Fundamentals of Orthodox culture Easter. Technological map of the lesson on orkse (opk) 'Easter'. Forms of student work

Development of an extracurricular lesson in the defense industry in grade 4 Theme "Bright holiday of Easter" Teacher: Zakharchenko Natalya Vasilievna MOU "Secondary School No. 11 in Zelenokumsk"

Theme: "The bright holiday of Easter." Information and educational class hour dedicated to Easter customs and traditions Objectives: to expand students' knowledge about the Orthodox traditions of the Russian people; to form a positive attitude towards Christian moral values, respect for the spiritual traditions of the people; to encourage children to study the spiritual experience of the people, to cultivate a careful attitude to its cultural heritage. Tasks:  Familiarization of schoolchildren with spiritual, moral, cultural values;   Formation of understanding of the semantic and symbolic content of Orthodox paraphernalia, historical events of the country; Formation of knowledge about the spiritual origins of the formation and development of the culture of the Russian people. Equipment: children's drawings, illustrations, Easter cakes, painted eggs, Easter souvenirs, arts and crafts, postcards, balls, a vase with willow branches, a vase of flowers. Event plan. 1. Organizational moment. 2. The teacher's story about Easter. 3. The teacher's story about the Easter egg. 4. Congratulations on Easter. 5. Games. 6. Bottom line. Event progress. Teacher: Good afternoon guys! Do you love holidays? Pupils: (children's answers.) Teacher: And now you will have to guess the encrypted word, and find out what Christian holiday we will celebrate with you very soon.

Students: Easter! Teacher: That's right Easter!

Teacher: The Bright Resurrection of Christ is the most important Christian holiday. On this day, the entire Orthodox world celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, who, by His death, atoned for human sins and by His resurrection gave us hope for eternal life after death. (5) The word "Easter" came to us from the Greek language and means "deliverance" . This is a celebration of hope for the future, the joy of life, the beginning of spring and the awakening of nature, the victory of Good over Evil. The week before Easter is called Holy Week. Every day of Holy Week is dedicated to a specific task. Now the students of the first group will tell us what our ancestors did during Holy Week. Pupils: Holy Week The last week of Great Lent is called Holy Week. This is explained by the fact that at the divine service every day of this week they read passages from the Holy Gospel, which tell about the sufferings (passions) of Jesus Christ. Every day of Bright Week is dedicated to the remembrance of some gospel event. Maundy Monday is dedicated to the miracle of the withered fig tree. Maundy Tuesday - the last conversations of Jesus Christ with his disciples. Great Wednesday - stay in the house of the leper Simon.

According to folk custom, on Bright Wednesday, people collected snow. Then the melted water was salted with the remaining last year's Thursday salt and the cattle was poured over with this solution. It was believed that this would save her from misfortunes and diseases. Maundy Thursday is dedicated to the memory of the Last Supper. On this day in Russia it was customary to cook juicy milk. It was made from hemp and flaxseed. At dawn, they gave water to domestic animals to save them from various diseases. Only women were allowed to participate in this procedure. In general, Good Thursday is associated with many beliefs. According to an old custom, on this day you need to get up before dawn and start cleaning from yourself, and then start cleaning the house. Hence the name - Maundy Thursday. On this day, they always went to the bathhouse, washed themselves and said: “Baptized on the shelves, unbaptized from the regiment.” We also went on Maundy Thursday to the river. And they plunged into the water in any weather. According to popular belief, water was supposed to bring health and strength. Even on Maundy Thursday, they performed the rite of ablution "from silver." For this, a silver coin was thrown into the water the day before. Returning home after the church service, a consecrated candle was burned on the windows and jambs of the protective cross. There are beliefs associated with Thursday salt. This salt was considered cleansed of all filth and endowed with incredible healing properties. It kept for a whole year. You can make this salt at home. To do this, from Holy Wednesday to Maundy Thursday), pour salt into a cast-iron pan, put it in the oven and bake for 5 hours (from 11 pm to 4 am). In this case, use only cast-iron cookware (frying pan). Then take the salt out of the oven and let it cool. Then take this salt to the church and bless it along with the Easter eggs.

Also on Maundy Thursday, they already began to decorate the house, bake Easter cakes and paint eggs. Good Friday is dedicated to the suffering of Jesus Christ. Good Friday is the most mournful day of mourning. On this day, the church bells stopped ringing. On Good Friday, you can’t eat anything until the afternoon, when the shroud is taken out, symbolizing the removal of Jesus from the cross. On this mournful day, the church calls to think about whether we are like the people who gave Jesus, whether we are looking for heretics and enemies in those around us, whether we go against our conscience in order to achieve material wealth. Great Saturday is dedicated to the burial of Jesus Christ. This is a day of expectation and rest. On Great Saturday in Russia, frosts were conjured so that they would not ruin the harvest. On this day, the sun meets the moon. On this day, the weather for the coming summer was determined. If the day is clear, then it will be a good summer, but if it is cloudy, then it will be bad. According to popular belief, if you do not sleep all night from Good Saturday to Bright Sunday, then this will help protect yourself from diseases, provide a rich harvest, good hunting for men, and successful marriage for girls. On Great Saturday, eggs are dyed, which are a symbol of new life and resurrection. Easter cakes, eggs, Easter are consecrated in churches. There is a belief that if a sacred egg is dipped in water intended for washing, it will bring beauty and health. On Good Friday, the service in the church continues all day, and at midnight comes the bright joy of Easter. People celebrate deliverance from slavery to the devil, the beginning of a new life and the gift of the eternal. Holy Week is the week of the strictest fast. During this time, the sacraments of weddings and baptisms are not performed by the church, the dead are not commemorated, and the days of saints are not celebrated. All believers gather in the temple and lay out the saved Easter cakes, paska and eggs for consecration. The service goes on all night and ends early in the morning with joyful exclamations of "Christ is Risen? - Truly Risen!" Great Lent is over, after Matins you can break the fast with consecrated food, congratulate each other and celebrate! Student:

Everywhere the blasphemy is buzzing, People are pouring out of all the churches, Dawn is already looking from heaven... Christ is Risen! Christ is risen! The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields, And the rivers are torn from the shackles, And the nearby forest is turning green.. Christ is Risen! Christ is risen! Here the earth is waking up, And the fields are dressing. Spring is full of miracles Christ is Risen! Christ is risen! Teacher: Great day - Easter on Mother Russia. The Easter table is plentiful - a whole feast. Easter cakes, muffins, colored eggs, Easter. And now the students of the second group will tell us about the main dishes of the Easter table. Student. Kulich is a traditional dish of the Easter table, one of the oldest symbols of the Resurrection of Christ. Made from pastry with raisins, topped with powdered sugar or icing. Can lie for a week and not harden. Easter is a special dish made from cottage cheese. The original form of Easter symbolizes the Holy Sepulcher. For cooking, a special wooden form is used - a pasochnik. There are two types of Easter: raw and boiled. Since cottage cheese cannot be stored for a long time, raw paskhas are usually made small.

