Is it necessary to cut a child's hair a year: superstitions, traditions and modern rules

If you ask grandmothers why they should cut their baby’s hair at 12 months old, the most common answers will be the following phrases: “To make the hair thicker,” “That’s what our great-grandmothers did,” and “This will help drive away evil spirits.”

Such signs and superstitions encourage many parents to adhere to a ritual, the meaning of which they still do not understand. It is necessary to separate myths from the real state of affairs and have an idea of ​​how to properly care for children's hair.

Why do children get their hair cut every year?

Today, many parents implement rituals and ceremonies associated with a small child, without thinking about their meaning and purpose. And almost no one thinks about whether this or that procedure is necessary or whether it is just another superstition.

Most ancient peoples have traditions that require children to have their hair cut at a strictly defined age.

These rituals are associated with religious or mystical beliefs:

  • For example, Indian parents and today they cut the hair of one-year-old babies, as if saying goodbye to their past life and “programming” them for a more successful entry into the future;
  • Mongolian parents All relatives are invited to the child’s first haircut. The celebration consists of all guests cutting a lock of hair, giving some gift to the baby and saying wishes;
  • in Israel Little boys brought up in religious families wear sidelocks until they are three years old. However, ordinary parents also adhere to this rule. At the age of 3, the most respected relative cuts the hair first, then other guests join the ritual.

The ancient Slavs also had a ritual based on folk beliefs. Thus, parents were warned against cutting their children’s hair, because people believed that early haircut (before 12 months of age) would lead to weakness, pain, unluckiness, and poverty of the child.

Slavic rituals

In Ancient Rus', cutting the hair of a one-year-old baby was intended to symbolize the transition to a completely different life and protect the child from the evil eye, damage and the pranks of small demons.

The haircut of a one-year-old child was carried out according to strict rules and specific algorithm:

  1. They started picking up scissors at 12 months. If you are late or rush with a haircut, then it will lose its sacred meaning. That is, the ritual will become a regular hygienic procedure.
  2. In order for children's hair to grow back faster, a haircut per year had to be done on the growing moon. This rule was especially true for female infants.
  3. Usually the godparents performed the ritual, since they could not trust such a thing to a stranger. A sheep skin was spread in the middle of the nursery and the baby was placed on it. The intended parents cut off the baby's locks in four places, like a cross.
  4. Afterwards, the hair was hidden behind the icon and was considered a kind of amulet that protected against diseases and damage. There is also information that the strands were buried in an anthill (for wealth) or placed under the ceiling.

And today, parents continue to believe that the strands cut off at 12 months should be kept at home. They take it out and put it under the pillow if the baby has nightmares. Another use case is to demonstrate a curl to a first grader for better learning.

Grooming one-year-old children is still a popular procedure, because many parents are confident in the usefulness of such actions. Moms and dads once heard from grandmothers that children's hair would become thicker, fuller and healthier.

It is necessary to understand whether parents’ opinions about the benefits of an “anniversary” hairstyle have any basis or are common common misconceptions:

Read below for a more detailed debunking of popular myths about children's hair. However, it is safe to say that such superstitions are quite tenacious and have been passed on from generation to generation for several centuries.

Pros and cons of cutting children's hair early

In Soviet times, one-year-old children were usually cut bald, without thinking about why such a procedure was necessary. And if the child was wearing a pantsuit, then it was almost impossible to understand who was in front of you - a boy or a girl.

Arguments against"

Modern experts are convinced that cutting a child’s hair at one year old is not only not beneficial, but can even cause significant harm to the child’s health.

Hair, as noted earlier, is formed in babies while still in the mother’s womb, which is why children are born with fluff on the head and even all over the body.

After some time, the newborn hair begins to fall out, and more mature hairs appear in its place. By the way, they often have a completely different color. It is also normal that new hair is delayed.

Trichologists lead Several arguments refuting the importance of a child’s haircut per year:

  1. The basis of the hairs are bulbs, which are located inside the skin. Therefore, everything that happens outside to the hair can in no way affect its formation in the inner layers.
  2. Some mothers and fathers are convinced that after cutting their hair becomes thicker. However, this impression is deceptive, since the density is created due to the equal length of all children's hairs.
  3. Hair follicles at 1 year of age are excessively weak and susceptible to damage. That's why even the most careful parents can accidentally pull the scissors and injure the hair follicles. This, on the contrary, will harm hair growth.
  4. One-year-old babies have very delicate skin, including on their heads. Often a child feels severe discomfort as a result of irritated skin, especially since prickly stubble begins to grow on the head.
  5. Using a shaving machine results in small scratches. These microscopic lesions become a “gateway” for pathogens. And this is already fraught with infection and inflammation.

There are no scientific studies that would confirm that after a haircut at the age of one, children’s hair grows faster, looks healthier and thicker. The appearance of hair depends on good nutrition, rich in vitamins, genes and proper hygiene.

Despite the fact that cutting a child's hair at 12 months will not have a positive effect on the hair structure, in some situations a haircut may still be necessary.

When getting rid of excess hair on the head is justified:

  1. Because of his long hair, the boy is often mistaken for a baby. In this case, mothers, tired of explaining that there is not a “beautiful girl” in the stroller, but a future man, decide to use scissors (it’s still not worth shaving the child).
  2. Hot summer is another reason to get rid of excessive vegetation. Usually children whose first anniversary falls in the summer months get their hair cut. With a short hairstyle, it will be easier for an active baby to survive hot weather.
  3. A haircut is also acceptable if the long bangs cover the eyes. Firstly, hair constantly gets into the child’s mouth while eating, and secondly, overgrown curls can reduce the child’s visual acuity.
  4. Head injuries are an important reason to cut your hair. Many children are curious and constantly explore the world around them. Unfortunately, the process of learning is often accompanied by scratches. To treat the head, you will have to cut your hair.
  5. Many children have infantile scabs on their heads, which are extremely difficult to remove. It is not recommended to comb them, but for better treatment, you can cut the hairs short. Of course, in this case you cannot shave your head.

The desire of parents to see their child neatly cut hair is understandable. However, for this it is absolutely not necessary to cut it bald; it is enough to simply cut off the bangs that cover the eyes, or trim the strands that get into the mouth.

How to cut a one-year-old child's hair?

If you still decide in favor of cutting your one-year-old child’s hair, you need to understand how this procedure is performed correctly. Usually, excess hair is removed from a child’s head at home, and not in a hairdresser, by performing a few important rules:

  • no need to shave the baby. The machine is suitable for adults only. At the age of one, the clipper can injure the hair follicles due to clinging to the hair. In addition, the noise it makes can frighten a child;
  • take the right scissors. This tool should have rounded tips. These scissors will not scratch your scalp. As a last resort, you can use a trimmer, the sound of which is not as strong as that of a machine;
  • wet your hair first. It will be easier to cut a one-year-old child's hair if you wash his hair before the procedure. Wet hair is more convenient for trimming;
  • wait until the child calms down. In order for the haircut to go without any problems, you need to choose the most suitable time for it. For example, wait until the child has had lunch or taken a nap. If the baby cries or is sick, the procedure is postponed.
  • create a comfortable environment. It is important to make sure that the baby feels comfortable. To do this, you need to prepare new interesting cars or dolls or certain delicacies. You should also communicate with the child in a calm voice at all times;
  • wash the child. As soon as the procedure is completed, you need to wash the baby in warm water to get rid of hairs. Be sure to carefully inspect all folds so as not to forget sharp stubble.

A mandatory item is to treat the child’s head with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine), if you did not use scissors, but a shaving machine. You should also lubricate the skin with baby moisturizer.

As a conclusion

If the baby is categorically against a haircut, there is no need to insist. A similar procedure can always be carried out after a couple of months. A child's haircut must be postponed if he has recently been ill or has undergone any medical manipulation of the head.

Is it necessary to cut a child's hair every year? This is not at all necessary. But if for some reason you decide to resort to hairdressing manipulations, you need to firmly know how to cut a baby’s hair, with what tools, in what environment. This will help avoid possible negative consequences.

When a child is born, there is no real hair on his head. He may be born completely bald, or his head will be covered with the finest fluff. This fluff will last on the child’s head for about six months, usually up to 4 months. Then all the first hairs will gradually fall out and be replaced by real ones, stronger and thicker. However, the process of hair replacement may take a long time, and then you may still have the same light fluff instead of good hair.

Should I follow tradition?

Traditionally, it is believed that the child should be cut bald at this time, so that after this the hair will grow back to normal. Perhaps for some children who still have not completely gotten rid of their first hairs, such a procedure will be beneficial. But this is rather an exception to the rule. No changes in the hair structure can occur from a haircut. Even after this procedure, the child’s hair may remain thin and sparse for a long time. Or, on the contrary, thick and long ones can grow already in a year. The whole point here is not in a timely haircut, but in the genes and heredity of the parents.

In some families, this tradition causes considerable controversy and even scandals, when young mothers do not want to give their one-year-old children to the hands of hairdressers, and grandmothers accuse them of breaking traditions. Where did mothers and grandmothers get the confidence that it is simply necessary to cut their child’s hair? It's all about an ancient Christian custom: families used to cut off a lock of hair, wrap it in a scarf, which was placed in the red corner next to the icons. Such a package was supposed to protect the child from harm. When a girl got married or a guy left, this bundle of hair was given to them as a talisman for good luck and happiness.

Don't harm the baby!

This long-standing custom no longer has anything in common with the current state of affairs. Therefore, the baby’s hair can simply be trimmed so that it doesn’t get in the eyes and looks more neat, but not cut bald. In the summer, such a procedure will cause smiles and ridicule from passers-by and other children, making both the child and the mother feel uncomfortable, and in the winter it will deprive the child of natural heating. In addition, you can easily injure or scare your baby with a machine. There are no positive aspects to this haircut.

It is recommended to shave a child's head only in cases of extreme necessity: when he has lice, and it is impossible to get them out by other means, when chewing gum or burdock gets in his way. Such extreme cases are very rare for young children, so don't worry, let your child's hair grow naturally.

Just a few years ago, almost all babies were bald a year. Our grandparents were quite active in shaving our parents' heads to encourage hair growth. Nowadays it is much less common to see a shaved baby. And this is good, because such treatment of delicate skin can cause many problems.

How hair changes in children

The hair of a newborn is very different from that of an adult. They are more like light fluff. Even if the hair is very long, it is most often thin and light. Any breeze makes them stand on end. It is extremely rare for babies to be born with thick curls.

All these inconveniences – scabs on the baby’s head, inflammation, ingrown hairs, hard stubble – are unlikely to contribute to the child’s well-being. A more appropriate option for parents is to simply let the hair grow, cutting it off where it causes discomfort. Some people already have thick hair at the age of 1 year, while others live with “two hairs” until they are almost 2 years old. You shouldn’t worry about this and harm your own child by shaving his head. There is a time for everything: fuzz is replaced by hair in children sooner or later.

Kitten, 07.09.04 20:47

Girls, is it necessary to do this? Some people say it is necessary, then even if the child had little hair, the hair begins to grow, while others say that this is not at all necessary, that what it should grow will grow.
I wouldn’t like to shave my hair, Paul, we don’t have much of it anyway.

TaNic, 07.09.04 20:51

I haven’t done this and I don’t intend to do this in the next three years. Vityushka has such charming curls that he has absolutely no use for it now.

hair starts to grow

I think this is all nonsense. What is in the genes will come out on the head!

Ariella, 07.09.04 21:09

No one here ever shave their heads. In general, boys get their hair cut for the first time at the age of three, this is the tradition. This is all nonsense about the thickness of hair after shaving. Only genetics plays a role here, and nutrition and care, of course!

mamarina, 07.09.04 21:16

NO NEED TO SHAVE! I was shaved for a year and my hair didn’t grow back! It is what it is. It simply speeds up the process of permanent hair appearing instead of baby fuzz. And if you don’t shave, the hair is replaced gradually

Christmas tree, 07.09.04 21:34

We didn't shave either.

