When can I do a pregnancy test, for how long. When can I do a pregnancy test? After how many days will show a reliable result

Valeria My husband and I are planning to have a baby. Last month, I had unprotected intercourse. What day after conception can I take a pregnancy test?

If you know the date of the alleged conception, then you can test for pregnancy ten days after intercourse. To obtain reliable results, it is recommended to use tests with a sensitivity of 10 millimeters. As a rule, fertilization of the egg occurs 7-10 days after conception. It is on these days that the hormone gonadotropin begins to be released in the body of a woman. However, the concentration of hCG in the urine in early pregnancy is low, so for the reliability of the results, home testing is recommended for several days in a row.

If you are planning a pregnancy, then you can use the test already on the 10th, 14th and 16th day after unprotected intercourse, as well as in the first days of missed menstruation. It is best to test in the morning when the concentration of gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine reaches its highest level. Already on the 7th day after ovulation, the process of fertilization of the egg takes place, and tests with a sensitivity of 10 millimeters can show pregnancy with an accuracy of 99%.

Please note that even a faintly colored second strip on the test in most cases indicates that pregnancy has occurred. However, if you practiced unprotected intercourse for the entire cycle, and testing showed a negative result, you should not be upset. Repeat the test after a missed period. The fact is that the body of each woman is individual, and the likelihood of obtaining erroneous results when testing in the early stages of pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence. Therefore, do not worry if on the 7th or 10th day after ovulation or the expected date of conception, the test does not show pregnancy. Perhaps good news awaits you a little later. According to statistics, in women with a regular menstrual cycle, the test shows a positive result within a week after conception. The main thing is to believe, and the long-awaited pregnancy will definitely come!

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Of course, that any girl who dreams of knowing the joy of motherhood, after intimacy with her loved one, is interested in how the pregnancy test will work, how long does it show a positive result?

Before answering these questions, you should understand the mechanisms of action of these pregnancy testers.

What is HCG?

The human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG) is a glycoprotein hormone that is secreted in the female body by the placenta or baby's place. The functional production of chorionic gonadotropin begins from the moment of conception and reaches its maximum activity by the 6-12th week of pregnancy, after this period there is a sharp slowdown in the work of the hormone. It is possible to determine after how many days a pregnancy test will show a positive result only after the start of active work of chorionic gonadotropin. It is the active injection of the hormone into the urine that allows a sensitive indicator or test to fix the desired conception.

How long after conception will a pregnancy test show?

A reliable 100% result in the normal course of pregnancy can be obtained already on the 7th day after the delay of the menstrual cycle. There are early pregnancy tests that show the result on the first day of a missed period. Such results can be obtained using the so-called inkjet express tests, in which it is enough to direct a stream of urine to a litmus indicator at any time of the day and get an answer to a question of interest about pregnancy. So, how long does it take for a pregnancy test to show a positive result? When buying an indicator, you should pay attention to the attached instructions for use, which indicate that a positive result can be obtained if the chorionic gonadotropin in the blood increases to 10 mIU / ml. This indicator is achieved after conception for 5-7 days.

But after how much the test will show pregnancy with multiple conception? The level of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) under such conditions doubles and shows the onset of conception even before the delay in menstruation. For a more reliable result after passing the pregnancy test, it is recommended to examine the blood to determine the level of hCG.

Varieties of pregnancy tests

An express pregnancy test, the term of conception of which can be determined at home, today has several varieties. Many women are concerned about the issue of pregnancy planning, or vice versa, the unwillingness, for certain reasons, to give birth to a new life. Today, pharmacy chains offer various testing options that differ from each other not only in price, but also in functionality. So, consider the most popular options:

The operation of this indicator is described above. The main advantage of this type of tester is an instant reaction to hCG, that is, its high sensitivity. The result can be seen within a minute after testing.

This is one of the most popular indicators for determining pregnancy due to its low price and information content. A paper or fabric strip is impregnated with a reagent, which, when interacting with urine, after 5-10 seconds of reaction, gives a result in 3-5 minutes of testing. The second strip on the tester indicates a possible onset of pregnancy. However, such a strip test has one significant drawback. Worth just underdoing or overdoingpregnancy test how longno matter what seconds, the result becomes unreliable. Therefore, it is not necessary to talk about the correct application of this test. It should be noted that the sensitivity of the reagent for hCG is achieved after an indicator of 25 mIU / ml.

