Everything about Botox injections in the forehead area: a complete description of the procedure, nuances, price, contraindications. Why are Botox injections really harmful?

Botox injections, also called "beauty injections", have long been one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. However, disputes about whether they harm the health of patients still do not subside. Like any other procedure, Botox has its supporters and opponents, but most of the arguments about the dangers of this procedure are devoid of scientific grounds.

What is "Botox"

Most of the negative opinions about the use of Botox are based on its origin. Indeed, a group of drugs that are collectively called "Botox" has the main active ingredient botulinum toxin. In nature, this substance is a product of the vital activity of bacteria and, in essence, is a poison for the body, under the influence of which the normal functioning of the nervous system is disrupted, which leads to weakening or complete relaxation of muscles, and sometimes death.

It is this property of botulinum toxin that is used by cosmetologists in order to reduce the activity of small groups of facial muscles of the face, which leads to smoothing and stopping the deepening of wrinkles. But talking about how dangerous botulinum toxin is for a person, his opponents forget to mention that in cosmetology its purified and, most importantly, a weakened form is used, which has only a short-term local effect. And the latest drugs are checked for safety very carefully, which is always confirmed by the relevant international certificates.

Contraindications for use

Although Botox is not a toxic drug, there are quite a few contraindications for its use:

A categorical and absolute contraindication is pregnancy and lactation. Also, the procedure is not performed during menstruation. It also has age restrictions. "Botox" is not done to patients under 30-35 years old, because at this age the skin has enough internal resources to cope with wrinkles under the influence of hardware procedures. And after 60-65 years, since at this age the conductivity of nerve impulses disturbed by Botox is restored very slowly, and the skin is no longer so elastic.

Possible Complications

Botox injections do not pose a serious health hazard - definitely. Complications after its administration are extremely rare, although some patients experience a slight deterioration in well-being on the first day after the injection. This can be expressed in tearing, mild stomach upset, general weakness, dizziness, or flu-like sensations. These are signs of mild intoxication, which disappear in a maximum of a day.

Very rarely there is an individual sharply negative reaction to Botox, the consequences of which resemble a strong allergic reaction with swelling and even fever. Usually it appears a maximum of 15 minutes after its introduction. With these symptoms, the doctor can quickly cope with the help of medications.

Slight swelling after injections is almost always present. To get rid of them faster, you can, starting from the second day, apply dry ice or cold compresses to the injection sites. If you do not touch your face with your hands after the procedure and do not sleep on your side, then the swelling disappears, for a maximum of 2-3 days.

With improper administration of the drug, complications such as:

But the possibility of manifestation of all these symptoms is 100% dependent on the skill of the specialist performing the procedure. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider the choice of the clinic, do not be shy to ask for recommendations from other clients and their photos before and after the injection. Only a good clinic, a highly qualified doctor and certified drugs can guarantee complete safety.

Before agreeing to the procedure, you need to think about whether Botox is harmful to women's health, what side effects and contraindications it has, how long it takes to be removed from the skin and body, and how this method works.

Every woman dreams of always being young and beautiful - Botox for facial rejuvenation can help with this. For more than a dozen years, it has been one of the most sought-after products in cosmetology, which allows you to get rid of numerous wrinkles on the face, as a result of which the skin acquires a well-groomed and beautiful appearance.

Botox is a naturally occurring protein that is made from the hormone botulism.

Such a substance is able to relax and strengthen the facial muscles responsible for the appearance of wrinkles and loss of facial contours. When the active substance enters the body, it blocks the transmission of impulses that are carried out through the nerve endings, as a result of which some facial muscles relax while others tighten. As a result of exposure to a drug that causes temporary muscle paralysis, a person cannot squint, frown, so small wrinkles do not form in the corners of the eyes and around the mouth.

The procedure for the introduction of Botox into the skin by injection lasts approximately 10 minutes. It is believed that the effect of the drug lasts no more than 8 months, and then it is naturally completely eliminated from the body. However, there were cases when the effect of Botox ended already 90 days after its introduction under the skin.

In order not to harm your health, you must contact a reliable medical clinic, whose specialists are certified to perform such Botox operations.

In order for the benefits of the procedure to be obvious, it is important to adhere to certain rules at first. The first 4 hours should lie down, while not moving or straining the facial muscles. The result of such a procedure can be assessed only after 5-7 days. If this is not observed, then the patient will face serious trouble. With injections in the eye area, there may be difficulties with closing the eyelids - a person can normally close the eye only after the complete removal of Botox from the body.