Scheherazade, 08.09.04 01:04

Mom didn’t shave us, I certainly don’t have hair, but it’s something) but my brother really has HAIR) (I envy you with white envy) My mother-in-law kept trying to shave a little hair, but I didn’t let him. And I won’t, when we return from vacation I’ll just cut it.

bistrinka, 08.09.04 01:14

I also resisted my relatives for a long time; for some reason they all wanted to shave my daughter
In general, I haven’t shaved and don’t plan to, I trimmed my bangs, took me to the hairdresser for a haircut when I was 2 years old.

Bobbin, 08.09.04 01:21

I agree with the girls.

Only genetics plays a role here, and nutrition and care, of course!

Solange, 08.09.04 06:46

I'm one of those people who shaved my son. True, there was nothing particularly to regret: by the year he had grown three hairs in five rows. I also hoped that a haircut every year would add thickness and even out hair growth, in my own right, that’s why we shaved. The result is zero. So now I am convinced from my own experience that this does not give anything, we did not get any hair.

Lena, 08.09.04 06:54

we didn’t shave either.....our grandfather still demands a bald grandson

Bun, 08.09.04 08:12

I didn't shave because... I know for sure that the result is zero. As a child, I was shaved bald, in the end, as there were 2 hairs in 3 rows, it remained that way, but they didn’t shave my sister, you’ll be jealous of her hair.

That's it, my sister and I didn't have a shave and I don't know what to do with this hair, but it didn't save her at all, they just disfigured the child.

Lotus, 08.09.04 08:19

Not only is shaving your head a useless procedure, but it can also cause harm. You can damage the hair follicles and, on the contrary, your hair will become bad.

A®Nata, 08.09.04 08:35

We had baby fluff and still have it, although we shaved it when we were one year old. The youngest daughter did not shave, although she only had one forelock.

Lucia, 08.09.04 08:52

We didn't shave, but we cut it with a clipper twice, because it was already getting into our eyes. His hair is now thick and thick. Although my husband and I have average hair.

marywik, 08.09.04 09:21

didn't shave, trimmed it a little

Sindirella, 08.09.04 09:24

marywik And despite this, hair grows just the same! So shaving has nothing to do with it

MariaH, 08.09.04 09:40

My mother also told me: I need to shave the child, the hair will supposedly be thicker (much thicker). I didn’t agree, I said that it was all nonsense, and then in one magazine I found proof that I was right. Shave, don’t shave, but what’s embedded can’t be avoided, unless there’s some kind of illness and the hair comes out on its own. Many of my acquaintances, the older generation, give examples that after shaving the hair became thicker, but this has its own explanation: from 3 to 7 years old, children’s hair structure naturally changes from temporary to permanent, so it turns out that three hairs turn into a thick one. hair, and not because the child was shaved (it just coincides in time).

Nathan, 09.09.04 13:30

I didn’t shave my son either.

Clip, 09.09.04 13:50

I haven't been shaved, my hair is very decent. I didn’t shave my eldest son either, there is so much hair that hairdressers cry. I won’t shave my youngest either.

Oroya, 09.09.04 14:19

Yes, all the “postpartum” hair came out on its own in the first 3 months (which explains the need to cut it in the grandmother’s year)
A friend cut her son’s hair like that, the boy looked in the mirror and... cried

Nyuta, 10.09.04 11:41

And I didn’t shave.. I think that if the hair follicles are clogged.. then the hair will grow back anyway, and shaving will only disfigure the babies.. the haircut was formed gradually.. now the hair is beautiful.. we are 1.5 years old..

Divo, 10.09.04 11:53

I will shave (most likely, I will trim it at the root with a clipper) for obscurantist reasons.

Lyon, 10.09.04 12:04

I think it’s stupid to say that hair grows better after shaving. No logical explanation
But yes, the bulbs can be damaged!

Lyon, 10.09.04 12:05

"obscurantist" - what's that?

matryoshka, 10.09.04 12:10

I didn’t shave the girls, and so thick hair grew, and my son, when he was one year old, had his hair cut short with a clipper, but not bald... I wouldn’t have cut it, it’s just that his hair grew unevenly.

Tomboy, 11.09.04 23:08

In general, we have always been hairy, we were even born with long hair. I haven’t cut my hair and I don’t intend to! And our hair can be seen on our avatar

Mikimota, 11.09.04 23:23

OFF topic:

Mari, 12.09.04 00:24

Actually, this is the first time I’ve heard this - shaving. What stupidity.

Every time I see the title of a topic, I stubbornly read “should I hit a child at one year old” and quietly give a fuck

Alya, 12.09.04 02:55

I also heard that after shaving a year, children’s hair grows better.. but I haven’t shaved mine yet.. :devil:

Mom Tanya, 12.09.04 15:06

I think that if you have nothing to regret, you should shave... This is what we had this year...

Mom Tanya, 12.09.04 15:08

This is what we are doing in 1 year and 5 months. done...

Mom Tanya, 12.09.04 15:12

This is what grew after 5 months (don’t worry, long ones will grow by the end of the day)

Mom Tanya, 12.09.04 15:15

And this is what curly hair we have now.... Only I smeared burdock oil on my bald head....

Mom Tanya, 12.09.04 15:17

In our example, the hair has become better, but a friend has a daughter of the same age, and she walks around with 3 hairs until they grow. Maybe, of course, this won’t make them better, but by removing the vellus hairs, the “real” ones begin to grow

Mikimota, 12.09.04 15:26

Mom Tanya

But for me, even before shaving it was great! charming child. and by your current age the industries would be exactly the same.

but the bald little girl in the photo looks something... ... well... I have all sorts of unpleasant associations... in short
I would be sorry

Mom Tanya, 12.09.04 22:29

Mikimota It wouldn’t be an industry.... I’m telling you, I’m comparing my friend’s daughter, hers and mine had the same hair, now we have it better, she regrets that she didn’t follow my example

Svetlanka, 12.09.04 23:08

I took my daughter to my master literally 10 days ago (a year and 2 months). Our hair wasn’t growing at all, so I decided to cut it all off. I don’t know what will grow, but I’m sure it will be better than it was.

Mom Ksyusha, 13.09.04 13:15

Mom Tanya
Sorry, of course, but comparing two different children is a thankless task. What does this have to do with your friend's baby? It cannot be the same. And shaving, in my opinion, still has nothing to do with it. It's just time for the hair to change.
I’ll say right away that we didn’t shave Kotya, we just cut his bangs as he grew so that they wouldn’t get into his eyes. The fluff itself changed to normal hair. And it’s so obvious, it’s even funny. He was born dark brown, then gradually became red. And after about a year (a little more) he became blond.
But I can’t logically understand how you can change its thickness by simply cutting off your hair... The bulbs remain in place, but as they already said, what is genetically determined, that’s what will happen. What does shaving have to do with it?
In general, we need to think about where this “dense” ancient custom got its legs from... It seems to me that in Rus' there was simply no time to tinker with the hair of such babies. The working population was all in the field, either children or old women were sitting with the crumbs. So they shaved so that no living creatures would get into this cannon. And it's easier to wash...
But this is my guess. What do you think?

Irishk@, 13.09.04 13:43

Mom Tanya
Honestly speaking, looking at photo No. 2, my heart sank. Even for the sake of beautiful hair, I wouldn’t do this to my daughter. Okay, boy, but for a girl.

Solange, 13.09.04 13:49

Mom Tanya
I don’t know if the haircut helped you or if your hair would have been good anyway, but I can’t resist complimenting you: what a beautiful daughter you have. Eyes

jun, 13.09.04 13:58

We shaved Nastya at 1.2, it was winter and you couldn’t see it under the cap, but now, after 7 months, the hair has become a little thicker, but it grows very slowly, and they still confuse us with a boy, my mother says. that my hair was like this until I was five years old, and then it began to grow thick and began to curl. So the haircut doesn't really help.

Lion cub, 14.09.04 13:54

I’m not a supporter of shaving at all, I feel very sorry for my daughter, and I don’t believe in the dependence of hair quality and shaving.
But the hairs grow very slowly and are thin, and there is no smell of bangs at all. Mom Tanya, you even had more at one year old than we did. Did you just apply burdock oil and then wash it off? Maybe you can do without shaving, just oil? OFF, your daughter is charming, your hair is really great, and your eyes...

Ilmik, 14.09.04 14:04

I will cut it with a clipper, because we don’t know what to do with this hair anymore.
The eldest was shaved, but his hair did not improve.
The girl probably wouldn't shave

Abushka's mom, 14.09.04 21:02

It is not true that hair grows better if parents have 3 hairs, where will the child have hair? They snoop around, whoever wants it, baby fluff, whoever doesn’t, it is then gradually replaced by hairs. We shaved at 10 months - even though there were few hairs, they grew unevenly, we shaved at home with a clipper, then dad himself cut it into a half-box, and in the summer we shaved hot. The hairs have grown and the number has increased. But I wouldn't shave a girl.
I just remember a classmate who was shaved bald until the 6th grade, she always wore a headscarf, but there were only 3 hairs and they stayed that way.

Solange, 14.09.04 21:12

It is not true that hair grows better if parents have 3 hairs, where will the child have hair?

Genes, you know, sometimes give away such tricks. The hair type of a child can be like that of a grandmother or grandfather, for example. My mother has gorgeous thick wavy hair (I wonder if she had her hair cut when she was a year old), but I have the most average hair, not three hairs, of course, but far from my mother’s...

Mom Tanya, 14.09.04 21:56

Solange, exactly! By the way, neither my nor my husband’s hair is curly and even in childhood it was not curly
And I shaved

Anna, 14.09.04 22:12

I haven’t shaved and I don’t plan to shave. This is all very individual, and you probably shouldn’t compare children...

Antinea, 14.09.04 22:27

We shaved our Ilyushka at 1.7 years old in a hairdressing salon. I told him that a tractor would drive over his head and buzz, he wasn’t at all scared and didn’t cry, but kept looking at the “tractor.” Dad held him on his knees, my mother-in-law was jumping around, and I filmed all this “disgrace” on camera. And then They asked my son, “Did you like getting your hair cut?” To which we received the answer “Yes-ah”
We had just catastrophically little hair, although after the haircut it didn’t increase at all, it became coarser and darker. But when they cut my hair as a child, I caused a huge scandal in the hairdresser!

Divo, 14.09.04 22:40

In fact, for obscurantist reasons, it is not recommended to cut a child’s hair BEFORE of the year.
Since I am sure that not everything is so simple with our hair (that is, it is not fur for beauty and so that the head does not freeze), then it seems to me right to carry out a certain ritual - similar to cutting the hair of Jewish boys at the age of three. If it also helps hair growth, great!

Ice, 15.09.04 23:13

I listened to enough advice that my hair would grow thicker and shaved mine when I was 1 and 3 years old, but my hair did not grow quickly and I didn’t notice any thickness.

Divo, 15.09.04 23:41

There is a nuance: in order for hair to grow well, it makes sense to cut it during the waxing (waxing) moon.
Yes, and if we can still cut our son’s hair, especially a little one, ourselves, then it’s better to give my husband “into the wrong hands.” This is an obscurantism based on the story of Samson and Delilah.

Tasha, 17.09.04 20:50

oooh, how they got me, shave, shave! Moreover, I went to the hairdresser to cut my own hair and straighten Sophia’s curls - the hairdresser went there too, with a bunch of superstitious sayings...
And the mother-in-law did not cut any of her three children - all of them had hair - God grant my daughter at least a third... Well, I didn’t complain about the hair either. This is what I mean by genes. Even though they cut my hair mercilessly and probably always on the waning moon, they grew slowly.

I won't cut my daughter's hair. I can imagine her stress when she sees herself in the mirror! She loves her reflection so much, grimaces and is kind to him, and then...
No... at three years old, according to the laws of nature, the vellus hairs will one way or another be replaced by more or less adult ones, and even if you cut them at the same time, you will also help speed up the renewal of those vellus hairs to normal ones.

Mikimota, 17.09.04 21:28

I think it has to do with some cultural traditions... (because I wouldn’t say that Ukrainians have thicker hair than Moscow ones)

Tasha, 17.09.04 22:34

Mikimota Yes nothing (even ordinary).
The region has nothing to do with it. It's more a matter of being "well-read". In cities they shave less often, I can say for sure. and accordingly, those who recently live in the city, and/or have roots, large relatives in the village, with established customs and orders, will follow. (in the village where my grandmother lives, for example, there are also plenty of advanced parents, even though Glub is nowhere further)

Mom Tanya, 17.09.04 23:47

Mikimota, Oh, thanks.....