Teacher: What is customary to give on this day? Students: Colored eggs. Teacher: Do any of you know why we paint eggs? (children's answers and guesses) There are several legends why we color eggs. Here is one of them that the students will tell us. On Easter, it is customary to paint eggs in different colors, but among the multi-colored eggs, they must be bright red. Why? History has preserved this tradition for us. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, His disciples and followers dispersed to different countries, everywhere proclaiming the joyful news that Christ, the Savior of the world, conquered death. He resurrected himself and will resurrect anyone who will believe Him and will love people just as He loves. Mary Magdalene dared to come with this message to the Roman Emperor Tiberius himself. Since it was not customary to come to the emperor without gifts, and Mary had nothing, she brought a simple chicken egg. Of course, she chose the egg with meaning. The egg is the creation of the world, the beginning of the world. Our ancestors, the Slavs, perceived it this way. In some places, it was believed that the shell is the vault of heaven, the protein is air and water, and the yolk is the earth. Here is the universe for you. The egg has always been a symbol of life: in a strong shell there is life hidden from the eyes, which in due time will break out of captivity in the form of a small yellow chicken. But when Mary began to talk about the fact that Jesus Christ had also escaped from the mortal chains and resurrected, the emperor only laughed: “This is also

it is impossible for your white egg to turn red!” And before Tiberius had time to finish the phrase, the egg in the hands of Mary Magdalene turned completely red. Since then, in memory of this event, which symbolizes our faith in the Risen Lord, we have been painting eggs. The most important tradition of Christians on Easter is to go to the Temple for services and for the procession. Upon returning from service after the end of the 49-day fast, it is customary to eat an egg. But not just eat it whole alone, but be sure to divide the egg into parts according to the number of family members and eat it all together. Our ancestors firmly believed that this custom strengthens the family, preserves friendly relations and love for each other in it. The main gift for Easter is, of course, an egg. Not simple, but painted. Magical properties were attributed to the painted Easter egg. There is such a belief: the first painted egg, received as a gift for Easter, keeps the house from fire, helps to recover from various diseases, and achieve a high yield. The tradition of decorating Easter eggs has become a real art. People exchange eggs for Easter, so that everything that is bad, bad, matches the shell, lags behind us, and the most beautiful hatches out and comes out. Teacher: Guys, do you know how they painted eggs for Easter? (children's answers). Eggs dyed the same color were called eggs; if on a general colored background spots, stripes, specks of a different color were indicated - it was a speck.

There were also pysanky - eggs painted by hand with plot or ornamental patterns. Pysanka is the most complex and most ancient type of painting. Patterns and ornaments were strictly passed down from generation to generation. Easter eggs are amulets. What kind of writing is this? How was it done? Interesting? Now I'll tell you... The main colors of Easter eggs are white, yellow, red and black. All others were considered not symbols, but simple egg decoration. The divorce lines are usually white, and in cases where the background of the Easter egg is white, the divorce is yellow. The background of the pysanka can also be red or black. But Easter eggs were not just painted ... The patterns written on the egg necessarily carried a certain meaning, i.e. were symbols. There are quite a lot of symbols for painting ... For example: Pine - a symbol of health. Black is the color of sorrow. A bright pattern was necessarily applied to a black base. The child was made Easter eggs on a cherry background, and not on black.

Soul symbol. Dove Grid - a symbol of fate. White color - the beginning of all beginnings: the destiny that is being built in the sky. The yellow grid is a symbol of the sun and the fate that is being built here. Oak is a symbol of strength. Plum dots are a symbol of love. Hops are a symbol of fertility. Any berry is a symbol of fertility; mother. Flowers are a symbol of girlhood. - a symbol of fertility. Student. In addition to painted natural eggs, special gift eggs were also prepared for Easter. They were made of glass, crystal, painted porcelain. Jewelers carved miniature eggs even from precious metals - gold and silver. The Russian jewelry factory of the famous Carl Faberge was especially successful in making such gifts. 71 eggs were created for the Russian imperial family, 62 have survived to this day. Traditionally, each egg was supposed to contain some kind of surprise - picturesque miniatures with portraits of members of the imperial family, tiny models of palaces, monuments, yachts, trains, figurines of birds, bouquets of flowers. Currently, 10 Easter eggs are stored in the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin.

Teacher: In the old days, all the kids played games with Easter eggs. In each game, the winner took the egg. At the end of the games, the number of each player was counted. And now the students of the 3rd group will show us the old games. 1. "Clicking eggs" It is necessary to hit the blunt or sharp end of the colored egg on the opponent's egg. The one whose egg does not crack wins. 2. "Spinning the eggs" On command, the eggs are spun. Whose egg scrolls the longest is the winner. 3. "Egg rolling". The textbook is placed on the pencil case, thus, a "slide" is obtained. On command, the participants must roll the egg up the hill. Whose egg rolls farther is the winner. 4. "Pushing eggs" On command, the participants send colored eggs along the path towards each other. Whose egg breaks, he gives it to his opponent. 5. "Battle of eggs" One player holds a colored egg in his hand. The other hits him with both ends of the egg. The egg is considered lost if both ends are broken.

Creative task Teacher: And now each of you will color the egg. Decoupage egg decoration. Children color papier-mâché egg blanks using symbols and color. Exhibition of works. Teacher: How do you understand why Jesus Christ is revered as the Savior? Disciple: Because he went to the cross to save people. Teacher: How do Christians connect their fate with the resurrection of Christ? Disciple: They believe that they will be resurrected just like Jesus. Teacher: How do Christians greet each other on Easter days? Disciple: Christ is risen. Risen indeed). Teacher: What is the main gift that the Orthodox give to relatives and friends for Easter? Student: Krashenki, pysanky, krapanki. Teacher: At the end of our lesson, I want to remind you of another tradition: on Easter week, anyone can climb the bell tower and practice bell ringing. The temple of the Lord is illuminated by the golden sun. The ringing of bells is pouring - Easter ringing is clean. He lights up the faces with Joy of the heart. After all, the Easter bell sings to Us about eternal life.

Dear children, I once again congratulate you on the Bright Resurrection of Christ. I wish you health, happiness, peace. Happy Easter to your loved ones. Please your parents more often with good deeds. After all, the Lord, after His Resurrection, commanded everyone: “Rejoice!” And may your soul be bright in the warm rays of the love of Jesus Christ! Christ is risen!

