Sister in your own words. Poems for sister, poem for sister, new poems for sister

Happy birthday to you, dear sister!
On this holiday, let me wish you health, cheerfulness, optimism, creative ideas!
Let your charming smile attract the best people who can discover new talents in you!
May the flame of faith in miracles always burn in your heart.
May these miracles constantly happen in your life!
Let your eyes shine with happiness and illuminate everyone around with this happiness!

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Dear sister, let today be the most fabulous and magical, because today is your birthday! You are surrounded by extraordinary people, because she herself is an extraordinary person. All your ideas are brought to life in the most incredible way. Let it be so. I wish you financial prosperity. Your diligence has always amazed me, and I do not know such a person who would be more worthy of this. May the strength and health that you spend on achieving your goals return to you a hundredfold increase. In addition, I want to wish pure and sincere love. Let your loved one appreciate you and all your actions. Let every day of your communication become a holiday for him. Let him either carry you in his arms or take you in a limousine - there is no third way. Be happy, my dear!

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Happy birthday dear sister! I wish you great happiness and love. May every day of your life be filled with joy and optimism, and may fortune be your life companion. May you always be surrounded by sincere and kind people. May all your wishes come true and may your goals be achieved!

Sister in your own words
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My dear and unique sister! You celebrate your birthday today, and we rejoice and have fun with you. With all my heart I want to wish you warm and tender happiness. Let it enter your bright house and stay there to live for many years. It will definitely take with it the pleasure of life, good health, countless treasures, and most importantly, a friendly and loving family. May each of your days become a little better than the previous one, and each past one will become a pleasant memory. Be happy!

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When the holidays come, it's always nice. And when this holiday is the birthday of your beloved sister, it is doubly pleasant! On this day the sun shines brighter and the wind blows fresher. On such a day, people smile more often and say warm words to each other. On this day, I want to be at least half as good as my sister.
Dear sister, thank you for the warmth of your soul and understanding heart. The sparkle of your mischievous eyes always made me smile and forget sad thoughts. The warm shaking of your little hand has always acted on me like a balm. Stay always the same. May everything in your life come true the way you want it. May good luck continue to accompany you in everything. Love you. Happy birthday!

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Dear sister! On your birthday, I sincerely wish you to always remain young, cheerful and open! May on this holiday all the wishes told to you from the heart by relatives and friends will come true! Let the new figure that will be added to your age today become your lucky number! Love to you, respect, attention, great happiness!

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My beloved sister! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you health, love, respect, success! May you always be warm, cozy and calm at home, may understanding colleagues surround you at work, and may you have only beautiful, joyful dreams at night! Know no worries, no grief, no serious illnesses! Be cloudless and infinitely happy!

Sister in your own words
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Dear little sister! I want you to know that you have always been and will be my bright sun. In difficult times, you have always supported me. When frost creaked in my soul, you warmed my heart with kind words.
Today I want to wish you a happy birthday. May your life be the best it can be. Let the world revolve around you alone - you deserve it. May the stars be in such an order that you will have all your plans, and may the guiding star never leave your horizon.

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Sister, my dear, my blood! I congratulate you on your birthday! I want to wish you good health. May success always accompany you in life and may there be more victories in your life! Know that you can always count on my help and support! And may all your dreams come true!

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My dear sister! Happy Birthday to You! On this wonderful holiday, I wish you to feel the most beloved, the most necessary, the most beautiful! May you today and always be surrounded by people who can appreciate all your virtues: beauty, kindness, generosity, intelligence and spiritual height! May you never be visited by sad thoughts or bad premonitions, and may your biggest and most incredible desires always come true!

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Sister, you deserve only the most worthy and vivid words on your birthday to hear. What kind of congratulations can truly please you and inspire you for further development, because you really want to please you so much, to show that you should always, no matter what, believe in the future? I hope that my wish - congratulations will be worthwhile, because it comes from the heart. I wish you the fulfillment of the most cherished dreams, confidence and optimism. May fate allow you to hope for bright and pleasant days, life as it should, actively develop. Let success accompany every day, and the chances for self-realization only multiply. I wish you the support of close people and good friends, because only in this case you can become the happiest. Enjoy your holiday, your birthday, and look to the future only with hope! Everything will be alright!

