A child of 4 months what should be the weight. 4-month-old baby development calendar

A four-month-old baby pleases parents with new skills and discoveries. He grew up and got stronger, became more awake during the daylight hours. There are some changes in the daily routine compared to. It still alternates between periods of sleep, feeding, daytime activities and hygiene. The main changes will affect only the duration of these periods of time.

Approximate daily routine at 4 months of age

At the age of four months, the little man clearly distinguishes the faces and voices of adults. Among those around him, he easily recognizes his mother. Sleep time decreased from 16 to 14 hours, and wakefulness increased by 1-2 hours. The child grows, gains weight and height in a special rhythm programmed by nature.

The daily routine of the baby undergoes changes, and at four months it looks something like this:

Time Regime processes
7 hWaking up, first feeding, hygiene procedures (washing, changing a diaper)
7 h 30 min. – 8 h 30 minCrib games, stay awake
8 h 30 min. – 9 h 30 minmorning dream
9 h 30 min – 10 h 30 minSecond feeding, games and communication with mom
10 h 30 min – 12 hSleep (preferably outdoors)
12 noon – 2 pmThird feeding, gymnastics, light massage and air baths
14h – 16hSleep during a daytime walk in a stroller
16h – 18hFourth feeding, staying awake, listening to children's songs, spending time with adults
18h – 19hDream
19h – 20hThe period of wakefulness, calm communication and games
20h – 21hBathing in the tub, the fifth feeding, getting ready for bed
21h – 7hNight sleep

The baby already distinguishes between light and dark times of the day, and wakes up less and less at night for feeding, preferring to get enough sleep until morning. During the day, he is able to play and spend time without sleep for about 3 hours in a row. The baby is no longer interested in lying around, he loves to listen to the conversations of adults and perks up when they turn to him. During the daytime hours of wakefulness, the baby explores the world through touch, examines the surrounding objects and listens to new sounds.

Baby 4 months: (mother's experience):

Baby sleep at 4 months

The need for prolonged sleep in children at this age remains at a high level. After eating, the baby willingly falls asleep and can take a short nap in the evening. The sleep regimen will be established by itself no later than six months, while the mother cannot always predict at what particular hour her child will fall asleep. Remember that the baby is still too small, and it is not advisable in every situation to follow the schedule on time. It is enough to observe the required total duration of daily sleep.

Norms of daytime sleep

Answering the question of how much a child of four months should sleep, it is worth noting that in a dream the baby should spend at least 14-15 hours a day. At the same time, it takes at least 5 hours for daytime sleep, the remaining 10 hours for night sleep. The duration of daytime wakefulness increases every week, and the sleep pattern changes with it. Some children have four periods of daytime rest followed by three.

On a note! If you see that the child wants to sleep, then do not wait for the right hour “according to the schedule” and put him to bed. It is more beneficial for the baby's nervous system to lull him to sleep at the first sign of fatigue than to try to do it after time has passed, preventing the child from satisfying the need for rest.

Baby food at 4 months

The feeding regimen established for a 4-month-old baby involves a smooth transition to eating five times a day. This is the main difference between the daily routine and previous weeks. Today, mothers have the opportunity to choose the food for their baby - through breastfeeding, mixed or artificial feeding.

Breastfeeding nutrition

The most suitable food for children of this age is breast milk. The baby needs to be fed every 3-4 hours. At night, the interval between breastfeeding becomes longer - about 7 hours. The daily regimen for breastfeeding is most often adjusted no earlier than 5-6 months, because. the baby still prefers to eat not by the clock, but on demand. Meanwhile, the number of meals for breastfeeding is reduced compared to previous months.

On a note! Contrary to many opinions, a 4 month old breastfed baby does not need complementary foods. Up to six months, the nutritional value of mother's milk is quite enough for the healthy development and growth of the baby.

Artificial feeding

On artificial feeding, nutrition is carried out exclusively with an adapted mixture, or with a mixture and mother's milk, the amount of which does not exceed 200 ml per day. At this age, a starter (initial) mixture labeled "1" is suitable for a child. The required amount of the mixture depends on the weight and health of the little child. Based on these data, the doctor calculates the approximate volumes and frequency of meals per day.

An approximate nutritional plan for a 4-month-old bottle-fed baby looks like this:

Important!If it seems to the mother that her baby is not getting enough breast milk, do not immediately try to feed the adapted formula. To begin with, you should seek advice from a pediatrician or a breastfeeding consultant. The specialist will tell you how to increase lactation and recognize whether your little one is eating his fill.

First feeding on IV

For formula-fed babies, the first complementary foods are introduced at 4 and a half months to replenish the body with all the missing substances. Pediatricians recommend introducing “adult” food with caution, gradually introducing single-component vegetable purees into the diet, then cereals without milk and gluten, and then fruit juices for baby food.

Acceptable complementary foods for children over 4 months of age:

The reaction of the baby to complementary foods is of paramount importance: the product must be to his taste. Starting with ½ tsp. new food, its amount increases daily by 1 tsp. Ten days later, the volume of the injected component should be 120-150 ml. So, four feedings a day remain exclusively dairy, and the fifth is replaced by an innovative product.

