During pregnancy, when can you buy. The mystical reason for the appearance of omens. Things for a newborn: what you can buy in advance

I have been asked many times to talk about what needs to be prepared for a small child before giving birth.

I believe that the expectant mother should prepare things for her baby for the first weeks of the baby's life.

And do it yourself, because the tastes of young people and the adult generation from the past centuries were different, and if you do not want to see idiotic sliders or booties from your childhood on your beloved offspring, then it is better not to let the purchase of things for a newborn go by chance.

But at the same time, I recommend that future mothers not be zealous in bypassing stores - these things are needed first of all TO YOU and made for YOUR HIS facilities. If the child sleeps on the parents' large bed for the first few nights or goes for a walk with his mother on her arms for the first time, he will not be upset at all, but will only be glad - mother is always there.

The list of things that came in handy for me in the first place:

1. Breast pump (if you intend to breastfeed).

Number one on the list because you always need a breast pump suddenly- late in the evening or late at night, but I personally needed it in the hospital.

A breast pump may not be useful to you even once, but it can also save you from lactostasis or mastitis, allowing you to express milk quickly and on time.

If you are a dynamic lady and plan to leave the house for the whole day without a baby, then in order to maintain lactation, you will have to express. I never left home for a long time without breast pump ().

You may not buy a breast pump before delivery (I really hope you don’t need it), but be sure to study the topic, prices and see where you can quickly buy it in an emergency (in a pharmacy near your home or in an online store with fast delivery ).

2. A crib and everything you need for it.

We have an ordinary wooden crib, which we inherited from my nephew and has served faithfully for two generations of children.

She absolutely suits me, tk. went for nothing.

3. Stroller.

A baby carriage is needed for the first six months after birth (up to a maximum of 10 months).

Oh-oh-oh-very detailed review of strollers for newborns.

Then the child starts to sit and you will need it already.

I have two acquaintances mothers who, with their younger children, abandoned the cradle stroller. They only use a stroller with a second or third child, which unfolds to a horizontal state (the fundamental point is that the bottom should have a strictly horizontal position). "Walk" is more convenient to fold and unfold, it takes up less space in the trunk of the car and is easier to lift into the house. When a mother has several children - mobility, convenience and simplicity come first.

4. Bath.

Those with a child NOT first, such lists are not read. And for novice parents, I would still advise you to buy an anatomical baby bath, since it is inexpensive, but inexperienced dads will not be afraid to bathe the baby ().

Dexterous or budget-conscious parents can do without a bath and bathe their baby in a shower or in a large tub.

5. Diapers.

I know you, you still can't resist and buy (or grandmothers will sew).

In modern conditions, you can do without diapers altogether ()

6. Clothes for the newborn.

The main advice is - NOT buy a lot of clothes! A pregnant woman thinks with emotions - oh, what a little thing, uchi-ways, you need to buy. And a young mother, who has to undress and dress her newborn several times every day, thinks practically - how to make the process of changing clothes as fast and comfortable as possible for both the mother and the child.

7. First aid kit for mom and baby.

There are several drugs that you need 100 percent, buy the rest as needed.

8. Car seat.

If the family has a car, think about the safety of the child and buy a car seat in advance or order it as a gift for friends / relatives 🙂

9. Sling or baby carrier.

I advise you to wait until your baby is born with the purchase of a baby sling. You’ll be at home most of the time for the first few weeks, so you don’t really need it. And if you have a child, it will become obvious to you whether you need a sling, and if so, which one.

10. What to buy for a newborn's discharge.

Is it possible to buy things for the baby in advance? Opinions differ on this issue. The first say that no, you can’t, this is a bad omen and you can bring trouble. Others, on the other hand, argue that there is nothing wrong with buying in advance. What are these two opinions based on?

Some people, especially older people, believe that it is impossible to purchase things in advance for an unborn baby, a bad omen. Superstitions say that if new things do not yet have an owner, then evil forces infiltrate them. They will take the place of the child and will in every possible way prevent his birth. ... These classes promised problematic childbirth and entanglement of the newborn with the umbilical cord.

At that ancient time, when these signs arose, there was no such level of medicine as now, and even more so. Therefore, it was extremely difficult for a midwife to cope with the entanglement of the umbilical cord in a newborn. This omen was born of the fear that the baby would get confused, the desire to shift the blame for such an outcome onto the woman in labor, on the fact that she did not honor omens, and that is how it happened. The reason for the entanglement (the thread looks like an umbilical cord) was recognized as knitting (the entanglement looks like a loop). This omen, convenient for midwives, has remained.

From a practical and economic point of view, there was no need to purchase clothes in advance for the baby. In families before, there were many children, things passed from the eldest to the youngest.