Sister, congratulations. You know, this holiday actually causes such quivering feelings in me. How I want to pick up worthwhile and pleasant words so that you understand how wonderful the relationship between two people is, understand how I worry about you and want to know that fate gives real happiness, allows you to believe in a wonderful future. I wish you joy and good luck, confidence and success. May you be able to smile and laugh, knowing that in life everything will turn out only in the best way, and any failures will be behind you. My dear, I am very proud of you, I want to give you my love. But, realizing that good friends are also needed, I wish to meet worthy people, a dream guy. Let everything be the way you deserve it, and human support and real relationships will support you at any moment of your life.

Dear and dear sister, my beloved, how I want to congratulate you on a worthwhile holiday, happy birthday, choose the most secret wishes that can be realized in life. You know, I believe that you will definitely become truly happy, be able to achieve your goals and justify what your loved ones are counting on. I wish you a pleasant and bright holiday, numerous surprises and an understanding of how wonderful life can be. My dear, I want you to be sure to be able to achieve everything that you dream of, so that fate will allow you to do it. I wish you joy and happiness, warmth and love. Life must certainly be decorated with only the most sincere emotions and the best events. May the Lord protect you. I wish the fulfillment of even cherished dreams, because only in this case you can be the happiest in the whole world.

Do you feel how wonderful the holiday has come today? Do you already feel the innermost happiness that you only dreamed of before? Of course, a birthday with the opportunity to take a fresh look at life, sum up some results and understand how to proceed further is the best chance to feel the brightness of life. I want to wish you health and longevity, strength and energy. May you have many opportunities to successfully develop in the chosen direction. I wish you an active and vibrant life, the fulfillment of your most secret wishes. Let any obstacles and doubts remain in the past, and fate will give a chance to believe that in the future everything will develop only in the best possible way. Sister, accept sincere congratulations and wishes, blow out the candles on the festive cake and believe that everything will definitely be 1000%.

My sister is always there and gives only worthwhile support. How I want to congratulate her from the bottom of my heart, to say only the warmest and most sincere words. Of course, I want to know that congratulations will certainly be able to find an opportunity for their own realization, despite the fact that the fateful path cannot be predicted, and we all walk under the Lord, who governs us. Sister, enjoy an amazing holiday and please believe that your birthday is the door to a year that will bring only positive events. Summarize the results of the previous 12 months and, of course, make personal plans for the future, but believe that they will be realized. Sister, I hope that we will be together for many, many more years, going through various experiences. Of course, I wish you your personal life, success with your chosen one and home comfort. I love!

My dear and beloved sister, what Slovak words should you pronounce so that you can become the happiest, get amazing chances to realize your wishes and cherished dreams? Darling, how can I show you that I really want to see your happy eyes and a sincere smile on your face? I wish you simple female happiness, because without it, not a single girl can feel peaceful and positive, believe in worthy success and understand how beautiful, supportive fate can be. Dear, I wish you success and worthy advancement towards your goals. Believe that any wishes will certainly find an opportunity for their realization, regardless of what fate has prepared. I wish you light and sun in your soul, because only on this basis can you move forward. Remember that the Lord always protects you and protects you from any obstacles.

Accept congratulations on your birthday, my dear little sister. Since childhood, we have been walking together, holding hands and believing that fate will certainly warm each of us, give worthy opportunities to discover positive facets and achieve our goals, get bright, amazing victories. Dear, accept only the most sincere congratulations on the upcoming holiday, feel your inner harmony and believe that fate will certainly hear the wishes that will be made at the time when you decide to blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Sister, smile at fate and life, feel the Lord's favor and protection of the entire universe. Know that you deserve only the best events, because they will certainly be in your life. Honey, I really want to see you smile. I love my sister and, of course, cherish her!