Tasha, there are no relatives in the village, there was only my mother’s mother, the rest were urban
It’s just that when we were one year old, and we had 3 hairs in 2 rows, there was nothing to regret, you couldn’t even tie a ponytail: it was sparsely, sparsely, so we shaved.....
And you: crests, village, unpleasant and offensive, honestly....

Divo, 18.09.04 09:46

We've arrived!!! Therefore, parents who do not shave their children are advanced, well-read and generally more correct...
And a one-year-old girl, it seems to me, should be a little indifferent whether she has braids or a shaved head. I myself was naturally completely bald when I was one year old and, as far as I can remember, it didn’t bother me at all!

Mom Tanya
Your daughter is indescribably beautiful! The tattered goat is nothing to look at!

Mom Tanya, 18.09.04 10:05

Divo, Thanks for the compliment
By the way, mine didn’t care at all either, well, maybe for 2 days at night I felt my head and that, it seems to me, was because the hairs were growing and prickly

Scarlett, 18.09.04 10:08

but I don’t agree that the child doesn’t care anyway. My niece felt her bald head and cried bitterly
I still remain in my opinion: shave even before the 10th grade, there is no good hair laid down by nature - a person will remain without it.

Divo, 18.09.04 10:17

This is what we can argue and prove as much as we want - this is what this thread is about. There are examples and arguments pro and contra - let's listen! There is simply a dull conviction that whether this is necessary or not is also interesting. But to generalize in the same way, as I said above, is not the place... Although - let's inflate the flame!!! It's been a while since there's been a hot topic about hair!!!

By the way, you, Irin, complained about hair loss! Would you like to cut your hair short? Otherwise man Look what you did to yourself - now you can expect an increased harvest of hair follicles!

Scarlett, 18.09.04 10:27

about the reaction of children - I saw a specific example of my niece. About the influence of the haircut: the neighbor girl who lived next to my grandmother had her hair cut until she was in the 5th grade with 3 hairs in a row - and it remained that way. My grandmother always spat on this and said the same thing as me about heredity.
You can’t cut my hair short, I have a healthy muzzle: devil:

Solange, 18.09.04 13:51

Well, until the fifth grade, it’s clearly too much... The topic is “Is it necessary to shave a child who is ONE YEAR OLD?”
To be honest, it seems to me that at this age the baby is deeply purple, whether there is vegetation on his head or not. Although, I repeat, no significant changes for the better were observed after the haircut. But, sorry, talking about the stress of a one-year-old child who sees himself bald in the mirror seems frivolous to me. I declare with full responsibility that we did not have any stress.

Mikimota, 18.09.04 16:37

mom Tanya

girls, what are you doing? Where did I write that shaving is “lack of reading” or “village”. I wrote about “cultural traditions”. Don’t draw such conclusions yourself, please. Every little house, as they say, has its own rattles. Well, I don't really like your "rattles", but that doesn't mean they're bad at all. They don't suit me, that's all.
undoubtedly, such traditions do not exist in Moscow or have not been preserved. But among my relatives in Ukraine, it’s very common to shave, and my husband’s dad also offers to shave Lev, he says they shaved him too.

it was, so to speak, a statement of fact, where people shave more often (just look at the girls’ posts to see who shaves their children and who doesn’t. The connection with the region will be obvious)

Tasha, 19.09.04 01:02

Divo and what else? (parents who don't shave?)
and which ones shave?
opinion poll?

and also - NOT "should"! this is not a block of wood with eyes - and a flirtatious person can and will survive, but she will always see that pity in my eyes (as long as her hair grows) ... why?

Mom Tanya

I assumed about traditions because shaving or not shaving is rather some kind of ancient custom. the roots of customs are “from the land”, “from the village”, whatever one may say. but these customs, in addition to direct relatives, are also transmitted by word of mouth from the BBC (the woman said to the woman). to whom and why does it “fall” so gracefully? Why do some people easily trust “what people say”?

Mom Tanya, 19.09.04 01:52


Tasha, 19.09.04 03:46

But how does grandma know what to do and when? Mom Tanya, not directly (said, read, etc.) but indirectly - the memory of ancestors or some other nonsense that is stored by a mind untainted by civilization. (I just didn’t understand your example, what about the people, the comparison of hair, whether the parents knew or not?)

There were no contradictions and there is no need to invent that someone misunderstands it. I’m talking about where cultural traditions grow from, where they take roots and how they mature. :eyes:
The townspeople are cut off from the ancient (e(e)rubble maybe? Some write in Arabic letters and we do the same) culture and little by little they become their own, what they already have. Some people don’t shave, some wear diapers until they are three years old, some don’t get vaccinated - everyone has a flag in their hands.

Mikimota, 19.09.04 08:33

Some people don’t shave, some wear diapers until they are three years old, some don’t get vaccinated - everyone has a flag in their hands.

Is it worth looking for a hidden meaning in the fact that these three actions are placed on the same line? Is it for example that you don’t approve of all this or what?

mom Tanya
my deep IMHO - shave or don’t shave, what God has given, the question will grow as to how quickly. and your daughter really is a real beauty! (before shaving, what after) - and with the same big eyes as mom

Scarlett, 19.09.04 08:37

I gave an example that shaving is useless if Mother Nature did not give good hair.
I declare with the same responsibility that my niece was worried for a long time that she had no hair. Children are all different. For some, stress is one thing, for others it is something else.

Mom Tanya, 19.09.04 09:57

Tasha, what does it have to do with the people? What I mean is that it’s not BBS that’s for sure, by the way, I don’t particularly listen to women in this regard, as well as to the fact that diapers are harmful, they did without them, or just like that you need to breastfeed until 9 months, because that's how they fed...
Why didn’t my parents know?... Despite the fact that they wouldn’t let me shave, because they didn’t believe me either and they felt sorry for my daughter... They didn’t shave me
Well, as for the comparison of hair, God himself ordered it, by the way
And about diapers up to 3 years old.... I don’t see any crime in this either, because... the norm, if under 3 years of age the child does not ask to pee, but otherwise is normally developed, what should he do: beat him or let him be peed on the street in the cold each his own....
Mikimota, thanks for the compliment
Maybe you’re right, but neither you nor I will know: you’re not going to shave Lev, are you? Just as you will know what would have happened if I had shaved, so will I: I will never know what would have happened if I had not shaved Natasha. So everyone will still have their own opinion.

Nesabudka, 19.09.04 16:53

I read “should I hit a child?”

We won’t shave by the age of one, our baby is already bald. And there’s no need for it, I think so.

Cranberry, 19.09.04 18:52

Tasha it has nothing to do with the people, in my case: my grandmother just shaved my sister when she was one year old, my parents didn’t even know (they lived in the north), but no one shaved me, and believe me, her and I’s hair is completely different: She has thick , they even started to curl slightly, but for me: thin and straight...

Both my sister and I were not shaved. My hair is thick and wavy (when long), but my sister’s is straight and rather thin.
I think it’s still a matter of nature... what it gave, it gave.

Tasha, 20.09.04 22:53

Mikimota there is a meaning and there is no meaning - in fact - these are new rules of the game... don’t you notice how they take root? Do I mind that you! (it’s like an abrasion) sounds pompous, but it’s meaningless, however, to each his own, and the flag in this sense meant “not to give up and not to be led by doubts” who are not going to act “as EVERYONE does”
somehow like this

Mikimota, 21.09.04 09:32


To be honest, not shaving your baby is nothing new. my maternal relatives didn't do that.
And I’m not talking about vaccinations. who made them 100 years ago? and 200?

I would still link this with the definition. tradition in def. circles

Solange, 21.09.04 13:09

Report the results later.

Tasha, 21.09.04 15:19

Solange ,
A Manechka I've already posted the results in my avatar. (Man, don’t be offended.... joke - sunflowers somehow fit the theme of shaving)

Tanusik, 22.09.04 21:56

There is no way I will shave my daughter. I don’t believe that my hair will get better, what is determined by genetics will grow!!! The number of hair follicles from shaving will not increase.

marunia, 22.09.04 22:58

I also resisted my relatives for a long time
Let them shave themselves...))))

Russian girl, 22.09.04 23:39

no one forced me to shave
But from my own experience and my brother, we were shaved at the age of 1 and we have wonderful hair, even my historian said that I have the most beautiful hair of all the girls in the class
I shaved my daughter at 1 year and 2 months and she didn’t cry at all looking at her bald head: eyes:, on the contrary, she liked her new condition, she had a new thing - scratching her bald spot and in the summer it wasn’t hot at all - another plus, + we started wearing various hats, and it suited us very well. Since then, my dacha loves hats.
Her hair grew until she was a year old very slow and there were 3 hairs and red color, although we don’t have anyone with red hair in our family and I didn’t like it.
After shaving In 4 months, the same amount of growth has grown as before for a whole year.+finally I have the snow-white curls that I dreamed of so much+my hair has become MUCH thicker:eyes:
Based on the example of my friends, shaving has only benefited everyone. It really stimulates hair growth.
This is our experience.
P.S. I don’t believe that the bulbs can be damaged, you just need to choose the right razor for this and that’s it!

Mariska, 30.11.04 22:48

Moms, can you give me some advice? My daughter hasn’t had her hair cut since birth, but we still have a short haircut! On the street in the summer (until they put on a hat) they only called us a boy! Our friends laugh and ask when we will be able to buy hairpins as gifts. I'm starting to get tired of this!

Katilda, 30.11.04 23:05

We also had terrible hair, we shaved Dima when he was 8 months old. Not to say that the hair has become much thicker, but it has become smoother and grows more accurately... Although, nevertheless, it has also become thicker... In general, many “bald” people go until they are 3 years old, there is nothing wrong with that, they will still have time to grow .

This topic seems to have come up recently; There are a lot of tips on how to grow your hair faster and thicker.
Good luck!

kaneeli, 30.11.04 23:08

Everyone’s hair grows differently, and yours will too. So, don’t be too upset, but let them buy hair clips, they will come in handy soon...

Safi, 30.11.04 23:17

My God, you are only one and three years old, and you are worried! My young lady's hair began to grow only after one and a half. She has a friend - she is almost 3 years old, and her hair is very, very short (slightly longer than a crew cut and she has never been cut), but it is so thick and strong!
If you really feel like it, rub burdock oil on it. You don’t even have to wash it off - it’s completely absorbed in a day or two. If you are not comfortable with not rinsing, rub in the oil, put a bathing cap on your head and let it sit for at least an hour, and then rinse. I don't wash it off. Hair will grow faster, thicker, stronger and very healthy!
Pharmacies now have a large selection of burdock oil. You can choose unscented or scented. Good - German flavored.

TanYushina, 30.11.04 23:22

We cut Antosha's hair for the first time when he was 2 years old. And over the past 4 months, almost nothing has grown. By the way, my husband was bald until he was 3 years old. Genetics...

Tanusik, 30.11.04 23:41

Mariska, don’t worry so much, of course your hair will grow. It’s certainly unpleasant when a girl is mistaken for a boy (we were also mistaken before). At about 1.5 years old, our hair began to actively grow and by the age of two we had two nice little ponytails.

Solange, 01.12.04 07:48

And we are from the bald ones. Three hairs in five rows, an eternal tangle on the back of the head.

Svetlanka, 01.12.04 16:18

My daughter's hair doesn't grow very well either. I would say it's very slow. I cut her hair exactly when she was one year old and since then they have been growing better, but not much.
Every other day I rub in burdock oil and comb our hairs with a soft brush 2-3 times a day. I'm really looking forward to the result!

