Filled portfolio for kindergarten for a boy. Kindergarten boy and girl portfolio templates. "Seven" I "and kindergarten"

Attention! The article provides an example of a portfolio.

A preschooler's portfolio is a folder containing the child's talents, successes, and preferences. A portfolio is increasingly required in preschool. Children who do not attend preschool educational institutions, one way or another, become the heroes of the portfolio - in the popular series of photo albums “I was born, I am growing”.

What is a preschooler's portfolio for?

Parents have a twofold attitude to portfolios. On the one hand, many consider this an unjustified waste of time and a useless undertaking: they say, if a preschooler has a bad portfolio, then what, he will be expelled from the kindergarten or will not be admitted to school? Opponents of the portfolio argue their point of view by the fact that a kindergarten should be engaged in raising a child, regardless of his status, welfare or epistolary skills of the parents, but here we get some kind of paperwork.

Another camp maintains a portfolio for children. Parents understand the importance of creating a characteristic folder. Portfolios are often required to help educators. Having learned from the portfolio what games the child likes to play, what toys he likes, what assignments he most willingly performs, the teacher will be able to correctly and competently build a line of behavior with the preschooler, will help him quickly adapt in the team.

Having received from the teacher as your homework to prepare a portfolio of a preschooler, you will have to remember and put together the main points related to the life of the baby: his preferences, hobbies, first creative works, photographs. In the kindergarten, the portfolio will be supplemented with the most successful drawings and crafts, and at the graduation party you will receive back a folder with the child's achievements.

The portfolio can be kept at home as memories of a glorious preschool period. The portfolio may be asked to bring to elementary school. Based on the data contained in the folder, teachers will form their own idea of ​​the child and decide with whom it is better to put him, what subjects should be paid attention to - that is, by the time the baby arrives, the psychological basis for learning in the classroom will be ready.

What is included in the portfolio of a preschooler

The portfolio reflects the main indicators of the child:

  • physical (height, weight and others),
  • skills (range of skills of the child),
  • life (travel, hobbies, etc.).

There are a lot of portfolio options, but they all differ insignificantly from each other. As a rule, in the garden they say which sections must be present in the folder. Some of the pages are allowed to be given to sections at will.

The stores sell ready-made templates, which contain accompanying pictures and the names of sections.

However, more and more parents are choosing to prepare a portfolio on their own. Craftsmans manage to incorporate scrapbooking elements and Photoshop skills and turn the folder into a real masterpiece.

Mandatory portfolio pages:

  • General data of the child (name, date of birth, city).
  • Portfolio content (this worksheet lists portfolio sections).
  • Meet me (baby biography).
  • I am growing (table of height and weight).
  • Photo from kindergarten.
  • My family (a separate page can be dedicated to each family member, or you can simply place a conditional family tree).
  • That's what I love (child's hobby).
  • How can I help (list of assignments that can be entrusted to the child).
  • My favorite books (list of favorite authors and works).
  • My travels (travel photos).
  • I dream (the child's statements about the future profession, home, study are recorded).
  • Gold pens (photo of crafts).
  • My friends.

Additional pages can be seasonal: for example, talk about how the child spent the winter, etc. or include certificates obtained in various competitions.

The portfolio can be interestingly designed in the form of a multi-colored book, in which, for example, the child's favorite cartoon characters are depicted against the background of the pages.

Selected portfolio sections

Parents and educators should first of all understand why a child's portfolio is being created. Based on this, certain topics of the sections are selected. Here are some examples.

This kind of portfolio is more parent-oriented. With its help, parents receive answers to their questions concerning the child.

In the "Portrait of My Child" section, adults write essays about the baby.

The section "Advise me" is filled in by educators and teachers working in the kindergarten.

The “Ask Parents” page is designed so that adults can contact educators directly and formulate questions.

V. Dmitrieva, E. Egorova also offer a certain portfolio structure that reflects an integrated approach to raising a child. The folder is filled in by parents, teachers, and the child himself.

