Heading: Fairy tales about princesses - fairy tales for girls. Short bedtime stories for children

There lived a stupid wolf in the world. One day he meets a goat and says to her:

Now I'll eat you.

Well, well, if this is my fate - I agree. But only I am very thin and old. If you can wait a little, then I will run home and send you my daughter. Her meat is tender and young.

Once one groom went to woo. He spoke very awkwardly. Here the matchmaker gives him advice:

You, brother, speak more roundly to the bride.

Well, he came to the bride's house. He paused, paused, and as he ate, drank, cheered up, he said to the bride:

Yes, be silent, be silent and again:

After all, a round wheel, and he was told to speak “rounder”, so he chose a round one.

There lived a man and a woman in the same village. The peasant was good for everyone: he was both hard-working and not lazy, but he was offended by fate alone - he had little mind.

Once a woman sends a peasant to the forest for firewood.

Go, - he says, - chop wood, I'll at least heat the stove and cook cabbage soup.

Remember, Murochka, in the country
In our hot puddle
The tadpoles danced
The tadpoles splashed
The tadpoles dived
They messed around, tumbled.
And the old toad
Like a grandmother
I was sitting on the couch
Knitted stockings
And said in a bass voice:
- Sleep!
- Oh, grandmother, dear grandmother,
Let us play some more.

One woman was a striker; the husband came with advice, she asks him:

What were you judging?

Why judge something! The head was chosen

And who was chosen?

Nobody else.

Choose me, the woman says. Duck that the husband went to the council (she was evil, he wanted to teach her a lesson), he said this to the old people; they immediately chose the woman in their heads. A woman lives, judges and judges, and drinks wine from the peasants, and takes bribes.

E the potter is on the way; a passer-by meets him:

Hire, - he says, - me as a worker!

Can you make pots?

How else can I do it!

Here they were in order, shook hands and went together. They come home, the worker and says:

Well, master, prepare forty wagonloads of clay, tomorrow I'll get to work!

The owner prepared forty wagonloads of clay; but the worker was himself unclean, and he punishes the potter:

I'll start working at night, and you don't go to my barn!

Why so?

Once upon a time there lived a bird called a dawn. She was renowned for her hospitality.

Once the bird was visited by distant relatives: a finch and a sparrow. The golden eagle wanted to feed and drink the guests to their fill. But unfortunately the flour ended. Maybe the neighbors will help out ... The dawn ran to the tit, but she swore that she herself had been sitting without flour for several days and was starving. Nothing helped and so-roka. What was left to do? Perhaps a good nightingale will help out. But he lives far away, outside the village.

You are our sovereign Sidor Karpovich, how old are you?

Seventy, grandma, seventy, Pakhomovna!

You are our sovereign Sidor Karpovich, when will you die?

On Wednesday, grandmother, on Wednesday, Pakhomovna!

You are our sovereign Sidor Karpovich, when will you be buried?

Friday, grandma, Friday, Pakhomovna!

Sovereign, you are our Sidor Karpovich, how will you be remembered?

Pancakes, grandma, pancakes, Pakhomovna!

Sovereign, you are our Sidor Karpovich, what will you call after you?

The brother's name was Ivan, and the sister's name was Pigtail. Their mother was angry: she would put her on a bench and tell her to be silent. Sitting is boring, flies bite or Pigtail pinches - and fuss began, and mother pulls up her shirt and - slap ...

To go into the forest, even walk on your head there - no one will say a word ...

Ivan and Kosichka thought about this and into the dark forest and fled.

They run, climb trees, somersault in the grass - such a screech has never been heard in the forest.

By noon, the children calmed down, tired, and wanted to eat.

I would like to eat,” Pigtail whimpered.

Ivan began to scratch his stomach - to guess.

We will find a mushroom and eat it, - said Ivan. - Let's go, don't whine.

White geese are walking from the river along the frozen grass, in front of them an evil gander stretches its neck, hisses:

If someone gets me, I'll pinch.

Suddenly a shaggy jackdaw flew low and shouted:

What a swim! The water has frozen.

Shushura! - the goose hisses.

Long twig

Man, Geese drove to the city to sell;

And to tell the truth,

Not very politely honored his herd with a goose:

He hurried to the profits to the market day

(And where it touches profit,

Not only there geese, and people get it).

I don't blame the peasant;

The peacock, spreading its tail, walked along the shore of the pond. The two caterpillars looked at him and condemned him.

Look, - they say, - what ugly legs he has and listen to how awkwardly he screams.