Lesson summary number 8

"Easter" Target: the formation of an understanding that Easter is the main holiday of Orthodox Christians, the meaning of their faith. Tasks:

  • Tutorial: learn about the events associated with the words Sunday, Easter, Savior.
  • Developing: learn the meaning of Lent as Christians preparing for the celebration of Easter
  • Nurturing: to realize why the Easter joy in Orthodox culture is perceived above all other joys in life
Location: Class. Equipment: Computer, multimedia projector, presentation Key concepts of the lesson: Resurrection, Savior, Easter. DURING THE CLASSES.
  1. Checking homework and motivation:
A “bunch” of definitions for the word “cross” is compiled. The class is divided into two groups: Easter and Lent. Tasks are given: - Write down what associations: signs, customs, traditions, attributes, etc. you have when you hear the words Easter and Lent. Write them down. - Remember the mood of these days. What words can describe this mood? Write down the words. Do you remember the smell of those days? Write down the words. - What color would you depict these days? Write down the name of the color. - What sounds are associated with these days for you? Write down the words. Lesson topic message: "Easter"
  1. Working with new material(bell sounds)

Grandma went to church.
Pray in God's Temple
Under candles and censer
Easter cakes were sacred there.
Soon Easter, Sunday,
The bells will ring.
Spring Feast of Resurrection,
Life eternal praise !

On our Sunday table
Eggs, Easter with cottage cheese,
And the big cake is decorated
Multicolored sugar.
The icon has a lamp light
Like a ray from heaven.
We are happy about sunny Easter
Spring again! Christ is risen! - There are many holidays that Russians like to celebrate. But one of the main ones is the spring holiday - Easter. This bright and kind holiday brings with it faith, hope and love. video story Questions after watching the film: - Why is Easter called "The Holiday of Holidays"? Who gave the first egg for Easter? There is no holiday more joyful for Christians than Easter, because on this day Jesus Christ came to life - rose from the dead. great post great post, preceding Easter, dramatically changed the way of life of cities and villages. During the entire first week of fasting, all entertainment, theatrical performances and music were prohibited. Of the public places, only baths functioned. “All around,” a contemporary recalls, “it became quieter, more modest, they even spoke and laughed on the streets not so loudly, and drunks were not visible. And at home at the table - cabbage with butter, mushroom soup ... the eve of the strictest last week of fasting - Passionate when spring renewal is already felt in the air, it falls on Palm Sunday, the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. Palm Sunday. In Orthodox churches, during the liturgy, willow twigs were consecrated - a reminder of the palm branches that paved the path of the Savior to the capital of Judea. Customs: The Orthodox Slavs had many customs, rituals dedicated to the days of the Great Week. So, Maundy Thursday traditionally called "pure", and not only because on this day every Orthodox person seeks to cleanse himself spiritually, to take communion, to accept the sacrament established by Christ. On Maundy Thursday, the folk custom of cleansing with water was widespread - bathing in an ice hole, river, lake or dousing in a bath before sunrise. On this day, they cleaned the hut, washed and cleaned everything. In the North and in Central Russia, it was customary to collect and burn juniper branches to fumigate dwellings and stables. It was believed that the healing juniper smoke protected the person and the "animal" from evil spirits and diseases. There was also a belief that eggs laid on Good Thursday, eaten at Easter, protected from illness, and egg shells buried in the ground in a pasture reliably protected livestock from the evil eye and any misfortune. Another custom is to consecrate salt and put it on the table with bread on the night before Thursday. Eggs: Starting from Maundy Thursday, they prepared for the festive table, painted and painted eggs. According to an ancient tradition, colored eggs were laid on fresh sprouted greens of oats, wheat, and sometimes on delicate green tiny leaves of watercress, which were specially sprouted for the holiday. Fuchsin, onion skins, bright scraps of silk were used for dyeing eggs. At the same time, Easter eggs in different areas differed in the originality of the pattern. At one of the ethnographic exhibitions of the last century, about 800 painted eggs from different places in Russia were presented! Baking: From Thursday they cooked Easter, baked Easter cakes, women, pancakes, small products made from the best wheat flour with the image of crosses, lambs, cockerels, hens, doves, larks, as well as honey gingerbread. Easter gingerbread differed from the usual ones in that they had the silhouettes of a lamb, a bunny, a cockerel, a dove, a lark and an egg. By the way the hostess of the cake was successful, they judged the future: if it rose, everything would be fine, but if the crust cracked, misfortune would happen. Signs of Friday: On Friday, they look out the window, noting who they will see first of all: if a man, then to well-being for three months. If a person falls ill at this time, he will quickly recover. Any problem is easily solved. If you see an old woman, then there will be a series of three months of failure and illness. And if you see a young woman first, you will live these three months without problems. If you are lucky, and the family will appear first before your eyes - this is to peace in your family, to the reconciliation of those who are in a quarrel. According to signs, a dog - to longing, a cat - to profit, birds - to a new acquaintance and good news, a disabled person - to the death of a loved one. Easter morning: Of course, all preparatory work: cooking, painting eggs, must be completed before Bright Sunday. On Easter morning, they wash themselves with water left from Maundy Thursday. It is good to put a silver little thing or a spoon in it, you can use a coin. Such washing will bring beauty and wealth. Evening before Pascha On the evening before Pascha, everyone went to the church, where a great service was going on all night. That's what it's called - the general vigil. "Watch" - from the verb "watch": to be attentive, not to sleep. On this sacred night, the children did not sleep together with their parents, they were also taken to the temple for a holiday, even the smallest. Thus, people confirmed their loyalty to Christ-light: thousands and thousands of small lights were lit across Russia in the spring Easter night. That night must have happened procession: in front of the priest with a cross, and behind him children and adults with lit candles, went out into the street and with prayers and the singing of psalms walked around the temple. After all, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, was born of light and brought light to people. "Christ is Risen" And after the service, tired but joyful, people went home. "Christ is risen!" - they joyfully say to each other and "Christen" - they exchange kisses and colored eggs. The first egg received was considered sacred, and it was kept for a whole year. But before going to bed, our ancestors sat down at the table. After all, Lent ended on Easter night - now you can eat whatever you want. Easter table and fairs The Easter table differed from the festive splendor, it was tasty, plentiful and very beautiful. Wealthy hosts served 48 different dishes according to the number of days of the expired fast. After the Easter meal and a short nap, the festivities began. Fairs opened. Carousels and swings Swings were very popular both among children and young people during the celebration of Easter. In almost every yard, a swing for children was arranged, and in a traditional place - mainly in the village square, the nearest pasture, etc. - poles were dug in advance, ropes were hung, boards were attached, public swings were erected. Everyone rides on the swings. The holiday lasted all Bright Week, the table remained set, invited to the table, treated, especially those who could not or did not have such an opportunity, welcomed the poor, the poor, the sick. In the villages it was customary in the evening, at dusk, to play the violin. A violinist or several violinists walked around the villages, played under the windows of each house in honor of the Resurrection of Christ, in response, the owner and the hostess were treated to a glass and presented Easter eggs, and sometimes money. Flowers Flowers are an important addition to any holiday, and at Easter they were always used to decorate temples and dwellings, and were given to loved ones. Easter comes along with the spring rebirth of nature, so flowers have always been an important attribute of this holiday. The color of the Resurrection of Christ symbolizes red - the color of life itself, its victory over death, in Russia they called Easter red. Therefore, bouquets of red roses, carnations and tulips are very appropriate on this day. The white color symbolizes all the most holy and bright, it is from white flowers that garlands are made around the shroud on Holy Week. Bouquets of white flowers, such as roses or lilies, can be given for all Christian holidays. The flowers that were used in the preparation of the festive celebration were called Easter flowers in Russia. These were spring flowers that bloom just at this time: daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, lilies of the valley, violets, snowdrops, dandelions, coltsfoot, as well as roses and carnations. Churches, dwellings, and festive tables were decorated with Easter flowers. Salvation of the world From this day comes renewal, the salvation of the world and man, the triumph of life over death. The entire Easter week passed like one big joyful day.

