Totem animal by date of birth. Examples of the action of totems. How a person meets his totem animal

Each person has a totem animal that protects him all his life. You can determine it by the date and year of birth. This will take no more than a couple of minutes.

Many people think that the totem animal is the sign of the eastern horoscope, under the auspices of which a person was born, but this is not so. The totem is determined taking into account not only the year, but also the date of your birth.

Having learned about which animal symbolizes you and your energy, you can understand how and in what direction you need to move in order to achieve success. Totem animal influences character and destiny, so everyone should know who his patron is.

Numerological calculation

For example, let's take the date 11/19/1985. First you need to add the day and month of birth. Write down the resulting number, you will still need it. In our example, the sum of the day and month is calculated as follows: 19+11=30.

The second step - you need to multiply the amount received by the year. 30*1985=59550. In the resulting number, you must add all the numbers: 5+9+5+5+0=24. We add until we get a number from the interval from 1 to 9. 2+4=6. Totem number - Six.

Deciphering the results

When the numerological calculation is completed, we proceed to decryption. The sum of the day and month is in the range from 2 to 43.

If you get a number from 2 to 22 inclusive, then you have more influence on the physical world, and not on the spiritual one. You are more accepting of energy rather than giving out, which can cause you to develop empathy. You have a high thirst for knowledge and a good memory.

If the sum belongs to the segment from 23 to 43, then you can influence either equally both components of reality - spiritual and physical, or more spiritual. You have a very strong influence on people, you know how to manipulate them.

Deciphering the totem number:

Unit: your spirit animal Elephant. Elephants take care of their relatives, so you need to learn this from them. The elephant is very wise, smart and strong. To receive good luck and the blessings of the Universe, you need to think more often about the search for love and joint happiness. You have few defensive reflexes, so use any problem-solving methods.

Deuce: patronizes you Tiger. This totem has everything you need to help you achieve the best results in all areas of life. The tiger provokes people to selfishness, so do not forget those who have ever helped you. The main rule of the Tigers is not to forgive offenses until the enemy admits his guilt.

Troika: your animal is Crow. He is very wise and can also be self-critical. Raven provokes in you the desire to analyze everything that happens around. To achieve the best results in love, business, and finances, you need to be a little more cunning. Don't use brute force where you can get by with reason.

Four: if during the calculations you got the number 4, then you are patronized Dolphin. This animal combines all the elements - the Fiery character, the Water in which it swims, the Air that it breathes, and the wisdom of the elements of the Earth. For everything to be fine, you just need to set certain goals in life for yourself, stop wasting your attention and energy on unnecessary things and negative people.

Five: number 5 corresponds Dog. You don't have problems with goals. It is much more difficult to find motivation on the path to happiness. You can be extremely lazy, but your totem will always show you the way to gaining the qualities necessary for work, love and awareness of your place in the universe. The dog helps to look for friends and a soul mate.

Six: patronizes you Eagle. No matter what happens in your life, the feeling of freedom will always be there. Your totem helps to correctly prioritize in life, helps to plan things for the future correctly. To feed it, you need to have goals, without which stagnation can occur. There may be mood problems during periods of failure, but with the help of five effective techniques, you can quickly fix it.

Seven: your spirit animal Snake. It constantly provokes in you the desire to remain in solitude, but gives you the strength to overcome obstacles on your own. This totem also gives you creative energy, enhanced intuition. Your entire life is focused on improving endurance and emotional toughness, not building strength.

Eight: according to numerology, eight is the number Kota. This totem increases luck in love, enhances the sixth sense, but does not work with the intellect. To reach great heights in life, you need constant learning. The cat does not give a craving for knowledge, but gives the owner physical endurance and good luck.

Nine: totem animal number 9 - Bull. It helps you not to step back when everything is heading for the abyss, when confidence is at zero. This is one of the most powerful totemic animals, because it directly works with the consciousness of the people whose patron it is. The Ox helps to easily resolve conflicts and intuitively identify useful acquaintances.

The energy of a person is the most important indicator of his luck. The totem animal tries to help the owner increase his energy potential. This is one of the strongest talismans for any person. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.10.2018 01:05

According to numerology, the date of birth of a person largely determines his fate. These numbers can be...

Totemism is the belief in kinship with a plant or animal. A brief definition of the word totem is "patron". A person who feels his connection with the totem uses the energy of his chosen tree, animal or bird. The totem is able to give a person its patronage and protection, according to supporters and practitioners of this belief.

Totemism is many thousands of years old. From the very beginning of the existence of mankind, our ancestors felt their kinship with this or that plant or animal, a significant role in determining the totem was played by intuition, personal affection, in general, everything that is difficult to define in words.

However, the presence of a totem imposed certain obligations on a person. A related feeling suggested that a totem - a plant or an animal - should not be destroyed or killed. And what was it like for a person if his totem was a cockroach or a mosquito?

The owner of the totem had to make offerings to the chosen totem in the form of food, drink, jewelry. The conduct of magical rites dedicated to the totem was also welcomed in every possible way - this is how people “paid” him for protection and patronage.

By the way, the totem could be not only personal, but also belong to the family as a whole - so the totem became a symbol of the family, its deity, guardian angel and assistant, predicting future events and protecting its wards.

Totemism is an ancient form of traditional African beliefs. In particular, the totem patrons of the Africans of the Beguana tribes are wild grapes (of the Bamorara clan), crocodile (of the Bakuen clan), lion (of the Balaunga clan), fish (of the Batlipi clan), and the well-known African proverb “Behind every person is a totem” emphasizes great importance of totemic views.

Today, there are many methods by which you can determine your totem. The easiest way is to determine the patron using tables based on the date of birth.

plant totems

March 21 - April 20: People born during this period are patronized by Dandelion, symbolizing healing.

April 21 - May 20: People born during this period are patronized by Clover, symbolizing stability.

May 21 - June 21: people born during this period are patronized by Korovyak, symbolizing versatility.

June 22 - July 22: people born during this period are patronized by Rosehip, symbolizing protection.