The effect of this rejuvenation method will disappear after about 6 months, then further injections will be required.

However, it makes no sense to wait for the drug to be completely eliminated from the body, so a second injection can be done after 4-5 months. A feature of Botox is that it can be used for several decades, while not exceeding the dosage. But excessive performance of the procedure can lead to unpleasant consequences, so you should not often carry out Botox, so as not to worsen the appearance.

Contraindications to the procedure and side effects of Botox

In order to understand whether Botox is harmful, you need to learn about the contraindications that make it impossible to take the drug in the following situations:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • the course of chronic diseases in the body;
  • allergy to the composition of the drug;
  • viral diseases;
  • blood disease;
  • external and internal inflammation of the skin.

As needed, cosmetologists can even expand this list of restrictions, and if you neglect these rules, you can cause serious harm to your health.

Side effects after the use of Botox are divided into 2 groups:
  1. Short-term - they disappear a week after the injection and do not require additional treatment.
  2. Long-term - disappear only after the removal of Botox from the body.

According to numerous reviews of women, most often they have side effects of the first type. Although they are mild and pass quickly, they still need to be carefully recorded in order to tell the doctor about the consequences at the next injection, who will reduce the concentration of the drug.

Main adverse reactions:

  • vision problems with the introduction of the drug under the eye area;
  • a feeling of fatigue and general fatigue, especially muscle;
  • difficulty breathing when injected into the neck;
  • feeling of slight itching;
  • loss of appetite;
  • rashes and itching;
  • tearing;
  • acceleration or slowing of the heart rate.

Despite the fact that the use of Botox has been approved by the FDA, not everyone will risk resorting to this method of rejuvenation, since its benefits are sometimes questionable. It must be remembered that it is recommended to resort to Botox injections only after reaching the age of 40. It is also worth considering that he will not be able to cope with deep senile wrinkles, and at the age of over 50 years, only surgical intervention may be required.

Another negative consequence of this drug is addiction. This is due to the fact that the constant use of the procedure causes atrophy of the facial muscles - this leads to a violation of the oval of the face, as well as a loss of skin tone. Therefore, if there is no obvious need for the use of Botox, you can use alternative rejuvenation methods that have fewer contraindications and side effects - otherwise, over time, it may begin to negatively affect the top layer of the skin.

Eternal youth happens only in fairy tales. Women are trying to compete with the princesses, using subcutaneous injections. They do not know if Botox is harmful to the hair and face, and how to deal with the possible negative consequences of the procedures.

Not everyone falls into the hands of a good specialist, and then the opposite effect occurs. The face suddenly becomes unrecognizable ugly, in general, a catastrophe can occur.

One of the newest beauty treatments is hair botox.

What is an injection of youth

We will understand the details of the effects of Botox on the body. When a woman decides to have a procedure, she does not seek to save on her beauty. The most important thing is to get the expected result.

Botox is made from botulinum toxin, a toxin that is a powerful poison. Toxic substances are harmful, but a low concentration of poison is used for cosmetic purposes. In medicine, it has been used as an anticonvulsant. It was injected into certain areas of the facial muscles to relieve a person of tics. The substance had a relaxing effect on tense muscles. In order to rejuvenate the skin, Botox began to be used later.

Beauty injection is an unsafe manipulation for the body. It can be carried out only by qualified doctors - cosmetologists. To smooth out the wrinkle, Botox injection must be done at the right point. If the medicine got past, this entails serious consequences:

  1. Muscle death.
  2. Tumors, bruises, swelling.
  3. A twisted face.
  4. Paralysis of the facial muscles.
  5. Influx of the upper eyelid.

How Botox Works

A person accompanies his emotions with mimic grimaces. This results in wrinkles. Botox levels the skin in these places in just 1 procedure. Its effect lasts 4-6 months.

Botox injections are made in those areas where deep wrinkles are laid. This is the forehead, bridge of the nose, folds around the nose and lips, rays around the eyes. The high efficiency of the procedures has an impact on their popularity among ladies of different ages. In America, movie stars accustom even their 10-year-old daughters to these injections.

Do doctors know the exact answer to the question - is Botox harmful to the face? To whom is it contraindicated?

Through the muscle, the substance turns off nerve impulses, the muscle immobilizes, relaxes. Neighboring areas continue to contract and stretch the skin layer in the wrinkle. The process of restoring muscle activity at the injection site takes quite a long time. At this time, the wrinkle disappears. Then the procedure should be repeated. This can be done 2-3 times a year.