Such a device for "diagnosing" pregnancy in women gives a better picture. This test is used in stationary conditions, but with a certain skill and ability, it can be used at home. The principle of the tablet test is based on the chemical reaction of the hCG hormone and its sensitive layer. It is enough to drop a drop of urine on a special window, and in a moment the result appears in the second window.How long can you take a pregnancy testusing a tablet device? Given that the sensitivity of the tablet to the hormone chorionic gonadotropin is 10-25 mIU / ml, you can “catch” pregnancy already 5-7 days after conception.

This is the most expensive device among the possible test devices for determining pregnancy among all available to a simple man in the street. An electronic display board on the test allows you to digitally determine the onset or absence of conception. Unlike previous versions of determining the state of the female body, this tester does not give rise to doubts.How long to take a pregnancy testand get the coveted "+" or "-" on a digital device, and what is the error of the electronic indicator? Depending on the state of the female body, the instrumental digital scale indicates pregnancy or no pregnancy, that is, “+” or “-”. The accuracy of the determination is:

  • 51% - four days before the expected delay;
  • 80-52% - for three days of delay;
  • 85-90% - for two days of the expected delay;
  • 92-95% - the day before the delay.

As you can see, each pregnancy test has its own errors and inaccuracies. Therefore, if a woman doubts the reliability of the results obtained, then the most correct way to determine pregnancy is to contact the antenatal clinic at the place of residence.

When does a pregnancy test lie?

However, when using various indicators of pregnancy testing, false negative and false positive results can be obtained. What are the reasons for the incorrect response of test indicators:

  • Under the condition of an ectopic pregnancy, no tests give the correct answer to the exciting question of conception.
  • It is possible that the application of the test was unreasonable, that is, the indicator was used too early.
  • The reliability of the results of pregnancy planning can be affected by the unsuitability of the test. This is especially true for inkjet and strip indicators.
  • Improper use of the tester, the cause of which may be inattentive reading of the instructions for use.
  • Large liquid concentration in the urine. The reason for this may be on the eve of testing, drinking a large amount of liquid, leading to a decrease in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

In addition to the above conditions for incorrect test results, there are also false positive indicators indicating the onset of pregnancy. These conditions include:

  • The presence of remnants of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity, both after a spontaneous miscarriage and after a medical surgical intervention - an abortion.
  • Taking hormonal infertility-correcting pharmacological preparations, which may include a stimulant that increases the level of chorionic gonadotropin.
  • Both malignant tumors and nodular neoplasms can produce hCG.

Therefore, with any test results that cast doubt on the reliability of conception, a better examination in specialized medical institutions should be performed.

What are the first signs after conception?

After all pregnancy tests have been passed, and the woman has no doubt that she is giving rise to a new life, her condition should be confirmed by a medical gynecological examination. A woman can visually determine changes in her body by external signs:

  1. Enlargement of the mammary glands and their painful condition on palpation.
  2. The areolas of the nipples change color during pregnancy. They become darker.
  3. Absence of menstruation. This is one of the most likely signs of a new life emerging in a woman's body.
  4. The presence of a high basal temperature. Usually, during pregnancy, the basal temperature is three days higher than the optimal indicators characteristic of the second phase of the cycle.

Reliable signs of a desired pregnancy, according to the results of an ultrasound scan, are:

  1. Enlargement of the uterus and the presence of a fetal egg, which is determined 14-21 days after conception, in the form of a dark spot in the uterus with a diameter of up to 10 mm.
  2. The heartbeat of the embryo is determined from the sixth week after conception.
  3. On ultrasound, the doctor observes the movement of the future person on the monitor screen.

Pregnancy should not be confused with indirect signs that are not related to conception. First of all, it is:

  • dizziness, headaches and fatigue;
  • irritability and mood changes;
  • weight gain and/or lack of appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting in the morning;
  • increased urination and/or bloating.

These symptoms of a "false" pregnancy sometimes cause panic in women, which are associated with an unplanned conception. These symptomatic signs should not be regarded as a possible pregnancy. It is likely that some of them indicate other clinical manifestations and require a thorough medical examination.

Look after yourself and be healthy!

For couples planning a pregnancy, the time from ovulation to delay is unbearably slow. A woman wants to quickly find out the result of the work done, and this is natural. About how many days after conception the test will show pregnancy - after a delay or before it - it is definitely impossible to say. Depending on the type of diagnostic device, the correctness of its use and the time of implantation, it depends on how soon the couple learns about the conception that has taken place.

At the choice of the buyer, pharmacy chains present a lot of different diagnostic devices for early detection of pregnancy. The so-called strip strips are very popular. They are easy to use and reasonably priced.