The man heard them and said:

It is true that his legs are not good, and he sings awkwardly, but your legs are even worse, and you sing even worse; but you don't have a tail.

It was a long time ago. There was no priest in the village. The peasants agreed to elect the priest as a peace, chose and went to Uncle Pakhom.

Pakhom, - they say to him, - and Pakhom! Whether you are a priest in our village.

Groin and became a priest, but that’s the trouble: he doesn’t know the service, he can’t sing, he can’t read.

- And I live easily. There is enough to do - and I have plenty of everything ... Here, - he says, - the bishop will go to the cathedral. Let's seem to argue: you say - "six toes", and I - "five". And it’s like we have a hundred rubles as a deposit ... But don’t yawn there!

They went and stood on the road to the cathedral.

That thief who boasted of an easy life says:

The lord is coming!

The carriage arrived. The thief got on his knees. The bishop looked at him and stopped the carriage. Vor says:

Eminent lord! Here I am with this merchant (pointing to a friend) bet a hundred rubles. If I am true, then I will turn back my hundred rubles and take his hundred rubles, and if he is true, he will take it. He says "six toes" and I say "five".

There lived a thief. They called him the big thief. Once he went to steal in one city. Whether he walked a lot or a little - he meets one person. - Great! - Hello! What is your name and what is your trade? asks the big thief.

My trade is theft, and they call me a small thief, - he says.

And I am a thief. So let's mate. Good?

Two barrels rode; one with wine

Here is the first one - without noise and step by step


Another gallops rushing;

Once upon a time there were two merchants, both married, and they lived among themselves amicably and lovingly. Here is one merchant saying to another:

Listen, brother! Let's do a test, whose wife loves her husband better.

Let's. Yes, how to do something?

And here's how: let's get together and go to the Makariev fair, and whichever wife begins to cry more, she loves her husband more.

So they got ready to go, their wives began to see them off. One cries and spills, and the other says goodbye and laughs herself.

The merchants went to the fair, rode off about fifty versts and talked among themselves.

Two horses pulled two carts. The front horse drove well, but the back horse stopped. On the front horse began to shift the load from the rear wagon; when everything was shifted, the rear horse went light and said to the front:

Suffer and sweat. The more you try, the more you will be tormented.

A bishop comes to one parish, and in the village where the parish was, there lived two old women. They never saw the bishop. Old women say to their sons:

We must go to church and see the bishop.

The sons began to teach their mothers how to approach the old women for blessing.

Two girls were walking home with mushrooms.

They had to cross the railroad.

They thought that the car was far away, climbed onto the embankment and went across the rails.

Suddenly a car roared. The older girl ran back, and the smaller one ran across the road.

The older girl shouted to her sister:

Don't go back!

But the car was so close and made such a loud noise that the smaller girl did not hear; she thought she was being told to run back. She ran back across the rails, stumbled, dropped the mushrooms and began to pick them up.

The car was already close, and the driver whistled with all his might.

The older girl shouted:

Throw the mushrooms!

One girl guarded a cow in the field.

Robbers came and took the girl away. The robbers brought the girl to the forest to the house and ordered her to cook, clean and sew. The girl lived with the robbers, worked for them and did not know how to leave. When the robbers left, they locked the girl. Once all the robbers left and left the girl alone. She brought straw, made a doll out of straw, put her dresses on her and sat her by the window.

There were three sisters, the youngest was a fool. In the summer they gathered berries in the forest; the older sister got lost, walked and walked and came to a hut on a chicken foot. She entered the hut and began to call out to her sisters:

Who is in the forest, who is in the forest, come to spend the night with me!

I'm in the forest, I'm in the forest, I'll come to spend the night with you, - the huge bear answered, entering the door, - don't be afraid of me, get into my right ear, get out into my left - we will have everything!

The girl climbed into the bear's right ear, climbed out into the left, and found the keys in her bosom.

Now cook dinner!

She cooked dinner. We sat at the table; the mouse runs up and asks the girl for porridge.

One father had two sons. He told them:

I'll die - divide everything in half.

When the father died, the sons could not separate without a dispute. They went to sue a neighbor. A neighbor asked them:

How did your father tell you to share?

They said:

He ordered to divide everything in half.

Neighbor said:

So tear all the dresses in half, break all the dishes in half and cut all the cattle in half.

The brothers listened to their neighbor, and they had nothing left.

Three people found a jar full of gold. They began to think how to divide it, but could not agree. Then one of them said:

We have an honest and fair old man in the village. Let's go to him, ask him to share the gold.