  1. Lesson summary, reflection
  • What is Lent, does your family observe it? Why?
  • How do Christians greet each other on Easter?
  • What did you especially like, remember in the lesson today?
  1. Homework
- read the article in the textbook and answer the questions - draw a picture "Easter"



Erik Alla Alexandrovna

Job title

Primary school teacher


Fundamentals of Orthodox culture


A.V. Kuraev "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture". Publishing house "Enlightenment"

Lesson type

Lesson introduction to new knowledge.

Lesson construction technology

System - activity approach.

Lesson topic


Purpose, tasks

In the subject area: to form in a younger teenager the motivation for conscious moral behavior based on knowledge of the cultural and religious traditions of the multinational people of Russia and respect for them; form an idea of ​​the concept of "Easter"; show the value of cultural achievements for humanity.

In the field of UUD formation:

    cognitive - ability to extract essential information from various sources;

    regulatory - in cooperation with the teacher, set a learning task and keep it throughout the lesson; understand the purpose of the actions performed

    communicative - express their thoughts, in accordance with age, completeness and accuracy, participate in a collective discussion of the problem; foster a sense of collective responsibility and promote the development of collective creativity.

    In the field of personal development of students: help to understand the meaning of the customs and traditions associated with the holiday "Easter"; to give children an emotionally complete idea of ​​the celebration of "Easter" in Russia; to promote the revival of folk customs and traditions in modern conditions in the work of children.

Basic terms, concepts

Resurrection, Easter of Christ, Christian fasting, christening, wives-weeks


Cards, tables, additional material. Textbook, subject notebook, screen, multimedia projector, presentation

Planned lesson outcomes

Adequate motivation, adequate self-assessment, reflection - awareness of the content of the sequence and grounds for actions, functionally - structured formation of educational activities.

    Item Skills:

Have an idea about the concept of "Easter", how Easter is celebrated; be able to distinguish between Sunday as the day of the week and the day of the renewal of life.

    Meta Item Skills

Cognitive UUD

Get the basic skills of setting a learning problem

Draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the whole class, compare, group objects.

Focus on the spread of the textbook. Extract information from tables, illustrations, texts.

Personal UUD

They have knowledge about religious customs and traditions and the need to respect them.

Motivation for learning; correlation with the norm;

evaluate the digestible content of educational material; determine the rules for working in groups;

establish a relationship between the purpose of the activity and its results.

Regulatory UUD

Gain initial skills in extracting essential information from various sources.

Ability to pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson;

learn to put forward a version; distinguish between a correctly completed task and an incorrectly completed one;

predict future work (make a plan), evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task (exercise self-control).

Communicative UUD

Participate in a group discussion of the questions of the lesson.

Ability to work in a pair, group; the ability to listen and understand others;

the ability to build speech statements in accordance with the task;

the ability to formulate their thoughts orally. Spiritual and moral development and education

Forms of work:

Individual, pair work, group, collective.

During the classes

Lesson stages
Teacher activity
Student activities
Formed UUD (indicating specific actions)
1. Org. moment

The cheerful bell rang

Is everyone ready? All is ready?

What is the order on the table

Such is the order in the head.

And we, now, do not rest,

We are starting to work.

Teacher greeting.

Report of the attendants on the readiness of the class for the lesson.

Personal :

show a positive attitude towards school and learning activities.

2.Updating knowledge.

An excerpt from a poem C. Roche: slide 2 .

Christ is risen! He is the King of the worlds
Mighty kings Lord,
He is all humility, all love,
For a sinful world holy blood
Shed like an angel - redeemer!

Study questions:

1. What is the main idea of ​​the poem?

2. Jesus Christ - who is he?

3. What is His act for mankind?

Children answer the teacher's questions


1. Christ is risen.

2. Son of God.

3. He was not crucified on the cross; he accepted death for human sins.

Metasubject :

listen carefully to the interlocutor, understand his statements; express their thoughts, in accordance with age, completeness and accuracy; assess the correctness of the task, statements.

subject e:able to explain the meaning of the concepts of "Jesus Christ".

3. Formulation of the topic and planning of activities

Please consider these photographs and paintings, they will allow you to formulate the topic of our lesson.Slide 3

So, the topic of our lesson? ... (children - "Easter")

That's right - the topic of our lesson: "Easter"

slide 4

Easter! In golden pipes

Angels trumpet from heaven

Be happy all people

Rejoice! Christ is risen!

What do you know about this holiday?

Do you think you know everything about this holiday?

What else would you like to learn about the Easter holiday in the lesson?

- Also in the lesson you will learn that Sunday not only the day of the week, what is Easter and how it is celebrated .

Students express their assumptions on the essence of the questions posed by the teacher, formulate the topic of the lesson.


Listen carefully to the interlocutor, understand his statements.


Forecasting future work.

Learn to put forward a version of the answer;

Be able to listen and analyze the answers of classmates.

4. Discovery of new knowledge.

Guys! Who can tell me what date this holiday will be celebrated this year? (The 1 of May ) Right!

In Russia, Easter is called Great Day, Bright Day. This festivalsymbolizes victory of life over death . It's not just a holiday! It is the feast of all feasts, the celebration of celebrations. A holiday of joy, love, kindness and justice.

At Easter, it was customary to congratulate each other on the Resurrection of Christ. On this day, the entire Orthodox world celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. In Jerusalem, Jesus was crucified on the cross, but on the third day after his death, he rose from the dead. On Easter, everyone was allowed to ring the bells, the bell ringing sounded all around, maintaining a joyful, festive mood.

