Thanks dear for the congratulations. Words of gratitude for congratulations on the anniversary of friends. Thank you for your birthday wishes

What words to express gratitude for the gift and attention.

When we receive a gift, we want to express gratitude and appreciation. It will not be difficult for a creative person to find the right words and pronounce them sincerely.

But what if words of gratitude for a loved one do not immediately come to mind, and compiling a poem seems to be an impossible task in general?

We offer you a selection of words of gratitude for almost all cases. Let your loved ones hear the words that are important to them in a beautiful way.

For all the good things done for us by relatives, friends, employees, just strangers, we can say thank you. Beautiful words of gratitude, said in time, change our life and make it better.

Words of gratitude to parents for a gift in prose and verse

Thank the parents who gave you a valuable or simply long-awaited gift with beautiful verses or say the most touching and sensual thanksgiving words in prose that are collected in this section.

My priceless parents, you are the most important thing in my destiny for me.... Mom, dad, you give the first life lessons: about how important a true friend is and that he should not be left in trouble. From you, I learn that first "you need to do the job", and then "walk boldly." From you I receive the first lessons of kindness: you need to respect the elders and always help the younger ones. Forgive me, forgive me, please, for not doing everything that you taught me ...

All moms and dads are different - young, beautiful, gray-haired and tired, kind and strict. But until old age, they remain for us all the same mothers and fathers. After all, an adult, just like a child, needs mom and dad's advice. Only mom and dad, no matter what, will support in any good undertakings, and sometimes they will help out in difficult times.

“Mom and dad will forgive you any mistake and failure, a rude word and misunderstanding. They will only sigh softly, steal away a tear from sad eyes and ... forgive you. After all, the heart of parents is bottomless. After all, the heart of parents is able to forgive everything in the world. The most precious treasure, the greatest value in our life is our parents! They took upon themselves all the pain and cold, all the wounds and blows of life, all the hardships and bad weather, everything that protects us from adversity and allows us to be happy.

My family, mom, dad,
I say thank you now.
You have always been my support
I respect and love you.
Let your eyes sparkle happily
Be healthy, be cheerful.
Thank you for understanding,
You are dearest to me in the world

You gave life and were there,
When I strayed along the paths.
I am your tenderness and care,
Beloved, don't forget.
Say thank you on a beautiful day
For everything you have given me in life.
Your prayer and participation
Gave light in pitch darkness
Thank you dear parents
For love and sleepless nights.
After all, in any of my endeavors
They were always there until the end.

The people who are the most important in the world
We kiss you many times!
your little children
They love you very, very much!
With you, worthy and beautiful,
We are ready to take an example:
Son - like dad, will be strong,
A daughter is a mistress, like a mother.
We will work ourselves
And achieve success
And at the same time mom and dad
Never forget!
It's not true that feelings are weakening
When old age comes.
Love is the highest art
The example of my parents is.
Thank you for showing concern
And helped me not to go astray,
And, when necessary, instructed in childhood
And protected from evil temptations.

The sun is hidden in your heart
Sweet tender mother.
For the sake of children in the world you live
And I'm not tired of worries.
Our parents gave us life
Fortunately, they taught good.
So that the cherished thread is not interrupted,
The light of the soul was given!

You can thank your parents in your own words. The main thing is that the words be sincere

Words of gratitude to the husband and beloved for the gift and attention in prose and verse

Women love it when men shower them with beautiful words. But even the representatives of the stronger sex sometimes want to hear warm words from their beloved woman, after which there is a desire to “fly” with happiness.

Not all men exclusively love food, sex, sports and beautiful ladies. Many of them yearn for the beauty of words spoken beautifully and tenderly.

How contact your loved one? Here are some suitable words that can be used as an address:

  • Favorite
  • Gentle
  • Sexual
  • Best
  • The only one
  • Desired
  • Sun
  • Native
  • Expensive
  • Beloved
  • Wonderful
  • unique

Just weave these words into your acceptance speech and your man will love you even more.