They came to the old man and said:

You are an honest old man, share this gold between us fairly!

"Neighbor, my light!

Please eat."

"Neighbor, I'm fed up." - "There is no need

Another plate; Listen:

Ushitsa, she-she-she, is perfectly cooked!

"I ate three plates." - "And, full, what an expense;

If only it would become a hunt,

And then in health: eat to the bottom!

What the hell! Yes, how fat

As if she was covered with amber.

Grandfather and grandmother lived. Grandfather had a rooster, and a woman had a chicken. Babin's hen laid eggs, and grandfather's rooster - well, a rooster is like a rooster, it was of no use. Once the grandfather asks the woman for an egg, the woman does not want to give it. The grandfather got angry that there was no self-interest from the rooster, beat him and drove him away.

A rooster is walking along the road, looking - there is a purse with money. He took the wallet in his beak and carried it. Goes towards Mr. I saw a rooster

Jump down, - he says to the coachman, - and take away the purse from the rooster.

The coachman followed the rooster, caught it, took the purse away and gave it to the pan. Then he sat down in the britzka, hit the horses, and drove off. And the rooster runs after them and keeps screaming. The pan came home, drove into the yard, and the rooster is right there: runs around the yard and keeps shouting:

Tergach built a nest in the meadow late, and during the mowing the female was still sitting on her eggs. Early in the morning the peasants came to the meadow, took off their caftans, sharpened their braids, and followed each other. cut the grass with another and lay it in rows. Twitch flew out to see what the mowers were doing. When he saw that one peasant waved his scythe and cut the snake in half, he was delighted, flew to the derga and said:

Don't be afraid of men; they came to cut snakes; We haven't lived with them for a long time.

And the motherfucker said:

The peasants cut the grass, and with the grass they cut everything that comes across: a snake, and a turf nest, and a turf head.

Seeing that the Peasant was carrying an ax,

"Darling, - the young tree said, -

Perhaps cut down the forest around me,

I can't grow up alone

I can't see the light of the sun

There is no space for my roots,

Nor the breezes of freedom around me,

Such over me he deigned to weave vaults!

If it were not for him to grow a hindrance to me,

In a year I would become the beauty of this country,

And the whole valley would be covered with my shadow;

And now I'm thin, almost like a twig."

Jenny lost her shoe
I cried for a long time, I searched.
The miller found a shoe
And grinded at the mill.

Once upon a time there lived a rich merchant with a merchant's wife; traded in expensive and noble goods, and every year traveled with them to foreign countries. At some time he fitted out a ship; began to get ready for the journey and asked his wife:

Tell me, my joy, what will you bring to the hotel from other lands?

The merchant answers:

I am satisfied with everything; I have a lot! And if you want to please and amuse, buy me a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle.

Good; if i find it i will buy it.

The merchant sailed far away to the distant kingdom, landed in a great, rich city, sold all his goods, and bought new ones, loaded the ship; walks around the city and thinks:

A wild donkey saw a tame donkey, went up to him and began to praise his life: like his body, he is smooth and what sweet food he has. Then, as they loaded a tame donkey, and as the driver began to drive him with a club from behind, the wild donkey said:

No, brother, I don’t envy you now, I see that your life is getting to you with juice.

It was a very long time ago when all birds lived in warm lands. In Altai, only rivers chirped. Southern birds heard this song of water and wanted to know who is ringing so loudly, singing so cheerfully, what joy happened in Altai.

However, flying to an unknown land was very scary. In vain did the golden eagle persuade his falcons and hawks, owls and cuckoos. Of all the birds, only the titmouse dared to set off to the north.

There lived a humpback bear. He was a real lazy person. I once saw a ripe cone, and immediately his shoulder ached, it began to prick under his arm.

How can I, sick, climb into the cedar?

Walks around. Walks through small decks. He sees a larger deck - and goes straight along it: he is too lazy to step higher. Suddenly: knock! - the bump itself fell to the bear on the crown. From crown to feet.

That's clever! - the bear rendered and looked up, would something else fall?

Oh, great bear, - the pockmarked nutcracker squeaked, - I threw you the best bump.

Once upon a time there was a pop. He hired a worker, brought him home.

Well, worker, serve well, I won't leave you.

The worker lived for a week, haymaking came.

Well, light, - says the priest, - God willing, let's move safely, wait for the morning and go tomorrow to mow hay.

Okay, daddy.

They waited for the morning, got up early. Pop and says popadye:

Let's have breakfast, mother, we'll go to the field to mow hay.

