High blood pressure in teenagers causes. Where to lay the straw. Low blood pressure in adolescence

High blood pressure is not only a problem for older people. According to experts, the first “jumps” of numbers on the tonometer in children can be observed already in the puberty period, during puberty. However, high blood pressure in adolescents is not always the first sign of impending arterial hypertension.

Healthy people tried to figure out what symptoms of high blood pressure in children should not be ignored, what is the reason for the high numbers on the tonometer in schoolchildren and whether this can be avoided. With these questions, we turned to Irina Chizhevskaya.

Irina Chizhevskaya

Head of the Department of Pediatrics of the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Seven causes of high blood pressure in teenagers

The danger of high blood pressure is that a person may not feel it. Well-being - as before, and the numbers on the tonometer "go off scale". If we talk about adults, then high blood pressure is provoked by bad habits, and already “earned” chronic diseases, somewhere an irresponsible attitude towards one’s health (it will pass by itself), constant lack of sleep and stress. Why do children already at the age of 13-14 "jump" pressure? There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, it could be just plain tiredness. The rhythm of life of almost every student is quite intense. Sections, circles, additional classes, lessons and tutors - everything must be done in time. There is no time for a good rest.

Secondly, high blood pressure in adolescents is associated with the processes of their growth and development. And above all with hormonal changes that occur in the body. By the way, hormonal changes often cause an increase in pressure in boys than in girls. And the culprit of this is the hormone testosterone.

Irina Chizhevskaya

Chief freelance pediatric cardiorheumatologist of the Ministry of Health

During puberty, children experience a large “release” of hormones. The walls of blood vessels, which narrow, react to them. As a result, a possible increase in pressure.

Thirdly, overweight and obesity can be the cause of high blood pressure numbers.

Irina Chizhevskaya

Chief freelance pediatric cardiorheumatologist of the Ministry of Health

The abundance of sweets, carbonated drinks, fast food in the diet - all this, combined with a sedentary lifestyle, provokes overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. Excess body weight leads to the fact that metabolic processes in the body are disturbed, insulin resistance develops (impaired biological response of body tissues to the action of insulin). High insulin levels - high blood pressure.

Fourth, children may experience some kind of stressful situation.. Adolescence is also a time of searching for one's "I", doubts about how life will turn out, choosing a future profession. Many experience a strong psycho-emotional overstrain, which also provokes an increase in blood pressure.

Fifth, the child may have diseases that entail arterial hypertension., - endocrine disorders, malformations of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, stenosis (narrowing) of the renal arteries.

Sixth, the hereditary factor. If parents suffer from arterial hypertension, then the child will also be predisposed to the development of this disease.

Irina Chizhevskaya

Chief freelance pediatric cardiorheumatologist of the Ministry of Health

Most often, arterial hypertension is inherited through the maternal line.

Seventhly, sometimes a child's tonometer shows increased numbers at a doctor's visit. At home everything is fine. In this case, the cause of the increase in pressure may be the usual fear of the doctor, or, as it is also called, "white coat hypertension."

How about normal?

For each age, taking into account various factors, blood pressure can be different. However, the difference between the readings of the tonometer on the two hands should not exceed 5-10 mm. mercury column.

Irina Chizhevskaya

Chief freelance pediatric cardiorheumatologist of the Ministry of Health

Blood pressure is a variable value. In the morning, immediately after sleep, it can be one, and after physical exertion, the tonometer will show completely different numbers.

for upper (systolic) blood pressure

1.7* for age+ 83

For example: a child is 10 years old. So 1.7*10+83=100

for lower (diastolic) pressure


For example: the same 10-year-old child. So 1.6*10+42=58

top: 90 + (n) and bottom: 60 + (n). Where (n) is the number of years.

What to look out for and what to do if your child has high blood pressure

It is necessary to measure blood pressure in the following cases:

If the blood pressure numbers are far beyond the normal range, your actions:

  • the child must be laid and calmed, open the window so that there is an influx of fresh air. It would not be superfluous to give sedatives, for example, valerian or glycine;
  • if you have measured the pressure and it is high, you can use drugs that will lower it("Captopril" or "Enalapril"). They are placed under the tongue and sucked. However, do not delay a visit to the doctor or call an ambulance;
  • there are no such drugs at home, and the child feels bad, - call 103.
  • without the help of an ambulance if, in addition to high pressure the teenager has nausea and vomiting, he feels weak and dizzy.

