The stability of energy medicine. International course of kinesiology "Healing Touch". Deep body techniques. Restoration of vitality. Dealing with pain, stress

Donna Eden

Energy medicine

Throughout the book, there are references to laboratory or clinical studies that support my statements and judgments. When I took up this field three decades ago, energy medicine as a science was in its infancy. Since then, the scientific literature has experienced a boom in body energy research. Despite the fact that energy medicine still remains in the margins of medicine (the leading medical publications rarely report on advances in this area), it reached a certain degree of maturity, and in 1992 it received official recognition (the Center for Alternative Medicine was established at the US National Institutes of Health ). While many young practitioners recognize the future for energy medicine, the "old guard" are uncomfortable with a new, largely incomprehensible direction for them. Hopefully, the research results referenced in the text will at least arouse skeptics' interest.

In my book, I take a systematic yet open approach to consciously working with bodily energies to help you improve your health, develop your mind, and illumine your spirit. To do this, I had to work hard and select the techniques suitable for a book on self-help. I have many years of experience teaching these techniques to non-professionals and know which ones are suitable for almost all people and have the greatest positive effect. For your part, it remains for you to use them correctly. If you are in need of professional medical attention, please consult a qualified professional. This book is only a supplement to basic treatment. Sincerely emphasizing the importance of professional intervention, I do not want to belittle the importance of energy procedures in any way and I am deeply convinced that there is much you can do for your own well-being. In the end, only you are responsible for your health and the more you know and do in this direction, the better you will feel. This How To Guide provides all the tools you need to do this. May they serve you well.

Awaken the healer within you who has been dormant for two million years

Under the layer of our conscious mind, the deep mind operates - the storehouse of human experience.

ANTHONY STEVENS, "The Two Million Year Old Self"

Everything is energy


The human body is one of the most perfect creations of nature. He has a natural ability to heal himself. But since we live in a world that drowns out this ability in every possible way, we must consciously take care of our health in order to activate the possibilities inherent in us.

This book will tell and show how to work with electrical, electromagnetic and subtler energies that support life in our body and form the foundation of our health. It is your body's fuel and atmosphere. You were born in the area of ​​the Earth's electric, magnetic and gravitational fields and grew up under the life-giving rays of the sun. Your own energy systems, such as meridians (energy pathways in the body), chakras (energy centers in the body), and the aura, or biofield (your energy sheath), emit electromagnetic energy and light. You can see that subtle, immeasurable energies permeate your entire body and surrounding space and that they are the key to energy medicine.

In reality, everything in the Universe is energy in one form or another of its manifestations. Even matter, as Einstein's famous formula demonstrates, is "solid" energy. When you look at the fire in the fireplace, you see how the “solid” energy of the wood is converted into the heat energy of the fire. Fire can be converted into mechanical energy, such as from a generator or a locomotive. The generator, in turn, can produce electrical energy. Einstein believed that there is only one "universal energy". If so, then it has countless types and forms.

In many cultures, there is a description of the matrix of subtle energies, which is the source of life force and often manifests "miracles" that go beyond human knowledge. In China it is called ni or qi, in Indian and Tibetan yoga - prana, in the Jewish Kabbalistic tradition - yesod, in Japan - ki, among the Sufis - baraka, among the Likoton - aakan, among the Iroquois - orenda, among the pygmies ituri - megbe, in Christian tradition - the Holy Spirit. So the idea of ​​a close connection between subtle and "hard" energies of a material body is far from new.

The mind of bodily energies

Energy medicine is based on the assumption that bodily energies have intelligence and that intelligent dialogue can be conducted with them, which helps to gain or strengthen health. This becomes especially evident when you start working with bodily energies and doing healing. Energy is more than just the strength that keeps the heart, lungs and cellular metabolism alive. It is also the mind that controls millions of biological processes per second. The mind of the energy body usually dispenses with the guidance of the brain, but it uses its capabilities to maintain the normal functioning of the body. And although the human mind is one of the most amazing creations of nature, it is not directly related to the work of organs and cells. When working with a client, I am often simply guided by the movement of energy, as if the session is being conducted by some higher mind, and I am simply following its instructions.

In his book, The Lives of a Cell, biologist Lewis Thomas expressed awe of the tiny cell's ability to make intelligent choices. I feel the same feeling in relation to energy. The more closely you observe the endless dance of bodily energies, the more you admire the perfection of its performance. Energies permeate every organ of our body and carry complete information about it. In her wonderful book A Change of Heart, Claire Sylvia, a bearer of a donor heart, describes how many people who received a donor heart began to manifest thoughts, memories, dreams, tastes, desires and life values ​​of the donor. ... Here is an excerpt from the database of Paul Purcell, one of the renowned researchers in the field:

A heart donor died as a result of falling from a hotel staircase, reaching for a Power Ranger toy sitting on a cement parapet. The recipient was a five-year-old boy with an incorrigible heart valve septum defect and severe cardiomyopathy.

DONOR'S MOTHER: When I met the recipient's family and little Darrell (the recipient), I immediately burst into tears. My legs literally gave way, and if not for my husband, I would have fallen. Darrell had a mischievous, somewhat asymmetrical smile and an equally mischievous, teasing look. It was the same, painfully familiar smile. We sat and talked with Darrell, and I felt that my son's heart was eager to meet mine - like a dog wagging its tail, recognizing its owner. I asked permission to put my head on his chest and listen. My heart and my son's were beating in unison, and Darrell loved it because he kept smiling his mischievous smile. Then he told something that plunged us into real amazement.

RECIPIENT: I ​​gave the name to the boy who gave me a heart, calling him Timmy, and knew that he was younger than me. For a long time I felt the pain from that fatal fall, and even now I sometimes feel it. Timmy loved the Power Rangers toys as much as I did, but he was too young to be familiar with them. Sometimes I wake up at night with the feeling that my body is falling somewhere, and I feel what Timmy's heart felt when it all happened - a hard blow. I don't know what happened to my old heart, but sometimes I really want to get it back.

RECIPIENT'S FATHER: Until today, we didn't know how old Darrell's donor was. All that was known was that he died as a result of the fall. I think Darrell guessed Timmy's age purely by chance - the heart of a small child was needed for the transplant. But how he guessed his name is a mystery to me. Perhaps this is also an accident, because Darrell likes to watch the program with

"Skillful Hands" by Tim Taylor. I must say that the asymmetrical smile that he had after the operation always annoyed me a little, but now I understand that he must have adopted it from the donor. I don’t know how this is possible, but our son had never smiled like that before.

RECIPIENT'S MOTHER: Want to know the most interesting things? Previously, Darrell loved collecting Power Rangers and playing with them. When we bought him another Ranger after heart surgery, he put them in a box and said he didn't want to see these toys anymore. Since then, Darrell has never looked at them again.

This, like many other similar cases, cannot be explained by anything other than the fact that the heart has its own energy field (and indeed, the electric field of the heart is 60 times more powerful than the electric field of the brain, and the magnetic field, according to some estimates, is 5000 times !) containing information about the person to whom it belongs. From my own experience and the experience of my colleagues and students, I can say that the more you work with the subtle energies of the body, the more you become convinced that you are dealing with intelligent force.

Energy energy medicine

Despite the fact that energy has many types and forms - kinetic, thermal, nuclear - the object of study of energy medicine is various combinations of (1) electrical, (2) electromagnetic and (3) subtle energies of the human body.

1. Electricity is the movement of electrons and protons. Each cell of the body, like a miniature battery, accumulates and emits energy. Normally, the total charge inside the cell is negative (negatively charged ions predominate), and outside it is positive (positively charged ions predominate). But these charges can change due to the ability of charged particles (ions) to penetrate the cell membrane. This is how impulses travel through nerve cells. The human embryo, made up of only four cells, already has an energetic structure that is responsible for certain genes. Every breath, every muscle movement, every portion of food that enters the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by various electrical processes. Likewise, your memories, feelings, and thoughts are streams of tiny electrical impulses.

2. Electromagnetic radiation propagates in the form of waves. They form a continuous spectrum - from radio waves, microwaves and infrared radiation to visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays. The frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum ranges from 30Hz (30 oscillations per second) to 300 GHz (300,000,000,000,000,000,000 oscillations per second). The electromagnetic spectrum can be expressed by wavelength, frequency, or photon energy. Photons are elementary particles of electromagnetic radiation that have no mass and no electric charge. They are emitted and absorbed entirely by objects that are much smaller than the photon wavelength. From the point of view of classical quantum mechanics, a photon simultaneously exhibits the properties of a particle and a wave. Photons are quanta-carriers of the electromagnetic field and provide interaction between two electric or magnetic charges. Unfortunately, we still know too little about the nature and character of electromagnetic waves.