Popadya collected on the table. They sat down together and ate breakfast. Pop says to the worker:

There was a stupid village in the forest. People lived in the wilderness, they never saw a wide place, so much ... There was one smarter, They called Guess, and he was stupid. These men gathered in the forest to hunt and see: there is a hole in the snow, and steam comes out of the hole ... What is it? They began to think, they thought for two hours.

You have to ask Gud.

Well, Guess, he knows, he understands.

Frog under the mud
He fell ill with scarlet fever.
A rook flew to him,
He speaks:
"I am a doctor!
Get into my mouth
Everything will pass now!”
Am! And ate.

Once upon a time there were two brothers, two brothers - a sandpiper and a crane. They mowed down a stack of hay and placed it among the Poles. Can't you tell the tale again from the end?

Once upon a time there was an old man, the old man had a well, and there was a dace in the well, and here the fairy tale ends.

Once upon a time there was a king, the king had a yard, there was a stake in the yard, a bast on the stake; can't you tell from the beginning?

Shall I tell you a fairy tale about a white bull?

Three passers-by dined at the inn and set off.

And what, guys, because we seem to have paid dearly for lunch?

Well, although I paid dearly, - said one, - but not without reason!

Didn't you notice? As soon as the owner looks, I’ll grab a handful of salt from the salt shaker, yes in my mouth, yes in my mouth!

You looked in the category of the site Russian folk tales. Here you will find a complete list of Russian fairy tales from Russian folklore. The long-known and beloved characters of folk tales will meet you here with joy, and once again tell you about their interesting and entertaining adventures.

Russian folk tales are divided into the following groups:

Tales about animals;

Fairy tales;

household tales.

The heroes of Russian folk tales are often represented as animals. So the wolf has always displayed the greedy and evil, the fox is cunning and savvy, the bear is strong and kind, and the hare is a weak and cowardly person. But the moral of these stories was that you should not hang a yoke even on the most evil hero, because there can always be a cowardly hare who can outwit the fox and defeat the wolf.

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The Russian folk tale also plays an educational role. Good and evil are clearly demarcated and give a clear answer to a specific situation. For example, Kolobok, who ran away from home, considered himself independent and brave, but on the way he came across a cunning fox. A child, even the smallest one, will conclude for himself that, after all, he could have been in the place of the kolobok.

Russian folk tale is suitable even for the smallest children. And as the child grows up, there will always be a suitable instructive Russian fairy tale that can give a hint or even an answer to a question that the child cannot yet solve on his own.

Thanks to the beauty of Russian speech read Russian folk tales pure pleasure. They store both folk wisdom and light humor, which are skillfully intertwined in the plot of each fairy tale. Reading fairy tales to children is very useful, as it replenishes the child’s vocabulary well and helps him to form his thoughts correctly and clearly in the future.

There is no doubt that Russian fairy tales will allow adults to plunge into the world of childhood and magical fantasies for many happy moments. A fairy tale on the wings of a magical firebird will take you to an imaginary world and make you break away from everyday problems more than once. All fairy tales are presented for review absolutely free of charge.

Russian folk tales read

Long ago, there lived a little girl named Anya. Little Anya was a huge inventor. Every time her mother asked her to do something, to help in some way, Anya said thoughtfully:

I'm sorry, mom. I'm too busy.

It happened every time, mom would look at her and ask:

What are you too busy with, Anya?

And then, without waiting for an answer, she will sigh bitterly, and leave to do what she asked for herself.

There was only one occupation that Anya did all day long. She liked to sit quietly and play in her imaginary world.

Anya and her mother lived all alone on the top of a hill from which the city was visible. At least once a week, they went down to the city, to the market, to buy food and essentials for several days in advance.

More than anything, Anya wanted to learn how to fly. She often imagined that she could fly, in her imaginary world, and in general that she could do whatever she wanted.

One bright autumn day, little Anya went outside and sat down on a bench on the hill where their house stood. She saw how the children in the town flew kites, and how they flew high in the sky. "Oh, how I wish I could fly, just like those kites!" Anna thought to herself.

While her mother was busy doing housework, Anya climbed a rock, at the very top of the hill, and closed her eyes. It seemed to her that she was weightless, like a kite. Like wings, Anya spread her arms to the sides.

When she did this, he swooped in and lifted Anya up, carrying her to the distant clouds. Not feeling the rock under her feet, Anya opened her eyes and gasped.