How to thank a loved one for attention

And here are the appropriate words of thanks:

"My darling angel! You gave me your wings you gave me your heart. These are priceless gifts. What do you want instead? Take all…. Take all of me"

"You are so wonderful…. Why did I get this joy, how are you? What did I do to deserve this? Probably because I love you so much. May my madness of love be and remain your amulet and amulet.

“I remember all the gifts that have been given to me in my entire life. Your gifts are the best, because you are the best. Each of your gifts is a small "pleasure" of the soul, which, like the apple of an eye, is guarded by a memory.

Thank you my angel, thank you guardian
Because you protect my soul
And at the hour when all the threads can break
You take a needle and gently sew.
Forgive me angel, sometimes I force
You from my deeds I suffer
Forgive me angel, I just don't know
How to live and be able to forgive everything.
You will say - not true, I know - you will say
That my heart is far from granite,
That you are always there, that you understand everything
After all, there is a transparent thread between us.

Thank you for being there,
Because your voice is spring
Comes like good news
In moments of resentment and doubt.
Thanks for the honest look.
that you give only to me.
My pains are hidden in you
With you I live like in a dream.

Thank you for being there,
Through all the breakups and deadlines
Some hidden currents
Suddenly they will remind you again - you are here.
You are here on earth.
And everywhere I hear your voice and laughter
And I know that next to me
My dearest person!

Thanks for the nerves kilograms,
Thanks for the tones of patience.
Our hearts are writing telegrams to you:
"THANKS! Good luck, luck!”

I'll say "thank you" from the bottom of my heart, from the heart,

Thanks for the words - so sweet!
Thank you for your support and attention!
Thank you for your kindness and understanding!
May happiness fall in love with you and joy smile!
May it multiply three times and everything will return to you!

I thank you for
That you are attentive and sensitive,
And always ready for me
Find a free minute.
And you never betray
And never offend
Waiting patiently from work
And you understand everything.
For this sincerity of yours,
Eternal readiness for good,
My friend! I adore you!

Thank you for being there.
Thank you for not leaving.
Thank you for the fact that when there were hail of tears,
You almost lost your mind.
Thank you for holding my hand in yours
For opening the door to your heart.
Now I'll be yours forever
Baby, just believe it.

Words of gratitude to a guy, a man for a gift and attention in prose and poetry

You can express gratitude to a man for a gift with sincere words. Do not tell a man that the thing he gave him is too chic a gift. Refrain from phrases such as “you spent a lot on me,” “you shouldn’t have,” and “you could not have spent so much on me.”

Say that the present is exactly the thing that you needed. And if the gift is not entirely clear to you, then do not criticize the choice of a man, but simply say words of gratitude.

By expressing gratitude to a man for attention, you help him keep feeling that he is loved and appreciated. Indeed, if a woman takes signs of attention for granted and does not do anything in response, then it is likely that on the part of a man they can stop altogether.

Saying "thank you" to a guy, a man, avoid such appeals as "baby", "hare", "fish". It will only cause irritation. Men also do not like "usipusi", diminutive epithets. Such phrases are appropriate if they are spoken by the mother of a man, but not from a beloved woman or from a good friend.

“Beloved, with you I felt internally whole and organic person, you perfectly complement my world with your presence. Feelings of daily joy and delight have moved to a new level, previously inaccessible to me, and this, of course, is only your merit. I love you all - infinitely and forever!

“Beloved, life sometimes brings not the most pleasant surprises, but when we are together, absolutely nothing is unattainable. With you, confidence, calmness and a clear understanding of the insignificance of troubles came to my sense of life. You are the support for my desires and support for the planned achievements. I am sincerely grateful to the universe for happiness, to be loved by you!”

“I want to thank you, my dear beloved, for the reverent attitude to my desires, for the amazing ability to listen and the need to support my ideas. My tender feelings for you grow stronger and color my cozy world with warmth, reliability and light. Thank you for the strong union, dear!

