Differences in the structure of the brain of a man and a woman and what they mean. What is the difference between female and male thinking

First of all, it is worth understanding how the female type of thinking differs from the male. The point is not who is smarter, but that in the same situation, women's thoughts will differ from men's.

Differences between male and female thinking

Men who are used to relying on logic have more use of the right hemisphere, which helps them build a consistent chain of actions towards the goal. Many men like to think simply for the sake of the process itself, for the sake of distraction from pressing matters, which is why there are so many philosophers among the strong half of humanity.

In women, the right hemisphere is more actively involved, which is responsible for imaginative and multitasking thinking. A woman, as most experts think, will not think solely about how to submit her annual report - she will have time to “figure out” what shoes to buy for her for a party and what to feed her husband in the evening. It is not difficult for her to listen to the news on the radio, chat with a friend and look after the child at the same time. Ladies do not like to develop step-by-step instructions, but they see the picture “as a whole”. Therefore, women's actions often seem inconsistent, completely unrelated to each other.

A few more features of female thinking:

  • According to scientists, women switch faster from the right hemisphere to the left. As a result, there is a constant sharp transition from logic to emotions and vice versa. By the way, this feature can be turned in your favor: if a girl goes into conflict, it is enough just to kiss her unexpectedly or give a bouquet of flowers - and she will “melt”.
  • A woman, as a keeper of the hearth, always looks to the future, evaluates information with an eye to the future.
  • Women have better developed intuition. They can quickly make the right spiritual decisions in a complex ambiguous environment, but they are not always able to offer clear arguments in favor of these decisions.

Who is smarter - men or women?

For many centuries, the dogma has reigned in the world that men are smarter than women. Until now, there are dozens of scientific theories that explain this difference in intellectual development.

Some features of female perception and thinking are so obvious that even the most stubborn skeptics cannot deny them. For example, tests confirm that women are excellent at tasks that involve fine motor skills of their hands, they are more receptive to sign information. Usually, women can quickly list objects of the same category or name words that begin with the same letter.

However, men, for the most part, have more developed spatial thinking. Complex mathematical or spatial calculations are their strong point. In almost any test where you need to apply three-dimensional thinking, men do better.

The most popular theory that attempts to explain these differences insists that it's all about the different proportions of white and gray matter in the brain of a man and a woman. Gray matter, which is responsible for processing information and building logical connections, is five to six times larger in men. But white matter, which is responsible for the interaction between different parts of the brain, is more in women. Perhaps it is this feature of the female brain that contributes to the spread of the stereotype about the multitasking of female thinking.

The dogma about the mental superiority of men is refuted by the results of one curious scientific study by New Zealand scientists. This study, published in the summer of 2012, showed that men and women are intellectually equal, and often even smarter. This conclusion was confirmed by numerous IQ tests conducted over several years in different countries of the world.

Previously, women were a little behind men in the development of intellectual abilities, experts emphasize. But recently this gap has disappeared. There may be several reasons for this, but one of the main ones is that women were able to quickly adapt to the innovations that the modern dynamic world “throws” us in huge quantities. Today, women have to establish a family life and build a career, they have a large number of opportunities for self-realization. All this contributes to enhanced brain development.

In turn, many scientists persistently continue to deny gender stereotypes. Yes, girls are more likely to pay attention to small details, show excellent results in verbal tests, and boys better represent an object in three dimensions. But the point, perhaps, is not in the structure of their brain, but simply in education. Boys often spend a lot of time outdoors, playing collective sports games (which develop spatial orientation). Girls, in general, spend more time at home, communicating with relatives, which contributes to the development of verbal skills. Of course, experts emphasize, biological determinism cannot be completely denied, but it is insignificant compared to how plastic and universal our brain is.

The winner of the women's logic tournament was a random number generator.

