Congratulate a man on his 60th birthday with words. Festive portal jubilee-en-bis.rf - everything for your anniversary. your guests will ask you to repeat the anniversary encore

We sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful anniversary date, in which life wisdom, experience of the past years, personal achievements and realized goals are so harmoniously combined. We would like to wish you confidence in your abilities, success, excellent health, respect and love from your family and friends for many years to come.

My dear hero of the day! Once upon a time, you looked with some embarrassment at those who celebrate their big anniversary. It seemed to you that he was 60, this is an elderly and respected person, he deserved the right to rest ... And now this number unexpectedly crept up to you - 60! And you are still young at heart and full of strength and energy, you are ready to move mountains on your way, your soul sings, and your heart is full of love for loved ones. So 60 is not that scary and not much for such an active person as you. I wish you not to lose optimism and vigor, let health not fail, and loved ones always delight with their love. Happy anniversary, dear!

Let me wish you a happy birthday! Let your eyes glow with a warm spark of happiness, and your heart will freeze only with joy. Let the vivacity of the body and spirit move you to new heights, and the guardian angel will always be there. Let sorrows and hardships pass you by, and the sun will always shine over your home. You have achieved a lot and there is so much more to come! Your work can serve as an example for beginners, and you yourself as a role model. And these are not empty words - you deserve respect. All the smiles of the world today are for you. All raised glasses are for you. Be healthy, do not lose heart, do not take the bad to heart. Let only good, dear and kind people surround you!


Anniversary is the time to receive warm congratulations from relatives and friends. 60 years is not only experience and years, but also respect, merit and wisdom. I wish you to always be in harmony with yourself, in well-being and happiness with your loved one, in joy and care for your grandchildren, in peace in moments of rest. Health to the body, youth to the soul, shine to the eyes. Happy Birthday!

The most beautiful anniversary for a man is his sixtieth birthday. Much has been done in life. There is something to be proud of, there is something to talk about. The accumulated experience allows you to make the right decisions. You no longer receive advice, but give. I want to wish you to live without regretting anything. Enjoy every minute of your life. Enjoy being with your family. Be proud of your strong and friendly family. May you succeed in any of your undertakings. Let friends be around. And the years of life will be long. Live as long as possible. Thank life for all the good, forget the bad once and for all. Please accept my most sincere congratulations and always stay in shape.

Birthday is the most desired and long-awaited holiday for each of us. And no matter how old we are, we always look forward to this holiday. We sincerely congratulate you, our dearest person, on your 60th anniversary. We sincerely wish you good health, great happiness, success and luck in everything. Be necessary for everyone always, be confident in yourself. Let every day pleasantly surprise you and give you new hopes. May the Lord always keep you, and the family lives in abundance and prosperity.

The 60th anniversary is a celebration of joy and wisdom. We sincerely congratulate you on such a wonderful celebration. We wish all your dreams come true. Let health only multiply every year. In everything you success, prosperity and kindness. Meet every day with a smile, and never give a reason for sadness. May everything go well with you and succeed, may your children and grandchildren love and appreciate you. Be always so beautiful, dear, affectionate. Good luck with everything and all the best.

Today is a very important date in your life. You are 60 years old. Let me sincerely congratulate you on such a wonderful anniversary. May your every day be filled with joy and warmth, may all your cherished dreams come true. May God grant you good health, good mood and luck in everything. May your family live in prosperity and joy. Long and happy years to you, the world of the Lord's blessings. Be loved and needed always by everyone. May today's holiday bring you much joy and fun.

All compliments and tender words today are only for you. After all, you are our hero of the occasion, you are 60 years old. We want to always be in great shape. May all obstacles disappear in your path, and happiness and good luck will forever be registered in your home. Let each day begin with a smile and a good mood. In everything you have endurance and patience, never pay attention to the little things in life, be the mistress of your destiny. Let your house be a full bowl, and life seems like a raspberry. All the best to you, dear.

Congratulations in your own words on the anniversary of 60 years

For worries, for deeds, years flew by like fast birds. Everything was on the way: joys and sorrows, hardships and good luck. But you overcame all this and are celebrating your 60th anniversary with dignity. With all my heart we wish you life inspiration, good health, great happiness. May this anniversary year be lucky, may your cherished dreams come true. Always be in a good mood, believe that all the best is waiting for you ahead. May the Lord protect you from all problems.

Miracles do not happen in the world, and we will never return the years we have lived. But you don't have to worry about the past. Today is the main date in your life - the 60th anniversary. This is the main and solemn event in your life. From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you success in everything, joy, prosperity. May the sun of good luck always warm you, may hope, faith and love always walk side by side. Be happy and all the best to you. Greet each day with a smile and delight your loved ones with your presence.

Our dear and beloved! We congratulate you on your 60th birthday and wish you health, strength and happiness. Let illnesses bypass, the heart always sings, and the soul remains young and cheerful. We love you very much, you give us comfort and care all your life, so now accept it all from us.

Congratulations on your 60th birthday and I want to wish that the 6th sense does not fail and that there is 0% sadness in life. May the soul rejoice in every new day, may the heart sing and dream, may health only grow stronger, may there be many bright and memorable moments in the company of relatives and friends, accompanied by good mood and love.

Congratulations on your 60th birthday. I sincerely wish that the past years become not a mark of age, but only an experience of wisdom and experience. May luck always walk next to you, may the sun of happiness and goodness always shine for you.

Congratulations on the anniversary. At the age of 60, a wonderful time of life begins, filled with bright memories, warm meetings, kind smiles, new interests and pleasant evenings. I sincerely congratulate you on this important date and wish you to continue your journey in full health and optimism, be proud of the years you have lived and the successes you have achieved, cherish your loved ones and warm your heart with love.

