Boy 10 years old birthday invitation. Online birthday invitation maker. Preparation for the holiday

Children of different interests and strangers at the age of 10-12 were invited to the holiday. Now at this age, if children are already adults, if teenagers are still very young. I was faced with the task of finding such a holiday scenario that would be interesting for both the first and second categories of children. So that the holiday will be remembered for a long time, first of all, to my daughter and, of course, to her friends. Using the materials of entertaining leisure for children and scenarios for children's matinees, I decided to generalize them and come up with my own. The scenario is very simple, it does not take much time in preliminary preparation, and does not require special material costs. The hosts of this event were me - (mother) and my daughter Angelica.

Preparation for the holiday

  1. Be sure to decorate the room. It can be balloons, a Christmas tree garland (electric), on the wall, mark "10" with large numbers (you can use foil or a Christmas tree "rain-hedgehog")
  2. Cardboard cards with the names of guests.
  3. Tokens. They can be colored paper or cardboard. Awarded to players for correct answers.
  4. Prizes, such as school supplies, will be awarded at the end of the evening when the number of tokens is counted.
  5. Cards with letters for the "Brownie's Tricks" competition.
  6. For a comic lottery: candle, calendar, felt-tip pen, chocolate, cream, handkerchief, comb, mug (or tea bag).
  7. A postcard with the text of congratulations for "Comic congratulations" and small leaves with adverbs: boldly, quickly, accurately, slowly, loudly, cheerfully, cheerfully, skillfully, beautifully, quietly.
  8. For "Self-portrait" prepare sheets of paper and pencils according to the number of participants.
  9. Prepare tasks-notes for the game "forfeits".
  • do not start the holiday with difficult contests, start with the simplest ones;
  • rehearse each number (game, rally, magic tricks);
  • take the role of the presenter very seriously: connect the numbers with each other with some stories, jokes;
  • if you do not rely on your memory, it is better to have a printout of your holiday on hand (from the words of the presenter to assignments and questions).

Holiday script

Leading - mom:

"Every person has a reason in life at least once a year to gather together friends and relatives, those whom he is always glad to see, on his personal holiday - Birthday. Today is Angelica's birthday. Today she is 10 years old. This is the first round date. in your life. This is the first date of years, consisting of two digits. 10 years! Infancy and early childhood have passed. Childhood is ahead, but already "adult", the whole life is ahead, and I want to say:

I wish you at ten years old
Life is fun, bright, without troubles.
Useful gifts, surprises,
Less resentment and whims!
May everything be fine at school:
Nice, understandable and cool!
I wish you a perky laugh
More luck and success! "

All guests congratulate the birthday girl, get to know each other and sit down at the table. To avoid confusion at the table, my daughter and I prepared cards with the names of the invited children, put the cards on the table. On the spread of each card, they explained what the name meant, and wrote a comic poem with it. For example:

Nadezhda: "Nadezhda" is a Russian name.
Always shine a gentle dawn
Over the world, clever Nadezhda!
Gayane: "earthly" is an ancient Greek name.
You're like a star in the night window
O stranger Gayane!
Victoria: "victory" is a Latin name.
Vicki has her own approach to clothes,
Since Vika is a trendsetter.

After absorbing salads and a hot dish, the presenter again takes the floor.

Leading - mom:

"I draw your attention to the content of the inscription in the middle of the cards. Let's read it one by one." Each of the guests reads humorous rhymes about themselves and the designation of the name. Thus, if the children meet for the first time with each other, it is another opportunity to remember the names.

Host - Angelica:

"And now we are starting our holiday program. I invite you to participate actively. Because for each correct answer, my assistant (this is my mother or younger sister) gives a token. At the end of our evening, points will be calculated and prizes will be awarded in accordance with their number. So, the competition of riddles.

Both adults and children love to guess riddles. Thanks to riddles, a person thinks about new, previously unnoticed properties of an object, learns to find the correct answer. To make it easier to answer, I divided the riddles into groups: about nature, about a person, about a house and household utensils.

