Children about the rules of the road. Rules of the road for preschool children. Types of games according to traffic rules

Dear parents, remember!

The child learns the laws of the road, taking an example from family members and other adults.

Learning the rules of the road does not begin when the child takes the first steps. Much earlier, he remembers how his loved ones behave (as well as positive and negative behavior). Therefore, the study of the rules of behavior on the road begins with how adults behave in similar situations - yourself, grandparents, brothers and sisters, as well as everyone with whom your child comes into contact in one way or another. Before you cross the road for the first time with a baby in your arms or in a stroller, learn how to behave on the street the way you would like your child to do it.

Remember these simple rules:

* On the sidewalk should go as far as possible from the carriageway;

* When crossing the street, you should stop at the roadway and look to the left, then to the right and again quickly to the left;

* Start crossing the street only when the traffic light is green;

* Cross the street whenever possible in safe places - at a traffic light, at a zebra crossing or at least at an intersection - car drivers are more attentive here .;

* Never rush headlong into traffic.

At preschool age, the child should learn:

* Traffic Laws;

* elements of the road (road, carriageway, sidewalk, roadside, pedestrian crossing, intersection);

* vehicles (tram, bus, trolleybus, car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle);

* means of traffic control;

* red, yellow and green traffic lights;

* traffic rules on roadsides and sidewalks;

* rules for crossing the carriageway;

* without adults it is impossible to go out on the road;

* Rules for boarding, behavior and disembarkation in public transport.

For this you need

1. to acquaint with the rules only to the extent necessary for assimilation;

2. for familiarization, use traffic situations when walking in the yard, on the road;

3. explain what is happening on the road, what vehicles he sees;

4. when and where it is possible to cross the carriageway, when and where it is impossible;

5. point out violators of the rules, both pedestrians and drivers;

6. teach your child the rules of cycling (where you can ride and where you can’t, how to signal a turn and stop);

7. when riding a bicycle with a child, stay behind to control the child and note his mistakes;

8. to fix visual memory (where is the vehicle, road elements, shops, schools, kindergartens, pharmacies, pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, ways of safe and dangerous traffic to kindergarten);

9. develop spatial representation (close, far, left, right, in the direction of travel, behind);

10. develop an idea of ​​the speed of movement of vehicles of pedestrians (drives fast, slowly, turns);

11. do not intimidate the child with the street: fear of transport is no less harmful than carelessness and inattention;

When leaving home

If traffic is possible at the entrance of the house, immediately pay attention to the child if there is any approaching transport. If there are vehicles or trees growing at the entrance, stop your movement and look around for danger.

When driving on the sidewalk

Stick to the right side. An adult must be on the side of the roadway. If the sidewalk is next to the road, parents should hold the child's hand. Teach your child, walking along the sidewalk, to carefully observe the departure of cars from the yard. Do not teach children to go out onto the roadway, carry strollers and sleds only along the sidewalk.

Getting ready to cross the road

Stop, look around the road. Develop your child's observation of the road. Emphasize your movements: turn your head to look at the road. Stop for inspection of the road, stop for passing cars. Teach your child to peer into the distance, to distinguish between approaching cars. Don't stand with your child on the edge of the sidewalk. Draw the attention of the child to the vehicle preparing to turn, talk about the signals of the direction indicators for cars. Show how the vehicle stops at the crossing, how it moves by inertia.

When crossing the road

Cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing or at an intersection. Go only to the green traffic light, even if there are no cars. Stop talking when you get out on the road. Do not rush, do not run, cross the road measuredly. Do not cross the street at an angle, explain to the child that the way to see the road is worse. Do not go out onto the roadway with a child because of traffic or bushes without first inspecting the street. Do not rush to cross the road, if on the other side you see friends, the right bus, teach your child that it is dangerous. When crossing an unregulated intersection, teach your child to carefully monitor the start of traffic. Explain to the child that even on the road where there are few cars, one must cross carefully, as the car can leave the yard, from the alley.