( Listening to the bell ) Slide 5.

The story of Christ does not end with His execution. After all, He told Pontius Pilate - this is the Roman prefect (judicial and military administrator) of Judea from 26 to 36 AD. that has the power to take up His life again. Therefore, the Gospel says that after the crucifixion, Christ returned to life -resurrected.

I've got some questions for you guys. But in order for you to be able to answer them, you need to be divided into groups of 6 people. Choose a captain, for the clarity of the organization of work. And with a little research, you can find answers to all other questions in the texts.

( Groups are given texts with questions. Students work with texts and formulate answers to questions. )

slide 6

They listen carefully.

Group work.


Filling in the table.

Keep the learning task in the process of work.

Participation in a collective discussion of an educational problem

Distinguish between a correctly completed task and an incorrectly completed one;

Extract information from texts.

5. Physical education - a minute

The Easter holiday is not only about prayers. This holiday has always had a different side. At Easter it was customary to hold family feasts; games with easter eggs - rolling and beating, hiding easter eggs. Here we are playing with you.

Everyone got up. Guys, do you like surprises and gifts? - (Of course!) Then, I suggest, carefully examine your workplace and find your surprise.(For children, under the cover of the table or the seat of the chair, envelopes are pasted in which there are bookmarks or small greeting cards with Easter symbols.)

Happy holiday everyone! Christ is risen! (-Truly Risen!)

Collective execution

Emotional mood

6. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

Work with the textbook.

2.Work on: slide 7

1. How do you understand why Jesus Christ is honored as the Savior?(Because he went to the cross to save people).

2. How do Christians connect their fate with the resurrection of Christ? (They believe they will be resurrected, just like Jesus).

4. What is a Christian fast? (In helping even more hungry people and accepting refugees into their homes)

5. What is the main "Easter Hymn"? What is its meaning? (Christ rose from the dead, having conquered by his deathdeath and gave life to the dead before).

Slide. eight - Guys, in front of you is a table. The left side is filled in it, you fill in the right side. We work in pairs.

Procession, opening of the Royal Gates

    Easter greeting :

"Christ is Risen!" "Truly Risen!"

    Greeting each other:

Three kisses on the cheeks.

    Easter treat:

Easter cake, Easter, painted eggs (why do they paint?)

    7 days everyone can...

Ring the bells.

Well done, now compare your answers with mine.slide 9.

Reading and discussion of passages about the course of the holiday on pages 28-31

The guys fill out the right column, after conferring with a neighbor on the desk.


identify the essence, features of objects; - the ability to generalize knowledge;




Communicative :

Listen andunderstandthe speech of others.

Regulatory: Understand information presented in a table.

7. Independent work

Slide 10-13. Test "Find the right option"

    What event is associated with Easter?

    • Mary Magdalene gave Emperor Tiberius a red egg

      Christ is risen from the dead

      With the spring holiday of May.

    Why is Christ called the Savior?

    • Having resurrected, Christ conquered death, and now the love of Christ awaits people beyond the threshold of death.

      He saved the Israelites from the power of the Romans

      He saved people from global catastrophes

    What do the words of the prayer that is sung at Easter mean: “Tramp down death by death”

    • Having died as a man, Christ brought His love to those who crossed the threshold of death.

      Now everyone has come to terms with death as an inevitability

      People realized that death does not need to be thought about.

    What day of the week is called Little Easter?




Slide 14

Children find the correct answer on their own.

Group items according to essential features.

Evaluate the correctness of the task,

Listen carefully to the interlocutor and understand his statement

Skill extract relevant information from various sources.

the formation of the ability to work individually, in a group; define the rules for working in groups

navigate through the textbook

8. Summary of the lesson

What did you learn in the lesson?

What questions did you get answered?

Are there any other questions that interest you on the topic of the lesson?

What didn't you understand? What difficulties did you experience?

Answer the teacher's questions.

Personal :

- exercisemotivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.


Know how to justify your point of view.


Accept and save the learning task;

Monitor the activities of the partner and evaluate the result.


update existing knowledge on the topic.

9.Reflection of educational activity .

I invite everyone to evaluate their participation in the lesson and satisfaction with their activities. Underline your answer:slide 15.

clear / not clear

useful / useless

interesting / boring

easy / difficult

Assess their participation in the lesson.

Evaluate the achieved results of general and own activities;

To control the assimilated content of educational material;

Carry out cognitive and personal reflection

10. Homework

slide 16 .

1. Prepare a story about the traditions of celebrating the Orthodox holiday Easter in the family.

2. Creative task.


1. Draw or make an Easter card from improvised materials.

2. Write down the recipe for festive dishes: "Easter" or "Kulich".

3. Easter games and entertainment.

4. Easter egg - ways to decorate and paint.

17 slide.

Thank you all for your hard work in class! Have a good day!

Write down homework in a workbook, in the diary we note that the task is in the notebook.

List of used literature:

    Dear testicle for Christ's day // Primary school. - No. 2. - 2001.

    Easter - Holy Sunday // Primary school. - No. 3 - 2005.

    Easter is the most joyful holiday (electronic resource). Access mode: , free.

    The site of the holiday Easter is the bright Resurrection of Christ (electronic resource). Access mode:

    1 group.

    Easter has come

    Joy embraced:

    beloved Jesus,

    Resurrected, resurrected!

    I congratulate you,

    Miracle of miracles!

    The Easter holiday ispassing . Easter falls on a different date every year. The time of this holiday is determined as follows: the spring equinox (March 21) is taken as the starting point. Then people look at the night sky and wait for the full moon. And the resurrection that follows this first spring full moon. And it's called Easter. The symbolism of such a decision is clear: spring is the time of the victory of life and light. After the spring equinox, the day becomes longer than the night, but the full moon night is also the brightest. As the reviving world of nature at this time is flooded with life-giving light, so the Easter of Christ fills the soul with its light.

    1.-What does a “movable” holiday mean?

    2.-What natural phenomenon is associated with the countdown of Easter?

    2 group.

    After the death of Christ, His body was placed in a coffin - this is how the Jews called the cave carved into the rock for the burial of the dead. The enemies of Christ set guards, they were afraid that the disciples would steal His body and say that He had risen.

    Neither the guard, nor the seal, nor the large stone could keep the Lord of life in the tomb. After the Sabbath, on the night of the third day after His suffering and death, Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

    Early in the morning of the same day, the faithful disciples of Christ Mary Magdalene, Mary Jacobleva and Salome came to His tomb. And they brought fragrant oil - myrrh, in order, as custom dictates, to anoint the Body of the Lord. They saw an angel who was sitting on a rock at the entrance to the cave. The angel said: “Why are you looking for the living among the dead? He is not here: He is Risen. Go and tell His disciples that they will see Him in Galilee.” And with fear and great joy they went to proclaim it to His disciples. Then the Resurrected Jesus Christ Himself appeared to the disciples, with the words: “Rejoice! Peace to you!" And He talked with them so that they would believe in the Resurrection of Christ.