Feeding a baby from 4 months - what to look for:

The day regimen for artificial feeding has its own characteristics:

  • As a rule, milk formula is digested by the baby's stomach longer than mother's milk. Consequently, babies stay full longer, and it’s easier to set up an hourly schedule with such babies.
  • In infants on IV with a properly selected mixture, colic disappears by 4-4.5 months, so that children sleep at night much calmer than their peers.
  • Milk formula consumption may vary from dose to dose. The baby ate 160 ml in the morning, but did not master 120 ml in the afternoon? This is normal and may not be due to a lack of appetite, but to the time of day or even the mood of the crumbs.

mixed feeding

The mixed feeding diet implies that the baby receives breast milk (at least 1/5 of the daily volume) and an adapted mixture. If a four-month-old baby is on a mixed diet, he should be fed on demand. Pediatricians in this case are advised to give a diluted mixture from a spoon, and not from a bottle - getting used to it can have a bad effect on breastfeeding. It is easier to drink from a bottle, and soon many children flatly refuse to breastfeed.

Walking with a child

The peanut begins to show an active interest in the world around him. During the walk, try to tell him about everything that meets on the way: children playing ball, animals, plants and vehicles. It is necessary to go out into the fresh air with your daughter or son at least twice for 1.5-2 hours a day.

The child's regimen in winter and late autumn may vary depending on weather conditions - in severe frost, wind and heavy rain, it is better to stay at home. Also, the child's regimen in the summer can be adjusted on too hot days, which are safer for the baby's health to spend in a ventilated room.

The pros and cons of walking at different temperature conditions can be seen in the table below.

Outdoor air temperature Features of the walk
-8°C and belowBabies still have a rather weak nasopharynx. Walking at low air temperatures can lead to respiratory diseases. If going outside is necessary, then take care of warming the air inhaled by the child. Wrap the baby in a fur hooded envelope, creating an air cushion near the face. You can be outside with a baby at this temperature for no more than 20 minutes.
0°C to -8°CShort 30-minute walks will help the baby fall asleep soundly. Take care to protect the baby from the wind - use a warm blanket for the stroller or a winter envelope insulated with fur. Before going out, apply a special protective cream against frost on the cheeks and nose of the little one.
+1°C to +8°CAt this air temperature, it's time to arrange long one and a half hour walks for the baby. Children fall asleep wonderfully in the conditions of fresh cool air, mothers can also relax and take a stroll in the park with a stroller without haste.
+8°C to +15°CThe air temperature is comfortable and conducive to walking. You should pay attention to the fact that the little one does not sweat from extra layers of clothing. Do not wrap the baby, it is better in case of unstable weather to cover it in the stroller with a spare blanket for warming.
+15°C to +20°CIn sunny weather, it may seem that it is hot outside, but in the shade and with the presence of wind, it is still far from summer. Consider all the factors before going out into the yard with your child - whether the sun is shining or cloudy, whether the wind is blowing. Do not dress the baby too lightly, at +16 it is still quite easy to freeze, especially when in a stroller without moving.
From +20°C to +25°CDays filled with sun and warmth are good for long walks with babies. But direct sunlight can be dangerous for defenseless children's skin. Choose thin, breathable clothing, and lubricate unprotected areas of the body with 0+ sunscreen milk.
From 25°C and aboveThe safe time to go outside is before 11 am and after 3 pm. In this heat, the baby will need extra fluid, so be sure to take drinking water with you. When walking with a stroller, create shade in it by lowering the hood and opening the “window” with a mesh for ventilation. If the walk takes place in the mother's arms, then a headdress and thin clothes that cover the body from the sun's rays are required.

The physical development of the baby

It is important to engage in strengthening and developing muscles in a small child regularly and devote time to this not only in the morning. Gymnastics with a baby is an important step towards preparing and mastering the skills of turning over and crawling. Pediatricians consider the optimal 5-7 minute load, performed with the help of the mother in the morning, afternoon and evening.

  • At 4 months, children tend to roll over on their own into the “tummy” position. By strengthening your back muscles, you can speed up the learning process. It is useful to play with the baby in the "ball". Rolling the baby on the tummy and back, accompany the lesson with a fairy tale that he has become a ball and now wants to roll far, far away. This exercise makes the abdominal muscles flexible in children.
  • An exercise to strengthen the spine and arms will prepare the baby for the sitting skill. The child grabs the index fingers of an adult; then the parent gently and low pulls the baby towards himself. After counting to ten, lower it back to the supine position.
  • To stimulate crawling, an adult can put his hand under the heels of the baby when laying out on the tummy. The peanut will use his palm as a support - trying to push off with his legs, he will make an attempt to move forward. So that the efforts of your child are not in vain, make the surface comfortable for crawling - it can be a floor covered with a blanket or blanket.

Gymnastics and possible exercises with the baby (video):

Games and development at 4 months

Four-month-old children are awake for at least eight hours during the day. A selection of interesting developmental activities for your baby can be a good help for a young mother for every day.


The baby likes to spend time with her mother in her arms and look at everything around. Take the youngest member of the family for walks around the house. "Traveling" in his parents' arms, he replenishes his passive vocabulary with the names of various objects. All the information heard from adults is gradually stored in the baby’s memory, which will be seen very soon - your child will turn his head towards the subject that was mentioned in the conversation.

"Shurshim - we ring"

Fine motor skills and tactile sensations contribute to the development of intelligence. It is useful for the baby to introduce objects / toys that have a different texture surface. Children enjoy rustling paper, crumpling a teddy bear and examining a rattle with holes. It is important to focus on the material, and not on color - toys oversaturated with shades scatter attention.

"Musical minute"

Rhythmic music is what delights four-month-olds. Simply clapping your hands to the beat of the melody helps to develop a sense of rhythm from the cradle. Just pick up a child and dance with him to the perky music - this activity improves mood, develops memory and coordination.

"Magpie - white-sided"

The little ones are very amused by finger story games, such as “Okay”, “Hide and seek”, “Goat is horned” and various game actions with their legs and arms. In combination with funny faces, stroking fingers, the brain centers are activated - they are responsible for the preparation of the articulatory apparatus, and, in the future, speech.