When boarding and disembarking from a vehicle

Get out first, ahead of the child, otherwise the child may fall, run out onto the roadway. Approach for landing to a door only after a full stop. Do not get into the transport at the last moment (it can slam the doors). Teach your child to be careful in the stop zone - this is a dangerous place (poor view of the road, passengers can push the child onto the road).

While waiting for transport

Stand only on landing pads, on the sidewalk, or on the side of the road.

Street Switching Skill: When approaching a road, stop, look around the street in both directions.

The skill of calm, confident behavior on the street: when leaving home, do not be late, leave early so that you have a margin of time when walking calmly.

The skill of switching to self-control: the ability to monitor one's behavior is formed daily under the guidance of parents.

Danger Foresight Skill: The child must see with his own eyes that danger often hides behind various objects on the street.

It is important that parents be an example for children in observing the rules of the road!

Don't rush, cross the road at a measured pace!

When you go out onto the carriageway, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light.

Cross the road only in places marked with a road sign "Pedestrian crossing".

Get out of the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the roadway.

Involve your child in your observations of the situation on the road: show him the cars that are preparing to turn, go at high speed, etc.

Do not go out with a child from behind a car, bushes, without first examining the road - this is a typical mistake, and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

Dedicate a separate walk to the rules of crossing the road. Check if your child understands them correctly, if he knows how to use this knowledge in real traffic situations. To do this, practice walking together at a pedestrian crossing through a carriageway with one-way and two-way traffic, through regulated and unregulated intersections.

During the holidays, it does not matter whether your child stays in the city or leaves, you must use every opportunity to remind him of the rules of the road. Do not leave children unattended on the street, do not allow them to play near the roadway.

Teach your kids to follow the rules of the road from an early age. And do not forget that personal example is the most intelligible form of learning.

The relevance of road safety is growing, and this is due to the increase in the number of cars on the roads. In such conditions, the implementation of traffic rules for children, who are the most unprotected category of road users, is of great importance. Accidents that happen to children on the roads are more often caused by: leaving the roadway in an unspecified place in front of a nearby vehicle or because of a bus, trolleybus or other obstacle; playing on the roadway; walking on the roadway. The child performs these actions due to the inability to assess the real danger that threatens him on the road. Therefore, the rules of the road for preschool children and schoolchildren are of great importance for preserving their life and health, and parents should educate their children in respect for the Rules and the awareness that their strict observance is mandatory.

It is very useful to focus the attention of children on the Rules, being in a traffic situation, where you can visually teach the child to navigate and assess the situation on the road. Parents should not rely on the fact that the child will be taught how to behave on the road, in kindergarten or school. They themselves are obliged to use every opportunity to form and develop in children the skills of correct behavior in the surrounding road traffic environment. In this context, the positive example of adults is very important, since it is on it that the children's perception of the laws of the road is based. And if the parents themselves cross the road in an unspecified place or neglect the traffic lights in the presence of the child, then it is naive to hope that the child himself will follow these rules. Therefore, one should tirelessly teach the child attentiveness and caution on the road; point out the mistakes of road users; consolidate the knowledge gained about safe behavior by reading books, poems and, of course, do not forget to encourage the child's positive habits in the correct behavior on the road. It must be remembered that there are no trifles in matters of child safety, and trouble is always easier to prevent than to overcome.

Naughty pedestrian
The road runs through the forest
The traffic light is flashing.
Everyone is in a hurry to cross over.
From moose to mice.
Sometimes across the road
Too many pedestrians
Jumps, walks, flies,
Runs, crawls.
Mom taught a hedgehog
Mom threatened with her finger:
“Remember the rules, baby!”
If the light is red - stop!
If it's yellow, just wait
On the green - come on!
Naughty pedestrian
Did the opposite!
The hedgehog was in a hurry
And rolled in a ball
Straight to the red light!
Is it possible so? Of course not!
The brakes screeched
And he closed his eyes.
Old fat dump truck
Beeping, growling:
- I just stopped
Almost fell off the road!
What, you don't know the rules?!
Come on, quickly march into the bushes!
I'll give you a hedgehog advice:
Don't run red lights!
The hedgehog puffed softly:
- Sorry, I didn't mean to.
The traffic light told us:
The hedgehog has improved since then.
Knows the order best
Doesn't break anything!