Antinea, 01.12.04 22:41

And take us into the “bald club” too, we got our first haircut at the age of 1 year 6 months, but the hair hasn’t increased, maybe it’s just stronger, but I’m not worried. My husband isn’t even thirty yet, but he’s already going bald, yes and dad was always bald too
We jokingly call Ilyushka Kotovsky.

mamarina, 01.12.04 22:56

Lion cub, 02.12.04 00:08

We are also almost bald, and they call my Lianka, dressed all in pink, a wonderful boy. I hope someday we will wear hairpins and bows. Now I’ve started giving my daughter natural calcium with the same natural vitamin D, maybe what good will happen. I’ll definitely try burdock oil too. I don’t want to shave, even though we only have fluff, but I can’t imagine my little girl being shaved.

Mariska, 02.12.04 22:56

Thanks everyone!!! I will definitely rub in burdock oil! In fact, there was no panic as such, I just wanted to find out how I could help my daughter in a motherly way. We had a funny incident on the beach: a woman looked at my Masya and shouted to her friends: “Look how funny the baby is, bald in front and curly in the back!” (we have a few curls only on the back of our heads).

Nastic, 03.12.04 00:01

We’re not very shaggy either, but somehow we’re not worried about it. They’ll grow up, where will they go?

True, over the last 4 months my hair has started to grow quite quickly.

Scheherazade, 03.12.04 21:27

And our Dalka is not shaggy. Only very curly. When we bathe, you can see that the hairs are long, and the dry hairs are fluffy, everything is holy, it feels like there are only three hairs. Somehow they started rubbing in natural olive oil, but our child is wildly against such a procedure. She doesn't like people touching her head at all. That's how we live. It's been 2 years and I haven't even had my hair cut once.

Slonya, 04.12.04 01:28

And we are bald too.... And we also have a bald spot on the very top of our heads.... Doctors say, maybe it will stay like that, or maybe they will grow... But the bald spot is from birth.... Gryat will probably grow up and get a transplant hair... But we have a boy...

mama Ksushki, 16.12.04 00:11

Our hair is also not thick, but it seemed to me that when I started giving vitamin D in water rather than in oil, it began to grow better. The pediatrician advised and said that some people absorb it better on water.
But maybe that's not the reason.

Soul, 28.12.04 00:10

I can give advice as a professional.
At one time, the project "Beauty Salon. Fitness Center" was completed on a turnkey basis.
I am discerning, so I worked through all the questions, including all the information about hair.
Therefore, give up all activities related to rubbing all sorts of drugs into your head.
Now hair is just being formed on the basis of genetically stored data. The timing of formation is individual and depends on heredity and the conditions of child care (nutrition, emotional background, ecology).
By rubbing, you can (if done incorrectly) only damage weak nascent roots, etc. (I won’t bog you down with terms). :eyes:
Therefore - good nutrition, excellent care conditions and “a golden key in your pocket.” :devil: :devil:
And shaving dedicated to the year and all sorts of remnants are generally
And don’t expect that if your parents and relatives are Slavs, then your hair will be like the ponytail of a black horse

Good luck

Maryana, 28.12.04 00:30

Soul, I support.

Sindirella, 28.12.04 10:13

How much burdock oil per year? Buy another mask from Schwarzkop. I really don’t understand these problems. Should such a small child have hair? And what kind of stress is there in that? What do hairpins offer? Let them buy it, let it come in handy, and spend some more on hairpins/bows.

Mirabel, 28.12.04 10:19

Mariska As you can see, we are also “short-haired”. When Mishanka was one year old, my hairdresser advised him to cut off his vellus hair. She did it with a typewriter, quickly and accurately. You can't shave! My hair immediately began to grow coarser and thicker. But in general, it will grow, I was shaved as a child and then for a year they called me “bald globe”, now it’s hard to believe

yuta, 09.02.05 19:01

We shaved our little boy's head the other day. Previously, all children were shaved. Both boys and girls. Not anymore. Interesting to know, did you get your hair cut to zero? What is your opinion about this?

Oroya, 09.02.05 19:06

neither the first nor the second
what for?
to make hair better - it’s not better, it’s just that children’s hair changes structure before they are three years old
A friend shaved her son at the barbershop - he saw himself in the mirror and... cried

yuta, 09.02.05 20:11

I understand that this doesn't make my hair any better. It’s just that we’ve already grown long ones. It needed to be cut, it was. So I decided that shaving would be easier. But by spring everything will grow evenly. Some of Kostya’s hair turned out to be long, and then growths crawled through them. He is now walking around, touching his head. The photo shows that there are hairs, but there are no hairs on the head. but I didn’t cry, neither during the procedure nor after.

Vic@, 09.02.05 20:37

We didn't cut it bald, but left a tiny hedgehog (a few mm). The goal was to even out the length of the hair (in some places the hair was long, but in some cases the fluff was showing through). They cut it and felt sorry for the bald head. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart. We were a year and 3.

yuta, 09.02.05 20:56

At first I also felt sorry. He became somehow defenseless. And the next day I took a closer look, got used to it and even liked it. Kostya is coming. The head is so smooth. And now the bristles have already grown. So cute. We don't regret it.

Vic@, 09.02.05 20:57

It suits yours, but it didn’t suit ours at all. We only have haircuts, preferably model ones, and not very short.

Tanusik, 09.02.05 20:58

I didn't cut it at all. I don't believe that this will make my hair better.

Tanchik, 09.02.05 21:12

No, they didn't cut their hair. I think a child with hair is cuter. I decided to cut off my curls on the sides when I was just a year and a month old. And then she almost cried.

PinkBunny, 09.02.05 21:15

We didn’t cut our hair, it’s good, you could even say it’s luscious, and besides, it’s a girl, but if it had been a boy, I don’t know if it would have been cut. If the hair was uneven, probably yes, but if it was like my brother’s (and they were the same as my baby’s now), then no

Antinea, 09.02.05 22:20

And we cut our hair bald once, and the second time we just trimmed our hair for 2 years of our life, we have hair, well, just none. It didn't get any better. In general, it didn't get any better.
And Ilyushka never cried, we told him that “the tractor goes along the head and collects the load.” The first time he got his hair cut at 1.7 years old was at a hair salon by a friend of my mother-in-law, and the second time, literally on the weekend, my mother used a clipper, my dad held him on his lap, and I took pictures of it all - it turned out very funny

yuta, 09.02.05 23:25

besides, it’s a girl, but if there was a boy, I don’t know if she would cut her hair.

I probably wouldn’t cut the girl’s hair either. Even for sure. Although one of my friends’ daughter’s hair didn’t grow at all. The child is in his second year, but there is some kind of misunderstanding in his head. Fluff. The girls are already tied with bows, and she’s almost bald. So they shaved her too and her hair quickly began to grow. Yes, such curls are a sight for sore eyes. I don’t know if it’s because of the haircut or if it’s just time.

Oroya, 09.02.05 23:37

the time has come, I, too, was the mother of a one-year-old bald girl who grew up...

marunia, 09.02.05 23:54


It's really a shame....

Lucky, 10.02.05 00:51

We have never cut our son's head, but we have already trimmed and trimmed his hair a couple of times.

But I myself had my hair cut three times as a child. My grandmother insisted on this, who was convinced that shaving my hair three times to zero would significantly improve its quality. My hair is really good and thick (ugh 3 times), but Whether this was the result of cutting my head is difficult to say. It’s possible that I don’t naturally have problems with my hair, or maybe my grandmother’s methods helped

What I definitely won’t do is shave my son’s head at a “conscious” age. Because I had my hair cut for the last time just before school (at the age of 6) and I still remember very well how the children teased me in kindergarten

yuta, 10.02.05 07:50

What I definitely won’t do is shave my son’s head at a “conscious” age.

At a conscious age, they now shave themselves. I mean boys. Fashion has gone like this now. Not all, of course. God bless.

Toffee, 10.02.05 12:29

We haven’t cut it and won’t, just trim it when they get into the eyes.
Neither my husband nor I share the point of view that it is necessary to have a haircut
This applies to both boys and girls - I don't see the difference

Chuchundra, 10.02.05 12:47

Haven't had a haircut in 2.5 years, just bangs. Now she has curls below her shoulder blades
My mother fooled me when I was a year old, “so that I can grow better,” and I cried. I myself thought that if after this her hair grows as well as mine (the combs break), it would be better if it were thinner. I feel like the combs are no good anyway.

NIKA_RU, 10.02.05 13:09

We didn't cut hair. A year ago we got a model haircut.

And they shaved their heads before everyone else - so that there would be no lice. This is where this sign came from.

Your hair won't be any thicker. Only a little more equal.
But we must keep in mind that one-year-old babies have blood vessels on their heads close to the skin and are easily damaged.

But bald kids make me feel sorry.

Elga, 10.02.05 13:19

We are a year and a half old and haven’t had our hair cut yet, although there was an attempt, no, not bald: I also don’t believe that this makes them grow better, we have no one better. I decided to just trim it, otherwise they would already mistake me for a girl. We went to the hairdresser and sat down. into a chair and... pushes my aunt with his hands, yells, puts away the scissors. Why can’t I torture myself, so we’ll wait until we’re older. My friend shaved her daughter when she was one year old, it was really sad to watch...

yuta, 10.02.05 18:04

Iriskin, I also trimmed my bangs at first when I was 9 months old, and then I tried to cut it completely, but he was spinning and bending his head, I couldn’t. I snatched such bald spots from him and decided to shave him better.
Chuchundra, how lucky you are. Naturally good hair is so great!
NIKA_RU, it was precisely about the blood vessels that I was afraid. They also say that children’s bulbs are weak and can also be damaged. But nothing happened.
Elga, we were also constantly mistaken for a girl.

Touristka, 10.02.05 18:43

When we were one year old, we cut our hair almost bald, like a clipper. Why is that? Not from the position of improving hair growth (all this is nonsense), but from the position that it was faster for us, since the Motor was screaming and we would have been able to finish this process faster. But in the summer it’s still hot with long hair. Now it’s time to get my hair cut again, I think we’ll get our hair cut again with a clipper, again from the point of view of the speed of the process

Gabi, 10.02.05 18:52

And I shaved Sasha’s head when he was a year old, the hair was already getting into his eyes, and we have such a family tradition - my grandmother shaved me, my sister and my mother, and no one cried. And now the hair has grown again and is in the way, I tried it with scissors, such misery , I’m not a hairdresser, alas... but it won’t work for other people’s ladies and hair clippers don’t suit us... so, closer to spring, I’ll shave again.

yuta, 10.02.05 23:21


I'm buzzing, 11.02.05 09:55

And I never shaved my little ones bald, because... There are a lot of examples that since nature didn’t give you gorgeous hair, no amount of haircuts or shaving will help, and it’s not aesthetically pleasing.

Tanysha 77, 12.02.05 01:28

Since nature didn’t give you gorgeous hair, no amount of haircuts or shaving will help.

I didn’t even think about cutting my son’s hair, I trimmed it a little so it wouldn’t get in his eyes.

Lily, 12.02.05 17:23

We haven’t shaved our heads and won’t, dad does his hair with a clipper

yuta, 12.02.05 18:06

dad does hair with a clipper

Doesn't the baby resist? How do you do this? Share your experience. Mine can't even sit in one place for a few minutes. And so as not to turn your head..... And hairstyle is not a quick task.

Natascha, 12.02.05 23:42

and we didn’t cut my hair. Until I was 4 years old, my head was constantly shaved, and my hair was nothing but tears. That’s why I didn’t cut Christina’s hair either.

Yulechka, 13.02.05 00:04

We do our hair with a clipper, but we have never cut our heads bald and we have no intention of doing so in the future.

Blondy, 13.02.05 01:36

We didn’t cut the first one, and now the hair is normal, but we cut the second one, the eldest came and said - They mutilated the child!!!

yuta, 13.02.05 12:35

They mutilated a child!!!

Well, that’s all: “It’s a pity to look at, they’ve disfigured, etc.” Kostya has become so cute. And now he’s already such a hedgehog. And the hairs grow evenly. I didn't regret that I shaved. Although I’m not promoting anyone. In no case.