Before proceeding to practical advice, I want to tell you about my perception of women.
I know I know. Every woman is unique and unrepeatable. But several years of studying female psychology and communicating with women led me to the conclusion that these words apply to anything but communication with men. In this area, women have much more similarities than differences. First, let's discuss what they have in common, and then dwell on the differences.
For most men, women are like Chinese puzzles - for the most part, women's behavior seems completely illogical and meaningless to them. And I think you've noticed that most women THINK differently from most men and WANT things that are different from what most men want. Many men repeatedly see confirmation of this with their own eyes, but very few think about it and draw conclusions. But, in fact, the sooner you realize what is happening around, the sooner you will succeed in communicating with women.
Have you ever paid attention to how women's conversations with each other proceed? This usually happens in the following way:
  1. Discuss what happened or what they saw.
  2. Discuss how they feel about it.
  3. A sharp transition to another topic, some detail related to the previous one.
  4. Return to point 1.
Most men will find the direction of such a conversation completely pointless. Amazing, right?
Have you ever wondered which entertainment is more preferred by women and which by men? Women buy fashion magazines, watch soap operas and read romance novels. Men buy Playboy, watch football and read newspapers. Just think about it carefully. What do a fashion magazine, a soap opera and a romance novel have in common? Why don't most men understand what's interesting about these things? Why do women's conversations with each other seem to men devoid of meaning and direction? Why do men want sex more and women want lasting relationships more? Why do men act as takers and women act as givers? Yes, very simple. This is because the female brain is not built the same as the male brain. That's all. This is what lies on the surface. Do you want to know the underlying causes of these differences in the thinking of women and men? Then the following paragraphs are written for you.
It will hardly be a secret for you that both men and women enter into intimate relationships under the rule of one of the strongest instincts - the instinct of procreation. Moreover, women need men as much as we need women. And believe me, they love sex as much as we do. But only the psychological attitude to intimacy is completely different: a man is usually obsessed only with the need for bodily contact with a partner, and for most women this need is accompanied by a subconscious attitude to sexual intercourse, as to the process of conceiving a child. That is, as a rule, for him, a sexual relationship is just an insignificant, but very pleasant, event on his path, and for her, it is an inner desire to see a man next to her in the role of the father of her future children.

Both men and women, as if assuming themselves to be carriers of unique genes, strive to leave behind offspring endowed with these genes. But if for a man the best guarantee that his offspring will walk the planet is the maximum possible number of sexual contacts with different women, then for a woman such a guarantee can only be provided by prolonged physical intimacy with one partner, whom she considers the MOST WORTHY candidate. Therefore, for her, sexual intercourse is an event of MUCH BIGGER SCALE than for him. This is the main difference and the main reason for all the actions of women in relation to men, which introduce the latter into confusion, bewilderment and even anger. Understand that they do all this because they are driven by the desire to start and continue a new life. The notorious female logic also originates here: it is necessary to provide yourself and your child with the blessings of life, and physical competition with men is practically impossible. I will not disclose this topic in more detail - this is material for sites of a slightly different direction. But it is important that you think about these things so that in the future you do not get offended, do not get angry, do not lose your temper every time you do not understand women's behavior.
A few more words about female logic. It has been scientifically proven that, on average, women have a more developed right hemisphere of the brain, while men have a more developed left. And, apparently, it is this difference that makes mutual understanding between the sexes so difficult. But I want to bring to your attention my own abstract concept of the structure of the female brain, which I call the concept of "Double brain". She is pretty simple. Imagine that women have two brains: FRONT and REAR. One of them is a "guardian" who protects a woman from "danger". It is he who prompts her to say "Let's be friends" or "It's too fast for me" or "Today I just want to talk." This is the forebrain, which is responsible for speech. And most of the time you can ignore what he says. The other brain is "behind" the forebrain. He controls body movements, facial expressions, looks, the desire to touch a man. This is the brain that you want to reach out to and that will take over during sex (the "front" brain will be forced to shut up and give in at this point).
This concept may seem primitive to you, but it reflects the real state of affairs surprisingly accurately. For example, when you talk to a woman, both brains listen to you (unless the woman is drunk, in which case the forebrain is asleep). The hindbrain craves pleasure and fun, while the forebrain shapes a woman's speech, fetters her, does not allow her to relax. When a woman says "No" or "Let's be friends," often the hindbrain can think and act very differently. You can see it in her burning eyes, in her excitement, in her reddened skin, in her uncertain, aching intonation, in her slightly parted lips, and so on. Therefore, when you communicate with a woman, follow NOT HER WORDS, BUT HER BODY LANGUAGE. You will learn more about it in the article "

Medicine has long known that speech disorders in boys are observed 2 times more often than in girls. After a stroke, speech skills in women are restored much better than in men. Some experts tend to believe that female and male thinking is to blame for everything here.