3. Subtle energies were described by Einstein as energies that we know about, because we can observe their manifestations, but do not have instruments to measure them. Such were the ideas about electromagnetism. But I think that many of the energies that I have to work with have properties that are not yet well understood by science. Despite this, many healers know how to use them to restore normal functioning and health of the patient. William Tiller and his colleagues at Stanford University have created a device that demonstrates the existence of an energy field that transcends the electromagnetic spectrum. What is most interesting is that this field reacts to the thoughts and emotions of a person: its qualitative characteristics change depending on which thoughts visit you - negative or positive.

I believe that the basic elements of energy systems such as meridians, chakras and aura can contain any combination of these types of energy. Modern devices record electromagnetic radiation in the chakra area, containing information that a sensitive person can intuitively "read" if he tunes in to the energy of a particular chakra. Through these abilities, energy therapists can see and even alleviate the patient's deep emotional experiences.

Perception of subtle energies

I feel the energy of other people well. At times I feel like a tuning fork because I see and feel energy in the form of rhythms and vibrations, waves and frequencies, impulses and streams, colored rays and geometric shapes. I realized early on that colors, shapes, movements and textures carry a certain meaning.

When I was in the fourth grade, I heard the gossip of the school teachers about my teacher, Miss Proctor, demeaning her, portraying her as a strange and eccentric lady, who did not know how to graduate from college. I was shocked and puzzled. Are they blind? Miss Proctor had a lovely light golden aura that told me a lot. I knew intuitively that she was an intelligent, kind and trustworthy person. As I realized later, colleagues did not like her simplicity, spontaneity and carelessness.

Until now, I judge people by their energy, and not by words, appearance, position in society or character traits. This approach is very helpful in work. Over the years, I have learned not only to understand the energies that I see and feel, but also to work with them with my hands, restoring the patient's health and state of mind. Matter follows energy. This is the basic law of energy medicine. When you have a healthy energy, your body will be healthy.

Subtle energies in healing

Leah was literally brought to my arms. The man who brought her said that she was treated in several well-known clinics and consulted with many specialists. She was diagnosed with bronchitis and prescribed the standard treatment in such cases, but no one could understand why the girl was getting worse and worse. Shortly before she fell ill, a close friend of hers died. Doctors suggested that the disease could have arisen on the basis of severe grief, and advised her to see a psychiatrist, but this did not give positive results. All she had to do was grab a straw, and that was me.

When Leah tried to speak, only whistles and wheezing escaped her. Since she had already gone through all kinds of examinations, I turned my attention not to her physical systems, including the lungs, but to the energy system and its structure, which I call the energy grid. I saw that the two energy channels were so polluted that the vital energy could not circulate through them. I touched the points on either side of one of these channels (one near the thigh, the other on the forehead), using my body as a conduit to "close the circuit" and restore the movement of energy.

When the energy began to flow through me, it seemed to me sharp and abrupt. Then I started to choke. Leah looked at me and did not know what to think about the healer, who, apparently, was in agony himself. This went on for another thirty minutes. The moment I finally felt a normal flow of energy through my body, the girl sighed and for the first time in many months began to breathe normally. My breathing recovered too.

I moved on to another blocked energy channel. As soon as I “closed” it, I felt a deep grief. I was overwhelmed with emotion and I burst into tears. I cried and couldn't stop, not paying attention to Leah's reaction. She later said that if I hadn't helped her catch her breath, she would have jumped off the table and run away, considering me a charlatan. After some time, which seemed like an eternity to both of us, when I again felt a normal flow of energy through my body, the girl began to sob loudly and involuntarily from inconsolable grief.

The riddle was solved in an unexpected way. Leah and her friend traveled the world together. And when a friend fell ill with cancer, Leah took care of her for a whole year, until her death. After that, she fell into despair at the thought that she did not have and would never have such a close person as her friend was. In fact, she gave up life on a subconscious level. This feeling of emptiness and loneliness settled in her lungs and manifested itself in the form of bronchitis. By restoring her energy grid and supporting her immune system, I could only hope that Leah would cope with the disease. At least she came out of me by herself, and she did not have to be carried in my arms.

A few days later, I found on my office door a pendant of Guatemalan ritual bells, to which was attached a note "I'm getting better and better." Leah perked up and wondered about the future. She decided to study energy healing, and then go to Guatemala, where she dreamed of moving with a friend. She began to look at her energy crisis as a gift of fate, thanks to which she found a new meaning in life. After studying with me, Leah moved to Guatemala and took up the practice of healing there. Over the years, I have received Christmas cards from her with stories of people she has successfully healed.

How to prevent the development of the disease

There are several proven techniques that can be used to reverse the course of an illness. If you feel that you are beginning to get sick, you can use any of the techniques below. The first three can be performed without a partner (execution time - from 5 to 20 minutes):

1. Complete the exercise "Connecting the Energies of Heaven and Earth" (p. 299).

2. Do the Tuning Exercise (p. 121) and the Triple Massage (p. 96).

3. Work the neuroreflex lymph points to remove toxins from the body (p. 115).

4. Ask someone to do the Spine Lavage for you (p. 115).

5. Ask someone to cleanse your chakras (p. 209).

Energy work is soul work

The medical institutions that Leah went to misdiagnosed the true cause of her illness, which was associated with deep mental trauma, and therefore could not help her. Illness and recovery are the starting and ending points of the soul's journey. The soul is a rather complex and far from science substance, and traditional medicine rarely considers physical problems at its level.

Eden Donna, FEINSTEIN David


Dedicated to women of my kind:

Mama, Dondi, Suzy, Modi, Sharon, Shop, Chelley, Christy Ashshch, Taye, Mosel, Alice, Coren, Beverly, Mary and Edith.

And for men:

Dad, Guy, Avon, Clark, Danny, Erinn, Rayon, Kazu, Leia, Prtschu, Seifert, Saul, Robin, Barry, Mark, Karl, Ray and David.

Words of gratitude

I express my deepest gratitude to Mom, the first alternative healer in my life. I am also grateful to her doctors Joseph Morgan, Howard Morningstar and Janet Bates, who gave me back my faith in Western medicine.

I have an infinite sense of personal gratitude and professional gratitude to Dr. John Ty for his courage and special talent in the 1970s to make complex self-healing techniques available to ordinary people through his Touch for Health system. I will forever be grateful to Dr. Ty, Gordon Stokes, Shanti Dury, Hazel Ullrich, Warren Jacobs and Touched for Health who helped me start my journey.

Sandy Wand has proven to be an amazing friend, healer, and endless source of support. Paul Brenner, M.D., showed me what a doctor can be. My editors Irene Prokop and Wendy Hubert were extremely patient, proactive and quick-witted. My confidant Susan Schulman provided me with sound and encouraging advice. I appreciate the institutional support of Inperoise and its friends, especially Leila and Hugh Bacons, Jean Lamb and Rodney Plympton. My friends Carla Cunningham also made valuable suggestions for the structure and content of the book. Norman Friedman, Jane Meinerd and Peg Mayo. Richard Dury has provided material for a number of studies described in the book. Rick Jensen, a jack of all trades, an irreplaceable person, a vivid example of how you can remain cheerful in any difficult and risky situations. My daughters Dondi and Tanya Daelin have also always had an unwavering inspiration for the ideas of integrity and health.

My husband David Feinstein was tireless in his conversations with me, and he did the first rough sketches of our conversations, edited the audio recordings of my lectures, conducted computer and library research, and translated dry informative materials into the language of intuitive, inherent in me "right-brain" thinking. This entire book bears the imprint of his mastery of phrasing, analogy, ordering in the midst of complex reasoning, and accurately correlating an idea with its vast intellectual context, while maintaining the spirit of my intention. One elephant, that's how I would write this book. if she had the qualities of his mind.


Let the body think of the Spirit as a flowing, pouring out, impetuous and shining stream entering it from all sides.