July 23 - August 23: People born during this period are patronized by Raspberry, symbolizing purification.

August 24 - September 23: People born in this period are patronized by Violet, symbolizing practicality.

September 24 - October 23: Ivy patronizes people born during this period, symbolizing tenacity.

October 24 - November 22: People born during this period are patronized by the Thistle, symbolizing endurance.

November 23 - December 21: People born during this period are patronized by Mistletoe, symbolizing renewal.

December 22 - January 20: People born during this period are patronized by Blackberry, symbolizing transformation.

January 21 - February 19: People born during this period are patronized by the Fern, symbolizing adaptability.

February 20 - March 20: People born during this period are patronized by Plantain, symbolizing harmonization.

Animal totems

March 21 - April 20: People born during this period are patronized by the Hedgehog, symbolizing fearlessness.

April 21 - May 20: People born during this period are patronized by the Elephant, symbolizing perseverance.

May 21 - June 21: People born during this period are patronized by the Hare, symbolizing selflessness.

June 22 - July 22: People born during this period are patronized by the Beaver, symbolizing balance.

July 23 - August 23: People born during this period are patronized by the Eagle, symbolizing nobility.

August 24 - September 23: people born during this period are patronized by the Boar, symbolizing openness.

September 24 - October 23: people born during this period are patronized by the Horse, symbolizing justice.

October 24 - November 22: People born during this period are patronized by the Raven, symbolizing wisdom.

November 23 - December 21: People born during this period are patronized by the Rooster, symbolizing courage.

December 22 - January 20: People born during this period are patronized by the Elk, symbolizing inflexibility.

January 21 - February 19: People born during this period are patronized by the Camel, symbolizing independence.

February 20 - March 20: People born during this period are patronized by the Dog, symbolizing devotion.

But tables are the easiest way to determine the totem, and also relatively new. In archaic times, the totem was determined using a special set of exercises that included breathing exercises, meditation and visualization.

The method of intuitive determination of the totem

1. Decide which totem of what origin - plant or animal - you will determine (you can have two totems - from the world of flora and the world of fauna).

2. Sit comfortably, relax and close your eyes.

3. Depending on the origin of the desired totem, imagine either the world of plants or the world of animals.

4. Visualize a large number of plants or animals you know.

5. Try to zoom in and examine each of them for a few seconds.

6. Feel with which plant or animal you feel the strongest connection. Do not be discouraged if an animal or plant seems “not beautiful enough” to you. Your totem doesn't have to be a panther or a rose. It happens that you can learn something important from both the vole and the burdock - something that you lack in everyday life.

7. Mentally approach the totem: take the plant in your hands or try to stroke the animal.

8. Analyze your reaction and the reaction of a potential totem: if there is a feeling of mutual harmony with a particular plant or animal, then it can become your totem.

Attention! The method of intuitive determination of the totem is used no more than once a day. Accordingly, within one day it is possible to determine the totem of either plant or animal origin.

Having determined the totem, you need to make or purchase a symbol of your animal or plant in the form of an image, statuette or figurine. This image will become your amulet, which you can carry with you or put at home in a place where you can periodically make eye contact with it and hold it in your hands.

Every day, the amulet, like a living being, will tune in to greater interaction with you, and, as a result, increase its positive impact, and you can mentally turn to it for help, ask for protection and support.

Of course, the issue of totems can be treated differently - including skeptically. But a possible additional source of strength is unlikely to be superfluous in the life of any person.

Lyudmila POSOKHOVA (Mila DEL)

Since ancient times, totemic animals have been revered as faithful companions of human life from the moment the spark of being is born to its extinction. Absolutely everyone has a patron who determines his life path and character traits, and also accompanies him from the beginning to the end of his life. In ancient times, people worshiped their totem representatives and revered them in every possible way. Read more in our article on how to recognize your totem.

How does a person meet his totem animal?

When a child is born into the world, he is accompanied by energy from the subtle worlds. This energy plays the role of a guardian of the child, and when he grows up, gives the child features of morals, talent and preferences.

In a family where a child grows in harmony and is well brought up by his parents, the spirit of his patron will have a beneficial effect on the child. Do not scold the child if he wants to shelter a kitten or a dog in the house. Most likely, the totem influences the desire to get close to the animal.

Totem patrons of a person can change in the course of life, however, the main totem affects the ward to a greater extent. The character, emotional sphere and even the appearance of a person depend on it. Thus, people whose appearance is similar to representatives of the animal world (for example, wolves or foxes) may have similar patrons.

Why does a person need a totem?

In the modern world, attention is undeservedly paid to totem animals. People have lost faith in what their ancestors believed in. This is a big mistake, as knowing your spirit animal has many advantages.

Thus, the definition of a totem allows you to find the right solution in a difficult situation according to the characteristics of the patron, find a soul mate under the same patronage and be clearly aware of your own strengths and weaknesses.

Honoring the animal will allow you to withdraw some of the energy that it bestows on its followers. We already wrote about this when we talked about the Slavic totem horoscope.

Features of totem animals

For a human being, totem animals are bundles of energy that guarantee protection and energy balance for a person. The peculiarity of such creatures is that they give a person the same qualities that they themselves possess. Let's give some examples.

The wolf is a totemic animal with great strength, militancy and stamina. Such creatures are predominantly nocturnal and draw energy from the moon. They have great potential for the development of paranormal abilities.

The elephant is a huge, powerful animal. The calmness and wisdom of an elephant is often replaced by incredible aggression in an angry state, which leads to destruction. The ability to sweep away everything in its path in anger often turns into a disaster for others.

The eagle is a bird that watches everything that happens from a height. People endowed with this totem are able to reason coldly and consider the situation from different perspectives. This ability helps them make the right decision, regardless of their own desires.

Thus, based on the characteristics of representatives of the animal world, you can find your patron. It is important to draw a parallel between the similarities and differences between a being from the subtle and material worlds.

A person's totem: one or more?