About nature:

  1. He lives in the forest, hoots like a robber, people are afraid of him, but he is afraid of people. (Owl)
  2. There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Sea)
  3. Not fire, but burning. (Nettle)
  4. Flies - a long nose, a thin voice, whoever kills him will shed human blood. (Mosquito)
  5. A blue scarf, a red bun rolls around on a scarf, smiles at people. (Sky and sun)

About a human:

  1. Five brothers equal for years, different in height. (Fingers)
  2. All their life they go after each other, but they cannot overtake each other. (Legs)
  3. Two Yegorkas live near the hill, live amicably, but do not look at each other. (Eyes)
  4. What is the most precious thing in the world? (Health)

About the house, household utensils:

  1. It knocks, spins, walks the whole century, and not a man. (Watch)
  2. The little dog lies curled up, does not bark, does not bite, and does not let him into the house. (Lock)
  3. Hangs in the house, there is no tongue, but he will tell the truth. (Mirror)
A token is awarded for the first correct answer.

Host - Angelica:

"Imagine if a brownie suddenly came and mixed up the letters in words, we would stop understanding each other. This cannot be allowed! So, each of you needs to break the brownie's spell and restore the words."

Further competition "brownie's tricks"... Cards are handed out, each with one set of words. You need to arrange the cards with letters so that you get the word:
monk - cinema, kevi - eyelids, ointments - winter, riag - game, kera - river, roll - eagle, and so on. Those who correctly and quickly collected the words are awarded tokens.

Leading - mom:

"You are probably already tired of mental work. Let's play comic lottery... One box contains both the prizes and rolled up notes with the names of the prizes. Each of you comes up, takes a note, reads what prize he got, and takes it himself.

  1. We'll have to live a study of grief,
    Don't forget about the days of the calendar. (prize - calendar)
  2. Do you understand what is the meaning of the gift?
    Life will be joyful and bright. (prize - markers)
  3. And you will not be bitter - it will be sweet,
    Since you got a chocolate bar. (prize - chocolate bar)
  4. And big love awaits you
    And kisses all year round. (the prize is a handkerchief)
  5. You will be beautiful to walk with your hair
    Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane. (prize - comb)
  6. While the teacher "removes the shavings" from you,
    Calmly brew a mug of tea. (prize - a mug or tea bag)
  7. To the one who receives this candle,
    We'll have to travel the world. (the prize is a candle)
  8. Even though this cream is inedible
    But the smell is just incomparable. (prize - cream)

Host - Angelica:

"I want to show you some funny and hilarious tricks. Focus "I am clairvoyant"... I learned to read minds. I suggest you write your plan on pieces of paper (for example: drink a glass of juice, look at the ceiling, etc.), glue these sheets in an envelope and give it to me. "

For the uninitiated, what follows looks like this. The magician takes the envelope, puts it on the table, covers it with his palm and says: "They ask me to look out the window. Was there such a request?" The magician at this time opens the envelope and does not read the contents of the note aloud. Someone answers: "Yes". The session continues. The magician takes the next envelope, etc. What is the secret? At the beginning of the session, the magician asks his sister (mother, grandmother) to join the drawing, having previously agreed with her about the content of the note in the envelope, and it is also necessary that she somehow mark the envelope (for example, fold a corner). The magician will take this envelope last. And having taken any envelope, he "reads thoughts" not from the envelope in his hands, but from an agreed-upon agreed phrase written by his sister (mother, grandmother). When the magician seems to be checking what he has written against what he has “read”, he actually memorizes the contents of the note in order to “read” it while guessing over the next envelope.

Host - Angelica:

"Now I want to show you a small draw "at least three times"... Who would like to participate? Here's a strip of paper. We bet you can't rip it three times? "

The participant replies that he will cope with such a trifle and will now show how it is done. It really breaks the strip. The presenter raises his eyebrows in surprise and says: "But I told you - from three ..."

Host - Angelica:

"The next competition is game "I believe - I do not believe"... I ask the question, do you answer "yes" or "no". Do you believe that:

  1. In Japan, do students write on the chalkboard with a brush and colored ink? (Yes)
  2. Was the fountain pen invented in ancient Egypt? (Yes)
  3. In a Chinese circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz? (No)
  4. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, they can't fly)
  5. If you put a flounder fish on a chessboard, will it become checkered? (Yes)
  6. Was the ballpoint pen used only by military pilots? (Yes)
  7. Can bats use radio signals? (No)
  8. Do spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)
  9. Are fortified pencils produced in Africa for children who have a habit of chewing on anything? (Yes)
  10. Most turnips are grown in Russia? (No, in America)
  11. Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)
  12. Do the Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)
  13. Are firefly beetles used as lighting fixtures in some countries? (Yes)

Leading - mom:

"I suggest you play game "forfeits"... Children are given a hat in which there are forfeit notes (for example, telling a joke, dancing an oriental belly dance, singing the song "Let them run awkwardly ...", etc.)

