Holiday at school and scenery of neighbor's day. good neighbors

Every year around the world at the end of May, Neighbors Day is celebrated. There is some controversy regarding the date of this holiday. In Europe, it is celebrated on the last Tuesday of May, but as a rule, the date of the holiday and all events associated with it are moved to the next weekend. Somewhere this is the last Friday of May, somewhere - the last Sunday.

So in Russia in 2019 we will celebrate Neighbors Day May 31

Wonderful happy holiday! It's time to tighten up some ditty from the repertoire of Kuzi's brownie, for example, this one: "a neighbor came to a neighbor for a fun conversation", bake pies, put on a samovar and invite your neighbors to a holiday.

But in fact, the international holiday Day of Neighbors, or as it is also called the Day of Good Neighborliness, is designed to look at the issue from the opposite side. It is about alienation and indifference to those who are close to us in the broadest sense of the word. Residents of big cities often do not know at all who lives behind their wall. What good and neighborly relations can we talk about here?

And if you think about the fact that the word “neighbors” is not so literal, that there are neighboring countries, the borders with which are carefully guarded, there is wildlife, and each of its representatives is our neighbor on the planet, then it becomes completely sad. Here you can’t get off with pies and ditties. It is necessary to solve the serious problems of the hostel, patch up the gaps, learn to see and hear a little further than one's own "I".

For the first time, the Frenchman Antanase Perifan thought about this. With the help of sponsors, he arranged a holiday for his hitherto unfamiliar neighbors of the district, during which he found work for several unemployed people, organized small home kindergartens, helped those in need financially and did a lot of good deeds that were not at all difficult to do - it was enough to know about the problem person.

For the first time such a useful and humane holiday was held in 1999 in Paris, 800 houses and more than 10,000 residents took part in it, and since then this day has been celebrated annually. Since 2000, Neighbors Day has become an official international holiday. If in Europe the organization of the holiday is organized by the European Federation of Local Solidarity (there is one), then in Russia ordinary people take matters into their own hands, creating a holiday for their loved ones, giving them warmth and kindness.

This day is gradually beginning to acquire traditions. In every city and even in every yard they have their own, but one thing unites them: the desire to open up and reach out to those who are nearby. So far, this holiday is not yet so popular in Russia. And it's even good. Let everything go, grow and develop naturally - from heart to heart. If this holiday is “taken into circulation”, it may well turn out that it will turn into another large-scale “tick”.

Neighbors, like the Motherland, as a rule, are not chosen. So, you need to learn to be friends. And this is a great work of the soul and the work of more than one day, albeit a festive one: to understand, accept, find a compromise - this is also a neighborhood. “Well, well, what kind of neighbors do we have? Friends or just acquaintances?

And if you don’t know each other, how long will it take to get to know each other?” - the kind and generous Brownie invites guests to a housewarming party. Everything with him is simple, as in childhood: he ate a cake with a neighbor - “ollyushechka” and that’s it, a bosom friend for life. Or maybe he is right, and we ourselves complicate our lives?

Let's try to find the answer to this question on May 29, the Day of Neighbors, when we invite those who are close to us to tea with delicious pies.

Venue: MBDOU Hall No. 2

Hall design: on the central wall is the theme of the club meeting "Neighbor closer than home" , drawings of houses, trees, between them are photographs of kindergarten employees - neighbors. Poster with the words of Jean-Jacques Rousseau "Anything can be resisted, but not against kindness" . Large cardboard heart on an easel.

A word to welcome and open the meeting of the club, the head of the kindergarten - Bochkareva Olga Gennadievna

1st host:

Dear women!

Feel at home in this cozy room. We are all so different, but we all have one thing in common - we are neighbors! Neighbors by place of residence, by location of groups, premises in kindergarten, by workplace, by garden or garden plots. Everyone knows that neighbors are those people who know more about us than we do ourselves. Let the neighbors know and say only good things about us!

2nd leader:

And do not forget that you are also their neighbors, who know more about them than they do about themselves!

So what good do we know about our neighbors? (statements of participants)

1st host:

Flipping through the pages of life,
Their memory will be kept in the heart for a long time.
And past years alluring lightning,
They always stir our soul sweetly.

Let's remember yesterday
Today, let's take a look around.
Our successes, our happiness -
All this is the work of our hands.

(information about the labor activity of neighboring participants)

There are a lot of employees - neighbors in our kindergarten.