A person does not have to have one totem at all. Each person is multifaceted and does not have a single “face”, which affects the totem animals that they “patronize”. Here are some examples of possible options:

    Often a person has only one totem beast, which completely covers the personality of the ward. In this case, a person feels maximum harmony.

    Two totems can be in the form of a personal and ordinary totem. The first type pays attention exclusively to the person himself, energetically nourishing him, and the ordinary type takes care of all representatives of the genus.

    Two personal totems can argue among themselves, and this will affect their ward: the person will be extremely ambiguous and emotionally unstable in life. It will be difficult for such a person to find his calling, as his spiritual impulses will be directed in different directions.

    Areas of life can be guarded by different totem animals. For example, careerists have punctuality and great fidelity to work thanks to a totem in the form of a dog. In a love relationship, a windy, fickle dragonfly can be a totem.

There are special practices that will help you figure out how to recognize your totem animal. You can deal with this issue on your own, although it is necessary to take into account not only the personal qualities of the ward (or your own, if you are looking for a totem for yourself), but also the characteristics of the totem animal. For example, while one cat may be playful and frivolous, another has a calm disposition and seriousness.

How to find your totem?

There are several options for how to recognize your totem. Here is a list of possible options:

  1. Listen to the call of your soul. Think about what representatives of the animal world you are not indifferent to. A visit to the zoo can help with this issue.
  2. Check out special calendars that determine adherence to a particular totem according to the date of birth.
  3. Pass special tests, as a result of which you will instantly recognize your totem.
  4. Pay attention to dreams. Often in dreams a person sees something that is of great importance at the energy level, and your totem can also visit you.
  5. Take a course of meditation, as a result of which your totem will contact you.
  6. Listen to the comments of your family and friends. Perhaps they say that you are cunning like foxes or calm like a boa constrictor.

Learn the totem through meditation

You can recognize your totem animal by the horoscope and date of birth. Of course, there are such methods, and we will talk about them below. But one of the most reliable means to finally meet the patron is meditation.

Yes, it's not very easy, and not everyone succeeds on the first try. But we, nevertheless, will tell about this method. So, in order to "get acquainted" with your patron, you should choose a convenient place and time.

If you are doing this at home, then the room must be prepared:

    dim the light;

    Light candles;

    you can use incense sticks or an aroma lamp;

    turn on the appropriate music.

After that, take a comfortable position for yourself. It is not necessary to sit down in Turkish style, the point is to make you feel really comfortable. If you want, you can even lie down, because it doesn’t matter at all how the body will be located, the main role is assigned to the mind and spirit.

Close your eyes, relax as much as possible.

Imagine a point five centimeters from your forehead. Focus on her. It needs to be fully felt, detailed, felt and seen.

As soon as this succeeds, begin to “move” this point away from you. Don't lose detail, keep feeling it.

As soon as the point is at some distance from you, think about your totem. You don't know yet who he is, you only know that he is an animal. Don't imagine anything specific, just look at the dot, watch it. It will change - take the form of your totem.

If you don't succeed the first time, don't worry. Keep meditating. In the end, in this way you will definitely recognize your spirit animal.

Sleep as a means of attracting a patron animal

Sleep helps a person to be transferred to the world of energy and subtle matter that surrounds a person in everyday life. In the dormant state, we can approach the spirits and energy that has the closest form to us. Therefore, the meeting of the totem and its ward in a dream can be realized due to the fact that in the sleeping state we are closer to the subtle worlds than in the waking state.

In order to see your totem in a dream, you need to prepare a week in advance. To do this, you need to refrain from eating meat, avoid stress and situations that require increased attention that can knock you off the task. Mentally connect with the animal daily and feel the desire to meet it.

Choose a suitable evening and start the process of immersion in the subtle worlds. Lie on the bed and relax: relax all the muscles in your body one by one. Watch your breath and try to avoid any movement, however, in case you need to move, do it and immediately continue the practice.

Lying on the bed, imagine yourself on the dry grass in a lonely field, feel the breath of the wind and the light tickling of the blades of grass. Further, your imagination will complete the missing elements: houses, stones, trees, clouds... In the end, you will feel the presence of your guest. Having seen its blurred silhouette, try to fix it in your memory and reproduce it already in a waking state.

It is not at all necessary to enter a state of meditation in order to contact your totem. In an ordinary dream, patrons also often visit their wards.

Find out your totem by date of birth

There are several ways to recognize a totem by date of birth. Actually, you will need the day and month, and year of birth. We will present both options.

* The pictures are large, click on the spoiler.

A moment of humor

Recently, it has become very fashionable to look for your totem animal. This was one of the reasons for the emergence of many memes. In the vastness of Runet, we have found for you a funny selection of totems. This is a joke, of course, but there is some truth in every joke =)

Totem animals accompany a person all his life and can give him large reserves of energy. Honoring your patron guarantees protection, harmony and inspiration, which will become the driving force throughout life. Therefore, it is important to know how to recognize your totem animal in order to learn more about yourself, draw the appropriate conclusions and provide yourself with energy support from a being from the world of energy.

Each person is provided with magical protectors. Invisible helpers in all difficult and hopeless everyday problems. The totem animal is determined by date of birth, by the sign of the zodiac, and even by astrological individual calendars. Why is a totem by date of birth so important for a person, and how to recognize a totem animal by date of birth? Magical protection is the power with which a person will be able to defeat all enemies, repel the attacks of ill-wishers and boldly win in life.

What does a totem animal look like?

Every experienced magician knows that the totem animal is determined by the date of birth and the location of the planets on the day the person was born. A totem animal by the date of birth of a person looks like a familiar and powerful beast that lives in forests and jungles untouched by people. Such animals symbolize strong personality traits. Loyalty, strength, nobility. The negative influence of the totem can be traced on broken people, with a scattered soul and a lost meaning in life.