“Your attention is more precious than a mountain of gold, your smile is more valuable than a scattering of diamonds, your presence is like air for me, your love is a dream that suddenly came true. You are the meaning of my life, giving a wonderful hope for pure happiness without boundaries. With you, my soul is full to the brim with crystal feelings.

There are so many people on our planet
Acquaintances, relatives and best friends.
But there is one in this world - the most important,
Smart, handsome, kind, brave.

My valiant knight, my prince on horseback,
You kindle a fire in me.
Meeting you changed my life
Turned it into a fairy tale from books.
You are not just my favorite
You are my unfathomable world
You are my air and my light
You are my breakfast and lunch!

You are not just my boyfriend
You are my dear, my dear,
You change the whole world for me
Like my hero and idol!

I love you, you know
Together we will create paradise!
Darling, I want to say again
How I need and need you!
We can do everything, we can do everything,
We will not spare the blues and boredom!

Together we succeed in everything
And life is like a piece of paradise!
And beats in unison with your heart
My deepest love.

I'm not afraid of anything in this world,
When you are near, my dear boy!
You have become an amulet of a happy life,
So please always be with me!

And even if it's cloudy in the heart,
One look from you will bring me peace.
The door to Love Itself is open to me!
But only when you're next to me!

I have a secret in my heart
Our meeting is not accidental
I saw you in a dream
Then I found out in reality

And suddenly I realized:
I used to sleep all the time!
And I didn't know what was in the world
There are these dear eyes!

But now there is no doubt
You are my lucky ticket!
You are my love and my life
I know for sure!

Words of gratitude to a friend for a gift and attention in prose and poetry

If you are lucky in life and you have a best friend, then you should definitely find a day, an occasion and a moment to say thank you to her. After all, this is the person to whom you can turn in difficult times, and not just to have fun.

If you have a best friend, be sure to tell her "Thank you!" for the time we spent together

A friend knows what to say to you so that your soul becomes brighter and warmer. Appreciate her friendship. She will be pleased to hear warm words of gratitude. They can be expressed in verse or prose, or you can write on a postcard.

The following selection will help you express your emotions and say “thank you” to your best friend in time.

Thank you my dear for having me! Without your support, it would be very difficult for me to overcome life's difficulties, and all holidays would be a dull pastime, and not an unforgettable celebration!

I want you to understand
My life is dying without you.
Fate gave you to me
And I don't know a better gift.
I am a priceless gift of fate
I will cherish and treasure forever.
Oh thank you, dear friend!
You help me a lot...

My dear friend,
Thank you for being there.
Thank you for the joy, dear
that you give me.

You will always help with advice.
And a full cup with you
I'm ready to drink to the bottom!

My dear girlfriend
You are like a sister to me
We have no secrets from each other,
Do not spill water, they all call us.
Let me thank you for everything
For our friendship, for trust, warmth,
For being so lucky in my life
For the fact that we have been friends for years in spite of everyone.

Women's friendship is different,
Someone finds and someone loses
But our friendship, I know for sure
The strongest and most holy.
I so want our friendship
lasted for many years,
Thank you for everything, dear friend,
And I consider you the best, most reliable.

Thank you for being there.
Thank you for the joy, dear
that you give me.
Support in joy, in sorrow,
You will always help with advice.
And a full cup with you
I'm ready to drink to the bottom!

My dear friend,
Thank you for being there.
Thank you for the joy, dear
that you give me.
Support in joy, in sorrow,
You will always help with advice.
And a full cup with you
I'm ready to drink to the bottom!

Words of gratitude to a friend for a gift and attention in prose and poetry

It's nice when there is a real friend in your environment who is ready to support and help in a difficult period. But if you also received a gift from him, then take a moment and express your gratitude to him for the time spent together. It's not difficult at all!

