Practice for raising female energy. What is female strength: how to be filled with energy


space of love 14.01.2018

Dear readers, in previous articles of the rubric we have already talked about how to unleash the feminine energy in yourself. The columnist Irina Romanova calls it the ability to be loving pleasure. But how can you develop this ability in yourself so that you are constantly filled with the energy of love, in order to charge not only yourself, but also those around you? This is what we are going to talk about today. I give the floor to Irina.

Hello, my dear. I am glad to welcome you to our space of love and again to talk about a woman, her vibrations and female energy. After all, when the female circle gathers, we are all filled, we draw from each other the qualities we lack, the lack of strength. Each at the same time gets something for herself and at the same time shares with her friends.

Even now, when we are in different cities, in different countries, we share our feelings, experiences, stories with each other and this helps us to become stronger as a woman, both for ourselves and others. Be sure to write in the comments your impressions, your thoughts and feelings after the practice. Share your practices and ways of filling with feminine power.

The space of love is created by women. Because it is they who fill any space and fill it with their vibrations. As a rule, a man brings a woman to his house, and her task is to fill it, decorate it, create comfort. A man builds a house, and a woman ennobles it. It has always been and always will be, because the nature of a woman and the nature of a man cannot be changed.

But if in the nature of a woman to be filling, loving, giving, then why are there so many lonely and unhappy women in our time? Why do women feel empty, tired, energetically depleted? How can they fill their home, the space around them, if there is emptiness inside?

We live in a world of men. A man's world is built according to men's rules. And we, completely forgetting about our natural instincts, about our natural abilities, begin to adapt to these rules and de-energize ourselves.

A man lives with his mind - this is his strength. The strength of a woman in her body is her heart and in the bottom of her belly. The more a woman thinks, worries, solves complex life problems, the less her strength becomes.

A woman needs to return her lost energy, to fill herself. And there are different ways to do it. Now we will consider them in more detail.

natural silence

Loneliness and silence is one of the simplest and easiest ways to restore your strength. If you feel tired, just leave all your worries and affairs and take a walk in the park alone, sit on the banks of the river or the sea. And at the same time, try not to let your thoughts be occupied with calculating the annual balance, worries about your husband, children, parents, money. Walk as if all your worries were somewhere far away.

The place of female energy in the body, in the lower abdomen, in the region of the heart. If we constantly think about something, then our energy center shifts to the head, leaves our natural place of power.

When we stop thinking about pressing matters, when we simply observe the beauty of nature and absorb it into ourselves, we are filled, charged with the natural power of the Earth. And then we can already, fully charged, return to our business. Believe me, the benefits will be much greater.

Communication with other women

Remember the main thing - women are not rivals. These are the closest associates. In a female circle it is very easy to be filled with energy. You don't need to do anything for this - it happens absolutely naturally.

You can communicate, or you can just be in a women's society. If an anecdote about a turtle and a snake that swim across the sea immediately comes to mind, and the snake thinks: “I’ll bite, throw it off,” and the turtle’s thoughts at the same time: “I’ll throw it off, bite it,” then remember what I said - we live in the male world. And such jokes are invented for us by men.

We ourselves choose our roles in the social world, we ourselves choose whether to compete with men in strength and intelligence, we ourselves choose whether to compete with women. You can compete, or you can understand that other women are the same flow of energy as you are, and that by interacting with each other, you can fill up and restore your strength.

How exactly this interaction occurs, I will write in the next article.

Hobby or favorite activity

Here I do not discover America, they talk about it, they talk and will talk about it, because a favorite thing is always a source of strength and inspiration.

Every woman will have her own. Someone is inspired by knitting, someone by drawing, and someone by compiling complex algorithms and tables. The main sign that you are doing what you love is that after completing it, you feel a surge of strength and energy.

Meditations and practices

Every meditation and every practice is an opportunity to slow down a bit and be alone with yourself.

Nature, like a woman, is slow. Its strength lies in fluidity and smoothness. Any meditation is a deep, slow breathing, stopping the internal dialogue, which means it is a great way to recover.