At 4 months, how to eat properly and satisfyingly so that the weight of the baby matches his age. The article will help parents find answers to many questions. After reading it, parents will know how to properly feed a child, as well as how much a child should weigh at 4 months so that there is no obesity and underweight.

Adults did not have time to get used to the fact that now they are mom and dad, and a new stage in development has already begun - their baby is already 4 months old. The little one has grown considerably, and some of the clothes are not only short, but also too small. The kid already holds his head well, walks a little and meets all adults with a wide smile. He is interested in everything that he sees, the baby enthusiastically grabs toys, drags them into his mouth and sucks.

The child's sleep becomes deep and calm. Night sleep became longer. And, of course, the weight of the baby is far from the one with which he was born. For the fourth month, he grew up again, by about a couple of centimeters, the volume of the head and weight increased.

4 months is a turning point in a baby's life. From the beginning of the fifth month, he will gain less weight, move more. Many children already at 5 months begin to crawl, try to sit. Every day, new and interesting things appear in the behavior of the baby, they begin to repeat the movements and sometimes the sounds of adults.

These changes often cause mothers to doubt whether their baby is developing and gaining weight correctly.

Baby 4 months: weight, height

To help mothers, many tables have been created with formulas for calculating the weight of a baby during the year, depending on birth weight. Below we provide a table of average weight and height standards for four-month-old babies.

Moms are looking for the answer to the question "how much should a baby weigh at 4 months?". And if its mass is less than specified? A deviation of 6-8% from the tabular indicators is still considered the norm. If the deviation goes by 12-15%, this is a small deviation and does not cause anxiety among doctors either. In general, it would also be necessary to compare the weight of the baby with his height.

During the fourth month, boys usually gain 550-720 g in weight and 2-3 cm in height, and girls 500-700 g and 2-2.3 cm.

It should be reminded once again that all tables are only approximate. They don't have to be templates. And if the baby's weight is slightly different from the average values, this does not mean at all that something is wrong with him. Of course, it's good when the baby's weight corresponds to the average tables, but to the question "what should be the weight of a child at 4 months?" they answer only average.

Many factors influence the growth and development of a baby: hereditary predisposition, illness, mobility, proper feeding, and others.

A table of the weight and height of the child will help parents navigate the existing norms. But, again, these are only averages, although they are demonstrated by approximately 95% of healthy babies.

Weight norms in the 4th month

There are no exact norms for the weight of each four-month-old baby, and even if you use a table to determine weight and height, taking into account their indicators at birth, the picture will still not be accurate. For example, according to such a table, a child born with a weight of 2800 g and a height of 52 cm should have a weight of 5750-6000 g by this time, but not all children born with such indicators have exactly this weight by 4 months. Some babies are underweight, while others are slightly overweight. But such deviations should not cause alarm in the mother. But when the deviations from the average are very large, then you can not do without examinations and consultations with a doctor.

The child is not gaining weight

If the deviation in weight gain goes towards a large underweight, there are fears that the baby is sick with something. The assumption is correct, although not always correct. But only a doctor can determine this.

Reasons for being underweight

1. The child does not have enough mother's milk if he was breastfed. Mom can understand this herself. The baby constantly asks for the breast, sucks greedily, but if there is not enough milk, he remains hungry. The skin on the baby's body is wrinkled, like an old man's. For this reason, there is no weight gain. The doctor in this situation may advise complementary foods with milk mixtures.

2. The child got sick. Weight loss occurs in babies who suffer from gastrointestinal disorders. They often spit up, and food either does not enter the stomach at all, or enters in very small quantities. The kid is chronically hungry, demands to eat and burps again.

3. There is no weight gain in the case of rickets in the baby. In this case, the doctor prescribes the drug "Aquadetrim".

4. The child inherited this tendency from one of the parents. Perhaps his father or mother also did not gain weight well. In this case, the baby, having an excellent appetite, may recover slightly. If this is the case, then the lack of weight in the mother should not be alarming.

Overweight 4 month old baby

With a lack of weight, everything is clear. But what if the baby is overweight and strong? How much should a baby weigh at 4 months?

Some are touched by constrictions on the baby's body. But in general this is wrong. If the child is overweight, you need to check the baby.

Of course, there are cases when a child gains weight, as one of the parents once gained. But still, you need to check everything, so as not to regret the lost time later.

The reasons for overweight are also different. One of them is overeating. The nutrition of a child at 4 months should be moderate. This happens most often when the baby is being fed by the hour. He hasn't eaten yet, but they take him away. He wants to eat, but the time is still early. Then the baby begins to rush to take his own and hastily sucks. And then he often sucks milk much more.

The cause of obesity in artificial babies may be the unreasonableness of adults. If mothers do not want to follow the instructions written on the formula packages, they do not follow the dosage. And breastfeeding mothers can introduce complementary foods incorrectly. Improper nutrition leads to overweight.

With an excess of weight in the future, the baby may have problems, and very serious ones:

The natural metabolism is disturbed and, as a result, diabetes mellitus;

There are various deviations in the work of the pancreas;

The muscles of the limbs are poorly developed;

Possible violations in the spine and poor posture.

How can you help your child gain weight?

Trying to help your baby so that his weight meets the standards is necessary, knowing exactly the reason for this. Only a doctor can tell mom what to do. Only on the advice of a doctor, if the baby is healthy, the mother can try to make him gain weight better.

1. Feed the baby more often if there is enough milk.

2. With weak breast sucking, you need to check if the baby has a frenulum. A short frenulum under the tongue can cause this.

3. If there is not enough mother's milk, complementary foods are needed. The mixture should be the one recommended by the doctor.