Immediately after the injection, the face is immobilized for a short time. Then the muscles return to their normal state, and the discomfort disappears. The safety of the drug has not been fully proven. Doctors have confirmed that Botox is eliminated from the body without a trace within 3 weeks.

In Italy, scientists conducted experiments on small rodents, and found particles of the substance in the brain cells of animals. Now American doctors are engaged in serious research on the consequences of Botox injections.

Why is the substance dangerous?

How big is the harm of Botox for health? The danger lies not in the preparation itself, but in its storage, application, and the correctness of the procedure. It must be approached responsibly by both the doctor and the patient. The device has its own strength and retains its properties with proper storage and compliance with expiration dates.

This can only be guaranteed by qualified cosmetologists. To decide whether or not to inject, they will conduct a consultation, carefully examine the quality of the client's skin. A responsible doctor will always honestly talk about the effects of the drug and possible complications. Thus, the decision is made by the client based on the recommendations of a specialist.

Possible complications:

  • frequent procedures weaken the superciliary muscles;
  • complications after Botox - allergic reactions, up to shock;
  • after 50 years, deep wrinkles cannot be removed with Botox;
  • up to 40 years it is not recommended to resort to Botox therapy;
  • blood flow is disturbed;
  • bruises appear under the skin;
  • skin loses moisture.

Once rejuvenated, a woman "sits down" on magical injections. It's like a drug addiction - the periods between injections are getting shorter. The harm from Botox lies in the desire to resume artificial rejuvenation.

Several years of constant injections can distort and disfigure the face. It becomes puffy, gray, skewed. Muscles atrophy, injection sites stand out on the skin and hurt, headaches torment. This is the price for short-term beauty. In addition to skin problems, there is a sharp pain in the eyes, watery eyes, runny nose, cough, weakness and deterioration in general well-being. In some cases, there are problems of the gastrointestinal tract.


  1. Botox should not be performed on pregnant, lactating women, or those who dream of becoming pregnant in the near future. The effect of the toxin on the body is not fully understood, but, as you remember, Italian scientists found it in the head of rats. You can not risk the health of the unborn baby. An expectant or breastfeeding mother is the least concerned about the condition of her wrinkles. She has more important things to do.
  2. If there is inflammation on the skin, it is better to postpone the procedure until the problem is completely resolved. Not a single conscientious cosmetologist will take up a syringe in this case. With infectious diseases - the same answer of the cosmetologist.
  3. Why should you contact a highly qualified specialist? If a woman is treated with some drugs, the doctor must know if they are compatible with Botox.
  4. It is harmful to use Botox for myopia.
  5. mental illness
  6. oncological disease
  7. Allergy to the drug or its components.
  8. Hemophilia, puffiness of the face, renal failure, prolapse of the upper eyelids.
  9. Drinking alcohol 3 days before injections and 3-4 weeks after them.

Adverse reactions

Negative manifestations can be divided into short-term and long-term.

Reactions that pass without additional treatment within 2-3 days:

  • weakening of vision;
  • breathing difficulties;
  • tingling and itching at the injection sites;
  • headaches if Botox injections are made in the forehead;
  • indifference to food;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • redness and rashes on the face;
  • elevated temperature.

Precautionary measures:

Do not lie down for the first 4-5 hours after injections. The eyelids may not close for a long time or, conversely, the upper eyelid involuntarily falls. These phenomena can persist until the complete withdrawal of Botox from the body, that is, several months.

Pros and cons of injections

Whether or not to go for artificial rejuvenation is up to the client herself. She is responsible for the consequences of the procedure. But before that, the doctor must inform the woman in detail about the action and composition of Botox, about complications and addiction.

Botox is a less troublesome and painful alternative to plastic surgery. But it corrects superficial wrinkles, which, after the end of the drug, return again, and require a repeat of the procedure.

This substance cannot correct the shape of the face. Surgery or injections should only be considered in extreme cases. You can enjoy your reflection in the mirror for many years, if you properly care for your face, use expensive natural cosmetics, lead a healthy lifestyle, and eat right.

For the freshness of the skin of the face, good rest and the absence of nicotine addiction are of great importance. If everything is done correctly, Botox is not needed. You need to love yourself and your age, calmly treat the traces of time on your face, however, without letting the process take its course. You need to take care of your face throughout your life.