They differ markedly. Judge for yourself, during the processing of verbal information, both hemispheres of the brain are involved in the weaker sex, and only one in the stronger sex. We can say that the female hemispheres are connected to each other by a thick "cable". But in the male hemispheres, communication is carried out through a thin “cable”. We must also not forget that beautiful creatures have a backup data archiving system, while the stronger sex does not have it.

Feminine and masculine thinking in children

In school years, thinking in girls is much better developed than in boys. Girls more successfully perform those tasks that are associated with fluency of speech, memorization of words and phrases, and speed of articulation. These skills are not lost with age, and in many cases even improve. The social context should not be discounted either. But the model of communication practiced by adults is formed precisely in childhood.

When best friends chat, they lean towards each other and talk a lot while maintaining eye contact. Their verbal talent is aimed at strengthening relationships.

Boys are not like that. They rarely look at each other's faces, preferring to look sideways or past. As for conversations, they play a minimal role in strengthening relations. The main thing is physical activity, on which relationships are kept.

Here we can say that boys always compete, and girls act together. However, boys are also prone to cooperation. They only do this by using competitions and putting physical activity at the forefront.

Ability to negotiate

The ability to negotiate begins to show itself in elementary school. In this case, a kind of children's hierarchy arises. Someone acquires a higher social status, and someone lower. In boys, "leaders" give orders to other members of the group, influencing them verbally or physically. In such groups there is often a rivalry for leadership, and the boys learn to fight back against each other.

Girls also have a hierarchy, but a different model of behavior is practiced. The weaker sex spends a lot of time talking, as communication is very important. It is the type of conversation that determines the relationship. The one who is trusted with secrets acquires the status of a best friend. The more secrets are entrusted, the closer the girls perceive each other.

Since the verbal skills of the weaker sex are well developed, the "leaders" do not issue orders. If one of the girls tries to command, then she is rejected and labeled "commander", and this is a direct path to social isolation. In the women's team, discussion of alternative options is practiced, as a result of which some kind of consensus is reached.

Female and male thinking in adults

Adult life is a continuation of childhood, since it is in childhood that verbal communications are fixed. Therefore, everything accumulated in school years begins to manifest itself in family relationships and at work.

For example, a young newly-made wife is traveling with her girlfriend in a car. She is thirsty and asks her friend: "Emilia, are you thirsty?" To which Emilia, who has experience of children's communication, replies: “I don’t know. And you?"

A discussion ensues between the women. They discuss whether they are thirsty enough to stop the car and buy a bottle of water.

A few days later, the same married young lady is driving in a car with her husband. She asks him, "Are you thirsty?" To which he receives the answer: “No, I don’t want to.” On that day, the couple quarreled slightly. The wife was angry because she wanted her husband to stop the car. And he was angry because she did not say directly what she wanted. Such conflicts are quite common in families.

A similar scenario is typical for work. If a woman adheres to a masculine leadership style, then they begin to consider her a commander. And a man with exactly the same line of behavior is looked upon as a decisive and self-confident leader.

Such stereotypes are formed, as a rule, at the earliest stages of social development. And they are due to the peculiarities of female and male thinking. Therefore, on all continents, at all times, in all countries, at any age, men and women behave differently. This can be seen even from ancient manuscripts, whose age is measured in centuries.


Women's and men's thinking is based primarily on the genetic characteristics of the sexes. It is these features that affect the social environment and provoke an eternal conflict between the beautiful and strong half of humanity. What are these genetic differences?

1. Men have one X chromosome, while women have two. At the same time, one is working, and the second is in reserve.

2. Women are genetically much more complex than men, since their active X chromosomes are a set of maternal and paternal cells. A man receives his X chromosome from his mother, and the Y chromosome contains less than 100 genes. Compared to it, the X chromosome has 1500 genes.

3. Female and male brains differ in their biochemical composition and structure. Male tonsils are larger, and they produce serotonin almost 2 times faster. However, science does not yet know how significant this difference is.

4. Representatives of the stronger and weaker sex react differently to stress. In beautiful creatures, the amygdala of the left hemisphere is involved. At the same time, the details of emotions are well remembered. As for men, they use the amygdala of the right hemisphere, and the essence of the problem is stored in memory with a very low emotional component.

Women have succumbed to men under the onslaught of superior forces, but they deliver painful retaliatory blows, the main of which is to expose the man to ridicule.

Erich Fromm

About the notorious female talkativeness

Men think mostly silently, women prefer to think out loud. It turns out that there are deeper reasons than we thought.