Often, mothers are also worried about the size of the head with a particular weight. Is there rickets or other abnormalities. And therefore they glance at the tables with such parameters.

Approximate baby weight at 4 months, height and head circumference

If a mother regularly weighs her little man, she can draw a weight curve. But you need to monitor changes in weight and size without fanaticism. After all, each child has its own, individual development program, recorded in the genes.

Moms still need to pay attention to the fact that in boys and girls, the weight indicators recognized as normal are slightly different. A photo will also help to determine this. Babies (4 months old) should weigh between five and nine kilograms.

Feeding a 4 month old baby

The nutrition of the baby during breastfeeding at 4 months is not replete with "pickles". In addition to mother's milk, supplementary feeding is given only if the nutrition is not enough. The doctor prescribes milk mixtures only when there is a large loss of weight.

An artificial child at 4 months is already fed a little more varied. He can be given milk mixtures with rice, buckwheat flour or oatmeal and oatmeal. Different additives give the baby the opportunity to get a slightly more satisfying meal. And after the first tastes, the baby has taste preferences. He may refuse to eat, for example, milk mixture with rice flour or oatmeal.

Complementary foods at 4 months are not recommended. The child is still very small, his body cannot perceive a variety of foods. And the risk of getting an allergic reaction is very high. For this reason, it is better not to risk it.

It would also be necessary to remind mothers who do a lot of work with their baby that it is certainly useful for him to do massage, gymnastics, and lie on his tummy. But this should not be done immediately after the baby has eaten. Such a charge will bring little benefit to the ventricle of a little man. He may vomit and be lethargic.

Another month of the little man's life has passed, during this short period many changes have taken place, many new skills have been acquired. Therefore, the daily routine also changes, as it must meet the new needs of the child. Just like before, it includes feeding, walking, educational games, hygiene procedures and massage. Only time periods change.

Sample routine for a four month old baby

The daily routine of a baby at 4 months, as a rule, is already developed easily. You can offer an approximate schedule, but it should be borne in mind that for each baby it will be a little different. For this reason, you should not follow it very strictly, since the individual characteristics of each baby will make their own adjustments.

  1. From 6 to 8 o'clock in the morning after waking up, the first feeding, washing and hygiene procedures take place. After that, you can do light gymnastics in combination with air baths.
  1. From 8 to 10 in the morning - sleep.
  1. From 10 to 12 - the second feeding, active wakefulness with exercises, massage, games to accelerate development, compatible with communication.
  1. From 12 to 14 hours it is recommended to take a walk, it is best to combine it with sleep.
  1. From 14 to 16 - the third meal, an active game, activities for development, a walk around the apartment.
  1. 16-18 hours - evening exercise, combined with sleep or acquaintance with the outside world.
  1. From 18 to 21 is the fourth feeding, playing and bathing.
  1. From 21 to 22, it is advisable to prepare the baby for bed.
  1. At 22 or 22.30 night feeding.
  1. From 23 to 6 - night rest.

A child at 4 months of age should not follow the daily regimen thoroughly, but there are points that must be taken into account:

  • the intervals between feedings should be four hours;
  • the duration of daytime sleep is about six hours, divided into three parts.

Nutrition Features

The regimen of a 4-month-old breastfed baby is somewhat different from the schedule of an artificial baby. And first of all it concerns the feeding itself. When breastfeeding, additional complementary foods are not required, since mother's milk fully covers all nutritional needs. And the reduction in the frequency of feeding is due to the fact that at one time the baby sucks out more milk than before.

Per day, the rate of milk consumption in a four-month-old baby is up to 1000 ml, and one serving is equal to 200 ml. Therefore, the regimen of a 4-month-old bottle-fed baby also implies the preparation of 200 ml of the mixture in one bottle.

For artificers, the first complementary foods are introduced at 4 months. Some experts believe that it is best to use kefir, non-dairy cereals or cottage cheese for this purpose. But most pediatricians believe that the best complementary foods are vegetable juices and purees, and then fruits. Feeding a 4-month-old bottle-fed baby with complementary foods may alternate at large intervals, since digestion in this case is somewhat slower.

An obligatory moment in the introduction of complementary foods is to monitor the reaction of the baby. Food should not cause him negative emotions. You should start with one small spoon, and then gradually bring the volume to 150 ml. As soon as this happens, one feeding is completely replaced by complementary foods, and the remaining four are carried out in the same way as before.

With insufficient milk supply from the mother, mixed feeding is used. In this case, the four-month diet should include 500 ml of breast milk, 400 ml of formula and 150 ml of complementary foods.

Baby sleep at 4 months

At the age of four months, the baby still has a high need for sleep. He needs about 16 hours per day for a good rest, but the sleep pattern changes somewhat due to the increase in wakefulness.

Normally, a child needs to rest for about 10 hours at night and six hours during the day, which should be divided by three. However, such a rule should not be strictly observed, some children still need to sleep at least four times a day, and many do well if they sleep once a day. There are crumbs that wake up at night and ask for food every three hours.

It is during this period that the baby may have problems with sleep. The crisis of sleep at 4 months is that the baby becomes more restless, sleeps less, is naughty, often wakes up at night. And this is not always associated with any disease. Often this phenomenon is observed as a result of the intensive growth of the body and its restructuring into an adult state.

What can be done:

  1. Try to adapt to new conditions, and help the baby in this. For example, if he does not sleep well at night, you can put him to bed a little later, in which case you will have to entertain him until he sleeps. This will help him sleep the rest of the time until morning.
  1. Be sure to give the baby maximum attention. Goodwill and support are very important for him during the period of intensive growth of the body.
  1. Make your child's free time as entertaining as possible. The more active he spends his time, the better and sounder he will sleep.