Chernenko Anna Vasilievna and Chursova Victoria Nikolaevna live along Kalinina Street, in houses No. 43 and 58.

Two more neighbors live on Zarechnaya Street - employees of our kindergarten Geterle Tatyana Vladimirovna and Drigoda Zhanna Vyacheslavovna.

On Mira Street, in house No. 76, Gulak Lyudmila Konstantinovna, Gulik Lyudmila Evgenievna, Sizova Olga Valerievna and a veteran of pedagogical work Zueva Nina Nikolaevna live.

Neighbors, teachers of our kindergarten, Birkel Natalya Vasilyevna and Shevnina Natalya Vladimirovna, live in house No. 53a on Kommunarov Street.

All are hardworking and accurate, polite and attentive.

And today I want to talk about two more neighbors - employees of our kindergarten.

Our kindergarten has two wonderful women who live next door. The ladies are pleasant in all respects: Koryakina Oksana Anatolyevna and Rovneiko Irina Fedorovna.

These two women neighbors have a lot in common. Both were born in Karpinsk, in the mid-70s. Both have daughters - excellent students, both are kind and hardworking. They like to work on the ground, on garden plots, growing good crops.

Both wanted to get an education and acquire an interesting profession.

Oksana Anatolyevna graduated from the Karpinsky Engineering College, became a technician - technologist. Irina Fedorovna graduated from the Nizhne-Tagil Pedagogical Institute, received a diploma as a teacher of the Russian language and literature.

Almost simultaneously, a year and a half apart, both began their careers in our city.

Oksana Anatolyevna at the ore repair plant. Irina Fedorovna at school number 16.

They worked in different industries, one in industry, the other in education, and until 2005 their labor path did not intersect.

In the fall of 2005, both of these women turned out to be not only neighbors, but also work colleagues.

Since the autumn of 2005, Oksana Anatolyevna and Irina Fedorovna have been working in our kindergarten. How they work is evidenced by their awards received over the past 3 years.

Koryakina Oksana Anatolyevna was awarded

Diploma of the Department of Education for 2nd place in the city competition "My Blessed Land" ;

has Diplomas and Letters of Appreciation from school No. 5 for raising her daughter.

Rovneiko Irina Fedorovna was awarded

Diploma of the 1st All-Russian Internet Photo Contest "Pedagogical Album" ;

Diploma of the Department of Education for 1st place in the municipal stage of the 4th Regional Competition of Research Works;

Diploma for active participation in the Regional competition "I am a researcher" ; Letter of thanks from the Department of Education for participation in the city competition "My Blessed Land" ;

Letters of thanks for the children's art school and school No. 6 for raising their daughter and active participation in the life of the school.

Irina Fedorovna actively participates in the cultural life of our city, performing in the famous violin ensemble far beyond Karpinsk "Viola" .

With my honest work
You deserve praise.
And on the INTERNET your photos
We will post today.

2nd leader:

Yes, our life is running, the days are flying by. It makes me sad to think: "How long have we been very young?" But let's just smile in moments of sadness. After all, a smile is the youth of the soul. And now let's all smile together and remember the joyful moments from the neighbor's life.

What can you tell interesting from the neighborly life between you? What interesting stories did you have? (heartfelt, funny).

Tell me about it (neighbor story). Each story is rewarded with applause.

1st host:

Human kindness and mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people creates the basis of human happiness. A person who does good to others, who knows how to empathize with them, feels happy, but a selfish and selfish person is unhappy. The egoist has neither comrades, nor friends, nor good neighbors. And when difficult life trials come, he remains alone, suffers, experiencing a feeling of despair.

2nd leader:

Now I will ask to leave those who, in difficult times, were helped by neighbors, supported by word or deed. (it doesn’t matter whether they are present in this hall today or not). Take daisies - a symbol of kindness and glue them to our big heart. The attendees complete the task.

Admire what a beautiful picture we got.

1st host:

People, I ask you, for God's sake,
Don't be ashamed of your kindness.
There are not so many friends on earth.
Beware of losing friends.

For all good neighbors a song sounds.

1st host:

A kind, benevolent person knows how to communicate, maintain good relationships with people. Communicating with another person, show interest, attention to his problems, worries, sympathize with his experiences. Praise for good deeds has a beneficial effect on many people. Even if a person does not have significant success, it is useful to notice at least his first attempts to do something good. Try to speak as often as possible "magic words" , after all "a kind word and a cat is pleased" .