Various diseases of the cardiovascular system appear not only in old age. Increasingly, young people and adolescents are suffering from such ailments. An increase in blood pressure at the age of 17 is a wake-up call. The disease causes serious complications, and in the absence of proper treatment provokes the development of pathological changes in adulthood.

The efficiency of the circulatory system is determined by the values ​​(BP). It is blood pressure that characterizes the proportion of the force of contraction of the heart muscle and the resistance force of the walls of blood vessels. The units of pressure are millimeters of mercury (mmHg). The parameter is evaluated by two components: during contraction of the heart muscles (systolic blood pressure) and relaxation (diastolic pressure).

Blood pressure determines the rate of blood flow, which provides oxygen to the internal organs and tissues. Those. Blood pressure is responsible for all metabolic processes in the body of a teenager and an adult. The value of indicators depends on factors:

  • Age. Throughout life, a person's blood pressure gradually increases. Moreover, in adolescence, spasmodic changes in parameters associated with hormonal changes in the body are characteristic.
  • Gender of the child. Boys aged 14-17 have lower blood pressure than girls aged 7-10.
  • Body mass. In the presence of excess weight, the manifestation of hypertension is inevitable. An increase in blood pressure in adolescents with obesity indicates the presence of serious diseases.
  • Bad habits.

Changes in blood pressure during the day are due to the following reasons:

  • Measurement position.
  • Times of Day.
  • The psychological and emotional state of the child (with tension and stress, the level of blood pressure rises).
  • Taking medications that affect the hemodynamics of the body.
  • Improper nutrition (exciting drinks: tea, coffee, carbonated and alcoholic drinks).

For newborns, blood pressure in the region of 66-70 / 55 mm is considered normal. rt. Art. for systolic and diastolic pressure, respectively. Until the age of seven, the parameters change slightly. And in the period of 7-17 years, blood pressure changes abruptly. At the age of a child 15-17 years old, normal are close to those of adults: 100-140 / 70-90 mm. rt. Art. and pulse at rest not exceeding 80 beats per minute.

To calculate the norms of blood pressure in adolescents of different ages, a certain algorithm is used:

1.7 * child's age + 83 - to calculate systolic pressure.

1.6 * child's age + 42 - for diastolic pressure.

According to this algorithm, the average blood pressure norms for adolescents aged 7-17 years are calculated. The main disadvantage of such a calculation is the independence of the parameters from the sex and height of the child. And these factors have a great influence on performance, especially during puberty.

Causes of hypertension in adolescents

Sharp drops are associated with two main reasons:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body of a teenager. In the period of 15-17 years, the production of certain hormones occurs intensively, which causes sharp jumps in blood pressure.
  2. Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD). Adolescents often show signs of disorders of the autonomic nervous system, which is characterized by increased intracranial pressure and certain symptoms: frequent headaches, nausea, facial swelling, dizziness, increased sweating, increased heart rate, increased sensitivity to light, nervousness, stress.

Hypertension develops under the influence of other factors: poor ecology, unhealthy lifestyle, general weakness of the body. An increase in blood pressure in adolescents aged 14, 15, 17 years is often accompanied by the presence of serious diseases:

  • Renal failure.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Narrowing of the renal vessels.
  • The development of oncology.

Hypertension at the age of 14, 15, 17 years is possible with hereditary predisposition, strong emotional overload.

Symptoms of hypertension and diagnosis of the disease

High blood pressure in children in adolescence has similar symptoms to adult hypertension.

  • Headaches worse in the morning and evening.
  • Vertigo.
  • Irritability, overexertion, fatigue.
  • Sudden mood swings associated with poor health.

Hypertension caused by hormonal changes in the body, as a rule, goes away on its own after 17 years. Parents often do not notice signs of an increase in blood pressure, writing off the symptoms for a difficult transition period. Changes in blood pressure caused by health problems require immediate treatment. What to do in this case? Only with timely diagnosis can serious complications in adulthood be avoided.