I'm flying! she exclaimed with joy. Anya fluttered up and down, left and right. She smiled and, laughing, flew towards the town. She saw children playing, adults going about their usual business.

Tired, Anya flew home. She landed successfully on the rock and closed her eyes again. Her mother had just gone outside - the sun was already beginning to set, it was time to call Anya for dinner.

Anya ran up to her mother and said excitedly:

Did you see? I flew like a bird, mom!

Her mother shook her head.

You must have pictured it in your mind.

Anya looked up at the sky and smiled.

I think it was all real.

Then they went inside to have dinner and go to bed.

short tales- total of 12 little short bedtime stories for children.

There were two girls in the world.
One girl was named Masha, and the other was Zoya. Masha loved to do everything herself. She eats her own soup. She drinks milk from a cup. She puts the toys in the box herself.
Oika herself does not want to do anything and only says:
- Oh, I don't want to! Oh, I can't! Oh, I won't!
All "oh" yes "oh"! So they began to call her not Zoika, but Oika.

Masha and Oika built a house out of cubes. The Mouse came running and said:
- What a beautiful house! Can I live in it?
“Get out of here, Little Mouse!” said Oika in a rough voice. Masha was upset:
- Why did you drive the Mouse away? The mouse is good.
- And you go too, Masha! Oika said. Masha was offended and left. The sun peeked through the window.
- Shame on you, Oika! - said the Sun. - Is it possible for a girlfriend to say: “Go away!”? Oika ran to the window and shouted to the Sun:
- And you go too!
The Sun said nothing and left the sky somewhere. It became dark. It's completely, completely dark. Oike was scared.
- Mom, where are you? Oika screamed.
Oika went to look for her mother. I went out onto the porch - it's dark on the porch. I went out into the yard - it's dark in the yard. Oika ran along the path. She ran and ran and ended up in a dark forest. Oika got lost in a dark forest.
“Where am I going?” Oika was frightened. - Where is my house? I'll go straight to the Gray Wolf! Oh, never again will I say “go away!” to anyone.
The Sun heard her words and went up into the sky. It became light and warm.
And here comes Masha. Oika rejoiced:
- Come to me, Masha. Let's build a new house for the Mouse. Let him live there.

Masha went to bed and asked:
- Mom, give me a pacifier! I won't sleep without a pacifier. Then the night bird Owl flew into the room.
- Wow! Wow! So big, but you suck on the pacifier. There are hares in the forest, squirrels smaller than you. They need a pacifier.
The Owl Machine grabbed a nipple and carried it far, far - across the field, across the road into the dense forest.
“I won’t sleep without a pacifier,” said Masha, got dressed and ran after the Owl.
Masha ran to Zaichikha and asked:
- Did the Owl fly here with my pacifier?
- Arrived, - replies the Hare. - We just don't need your pacifier. We have hares without nipples sleeping.

Masha ran to the Bear:
- Bear, did the Owl fly here?
- Arrived, - the Bear answers. - But my cubs don't need nipples. They sleep like that.

Masha walked through the forest for a long time and saw: all the animals in the forest were sleeping without nipples. And the chicks in the nests, and the ants in the anthill. Masha came to the river. Fish sleep in the water, frogs sleep near the shore - everyone sleeps without nipples.

Then the night bird Owl flew up to Masha.
- Here's your pacifier. Masha, - says Owl. - Nobody wants her.
And I don't need it! Masha said. Masha threw the pacifier and ran home - to sleep.

Masha and Oika made sand cakes. Masha makes Easter cakes herself. And Oika keeps asking:
- Oh, dad, help! Oh, dad, make me a cake!
Papa Oika helped. Oika began to tease Masha:
- And my cakes are better! I have some big and good ones. And you have some bad and small ones.
The next day my dad left for work. A Forest Bird flew in from the forest. She has a stem in her beak. And on the stalk are two berries. The berries glow like red lanterns. - Whoever makes the Easter cake better, I will give these berries to him! - said the Forest Bird.
Masha quickly made an Easter cake out of sand. And Oika, no matter how hard she tried, nothing came of it.
The Forest Bird gave the berries to Masha.
Oika was distressed and wept.
And Masha says to her:
- Don't cry, Oika! I will share with you. You see, there are two berries. One is for you and the other is for me.

