Invitations for September 1st

Good day, dear readers and subscribers. I hope you had time to relax, soak up the seashore, swim in clear and warm water and are ready for new achievements. After all, very soon we will have a wonderful holiday on September 1. Today we will discuss the invitation to the lineup for September 1st.

Everyone associates the beginning of autumn with the celebration of the Day of Knowledge. Children, students, as well as parents await this day with trepidation and are thoroughly preparing. But today we will not talk about the usual troubles that accompany this holiday, but about the festive side of this day. I think each of us loves beautiful cards, as well as invitations for different types of holidays.

So why not make it beautiful? After all, you can draw up interesting invitation cards and hand them over to everyone you wish to see on this day.

The tradition of presenting invitations to the line

At the moment, there are already many cases when a school with its teaching staff draws up beautiful postcards for children and their parents. In these postcards, teachers invite their students to a ceremonial meeting to share the Day of Knowledge celebrations together.

There can be many options, fortunately, now there are many printing houses where competent workers are sitting, who are able to choose the right design for this invitation.

In fact, there are now a huge number of options for creating a postcard for September 1st. You can choose from the proposed ideas or create your own. It will be possible to draw anything, it would be only desire and imagination.

Agree, it's nice to receive such a postcard for a celebration and it doesn't matter where your child is studying - at school or in kindergarten.

Probably, we are just used to the fact that the most important celebrations in our life take place according to the scenario we know. First, we receive invitations, as for guests, then we choose gifts and outfits, and only then we go to the holiday itself. After all, it is incredibly pleasant that they remember you, they invite you and they want to celebrate this or that holiday with you.

And September 1 is such a holiday for our children, brothers and sisters. They are entering a new stage in their lives that testifies to their growing up. That is why one wants to remember this holiday as the brightest and most memorable celebration.

How to make invitation cards yourself

So, if you are a responsible parent and want to help the school in organizing this holiday, you definitely need to learn how to make invitation cards. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. It is enough to make a beautiful template, and then take it to the printing house, where you will need the number of copies.

How to write invitation text

The most important component of such a postcard is, of course, the text. You can write only official information, for example: "invite", "time", "place", and, of course, the names of the guests.

You can find ready-made versions on the Internet, or you can compose the text yourself. Here, as anyone wants, but for convenience, I will give several options.

Hello beloved school! Hello golden autumn! Hello, our favorite class (name and school number). September 1 invites all students (during the beginning of the line) to the ceremonial line, which is dedicated to the Day of Knowledge.

Once again, we are ready to open the doors of our school. The new page of its history, like the first one in any academic year, is called the Day of Knowledge. We invite everyone on September 1, to the solemn ceremony dedicated to the First Bell!

The school administration (indicate the number), with great pleasure, wishes to invite you (child's name), as well as your family and friends, to the solemn meeting in honor of September 1. Do not forget your portfolio, as well as a great mood. See you!

You can also resort to using poetry.

Knowledge Day will be soon,

We are handing you the invitation.

Check that the form is in time

She completely missed school.

Teachers are waiting here, friends -

Everyone will be glad to see you!

From vacation oblivion

"It all starts with a school bell"

The song "Back to School" is played

Lead 1:- Urmetti ata analar, Kymbatty Uriptester, shәkirtter zhane bүgіngі merekenin Yonaқtary! Biz sizderman kayta kedeskenimizge kuanyshtymyz.

Lead 2:- Hello dear parents, teachers, students and guests of our holiday. We are glad to see you again!

Lead 1:- Sabagtar men uzilister, baқylaular men emtikhandar bori alda, al bogin meiram!

Lead 1

September has come, summer has ended

The holiday of knowledge, study, marks has come.

Children, parents, teachers!

Happy holiday, friends!

Lead 2

It seems like we were standing yesterday

We met a merry vacation time,

Which after the school year

How long has it begun? But queen nature

Unrelenting, and the months of summer

In past. And the school uniform is on.

Lead 1

A couple of minutes - and the first call

You will be called back to the lesson.

School doors will swing open again

The school days will begin tomorrow.

Well, today is a festive hour!


Happy Holidays, we congratulate all of you!

Lead 2

An unusual day in the world today

Music is everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened its doors to everyone.