Dear sister, you are like the sun. You glow with happiness and inner light, look to the future only with great hope and want to understand that fate will certainly please you with numerous chances in order to achieve your goals. I wish you to always be active and young, to know that everything will turn out as planned. I wish you happiness and warmth, confidence that life will certainly be favorable. My dear, you can continue to develop successfully, to believe more and more that life will certainly be successful, that you will be able to achieve any goal you set. My dear and only sister, you are a real example for me. Please stay like this, because you deserve admiration. In addition, your loved ones are always ready to provide worthwhile support, feeling your amazing and truly native character.

Sister, we are finally celebrating your birthday, which has become a worthwhile holiday not only for you, but for all your loved ones. What would you like? What kind and sincere words to choose? What congratulations to prepare? I want to say that you deserve only the best from fate, so please believe that it will be so. I wish you joy and good luck, sincere happiness in life. May every day certainly give a chance to believe that life can be successful, that any goals will be achieved. Dear, please take care of yourself and always be healthy, so that any day passes only with the maximum benefit for you, allows you to believe that everything in life will turn out only in the best possible way. Remember that perfect health and inner harmony are the basis of your boundless happiness. I love you dear sister!

My dear and only sister, how I want to pick up only the warmest and most sincere words, so that the congratulation will certainly sparkle with sincerity, so that there is a feeling that it will certainly come true. How can this be done? How to convey to you that congratulations for you is the desire to show the most sincere and positive feelings for your dear little man? I wish you real success in life and the opportunity to discover numerous bright facets, to believe that everything will certainly develop as planned? I wish you happiness and success, the opportunity to achieve any task, to show your inner potential only by 100%. Honey, you can be happy if you just believe that the Lord will definitely take care of you, will be able to guarantee protection and success. Beloved sister, I need you very much, dear and important. Remember this, please, always!

My dear sister, today we celebrate your birthday. You know, this holiday deserves not only to get together at a large festive table and enjoy family harmony, but also to tell you words that come from the very soul. My beloved, you and I managed to become not only blood sisters, but also spiritual sisters, because not only kinship contributed to this. We went through a lot together, managed to understand each other like no one else. I want to wish you bright emotions and positive. Let happiness go to your head. I wish you that your dreams are worthwhile, but at the same time they managed to be realized in reality. I wish you real success in any business and the confidence that everything will turn out just as planned. Please trust fate, because it will allow you to find your particle of happiness. May the gift of happiness be sure to last forever. Everything will be alright!

From the very morning I try to find the most worthwhile words in order to say sincere congratulations for my beloved, dear sister. You know, I feel a lot of doubts, but I believe that everything will develop only on a positive level. My sister, let everything work out for you only in the best possible way, and fate will open only bright facets, let your innermost wishes come true. I want to wish you the fulfillment of only the most secret wishes and the belief that life will develop only 100%. Sister, may your life unfailingly develop as you dream about it. Despite the fact that wishes may seem banal, I want them to come true and open only the most worthy opportunities for you. Dear, accept only the most sincere congratulations from me! I believe that wishes can come true.

Dear sister, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, on an amazing holiday that allows you to believe that life can open only the most positive facets. I want to wish you great and real happiness, confidence that everything will turn out as planned. May fate allow you to achieve the goals that you set for yourself. My dear sister, I wish you only success and positive, confidence that everything will turn out only from the best side. May trouble never threaten you, and life develop positively. Enjoy the holiday that has come today. May your birthday truly please you, let you believe that amazing success is actually possible. Sister, you are a wonderful person who really deserves only the warmest, most sincere words.

Sister, how I want to congratulate you. The Lord gave us each other, tied us forever. We have been together since childhood, we use worthy opportunities so that any day, regardless of the prepared events, truly pleases. We amused ourselves with childish pranks and thought that life would be easy. Despite the fact that fate often surprises with obstacles, I know that you can achieve success, because the Lord gave my sister the strongest and most courageous character, gave amazing potential. I wish you vivid emotions and true happiness, long-lasting and amazing love, confidence that the world was created for happiness. Never despair, please! . May good health always be, and outer beauty never goes away. I wish you to remain kind and young, never despair and believe in a wonderful future. Please use every day for yourself to be the happiest and most successful. Remember: I love you very much, cherish you!

