Dream wife cheating what does it mean. Why do you dream about your wife cheating? Dream Interpretation: Wife Cheating on Her Husband

Betrayal by a loved one in real life is a depressing incident that leaves a deep mark on the soul. It is akin to betrayal, is not forgotten and is forgiven in quite rare cases. But why dream of betrayal in a dream? You can find the answer to this question in the current article.

The meaning of the image of betrayal in a dream

Cheating on a loved one is one of the secret or obvious fears of people prone to jealousy. According to the interpretation of dreams about this phenomenon with psychoanalytic point of view, Some dreams are a reflection of the real fear of catching a lover or lover with someone else. Perhaps, before going to bed, the dreamer thought about possible betrayal, convinced himself of its possibility and rethought his relationship with his other half.

Almost all psychoanalysts give similar meaning to the image of betrayal. The exception is Sigmund Freud, who connects this phenomenon with sexology. According to the scientist, a person who sees his beloved with another in a dream may have problems with potency.

However, there is another position for interpreting dreams about betrayal - esoteric. This point of view is much older than psychoanalysis and has roots in pagan antiquity. According to this theory, any dream in which a person sees a loved one cheating on someone else warns of future problems. However, a dream about betrayal can turn out to be both prophetic and a shapeshifting dream. This means that the events he dreamed about in real life will come true exactly the opposite.

Be that as it may, in order for the interpretation of a dream to be as accurate as possible, the plot details of the dream should be taken into account. In the case of a dream about a loved one’s betrayal, this is:

  • The identity of the cheater and his status in relation to the dreamer;
  • The behavior of a person who sees betrayal in a dream;
  • The emotional state of the dreamer after awakening.

Let's take a closer look at each of the points listed above.

Depending on who changed

The identity of the traitor in a dream is key to the interpretation of the dream. First of all, it is important to consider who exactly this person is for the dreamer:

  • Official or common-law spouse;
  • Legal husband;
  • Beloved girl or bride;
  • Beloved boyfriend or fiance;
  • Former passion.

Let's consider the meaning of dreams in which each of the listed people cheats on the dreamer.


If a man dreams cheating wife, You should pay attention to who exactly your loved one cheated with:

  • If a woman cheated with a man's friend, the dream means that in fact the spouse is indifferent to his passion;
  • Cheating with my wife's friend dreams of the beginning of a streak of failures and serious losses. Sigmund Freud interprets such an image as a signal about the beginning of problems with potency in the dreamer;
  • Wife having sex with a stranger speaks of the dreamer’s causeless jealousy, he is ready to see betrayal even where there is none;
  • If wife cheats on her husband out of revenge in a dream, in reality nothing threatens the couple. Their family life is harmonious;
  • The image of a woman cheating on her husband with her girlfriend, according to Freud’s dream book, speaks of the dreamer’s latent Oedipus complex;
  • If you dreamed wife who slept with a stranger, the dream may indicate that the husband himself is thinking about cheating on his wife. Be careful, not only your personal happiness is at stake, but also your overall well-being. Your spouse will not forgive such betrayal and will try to take revenge on you.

According to the Seasonal Dream Book, a dream about your wife’s betrayal that you had in the spring may turn out to be prophetic. It is in the spring that you should take a closer look at a woman’s actions. Perhaps she has personal secrets from her husband.


If a woman dreams of cheating husband, it is also important to consider with whom exactly the husband is cheating - with a friend, with the dreamer’s sister or with an unfamiliar woman, etc.:

  • If you find your husband in a dream, having sexual intercourse with your sister, the dream means that serious problems await you at work, including dismissal. Try not to enter into open confrontation with your superiors;
  • Cheating husband with girlfriend in a dream means that in reality you consider this woman better than yourself and are secretly jealous of your spouse. In fact, the man gives preference to you, your fears are groundless;
  • A man cheats on his wife in a dream with his friend- such night dreams foreshadow a serious quarrel between these people;
  • Cheating with an unknown girl indicates an unresolved conflict within the family;
  • If a woman dreams that her husband is cheating on her with a stranger, there is a high probability of a quick divorce;
  • If in a dream husband cheated on his wife with his friend, the dream portends big troubles;
  • If your current husband cheated on you in a dream with your ex-husband, Expect self-doubt and fear of loneliness.

According to the Autumn Interpreter, If you dreamed about your husband’s betrayal in the fall, there is a high probability that the dream will turn out to be prophetic. Take a close look at your partner. Perhaps he is hiding something important.