Video: Botox - harm or benefit?

Botox for hair

In the east, a new tool was invented to improve the structure of curls and accelerate their growth. Over time, hair also loses moisture and strength. They are daily exposed to detergents, foams and varnishes. Styling is associated with heating curls with a curling iron or hair dryer.

Botox treatment can help restore their beauty. This is an expensive procedure that makes hair lush and soft for a long time. They grow faster. The procedure is prescribed for women (and men) with brittle, dry hair suffering from the first signs of baldness.

L'Oreal Biphasic Botox contains botulinum toxin and a mixture of amino acids and vitamins that better penetrate the hair structure under the influence of Botox. But it is not dangerous for hair.

Stages of the hair botox procedure:

  1. Opening the pores of the hair for the penetration of nutrients into them.
  2. The second component is a mixture of botulinum toxin and nutrition in an ampoule.

Treatment of curls with a drug from Loreal is a modern long-term relief from brittleness and hair loss.

Sooner or later, wrinkles appear on the face of every woman, due to inevitable age-related skin changes. However, one should not despair about this, since modern cosmetology offers many methods of varying complexity, efficiency and cost for facial rejuvenation. Particularly popular among them are the so-called "beauty injections", the essence of which is the introduction of botulinum toxin (Botox) into certain muscles of the face, blocking their activity. Before going for such a procedure, it is important to find out contraindications and all possible negative consequences.


The effect of Botox on the body

Botulinum toxin, or botulinum toxin, is produced during the life of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum and is one of the most toxic substances. When it enters the human body, severe toxic damage (botulism) occurs to the nervous system, mainly the spinal cord and medulla oblongata, muscle innervation is disturbed, and acute respiratory failure develops. If you do not seek medical help in a timely manner, there is a high probability of death.

How Botox Works

Botulinum toxin preparations used in cosmetology and medicine (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) contain highly purified and attenuated botulinum toxin type A, the topical use of which in strictly controlled therapeutic doses is not dangerous. Despite the fears of many people, they do not cause addiction or muscle atrophy and do not have a systemic effect on the body.

The introduction of small doses of botulinum toxin into the muscle causes its temporary paralysis or permanent relaxation by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle fibers. As a result, wrinkles formed due to the work of facial muscles are smoothed out. About six months later, after the removal of Botox from the body and the complete restoration of muscle functions, a woman already acquires the ability to control her facial expressions. She loses the habit of actively using those muscles into which the drug was injected (frowning her eyebrows, squinting her eyes), which serves to prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Interesting: The ability of botulinum toxin to eliminate wrinkles on the face was identified in 1982. In the course of his treatment of people suffering from strabismus and blepharospasm, it was found that the transverse wrinkles on the forehead in such patients were smoothed out.

When to apply

Botox injections are also used for excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) of the armpits, palms and feet. They block the transmission of nerve impulses to the sweat glands, which significantly reduces or stops sweating while maintaining normal thermoregulation.

Depending on the nature of the problem, the places for the introduction of botulinum toxin may be accumulations of facial wrinkles in the areas between the eyebrows and in the forehead (vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead), around the eyes (crow's feet) and mouth (nasolabial folds), as well as armpits, palms and feet with hyperhidrosis.

In medicine, botulinum toxin preparations are used for diseases accompanied by severe muscle hypertonicity, convulsions and pain syndrome caused by muscle spasm. These include some types of headaches and migraines, cerebral palsy, strabismus, the consequences of a stroke, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, torticollis, muscle spasms in the back, shoulder girdle, urination disorders and others.

Contraindications to the administration of the drug

Before performing "beauty injections", even though they are considered safe, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist. Contraindications for Botox, regardless of the injection site, are:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age less than 18 years;
  • exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • acute infectious processes;
  • diseases, inflammation or violations of the integrity of the skin at the injection site;
  • myasthenia gravis and myasthenic syndrome;
  • bleeding disorders (hemophilia);
  • individual intolerance or hypersensitivity of the body to botulinum toxin.

In addition to general contraindications, there are restrictions on Botox in certain places. For example, injections of botulinum toxin in the facial area are contraindicated if plastic surgery has been undergone for less than 3 months or there is a pronounced gravitational ptosis of tissues. When the skin of the face is lowered, the introduction of botulinum toxin can adversely affect the appearance and further exacerbate existing problems. It is impossible to correct mimic wrinkles with Botox in the area of ​​​​the eyes and bridge of the nose with a high degree of myopia (more than 6 diopters), hernias in the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids.

