Postcards for March 8 with instructions

A postcard is an artistically designed postcard for an open letter (without an envelope). On the front side postcards there is some image, and its reverse part is intended for writing a message and the addresses of the recipient and sender, as well as for gluing a postage stamp.

Popular today about tcards handmade can be of various configurations, formats and purposes. Congratulatory cards have been and remain classics of the genre. postcards.

This is the most affordable gift that will delight a loved one! You can give full rein to your imagination and imagination using various techniques and materials.

On this wonderful spring holiday, we congratulate the beautiful half of humanity on International Women's Day and give gifts. Show us what gifts you have prepared with your own hands for your grandmother, mother, sister, classmate, beloved. The event must be reflected in the work. If your gift is universal, choose the event Good mood or Undefined for it.

Master Class

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March 8 is the main women's holiday. On this day, everyone will give mothers, grandmothers, sisters and friends cute gifts, crafts and, of course, postcards made of paper and cardboard, made with their own hands in kindergarten, school or at home. Look at what options for postcards are on our website, these are master classes from needlewomen and photographs sent by our readers to, including in 2019.

Master class by Zabava Polezhaeva. First we need to prepare the base for the postcard. To do this, cut out a rectangle from thick beige paper with a white pattern. From thinner paper, also beige, cut several strips 3 cm wide. Glue them together into one long strip. Then, using a figured hole punch, we decorate one longitudinal edge of the resulting strip with an openwork pattern. Then we paste this tape around the perimeter of the card. To contrast between the background of the card and the decorative paper braid, we will glue narrow strips of red paper - an impromptu ribbon.

While the base of the card dries, we will prepare the elements of the future decor. Let's prepare several cylindrical parts - these will be the centers of the flowers. They can be red, yellow or orange.

Cut paper of orange, yellow and pink colors into short pieces - 5-7 cm long. Let's cut them on one long side - you'll get a kind of fringe. Glue the resulting blanks around the centers of the flowers, and when the flowers dry, fluff their petals. In addition to flowers with centers, you also need to make several thinner flowers without centers, only from blanks with a fringed edge.

Using a simple device - markings on thick cardboard and pins - you need to prepare several leaves of green quilling paper.

There should be several leaves, of different sizes and possibly different shades.

When some of the elements have already been prepared, you can begin to design the postcard. To begin, draw a large number 8 in the central part of the card with a simple pencil. Glue the prepared flowers to the upper right and lower left parts. Chrysanthemums with centers - along the contour of the number, and without centers - around the last ones. After the flowers are glued, we complement the lower part of the figure eight with curved leaves, and the upper part with green paper outlines.

As an additional decoration for the postcard, you can use beads, as well as shaped elements made from red cardboard using a shaped hole punch.

Let's complement the card with green beads, as well as contrasting paper elements.

From light green paper we will make several small (no more than 1 cm long) leaves, as well as curls, with which we will complement the postcard. You can also introduce a few curls of white paper. This will add airiness and tenderness to the work. In some places, pearl beads can be glued into the middle of the curls.

Using a thin simple pencil, write the words “C” and “March!” at the top left and bottom right of the postcard, so that the end result on the postcard reads “Happy March 8!”

Use dark green quilling paper to write the lettering on the card. You can also glue multi-colored butterflies, and don’t forget to glue a cute bow made of burgundy paper in the upper left corner of our card.

The postcard for March 8 is ready!

Interesting cards for mom can be made using threads, if the kindergarten teacher helps you cut out the desired template:

“To my beloved mother.” Boginskaya Polina.
Greeting card. A4 format, the background is made with wax crayons, flowers are made of foamiran, stems and leaves are made of napkins using a twisting method. Number made of colored cardboard and thread.

You can make an original children's card using multi-colored and openwork napkins:

“Bouquet for Mom.” Peskov Timofey.

The work is made of salt dough, colored paper, and a yogurt bottle. First we form flowers. We wait for the dough to dry and paint with gouache paints. Glue half a yogurt bottle onto colored cardboard and color it first. We arrange our flowers, add leaves cut from colored paper. Our card for mom is ready!