If a girl dreamed of her fiance’s betrayal, the meaning of the dream may be as follows:

  • See your boyfriend having sex with another girl, means that in reality he will idolize you;
  • If you dreamed that someone tells you that the groom cheated, the dream foreshadows the collapse of hopes and self-doubt;
  • If the young man himself admits to treason, in reality you will be lucky in all your endeavors;
  • If you dream quarrel with a guy because of his affair on the side, the dream means that in real life you are worried that your groom might cheat on you.

A dream about a young man’s betrayal in the summer can be prophetic.

Young woman

If a guy dreams that his bride is cheating on him, the meaning of the dream may be as follows:

  • If a young man witnesses a girl cheating, this means that in real life he lacks thrills;
  • If the bride admits to cheating, the dream predicts a series of despondency and continuous failures for the guy;
  • The dream in which the girl denies the obvious fact of betrayal, means that the dreamer should be on guard - ill-wishers are plotting against him;
  • If the cheating bride accuses her fiance of cheating on her too, The meaning of sleep is most often positive. Such a dream speaks of harmony in relationships and predicts a quick marriage.

Dreams about a girl’s betrayal that occur in the winter are prophetic.

Ex or ex

If a man or woman dreams of a partner from the distant past who cheats on the dreamer, the interpretation of night dreams may be as follows:

  • If the guy dream of breaking up with a girl, with whom he had long since broken up in real life, the dream means that due to the inability to part with the past, the dreamer may have problems in the future;
  • If a girl dreamed that she her former lover changed her, according to Vanga’s dream book, the dream means that she is still not able to forget this person;
  • Dream about ex-husband cheating on a married woman dreams of a quarrel with your current spouse. According to Freud's dream book, the conflict will be initiated by a wife who will compare her current husband with her past;
  • Dream about betrayal of former spouse divorced woman without a partner dreams of a new admirer appearing in her life;
  • A man has a dream about how his ex-wife cheats on him, foreshadows a quick meeting with her. He may want to rekindle the relationship. If a man is remarried, the dream foreshadows a quarrel with his current wife and the loss of her trust.

A dream in which one dreams strangers cheating, portends a quarrel in the family. The cause of discord will be the dreamer's unstable financial situation.

According to the dreamer's behavior in a dream

In order to correctly decipher a dream about betrayal, it is necessary to take into account the dreamer’s behavior. This point is key to the interpretation of night dreams. Thus:

  • Watch betrayal with peace of mind means that you are not afraid of change and boldly face your fears;
  • Protest in a dream at the sight of betrayal to love a loved one means to find yourself in a humiliating situation in real life;
  • Punch the cheater in the face means that in real life you will have a serious quarrel with this person;
  • Beating up the cheater and the person he had sex with, means that you will make a wise decision at a crucial moment. In your personal life, everything will be fine;
  • Complain to a friend about your significant other cheating means that you are too demanding of your significant other. Do not cause discomfort to your loved ones with your unjustified jealousy;
  • Cry when you learn about betrayal dreams of an unexpected and pleasant surprise from a loved one;
  • Kill the traitor means that the relationship with this person has outlived its usefulness. A quick divorce from your spouse or a serious quarrel with your lover is possible, which will lead to separation;
  • Plan treason according to the dream book of the magician and psychic Longo, it means that global changes will soon come in the dreamer’s life. If a man had such a dream, he will soon make the dream come true and leave his beloved for a new love adventure.

If you dreamed that your loved one cheated on you, but you forgave him, it means that in real life you value your relationship with him very much.

Emotional state after sleep

The emotional state of the dreamer after waking up is of great importance. Depending on this factor, you can judge the real level of a person’s jealousy, and also find out how negative the meaning of a particular dream is. Thus, if a person after waking up:

  • Feels comfortable the dream is positive. Nothing bad will happen in the dreamer’s personal life;
  • A little excited he should pay attention to his own attitude towards loved ones. There is a high probability of pathological jealousy;
  • Covered in sweat and shaking all over, like after a nightmare, the interpretation of the dream is completely negative;
  • Gets angry and loses his temper, according to Freud’s dream book, such a person is a pathological jealous person;
  • Rejoices a dream may mean that a person strives for new sensations and is open to sensual pleasures;
  • Crying the dream foreshadows an early separation from a beloved person.