Dr. Jenny Harest and her colleagues from the University of Sydney (Australia) found that the female tendency to chat is due to the peculiarities of the female anatomy: in women, the region of the brain that controls speech is 20% larger than in men.

This also explains the best abilities of women in languages, their art in making contacts (in particular, business ones) and the best memorization of what was said: "A woman can forgive an insult, but she will never forget it."

The sociability of women, combined with a critical attitude towards other representatives of the same sex, sometimes plays a cruel joke with them:
She managed to strike up a conversation at an official reception with the right person, but the conversation did not go well. In order not to delay the pause that had arisen, the woman said:

“Look at this lady with polka dots, how ridiculous she looks!
- This is my wife.

Many men have a hard time enduring female verbosity, considering it just talkative. In many "male" jokes, this female quality is ridiculed evilly. Here are three examples:

“Two prisoners had to sit in one cell for 10 years. They were released six months early for good behavior. Outside the prison gates, they talked for another half an hour.

“Ivanov and his wife came to the doctor. He gave the woman a thermometer and offered to hold it on her cheek:
"Now don't open your mouth for five minutes!" he warned the woman.

Ivanov looked attentively at the doctor, then at his wife with a thermometer in her mouth, and whispered in the doctor's ear:
“Doctor, how much can you give me this thing for?”

“I heard that before you went to work in the drama theater, your wife danced in ballet?

— Yes, and not bad. But it was so hard for her not to say a word for the whole evening.

Women's logic is a subject of study that cannot be compared with anything. Fortunately, there is a very thorough work that we follow in this and other sections of this chapter.

The term "women's principles" is arbitrary, since every woman has her own principles, only known to her. She may not be aware of them, but still effectively use them, that is, we are talking, rather, not about uniform principles, but about certain priorities, preferences.

The vagueness of a woman's statements

One of the core principles of women's logic is the principle of uncertainty. Uncertainty in women's logic is a convention elevated to an absolute.

A manifestation of the uncertainty principle are such words as “I agree, but under the condition…”, “yes, but…”, “possibly, of course, only here…”. The apotheosis of this is the expression "well, I don't know ...".

This phrase often crowns a conversation, dialogue or reasoning. In her tone there is a note of irritation, and dissatisfaction, and assessment, and a strong-willed emphasis on curbing attempts to further discuss this topic. The meaning of this expression may implicitly include the following: “Do as you know” (“I wash my hands”), “You decide (and you answer)”, “You disagree with me only out of stubbornness (pride, stupidity) " and so on.

Relativity of woman's ratings

In a conversation like “Don’t compare, please, I’m doing this for the good of the family (children, for your own good…)”, the categorical requirement “don’t compare” actually acts as a purely comparative component.

Always realizing that a word and a deed are, as they say in Odessa, two big differences, a woman lets a man persist in something. This idea has two goals. The first is not to start a domestic war on a worthless occasion, reserving it for a more suitable occasion (in which the missed case will certainly be remembered, but in other evaluation categories). The second is to be able to say in the end: “Well, I told you ...” And I really did say ... In general, the indicated turnover is, in its estimated essence, an absolutely win-win option for any development of events.

Treating a man like a big child, a woman is prone to concessions, compromises, not deviating one iota from the fact that her own rating scale is the only correct one. This is not even subject to discussion (there are two opinions - hers and the wrong one).

Persistence in not admitting guilt

The rarest case, an exception to the rule, for a woman herself, without any external pressure, to self-critically say: "Unfortunately, I was wrong in this," or "As shown later, you turned out to be closer to the truth." This is simply impossible. And not at all because self-criticism is less inherent in women than in men. Rather, even vice versa. Men are more likely to choke with delight and self-delusion.

Women's persistence in not admitting guilt is also a relative category. The guilt or wrong in question is not just a woman's mistake, omission or thoughtless act. This is always a certain guarantee in her relationship with a man. And to admit that one is wrong means to give him big trump cards in the subsequent positional struggle. And a woman can't do that. Thus, a woman usually does not admit that she is wrong, purely for strategic reasons.

Usually in such delicate situations, knowing full well that she was wrong, a woman does not seek to fight for already lost positions. She is either vaguely silent and bypasses everything related to this painful issue, and if she is forced to speak, she speaks in such an vague form that it is not clear who is right and who is wrong. And if at the same time the fault of a woman comes up, then in the end it still turns out to be the culprit ... of course, a man.