    1.-Who are called “myrrh-bearing women”?

    2. Who announced to the myrrh-bearing women about the Resurrection of Christ?

    3.-To whom did Jesus Christ appear first?

    3 group

    According to church rules, a new liturgical day begins with an evening service, usually performed at five o'clock in the evening. So on the evening of Great Saturday, Sunday hymns are already sung - the celebration of Christ's Pascha begins. What events do they remind Christians of? On Great Saturday, Jesus Christ, staying in the tomb with His Body, descended into Hell with His Soul and brought out the languishing righteous from there. And on the third day He rose again. This is what is sung about in the hymns of the service on Saturday and Sunday.

    At midnight, according to the teachings of the Church, Christ the Savior is Risen. And again at midnight, Christians gather in the temple to meet the Risen Christ. Having bowed to the Holy Shroud, the clergy took it to the altar and laid it on the Throne in order to visibly show that after the Resurrection Christ remained on earth for another forty days and appeared to different people.

    After that, a song is heard from the depths of the altar: “Your Resurrection, Christ the Savior, the Angels sing in heaven ...” This song was an image of the fact that at that night, when the inhabitants of Jerusalem were still sleeping, in heaven the faces of the Angels were already glorifying the Risen Lord.

    The first on earth to receive the news of the Resurrection came still dark to the tomb of the Lord, the myrrh-bearing wife. Like them, a procession with lit candles leaves the church, and after going around the church, it stops in front of the closed doors, as if at the entrance to the cave of the Holy Sepulcher. And here the priest proclaims the words once spoken by the Angel to the myrrh-bearing women: “Christ is Risen!” And all Christians, entering the temple, respond with joy to this joy: “Truly, He is Risen!”.

    1.-From what divine service does the celebration of Easter begin?

    2.-What does the procession symbolize?

    4.-What words do the clergy proclaim the joyful news of the Resurrection?

    5.-What does the people answer?

    4 group

    The long Great Lent is over. The week after Easter is called Holy Week. Every day in all churches festive Liturgies are celebrated with a procession. Until Saturday of Bright Week in Orthodox churches, the Royal Doors leading to the altar remain open day and night. And the fact that they are open symbolizes that there is no barrier between Heaven and earth, it was destroyed by the Savior.

    Throughout the Bright Week, the joyful Easter ringing poured through Holy Russia: not a single bell tower fell silent from morning to night, each person could climb the church bell tower and ring the bells these days.

    All the rites of Christian piety were sacredly honored in Russia. Throughout Bright Week, god-bearers with crosses walk in every parish from village to village. banners and images. Spreading the good news of the Resurrection of Christ. Some god-bearers-singers replace others. “Walking under God” on the Holy was considered by the people as a pious feat. They approached him only with the blessing of the priest.

    At Easter, everyone greets each other with a friendly kiss. This is called "christening." The best present these days is an Easter egg. "Dear testicle for Christ's day!" says a folk proverb.

    They will greet, break the fast, pray both in the temple of God, and in their home, Christians, they will receive God-bearers with icons. It will be light and joyful in the soul.

    1.-What were the pious Easter customs?

    2.-How do Orthodox Christians greet each other on Easter? What is the name of this greeting?

    3.-What is considered the best gift for Easter?

    5 group

    Many treats were prepared for the holiday in every house. After the Easter night service, Christians sit down at the festive table. People who are serious about their faith are preparing for this holiday for a long time. For almost two months before Easter, Orthodox Christians fast: they do not eat meat, eggs, or milk. During fasting days, Christians try to have less fun and devote more time to prayer and good deeds. But on Easter - a feast with a mountain! Painted boiled eggs, Easter cake (sweet bread, similar to a cake) and a cottage cheese dish, which is named after the holiday, Easter, are served on the table.

    The main gift of this holiday is an Easter egg. A new life appears from a seemingly inanimate and motionless egg, so it has become a symbol of the Sunday holiday. Christians paint eggs, paint them in different colors, and then give them to relatives and friends.