Sister, I want to say that today is your birthday, and I managed to prepare a real congratulation for you, filled with the most pleasant and worthwhile words. I want everything to turn out the way you deserve it, so that the Lord always protects you. I wish you a youthful soul and confidence that life will certainly please you with the most worthy positive events. I wish you home comfort and closeness of relatives, solidarity with dear relatives. Sister, may your life unfailingly turn out as planned, and the Lord will be able to give worthwhile chances for successful advancement in the chosen direction. I wish you a youthful soul and character, bright emotions in your heart and confidence in a wonderful future. Accept only the most sincere and pleasant congratulations on your birthday and, of course, believe that they can come true in reality.

My dear sister, today we have gathered with the whole family. As it rarely happens lately, but today is a worthwhile reason. You are a year older. But please don't be discouraged, because every day is given for something, filled with unique emotions. Use it for yourself! Let fate please only the most pleasant facets. I want to wish you happiness and confidence that everything will turn out as planned. May the Lord always protect you and, of course, your guardian angel. I wish you protection from all kinds of trials and faith that everything will turn out as planned. Dear, let fate certainly please with the brightest facets and allow you to believe that you can achieve worthwhile goals, discover your best sides of character. I believe that everything will turn out for you, as you deserve it, and fate will give you many chances to find happiness. Love my sister!

I want to wish you activity and success, worthy advancement in the chosen direction. My dear sister, how I want to know that you can actually be the happiest, you will certainly achieve success and be able to believe that life will open only the best facets for you. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you only true success. You managed to become truly dear to me, you turn out to be the closest. You know, I believe that the Lord will allow us to go through life together, holding hands and believing that everything will turn out only in the best way. I congratulate you on the holiday and wish you success, fulfillment of your wishes and achievement of your goals. Let everything turn out the way you want it. Sister, you are a beautiful little person who deserves only the most real happiness. Love you, honey!

Sister, you managed to become for me the closest and dearest person who gives only the kindest and most worthwhile feelings, allows you to understand that we will always be together, we can lend a helping hand to each other and give real happiness. I want to wish you success in your destiny, real happiness and bright light. May every day certainly give happiness and hope that life will be special, bright. I wish you to leave any difficulties and obstacles in the past. Please believe that all your problems will be in the past, and in the future you will be able to find only lightness and positive. I want to wish you only success and the best in life, happiness and inner harmony. May you always be lucky, there will never be even a doubt that fate will be able to give a worthwhile basis for further advancement. Accept sincere congratulations on your birthday!

Happy birthday, dear sister. You are dear to me not only by blood, but also by spirit. How I would like to know that we will certainly overcome the numerous obstacles of fate together, we will be able to find a chance to become happy. I wish you bright and real emotions. Let every day of life reveal only the most positive and worthwhile facets. I wish you faith that fate will certainly be successful, that every day will be an additional step towards the fulfillment of wishes and dreams, opening up new prospects for fate. Sister, may any of your dreams certainly come true, every day pleases with worthwhile success, allows you to understand how important the mood and confidence in a wonderful future play. Accept the most sincere congratulations on your birthday, which should come true in the very near future. May the next year of your life be worthwhile for you!

Sister, I wish you bright and positive days of life, amazing success and the belief that fate will definitely develop only from a worthy side. May life surely bring you numerous chances to become happier and more successful, to use what was originally laid down by fate. Dear, I know how kind and sweet, beautiful you are. I want to say that these days there are hardly any people like you. I wish you only good events and the fulfillment of existing dreams. Let each person show sincerity towards you and allow you to believe that everything will turn out successfully. I wish you the support of family and friends, the absence of betrayal and low, vile deeds. Sister, may you always be healthy and energetic, active. I wish you amazing chances to achieve every goal that was set even before. Love you!