Even the most ordinary words, spoken beautifully and sincerely, will spill like a sweet balm on the heart. And so that these words are not banal, look at our selection and choose what is worthy of your friendship. Here you will find words of gratitude for all your friends.

“I thank fate for sending me such wonderful person like you! What a blessing that our paths crossed in this life!”

"Thousands of words" Thank you! not enough to express how I thank you! I wish you all the best, let there be only sincere, kind and sympathetic people around!”

“Thank you for the warmth and support, for the fact that in difficult times you you are always there! I am glad to realize that I have such a reliable and close person, whose help I can count on every time! Beautiful words of gratitude in prose I do not have enough words to express my gratitude! Thank you for everything! A person like you deserves deep respect! I want to wish everything in life to be easy, and I will always be there!

“When I understand that I am not alone in the world and there is a reliable brotherly shoulder, I begin to appreciate and cherish our friendship even more! Thank you for your dedication, dedication and sincerity!”

“I am so glad that I have you, the most wonderful, kind, good and funny! With you I never get bored and sad! Thank you for bringing a lot of positivity into my life."

I am grateful to you for your help,
Your honor and kindness.
I will keep in my heart for years
Love and warmth to you.
Be happy, healthy
Never change.
Peace and prosperity to you
I wish forever.

Thank you from the heart
I want to express now.
Describe delight and happiness
I don't have enough words today.
I take my hat off my head
And I say thank you.
Everything made with love
I respect and honor.

Help is always a holy cause,
And you didn't refuse me.
Thank you for your understanding,
May all dreams come true.
You didn't leave with a problem
Me to suffer alone.
I wish you always good luck
And bright happiness in fate.

I send thanks today
Kindness for your hearts.
Help, lend a hand
They gave me warmth.
I wish you health
There are few such people.
Happiness to you, goodness and peace,
Long and happy days.

To the words of gratitude, add: You helped me a lot (you saved me, saved me)! or Thank you very much for this book! I dreamed about her for a long time

“I thank my friends for their cheerful disposition, for their ability to listen and understand me, for their kindness, for their sensitivity towards me, for showing the highest degree of interest in my life, for always finding time for me, and in general, simply for the fact that they are! Without you, life would be completely faceless and would lose its meaning! I love you!"

Words of gratitude to colleagues for the gift and attention in prose and verse

Colleagues at work help you develop, achieve your goals. With them, you rejoice in the little things and big victories, learn to successfully interact with each other.

What words of gratitude to say to colleagues who work with you as one close-knit team? Choose what you like best, and be sure to tell the recipients of your appreciation how valuable their work is and how difficult it would be for you to manage all the work issues without them.

“I am overwhelmed with a sea of ​​​​emotions, but I will try to express words that you would like. I am grateful to you, my dear colleagues, for everything that I had a chance to hear today. It is incredibly pleasant that you surrounded me with the warmth of words on such a magical and amazing day. I wish you everything that you wished me, a thousandfold! Understand correctly and accept with your soul all the words spoken by me!

“I tirelessly thank God for bringing me into contact with such wonderful work colleagues! My golden, irreplaceable! Thank you very much…. No one has said such amazing words to me for a long time. Tomorrow they will become part of my fond memories."

“We are grateful for our many years cooperation! Over the years, we have developed strong partnerships based on mutual understanding, trust and respect! We look forward to their further strengthening and development!”

“I am grateful to you for your help and support, for who were there at the right time! Thank you for your attentiveness, responsiveness and kindness, such rare qualities in our time!”

From the bottom of my heart, colleagues, to you
I "Thank you!" I say
Thank you for your help and support
I am grateful in life.

Always in difficult times
There is a safe hand
If I slow down somewhere
Push you a little.

Answers to any question
We search together sometimes
And in trouble we are for each other
We all stand up straight away.

I want to wish, colleagues,
Happiness to each of you
And I'm grateful to fate
That she connected us.

