the Harvest is projected etc.) But the heroines of the painters, striking with grace, calmness, spirituality, are still silent about those mournful songs that their female soul sings. But Daryushka in the poem "Frost, Red Nose" and Matryona Timofeevna open up to us from the inside.

3. Teacher:

In the poem "To whom it is good to live in Russia", the fate of a woman is unfolded into a whole story, which can rightly be called "The Life of St. Matryonushka".

With deep sympathy Nekrasov created the image of Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina. A large part of the poem, called "The Peasant Woman", is dedicated to her. Nekrasov's ideal of a Russian woman finds expression in the creation of the image of the "Dignified Slav".

Her life is a typical life of a peasant woman of that time.

Student performances Me: Her life story? - read the text expressively. (At first she buried the joy of childhood, then girlhood quickly flashed, then marriage, and then the bitter fate of a daughter-in-law, a slave in her husband's family.)

Nekrasov shows the reader how Matrena Timofeevna lived in her husband's family, shows the attitude of his relatives towards his young wife. In addition to hellish work, other disasters fell upon her:
(terrible death of the son's first-born, hungry year, thunderstorm, fire twice, anthrax).

Question to the classAs you noticed, “Peasant Woman” is the only part of the poem written in the 1st person. Why do you think Nekrasov uses 1 person in the story in this part, on behalf of the heroine herself?

(It was not by chance that the poet chose the form of narration in "Peasant Woman"first person , whichattaches the whole story of Matrena Timofeevnaimmediacy and sincerity . In herconfessions the sad story of a Russian woman is revealed, who conquers wanderers with her spiritual beauty, selflessness, diligence,touching love for children.)

Questions to the class:1) Is it by chance that Matryona appears before us as a mother?

3) What events in the life of Matryona Timofeevna are more-

joyful or dramatic?

4) Why is she a "governor"?

5) Is she happy? What is her happiness?

6) What are the features of Matryona Timofeevna's speech?

4. Characteristics of the image Matryona Timofeevna (can be lines from the text):

defining the features that our heroine is endowed with, we involuntarily pay attention to the means of artistic expression used by Nekrasov. Which? -

Epithet- an artistic, figurative definition used to highlight the characteristic, essential features of an object or phenomenon. and application.

Comparisone- the likening of one object to another on the basis of a common feature they have.

metaphora - the use of a word in a figurative sense based on the similarity in any respect of two objects or phenomena.

(remember these terms)

Work with text (the chapter is the largest in volume, so we will take small episodes to find examplestropes - a turn of speech in which a word or expression is used in a figurative sense in order to achieve greater expressiveness)- task in rows:

Page 294 (love for a child)

Page 303 (Russian heroes)

Page 312 or 339 - 340 (output)

outer beauty





strong in spirit



strong and resilient woman , self-esteem, pride , traits of the heroic character of the Russian peasantry , long-suffering, mnogoruchinnaya, conquers with its spiritual beauty, dedication, diligence, touching love for children,

( One of the mainhell character ra of the Nekrasov peasant woman isa deep sense of human dignity, the ability to stand up for oneself and loved ones. ready to reach the king in search of the truth, she complains about the headman to the governor and seeks justice. Not resignation to fate and circumstances, but pain and anger drive her actions.)

Matrena Timofeevna is not only strong in spirit, she is a very gifted, talented woman. (Songs, laments, lamentations (folklore dances) enhance emotions, impression; help to express pain, longing, show more vividly how bitter her fate is. -a song about the hard lot of a peasant woman sounds )

The songs that she sings are perceived as well-known, they are known and “picked up” by wanderers.

Summing up:

7) Why did life's trials not break the heroine? What helps her endure the persecution of her relatives in her husband's house, and the tragedy of Dyomushka, and the humiliation mistaken for Filippushka, and the endless hard work in the house and in the field? What, finally, helps to win the fight for a husband?