How to recognize a totem animal by date of birth? The totem beast does not change during life. Man is born with him and under his protection one day he dies. The Invisible Protector accompanies the baby, teenager, adult and elderly person in all difficult situations. By date of birth, a digital code is determined, indicating the fate of a person, his zodiac sign and the main character traits. A totem beast will not become an obstacle on the path to happiness if you make friends with it, get to know it, establish a connection with it.

Testing for Totem

The “what is my animal” test is intended for people who care about their own purpose in life and who want to understand how to recognize their Totem Animal. Higher mission, destiny. The results are based on the date of birth, and are completed in a couple of minutes (online or on your own at home). You can calculate by date of birth not only the beast, but also find out how it looks and helps. Having adopted good qualities from the Totem Protector, a person becomes stronger. Harmony and peace return to him. The totem beast is a defense that can be used or neglected, losing vitality.

Experienced magicians, astrologers, and beginners are engaged in deciphering "my totem". To do this, you need the date a person was born, the letters of his name, or even a family tree. The Slavic people used the knowledge of totemic Defenders even in paganism. They drew strength and inspiration from it, and thanks to the beast they became braver. “Your tatem is a shield,” caring mothers told their sons. To offend the Totem Defender, who follow an adult or a child on the heels, was considered a real sin. In order to calculate your totem symbol, you do not need to wait for the right moment or a sign from above. It is enough to collect your thoughts and believe in magical protection.

Help of a totem animal

How can a totem animal help? In the beliefs of many peoples there is an animal endowed with special magical powers. It protects the clan, tribe, dynasty. To this day, the coats of arms of royal and noble families depict animals symbolizing fearlessness, nobility and warlike spirit. Every castle has a totem beast, every tribe worships and honors a protector. Where did these legends come from? A strong animal always attracts attention. People respect the boundaries of their possession. Native Indians say that dialogue with nature begins with silence towards it. All tribes living on the reservation pay respect to wolves, bears, birds and wild boars. They respect freedom, and the animal does not touch the Indian's house, does not harm his household, does not threaten his family.

By date of birth, they determine not only their purpose in life, but also their totem symbol. Listening to him, drawing parallels with him and with himself, a person can look at the world from a different perspective. Open the heart and mind of a new universe filled with meaning and cause and effect. From birth to death, a person is looking for the deep nature of everything that happens, but you just need to look into your own heart. Find your path, learn about the totem and follow the grandiose path destined by fate.

Defender by date of birth

Animal totems by date of birth are the most accurate and reliable. There are many other ways to define a defender. Determining a totem by date of birth will not take much time and will not take away strength. Your protector does not hide, does not hide. The person consciously does not see it. Doesn't want to accept his help. It is important for the Slavs to determine the totemic symbol, as a tribute to the past. As a conduct that passed along with the people of the millennium of persecution, war and trials. For man, the nature of his own heritage is the path to enlightenment today. The eastern horoscope is only a small fraction of what is hidden in human essence. The characterization of a person by totem is more accurate and thorough. How to recognize your Protective Spirit animal?

“Your will not leave you” magicians advise to remember this, but how can you find out what is “Your”? The definition of a person's totem begins with recording the exact date when the baby was born. The easiest way to recognize a totem animal is by date, the year is a less accurate and reliable indicator.

Variety of totems by date of birth

The calendar of animal totems by date of birth was compiled a hundred years ago. It is not difficult to find a list of animals and their human personifications on the Internet. Man is not a plant that grows in cramped conditions. He is a moving force that is restless, searching. Every person should have an animal amulet that is not visible to the naked eye. Totems and their meanings for the individual:

  1. Bear. Brown can protect people who were born between December 10 and January 9. Wise, balanced, absolutely calm - such a protector will always moderate the ardor of the owner, show him the way without passions, without making rash decisions. In a family, such a person is a mentor, a person on whom all household members rely. More often, the bear refers to a man, the father of a large family, a wise boss. It is impossible to hear complaints from such people. They are always calm, tuned in to a peaceful settlement of the problem. Very rarely, the prototype of the bear is mercenary or shows meanness towards others. The extreme for such a person is laziness, which is difficult to fight.
  2. Ermine. The totem of people born at the beginning or end of March is most likely to be an ermine. Such individuals are independent of other people's opinions and behavior. They themselves and this attract members of the opposite sex. They have their own mind, their own preferences, and the prototypes of the ermine do not intend to explain why they feel good alone. Strong-willed, freedom-loving, extraordinary - a person grows regardless of other people's opinions and desires. March natives make only loyal, reliable friends.
  3. Toad. Starting from mid-April, the toad takes care of the newborns. Materialistic to the bone, such individuals often achieve good positions and quickly move up the career ladder. Stable and calm prototypes of the toad give birth to strong families and remain faithful to their partner until the end of their lives.
  4. Wolf. The wolf totem is acquired by individuals with a unique character. Young, they always become leaders. The wolf leads them through lies and deceit, without losing the main thing - faith in their own principles. The wolf is strong, but not at the expense of other people. For a totem, spiritual qualities, fortitude, opportunities that come only from good thoughts are important. The wolf is one of the strongest totem, promising nobility and restraint to its owner.
  5. Owl. No wonder the owl has a special role in folklore. A sign of wisdom, prudence. She knows her business, but she does not forcefully explain it to anyone. Often people with such a totem become scientists, scientists, and even outstanding discoverers. Their souls can be compared to pure energy, which is looking for a way out through the opening of the enchanting world.
  6. Dog. The final year of totem signs - the image of a dog, means a faithful person who knows the price of trust. A reliable partner, a devoted friend, a real reliable rear for a partner - the dog will never let you down.

The calendar of animal totems by date of birth helps to understand the zeal of one's own soul. An adult, a teenager, and an elderly person can determine a totem animal by the date of birth of a person. But not everyone knows how to recognize your Defender.

Totem animal by year of birth

Totem animal by date of birth and year may differ. In such cases, the calendar of animal totems by date of birth only hints at the Totem, but the person has to do all the work to determine the protector. Totem animal by date of birth and year is calculated based on:

  • a ready-made table in which all the upcoming dates are entered;
  • a special formula for calculating the totem;
  • secret intuitive vision.

