Whether they are discharged from the hospital on holidays. Meeting from the hospital. How to dress your baby for discharge

The mother of a newborn baby always wants the days that need to be spent in the hospital to pass as quickly as possible. Yes, and all the relatives are looking forward to the moment when the mother with the newborn baby will be discharged from the maternity hospital. Indeed, in our time, the birth of a child and discharge from the hospital is a whole ritual, accompanied by warm congratulations and many gifts. So, after how many days can mom and baby be discharged from the hospital?

On what day are the mother and child discharged?

Many expectant mothers are interested in how the discharge from the hospital takes place. First of all, you need to understand that the mother and child will be discharged only when they are both ready for this. And how many days they lie in the hospital after childbirth depends primarily on the state of health of the mother and baby.

As a rule, with a successful birth (when not only the newborn baby is healthy, but also the mother), the discharge occurs already on the third day. If a woman has any health complications during childbirth, then it may happen that the doctors will extend the period of stay in the maternity hospital up to 10 days.

Also, the discharge may be delayed if there are any health problems in the newborn baby.

Thus, the term for discharge from the hospital depends on 3 components:

  • successful childbirth,
  • maternal health,
  • child's health.

In the maternity hospital, the mother of a newborn baby and the baby himself are under the supervision of a gynecologist and a pediatrician. The duties of an obstetrician-gynecologist include monitoring the postpartum period in a woman, while a pediatrician is obliged to monitor the health and development of a newborn child. The opinions of these two doctors together play a decisive role in what day they are discharged from the hospital after childbirth.

Often, if the mother still needs the help of doctors, then the baby stays with her in the hospital until the woman is ready for discharge. If everything is in order with the mother, and the baby needs regular medical supervision, then there are cases when the mother is discharged, and the child remains under the supervision of experienced doctors.

Documents to be drawn up

Many parents are concerned about the question, what documents should they have on hand when they are discharged from the hospital? Of course, the employees of the maternity hospital themselves know perfectly well what documents they must give to the family in which the child was born. But most parents prefer to play it safe and shoe themselves in this matter.

When discharged from the hospital, a woman must be given the following documents:

  • Certificate of birth of a child. This certificate is necessary for the registry office to issue a crumb of an important document - a birth certificate. The birth certificate contains the following information: the date and time of the birth of the child, the sex of the child, as well as the surname and initials of the doctor who delivered the baby. A birth certificate will also be needed to receive a one-time state allowance issued at the birth of a child.
  • An extract (exchange card) with a conclusion on the health of the woman in labor (mother). This extract is given to a woman in order for her to provide it to a medical institution (to a antenatal clinic), in which she was observed during the entire period of pregnancy.
  • An extract (exchange card) with a conclusion on the health of a newborn child. Parents must provide this extract to the children's clinic in which the baby will be observed. But most often, medical workers themselves transfer the extract to the children's clinic, without the participation of parents.

It is important that the parents of a newborn baby receive all of the above documents. And on the second or third day of staying at home, the mother of the newborn should expect guests: the pediatrician is obliged to visit the mother and the newborn baby.

First, the doctor must check the conditions in which the child is. And secondly, the pediatrician is obliged to help and advise the young mother on the proper care of the child: give useful advice, tell and demonstrate how to bathe the baby, how to massage, how to provide first aid. This approach is very important, especially if a woman has given birth to her first child and does not know many of the nuances in caring for children.

Readiness Factors

The obstetrician-gynecologist, setting the discharge date, repels several factors:

  • What was the birth like (light birth, natural birth or caesarean section, accompanied by heavy bleeding or not). So, with natural and easy birth, the mother and child will be discharged as expected, on the 3rd day.
  • General well-being of the mother;
  • Uterine contractions;
  • The nature of vaginal discharge;
  • How well the sutures heal (with caesarean section or if there are tears, incisions obtained during natural childbirth). A doctor can discharge a woman only after making sure that the stitches heal well and there are no inflammatory processes;
  • Conditions of the mammary glands. It is important that the woman does not have prerequisites for mastitis, and that there are no cracks on her chest.

In any case, before discharge, the woman will need to donate blood and urine for analysis. A blood test will reveal signs of anemia, and a urinalysis will reveal diseases of the urinary system. In some maternity hospitals, doctors offer to undergo an ultrasound to finally make sure that there are no blood clots and placental remnants in the uterus of the woman who has given birth. Only after the woman has passed all the tests, the obstetrician-gynecologist can accurately set the date of discharge from the hospital.