2nd leader:

And now let's play and find out if you know these "magic words" .
Even an ice block will melt from the word warm ... (Thanks)
Even the stump will turn green when it hears ... (Good afternoon)
If you can’t eat anymore, let’s tell the cooks ... (Thanks)

Ladies are polite and developed, they say when they meet ... (hello)
When we are scolded for pranks, we say ... (excuse me, please)

And in France and Denmark they say goodbye ... (goodbye)

1st host:

Each family rests on the love and memory of the older generation. These people pass on to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren the experience of many, many years, uniting decades of history into one continuous chain. Often neighbors are relatives, and even very close ones - these are adult children and parents. I would especially like to say about the attitude towards parents. Be affectionate, kind, considerate sons and daughters.

Show love and gratitude to those who gave you life, put you on your feet, whose days and nights were filled with care for you. We must take care of our parents, protect their peace, be good helpers to them.

2nd leader:

Our grandparents need sympathy, kindness, attention. These are the people who gave life to our parents. Some of them endured severe trials of war, devastation, famine and survived them.

I will ask mothers, grandmothers, whose children and grandchildren work in our kindergarten to come out here. (applause).

And now children and grandchildren give gifts to your dear people (flowers) handmade (Photo for memory).

For neighbors - relatives, close and distant, romance sounds.

1st host:

Attention, now let's do a warm-up. We are looking for new friends, like-minded people, neighbors.

1. Those who go out into the circle and shake hands with each other:

  • likes to sleep
  • love sweet.

2. Those who go out into the circle and jump on one leg:

  • likes to work in the garden
  • likes to make preparations for the winter.

3. Those who go out into the circle and dance:

  • likes to spend money
  • likes to travel.

2nd leader:

Talented and creative people work in our kindergarten, no matter what they undertake, they succeed. And now there is an opportunity to show their talents. Everyone will try to compose acrostics, you can team up in twos, let's see which team of the two neighbors on the table will be the most talented.

We will write poetry in an unusual way. Write a word first "neighbor" in a column:

Each letter is the beginning of a line, the number of words in which is arbitrary. The time to complete the task is 10 minutes. (Poems are read, applause to all participants).

1st host:

We live among people. Their attitude should be kind and considerate.

In this bright house of our hundred-apartment
Sometimes we don't even know our neighbors.
Hello, - say, - honor us,
Stop avoiding, come visit!

If only not with a package, better not with a bouquet,
But with a smile, but with greetings.

2nd leader:

Not with an insidious potion that harms health,
But with fun, but with love.
There is no silver and gold in our hall,
The richer the soul is, the more we respect you.

For tea with cookies, affectionate respect,
Quiet conversation, warmed by friendship.
With kindred trust, with sincere sympathy
Sharing sorrows and happiness equally.

1st host:

Let them be friends under a bright, peaceful sky
And neighbor with neighbor, and people with people.
And they live like brothers, without war and anger.
Invite, come visit!

2nd leader:

And at the end of our meeting, let's say nice words to each other.

The game "Rays" (the sun is drawn on the sheet, everyone draws a ray, writes pleasant words or wishes to his neighbor on the left on the table).

1st host:

May every day
What fate took
Brings joy with the sunrise.
And a lucky star shines on you
Keeping from troubles and life's adversity.

2nd leader:

Good luck and sincere laughter,
Health to you for many years.
We wish you success in all matters,


And we are always glad to meet you!

Everything should start with preparation. In the central square of the village, you need to set up a stage, decorate it and everything around it with ribbons, balls, posters, flowers. You can make a themed event (color design) depending on the budget and imagination. It is better to appoint this celebration for the evening (17-18. 00). Notify all residents of the village in advance about the upcoming event. Also, it would not be superfluous to organize several play areas for the smallest residents of the village. You can also install trade tents, barbecue grills and tables with drinks. The scenario can also be suitable for celebrating the birthday of the village.

Props: certificates of honor, gifts for participating in competitions, cards with letters or fruits, colored towels, baskets with vegetables and fruits, a set of toothpicks, scotch tape and scissors, a cake.

Characters: Host, Host, music and dance groups, villagers.

Leaders appear on the stage.

There are villages in our country,
Can't find them on the map
But they have friendship, hope,
Here the days are filled with happiness!