I heartily congratulate you on your 60th birthday. Please accept the warmest and most generous wishes of health, prosperity, spiritual and financial wealth, sensitivity and care of loved ones, peace and love in the family, beauty in the heart and outside the window, joy in every moment and every day.

Congratulations on your 60th anniversary! We wish your life to be filled with wonderful events and a full range of good feelings! May good health allow you to feel more and more new impressions from cordial meetings, travels and adventures. We wish you the support of loved ones, peace of mind and a lot of joy!

I congratulate you on your 60th anniversary, on this round date! On your anniversary, I want to wish you to remain as young, beautiful and interesting. I wish you an inexhaustible sense of humor and the most lasting health! May everything that you want come true in life with all your heart and soul! Let love not leave you for a minute, and good luck does not leave you! Let everything in this world not be accidental, but I wish you that real miracles happen to you, because you really want to believe that magic exists on this planet! I wish you to see such beauty that would take your breath away! May all your dreams come true and even more! Happy anniversary!

Beautiful congratulations in prose for 60 years

60 years came so suddenly that you did not have time to enjoy the surf, breathe in the fresh scent of pine needles in a spruce forest, did not have time to climb the highest mountain in the world and swim across the widest river on Earth! But after all, 60 years is only the beginning of a stormy life in which you still have time to experience all this extreme. Happy anniversary, dear!

So you are in your sixth decade. And for you, on this anniversary day, all the most beautiful congratulations sound! May the Lord always be by your side. Protects and always helps to rise. You are a beautiful woman and accept these sincere words from us. Happy anniversary to you, our dear.

On the day of the 60th anniversary, please accept our sincere congratulations on the anniversary! On this festive day, we want to express our deep respect and admiration to you! You have always been an example for us in everything - in work, family life and friendship. People are always drawn to you, and you find the right words and advice for everyone, you do not refuse help and participation to anyone. You have a big golden heart, with the warmth of which you warm everyone who is close to you. Thank you for your wisdom and spiritual beauty. Please accept our sincere congratulations on the anniversary and wishes of good health, material well-being, family happiness and joy. Let your house be a full bowl, filled to the brim with tenderness and mutual understanding.

There are such concepts over which time has no power - duty, professionalism, responsibility, the spirit of creation. And all this applies to you. Respect is not yet subject to years. Please accept our sincere respect and wishes to remain what you have been for us all these years, the person you want to follow and work with. Happy Anniversary, Happy 60th Anniversary!

Dear hero of the day, please accept my warmest congratulations on your 60th birthday. Maybe sometimes it seems to you that life becomes useless in old age, and maybe you think about the years you have lived. Remember that you have lived only one hour of the time allotted to you and new minutes, hours and days of years await you ahead, which you must use to good use! So let's drink to the past and upcoming minutes of a new life!

A very wise man said: "There are two ways of moving in life: a person either rolls or climbs." What is easier? Probably roll, but if you think about it, the rollers leave the stage prematurely. It is difficult to imagine a person who would roll for 60 years. And you can climb! You, ***, are from the category of climbers. So let you climb to 100 years

Please accept my sincere wishes for your 60th birthday! It is difficult to wish for those people who have everything! I'm talking about you - you are young at heart and good-looking, you have a wonderful and wonderful family, you are wise and successful in business! You are loved and respected, and many want to be like you. And yet I have one wish: I really want it to be like this forever, and therefore I sincerely wish you good health and longevity!

Congratulations on the 60th anniversary of a man

This is a chance to start all over again.
It's a sea of ​​hobbies
All that is in your destiny!
You are sixty today
And let your years fly
And there is no reason to worry.
You are so loved by your family
You are respected by friends
Know neither grief nor sorrow,
And invite us to a new anniversary!
You are 60, and whether there will be more!
After all, how much has been done along the way,
And on this holiday people congratulate
Which in life were lucky to find.
May there be many more
you goals,
To always strive and dream
And life let crazy carousels
for a long time
You could still ride.
You and just inspiration
For exploits, for many years,
Let life be like an adventure
In which
You are never bored!
Let your anniversary remind you
And how much more is destined for you
Pass, reach and accomplish...
And you do not look at the years - They are just days on the calendar,
And you become wiser
Strongest in the whole
If trouble dares to come,
And for relatives
You are like a support
The whole family is proud of you!
You are a husband and dad, grandfather already,
And the light in the eyes laughs even harder,
You are a "young boy" still in my heart,
Not everyone succeeds.
Be as always strong and beautiful,
The same smart, charming, beloved,
Let the dawn greet you with a smile
Well, fate always protects.
Only light and reason accepts.
May the new day be clear
On your difficult road,
In the circle of friends, in the fire of ideas,
In fate, in joy is not meager.
Your anniversary is a mirror morning,
Your anniversary - congratulations, confessions,
Your anniversary is like a golden ball.
May you be 60 today!
But fun!
We will meet with poems and songs
The holiday is beautiful, spring, simple.
A maple is waving out the window, and friendly
The sun looks out the window at you.
The holiday today is so restless,
Rarely do they happen in fate.
So pour into glasses of champagne
We will meet and see off sadness.
Let life be filled with dancing
Even when you are 60 years old. Do not be afraid of the demon, you are in the ribs. After all, sixty is such a small amount!

congratulations to 60 years old man

Congratulations to a man at 60, beautiful congratulations in prose

congratulations anniversary 60 years man

Congratulations to a man at 60

That small article will be devoted to congratulations to a man at 60, said in his own words.

