Which spinner is better to choose. Types of hand spinners: from the most common to the outlandish. Forms, materials, production. What are the spinners

Fidget spinner, a spinner or hand spinner (from the English fidget spinner or hand spinner) is a popular antistress toy. It consists of weighting blades, and in the center there is a bearing. The spinner rotates like a whirligig. It is customary to rotate it in the hands, gripping the bearing with your fingers.
The toy was developed to help people with concentration impairments with anxiety or autism syndromes. The spinner develops fine motor skills of the hands, relieves anxiety, soothes and has a beneficial effect on the development of the brain.

The toy was invented back in the distant 1990s. For a long time she did not interest anyone. But in April 2017, spinners began to rapidly gain popularity. And in just a couple of months they became the most demanded toy of 2017.

Those who like to twirl something in their hands while thinking like this gadget. Therefore, the spinner quickly gained the attention of office workers. And teenagers love to play with this fashionable gadget, inventing and doing all sorts of tricks. Therefore, the spinner has penetrated into educational institutions, and has become an integral attribute of every student.

Is a spinner useful? How can he harm?

It is believed that the spinner helps in learning, as it allows you to concentrate. But many teachers reasonably believe that the spinner distracts from classes.

In fact, this toy can be both useful and harmful to the student. The fact is that children often misuse it. Instead of spinning the spinner in the background, concentrating on their studies, the students give their full attention to the toy. Therefore, in order for the spinner to help, a person should not play with it, doing all kinds of complex tricks. Therefore, many schools already prohibit bringing spinners to class.

How to choose a spinner?

Many people ask themselves: which spinner is better? How Do I Pick a Good Fidget Spinner? After all, the market offers us a huge variety of options for this toy. They are both expensive - up to $ 100 per model, and very cheap.

Fidget spinners differ in shape: with three or two blades, with additional bearings on the sides, round or in the form of a shuriken. They are made of various materials: plastic, metal or wood. Some spinners can glow in the dark.

For small children, spinners in the form of a wheel, or plastic models with rounded edges are suitable. Teens are interested in glowing spinners that create spectacular circles of light as they spin.

Adults love design options in the form of shuriken with various shapes. Or, conversely, minimalistic and compact versions with two blades.

For tricks, classic triangular spinners with three blades are suitable. Better made of metal- they are heavier, more reliable and spin longer.

A good spinner should spin easily and softly, so the main parameter when choosing a spinner is - bearing quality.

The longer the spinner spins, the better it is. Fidget spinners with ceramic bearings last the longest. But they are the noisiest. Semi-ceramic - less noisy and are the best option. The most common version of spinners is with metal bearings.

Fidget spinner is a great toy that helps relieve stress and entertain yourself or others. This is a wonderful gift for young and active people.

But due to the frenzied demand for the turntable, the market is flooded with a whole bunch of hastily made poor quality goods. I will tell you how to choose a good fidget spinner and choose it for your needs.

I wrote in more detail about the varieties and differences of spinners in. In short, they are of the following types for the filling:

  • With metal bearing. Budgetary, but quite reliable.
  • With ceramic bearing. They rotate longer, but they make more noise.
  • Combined. The golden mean, little noise.

By material, turntables are usually made from:

  • Wood. For aesthetes and connoisseurs of natural materials :) Usually the most beautiful and rare. Mostly hand made.
  • Plastic. The most budgetary option, lightweight.
  • Various metals and alloys. Heavy, reliable, brutal, expensive.

In terms of shapes, sizes and additional bells and whistles, there is a huge variety of them, it is useless to list.

For what purposes we choose a spinner

If you don’t know which spinner is better to choose, then first decide on the goals - why do you need it?

Do something to keep your hands busy?

Any of the cheapest turntables will do, they all spin well if the bearing is not defective. Made of plastic, metal bearing.

Do you want to stand out or choose a spinner for a gift?