Teacher:About the unshakable foundations of folk morality, chastity of the first feeling, love and marriage as the only one for life, about modesty and dignity

(the features of the image of Matryona and the conclusion are projected).


    the story about the fate of the heroine comes from the 1st person, which contributes to the intonation of confession;

    the poet immerses us in the rhythm of human life - from infancy to death; life appears as one of the manifestations of the divine nature;

    the abundance of folk ritual songs as an illustration of the life of Matrena Timofeevna as one fate out of many destinies helps to create a generalized portrait of a Russian woman.

Teacher. conclusion

With work on the image of Matryona Timofeevna, Nekrasov completed his poetic study of the Russian female character.

Not only endurance and the ability to tirelessly work, firmness and will in the fight against obstacles, but also the “gold of the heart” preserved in trials are the inalienable qualities of his hero. The wealth and generosity of the soul, which is enough for love for her husband and children, and for affection for old parents and grandfather, sensitive responsiveness to the beauty of nature, Christian self-sacrifice and the great ability to forgive, not remember evil, as well as the ability to be grateful - wonderful national properties concentrated by the poet in the image of Matryona Timofeevna.

The image of Matryona received a special generalizing meaning due to the fact that Nekrasov combined life impressions and knowledge about the peasants of his time with the poetic work of the people, which captured the historical traditions and properties of national life.

5. You read the work and understand how incredibly beautifully life Matrena Timofeevna lived - in constant work, joys and sorrows of motherhood and the struggle for the family, the husband's house and you will agree with Chukovsky that this poem "breathes with boundless joy about the Russian people, strength and truth, about indestructible foundations of his existence. This is about Matryona the Great Martyr.

(the image of the saint is projected)

Teacher:Self-esteem, spiritual strength, self-sacrifice, patience and meekness - these are the character traits that help the heroine overcome worldly troubles, earn the respect of others and seem from the outside a happy person, a woman.

And yet we understand that only our own spiritual strength saves Matryona Timofeevna. Yes, the future of a woman in Russia seemed hopeless. Every year it became more and more difficult to live and support a family. And it is not by chance that the story
Matryona Timofeevna endsa parable about the lost keys to women's happiness:

Keys from
female happiness,

From our
free will



The women of Nekrasov's time hardly foresaw that all the torment and
suffering and it will be possible to keep pace with men. Installed
the equality and freedom of women create an even more striking contrast between the female image of Nekrasov and the image of a woman of our age.

6. Creative work (compose a text-conclusion for today's lesson using these words. 5-8 sentences):

- Nekrasov, woman's fate "Peasant Woman"captivates with its spiritual beauty, life Matryona Timofeevna , Christian self-sacrifice, painters, long-suffering, generalizing meaning, invincibility.

The theme of the heavy female share worries other writers of the 19th century, and at all times (the floor is given to the student - Timets K. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", etc.)

7 . Reflection .

What was our goal at the beginning of the lesson?

1. Continue ... (look for an answer along with wanderers who are happy in Russia)

2. Determine ... (is Matryona Timofeevna happy, as the inhabitants of the neighboring village say)

3. Consider ... (what tests fate has prepared for M.T.)

4. Uncover in yourself ... ()

1. in the lesson, I determined that ...

2. discovered for himself ...

3. felt (a) ...

4. I want to go to the next lesson ...

8. Thank you guys for the lesson . Grading.

Share you! - Russian woman's share!

Hardly harder to find.

I don't need any silver

No gold, but God forbid

So that my countrymen

And every peasant

Life was easy, fun

All over holy Russia!

9. Homework. Statement of the problem task:

Why did the peasants fail to find someone who "... lived freely, cheerfully in all of holy Russia!"

Chapter "Feast for the whole world"

Everything will be fine! You only believe in it!

After all, Happiness that is gone is again knocking on the door!

Everything will be fine! Forgive and don't be sad!

Resentments are evil, they are hard to bear.

Everything will be fine! All to the joy of the way!

Try with all your Soul not to cry, but to bloom!

Look out the window: it’s snowing, it’s raining.

This world is beautiful! Everything will be fine!

Most of Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" under the title "Peasant Woman" is dedicated to Russian women. Wanderers looking for a happy man among men, in this part of the work decided to turn to a woman, and on the advice of the inhabitants of one of the villages, they turned to Matryona Korchagina.