Host - Angelica:

And now competition "questions for quick wits"

  1. Which month is the shortest? (May - 3 letters)
  2. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, cannot speak)
  3. What can you cook but not eat? (lessons)
  4. What etiquette hand should you use to stir tea? (tea is better with a spoon)
  5. What tree does the crow sit on after the rain? (wet)
  6. What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (from empty)
  7. Which European capital stands on the mown grass? (Paris, on the Seine)
  8. What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream)
  9. What key can't you put in your pocket? (violin)
  10. What state can you wear on your head? (Panama)
  11. What are we eating for? (at the table)
  12. What stones can't you find in the sea? (dry)
  13. Which word belongs to you, but is pronounced more often by others? (name)

Tokens are awarded for the first correct answers.

Leading - mom:

"Guys, you are great: dexterous, resourceful, smart. And you have not forgotten who the holiday is dedicated to today? Of course, the birthday boy. Let's congratulate him. So, "comic congratulations"... The birthday boy gets up, the guests are given a box with little notes-words (boldly, quickly, accurately, slowly, loudly, cheerfully, cheerfully, skillfully, beautifully, quietly). The leader reads the text, and the children take turns taking out notes, finishing sentences and sticking words on the postcard. The more ridiculous, the more fun. Then everyone puts their signatures. Sample text:

Dear Birthday Girl! Congratulations on your anniversary!
We wish you that you
I got up in the morning .....................,
I washed my face .........................,
Did the exercises ......................,
Had breakfast ..........................,
I went to school ........................,
She answered in the lesson ...............,
At recess she behaved ...................,
I prepared my homework ............,
And she also studied well.

Next, a birthday cake with candles is introduced. The birthday boy makes a wish and blows out the candles. The birthday girl thanks all the guests and asks to leave her self-portraits, and each must draw himself blindfolded, and then sign with his name. It turned out very interesting and funny.

Then the number of tokens is counted and prizes are awarded.

Everyone liked the holiday: both my daughter and her guests. Conversations about an interesting holiday did not stop for several days.

Elena and Angelica.

Greetings to all of you friends! Not everyone likes to celebrate their birthday. But there are those who are eager to meet with their date of birth. Usually, the last category lights up on their holiday and wants it to be perfect in all respects. If you want this too, then I invite you to the post about the birthday invitation.

Today there will be a festive mixture of invitation texts in verse and prose, templates, DIY workshops. So if you want to understand all the details about the preparation of this important holiday detail, then you are welcome to a new post.

Texts of invitations to the child's birthday in verse and prose

Children's texts for invitations are of the greatest interest now, because a child's birthday is usually celebrated on the largest scale. How boys and girls rejoice every next year!

Many of us adults have long lost our taste for this date. Someone counts the wrinkles, someone regrets about the mediocre years lived, and someone simply does not have friends left with whom to celebrate this day. No, not everyone is so sad, but there are such cases.

Children are like little sparks - ready to flare up from any breath of the breeze. So let's make them glow with the fire of joy, decorating the date of birth with amazing invitation texts!

We invite girls to the celebration

Girls are the first to wait for their holiday, much earlier than boys. For them, this is an opportunity to put on a beautiful dress (even for 1 year old), to appear in all its glory in front of guests, just to be a princess. Even gifts are sometimes not such a strong incentive to wait for this date. How can you write to guests about the upcoming birthday and thus invite them?

In this section you will find the most romantic and cute invitations that are perfect for a young girl and even an older girl. It will simply be impossible to refuse them! If you are inviting a friend to visit, then you should definitely use one of them.

A bright dress and a lush hairstyle -

I'm looking forward to this quite a bit.

A bunch of colored balls -

Not a holiday date, but just a fairy tale.

But everything is not nice without a welcome guest,

Therefore, I handed you (you) the invitation.