Take original designer models, with wood carvings, in the form of a shuriken, a skull or a Batman boomerang, for example. The most relish is to order an individual design from the master, or to do it yourself if the arms grow from the shoulders.

Do you want to perform tricks?

If you are going to toss a spinner and land it on your head, then you should not take a heavy metal one or with sharp blades, it is fraught with injuries. A high-quality plastic bearing with a ceramic or combined bearing is better suited.

What tricks you can do with a spinner you can

Which spinner is right for kids?

No metal toys, no sharp edges. For children, it is best to take a classic plastic toy with 3 smooth blades. They come with bright colors and LED backlighting. In this case, plastic and paints must be non-toxic, check this point with the seller.

Plastic spinner painted metal

What to look for when choosing a spinner

If you want to choose a good spinner, then you should carefully study its characteristics before buying. We pay attention, first of all, to:

  • Turntable material... Sometimes sellers deceive the buyer, claiming that the spinner is metal. In fact, this is plastic, which is painted in the color of the metal, be careful, the metal spinner will not cost 100 rubles at retail.
  • Bearing material and bearing itself... It should be well lubricated if it is metal or hybrid. Ceramics also have a lubricant, but much less is needed.
  • We look at the ABEC marking of the bearing- the larger the number, the better the bearing is considered to be. This affects the speed and duration of the rotation, and of course the price. Average rotation time is from 1 to 5 minutes. Read more about ABEC on Wikipedia.
  • At the price... The normal price for a plastic spinner is around 100-500 rubles, for metal around 500-1000 rubles. If the price is much higher, then either it is a predatory cheat from the seller, or some unique design and handwork.
    In any case, almost everything that we sell is made by China. Fidget spinners from the United States cost an order of magnitude more, although they are not much different from good Chinese ones.
  • For the availability of components... This is rare, but always a plus when spare bearings are included. If there is also a container with oil for lubrication, then it is generally gorgeous. Backlit models must have batteries.
  • Packaging, documentation and warranty... A cheap hastily assembled spinner is packaged carelessly, there is either no additional documentation at all, or is printed on a cheap cardboard, there is no need to talk about a guarantee. Most likely, the quality of such a skewer will not please you.

The video clearly shows and tells clearly how and how spinners differ:

Check with the seller for all the information you are interested in in advance. If you buy a hand spinner in a store, be sure to ask it to unpack it and look for defects, cracks. Twist and check how well the bearing works.

Where is the best place to buy a spinner

So far, I definitely do not advise taking it in offline stores - there is a surcharge of up to 1000% ( in all seriousness), the cheapest Chinese models can sell for 500-1000 rubles and more. And the choice is very limited, and finding a store in your city that sells spinners can be another quest.

The market is just starting to fill up, and the demand is huge and they profit from it. It is best to order from online stores. This method also has its drawbacks, of course:

  1. Long wait. Sometimes for several months, but you can find stores that are delivered within 1-2 weeks.
  2. Shipping costs. Again, you can find it with free shipping, but as a rule, the costs for it are already included in the price tag.
  3. There is no way to touch and examine with your own hands. Perhaps the biggest drawback of online shopping.
  4. You can stumble upon scammers. But here everything is quite simple - buy only in trusted stores, where there are a lot of reviews, a good reputation and a guarantee is given.

Despite these disadvantages, it is still better to buy online in the next six months, if you do not want to overpay dozens of times.

I recommend https://spinnersell.ru as a platform, this is an online store for spinners. Delivery goes from a warehouse in Russia, so it will take much less time than from China, plus the marriage is eliminated there immediately.

More interesting articles.

A person constantly twists objects in his hands. Unconsciously, we pick up lighters, pens, small objects, if there is nothing suitable, then the person goes through the rings on his fingers. The Internet is littered with gadgets designed to keep your hands busy, relieve nervousness; fidget spinner has been gaining popularity in the last year.