The Parents' Information section includes information about the child that is entered by the parents.

The section "Information of teachers" is devoted to the observation of teachers of the child during their stay in kindergarten.

The section "Child's information about himself" is essentially a first-person story. The preschooler shares his dreams, stories about friends, games that he invented, drawings, plans for the future.

L. Adamenko divides the portfolio into several blocks, which are filled with friends, teachers from additional circles attended by the child, psychologists.

The section "What a good child" includes an essay by parents, reflections of educators, answers from friends, a "basket of wishes" (thanks to the child for specific actions and for certain traits of his character, for example, for generosity and kindness), letters of thanks to parents for raising such a good child.

The section "What a Skillful Child" is devoted to the child's skills. In addition to the stories of educators, teachers, friends, various letters are pasted in.

The section "Which child is successful" reveals the preschooler from the creative side thanks to drawings, applications, information about projects implemented in a preschool institution, and certificates.

Portfolio example:

It's no secret that many parents want to capture the development and achievements of their child almost from the first minutes of his life, and, perhaps, even before birth. The child becomes especially interesting after two or three years, when he can already move independently, explore and study everything around, maintain a conversation, and then go to kindergarten. There are so many more discoveries awaiting him! And in order to capture them for memory, you can order or make your own portfolio for kindergarten. It will become a kind of report on how the baby grew and developed, for which he showed interest and abilities, what he succeeded in, what made him happy. And, perhaps, relatives will be able to be proud in the future that it was they who contributed to the emergence of interest in any occupation, that the future genius grew and developed before their eyes! Since not all parents know how to make a portfolio for kindergarten, and what it is all about, let's take a closer look at these issues in this article.

What is a kindergarten portfolio and who needs it?

A kindergarten portfolio is essentially a folder that contains information about a child. The purpose of creating a portfolio is to preserve the most significant moments of the baby's life, his victories and successes, some positive impressions that caused a storm of emotions, records of some "vocabulary research" so characteristic of preschoolers, perhaps, photographs of handicrafts, the best drawings and much more. ...

In addition, the idea of ​​creating a children's portfolio is a great way to spend more time with your child, to observe and document every “event” in his still so short life.

Attention! At the end of the article, you can download an archive of portfolio templates for preschoolers.

Conventionally, you can divide all the material for the portfolio into 4 logical groups:

1. Physical development(successes in the sports section, competitions, etc.)

2. Formation of personality(for example, a child has daily responsibilities around the house - to put away toys, walk the dog, etc. - and he fulfills them; he protected the little or the weak in kindergarten, everything is confirmed by photographs!)

3. Speech and expansion of consciousness(unique "pearls" and "finds"; maybe your kid himself rhymes quatrains?)

4. Aesthetic and artistic development. What are the successes on this path? Perhaps you were in a museum or at an exhibition, what did you like? Or maybe it is worth organizing an exhibition of his own work for his family?

Important: A portfolio for a child will become a kind of self-discovery tool "What I am"... And it is we, parents, who will help our baby to determine self-determination with goals and ways leading to their achievement. In addition, the portfolio, as a kind of "dossier of achievements", will also be useful for teachers, tutors, and, of course, for the kid himself!

The principle of upbringing, hidden in the portfolio, is very simple: if you want to become an athlete and stand on a podium with a gold medal, you have to go in for sports, not be lazy, step over “I don’t want to…”, “then…” and “and Misha are watching cartoons, why should I ? ... ", etc. Can you work with the child that very" victorious "feeling, for which the child himself was ready for this moment?

All of us, even adults, need a daily dose of praise. And to start collecting materials with the child in his children's portfolio is a great opportunity to teach the baby to notice all his achievements, even the smallest at first glance.

But where do you start creating a portfolio for kindergarten, and what to include in it? Dear mothers, there are no rules for compiling a portfolio of a preschooler! All you need is to connect your imagination.