On my birthday, come soon (come soon) -

I invite only true friends to the holiday!

Bear cubs and hares, and a company of kittens -

Everyone was going to the holiday, they really want to congratulate me.

I expect from them a lot of gifts, impressions of bright poods.

It will be fun of course, I am also waiting for you (you)!

To rejoice to your heart's content

I am waiting for you (you) at the holiday.

Birthday is expanse

Here I will sing songs

And I will dance that there are strength

I am having fun as much as I can!

Come (come you), my dear,

I will not remain in debt!

Little (name) will soon get a little older. An event like this cannot be missed! To arrive on time on this significant day (date), come to the address ... to (time). Don't forget the present for the young lady!

Every year, a small bud more and more rapidly turns into a flower of amazing beauty. Each petal in it is a day lived, which becomes a part of the plant. Playing with sun glare, flower petals are waiting for the guests for the appearance of a new, brightest petal. He will appear (date), where the birthday girl will be waiting for you, dear Guest!

The shots of life are combined into a single whole, creating a whole film. There are funny and sad moments in this film, there are faded and bright days. The brightest day is approaching and is about to come. Little miss (name) is waiting for you at the birthday celebrations and invites (date) at ...

We invite a boy to the holiday

Young tomboys usually have a lot of friends, including classmates, whom the boys really want to invite to their birthday. This can be done both in a classic way and in a cool way. The latter include the design of invitations in witty prose and humorous poetry.

Sometimes it is important for a boy not only to call a friend to a holiday, but also to impress with exactly how he will do it. Especially for this case, I have prepared several suitable invitations, which, if desired, you can even send by SMS or, in extreme cases, buy ready-made forms and enter there.

How to issue an invitation for a boy? To involve famous characters from the same "Minions" and "Paw Patrol" into the case.

We chase the ball in football

And we play in the yard.

We're not fooling around

We give an example to children.

Let's celebrate together

My birth with a bang.

Let's have some fun, we are children!

It's not time for us to sleep at all.

I want to call the main one for the holiday,

That only once a year.

You are my most welcome guest -

I will say it without a doubt.

Give any gift -

This is not the point of the holiday

He is only bright with friends

And relatives that will come.

I invite you to a holiday -

Birthday celebration.

You are the most important participant

I'm lucky with you!

There will be a sea of ​​board games

And the prefix is ​​right there,

Have fun in the open

We will be with you, friend!

Family and friends are the main wealth of every person. And if we talk about you, then you are the biggest diamond in this treasury. Come on my birthday (date) to the address ... and illuminate everyone present with your splendor.

This option is more suitable for a teenager.

If everyone in this life had the same friends as you, then there would be no unfortunate people on earth! With you, any obstacle on the shoulder, even if it's not homework. Come to my DR and take a good mood with you! Gift optional, but also very welcome.

Sometimes you and I fight in such a way that others want to shut their ears and run away from this place as soon as possible. But when we make peace, nothing can stop us! Join the noisy fun in honor of the new year of my life!

P.S. Only… Nothing can become a valid reason for not attending my birthday, what could be more important?

Sample invitation for friend, colleague, relative

Despite the large number of people who want to celebrate children's birthdays, adults also do not forget about their holiday. Someone celebrates a significant date in the circle of relatives, someone likes to celebrate this holiday with a friend. And we shouldn't forget about our colleagues! Indeed, often the date of birth falls precisely on the working day, when, willy-nilly, you have to share such a date with co-workers.

For all these cases, you can use the example of a polite and correct invitation:

Dear ... (name of a friend, colleague, relative)!

We all prefer to celebrate our birthday only with people who are close to us in spirit. I am no exception, and that is why I am inviting you to a modest celebration, which will take place on (date) at ...

It all starts at (time). Do not be late or warn about it in advance.

(Signature of the birthday boy)

If you want to move away from the generally accepted options for inviting to a holiday, then I advise you to take a closer look at the short options below. They will decorate and allow you to write a really interesting invitation, even for an anniversary.

You and I know for sure

That work is not a wolf.

We run away masterfully

We know a lot from her here.

No matter how much work,

We know that later

There will be only one concern -

I would like to enjoy the cake!

For such an emphasis

Do not judge strictly.

Better soon

Come for your birthday!

Birthday is coming soon,

I want to invite you (you).