Compatibility of Botox with drugs

Botox cannot be combined with taking anticoagulants, antiaggregants, certain drugs that affect the processes of neuromuscular transmission, increasing the intracellular concentration of calcium. These include muscle relaxants, antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group, tetracyclines, macrolides, lincosamides and others. Their combined use leads to an increase in the action of botulinum toxin. Between injections and taking these drugs should be a break of at least two weeks.

If, shortly before the procedure, a woman took antipyretics based on aspirin or ibuprofen, then the likelihood of bruising at the injection site increases, since these drugs thin the blood.

Advice: If it is necessary to correct wrinkles in several areas of the face, it is not recommended to inject botulinum toxin in all places at once, as this is fraught with the fact that it will become like a wax mask.

Video: What is the danger of "beauty injections"

Botox use during pregnancy and lactation

Botox is contraindicated for pregnant women due to the lack of clinical trials confirming its safety both for the expectant mother and for the normal development of the fetus. The same applies to breastfeeding mothers.

During the period of bearing and giving birth to a child, a woman's head is occupied with completely different problems and rarely does anyone think about fighting wrinkles. Very often, the appearance of a woman during this period changes slightly under the influence of changes in the hormonal background, so it’s better to take care of yourself after it stabilizes and returns to its original state, that is, after lactation is completed.

Possible Complications

Sometimes after Botox, women experience discomfort in the injection zone, dizziness and headaches for several days. The following local complications are possible:

  • eyebrow drooping;
  • point hemorrhages;
  • soreness and numbness;
  • hematomas;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • spasm of the eyelids;
  • violation of the mobility of the upper lip and corners of the lips;
  • inflammation due to infection;

For women with active and expressive facial expressions, Botox injections can lead to the formation of new wrinkles in other places. After the loss of mobility of some muscle groups, their functions are taken over by others. When giving injections to reduce sweating, there is sometimes a slight increase in sweating in other parts of the body.

You can reduce the listed undesirable consequences using massage and physiotherapy methods. Such a correction usually takes 1-2 months.

Important: There is no danger of intoxication and the development of botulism when Botox is administered for cosmetic or medical purposes, since toxic doses are thousands of times higher than therapeutic ones.

Considering that over time, Botox is gradually completely eliminated from the body, and all the unpleasant consequences caused by it are reversible. Complications, as a rule, arise due to incorrect selection of the dose and injection sites, poor-quality botulinum toxin preparation, or non-compliance by the woman with the recommendations of the cosmetologist after the procedure.

Prevention of complications

Correct behavior after the procedure and the implementation of certain restrictions will help reduce the likelihood of Botox complications.

A few hours after the procedure, the distribution of the drug in the tissues occurs, therefore, in order for it to be correct, you should not take a horizontal position of the body and tilt your head forward or backward for 4 hours. During this period, you need to actively move the muscles into which the botulinum toxin has been injected.

Within 5-7 days after Botox, any thermal effects on the face area are a contraindication. It is forbidden:

  • visit a sauna or bath;
  • be in direct sunlight;
  • sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium;
  • take hot baths;
  • dry hair with a hot air dryer;
  • rub and massage the injection sites.

Intense physical activity that stimulates blood flow to the head is also undesirable.

For several days after the procedure, it is not recommended to sleep on your stomach with your face buried in a pillow, perform peeling or apply warming masks. It is undesirable to drink alcoholic beverages. Alcohol dilates blood vessels and increases blood circulation, which can increase the risk of bruising, increase swelling at injection sites, and also allow the drug to penetrate beyond the injection site into other areas of the face.

Video: Cosmetologist about Botox injections

Doing Botox at Home

Today, many expensive salon procedures can be carried out independently at home. However, Botox is not on their list.

Correction of wrinkles in this way can achieve good results only if it is carried out by a qualified cosmetologist who has received appropriate training, received a license and has sufficient experience in this field. To give a botulinum toxin injection, it is not enough just to be able to perform subcutaneous injections, it is important to know the anatomy of the muscles of the face and understand what consequences the wrong choice of injection site or an inaccurate dose can entail.

Before the procedure, the specialist takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient's facial expressions and calculates where and how many units of botulinum toxin to inject so that the face retains its natural appearance after the procedure.

When performing injections on your own, there is a very high chance of getting an asymmetric or "doll" face as a result, unable to express any emotions.