For some reason lately, poetic rhyme has not developed at all, and prose in the form of a letter does not require strict adherence to poetic rules. In order to beautifully and originally congratulate the hero of the day on his sixtieth birthday, you should at least know him a little.

Agree that a complete stranger is very difficult to congratulate as expected. The ideal option would be if
In solemn prose, you will use not quite ordinary phraseological units with a touch of not vulgar, but subtle humor.

60 years is a "round date", so the expression "round fool" does not fit in any way. So try to congratulate the hero of the day, beautifully playing with these seemingly mutually exclusive phrases.

This is exactly what my friend did when he congratulated his bosom friend's father on his sixtieth birthday. Expensive
Markovich. My grandmother used to say that at the age of 60 a man has a second wind, while the first one has not yet spent its power.

Today we celebrate not only
Your anniversary, but also the damn agility with which
You have reached such a respectable age. My grandfather, living next to his beloved grandmother, never allowed to be called grandfather.

So let at the age of 60
You will feel at all forty-five, remembering that at this age "berries are just blooming." I would like to
Wish you that in the next 60 years
You have a third wind.

Good health, happy longevity and spiritual youth, from which you so want to live. The originality and beauty of such a congratulation lies in an unusual play on words, in which a shade of subtle pathos is traced, which is not capable of offending the hero of the day.

After all, indeed, many say that at 60, life is just beginning, like a postman
Pechkin from the Soviet cartoon. In this case, prose could be supplemented with a few lines of poetry to make the congratulation even more original.

Beautiful congratulations to a man
You can say while giving a heartfelt gift, which can fully or partially correspond to the words spoken. In the event that the sixty-year-old hero of the day experiences health problems, then the beautiful congratulations proposed above
You will only offend the birthday man, because these words will sound at least like a mockery.

Before inventing prose for congratulations, prepare well for a public speech so that the speech does not sound dry and confused. Remember that management does not like it when the distance between superiors and subordinates is violated, so a congratulatory tirade should be chosen with more care.

It would be best if
You will emphasize the professional qualities of the leader, noting his energy, which is not characteristic of many in the age category of 60 years. I suppose that
Without much, you can come up with a beautiful congratulation to a man on his 60th birthday, using the above recommendations in practice. The material was prepared by me - dvin
Vostryakovsky. Posted in: Useful tips and tricks for every day

congratulations to a man on his 60th birthday

It is worth it to say: "I will!" - And she will answer: "Be!" But it is known that from the century
Better no news than news
About the birth of man. Let the heart not feel tired,
This is maturity in everything and always,
This is a great experience.
Only if you do not grow old soul. I wish you a full cup of happiness
For your hard work and dedication.

Sincere congratulations on the birthday of a man of 60 years old - an anniversary in verse
You are still young, at heart - that's for sure!
You don't have to worry about every little thing.
After all, 60 is not 90 at all,
And you still have a lot to do. I wish you never cry, - have fun,
And rejoice in the happiness that you have inside.
And if something is wrong, there is no need to be angry at all,
The good is still ahead!
How many wonderful dates there are
For those who are in love with life!
Not yet autumn 60, Here is the date!
Exactly 60! - poems
My dear hero of the day!
Once upon a time, you looked with some embarrassment at those who celebrate their big anniversary. It seemed to you that he was 60, this is an elderly and respected person, he deserved the right to rest ... And now this number unexpectedly crept up to you - 60!
And you are still young at heart and full of strength and energy, you are ready to move mountains on your way, your soul sings, and your heart is full of love for loved ones. So 60 is not that scary and not much for such an active person as you. I wish you not to lose optimism and vigor, let health not fail, and loved ones always delight with their love. Happy anniversary, dear!
I always knew that you are an amazing woman!
Kind, beautiful, sympathetic, with a flexible mind and wonderful charm. And today I see that you still know a secret secret that any representative of the fair sex would like to possess. Many sages and wizards tried to comprehend this secret, and fate revealed it to the most worthy - you. What is this secret? This is the secret of eternal youth. And most importantly, it not only helps you stay in great physical shape, but also allows you to always remain a young soul. I wish that your relatives and loved ones always appreciate what kind of woman is next to them!
Dear our man!
You are the closest and beloved, the most caring and restless.
For your attention and care
God has already rewarded you: he gave you a wonderful family, a tender loving wife, children who respect you, wonderful grandchildren. You are not deprived of friends, each of which is ready to do everything for you. It seemed to God that this was not enough, and he also endowed you with a good job - most importantly, it brings you pleasure, and not just money, although the latter is very important. So thank you all
God for the fact that he did not leave such a good person in difficult times, that he led you through life - let him continue to do this in the future. And we just wish you good, good health!

Sixty years is a time when all anxieties and troubles are behind. I wish the hero of the day to enjoy the fruits of his working career for forty long years and rejoice at the successes of his children and the wet pants of his grandchildren, and then successfully retire to a well-deserved pension. I would like to honestly say to the hero of the day, - It was not easy to work with you, moreover, it was hard!

Happy Anniversary, Happy 60th Anniversary!
There are such concepts over which time has no power - duty, professionalism, responsibility, the spirit of creation. And all this applies to
To you.

Respect is not yet subject to years. Please accept our sincere respect and wishes to remain the same.
You have been for us all these years, the person we want to follow and work with. Happy anniversary
You, with the 60th anniversary!
Kikabidze compared his years with wealth, and I would like to compare your 60 years with a treasure.