Rules of the road for children.

Rules of the road for pedestrians. Pedestrians must move along sidewalks or footpaths, and in their absence, along roadsides. In the absence of sidewalks, footpaths or roadsides, as well as in case of impossibility to move along them, pedestrians can move along the cycle path or walk in one line along the edge of the carriageway (on roads with a dividing strip - along the outer edge of the carriageway). When driving along the edge of the carriageway, pedestrians must walk towards the movement of vehicles. When driving along roadsides or the edge of the carriageway at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians are advised to carry objects with retroreflective elements and ensure the visibility of these objects by vehicle drivers. Groups of children are allowed to drive only on sidewalks and footpaths, and in their absence - on roadsides, but only during daylight hours and only when accompanied by adults. Pedestrians must cross the carriageway at pedestrian crossings, including underground and surface crossings, and in their absence - at intersections along the line of sidewalks or roadsides. If there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at a right angle to the edge of the carriageway in areas without a dividing strip and fences where it is clearly visible in both directions. In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must be guided by the signals of the traffic controller or a pedestrian traffic light, and in its absence, a transport traffic light. At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians can enter the carriageway after they estimate the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and make sure that the crossing will be safe for them. When crossing the carriageway outside the pedestrian crossing, pedestrians, in addition, should not interfere with the movement of vehicles and exit from behind a standing vehicle or other obstacle that limits visibility without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles. Having entered the carriageway, pedestrians should not linger or stop if this is not related to ensuring traffic safety. Pedestrians who do not have time to complete the transition must stop on the line separating the traffic flows of opposite directions. You can continue the transition only after making sure that the further movement is safe and taking into account the traffic light signal (traffic controller).

Rule One. Choose a safe place to cross. If there is no pedestrian or traffic light crossing nearby, choose a location where you can clearly see the road in all directions. Do not try to get on the road between standing cars. It is important that not only you have a good view of the road, but also that you are clearly visible to any driver. Having chosen a place suitable for the transition, wait, look around. Rule Two. Before crossing, be sure to stop before stepping on the roadway and carefully inspect the road. You need to stand at the edge of the sidewalk, stepping back a little from the curb - so that you can see the approach of cars. Rule Three. Look around and listen. The car may leave unexpectedly. But if you are careful, "keep your ears on top", you can hear the approach of the car even before it becomes visible. Rule Four. If a car is approaching, let it pass, then look around again and listen for other cars nearby. When the car passes, you need to look around again. In the first seconds, she can obscure a car that is driving towards her. Without noticing it, you can fall into the "trap". Rule Five. Do not enter the road until you are sure you have enough time to cross. Only after making sure that it is completely safe, slowly, cross the street. Cross it only at right angles. Rule six. When crossing the street, keep watching the road in order to notice the change in the situation in time. The situation on the road is changing rapidly: parked cars can go, driving straight - turn; new cars may emerge from an alley, from a yard, or around a corner. Rule Seven. If during the transition suddenly there is an obstacle to the view (for example, the car stopped due to a malfunction), carefully looking out from behind it, inspect the rest of the way. If necessary, stop and let the driver pass you.

Traffic rules for cyclists

Driving a bicycle while driving on roads is allowed for persons not younger than 14 years old, and a moped - not younger than 16 years old. Bicycles, mopeds should move only on the extreme right lane in one row, possibly to the right. Driving on the side of the road is allowed if it does not interfere with pedestrians. Columns of cyclists must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists. To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80 - 100 m. Bicycle and moped riders are prohibited from: riding without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand; carry passengers, except for a child under the age of 7, on an additional seat equipped with reliable footrests; transport cargo that protrudes more than 0.5 m in length or width beyond the dimensions, or cargo that interferes with control; move along the road if there is a bike path nearby; turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction. It is forbidden to tow a bicycle trailer designed to be used with a bicycle or moped. At an unregulated intersection of a cycle path with a road, located outside the intersection, drivers of bicycles and mopeds must give way to vehicles moving along this road.