Inkjet, tablet tests are more expensive, but they are considered more reliable. Be that as it may, the test shows pregnancy only at a certain concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin (a specific hormone) in the urine. It occurs immediately after the implantation (introduction) of the embryo into the endometrium (inner layer of the uterus). Initially, it rises in the blood and only after a few days is found in the urine. You can reliably find out about the conception that has taken place before the delay only by.

If you take a pregnancy test (before or after the delay, it doesn’t matter), then the reagent on the device will start looking for hCG. When a hormone is detected, the device will show its effect. In most tests, this is expressed as a second strip. The first band that appears indicates the correctness of the testing, it is a control one.

Equally important is the sensitivity of the device. Most tests have a range of 20-25 mIU. That is, they will determine pregnancy when there is such a level of hCG in the urine and not before. , are positioned more accurately. However, they have a large error and can often give a false positive result. Electronic devices, according to manufacturers, are able to show an accurate result as early as 10 days after ovulation. However, some of them determine the period with an accuracy of up to a week. The principle is to determine not only the presence, but also the level of hCG, because the longer the period, the more of that hormone in the blood and urine ..

Is it worth doing it before the delay?

If there is a delay in menstruation, the test will be reliable - this can be said almost for sure. However, many girls are impatient and they take the test long before the delay. Domestic manufacturers of diagnostic devices recommend not to do this, as the result will be inaccurate. Pharmaceutical companies that produce highly sensitive tests allow diagnostics to be performed before the delay. So, for example, the Clearblue electronic test contains instructions describing the likelihood of obtaining an accurate result:

  • 4 days before the delay - 55%;
  • 3 days before the delay - 86%;
  • 2 days before the delay - 97;
  • the day before the delay - 98%.

If you believe the reviews of women, then almost 5 days. With early implantation of the ovum, the result can be positive as early as 9 days after ovulation.

Conception does not occur at the time of sexual intercourse, but at the fusion of the egg with the sperm. The female gamete is capable of fertilization for no more than a day. If ovulation occurred 14 days before the expected menstruation, and after 5 days the embryo was implanted in the mucous membrane of the genital organ, then at 9 DPO (the day after ovulation), a highly sensitive test will show a weakly positive result. In other words, the answer will be given five days before the delay. However, implantation can occur (and most often it happens) on the 6-8th day of the cycle, and ovulation - 10 days before the next menstruation. In this case, it makes no sense to do a test before the expected menstruation, since even with the onset of pregnancy, it will not yet give a positive result.

After how many days of delay, the test will accurately show pregnancy

Please note: this is the level of hCG in the blood. The level of hCG in the urine lags behind these indicators by 1-3 days.

Most pregnancy tests are accurate as early as the first day of your expected (but not arrived) period. This means that 12-14 days have passed since the meeting of the egg and sperm. It is important to carry out diagnostics with strict observance of the instructions. The level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood rises during a night's sleep. A similar process occurs with urine. During a night's sleep, a woman does not go to the toilet and does not consume fluids. This allows the kidneys to release a concentrated portion of the biomaterial into the bladder. In order for the test to show pregnancy from the first day of missed periods, it should be performed on morning urine.

On the day of the expected menstruation, if girls do testing, they usually do it in the evening. In the morning and during the day, they wait for the menstruation to begin, and if it is absent by the evening, then they perform a diagnosis. Often the result is negative, even in the presence of pregnancy. The reason for the negative response is that the urine is not concentrated. After 2 days of the absence of the expected menstruation and later, testing can be carried out not only in the morning. During this period, the concentration of hCG is so high that the test will not be mistaken even in the evening.

There are several reasons why the test may not show pregnancy on the first day of delay:

  • late ovulation and, accordingly, implantation;
  • incorrect calculation of the day of the alleged menstruation;
  • unstable cycle;
  • a small amount of "pregnant" hormone in the urine;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

In the latter case, the level of hCG is also elevated, but it does not grow as fast as with normal localization of the fetal egg, so the result may be negative or weakly positive (that is, the second strip is weak, fuzzy).

If on the 3rd day of the delay, the test shows one strip, and the instructions were strictly followed, then one can doubt that the conception took place. Perhaps there was a hormonal failure in the body or this month there was no ovulation at all. Anovulatory cycles are characterized by late periods due to low progesterone levels.

With a delay, you can take a pregnancy test at any convenient time, and usually it already shows a reliable answer. If in doubt, it is better to double-check the diagnostic results after 1-2 days.

Can a test fail after a delay?