"A woman can sometimes confess her sins, but I did not know any who would confess their weaknesses."
Bernard Show

Assumption Uncertainty

A woman understands perfectly well that to define something means to set such a range of values ​​​​of the defined, which does not change in the future. However, a woman prefers not to proceed in her messages from something immutable, beyond her control. She herself prefers to be independent of any prerequisites. The easiest way to do this is to re-form messages each time, as this is more beneficial in a changed situation. And this is done with the most charming spontaneity and ease. Therefore, uncertainty is an expression of the incompatibility of female logic with coercion.

Uncertainty characterizes the absence of sharp edges. This gives a lot of room for maneuver. Uncertainty is the most important basis of female mystery, mystery. By saying "yes" or "no", the woman reveals her attitude to the subject. An expression of uncertainty, such as "maybe", can mean both and is not a revealing factor.

A man seeking a meeting with a woman, having heard "maybe", receives hope (in which the woman is interested), but this does not deprive her of the freedom of further actions.


If in the gospel parable “Either “yes” or “no”, and what’s more, then from the evil one” to draw a line after the word “no”, then everything that remains on the left is male logic, and what turns out to be on the right, - female. Maybe that's why women believe that their logic is right in relation to men?

If a woman is forced to show any certainty, then she will express it approximately in the following form: “Rather, not “yes” and not “no”, than either “yes” or “no”. But she obviously won't say that either. Even this measure of conventionality is too straightforward. Intuitively, she will most likely lean towards an expression associated with an indefinite modality such as “maybe”, but necessarily pronounced in a tone of great doubt, so that in the end it will not be clear: it may or may not be (or even cannot be) ?

In general, in the women's arsenal, expressions like "maybe" are key.
Between the firm "yes" and "no" lies a whole range of different semitones: "almost yes", "rather yes than no", "neither yes nor no", "rather no than yes", "almost no".

And all this multicolor is in the power of the female “maybe”. Here we see another manifestation of the three principles of male and female mentioned in 1.4: he is a point (concentration), she is space (filling). “Yes” (or “no”) is a point, “maybe” is a whole space of halftones.

The same thing, but in different words...

The male “maybe” is much closer to the form of refusal, to denial, to the expression of annoyance and annoyance… Simple everyday examples convince us of this. So, if a wife reminds her husband of the need to do something, and he replies: "Well, well, maybe next week ...", then nine out of ten women will understand that this means an annoying wave. The female "maybe", on the contrary, can promise a lot ...

Let's compare the male and female "no". The male “no” is close in meaning to what the hero of Chekhov’s story “A Letter to a Learned Neighbor” said, retired lieutenant Vasily Semi-Bulatov, who lived in the village of Pancakes-Eaten: “This cannot be, because this can never be” .

Women's negativity has a very specific character. And this is understandable. In the eternal competition of life, a woman cannot say "no" and how to cut with a knife. It will just be thoughtless. A woman refuses, but always leaves hope, the likelihood of consent. But agreement is only with those who show the necessary measure of tolerance and understanding.

And there is no greater disappointment of a woman in a man than such a situation when, after a refusal, a man stops all attempts to achieve consent. For a woman, such a man is a completely finished person.

Man and woman met after many years.
Why did you refuse me then?
Because you weren't persistent enough.

By its very nature, the feminine “no” is selective, testing, and evaluating. Having said “no”, a woman has the opportunity to promise, but on a competitive, alternative basis ...

The feminine “maybe” is a playful, flirtatious and promising yes.

The practicality of female logic

The practicality of female logic is due to the very nature of a woman. Practicality is the quality that nature (or God) endowed a woman with, destining her to take care of procreation and the hearth. Her mistakes are too costly. This different attitude towards mistakes has firmly entered the psychology of sex. Even folk sayings and sayings reflect this, for example: "The husband's sin remains outside the threshold, but the wife carries everything into the house."

Women's error is a more serious fact. It often has too much to pay for it ... Therefore, practicality is a very definite guarantee of well-being and security, a weapon against deceit.

One of the greats said that anyone can be deceived: a politician and a soldier, a scientist and a poet. It is impossible to deceive only a housewife. Naturally, we do not put an equal sign between a housewife and a woman. But, as the Holy Scripture says, let him be the first to throw a stone at me, whoever proves that the housewife is not a woman ...

