There may be a temperature during the initial pregnancy. What should be the temperature at the beginning of pregnancy

As you know, an increase in temperature above 37 ° C indicates a malfunction in the body. When such a situation is observed in a woman during pregnancy, it causes anxiety and concern.

Most often, especially when a woman is preparing to become a mother for the first time, she still does not know if there can be a temperature during pregnancy and why this happens. Let's find out the answer to this question and see if it's worth panicking in this situation.

Can body temperature rise during pregnancy?

Everyone knows that if the thermometer shows numbers over 37 ° C, then this is an alarming sign - somewhere in the body an inflammatory process has begun. This can, unfortunately, happen even to a pregnant woman, but she can’t get sick in any way.

Therefore, as soon as a woman drew attention to the presence of a non-standard temperature, it is best to contact a local gynecologist or a therapist at a antenatal clinic. They will prescribe a set of examinations (tests) to exclude possible problems with the kidneys, lungs (tuberculosis) or

Am I pregnant?

Sometimes, after listening to more experienced friends, a woman wonders if a fever can be a sign of pregnancy, or is it idle fiction. Yes, in fact, a woman in this way can find out that she will soon become a mother.

There is a slight increase in temperature in the early stages due to significant changes occurring in the body, but not visible to the eye. The sudden onset of hormonal restructuring, which is gaining new momentum every day, causes thermoregulation to become more active, which is shown by the mercury column.

To start pregnancy, and this is a period of 4 to 10-12 weeks, an increase in temperature is characteristic in the range from 37 ° C to 37.4 ° C. If the numbers are higher, then most likely, in addition to pregnancy, there is a latent sluggish inflammatory process that must be immediately localized.

Basically, a woman learns about an increase in temperature once she has measured it for the sake of interest. Most often, the expectant mother does not feel any signs that make her doubt her health. That is, muscle pain, aching joints, chills do not take place. A woman can only feel drowsiness and fatigue - frequent companions of the first trimester.

All of the above applies to the very first weeks from conception. But the answer to the question, can the temperature rise during pregnancy, without any reason, in the second or third trimester, will be negative. That is, after 12 weeks, any increase in body temperature indicates the presence of a hidden focus of inflammation in the body, as well as the onset of influenza or SARS, and therefore requires treatment.

An increase in temperature always signals that something has gone wrong in the body. Therefore, expectant mothers are so worried when they see overestimated readings on the thermometer. Should I be worried if the temperature rises to 37 degrees during pregnancy? What is the actual body temperature of pregnant women? Let's try to figure it out.

No worries

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the fact that many expectant mothers have a body temperature during pregnancy of 37 degrees. In general, in the early stages, higher rates are also the norm - up to 37.4 degrees. The fact is that at the beginning of pregnancy, a hormonal “restructuring” occurs in a woman’s body: the production of the pregnancy hormone, progesterone, begins in huge quantities. The heat transfer of the body slows down, which means that the temperature rises. Therefore, nothing terrible will happen, even if the temperature of 37 degrees during pregnancy lasts for several days.

Attention! An elevated temperature at the end of pregnancy is in no way associated with the action of progesterone and is always a sign of an infectious process. This can be dangerous both for the woman herself (complications from the heart and nervous system may develop), and for the child.

Often, an increase in temperature in pregnant women to 37 degrees and a little higher is associated with overheating in the sun or with a lack of fresh air in the room. Therefore, in the first weeks of pregnancy, a slight increase in temperature in the absence of other symptoms of the disease is considered normal.

High temperature - alarm

It is quite another matter if the body temperature during pregnancy is much higher than 37 degrees (37.5 ° C or higher). This means that an infection has entered the body and the well-being of your baby is at risk.

The most dangerous fever in the first two weeks of pregnancy, as it can provoke a miscarriage. In addition, in the first trimester, the child is laying all the organs and systems of the body, and if during this period the body temperature of the pregnant woman rises to 38 degrees, this can lead to the development of fetal pathologies. A temperature above 38 degrees, which does not go astray for a long time, can cause serious disorders in the baby:

  • defects of the central nervous system;
  • mental retardation;
  • muscle hypotension;
  • underdevelopment of the face and various parts of the body;
  • microcephaly.

Subfebrile (up to 38 degrees) temperature during pregnancy is also dangerous because it can be a sign of an ectopic location of the fetal egg. In the later stages of pregnancy, fever can cause placental abruption.

Will we hit?

A low temperature (37-37.5 degrees) during pregnancy is not knocked down, even if there are signs of a cold: runny nose, cough, headache. Thus, the body fights pathogens.

If the temperature of the pregnant woman has risen above 37.5, then it must be brought down. It is best to do this with folk methods: tea with lemon, raspberry, cool compress on the forehead. Of the medications during pregnancy, paracetamol is the safest.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to bring down the temperature during pregnancy with aspirin and other drugs based on it: it reduces blood clotting, and this can lead to the development of bleeding in the mother and fetus. In addition, aspirin leads to the appearance of malformations.