The confession of this woman captivated them with the directness and depth of the story about the past years. To do this, the author used in the story of the heroine and metaphors, and comparisons, and folk songs and lamentations. All this in the mouth of Matryona sounds sad and sad. But is she happy and what is her life story?

Matrona's childhood was cloudless. She was born into a good hard-working peasant family, where there was no contention. She was loved and protected by her parents. Growing up early, she began to help them in everything, working hard, but still found time for rest.

She also recalled her youth with warmth, because she was beautiful and energetic and managed to do everything: work and rest. Many guys stared at Matryona until they found a betrothed, to whom she was married. The mother, mourning her daughter, lamented that it would not be sugar for her in marriage, in a strange side and a strange family. But such is the fate of women.

It all happened. Matrena ended up in a large unfriendly family, for her words "from a girl's Holi to hell." They didn’t like her there, they forced her to work hard, offended her, and her husband often beat her, because in those days it was common to beat women. But Matrena, having a strong character, courageously and patiently endured all the hardships of her bonded life. And even in these difficult life circumstances, she knew how to be happy. Here the husband will bring a scarf as a gift, and ride on a sled - and she rejoices at these moments.

The greatest happiness for Matryona was the birth of her first child. That's when she was truly happy. But this happiness was short-lived. Due to an oversight of the old man, the child dies, and the mother is blamed for everything. Where did she get the strength to endure all this? But she survived, as she survived a lot of grief and humiliation.

In her difficult peasant life, she proudly fights and does not fall into despair. Every year she gives birth to children, giving them all her love. She resolutely stands up for her son and accepts his punishment, she boldly goes to ask for her husband so that they do not take him to the war. Left an orphan at the age of 20, she has no one to rely on and no one to pity her. So courage and resilience developed in her character.

Two fires, epidemics, famine and other misfortunes fell on her hard lot. But the firmness and fortitude of this Russian woman can only be envied. Even when her mother-in-law died and Matryona became the mistress, it did not become easier for her to live, but she stubbornly fought for survival and she won.

Such is the life story of Matrona. Here they are, Russian women, were once in Russia!

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Basically, in the poem, the life stories of peasants appear in a short story of fellow villagers, wanderers. But one fate unfolds before the reader in detail. This is the story of Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina, told in the first person.

Why did the fate of a Russian woman, a peasant woman, turn out to be in the center of attention of the author, who studies the movement of people's life?

The reason is Nekrasov's worldview. For the poet, a woman - mother, sister, friend - is the center of national life. Her fate is the embodiment of the fate of her native land. Already in the portrait of the heroine, the natural majesty, beauty that does not disappear over the years, is emphasized: “a portly woman”, “big, strict eyes, richest eyelashes” and the severity, severity, and strength of the whole appearance of a peasant woman.

Matryona Timofeevna is called the lucky one. She herself, having heard about this, “Not that she was surprised ... / But somehow she began to spin.” Has the people justly given her such a nickname? Let's figure it out.

1. The youth of the heroine. Marriage.

The marriage of the heroine is successful by all standards: the family is prosperous; loving, not angry, not sick and not an old husband. But you can't call this life happy. Not an external enemy, but a harsh life, a cruel family way of life, deprive the peasant woman of joy. Gradually, Nekrasov reveals the connection of this way of life with the general structure of the country. Among slaves, a young woman has nowhere to seek protection. Even in her family, she cannot hide from the harassment of the lord's steward. Of all the slaves, she is the last, the most disenfranchised.

2. The death of the firstborn.

Not grandfather Savely, not an evil mother-in-law doom Dyomushka to death, but all the same slave labor, forcing a female worker to leave a baby under the care of a hundred-year-old man. Intuitively understanding this, the mother forgives Savely the death of her son, shares his grief with him. The strength of her faith, the depth of feelings contrast with the callousness and greed of officials.