Thank you, wonderful colleagues,
Assistants, advisers, strategists,
It was so easy for me to work with you
And it was fun, cordial and warm!

I'm sorry to part with you today,
So I want to come back and stay
But it's a pity, the pipe is calling and it's time to go,
And another game is waiting for me!

I wish you good luck and inspiration,
And a lot of fabulous moments
Careers and salaries to get higher
Love and impressions - through the roof!

“Dear colleagues, we spend a lot of time together. We Help each other, sometimes support. And I want to say a big thank you to all of you for creating such a wonderful team! I want to wish that our team remains strong and there are no conflicts in it.”

Words of gratitude for a valuable gift in prose and verse

You were very touched by the congratulations, but you can’t choose the words of gratitude yourself? In this section you can find reciprocal prose, after pronouncing which you will already be grateful to each other for the wonderful minutes and sincere smiles you have given.

Saying "thank you" is sometimes not easy. Prepare in advance for an important moment in your life: reread the words of gratitude presented in the section and let your speech flow easily and be filled with sincere emotions.

I can't put into words everything I know
I am unable to convey the soul of aspiration,
And I will only say a word, freezing,
This word is "thank you" without a doubt.
A lot in our life difficult means
If someone takes part in it,
If someone changes this life,
So thank you for the sun and happiness!
My door is always open for you
Do not betray what was, oblivion to me,
I will say "thank you" from the bottom of my heart, from the heart
For participation, attention and patience!
Grateful with all my heart
For support and care.
Our dear man
You always come to the rescue!
Feeling the joy of light
We are kinder, we have become better.
They let positive into life
Stop getting upset!

Let the words of gratitude
And they matter a lot.
We express our heartfelt joy
Sayings help us in that.
We give thanks, bringing pleasure,
Bringing happiness to others.
So let for all the good
We thank you today!

“Thank you for your responsive attitude towards me, for a simple, friendly support and non-user interest, for sincere sympathy and attempts to help, for goodwill and truthfulness of statements.

“Many thanks for the fulfillment of my most cherished, desired, sincere and seemingly unrealizable desire. You made me very happy at this moment. Thank you for a fabulous day."

How to thank for a gift on a wedding day in prose and poetry

On the wedding day, young people embark on the path of independent living. The thread connecting them with their parents breaks and a new family is born. On such a day, words of congratulations and cries of “bitter” sound. But the heroes of the occasion should not forget that without the parents who gave birth and raised them, this day would not have happened.

What words to say? What would parents like to hear from their children on their wedding day? We advise you to use the selection below to express gratitude to dear and close people, because at the most exciting moment an impromptu speech can fail.

Both parents and newlyweds are preparing for this day with special trepidation, and any little thing that does not go according to plan can spoil the mood.

What is worth considering in one of the important moments of the wedding:

  • you need to thank both your parents and the parents of the groom (bride)
  • you should not learn poems by heart: worrying, you can forget something
  • a speech of thanks can be written on a beautiful postcard and, after reading it in front of those present, give it to parents
  • speech needs to be worked out in advance, so you do not have to remember well-chosen words and thoughts that you would like to pronounce
  • if you still forget a fragment from a pre-prepared speech, then the words chosen on the go will add sincerity to your words

Parents help to organize a wedding ceremony for the young. But this is not limited to caring for a young family. Young people receive the most valuable and significant gifts from their parents: a car, an apartment, the opportunity to go on a honeymoon trip.

How can I thank them for this? Say the following words:

Example #1
"Dear Parents! In this life you gave us a lot gifts, but wedding - we especially need roads. Thanks to your generosity, our family foundation has been laid, and we believe that it will be strong and reliable, that we will definitely build our fortress and the first bricks in strong walls were laid by you - our relatives, beloved people.

Example #2
"Dear Mom and Dad!
Today is such a special day, our family has become bigger and I am so happy (happy) that I found (found) my happiness. For all these emotions that I experienced today, I want to thank you, my dear parents! I am immensely grateful (grateful) for your help and support during the preparation for one of the most important days of my life and I look forward to your help in the future when our house is filled with children's laughter! Thank you for everything, family, I love you very much!