We adults should take into account the fact that every third child,

victim of a traffic accident was in the car as a passenger.

This proves how important it is to observe the following rules:

1. Fasten yourself and fasten your child with seat belts at all times! Including in someone else's car, and when driving short distances. If this rule is automatically followed by adults, then it will easily become a permanent habit in a child.

2. If possible, children should take the safest places in the car: the middle or the right side of the rear seat, as it can safely exit directly onto the sidewalk.

3. As a driver or passenger, you are also a constant role model. Do not be aggressive towards other road users, do not scold them. Instead, explain to your child what the mistake of other road users is. Feel free to admit your mistakes.

4. During long trips, stop often. Children need to move.

Teaching preschool children the rules of the road is an integral part of their upbringing, which should be given special attention by both young parents and educators in preschool educational institutions. From an early age, a small child should understand the importance of following these rules, since the safety of his life and health depends on it.

Nevertheless, it can be very difficult for a baby to explain what is not recommended to do while walking and moving along the road, and what dangers may lie in wait for him on the street. In this article, we will present the basic rules of the road for preschool children, set out in a simple, accessible and understandable form.

How to explain the rules of the road to a child?

To convey to a small child the main rules of the road in a form accessible to him, you can use the following explanations:

  1. Any movement should be carried out only on the right side. This applies not only to cars and all other modes of transport, but also to pedestrians who move along the sidewalk.
  2. Where there are no sidewalks, you need to move very carefully along the side of the road, towards the flow of traffic.
  3. It is possible to cross the territory of movement of cars only at a pedestrian crossing specially designed for this, marked with a “zebra”, or on a green light in those places where there is a traffic light. Moreover, if there is an unregulated pedestrian crossing on the road, you must first clearly make sure that your upcoming maneuver is safe and that there are no moving cars and other vehicles, even though drivers in such a situation are required to let people through. In all cases, it should be understood that a person sitting behind the wheel may simply not notice a child or adult crossing the road, and the car needs time to stop.
  4. On red and yellow lights, traffic is prohibited, both for pedestrians and for any vehicles.
  5. When exiting a trolleybus, bus or tram, you should not immediately cross the road, bypassing the vehicle. It is better to wait for the moment when the large-sized transport leaves the stop, and calmly complete your maneuver, after making sure that it is safe.
  6. When crossing the road with an adult, be sure to hold on tightly to his hand and not let go all the time until the crossing of the carriageway is completed.
  7. Under no circumstances should you jump onto the road in front of a moving vehicle.
  8. When driving in a car, you must always sit in a seat specially designed for this and never unfasten your seat belts while driving.
  9. Particular care should be taken when rollerblading, skateboarding or.

The rules of the road must be known to all its participants - drivers and pedestrians, adults and children. Ignorance of these rules does not release us from the obligation to adhere to them, otherwise trouble may happen.
The purpose of classes with students on traffic rules is that all students are well oriented on the road, understand the principles of car movement and know their actions in various non-standard situations that may occur.

How to avoid typical road traps

The main danger is a standing car! A standing car is dangerous: it can cover another car that is moving at high speed, making it difficult to notice the danger in time. You can not go out on the road because of the parked cars. In extreme cases, you need to carefully look out from behind a parked car, make sure that the danger is not in danger, and only then cross the road.

Do not bypass the standing bus either in front or behind! A standing bus closes a section of the road along which a car can pass at the moment when you decide to cross it. In addition, people near the stop are usually in a hurry and forget about safety. From the stop, you need to move towards the nearest pedestrian crossing.