Here the air is special,
The most delicious bread
Here the water is clear in the rivers,
It smells of grass, hay, flowers,
Here it freezes like a soul!

There are good people here, and very hospitable,
They will feed, drink, always help,
Here women, girls, the best,
Beauty lives in these parts!

There is no fuss, no city worries,
Here everything goes on as usual,
Hardworking people live here
Here happiness, goodness lives in every home!

Good evening you nice people! We are glad to see each of you at our event! Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Village Day.

The harvest has already been harvested, the land has been prepared, and you can go on a winter vacation.

From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you prosperity, fertility to your land, happiness to your homes!

And also, so that each year is more fruitful than the previous one!

It will now be my great pleasure to give the floor to your chairman, who certainly has something to say.

(The chairman rises to the stage and makes a solemn speech)

The village is full of talent
Such beautiful, sonorous voices,
Sometimes they sing so sweetly
They come from the cities to listen!

(A female group, preferably of the older generation, comes on stage and performs a song that every villager knows)

So soulful, sincere, beautiful,
So harmonious, thank you
You seem to have covered me
And for the song, we owe it to the years!

And while the artists are getting ready,
I want to ask you questions
About the village, about your house, region,
You must answer all!

What are you thinking? People came to rest!

So they will check the knowledge, and rest at the same time!

2 people are selected from the crowd. Everyone is asked questions, whoever answers faster and more, he will win. The winner is awarded a symbolic prize and a certificate of honor: "The main connoisseur of the village." Each question is given 5-10 seconds.
Props: a symbolic prize and a diploma.

An approximate list of questions (there may be others):
1. In what year was your village founded?
2. Who was the first rural head?
3. How many people live in your village?
4. Main attraction?
5. Were there celebrities in your village, if so, who?
6. What is the dominant plant in your area?
7. What is your village famous for in the area?
8. What does the name of your village mean?

(Questions are best drafted with a knowledgeable resident from whom you can get accurate answers)

Listen, what a fine fellow you are, what a great idea! I learned so much about this picturesque region that now I just have to see everything and see it for myself!

While you are preparing for the upcoming journey, I will invite a dance group (name) to the stage, which is simply impatient to congratulate the inhabitants of this glorious village!

(Team enters the stage)

Well, lit, well done,
I would start dancing myself
It's just a pity I can't
At school I only learned the waltz.

Don't be sad, don't be sad
You manifest yourself in another
Learn to make pies
Not for yourself, but for the soul!

I can bake pies
But then you need to eat them,
And I keep the figure
I want to be slim, believe me!

Oh, you think
Happiness is not in harmony,
It is not in her that our wealth lies,
And in the wisdom of past years,
Which, alas, there is no return!

You're right, I agree with you
And I will bow to the older generation,
And I wish you good health,
So that trouble does not knock on your house!

Now I want to invite you to the stage
Award of honor now to award,
The one who is young at heart
The one who threw old age away!

(The oldest resident of the village rises to the stage. A diploma is awarded: “Honorary long-liver”, flowers and a symbolic gift. You can conduct a short interview, ask a few questions about the village)

Question options:
1. Since what year have you been living in this village?
2. The most vivid memory associated with the village?
3. What are your wishes for your beloved village?

With each new resident, with each new story, I fall in love with this village more and more!

And this is not surprising, because such energetic, cheerful, extraordinary people live here!

You forgot to add melodic ones!

And that's what we're going to check right now!

2-3 residents are invited to the stage. Each of them listens to a song through headphones. The task is to show this song without words. The order of listening and performance is determined by a draw. The one with the most correct answers wins. At the end, a certificate of honor "Melody of the village" and a symbolic prize are awarded. Song display time is 15 seconds.
Props: diploma, prize.

Song options for listening (you can take others):
1. I got drunk drunk;
2. Suddenly, as in a fairy tale, the door creaked;
3. Oh, viburnum;
4. A stream flows, a stream runs;
5. And someone went down the hill;
6. We are neither stokers nor carpenters;
7. Girls are standing, standing on the sidelines;
8. And I'm not a witch at all;
9. And I recognize the sweetheart by his gait;
10. Oh, in vain aunt;
11. Music connected us.

Now a miracle will happen
Congratulations will be read to you
Those who are much younger
Who fills the days with happiness!

(Children rise to the stage and read)

(Tells some interesting fact about the village and the harvest)

I wonder if our residents know how to dance as well as how they cope with the harvest?