Example #3
“Dear and beloved, our mom and dad, thank you for your tenderness that you gave us when we were little, for the love that warmed us in difficult moments of our lives. We thank you for the gift of happiness to be with you, to feel your warmth and support in the most difficult days.”

Heartfelt gratitude to you, our loved ones, our dear ones, our irreplaceable mom and dad. You have always supported us in our most difficult times. But right now, when we are at the peak of happiness, we want to thank you for everything that you have done for us. Thank you for the gifts that we will definitely use in our later life, for the help you provided us in preparing this celebration. And know that we love you as much as you love us!”

Let us say the words
After all, there is a new chapter in life.
From our young family
For those who saved our lives.

Parents, our relatives,
Thank you for your concern.
For everything you did for us
Because we are here now.

We will always be by your side,
Support with deeds, not words.
We love you very much, we appreciate you,
You are everything in this life for us!

Thanks to our parents!
At our wedding we say
For loving, raising
Thank you today.

For affection, love and care,
For hundreds of sleepless nights
Thank you, our beloved
There are no relatives in the world.

We wish you happiness, health,
Happy and joyful years
We know with our love
You will save us from trouble.

Relatives, dear dad, mom,
You led me by the hand into marriage.
Thank you for raising
I'm sorry I did it wrong.
Thank you for your love, care,
For not letting me fall
For being from Sunday to Saturday
They could not sleep at night because of me,
That they were fair in their upbringing,
What was protected from mistakes, from troubles,
For making my life happy.
May God grant you a long life up to a hundred years!

After the words of gratitude are spoken, bow to the parents at the waist.

Video: More expensive than the sun, sky and earth ...

Video: words of gratitude to mothers

How to thank for a birthday present in prose and poetry

For warm words and good wishes at the birthday party, the birthday boy is simply obliged to thank his guests. How to do it and what to say, see this section.

“Dear beloved guests! Thanks for being here year in a row you share with me the joy of my birth! Life is the biggest gift for me, since it was she who gave me the opportunity to meet you on the earth's corner. Let's take care of each other and not forget, despite the hustle and bustle of weekdays!

“Thank you so much, my friends, for making me so beautiful congratulations! I feel that each of you managed to invest a significant part of yourself in congratulations. I'm touched to the very core of my soul"

“Today is the best day of my life! You are my priceless gift. My next dream came true: we again gathered at the same table. Thank you all for coming!"

“Thank you very much for your kind words and good wishes, bright congratulations on my birthday. In response, I want to wish all the same, but doubly so. May life be accompanied by strong love, strong faith and warm hope.

“With all my heart I would like to thank you for your kind and sincere congratulations on my birthday. I sincerely thank you and wish you in return good health and material well-being, bright joy of the soul and undoubted happiness in life.

“Thank you very much for the nice congratulations on my day birth. My soul was filled with light and happiness from your good wishes and warm words. In response, I wish you endless happiness and sincere love, the unquenchable kindness of your heart and grandiose memorable events in your life.”

“Thank you very much for your sincere congratulations on my day birth. I am very pleased with the attention and kind words. In response, I wish you good health and eternal happiness, stable prosperity and high prosperity in life.

“Thank you so much for the kind words and wishes! I really Nice! I will work hard to make your every word come true! Thanks again!"

For warmth and kindness
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

For words and wishes
For wonderful confessions!

I wish you all
Faith, happiness and kindness.

Your congratulations on my birthday
Touched my soul!
And I with tenderness, great admiration
Thank you I say!

Thank you for all your wishes
What sincerely do you give me
What do you not forget, bestowing attention -
Thank you for everything!

Allow with warmth and joy
Say thanks to you
For sincere congratulations
On the day of my birth.