Compulsion to action

It is preferable for a woman not to make a decision herself, but to push a man to make a decision and take action that is desirable for her.

This is an impeccable tactic in terms of practicality. In this case, all responsibility lies with the man, and in any outcome, the woman wins.

The compulsion of a man to action is very well seen in the "women's" songs. For example:

“Oh, Morozov, do you hear, Morozov,
Marry yourself to me!"

Brilliant design! Or here's another:

I will not believe anyone that you love another,
Come on a date and don't disturb me.
Can you put out the fire in my heart?
Can't you find a path to me?

Lines two, three and four contain a push to the actions of a man desired by the songstress, reinforced by reproaches.

Don't waste precious minutes
Make an appointment soon
And keep in mind that many others
They pay attention to me!

The first two lines contain not only an indication, but also the urgency of its execution. The final lines are pressure in the form of a hidden threat.
There are many such examples. After all, the peculiarities of female thinking are so natural for women that they permeate everything that comes from them.

The husband, a scientist, in order not to fill his head with dacha worries, fulfilling his wife’s request to buy a dacha, set one condition: “At the dacha, you are the mistress, I am an auxiliary worker, I will do whatever you say.” From time to time he now hears his wife's reproaches.

For men it's easy, for women it's hard. Do you know why? Daredevil Mark Gunvor, an international comedian and speaker, decided to look into the eternal topic of the peculiarities of thinking in women and men. And here's what he did.

Mark's explanation was posted on the Tickld website. He explains this specificity by a completely different biological structure of the brain. So, in men, he compared it with a closet in which everything is laid out in its place in perfect order. For example, sex - in one "box", work - in another, rest - in the third. There are such separate cells for literally everything: a car, money, plans. And there is even a box in which considerations about women are stored.

In Italy, men in the course of a survey identified the main female shortcomings. Despite the common stereotype, women's shopping addiction is a reconcilable phenomenon from the point of view of men. Women's jealousy annoys them much more. This is evidenced by the results of a survey of more than 3,000 men from Italy. 30% of respondents consider jealousy to be the worst flaw in women. 22% of men from the survey highlight importunity.

There is one important rule: while you are raking one box, you cannot touch the others. Therefore, if men discuss any one issue, then they simply “use” the right box. Women are completely different. Gunvor sees their brain as a big ball, on which a thinking "wire" is wound. Therefore, for women, everything is connected with everything: money with a car, a car with work, children with their mother, mother with their grandmother, and so on. And it's all driven by emotions.

Thus, it is not surprising that, as a rule, women remember everything. For example, if you take some event from their life and connect it to strong emotions, they will remember it forever.

It's not like that for men, because they often forget about some of their "boxes", while they are less emotional than women. But the main feature is that men have a secret "box" - empty. Many men love the moment when they can enjoy a completely “empty brain” for several hours. That's why they love fishing so much.

See also: Regular aerobic exercise rejuvenates the brain

A few years ago, the presence of such an “empty box” was also confirmed by scientists at the University of Pennsylvania. In the course of the study, they found that men can really switch off from the world for a certain period, not think about anything, and still breathe :). Women don't have that skill. Their brain has no brake pedal. That is why so often women feel irritated. Especially in the moments when they see men with an "empty box", which they call idleness.

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In Italy, men in the course of a survey identified the main female shortcomings. Despite the common stereotype, women's shopping addiction is a reconcilable phenomenon from the point of view of men. Women's jealousy annoys them much more. This is evidenced by the results of a survey of more than 3,000 men from Italy. 30% of respondents consider jealousy to be the worst flaw in women. 22% of men from the survey highlight importunity.

Wealthy women enjoy sex more

Scientists have found that women with a stable income get more pleasure from sex. Employees of the Network of Biomedical Research Centers in Epidemiology and Health conducted a survey that involved 2365 women and 2532 men in Spain aged 16-44 years. During the study, the experts examined three components of the sexual health of Spaniards over the past year: satisfaction and safety in sex, as well as the number of sexual violence.

When gender equality comes

The 2014 Annual Global Gender Gap Report has been published. The information appeared on the website of the World Economic Forum and is presented in the form of a rating that reflects the level of well-being of women around the world. When compiling it, the accessibility of education and medicine for women, their quality of life and the number of women politicians were taken into account. Ukraine moved up to 56th place, leaving behind Russia (75), Poland (57), Romania (72), Slovakia (90), Hungary (93), but neighboring countries Belarus (32) and Moldova (25) turned out to be better than us. ).