Hypertension is diagnosed in children with regular and systematic measurement of blood pressure. Once elevated blood pressure, as a rule, is associated with unpleasant and difficult situations in life (stress, overexertion, fatigue before exams).

If the blood pressure indicators are increased more than 3 times in a row, then a child's examination is required: blood and urine tests, ultrasound of the internal organs to exclude pathologies, an ECG of the heart. If necessary, an examination by an endocrinologist, neuropathologist, cardiologist is prescribed. Timely diagnosis allows you to identify at an early stage. This allows you to start treatment at a young age, in order to avoid serious complications in the future.

Treatment Methods

Regardless of the age of the child, hypertension requires immediate treatment. What to do in this case? The therapy includes a set of activities:

  1. Medical treatment. At the age of 14-17 years, sparing drugs are prescribed in the minimum dosage to normalize pressure.
  2. Compliance with diet and proper lifestyle. Good nutrition, age-appropriate physical activity, regular walks in the fresh air, the absence of bad habits, weight control - these factors ensure the normal development of a teenager and exclude the development of hypertension.
  3. Folk remedies. Various herbs (rosehip, dandelion) that help lower blood pressure, help relieve the symptoms of the disease, and alleviate the condition. But such drugs do not eliminate the cause of hypertension.

It is not uncommon for teenagers to have low blood pressure. In this case, it is necessary to raise the general tone of the body and improve the functioning of blood vessels. For children, a suitable option is hardening, moderate physical activity with a gradual increase in the intensity of classes, herbal medicine (lemongrass, green tea, rosemary and other herbs).

Treatment of hypertension in adolescents aged 14-17 years is a necessary and serious step. Alarming bells with an increase in blood pressure indicate that you should pay close attention to the health and lifestyle of the child. Often these symptoms are accompanied by serious diseases that require immediate treatment. It is impossible to achieve a result by taking only pills that reduce blood pressure. It is necessary to identify the causes of hypertension, and only then begin the course of treatment.

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Cardiology Center informs: High blood pressure - hypertension in children and adolescents

Determination of high blood pressure - hypertension in children and adolescents

With high blood pressure, a cardiologist distinguishes between primary (essential) and secondary hypertension. An increasing number of children suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension). According to statistics from the Federal Council of Pediatric and Adolescent Physicians, hypertension occurs in 4 percent of preschool children and 10 percent of school-age children. High blood pressure in children and adolescents is a serious disease that can lead to damage to the walls of blood vessels and lead to serious consequences. If this disease is not under the supervision of a cardiologist, diseases such as atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, stroke, kidney failure may occur in adulthood, which can cost the patient several years of life. Before reaching the age of 4 years, the blood pressure of children is measured twice during preventive examinations.

Blood pressure indicates the pressure at which blood flows through a child's arteries. Usually, blood pressure is recorded as a pair of numbers - the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the maximum (systolic) and minimum (diastolic) pressure. Blood pressure is measured on the shoulder of a child or teenager, its value is expressed in millimeters of mercury (Russian designation - mm Hg; international - mm Hg.). When measuring pressure, the child or teenager should be as relaxed as possible. The upper (systolic) value indicates the highest pressure in the blood vessels that occurs when the heart contracts (contracts), pushing blood into the arteries. Then the force of contraction of the heart decreases (dilation), the pressure drops. In this phase, the lower (diastolic) value is measured.

In children, blood pressure is lower than in adults and depends on the age, sex and height of the child. The blood pressure of children is not a constant value, it can change, for example, during a night's sleep, during physical exertion, and largely depends on the emotional state of the child. When measuring pressure, cardiologists are guided by the values ​​​​of the German Hypertension League:

If one of the values ​​exceeds the norm, cardiologists diagnose high blood pressure (hypertension) in children and adolescents.