Thank you! You are very attentive.
For everything, I am very grateful to you.
I know - many more times...
I will remember you with kind words.

Thank you all for your congratulations
Over the sea of ​​wonderful poems!
I heard from you on my birthday
So many nice, kind, warm words.

In response to all of you, I wish the same
What did you wish for me today
Only twice as much, and maybe
Not even doubled, but tripled at once!


Probably, a birthday is the only day for a person when he receives so much attention, congratulations and gifts that there is simply not enough time and energy to express sincere gratitude to everyone personally. This is especially true in our time, when social networks have become an integral part of everyday life. And indeed, it is very convenient: social networks remind you that one of your friends has a birthday and allow you to quickly congratulate him with warm words. Sometimes there are so many congratulations that it just gets boring to send everyone a standard “thank you” in response. Therefore, you can use the words of gratitude for in the status, so that everyone can see that they have not been forgotten and receive their words of gratitude. It's always nice to receive feedback on your congratulations!

Thank You Status Examples

Words of gratitude for birthday greetings in status are short but capacious messages to friends, relatives, just acquaintances who were not too lazy to spend a few minutes on congratulations.

Dear friends and acquaintances! Thank you for your congratulations and attention, I am very pleased!
Thanks everyone for the warm wishes! As long as I have you, I am the happiest person!
Genuine happiness is when you forget to say thank you to everyone for the congratulations!
Thanks to everyone who did not forget to congratulate! It is very nice!
I send rays of goodness and love to everyone for your kind words!
Thanks everyone for the congratulations!
Thank you friends for making me smile all day!
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your wishes!
Friends, you are amazing! Thank you all-all-all!
You are all just great! Thanks for the kind words!
I am very pleased with your attention, words. A huge heartfelt thanks!
Thanks for all the kind words!
Not a single eloquent phrase can convey all the warm feelings for you, friends. Thank you!
Dear, without you, this holiday would not be so bright, many human thanks!

Words of gratitude in a foreign language

You can add originality to the words of gratitude for birthday greetings to the status if the standard “Thank you” is translated into other languages. This is not only an unusual way to express your gratitude, but will also cause additional interest in the status and in the page on social networks.

Thank you (English);
Merci (French);
Dyakuemo (Ukrainian);
Dzyakui (Belarusian);
Danke (German);
Gracias (Spanish);
Grazie (Italian);
Takk (Norwegian).

Words of gratitude for birthday greetings in status with humor

Another way to express your gratitude to your friends for kind words and make them laugh!

Yes, so many words were said today ... and here is one more thing for you - THANK YOU!
For your congratulations, I want to strangle you in my arms for the gift of happiness!
Thank you all for your congratulations! They are sweeter to me than jam, more precious than gold and bread, and better than any meal!
I thank everyone who did not forget to congratulate. And those who forgot, thanks, now I know who to remove from friends!
Dudes, you are just a bomb, blowing me up with such nice words, thank you!
Today someone will definitely die from my powerful rays of goodness for congratulations!

With the help of words of gratitude for the birthday greetings in the status, you can immediately respect all network users. You can choose any form to say thank you: cute, funny, in a foreign language, sarcastic, poetic, prosaic. But, most importantly, the owl should come from the heart, and not be an ordinary formality. After all, the ability to say “thank you” is a sign of good taste, and doing it gracefully is already a talent!

in Prose

Dear colleagues, we spend a lot of time together. We help each other, sometimes we support. And I want to say a big thank you to all of you for creating such a wonderful team! And I want to wish that our team remains strong and that there are no conflicts in it.

in verse

my colleagues,
I wish you happiness
I do not hesitate to tell you about it!
Let the minutes of you, adversity and bad weather,
Thank you sincerely for everything!
Always glad to see you
and always waiting for you!

for help

Dear my colleagues! Working with you is a real pleasure, because you are wonderful and worthy people with a capital letter! Thank you for being so awesome!