Lily, 13.02.05 18:24

yuta to begin with, we found a place, so to speak, where he would sit quietly, it turned out to be simple, on a chair in front of the mirror, dad sat on the chair and sat him in front of him, took the clipper, set it to the largest step and trimmed it, the little one kept looking at what it was all over his head they drive, then the place turned out to be a little more complicated, but even so it turned out that it was also in front of the mirror but in the bathroom on the washbasin, so we cut the hair little by little

Mariska, 13.02.05 22:31

A survey and review of the hair of friends allowed me to conclude that if the hair was not cut very well, everything was fine. Of course, maybe my friends and acquaintances just happened to be like that!

yuta, 14.02.05 16:10

the little one kept watching that they were driving him over the head,

The fact of the matter is that mine won’t watch calmly. He definitely needs to grab it with his hands. We cut our nails like this: we cut a nail, I let him hold the scissors, then another nail or two.

yuta, 14.02.05 16:17

to begin with, we found a place, so to speak, where he would sit quietly, it turned out to be simple, on a chair in front of a mirror,

Actually, we also like to sit in front of the mirror. (we dress in front of the mirror for a walk, otherwise he screams.) So maybe he’ll sit. Probably a good clipper to cut hair quickly? Our machine is just not very good. It makes a lot of noise and sometimes pulls hairs. Our dad complained when I cut his hair. But in general, I plan to cut the baby’s hair myself in the future. Now he'll watch how I cut my dad's hair... But he needs to buy another machine. Definitely.

Natasha Ershova, 16.02.05 01:27

We didn't cut Andryushka's hair. Firstly, I don’t think that the hair will become better or thicker, and secondly, it was a pity: by the age of one it only appeared (interesting: was I born with hairs and where are they?). Now my son is one and a half years old. We carefully trimmed the bangs and behind the ears twice, although, I admit, there was no particular need for this.

Dove, 16.02.05 02:55

We cut our hair, but not bald. I don't understand why to do this. I especially feel sorry for the girls. One of my friends cut her daughter’s head, I asked: “Why? This won’t make the hair any better.” She says: “I know, I just want it that way!” I'd rather cut my hair myself.

aBu-Boo-yKa, 16.02.05 03:36

We cut our hair with a clipper when he was 9 months old. But this was a necessary measure: the little guy’s hair had grown almost to his shoulders and was getting into his eyes. Plus, it was hot and his head was constantly sweating.
But cut it so your hair looks better

Bird, 16.02.05 10:54

I'm buzzing
But cheap, reliable and practical
My godmother and I almost got into a fight; it’s a family tradition for them to shave their heads, but for us, they didn’t shave anyone, so we only cut the bangs, because it was getting into our eyes.
And how could it be possible to cut such curls?!!

olli, 16.02.05 13:33

we won’t cut our hair, we don’t have a lot of hair, the bangs are just growing actively for some reason, I cut them regularly, otherwise... I think there’s no point in this
Yes, I’ve been wanting braids for a long time now

yuta, 16.02.05 18:15

And our industry is already so hairy. It doesn't even prick anymore. Hair grows quickly and seems darker than before. Soon we will be hairy again, like everyone else. But my hair has noticeably thickened. It’s just that the steel is all the same length, that’s how it seems.

Elena Makh, 18.02.05 21:43

My oldest was shaved at four months and it was necessary. It’s April, our heating is turned off, it’s already warm outside, but the apartment is cool, and when he sleeps, his head sweats, turns over and cools down. His hair grows quickly and then was cut every 3-4 months, but with a clipper.
The youngest was trimmed a little later at six months because his hair was growing unevenly.
I like them cropped, the boys don’t get upset. If there was a girl, I think I would also cut my hair, it’s too hot in summer, spring and autumn are transitional seasons, when there is no heating yet or no longer, and the apartment is cool.

yuta, 18.02.05 21:49

Elena Makh, what friendly, nice guys!

Elena Makh, 18.02.05 21:54

yuta, this happens very rarely.
My acquaintance with the forum thanks to them. I can’t do anything with them, I wanted to learn how to deal with boys the same age.

***MAYA***, 19.02.05 00:47

Oh, they cut it, cut it, well, not completely bald. Almost. The baby was not giving in, and I almost cried, it was a pity for the hair, it was so pretty. But in the summer it’s very hot here. My head sweats a lot. There’s no escape.

Mermaid, 21.08.05 15:04

My Nika is 14 months old, and her hair is thin and short.
On the one hand, I read a lot that shaving or cutting short hair for one-year-old babies is a prejudice, but on the other hand, no matter who I talk to in Moscow and even here in Canada, everyone unanimously claims that after shaving the hair came out thicker and thicker much...

On the other hand, I can imagine what kind of screams there will be during a haircut, and I will disfigure the child for 2-3 months.

Which of the children had thin hair and did not grow for a long time - what did you do????
Who shaved - what are the pros and cons?

For those who have had beautiful hair since birth, please don't worry.

Irina, 21.08.05 15:18

Although Polly had and still has thin hair, and she was bald for a long time, I am against shaving girls. Well, this is such an ugliness, in my opinion. I can’t look at shaved girls without shuddering. Well I don't like it at all

» Added later
yes... my thin-haired nephew was shaved several times in childhood, and even now at 16 years old his hair is not a fountain

Antonia, 21.08.05 15:21

Firstly, in my opinion, this is a lot of stress for the child, the girl is already a big girl. And secondly, shaving will not increase the number of hair bags on your head. Here someone correctly wrote that the fact that the hair begins to grow all at once after shaving, gives the impression that it has become thicker.

bistrinka, 21.08.05 15:21

How can shaving affect genetic structure?
just extra stress for the child

Annushka, 21.08.05 15:28

Mermaid My eldest daughter has very thin hair, the same as my husband’s relatives, so don’t shave, even when she just wanted to cut it, she lay down on the floor and that’s it....
Why do I think I should torture a child, but no one has ever shaved me, and my hair was thick and lush until I started going to camp.
And my cousins ​​were cut bald, so the hair remained so sparse, so this is a deformity + trauma, and if you want, also look at the answers in the thread - Hairstyle for a baby - there on the fourth page Lilya asks and they answer her
I am against shaving!!!

Tanechka, 21.08.05 15:39

According to professionals, the thickness of a person’s hair is determined solely by genes, and not by haircut and shaving. So if it’s not given, then at least cut your hair, or don’t cut your hair...
Hair still changes over time and becomes less soft. It seems to me that there is absolutely no need to torture a child. Yes, if even this first experience turns out to be unsuccessful, then you can discourage the desire to get a haircut for a long time. At one time I was also under pressure from all sides... “my hair is like fluff, thin... I should cut it.” Didn't work out, because... the hair was already quite long. And now I can’t even raise my hand to cut such beauty, and besides, I see that the hair is becoming thicker.

Divo, 21.08.05 18:00

The number of hair follicles will not increase, but the "dormant" follicles may wake up and begin to sprout. In addition, it happens when several hairs grow from one bag. I have seen VERY hairy people - when in order to get a haircut you have to thin out the hair.
First of all, bald children are not ugly. My son is one and a half years old, I would have shaved him, but when we came to the hairdresser, the master said that “there is nothing to work with.” At the same time, I don’t think that a barefoot head is a deformity. Very cute naked babies.
Secondly, I also know stories where a “zero” haircut really corrected the situation. It's impossible to make it worse in any way.
In the year one thousand nine hundred, I was in a pioneer camp for the best children from all over the country. The concentration of girls with amazing braids was close to 100 percent. And when we started talking about this phenomenon (well, like, the best pioneers almost all have braids), it turned out that almost all of them were shaved in infancy.
Third. They didn't cut my hair bald. But for up to 10 years they didn’t wash their hair with shampoo: only with egg yolk (there is lecithin, which for our purposes is the best thing) and rinsed with herbal infusion. As a result, by the time I went to school I had a pretty decent braid.

Irina, 21.08.05 18:07

and for me, Katya, my genetic memory is probably triggered or something like that. For me, a shaved girl is associated with shaved women in the camps. It just becomes physically bad.

Divo, 21.08.05 18:17

Hair is not fingers. They will grow in a month or two to a very decent appearance.
My genetic memory doesn’t mind extreme haircuts at all.

Irina, 21.08.05 18:27

They won’t grow to a decent appearance in a month or two. A person looks in the mirror every day and sees himself with a shaved head - well, why does a girl need that?

Elenochka, 21.08.05 18:31

because you're having a boy

In general, if you compare how it would be for the same person if he was shaved and not shaved, then... And so, they didn’t shave me, my hair was very decent TTT Although as a child I had the thinnest braid in the class, I remember comparing And then, after 12 years, it was all over the place

Tanechka, 21.08.05 18:43

And I’m wondering why exactly a year (or about a year)? Why not at three, not at five or at thirty? After all, if “your hair becomes thicker,” then cutting your hair bald is simply a panacea for thin hair, at any age. But then new fur grows... long and silky. Only for some reason the hair is shaved (or cut) at the age of one year. In my opinion, there is more symbolism than rationality in this.

Solange, 21.08.05 18:53

I don’t consider a haircut a year to be a mockery of a child; my eagle quite calmly endured these manipulations over his head and didn’t even understand what happened to him. I am absolutely sure that he did not experience any stress. On the other hand, I honestly didn’t notice any changes for the better. The hair was not so great and remained that way.

Divo, 21.08.05 19:12

My opinion is that hair manipulations should be carried out AFTER a year.

No, I perceive bald girls normally, as well as bald men and singer Sinéad O'Connor.

Mikimota, 21.08.05 21:57

there was such a topic. I remember exactly, there were girls there who shaved the children’s hair, incl. girls and even photographs were cited as proof of the effect

lino, I also think that this is self-deception - the hair growths really do not increase in quantity, but the bristling hedgehog bristles after shaving really seem thicker than thin baby hairs.
+ I don’t really imagine how I can shave my little girl’s head - IMHO it looks so ugly, it’s just ugly...

» Added later
Irina, I have the same associations, at least with shaved children (admittedly, it really suits some women, but children - it immediately seems to me that this is after lice or typhus - sorry, whoever shaved, I didn’t let Lev shave, although the pressure from relatives it’s just huge)

centipede, 21.08.05 22:08

When I was a child, I was so bald that my mother even cried when she looked at me, and from the age of 10-12 I started getting hair. And no one shaved me

Abushka's mom, 21.08.05 22:18

we shaved, the child did not cry. And they shaved 2-3 times, for the summer, because it’s hot. And for the first time, the hair grew unevenly, but after shaving it began to grow evenly and became normal hair, and not fluff.
But we have a boy. But for a girl, I probably wouldn’t.

Anna, 21.08.05 22:35

It never even occurred to me to shave
I don’t believe in the theory that shaving improves hair quality...
And I know for certain that my mother was shaved as a child, but her hair was still thin and soft. I wasn't shaved, but my hair is exactly the same as my mother's.
Unfortunately, Polina inherited the same hair... and to this day she has very little hair, and it is just as thin and soft. But I’m not particularly puzzled... the time will come, they will grow up

Alenka+Artemka, 22.08.05 13:20

They cut my hair bald when I was one year old, but that’s what it was all about: it stayed as thin as it was. They didn’t shave my sister, but God forbid everyone’s hair. You can't fight genes. The kind of hair a person is given is the kind of hair you will live with for the rest of your life.
This is my opinion

Bird, 22.08.05 14:30

I’m afraid that Nika’s hair will look like me - my hair is thin (I haven’t shaved it in a year), and I’m also tired of people often being mistaken for a boy and in general I want long and thick curls

Can I chime in about the confusion with the boy? Something happened here recently... If anyone doesn't know, we're having a girl. Maruska and I came to the healthy child’s office, and there the mothballed aunt received the girl and told us to sit in the office. The girl was in a pink dress, and we were in jeans, a T-shirt and a bandana. Auntie the doctor begins to tell: “How nice it is when girls are dressed normally in dresses. Otherwise they dress them in trousers...” I, smiling: “Are you talking about us?!”, I say... Auntie is shocked...:" So you have a boy "No, I say, a girl... With curls...
So, curly hair does not always save you from tangling...
Sorry for the flurry

aeola, 22.08.05 19:39

I didn’t shave my Styopka’s head either, because, firstly, I don’t believe that the hair will thicken later, and, secondly, for some reason it seems to me that it will be very itchy later when the hairs come out

Leda, 22.08.05 20:30

Approximately 1 mm is cut with a clipper in a hairdresser. from the root that this changes Nothing. I have worked as a hairdresser my entire adult life, talking with clients who were shaved as children and who were not. There is only one conclusion - everything is genetic. If the parents do not have thick hair, the children will have the same hair. It happens that children have thicker hair than their mother and father, then they definitely take after their grandfather or grandmother. I personally was shaved as a child, but my hair grew exactly the same as my mother’s, not any thicker. I didn't shave my children. The eldest daughter’s hair is exactly the same as her dad’s, the youngest daughter’s is the same as mine. My niece was completely bald until she was three years old, her hair was very thin and did not grow at all. When she was a year old, her grandmother (my aunt) tortured everyone to cut her head, but she failed to convince anyone. When she was three years old, her hair “started” to grow, and such fullness... and such volume..., the same as her mother’s.
If someone still decides to cut a child’s hair in order to improve his hair, then shave with a razor, as our ancestors shaved, without machines, I admit that the hair will be a little coarser than a child’s fluff (thicker than a hair), but thicker... never.