Balance your body's energies for health, joy, and resilience

Over the years, I have been asked questions about the nature of energy medicine, namely: what is energy medicine? How does it differ from allopathic medicine? What special can it offer a person that he does not get in traditional medicine?

While these questions may seem straightforward at first glance, they are not easy to answer. Their appearance is associated with the entry of humanity into the energy era, and we are forced to reconsider our understanding of ourselves. We will soon learn that we have multidimensional sensitivity, although we still adhere to the outdated idea that we have only a line, five senses. We will no longer wonder if our thoughts and emotions affect our cellular tissue, our body; we will regard this relationship as one of the fundamental truths of life. The technique of "laying on of hands", the use of oils and sounds in the healing process will become commonplace for us. And drugs that suppress the disease will be considered harmful rather than beneficial to health.

When will these changes take place? They are already taking place: we can see dramatic advances in medicine and healing. Our society respects the holistic movement and energy medicine, which is reflected in the growing interest in alternative therapies for diseases and the desire to learn more about them. More and more research is being done on the degree and nature of the influence of thoughts and emotions on the physical body, and again and again the results show that the body-mind-spirit system is an accurate representation, a “portrait” of the human being.

Donna Eden's contribution to the founding of holistic medicine with her book Energy Medicine will remain one of the founding ones. Her research is very high-quality, solid, and the suggestions and recommendations that she gives to her readers are simple and effective, as should be the methods designed to help restore or strengthen health.

As someone who has been closely associated with the field of holistic medicine for fifteen years, I have met many people who either wanted to know more about energy medicine or were willing to take advantage of its techniques. I am absolutely confident that this book will serve as an excellent guide for many people for many years to come, because the information it contains is based on truth, and the truth does not change.

Observing modern life, one cannot but admit that we live in an era when the energy of not only the body, but also our entire life transforms the world around us. The advent of the computer age heralds the fact that we today rely more on energetic than on sound or written information. We are advancing at a speed that approaches the speed of thought. and thought governs the human body. Energy medicine recognizes the power of our thought and the world in which we now reside. We need quality books - like this one - to guide us along the way.

Ph.D. Carolyn Miss



Truly, we are healed by what lives in ourselves.

William Shakespeare, As You Like It

You are an interweaving of energies. This one fact, and what follows from it, forms the basis of energy medicine. I invite you to look into this area hidden by the world of external manifestations. Learn about how invisible energies shape your perception of the world, your way of thinking and your lifestyle. Explore your eternal dance with invisible forces in and around you. And then you, like me, will begin to admire how magnificently dynamic energies permeating your body, mind and soul reveal the genius of nature's “creative hand”.

The very first follower of energy medicine is you, the one who dwells in a body in need of care. With energy medicine techniques, you can activate your body's natural ability to heal itself and stay healthy. You can bring renewed vitality to a tired body, fresh energy to a tired mind, and invigorate an at times weakening spirit. You can train your energies to deal with stress more effectively, reduce your susceptibility to anxiety, and relieve you of various ailments. And what you have learned yourself can be used for the benefit of your family members and others close to you.

If you want to live life to the fullest today, when people are so far removed from their nature, then you need to cooperate with the energy system of your body. Learning how to mobilize inner strength to improve your health, strengthen your mind, and illumine your spirit is easier than you might think.


Energy medicine is reliable, natural and affordable. It is modern and at the same time has ancient roots. Nowadays, the expression "energy medicine" is used to describe a variety of systems and processes, ranging from the introduction of shamanic healing practices in modern culture and ending with the use of powerful electromagnetic and other technologies in hospitals and medical centers. Energy medicine combines both scientifically established principles and unexplained phenomena; both routine procedures and art; both matter and spirit. Energy medicine is, in my opinion, the best definition to describe a growing number of approaches and methods for improving health, healing and achieving happiness, in which the body is viewed as a system of energies.

A Chinese doctor can detect imbalances in the meridians by probing pulse points,but it is a sensitive touch and can take ten to twenty years to develop. Touch for Health uses cynical testing to detect the same abnormalities.

John Tai, A Touch for Health

Your body is like a cascade of energy systems that are amazingly complex, perfectly coordinated and completely unique. Therefore, no specialist will tell you with certainty what you should do to feel great.

Not only every person has its own characteristic energy, but also every cell, every organ and every system of the body. All of them speak each in their own dialect and at the same time have a certain common language.

Energy testing is an accurate tool for translating these languages, phrase by phrase, into concepts we know.

Through energy testing, you can access your unique, always vibrating energy body, or energy field. This chapter is the ABC of Energy Testing. It will also prepare you to intuitively perceive your own energy field and the energy fields around you.

Illness manifests itself in your energies before it manifests itself in physical symptoms. In the provinces of China, where the main job of the doctor was to maintain the health of people by monitoring the balance of their energies, the doctor was paid only as long as the person felt good. If the doctor had to treat a disease, it meant that he made a mistake, and therefore the patient no longer paid him. Compared to this approach to health, the practice of waiting for the onset of the physical symptoms of the disease inherent in Western medicine, which only begins to deal with the patient's health only with their appearance, seems rather immature. It is much easier and wiser to treat an imbalance, while it is only a violation in the energy field, than to wait until it develops into a physical symptom, which is much harder for a person to tolerate, has already become entrenched and more difficult to eliminate.

Any person living in modern society and accepting its rules has, in fact, “driven” a significant part of inner wisdom under the threshold of his active consciousness. As you grew and developed, the culture emphasized the importance of intelligence and ignored your original knowledge of your body. We all have this mechanism of intuitive knowledge damaged. Getting into civilization, for the most part, means acquiring the habit of not doing what your body wants you to do.

Yet your body carries a mind that transcends the understanding of your intellect. Over the years of my life and practice, I have been able to figure out various ways in which people who do not consciously fix subtle energies can begin to identify them, establish contact with them, interact and cooperate with them. By being able to discern subtle energies, you will learn to develop the dormant abilities in you to feel and influence your health. This is not passive observation. The slightest effort intelligently directed at your energy system will pay off handsomely.


Your energy body is a subtle counterpart of your physical body, and it is more responsive than your physical body to the impact of various kinds of factors. Because the energy body stores an energetic structural replica of the health of its physical body, it is the focus of energy medicine. A treatment that works on your energy body causes changes in all systems in your body.

The energy body declares itself even with the pain of an organ removed from a person, which is one of the most amazing mysteries of medicine. A person may experience terrible and unexplained pain in a part of the body that no longer exists. In the US, approximately 300,000 people have had an arm or leg amputated, and most of them also report itching or pain in the area where the organ was previously removed. Because of its “vibrant sensory qualities and precise positioning in space,” says Ronald Melzak, a research psychologist at McGill University, phantom organs “seem so tangible that the patient can try to get out of bed on a phantom leg or lift a cup with a phantom hand. to feel an ulcer or other pathological formation that was on his leg, or even a wedding ring squeezing his finger, although the hand no longer exists. " The pain of a phantom organ has been reported by people already born without this organ, and medicine, as a rule, is not able to alleviate the condition of such patients.

Some neurologists believe that a genetic map of the body is encoded in the brain from birth, and that the organ remains on the map, even if it is not developed or removed. Sensations in the phantom organ, according to this theory, are activated by nerves at the site of the stump of the missing organ. This theory would better explain my observations made in the process of working with patients with phantom organ sensing, if it were supplemented by the concept of an energy body. I believe that the phantom organ is the energetic counterpart of the missing organ.

One man who had his finger amputated kept it in a jar in the heated basement of his mother's house, and he did not experience pain for several years. But then he suddenly turned to the doctor who was performing the operation on him, complaining of a feeling of extreme cold in the place where the finger was. Following the doctor's advice, he checked the conditions in which his amputated finger was, and learned that in that basement it became extremely cold due to the breaking of a window. After the finger was moved to a warm place, the pain disappeared. Many different messages of this kind allow us to conclude that the energy of the phantom organ somehow remains associated with the energy of the physical organ. This phenomenon is becoming more understandable in light of the increasing number of well-known phenomena such as distance healing and the healing power of prayer. The three cases described below are also associated with pain in phantom organs and help to understand the nature of the energy body. Pain in a phantom organ is not perceived as a mystery if it is understood that the “energetic organ” persists after the physical organ is removed. Just as the pain of a phantom organ is undeniable to those who experience it, so is its lively reaction to energetic work.