The spinner was invented by a woman from Florida back in 1993; Miss Hettinger was unable to play with the child due to illness and constant fatigue, and so that the child would not get bored, she invented such a toy. K. Hettinger even had a patent for spinners until 2005, but the invention was not very popular, and there was no money to renew the patent.

The popularity of spinners is increasing every day. At first glance - a simple toy - and at the same time, it is impossible to tear yourself away from it. The spinner has a main bearing and several auxiliary bearings.
The main function is rotation: the fidget is clamped between two fingers, and the mechanism is started with the other hand.
There are several ways to spin the spinner while learning new tricks. An overview and detailed recommendations on how to perform and how to quickly learn all sorts of tricks can be found on the net without any problems.

In addition to being easy to use, the spinner has other advantages:

  • Helps in the fight against bad habits (smoking);
  • Will help while away the time in line or on a long trip;
  • Increases finger sensitivity and dexterity, helping to improve response;
  • Helps fight stress;
  • A nice toy to cheer up and have fun.

Fidget spinner types


The triangular spinner is the most common one. It has a main bearing and three on the edges, it spins for about 2 minutes. Good for stunts;
Round- simple, in the form of a wheel (most often they are bought for small children), and a complex model, which has numerous counterweights, thanks to them, the spinner rotation time increases).
Shuriken- simulates fabulous weapons and looks truly fantastic. Edges are sharp or specifically bent - the imagination of manufacturers knows no boundaries;
Rectangular the spinner is perfect for lovers of minimalism. Two rotating axles, small, compact, no unnecessary parts.
Glows in the dark- such a toy adds even more positive emotions. Creates a beautiful, rotating bright circle in the dark. The glow is not due to the battery, but due to the LED coating. The toy is charged in the light or near the lamp.
Sleeve Fidget Spinners- an original idea, where bullets or their parts are used as a counterweight.


For mass production, plastic is used - an inexpensive and easy-to-use material. Toys of absolutely any color and shape can be printed on a 3D printer. Some resources make toys according to individual sketches.
Production wooden the spinner takes much longer. It is made by hand from different types of wood: environmentally friendly, non-toxic - it will delight connoisseurs of exclusive toys. Craftsmen are trying to make a fashionable turntable at home, on their own. A plywood toy costs 60% less.
Spinners made of metal- durable and reliable, plus they spin the longest. They always look elegant and solid. Any metal is suitable for manufacturing: brass, copper, aluminum. More expensive ones are made of steel. Exclusive manufacturers offer titanium alloy; the titanium toy is resistant to deformation and damage, will serve the owner for many years.
With the growing popularity of turntables, there are also many options and ideas for their manufacture. They make from a whip, bearings and super glue, from cardboard, every day there are more and more new tips on how best and.

Differences between a spinner for adults and a spinner for children

The main difference is that for safety reasons it is not worth buying a heavy metal spinner for your child. Sharp corners and details should be avoided that could hurt the child.

Better to choose a small plastic turntable with well-sanded edges. For an adult, the choice is limited only by the financial issue and taste preferences.

What to look for when choosing a spinner

The most important detail is the center bearing, which sets the rotational speed.

Ceramic ones spin the longest - the most expensive ones. But they make noise when they spin, which is not always pleasant to others. Semi-ceramic, or as they are also called - hybrid - do not create noise, are affordable and spin for a long time. Most of the spinners are made on the basis of metal bearings, they are easy to use and reliable.

Manufacturers have introduced a special ABEC bearing rotation rating: the larger it is, the longer the gadget will spin.
When choosing the perfect spinner, this parameter will help you navigate and choose a really high-quality product.

It is worth paying attention to the quality of the grinding so that the model does not have roughness and flaws. A high-quality spinner will always rotate easily and smoothly, and will not leave damage on your fingers. A hand trainer should make you happy and enjoyable every second you use it.