How to determine if a newborn baby is ready for discharge?

It will be fair to note that not only the obstetrician-gynecologist, but also the pediatrician is responsible for how long they lie in the hospital after childbirth. After all, it is very important that at discharge the baby does not have any health problems.

During the stay in the maternity hospital, the baby is monitored daily by pediatricians: they conduct a general examination, check how the umbilical wound heals, weigh the baby, see if the child has a normal stool, if there are any problems with urination. Also, the following types of tests are taken from babies: complete blood count, blood test for congenital diseases, urine test. The first vaccinations are given to a newborn baby already in the hospital. These are BCG (tuberculosis vaccine) and hepatitis B vaccine.

Before discharging a newborn baby, the pediatrician must make sure that:

  • The baby is of normal weight. Not everyone knows that 2-3 days after birth, the kids lose a little weight compared to the initial figures. It is considered normal if the child has lost no more than 7% of its original weight. If this figure exceeds the norm, then the doctors will postpone the discharge until the causes are identified.
  • the child does not have infectious diseases. If a newborn baby has any infection (it could be a skin infection, a urinary tract infection, or any other type of infection), then his discharge will be delayed until the appropriate course of treatment has been completed.
  • the newborn did not have oxygen starvation. Hypoxia (oxygen starvation) can lead to disorders of the child's nervous system. Therefore, if the baby developed hypoxia even in the womb, or during childbirth, doctors will leave the baby in the hospital for a longer period in order to identify possible deviations and provide assistance in a timely manner.

It is important to know that premature babies are kept in the maternity hospital longer. This is due to the fact that premature babies have a very small weight, and given that on the 2-3rd day the child is still losing weight, this can become a threat to life.

Doctors need to make sure that the sutures are healing well in a woman who has recently given birth, and that the general health of the new mother is not a concern. The period of stay in the maternity hospital is extended in the following cases:

  • In difficult childbirth (for example, after a caesarean section, a mother and baby are discharged no earlier than on the 8-10th day).
  • With high blood pressure. High blood pressure in a nursing mother may be accompanied by edema and the presence of protein in the urine. In this case, the discharge is delayed until the blood pressure normalizes.
  • With inflammatory processes. Sometimes after childbirth, a woman has inflammation of the mammary glands (which can lead to mastitis) or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix. Both types of inflammation require the intervention of doctors, so the woman will be discharged only after the course of treatment has been completed - no earlier than on the 8-10th day.
  • If there was bleeding during childbirth. In itself, bleeding is very dangerous: the mother's hemoglobin drops sharply, which can lead to anemia (anemia). Therefore, women who had heavy bleeding during childbirth are discharged no earlier than on the 7-8th day, making sure that there is no threat to her life.
  • If the sutures do not heal well. If a woman was caesarean or she had tears during natural childbirth, sometimes the stitches did not heal well. In the presence of inflammation, an extract from the hospital will be delayed until the condition improves (up to about 6-7 days).

Thus, in case of successful delivery, when the mother is healthy and the newborn baby is healthy, discharge from the maternity hospital occurs according to the standard procedure, and already on the 3rd (maximum - 5th) day, the baby and mother are at home.

You should tune in to the fact that despite the above information, most births are still a process that occurs favorably, which means that the length of stay in the maternity hospital should not be too long!

Childbirth for every woman is a period of a long-awaited meeting with the most precious creature - her baby! This period is different for everyone, but always exciting! This period is especially exciting for women whose health condition does not allow them to give birth to a baby on their own, naturally. This can happen for various reasons: if a woman has certain diseases (high myopia, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, hypertension), physiological characteristics, if the baby is in the wrong position in the mother’s womb (oblique or transverse), if there is a threat to the life of the baby and others

The caesarean section is the only way in all these cases to give birth to a healthy baby! The decision on the need for such an operation is made by the doctor. It can be done on a scheduled basis or on an emergency basis! The first newborn born through this operation was Julius Caesar! Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, but even today this operation helps to bring into the world many babies whose mothers cannot give birth naturally without a threat to their health.

Some women, fearing the upcoming birth, may insist on a caesarean section. However, the risk of complications after such a delivery increases 12 times compared with physiological natural childbirth. Therefore, doctors conduct it only in cases where there really is a real threat to the health of the mother and baby. Having undergone such an operation, many patients are interested in what day they are discharged after a cesarean?

How many days are discharged after a caesarean section?