Unbearable phantom pain. Once a man was brought to me in a wheelchair, who had lost both legs in the Vietnam War. No one could help him cope with the pain in the place where he once had his right leg. He vividly remembered the scene, how he stepped on a mine, after which he saw how the flesh and bones of his right leg were scattered into small pieces. Now he was tormented by very severe pain. The sensations were similar to the shock that he experienced during the explosion, and he could not get rid of the traumatic memories that washed over him. The persistent pain, in (I’m singing, in turn, caused nightmares. His left leg did not hurt that much. It sometimes itched, but this was nonsense compared to the pain in the area of ​​his right leg.

He sat next to his friend, cried and said: "The pain is so excruciating, and how terribly it ties me to my past, so unbearable that sometimes I want to put a gun to my head." I saw that the energies were still present in the places of his missing legs, and I could feel them with my hands. I followed the energy along the missing legs to the end. They were tangible. A terrible pain arose in my hand. I asked the man if my hand was in the zone of his worst pain, and he answered in the affirmative. The most painful areas were on the sides of the feet, where the bladder meridian ends. I told him: "It will seem strange to you, but I think that I can act on some points right in the air - there, and once were your feet, and thus ease your condition."

I walked my hands to the end of his legs and "pressed" points on the meridian of the bladder. The two men who watched these strange manipulations probably felt that I was just holding on to the air. But that was not the case! I felt and saw the meridian lines as clearly as if my legs were still in place. At first, my touch on the area of ​​his missing right leg was painful. After a couple of minutes, he reported that not only the pain in the feet had receded, but also another, chronic pain in the back, just above the lower back. No wonder this area is also controlled by the bladder meridian.

The meridians of his kidneys and liver were also affected, so I influenced their points as well. The kidney meridian controls fear, and pressure on its points leads to powerful catharsis. Fear and horror, which were stored deep inside the man and kept him in a state of emotional clamping, simply burst out. He cried and cried. I held on to these points while emotions came out of him. As soon as the fear subsided, he plunged into a euphoric state. By the time I finished working on the liver points, the pain was completely gone. I showed it to a friend who lived with him, how and on what points to influence. This man and his friend did not come to me again, but in response to my invitation they called and said that after the session my patient began to come out of deep depression. And although the phantom pain returned periodically, they already knew how to deal with it.

Itchy fingers and indigestion... The man, whose hand hit the machine, lost his index finger and the tip of his little finger as a result of an injury. He felt something in the place where his fingers were, although it did not bother him. In fact, he found the sensation amusing, except when his phantom fingers itched. They sent him to me because he had terrible digestive problems. After an unsuccessful course of medical treatment, he went to a psychiatrist to check if his problem was related to stress or unconscious fears caused by the accident. When he told me this, I realized that the large intestine meridian begins on his index finger, and the small intestine meridian begins in his little finger, and I decided to check if the disturbance in digestion is connected with the meridians that run along his missing fingers. I told him about it. The man did not know anything about the meridians, and it seemed to him unreal that there could be some kind of connection between digestion and missing fingers.

Nevertheless, I checked the meridians on his hands from top to bottom, trying to soften the energies in his small and large intestines, concentrating especially on the missing fragments of his index finger and little finger. I used a technique designed to unblock the energy in the acupuncture points. It's like squeezing toothpaste out of a tube: you simply push the energy one way or the other. When I pressed the points that activated the colon meridian, the part of the missing index finger began to throb so painfully that the man asked me to stop. To eliminate the pulsation, I acted on the “calming points” of this meridian, that is, those that ......... were in the air, in the place where his index finger once was. The pain was gone, but the energy seemed to remain stagnant. I tried to repeat the manipulations with the buildup of energy, starting now from the other end of the meridian, pushing the energy in the opposite direction. This time, my efforts were not in vain. The unpleasant sensations in the man's intestines disappeared, but returned after a few days. In the second session, I showed him how to hold points, where to massage, and how to track meridians. He performed these techniques daily, and the digestive problems subsided.

Congenital phantom pain. The woman brought her newborn son to my appointment, hoping that he would sleep, but the baby was restless. He was born without an arm. When his mother held him, he screamed and could not calm down. I began stroking along where the child should have had a hand, sometimes gentle, sometimes more energetic. He began to calm down, babble something, and eventually fell asleep. The mother said that he often cries and cannot be reassured. I quickly explained to her how to move and harmonize the energies in his “phantom organ,” and since then it has not been difficult for her to comfort the child whenever the pain returned.

These and other similar incidents add additional finishing touches to the mystery of phantom organ pain. If at first patients look with bewilderment at how I literally act on the meridian points in the air, then they quickly cast aside any doubts when the pain begins to disappear or some other problems associated with these meridians are resolved. When you imagine that an energy organ exists, whether a real, physical organ is in place or not, you get a good starting image for visualizing your own energy body.


The energy field of every person is in constant motion. You can even sense these energetic changes when someone you like or someone you fear walks into the room. And you can learn to become even more aware of the subtle energies moving within and around you.

Your energies and the energies of other people have many things in common: each person is surrounded by a thin colored shell called an aura, and each has 7 main energy centers called chakras; each meridians pass along the same routes. But these generalities appear to be just weak abstractions compared to the varied structure, unusual shapes, intricate weaves and interesting color combinations that distinguish one energy field from another.

Changes in your energies precede changes in your body. Your energies are, in fact, so unique, and they affect the physical body so powerfully that you start to resemble your energy body, like two people living together for fifty years sometimes begin to resemble each other.

Your energy field, pulsating in your body, gradually leaves an imprint on the physical structure determined by your genes. Matter follows energy. If you want to slow down aging, harmonize your energy accordingly. The health of your physical body reflects the health, cleanliness and fluidity of your energy body, and the program you are now taking on will show you how to maintain both.

Individuals sensitive to energy fields are able to notice changes in the electrical activity of another person's body. Their descriptions match those of traditional instruments for measuring the galvanic response of the skin, brain waves,

Blood pressure, palpitations and muscle contractions. Moreover, Their reports of changes in the energy field, as well as the readings of instruments that measure subtle energies, are somewhat ahead of changes in physical indicators. Changes seen in the energy field serve as a harbinger of measurable physical change. By maintaining a healthy vibration in your energy body, you are maintaining a healthy vibration in your physical body as well.

How restore your energies while taking a bath

I enjoy taking baths. A number of exercises can turn the bath into an energy recovery pool. Here are some of my favorites.

1. Dissolve baking soda (about 250 g or slightly more) in a bathtub filled with water. Baking soda cleanses the aura.

2. Immerse yourself in the water and relax well, while acting for at least a minute on the neurovascular points located on the forehead (points "Oh, God" - see the end of Chapter 3, subsection "What can be done") ...

3. Slowly, calmly massage your lymph points (Fig. 9).

4. On the top of your feet, between your toes, are the reflex mechanisms of your gait. Energy tends to get stuck here. Massage THESE places with your thumbs, resting the rest of your palms on the soles; Smooth out all five areas of the foot. Finish with a foot massage.

5. ... If you start to freeze, move your knees to the sides, so that on the sides they rested against the walls of the bath. Cross your arms and rest your elbows on the inner thighs. Press down on your biceps with your thumbs. After sitting like this for two or three minutes, you will remove the blockage in your lungs, and by the time you get out of the bath, you will stop cooling.

Revealing the energies of your body. One of the simplest experiments to reveal the energies of your body is performed with the HELP of your hands. Your hands can perceive energy as clearly as your eyes perceive light.

1. Rub your palms vigorously for 10 seconds.

2. Separate them about fifteen centimeters apart. Many begin to feel some kind of, almost tangible, resistance between the hands.

3. Experiment by slowly moving your arms in and out.

The subtle energy that you can feel between your hands is like energy that is constantly moving, spinning and spinning in your body. If you don't feel energy, rub your palms again. This time, fold them into a bowl - facing each other. Feel the "edges" of the energy you are holding and tap them lightly when you feel the ball of energy between your palms.

Try the following experiment:

1. Rub your palms again vigorously.

2. Place your left hand against your chest, 10 centimeters from your body.

3. Begin to make a slow circular motion counterclockwise in front of this area (as if there were a watch face on your chest).

4. Tune in to the perception of any subtle sensations in your palm, fingers or chest. You make movements in the energy field of the plowed heart chakra, and with your hand you receive its energies. Just like, despite the fact that we all see dreams every night, but do not always remember them, we record various subtle sensations, but they do not always reach our consciousness.