Scientists: modern women suppress men

Tracey Cox, a British sex researcher, has come to the conclusion that modern women make excessive demands on men in bed. Tracey conducted a study that found a trend for more partners in women throughout their lives. In men, the opposite trend is observed, and therefore the self-esteem of the stronger sex falls. As a result, about 20% of men feel less attractive and prefer to have sex with the lights off.

In the US will produce Viagra for women

About "Viagra" for men have been heard for a long time, and now it's time for a "magic pill" for women. The United States approved the production of the drug flibanserin, which has the properties of a female aphrodisiac. The discovery of the drug belongs to scientists from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The drug was called "Viagra for women". The tablets will be marketed under the brand name Addyi and will be available by prescription. The American company Sprout Pharmaceuticals will be engaged in production.

What makes men confess their love

Sometimes a woman can be forced to confess her love by an awkward pause or a suitable mood. Men do not know such weaknesses. If they confess their love, then: a) they decided that they love you; b) they pursue their motives. Let's figure out what makes men say "I love you." The first reason is you. Women put pressure on men. They themselves want to shout about their love, but they cannot be the first to say it, because "it's not supposed to be like that." Therefore, women continue to terrorize men, forcing them to utter those very words.

The long-awaited answer: why men are afraid of smart women

Psychologists at the University of Buffalo, California Lutheran University, and the University of Texas conducted an experiment that found that men find smart women attractive, but only as long as they don't have to meet them face to face. The experiment involved 105 men and a group of women. Participants took tests in mathematics and English.

How do men and women really differ from each other?

We all know about the basic differences between men and women. We are different not only on the physiological, but also on the level of psychology. Scientists have shown that the list of differences is almost endless... Brain Bert Packenberg, a Danish scientist, found that there are four million more cells in a man's brain. But, despite this, the tests that were conducted for men and women, the weaker sex was 3% better. And all because women have the so-called corpus callosum. It serves as a "cable" between the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Experts: Childless spouses are happier than couples with children

In a scientific experiment at the Open University, it was found that childless couples are happier than spouses with children. The results of the study caused a resonance in society, because children are considered to be the flowers of life. But, nevertheless, a study of the lives of more than 5,000 people showed that spouses without children live happier than couples with children. The state of mind of the childless is more peaceful due to the fact that they are more satisfied with their relationship.


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Male and female thinking - Psychologos - www.psychologos.ru

Accordingly, a woman poorly understands the third position, a position from the outside, and men poorly understand the second position. It is on this point that the male and female seem to be radically different. The thinking of men and women (meaning gender, not biology) has its own characteristics. A man perceives logic and integrity, a woman perceives specifics and details. A man thinks according to the rules, a woman is guided by an inner feeling.

What is the difference between female and male thinking? psiforce.com.ua

I asked one smart man: "What is the difference between female and male thinking?" He replied: "Nothing." However, much that is clear to men is not clear to me, and, accordingly, much that is clear to me is not clear to them. Thoughts of our ancestors. Let's look at several tens of millennia ago, when the cornerstone differences were laid in the minds of women and men. Let's look into the cave of primitive man. What was the man thinking?

What is the difference between the thinking of men and women | more-life.ru - more-life.ru

Differences in mindset between men and women. Let's talk about thinking. Thinking, performance, the learning factor, the ability to make decisions and take responsibility are completely different. Some try to speculate on this. But what is interesting is that the aging brain of a man "ages" faster compared to a woman's.

Top 10 differences between female psychology and male psychology - igiuv.ru

1. The thinking processes of men and women are different from each other. Men tend to think big, being well oriented in space. The thought of a man is built more accurately and is subject to the general laws of logical thinking. 5. Sexual activity in men and women is different. This is directly related to hormonal processes in organisms and to the social role that men and women have been destined to play since ancient times.

What is the difference between a man and a woman: facts, psychology. - fb.ru

The very perception of the world in men and women is fundamentally different from each other. For example, it is worth paying attention to the clarity of the information received. She keeps the ladies just fine. But straightforwardness is a purely masculine trait. Guys, as a rule, are not used to storing details and unnecessary information in the brain. They express their thoughts directly, without hints. That is, "yes" is yes, "no" is no. And there are no deviations from these principles.