Today, a caesarean section is performed one in eight natural births. Although it is believed that the operation is not life-threatening, but it is a serious intervention in the body of a woman and can be complicated by a lot of reasons. How much is discharged after a caesarean section depends on the following factors:

  • From the physical condition of the mother
  • From the presence of complications during childbirth
  • From the degree of blood loss
  • From the presence of complications in the postoperative period
  • From the healing of sutures, both internal and external
  • From test results
  • From the baby's health

When are they discharged after a caesarean section, if all the processes of the postoperative period are normal and all tests are normal, and the baby is healthy? Usually, this happens on the 7-10th day.

How many days after caesarean are they discharged?

If a woman goes to the hospital for a planned caesarean section, it is important for her to know how long she will have to spend in the clinic. No one will tell a woman the exact dates, as well as guarantees about the timing of her stay in the maternity hospital, since everything mainly depends on her condition after childbirth and the health of the baby.

Exercise after caesarean section

With operative delivery, blood loss increases by 4-5 times. If during natural childbirth a woman usually loses 200-300 ml of blood, then during abdominal surgery - up to one liter. And that's if everything is ok! Often, blood loss increases, and then the woman is injected with blood plasma, as well as special solutions by drip. To recover after a cesarean, a woman in labor needs much more strength than after a normal physiological birth. There are also complications more often, for example, inflammation of the uterus, impaired contraction of the uterus, infections, intestinal disorders, complications of chronic diseases, etc. Therefore, no one can say in advance the exact time of discharge of a woman in labor from the hospital. Everything is individual!

After surgery, antibiotic therapy is mandatory, as well as antibacterial therapy. Attention is also paid to the restoration of blood loss, the normalization of the intestines. All this takes time! Outside, the woman has only one seam visible. Today, it is performed below across the tummy. However, do not forget that inside she still has stitches - on the uterus, on the wall of the peritoneum. Growing them takes time.

Internal sutures are made with a special absorbable suture material. The suture is performed either with absorbable threads, ordinary threads, or metal staples are applied. The suture is processed daily by a nurse for 6-7 days and examined by a doctor. Then the stitches are removed. If the material used is self-absorbable, then it resolves after 65-80 days from the moment of suturing.

How many days are discharged after a caesarean section?

If after the operation the woman feels well, which is confirmed by the results of tests and ultrasound, then the stitches are removed on the 5-7th day and discharged. If the baby is healthy, which the neonatologist takes care of all the time spent in the clinic, then the baby and mother are discharged together! This is the perfect scenario!

The danger of a seam on the uterus after a cesarean

If the cesarean was carried out urgently, and the baby needs additional medical care, for example, being in a special pressure chamber, then the mother can be discharged, and the baby can still be left until his condition is completely normal. So, on what day they are discharged after a cesarean section, it depends on many factors! It happens that a mother, in a hurry to leave the clinic home, does not realize her true condition. She forgets that at home, not only the child, but also all the usual daily worries will fall on her shoulders. After the operation, mommy needs to remember that she should:

  • Adhere to a gentle lifestyle - do not lift weights, more than her child weighs, rest during the day, walk in the fresh air, eat healthy whole foods!
  • Postpone sex life for two months!
  • Do not rush with the desire to quickly restore physical fitness. High physical activity is not only dangerous for the health of the mother, but can deprive the baby of the opportunity to receive breastfeeding!
  • Shift some of the prenatal family responsibilities onto the shoulders of family members!
  • Do not refuse the help of relatives and friends!
  • Follow all doctor's recommendations!

The complete recovery of the female body after a caesarean section occurs in two to three years, that is, this time will be enough for the suture on the uterus not only to heal, but also to be able to endure the load of a possible pregnancy. Therefore, it is possible to plan a new pregnancy after cesarean no earlier than in 2-3 years.

After the birth of the baby, the mother wants to return home as soon as possible, because hardly anyone wants to spend a long time in the hospital. Therefore, the question of how long they are discharged from the hospital is so relevant, and what reasons can delay the return home?

After how many days are discharged from the hospital
In cases where everything is fine, the baby was born naturally, and he and his mother feel great, then on the third day they can return home. As a rule, weekends are not taken into account, so babies who were born, for example, on Thursday, will still have to stay until Monday, and accordingly, they will spend about 5 days in the hospital ward.

If during natural childbirth stitches were applied due to ruptures of the walls of the cervix or perineum, then in this case, doctors will leave the new mother under observation until complete recovery. Therefore, in this case, the answer to the question of how many days are discharged from the hospital depends on how quickly the tissues recover. Until the sutures heal, there is a possibility of their divergence or bleeding, and therefore the mother and child will be able to return home no earlier than on the 6th day.