If a person, after a dream about betrayal, completely indifferent and calm in relation to the dream, the image has no additional meaning.

Why does a woman dream about her own betrayal?

Women's dreams are often deeper and more symbolic than men's. This is due to the extreme sensitivity and receptivity of the fair sex. Therefore, images that appear in dreams can be interpreted slightly differently. For example, if a man dreams that he is cheating on his wife or fiancee, Freud’s dream book interprets this image as a desire to cheat on her that is suppressed in real life. The only exception is cheating with a prostitute - it portends shame for the man.

For women, things are not so clear:

  • If a married lady dreamed that she cheated on her husband, the dream foretells a streak of failures. At the same time, an unfavorable period in a woman’s life depends entirely on herself. Somnologists recommend reconsidering your worldview and some views on life;
  • If the lady in the dream enjoyed cheating, she should think about the quality of her intimate life with her husband. Perhaps not everything is as smooth as we would like;
  • Personal betrayal as revenge on the faithful may dream of receiving forbidden pleasures that will not negatively affect family relationships;
  • Cheat on your husband or fiance with his friend, according to the Everyday Dream Book, it means that significant problems will arise in the house due to the fault of the woman herself;
  • Regret the affair on the side for a woman means that in fact she wants to cheat on her husband or fiance and regrets their marriage;
  • If you dreamed of betrayal, as a result of which the deceived man hit or killed the culprit, in real life, this couple will have a harmonious and long-term relationship;
  • Quarrel in a dream with your husband because of your own infidelity means that the relationship has reached a turning point. A quick divorce is possible, but only the woman has the opportunity to save the marriage.

If a woman dreamed that she cheats on his spouse with a family enemy, This is a very disturbing dream. In the near future, a great misfortune will befall the family, the cause of which will be the machinations of that same ill-wisher.

Interpretation of dreams about betrayal according to various dream books

The interpretation of dreams about betrayal can be found in almost every dream book. However, there are interpretations that contradict each other. This phenomenon is explained by the difference in points of view of somnologists. As mentioned above, some of them give preference to psychoanalysis, others to esotericism.

For the most accurate interpretation of the image of betrayal in a dream, one should study the interpretations of both psychoanalytic and esoteric dream books.

  • Dream book of Sigmund Freud. The famous psychotherapist is of the opinion that betrayal in a dream personifies the dreamer’s hidden sexual aspirations or is a symptom of his pathological jealousy;
  • Dream Book of David Loff. The psychoanalyst views such dreams as a projection of a person’s real fears;
  • Dream book of Gustav Miller. A somnologist and psychoanalyst is of the opinion that in a person’s sleep, intuition is actively working. Therefore, dreams can talk about the future.
  • Vanga's dream book, according to which such dreams are often positive;
  • Dream book of magician Yuri Longo who considers betrayal in a dream as an upside-down image;
  • Dream book of the 21st century, the latest edition, which gives the most detailed interpretation of the image of betrayal in a dream.

Betrayal and betrayal are probably the most terrible blows that a loved one can deal to us.

It is quite difficult to experience them in reality, and this process can take a lot of time.

How does the dream book explain the betrayal seen by a man in a dream? Why do you dream about your wife cheating?

Who's the lover?

Cheating on your beloved with your best friend indicates a lack of attention from the opposite sex. And if she cheated with a stranger, then you consider yourself not attractive enough.

If you dream that betrayal was committed with your brother, it means that in life you consider him a reliable comrade. And when your beloved cheats on you with your father, this is a sign that your loved ones want to meet you.

The dream of cheating on your wife with a famous handsome actor means a long, fun journey. And if a homeless person became her lover, then your mother-in-law will soon invite you to visit.

A dream in which your spouse cheated on you with a neighbor speaks of your excessive arrogance. And cheating on your beloved with the president warns of possible troubles at work.

Your reaction

If a husband in a dream is indifferent to his wife’s betrayal, then in reality he is preparing for important negotiations. And to feel offended means to get ready to spend the evening in warm company.

As the dream book writes, one dreams of anger from experienced betrayal before meeting old friends. And if your wife’s betrayal caused joy, then this indicates that there are disagreements in your family.

  • Crying because your loved one has cheated is a sign of committing a heroic act.
  • Hitting your spouse means a profitable deal at work.
  • A dream in which you immediately forgave the cheater means gossip behind your back.
  • Divorce due to betrayal means winning in competitions.
  • Suffering for a long time means your spouse distrusts you.