    1. How do Orthodox Christians prepare for Easter?

    2. What is fasting?

    3. Name the dishes of the Easter table.

GBUDPO "Mordovia Republican Institute of Education"
Department of Humanitarian Education
Lesson summary
on the course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics"
(module "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" in grade 4)
Easter Theme
Compiled by: Glukhova Elena Aleksandrovna
primary school teacher
MBOU "Prirechenskaya secondary school", Ruzaevsky district
Saransk 2017
FULL NAME. Glukhova Elena Alexandrovna
Position Primary school teacher MBOU "Prirechenskaya secondary school"
Subject Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics (module Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture)
UMK A.V. Kuraev "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture". Publishing house "Prosveshchenie"
Type of lesson Lesson of introduction of new knowledge
Lesson Construction Technology System-Activity Lesson Topic Easter
Purpose, tasks
In the subject area: to form in a younger teenager the motivation for conscious moral behavior based on knowledge of the cultural and religious traditions of the multinational people of Russia and respect for them; form an idea of ​​the concept of "Easter"; show the value of cultural achievements for humanity.
In the field of UUD formation:
cognitive - the ability to highlight essential information from various sources;
regulatory - in cooperation with the teacher, set a learning task and keep it in the process of the entire lesson; understand the purpose of the actions performed
communicative - to express their thoughts with age-appropriate completeness and accuracy, to participate in a collective discussion of the problem; foster a sense of collective responsibility and promote the development of collective creativity.
In the field of personal development of students: help to understand the meaning of the customs and traditions associated with the holiday "Easter"; to give children an emotionally complete idea of ​​the celebration of "Easter" in Russia; to promote the revival of folk customs and traditions in modern conditions in the work of children.
Basic terms, concepts Resurrection, Easter of Christ, Christian fasting, christening, wives-weeks
Equipment and tools Textbook, students' notebook on the subject, screen, multimedia projector, presentation, video fragment "Easter". Easter customs”, audio recordings of the Easter Hymn, Christ is risen, bell ringing, instrumental music. Cards - tasks for each student, for a couple and for a group of students, whatman paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, glue, scissors.
Planned results of the lesson Adequate motivation, adequate self-assessment, reflection - awareness of the content of the sequence and grounds for actions, functionally - structured formation of educational activities.
Item skills: Have an idea about the concept of "Easter", how Easter is celebrated; be able to distinguish between Sunday as the day of the week and the day of the renewal of life.
Metasubject skills Cognitive UUD Receive initial skills in setting a learning task
Draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the whole class, compare, group objects.
Focus on the spread of the textbook. Extract information from tables, illustrations, texts.
Personal UUD Possess knowledge of religious customs and traditions and the need for careful attitude to them.
Motivation for learning; correlation with the norm;
evaluate the digestible content of educational material; determine the rules for working in groups;
establish a relationship between the purpose of the activity and its results.
Regulatory ECMs Receive initial skills in extracting essential information from various sources.
Ability to pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson;
learn to put forward a version; distinguish between a correctly completed task and an incorrectly completed one;
predict future work (make a plan), evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task (exercise self-control).
Communicative UUD
Participate in a group discussion of the questions of the lesson.
Ability to work in a pair, group; the ability to listen and understand others;
the ability to build speech statements in accordance with the task;
the ability to formulate their thoughts orally. Spiritual and moral development and education
Forms of work Individual, work in pairs, group, collective.
During the classes
Stages of the lesson Teacher's activity Students' activityFormed UUD
(with indication of specific actions)
I. Organizational moment
The bell rings merrily
Let's start our lesson
I'm glad to see you. Today is an unusual lesson for you and for me, let's try to work in close cooperation. I wish everyone success. Wish you each other success in overcoming difficulties. And, in turn, I will try to be a good help to you. Our joint efforts will help us open another door to the Land of Knowledge.
Listen to the teacher, tune in to work in the classroom.
show a positive attitude towards school and learning activities.
II. Actualization of basic knowledge.
At the lessons of the GPC, we talked with you about man and God in Orthodoxy, about the preaching of Christ, about Christ and His cross.
Why did God become human?
(God is love. He created people and loves them. And who they love, they try to be close to them. Therefore, He decided to become one with them. He wanted to experience everything that is characteristic of man and, of course, death.) - How did the God-man begin to be called?
(Jesus Christ - the name Jesus means saves. Christ is called the Savior, because he also came to save people.) - From what does the death of Jesus Christ save people?
(The same as today: from death, loss of soul, loss of God. The evil that people did before the crucifixion of Christ, he calls to battle. He takes on the sins of the people of the whole world.) - Do you think the story of Jesus Christ ended with him crucifixion? Who knows what happened to him?
(He is risen.)
- What does resurrection mean?
Students. ? - The word “Sunday” familiar to you is connected precisely with Jesus Christ. The ancient Slavic root "cress" means "to live, shine, sparkle. And Resurrection is the day of renewal to life.
They answer questions.
Check if homework is done correctly. Cognitive UUD: be able to explain the meaning of the concepts of "Jesus Christ and his Cross."
Regulatory UUD: evaluate the correctness of the task, statement.
Communicative UUD: listen carefully to the interlocutor, understand his statements; express their thoughts with age-appropriate completeness and accuracy.
III. Statement of the educational task.
(on the word board):
christ is risen christening procession
- Read the words on the board. (1 student reads).
- How can these words be connected with the resurrection of Christ? What word do these words associate with?
(the word Easter opens in the center of the board)
What word or words prompted you? What other words are associated with the word Easter?
(Easter eggs, Easter cake, Easter, willow, games, church, etc.)
- Who guessed what we will talk about today at the lesson?
(About Easter.)
We have an unusual lesson today. Lesson is a holiday. We will talk about the Christian holiday of Christ's Bright Sunday, or as they say Easter.
- What do you know about Easter?
- Many traditions and symbols are connected with this holiday. But do you know what is the origin of Easter? Why is Easter spoken of as a great Christian holiday? (student answers)
- What is the purpose of the lesson with you?
(Learn the history of the origin of the holiday, traditions, symbols, customs.)
Student responses
Children's statements.
Students formulate the topic of the lesson
Determine the purpose of the lesson.
Personal UUD: establishing the relationship of the word Easter with the life of Jesus Christ
Regulatory UUD:
set a learning task in cooperation with the teacher.
Communicative UUD: listen carefully to the interlocutor, understand his statements; express their thoughts with age-appropriate completeness and accuracy
IV. Discovery of new knowledge.
Dynamic pause In Russia, Easter is called the Great Day, the Bright Day. This holiday symbolizes the victory of life over death. It's not just a holiday! It is the feast of all feasts, the celebration of celebrations. A holiday of joy, love, kindness and justice.
We all rejoice at Easter and spring.
On Easter day, joyfully playing,
The lark flew high
He sang the song of resurrection.
And that song was loudly repeated by the steppe, and the hill, and the dark forest.
“Wake up the earth,” they broadcast. “Wake up, your king, your God is risen”
Easter is the resurrection to life.
Study the text provided in the textbook and give a short but reasonable answer to the question: what is the resurrection of Christ?
- The film will help us to discover new knowledge about Easter.
Viewing a video clip
Easter. Easter customs.
- While watching the video, fill in the table:
I know
Video fragment analysis.
mutual questions.
Conclusion. Easter is celebrated for 40 days.
Listening and analysis of the Easter Hymn.
- I suggest you listen to the Easter Hymn.
Analysis of a musical work.
Conclusion. Easter is the Feast of Feasts.
Game with souvenir Easter eggs. Approach a classmate, greet each other and exchange eggs. Listen.

Formulate their own opinion and justify it.
The students read the text in the textbook. Work with the information presented in the textbook in order to find and highlight the necessary information.
Students' statements.
Watch the video and make entries in the table.
They analyze what they learned from the watched video fragment, draw a conclusion.
Christed Regulatory UUD:
the ability to independently set new learning tasks.
Communicative UUD:
read aloud and silently the texts of textbooks and at the same time: conduct a dialogue with the author, teacher, highlight the main thing, develop the ability to listen and understand. Build speech statements in accordance with the tasks.
Cognitive UUD: get new knowledge; extract information presented in different forms.
V. Consolidation of educational material.
Preparation and defense of a mini-project.
Group work.
- Now you have to work in groups. Let's remember the rules of collaboration. (Instruction on work in groups).
Distribute responsibilities.
Preparation of a mini-project. The work of each group according to the plan.
Tasks for groups
Group 1: publish a wall newspaper "Egg - a symbol of Easter."
Group 2: publish a wall newspaper "Easter cards".
Group 3: prepare the defense of the mini-project by interviewing those present and collecting generalized information from each group.
Search for information.
Project implementation.
Presentation of works. During the presentation, mutual explanation takes place.
Conclusion. Expanded knowledge about the traditions of celebrating Easter. Name the rules for working in a group
Have a dialogue with the teacher.
Discuss, agree.
Choose a group leader
Each group receives an individual task.
Looking for information in the textbook with. 29 - 31 Russian Easter, work with the information provided by the teacher.
Participate in problematic discussions.
They work in a group.
Each group presents their collective work to the class.
identify the essence, features of objects; - the ability to generalize knowledge;
Subject: update existing knowledge on the topic.
show motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.
- listen and understand the speech of others.
VI. Summary of the lesson.
Our lesson is coming to an end, in which we learned a lot and talked about the celebration of Easter in Russia. I ask you to answer questions
What was our goal at the beginning of our lesson?
- What tasks did each of you solve?
- How do you understand why Jesus Christ is revered as the Savior?
- How do Christians connect their fate with the resurrection of Christ?
- What did you find most interesting in the lesson?
What else would you like to know about Easter?
Conclusion. New knowledge was discovered, the educational material was assimilated by everyone. Participate in the discussion of issues.
They answer questions. Personal:
- show motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.
- Be able to argue your point of view.
- accept and save the learning task;
- monitor the activities of the partner and evaluate the result.
update existing knowledge on the topic.
VII. Homework.
Homework (optional).
- Do you think you know everything about Easter?
Each of you can read additional literature on this topic.
1. Textbook p. 28 - 31 answer questions, prepare for the quiz.
2. Write an essay on the topic "Celebration of Easter in my family." They receive a paper assignment.
Listen to the teacher's instructions. VIII. Reflection.
- You did a good job today.
- Take souvenir Easter eggs.
Go to the board and place the eggs in one of the baskets:
1 basket: The lesson material was helpful.
Basket 2: Lesson material is useless.
- Compliment your classmates for their work in class.
Thank you for your work. Express their attitude to the lesson and make compliments .. Personal UUD:
Personal self-determination
Regulatory UUD: evaluate the achieved results of general and own activities; keep the learning task throughout the lesson.
Communicative UUD: be tolerant of other opinions, take them into account in joint work.