Remember that you have lived only one hour of the time allotted to you and new minutes, hours and days of years await you ahead, which you must use to good use!
So let's drink to the past and upcoming minutes of a new life!
A very wise man said: "There are two ways of moving in life: a person either rolls or climbs." What is easier?

Probably roll, but if you think about it, the rollers leave the stage prematurely. It is difficult to imagine a person who would roll for 60 years. And you can climb!
You - from the category of climbers. So let you climb up to 100 years Congratulations and toasts to a man on his 60th birthday in
Congratulations on the anniversary! I wish you an endless series of these solemn anniversaries, meet and see off these holidays without sadness and regret, celebrate anniversaries for many decades to come!
And let the running numbers not be afraid, let the gray hair not make you sad, let the soul grow younger no matter what!
Health, love, vivid life impressions, let life play with colors at 60,
70 and 80 years old, and every year adds wisdom and experience, but does not diminish health and strength!
Happy anniversary, our dear! Dad - happy 60th birthday! We wish wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that health does not fail. So that the mood is always on top.

I wish you a wonderful celebration of your next anniversary. So that in your 60s you feel like you are 16. And I want to wish you to always be strong, courageous and successful. 60 years is a great experience of a lived life, you have achieved a lot both in the field of your career, and in the field of family and private life. You are an example of a real man for all of us. On this significant day, accept congratulations on your 60th anniversary and sincere wishes for health, longevity, financial well-being, harmony and peace in the family. Let life give joy, and loved ones care.

We present
You these lines a day
Your birth, poems for the anniversary. Favorite boss!
Happy 60th Anniversary
You! May all dreams come true, even the most unfulfilled ones!
And after the last dream comes true, may a hundred new ones appear.
Because only dreams motivate us to move forward and achieve results!
Excellent results to you and that you have enough time to rest! The longest road is the road called life! Each of them is unique in terms of the level of difficulty, the number of obstacles, and the amount of happiness!
Your way to creep into the distance as an easy path of a summer sunny day among quiet mighty oaks!
And promises many, many more interesting things on the way!
Happy 60th birthday! Dear our man! You are the closest and beloved, the most caring and restless.

For your attention and care
God has already rewarded you: he gave you a wonderful family, a tender loving wife, children who respect you, wonderful grandchildren. You are not deprived of friends, each of which is ready to do everything for you. It seemed to God that this was not enough, and he also endowed you with a good job - most importantly, it brings you pleasure, and not just money, although the latter is very important. So thank you all
God for the fact that he did not leave such a good person in difficult times, that he led you through life - let him continue to do this in the future. And we just wish you good, good health!

Over the years, you do not age, but become stronger, wiser, more tolerant - and it is these qualities that take life to a different level, at which real values ​​​​become obvious and everyday trifles become indifferent. Today you perfectly understand that the main thing in life is love for loved ones and love of loved ones!
So let this love be over the edge in your life !!!
And be infinitely happy! There is nothing more valuable and more expensive than health, well-being of relatives, relatives, friends. Human life is based on these values.

And today is the day when you want to wish the very best to a loved one doubly, on his anniversary. May all that is beautiful on this planet not pass you and your home. Let the world become more beautiful and kinder at 60, health only gets stronger from year to year, and the soul gets younger. Happy Birthday to you!

A very wise man said: "There are two ways of moving in life: a person either rolls or climbs." What is easier? Probably roll, but if you think about it, the rollers leave the stage prematurely. It is difficult to imagine a person who would roll for 60 years. And you can climb!
You - from the category of climbers. So let you climb up to 100 years On this happy day, we wish you only luck and happiness, good weather in the house, may all failures and troubles bypass your cozy hospitable home!
We wish you health up to a hundred years, cheerfulness and strength of mind, do not give up in any situation, catch luck by the tail and do not let go!
Happy anniversary, colleague! Father!
So the solemn day of your 60th birthday has come. We all - children, grandchildren, congratulate you on such a significant date. The 60-year milestone is a certain milestone in life, summing up and evaluating your achievements.

We wish you more than once to sum up. You raised children and you see how your grandchildren grow up, babysit great-grandchildren, and then sit down for memoirs. Health to you, full-flowing life, energy and unshakable faith. With day

Dear leader! You have been the head of our department for many years now. These years flew by unnoticed and somehow familiar, but you get used to the good quickly. You managed to rally the team, professionally subordinate to one common goal and achieve tangible results. Huge thank you man
you for
Your leadership talent. health
To you,
Your family, optimistic energy for many, many years to come, so that everything for which
You took, brought
You only positive emotions and faith in the future. Happy 60th Anniversary
You! You are 60 today!
Exactly 60?! Seeing every day
You at work, you can't say that.
No one has so much energy, strength, cheerful mood. I congratulate you on your anniversary!
Continue to charge the atmosphere in our team with positive. I want bright sunshine
your fate! Congratulations on your sixtieth birthday!

We can say with confidence that we came to the anniversary of a man with a generous soul, in whose eyes a sparkle sparkles and these eyes are always cheerful, kind. You are an energetic, fearless person, and not only in moments of danger, but in general, in life, i.e. never passing. wish
I wish you good health, fulfillment of plans, peace and prosperity, faith in yourself, hope for a worthy future and, of course, love. We want to be courageous, strong, reliable. Only with such a set of qualities will your family feel close to
You are like behind a stone wall in complete safety.

And so that life does not pass by a solid gray cloud - bright events, positive, emotions, joy, beauty! With day
Birth of you, dad. Sixty years is a whole epoch, so many things and events that it is simply difficult for me to imagine.