Where is it better to buy a spinner: store or online

The toy is relatively new, it will take more than one day in search of the right store. And it is not a fact that the store will have a large selection. The plus is that the store has the ability to twist, hold in your hands, check and go home with the purchase.
But the store provides up to 10 models, while the network offers thousands of models. So is it worth taking the first thing that came into your hands, or is it better to wait and choose the best?

Sitting comfortably at home, without unnecessary haste, look at the photo, read the characteristics and reviews, decide on the price and choose the appropriate model in all respects. will impress the most demanding buyers.

At the end of 2016 and 2017. toys called Fidget Spinner or simply "spinners" have become wildly popular due to their ease of use, low price and calming effect. They are a bearing, to which are attached moving parts - "petals" of various shapes. Holding the fixed part of the toy with the fingers, the user spins its outer part. This is done with proper skill with one hand, but no one bothers to spin the spinner with both hands.

Fidget spinners distract little fidgets from blue screens, relieve stress, and even help wean themselves from the habit of biting nails. They can be used by both adults and children with serious medical conditions such as attention deficit disorder, myasthenia gravis, autism and anxiety. We present to you the top 10 most popular spinners that can be purchased for little money, for example, on Aliexpress.

Read also:

10. TOFOCO Hand Spinner Fidget Spinner

Cost including delivery - 408.56 rubles.

A selection of the best spinners of 2017 opens with a number of beautiful and unusual models that resemble either miniature weapons from fantasy games, or elegant emblems. They are made of zinc alloy, are quite lightweight and fit well in the hand. According to user reviews, live spinners look smaller than in the picture, but this is the problem with many products from Aliexpress. This toy is unlikely to be suitable for small children because of the sharp petals, but adolescents and adults should like it.

9.Creative Ceramic Tri-Spinner Fidget Toy

Price - 524.04 rubles.

This is the most expensive spinner in the rating, but it has a high-quality ceramic bearing, with which the device will rotate much longer than with a metal one (from 3 minutes or more). The petals are very easy to clean, just wipe them with a dry, clean cloth.

8. Triangular Hand Spinner

It costs 348.21 rubles.

This metal spinner with a fashionable design and shock-resistant body will be a great purchase for adults, teenagers and students. The size and weight of this device is ideal for fast, long-lasting rotation. But for a gift to a small child, this spinner is not suitable, as it has non-rounded edges.

7. YIGOLE New Style Tri-Spinner Fidget Toy

You can buy for - 208.34 rubles.

A beautifully and unusually colored plastic spinner of a classic shape is perfect as a present for a young man. It can also be given to a child without fear that sharp edges or small details will harm the young spinner owner. The bearing is removable and can be replaced or lubricated if necessary.

6. Hand Spinner batman style

Cost - 125.36 rubles.

If you are a fan of the Bet franchise, then such a plastic spinner will be both a pleasant and useful purchase. Plus, it's the cheapest spinner on our list. Of course, you won't be able to use it as a batarang, but you can twist it in your hand with a mysterious and stern look and give the Bat-signal to your office colleagues. It is also a great gift for a child who is crazy about Batman.

5. UFO Tri-spinner

Offered for RUB 272.18.

When untwisted, the spinner really resembles a flying saucer. Unlike most of the participants in the rating of the most popular spinners in 2017, this model is made of aluminum alloy. And it spins for more than 2 minutes.

4. New Tri-Spinner Fidget Toy

Price - 225.18 rubles.

The unusual design spinner made of ABS plastic has a diameter of 5.5 cm and, according to the seller, rotates for about 2 minutes, giving you a feeling of calmness and relaxation. The disadvantage of this model is the lack of access to the bearing for lubrication and disassembly, so if it breaks, the spinner will only have to be thrown away.

3. LED Light Fidget Spinner Finger

On sale for 290.17 rubles.

This cute glowing spinner will become your child's favorite toy. It is so easy to use that even a three year old can handle it. Unless, of course, the parents keep this fun for themselves. Moreover, the technique, strength and method of spinning the spinner get better with experience. The spinner is made of traditional ABS plastic and has three lighting modes.