Games for development

The period of wakefulness now takes about eight hours, and this time should be filled with hygiene procedures, communication, gymnastics, but the bulk of the time should be occupied by educational games for children of 4 months.

It is useful to take tours of the apartment with the baby. At this time, he should familiarize himself with the objects and their names. Approaching each thing with a child, you need to loudly and clearly, several times call this item. All this is gradually deposited in the memory, which over time will become noticeable. During this period, it is enough to pronounce the name of an already familiar object, and the baby will turn his head in his direction.

What else to do with a 4 month old baby? It is very useful to put beautiful music for him to listen to, and it is even better to clap your hands softly to the rhythm to develop a sense of time. It is also recommended to spin with a baby in your arms.

It is possible already at this age to give books with bright large pictures, to accompany the viewing with explanations. It is necessary to read poems and nursery rhymes, tell fairy tales.

How to play with a 4 month old baby? In order to develop tactile sensations, you should give the little one toys that are different in color and texture. It is very important to handle and wash all toys, as they often end up in the little explorer's mouth and can cause infection. Today, there are many devices that help in the development of the baby. These are educational mats and entertainment centers for the development of the organs of vision, hearing and fine sensory abilities.

When a baby is 4 months old, the development and care of a girl is not too different from caring for a boy. The only thing that should be strictly observed is that washing should be done in the direction from front to back. Violation of this rule can lead to the fact that cystitis or even pyelonephritis may occur. It is not excluded the introduction of infection into the genitals.

The development of a child at 4 months, whether it is a boy or a girl, is approximately the same. Only boys have a slightly greater weight gain and growth compared to female babies.

Abilities and skills at four months of age

The development of the baby does not stand still, let's take a closer look at what a child can do at 4 months:

  1. Grasping ceases to be reflex and becomes voluntary and conscious. Now the baby squeezes the fist only when he wants to take the object. This is a great progress, since he has the first training in controlling the movements of his own body and the development of coordination begins.
  1. What else does a baby do at 4 months? He not only examines the object in his hand, but also makes some movements (knocks, touches individual parts with his finger, pulls into his mouth). True, due to the fact that his muscular system is still poorly developed, this has not happened for a long time yet.
  1. If at three months the baby could already roll over on his tummy, now he knows how to take the same position. And this forces parents to keep him under constant supervision, or to shift him to the floor to prevent him from falling out of bed. With new movements, the child becomes able to get to objects of interest to him.
  1. On the back, the baby begins to raise his head with his shoulders, as if trying to sit down. Therefore, many parents have a question about whether it is possible to plant a child at 4 months. Modern orthopedic specialists are categorically against such an early planting, until the baby sits down on his own. Do not use soft objects for support. The landing site and all supports must be rigid.
  1. From the position lying on the tummy, the baby begins to make attempts to crawl. He raises the pelvic part, and sorts out the legs. Some children succeed at this age to move "in a plastunsky way." In order to develop the desire and ability to crawl, bright and interesting toys for him can be laid out in front of the baby at some distance.
  1. Vision changes for the better, and if previously the child could only see an object at a distance of 70 cm, now he is able to consider what is within 3 - 3.5 meters from him. Therefore, he is already freely looking at the room or the landscape outside the window.
  1. Hearing begins to perceive many sound shades, music, to catch their emotional coloring. But, despite this, the most pleasant for him is the sound of his mother's voice.
  1. Along with this, the rudiments of speech begin to form. He can pronounce individual syllables, trying to repeat the articulation of an adult. At the height of a positive emotional state, the most intense "conversation" occurs. In some cases, the baby himself can act as the initiator of communication.
  1. At four months, the baby already clearly divides all people into “us” and “strangers”. He considers as his own those whom he sees most often. Often he begins to cry or act up in the presence of a stranger. In order to fall into the category of “ours”, you should at least show yourself to the eyes of the child once every two days. This is necessary because long-term memory at this age is not yet too developed.

Baby problems at four months

One of the most common problems parents face is sleep disturbance. Its solution has already been described above.

Not so often, but sometimes there are signs of teething in a 4-month-old baby:

  • gums become red and swollen;
  • hypersalivation occurs;
  • the appearance of a sour smell in the mouth is possible due to irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • in some cases, the baby's cheeks swell;
  • the child constantly pulls hard objects into his mouth and gnaws them;
  • he has tearfulness, sleep and appetite are disturbed.

Since such phenomena can accompany some diseases, if they occur, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Refusal of breastfeeding

Along with a sleep crisis, quite often there is such a situation when the baby refuses to breastfeed, and mothers are forced to stop breastfeeding for this reason. What reasons may underlie the refusal of the breast of a baby at the age of four months? This is, first of all, a transitional period with increased sensitivity to living conditions. The slightest violation in the rules of catering, or a sudden change in the routine, can lead to the fact that the child will stop breastfeeding.

There are other explanations for this phenomenon:

  1. Diseases. Often, inflammatory processes in the nose, throat or ear give the baby severe discomfort, and the process of sucking and swallowing is very painful. If treatment is started on time, the appetite will be restored. The same unpleasant sensations can be delivered by inflammation of the gums or damage to the oral cavity by a fungus.
  1. The position in which feeding takes place may be uncomfortable. Especially often this happens with muscle hypertonicity, which occurs in children after a birth injury. In any case, you should either change the position of the child, or eliminate the cause.
  1. Early teething can also be a failure. But this is a temporary phenomenon, and it passes within a few days.
  1. Sometimes the quality of the milk is the cause. In the case when the mother has excessive lactation, the baby chokes on milk and constantly burps it. With a lack of milk, the child sucks vigorously at the breast, but at the same time remains hungry. If at the same time he begins to feed him with an artificial mixture from the nipple, then he completely loses interest in mother's milk.
  1. The child actively explores the surrounding world, and begins to be distracted by external stimuli. The solution to the problem is feeding in a separate visit in the absence of strangers and sounds.
  1. Sometimes a baby's refusal to breast at 4 months occurs as a result of the fact that one of them has not been used for some time for its intended purpose (due to pain when a crack or lactostasis appears).