But if the first-born was expected in the family, then the expectant mother herself prepared the dowry for the child. The father also made a cradle for the baby himself. Perhaps the pregnant woman spent a lot of time in an uncomfortable position while sewing. As a result, she had problems with well-being and with the child. Perhaps that is why then there was a belief and a ban on sewing for the expectant mother.

You can shop before giving birth

For a mother-to-be, thinking about a future baby is very pleasant. And rummaging through sliders, undershirts and caps is a great pleasure for her. So why deprive yourself of such pleasant moments? In this case, all things for the newborn are lovingly chosen by the mother in accordance with her desires, preferences and tastes.

If the expectant mother of the first-born decides to purchase things in advance, it will be useful to talk to friends who have children. They will help you correct the list of upcoming purchases and delete unnecessary and useless things from it. For example, a mother does not need a bottle warmer at all if she is going to breastfeed her baby. There can be a lot of such things, because a woman who is pregnant with her first child has no experience in these matters.

It is convenient to buy things in advance, because after the appearance of the crumbs, the mother simply will not have time to shop and go shopping. In a hurry, you can buy the wrong thing. Then all the clothes still need to be washed, ironed and laid out. This can be very exhausting for a young mom. It is also better to choose a stroller and crib model in advance.

Can I buy things for my baby in advance? You decide!

When to buy things for a newborn? Each mother herself and only herself must answer this question. The decision should not be made under pressure from family members or to please them. If the expectant mother really wants to do something differently, then this is exactly what should be done. For the child, the most important thing is the good health and good mood of the mother, because he perfectly feels her condition. Therefore, there is no need to make a problem and whip up the atmosphere over this issue.

It happens that the expectant mother wants to buy a stroller and a crib in advance, but she doubts because of the omens. In this case, the crib can be stored disassembled, and a doll or toy, symbolizing a newborn, can be put in the stroller. You can keep all these things not at home, but with grandmothers or relatives.

Very often, the baby inherits things from friends, relatives and acquaintances whose children have already grown up. Babies of the first year quickly grow out of things, they remain in excellent condition. Therefore, such gifts will help save the family's budget.

For those moms who don't want to go shopping, there are many online stores with baby supplies today. Most of these stores provide fitting even at home, so you can choose what you like and then leave the things you need.

Do I need to buy a dowry for a baby in advance? Today, many mothers do not even think about this issue, not realizing how it could be otherwise. But a woman's decision must be respected, especially since there are positive aspects in any choice. Psychologists have long said that thoughts are material. If the expectant mother believes in omens, then with her thoughts she forms real events, so there is no need to convince her.

The superstition that buying children's things in advance is a bad omen, was somewhat useful in the old days, but today it has practically exhausted itself. This is due to the fact that before, not every pregnancy ended well, but today the highest level of medicine reduces the number of births with complications to almost zero. And many young mothers say that things for a newborn can and should be prepared in advance.

When you return from the hospital, you will have very little time to choose and buy - you do not want to rush to buy things that will later disappoint you. And the last weeks of pregnancy are a great time to slowly and with pleasure choose the best undershirts and bottles.

In addition, there is a mandatory list of things and accessories that you will need already in the hospital and immediately after discharge. If you still want to follow good old omens, then you can compromise and purchase only the essentials, and buy the rest later.

What you need to buy

To make you and your baby as comfortable as possible in the maternity hospital, and you do not have to send your dad to go shopping every day (as you know, the male choice rarely satisfies a young mother), in the last week or two, prepare the following set of things.

  • Clothes for a newborn for every day (regurgitation, an unsuccessfully buttoned diaper dirty things a lot, and you will not have the opportunity and desire to wash them in the hospital). The obligatory set for a day includes: a warm or summer undershirt, booties and mittens, a cap, a top suit or a bodysuit.
  • Hygiene products for baby: diapers, wet wipes, powder or diaper cream, baby soap, cotton swabs.
  • Personal care products: liquid soap, shampoo, shower gel, sanitary pads and everything else that you clean yourself up with daily.

After you leave the maternity ward, you will need numerous supplies and items to care for your baby. Already from the first day it is shown, the care of the umbilical wound and much more, so take care of the following things.

  • Basic medicines... Hydrogen peroxide for the navel, herbs for bathing, drops for colic and other first aid medicines for any occasion - the doctor will additionally tell you about them upon discharge.
  • Bathing accessories... Tray with a non-slip slide, thermometer for measuring water temperature, bathing gel “without tears”, separate boiled towels.
  • Sleeping accessories... Cot, mattress with blanket and bed linen.
  • Accessories and supplies... Bottles, nipples, safe nail clippers. You may need a breast pump.
  • Stroller... A child needs fresh air every day from the first days of life, do not postpone buying a stroller - this is a rather long and troublesome task.

If you are still afraid to buy large, expensive items in advance

Let's say you purchased the basic set of things in advance, but are afraid to buy a crib, stroller, winter overalls. You can use this option. Place orders for the things you need in online stores, but arrange for them to be delivered to you just on the day of check-out or the next. They will be brought home to you, and you can pay for everything when you are already safely at home with your baby.