2. New Hand Spinner Fidget Spinner

Cost - 188 rubles.

This beautiful fidget spinner is made of ABS plastic, which is durable and environmentally friendly. The bearing is made of stainless steel. The toy spins for up to 2 minutes, and makes a loud noise when spinning. Suitable for young and old, helps to distract from sad thoughts, and also develops fine motor skills.

1. Multi Color Triangle Gyro Finger Spinner

On sale for - 132.90 rubles.

Topping our rating of the best fidget spinners is a bright and inexpensive "spinner" that will appeal to both small and large users. It is made of safe ABS plastic, which makes it strong and smooth enough. Thanks to the small size of the spinner, you can take it wherever you go.

The ball bearing, made of stainless steel, allows the toy to spin for at least 1 minute (and if you spin it very hard, then even 2 minutes). At the same time, it makes a little noise.

Fidget spinners are a real phenomenon in 2017. An unpretentious thing, which is a series of rolling bearings fixed with an interference fit on a special housing. In fact, this is an ordinary distraction toy, but many consumers claim that it acts as a relaxer and an effective "pocket trainer" for fine motor skills of the hands.

The first designs of spinners contained three petals and four bearings (one per petal + one center). However, further development led to an increase in the number of "branches", changes in shape and size, the inclusion of backlighting and the use of new materials for the body. Due to such a variety, we have tried to choose for you 15 of the most extraordinary, interesting and, in our opinion, the best spinners in five different categories. When forming the final lists, the following main criteria were taken into account:

  • general workmanship, the presence of special "chips";
  • consumer feedback on user experience;
  • parameters of the appearance and duration of twisting;
  • correspondence of the price to all objective characteristics.

The best spinners with two sides

3 Spinner Silver Metallic

Best price
Country: China
Average price: 1,050 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A spinner on a metal bearing, the rotation time of which in a stationary position is almost 150 seconds. This figure was named by manufacturers, and more than once confirmed by user experiments. In terms of balance, it is ideal - here, again, you can give the results of measuring a fixed rotation. Additional options include the presence of blue-red backlighting, which sharply dilutes the monotony of the silver color. There are no other features behind it, but consumers, on the whole, are satisfied with what they have.

The cost of the spinner is relatively low - stylized competitors in this regard have gone far ahead (towards the rise in price). The main problem of the "turntable" is the central bearing. Some users report a rapid loss of performance in the bearing, which indicates mediocre durability of individual batches. It is treated quickly, but an unpleasant aftertaste, alas, remains.

2 Spinner "Anchor"

Original design. Collectible model
Country: China
Average price: 1,150 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

An excellent model of a spinner, the main characteristic of which is not operating parameters, but appearance. This is a kind of collectible version, which has a good balance and is able to rotate in a stationary state for 120-140 seconds (the indicators depend on the type of coating).

The developers have thought over the design of the spinner to the smallest detail - steel petals in the form of anchor hooks are stylized like a tree with three (probably decorative) diamonds inlaid in the central part. This gives the model a unique look, perfectly complementing the entire series of "turntables" of the nautical theme. Regarding the cost, one can say only one thing: the spinner is very expensive for the average consumer, but for the collector, such a price will not be a big obstacle.

What is the best way to lubricate a spinner?

First of all, it should be understood that not the product itself will lie down, but only its component part - the central rolling bearing, which accounts for the main function of the spinner. In a bearing maintenance situation, there are two polar options:

  • The first option assumes that the raceway with balls (or rollers) is not covered with a special seal, which prevents the gradual removal of lubricant from the friction zone and contamination of the cage with rolling elements.
  • The second embodiment, in contrast, includes the presence of a sealing "plug".