Your stories have always made me proud of the kind of father I have and I believe that it will always be so. Happy holiday to you and may everything you want come true. Happy 60th Anniversary
Birthday. The day comes and the date comes when the next result is summed up, and deeds and achievements are remembered, all the best that I could do in life!
Let the years develop from happy days and gather more than once friends at the hearth of kindness, warmth and light, a wonderful occasion - a glorious anniversary. And let fate not skimp on joy, for generosity, warmth of the soul, everything that is conceived, let it happen in life, let smiles and flowers fill the house.

My dear friend! Finally, congratulations on your 60th birthday!
Accept congratulations and wishes - heroic health, biblical longevity, angelic patience and spiritual youth!
May a holiday and prosperity always live in your house, relatives and friends support, may quarrels and troubles bypass and the sun shines every day!
I give you these poetic lines on the day of the anniversary. Our daddy! There are 60 candles on the birthday cake, and how many festive speeches you still have to hear, because you are the best dad in the world.

And we, your children, want to thank you for always devoting so much time to us. Be healthy and happy, good people should always be happy. Our dear, beloved hero of the day! Today we have gathered at this festive table to congratulate you not just on your birthday, but on your anniversary, a beautiful round date - 60 years!
We wish you warm words, attention of colleagues, friends, relatives and friends on this day!
May there be good health, may failure not come your way, may success accompany you in all matters!
Happiness and health for a hundred years ahead! My dear hero of the day! Once upon a time, you looked with some embarrassment at those who celebrate their big anniversary.

It seemed to you that he was 60, this is an elderly and respected person, he deserved the right to rest ... And now this number unexpectedly crept up to you - 60!
And you are still young at heart and full of strength and energy, you are ready to move mountains on your way, your soul sings, and your heart is full of love for loved ones. So 60 is not that scary and not much for such an active person as you. I wish you not to lose optimism and vigor, let health not fail, and loved ones always delight with their love. Happy anniversary, dear! I would like to honestly say to the hero of the day, - It was not easy to work with you, moreover, it was hard!
But, if I chose a companion for a long journey, I would choose you.
So, I'm ready to endure another forty years. I wish you a cheerful mood and good fellow travelers in life!
Happy Anniversary, Happy 60th Anniversary! Dear boss! We wish you that in your life there will be a lot of “better”, but there will be no “somehow” at all!
And at the same time you will also receive an award for being the best!
Happy 60th birthday
You! Daddy! Congratulations on your anniversary, because today you are only 60, this is not age yet, this is only wisdom.

I wish you happy and long years of life, good mood and great luck. And I also wish you to be happy with your mother, so that every year your love is born anew!
You're still a man though where! Dear hero of the day, please accept my warmest congratulations on your 60th birthday. Maybe sometimes it seems to you that life becomes useless in old age, and maybe you think about the years you have lived.

Dear hero of the day, congratulations on your 60th birthday! Health to you, love, good luck, kindness! Be happy! We wish you to believe in your own strength, stand firmly on your feet, constantly move forward. And may good luck accompany you not only in your career, but also in your personal life!

I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary! On your 60th birthday, I want to wish you an unbridled desire to love and appreciate every happy moment that life brings you! Let such moments last for a lifetime and will always please you! I wish you the best health in the world! Let no obstacles stand in the way, because there is still so much to do! May every moment in life bring only happiness, only sincere spiritual laughter and good luck! I wish you love like the sea, I wish you such happiness that would capture you and never let go! Congratulations on your 60th birthday! Happiness and warmth to you!

My dear hero of the day! Once upon a time, you looked with some embarrassment at those who celebrate their big anniversary. It seemed to you that he was 60, this is an elderly and respected person, he deserved the right to rest ... And now this number unexpectedly crept up to you - 60! And you are still young at heart and full of strength and energy, you are ready to move mountains on your way, your soul sings, and your heart is full of love for loved ones. So 60 is not that scary and not much for such an active person as you. I wish you not to lose optimism and vigor, let health not fail, and loved ones always delight with their love. Happy anniversary, dear!

Our dear man, we hasten to congratulate you on a wonderful round date, on your anniversary, on your sixtieth birthday! On this significant day, we wish you omnipotence, power and career growth, but with all this, we wish you not to turn up your nose and not forget your friends! May this anniversary be far from the last in your life!

Today I would like to congratulate a wonderful person, with a kind soul and heart, on his anniversary! You are already sixty years old, but your soul is not more than twenty! After all, that spark in your eyes that glow reflects your rich inner world! Let your life turn into a bright journey.

Congratulations on your 60th birthday to a wonderful man, a wonderful father and husband, a dear grandfather and a valuable employee! We wish you sparkling happiness, true prosperity, sincere love and fulfillment of all desires!

Dear hero of the day! Congratulations on your anniversary! As the American writer Edward Bock wrote: “The real life of a person begins at fifty. During these years, a person masters what true achievements are based on, acquires what can be given to others, learns what can be taught, clears what can be built on. May your true achievements help your loved ones, and your wise advice be useful to friends and grandchildren!

Dear hero of the day, just a good person, today we would like to congratulate you on your sixtieth birthday! I would like to tell you that life, although not easy, but you are worthy of going your own way, overcoming all obstacles and obstacles! So go on, and know that many look up to you.

The most golden birthday boy, with all my heart we congratulate you on the same golden date, on your 60th birthday! May your house be a full bowl, may there be peace and prosperity in it, may your loved ones always be there. We wish you today to receive welcome guests, receive wonderful gifts, listen to kind and sincere congratulations!