There are a lot of practices for restoring female power. In this article, I will talk about some of them. You will have the opportunity to turn to your source of energy and restore your strength.

In search of the lost pearl. Practice

Take a few minutes right now. Take three deep breaths in and out and focus your attention on your breath. Maybe at some point you want to take a deep breath and relax.

During the day we are constantly in tension, we are constantly in our thoughts. And now - a deep breath, and let all this tension go through the feet into the ground. Now your breathing is calm, even, and we can begin the practice.

Pearls are never found on the surface. He always hides in shells on the sea or river bottom. And now close your eyes and be transported to a beautiful oasis. Warm white sand caresses your feet. You are walking along a deserted beach, dressed in a light chiffon, almost imperceptible cape. The sun warms you with its warmth, exotic birds fly in the sky, the sky is light blue and very clear. Its reflection can be seen in the clean, transparent sea surface.

You walk along the coast and see a path that goes inland and beckons you to follow it. You boldly walk, because this is your island, it is absolutely safe here. This is your place. The path leads you to a small lake surrounded by trees. The water in the lake is so clear and inviting that you dive into it without hesitation.

This is an unforgettable feeling - coolness, freshness, purity and transparency. You feel so good, water cleanses and fills you not only from the outside, but also from the inside. It becomes easy for you, you yourself become as transparent and pure as this water. The heart rejoices like a child's, you laugh and splash, enjoying every moment.

And then you notice that something glitters at the bottom. You become interested, and you dive into this depth to bring to the surface this small bright star that you saw through the water.

To get it, you have to dive deeper and deeper, but it is so easy for you, as if you were doing it all the time. You easily reach the bottom of the lake and pick up this light that attracted you so much. It turned out to be a gem. It lies without a shell, just like that, on the seabed and as if waiting for you. As soon as you touch it, inside you, in your uterus, the same star - a pearl - lights up, and you feel its light inside you.

Holding the pearl firmly in your hands, you emerge to the surface and inhale deeply the clean, fragrant air. In the hands - your found pearl. Carefully consider it - what it is, what size, what color.

You apply this pearl to your belly, as if feeling the need to do so, and see that your pearl dissolves and penetrates through your skin and into you. Your lower abdomen is filled with light and warmth. And in this general light and warmth, one point is most clearly felt, this is the place where your pearl settled.

Now she is always with you, she is a part of you, she fills and revives the place of your power, she always burns with a bright star inside you.

This visualization exercise can be done at any time. The more often we remember our star, our pearl in the lower abdomen, the more joyful and happier our life will be. It is like a saving spring for a weary traveler.

Dance of feminine energies. Practice

And now that you have found your pearl, you need to start its movement. Yes, dear ones, in the world of nature - and this is the true world of a woman - there is no static, everything is in motion. And our task is to return the movement to our main center.

And if the world of men is a world of clarity, rhythm, action, then the world of a woman is a world of smoothness, harmony and wave. Women's waves are very different and our task is to learn how to create them. Therefore, let's not postpone this sacred action and start right now.

Close your eyes, restore the evenness of your breathing - take a few deep breaths in and out. And focus all your attention on your pearl in the lower abdomen. See how she shines and shimmers, how her light fills you from the inside.

Now imagine that she, your pearl, began to rotate around its axis. And the faster it rotates, the larger the waves of light diverge around it. First, these waves fill the lower abdomen, then rise higher, and the pearl continues to rotate.

Feel how your body begins to repeat the movements of this rotation. It can go completely different. It could be a spiraling spiral to the left, or a spiraling spiral to the right, or it could just be a wave going up. Just watch these waves and follow their movement with your body.

Breathing is relaxed and easy. Do not pinch your cheekbones, you can exhale the sound "ha". Feel how these waves cover your body completely, and it itself begins to move to the beat of them. It can be internal movements, or maybe you want to get up and move to the beat of these waves.