5. Change hands, and with the right hand perform circular movements already clockwise. See if you have similar or different sensations.


The amount of solar radiation hitting the Earth fluctuates with the phases of the moon, and this definitely affects human behavior. Emergency calls increase on full moon days; on the same days, there is a sharp increase in psychotic behavior; there are more suicides on the waning moon, and deaths peak on the third day after the full moon. During periods when the Earth's magnetic field calms down, extrasensory sensitivity increases - telepathy, clairvoyance and foresight.

The energies of other people also affect your energies and mental state, and you can often hear: "I like being in her energy field", "The energy was so dense that it could be cut with a knife!", "The energy at the meeting was amazing." ... You can feel the other person's energies with your hands.

1. Rub your hands and then shake them. Slowly move your left hand counterclockwise about ten centimeters from the person's chest. Listen carefully to any subtle sensations in your hands.

2. Repeat the movements with your right hand, but clockwise.

Pay attention to the differences in sensation.

The mutual influence of human energies has been investigated in various scientific experiments. The energy produced by one person's heart and determined by an electrocardiogram influenced the heart and brain waves of another person, which was measured using electrodes connected to the skin. A stronger effect is observed when two people are in physical contact, but it is just as well seen when people are sitting at a distance of a meter from each other.

The ability to sense subtle energies is often exacerbated in people who have lost their sight. Jackie Lusseiran, shortly after losing his sight at the age of eight in an accident, realized that it was possible to see in another way: “I was aware of the radiance I saw the light and continued to see it, although I was blind. people. My father and mother, the people I met or bumped into on the street, all had their own characteristic color, which I did not see when I was still sighted. And now it's special fight the quality of a person was imprinted in my mind as clearly as the impression one gets when looking at his face. "

This "vision" proved to be absolutely irreplaceable when in 1941, at the age of seventeen, Lusseirand participated in the French Resistance. He was responsible for the most delicate work - recruiting, because he had a special ability to "feel human beings." He was the main initiator of the successful actions of the Resistance, and only failed when he underestimated the significance of the color he saw in one person. When he met Elio, the spy for whom he and many other leaders of the Resistance were later arrested, Lusseiran recalled that despite his impeccable recommendations, “something like a black line lay between me and him. I clearly saw her, but did not know how to explain. "

Regardless of whether your mind fixes your own energy and the fields of the energies around you or not, you feel them all the time. For example, imagine the situation when you walk into your child's room or your business partner's office when he is angry with you, wants to see you, or is upset. Or imagine that you are giving a speech. Even before the performance, a benevolent audi-1 thoria greets you with an energy that will be completely different from the energy emanating from a group of unfriendly listeners. Perhaps the moment you step into the field of someone's energy, you already know who will bring you pleasant moments and will be talkative and easy to communicate. Maybe you entered the fields of other energies that fettered you, tired you from the very beginning, made you speechless. When someone's field is in a tense state, I have the feeling that a storm front is approaching me.

The energies of the environment can both help us and harm us. There is evidence that pets create an environment conducive to healing. On the other hand, observations show that long-term exposure to extremely intense electromagnetic zeros is associated with a subsequent increase in diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, depression, suicide, leukemia, crop cancer, brain, bowel, prostate, lymphatic, lung and breast cancers.

Rooms also have their own energy. Think about your grandmother's kitchen. How does your body resonate with her energy? Imagine a classroom, garage, library, theater, cathedral, prison cell. You will find that you are only attracted to certain kinds of energies. Some people, for example, are particularly attracted to the energy of art. Others are the energy of the horses. Someone is attracted to the energy of those who are in poverty, someone to the energy of cyberspace, and someone to mountaineering. Of course, there are other factors here, but each experience carries its own distinct energy. Ponder what kind of energies you are attuned to.

How to deal with a fit of fear

If you are gripped by fear, anxiety, or phobia, tapping a point on the meridian of the triple heater that controls the fight-or-flight response can relieve fear. Next time the fear is under step to you, do the following (for about a minute).

1. Begin tapping the back of your hand about halfway between your wrist and fingers, on the line where the fourth and fifth fingers converge. Tap for a minute.

2. If you still have fear, tap your other hand .

Even in the case of a prolonged phobia, doing this regularly starts to change the underlying energy structure.


Sometimes, when I notice something unique and special in the energy of a stranger to me, I feel a desire to approach him and express my impressions, tell him about a wonderful color in his aura or about a chakra that stands out and shines like a spotlight. Usually I refrain from such expansive statements, but I often smile at this person, sending him good emotions in gratitude. But when I work with a patient, my job is precisely to share my impressions with him. If a person, for example, is in a state of intense despair and hopelessness, I can mention that part of the energy field that indicates some unresolved aspect, ability or other force that can indicate a way out of a difficult situation.

Any of the characteristic features can stand out. A person can have a wide variety of color combinations in one chakra or another, such that I have never met before, but the meaning of which is intuitively clear to me. I remember being amazed when I saw the energy field of one young man for the first time. His mother brought him to me. He was in the penultimate grade of high school and was considered too slow and, apparently, lagging behind. But when he entered the room, I stared at the beautiful geometric shapes in his energy field with all my eyes. It was permeated and surrounded by figures that, in their complexity, constructive and aesthetic splendor, far surpassed anything I had ever seen. The first thing that came to my mind was: “This person cannot be backward. This is the energy of genius! "

Never before have I come across a patient with an energy field so strikingly different from what I'm used to seeing. I was so confused that I could not hide my amazement, took a piece of paper and said: "I want to show you what I see." Before the eyes of the young man and his mother, I began to draw various shapes that I noticed in his energy field, after which they were amazed. His mother explained that his son spends a lot of time drawing geometric shapes like the ones I have drawn. The figures with their intricate weaves were just wonderful. At some point, I wondered if he was a potential scientist obsessed with mathematics, but quickly gave up this thought. His energies did not converge in one beam, which I observed in typical fans of one or another narrow specialty. On the contrary, he had a huge field of energy. I assumed that he possesses remarkable intelligence, which has not yet been measured and appreciated by anyone.

The first time I saw the young man was in April, when the school year was drawing to a close. The school administration insisted that the next year the young man continue his studies at some other educational institution. His mother knew he was not stupid, but she had no idea that he could be particularly gifted. The problem was that her son was in complete dissonance with his own energies. No one could understand his unique perception of the world, and he lived and performed his duties as other people did. Most of us have disturbances in the thinking process, when our energies are disturbed in one way or another. He was mentally weakened due to the dissonance that existed between his energies and the way he tried to live. It really upsets me the way people judge each other. Until we feel at least for a while in the “energy skin” of another, we are unlikely to understand what it means to live in such an energy field.

The only thing that seemed to bring the young man into balance with his energies and make him feel better was drawing the geometric shapes he saw around him. Therefore, he indulged in this occupation for so long. He saw these forms clearly and constantly. His mother took him to an optometrist because they sometimes interfered with his vision. The doctor said that the difficulty in perception is due to some kind of organic abnormalities in his visual system. The body and energy of the young man were so divided that he moved very slowly through life. His speech, movements, reactions were very slow - and at school everyone considered him mentally retarded.

Therefore, our entire session was dedicated to bringing his body in harmony with the world and with its own energies. Imagine a person whose movements are difficult due to the fact that he wears a sweater like pants and puts pants on his head. This is how the young man lived in his energy field. Most of those who have received a normal upbringing know how to wear clothes, and we are also subconsciously tuned in to our energy zero. My task was to teach the young man how to “wear” what he had - no matter how unusual it may seem - and come up with energy exercises that would reprogram his movements and actions in accordance with his energies. I must add that many of these exercises imitated the fact that he spontaneously attuned himself to his energy field by drawing the geometric shapes that he observed in it.

Since his way of perceiving the world received some recognition during our sessions, the young man expressed it in full. He seemed to suddenly come into harmony with the field around him. His speech and movements became livelier. His academic performance improved very quickly and noticeably. Now that the "energy pants" no longer covered his head, he could both figuratively and literally run, jump and play - instead of blindly moving slowly through life. The chronic fatigue that he had experienced over the years - although we did not concentrate directly on it - also safely disappeared during the first sessions.