On this such a beautiful day, I first of all want to congratulate you, dear hero of the day, on the sixtieth anniversary of your life. Let everything in your life turn out exactly the way you want it, the way you plan it yourself. May neither sadness, nor bitterness, nor disappointment meet on your road. And every day will be bright and bright.

Today I am glad to congratulate the best man on his anniversary. You will not be given sixty years in any century, well, forty maximum. Because you are always positive, energetic and cheerful. So God bless you with good health and inspiration every day.

Congratulations on your sixtieth birthday! We can say with confidence that we came to the anniversary of a man with a generous soul, in whose eyes a sparkle sparkles and these eyes are always cheerful, kind. You are an energetic, fearless person, and not only in moments of danger, but in general, in life, i.e. never passing. We wish you good health, fulfillment of your plans, peace and prosperity, faith in yourself, hope for a worthy future and, of course, love. We want to be courageous, strong, reliable. Only with such a set of qualities will your family feel completely safe next to you as behind a stone wall. And so that life does not pass by a solid gray cloud - bright events, positive, emotions, joy, beauty!

Our dear hero of the day! Fate gave you a close-knit family, devoted friends, the years, adding, left only pure, sincere relationships, and the hardships of fate did not obscure the beauty and taste of life. Love, sincerity and purity in the soul have been carried through the years, everything unnecessary has been eliminated, and only the real thing that is needed for simple human happiness remains. There is something to look back at, there is something to remember, there is something to live with. Years pass, only bright moments remain in the kaleidoscope of Life. We wish that all life seemed like a holiday, and problems and minor troubles were not noticed at all. Health to you, our dear hero of the day, and longevity!

On the day of a wonderful anniversary and celebration in honor of the 60th birthday, I sincerely and with admiration want to congratulate you! I have known you for a very long time, your life path passed before my eyes! You have always fascinated me with your optimism, perseverance, ability to overcome difficulties and achieve the desired result! And, at the same time, you have always been and remain an open, friendly, sympathetic person, to whom people are always drawn. You find a common language with relatives, friends and subordinates, regardless of their age and position. You are young at heart and soul, and this is wonderful! I wish you health, happiness and new achievements!

Dear sixty-year-old hero of the day (just a fifteen-year-old captain!)! We understand everything very well, and your joyful smile will by no means hide from us some kind of cunning flashing in your eyes. Consider this an official warning: if, starting tomorrow, you hope to somehow reduce the accuracy, intensity and regularity of communication with us, do not even think about it! There are very few people like you on this ball, and therefore we appreciate and love you very much! Continue to give us the joy of communicating with you, do not let us miss a single opportunity to receive wise advice and valuable guidance from you, wash us with a generous stream of your experience and knowledge. Happy anniversary, dear! Happy birthday!

I always knew you were an amazing woman! Kind, beautiful, sympathetic, with a flexible mind and wonderful charm. And today I see that you still know a secret secret that any representative of the fair sex would like to possess. Many sages and wizards tried to comprehend this secret, and fate revealed it to the most worthy - you. What is this secret? This is the secret of eternal youth. And most importantly, it not only helps you stay in great physical shape, but also allows you to always remain a young soul. I wish that your relatives and loved ones always appreciate what kind of woman is next to them!

Dear our man! You are the closest and beloved, the most caring and restless. For your attention and care, God has already rewarded you: he gave you a wonderful family, a tender loving wife, children who respect you, wonderful grandchildren. You are not deprived of friends, each of which is ready to do everything for you. It seemed to God that this was not enough, and he also endowed you with a good job - most importantly, it brings you pleasure, and not just money, although the latter is very important. So let's all thank God that he did not leave such a good person in a difficult moment that he led you through life - let him continue to do this in the future. And we just wish you good, good health!

Sixty years is a time when all anxieties and troubles are behind. I wish the hero of the day to enjoy the fruits of his working career for forty long years and rejoice at the successes of his children and the wet pants of his grandchildren, and then successfully retire to a well-deserved pension.

I would like to honestly say to the hero of the day, - It was not easy to work with you, moreover, it was hard! But, if I chose a companion for a long journey, I would choose you. So, I'm ready to endure another forty years. I wish you a cheerful mood and good fellow travelers in life! Happy Anniversary, Happy 60th Anniversary!

There are such concepts over which time has no power - duty, professionalism, responsibility, the spirit of creation. And all this applies to you. Respect is not yet subject to years. Please accept our sincere respect and wishes to remain what you have been for us all these years, the person you want to follow and work with. Happy Anniversary, Happy 60th Anniversary!

Dear grandfather! You are 60 today, which means there are many reasons to rejoice! Ahead of a new stage of life - a well-deserved rest. Children have matured, grandchildren are growing up, which means that you will not be bored. We wish you good health, good spirits and just human happiness. May every day bring a lot of joy. We love you very much and will always be there for you!

On this day, puddles are up to your knees, on this day all the nightingales in the neighborhood sing, on this day it is easy and fun to live in this world, when it is clear that your friends are real, that children will provide you with a happy life, that grandchildren will give you a second youth! The day you turn 60 is so important, so you are a happy person! Happy anniversary!

6:0. It is with this score that you win everything you want. No one can compare with you and your success. Winning against fate "in the dry" - this is the talent that only you fully possess. Thank you for your life optimism and spiritual responsiveness. Happy holiday: happiness, health and all that you have not yet achieved, but you will definitely achieve!

60 years old comes to this cozy house infrequently, we want this anniversary birthday to bring you only wonderful, kind memories, so that you are surrounded by loyal friends who have been by your side all your life and have never betrayed you, we wish that your health does not fail, but my heart throbbed in my chest like a fiery engine!