In total, about 32 totems of various types and strengths are distinguished. Whatever the defender turns out to be, he should be honored and respected. It is better not to refuse magical help, so as not to call upon yourself the misfortune and wrath of animals that are ready to serve the owner.

Magical Protectors Totem Animals

The protector in the form of a totem is not always easily determined through the dates or years of the baby's birth.

Sometimes a person feels on an intuitive level his own magical companion. The subconscious tells what it can be. Through the occupation, favorite animals, or even physiological similarities with the totem. Everything that is attributed to chance is a consequence of natural changes, premonitions, subconscious memory. Based on their own tastes, a person can figure out what kind of totem he acquired when he was born.

Today, the topic of totems and their acquisition has become quite popular. We get knowledge about this mainly from the shamanic practice of the Indians, which, fortunately, did not practically change the essence of the ancient teaching.

The Slavs, along with animals, also worshiped plants, so each clan had its own Animal or Plant patron (Totem). It personified the unity of the clan and its strength. Accordingly, this genus was forbidden to destroy or kill this plant or animal.

This animal or plant reflected the true strength of the family and its capabilities. Man correlated with this animal and, as it were, merged with him into one. At any moment, if necessary, a person could call on his totem for help and receive all of its unimaginable power.

Since the totem is a figurative-energetic representation of an animal, it contains the absolute strength of this type, although it also contains all the weaknesses and shortcomings, but more leveled than in an ordinary animal.

A person can also have several totems. The main condition is that they harmoniously coexist in one person. For if this is not so, the person will be irritable, changeable and may lose his own essence.

Often, with close communication with his totem, a person could get the opportunity to be a werewolf, and the skills of reincarnation from the body of an animal patron and back into a human body.

But first, let's learn how to define your totem.

There are many different ways to determine your totem, but we will consider only the most basic of them, and already knowing the basics, everyone will choose the one that is convenient for themselves.

There are 2 main methods: the so-called Totem Summoning and Totem Awareness.

With the Totem Summoning technique, you can use horoscopes and birth charts by year and month. Or just look at yourself with an open mind and highlight your strengths and your weaknesses, and then pick an animal that has similar traits. The closer the match, the better.

Remember the method itself, and I will voice the summoning technique a little later.

With the Totem Awareness technique, you need to go through the practice of diving into your subconscious, and the deeper the dive, the better. Most often, this method is used by the practices of meditation, self-immersion, or third-party help from an initiate (Magician, psychic, hypnotherapist, and others). The essence of the technique is that you set a goal (or a question before meditation) to find out who your Totem is, and when you go into a trance, you meet with him at the deep levels of your subconscious. This technique mainly reveals Ancestral totems, and patrons who have been protecting you since childhood. Whereas the summoning technique will summon the totem that you like best and whose traits you need.

Important! An incorrectly selected totem, with the method of summoning, can not only be of no use, but also cause serious harm. Therefore, the pursuit of "Ponty" and prestige in this matter is not acceptable. If you are not confident in your abilities, seek the help of professionals.

After you decide on the totem, or get to know it, you need to make or purchase a symbol of your animal or plant. It can be a figurine, a figurine, a medallion with an inscription, and so on. In general, everything that can symbolize it. The creation of a totem from noble (natural) materials is welcome. After that, you can carry such a charm with you, or leave it at home on a shelf, the main thing is to look at it more often and hold it in your hands, then your totem will work harder and harder every day. Gradually improving and strengthening your abilities and reducing your weaknesses.

For those who have used the summoning technique, this will serve as the technique itself, and after a while, when you notice the changes, you can be sure that the totem you desired has become yours.


Here you will find a description of only some animals and their totemic properties, and you will have to do the rest of the work on getting to know your totem yourself. The article contains the characteristics of only animals, but plants can also serve as totems, look for descriptions of their properties, and I think you will certainly find it, if not, then ask and I will tell you.
Now let's dive into the world of totems and their true meaning.

Cat - The key ability of a cat is to always land on its paws - this totem makes its owners successful, evasive, and very dodgy people with a well-developed vestibular apparatus. He endows people with the ability to “sneak” what they want, makes it possible to sneak up unnoticed and quietly.
Qualities: independence, gentleness, curiosity, desire.
In addition to "pleasant" qualities, the cat totem can endow its owner with the power of a "hitman" - Make him ruthless, secretive and heartless. Another mystical property of cats is the possession of nine lives. It makes the owner of such a totem "more" tenacious.
Among the American Indians, the Cat is a sign of theft, so those who were engaged in the thieves' craft loved to call him.
Of the magical properties, it is also worth noting the ability to cause damage, to see the invisible, the ability to cause rain, to heal. The traditional prey of a cat is a mouse - small rodents, but its diet is not limited to this. Cats are no less successful in catching birds and rabbits. The traditional enemy of a cat is a dog, although in reality the list of its enemies is much longer. And yet everyone who is connected with the cat as a totem animal should first of all study mice and dogs. This will help to better understand the magic of the cat and its characteristic balance of energies.

Lynx - symbolizes visual acuity, noiselessness, mystery and secrecy. Lynx is often called a wild cat, so these totems have a lot in common. The lynx is a loner, and if it turns out to be your totem, you also prefer solitude. The lynx will teach you how to be alone without feeling alone. If the lynx is your totem, then it is possible that friends are used to telling you their secrets, since the lynx knows how to keep them very well.
Operating under the cover of night, the lynx will teach you how to use life force to achieve your goals silently and efficiently. The lynx does not like excessive popularity, so if you start talking with others about your relationship with this totem, its strength in relation to you may dry up. It is very important to learn when, to whom and how much you can talk about your personal affairs.
The keen eyes of a lynx will teach you to distinguish what other people are trying to hide, and will also give you the ability, by bringing an object to your face, to capture the energies of people and events associated with it.
If the lynx has become your totem, then it is possible that many people will become uncomfortable next to you. They will understand that you see what they do not want to show you, and hear what they diligently keep silent about. These abilities can turn you into both a skilled diplomat and a consummate manipulator. Learn to trust your feelings and impressions. If something seems wrong to you, do not doubt your conclusions - even if they are contrary to common sense. To awaken the ability to recognize the secret at a trot, learn to meditate and contemplate, sit more often and watch what is happening as a spectator. Watching how people behave and what they say.