Do not restrain yourself, surrender to the feeling of this process, enjoy these movements. You can do this exercise for as long as you want. And when you're done, pay attention to your inner state. What changed? How does your body react to the environment now? Did you feel energized after doing this exercise?

With love in my heart
Irina Romanova

I thank Irina, after all, it is always a joy to speak on such topics. We really forget sometimes about our nature, but how useful it is to slow down, breathe, just be with yourself. And even just this is how much life-giving energy gives us. But of course, it is worth striving to always be filled with feminine power.

And for the soul, we will listen to the amazing composition of Ernesto Cortazar - Thanks To Life.

see also



What is the happiness of a woman? In harmony, peace and love! But modern women are so immersed in work, household duties, problems of their relatives and friends that they stop paying attention to themselves. They spend their time and energy on others, they waste their energy without having time to replenish its reserves, and as a result they often feel exhausted and devastated, irritated and tired (you can continue this list yourself).

However, there are other women: satisfied, relaxed, sexy, filled, creative, attractive, self-confident, loved and happy. What is their secret? What do they know and do that is not available to others? Okay, let's not delay and answer these questions: it's all about female energy and those practices that help to accumulate, retain and transform this energy into desired things (and it's not just about material things, as you understand).

Women's practices are a whole system of exercises that allow you to be filled with feminine energy. Classes can be held in groups or individually, based on meditation, body-oriented practices, art therapy, include various exercises, visualizations, affirmations that help to correct and improve the physical, psychological and emotional state.

The essence of women's practices

In the classroom, the focus is on restoring the balance of energies and their proper circulation. In the modern world, a woman often takes on male functions - she earns money, makes key decisions, and is responsible for the family. As a result, the chakras are unbalanced and the energy in the female body begins to move according to the male pattern.

In those chakras where in a man the energy moves clockwise, in women it moves counterclockwise, and vice versa. In addition, the functions of the chakras in men and women are different: the first, third and fifth chakras in men work more for giving energy, and for women - for receiving, and the second, fourth and sixth for women work more for giving energy, and for men - for acceptance.

With the harmonious work of the chakras, a man gives a woman security, money, social status, and a woman gives pleasure, love and direction for the realization of ideas. With the right interchange of energies, a man and a woman live in harmony and abundance. If the movement of energy in the chakras is disturbed, then problems arise both on the emotional and physical levels - relationships in the family and at work do not add up, intimate life suffers, material wealth leaves much to be desired, various diseases appear.

Through work with the psyche and body, women's practices restore the balance of energies, help a woman to connect with her feminine essence. And a high level of female energy allows you to improve relationships in the family, attract a suitable man, new opportunities, money, happy events.

Types of women's practices

There are many different directions, but in general, all practices can be divided into three types:

  • Body practices
    This group includes yogic and Taoist practices, dynamic meditations and exercises for intimate muscles.
  • Psychological practices
    These include various meditations, visualizations, exercises, art therapy.
  • Energy
    This group consists of tantric and lunar practices, as well as Slavic rituals, Vedic practices, etc. An important place is occupied by the torsion of the funnels of female power and exercises to harmonize the work of the chakras.

The benefits of women's practices

If you still don't have enough motivation, then read this list.

So, women's practices:

  • eliminate bodily blocks and clamps, allowing energy to flow easily and freely;
  • contribute to the production of estrogens, which makes the figure more seductive, and the movements are sexier;
  • help to let go of resentment, anger, negative emotions, get rid of fears and tension;
  • harmonize the internal state, give peace and tranquility;
  • eliminate "mental garbage", teach to relax and concentrate;
  • fill with energy, give a feeling of self-attractiveness and self-confidence.

When to conduct female practices to fill female energy?

Women's practices can be done at any time. But for the greatest efficiency, one should take into account the periods of increase and decrease in energies.

Women's Energy Practices

Practice systems:

1. By season

Spring is the period of energy awakening, summer is the time of its active use, autumn is accumulation, and winter is purification. In addition, each season enhances its energy: spring - the energy of the Girl, summer - the Mistress, autumn - the Mistress, and winter - the Queen.