We offer you to watch a video about the development and care of a child at 4 months:

When a baby refuses breast milk, it should be remembered that at this age he does not have a better opportunity to receive all the necessary elements, so patience and perseverance should be shown.


This is the third month since the birth of the baby. Most children have normalized intestinal microflora by this time. . Unpleasant colic and frequent bloating because of the accumulated gases, the baby is no longer so often tormented.

At three months, the child learned to reach for objects that are next to him. Thanks to a strengthened musculoskeletal system and constantly improving fine motor skills of the fingers, the baby easily grabs and holds the toy. Some moms start introducing complementary foods as early as 3 months.

In this material, we will tell you about what a small child should be able to do at 4 months of age, how to properly organize the daily routine and nutrition with complementary foods, what weight should a four-month-old baby have with normal development, how to properly strengthen the muscles of the baby if it does not roll over on its own.

At this age, the baby tries to imitate the sounds around him. In the volume, tempo and intonation of the sounds that he produces, you can find similarities with the manner of speaking parents. The child expresses his emotions more vividly - he rejoices and smiles when his mother or father appears next to him, invites him to communicate.

The kid sees objects well at a distance of up to 4 meters. The baby tries to focus his gaze on an object in his field of vision.

By 4-5 months, the baby's hearing is almost as well developed as that of an adult. The child turns his head to the source that makes the sound, carefully peers in that direction.

The muscles of the crumbs are noticeably stronger - lying on the tummy , he can raise his upper body and head high, leaning on strong arms.

Some four-month-old babies already know how to roll over from the back to the tummy, but most babies are just learning to do such exercises. In addition to the daily strengthening massage, try to engage in the training of coups more often: swing it in different directions, putting your palms under your back , gently push the little one on the side, winding one leg after the other. Let the baby try to roll over from the barrel to the stomach on his own.

Photos of babies at 4 months of development (beginning of the fourth month):


Read bedtime stories to your child and sing lullabies. It is useful to show the baby theatrical performances with toys and finger games for psycho-emotional and phonemic development. The more you engage with your child, the faster he will learn to speak over time.


The baby should easily lift the upper body from a prone position on the tummy, leaning on outstretched arms;

Should be interested in the actions taking place around him, the sounds heard, the smells heard;

Turn the head in different directions;

Pull objects that come under the arm into the mouth into the mouth;

May be able to hold light objects with thumb and forefinger;

Able to imitate the heard sounds and voices well;

At the end of 4 months he can pronounce some syllables;

Must respond to an adult's spoken name.

How to help your baby learn to roll over in a playful way:

The kid perceives and masters any skills better in the course of game. If the child still does not know how to roll over, tell him funny nursery rhymes, rhymes and gently touch different parts of the body when you change the position of his body during classes.

Prepare a space for exercise. Place a thick blanket on the floor and fasten rattles or bells to the sides. The baby will turn his head to the sounds of the bell and be fed by the body. Gently help him turn on his side with your palm. You can also use your favorite bright toy child during classes - when the toy is in the field of view of the crumbs, he will reach for it with a handle, turning over from the barrel to the stomach.


In the table - a variant of the organization of sleep and wakefulness of a little man:

Many parents are faced with such a problem as the unwillingness of the baby to fall asleep according to the daily routine. If the baby is not sick, he has no problems with digestion and teeth are not cut, then there may be the following reasons: the child cannot fall asleep without motion sickness in your arms or without a pacifier , and also because of the overexcited crumbs going to bed too late. Try to put him to bed early and be sure to teach him to fall asleep without motion sickness.

In order for the child to always have an excellent appetite, keep every day the same intervals of time between sleep and feeding. At 4 months, try to follow the following sequence: baby's sleep - feeding - a walk on the street or educational games - sleep.

How much does a four month old baby sleep?

During the day, a baby should sleep at least several times for about two hours. At night - a long, deep sleep 11-12 hours with a break for feeding.

What time should a baby go to sleep during the day?

Each baby has its own individual biorhythm. Focus on signs of fatigue - he begins to suck his finger, rubs his eyes, yawns, twists his head.

In the evening, it is advisable to put the baby to bed between 19.00 and 20.00

Before going to bed at night, be sure to follow the same bedtime preparation ritual. For example, play a calm game with the baby, then a relaxing bath with chamomile, and a lullaby when he is already in bed. If the child does not sleep well at night and often wakes up (even if not hungry), it is advisable to consult a pediatrician for advice and, if necessary, undergo a comprehensive examination.


The infant continues to eat mother's milk (if for one reason or another it is not transferred to artificial feeding), but complementary foods are gradually introduced into its diet.

Daily amount of food eaten by the baby should be equal to about a sixth of the total weight of the crumbs (860-930 gr). The number of feedings is 5-6 times daily, taking into account breastfeeding.

First, include vegetable puree in the baby's diet - it is the least allergenic and is easily absorbed by the baby's digestive system at 4 months. Make the very first complementary foods not from a mixture of different vegetables, but from one product. Give mashed potatoes little by little, increasing the amount of complementary foods gradually so that the baby's digestive system adapts to the new diet.