And don't be sad girls, boys,

For games, undertakings and fairy-tale books

In school life, the magic does not end

The tale continues here too.

Lead 1

Where are the lesser of you?

Let it come out here now

The very first, first class!

Lead 2

School, meet your youngest students, your first graders and the 9th grade graduation!

Lead 1

To loud applause, we invite first-graders to us, led by our first teacher, N.V. Dolganova. and ninth-graders with a cool mother - Shiryaeva E.S.

(Music sounds They teach at school, accompanied by 9th graders, first graders enter)

Lead 2

The heart beats more joyfully

If in the morning soared to the zenith,

The flag of Kazakhstan is proudly weaving

The anthem of my country sounds!

1 presenter:Bilim konine arnalgan saltanatty zhyynymyzdy ashyk dep zhariyalaymyz.

2 leading: The solemn line dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year is announced open!

NVP teacher

School! Attention!

Stand at attention while singing the national anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

Anthem sounds

Lead 1: 2016 is a jubilee year for our country, this year we celebrate 25 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 80 years of the formation of the North Kazakhstan region, on August 30 we celebrated the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Over the years of independence, our Republic has become a stable, successfully developing state.

Lead 2: Today we can face the future with confidence.

Our homeland is one of the most democratic states that takes care of its citizens, creating all the necessary conditions for the life of its citizens.

(the readers come out) Yana:

Azattyk zheri Kazakhtyk Eli

Shatyka toly bүgіngі tөri

Kogildir tuym kogildir suyip

Kөk pen kөk taudan turady biik!

Әlemge atyң zhayylsyn zharkyn

Zhasai ber zhasa Kazakstan!

Mereyli bolsyn apeyil khalgym

Zhasai ber zhasa Kazakstan!


My homeland is endless steppes,

it is a peaceful sky overhead.

There is no better place on the planet

This is paradise, this is home, this is my native land!

My homeland is the beauty of nature,

This is the world, a great ocean!

It is a symbol of wealth, a symbol of freedom!

My homeland is my independent Kazakhstan!

1 presenter: Zhana onu zhylymen sizderdi Vagulino orta mektebinin directors Ilyubaeva Gulnara Kairzhanovna uttyktaidy.

Lead 2

The floor for congratulations is given to Nurlan Abdulovich Sultangazin, head of the department of employment and social programs of the Kyzylzhar region.

Lead 1

The long-awaited September has come

Especially desirable for schoolchildren,

After all, the school opens the doors again

With love and special trust.

Lead 2

The floor for congratulations is given to the akim of the Vagulinsky rural district, Terekhova Lyudmila Anatolyevna.

Lead 1

Autumn swirls golden leaves,

And in a beautiful golden rain

Scarlet dahlias, large

Blooming stars everywhere.

Lead 2

This is the flowering of first graders

At the time of golden, wonderful days.

These are new stars glow

And the flights of white doves.

Lead 1

The floor is given to the youngest students who begin their exciting journey to the Land of Knowledge today.

Lead 2

Welcome our dear first graders with friendly applause!

Outlet of "First graders" No. _____ Performance of first graders

School doors today

Are opening up for us.

We came to school for the first time,

We entered the first grade.

I'm not against knowledge at all

Not now

Another summer beckons with a river

And does not pull in the class.

At home I have a computer, TV, dvd,

Well, in the school office there are only tables and books ...

Well, these are excuses

Frivolous showdowns.

Just got scared

Schools got scared ...

School is the same house.

It will take us a long time to study in it.

And mom and dad know:

Best friends at school

And your teacher - it couldn't be better!

Yes, how she appeared,

Immediately I fell in love with her ...

Smart and kind


It's actually good here!

I went to the dining room

Well, and there - attention-

Everything is like in a restaurant.

Here are such offices-

Beauty is like in space!

There are such toilets-

Just like at McDonald's!

Well, I would say so:

I liked the gym.

They say he's new

And already ready.

In general, to be honest,

Our school is wonderful!

Our second home will be here

Here we will live gloriously!

Admire us all,

And you will remember us.

We promise the best

Will be at school ...

All: First class!

Nursing "First-graders" No. _____

Lead 1

Well done, first graders!

To find out how big the earth is,

To discover sciences, like countries,

Teachers will lead you to knowledge -

Proven captains.