The tiger is a creator and a destroyer at the same time. He also has royal dignity, cruelty, strength, power, courage and fury, which he needs as a protector.
Among the Aztecs, the tiger symbolized the western setting Sun, the hidden dark forces and the forces of the earth. It is often characteristic of gamblers. Among the Chinese, the God of Wealth rides a tiger guarding chests of coins. The Goddess of the Wind also rides a tiger. He is the guardian of graves and scares away evil spirits. Among the Greeks, tigers can serve as a substitute for leopards, drawing the chariot of Dionysus (Bacchus). In shamanism, the tiger personifies superhuman powers; this is the messenger of the forest gods, and the gods, immortal or exorcising evil spirits, can ride on it.
The tiger is considered one of the strongest totems, and not every person is able to withstand its pressure. If the tiger has chosen you, or you have chosen the tiger totem, get ready to be the king in your own castle. From now on you are the Ruler of your life.

The jaguar is the messenger of the spirits of the forest. In the tradition of shamanism, the appearance of the jaguar is one of the most common totems of the shaman, it symbolizes his spirit. Only a strong and powerful shaman could possess a jaguar totem.
His qualities are power, wisdom, swiftness. This totem is considered one of the most powerful, since almost all magic is subject to it.
“In the Mayan language, the concepts of “jaguar”, “werewolf”, “mage” and “sorcerer” were expressed in one word - “balam”, and the cult of the jaguar itself was closely associated with the dark Aztec god Tezcatlipoca. Since the jaguar was a symbol of this deity, the Aztecs described it in the same way as Tezcatlipoca: “He lives in forests, rocks, waters; noble, noble. He is the king, the ruler of the animals. He is cautious, wise, proud. It does not feed on carrion. He is the one who hates and despises, who is sick of everything dirty ... And at night he does not sleep; he looks out for what he hunts, what he eats. His vision is clear. He sees well, very well; he sees far. Even if it is very dark, very foggy, he sees.”
(From the book of Nikolai Nepomniachtchi “XX century: Discovery after discovery”)

Leo - As a totem animal, a symbol of the sun, brilliance, strength, fire, splendor, courage, stamina, justice, law, military power. Also, the lion symbolizes cruelty, ferocity, animal lifestyle. He is a symbol of war and is an attribute of the gods of war. Shamans say that by riding a lion, one can tame the forces of the universe.
In Buddhism, the lion is the protector of the law, the wisdom of the Buddha, spiritual zeal, advancement and comprehension, courage, an enlightened person, his own master. Sometimes the Buddha is depicted on a throne, standing on lions. The lion, depicted with a lion cub under his paw, also personifies the Buddha, who rules the world, and compassion. The lion cub depicts a Bodhisattva who has just passed initiation. The lion's roar represents the Buddha fearlessly preaching the Dharma.
The lion also personifies the symbol of Kings and rulers, Autocrats and Monarchs. If this is your symbol, prepare to carry its banner with pride.

Panther (black jaguar), leopard, puma - symbolize ferocity, rage, aggressiveness, ruthlessness.
On the example of cat breed totems, common features are well traced, ranging from an ordinary cat to a panther.
If you want to be attached to any totem group, you need to study these animals properly. For example, if it is a feline totem, you can gain experience by observing the behavior of an ordinary cat. There is only one caveat: if you chose the totem not of a domestic cat, but of a wild predator, then you need to watch it for a wild cat.
The same is true in other totem groups, for example: the canine family - dogs, wolves, foxes, coyotes, arctic foxes, hyenas, jackals; primate family - chimpanzees, gibbons, macaques, etc. Within the group there are always common qualities that allow people from the same totem group to interact well with each other.

Raven Being a "talking bird", it symbolizes prophecy. In other respects, it is ambivalent: it means at the same time the solar goodness and the darkness of evil, the wisdom and destruction of war.
Crows and wolves are frequent companions of the primeval gods of the dead.
In alchemy, a raven depicted next to a skull or tombstone symbolizes blackness and death, nigredo - the first stage of the “Little Work”, the death of the world, the principle “earth to earth” (“... dust and to dust you will turn”).
Among the American Indians who lived in the forests of the east coast, the raven means cunning.
In general, a black raven is a bird of bad omen, but a raven with a white feather is a good sign.
In China, the raven is one of the animals of the "twelve earthly branches" and symbolizes power. A three-legged raven lives on the Sun, symbolizing the three phases of its movement: sunrise, zenith, sunset.
The Scandinavians and the ancient Germans depict two ravens on the shoulders of Odin-Vota-on - Hugin ("thought") and Munin ("memory"), which fly around the world and report everything they saw. Raven - the coat of arms of the ancient Danes (Dans) and the Vikings.

Wolf - Also symbolizes valor, devotion, Mutual assistance. This is a true team player if the flock has already rallied around him. But he can also be an incorrigible loner, and at the same time his loneliness will give him strength and not oppress him.
For alchemists, the wolf, together with the dog, symbolizes the dual nature of Mercury, philosophical mercury and nous.
In Celtic mythology, the wolf swallows the Heavenly Father (the sun), after which night falls.
In the Greco-Roman tradition, the wolf is dedicated to Mars (Ares) as the personification of rage, as well as to Apollo and Sylvanus. The she-wolf who, according to legend, nursed Romulus and Remus, is often depicted in Roman art.
The wolf is a forerunner of new ideas, looking for a way. One who returns to the clan to teach and give help. If you lived in the Wolf clan, you would understand the meaning of the strength of the pack and the strength of the individual. These qualities make the Wolf very similar to the human race. We humans also have the ability to be part of society and yet still embody our individual dreams and ideas.
The senses of the Wolf are very sharp, and the moon is an ally of strength. The moon is a symbol of psychic energy, which contains the secrets of knowledge and wisdom. Moon phases can be indicators of the Wolf's desire to connect with new ideas that are only in the subconscious.
The help of the Wolf gives us the powers of a teacher and calls us to go further and help the children of the Earth in understanding the Great Mystery of Life.