To experience a feeling of contempt for your wife in a dream means relying on the wise advice of your parents. And a dream where your wife accuses you of driving her to have sex with another man means the joy of communicating with your beloved.

If you dream that you are in a deep, prolonged depression due to betrayal, get ready to move to a new job. And to change your beloved in return means to receive a bonus.

Other meanings

Constant betrayal occurs in dreams when you are faced with a difficult choice. And if you have directly witnessed betrayal, then a bright, memorable event will soon await you.

Suspecting in a dream that your spouse is cheating, but having no evidence, means enjoying your vacation. And to monitor her, resorting to the services of a private detective, will soon go to another country.

  • Fighting with your woman’s lover in a dream means having dinner in pleasant company.
  • Shaking his hand after a showdown marks the arrival of his wife’s close relatives.
  • Knowing that your missus is cheating, but tolerating it, is a manifestation of your hidden talents.
  • A dream where you watch her cheat on you is a sign of a trip with friends to interesting places.
  • Dreaming of a stranger in your closet means minor troubles at work.

The dream book explains the betrayal of your wife in your house by her fidelity and devotion. And if she cheated on you in a hotel, then you need to think about your financial situation and not spend too much.

A dream in which the spouse tries to justify herself is a great triumph. And your beloved, who says that she is leaving you, usually dreams before marriage.

  • Not believing that your spouse has cheated on you is a revelation from an old friend.
  • Telling someone about your wife’s infidelity means big money.
  • Looking at photographs of your wife with her lover means buying an expensive item.

According to the dream book, your wife’s betrayal, which a friend told you about, is a sign that several women love you. And if you were sent an anonymous letter, then to achieve your goal you should be sharper and more persistent.

When in a dream your beloved told you about her sin, it means that in reality she trusts you very much. And if strangers told you unpleasant news, then in the near future you will be introduced to interesting people.

When a husband dreams of his wife’s betrayal, you should definitely look into the dream book. This will help avoid ridiculous suspicions that often arise after such dreams. In addition, having learned why his wife cheated in a dream, a man will be able to look into his future. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Despite the fact that men are considered the strong half of humanity, in their suspiciousness they are sometimes superior to their spouses. And they are often concerned about the question of why their wife dreams of cheating and how close their dreams are to reality. Moreover, in men with increased suspicion, dreams, both with scenes of adultery and with spiritual betrayals of their other half, cause unreasonable attacks of jealousy, which sometimes leads to a break in marital relations.

Some men do not pay attention to such dreams at all, some of them resort to the services of clairvoyant dream interpreters or independently try to figure out their meaning with the help of dream books. However, few husbands seek to deal with dreams of their wife’s infidelity.

Reasons for dreams about your wife cheating

Also the father of modern psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud emphasized that men's dreams in which a wife cheats on her husband are a direct indication of his lack of faith in spouse's fidelity. According to modern psychotherapists, if such dreams are repeated with a sufficiently high frequency, then this is the first sign of disharmony in family relationships. Both spouses should think about the presence of intrafamily problems, their causes and ways to eliminate them. Since dreams are a subconscious combination of different versions of reality, it is possible that dreams about a wife’s infidelity are inspired by certain, sometimes not recorded at the level of consciousness, facts or her behavior.

Interpretation of dreams with wife cheating

According to Mayan dream book, it is not unusual for an unmarried man to dream about the possible infidelity of his future wife. Such dreams indicate the infantilism of consciousness and the young man’s unpreparedness for married life. He is subconsciously, ready in advance to explain possible family troubles with the frivolity of his bride.

Eastern dream book contains information that the husband’s dreams about his other half’s infidelity indicate a fading or cooling of physiological attraction, which can be caused either by the wife’s dissatisfaction with her husband and her reluctance to be intimate, or by the appearance of a new partner in the man.

Various gypsy dream books even more categorical. For this ethnic group, a dream of betrayal in spiritual terms is close to real adultery - if the wife has not yet cheated on her husband, then this will happen in the near future.

Interpretation of dreams with wife's betrayal by esotericists

Almost all esoteric schools recognize dreams as a real reflection of events recorded on a spiritual level, to which the consciousness does not pay due attention. They look at dreams of their wife cheating on them from two sides:

  • when dreams of cheating on her husband come to the woman herself;
  • when my husband had a dream about his wife cheating on him.