(Name), I sincerely want to congratulate you on your anniversary. May this important date bring you a lot of good luck and open up new opportunities for you. May joy and happiness always accompany you, and failures bypass you. Happy holiday to you!

Congratulations on the anniversary! 60 years is not so much. Just two times 30. So let the most prosperous 30 years of life be yet to come! Comfort in the house and unanimity in the family, optimism, peace, kindness. Pleasant emotional excitement, long-awaited meetings and worthy rest!

What a wonderful anniversary - 40 years is not enough to reach a hundred! And a new life begins precisely at sixty! I congratulate you, hug, kiss, shake your hand - and all this with great joy and with all my heart! I wish that your every day begins with a joyful smile, physical exercises and the affectionate look of a loved one! Pleasant hours with children and grandchildren, invigorating walks along the alleys of the park in any weather and season, healthy eating and happiness! I wish that we celebrate your centenary with the same company!

My dear hero of the day! Once upon a time, you looked with some embarrassment at those who celebrate their big anniversary. It seemed to you that he was 60, this is an elderly and respected person, he deserved the right to rest ... And now this number unexpectedly crept up to you - 60! And you are still young at heart and full of strength and energy, you are ready to move mountains on your way, your soul sings, and your heart is full of love for loved ones. So 60 is not that scary and not much for such an active person as you. I wish you not to lose optimism and vigor, let health not fail, and loved ones always delight with their love. Happy anniversary, dear!

Sixty years, special date, anniversary. When it is already full of life experience and wisdom. When it seems to be sad, but also fun at the same time. Today we all want to congratulate you on this significant day. We wish you personal victories, good health and happiness.

Dear hero of the day, please accept my warmest congratulations on your 60th birthday. Maybe sometimes it seems to you that life becomes useless in old age, and maybe you think about the years you have lived. Remember that you have lived only one hour of the time allotted to you and new minutes, hours and days of years await you ahead, which you must use to good use! So let's drink to the past and upcoming minutes of a new life!

A very wise man said: "There are two ways of moving in life: a person either rolls or climbs." What is easier? Probably roll, but if you think about it, the rollers leave the stage prematurely. It is difficult to imagine a person who would roll for 60 years. And you can climb! You, ***, are from the category of climbers. So let you climb to 100 years

Expensive! On your anniversary, you appeared before us as a beautiful mature woman, wise with vast experience, whom you can help the younger generation. 60 is not a sad figure at all, but the beginning of a new life. It's time for you to create and contemplate much more than ever. We wish you to endow others with your warmth, bloom with health, not lose the youthful brilliance in your eyes and delight us with your love of life. Congratulations!

Happy birthday, happy anniversary .. as you know, a woman is always 18, no matter what date is indicated in your passport, even if it is 60 years old. That's why I say that in your adulthood you look as beautiful as it is possible for such a young girl. Happy holiday to you and may we celebrate your anniversary again in 60 years!

One of the most responsible and punctual people in our team has an anniversary today! Our dear colleague, you should not even be sad about your age, because you should know that in fact, age does not play any decisive role. You look great, take care of your health, and in your heart you are younger than us. We never cease to be amazed at where you have so much energy and positivity. We have never seen you be sad about anything because you think you are only wasting your own time. We wish you good health. Be sure that everything is still ahead of you, because we know exactly how you can create unique events and events yourself. Therefore, you can definitely diversify your life. Do not worry and do not be sad, because everything will be just fine.

Congratulations on your 60th birthday. I wish you an endless string of round anniversaries. Meet each of them cheerfully and serenely for many decades. Let the soul grow younger and change the attitude to life in a positive direction. May your years, which, as your wealth is known, allow you to look at this world and see the main thing - love, friendship, mutual understanding, beauty, harmony and not pay attention to everyday troubles and little things in life. Experience and wisdom will help you. May fate give you more reasons for the holidays and good mood and do not diminish your health and energy. Happy Anniversary, dear Name Patronymic.

Birthday is a spiritual holiday. You are celebrating it for the sixtieth time. And we have gathered here not only to congratulate you, but also to thank you for the joy of communicating with you both on holidays and on weekdays. After all, you are a good person, and communicating with a good person is a pleasure. Today our communication will be a double pleasure, because it is very pleasant to say warm words and wishes for which there is not enough time in everyday life. And today is such an occasion! Let there be regular replenishment in the regiment of your friends. May the most ambitious dreams come true, Siberian health and a bright future. Live long, interesting and bright. Happy anniversary!

How wonderful to live to see this magnificent date. A woman at this age blooms more luxuriantly than a rose. A young soul remains in it, and the wisdom of years appears. It has coquetry and charm. Sixty years is a glorious date, on which I hasten to congratulate you. Don't let the added years scare you. Think positively, fulfill your destiny on this planet. Become even kinder and more tolerant. Happy days to you. Long-awaited meetings and kindness, love and attention. Let care surround you, and love be your driving force. Accept these congratulations, because they are from the heart.

The most beautiful anniversary for a man is his sixtieth birthday. Much has been done in life. There is something to be proud of, there is something to talk about. The accumulated experience allows you to make the right decisions. You no longer receive advice, but give. I want to wish you to live without regretting anything. Enjoy every minute of your life. Enjoy being with your family. Be proud of your strong and friendly family. May you succeed in any of your undertakings. Let friends be around. And the years of life will be long. Live as long as possible. Thank life for all the good, forget the bad once and for all. Please accept my most sincere congratulations and always stay in shape.

On this festive day, let me congratulate you on your birthday. I want to wish you such a state of mind, from which even the Sun will be charged. Let the wheel of life roll for a long time on a flat path without obstacles and incidents. I wish you iron health, steel nerves and a stable good mood.