Kalina, 23.08.05 16:07

my little sister had 3 hairs in 5 rows. My aunt shaved her every year until she was 5 years old. The condition has not improved one iota
and I was shaved at the age of 11 (before the operation) and my beautiful hair, like in a Pantin advertisement, on which not a single hairpin would hold, it was so straight and silky, it grew into curls, and I really don’t like curls on my 2 friends, brothers, after the army, curly hair also began to grow.

sorry for the digression

Leda, 23.08.05 20:00

Leda, I wonder if if I shave my head again, will my hair straighten?

My longtime friend had curly hair since childhood; when she gave birth to her first child, her hair straightened out and became completely straight, and after the second birth it became even more curly. It seems to me that this is due to some hormonal changes in the body, maybe you have curls due to hormonal changes, at this age the transitional age begins. I know that general anesthesia and strong medications (from personal observations) can serve as an impetus for strong changes in the body and this is very reflected in the hair.
I was a women's hairdresser and one day a man approached me for a haircut (there was no hairdresser in the men's room), I resisted because I am not an expert in men's haircuts, but then I agreed. And this client told me an interesting thing. All his life he had completely straight hair, but when he lost his job, he had to go to the market to sell herring, he doesn’t like herring and doesn’t eat at all, but apparently because of the herring smell (and the smell from him was... well, very herring ) the hair curls into small curls, the hair absorbs strong odors very much and apparently this also affects its condition. I know (also from personal observations) that sea water and even just sea air can completely straighten a perm; the same can certainly happen with natural curls, but most likely with a temporary effect and not a permanent one.
What I mean is that hair is a very interesting thing and various factors can affect its condition and even its structure, but thickness depends only on genetic factors.

Antinea, 24.08.05 01:07

Oh, but we were bald, and we still are, we constantly cut our hair very short with clippers, but not to improve growth, but because we can’t make a fashionable hairstyle out of such hairs, and our hair has become a little stiffer, but not thicker

Kalina, 24.08.05 01:39

Leda, thanks for the answer, but all my childhood I lived at sea, it’s a pity that they don’t straighten up, otherwise I’m already ready for that, if only to return to the past

Mermaid, sorry for clogging up the thread. This is a very exciting topic for me.

» Added later
I edited it for the third time, but it doesn’t work Sorry

spring, 24.08.05 01:46

Mermaid , Anthony After all, she correctly wrote that the number of hair follicles will not change from shaving (i.e., the thickness of the hair is predetermined!), and curliness is provoked by hormonal levels. Why then these shaved children?

Tanechka, 24.08.05 01:48

curliness provokes hormonal levels

During my last pregnancy, my hair suddenly turned from completely straight to wavy. Then, however, they returned to their normal state again.

Gaechka, 24.08.05 02:03

I am against shaving. It seems to me that this is all genetics and no amount of shaving will help.

And from an aesthetic point of view, the girl definitely wouldn’t shave. Yes, I don’t even allow a boy to get his hair cut with a clipper, but only with scissors, because... I like hairy and curly kids.

» Added later
Hair also becomes wavy due to dryness. Try feeding them with something if you don’t want curls.

Tanechka, 24.08.05 02:12

Gaechka, that’s how it happened last time, but I wouldn’t refuse curls.

Lika, 24.08.05 12:57

I also support those who don’t cut their hair. Everything is genetic. They either exist or they don't. At the same time, I read somewhere that before the age of 5 it’s not worth talking about the quality of hair in children. At this age, the structure changes and “adult” hair begins to grow. Have you noticed that around this age your hair color changes? I was a blonde, it was starting to get dark, and my husband... He was also a curly-haired blonde, and now he looks like a raven wing. At the same time, he was not cut, but his hair was like that!!! He's been walking around with a tail for the last 10 years...
My friend didn’t even consider the decision to cut her son’s hair. The argument was that she had her hair cut every year, and her hair is still thin and thin. The sister was not exposed to this - that Angela Davis. You will only cut off thin hairs, and then it will only seem like they are growing thicker.
There was a request to remain silent about hairy people - I am silent. The son is clearly like his dad.

Divo, 24.08.05 13:14


density depends only on genetic factors

I do not agree.
Care can be done beautifully, or it can ruin any heredity.

Leda, 24.08.05 20:58

Divo, so I wrote about thickness and not about beauty. Well, it’s natural that if you don’t take care of your hair, subject it to chemical and heat treatment mercilessly, then no genes will save you. Good care will give your hair shine, volume, volume... but not thickness.

Mermaid, 25.08.05 01:13

You say that hair thickness is determined by genes.
And I know a lot of people who, with all sorts of lotions - herbs, eggs, etc., really made their hair thicker
Again, legs - you just have to start shaving
I agree about the ugliness, but it’s only for a couple of months, we’re already almost bald

Irina, she’s already almost bald, just fluff... So I won’t make the situation much worse, I think

OK, almost convinced not to shave
Can I wash it with something special? Egg there, nettle, rub castor oil?

Mermaid, 25.08.05 01:21

In these photographs you can clearly see the front, top and back. Everything that has grown in 14 months

marywik, 25.08.05 02:30

Marina, try rubbing burdock and castor oils

Anna, 25.08.05 04:12

So, as I understand it, we are talking about adults, and this is a small child. She won’t be bald all the time. But Nika’s face is very cute :-)

At 14 months, Polina had about the same amount of hair. Hair began to grow really well only after two years, although it is still thin and soft

Divo, 25.08.05 04:54

I wrote to you about the egg - it’s a real thing.
And herbal infusions, although this is a chore. My mom was into it. All summer, hay harvests, drying (nettle, linden, chamomile), were brewed with boiling water, filtered and used for rinsing. Every week on Sundays up to and including my 10th birthday. Oh how!

I remembered a friend of mine who shaved her head and then got sick. So...

That's when they talk about bald people, they say that all is not lost if the bulbs have not died, but only fallen asleep. So, for many people, half (relatively speaking) of the bulbs are asleep. And cutting their hair to zero is one of the ways to ebonize them. I’m fantasizing: I can probably try D’Arsonval’s currents. Comment!

Talikoshka, 25.08.05 05:29

I found myself in the minority - I cut my hair when I was one year old. The source material was approximately the same as Mermaids, the result is posted in the thread about hairstyles. Why did you cut your hair? But who knows? First of all, Danka was so pretty that her baldness didn’t spoil her. Secondly, it was in winter, when the child still wears a hat on the street, but at home she was fine for us even bald. Thirdly, we were just wondering what would come of it, it is clear that it will not be worse. And one more thing - when I was a year old, they also shaved me, now the braid is below the shoulder blades, they don’t fit into any hairpins (one drawback - straight as rain. Who is unhappy with the curls? - I’m changing!). They didn’t shave my sister - her hair is very average, you have to cut it short, but it doesn’t suit her very well. This is about the issue of genetics - the parents are the same.
I’m not advocating for anything, I just see that the arguments against are supposed ugliness (how can a one-year-old child be a freak?! They’re always sweethearts!) and the stress the child experiences. It’s also incomprehensible, a child at that age doesn’t care what he looks like, but the procedure is painless, and if desired, it can be turned into good entertainment. I understand that it’s a pity to shave beautiful hair, but if you have nothing to lose, then you can try..
There are really a lot of folk remedies - egg yolk, black bread, kefir with honey and yeast, burdock and castor oil... They all give good results, but how long will you be able to do this?

Lika, 25.08.05 12:19

Do you remember I wrote that no poultices will help until the age of 5?
My husband’s niece, who is 4 years old, has shoulder-length hair, and every hair shakes. And they rubbed in the oil and rinsed - well, no hair!
And I cut Danila’s hair before he was a year old; he was born hairy. If I grew my hair, it would be so long!
What’s more, as the mother-in-law says, her daughter’s hair was just as weak, and then it grew into such long braids.

Mermaid, 25.08.05 20:14

I bought castor oil.
But I’m still hesitating - maybe I’ll shave
Indeed, now is the time for hats, the child is still small, he will not worry too much about the “ugliness”.
Yes, and the difference will be small
Question: where do children get their haircut (shaved) well? I won't do it myself...

Anuta, 25.08.05 20:36

My daughter had exactly the same picture on her head when she was Nika’s age. Everyone thought it was a boy. I was terribly worried, as a child, I must say, it was purple. Our doctor reassured me that everything was genetic; no one remained bald at that age. And indeed, at two years old, the hair began to grow, now at three and a half, I won’t say that it’s luxurious hair, but it’s quite average, we don’t stand out from the general mass. By the way, I was hairy as a child, but my husband had three hairs until he was 5 years old, and now he has very thick hair, hairdressers cry. So we don’t lose hope and I think hairpins and bows are just around the corner for you.

yuta, 25.08.05 20:40

We shaved. In just over a year. At first I wanted to cut it, but he fidgeted so much that I just ruined everything. She put me in the bathtub and shaved her with a razor. No tears. And there was no stress. While he was playing, I chick-chicked. No ugliness. Our skull is beautiful, our face is cute. My hair grew in two months. And now at the age of 8 there are already such curls, at least cut them again.

My friend shaved her daughter. Until she was one and a half years old, she was completely bald, also bald. Her hair grew back, although not thick, but by the next summer the girl was already full of curls.

Little mermaid, my advice, if you are going to shave, do it in the fall-winter, under a hat, but at home it’s fine, and it’s better to shave with a machine, but very carefully. Many of my friends shaved their children with a machine. The hair actually looks thicker because of its thickness and because it all grows the same way at the same time. I probably wrote it unclearly.

Here is our bald head, and Kostya now.

Annushka, 25.08.05 21:19

Mermaid, Your hair is completely normal, why are you panicking? The older one generally had less at that age, the fluff has completely grown, and in the photo you have hair, like many babies, a pretty baby doll, I managed to put an elastic band on one more hair, why else I don’t understand all kinds of oils
Lika So cute, just lovely
yuta Really cute bald guy

Leda, 25.08.05 22:43


When an adult's hair has partially fallen out for some reason, you can use D'Arsonval currents, rub salt, mustard into the scalp, and many other ways to improve blood circulation, this needs to be done every day, persistently for weeks or maybe even months in this way to “awaken the sleeping bulbs”, breathe life into them... (call it what you like). recovery hair, shaving your head can greatly improve the situation: give your scalp a rest, gain new strength, strengthen your hair follicles, but a short haircut is also suitable for this; shaving is not necessary. How can head shaving, D'Arsanval, mustard... create new hair follicles? I don’t think that any of us will be able to fundamentally change what is given by God, by nature. We have the power to give our hair care, strengthen, restore, but no one of us cannot make our hair thick, our legs long, our leg size miniaturely small... This is my personal opinion, I have nothing more to say If you want to shave your children, shave, God forbid that the hair will grow thick and silky, curly after that.. so that you grow up the way you want. Good luck to everyone

marywik, 26.08.05 01:17

Interesting article on this topic.
First hairstyle
Many babies are born with a touching fluff on the top of their head. And then... Why doesn’t everyone turn into a thick waterfall of curls or a lot of tight curls? An explanation for this is given by Elena Demina, a doctor-trichologist (AMD laboratory).
“Nikolka was born with stunning black hair. He reminded me of Elvis Presley with his wonderful curls!” - Anya recalls. However, two weeks later, the young mother was surprised to find strands of hair in the crib. “All our beautiful curls fell out in three days. I was shocked! Surprisingly, this spectacular transformation is the absolute norm. Trichologist Elena Demina says: “The first hair - they are called vellus - appears in babies by the 4-6th month of intrauterine life. These short, thin, light hairs cover almost the entire body of the child even after birth, only on the head, eyebrows and eyelashes they are a little stiffer and longer. Vellus hair falls out a few weeks or months after birth; in their place new ones appear and fall out again - during the first year of life this cycle is repeated several times. This is especially noticeable on the back of the head: when the baby is 2-4 months old, this part of his head may become completely bald. Many mothers explain this by drying their hair. This is not entirely true; the main reason for hair loss is the process of natural hair change. Less often, it is caused by friction (when the child often moves the head, for example, on the sheet while lying in the crib), from which the hairs actually begin to break.”
However, not all babies lose hair. “With my nephews everything was different,” continues Nikolka’s mother. “Each of them was born with a head of beautiful hair, which did not thin out either in the first months after birth or later.” It turns out that this situation... is also considered absolutely normal! “For some babies, their hair changes gradually, unnoticed by others,” says Elena Demina. - It’s hard to say why this happens. Vellus hair loss is not considered a disorder, so experts have not studied this topic too deeply.”