Wish (wish you) luck on me

So that everything is on the shoulder!

Come (come you) no doubt

Bring (bring us) a handful of happiness.

Do not forget (do not forget about) the mood,

You (you) are a long-awaited guest!

Hurry to get even

With this bunch of different things,

To get together for us,

Happy birthday to everyone!

And on this cool date

I'm happy to call you -

We will eat different dishes,

There, believe me, I will anneal!

People are born only once. But this event is so important for each of us that it is celebrated annually. This year was no exception - I want to invite (you, you) to this solemn event. Come (date) to the address ... and do not forget about a good mood.

No forces can separate people who really need each other. And Birthday is an additional reason to show this to your close friend by inviting him to this momentous day. Come to the celebration of the date of my birth (date) at (time) at the address ...

The date of birth is always a special day. Someone is sincerely happy with this event, someone is attached to melancholy, but it makes an indelible impression on everyone. I want you to help me get into the first category - come to my birthday!

Invitation templates

In order not to look in stores for "the very" invitations that would please the birthday boy and his guests, I suggest using the free samples from this article. There are not many of them, but they are made in a modern style, with watercolors that you do not need to paint yourself. Each of the layouts is almost universal. You can safely give it to a colleague or friend who will be sincerely delighted with such a present.

You can download all the forms below (for this you need to open them in the next window by selecting the appropriate item by pressing the right mouse button). All that remains is to print these pictures and, if you wish, strengthen the back side with something dense, or immediately print on something like photographic paper.

DIY invitations

To create your own invitation, you need very little materials and imagination. Of course, the design will greatly depend on whose birthday the person is being invited to. The fact that girls 7-10-12 years old are suitable will not necessarily appeal to a brutal man.

Before creating your invitation, you need to think about the style of the event, whether there will be a dress code (for example, a pirate party), etc. Here you will find examples of hand-made invitations that will delight a wide variety of birthday categories.

To make a felt invitation, prepare:

  • felt in bright contrasting colors;
  • satin ribbon, decorative eyes and nose;
  • glue;
  • paper;
  • bright pens, stickers, stamps, etc.


  1. First of all, cut out the base of the invitation in a square or rectangular shape. Then make a cat's face, which you can trace around the contour of the product shown in the photo.
  2. Glue the cat's face to the base. Attach eyes and a nose to it, a satin ribbon bow. If you wish, you can add other decorative elements, touch up the cat's ears and cheeks, make several layers of felt as a base. You can also make a horn - you get a unicorn cat.
  3. After preparing the outside, print or hand-write your invitation text. Use glue to attach the leaflet to the back.

Instead of glue, you can use large-diameter rhinestones with an adhesive backing. By attaching them to the corners of your invitation, you will receive an original design and attachment at the same time.

The advantage of this type is that you can make several pieces in literally half an hour or an hour, so it does not take much time to prepare. You can even distribute it to the whole class if you wish. Moreover, this format will definitely remain in memory for a long time and there is an opportunity to supplement and decorate it almost to infinity. The color palette is also all in front of you - from white to black.

If you want to do something even more original, then these master classes will come in handy. There will be as many as three cool options: classic, in the form of Mickey and Minnie Mouse and the coolest - in the form of a bucket of popcorn.

You can even combine the idea of ​​a gift and an invitation at the same time, or even use a balloon for this. Such methods are suitable for both a baby 5-9 years old and an older child.

Want to add flavor to your masterpiece? Look for text invitations in English or German (just be sure to insert the translation).

Video format

For those who are not alien to modern technologies and thirst for something new, the video format is perfect. With it, you can create such an amazing email invitation that they will talk about it for a very long time. All you need is a few leaflets with holiday pictures, a little imagination and a video camera.

Kindly funny, such invitations will cause a kind smile for a long time.

Here's a meaningful post. If it was useful to you, then do not forget to save it to your bookmarks and send it to your friends on social networks. I say goodbye to you and hope to meet you in the next posts. See you soon!

Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

Birthday invitation templates have been prepared for you, into which you can easily enter data about your holiday. Making a birthday invitation online is now very easy!


Business events

Make a website for your birthday in the online constructor!

Just fill out the form and your official birthday website will be generated automatically! Birthday invitation website is stylish and fashionable!