The esoteric interpretation of dreams about adultery is quite tolerant and is explained in most cases by one of the following reasons:

  • External factors– watching erotic films, cheating on a friend’s wife, complaints from relatives about their partners’ infidelity. However, in reality there are no significant reasons to think about it.
  • The husband’s dissatisfaction with the lack of harmony in any area of ​​family life.
  • Cheating on your wife in a dream is a prediction of changes in real life, and they can be simultaneously directed towards both negative and positive.

What is happening in reality, spouses can only find out together. If the family environment is unfavorable, the appearance of corresponding thoughts on a subconscious level and their possible implementation in reality. As they say, “you don’t even need to go to a fortune teller.”

The dreams that a man dreams very often carry with them a deep meaning that is important to pay attention to. As you know, dreams help you see what really worries a person the most. Situations are often displayed, obvious experiences are shown that cannot so easily be discerned in a person.

Why does a man dream about his wife cheating on him? Such a dream can have a large number of interpretations. To choose the right version, you just need to take a closer look at real life, where you can clearly see all the shortcomings.

  • First , Why do you dream about your wife cheating on your husband? These are some imperceptible changes. Perhaps something is happening in your life, but you are unable to notice it. You should be more attentive to the woman you love. Try to give her more attention and care. In this case, it will be possible not only to notice the problem, but also to solve it in such a simple way.
  • The second interpretation of the dream is that the man is simply tired. This is a very common version, where it is very important to understand: you should devote more time to your family, because only then will you be able to escape from problems, and most importantly, you can get rid of such dreams.
  • The third version of why you dream of your wife cheating in a dream is changes, but in the lives of your friends. Such a dream may be a sign that your friends will soon experience truly unexpected and very pleasant events that will pleasantly surprise you.

Why do you dream about your wife cheating on you with a certain person?

If you are wondering why you dream about your wife cheating before your eyes, then in your dream you saw the man who replaced you. In this situation, there are several options for the development of events depending on the wife’s partner in the dream.

  1. No matter how strange it may sound, your wife could cheat on you with the president. Such a dream cannot be called favorable, since it warns of possible troubles that may arise at work.
  2. If you catch your wife sleeping with your brother, you should not start a riot at all. This is a good sign that in real life you will have a good relationship with him, built on mutual understanding and trust.
  3. One of the common options is to show indifference when your wife cheats. Such a dream suggests that you are preparing for something very important, perhaps negotiations at work. Immediately speaking of the opposite, you may react in some way to what is happening and become very jealous. This suggests that you will have a pleasant evening in a cozy atmosphere, spent with your friends.
  4. Why do you dream about your wife cheating on you with a friend? This option suggests that you do not have enough attention from your significant other. This is, of course, very easy to compensate for.
  5. In a dream, your beloved may turn out to be unfaithful with a completely unfamiliar man. In this case, it is important to note the fact that in reality you consider yourself very attractive.
  6. If you ask yourself why you dream about your wife cheating on you with an ex-man, you cannot help but talk about your feelings of jealousy.

Other interpretations of sleep

The dream of betrayal is one of the most difficult. It is not entirely easy to understand, because there are many variations. There is a clear explanation for every specific situation. Men don’t just dream, there’s always a reason. If you want, you can determine it in no time.

Looking through the dream book, why do you dream about your wife cheating on you? This is a common question. There are many interesting versions of what will happen in a person’s life if he suddenly dreams of such a picture.

Why do you dream about your wife cheating on you with a friend?

One of the interesting versions is cheating on your beloved in your apartment or house. This is a very good sign, because in this case you don’t have to worry about your relationship. Your soulmate will be faithful only to you throughout your life and nothing will force her to exchange you for someone else.

If you talked to someone in a dream about how your significant other turned out to be a traitor, you will most likely be in for some pleasant financial gains. Although the sign is not entirely suitable, in fact, after such a dream, many experienced a significant influx of money.

Reasons why you dream about your wife cheating , quite a lot. If you had to see such a picture in a dream, you should not panic and perceive everything as it was. In fact, each story has a deep meaning, which, more often than not, turns out to be good news for you and your family.

Cheating on your husband in a dream

Speaking about infidelity on the part of female representatives, one cannot fail to say about men. They, too, can do such a bad thing, especially often this happens in a dream. As you can already guess, such dreams have their own interpretations.