Let's say in advance: according to all canons, sealed bearings are not designed for relubrication, therefore, their use should be limited only by the warranty period (fortunately, the load on the supports in the spinners is small, which provides a large margin of safety). However, the popular method of bringing such parts into working condition consists in a micro-puncture of the seal and the introduction of a lubricant into the area of ​​the separator and rolling elements, followed by a hermetically sealed puncture.

What lubricants to use

It is categorically contraindicated to use the well-known and most common grease for lubricating rolling bearings, which has disgusting heat resistance and very quickly loses its operational properties. The main preference should be given to another composition based on lithium - the so-called lithol. It is an inexpensive yet highly effective grease that guarantees good bearing performance over a long period of time. And finally, you can use a material called graphite, which is always at hand. This is a truly eternal solid lubricant, a single application of which will live up to the very destruction of the bearing.

1 Spinner HETAI

Best functionality (spinner + lighter)
Country: China
Average price: 1 690 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

An expensive and very attractive fidget spinner from HETAI, combining, among other things, the function of a lighter. Has a built-in heating element (spiral), placed in a special secret compartment. At the first glance at the product, it becomes obvious that the developers paid special attention to the design - both the appearance and the stylization in the metal look at the highest level. In terms of ergonomics, everything is also good - the two-blade spinner is ideally balanced in weight and fits snugly on the hand. Alas, the manufacturer does not indicate the rotation time, so it is not possible to draw any conclusions regarding this component. The only obvious drawback of the spinner is, perhaps, in the price level - the sample will be of interest either to ardent collectors or to buyers for whom the high cost is not a problem.

The best spinners with three faces

3 spinner diablo

Unique appearance
Country: China
Average price: 990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

A spinner for occult fans or game fans with a mention of the dreaded "El Diablo". In contrast to the loud name, the appearance does not inspire any similar association - the gloomy color scheme (black petals in the form of a devil's face and a core suspiciously similar to beige (or gold)) is not canonical enough for the image being drawn.

Nevertheless, the spinner has something to surprise a potential buyer. The presence of rings on each face makes it possible to make a kind of talisman - it is worth noting that in this role it really seems appropriate. As for the direct performance, there are no peculiarities in this area. It spins for about 120 seconds on any surface, has a perfected balancing and a cost in the region of 1000 rubles. As an item in a collection - perfect. But the expediency of a single purchase raises some doubts.

2 Spinner VOLVAETEC Carambit

The best combination of price and quality
Country: China
Average price: 1 100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

To say that this spinner is a real (peculiar) work of art is to say absolutely nothing. The stylish metal triangle with sharp lines and transitions is made to match the color scheme of karambit - an iridescent, slightly burnt metal, mesmerizing with an amazing play of color.

The technical part is made to match the styling. This is not surprising - the market value of a spinner in itself is a guarantee of high quality performance. The model has excellent balance, lies securely in the hand and is able to spin in one position for about 90-120 seconds. Of course, you won't be able to focus on a serious thought when using a spinner of this type - its colors are most conducive to creativity and eccentricity, so for relaxation you should think about something light and creative. As for the rest, there are no restrictions on use (as, indeed, in the case of other models).

1 Spinner "Cosmos 1"

Optimal price
Country Russia
Average price: 447 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A worthy three-leaf representative of the space series of spinners with a wooden body. Perhaps one of the few "turntables" that really brings comfort and allows you to focus on your daily thoughts.

The wood base has a space print, perfectly complemented by metal components - balls at the center of each petal and a central rolling bearing with a dedicated cage. It is not known for certain what rotation indicators this spinner has, but users have no questions about the balance. In general, we can say with confidence that this model is being bought for the wrong purpose - the contemplation of an uncomplicated design and a beautiful pattern attracts much more of its ordinary function. The cost also disposes to purchase - this is the very case when the design decision of the manufacturers fully justifies the costs.