The snake is a highly complex and universal symbol.
The snake and the dragon are often interchangeable, and in the countries of the Far East, no distinction is made between them. The symbolic meaning of the snake is polyvalent.
It can be both male and female, and also self-reproducing. As a creature that kills, it signifies death and annihilation; as a creature that periodically changes its skin - life and resurrection.
A coiled snake is identified with the cycle of phenomena. This is both the solar and lunar principles, life and death, light and darkness, good and evil, wisdom and blind passion, healing and poison, keeper and destroyer, spiritual and physical rebirth.
It also symbolizes the original instinctive nature, the influx of life force, uncontrolled and undifferentiated, the potential energy that inspires the spirit. It is a mediator between Heaven and Earth, between earth and the underworld. The snake is associated with the sky, earth, water, and especially the Cosmic Tree.
The snake is knowledge, strength, deceit, sophistication, cunning, darkness, evil and corruption, as well as the Tempter. “This is fate itself, fast as misfortune, unhurried as retribution, incomprehensible as fate.” In the context of cosmology, the serpent is the primordial ocean from which everything emerges and into which everything returns, the primordial undifferentiated chaos. It can serve as a support for the world or support it, or surround it, turning into an ouroboros - a symbol of the cyclical manifestation and reverse absorption. The visible snake is only a perishable manifestation of the original, timeless Great Invisible Spirit, the master of all natural forces, spirit or principle of vitality. This is the god of the early cosmogony, which later served as the starting point for more psychological and spiritual interpretations.
Serpents or dragons are guardians of the threshold, temples, treasures, esoteric knowledge and all lunar deities. They produce storms, control the forces of the waters, surround the waters with themselves, sometimes blocking their path, sometimes, on the contrary, bringing water to man. They are invoked at all sorts of incantations of the dead crossing the waters of death. As a creature capable of moving without the help of legs or wings, the snake symbolizes the all-pervading spirit, as a creature penetrating deep into cracks and crevices, the inner nature of man and conscience. The shape of a snake can serve as a mask for evil forces, for example, for witches and sorcerers, symbolizing the evil and sinful side of nature. Sol niger ("black sun") is associated with the dark powers of the snake. The Sky Serpent, like the Chinese Azure Dragon, symbolizes the rainbow. Both of them form a bridge from this world to another.

Crocodile - Eater, symbolizing the need to go through death to a new life. A crocodile with an open mouth means moving against the current, liberation from the limitations of the world.
Sometimes the crocodile is the guardian of the doors. Possessing the ability to live both on land and in water, it symbolizes the dual nature of man. According to Pliny, the crocodile and the lizard symbolize silence, since it was believed that they had no languages.
The crocodile is also identified with the fertility of the waters. To be swallowed by a crocodile means to descend into the underworld. The crocodile is the emblem of Set in its typhonic aspect (cruelty and evil).

Fox - Where there is no fox, you cannot establish a village. Chinese proverb.
The fox is a symbol of cunning, longevity, fertility, hypocrisy and vice. The tricks of the fox These are the tricks of the devil in the Christian tradition.
In China, foxes (ku-li) are one of the symbols of longevity. It is believed that at the age of fifty foxes can turn into a woman, at a century old - into a young girl. The fox knows what is happening at a distance of a thousand miles and can affect the mind of a person, turn him into an idiot. When a fox is a thousand years old, it becomes the Heavenly Fox, tien-hu, with nine tails. The Sky Fox can take the form of not only a woman, but also a man.
In Japan, the white fox is a symbol of abundance. The figurines of the fox were installed at the entrance to the temple, in his teeth he usually had the key to the barn with rice.

Eagle - The solar symbol of all the gods, the midday sun, the spiritual principle, ascension, inspiration, liberation from bonds, victory, pride, contemplation, apotheosis, royal origin, power, strength, height, the element of air.
It was believed that the eagle was able to fly to the Sun and, without blinking, look at it and connect with it. In this regard, the eagle personified the spiritual principle in man, which is able to soar to Heaven. Double-headed eagles are attributes of the twin gods, they can mean omniscience and dual power. The rivalry between the eagle and the bull, or the eagle and the lion, in which the eagle always wins, personifies the triumph of the spirit and intellect over the carnal nature. The conflict between an eagle and a serpent, or an eagle with a snake in its claws, represents the victory of the spirit. In this fight, the eagle represents the forces of good, and the snakes represent the forces of evil.
In addition, the eagle signifies unmanifest light, while the serpent signifies unmanifest darkness. Together they make up a cosmic whole, a combination of spirit and matter.
In some cases, the white eagle symbolizes a man and the brown eagle symbolizes a woman.
In Scandinavian mythology, the eagle is the emblem of Odin (Wodan).

Scorpio - Means death, destructive power, disaster, darkness.
Egypt: an attribute of Set in typhonic form, Selk, or Selket, protecting the dead. Seven scorpions accompanied Isis during the search for Osiris.
Sumero-Semitic tradition: scorpions or scorpion-man were the guardians of the Gates of the Sun, the Mountains of the West and the Double Gates. Scorpions were associated with Ishtar or Nina. Attribute of Sabazius Phrygia.

Owl - An ambivalent symbol. A bird of wisdom, but also of darkness and death. In the American Indian tradition: wisdom, prophecy.
China: evil, crime, death, horror, ungrateful children. On funeral urns it symbolizes death.
Greco-Roman tradition: the owl symbolized wisdom and was dedicated to Athena (Minerva). The owl was an attribute of the god of darkness and night among the Etruscans.
But for all its "dark" orientation, all peoples, without exception, treated this bird with respect. After all, its main strength is in the ability to see the hidden, to see hidden in the darkness, and to pass on the wisdom of ancestors to descendants. The owl is the personification of earthly and heavenly wisdom directed to the earth to help people.