Synonyms: hypertensive crisis, essential hypertension, hypertonicity, chronic high blood pressure, encephalopathy
Terms in English lang.: hypertension, blood pressure of children

High blood pressure (hypertension) in children and adolescents is usually detected by a cardiologist by chance, because at first, patients do not have any complaints or pain. If you notice the following symptoms in your child, you should immediately contact a cardiologist:

  • frequent headaches
  • dizziness
  • nosebleed
  • embarrassment
  • sleep disturbance
  • nausea and vomiting
  • nervousness
  • imbalance

The degree of the disease is determined by a cardiologist, he will advise parents on what they can do with a child's high blood pressure. The cause of high blood pressure (hypertension) in children and adolescents is rarely associated with diseases of the internal organs. However, kidney or heart disease can indeed lead to high blood pressure. In this case, we are talking about secondary hypertension. Primary (essential) hypertension usually occurs in children and adolescents, accounting for 85-95% of cases. Primary hypertension has no cause and is not associated with pathologies. Overweight, high blood lipids, and impaired sugar metabolism (diabetes) can cause high blood pressure in children and adolescents. Recently, however, it has become known that substances used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), such as methylphenidate (Ritalin) or atomexetine (Strattera), for example, cause side effects in the form of high blood pressure in 90 percent of patients.

Overweight, high blood lipids, diabetes are the main causes of high blood pressure (hypertension) in children and adolescents, so cardiologists strongly recommend that you monitor your child's weight, eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly with children and adolescents. The following preventive measures can help prevent hypertension in children:

  • low fat diet
  • food low in salt
  • Biking
  • walking
  • swimming
  • jogging

Daily physical education, for 30 minutes, reduces the blood pressure of children and adolescents by 4-9 mm Hg. Art. It is recommended to regularly measure the child's blood pressure and keep daily records, fixing the results.

Depending on the symptomatology, in addition to consulting your doctor, a detailed diagnosis by various specialists may follow. These include:

  • cardiologist
  • internist
  • nephrologist
  • angiologist
  • pediatrician

Before the cardiologist begins the examination, he will begin with a conversation (anamnesis) regarding your current complaints. In addition, he will also ask you about past complaints, as well as the presence of possible diseases.

The following questions may await you:

  • How long ago did the symptoms start?
  • Could you describe the symptoms more precisely and localize them?
  • Have you noticed any changes in the process of symptomatology?
  • Do you experience additional symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness?
  • Have you already experienced something like this? Were there similar symptoms in the family?
  • Do you currently have any diseases or hereditary predisposition to the disease and are you under treatment for this?
  • Are you currently taking medications?
  • Do you suffer from allergies?
  • Do you often experience stress at home?

Your cardiologist needs to review the medications you regularly take. Please prepare a chart of the medications you are taking before your first appointment with your doctor. A sample of such a table can be found at the link: Medication Scheme.

Based on the characteristics of the symptoms identified during the history and the current state of your child, the cardiologist may resort to the following examinations:

  • repeated measurement of blood pressure in the supine and standing position
  • 24-hour 24-hour blood pressure monitoring
  • blood and urine tests (for cholesterol, blood sugar, hormone breakdown products, uric acid)
  • family medical history
  • ultrasound examination, ECG

Your attending cardiologist will advise you in detail about the possibilities of treatment (therapy) for your child. Therapy with the use of drugs in childhood is one of the most difficult, because. many drugs that lower blood pressure are not suitable for the child's body and can have a negative effect on it. Therefore, doctors recommend first treatment with non-drug methods, first of all, weight control and movement in the fresh air. It has been established that with a decrease in weight by 1 kg, blood pressure drops by about 1 mm. rt. Art. In the event that non-drug methods of treatment do not bring the expected result and the child's pressure does not decrease to normal, the cardiologist prescribes medications for high blood pressure, such as:

  • ACE inhibitor
  • angiotensin - type 1 receptor blocker
  • calcium antagonists
  • beta blockers

The best way to prevent high blood pressure in children and adolescents is to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and sufficient movement. Children and adolescents who exercise regularly and are not overweight usually do not have high blood pressure (hypertension).

Cardiologists pay special attention of parents to the timely treatment of high blood pressure in children and adolescents. Thus, parents will support the level of physical health of the child and increase his life expectancy. First of all, it is necessary to change the lifestyle, parents must support the child in his endeavors.