Lead 2

The floor is given to the first teacher Natalya Viktorovna.

Lead 1

On behalf of dads and moms, grandmothers and grandfathers, he addresses


Speech by 1st grade parents

The background sounds "Baba Yaga's exit" No. _____ Baba Yaga flies out under the whistle

Baba Yaga:

And Baba Yaga is against!

Plundered you to the holiday!

Who's in charge here? (addressing the director)

Are you naughty girl?

How much can you every year

Gather all the people here?

As if someone wants to go to school!

Quite the opposite!

(addresses any boy on the line)

Yes, you would again

To go to "Serebryany Bor" to rest,

And they drove you to school

Stand on the ruler!

I say from all the guys:

They don't want to study here!

And who wants - for God's sake-

Let them sit at the desk.

Lead 1:

Hey beauty, calm down

Calm down, don't be angry!

Lead 1:

Why are you mad?

Lead 2:

Al toadstools chewed on?

Baba Yaga:

You didn't invite me to the party.

You didn't let me speak!

Do you know, my soul,

As I hoped ?!

Well I was going for six months,

I combed my hair once every five hundred years!

I am the only tooth

I washed it with soap and water.

I don't have in the forest

Neither Kva - fresh, nor Blendamet.

Do you see everyone at school,

Have you picked up any knowledge?

I'll sit in the woods as a dumbass -

I do not want to leave you behind!

I'm Yaga, not a silly one!

Right now, without knowledge, nowhere!

Lead 1.

Calm down, finally

Lead 2.

Well, she came - and well done!

Baba Yaga:

I can’t, my soul!

I was so offended!

Look how everyone's dressed up here

Have washed and powdered!

I've been walking in this for a hundred years

And in the winter in one, and in the summer!

I have no more strength to endure!

So you can get sick!

Lead 1:

Calm down, there is a way out!

School pantries are countless

For such "beauty" outfits.

Well, go, you will be glad!

Dress up soon

Come back to the guys!

You will be our student

You will become a wise girl.

M language "At the school desk" No. _____

Baba Yaga leaves, changes into a school uniform

Lead 2:

Graduates hurry to congratulate the first graders, for whom the Day of Knowledge is the last one within the walls of our school.

Music sounds graduates number _____


M language giving gifts to class 1 No. _____

Baba Yaga appears, dressed in a school uniform.

Lead 1.

Guys, look how our guest has changed, now you won't recognize her.

Baba Yaga.

Now I understand! Brothers, I respect you!

The holiday can be continued! I will not bother you!

I see that your kids are wonderfully good!

I want to check them: are they able to study?

First-graders, do not yawn, answer questions!

If we are talking about you, "Yes!" shout the same hour.

Since there is no talk about you here, say "No!" in reply.

Are you up early today?

You didn't become capricious?

Did you come here to study?

Will you be lazy at school?

Will you always fight?

Well, then tease, huh?

Will you study at "five"?

And also get "deuces"?

Do you want to find friends here?

Then bon voyage!

Baba Yaga.

As a sign that I love you, I will give you a bell.

The bell is not simple - it is ringing and mischievous!

If you ring it, open the door to the world of knowledge!

Hands the call to the first graders, leaves.

Lead 1.

Thank you, this gift is very useful to us, because today the first school bell for this academic year will sound for all the children.

Lead 2.

Let the very first bell ring now

And the long-awaited lesson will begin with us.

You will keep these moments in your hearts

And bring joy from them through the years!

Lead 1.

Ring, bell! Ring, bell!

Cheerful, sad, impudent!

Another lesson awaits you in life,

Childhood is quietly leaving! ..

Lead 2.

Ring, bell! Ring, bell,

Opening lessons!

We are moving forward to knowledge,

Not knowing fatigue!

Music sounds no. _____ "Calls" The bell rings

Lead 1.

Well, a start has been made ...

And on time according to plan from the pier

We are sailing for a whole year!

Lead 2.

Let him bring discoveries!

Lead 1.

Dictation for five ...

Lead 2.

... solved problems ...

Lead 1.

To make everything work out well!

Lead 2.

Our holiday ends, but let the joy of meeting be endless!