The best tetrahedral spinners

3 Spinner VOLVAETEC SN-021

Optimal price
Country: China
Average price: 1,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Fidget spinner stylized under the ancient oriental theme from the VOLVAETEC company, made in the best traditions of neat minimalism. On each of the four smoothed edges are carved hieroglyphs, red on a black base. In turn, the core, in which the central bearing is located, is light, made to look like gold. Consumers like this color - many fans of Japanese themes, as well as restless collectors, “sink” into the spinner.

It is known for certain that VOLVAETEC is famous for the durability of bearings placed in spinners. Of course, the main share of the merit remains with the supplier of the responsible part, the operation of which can be calculated for years. In addition to everyday things, SN-021 really helps to focus when thinking about serious thoughts - fortunately, the gamut of colors allows you to focus on such aspects, without taking personalities aside often excessive creativity.

2 Spinner "Jolly Roger"

Best Appearance Concept
Country: China
Average price: 1,050 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The very case when deliberately careless execution creates the necessary relief to emphasize the main idea of ​​the design. A pirate-themed metal spinner is a canon skull (under which a central bearing is hidden) and bones (acting as improvised edges), with a completely non-canon lightning scar, a la Harry Potter.

Despite the clearly powder coating, the grip of the spinner is comfortable and surprisingly pleasant - much better than on a number of expensive “spinners”. In fact, the only problem with the Jolly Roger lies in the difficulty of maintaining the balance - on individual copies (although mass production) there is a slight "weight skew" towards one or more edges, which often hinders unwinding a little and leads to premature braking spinner.

1 Fidget Spinner "Shuriken"

Best workmanship
Country: China
Average price: 1,190 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

An improved version of the triangle spinner in karambit color. In fact, this is the same concept, but it already has four faces and resembles a Japanese shuriken in its shape. It is made with the use of three types of material - metal, plastic and wood, "fitted" to one color scheme.

On the technical side, everything is quite ordinary - the model is balanced, although users sometimes notice some beats. It has no special features, since the appearance compensates for the lack of fashionable "chips". As a result, an impromptu shuriken will be an ideal attribute for any fan of ninja-themed, but also suitable for consumers who are not interested in such nuances.

The best multifaceted spinners

3 Fidget Spinner "Metal Flower"

Best Fidget Spinner Design
Country: China
Average price: 1,590 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the most mesmerizing metal spinners with a mesmerizing spiral effect that creates an interesting spinning pattern. It is made in the form of a star with pointed beveled edges, due to which the rotation time in static conditions can reach an astonishing three minutes.

The appearance of the spinner speaks for itself - this is not a plastic toy that absolutely everyone can afford to own. The cost of this copy exceeds 1,500 rubles, so only ideological users or inveterate collectors can appreciate the ideal balancing and beauty of the product. One thing is clear - the "Metal Flower" is able to become a real gem of any lineup.

2 Spinner Chameleon Saw

The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country: China
Average price: 1,150 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

An improvised "saw" in miniature with seven small balanced edges. It is not very popular with users, but rather acts as a "trophy" sample for replenishing a personal collection.

The execution is interesting, extraordinary, successfully combined with the color option. "Chameleon", or painting under karambit, does not dispose to get hung up on serious thoughts, as we said a little earlier, but it is ideal for turning to creativity and creativity. Actually, these are the very characteristics that distinguish this spinner from many others. Otherwise, there is a striking similarity with serial or other multi-element models - since it is quite difficult to maintain accuracy in such an abundance of small parts, the "saw" turns out to be somewhat unbalanced. This imposes certain restrictions on the functioning, but does not cause serious consequences.

1 Fidget Spinner Iron Man

Most Popular Series
Country: China
Average price: 1,420 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Spinner of the famous comic series dedicated to the Marvel character - Iron Man. It has three large and three small edges in the form of triangles, expanding towards the edge. These petals do not contain bearings, since the "spinner" itself is not a classic one. The main rotating element - the central ceramic bearing - is located under the golden triangle pad. The entire body (base) is made of lightweight aluminum alloy.