Hereditary experiment

So, at the age of 1 year, vellus hair is replaced by real hair in babies. How do they grow later? “Children have twice as much hair per square centimeter of skin as adults,” continues Dr. Demina. - Gradually they all begin to grow, and they do it at different speeds. If initially all hair had the same length, now some become “leaders”, while others are in no hurry to grow. As a result, some strands on the babies’ heads will grow and become long, while others will be noticeably shorter. “Baby children’s hair remains thin in its structure and will remain so for several more years (from three to seven).”
Can parents, by taking special care of their children's hair, influence the quality of their hair and help it become thicker? Experts believe that no: heredity plays a decisive role in this matter. “What will the baby’s hair look like in the future? This cannot be judged by what a child has in childhood. A little one with more than modest hair at first may have amazing hair by his third birthday. Or maybe... it won’t appear, and the baby’s hair will remain not very thick. Unfortunately, there is no scientific explanation for such differences yet. It is only known that the quality of hair is related to nationality: for example, if almost all Indian and Chinese children can boast of thick, beautiful hair, then other options are not uncommon among little Europeans.”

Possible difficulties

“For the first three months after birth, crusts periodically appeared on Lisa’s head. I would like to hope that they will not prevent her hair from growing normally,” Lena worries. Many mothers face this problem, and there is no need to worry about these crusts. “Fat multi-layered scales, or crusts (they are called “gneiss”), often appear on the crown of the head in babies,” explains Elena Demina. - By the way, they can be confused with the remnants of vernix, in which children are born. The main difference is oily scales in the first case and dry ones in the second. Gneiss occurs because babies' sebaceous glands work too hard; this property can be inherited. Dermatologists have noticed that such scales more often occur in those babies whose parents have a tendency to seborrhea - a disorder of the sebaceous glands, which is expressed in the appearance of dandruff. Gneiss itself does not pose any threat to the baby. You can deal with it by lubricating the scales with slightly warmed extra virgin olive oil. After 15-20 minutes, remove them with a cotton swab. This procedure can be done once a week. If gneiss is not handled or done incorrectly, the skin around the crust may become red and inflamed. Dermatologists and pediatricians call this "infantile seborrheic dermatitis." Its appearance, in particular, is caused by the hormonal crisis of newborns, which occurs in the first 4-5 months of the baby’s life. Therefore, at this time you need to take extra care of your scalp.”


Until the baby's hair is replaced by real hair, it does not require special care.
NOT TRUE. The scalp always needs attention and care, because on its surface there are hair follicles - this is the name of the hair root and its sheath. At first, the baby bathes every day, and he needs to wash his hair just as often. This can be done later as needed. For washing, it is better to use special baby shampoos from large manufacturers of cosmetics for babies.
Parents should keep in mind that the structure of children's hair makes them defenseless against dermatophytes - microorganisms that cause ringworm. Until the baby grows up, you should not bring animals into the house, and if you already have them, they should be shown to the veterinarian from time to time.
In order for your baby to have thick hair, he needs to be shaved bald.
NOT TRUE. Let us repeat: the quality of children's hair is mainly influenced by heredity. The meaning of a haircut or even shaving is nothing more than a legend. Hair growth depends on the root, and not on the shaft, which, having appeared outside, becomes “dead”: by cutting it, we cannot stimulate the follicle and affect hair growth.
Small bald spots on the head in the first months after birth can affect hair growth in the future.
NOT TRUE. These bald spots may appear due to the fact that the baby sleeps in one position (for example, on his back) or, as we have already said, rubs his head on the sheet. Then the hair, while still fragile and thin, can break. When the baby begins to move (turn over in the crib, crawl, and then walk), they will begin to grow normally. Be patient: even if the baby was born with barely noticeable fluff, the hair will definitely grow back by the age of one year.

taken from

Belladonna, 26.08.05 01:24

Nikki has great hair! Why shave it? You can cut it when it grows back and freshen it up.

Mermaid, 26.08.05 03:03

I did some searching on the Internet and found this, “professional opinions”
Hair density depends on the number of hairs and the thickness of the hair. The amount of hair depends on the number of hair follicles, and this is inherent in the child from birth, and the quality of the baby’s hair depends on whose genes the baby inherited for this trait - mother’s, father’s or great-uncle. With age, the number of hair follicles cannot increase.
In the case of shaving, there is a purely visual effect; the shorter the hair, the thicker it appears. As the child grows, the hair follicles also grow, so the hair becomes thicker and, therefore, thicker.
Therefore, it is absolutely not necessary to shave your child; you can simply cut his hair short. Hair follicles are located deep in the skin, so they are not destroyed when shaving. In order to destroy the hair follicle, it is necessary to influence it with ultrasound, laser and other serious methods. If you want to shave a child, and the fact of damage to the hair follicles stops you, you can safely shave the child, but this will not affect the thickness of the hair.
The only thing that can change is the color of the hair; often it darkens due to the accumulation of pigment"
and further
Head physician of the medical cosmetology clinic "Iternal".
M. MYERS: Natalya asks at what age is it correct and possible to cut a child’s hair?
I. GORBUNOVA: There is no need to cut a child’s hair at all. So I categorically object as a person who has been working with children's hair for more than 25 years. Do not cut your baby's hair under any circumstances. Do his hair, the ends of his hair, in the same way as older children. But under no circumstances cut your hair, tragedies happen. Hair stops growing at all for some time and grows worse. So for some reason this ancient technique exists, but it is wrong. Children have very delicate structures.
N. TAMRAZOV: Our old people often say that if you cut your hair more often, your hair will grow more luxuriantly.
I. GORBUNOVA: This only applies to the ends of the hair. The ends of your hair need to be cut every month.
So most likely I won’t cut my hair
I will rub in oils, cut the hair a little and massage with a soft brush

And thanks to everyone else

Lika, 26.08.05 12:30

Until she was one and a half years old, she was completely bald, also bald. Her hair grew back, although not thick, but by the next summer the girl was already full of curls.

YeWell, it is known that hair grows by 1 cm approximately per month. In a year you can even grow to a tail.
Annushka, Thank you. Soon I’ll have to cut off my curls (they’re not so tight now and the boy can now get ponytails), and I’ll create a hairstyle. I love it when the hair is long on the top and short on the sides.

Kalina, 26.08.05 19:09

Mermaid, even smaller ones were washed with egg several times - it seems to me that after that they began to grow.

Dream, 26.08.05 19:13

I've read everything written here and am still hesitant...
I didn’t think about shaving at all... But I was going to cut my hair with a clipper under the attachment.... I was going to, but after everything I’ve read, now I don’t know. I wouldn’t want to do any harm, God forbid. Eh... if only you knew for sure that your hair would grow back better and thicker... But there is so much conflicting information that you can’t make a decision... Well, what to do?

Mermaid, 27.08.05 03:15

I understand that by the age of 4-5, shave or don’t shave, cut with a clipper or don’t cut – the hair will be the same.
But at 2-3 years old they may visually look somewhat better and thicker after a haircut and shave...

Talikoshka, super hair

Lenka, 27.08.05 03:23

Mermaid, I was born Kolya slightly bald - without eyebrows and without eyelashes, to what extent And the hair was very bad, not bald, of course, but bad. But there were charming curls at the back (a couple).
In general, I went on vacation to relax for a week, and when I returned, Kolka had a half-box on his head. The parents shaved the back because it was hot and Kolka was sweating. And now it seems to me that my hair has become better. Of course, not everything was shaved, but it still gave the impression that it was better.

I myself was bald until I was three years old, I didn’t even get my hair cut; according to my mother, there was nothing to cut. And now my hair is bad. Mom sometimes wonders: “Maybe I should have shaved you when you were a year old.” She realized it a little late, of course.

Nat@, 27.08.05 03:44

Marin, one of those I remember, in the year of Mamarinin, Arishka was almost like a boy, 2.5 - such cool curls. Varyukhina Varya was bald when she was a year old - and nothing, now at 2.5 she has such ponytails

Yanochka, 27.08.05 03:54

Mermaid, on Kutuzovsky there is a children's hairdresser. The address is in all sorts of directories like “Moscow for Children”, etc. She's the only one... Unfortunately, I don't have a reference book at hand right now.

This is my question about where they get their hair cut

They say that there are children lying on the floor and watching cartoons, and masters are running around...

MASIA, 01.09.05 00:06

We shaved Nastenka when she was a year old, using a clipper at home... we decided to shave because of the heat, until she was a year old her hair was not so great... about like Nika’s, with receding hairline... after shaving everything grew back evenly and quite quickly.. I agree that it doesn’t look very nice... the eyes immediately look like saucers, but firstly you can’t see it under the hat, and secondly, I liked AFTER more than BEFORE. My hair is very thick, I hope that this was passed on to Nastya.

Divo, 01.09.05 00:37

Sasha’s hair became noticeably better when I started washing it with yolk. Somewhere in a day. I take quail instead of chicken - for economic reasons; in terms of times, quail ones turn out to be more profitable, chicken ones are too big for washing a child’s hair.
... A year and a half - nothing to cut or shave yet... Bald blond as he is.

MASIA, 01.09.05 02:33

listen, well, he's just a copy of you

Ridulka, 01.09.05 03:20

Marish, NAstya’s hair was also sparse, but I didn’t disfigure the child. I'm somehow against this, at least for girls. We put on the first hairpin at one and a half, and started making ponytails after two. Now we’re also just making ponytails, I tried braiding them once - it was a mockery. The hair is thin and soft. But I don’t regret that I didn’t shave it, now the ponytails are already decent, they will grow back, we’ll be braiding them for school

Divo, 01.09.05 03:26

Thank you, I am pleased
In general, it turned out funny: my face, but my dad’s head is cucumber shaped (mine is more round). And it’s not clear who the nose is - it’s snub-nosed, but ours, although different, are snobs.

karin, 04.09.05 02:25

I wasn't shaved or cut when I was a child. I cut my hair myself in 3rd grade, because... My neck was very tired from the braid and my head ached from it. When I was doing chemistry at the age of 15, they couldn’t fit the curlers on my head. My grandmother washed my mother and her sister’s hair with kefir and egg (in childhood), the result is that my mother’s hair was such that they thinned her hair at the hairdresser (they took some strands and cut them at the root), but my aunt had nothing to brag about.

dance, 05.09.05 09:17

Girls, write, is it worth cutting a child’s hair every year? We don’t have much hair and I don’t think I’ll cut it (it grows very poorly, slowly), but our grandmother insists that we definitely need to cut it, it will make it look better!?

Kelenka, 05.09.05 09:40

We cut Romka's hair a year, but only because he was hot - we had plenty of hair!
In general, it seems to me that a haircut is unlikely to improve the quality of hair.