Know how to anticipate the hidden danger! Because of a standing car, house, fence, bushes, etc., a car may suddenly leave. To cross the road, you need to choose a place where the road is visible in both directions. In extreme cases, you can carefully look out from behind the obstacle, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the road.

And at the traffic lights you can meet the danger. Today, on the roads of the city, we are constantly faced with the fact that car drivers violate the Rules of the Road: they drive at high speed, ignoring traffic lights and crossing signs. Therefore, it is not enough to teach children to navigate the green traffic light, you need to make sure that the danger does not threaten. Children often talk like this:« Cars are still standing, drivers see me and let me through». They are wrong!

The car is approaching slowly. And yet you have to skip it. A slow moving car can hide a fast moving car behind it. The child is often unaware that another may be hidden behind one car.

Children often run across the "desert" street without looking.On the street, where cars rarely appear, children run out onto the road without first examining it, and fall under a car. Develop in your child the habit of always stopping before going on the road, look around, listen - and only then cross the street.

Standing on the center line, remember: there may be a car behind! Children usually only watch cars moving on the right side and forget about cars passing behind them. Frightened, the child can take a step back - right under the wheels of the car. If you had to stop in the middle of the road, you must be extremely careful, do not make a single movement without making sure that it is safe.

Outside, hold your child tightly by the hand! Being next to an adult, the child relies on him and either does not observe the road at all, or observes poorly. Adults do not take this into account. On the street, children are distracted by all sorts of objects, sounds, not noticing a moving car, and thinking that the path is clear, they break out of the hands of an adult and run across the road. At the crossing of the road, you must firmly hold the child's hand.

Arches and exits from courtyards are places of hidden danger! In large cities, a place of increased danger is the arches through which cars leave the yards onto the roadway. Do not let the child run past the arch in front of the adult: he must be held by the hand.

Remember! The child learns the laws of the street, taking an example from you, parents, other adults. Let your example teach disciplined behavior on the street not only to your child, but also to other children. Cross the road observing the Rules of the Road.

General provisions

"Road"- a strip of land or the surface of an artificial structure, equipped or adapted and used for the movement of vehicles. The road includes one or more carriageways, as well as tram tracks, sidewalks, shoulders and dividing lanes, if any.

"Roadside"- a road element adjacent directly to the carriageway at the same level with it, differing in the type of coverage or marked out using markings 1.2.1 or 1.2.2, used for driving, stopping and parking in accordance with the Rules.

"Bike"- a vehicle, other than wheelchairs, having two or more wheels and driven by the muscular power of the people on it.

"Driver"- a person driving a vehicle, a driver leading pack animals, riding animals or a herd along the road. A driving instructor is equivalent to a driver.

"mechanical vehicle"- a vehicle, other than a moped, propelled by an engine. The term also applies to any tractors and self-propelled machines.

"Moped"- a two- or three-wheeled vehicle driven by an engine with a working volume of not more than 50 cubic meters. cm and having a maximum design speed of not more than 50 km/h. Bicycles with outboard motors, mokikis and other vehicles with similar characteristics are equated to mopeds.

"Organized Foot Column"- a group of people designated in accordance with paragraph 4.2 of the Rules, moving together along the road in one direction.

"Passenger"- a person, other than the driver, who is in the vehicle (on it), as well as a person who enters the vehicle (gets on it) or leaves the vehicle (gets off it).

"A pedestrian"- a person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not work on it. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, carrying a sledge, cart, baby or wheelchair are equated to pedestrians.

"Crosswalk"- a section of the carriageway marked with signs and (or) markings and allocated for pedestrian traffic across the road. In the absence of markings, the width of the pedestrian crossing is determined by the distance between the signs "Crosswalk":

"Sidewalk"- an element of the road intended for the movement of pedestrians and adjacent to the carriageway or separated from it by a lawn.

"Road user"- a person who is directly involved in the process of movement as a driver, pedestrian, passenger of a vehicle.

Road users are required to know and comply with the requirements of the Rules, traffic lights, signs and markings that apply to them, as well as follow the orders of traffic controllers acting within the rights granted to them and regulating traffic with established signals.