Every fifth teenager has high blood pressure from time to time. A trifle or the beginning of a disease?

Every fifth teenager has high blood pressure from time to time. A trifle or the beginning of a disease?

For the first time, jumps in blood pressure in Dima were noticed at the age of 15. By that time, he had already reached 179 cm, weighed 93 kg and spoke in a bass voice. But suddenly in the autumn in the mornings my head started to hurt and feel dizzy, so I didn’t have the strength to go to school.


To make sure it wasn't an "inflammation of the cunning", Mom dragged Dima to the doctor. The pressure turned out to be elevated, and my mother was alarmed: there was a hypertensive grandmother in the family. The teenage doctor recommended to measure the pressure every day, and at the same time go for a consultation with an endocrinologist: a well-fed lad really would not hurt to lose weight.

Specialist comment:

One of the common causes of high blood pressure in adolescents is hereditary, when a mother or maternal grandmother suffers from hypertension. If this is your case, try to protect the child.

Do not let him get fat: being overweight is a very significant factor in increasing pressure;

Do not feed fatty foods and sweet pastries. Plant foods should prevail, especially those that have a lot of potassium: dried apricots, prunes, baked potatoes, leafy greens ...

Limit salt intake: no more than 5 g per day, including that contained in canned food and sausages;

The child should not overwork either mentally or physically. Let him go to bed on time, walk a lot;

Running, swimming, skiing are useful ... But it is better to refuse static loads - weightlifting, wrestling;

Explain to your teenager that alcohol and cigarettes also cause high blood pressure, and he especially should not experiment with them.

Naughty Vessels

The pressure jumped: it was normal for a week, then it was over 150, then it dropped below 100. The doctor made a diagnosis: vegetative-vascular dystonia. She advised me to diet, spend more time outdoors and move more.

The endocrinologist convinced Dima: “We need to lose weight. The more weight a man has, the worse sex hormones work in his body. What kind of a man will you be?

But Dimka did not care about these problems. Every evening, staring into the open refrigerator, he whined: “Again there is no sausage. I can't live without sandwiches!" Mom gave up and bought sausage, bread, and buns.

Covering his fat belly with a wide sweatshirt, Dimka sometimes turned around at the mirror in the hallway: “Mom, look how slim I am!” “But the child’s self-esteem is good,” mother sighed to herself.

Specialist comment:

Vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type in 30% of cases is a precursor of hypertension. Vessels constrict in response to weather and overload. The pressure rises not constantly, but from time to time, at first not very high. This is where you need to see a doctor to avoid problems in the future.

It happens that a child complains of headache, dizziness, tingling in the heart area, but the pressure is normal. Nevertheless, these complaints can also be the initial signs of hypertension. In this case, you need to go to a pediatric cardiologist: he will prescribe a daily control of pressure and establish the cause of the complaints.


Once Dimka was engaged in the ping-pong section. I went to training 3-4 times a week, brought a bunch of certificates from the sports camp ... But by the 9th grade I gave up ping-pong, became interested in the computer. “You should at least take a walk,” Mom advises. “Yeah…” Dimka replies. “You don’t move at all, you need to walk more!” "I'm moving, I'm walking around the house ..."

The tension reached its peak during the 9th grade exams: the boy's blood pressure was constantly elevated. Mom was worried, sawed for triples, scared that she would not go to college ... In the summer, Dima did not complain about his health, and at the end of August, before an interview at a computer college, where he really wanted to go, the pressure jumped again, his head often hurt. Mom couldn't find her place.

Specialist comment:

For the first six months, it is worth trying to reduce pressure without medication: in addition to the daily routine and diet, a teenager must be taught to relax. After all, hypertension is a psychosomatic disease, with it it is very important to control your emotions. Physiotherapy helps well: electrophoresis, electrosleep, acupuncture.

If this does not help for six months, the doctor prescribes vegetotropic and nootropic drugs with a mild sedative effect. Herbal tinctures work very well for teenagers. For headaches and disorders of cerebral circulation, vascular preparations are prescribed. If this does not help, drugs for adults are individually selected. But this happens infrequently: with proper treatment of youthful pressure surges, hypertension can be avoided.