So let's check it out, shall we?

(Provocative music turns on and a short dance break is announced)

I want to invite you to this stage
I am a rising star
Friends will give you a song
A little happiness and kindness!

(A singer / singer enters the stage and performs any song)

Do you know what I heard about this village?

And what?

Women with magical powers live here!

Come on? Witches, right?

No, stupid, don't you think about that? Here live women with the most unique culinary skills in the country.

Come on?

I'm telling you, yesterday I ate local borscht, I thought so, I'll swallow my tongue!

Need to check this out ASAP!

Cooking quiz game.
3 women are invited to the stage. Each receives a card with a letter (identical). The task is to alternately name the dishes starting with the specified letter. The order of answers can be determined using an interesting draw (for example, whoever will be the first to name the main ingredient of the envisioned leading dish will be the first to answer, etc. You can simply pull out the matches). Whoever calls more, she will win (for repetition - elimination). The winner is awarded a certificate of honor "Expert in Recipes" and a symbolic prize. Instead of letters on the cards, you can also depict a fruit or vegetable, then you will need to name the dishes that contain the specified component.
Props: cards with letters or fruits / vegetables.

We talked about so many goodies that I wanted to try it all myself! But we continue!

So that our people do not get bored,
So that the people do not freeze,
We will dance with you
Smile, light up!

(Dance break 10-15 minutes)

And we continue our holiday. And now I want to direct my attention to the male half of the population. I wonder if strong men live in this village?

So what did you think?

I thought to check it out!

4 men are selected. Everyone gets a wet towel (dry if it's cold outside). The task is to tie the strongest knot on the towel (or several knots, depending on the size of the towel). After the knots are made, the participants exchange towels among themselves and a new task appears - to untie the knot in 1 minute. Whoever does it first will receive a certificate of honor "The main strongman of the village" and a symbolic prize.
Props: colored towels.

I have always wondered how friendly people in rural settlements are. These are not easy neighbors, but one big family, which is a mountain for each other.

And it's really amazing, since many city dwellers don't even know who they live next door to.

And I would really like to once again check your cohesion!

There are 2 teams of 5-10 people each. Each team receives a basket of fruits and vegetables (pumpkin, apples, plums, potatoes, garlic, onions, grapes, cabbage), a set of toothpicks, tape and scissors. The task is to make the Harvest Spirit from the materials obtained. Time to complete 5 minutes. The winner is determined by applause and presented with a birthday cake.
Props: baskets with vegetables and fruits, a set of toothpicks, adhesive tape and scissors, a cake.

Thank you dear residents for your attention, presence and good mood.

We really enjoyed spending time with you. But, unfortunately, the time flew by quickly, the evening came, the kebabs were ready, and it's time for us to say goodbye.

Finally, I would like to wish you all good and bright impressions!

Thank you for your hospitality, participation and warm welcome! See you again.

Don't forget about the musical accompaniment and

We are friends with neighbors
With them we are one family:
We help each other
And we solve all problems.

Congratulations to all neighbors
We wish them good health.
To live comfortably
Let's continue to be friends!

On Neighbors Day, I propose
Gather everyone for a cup of tea
To mend relationships
And joint congratulations.

Let's live without conflict
And be friends with neighbors
Don't hold grudges and anger
And visit each other!

You are the closest to us and relatives,
Although by kinship we are of course strangers,
But in a difficult moment, all hope is on you.
Neighbors have saved us from troubles more than once.
In fun and on holiday,
In trouble and sorrow
You are always in a hurry to support us,
Our whole life is like in your palm,
With people like you, we can't be broken.

Living next to us
Wonderful people -
Our good neighbors
We love them very much
We congratulate them on the day of their neighbors,
Woe let them not know
They have health and patience
We wish you neighborly!

Happy Neighbors Day!
I wish you happiness, peace
Let joy live in the house
Respect and comfort.

Happy and happy days
And the nights are cozy, warm,
Let it work out for you
Will be bright every hour!

Happy Neighbors Day!
We are very friendly with you
That's why I know for sure
That everyone needs neighbors!

You can go for salt
Or ask for matches -
Give it all, it's easy for you!
This is how it should be!

I wish all my neighbors
Peaceful happiness without edge,
To have peace in the house
To have a happy weekend.

To safely and calmly
It was summer and winter
So that the neighbors do not make noise
Day and night behind the wall.