2. According to the solar calendar

According to the Chinese calendar, 12 equal periods are counted from the birthday or from the New Year. Each such period symbolizes a certain area of ​​life that should be dealt with at this time (the ritual of laying the Solarium).

3. According to the lunar calendar

The movement of the Moon according to the signs of the Zodiac indicates areas of life, activity in which will bring the greatest results. The phases of the moon are also important: on the growing moon, the energy increases, reaching its peak at the full moon, on the waning moon, it decreases, coming to a minimum at the time of the new moon. Therefore, it is good to do practices for filling with energy on the growing moon, and on the waning moon - for purification. It is important to take into account the lunar days, each of which has its own meaning and energy features.

4. By time of day

patient woman syndrome

Life is beautiful when a woman has a lot of energy. We feel great, everything works out for us, we are full of strength and ideas. People, things, information, events themselves are attracted to our lives. It's good when a woman has a lot of energy.

But what if there is not enough energy? What to do when it is constantly consumed? Let's figure it out.

Feminine energy: when do we "merge" it?

We "drain" energy when allow border crossings. Whenever we agree with something we strongly dislike, we lose energy. Just imagine how much energy you spend in order to overcome your own resistance and persuade yourself to come up with a logical explanation for what you do not want to do.

We "drain" energy when deceive ourselves. So we lose contact with ourselves, that is, in fact, we disconnect ourselves from the source of energy. You can think as much as you want that a bouquet of fresh cut roses will look better in your room, but how long will they be fragrant?

We "drain" energy when forget about rest. Does it really need to be explained?

We "drain" energy when tolerate. It is not clear what, it is not clear why. When you get a job, you quite clearly understand what for: money, experience, new acquaintances, insurance or something else. If everything is taken away from you, but at the same time you are asked to work and endure... Will your strength and energy reserves be replenished?

Refuse to endure or give meaning to what you endure. The main thing is that this meaning concerns you, and not someone else. Option: "I can't wait for him to change"- will not work!

We "drain" energy when offended instead of asking. A woman is designed in such a way that she does the main work inside herself. How many seconds do you need for a blockbuster to play in your head "Why isn't he picking up the phone?".

The female energy is the energy of chaos. Strong and powerful. And every time we think, invent, change our minds instead of asking, finding out or asking, we spend a huge amount of energy.

We "drain" energy when we're not doing our job. It's no secret that one of the most powerful energy resources is a favorite thing to do. The whole world stands on the balance of "give and take". Doing an unloved thing, you, at least, give away your time, and with it your energy, which is then not replenished. Even money.

Can you buy time and vitality with money?

We "drain" energy when Let negativity seep into our lives. Every woman is born for happiness and pleasure. But if you allow others to talk about the negative, watch shows, read books and read only bad news, where is the place for pleasure?

It turns out that you are not living according to your "program". It's like baking a Napoleon cake in the microwave: maybe, but with what effort?

We "drain" energy when gossip. Yes girls. We don't fill, we drain! Where there is attention, there is energy! If you discuss ideas, projects, thoughts, then you are enriched. You can discuss other people to learn from their experience. But if you are just gossiping, then you are feeding others at your own expense.

We "drain" energy when we are afraid. When a person is scared, he stops breathing. If we do not breathe with a full chest, and in our case - with a "full belly", then we seem to refuse the previously prepared energy.

We "drain" energy when waiting for life to change. Instead of living the way we want.

We "drain" energy when we scold and blame ourselves.

Track where you can lose energy. Stop doing this today. Change the "drain" of energy to its replenishment.

Filling with female energy: 8 ways

We fill up through pleasure. Write a list of 100 things that make you happy. Write whatever comes to mind. Try every day to please yourself with the fulfillment of some kind of "Wishlist".

We fill up through new positive emotions. For example, when we travel, we bring novelty into our lives, we meet new people, we gain new knowledge.