How many days are discharged from the hospital after a caesarean section
A separate case is a caesarean section. It will take a woman time for the stitches to heal, and the body to fully recover, because otherwise she simply will not be able to care for the baby. As a rule, the healing period lasts about a week, in some cases it may be necessary to spend 8-10 days in the hospital.

Of course, if you wish, you can leave the hospital even on the same day as the baby is successfully born. It is enough just to write a receipt stating that the newly-made mother fully understands the danger and has no claims against doctors.

However, you should not rush, because there is a high risk of possible complications, both for the mother and the child, which as a result can end in failure. In addition, if the baby was born by caesarean section, then his mother will need a recovery period, which should not be neglected in any case. Therefore, the answer to the question of how many days are discharged from the hospital after a cesarean is determined solely by the doctor based on an examination of the mother's condition.

In some cases, if during childbirth the baby was injured or had various complications, then the mother can be discharged much earlier than the child. But the newborn will have to spend time under the supervision of doctors. This is especially true for children born much earlier than the due date.

After the birth of the baby, his mother will have to undergo mandatory examinations that will confirm that everything is in order with her body. Depending on the results of the tests, the length of stay in the maternity hospital can also be extended.

The answer to the question of how long they are discharged from the hospital depends on many factors: the condition of the baby and his mother, the results of tests and examinations. The minimum period of stay under the supervision of doctors is 3 days, but this period can be extended up to one and a half weeks.

Milk stasis is a dangerous phenomenon that can lead to mastitis and in the future the mother will not be able to continue breastfeeding. Thu...

Discharge from the hospital is a special procedure that includes a thorough examination of the mother and baby. There are a number of reasons why doctors do not let go home, but leave them under supervision.

When discharged after childbirth: basic rules

After the birth of a baby, a woman wants to be home as soon as possible to enjoy the long-awaited motherhood.

In the absence of contraindications, discharge after natural childbirth occurs on the 3rd day, after cesarean - on the 7th. However, labor does not always go without complications. Often, pathologies are detected not only in the mother, but also in the child. In this case, you need to be under the supervision of a specialist, so the discharge from the hospital is postponed.

Extract from the hospital: on what day after childbirth occurs

Depending on the type of labor activity, as well as complications after it, doctors set a different length of stay for a woman and a child in a maternity hospital. Consider how many days a woman needs to be under the supervision of specialists.

Natural childbirth: what days are discharged

If a woman gave birth on her own, and there are no postpartum consequences, then the discharge occurs on the 3rd day. This procedure includes a mandatory examination by a gynecologist and a neonatologist, based on the results, a decision is made on the discharge procedure.

Childbirth with maternal complications

There are situations when labor activity is accompanied by serious complications in a woman. In this case, the discharge from the maternity hospital is postponed for the time during which the problem is eliminated. The most common postpartum complications are:

  • severe tears, which are accompanied by suturing (a woman is allowed to go home no earlier than 4-5 days);
  • severe bleeding during childbirth, manual separation of the placenta or curettage (the patient is left under the supervision of doctors for a week);
  • inflammatory process on the scar after caesarean section, etc. (for treatment, intravenous droppers with antibiotics or surgery are prescribed, the patient is left in the maternity hospital until complete recovery);
  • anemia against the background of severe blood loss;
  • weak contraction of the uterus;
  • consequences of preeclampsia (being in the hospital is required until the blood pressure is completely stabilized).

To determine the pathology, a woman is examined on a gynecological chair, then an ultrasound procedure is prescribed. Based on the results of a comprehensive examination, a decision is made on the terms of stay in the maternity hospital.

An important point is the appearance of colostrum and breast milk in a woman. To establish this process, the patient is examined and trained by a breastfeeding specialist.

Normally, immediately after the birth of the baby, they are applied to the breast to release colostrum. The arrival of milk after natural childbirth occurs on the 3rd day, after a cesarean section a little later. Weak lactation is not a reason for a delay in discharge from the hospital.

Fetal pathologies: how many days are in the hospital

After birth, the neonatologist examines the baby, evaluates his condition on the Apgar scale. Severe pathologies of the child are a frequent reason for the delay in discharge from the maternity hospital. They can occur during labor or during fetal development. The main types of complications are:

  • congenital diseases (phenylketonuria, hypothyroidism, etc.);
  • lack of weight (normally, weight loss should stop on the 3-4th day after birth, if this figure is very high, then the baby is left under the supervision of doctors);
  • newborn jaundice;
  • birth before the due date;
  • pathology of the nervous system against the background of severe hypoxia;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • lack of basic reflexes;
  • infectious diseases.