Oika went into the forest, and the Bear cub met her.
- Hello, Oika! - said Little Bear. And Oika stuck out her tongue and began to tease him. It was a shame for the Bear cub. He cried and went behind a large bush. I met Oika Hare.
- Hello, Oika! - said the Hare. And Oika again stuck out her tongue and began to tease him. It was a shame for the Hare. He cried and went behind a large bush.
Here sit under a large bush the Bear cub and the Hare, and both are crying. Leaves, like handkerchiefs, wipe the tears.
A bee flew in in a furry coat.
- What happened? Who offended you? asked the Bee.
- We said “hello” to Oika, and she showed us her tongue. We are very sorry. Here we are crying.
- Can't be! Can't be! - Bee buzzed. Show me this girl!
- There she is sitting under a birch. The Bee flew to Oika and buzzed:
- How are you, Oika? And Oika showed her tongue too. The Bee got angry and stung Oika right on the tongue. Oike hurts. Swollen tongue. Oika wants to close his mouth and cannot.
So Oika walked until the evening with her tongue hanging out. In the evening my father and mother came home from work. They anointed Oikin's tongue with bitter medicine. The tongue became small again, and Oika closed her mouth.
Since then, Oika has not shown her tongue to anyone else.

Oika went to the forest. And mosquitoes in the forest: wow! Oyka pulled out a small oak tree from the ground, sits on a stump, brushes off mosquitoes. Mosquitoes flew to their swamp.
“I don’t need you anymore,” Oika said and threw the oak tree on the ground.
Belchonok came running. I saw a torn oak tree and cried:
- Why did you do it, Oika? If an oak tree grew, I would make a house for myself in it ...
Little Bear came running and also cried:
- And I would lie on my back under it and rest ... Birds cried in the forest:
- We would build nests on its branches ... Masha came and also cried:
- I planted this oak tree myself ... Oika was surprised:
- Oh, why are you all crying? After all, this is a very small oak tree. There are only two leaves on it. Here the old oak creaked angrily:
- I was too small. If an oak tree grew, it would become tall and powerful, like me.

There lived a Gray Wolf in the forest. He was very offended by hares.
Hares spent whole days sitting under a bush and crying. Once the Hare-daddy said:
- Let's go, to the girl Masha. Maybe she can help us.
Hares came to Masha and say:
- Masha! We are very offended by the Gray Wolf. What should we do?
Masha felt very sorry for the hares. She thought and thought.
- I have a toy inflatable hare, - said Masha. - Let's inflate this toy hare. The Gray Wolf will see him and get scared.
The first was to blow Hare-father. Blow-blow, and the rubber hare became big, like a lamb.
Then the Hare-mother began to blow. Dula-dula, and the rubber hare became as big as a cow.
Then Oika began to blow. She blew, blew, and the rubber hare became as big as a bus.
Then Masha began to blow. She blew, blew, and the rubber hare became as big as a house.
In the evening the Gray Wolf came to the clearing.
He looks, and a hare sits behind a bush. Big-very big.shoy, fat-very fat.
Oh, how frightened the Gray Wolf!
He tucked his gray tail and ran away from this forest forever.

Oika does not like to walk by herself. Every now and then he asks:
- Oh, dad, carry me! Oh, my legs are tired! So Masha, Oika, Bear cub and Wolf cub went to the forest for berries. Picked up berries. It's time to go home already.
“I won’t go myself,” says Oika. - My legs are tired. Let the Bear cub carry me.
Oyka village on Bear cub. There is a Little Bear, staggering. It is hard for him to bear Oika. Tired Little Bear.
“I can't take it anymore,” he says.
“Then let the Wolf Cub carry me,” says Oika.
Oika village on Volchonka. There is a Wolf cub, staggering. It is hard for him to bear Oika. Tired Wolf.
“I can't take it anymore,” he says. Then the Hedgehog ran out of the bushes:
- Sit on me. Oh, I'll take you home.
Oyka sat on the Ezhonok and how she screamed:
- Ouch! Ouch! I better go myself! The Little Bear and the Wolf cub laughed. Masha says:
- How are you going? Because your legs are tired.
“Not at all tired,” says Oika. -That's just what I said.