Happy birthday wishes to sister:
In verse | Junior | Senior | From brother | From sister | Cool

Paint me white-white
What a lucky sister you are.
Cover everything with white chalk
That which was without good.

Smother, sister, problems,
White chalk without residue.
Paint a picture with cream
How sweet you are.

Do not regret the palette of colors
Let there be happiness on white!
Let the plots of good fairy tales
They will be there at the same time!

Draw your smile
The sparkle of your beautiful eyes.
Draw violin motifs
In honor of the crazy word - passion!

Paint a picture of life
From the most pleasant moments.
Pass it through the prism
Out of love and compliments!

Paint me white-white
Everything that pleases you.
Draw yourself skillfully
For a holiday!

Happy birthday sister!

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View all sister

Sister, wave your hand to the years
Which, like the wind, flew ...
Let them take away the cold
And thunderstorms, and typhoons, and snowstorms! ..
But let them stay with you, sister,
As if by pike command,
Warmth from the sun and the warmth of a fire,
People are warm!
Sister, happy birthday!!!

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View all Sister

My dear sister,
I have always been a friend!
You are responsive and kind
In trouble, give your hand!

And there is no envy in joy,
And laughter, jubilation of both!
I want to live a hundred years
And forever beauties to glue!

I want to stay all my life
Beautiful for their admiration,
Keep laughter, love, optimism!
My sister, happy birthday!

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View all Sister from sister

My beloved sister
My dear soul
You are the birthday girl today
I congratulate you.

Happy birthday darling
You are the best in the world
There is no better girl
You will not find on the planet.

And know that you are dear to me
We have our own blood
We grew up with you
And we continue again.

Good health to you
smiles, prosperity,
And let it come true today
All your desires

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View all Sister to tears

Sister, happy birthday to you,
I want to congratulate you at this hour.
Like a brother, flowers without delay,
I give bouquets now.

Narwhal in a neighboring garden,
For your mood.
My gift is not bought like,
But he brings joy.

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View all Sister from brother

Do not be afraid of the anniversary - 30 years,
This date only decorates you.
At the same time maturity and flourishing,
Confidence that never was.

The dream of men, beautiful madam -
It's all about you, my sister.
I will give a lot for this age.
What a pity not to return it today.

And you bathe in it, bloom, love,
Take every beautiful moment from life.
And on the anniversary evening, eclipse everyone,
Be the most joyful, cheerful and happy!

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View all For a sister for 30 years

As a child, I did not understand
It's great that you are
Because it took
You are toys - all that is.

And now I agree
Give everything I can
And for help, without looking back,
If you whistle, I'll run.

It's a pity there are no stocks
Gold and silver
But in the soul in abundance
I have good things for you.

Be healthy, sister
At fifty and sixty
Laugh, as before, loudly,
And let the years fly by.

We don't rule over them
People don't get it
But let's live in peace with you
As much as is meant to be.

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View all For sister at 50

Dear sister! So the clock has struck another year of your amazing life. Your birthday is not only your personal holiday, but also our family holiday! You have no idea how happy we are to know that we have you. On my own behalf, I want to wish that you continue to bloom and delight us with your beauty. So that you are surrounded only by those people with whom you will enjoy communication. Let every day be full of discoveries, and expectations always come true. Happy birthday!

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View all Sister in your own words

My sweet little sister
I can't take my eyes off.
Those eyes and eyelashes
Like many years ago

Just as cute and wonderful.
So much femininity in them!
You, little sister, are lovely
Here is the verse for you:

In this wonderful moment
Before me you again!
And happy birthday
I want! And at thirty five

Wish you dear
Happiness in life and let
Anniversary, dear
There will be happiness over the edge!

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View all For sister at 35

My sister is 45 today!
Sister can dream
About being the best
In our beautiful world.
Sister knows how to live nicely,
And be kind, and be gentle,
The nectar of love is so sweet to drink
From the life of a full bowl!