The hawk is the messenger of the gods among the Aztecs.
The Egyptians have a hawk - a royal bird, spirit, soul, inspiration, Kensu Bird, Ra, the Sun. Other gods accompanied by a hawk or having a hawk's head are Pta, Horus, Mentu, Regu, Sokar, Kebsenuf. There is also a hawk-headed crocodile, Sebek-Ra, and sometimes a sphinx has a hawk-head. It is the emblem of Amenti, the Great Mother and the goddess of the West and the underworld.
In Greco-Roman mythology, the hawk is the quick messenger of Apollo; attribute of Circe.

Spider - The Great Mother in the terrible incarnation of the weaver of fate is sometimes depicted as a spider. All moon goddesses are spinners and weavers of fate, and the Cosmic Spider, the Great Spider, or Great Spinner, is the Creator who spins the thread of life from his own substance, attaches all people to himself through the umbilical cord, and weaves them into the web of patterns of the world.
The spider in the center of the web symbolizes the center of the world, the Sun surrounded by rays extending from it in all directions; The moon, personifying the cycles of life and death, spinning the web of time.
The Indians of America have a spider - wind and thunder, protection from evil.
Among the Egyptians, the spider is an attribute of Neith as the weaver of the world.
Among the Greeks, the spider is an attribute of Athena as the weaver of the world, as well as Persephone, Harmony and Fates (Moir) as the spinners of destinies; form of Arachne.
Among Indians and Buddhists, the spider is the weaver of the web of the illusion of Maya, and also the Creator as the spinner of the thread from his own substance.
Among the peoples on some islands of Oceania, the Old Spider is considered the creator of the universe.
Among the Romans, the spider meant insight, good fortune.

Bear - Symbolizes the resurrection (the appearance in the spring from his winter lair with a bear cub), a new life, which means initiation and rituals associated with the transition.
In heroic myths, the bear is a solar symbol. In flood myths, he turns into a lunar, associated with the moon goddesses Diana and Artemis. It is the emblem of the Kingdom of Persia and Russia. Alchemical meaning: nigredo from the first matter.
In the tradition of the American Indians means supernatural strength, endurance, strength, tornado.
Among the Celts, it belongs to the lunar forces; attribute of the goddess Bern.
The Chinese represent strength and courage.
Among the Japanese, the bear symbolized goodwill, courage and strength.
Among the Ainu, the bear is a cultural hero and a divine messenger.
Among the Teutons, it is dedicated to Thor. Atla the bear represents the feminine principle, while Atli the bear represents the masculine. For a shaman, a bear is a messenger of forest spirits.

Monkey - Personifies shamelessness, persistence, malevolence, lower instincts.
Three Mystical Monkeys with closed eyes, ears and mouth mean the following: “I see nothing, I hear nothing of evil, I do not speak about anything” (Principle of universal silence and mystery.
In Buddhism, the monkey is one of the Three Insensible Creatures, greedy, constantly grabbing something.
In the Chinese tradition, it symbolizes ugliness and trickery, has the ability to transform, and is apotropaic. It is the ninth animal of the Twelve Earthly Branches.
In Hinduism, she is an attribute of the monkey god Hanuman, who has divine power and is the son of the wind god Vaiya. In addition, Hanuman is sometimes depicted with a monkey head.
Among the Mayan Indians, the God of the North Star had a monkey head.

Horse - An incredible number of myths and beliefs are associated with the horse. More than one book could be written about its significance, because no animal has played such an important role in the development of civilization as the horse.
The horse was associated both with funeral rites and with birth: the souls of people enter this world and leave it on horseback. The Scandinavian god Odin rode an eight-legged stallion. In Hinduism, stallions are harnessed to the chariot of the solar god Surya, and in Greek mythology, to the chariot of Helios.
In Chinese astrology, the horse is associated with qualities such as attractiveness and gift.
Horses symbolize freedom, and sometimes wildness. People born in the Year of the Horse are friendly, adventurous and often extremely emotional.
The horse was endowed with the ability to predict the future. There are many legends in which horses act as clairvoyant animals, capable of also recognizing people involved in magic. In mystical terms, a horse is one of the embodiments of a magical gift in a person.
The symbolism of the horse is rich and complex. The horse can represent movement and travel. It is possible that she became your totem to help you get moving and head towards your cherished goal. The horse can symbolize desires, primarily sexual desire. The stallion often served as a symbol of sexuality, and the taming of a stallion was a symbol of curbing sex appeal and dangerous passions.
Study your totem in relation to your own life. Pay attention to the color of this horse and think about what this color means to you personally. In what form does this horse appear before your mind's eye? Does she run? Or is it always worth it? Are you riding it or looking at it from the side?
If the horse has become your totem, then perhaps it is time for you to explore such aspects of your life as the craving for travel and the thirst for freedom. Do you feel limited in any way? Are you willing to leave the past behind and move on? Perhaps you should release someone from your entourage? Or is it time for you to defend your own freedom and assert your power in some new areas of life? What are you doing to develop civilized relations in your environment? And what do people around you do for this? Do you appreciate the blessings given to you by civilization?
Entering our lives, the horse takes us on a new journey. It teaches us to move in new directions. With its help, we realize and discover our own freedom and strength.

Here is just a small list of those animals that are found in the world of totems. I hope I was able to please you with the description, and you found yourself in it. To my great regret, it is simply not possible to describe the diversity of all totems, and if for one reason or another your totem is not included in our list, then you can independently observe it and look for information. If something remains incomprehensible, ask, I will always be happy to lend you a helping hand.

Ask the Slavic meanings of totems personally. I warn you right away that I may not answer everyone, because this is sacred knowledge that requires the right attitude towards them.

Copyright Roerich A.V.