Dima still went to college. Mom worried and stopped: well, she won’t go to college, she’ll mess with computers, and okay - if only she was happy! The house immediately became calmer, and the pressure of the newly minted student was firmly within the normal range. And soon my mother noticed with surprise that the boy began to take care of himself and clearly intends to lose weight. Probably fell in love!

Often the phenomenon is high blood pressure in children. There are more than enough reasons for his jumps, and therefore each parent needs to be attentive to the state of health of his child and, at the first signs of hypertension, contact specialized doctors. Symptoms of arterial hypertension vary depending on the stage of the course of the disease, but even at the very beginning of the disease, changes in the behavior of the child can be seen.

In adolescence, an increase in blood pressure is usually noted, but also when measuring its indicators with a tonometer, it is possible to detect low blood pressure and a high pulse. Low blood pressure in a child may indicate comorbidities or simply be the result of taking the wrong dosage of antihypertensive drugs.

What should be the normal pressure for babies and older children? Upper blood pressure in adolescents, namely in children of 10 years old and starting from 6 years old, is in the range of 110-126 mm Hg. Lower blood pressure in a 10-year-old child: from 70 to 82 mm Hg. Art. What pressure should be for a teenager at 11 - 13 years old, as well as at 14 years old? Normal upper blood pressure is 110-136 mm Hg. Art., and the lower from 70 to 86. The table describes the norms of pressure in a preschool child.

Interested in parents and what pressure is considered low for a child? A teenager has low blood pressure of 100 to 50 or 90 to 60. To raise the pressure, the patient should be provided with adequate sleep and proper nutrition. If a child of 8 years old or at 9 years of age or older has a decrease in blood pressure, then the doctor may prescribe hypertensive drugs, which must be taken under the supervision of parents in a strictly prescribed dosage. You can learn more about the treatment of hypotension from a specialized physician.

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Increased blood pressure in boys and girls is noted after suffering mental overstrain, with the abuse of bad habits, and also if kidney pathologies, diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease are diagnosed. The main cause of hypertension in adolescents over the age of 12 is emotional distress. Other causes of high blood pressure may include:

  • protein in the blood
  • thickening of the blood fluid;
  • increased level of adrenaline;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • trauma;
  • weather sensitivity.

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Especially exposed to an increase in blood pressure are children whose close relatives are prone to hypertension. Increased blood pressure in a child is not always provoked by pathological processes occurring in the human body or external factors. Sometimes blood pressure jumps in a girl or a guy during their puberty. Therefore, pressure drops in adolescents at 13 years old (at 12, 14 or 15 years old, depending on gender and the period when the body reaches biologically sexual activity) is a normal phenomenon and at this age does not pose a danger to the health of the child.

High blood pressure at 12 years old is considered normal if it does not exceed 120. If the pressure is 140 to 80 in a teenager or other values ​​\u200b\u200bthat go beyond the upper limits of the norm, then parents should be worried and consult a doctor with the child.

Excessive fullness or thinness affects the development of hypertension.

The physique also affects the pressure indicators in children. So, low blood pressure is usually noted in a 14-year-old teenager if he is tall and thin. Hypertension appears in overweight children. For a 15-year-old child, when there is a rapid development of personality, an increased pressure of 150/90 occurs against the background of severe stress or as a result of hormonal changes. Usually at the age of 15, teenagers experience their first love, which sometimes leads to strong emotional upheavals. It should be understood that the body of each teenager is individual and if one 12-year-old girl has already undergone physical changes, then others at this age have not yet undergone cardinal physiological transformations.

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Increased blood pressure in a child can occur in 3 stages, which are described in the table:

stages Description
I Mild and characterized by slight rises in blood pressure, which are normalized during rest. There is a decrease in mental performance, headache, sleep disturbance and irritability appears.
II More serious violations of cerebral circulation with the development of atherosclerosis appear. There are various symptoms of vascular insufficiency and diffuse bilateral decrease in kidney function.
III Severe stage of hypertension, characterized by a steady increase in blood pressure. Hypertensive crises occur, which are accompanied by paralysis, paresis and disorders of cerebral circulation. Perhaps the development of chronic renal failure, as well as cardiac or cerebral pathology, dangerous to death.