How to create a portfolio for a child? Filling and design

A preschooler's portfolio must certainly be bright, colorful and contain the following sections:

1. Title page

2. Main part

3. Favorite books, games and holidays

4. Creative work

5. Sports achievements and successes

Advice: The number of portfolio sections for kindergarten and the actual content of each section depends only on your wishes and the wishes of the child himself. Turn on your fantasy! Tell your child that you will be putting together a book for him. Do not be afraid that it will be difficult for your child to understand you. All kids, without exception, love bright books, and a book about themselves will be the most interesting for him!

Portfolio title page

The title page can be compared to a beautiful costume for a holiday. He will create an impression among educators or your friends not only about the child himself, but also about all family members who took part in the preparation of this document.

This does not mean that the title page needs to be overloaded with information - there will be other pages for this. But even with a cursory glance at the title page, it should be clear who is the owner of such an impressive folder.

Colorfully fill in the last name, first name and patronymic of your child, city of residence and the name of the preschool institution. Arrange this data so that it stands out from the general background and is not lost in the mass of minor details. You can also mark the date when the portfolio was created. Think carefully about the colors you will use for the cover, as it has a representative function.

Together with your child, find a common design theme that will be closest to him. You can choose your favorite hero of a fairy tale or cartoon as an idol and role model. His image, drawings or songs can be distributed on the internal pages of the portfolio.

Advice: The first sheet can be drawn up on a computer, but it is desirable that the child himself could contribute something of his own to the creation of a portfolio. A decoration, for example, in the shape of a sun, made with great love and diligence by the little hands of the baby himself, will only enrich the appearance of the title page. By taking part in the creative process, the child will feel pride. After all, he, like his mother, participated in the design of his portfolio for the kindergarten!

So, what are the basic principles we highlighted when creating a portfolio for kindergarten?

1. The design and selection of material should be carried out with the personal participation of the child, taking into account his preferences;

2. There are no restrictions in design, the main thing is that the child likes everything;

3. Work on the collection of material for the portfolio is carried out systematically;

4. The purpose of creating a portfolio is to emphasize the uniqueness of the child, to record what he can be proud of, which will help him grow up self-confident and purposeful.

Reminder! At the very end of the article, you can download an archive of portfolio templates for preschoolers.

Approximate content of a children's portfolio

So what will be inside? Let's remind, "approximate" - this means that the content will largely depend on your own imagination and preferences of the child.

1. "Acquaintance"

On the first page of the kindergarten portfolio, be sure to include the child's name, surname, patronymic, date and place of birth. Place a photo of the baby right there, preferably a large, color one. Let the baby be captured on it in the "best version", with a great mood. Dress up your child attractively and neatly, especially for portfolio photography. Remember, it is very important that the child likes the photo.

Comment: Devote the following pages to your preschooler's different interests and activities. Simultaneously with the information you are preparing (which is better placed in small paragraphs), pay attention to photographs that will illustrate these events in the life of the baby. If you work on a portfolio with your baby, it will be fun work for both of you and there will be more benefits.

2. "I am growing"

In this section, display the physical growth of the baby in centimeters. Place a drawn graph of your child's growth, as well as the dynamics of weight gain, the contours of the palm and foot. Highlight the most significant events in the physical development of a preschooler. Decorate all this with appliques, funny drawings or photographs. Don't forget the comments!

Comment: I would like to note that, unfortunately, overweight is a very common phenomenon among children. If you notice that your son or daughter has such a disposition, then teach your child to monitor his weight right now. A young child's portfolio is a great help in achieving your goals, including weight management.

3. "The world I live in" or "My family"

Children also really enjoy making up stories about their family. This section of the portfolio can be called, for example, “ The world I live in " or "My family" including a family photo album. As a rule, this section is the most voluminous in a preschooler's portfolio. It should contain information about each family member: dad, mom, sister or brother. Also, indicate what connects them. What do they love, what they do together, what is their character, are they friends with each other.