Before discharge, the pediatrician conducts a mandatory examination of the umbilical cord wound, if it does not heal well or has a pronounced inflammatory process, then the child is left in the hospital. An extract occurs subject to the complete elimination of the problem, this may take up to 14 days.

Fetal death

Distinguish between antenatal and intranatal fetal death. In the first case, doctors diagnose the death of a child during pregnancy, the extraction is carried out within 14 days after the diagnosis is established.

Intranatal fetal death is caused by problems during childbirth. This may be due to the placenta, amniotic fluid, genetic problems, hypoxia and other reasons. In this case, the woman is left in the hospital for 7 days, after which, in the absence of contraindications, she is allowed to go home.

Caesarean section without complications

If the birth took place by caesarean section without visible complications, then the woman is discharged for 5-7 days. At discharge, they evaluate how well the stitches heal, how the woman is recovering, etc.

Where are they transferred from the maternity hospital with fetal pathologies

Each maternity hospital has a neonatal pathology department. It is there that a mother with a child is transferred in the presence of pathologies. In this department, the necessary treatment is carried out, after a successful completion they are allowed to go home.

If the child was born prematurely, breathes weakly, has jaundice and other pathologies, he is placed in a special chamber. He is in a joint ward, where the mother also stays. In the absence of such a department, the child and mother are transferred to a specialized medical institution.

How long can they stay in the hospital according to the law

According to the legislative framework, in the absence of complications, a woman is kept in the maternity hospital for no more than 4 days (after natural childbirth) and no more than 10 (after a caesarean section).

Staying in the pathology department is determined by the doctor individually and can last up to several months (in the case of premature babies).

If complications appear after discharge from the maternity hospital (incomplete removal of the placenta, the development of an infectious process, etc.), the woman in labor should contact the maternity hospital where she gave birth. According to the law, she will be treated and the existing problem will be eliminated. The only negative point is that the woman is in the pathology department of pregnant women without a child (regular pumping is recommended to maintain lactation).

Can I leave the hospital on my own?

If a woman wants to go home ahead of schedule, then this can be done after writing an official statement. It necessarily states that the patient takes responsibility for all possible risks, complications that may occur after discharge from the hospital. At the same time, the doctor conducts a mandatory examination of the woman and the child, in case of pathologies, the discharge is denied.

Escort after discharge

The next day after arriving home, a patronage nurse from the children's polyclinic at the place of residence comes to the child.

She conducts an external examination of the baby, carefully examines the umbilical wound, etc. During the first month of life, the district pediatrician conducts a weekly examination of the child at home.

From the second month, mother and child visit the children's polyclinic on their own.

What documents should be issued in the maternity hospital after discharge

Among the required documents from the maternity hospital, the mother should have:

  1. Certificate of birth of a child, which is provided to the regional registry office when issuing a birth certificate.
  2. Exchange card of the child for transfer to the district clinic. It indicates all the conclusions of the neonatologist from the maternity hospital: the weight, height of the child, as well as the mandatory information about the vaccination. In the maternity hospital, the baby is vaccinated against tuberculosis and hepatitis B.
  3. The exchange card of a woman who is transferred to the antenatal clinic. 2 months after giving birth, the mother undergoes a mandatory examination by a doctor.
  4. Birth certificate box. He is transferred to a children's clinic, where they monitor the child during the first year after birth.

An extract from the hospital occurs on the 4th to 10th day after birth. It all depends on the type of labor, the condition of the mother and child. In the presence of complications or congenital pathologies, a stay in the neonatal pathology department is required. The terms are determined by the doctor individually, the mother and baby are discharged after all problems have been eliminated.

Useful video

When the long-awaited child is finally born, the new mother is looking forward to the moment when she can go home with the baby. In order for the discharge from the hospital to take place without delay and turmoil, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. Even before the birth, you should find out what things will be needed upon discharge, what documents will be issued, and how, in fact, the procedure itself goes.

When you are discharged from the hospital

If the birth was natural and went without complications, the baby and his mother can be discharged home on the third day. If the birth was difficult, or the child was born by caesarean section, the length of stay in the hospital increases to 5-9 days. The decision to discharge is made by an obstetrician-gynecologist and a neonatologist (a pediatrician who deals with newborns).