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Inflated pressure indicators in children are manifested in overwork, impotence, irritability. When blood pressure rises, the child may complain of headache, dizziness, palpitations and pain in the heart area. In a hypertensive crisis, babies observe the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • blurred vision;
  • disturbance of consciousness.

Every fifth teenager has high blood pressure from time to time. A trifle or the beginning of a disease?

For the first time, jumps in blood pressure in Dima were noticed at the age of 15. By that time, he had already reached 179 cm, weighed 93 kg and spoke in a bass voice. But suddenly in the autumn in the mornings my head started to hurt and feel dizzy, so I didn’t have the strength to go to school.


To make sure it wasn't an "inflammation of the cunning", Mom dragged Dima to the doctor. The pressure turned out to be elevated, and my mother was alarmed: there was a hypertensive grandmother in the family. The teenage doctor recommended to measure the pressure every day, and at the same time go for a consultation with an endocrinologist: a well-fed lad really would not hurt to lose weight.

Specialist comment:

One of the common causes of high blood pressure in adolescents is hereditary, when a mother or maternal grandmother suffers from hypertension. If this is your case, try to protect the child.

. Do not let him get fat: excess weight is a very significant factor in increasing pressure;

. do not feed fatty foods and sweet pastries. Plant foods should prevail, especially those that have a lot of potassium: dried apricots, prunes, baked potatoes, leafy greens ...

. limit salt intake: no more than 5 g per day, including that contained in canned food and sausages;

. the child should not overwork either mentally or physically. Let him go to bed on time, walk a lot;

. running, swimming, skiing are useful ... But it is better to refuse static loads - weightlifting, wrestling;

. explain to the teenager that alcohol and cigarettes also provoke an increase in pressure, and he especially should not experiment with them.

Naughty Vessels

The pressure jumped: it was normal for a week, then it was over 150, then it dropped below 100. The doctor made a diagnosis: vegetative-vascular dystonia. She advised me to diet, spend more time outdoors and move more.

The endocrinologist convinced Dima: “We need to lose weight. The more weight a man has, the worse sex hormones work in his body. What kind of a man will you be?

But Dimka did not care about these problems. Every evening, staring into the open refrigerator, he whined: “Again there is no sausage. I can't live without sandwiches!" Mom gave up and bought sausage, bread, and buns.

Covering his fat belly with a wide sweatshirt, Dimka sometimes turned around at the mirror in the hallway: “Mom, look how slim I am!” “But the child’s self-esteem is good,” mother sighed to herself.

Specialist comment:

Vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type in 30% of cases is a precursor of hypertension. Vessels constrict in response to weather and overload. The pressure rises not constantly, but from time to time, at first not very high. This is where you need to see a doctor to avoid problems in the future.

It happens that a child complains of headache, dizziness, tingling in the heart area, but the pressure is normal. Nevertheless, these complaints can also be the initial signs of hypertension. In this case, you need to go to a pediatric cardiologist: he will prescribe a daily control of pressure and establish the cause of the complaints.



The lower the birth weight of a child, the higher the chance of getting hypertension as an adult.

Up to 30% of children suffer from "white coat hypertension": the pressure jumps at the moment when the doctor puts a tonometer cuff on their arm. Usually these are anxious, excitable, unbalanced guys. To understand if this is not your case, the child needs to conduct daily monitoring of pressure.

Once Dimka was engaged in the ping-pong section. I went to training 3-4 times a week, brought a bunch of certificates from the sports camp ... But by the 9th grade I gave up ping-pong, became interested in the computer. “You should at least take a walk,” Mom advises. “Yeah…” Dimka replies. “You don’t move at all, you need to walk more!” "I'm moving, I'm walking around the house ..."

The tension reached its peak during the 9th grade exams: the boy's blood pressure was constantly elevated. Mom was worried, sawed for triples, scared that she would not go to college ... In the summer, Dima did not complain about his health, and at the end of August, before an interview at a computer college, where he really wanted to go, the pressure jumped again, his head often hurt. Mom couldn't find her place.