4. "My achievements"

The main place in the portfolio should be devoted to stories about the child's practical skills and abilities. It is better to immediately determine how much space this section will occupy, since a portfolio cannot be created in one sitting. You will most likely fill out the portfolio over the course of several years of kindergarten attendance. Naturally, during this time, the child's skills and abilities will increase significantly, and you will have to somehow fit all this information into the child's preschool portfolio.

Also in this section you can put information about the child's skills in self-care and household chores, for example, caring for a pet - a dog, a kitten, a bird. When placing all this in the section, do not forget to provide the story with funny pictures of your baby, where he is doing all these things. Include colorful pictures of your child helping you or grandmother in the kitchen, grandfather, and anything else that your little one has taken the initiative to do.

5. "Talents"

Do not forget to include in your portfolio a section dedicated to your little one's hobbies and useful activities. Every toddler has creative talents and preferences at an early age. It doesn't matter at home or in kindergarten, all children 2-5 years old love to sing and dance. Show this side of your son or daughter's life colorfully and vividly. If you signed up your child for classes in additional circles or a children's music school, then place photos from rehearsals and concerts, a photo of your favorite teacher here. The text of your favorite song is also quite suitable.

Do not forget about a healthy lifestyle, sports, physical education. As a rule, children are very fond of sports activities, do not miss this important point. Display a graph of stamina and physical performance. This can be: the number of push-ups, squats, or something else.

Kindergarten portfolio templates

Dear parents, try to take into account and reflect any, the smallest success of the child in his portfolio. This can be his participation in matinees in kindergarten, concerts, costume performances, even at home, sports achievements. Looking into the portfolio for your grown-up child's kindergarten, you will remember the most pleasant moments spent together, think about how cute and adorable your baby was just recently.

Download 21 templates
portfolio for preschoolers

Praise your child for any achievement! So he will feel that even his smallest success means a lot to those close to him. Remember, this is a huge boost to the development of your son or daughter's abilities and talents.

Svetlana Rabinchuk

From the experience of "Preschooler Portfolio"

Drawing up a children's portfolio is a very interesting and exciting job. I have been working in this direction for several years. Unfortunately, I have not preserved any photographs of my graduates' portfolios. But I invite you to see what we have already done with my current kids. Parents play an important role in the portfolio development process. The parents of my children turned out to be creative people, so our portfolios turn out to be interesting and different from each other.

"Preschooler Portfolio"

First you need to purchase colorful folders.

For girls.

For boys.

Folders need to be signed and arranged so that parents have constant access to them

(we have placed the folders in the receiving group).

Let's start building a portfolio.

Parents, together with their child, choose style and color, because a portfolio is not only a “piggy bank of achievements”, but also a “colorful book”.

These and many other examples of children's portfolios can be downloaded from the Internet.

On the title page, you must indicate the surname, name of the child, date of birth. The date of the beginning and the end of the collection of the portfolio is also put down.

Section 1: "What does my name mean".

It is appropriate here to place a photo of the child and the meaning of his name.

Section 2: "My friends".

It is not at all necessary that there are photos of children from kindergarten here. After all, every child has communication and friends outside the kindergarten.

Section 3: "My hobbies".

Photographs or verbal descriptions of what the children love to do at home.

Section 4: "My Favorite Books".

Children love to be read. And they, of course, have favorite books and favorite cartoons.

Section 5: "My Family".

Photos of family members (family tree, or a common family photo.

Section 6: "Portrait of my child".

A verbal description of the character of your child. It is best, in my opinion, to do this section when entering kindergarten and before leaving school. So you can see the changes in the character of the child.

Section 7: "My achievements".

This section is intended for various certificates and diplomas of the child.

Section 8: "My work".

This section is the most important for a child. Here you can see his skills and abilities, his successes, expressed in productive activities.

In chapter

"My art"

we collect children's works.

All material in the portfolio must be arranged in chronological order, into groups. We have only two so far: a nursery and a junior.