The roads have right-hand traffic.

Road users must act in such a way that they do not endanger traffic or cause harm.

It is forbidden to damage or pollute the road surface, remove, block, damage, arbitrarily install road signs, traffic lights and other technical means of organizing traffic, leave objects on the road that interfere with traffic. The person who created the obstacle is obliged to take all possible measures to eliminate it, and if this is not possible, then by available means to ensure that participants in the movement are informed about the danger and inform the police.

Persons who violate the Rules are liable in accordance with applicable law.

Responsibilities of Pedestrians

1. Pedestrians must move along sidewalks or footpaths, and in their absence, along roadsides. Pedestrians carrying or carrying bulky items, as well as persons moving in unpowered wheelchairs, may move along the edge of the carriageway if their movement on sidewalks or shoulders interferes with other pedestrians.

In the absence of sidewalks, footpaths or roadsides, as well as in case of impossibility to move along them, pedestrians can move along the cycle path or walk in one line along the edge of the carriageway (on roads with a dividing strip - along the outer edge of the carriageway).

When driving along the edge of the carriageway, pedestrians must walk towards the movement of vehicles. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a motorcycle, moped, bicycle, in these cases must follow the direction of the vehicles.

When driving along roadsides or the edge of the carriageway at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians are advised to carry objects with retroreflective elements and ensure the visibility of these objects by vehicle drivers.

2. The movement of organized pedestrian columns along the carriageway is allowed only in the direction of movement of vehicles on the right side of no more than four people in a row. In front and behind the columns on the left side there should be escorts with red flags, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility - with lights on: in front - white, behind - red.

Groups of children are allowed to drive only on sidewalks and footpaths, and in their absence - on roadsides, but only during daylight hours and only when accompanied by adults.

3. Pedestrians must cross the carriageway at pedestrian crossings, including underground and elevated ones, and in their absence - at intersections along the line of sidewalks or roadsides.

If there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at a right angle to the edge of the carriageway in areas without a dividing strip and fences where it is clearly visible in both directions.

4. In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must be guided by the signals of the traffic controller or a pedestrian traffic light, and in its absence, a transport traffic light.

5. At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians may enter the carriageway after they estimate the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and make sure that the crossing will be safe for them. When crossing the carriageway outside the pedestrian crossing, pedestrians, in addition, should not interfere with the movement of vehicles and exit from behind a standing vehicle or other obstacle that limits visibility without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles.

6. Having entered the carriageway, pedestrians should not linger or stop, if this is not related to ensuring traffic safety. Pedestrians who do not have time to complete the transition must stop on the line separating the traffic flows of opposite directions. You can continue the transition only after making sure that the further movement is safe and taking into account the traffic light signal (traffic controller).

7. When approaching vehicles with a blue flashing beacon and a special sound signal on, pedestrians must refrain from crossing the carriageway, and those on it must give way to these vehicles and immediately clear the carriageway.

8. It is allowed to wait for a shuttle vehicle and a taxi only on landing sites raised above the carriageway, and in their absence - on the sidewalk or roadside. In places of stops of route vehicles that are not equipped with elevated landing areas, it is allowed to enter the carriageway to board the vehicle only after it has stopped. After disembarking, it is necessary, without delay, to clear the roadway.

Obligations of Passengers

1. Passengers are obliged:

* when riding a vehicle equipped with seat belts, be fastened with them, and when riding a motorcycle - be in a fastened motorcycle helmet;
* boarding and disembarking should be carried out from the sidewalk or curb and only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop.
If boarding and disembarking is not possible from the sidewalk or shoulder, it can be carried out from the side of the carriageway, provided that it is safe and does not interfere with other traffic participants.

2. Passengers are prohibited from:

* distract the driver from driving the vehicle while it is moving;
* when driving a truck with an onboard platform, stand, sit on the sides or on a load above the sides;
* open the doors of the vehicle while it is moving.