We fill up when we slow down. Try to spend 20 minutes with a cup of coffee to inhale its aroma, savor the taste, enjoy the touch of hot liquid. Nicely?

What will happen if you swallow this divine drink on the go, in one minute? Will you like it the way you did the first time? Of course not, you just won't have time to feel anything.

We fill up when we are creative. The original female energy is the energy of creativity. In addition, through creativity, a woman splashes out negative emotions and thereby transfers energy into a positive direction.

We fill up when there is faith in our life. Faith in yourself, in life, in people.

We fill up when we take care of our body. After all, the body is the greatest source of pleasure. Any bodily practices, a bath, a pool, work with intimate muscles will do. By the way, the female zone is a kind of "bottom" for our energy vessel.

We fill up when we put things in order in our space. Remember how different you feel in a renovated room with new curtains.

We fill up when we do what we really want to do.

Pamper yourself, enjoy yourself and be filled!

Feminine energy ... so soft, viscous, smooth, alluring, bewitching. It has a rejuvenating and toning effect, smoothes wrinkles better than any anti-aging cream, turns you on such magnetism that no aphrodisiac can compete with this very energy. Also, female energy heals female diseases and returns to the roots, awakening the natural femininity. How? We present a list of the most delicious ways to fill this wonderful life-giving goodness.

Ways to fill with feminine energy:

. Take a bubble bath or bomb
. Go to a manicure / pedicure / hairdresser
. Paint lips with red lipstick
. Shopping (watch-shopping is sometimes good too)
. Buy a beautiful glossy magazine and flip through
. Put on strips and dance. Just for myself
. Turn on Depeche Mode, hear the voice of Dave Gahan and die of happiness
. Order rolls
. Tangerines
. Read an interesting book
. Watch an art house or a cute movie about love
. Buy or pick flowers
. draw with neon colors
. Draw on T-shirts
. Bake some goodies
. Spend a day at the SPA
. Go to a concert
. Go to your favorite bar and dance for as long as you can
. Sing along with Zemfira and Lana Del Rey
. Embrace
. See beautiful pictures
. Go to the sea
. Go out of town
. Rent a good camera from a friend and go on a photo hunt
. Walk around the house naked
. Drink delicious coffee
. Ginger tea
. Watch Breakfast at Tiffany's or just listen to Audrey's Moon River
. Listen to Sinatra
. Take a ride with a friend around the city at night, sitting comfortably, enjoying the views, music and chatting something.

Light candles
. ask someone
. Wear beautiful high heels
. Stroking cats
. Asking one of your favorite male friends for a t-shirt/shirt/sweatshirt, wrap yourself in it and feel even more fragile and petite. (And for some reason, men's things are always so warm and cozy)
. Reread Alice in Wonderland
. Do yoga / stretch
. Kiss
. Diffuse your favorite scent around the room
. Look in the mirror and say: "Oh, how good I am"
. Go for a walk in another city
. Making origami cranes
. Explore Estrellas del bicentenario
. Buy a bottle of good champagne and drink with a friend over girlish conversations. Or replace champagne with delicious tea with marmalade.
. Put on beautiful stockings
. Listen to English speech
. Trying to guess where the constellation is and “what is it that is multi-colored over there”
. Blow soap bubbles
. get enough sleep
. Remember something nice and say thank you for it

Regular ways to fill with feminine energy:
coffee, fruits, sweets in the morning, five minutes of yoga in the morning / evening, shower with your favorite gel, a pleasant moisturizer, communication with nice people, communication with the Universe (thanks), beautiful pictures, favorite songs.

Weekly: face and hair masks, bath with candles, going out, books, movies, live communication with friends / girlfriends.

Monthly: shopping, concert, manicure, hairdresser.

Annual: a trip somewhere from a few days or more, updating the map of desires.

Right here in the comments, write about how you are filled with feminine energy? Did you like the ways we shared with you? What will you take into your life?

Practices for raising female energy will help fill you with energy, choose what is closer to you, and increase your female energy.