Remember - most life events depend on our own mood. Positive joyful thoughts are embodied in reality, as, unfortunately, and various kinds of fears. If you are safely carrying a child, there are no pathologies and complaints from doctors, you have nothing to fear and you can safely prepare for the birth of a long-awaited baby.

Buying things can only be postponed if your labor is complicated and doctors predict that you may need to stay in the hospital longer. If, according to preliminary forecasts, this will drag on for more than 2 weeks, then it makes sense to postpone some things - certain situations may require the purchase of completely different accessories for caring for a newborn.

Surely this question haunts many women who are preparing to become a mother for the first time. One way or another, but since ancient times it was believed that taking care of the purchase of accessories for a baby in advance is a bad omen, and our people are used to believing in everything supernatural.

Prejudices of the past

Why is it this way? The thing is that in ancient times, childbirth was not always successful, and our grandparents were in captivity of prejudices and delusions, fearing the evil eye and damage. Naturally, for them, the question of whether it was possible to buy things for a newborn in advance was decided: before the appearance of the baby, there were no acquisitions. But times are changing, and medicine does not stand still. Modern technologies and equipment ensure minimization of adverse births. Naturally, in such conditions, today's mothers give a positive answer to the question: "Is it possible to buy things for a newborn in advance?"

Why should something happen to a child, for example, if you take care of children's toys in advance?

Need to look to the future

In any case, having brought the little one from the maternity hospital, you will be fully occupied with him: there will already be no time to run around the shops in search of diapers and undershirts. In addition, I really do not want to be disappointed in children's accessories bought in a hurry. Still in doubt whether it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance? Cast aside all fears and prejudices. The gestation period is the optimal time to carefully and responsibly choose the attributes necessary for the toddler. In addition to this, there is a mandatory list of supplies and accessories that you will need already in the hospital and after you leave it.

Don't rely entirely on the opinions of others.

Even if you are not sure whether it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance, then you should not give in to horror stories, as if it were

First of all, dad and mom are responsible for their child, and all decisions by them must be made independently, without regard to the opinions of others. Remember that in the first months of life, the baby will require increased attention to himself, and the mother will not have enough time to be distracted by other things. That is why you should not give in to anyone's opinion about whether it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance. Moreover, what mom doesn't like an advance shopping ritual, which is based on caring for a baby that has not yet been born? Such a shopping trip, no doubt, will cause a lot of positive emotions in the expectant parent. Why deny yourself the pleasure?

Things to Remember

At the same time, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance requires reservations. Experts do not recommend shopping for baby supplies immediately after pregnancy tests are positive. At the very least, thinking about it should be postponed until mid-term. Remember that the first trimester is the peak time for fetal development, and it is best to wait until it begins to develop normally, eliminating the risks of anxiety and stress.

If you are impatient to take care of your baby, then take some preparatory steps: look through the catalogs of children's products, choose colors and models, study reviews, think about the interior of the children's room.

Optimal shopping period

So, we found out whether it is worth buying things for a newborn in advance. But when is the best time to do it? It is in the second trimester of pregnancy. As a rule, at this time, the parents already know who will be born to them - a boy or a girl. Moreover, already at this stage, it will not be superfluous to worry about buying large-sized accessories: a changing table, a baby car seat, a crib and so on. However, this does not mean that you should definitely purchase all of this in the first days of your shopping trip. To get started, study the assortment offered in different outlets, compare prices, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of goods for children.

List of required accessories

If the expectant mother has a very distant idea of ​​whether or not it is possible to buy things for the newborn in advance, then at least she should know what children's accessories she cannot do without after discharge from the maternity hospital. Let's list the most basic ones.

Baby cot

Of course, your baby should have a separate sleeping place, despite the fact that many toddlers do not want to fall asleep without a mother.

Today there is a whole arsenal of various models of cribs for babies, from transformers with removable sides and ending with "tourist" options that allow you to put them in a bag and carry them with you, which is very convenient. When buying this or that model of a bed for a crumbs, pay attention to factors such as the cost of the product, its safety, strength, the presence of dropping sides and wheels. And, of course, do not forget to prepare a sleeping place for your baby in advance. If sleep is meant to be shared, special preparations are not required. If the child sleeps separately from the parents, then a soft mattress and bedding should be placed in the crib.


Should I buy things for newborn babies in advance? Of course, yes, when it comes to a stroller. The choice of this accessory for toddler should also be taken seriously. It is in this vehicle that the baby will spend a lot of time, especially in warm and sunny weather. Therefore, it is recommended to select the above attribute taking into account climatic conditions. Today, the choice of strollers is huge: preference should be given to models with a sleeping part on a classic chassis and transformers (a portable cradle with a perfectly flat surface).