Indications for discharge of the mother are:

  • Satisfactory general condition;
  • Uterine contraction, corresponding to the norm;
  • Normal urine and blood tests;
  • The absence of pathological discharge, indicating an inflammatory process;
  • Ultrasound results confirming there are no blood clots or remaining placenta in the uterus.

If any complications are found in a woman in labor: the sutures on the perineum, vagina, cervix, the suture after a cesarean section do not heal well, the hemoglobin level is reduced due to significant blood loss, or there are signs of an inflammatory process, she remains in the hospital until complete convalescence.

The newborn is also carefully examined before discharge from the hospital: standard urine and blood tests are performed, as well as tests for congenital diseases: hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, galactosemia, phenylketonuria, and adrenogenital syndrome. The neonatologist assesses the condition of the umbilical cord and the child's skin, muscle tone and weight changes. If the newborn is all right, he is in good health and has a normal temperature, he has received vaccinations against tuberculosis and hepatitis B, he is discharged.

Contraindications for discharge of a child are:

  • Infectious diseases;
  • Loss of body weight greater than 6-8% of the initial;
  • Jaundice of newborns in a pronounced form (when it is accompanied by a change in the color of feces and urine, vomiting);
  • Diagnosis - immature or premature baby;
  • Violations resulting from intrauterine hypoxia.

It happens that a mother and her baby are not discharged from the hospital at the same time. In the case when the child is discharged, but the mother is not, the baby remains with the mother. If the situation is reversed, and only the mother is discharged, the child is left in the neonatal unit until he is fully recovered.

What documents are issued upon discharge

  • A medical certificate of the birth of a child, on the basis of which the first official document of the baby will be issued at the registry office - a birth certificate.
  • An exchange card of a woman in labor, which is transferred to the antenatal clinic. This document contains information about the course of childbirth and the postpartum period.
  • The child's exchange card, which will become part of the general outpatient card of the child in the children's polyclinic. It contains information about the newborn - weight, height, blood type, assessment of the general condition at discharge, vaccination data, and others.
  • Birth certificate, which the pregnant woman handed over to the maternity hospital upon admission. Upon discharge, two coupons of this certificate are returned. They are transferred to the children's polyclinic, where the child will undergo free medical examinations up to 1 year.
  • In the event of complicated childbirth, the mother is issued a sick leave, which extends her maternity leave.

How is the checkout process

On the day of discharge from the maternity hospital, both the woman in labor and the newborn are examined by doctors, the last blood and urine tests are performed, blood pressure and body temperature are measured. If "go-ahead" is received from both the children's doctor and the gynecologist, the newly-made mother is issued and handed out documents for discharge. This procedure takes about half an hour.

Then the mother is invited to a lecture where they will tell how to properly care for the baby. After the lecture, she and her child are escorted to the dressing room. Outerwear and shoes are taken from the wardrobe, all other things necessary for the newborn and mother are given by relatives. Do not forget to tell your relatives in advance what clothes they should bring for you - on this wonderful day you will want to look especially beautiful.

What clothes do you need for a baby

Nowadays, a newborn baby is not swaddled, but immediately dressed "in an adult way" - in blouses, panties and overalls. The standard baby kit that a newborn will need upon discharge from the hospital includes:

  • vest;
  • blouse;
  • knitted rompers or bodysuit with overalls;
  • booties or socks;
  • a thin cap-cap that covers the ears well (in spring, autumn and winter, a warm knitted cap is put on top of it);
  • disposable diaper (size is selected depending on the weight of the baby);
  • outerwear - overalls or blanket-envelope.

What to give for discharge from the hospital

Among the most desired gifts are clothes for the baby (a suit for growth, overalls, a set of sliders or a bodysuit). Next in terms of popularity are a crib, a playpen, a bath, an infant carrier, as well as devices and devices that are useful for a family with a small child: a thermos or a thermal bag for bottles, a baby monitor, a bedside lamp, an orthopedic pillow for feeding, May-sling or sling-backpack. Such a universal gift as a large package of diapers will never be superfluous.

But with children's dishes, cosmetics for babies, toys and rattles, you should be careful. Children's cosmetics should be only natural, dishes for babies can be ceramic, plastic or glass, and withstand boiling water. Toys must be made of safe material - hypoallergenic plastic, wood or natural fabrics, it is better to buy them in specialized stores, where all products have a quality certificate.

Judging by the surveys that were conducted among women, many of them consider a certificate to the specialized store "Everything for Babies" to be an excellent gift for discharge from the maternity hospital, where parents themselves can choose the necessary things for their child.