Indicate the organizer of the event and his contacts, which will be clickable, and your guests will be able to contact them at any time.

Add a description about your holiday or party and include your birthday hashtag so guests can post a photo with it.

It's easy to invite your friends to your birthday in 3 steps!

An invitation to an anniversary, an adult's or children's birthday is always a pleasant process! The online birthday invitation maker will help you with this!

Choose an invitation design

Easily customize your birthday invitation template and use the suggested birthday invitation text. You can always revert to your original birthday invitation template!

Make a website for a birthday

Fill out the form and the official birthday website will be generated automatically, where guests can confirm their presence. Your invitation website is ready and stored indefinitely!

Send an invitation to guests

You can invite guests to your birthday through any messengers, social networks and e-mail. The guest list is created when they register. Use online seating arrangements for guests by table.

Create invitation

With our service you can

Send personalized beautiful birthday invitations to every guest anywhere in the world.

Delight guests with your own birthday party website with an event program adapted for all devices.

Manage your event in your personal account, add and remove guests and receive analytics of their responses.

Email birthday invitations can help you creatively invite guests!
Create invitation


Create a birthday invitation in the online constructor, create an invitation website and invite guests online through instant messengers, social networks or e-mail.



Children's invitations turned out to be just super, I saw many different ideas for the future! I used the girl's birthday invitation and the birthday page made an unforgettable impression on the guests!


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A birthday photo invitation adds personality. Children's birthday invitation templates are all quite interesting. It is very convenient to make an invitation for a boy's birthday through this service, and our guests liked the invitation for a birthday with a photo!


We got it easy to create an online birthday invitation. Email birthday invitations are quite creative these days! I want to note that our invitation to the children's birthday has caused enthusiastic glances from the guests!

Elena - mother, wife and keeper of the "hearth"

I recommend buying your birthday invitation from this service. On each postcard, the text of the invitation to the child's birthday is already conveniently placed - fill in your details and you're done! The baby's birthday invitation impressed our guests very much!


Create an electronic birthday invitation and get a birthday invitation website - I have never seen this before. Modern birthday invitation online - a stylish approach to the event! And the gatsby birthday invitation card set the theme for the event!

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Birthday is a holiday that every girl looks forward to with special trepidation. The birthday of a 10-year-old girl deserves special attention. This is a special date for a child - the beginning of a new stage in the girl's life and development, her first anniversary, which I want to remember as a unique, unusual and unforgettable day.

Celebrating the birthday of a girl of 10 years old: the theme of the holiday

For the holiday to be remembered by the birthday girl and her guests, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on renting a cafe or entertainment center -. The most competent and interesting variant of the celebration can be considered the thematic anniversary of 10 years.

To decide how to spend the birthday of a 10 years old girl, you need to choose a topic that is interesting for her and her guests.

Much will depend on the choice of theme: decoration and decor of the room, the menu of the festive table, games, contests, quizzes, images of guests, etc. Note, however, that the presence of a theme greatly facilitates the preparation of the holiday.

Here are 5 awesome birthday ideas. The birthday girl and her guests will not remain indifferent!

Children's birthday girl 10 years old in the style of "Princess"

What can be a good idea for a 10 year old girl's children's birthday? Of course, one of the first to come to mind is the subject of fairy tales about princesses. Every girl dreamed of becoming the heroine of such a story, wearing a gorgeous fluffy dress and a shimmering crown.

Therefore, you can give the little birthday girl and her friends the opportunity to be in the role of princesses at the royal tea party.

Make invitations for guests in the style of Disney cartoons with pink attributes, rhinestones, beads.

For decorations, use paper garlands, balloons of white, pink, purple colors, light fabrics, themed tablecloths, plates, mugs.

For a treat, prepare light fruit snacks, beautifully decorated cupcakes, and a colorful cake.

Do not forget about contests and quizzes related to princesses, cartoons, Disney characters.

For example, you can offer contests with a comparison of the princess's dress and the heroine herself, try to compose your stories based on fairy tales, or arrange a talent competition.

For the birthday of a girl of 10 years old, young princesses can do hairstyles in the style of cartoon heroines. Particular attention should be paid to fabulous music, which will set the tone and atmosphere of the holiday.