Practice for raising female energy:
Unity with the Earth

Sit on the ground in a position that is comfortable for you. Feel that you are growing into the earth, merging into one. Feel yourself a part of it, its continuation, it completely. You are the Earth, calm and balanced. No force can disturb your peace. You feel that your body is monolithic. The power of your body simply displaces any manifestations of disease with its energy. You are filled with a calm energy of confidence that nothing can shake.

The practice of raising female energy is the second option:

Breathing earth energy

This ancient method of filling the energy of the Earth is often used by yogis. Sit on the ground with your legs crossed. Place your hands on your knees. Connect the thumb and forefinger on the right and left hands, and stretch the rest so that they touch the ground.

Breathing deeply, focus on your breath. Breathe in the earth energy with your fingertips, feel how this powerful flow enters the body. As you exhale, feel the energy of the Earth transform into your own bioenergy.

Filling with energy from space.

Practice for raising female energy from space:
energy beams

This method is especially good to use when you urgently need to replenish your energy reserves.

Hands up. Imagine that inside your hands there are special channels that end with holes in the palms. These holes are for energy balls, one in each hand. Slowly inhale through these channels and inflate these balloons as you exhale. Feel how they increase in size, stretch out, becoming two long narrow beams.

The energy beams are stretching upwards, higher and higher towards the sky. They reach the boundaries of the atmosphere, rush even further - into space. Finally, in outer space, they bloom like two flowers. After a moment, feel that cosmic energy is rapidly flowing towards you through the energy rays. It moves along the rays to the palms, and fills your body with the energy of the Cosmos through the channels in your hands.

Practice for raising female energy from space:
Option 2. Glowing warmth.

Relax. Close your eyes. Imagine a clear sky with stars. Feel how from the sky itself, from the depths of space, a snow-white luminous energy beam is directed towards you and penetrates you. Feel the warmth spread through your body. The energy fills you with luminous waves. You glow from within with a pleasant warm soft energy, this light is getting brighter.

The beam of energy breaks, you see how the sky becomes bottomless, dark, and the stars shine even brighter. You are still glowing, and your inner light is growing and growing. The glow collapses and your body absorbs the energy of nature. You may experience goosebumps or slight trembling.

Filling with the energy of the Cosmos and the Earth

This practice will help you gain enough energy to achieve your goals.

Sit on the floor, raise your palms up. The back should be straight. Close your eyes. Feel the earth energy rising up and penetrating you. Feel how it penetrates the feet, rises up the legs, enters the base of the spine, spreads throughout the body, arms, rises higher and spills over your head. Feel how strong and powerful this energy is.

At the same time, feel the cosmic energy flow through the crown of your head and into your body. It descends lower, passes along the spine, disperses through the arms. Feel that light and light cosmic energy fills your entire body.

Feel how all the energies: Earth and Space are connected near the base of the spine. Feel how they intertwine, unite. Feel their movement along the spine: up and down. Earth and cosmic energy circulate in your body and fill you with energy.

If you wish, you can achieve a balance of energy if you feel that more heavy earth energy or light cosmic energy is needed. You can make more flow from Earth or Space if you feel you need to. Create an up and down movement of energy flows until you feel overflowing with energy.

Now you can direct energy to the implementation of your plans and desires. Feel a growing interest in completing your projects and tasks. If you have a lot of things to do, feel that you now have enough energy to do everything you have in mind. If you've been experiencing a creative block, feel empowered by creativity.

After completing this exercise, do not hesitate to start implementing your plans. During the execution of your tasks or conceived projects, feel how the accumulated energy helps you to realize important things. For example, if you want to write a book, feel the energy coming from your hands as you write. If you need to lift heavy things, feel the energy coming from your arms, legs, and body to help you do it. Whatever you are going to do, realize that the energy goes where you need it, and you will be able to carry out all your plans.

Unsubscribe in the comments which energy practice of filling with energy you liked best. Recently, I gave an energy practice of gaining energy from trees, you can read more