There lived one ill-mannered Mouse in the forest.
He didn't say good morning to anyone in the morning. And in the evening I didn’t say “good night” to anyone.
All the animals in the forest were angry with him. They don't want to be friends with him. They don't want to play with him. Berries are not served.
The Mouse became sad.
Early in the morning the Mouse ran up to Masha and said:
- Masha, Masha! How can I make peace with all the animals in the forest?
Masha said to the Mouse:
- In the morning you should say “good morning” to everyone. In the evening, everyone should say “good night”. And then everyone will be friends with you.
The Mouse ran to the hares. He said good morning to all the rabbits. And dad, and mom, and grandma, and grandpa, and little Hare.
The hares smiled and gave the Mouse a carrot.
The Mouse ran to the squirrels. He said good morning to all the squirrels. And dad, and mom, and grandmother, and grandfather, and even little Belchonok.
The squirrels laughed and praised the Mouse.
For a long time the Mouse ran through the forest. To all the animals, big and small, he said "good morning."
The Mouse ran to the Forest Bird. The Forest Bird made its nest at the very top of a tall pine tree.
“Good morning!” shouted the Mouse. The Mouse's voice is thin. And the pine is tall. The Forest Bird does not hear him.
- Good morning! shouted the Mouse with all his might. All the same, the Forest Bird does not hear him. Nothing to do. The Mouse climbed onto the pine tree. It is difficult for the Mouse to climb. It clings to the bark, to the branches with its paws. The White Cloud passed by.
- Good morning! - shouted the Mouse to the White Cloud.
-Good morning! White Cloud answered softly. The Mouse crawls even higher. The plane flew by.
- Good morning, Plane! - shouted the Mouse.
-Good morning! - loudly boomed the Airplane. Finally the Mouse reached the top of the tree.
- Good morning, Forest Bird! - said the Mouse. - Oh, how long it took me to get to you! The Forest Bird laughed.
- Goodnight. Mouse! Look, it's already dark. The night has already come. It's time to say "good night" to everyone.
The Mouse looked around - and it’s true: the sky is completely dark, and there are stars in the sky.
- Well then, good night, Forest Bird! - said
Little mouse.
The Forest Bird stroked the Mouse with its wing:
- What a good you have become. Mouse, polite! Get on my back, I'll take you to your mother.

Machines dad made three boats.
One, small, for the Belchonok, another, larger, for the Bear cub, and the third, even more, for Masha.
Masha went to the river. She got into the boat, took the oars, but she could not row - she did not have enough strength. Masha is sitting in the boat very sad.
The fish took pity on Masha. They began to think how to help her. Old Yorsh said:
- Masha needs to drink fish oil. Then she will be strong.
Poured fish into a bottle of fish oil. Then the frogs were called.
- Help us. Take this fish oil to Masha.
“All right,” the frogs croaked.
They took a bottle of fish oil, pulled it out of the water, put it on the sand. And they themselves sat down and croaked.
- Why are you croaking, frogs? - asks Masha.
- And we didn’t croak in vain, - the frogs answer. - Here's a bottle of fish oil. This fish sent it to you as a gift.
- I will not drink fish oil, it is tasteless! Masha waved her hands.
Suddenly Masha sees - two boats are floating on the river. In one the Bear cub sits, in the other - the Squirrel. Boats are sailing fast, wet oars glitter in the sun.
- Masha, swim together! - shout Belchonok and Bear cub.
- I can’t, - Masha answers, - the oars are very heavy.
- These are not heavy oars, but you are weak, - said the Little Bear. Because you don't take fish oil.
- Do you drink? - asked Masha.
- Every day, - answered the Bear cub and the Squirrel.
- Okay. I will also drink fish oil - Masha decided. Masha began to drink fish oil. She became strong and strong.
Masha came to the river. Sat in the boat. I took the oars.
- Why are the oars so light? Masha was surprised.
“The oars are not light,” said Little Bear. You just got strong.
Masha rode the boat all day long. Even rubbed her hands. And in the evening she again ran to the river. She brought a large bag of sweets and poured all the sweets directly into the water.
“This is for you, fish!” shouted Masha. - And you, frogs!
It was quiet in the river. Fish swim, and each has a candy in its mouth. And the frogs jump along the shore and suck green candies.


One day, the Hare became capricious and said to his mother:

I do not love you!

The Hare-mother was offended and went into the forest.

And in this forest lived two wolf cubs. And they didn't have a mother. It was very bad for them without their mother.

One day the wolf cubs sat under a bush and wept bitterly.

Where can we take mom? - says one Wolf cub. - Well, at least a mother cow!

Or a mother cat! - says the second Wolf.

Or mother frog!

Or mother bunny!

Zaychikha heard these words and says:

Do you want me to be your mom?

The wolves rejoiced. They took the new mother to their home. And the house of the wolf cubs is dirty, dirty. Mom Hare tidied up in the house. Then she heated the water, put the wolf cubs in a trough and began to bathe them.

At first, the cubs did not want to bathe. They were afraid that the soap would get into their eyes. And then they really liked it.

Mommy! Mommy! the wolves scream. - Rub your back! More on the head of the fields!