3. Fedotushka's fault.

Nekrasov does not idealize the peasant community. Hardened by need and hard work, people cannot appreciate the spiritual impulse of a child who is imbued with pity for a starving she-wolf. Mother, saving Fedotushka from punishment, saves not only his health, but also the sensitive, kind soul of the boy. Maternal sacrifice preserves in the son a man, not a slave. Not pain, but a cruel insult many years later, Matryona Timofeevna remembers. And again, the unrequited insult is sung, cried out by her in a song.

4. Hard year. Governor.

Behind the endless patience, humble obedience of Matryona Timofeevna, strength of character, determination and strong will are hidden. For the sake of the children, so that they do not become the downtrodden and defenseless sons of a soldier, she goes to save her husband from recruitment. The intervention of the governor's wife seems like a wonderful gift of fate. But the main merit belongs to Matryona Timofeevna. The reward is the return of the husband, the respect of the family, the status of the mistress of the house. But these awards cannot erase the experienced torments from memory and heart. And new sorrows await the peasant woman: “... A grove of children... Is it for joy? .. / Five sons! Peasant / Orders are endless - / Already they took one!

The story about the fate of a peasant woman is full of bitterness. The fate of the "lucky" turns out to be a story of endless misfortunes. But still, let's think again why they single out, consider Matryona Korchagina happy.

Let us ask ourselves the question: did fate manage to break the peasant woman? Did Matryona Timofeevna become a slave in the midst of universal slavery?

The author convincingly shows that the peasant woman is not broken by worldly storms. They tempered the harsh beauty of her mighty soul. Matryona Timofeevna is not a slave, but the mistress of her own destiny. Its strength is manifested not in violent prowess, not in revelry, not in a brief heroic impulse, but in the daily struggle with the hardships of life, in patient and persistent life-building.

Next to Matryona Timofeevna, even the "Holy Russian hero" grandfather Savely seems weak. The author's attitude to this hero is ambivalent, it combines admiration and a sad smile. Savely's heroism is not that useless, but unpromising. It is not given to him to influence the future, just as it is not given to save Dyomushka. The rebellious impulse of the Kora peasants, who buried the German Vogel alive, does not solve the problems of Russian life, but is redeemed at a too high price. “Unbearable - the abyss! / To endure is an abyss ... ”- this is exactly what grandfather knows, but how to determine the limit of patience, he does not know. With his awkward heroism, Savely is thrown out of worldly life, deprived of his place in it. Therefore, his strength turns into weakness. That's why the old man reproaches himself:

Where are you, power, gone?

What were you good for?

Under rods, under sticks

Gone little by little!

And yet, against the background of many peasant images, grandfather Savely stands out for his clarity and strength of mind, integrity of nature, and freedom of spirit. He, like Matrena Timofeevna, does not become a slave to the end, he builds his own destiny.

So, using the example of these two characters, the author convinces us of the inexhaustibility of the moral strength and vitality of the people, which serves as a guarantee of their future happiness.

Used book materials: Yu.V. Lebedev, A.N. Romanova. Literature. Grade 10. Lesson developments. - M.: 2014

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Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" contains a key moment in the search by seven male peasants for people whose life would be happy. One day they meet a certain peasant woman - Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina, who tells them her sad life story.

Age and appearance

At the time of the story, Matryona is 38 years old, but the woman herself considers herself an old woman. Matryona is a rather beautiful woman: she is portly and stocky, her face has already noticeably faded, but still retains traces of attractiveness and beauty. She had large, clear and stern eyes. They were framed by beautiful thick eyelashes.

Her hair was already noticeably touched by gray hair, but you could still recognize her hair color. Her skin was dark and rough. Matryona's clothes are similar to the clothes of all peasants - they are simple and neat. Traditionally, her wardrobe consists of a white shirt and a short sundress.

Personality characteristic

Matryona has considerable strength, "Khokhloma cow" - this is the author's description of her. She is a hardworking woman. Their family has a large household, which is mainly taken care of by Matryona. She is not deprived of both intelligence and ingenuity. A woman can clearly and clearly express her opinion on a particular issue, sensibly assess the situation and make the right decision. She is an honest woman - and she teaches her children the same.