I want to wish my sister -
And I'm not kidding -
Be slim and healthy.
The love of people to call everyone,
And call miracles to us
Every new money!

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View all For sister at 45

Today 60 is a respectable age,
Are you trying to look serious?
But the lights turn on in the eyes
When you remember your youth - ah!

I also remember you as a ringing bird,
Cheerful and mischievous girl,
How did you turn the heads of the guys.
Who listens to mom's advice at twenty?

And now the whiskey has become gray,
In the eyes of children you stand on a pedestal,
And for me, beloved sister,
You are full of wisdom, cordiality, kindness.

Let the years add only prosperity,
Live in love and health to a hundred!
And remember that there is me in your life,
And a strong, beloved family!

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View all For sister at 60

Your anniversary is coming in the morning
Everyone wants to congratulate you.
After all, two fives, sister,
Today aged frolic.

I want you to keep
The rhythm of life, created over the years.
My gift must be accepted
To be with flowers on the name day.

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Soul mates

From birth, the sisters have quivering feelings and sincere affection for each other. Of course, quarrels and disputes often arise between them, offensive misunderstandings, perhaps even personal conflicts. Be that as it may, sisters, like parents, are not chosen, and you have no one closer than a sister, so it is very important to behave towards her politely and delicately, to love her for who she is. You will see, she will answer you in the same way and will be a reliable support and support for you all your life. Give a touching verse to your sister, pamper her with your attention, even if there seems to be no official reason for such a manifestation of feelings.

A sister, like no one else, knows your character, your strengths and weaknesses will not hide from her gaze, therefore it is to your sister that you go for advice when you or your parents cannot trust your secret. She will support, listen, help in any situation - a sister will never leave her in trouble and will not leave her to the mercy of fate. And it does not matter that in childhood you fought and could not share common toys, quarreled over love attachments. Thank your blood for understanding, help, patience in poetic form! Sincere words, built into a beautiful and not devoid of grace poetic rhyme, will be the best gift for a dear sister!

Poems about sister from the best authors of the Internet

Unfortunately, not all of us are equally talented in writing poems. Muse is a very capricious girl, and does not want to serve everyone indiscriminately. Therefore, when we want to write a poem about a person dear to our hearts, we do not always find the right words and capacious expressions to accurately convey the feelings and emotions experienced by loved ones.

Fortunately, today on the Internet you can find funny and touching, comic and sincere poems about your sister, which are suitable for any occasion, will allow you to convey your most pure and sincere feelings. The best author's poems will not leave indifferent any female soul, they will help to find the key to the heart of a loved one, who for some reason suddenly became more distant and alien, to melt the ice of misunderstanding, to brighten up separation.

On our site you will find poems to your sister that can convey warmth, devotion, pride in the success of a loved one. In this section, there are short and long, funny and with a slight tinge of sadness, encouraging action or, on the contrary, calming, healing emotional wounds of the poem, which will allow you to get the desired effect, give your sister pleasant impressions and unforgettable moments.

Cities separate us...

Sisters and brothers do not always live next door to each other. Very often, leaving the parental nest, relatives find themselves in different cities, or even in different countries, on different continents. It becomes so difficult to maintain a family relationship, but without it, in any way, because no one will understand and give good advice like a sister.

Even if your loved one is far away, you can find a lot of ways to send poems to your beloved sister. It is very important to show signs of attention to a loved one, not only on holidays, but also just to show your emotional affection. Especially if twin sisters are far from each other, who will be connected by an invisible thread of spiritual connection all their lives, whether they want it or not.

Technologies today have gone far ahead, if earlier only letters helped to contact relatives, and even those went for weeks, or even months, today the inhabitants of our country have many ways to convey a message: by landline or mobile phone, by e-mail, through social networks. networks, via Skype, etc. Just think, because you can recite beautiful poems about your sister in real time, even if the culprit of this significant event is thousands of kilometers away! Do not forget to pamper your loved ones with attention and often look at the pages of our website to find new poetic lines to express your feelings!