Sixty years is a time when all anxieties and troubles are behind. I wish the hero of the day to enjoy the fruits of his working career for forty long years and rejoice at the successes of his children and the wet pants of his grandchildren, and then successfully retire to a well-deserved pension.

Congratulations on your 60th birthday to a wonderful and wonderful woman. I wish from the bottom of my heart great happiness and well-being, sincere emotions and kindness of soul, brave respect and love of relatives, great ideas and undoubted success.

Happy 60th birthday to a kind, sweet, beautiful and wonderful woman. I wish you joyful moments and warm moments in the family circle, happy holidays and positive emotions, unfading beauty, spiritual harmony and love.

There have been many anniversaries, but may your sixtieth birthday be special. May beauty not dry out, may health not become less, may love be bright and immeasurable, and life be as rich as at 25 years old. Be active and cheerful, energetic and desirable.

Congratulations on your 60th birthday to an inimitable and magnificent woman. I wish you good and light of life, good mood and joy of the soul, great respect and prosperity, family happiness and good luck, beautiful ideas and good deeds.

Congratulations on your 60th birthday to a wonderful and lovely woman. I want to wish you a bright radiance of happiness and a bright flicker of rays of goodness, sincere hopes of the soul and the well-being of life, a bottomless sea of ​​good luck and a boundless ocean of love from relatives, interesting ideas and kind people nearby.

On this festive day, let me congratulate you on your birthday. I want to wish you such a state of mind, from which even the Sun will be charged. Let the wheel of life roll for a long time on a flat path without obstacles and incidents. I wish you iron health, steel nerves and a stable good mood.

Beautiful day, beautiful moment, beautiful holiday. Everything is great today! So on this day, let us congratulate you on the sixth decade of your life. Which, though crept up unnoticed, but there is nothing to regret. After all, you still have a lot of adventures and a bright life ahead of you. Happiness to you. May the Lord bless you.

On the day of your 60th birthday, we want to present you with our modest gift and, without a doubt, see your sincere smile, which has been raising our spirits for so many years! Today we praise your immeasurable optimism, philanthropy and ability to put everything in its place! On the anniversary day, we wish you that your soul sings, and your heart beats forever!

Great date deserves great congratulations! We wish you great health! Great success! Great victories and great laughter! We wish to achieve a lot more, let the road be cool, excellent! And our hero of the day is as cute as anyone, he is cheerful, handsome and, of course, excellent!

Remember, when we were all 20 years old, we considered people twice our age to be very old? How wrong we were! Only now, having reached the wonderful age of 60, having built a house, planted a tree and put your children on their feet, do you begin to understand that life - free and exciting - has just begun! Well, is it really age? After all, the soul is still young, and the body is relatively healthy! Therefore, we sincerely congratulate you on joining our clan of sixty-year-old and free from all sorts of worries people! Happy Birthday!

Anniversary is the time to receive warm congratulations from relatives and friends. 60 years is not only experience and years, but also respect, merit and wisdom. I wish you to always be in harmony with yourself, in well-being and happiness with your loved one, in joy and care for your grandchildren, in peace in moments of rest. Health to the body, youth to the soul, shine to the eyes. Happy Birthday!

Dear friend, today is your anniversary, you are crossing the threshold of your sixtieth birthday. I am very pleased to see a happy wife, joyful children and grandchildren next to you. Your family loves and appreciates you, and this is really the most important thing. I would very much like to thank you on this day for the years of faithful and devoted friendship. Your home has always been open to me and I have always appreciated it. I want troubles and problems not to knock on the door, let them simply not find their way to your porch, let there be happiness, joy and health at the table with the whole friendly family. You deserve to live your years of wisdom and maturity in the love, respect and support of your loved ones. Sixty years is so little, because you still have many plans that must be brought to life. I believe that you will succeed. Happy birthday.

I sincerely express my congratulations on the anniversary! A lot of water has flowed under the bridge, many days have passed, eyes have observed an infinite number of events. Age speaks of experience and wisdom, after all, 60 years behind. I wish you worthy respect from friends and relatives, the love of loved ones and health, which is so necessary. Let the days pass in happiness, bring pleasant events and delight the soul! Happy holiday!

Congratulations on the anniversary! 60 years is not so much. Just two times 30. So let the most prosperous 30 years of life be yet to come! Comfort in the house and unanimity in the family, optimism, peace, kindness. Pleasant emotional excitement, long-awaited meetings and worthy rest!

I congratulate you on your 60th birthday and on this wonderful anniversary I want to wish cheerful strength and bright hopes, sincere joy and happiness in life, love of relatives and respect for acquaintances, wonderful ideas and a brave mood.

I sincerely congratulate you on your 60th birthday. May life invest good health and good luck on this date, give great joy and joy to the soul, preserve happiness and love, open new frontiers and lead to great success.

Congratulations on your 60th birthday. Let health not weaken, and the character not be shy, let the years go forward, and the youth of the soul remains every year. I wish you good happiness and a brave mood, cheerfulness of the body and great luck.

I congratulate you with all my heart on your 60th anniversary. Let this date become a symbol of good health, inexhaustible optimism, brave victories and sincere kindness of the soul. I wish you to meet the days with a smile and joy, I wish you to strive for your goals and successfully achieve them.

Congratulations on the anniversary. Let there be a lot of strength and happy dawns, cheerful ideas and joyful holidays, good friends and caring relatives, successful deeds and great undertakings, memorable moments and sincere conversations at the age of 60. ©