If you live in a cold climatic zone, then you'd better buy strollers with insulation and suspensions.

First aid kit

And of course, mom and dad should take care of the first aid kit for the baby in advance. Cotton wool, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide should be available. Antipyretic drugs (candles, syrups) must be in the house without fail. Do not forget that babies often suffer from rhinitis, colic, constipation, and for these cases you should also have medicines on hand.

Personal hygiene products

You are still haunted by the question: "Is it possible to buy things for a newborn baby in advance?" Remember that personal hygiene products - baby shampoos, gels, soaps, etc. - must be purchased before a baby is born. Do not forget about towels and bathing caps - the little one will also need them over time. A crumb cannot do without a special bath. In the maternity hospital, there will be no opportunity to comfortably redeem the baby, but at home is another matter. Take care of the much needed attribute beforehand.

Necessary things for crumbs

Of course, the question of whether it is possible to buy things for newborns in advance becomes irrelevant when it comes to diapers, undershirts, rompers, diapers, socks and fancy suits. These elements of the children's wardrobe will be needed already in the maternity hospital.

What to do for superstitious natures

It is possible that among mothers there are also superstitious natures who, in spite of everything, will not want to acquire any accessories for the child before he is born. Well, everyone has the right to do their own thing. However, there is a very simple way out of the situation. You can make applications for the purchase of specific items in virtual stores on the Runet and agree in advance that the goods will be delivered on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital. Such a solution to the problem can suit even the most superstitious woman.

You can act differently: entrust the purchase of children's goods to your relatives or close people. However, you should help them in this responsible event: prepare a list of necessary accessories for the baby, and do not be lazy to indicate the color, model and brand - this greatly simplifies the search.

But it should also be borne in mind that the most important purchases, for example, a stroller or a crib, are best done on their own or together with your spouse: of course, in this case, a home delivery service should be provided by the seller.


Both suspicious and not obsessed with mysticism women who are preparing to become mothers should remember one important circumstance: everything that happens to us in this life, whether it is negative or positive, is a consequence of our thoughts and moods. Positive emotions give rise to joyful events, and negative attitudes attract grief, and sometimes even misfortune. If you are carrying a baby without any pathologies, and from a medical point of view there are no problems, then there is no reason for concern: you can safely buy things for your unborn baby.

Many families in anticipation of the birth of a baby are wondering is it possible to buy things for a newborn in advance... The most superstitious people prefer to wait for the birth of a child, and only after that go shopping, but in fact, such a decision can bring a lot of inconvenience, turning the postpartum days for mom into a complete hassle, and for dad - a real test of strength. Let's talk about whether it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance and how to make postnatal shopping easier for yourself.

Is it possible to buy things for a newborn in advance: history of the issue

It is no secret that the prohibition of buying things for a newborn is a superstition that arose in hoary antiquity, when not every pregnancy was happily allowed by the birth of a healthy baby. Superstitious mothers tried not to advertise the very fact of pregnancy, because they feared that evil spirits would want to prevent the safe birth of a baby. However, at present, this belief has practically lost its force - modern psychologists, for example, in contrast to him, teach that thought is material, and therefore the dowry for the baby must be prepared in advance, without even allowing doubts about the happy outcome of childbirth.

By the way, even adherents of superstitions believe that some things for a newborn can and should be bought in advance, but it is worth paying attention to a number of "protective mechanisms".

  • You should not believe in evil omens, just as take offense at the "advisers" - wish them well and do not take bad things into your head.
  • The lockers where the pre-prepared items for the baby are stored should be kept open.
  • A cradle, crib or stroller should not be empty: put a doll or soft toy there - let it “heat up” the place.

Things for a newborn: what you can buy in advance

There are things that a baby will definitely need from the very first day, here is an approximate list of them:

  • Stroller... The choice of a stroller should be approached responsibly - there is no need to "dump" this decision on the dad. After all, it is most often mothers who have to transport strollers for newborns. Consult in advance with more experienced friends, read reviews on the network. Knowing what exactly you need to pay attention to in the first place, you will not go wrong. In addition, by starting to choose in advance, you can find the most suitable price for the option you like.
  • ... In fact, babies initially have a lot of health problems. You must be ready to react quickly and help the baby cope with a runny nose, colic, and these problems arise without warning, and they need to be addressed urgently.
  • Linens... Make sure that the baby has everything he needs to sleep: clean sheets, blankets made from natural fabrics and even a sleeping bag - babies love to sleep in the fresh air. But the baby does not need a pillow until he is one year old.
  • Bathing accessories... On the very first day after discharge, the baby will have to bathe, so buy a bath, a ladle, a thermometer, baby soap and soft, absorbent towels in advance.

Do not be afraid of superstitions - everything will be fine with you, and therefore you should prepare well for the long-awaited meeting!