Since I continued to see geometric shapes in the energies of the young man, I asked him if he felt in himself a special ability for mathematics. He replied that he did not think so, but in the course of further conversation I learned that he did not have the opportunity to test himself. I recommended to his mother to find a specialist with a progressive approach to geometry, and see what happens. They soon found a tutor. A few weeks later, the young man was already teaching the teacher. His extraordinary mental abilities were simply not yet known, but they were and flourished. After the astonished teacher told his colleagues about the extraordinary young man, he was invited to the university, and after a while, for his extraordinary achievements in geometry, the young man received a degree. I have never met a more talented young man than him, and his energy field clearly testified to this.


I am convinced that newly born children are much more open to the world of energies than we adults. Have you ever noticed that babies often gaze directly above your head or to the side past your face? I have no doubt that they can see the energies around you. Young children see energy, feel, sense and become aware of it. But since the brain has so much to learn, and the world of subtle energies is rarely talked about and rarely approve of such talk, this sensitivity goes to the subconscious level. She just drops out of the learning process.

However, several times I was able to convince a pregnant woman or a newborn's mother from the very beginning to talk with the child about energies. Regardless of whether the parents themselves see them or not, I asked them to imagine the energies that animate everything in life, and talk about them with the child. Parents were forced to talk about what existed only in their imagination, but they tuned themselves in to what was reality for their child. The children of these parents have already grown up, and they all retained the ability to see energy in living colors and can talk about it freely and easily. I have also witnessed how many adults began to see and sense energies unmistakably by trying the techniques and techniques in this book. They have rediscovered a deep-seated but forgotten ability.

A woman once brought her husband, a doctor, to an evening class with my weekly course. The idea of ​​energy healing seemed unrealistic to him, and the idea of ​​perceiving color in the energies of people was ridiculous. But when he spoke, making his sarcastic remarks about "seeing" flowers, I was struck by his voice — the deepest and most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard. When the participants were paired up for the practice exercises, he always worked with his wife in the far corner of the room. On the last day of class, as the audience was doing the exercises in pairs, suddenly a high, thin voice came from the far corner of the room: "Purple, I see purple!" The voice belonged to the same doctor. He was so surprised to see the purple color in his wife's energies that the pitch of his voice jumped almost three octaves up.

When you begin to understand the native language of your own energy field, you can discern, hear, and converse with it. One of the most striking things about developing a receptiveness to your own and others' energies is that they often do not appear to you the way you expected them to. Similar to the phenomenon of synesthesia — when some people smell colors or see sounds — energy perception can simply be established in one of your normal sensory channels. I knew people who could hear, smell or taste certain energies, and not see or feel them, as it is characteristic of me. My own sense of taste, in reality, also varied. I can sense a taste that, of the five elements, is the most dominant in the patient's energies: I can have a metallic taste in my mouth when I work with a person of metallic energy, and this is a signal to me that there is an imbalance. I know three people who can hear the movement of energy. One of my colleagues began to smell energies, and the sensation of smells became so overwhelming that she had to leave work for a while. You cannot know in advance how you will begin to grasp subtle energies. We all have different powers and different ways of knowing. When you immerse yourself in the language of energy, the only thing you can know for sure is that it will speak to you in the way it chooses - not necessarily so, you would expect it.

My friend and colleague Sandy Wand often sees symbols when working with patients. She never knows at what moment they will appear. But she learned to describe them to her patients, often having a clue of what they mean, but believing that eventually the meaning would become clear. Once it seemed to me that I was dying. Lying in bed in my hotel room in London, I suddenly felt that all my energy in an instant descended, like a rapidly rushing down an elevator, into my root chakra and there it stopped abruptly. After that, my eyes darkened: all I could see was a deep blue-black color, which felt like hot ink boiling inside my root chakra. Then it all began to rise, filling my body. It seemed to me as if some poisonous liquid had poured into me.

When I got home, I still felt

Energy medicine is reliable, natural and affordable. It is modern and at the same time has ancient roots. Nowadays, the expression "energy medicine" is used to describe a variety of systems and processes, ranging from the introduction of shamanic healing practices in modern culture and ending with the use of powerful electromagnetic and other technologies in hospitals and medical centers. Energy medicine combines both scientifically established principles and unexplained phenomena; both routine procedures and art; both matter and spirit. Energy medicine is, in my opinion, the best definition to describe a growing number of approaches and methods for improving health, healing and achieving happiness, in which the body is viewed as a system of energies.

Energy medicine is the art and science of stimulating physical, psychological and spiritual health and well-being. 15 it combines rational knowledge and intuitive understanding of the energies at work in the body and in the environment. Developing the ability to regulate these energies can make you a more conscious and sensitive instrument of energy medicine than all other methods and techniques combined. By focusing on your body as a life energy system, you begin to realize that powerful energy technologies are already present in your own hands and throughout your being.

The expression energy medicine has a twofold meaning. Energy gives life to the body. Medicine is a means of healing or preventing disease. But in energy medicine, energy is medicine. And in energy medicine, this medicine is applied to the energy systems of the body. Energy heals and energy systems heal.

The advancement of energy medicine to the fore is one of the most significant cultural achievements of our time, marking the restoration of the role of the individual in maintaining health, the revival of the heritage of our ancestors in achieving harmony with the forces of nature and the return of ancient practices that are natural, positive and related to our body. , to the mind and soul, Despite the emergence of amazing new technologies such as electromagnetic imaging, the essence of energy medicine will always be one thing: the energy systems that make up the subtle infrastructure of the human body.


I have always had a special relationship with bodily energies. I fix them through my senses. Already at the beginning of my professional career as a massage therapist, I sensed and observed in my patients special signs of energy, which told me about their physical problems. One of my first patients was a woman with ovarian cancer. She came to me for a session hoping that I would help her relax and prepare for the surgery, which was due in five days. Doctors advised her to "get everything in order" because her immune system was so weakened that there was little chance of success. The doctors assumed that she had already developed metastases.

Looking at the energy of this woman, I came to the conclusion that the cancer has not yet metastasized. Although her energy was dim and very weak in the immediate vicinity of her body, the only area in which I guessed the presence of cancer was her left ovary. At the same time, the tissue, as well as the vibration and the nature of the energy passing through her ovary, reacted sensitively to my influence. I saw and felt them change, and by the end of the session the pain that had tormented her for many weeks was gone.

I explained to the patient that her body responded so vividly to my manipulations that, in my opinion, there was no need for a surgical operation. I saw that her immune system was indeed weak, and I had no doubt that if you work with her energy, you can not only strengthen the immune system, but also reverse the development of cancer. Although I spoke very cautiously, the woman reacted with horror to the idea of ​​canceling the operation. I suggested that she at least postpone her talk for 2 weeks. She agreed to come to me the next day and said that she would talk about it with her husband.

And on the same stove her husband called me. He was beside himself with anger and called me a charlatan. He accused me of putting his wife's life in jeopardy by giving her false hope and that he would not let me be confused. Thus, he made me understand that his wife will no longer come to the reception. when I tried to argue with him, he just hung up. after a while I called back. answered the woman herself. she spoke to stgjnjv and definitely felt uncomfortable. I said: “Okay, don't postpone the operation, but please come to my appointment tomorrow. you will not need to pay. you have nothing to lose. I believe in what I say. In fact, I would like your husband to come with you. Try to persuade him! " She did not believe that her husband would agree, but the next day they both came to see me,

I asked her to lie down on the massage table. I wanted to empower her conservative, skeptical husband, who is so fiercely protective of his wife, to feel the healing energy. I saw dark, dense energy in the area of ​​his wife's left ovary and felt my hand pass through a kind of muddy energy swamp. I asked her husband to place his hand a few inches from this area and begin to make circular movements, as if drawing energy from the body. To his great amazement, he immediately felt some kind of resistance, and two minutes later, pain pulsed in his hand. And he was totally smitten when his wife reported that her pain had diminished.

By the end of the session, the pain subsided, the woman felt better and even changed outwardly. I demonstrated to both of them, using energy testing (we will dwell on this later), that we can channel the healing energies of her immune system to the area of ​​the body affected by cancer. I showed my patient's husband a number of techniques that he could use on a daily basis to help his wife. They decided to postpone the operation for a while and undergo another medical check. After about ten days, during which we had three more sessions, and the husband performed the indicated actions every day, the woman underwent a second guest. Cancer is gone!