Even if there is already a delay in menstruation, the test may show an incorrect result. False negatives are more common than false positives. If there is a pregnancy, and the diagnostic device says otherwise, the reasons may be the following:

  • a short period (with early use of the test, it is easy to get a negative answer due to the small amount of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine);
  • improper use of the test (if you test in the evening or drink a large amount of liquid beforehand, the urine will be less concentrated);
  • expired device;
  • poor-quality test (manufacturers of cheap strip strips often save on the amount of reagent);
  • frozen pregnancy (hCG level has stopped increasing, and endometrial rejection has not yet begun);
  • ectopic pregnancy (when the fetal egg is fixed outside the uterine cavity, the pregnant hormone increases slowly);
  • threatened miscarriage.

Weak positive result.

The test may not show pregnancy with a delay simply because it is not there. If the cause of the absence of menstruation is ovarian dysfunction, PCOS or other hormonal disorders, then the likelihood of pregnancy is practically excluded.

A false positive test with a delay also happens, although rarely. The device can show a positive result for the following reasons:

  • expired;
  • the answer is interpreted late (more than 10 minutes for all types of devices except electronic ones);
  • used drugs containing hCG (often happens when ovulation is stimulated);
  • the woman has hormonal diseases;
  • have ovarian cancer.

What to do if there is a delay with a negative test

If there is no expected menstruation, and only one strip appears on the test, then the following actions can be taken:

  • repeat the study 1-2 more times with a break of several days;
  • do a pelvic ultrasound in a week;
  • wait a few more days, perhaps menstruation is simply delayed;
  • remember if you have taken medications or herbal remedies that can disrupt the cycle and delay menstrual bleeding;
  • contact a gynecologist to select a plan for further action.

A blood test that determines the level of human chorionic gonadotropin will help dispel doubts about pregnancy. In non-pregnant women, this figure does not exceed 5 mIU.

Today, any woman at home can determine the fact of pregnancy. To do this, it is enough to use special tests, which are available to consumers in a wide range.

The work of pregnancy tests is based on the determination of a special hormone - HCG H. It is its presence that indicates that a woman is pregnant. This hormone appears a week after conception. This period is due to the characteristics of the female body and depends primarily on ovulation.

Ovulation is the process of maturation of an egg. When the egg in the body of a woman has matured, conception itself becomes possible. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days after menstrual bleeding. After the male sperm enters the female body, fertilization occurs within 3-4 days. When conception has taken place, the fertilized egg will remain in the uterus for about 5 more days. Then it is implanted to the walls of the uterus. When this happens, the endocrine system receives a signal and begins to actively produce the pregnancy hormone. Thus, HCG begins its work even before the onset of the next monthly cycle. From this point on, the definition of pregnancy with the help of special tests becomes possible.

Since the start of production, the level of pregnancy hormone in the female body gradually increases. This fact will affect the effectiveness of the use of tests to determine pregnancy. The more days have passed since possible fertilization, the more revealing the test will be. Even if at a very early date the girl managed to detect a small amount of the hormone, it is impossible to speak about the accuracy of the result in this situation. To finally establish whether a pregnancy has taken place, you should contact a special family planning center. There you can determine not only the very fact of the onset of pregnancy, but also the approximate period. This is done by donating blood for analysis. Of course, this method is many times more effective than a regular home test purchased at a pharmacy.

To make the result of a pregnancy test more indicative, you need to use it after a significant delay in menstruation - a week or more. If you conduct a test a few days after the sexual intercourse itself, then the results obtained cannot be considered correct. Haste in this matter can lead to false information. Subsequently, the girl may get stressed after learning about the onset of an unplanned pregnancy. Or, believing the negative test result, she will come to her senses only when her press begins to turn into a round tummy, where a new life will already develop in full swing.

There is fierce competition among manufacturers of pregnancy tests, as a result of which more and more new products are offered to consumers, the terms for determining the onset of pregnancy are reduced. Naturally, the girl wants to know as early as possible whether she is pregnant, so those tests are in high demand, where the number of days for determining conception is less.

The indicativeness of the result of pregnancy tests depends, first of all, on the quality of the test itself. Therefore, in order not to be misled, it is better to purchase such products based on the price-quality ratio. It is recommended to buy tests only in pharmacies or drugstores. It is worth refraining from buying too cheap tests. Pregnancy tests, in addition to the very fact of pregnancy, can also show a tendency to miscarriage. In women, in this case, the hormone is produced in insufficient quantities. In order for the test to warn of such a probability in time, its sensitivity to the hormone must be sufficiently high. When purchasing a pregnancy test, be sure to check the expiration date. Before use, you need to thoroughly study the instructions. This will save you from unnecessary worries about the incorrect result in the future.