And, of course, you need to urgently call a doctor, since a high temperature can be a sign of a serious illness for the expectant mother: flu, pyelonephritis, pneumonia.

Once a woman finds out that she is pregnant, it is her responsibility to ensure the most favorable conditions for the development of her baby and safe gestation. It is absolutely normal when a future mother, after confirming her pregnancy, tries on an instinctive level to protect her child from all kinds of environmental factors that threaten him and his health.

And, of course, every pregnant woman knows perfectly well that during this period of bearing her child, it is important and necessary to make every effort not to get sick with any diseases, since both the diseases themselves and their treatment can negatively affect not only her health, but also on intrauterine development of the child. In addition, taking medications or certain infectious diseases can lead to very sad consequences for pregnancy.

In connection with all of the above, all pregnant women try from the very first days to monitor their body temperature, knowing that if there is a tendency to increase it, then an inflammatory process occurs in the body, which must be stopped and cured.

Normal temperature in early pregnancy

In medicine, mercury fluctuations between 37 degrees and 37.2 are considered the norm for the temperature regime of the body of a pregnant woman in the early stages.

Why is basal temperature elevated in early pregnancy?

The basal temperature (which is measured in the rectum, orally or vaginally) of the expectant mother should be slightly elevated. This is due to the process of adaptation of the female body to the changes that occur in connection with the onset of pregnancy. The main factor affecting the basal body temperature of a woman during pregnancy is the production of progesterone, the main hormone of pregnancy. In the first stage of pregnancy, progesterone is produced by the mother's body. Further, its production occurs by the already formed placenta.

Progesterone plays a significant role in the normal course of pregnancy, and moreover, it affects the processes of thermoregulation. That is why, in the early stages of pregnancy, the mother's body temperature rises by one degree, and can reach 37.5.

If the body temperature of the expectant mother is lowered, this is direct evidence that there is a high level. With an increase in temperature, as a rule, an inflammatory process in the maternal body is diagnosed.

Based on all this, we can conclude that the increased body temperature of the expectant mother in the early stages of pregnancy, in the absence of other characteristic symptoms (aches in the joints, and others), is not a cause for concern.

If a woman is overwhelmed by anxiety, which can also harm the baby, it is best to contact the doctor leading the pregnancy, tell and show him a graph of her temperature, and get recommendations that should be strictly followed in the future.

What else does an elevated body temperature indicate in early pregnancy?

An increased body temperature of the expectant mother in early pregnancy may also indicate the presence. This option can be excluded only with a gynecological examination.

  • An elevated temperature in a pregnant woman can also be one of the symptoms. To exclude or identify it, it is necessary to pass a series of special tests.
  • In cases where the body temperature of a pregnant woman in the early stages rises to thirty-eight degrees, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is this temperature, especially in the early stages, that poses a high level of threat to the normal intrauterine development of the child. Even if it is a common cold, the threat does not become less. The high temperature of the mother's body can adversely affect the development of the baby's nervous system, the formation of certain parts of his body, become a provocateur of muscle hypotension, cause disturbances in the process of placental formation, thereby predetermining premature birth.
  • If the temperature during pregnancy stays at high levels for a long time, and the disease that it accompanies continues to develop, this can cause a spontaneous miscarriage or stop the development of the fetal egg.
  • A temperature reaching thirty-eight degrees may indicate an acute respiratory illness of the mother, and an infectious disease that will cause disturbances in fetal development.
  • Determining the cause of a high temperature in a future mother in early pregnancy can only be carried out by a specialist doctor. Adequate treatment, taking into account all the characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman and the pregnancy itself, is also prescribed by a doctor, after an accurate diagnosis.
  • An elevated mother's body temperature in early pregnancy may be evidence of intoxication of her body with dangerous substances that adversely affect the cardiovascular system. In this case, there may be changes in the process of protein synthesis, a negative impact on the state of the placenta (its formation). All this will entail a spontaneous miscarriage or negatively affect the mental abilities of the child.

Methods for reducing high fever during pregnancy

It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, bring down the temperature without qualified consultation and doctor's recommendations, since this is extremely dangerous for both the fetus and the woman herself.

There are two ways to reduce body temperature during pregnancy: medication and non-drug.

For a pregnant woman, of course, it is best to use the second method of lowering the temperature. First of all, she is usually recommended to drink plenty of water, but with care so as not to cause swelling (although swelling is extremely rare in early pregnancy, only in cases where the expectant mother suffers from diseases of the cardiovascular system).

What can you drink to reduce the temperature? and a teaspoon of sugar, a weak infusion of linden and chamomile, various fruit drinks, tea with raspberry jam (dilute a teaspoon of jam in warm boiled water), milk with the addition of cocoa butter and a teaspoon of honey. And it is important to know that all drinks should be taken warm, but not hot.

Be careful with herbal teas and infusions. Since not all herbs have a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby in the womb.