Other sections can be inserted if parents wish. For example:

Children like to revisit their photographs and drawings from time to time. And parents can do it at any time.

We will replenish our portfolio until the end of the kindergarten. And at the prom, children will receive these colorful books of their successes and achievements as a gift.

Thank you for the attention!

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Portfolio of a preschooler 5-7 years old... Why a preschooler portfolio- this is a kind of piggy bank of a child's success in terms of the main indicators that characterize the essential aspects of the physical, social, cognitive, speech, aesthetic development of an older preschooler 5-7 years old.
Working with a portfolio for two years before entering school will help adults and children to establish close relationships, spend more time together, and create an atmosphere of common interests.
Adults will be able to:
- timely celebrate the success of the child,
- maintain his interest in various activities (activities, play, observation, physical exercise, etc.),
- to form in the child the skills of self-control and self-esteem.
The portfolio will be useful for teachers, parents, tutors and children who are preparing to become first graders.
In the portfolio, you can include certificates, the best drawings, pages from notebooks or copies of the most successful and accurate works. It can also be photographs of performances at concerts and in competitions, made volumetric models or sculpted sculptures, as well as photographs of participation in theatrical performances of a kindergarten.

What will the portfolio be?

A preschooler's portfolio must certainly be colorful and vibrant. Ideally, it will become both a favorite "picture book" for a child and a source of pride for him.
Explain to the kid what kind of "magic book" you are starting to collect together and why. There is no need to fear that the child “does not understand” or “quickly grows cold”.
Will understand! From the age of 3, all kids, without exception, love bright books.
Will not get cold! The book about myself is the most interesting. She “will enthusiastically accept” all creative works, with “special attention” to amazing fantasies, and after a while “with love will remind” of “how little you were a year ago!”

Title page

The portfolio begins with a title page, which contains basic information: last name, first name and patronymic, contact information and a photo of the child.

Section 1. "My World" ("Portrait")

Here you can put any information that is interesting and important for the child.

- My name (information about what the name means, why the parents chose this particular name; if the child has a rare or interesting surname, you can explain what it means), you can give the meaning of character and predispositions according to the horoscope.

- My name at baptism (if the child was baptized, then they often give him a middle name corresponding to the religion)

- My family (here you can tell the names of mom, dad, brothers, sisters, grandparents, or place a drawing of the family tree)

- My friends (photos of friends, information about their interests, hobbies)

- My small homeland (tell about your hometown, about its interesting places in photos and descriptions)

- My favorite books (list the titles and authors of children's books that the child likes)

Section 2 - "My interests"

Information about employment in circles, sections, clubs

–My hobbies (you can tell about what the child is hobbies about):
I love...
I can...
I want to learn...
I like classes ...
When I grow up, I will be ... because ...

Section 3 - "My achievements"

This section may include headings:

"Dynamics of physical development"
(this section includes indicators of height, weight, physical skills in accordance with age:

"Dynamics of general development"
(in this section, you can post test results that include indicators of reading, speaking, counting, logic, general development in accordance with age). The section can include good pages from a notebook with exercises and tests that the child performed in preparation for school at home, in the kindergarten, or by attending additional classes in groups to prepare for school. Include in this section the best pages that your child also likes. This will help parents and educators assess the child's preferences and inclinations.

General development indicators

5 years

6 years

7 years




Mathematics (counting)

Logic tests

Tests for general development (on the topics "The world around", "City", "Daily routine", "Seasons", "Human drawing", etc.)

"Creative development"
(includes drawings, photographs of creative works, photographs of participation in theatrical performances of a kindergarten or club that a child attends)
-drawings in different genres (watercolor, gouache, pastel, wax crayons, etc.)
- molding (plasticine, clay, sculptural mass)
-Photos of handicrafts (paper, cardboard, natural materials, etc., participation in exhibitions)
-theatrical performances (list roles, attach photos)

"Awards"(certificates, diplomas, letters of thanks, etc.)