As my mother told me, I was born smiling, and the first energy that I can REMEMBER was the energy of a smile. If I smile, it does not mean at all that it is me who is smiling. Rather, the energy smiles through me. I like to feel how it manifests itself on my face, cheeks, eyes and permeates my whole being. Smile and laughter are your natural gift and natural right. If you learn to spread their energy within yourself, you can expand the boundaries of your joy, and thus help to strengthen your own health. There are many types of energy discussed in the book, and the joyful energy that results in a smile is very important. It is a natural and powerful healing force, and by cleansing and aligning various other energy systems in your body, you are opening a channel that allows its radiance to burst outward.

I am writing this book based partly on working with the energies of patients and partly on the experience of overcoming a number of my own problems. I was born with a barely audible heartbeat; at the age of FIVE she fell ill with tuberculosis; suffered terribly from food allergies and hay fever; had the first symptoms of the disease , which later, at sixteen, was diagnosed as multiple sclerosis; I was not yet thirty when I had a slight heart attack; at thirty-odd I started having severe asthma attacks; I had hypoglycemia 1, and from the age of twelve I had to fight the painful manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

In addition, I was raised in a relatively free atmosphere, and I took all my difficulties quite calmly. I realized early on that conventional, generally accepted attitudes and rules do not always work, and I had to use my own body as a kind of laboratory. Aspirin gave me a headache, the pills for insomnia did not help, because of the fruits and vegetables I gained weight. The doctors also could not cope with my body, which did not want to obey the rules they knew.

By the age of thirty, my health had seriously deteriorated, and I went to Fiji, where I led the most primitive lifestyle. But soon I was bitten by a poisonous insect, and since my immune system was extremely weakened, my body could not properly withstand this complication. I became seriously ill and periodically fell into and to whom. It seemed like I was dying.

But then the shamans from Vatukarasa, the nearest village, learned about my misfortune and began to heal me. Every day they buried me up to my neck and sand and held me like that for a long time - in total, I stayed in the ground forty-eight hours. They believed that the toxins should go to the sand. And so it happened: I really recovered. This was one of many cases that gradually brought ME on the path of healing.

Staying in Fiji, I soon recovered completely. Our whole family lived in the bosom of nature, far from the city. We swam in the ocean every day. They ate bread directly, as they say, from the ground, and they caught fish with their own hands in the waters of the ocean. Nothing has been technically processed. Nothing was canned. All products were natural and environmentally friendly. The air around us was not poisoned by exhaust gases, and our clothes were also free from chemical contamination. Life was quiet and calm. In this world, you could just be. There was not even a hint of any struggle or tension, or even the slightest stress. There was no radio, no newspapers, no television. After a while, I even doubted whether the United States still existed on earth!

Living in nature, I gained health. It reminded me of the early period of my childhood - it was then that the foundations of my personality were laid. I was four years old when my mother fell ill with tuberculosis. She was placed in a ward for the hopeless. Eventually, her father took her home, but our entire family was quarantined. By the time I was five, I also developed tuberculosis. My mother was told that she would not survive if she did not receive penicillin injections for the rest of her life. But instead, she switched to natural foods high in vitamin C. We raised chickens, so there were always fresh eggs in the house. My father was a vegetable gardener and we could eat organic vegetables. Everything we ate was clean. We all felt great. Likewise, everything I ate in Fiji was clean - and I recovered again.

However, when I returned to the States in 1977, I experienced a kind of "culture shock". My tongue became so sensitive that I immediately felt the presence of chemicals in my food. I could discern the flavor of the packaging mixed in, and even the purest products were kept with humor. I sensed chemicals and clothes. I wanted to move to some small town, away from megalopolises and all kinds of modern pollution. I wanted to raise my daughters in a healthy world. But my marriage fell apart, and I didn't know how I managed to survive at all.

I was engaged in healing completely disinterestedly and did not even imagine that the ability to feel and see energies could be a profession. I took preparatory courses for medical college and finished them, but all my feelings were offended by the conventional approach to health: it was based more on information obtained from the study of a dead body, and not on what can be learned by examining its living energies.

Shortly after returning from Fiji, by a surprising coincidence, I entered an instructor training course in the “Touch for Health” program taught by Gordon Stokes and Shanti Dyuri. In the early 1970s, Dr. John Tai collaborated with the founder of Applied Kinesseology, Dr. George Goodhart, to develop a non-specialist education system he called Touch for Health. Combining elements of Chinese medicine and Western empirical techniques, Applied Kineseology and its adopted child, Touch for Health, represent a powerful synthesis of healing practices found in both cultures. Many of the techniques presented in this book are taken from these two systems.

I learned about these approaches to healing through a chance encounter with a woman who was wearing a T-shirt with a hand printed on it: Touch for Health. When I asked her what that meant, she exclaimed, “I'm so happy! Next week, I'm enrolling in a Touch for Health instructor course. ” It hit me like a thunderbolt. I still didn’t really know what “Touch for Health” was, but I heard a voice inside me saying: “I want it too”. She gave me a phone number. I called the Touch for Health office and asked them to send me information about their programs. Imagine, they made one of those fortunate life-changing mistakes: They sent me a congratulatory letter for successfully completing the Touching for Health elementary course, which allowed me to attend a teacher training program. The next instructor course started next Tuesday. And I took a chance, although, unlike other students, I did not have the basic knowledge of this system.

I had never taken any courses in alternative medicine practices before, but I had the feeling that I was dealing with something very familiar. The training was perfect for me in all respects. Touching for Health gave me the structural foundation that balanced my intuitive nature and the tools with which I could work with the energies available to my vision and intuition. The practiced use of muscle testing, which I later called energy testing, gave me the opportunity to demonstrate to patients and students what I saw.

The training was carried out very intensively - almost around the clock. I completed it on Tuesday and held my first class on Friday that same week. Together with Hazel Ullrich, another alumnus of our training, we set a price for a full two-day course of only ten dollars, telling participants, “We have never had a class before, and therefore the tuition is so cheap. We charge low fees so that we can boldly try without fear of mistakes and figure out the best way to present information. " I openly acknowledged my position as a beginner and began to learn to teach energy healing.

Then I studied therapeutic massage to get my teaching license. The Müller College of Holistic Research in San Diego had strict student requirements and I learned a lot about anatomy, physiology, and various forms of therapeutic touch. The 1977 San Diego Massage Therapist License Exam, believe it or not, was administered by the Vice Police. They had their own task: to prevent prostitutes from obtaining a license. Usually I do not do well in all kinds of exams, and therefore I was very nervous in anticipation of the decisive day. And so I found myself in a room alone with an unfriendly, formidable morality police officer and froze in horror, thinking that now he would start asking me questions or ask me to give him a massage. But instead he said, "Show me your hands."

He quickly examined them and said, "You passed." "How?" - I exclaimed. “You don’t have nail polish, and they are cropped short,” he replied. "You are not a prostitute."

Armed with this strange qualification certificate, I began my private practice. Private practice and teaching became my main professional activity over the next two decades. Having gone through their own physical ailments and having the experience of overcoming them. I resolutely set out to find ways and methods to help people, balancing their energies and healing diseases. Many of my patients suffered from diseases that did not respond to treatment with traditional medicine. All twenty-two years of my work with them plunged me deeper and deeper into the intricacies of energy medicine and prepared me to write this book.

The Touch for Health course - "Healing Touch" is a step-by-step guide to improving health, restoring vitality, energy of mind and body! For those who are ready to take responsibility themselves and fight for their health, this is a real chance for a new, active, bright and successful life! For those who want to expand their professional skills or acquire a new profession, this is a real chance to help those people whom you could not help in full before, this is your chance to master innovative knowledge and provide yourself with clients for the next 30 years!

The course does not require medical education. Anyone can master knowledge, just a specialist will be able to deeper appreciate their beauty, globality and effectiveness.

Healing means wholesome and wholesome, the restoration of the lost whole.

Touching is touching yourself, your health, your soul.

What is the essence of the Healing Touch method?

This amazingly powerful, intensive kinesiology course harmoniously combines traditional Chinese Human knowledge and philosophy with the modern achievements of Western science. Through a muscle test, our body shows the current state of the body, in which of the areas (physical, psychological or biochemical) there were failures, there are blocks. And with the help of a muscle test again, using various Healing Touch techniques, we can immediately balance our body, start the process of recovery, the return of lost integrity, health. And only from this state a person begins to understand the happiness of living, his mission, his uniqueness and share this with the world!