If all the previous drinks do not help to reduce the temperature, you can make tea according to the following recipe: four tablespoons of dry coltsfoot herb, two tablespoons of dry oregano herb, three tablespoons of dry plantain, and two tablespoons of dried or frozen raspberries, pour a liter of boiling water into a thermos. Insist, cool to a warm state and drink a tablespoon four times a day.

To gradually reduce body temperature in early pregnancy, you can wipe with cool water and apply cold compresses to the forehead. Don't wrap yourself too tightly, as overheating can cause even higher temperatures.

Remember, any medication to reduce fever must be prescribed by a doctor. All medicines will be selected taking into account all the individual characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman and the course of the pregnancy itself.

Prevention of fever in early pregnancy

It is better to carry out prevention than to treat an already begun disease. This is especially important in the early stages of pregnancy.

  1. Prevention in the first weeks of bearing a baby does not differ much from general preventive measures. It is necessary to ventilate the room and any other room where the pregnant woman is. She should avoid public places where a large number of people accumulate.
  2. It is also necessary to follow all the rules of personal hygiene regularly: wash your hands with antibacterial soap, rinse your nose, rinse your mouth.
  3. During pregnancy, you should consult a doctor for recommendations about taking vitamin complexes. It is not worth prescribing any vitamins for yourself, the doctor will do this, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

If you follow all the rules of prevention, the possibility of an increase in body temperature in the early stages of pregnancy can be minimized.

Immediately after conception, tremendous changes begin to occur in your body. First of all, the hormonal background changes, as a result of which the process of heat transfer slows down and, accordingly, the body temperature may rise.

Even a slight rise in temperature during early pregnancy can spoil your mood and add worries.

But is there a reason for this? I propose to consider this issue in more detail and get rid of prejudices.

Normal temperature readings

From the moment of conception, the body begins to actively produce progesterone, which will protect the embryo and help its development. As a result, the temperature may change.

If you saw a temperature of 37 on the thermometer during pregnancy in the early stages and there are no signs of the disease, then you can be sure that this is normal and is associated with hormonal changes in the body.

Such a slight increase in temperature indicators is the minimum that you will encounter at the stage of adaptation of the body to its new status.

In addition, at the beginning of pregnancy, you may suffer from toxicosis, dizziness, increased salivation, weakness, etc.

Pay special attention to your diet. You can reduce discomfort through dietary adjustments. Read the book Secrets of proper nutrition for expectant mothers >>>

Know! If the thermometer readings do not exceed 37-37.1 degrees, then there is no need to worry, since the body temperature during pregnancy in the early stages of 37.1 degrees cannot bring any threat.

When high temperatures pose a threat

High body temperature in early pregnancy can be dangerous and cause some pathologies in the fetus or even its rejection.

  • Already in the fourth month, the baby's nervous system is actively developing, so the heat during this period can be fraught with danger;

Starting from the second half of pregnancy, the fetus protects the placental barrier, so the baby is now more protected.

  • Of course, a temperature of 37.4 during early pregnancy is not dangerous, but if its indicators are higher, then you need to act immediately, as this can negatively affect not only the child, but also your well-being;
  • Elevated temperature indicators provoke various pathological changes in the body, for example, lead to a violation of protein production, or can lead to a change in the functioning of the placenta.

But at the same time it is impossible to take medicines uncontrollably.

  1. The only pills with antipyretic effect that are allowed during this period are Paracetamol and then, in limited quantities;
  2. You can use folk remedies, but first you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the components used for their production.

What is dangerous high temperature

Regardless of what caused the increase in body temperature in a pregnant woman in the first weeks of pregnancy, this can provoke irreversible consequences.

This is due to the fact that during this period the formation of all the organs of the baby takes place. The main dangers that this can lead to include:

  • The development of various defects in the baby. These may be changes in the formation of the eyeballs, jaw, etc.;
  • Violation of the process of protein synthesis, which can provoke circulatory disorders in the placenta. This, in turn, can cause fetal hypoxia, as a result of which the child's brain may suffer;
  • Increased uterine tone or placental abruption. All this can cause spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth in the second half of pregnancy;
  • High temperature can lead to intoxication of the body, which can provoke disturbances in the formation and development of the cardiovascular system;
  • With an increase in body temperature, the uterine muscles may begin to contract, which may cause a miscarriage;
  • It is possible to form blood clots that can clog the vessels in the placenta, which can cause a miscarriage;
  • Toxicosis in a complex form.

Therefore, if you have a fever during pregnancy in the early stages, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible, who will conduct a comprehensive examination, identify the cause and prescribe competent treatment.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

The most common cause of changes in temperature during pregnancy can be a cold. After all, right now the body of a woman is most susceptible to the penetration of all kinds of viruses.

In addition, there may be other reasons:

  1. Measles, rubella and other infections, which are also called "children's". They are always accompanied by fever, skin rash and other manifestations of the disease, which can be dangerous for a developing baby;
  2. Intestinal infection. In this case, diarrhea, vomiting, or other symptoms of infection will occur (by the way, read also the article