Lead 1

Well, on a good hour and on a good journey,

Smile, schoolboy, do not forget!

School invites us to the Land of Knowledge,

And the year begins its demo account!

Lead 2:- The first call is given by a 1st grade student__Gunger Timofey _____

and a student of grade 9_Sudina Anna ______________________________.

(During the call, the presenters read the words)

Lead 1:- The bell rings for many years in a row

Hearing him, people smile,

And the faces of the guys are blooming:

It's time, lessons begin!

1 presenter: Today we are delighted to welcome our new teachers:

Zakharova Alexandra Yurievna, primary school teacher.

2 ved: Kolyvanova Victoria Vladimirovna, educational psychologist, teacher of self-knowledge.

1 ved: Zhumagali Dauren Orazayuly, teacher-organizer of the CWP.

2 ved: Khabibulin Ravil Alfatovich, teacher of mathematics and computer science.

2 presenter: Our students will be accompanied in an exciting sailing on the sea of ​​knowledge by class teachers: 1st grade - Dolganova Natalya Viktorovna.

Lead 1: Grade 2 - Tatyana Alexandrovna Hertz

Lead 2: Grade 3 - Franz Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna

Lead 1: Grade 4 - Zakharova Alexandra Yurievna

Lead 2: Grade 5 - Kiseleva Maria Alekseevna

Lead 1: Grade 6 - Kolyvanova Victoria Vladimirovna

Lead 2: Grade 7 - Talgat Tursunbekovich Sharipov

Lead 1: Grade 8 - Karaseva Irina Yurievna

Lead 2: Grade 9 - Shiryaeva Ekaterina Sergeevna

Lead 1: Grade 10 - Shiryaev Valery Anatolyevich

Lead 1:Biz saltanatymyzdy birinshi du ool shapalaқpen birinshi synypty shykaryp salamyz.

Lead 2: And the first to leave our lineup for their first school lesson in life, first grade students, to our loud and incessant applause.

Lead 1:

Grade 9 students

Lead 2:

Grade 2 students

Lead 1:

Grade 3 students

Lead 2:

Grade 4 students

Lead 1:

Grade 5 students

Lead 2:

Grade 6 students

Lead 1:

Grade 7 students

Lead 2:

Grade 8 students

Lead 1:

Grade 10 students

Lead 2

Hold hands tight

And go to the classes.

Together :

Good luck, friends, forward!

The school is looking forward to it!

Lead 1:

Zhaңa oқu zhyly barshaңyzғa құtty bolsyn. Oқu zhyly sәttі bolsyn! Aқ zhol sizderge, mektep oқushylary!

Lead 2:

At this, the solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge has come to an end. Thank you for the attention!

Song number _____ "September 1st" is playing

▫ Another statement of B.L. Vasiliev: "From the moment a person begins to understand that he has fallen in love, he ceases to exist for himself and seeks to live for others."
▫ Here the meaning comes out - the desire to punish people who, according to the current laws, are not guilty of anything, to punish arbitrarily, based on their own preferences. This is similar to the emergence of the term tolerance, the planting, I would even say, behind a beautiful wrapper is an abomination, such as same-sex marriages, and a `condescending 'attitude towards neo-fascists and underdogs, as in Lithuania, and so on, so on ... About confirmation of intent - and his neighbor will confirm ... You remark to him that he drove his wheelbarrow onto the lawn, and he slander. He is right, wrong, the signal has arrived, they will understand. About a frying pan - a frying pan that has fallen on your head falls under the Criminal Code, but psychological violence in the question `Why haven't you taken out the trash yet? Forcing your son to do his homework - an excuse to figure out ... in the psychological abuse of the child. Wherever you spit, everywhere violence, or the threat of such.
▫ Beauty!
▫ 46 degrees below zero ??? Oh really??? That's great!!! I love these winters. Even pride takes. We used to get to minus 38-40, but it seems to be not minus 46. Although 4-5 years ago, our thermometers recorded a night temperature of minus 55 degrees at night. And in the afternoon over 30. Everything was cracking from the frost. I thought that our village would freeze. But our CHP was working at full capacity. The batteries were boiling water. It's warm at home, it's good, but it was so cold outside that even the asphalt cracked. There was an abnormal frost. But I liked it. Valenki put on a warm coat and went out into the street. And even then it was cold. Even in felt boots, my feet were freezing. I had to carry boots to the shoemaker so that he sewed the sole on the sole. But some do not want to walk in felt boots. They're trendy. In boots, but in boots with thin soles, like Epolite. And what's the use? Then they caught cold, but in hospitals. And we are Soviet people - we are beautiful and felt boots. We value peasant life. We only force when it's warm. And it's warm this year. Minus 10 during the day, minus 20 at night. There is no wind. I don't even wear mittens. But early in the morning frost is felt. But since there is no wind and the frost is dry, although it is felt, it does not burn. Just recently it was minus 34 degrees at 7 in the morning. Immediately I felt that Frost the governor had come to visit us. So the tree has already been set up in the square. Beautiful! In general, we have a good winter. And now, like in this photo. This is the day before yesterday's photo. 6629334-a4235762