Nika, 05.09.05 11:55

We cut Vlad’s hair a year ago, most likely this is not related, but now there is more hair and it is thicker. The advantage was that after shaving, postpartum crusts were discovered on my head, which were not noticeable before. So they were quickly washed away. But if you don’t have much hair anyway, the scabs have probably been washed off a long time ago.

Touristka, 05.09.05 12:20

If there are few hairs, then, of course, don’t cut them.
Our pediatrician says that the “tradition” of cutting a year’s hair is all nonsense, since the hair won’t grow any better anyway. What is written in the family, so will the hair be. It’s just that for many children, by the time they’re one year old, their hair grows so much that it just gets in the way.

*DiVa*, 05.09.05 17:58

I won't cut my son's hair. He is blond and his hair is not so thick and long. Curls don’t bother him or us!
Now, if there were too many of them (hairs), the question would not arise, and it doesn’t matter at what age - six months or a year

Opium, 02.11.05 21:02

As you know, hair growth does not depend on the haircut, and to cut it or not to cut it is a personal matter for everyone. I just cut my eldest child’s hair slightly so that it doesn’t bother him. But I won’t even cut my youngest’s hair - let them grow. And when cutting a haircut, the main thing is not to scare the child... I cut Andryushka’s hair for two days... so that he wouldn’t be scared. If he gets scared, he will be scared all the time.

Opium, 02.11.05 21:11

shaving is even dangerous... you can damage the hair follicles... then nothing will grow at all

malasha, 03.11.05 02:26

I think a girl doesn’t need a cut, but a boy can, if it’s too much to look at. We cut our hair a year. And now we have to torture the child every month...they grow up very quickly. That's how shaggy we are.

fraoola, 03.11.05 15:59

And we recently cut our baby’s hair with our clipper, leaving about half a centimeter. They cut my hair quickly and unobtrusively, in a couple of minutes, no more. It just seemed that the long thin hairs began to get tangled.
We didn’t notice much of an effect in terms of thickness. But the hair began to grow more evenly, and it became coarser.

Lenusya, 04.11.05 01:59

I didn’t cut it, they just gradually become thicker, you can even see how the second bang is growing thicker, and when you cut it, the hair just starts to grow the same way, hence the effect of hair thickness

JuliaMix, 04.11.05 18:53

We haven’t cut our hair and don’t plan to yet, except for bangs if it gets in the way. In general, I don’t really imagine how you can keep a child in the hairdresser’s chair.

Juliana, 05.11.05 22:42

I haven’t cut my child’s hair and I don’t even plan to. Our hair is very good even without cutting, and it is also very long to the waist. And the fact that hair becomes better after cutting it bald is real stupidity. One of my sisters had thick and curly hair, but she cut it when she was one year old, and she still doesn’t have hair, and something is not clear. But the other sister didn’t get her hair cut and her hair still remained thick and curly. So if mothers think that shaving their child will make their hair much better, then this is absolutely not true!

smu-smu, 08.11.05 17:05

You definitely need to trim your hair a little. You don’t need to go bald.

Wombatushka, 14.12.05 03:27

In fact, the issue of shaving a child is more occult than medical or aesthetic, and it can be classified as similar, from the series “a pregnant woman cannot cut her hair, sew, cannot show her child to anyone, etc.). I don’t remember exactly the reason, but such childish the hairs were called “first”, and a special grandmother had to cut them, and not simply, but with special spells. And they were not disposed of simply either, but buried in the ground... Surely at that time, in addition to mystical ones (so that evil forces would not take them away) and there were real reasons to do this (maybe for reasons of hygiene), but it seems to me that today this is just a very common sign that has no basis...

YULCHIK, 14.12.05 18:45

The quality of hair is pure genetics, it’s adults who spoil it with all sorts of products, dyes, and in children it can get tangled at most, so you can cut it with scissors, why go bald, for a baby it’s a shock, imagine yourself in his place?!

Lika, 17.12.05 13:01

Wombatushka, I fully support. I still have a misunderstanding - WHY? If only it were that simple... Maybe someone can tell me how to make my eyelashes thicker and longer? Shave?

MVK, 22.12.05 20:44

I absolutely agree that everything depends on heredity. My daughters are completely different in appearance, build, habits, characters and hair. The eldest has very good hair, down to her butt now, but the youngest at 2.4 is much worse, and before the summer I cut it at the back so that it would not be hot (the elastic bands and hairpins immediately break off), but now they don’t grow at all, the bangs only periodically we cut our hair

SvetaC, 31.12.05 02:55

I cut my eldest almost bald when he was about 2 years old because he had very thin hair, but after the haircut the hair began to grow very thick, thick, in a word, super hair, but the youngest is already 1.1 and I still feel sorry for cutting his curls, but I’ll probably have to do this like his hair is very thin

Belyanchik, 02.01.06 18:03

I don’t think they cut my hair, but I know for sure that if they did, I would stop being blonde and my hair would start to grow dark, I don’t know how to explain it. From my memories - my grandmother told me how her mother, my great-grandmother, had typhus (sorry for horror films), and they shaved her head, then it was the only way to get rid of typhoid lice, she had straw wavy hair, after which WHITE and straight hair began to grow, although I still didn’t understand whether it was white in the sense of platinum or gray But these are all horror stories . But my ex-husband had his hair cut when he was one and a half years old; he had wonderful white curls. His mother-in-law said that it was such a shock for him, he cried, then refused to go to the hairdresser until he was 14, and she cut his ends at home. And the curls have disappeared since then. Grishka now seems to have straight hair, only wavy hair on the back of his head... They’re already pressing me, let’s cut it in the spring - I definitely won’t let him. And they didn’t cut my sister’s hair, her hair is excellent, even though she is now actively ruining it with dyes and styling
And as for folk remedies - yes, it’s just patience and perseverance, as an example I can cite Mila Jovovich, her mother, Galina Loginova, washed Mila’s hair with decoctions since childhood, the result is now visible. In general, if you don’t want to bother with eggs, remember there was such a Soviet “Children’s” shampoo, it was based on eggs. And I saw it on sale again not so long ago.

NataLisa, 26.01.06 15:13

Hello everyone! I had a whole war over this when I was one year old! The fact is that I was shaved bald when I was one year old and supposedly it was after that that my hair began to grow really gorgeous!

I went to the pediatrician, dermatologist, etc. - the answer was: how many hair follicles are there in the scalp, so many of them will remain! It’s just that if you shave baby fluff, adult hairs immediately begin to grow!

My daughter didn’t have a gun at all! Immediately hair, and not bad, as far as I can tell! She was born dark-haired, then turned a little brown, now dark brown, curly, long-haired! Well, how to trim this beauty?! Maybe I should shave my son.
Just as I was shaved in early childhood, my curls disappeared... Now they appear only after a shower and after the rain!

Divo, 26.01.06 16:18

And I shaved Sasha. There was no shock - they came to the hairdresser, I sat him on my lap, and in a couple of minutes they worked him on the bald spot with a clipper - just before the frost. We'll see, of course, what happens. Now such a cool hedgehog is half a centimeter long. He didn't turn into a freak, believe me.

nushkinamochka, 27.01.06 18:05

If you cut your hair bald in order to improve your hair, I wouldn’t. Firstly, it’s true that for a girl, even a small one, it’s still stressful and, in my opinion, not very aesthetically pleasing.
Secondly, I join everyone who has already expressed the opinion that hair thickness or rarity is genetics + the internal state of the body, which cannot be influenced in any way in infancy and you will not know what is there and how. It is we, adults, who can already correlate hair loss with stress, pregnancy, breastfeeding... That is, it seems to me that it is impossible to influence this in any way.
Thirdly, just recently I looked at photographs of an elderly lady. Photos of childhood, youth... When I saw her bald at a children's camp, I asked what the reason was. She explained that her aunt believed that girls should always cut their hair so that their hair would be thicker. And what?? She lived her whole life - she never saw the thickness of her hair, but she had ridicule and complexes because of it. Although here we are talking about an older child, naturally, what do you have, Rusalka.
But shaving a girl? - No
» Added later
You should not shave your hair. The hair follicle is still very weak and can be damaged. It is best to leave 4-5 mm. I've already cut mine 3 or 4 times. It's better than steel, but still not very thick. So, whatever nature has given us, we will live with.

gourmet, 09.02.06 03:54

I shaved my eldest when she was exactly one year old, but we had almost no hair. But then... . The younger one didn’t, it was cold, and her hair was better. Although now I regret it a little.

Nat's mom, 28.04.06 15:22

I decided to cut my miracle's hair a year. I invited a hairdresser from a neighbor with a hair clipper, we sat down, everything was fine, but when it was turned on. the haircut started like this. Then we somehow cut off the long strands with scissors and dragged it into the bathroom; dad had to shave it with his razor to zero. Now, every time we bathe, we smear our heads with yogurt. The hair is already growing back and is completely different - thick and strong.
Here in Kazakhstan, Kazakhs cut a child for the first time at 40 days, and they all have braids that are said to be as thick as an arm, or even more.

Lika, 29.04.06 12:24

Nat's mom, Asians have bad hair only the elders. I work with the Vietnamese and Laotians, my mother is from Kazakhstan herself... so I can compare. Their hair is coarse and thick, and as I remember, it’s round in cross-section, so it’s straight (my dream). They are born so hairy! They have been making ponytails since the first days... So this is not an indicator....

TsiyaPa, 11.09.06 12:15

She shaved at 1.5 months to remove the yellow crusts that got wet during the process and to help her grow evenly.
I agree that they definitely won’t get thicker.
I'm against cutting my hair a year, the child is already big, girls don't look beautiful at all. We've already cut ours with a clipper 3 times using the 5th attachment (small hedgehog)

Plushka, 18.09.06 15:05

And here’s my story on this topic. A friend’s girl is 2 months older than our boy. The hairstyles (or rather the lack thereof), the quality of the hairs and even their color were absolutely the same. They shaved their baby when she was one year old, but we didn’t, because this issue doesn’t really bother us and it was a cold winter in general. In general, now after 8 months they again have the same hairstyles. So I don’t even know if it’s worth shaving a year or not.

Most young parents, having celebrated their baby's first birthday, are faced with the difficult choice of whether to cut their child's hair bald during their first birthday. According to trichologists, it is better not to do this or to do it carefully, as you can damage the baby’s delicate skin.

Is it necessary to shave a year old baby?

Where did the belief come from - to cut and shave a child’s head?

1. Shaving a child’s head at 1 year of age is necessary so that the hair becomes thick.

This is a long-standing misconception. From birth, a child receives a certain number of hair follicles from his parents as an “inheritance”. Haircut and shaving will not reduce or increase hair on the baby's head in the future. Everything is initially laid down by genes.

2. According to some parents, after shaving their baby grew voluminous hair?

Around the age of one year, all children experience a natural change of hair. After cutting and shaving the child, the process speeds up a little. But without this, the hair would have become the same, but two to three months later.

3. Shaving a child a year is an ancient tradition. Our ancestors did this with all their children.

In Ancient Rus', cutting children's hair every year was considered a kind of adoption into the family. This had more to do with the high infant mortality rate. If a child could survive this critical age, then he was already considered a full member of the family. The tonsure could be compared to a rite of passage.

But in most cases, the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to cut a child’s hair under one year old was due to a common measure in the fight against various types of infections (for example, against the spread of lice). And only in later times did haircuts for children become fashionable.

Should a child's hair be cut bald a year?

If we put traditions aside and look at this issue from a medical point of view, we can understand that it is not necessary to cut a child’s hair.

It is not recommended to cut hair for children whose scalp is not strong. By shaving a child bald, you can accidentally damage the scalp and hair follicles. This can give a radically opposite effect and instead of thick hair, your baby will become the owner of thin, lifeless hairs. Damaged hair follicles will not be able to provide adequate nutrition to the hair.

Each parent must decide for themselves whether to shave their child a year or not. Consult with specialists before getting a haircut, take into account the personality traits of your baby - remember, if the first haircut becomes a lot of stress for him, it will be very difficult to motivate him to visit the hairdresser in the future.