What to feed the baby? Consider a menu option with five meals a day:



Introduce complementary foods very little for the first week. Mother's milk continues to be the main product of breastfeeding;

From the first days of the introduction of complementary foods, feed a four-month-old baby from a spoon, and not from a bottle;

If the baby has already been transferred to artificial feeding, then the portions themselves should be smaller, and the interval between meals should be longer. During the day, the interval is approximately 3.5 hours, at night - about 8. If the baby spit up often and profusely, you can slightly reduce the interval between feedings.


How much does a child weigh at this age?

A four-month-old baby is gaining from 19 to 25 grams every day and is added to the existing weight in a month on average, more than 630 grams - for boys a little more, for girls - less.

The weight

The weight of a child at 4 months - what should be? The average increase for the entire fourth month of a baby's life is daily from 18 to 24 grams per day, that is, by the end of the fourth month of life, on average, a child gains from 600 to 750 grams per month.

Boys weight from 5.4 to 7.8 kg
Girls weight - from 4.9 to 7.2 kg


In the first 3 months the baby grows for a few see monthly. For 4 months, he grows another 2.5-3 centimeters.

Boys height- from 58.5 to 64.7 cm
Girls growth- from 58.3 to 64.2 cm


Reasons for an increase in temperature:

Excessive physical activity of the child;

The appearance of the first incisors and redness of the gums;

Constipation associated with incorrect introduction of complementary foods or improper diet;

Prolonged emotional stress (crying with a scream);

Heatstroke or overheating on a hot day (including due to out-of-season wrapping);

Colds, inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Reasons for coughing in babies:

Inflammatory processes in the ENT organs (nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses);

Acute respiratory viral infection;

Bronchial asthma;

inflammation of the adenoids;

Getting into the larynx of a foreign body;

Poisoning and damage to the gastrointestinal tract infection.

What is dangerous!

√ if the cough is accompanied by the appearance of greenish sputum, wheezing, blood;

√ if cough with frequent relapses and started at night;

√ if the cough develops against the background of SARS and does not stop for more than 3 weeks;

√ cough appeared unexpectedly and the temperature rose to 38 or more degrees.

Why does a 4 month old cry?

wet diaper or diaper (monotonous and continuous crying);

Cries because of hunger (calms down as soon as food is offered);

The baby is too hot or cold (it is necessary to keep the temperature in the room at 20-22 ° C);

Feeling of discomfort (tight diaper, rough fabric of underwear, tight shoes);

Fright from a sharp sound or other external stimulus;

The child may cry if he is tired and wants to sleep;

Bunnies or bloating (presses the legs to the tummy, releases gas, blushes strongly from overexertion and crying);

High fever and feeling unwell from malaise.


This video lesson clearly demonstrates ways to strengthen the child's musculoskeletal system. With the help of a special massage, you prepare the baby for independent crawling on the floor. The baby strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs. He learns to roll over from his back to his tummy and vice versa, as well as walk (so far with support):

In the fourth month of a baby's life, important changes occur in his social, psychological and emotional development. During this period, the child learns to interact with the people around him, consciously studies toys and objects, begins to show an active interest in the events taking place around him. Changes also occur in physical development - the proportions of the child's body are gradually approaching the proportional parameters of an adult.

To assess the level of development of an infant who is already 4 months old, the features of visual perception and the formation of speech skills are of great importance. Even if the child is a little behind his peers, this can easily be corrected with the help of special classes and educational games. It also happens that the mismatch of the baby's skills with existing standards is the first sign of serious neurological disorders and other severe pathologies, so parents should know the developmental features of the child at 4 months.

How much should a baby weigh at four months

During the first year of life, the infant should undergo a monthly scheduled examination by the local pediatrician. At each appointment, the baby must be weighed, his height, head and chest circumference are measured. These are the most important anthropometric indicators that allow you to assess the state of health of the child and the correctness of his development.

Table of indicators of height and weight of boys and girls

For example, a discrepancy between the size of the chest and age norms may indicate a lack of vitamin D 3 and be a sign of rickets, a progressive metabolic disorder that causes bone tissue degeneration and pathology of the nervous system. Too much head circumference in some cases can be a clinical manifestation of hydrocephalus - a dangerous disease in which there is an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain. For the timely diagnosis of these diseases, it is necessary to monitor changes in these parameters and seek medical help in time.

It is equally important to regularly measure the height and weight of the child - this will help to suspect pathologies of the endocrine system in time (for example, a violation of the synthesis of insulin and adrenal hormones). The weight of a child at 4 months can range from 6 to 7 kg. The average increase during this period is about 700-750 g, since the baby's motor activity is still at a low level. The average height of a four-month-old child is 64 cm. Some children at this age grow up to 68 cm - this is also considered a variant of the norm if no abnormalities are detected in blood and urine tests.

The following factors can affect the weight and height of a child at 4 months:

  • type of feeding (children who receive formula milk as food gain weight a little faster);
  • heredity;
  • body weight at birth;
  • psycho-emotional situation in the family;
  • the number and duration of walks.

Important! If the indicators of physical development are much different from normal values, the child needs a comprehensive examination, as this may be a sign of neurological, endocrine disorders, as well as diseases of the heart and vascular system.

What should a child be able to do at 4 months

During this age period, the child's muscular system is actively developing, helping the baby to become aware of his body, explore it and prepare it for the main task of the first year of life - the ability to walk.

motor skills

The muscles of a child at 4-5 months are already strong enough so that he can perform many actions:

  • conscious grasping of objects (not to be confused with reflex actions) and shifting them from hand to hand;
  • holding the head in the prone position on the stomach and raising the upper body with support on the palms;
  • rolling from back to stomach and vice versa;
  • raising the shoulder body and head in the supine position (first attempts to sit down);
  • grabbing the bar or arm of an adult lying on his back with attempts to pull up;
  • the ability to hold the handles of the mother's breast or bottle while feeding;
  • raising the buttocks and pushing off with the legs in the supine position (the makings of a crawl).