Video: birthday design ideas for a girl

Many interesting ideas for decorating a thematic birthday in the video:

How to spend a 10 year old girl's birthday in the style of "Alice in Wonderland"

If the girl likes the book or movie "Alice in Wonderland", then you can stylize the holiday according to the plot of this story and spend it in the form of a tea party.

Organizing a birthday in the style of a fairy tale is a little more difficult - you will have to involve adults who will play the roles of the Red Queen and the Mad Hatter, but the result will please you and the birthday girl.

The revived heroes of the fairy tale will set the tone for the whole holiday, organizing funny contests and acting out situations.

Party invitations can be made from printouts based on the movie.

Pay special attention to the decor: make sure that among the decorations there is a place for a hat, a clock, a service, a candlestick.

Attributes that can be printed in large format (characters from the film, forest decorations, flowers, maps) will not be superfluous. You will also need bright paper and balloons, lanterns, paths for the festive table, bows for chairs.

The aesthetics of a fairy tale can be conveyed in black-white-red colors, a checkerboard pattern on the decorations, and large cards.

You can use various plates, posters with famous quotes from the fairy tale: "Eat me!", "Drink me!", "Open me!" etc.

Do not forget about contests based on fairy tales and matching fairy music. A photo zone with fairy-tale characters will surprise and delight the birthday girl and her guests.

Video: decor and entertainment ideas

Let's go on a fabulous journey - ideas for a holiday in the style of "Alice in Wonderland" in the video clip:

Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of the girl in the style of "Superheroes"

A girl who is interested in superheroes may be interested in a birthday in this style.

The young birthday girl and her guests need to prepare in advance superhero masks and capes, preferably bright and varied.

Give every girl the opportunity to show imagination and think over her image, character, abilities.

So the girls will be transported to their own superhero universe.

Suggest as fun creating your own superhero story, creative competition for "superhero" ability.

It can be reading a poem, or a song, or a dance. Make sure that each participant in the competition receives a small pleasant prize.

Decorations for such a themed party should be bright, colorful and voluminous: paper and balloons, posters, drawings, garlands, flags.

Music will be appropriate energetic, groovy, suitable for active dances.

As a treat, bright fruit snacks, cakes, colorful candies and soft drinks are suitable.

Video: Superhero Decorations

We make birthday decor in the style of superheroes - in detail in the video:

Cool birthday theme for a girl of 10 years old - "Art Party"

An interesting idea for a 10-year-old girl's birthday can be a rainbow art party.

The most important thing here will be the observance of the rainbow color scheme. Take care of a multi-colored photo zone and bright, matching decorations.

Multi-colored candies will not be superfluous (an interesting solution would be to distribute candies, fruits or sweets in containers by color), bright balls, garlands, awnings made of rainbow fabrics, arches.

As entertainment, it would be logical to offer guests and the birthday girl creative tasks related, for example, to drawing with bright colors, creating large bright collages, drawing on fabric, etc.

Offer your children the most creativity and expression possible. Prepare bright, pleasant prizes for guests.

Energetic dance music and joyful children's laughter will serve as a good accompaniment to the holiday.

Adult Idea for Birthday 10 Years Girl - Pajama Party

One of the popular birthday themes is the pajama party.

Its organization involves some difficulties.

Firstly, at such parties, guests usually stay overnight.

Secondly, parents of children who are invited to the celebration should not be against this idea.

If there is an opportunity to hold such a party, then your child will be delighted!

A pajama party involves pajamas, so of course you can have a fashion show of outfits that will delight the girls a lot.

Traditional entertainment at such a party can be considered a pillow fight (don't forget about safety precautions!), Drawing on fabric, telling stories and fairy tales, watching films and cartoons, story making contests, etc.

For competition prizes, make small bags of sweets.

Music at such a party should be calm, pleasant, conducive to a cozy holiday.

Serve homemade cakes (pie, cookies), light hot sandwiches, hot cocoa as a treat.

Decorate the room where the holiday will be held with flowers, single-color garlands, unobtrusive decorations.

Such a birthday will be remembered for its atmosphere of warmth, comfort and children's smiles.

Ideas for decor and attributes for a pajama party in the video:

These are just some of the options for holding a birthday party for a girl of 10 years. Trust the wishes of your child - then the holiday will turn out to be unforgettable for the girl and her guests.