Neighbors are good - better than relatives,
It is impossible to live today without them.
There is the music of the wind, and here is the hammer,
Laughter in the middle of the night, or the doorbell ringing.

It's great to live in peace with neighbors,
Visit each other for dinner
Neighbors, relatives, I congratulate you
And I wish you cool neighbors in life.

There are a lot of people in the world,
But with you we are especially lucky,
How nice to have such neighbors
With whom it is cozy and warm,

After all, life has become more fun with you,
You are the best guys on the planet
We congratulate you wholeheartedly
Happy Good Neighbors Day!

Happy neighbors day to all of you!
May everything be fine with you
May the sun shine on your life
Be happy as hell!

May you always have desire
Tell everyone with a smile: "Hi!"
Let everything be fulfilled,
May every neighbor be good to you!

Celebration of Sadovaya street, Komsomolsky lane, Substation

1. Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!
Dress up properly
Come join us for the holidays!
To look at guests, people of honor,
Take a look at the street performance!
Listen to good songs
Yes, delicious dishes to eat!

2. Honorary elders, family,
Youth and children!
Good health to you all in the morning!

1. I hasten to tell you - hello,
To wish good health!

2. I hasten to tell you goodness -
To wish you a new happiness!

1. I hasten to tell you the joys
Good luck, success and luck!

2. And to all, friends wish you
Good mood!

1. We are sure everyone is in a good mood, because today we have a holiday that has already become traditional - this is a street holiday.

2. 2. Hospitable hosts will meet guests at Sadovaya St., Komsomolsky Lane, and on the street. Substations.

1. Move aside, people, yes, good people!
Give a place with a single bridge, send a welcoming word to our guests, invited and welcome guests.

2. The head of the village council Petrova E.I. congratulates you (congratulations from the head of the administration of the village council).

1. Thank you, E.I. for kind words, and we want to remind you all that there is an iron law on our holiday: no entry is allowed for the gloomy, gloomy.

1. There is no sweeter corner in the world,
than the one where you were born
Where he grew up, matured and sometimes cried,
seeing a wounded bird covered in blood.
No matter what hardships happen,
no matter what times come,
We know for sure that it will always accept us,
native since childhood, our side.

2. Dear friends, today the hostess on your street will be a woman who was born on Sadovaya Street, walked along it to school, found her soul mate. Now she is a wife, mother and her children are growing up on this street. This is Nadezhda Valova.

1. We know Nadya Valova as a pretty, energetic, cheerful woman. She is a soloist of our folk choir. Together with her husband Alexei, they are raising a son and a daughter. This year Nadezhda celebrated her 35th birthday.

2. Her mother lives next to her - Khramtsova Lyubov Timofeevna, who raised three children, now she has 6 grandchildren. In July, Lyubov Timofeevna celebrated her big anniversary, she turned 60 years old. We congratulate her on her anniversary, and the best gift for her will, of course, be a song performed by her daughter.
(1. song "Red Currant")
(the mistress of the street tells a story about the inhabitants of Sadovaya street)
1. Congratulations to Vasilina Bayeva.
Vasilina, you are turning 8!
In the morning the birds chirped loudly about it.
Behind your first school autumn
And preschool children rush to you for advice.
Grow up, good, mom and dad's beloved daughter.
Gather your mind easily, with passion.
Be beautiful like the sun, brighter than a flower!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on your birthday! (a gift is given)
2. Sodovaya Street is rich in anniversaries and birthdays this year. So Alexander Ivanovich was born on August 12 exactly 60 years ago.

1. Six tithes flashed by so soon.
Respectable age, what can I say.
But, we repeat again and again,
Any age to live and love!

Lane Komsomolsky.
1. Dear fellow villagers, dear guests! Now the hospitable hosts of Komsomolsky Lane are waiting for us. This lane is small, 8 men, 9 women and 2 children live here. Everyone knows each other very well.
2. And the Altapkin family Vasily Dmitrievich and Raisa Anatolyevna are the first to meet us. The spouses are well-known entrepreneurs. They started small, and now their business is well established. They have an adult son and daughter who live and work in Barnaul. There were two significant anniversaries in their family this year. Vasily Dmitrievich turned 55 in June. We congratulate him from the bottom of our hearts and wish him many more years to remain as vigorous, provocative and healthy. So that in his life everything was on five.
And on July 31, the friendly Altapkin couple celebrated the 30th anniversary of their life together with a “pearl” wedding.
1. Thirty years of joint springs
Your rings have not tarnished.
Thirty years sliding into autumn
How the moment flew by.
Thirty years in one breath -
Unity of lips and hands.
2. Thirty years of understanding
And a single heartbeat.
Snow, wind not cooled
Tenderness, love union.
Like a waltz this day is circling -
All in the plexus of former feelings.
(4. song "White Dance")