In addition, only cosmetologists who are constantly involved in this procedure have the opportunity to purchase a quality drug of a well-known brand directly from the manufacturer. If you try to buy Botox on your own, there is a chance of getting a fake.

Since ancient times, women have cared about attractiveness, and today “beauty injections” help them in this, but it’s worth figuring out whether it is harmful and how safe it is to use. Opinions on the use of the drug are divided: some sing odes to such an easy way to get rid of the signs of aging, others talk about harm to health.

What is Botox and "what is it eaten with"?

Mimic wrinkles are the scourge of charismatic people. Under the influence of emotions that appear on the face, wrinkles appear. To combat this problem, injection cosmetology is used, in particular injections. The drug Botox is a protein in its pure form, after being injected under the skin, it has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the face. Muscles are no longer subject to movement, as a result of which mimic wrinkles do not appear at the injection site of Botox, and existing wrinkles are smoothed out.

The drug is injected through a syringe in small doses into problem areas: nose bridge, forehead, corners of the eyes. The use of Botox to smooth wrinkles around the mouth and on the cheeks is not effective, therefore it is used extremely rarely.

The whole procedure takes about 10-20 minutes. At the end, the result appears after 3-4 days. The effect can last up to six months, but not less than three months.

Preparing for a Botox Injection

Be responsible when choosing a clinic for the procedure:

  1. Check out the list of beauty parlors, salons and clinics that offer Botox injections. Read all kinds of reviews about these institutions, and then decide exactly where you want to undergo the procedure.
  2. Check the certificates and other documentation authorizing injection cosmetology procedures in this institution by a specific specialist.
  3. Pay attention to the sterility of the room, the availability of personal protective equipment for the beautician (gown, gloves, mask, and so on).
  4. Check the expiration date of the drug.

Before the introduction of Botox, the cosmetologist must:

  • to study facial features;
  • make markings on the face for orientation during the procedure;
  • check skin thickness, elasticity and asymmetry of the face;
  • to calculate the amount of the drug in a particular case.

Contraindications for the introduction of Botox

In pursuit of beauty, you should not blindly follow fashion or modern trends. When preparing for the procedure, read the list of contraindications and analyze whether it is worth it. :

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergy or sensitivity directly to the drug;
  • inflammatory processes on the face at the sites of the alleged introduction of Botox;
  • liver or lung diseases, viral infections, oncology, myopia, hemophilia.

The presence of one item from the list will lead to irreversible consequences. The cosmetologist necessarily clarifies this nuance, if he did not do this, then you have a low-skilled specialist who may not help, but harm.

Complications after Botox

Like any other drug, it can be reversed. Going to the procedure, you must have full information about how harmful Botox is for the client. Common complications after Botox injections include:

  • The appearance of swelling, pain and bruising at the injection sites. Treatment is not required, the complication will pass in a couple of days.
  • Asymmetry of the face, which leads to incorrect distribution of the drug by an unskilled specialist. The effect will disappear after a while, when the drug is eliminated from the body after 6 months or less.
  • Dropping of the upper eyelid. In the case of this complication, the eyes either do not open at all, or open partially. The mobility of the eyelid returns from 1 to 3 months.
  • Paralysis of the facial muscles occurs with an overdose of Botox. The muscles remain motionless and the face looks like a mask.
  • Violations of blood circulation and water balance of the skin were noted in cases of drug use.
  • There are also headaches, dizziness, nausea, fever, general malaise, and the like. The occurrence of this kind of complications occurs due to the fact that injections are an intervention from outside.
  • Getting used to a rejuvenated face and, as a result, getting used to the drug is noted by women using injection cosmetology.

The introduction of the drug to persons under 35 years of age is not recommended.

Do not forget that beauty injections are a surgical intervention, so there are a number of things that should be followed after the procedure.

During the first four hours, avoid moving the muscles of the face and the horizontal position of the body. It is necessary to abandon the bath, sauna, sunbathing and other procedures associated with exposure to high temperatures on the skin of the face. We exclude alcohol from the diet a couple of days before the injection and at least two weeks after. Give up sex for a day or two, and the gym and physical activity for two weeks. It is not recommended to inject earlier than two weeks after taking antibiotics or other medications.

Natural or injections?

The choice depends only on your desires and possibilities. Botox is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery, without a recovery period, but with a number of complications. Injections will help to cope with the signs of skin aging and restore youth, albeit for six months, but still. Whether you need it is up to you.

Frequently asked questions about Botox - video