It is best to arrange the contents of this section in chronological order.

Information about participation in sports competitions and competitions, holidays and events, etc.

The materials of this block allow you to build a rating of individual results, a rating of achievements, and track the dynamics of changes in learning outcomes.

Section 4 - "My impressions"

Information about the visit to the theater, exhibition, museum, campaign, excursion.

Federal programs of preschool education ("From birth to school", "Origins") consider the individual development of the child as a priority, taking into account his intellectual, physical and emotional characteristics.

An effective component of an individual development program is a preschool portfolio for kindergarten children. This is an album about the achievements of the kid, which contains materials reflecting his success in various activities, talents, impressions.

In accordance with the new educational standards, the portfolio of a kindergarten student is an important element in the assessment system. The Personal Achievements Folder will be asked to bring when enrolling in the school. Based on the materials presented, the teacher will make a preliminary opinion about the new student, build a trajectory for his subsequent development and prepare the psychological basis for learning in the children's team.

The purpose, objectives and principles of creating a preschool portfolio for kindergarten children

Portfolios may vary in format and content. An indispensable condition is the maximum

reveal the individual qualities and potential of the child, demonstrate his strengths, trace the dynamics and record the achievements.

When working on the achievements folder, it is useful to use the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Define a goal.
  2. Choose the type of portfolio.
  3. Determine the time period for collecting information.
  4. Develop a structure - the number and topics of headings.

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Try it for free! For passing - a diploma of professional retraining. Training materials are presented in the format of visual abstracts with expert video lectures, accompanied by the necessary templates and examples.

Filling out a portfolio for a kindergarten is a fascinating creative process that brings together all co-authors: a child, parents, teachers.

When forming a portfolio album, it is necessary to outline its main functions:

  • diagnostics is a reflection of intellectual and physical growth;
  • goal-setting - the goal and subject of training;
  • motivation - rewarding the achieved results;
  • meaningfulness - a set of work performed;
  • social education - the formation and development of relationships between adults and children in the process of joint activities;
  • development is a reflection of the continuity and progress of learning.

When choosing a sample portfolio for a kindergarten, first of all, you should define its objectives. Perhaps it will be an album demonstrating the child's success in a specific direction - in music, sports, choreography, drawing. Or - information that reflects general development over a selected period of time, for example, from birth to entering school. The portfolio can be thematic: "We are a sports family", "Vacation at the sea" and other topics.

Having determined the direction of the future report on achievements, they begin to form and decorate it. It is convenient to use to fill out an example or a ready-made portfolio for a kindergarten as a template.

Download kindergarten portfolio to fill out
Download archive.rar

The work on the creation of the album of achievements is carried out according to the principles:

  • voluntariness - parents and children themselves decide which materials should be used;
  • compulsory participation of the child - in the selection of materials and design;
  • inadmissibility of a competitive moment - only an emphasis on the individuality of the child;
  • systematic - updates and additions to the content.

There are no strict requirements and standards for the design of a preschool portfolio, the main thing is that the main character - the child himself - likes it.

Children enthusiastically participate in the creation of their first "business card" - they choose illustrations and paste them. Parents should help the baby, but not do everything for him. The task of adults is to organize the process correctly, recommend the best materials, invite the child to answer questions corresponding to the headings (“My hobbies”, “My family”, “I can”). The answers must certainly be written down by the parents on the pages of the portfolio in legible text or in block letters - having learned to read and write, the kid will be able to read his comments himself.

Teachers and psychologists of the preschool educational institution are directly involved in creating a portfolio of their pupils - they advise parents, provide materials of their professional observations and work performed by children in creative classes in the garden.

  • systematic interaction with parents;
  • rubrics are not numbered - they are arranged in no particular order;
  • pages are colorfully decorated;
  • all results and events are dated in order to track their subsequent dynamics;
  • the principles of self-esteem are explained to children;
  • the portfolio is not used to compare children with each other;
  • public viewing of the folder is allowed only with the consent of the child - the author of the portfolio.