All her life after marriage, Matrena had to endure humiliation and various difficulties in her work, but she did not lose the main qualities of character, retaining her desire for freedom, but at the same time she brought up impudence and harshness.
The life of a woman was very difficult. Matrena spent a lot of energy and health working for her husband's family. She steadfastly endured all the sorrows and unfair treatment of herself and her children and did not grumble, over time her situation improved, but it was no longer possible to restore her lost health.

Not only physical health suffered from life's litigation - during this time, Korchagina cried a lot of tears, as she herself says, "you can score three lakes." Ironically, she calls them the unthinkable wealth of all life.

On our website you can read in the poem by Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov “Who should live well in Russia”

Religion and true faith in God allowed Matryona not to go crazy - according to the woman herself, she finds solace in prayer, the more she indulges in this occupation, the easier it becomes for her.

One day, the governor's wife helped Matryona solve her difficulties in life, so people, remembering this case, Matryona in the common people began to call her "governor's wife" too.

Matrona's life before marriage

Matryona was lucky with her parents - they were good and decent people. Her father did not drink and was an exemplary family man, her mother always took care of the comfort and well-being of all family members. Her parents protected her from the hardships of fate and tried to make her daughter's life as simple and better as possible. Matryona herself says that she "lived like Christ in her bosom."

Marriage and first sorrows

However, the time has come and, like all adult girls, she had to leave her father's house. One day, a visiting man, a stove-maker by profession, approached her. He seemed to Matryona a sweet and good person, and she agreed to become his wife. According to tradition, after marriage, the girl moved to live in the house of her husband's parents. This happened in the situation of Matryona, but here the first disappointments and sorrows awaited the young girl - her relatives accepted her very negatively and hostilely. Matryona was very homesick for her parents and for her former life, but she had no way back.

The husband's family turned out to be large, but not friendly - since they did not know how to treat each other kindly, Matryona was no exception for them: she was never praised for a job well done, but always found fault and scolded. The girl had no choice but to endure humiliation and rude attitude towards herself.

Matrena was the first worker in the family - she had to get up earlier than everyone else and go to bed later than everyone else. However, no one felt gratitude towards her and did not appreciate her work.

Relationship with husband

It is not known how husband Philip perceived the current unfavorable situation within his new Matrenin family - it is likely that due to the fact that he grew up in such conditions, this state of affairs was normal for him.

Dear readers! We offer you to get acquainted with which came out from the pen of the talented classical poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov.

In general, Matrena considers him a good husband, but at the same time she harbors a grudge against him - once he hit her. It is likely that such a characterization of their relationship by Matryona was very subjective and she considers the significance of her husband from the position - it can be even worse, so my husband is very good against the background of such absolutely bad husbands.

Children of Matryona

The appearance of children with a new family was not long in coming - on the Kazan Matryona she gives birth to her first child - her son Demushka. One day, the boy remains under the supervision of his grandfather, who treated the task entrusted to him in bad faith - as a result, the boy was bitten by pigs. This brought a lot of grief to Matrena's life, because the boy for her became a ray of light in her unsightly life. However, the woman did not remain childless - she still had 5 sons. The names of the elders are mentioned in the poem - Fedot and Liodor. The husband's family was also not happy and not friendly towards Matryona's children - they often beat the kids and scolded them.

New changes

The hardships of Matrena's life did not end there - three years after marriage, her parents died - the woman was very painfully experiencing this loss. Soon her life began to improve. The mother-in-law died and she became a full-fledged mistress of the house. Unfortunately, Matryona failed to find happiness - by that time her children had become old enough to be taken into the army, so new sorrows appeared in her life.

Thus, Matrena Timofeevna Korchagina in Nekrasov's poem has become a collective symbol of a typical peasant woman who will endure everything and endure everything on her hump. Despite such industriousness and fury at work, Matryona did not become happy - those around her, in particular her closest relatives, are meticulous and unfair to her - they do not appreciate her work and do not realize her feat in relation to them. This state of affairs does not escape the woman, but her patience and optimism know no bounds.