And so the Hare began to live with the cubs.

And the Hare without a mother completely disappears. It's cold without mom. Hungry without mom. It's very, very sad without my mother.

The Hare ran to Masha:

Masha! I offended my mother, and she left me.

Stupid Hare! Masha screamed. -Is it possible? Where will we look for it? Let's go ask the Forest Bird.

Masha and the Hare came running to the Forest Bird.

Forest Bird, have you seen the Hare?

I didn’t see it, - the Forest Bird answers. - But I heard that she lives in the forest with the cubs.

And in the forest there were three wolf houses. Masha and the Hare came running to the first house. We looked out the window. They see:

the house is dirty, dust on the shelves, garbage in the corners.

No, my mother does not live here, - says the Hare. They ran to the second house. We looked out the window. They see: the tablecloth is dirty on the table, the dishes are unwashed.

No, my mom doesn't live here! - says the Hare.

They ran to the third house. They see everything is clean in the house. Wolf cubs are sitting at the table, fluffy, cheerful. There is a white tablecloth on the table. A plate with berries. Frying pan with mushrooms.

That's where my mother lives! - Hare guessed. Masha knocked on the window. Hare looked out the window. The Hare pressed his ears and began to ask his mother:

Mom, come back to live with me ... I won't do it anymore.

The wolves cried:

Mom, don't leave us!

The hare thought. She doesn't know how to be.

Here's how to do it, - said Masha. - One day you will be a hare mother, and the next day - a wolf mother.

So we decided. The Hare began to live one day with the Hare, and the other day with the cubs.

Masha cried in the morning. The Cockerel looked out the window and said:
- Don't cry, Masha! In the morning I sing “ku-ka-re-ku”, and you cry, you prevent me from singing.

Masha cried during the day. Grasshopper climbed out of the grass and says:
- Don't cry, Masha! All day I chirp in the grass, and you cry - and no one hears me.

Masha cried in the evening.
Frogs jumped from the pond.
- Do not Cry. Masha! say the frogs. - We like to croak in the evening, and you interfere with us.

Masha cried at night. The Nightingale flew in from the garden and sat down at the window.
- Don't cry, Masha! At night I sing beautiful songs, and you bother me.
- When should I cry? - asked Masha.
“Don’t you ever cry,” Mom said. - You're a big girl now.

Psychologists have long proved that a fairy tale is a special kind of communication and transmission of love from parents to a child. A book read by mom, dad, grandma or grandpa helps form basic values, develops fantasy, makes the child calm down and get ready for sleep. Fairy tales can be read not only classical, but also modern. The Night of Kindness website presents the best modern works that are popular with parents. Only here you will find short and instructive tales about Peppa Pig, Luntik, Paw Patrol, Nina Turtles, Vince and other cartoon characters. This will captivate the baby's attention and allow him to spend even more time with his favorite characters. Parents happy baby will be incredibly grateful.

How to organize such a ritual as putting a child to bed?
It is not recommended to eat before bed. The last meal should be two hours before meals.
You can drink a glass of warm milk.
Remember to remind your child to go to the bathroom and brush their teeth.

All the needs have been met, the procedures have been carried out, now you can read the fairy tale for children with a clear conscience. The kid will not be distracted, nothing will bother him. You need to read a fairy tale before going to bed in a calm voice. Psychologists advise choosing not combat and adventure works, but calmer ones that would set you up for sleep, lull you to sleep. To attract attention, you can sit next to the child, show him pictures from the book. Or sit down at the feet, so that the baby fantasizes more and imagines the characters on his own.
Remember, a child's psyche is unable to concentrate for more than six minutes. Attention will be scattered if you drag out reading for a long time. The optimal duration of reading a fairy tale for children is 5-10 minutes.

It is important to read fairy tales every day. This is not just a habit, but a kind of tradition. It is she who helps the baby to create supports and know that his world is stable. At the same time, in a bad mental state, it is better not to read a fairy tale. Ask to replace you or explain to the child that you do not feel well. Otherwise, the baby can “get infected” with a bad mood without realizing it.

It is important to choose the right fairy tale for the child. After all, it carries morality. If the fairy tale is evil, cruel, then the child may form an incorrect vision of reality. For example, the fairy tale The Little Mermaid tells that true love is cruel and generally leads to death. Cinderella teaches you to wait for the prince. Very susceptible children can get into the subconscious wrong attitudes, which then have to be treated with a psychiatrist. We invite you to find a fairy tale right now and read it for your beloved baby.