The purpose of the lesson: formation of ideas about the main holiday of the Orthodox Church - Easter, about the customs and traditions of the holiday.

Lesson objectives:

1) introduce the history of the holiday;

2) to promote the formation of moral qualities through familiarization with Christian traditions;

3) to cultivate love and respect for the cultural heritage of Russia.

Preliminary preparation for the lesson: students, together with their parents at home, write messages about the celebration of Easter in the family; make greeting cards for this day.

Lesson equipment: computer, presentation CD, SMART board, cards, dictionary, greeting cards.

Lesson plan.

Organizational moment 1 min.

Updating knowledge 5 min.

Independent work 7 min.

Work in pairs 3 min.

Physical education minute 2 min.

Frontal work 10 min.

Group work 8 min.

Reflection 9 min.

During the classes

Organizing time.

Knowledge update.

Teacher: Guys, you will determine the topic of the lesson yourself by listening to a poem by Lydia Charskaya.

Earth and sun
Fields and forest -
All praise God
Christ is risen!
In the smile of blue
living skies
All the same joy
Christ is risen!
The enmity is gone
And the fear is gone.
No more malice
Christ is risen!
How wonderful the sounds
holy words,
in which you hear:
Christ is risen!
Earth and sun
Fields and forest -
All praise God
Christ is risen!

Teacher: What holiday are the lines of the poem dedicated to? Name the topic of the lesson. ( The lines are dedicated to Easter. The theme of the lesson is Easter. Slide 1. (Presentation)

Teacher: That's right, Easter - the Bright Resurrection of Christ - is the main holiday of the Orthodox Church. Every year, celebrating Easter, Christians celebrate deliverance from death and the gift of eternal life.

After the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem, Christ was betrayed by one of the disciples, Judas. The enemies seized Jesus and crucified Him on the Cross. Good Friday - the day of the death of the Savior on the Cross - is the saddest day of the year. It is followed by the great Saturday - the quietest day of the year, when the body of Christ rested in a cave - the Holy Sepulcher. The next morning, several women came to this cave. The coffin was empty, and an angel was sitting next to him.

The angel said to the women: “Are you looking for the Crucified Jesus? He is not here. He is risen!”

Teacher: Guys, how do you understand the word “resurrected”?

Children work with a dictionary (Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov), read out the interpretation of the word.

Teacher: Hence the name of the holiday - the Resurrection of Christ. slide 2

Independent work.

Teacher: Guys, you have learned about the origin of the holiday, and now you will work with the text of the textbook from page 28 to page 31. You need to find the answers to textbook questions 1 and 2 in the text.

  1. How do you understand why Jesus Christ is revered as the Savior?
  2. How do Christians connect their fate with the resurrection of Christ?

Work in pairs.

Children in pairs answer textbook questions 1, 2.

Fitness minute.

Front work.

Teacher: Guys, read question 4 of the textbook. Tell us how you and your family celebrate Easter; you prepared this message at home together with your parents.

Students talk about the celebration of Easter in the family.

Teacher: Guys, let's summarize everything that has been said. What are the holiday traditions? (eggs, Easter cake, Easter, christening). Slide 3.

Teacher: The main symbol of the holiday is a painted egg. Each housewife strives to boil more eggs and be sure to color them. For this, onion peels, colored papers, threads, and rags are most often used. Eggs are dark red, yellow, marbled. Easter cake, Easter, eggs should be ready by Saturday, when all this will be carried to the church to be blessed. In the morning, be sure to eat the egg first. They are given to relatives and neighbors. When they come to visit, they greet with the words “Christ is Risen” and hear in response: “Truly He is Risen”, they kiss three times and exchange eggs. Previously, they gave each other eggs-gifts: porcelain, crystal, glass, wooden, bone, chocolate, sugar, large and small - there were no Easter eggs!

Teacher: And which of you guys can name the symbols of Easter? (eggs, basket, birds, bunnies, nest). slide 4

Group work.

Teacher: Guys, let's try in groups of 4 people to make a cluster on the topic of the Easter lesson. Get into groups.

Students form clusters and demonstrate on the blackboard. Discussion of clusters.

Teacher: Well done guys! Look at the cluster I made. Slide 5.


Teacher: Once the Easter holiday was perhaps the most joyful and long-awaited holiday. It was a day of fun games, the first round dances, swings. Guys, all people congratulate each other on this day. You and your parents made holiday cards at home. Let's organize a postcard exhibition.

Children put up postcards.

Teacher: Look at our exhibition and choose postcards with symbols of the holiday. Explain your choice.

Children explain their choice.

Teacher: What new information about the Resurrection of Christ did you learn in today's lesson? What task was the most interesting?

The students answer the teacher's questions.

Teacher: Homework will be as follows: write down any Easter game in the family so that in the class you can make a book with Easter games and play. slide 6.


1. A.V. Kuraev. Fundamentals of Orthodox culture. Moscow "Enlightenment". year 2012.

2. D.V. Pushkin. Orthodox holidays. Moscow "Dar". 2010

3. S.I. Ozhegov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Moscow "Azbukovnik". 1999

4. Federal Center for Electronic Educational Resources.