The “Portfolio” technology, in fact, is a form of educational activity that provides for constant interaction between the main participants in the educational process - preschoolers, educators, and parents.

Content and main sections of the children's portfolio in the preschool educational institution

The portfolio of a preschool student has a certain structure - it consists of thematic headings. The number and content of headings-pages may differ in different childcare institutions, in groups and among individual pupils. Adults and Young Contributors offer exclusive sections and designs based on a child's individual experiences or important events.

Authors-methodologists offer various variations of design and themes for a portfolio for a kindergarten, the content of headings. Some give priority to the observations of parents and their role in creating the achievement folder. Others emphasize the importance of professional diagnostics, which makes it possible to objectively track the dynamics of the development of preschool educational institutions - the results of monitoring the physical and educational level, the formation of social and labor skills, with reflection in the diagnostic calculations placed on the thematic pages of the portfolio.

Versions are widely used in which the sections are filled in progressively - according to each new success of the preschooler.

The following kindergarten portfolio pages are suggested:

  1. "Let's get acquainted" - a photo and personal data of the child, the name of the group, a story on behalf of the child about what he loves.
  2. “How I Grow Up” is an artistically designed page with anthropometric data.
  3. "Stories about a Child" - interesting stories told by parents.
  4. "My dreams" - statements of the child on the proposed topics.
  5. “I can” are examples of the kid's creativity.
  6. "My successes" - awards, prizes.

You can use a sample portfolio for a kindergarten, interesting primarily for parents. The folder is filled at home and in the garden, can be used as a bright mini-presentation at events. The author has included the following headings in the content of the album:

  • with short stories about the family;
  • photo reports about the baby's household duties;
  • reports on educational excursions and walks.

In other variations, sections with information are included in the ready-made portfolio for kindergarten:

  • from parents - information and achievements in the bosom of the family;
  • from teachers - professional observations of educators;
  • from the child - stories about himself, creative work, awards.

There are interesting versions in which attention is paid to the social aspects of the child's development - the portfolio includes stories from classmates and educators about the baby, an assessment of his participation in social and educational activities, the results of self-assessment tests, and a parent survey. And necessarily - thanks for success in studies and creativity, for positive actions, for attentiveness and kindness to others.

Designing a preschooler's portfolio

A portfolio is created in the form of a folder, album, filing cabinet or electronic document. Its design should be attractive, first of all, for the youngest author. Pages should be designed so that a preschooler who has not yet learned to read can understand what they are talking about. Therefore, it is imperative to use bright, understandable illustrations.

Download Kindergarten Portfolio Pages
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The cover page for the kindergarten portfolio forms the first impression of the child and his family. It is not recommended to overload this page with information - only personal information and its photo are indicated.

Kindergarten portfolio templates

Download portfolio template for kindergarten teacher

Portfolio format:

  • electronic - the most interesting option for pupils of senior and preparatory groups;
  • coloring - an understandable form for the little ones, they themselves paint the pages, glue the images;
  • printed portfolio - in the form of ready-made printed folders that are filled with personal content.

In any format, choosing the right theme for a kindergarten portfolio - a style of decoration - is important. He should captivate the child. It can be fragments from Disney cartoons, the theme of favorite toys or animals, plots of popular electronic games or natural landscapes - what the child likes the most.

Download a sample kindergarten portfolio
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Evaluation and presentation of a portfolio for kindergarten

The presentation of a personal portfolio can be timed to coincide with a child's birthday or a holiday for kindergarten graduates. Children will be happy to demonstrate their own successes to their friends, teachers and parents.

Portfolio assessment in kindergarten is optional, as it is not included in the preschool curriculum. But many teachers believe that assessment, nevertheless, should be carried out in the concept of fulfilling the set goals and objectives, as part of the analysis of pedagogical activity. With the obligatory fulfillment of the condition - the results should be available exclusively to teachers.