In Your Words

Dear colleagues, thank you very much for our close-knit, friendly team. Thank you for keeping your optimism even in the most difficult, stressful situations. It is comfortable and easy to work with you, which is quite important and necessary.

You know, each of you is a special, amazing person who contributes to our common cause. Due to our abilities, we have created a unique team that is not only hardworking, but also very cheerful! I thank you, my beautiful ones, for the fact that our everyday days are not an ordinary, depressing routine, but that they are bright and interesting.

on retirement

Colleagues, thank you for your participation,
I wish you success, strength and happiness,
Mutual love, extraordinary,
Life is bright and incomparable!

Let everyone have a dream
And she will certainly come true
Optimism, good relations,
Kindness, smiles and right decisions!

for congratulations

Dear beloved guests! Thank you for sharing the joy of my birth with me for many years in a row! Life is the biggest gift for me, since it was she who gave me the opportunity to meet you on the earth's corner. Let's take care of each other and not forget, despite the hustle and bustle of weekdays!

on your birthday

Thank you so much, my friends, for congratulating me so beautifully! I feel that each of you managed to invest a significant part of yourself in congratulations. I am touched to the very depths of my soul….

in Reply to Happy Anniversary

Today is the best day of my life! You are my priceless gift. My next dream came true: we again gathered at the same table. Thank you all for coming!

in Prose on Dismissal

Dear colleagues, thank you very much for our close-knit, friendly team. Thank you for keeping your optimism even in the most difficult, stressful situations. It was comfortable and easy to work with you, which is quite important and necessary. You know, each of you is a special, amazing person who contributes to our common cause.

Due to our abilities, we have created a unique team that is not only hardworking, but also very cheerful! I thank you, my beautiful ones, for the fact that our everyday days were not an ordinary, depressing routine, but that they were bright and interesting.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful congratulations, incredible and sensitive wishes, compliments, for all the kind words! I am insanely pleased for the attention and I am glad that such kind people surround me!

Thank you for the kind and warm congratulations on my birthday. I want to wish happiness and joy in return. Let every day in life be like a holiday, let every moment be the sunshine of love and kindness. Good luck and thanks again!

My dear, relatives, relatives, friends! Thank you very much for your kind words and best wishes. I value your attention and support, your warmth, your love. My birthday is precious because you are with me. I love everyone, I hug tightly. Thank you for having me!

Today I received a lot of kind words and warm wishes from you. And I, of course, believe that they will all come true. Thank you, my dear friends, relatives and colleagues, for your attention, warmth and care that you surrounded me with today. I am extremely pleased!

I am so pleased that next to me dear to me relatives and friends! I love you, cherish you and highly appreciate your attention, your sincerity and warmth of your feelings and words! So much good and kind things have been said about me, said so cordially and warmly! Thank you all very much. And accept my wishes in return: peace, kindness, love, success and prosperity, beauty and understanding, joy of life and harmony of the soul! Let's all be very happy people!

It is insanely pleasant to realize that there are people in the world who on my birthday give me such priceless gifts as their attention, sensitive words and sincere wishes. Thank you, my dear ones, for your congratulations and for the fact that you are in my life.

Thank you very much for your attention and wonderful congratulations on my birthday. Your words made me smile, your bright wishes inspired me, gave me courage and strength, confidence and purposefulness. Thank you very much, accept in response the wishes of good and happiness, excellent health and inextinguishable optimism of the soul.

I sincerely thank you for every congratulations! I was extremely pleased to hear so many compliments and kind words addressed to me! In response, I wish you all these blessings doubly! Let all the good and bright come true, because we were born to be happy people!

Thank you very much for your kind words and wishes! I'm very pleased! I will work hard to make your every word come true! Thanks again!

Dear friends! Thank you so much for your warm, gentle and sincere congratulations. Even if a hundredth part of what they wished me comes true, I will have enough health for three lives, and any lucky person will envy my luck. I am lucky to have such wonderful and kind people next to me, thank you for the kind words.