One of the versions of why one dreams of cheating on one’s wife on the other hand is the woman’s excessive gullibility. It is impossible to say that this is bad, but it should be taken into account. If you notice that they are just starting to take advantage of you for the sake of obtaining some advantages, it is advisable to do something right away so that this does not happen again in the future. If you saw betrayal in a dream, there is a possibility that you do not want someone to control you.

Cheating on your husband in a dream may indicate that in real life you are very concerned about this issue. If you suspect that your man might cheat on you, just be more attentive to him. If you strengthen a relationship, there can be no talk of destroying it.

Cheated on your wife in a dream - in reality you will be accused of breaking the law. It is unlikely that this will be a high-profile case, but a rash act can cancel out a lot in life. Therefore, watch your thoughts and your actions. If a woman dreams of her betrayal, the dream predicts that it is time for her to change her tactics in relation to her beloved, otherwise her wayward, domineering character will destroy love. Such a dream could also mean cruel deception coming from you.

If you were cheated on in a dream, it means that your partner is abusing your trust. Cheating with a girl of easy virtue speaks of the absurdity of a man’s actions. Perhaps his mind was clouded by imaginary friends.

Why do you dream of betrayal - according to Vanga’s dream book

If in a dream you were visited by a desire to commit adultery, but at the very last moment you changed your mind, such a dream ascribes a strong will, and it will undoubtedly help you achieve success in life. If the betrayal does come true, feelings will soon cool down, and the collapse of plans will lead the subject into severe depression. If a woman sees how she is cheating on her husband, she should be humiliated; For a man, such a dream promises troubles at work and discord in the family.

Why do you dream of betrayal - according to Freud's dream book

The fact of cheating in dreams indicates that you either want to do it, or something similar has already happened in life. Perhaps there was no treason as such, but the possibility of committing it existed. The second interpretation of the dream comes down to a lack of attention on the part of the partner, a desire to diversify sexual relationships. Did they cheat on you in a dream? This means that there is subconscious fear, suspicion or painful jealousy.

Why do you dream of betrayal - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Dreams about adultery foreshadow future changes. The meaning of the dream depends on the specific events seen by the sleeper. If a man sees how he is cheating, this can be interpreted as:
- unwillingness to accept the existing reality;
- a symbolic image of some changes;
- feeling of guilt for committing treason in reality;
- lack of female affection.

If a man sees his wife in bed with another, this is a symbol:
— surprise from changes;
- distrust of his wife.

A woman seeing her betrayal:
- strives for independence;
- tired of everyday life.

A wife exposing her husband in a dream:
- resists the will of her husband, tries to change the situation;
- does not want to change;
- harbored a grudge against the faithful.

Why do you dream of betrayal - according to Loff’s dream book

Treason for revenge predicts a very happy family union. To repent of adultery means not to be satisfied with the current state of affairs. The dream prophesies that you will use any tricks and tricks to change the situation, to make it “work” for you.

Why do you dream of betrayal - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Cheating on your loved one or friends during sleep notifies you that, overestimating your capabilities, you have conceived a grandiose plan, but forgot to calculate the details. Only this approach promises complete failure. Haste is the main enemy in a serious matter, so think through everything to the smallest detail before implementing your plan.

Seeing yourself as a cheater is a bad sign. The dream shows that in a critical situation you will not have enough courage and perseverance to cope with problems. If you proudly refused intimacy in a dream, it means you have a very strong character.

Why do you dream of betrayal - according to Hasse’s dream book

Seeing your man cheating with a friend or sister means the collapse of all expectations and hopes. However, there is a way out! Be more lenient and kinder to your partner, only in this case will he appreciate you, and you will feel the real joy of intimacy. Cheating with someone means desperately wanting thrills. However, it is likely that you will run into trouble instead.

Why do you dream of betrayal - according to Meneghetti’s dream book

Meneghetti, like Freud, suggested that the cause of betrayal in a dream is a psychological factor. It has long been known that if a person does not discharge in reality, it means that he does it in a dream. The brain consciously generates images, thus trying to compensate for the deficiency, since you cannot go against nature. Most likely, in real life you lack affection and carnal joys. Passionate sex with a stranger can also symbolize a lack of variety in the intimate sphere.

Why do you dream of betrayal - according to Longo’s dream book

Cheating in a dream represents the desire, conscious or subconscious, to taste the forbidden fruit in reality.