Dear first grader! September 1 We invite you and your parents to the celebratory assembly dedicated to the Day of Knowledge!

The lineup will be held at the school's playground (School No.) at (exact time).

We will look forward to meeting you!

Hello school! Hello, autumn! Hello, our beloved class. (School name and number) September 1st invites all students at (line-up time) to solemn ruler , which is dedicated to the "Day of Knowledge".

Dear students of our school, as well as their parents! On September 1, at (the time of the beginning of the lineup), a solemn line will take place, to which students of grades 1-11 are invited. The event will be attended by the school administration, as well as representatives of the city education department! Respectfully yours, Deputy Director of the School (full name).

Dear friend, this year you turned seven years old and on September 1, you will cross the threshold of a wonderful school (school number) to meet your second family. I, (full name of the teacher) - your future class teacher, will become your faithful friend and assistant in mastering interesting and amazing sciences. I really hope that our friendship will last for eleven years.

Our first meeting with you will take place on September 1 (year) at (time of the beginning of the line). On this day, you will meet your classmates - the same seven-year-old boys and girls. I look forward to meeting you and your parents.

(Name of the class teacher).

Dear parents (names of the parents of the first grader)! On this day, when your child embarks on a difficult, but incredibly interesting path of knowledge, one should not forget about the most important thing: about life wisdom. I want to wish your child that in the first place in his life there was always knowledge and wisdom that helps to cope with all life's problems.

I invite you to the solemn assembly, which will take place on September 1 at (time) on the school playground (school number). Look forward to meeting!

We invite you and your parents
On the ruler that the school will take place!
Day for the student and for the teacher,
The day that knowledge will bring you!

We invite you guys
On your very first call!
Take pens and notebooks,
We will teach you a lesson!

The school is waiting for you and the teacher is waiting for you!
It's September already!
You hurry to your lessons,
At the school desk to the noisy kids!

The first day of autumn has come
And golden leaves are spinning!
You haven't forgotten school over the summer,
Friends in it remained dear!

The familiar corridor smells like paint
And the doors are open in every class.
Come quickly to the schoolyard!
The day of knowledge is truly wonderful!

Knowledge Day will be in September,
We send you an invitation!
Come to the ruler
Take flowers, textbooks!

Teachers are waiting for you here
Your good friends!
The first call comes
To your very first lesson!

First grader! We invite you
Tomorrow to school for the first call!
And we wish you success in your studies!
Come quickly to the lesson!

There will be many flowers and gifts
You will find new friends soon!
Don't forget your pencil and notebook
And sit down at your desk as soon as possible!

On the first day of September at school
The bell will ring again!
And the guys in the hallway
They are waiting for a lesson with portfolios!

Come and you to our school,
We invite you!
There are verbs in textbooks
The guys are waiting for September!

Here the bell rings again -
Lesson begins!
Come to school to us
Take your pen and notebook!
Knowledge Day that September,
He invites everyone to him!

Boys and girls, as well as their parents!
We invite you! Would you like to come to us?
On your first call, you come to school!
You flowers with you, take your textbooks!
We congratulate you on the first of September!
And we promise you a lot of interesting things at school!

We invite you to study,
We invite you to the first class!
And parents take the road
You will be shown the first time.

Come to school tomorrow
All teachers are waiting for you,
Textbooks and desks are waiting!
First grader, we are waiting for you!