"... I regard Healing Touch as a candle that illuminates the path for others to improve their health and lifestyle. And I believe that each of us holds such a candle. Although it may not be lit yet ... I wanted people to understand that there is always hope . It doesn't matter what their age or physical condition ... "

The history of the Healing Touch

Healing Touch was created in 1970 when Dr. John Thie decided to make practical and highly effective methods of balancing the body's energy available to the layperson. After working for several years as part of the group of John Guthard, the “father” of applied kinesiology, Dr. John Tai decided to give everyone (ie, people without medical education) access to some of the important methods of wellness that this group was developing.

The basis of this method applied kinesiology and traditional Chinese medicine, using the principles of acupressure, nutrition and meridians.

Healing touch quickly gained popularity around the world, becoming available to both professionals and people without special medical education. The method turned out to be so comprehensive, successful and effective that more than 2 million people in the world (in more than 100 countries!) Have already completed the Healing Touch training.

As a result of the course, you:

  • Learn the art of muscle testing with an emphasis on balancing Human potential, and it will be easy to understand where and how to use it.
  • Learn to hear the dialogue of your body, which tells an interesting story about ourselves, our emotions, sabotage, our condition, our resources.
  • Learn the working techniques for managing acute and chronic pain.
  • You will learn the features of working with emotional stress: how to get rid of a painful past and balance yourself for the future; dealing with fears using new resources.
  • Get the skills to work with goals, internal sabotages.
  • You will deeply work out the connections of the main muscles with organs, emotions, nutrition, meridians and methods of working with them.
  • You will gain in-depth knowledge and interrelationships of work on 5 elements (Wu Xing system), pulse diagnostics.
  • Master effective techniques for awareness and posture change, the relationship between character and posture.
  • Master the method of selection of food products, cosmetics.
  • Working with a Human through an intermediary (small children, working with stroke patients, after accidents, in a cast).

The uniqueness of the course:

  • Doesn't require any special skills.
  • A lot of practice, detailed mastering of a large number of new techniques and methods. After completing the course, you can easily, quickly and immediately! apply this knowledge for yourself and your loved ones, work as professional kinesiologists.
  • After completing this course, people go to a different level of awareness of themselves, their bodies, their purpose, their capabilities.


After completing the course, the participants of the seminar will receive a certificate of the international standard IKC of the International College of Kinesiology of Healing Touch, Switzerland, Zurich. IKC certificates are uniform and recognized in all countries of the world.

Course structure:

  • Healing Touch consists of 4 modules. Each module includes 3 days of training for 8 hours, receipt of methodological material, issuance of an international certificate of completion of the module.
  • After completing 4 modules, you will receive a single international certificate recognized in more than 100 countries around the world.
  • The knowledge gained after the first module will allow students to immediately start CP practice.

Module 1

Basic teaching concept for 1 module (24 hours): awareness of a holistic approach to a Human through the "triangle of Health" (structure, biochemistry, mental-emotional sphere); practicing muscle monitoring, understanding the biological basis of this process; balancing 14 muscles, releasing emotional stress in the present.

What's interesting you will learn:

  • Learn the basics of kinesiology: the muscle test and learn how to use it.
  • Learn to hear the dialogue of your body, which tells an interesting story about ourselves, our emotions, our state.
  • Learn simple pain relief techniques.
  • Features of getting rid of emotional stress, dealing with fears, anxiety using new resources.
  • Explore the connection of the main 14 muscles with organs, emotions, nutrition, meridians and methods of working with them.
  • Master a simple and accessible technique for awareness and posture change.
  • Master the method of selecting food to strengthen the work of the muscles of the body.
  • Surrogate testing technique. Working with a Human through an intermediary.
  • Exercises to improve hearing, vision, allowing you to better hear and see the world, and yourself in this world.
  • Exercises to integrate the brain and quickly assimilate information.
  • Checking the water balance, determining the required volume of water per day.
  • The connection of muscles with posture.
  • A lot of practice.

Register and ask all your questions!

Module 2

Basic curriculum concept for 2 modules (24 hours): study of new 14 muscles; theory and practice of the law of 5 elements (Wu-Xing); Yin / Yang concept; release from emotional stress for future events; fast body balancing.

What's interesting you will learn:

  • 5 elements (Wu Xing);
  • Characteristics of meridians;
  • Meridian massage;
  • Simple pain relief techniques;
  • Spinal technique;
  • Excess energy signal points;
  • Various methods of balancing the body;
  • Brain integration exercises;
  • Selection of food products for the benefit of the body;
  • Release of emotional stress for future events (exams, competitions, negotiations, employment, phone calls, public speaking).

Module 3

Study concept for 3 modules (24 hours): study of new 14 muscles; work with stress; various types of balancing; work with reactive muscles.

What's interesting you will learn:

  • Overview of 5 elements;
  • Working with color and emotions on purpose and to relieve pain;
  • Theory and practice of reactive muscles;
  • Getting rid of stress and trauma in the past;
  • Contour saving mode;
  • Pulse testing;
  • Relief from chronic pain by pulse;
  • Selection of key food products;
  • Gait work;
  • Target balance;
  • Restoring the balance of emotion - body.

Module 4

Basic skills and tools of balancing 4 modules (24 hours):

  • In-depth review of 5 elements, meridians;
  • Sound balance in 5 elements;
  • Theory of acupressure points;
  • Lo points;
  • Time of day balance (quick adaptation when moving across different time zones);
  • Eight energy balance;
  • Release from deep stress stuck in the body (psychosomatics, trauma, accidents);
  • Analysis and correction of posture.


Nadezhda, yoga instructor:

Elena Aubakirova would like to express special gratitude for the excellent organization of the entire learning process and the warmth of communication. To all members of the group, Inna and Elena, my "hugs" from the bottom of my heart and soul! I am very glad to meet you and look forward to future meetings at master classes and just in life.

My life has changed in an amazing way lately - I will soon become a mother for the second long-awaited time. And I think that this is no coincidence !!! I think that everyone in our group received answers to some of their life or professional questions ... Or maybe, like me - to both! Thank you all, friends, and see you soon! "

Svetlana, psychotherapist:

"Great luck to meet the Teacher, and to meet the Teacher - a companion - this is Happiness! Meeting with Inna Polovnikova is happiness for me! High professionalism, sensitivity and amazing generosity! Thank you! Thank you very much to the organizers, participants !!"

Elena, kinesiologist, psychotherapist:

“A healing touch with Inna Polovnikova is fun, easy and interesting. I have never studied with such pleasure with such greed and enthusiasm.

Inna gives the most difficult material easily and easily. The most difficult thing is to remove your own attitudes: what is difficult and difficult to learn. Inna herself radiates such benevolence and tolerance, such a willingness to help and answer all our doubts and questions - endlessly. Inna is a real master, her presence does not overwhelm, but elevates, motivates, ignites .. Even during breaks, over coffee, I want to listen to her. With her, you do not manifest that a person is an unknown, unique and amazing World, but you feel it with inspiration. It is impossible to be negligent and disrespectful in her presence. Her knowledge, skill and at the same time simplicity attracts and bewitches. I have the feeling of a first grader in love with her divine teacher, who opens the magical world of man.

The most important thing is that right after training, you apply the techniques and they work. On vacation, my husband, playing volleyball, injured his heel. Sharp pain, inability to step on the foot. 100 km around, no medical assistance. He can't drive either. I use a pain relief technique. A little patience and my husband is already stepping on his foot and we are staying on vacation.

I have been a practicing body-oriented psychotherapist for more than 10 years, I improve my qualifications every year on training courses, but this is the first time. "

Natalia Bogdanova:

"I was fortunate enough to be a participant in the previous course of Healing Touch. I feel a feeling of deep gratitude and gratitude both to Inna, who sincerely and lovingly shares her knowledge and experience, as well as to Elena, who is very tactful and careful to create a comfortable and even, I would I called it a "home" space for learning. I ran to each of the modules as if I was home. The group we had was wonderful - each participant was a bright individual and each "own" - "native". And it could not be otherwise. Because in the space that Inna creates and, in general, that the Healing Touch itself gives - there are no random people. You begin to understand this already at the 1st module. Everyone takes from the Healing Touch what he needs: everyone comes with their own request and receives their own answer. I got, why I came to this course - it was another step, another stage of development that lead me to achieve my goals. Thank you. "

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