2. We wish all the best to the inhabitants of the lane. Komsomolsky and continue our journey to the street. Substation.
1. Yes, it's good when good neighbors, friends and just good people live nearby. It's so nice to treat your neighbors with your delicious pies, and have a cup of tea with friends. And we wish you all, dear friends, good neighbors.
Street Substation.
2. Our dear guests, now we are on the ter. Substations. We are warmly welcomed by the people of the area.
(leads a story about the inhabitants)
Dear friends, thank you for the warm welcome, and once again we congratulate our esteemed anniversaries: Tereshina Valentina Fedorovna, Valova Galina Kimovna, Anisimov Sergey Vasilyevich. We wish them good health, family comfort and warmth, happiness, good luck and all the best. And this song will be the best gift for you.

(5. song "There beyond the outskirts")

Sadovaya street
1. And now we will continue our journey along the street. Sadova, and tells a story about the inhabitants of his native street N. Valova.
Congratulations to Tereshin Vitaly.
When you're 30 - still happen!
So serene are the flashes of dawn.
Let the heat fly into your house at night - a bird,
And kind light will illuminate the heart,
And promises you for 100 years
Happy life without worries and troubles.
Congratulations to Valov (young family)
1. Children are our future, the flowers of our life. And there are few flowers on your street - only 14.
2. Yes, it could be more. Young families should think about increasing the demographic situation of their home street.
1. And yet, the good news is that not all young people leave their native village. For example, Pavel Valov decided to return to his homeland again, and changed the city to his native village. Yes, and not alone, but with a young wife.
2. And now their daughter Dashenka is growing up in their family. She will be one year old October 8th. And she is our smallest resident of the street. Sadovaya. We wish her to grow up big and healthy, to the delight of mom and dad.
(a gift is given, congratulations from the head)

Congratulations to the long-liver.
1. On the street. Wonderful people live in Sadovaya, only 97 people, not so few. There are young people, there are older people, sedate ones. Of course, special gratitude on this festive day to the oldest resident of the street. Sadova - Olkhovskaya Tatyana Illarionovna. She turned 89 this June.
(congratulations from the head, a gift is presented)

Congratulations to Lukyanenko G.F.
2. Such is the nature of women
Every age is a blessing.
30s, 40s and any years
Should be gratefully received.
We wish you good and happiness without end.
So that there is a heart without interference,
Any work argued
Everything was a success!

Congratulations to Kimaev A.S.
1. We wish you Albert Stepanovich,
So that the heart beats rhythmically
So that the years slow down.
So that you never know troubles
Health was enough for a century.
And always remember that:
Each age is precious in its own way.
Life is good at every age
There would be only health and strength,
And I would have a young soul.
Congratulations on the 45th anniversary of the Mironovs T.P. and A.N.
2. Sadovaya Street knew many different events, but the family has always remained the most important human value. Happy is he who is happy at home.
1. Dear friends, a wonderful married couple Mironovs lives on Sadovaya Street, for whom this year is an anniversary. On August 2, Tatyana Petrovna and Anatoly Nikolaevich celebrated the 45th anniversary of their life together.
2. Dear anniversaries!
Never give up, keep up the good work
May the new anniversary be even brighter for you!
(6. song "A stream flows")
Congratulations for the Galician family
1. The strongest married couple on your street is the Galitsky family. They have been together for 46 years.
You lived together for more than one happy year.
Everything was in your life: joys, worries.
Whiskey is already white with worries,
But together they still walked along the road.
Congratulation of the head, gifts.
1. Dear friends! Our holiday has come to an end. Thanks to all our guests, thanks to you, good people, residents of our village, for your skill and for the fact that you know how to have fun and work. Yes, the holiday was a success today, it was fun, friendly, interesting, it could not be otherwise:
2. After all, the sun alone shines above us,
The sky is one and the earth is one.
We are all yours, Novoyarki, native children,
One huge family.
We are all rural people.
(7. song "Villagers")