What is the difference between the thinking of women and men | Women's Magazine - gubernyan.ru

How is a man different from a woman? 1.6. Strategic - MaleEducation.ru

HOW IS A MAN DIFFERENT FROM A WOMAN? Alexander Biryukov. (from the book "Fake Man"). The beginning is here (I advise you to read from it). 1.6. Strategic and tactical thinking. Passionarity. The main tasks of men and women. A man has better developed strategic and abstract thinking, while a woman has better tactical and objective thinking. The main function of a man, inherent in him by nature, is an activity aimed at exploring and transforming the world. Expansion of the influence of a species or its part, a collective.

Features of men that require patience from a woman - SEfremov.ru

I think it's clear how a man looks different from a woman. I hope you know this well too. But the most important difference lies in the completely different thinking of a man and a woman. The way of thinking, the vision of the world, the goals of men and women are very strong Women, it seems to me, cannot help but think, you always have some thoughts spinning in your head, probably even in a dream, while men are single-tasking, they can really not what not to think about. In no case should you slow him down at this moment. Why?

- www.hochu.ua

For men it's easy, for women it's hard. Do you know why? Daredevil Mark Gunvor, an international comedian and speaker, decided to look into the eternal topic of the peculiarities of thinking in women and men. And here's what he did.

Differences in the structure of the brain of a man and a woman - v-a-l-e-k.livejournal.com

There are both women with a "masculine" way of thinking, and men with a "feminine" way of thinking. Indiscriminately assigning properties to a single individual is at least reckless. There are different levels of the device, I consider the structure of the white matter in the brain, it is different for women and men. The functioning of the brain is explained by its structure, if the functions are different, then the device must be different. Evolution is difficult to judge, since this process stretches over millions of years.

What is the difference between the thinking of women and men / woman.hutor.ru - woman.hutor.ru

What is the difference between the thinking of women and men (In men) - GigaMir.net

Differences between female and male psychology - www.vitamarg.com

Differences between female and male psychology. Publication date August 30, 2015. Published in Psychology Articles. It just so happens that men and women are different in nature. These include rules of conduct, social roles accepted in society. One can speak of their decisive influence on the psychology of men and women. Men and women have differences in the process of thinking. A man thinks more logically.

- lady.day.az

What is the difference between women's and men's thinking. Twitter. Facebook. VKontakte. Things are not so with men, because they often forget about some of their "boxes", while they are less emotional than women. But the main feature is that men have a secret "box" - empty. Many men love the moment when they can enjoy a completely "empty brain" for several hours.

What is the difference between the thinking of women and men | Women's Magazine - wotshop.ru

Oscar in the studio: Salma Hayek showed 4 types of male orgasm. What is the difference between women's and men's thinking.

The difference between a man and a woman in psychology - zhenomaniya.ru

The difference between male and female thinking. Undoubtedly, men and women are very different in physical strength, brain activity, emotions. And these differences are not only on the genetic basis, but also in socio-historical development. For a long time, men and women had different rights, different social roles and postulates of responsibility. What is the difference? Let's look at the main differences between men and women.

What is the difference between women's and men's thinking. Matrimonial - sarafan.cc

Daredevil Mark Gunvor, an international comedian and speaker, decided to look into the eternal topic of the peculiarities of thinking in women and men. There is one important rule: while you are raking one box, you cannot touch the others. Therefore, if men discuss any one issue, then they simply “use” the right box. Women are completely different. Gunvor sees their brain as a big ball, on which a thinking "wire" is wound.

What is the difference between female and male thinking? flirt.jofo.ru

I asked a smart man: "What is the difference between women's and men's thinking?" He replied: "Nothing." However, I do not understand much that is clear to men, and, accordingly, they do not understand much that is clear to me. Some women grasp things better, some things understand better than men. Thoughts of our ancestors. Let's look at tens of thousands of years ago, when key differences were laid in the minds of women and men.

What is the difference between the thinking of women and men | Women's school - school120.ru

The brave Mark Gunvor, an international comedian and speaker, decided to look into the eternal topic of the peculiarities of thinking in women and men. And here's what he did. What is the difference between organic shampoo and regular shampoo. The 5 most dangerous types of alcohol for women and men. Doctors told how dangerous varicose veins in men. Female features of the body - what is the difference from men?