After the baby has mastered all of the above skills, it is better to lower him to the floor, limiting the space for movement with the help of pillows or special floor playpens. This has a positive effect on the physical and intellectual development of the child and allows you to explore the world around you from a new angle.

Important! In no case should a child sit down if he himself does not attempt to sit down and cannot independently hold his back. Too early attempts to plant a baby can cause diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, scoliosis). In girls, this practice can lead to disruption of the functioning of the reproductive organs and the bending of the uterus.

Physiological development

In the fourth month of life, the most important physiological changes occur in the child's body, affecting almost all organs and systems and determining the degree of his health and development in the future.

  1. Hearing. The child is able to determine the source of the sound. It is considered normal at this age if the baby shows responses to speech addressed to him from a distance of 2-2.5 meters.
  2. Vision. The ability of the organ of vision to perceive and differentiate various shades and colors expands, visual acuity improves. Many children at this age may change eye color. The child sees well not only near, but also like an adult, at a distance of 20-30 cm. At 4 months, the baby should be able to focus on toys and other objects, as well as people who are talking to him. Many children are born with mild strabismus due to weakness of the visual muscles. At 4 months, this condition should pass. If this does not happen, it is necessary to show the baby to a doctor in order to exclude pathologies of the organs of vision and various forms of neurological disorders, for example, cerebral palsy.
  3. Lacrimal glands. At the fourth month of life, the crying of the child is already accompanied by tears, and not just loud sounds with a negative connotation.
  4. Hair and nails. Hair also begins to actively grow at the age of 4-5 months. The nail plates also grow faster, the skin of the periungual ridges thickens. This is due to the normalization of digestive processes and improved absorption of beneficial elements that directly affect the nutrition of hair follicles and epidermal cells.
  5. Digestive system. By 4 months, the production of digestive enzymes necessary for the digestion and breakdown of food is normalized in the baby's body. This is manifested by the following signs: elimination, compaction of feces (stool design), regularity of bowel movements, relaxation of the abdominal muscles. The child becomes calmer. Appetite improves, sleep quality improves. Some babies this age can transition to eight hours of sleep a night with one nightly feed.
  6. Typical reflexes of newborns are almost not traced. Only a few reflexes remain: the sucking reflex, the crawling reflex, the Moro reflex. The search reflex may be partially preserved, which over time is replaced by a reaction to a visual stimulus (revival of the baby at the sight of a bottle with a mixture, a breast prepared for feeding), a grasping reflex, a Galant reflex. If the proboscis reflex, Babkin reflex, automatic walking reflex is still present in the child by the fourth month of life, this may indicate damage to the central nervous system.

Mental and emotional development

The child's actions become more stubborn and purposeful, the character is balanced, the possibility of unexpected crying for no apparent reason gradually disappears. At this age, it is interesting for a child to be alone, to study his body, so some children can devote up to 30 minutes to classes without the participation of adults.

  1. Cooing. At 4 months, the baby actively coos while awake and tries to pronounce the first syllables using consonant sounds.
  2. Emotionality. A four-month-old baby vividly expresses his emotions: laughs, shows joy, puts on airs. He likes to interact with adults.
  3. The child learns to respond to the words of the mother or another person who is with him most of the time. Many children at this age react not only to the speech of a loved one, but also to his presence. This can be manifested by active cooing, smiling, stretching consonant sounds (most often “a”, “o” and “y”).
  4. In the fourth or fifth month of life, the child recognizes the voice of people he knows. The reaction can be manifested by turning the head, smiling, active movements of the arms and legs. Positive emotions can arise while listening to familiar music, songs, favorite fairy tales.
  5. The rudiments of communication with gestures appear. The baby can stretch out his arms, thereby showing his desire to be in the arms of his mother.
  6. The infant shows signs of interest in the things around him. If he wants to take some object or examine it better, then his lips are pulled out with a “proboscis”, breathing quickens and the baby reaches for the object.
  7. Active awareness of one's own body. With his hands, the child feels his legs, thereby, as it were, fixing the fact of presence in his mind, studies them, sucks his toes.

Important! A sign of healthy social and emotional development is the division of people around you into “us” and “them”. When a child sees a stranger, he shows anxiety, starts screaming and crying, tries to turn away in the other direction. In the presence of mother or other close people, the child smiles, actively walks and shows signs of interest in communication.

"Singing" in babies 4-5 months old is a sign of healthy emotional development and social adaptation. During this period, it is important to talk more with the child, play games, while explaining all the actions and naming the surrounding objects. Reading fairy tales and singing calm songs, such as lullabies, have a positive effect on emotional and speech development. Even if the mother is not engaged with the child, but at this time is with him in the same room, you should communicate with the baby more often in order to improve psycho-emotional perception, which largely determines the character and personal qualities of the child at preschool and school age.

Video baby development calendar from 4 to 5 months

How to develop a four-month-old baby

Toys for the development of a four-month-old baby

Toys are of great importance in the proper development for a 4-5 month old baby. Pediatricians are advised to purchase the following toys for a child of this age:

  • bright rattles, bells and other toys to attract attention and stimulate crawling skills;
  • fabric toys and shreds for the development of tactile perception;
  • fabric bags filled with various cereals for the development of tactile sensations;
  • rag bracelets and toys with pendants for the development of fine motor skills.

All toys must be bright and made of safe materials. Preference should be given to products painted in natural colors: yellow, green, red, blue or orange.