It is very difficult to find really nice features of a thing, in the description of the special properties of which the item is indicated: “looks cool”. Perhaps, the original metal box, which is used to store the spinner, can be singled out as the only solid plus. Unfortunately, there are also enough disadvantages. Firstly, this may be a high price, the main part of which is charged for the serial production of the model. Secondly, the manufacturer honestly warns about a significant level of noise during rotation, which can become a real obstacle for sensitive people.

The best spinners of the original form

3 Fidget Spinner Biohazard

The best quality
Country: China
Average price: 1 950 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Very little can be said about Biohazard. The spinner is unique in its shape and is included in a special collection, and therefore its cost is almost close to the two thousand rubles mark. Surprisingly, the complexity of shape and workmanship did not prevent manufacturers from tweaking the balance - with a good start, rotation in one position can continue for four minutes. Regarding the design, everything is rather dull, but on the topic: the core has a beige tint and is made of brass, while the petals diverging to the side (the shape of which makes balancing marvel once again) are made of black metal. The resource of the built-in bearing is great - so far not a single user has complained about the sudden "death" of a small support. In general, Biohazard justifies the asking price for it, however, the feasibility of the purchase for an ordinary user is still highly questionable.

2 Fidget Spinner "Gear"

Optimal product balancing
Country: China
Average price: 1 690 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Another unusual contender for the title of the best original spinner is made in the best traditions of technical thought. This is an improvised gear train, which has as many as seven rolling bearings of different sizes in its design. Ordinary spinning here is accompanied by a real rolling of the wheels relative to each other, which creates an incredibly addictive visual effect.

The gear wheels are made of brass, while the housing that fixes all the transmission elements is a metal product. All in all, this is a worthy piece for everyday use as well as for an impromptu home collection.

1 Fidget Spinner Magnum

Best Appearance Concept
Country: China
Average price: 1 690 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Spinner, the initial idea of ​​which seemed complete nonsense, but was crowned with incredible success. This is the only case (for the entire rating, and maybe for the entire market) when the respectability of a thing completely overshadows its original purpose. "Magnum" looks so cool that it can become an integral attribute of style. Needless to say, spinning an impromptu drum from a revolver not only calms, but also allows you to add a note of creativity and healthy confidence to your ideas.

The design of the spinner is well thought out. The bearings in the form of sleeves enter the drum with a slight interference, which prevents them from spontaneously falling out during rotation. Perhaps this is the most successful and most spectacular model of the entire rating, combining moderation and daring chic.

How to choose a good fidget spinner

The specifics of choosing a spinner still remains akin to a lottery - the consumer is guided only by the appearance and the presence of special "gadgets". However, we recommend that you pay no less attention to other important parameters:

Balancing. An important point for those who have fun by constantly spinning the spinner for a while in the hope of achieving the best result. The more accurate the balancing, the less visible beating occurs when the product rotates and the less angular velocity is lost with each complete revolution. Therefore, when purchasing a spinner, do not be too lazy to feel the degree of balance of the edges.

Body material. A parameter that affects not only the price, but also the shelf life of the spinner. The most common case is plastic, the most durable is metal, but among the variety of models there are a number of specific samples, the case of which is made of pure ceramics, wood or dense rubber.

Bearing material. In the case of a bearing, the material of manufacture affects the degree of smoothness of the movement and the parameter of durability. Traditional metal bearings perform worse than their ceramic counterparts, but they are much easier to obtain and much less expensive.

Appointment. A slightly illogical parameter indicating the use of a spinner. If cheap copies do not carry any esthetic load and can be used in everyday life, then more expensive and original counterparts sold in small editions may well become worthy collection (display) models, the value of which lies precisely in their appearance.

Lack of mechanical and visual defects. Often, buyers do not attach importance to even a cursory inspection of the integrity of the purchased product, which, in some cases (especially when buying an expensive spinner), can be a big mistake. Always make sure that the model is in perfect working order before exchanging it for valuable banknotes.