“Volume postcard for March 8 from foamiran.” Sycheva Polina, Storchak Marina.
Postcards for March 8 are modeled from foamiran, cardboard, ribbon, and rhinestones. For flowers, strips are cut and twisted into a bud. Then the postcard itself is modeled.

"Spring Bouquet". Dyatlov Dmitry.
The applique is made of colored paper, cotton pads and cotton swabs. Cut a cotton swab in half and paint it yellow. When it dries, insert it into the middle of a rolled-up cotton pad. This is a calla flower. We cut out elongated leaves and stems from colored paper. We form a bouquet and paste it onto a cardboard base. Spring bouquet for mom is ready!

Another version of a simple, but very dear to the heart of every mother, a postcard - from the palm of her beloved son or daughter.

“Postcard from March 8th.” Filoretov Kirill.
On white cardboard folded in half, trace the child’s hand and carefully cut it out. The applique was made using colored and velvet paper.

Beautiful card for a friend

For a friend, you can make a card not with flowers, but, for example, with dresses (see the master classes below).

An interesting alternative to postcards for March 8 could be the “Merry Chocolate Girls” option. Solovyova Lyudmila.
This is a chocolate bar packaged in festive packaging. The packaging is made of colored cardboard, the drawings are printed on a color printer.

Postcards made of plasticine

To make a beautiful and original card from plasticine, you need very little material, but the craft will be amazing if you put in a little diligence and effort. For example, using these, you will get the most beautiful postcards.

Cards in the shape of a heart

On this spring holiday, the main gift is flowers, and the symbol of love is a heart, so postcards from March 8th in the shape of a heart with flowers are the warmest and most sincere gift.

To make a postcard using the technique, you will need strips of double-sided colored paper and a tool (you can also use a thin knitting needle), and then everything depends on your imagination; for inspiration, you can watch master classes using these photos:

You can make an original postcard for your mother or grandmother by March 8; the highlight of this gift will be a hand-embroidered picture. Your family will be very touched by your care and will appreciate your skills. Especially if they taught you how to embroider.

How to decorate a postcard with embroidery -

Volume cards for March 8

And in this master class we will make a simple postcard for March 8 from colored paper. You can do it with your children. A postcard from March 8 is made from colored paper very quickly. But it turns out bright and beautiful.

To make a postcard we will need:

  • Colored paper;
  • White cardboard;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler.

Let's start with the basics. Take white cardboard and bend the A4 piece of paper in half. To prevent the card from being too tall, you can trim it a little.
Now we need to cut 15 red stripes. We cut strips approximately 5-7 mm wide and 4 cm long. Instead of red paper, you can use any other bright and rich color. It is advisable that the paper be double-sided.
Next, you need to glue a petal from each strip. Fold the strip into a loop and glue it at the bottom. It turns out to be a petal. We do all this with the rest of the strips. Glue can be used with a pencil or PVA. But the fastest way to work is with hot glue. And it holds the parts together more reliably.

Then we will collect the flower. There will be 3 flowers in total on the card. And each has 5 petals. Glue the first flower to the card. First we glue 2 petals, then add 3 more. It turns out like this flower.

After this we glue 2 more flowers. The middle flower can be placed slightly higher than the others. This way the bouquet will look much better.

Now let's make the core. We will make it from yellow paper. But you can also take white paper.
Cut a strip 5-6 cm long and 5 mm wide. Then we will make frequent cuts along this strip. And with the help of scissors we bend the resulting cuts back a little.

We twist the middle so that the cloves point to the sides. And secure it with glue.

Glue the hearts to the flowers. And take the green paper. We cut out thin stems for the flowers. And we also glue them to the postcard. So we formed a small bouquet of paper flowers.

Now we will make 3 leaves. Fold the green paper. The fold is the middle of the leaf. Cut out the leaf. It should be slightly elongated.
Glue a couple of leaves at the bottom of the flowers and somewhere at the top. You can make more leaves.

Very voluminous cards can be made with such corrugated paper bouquets will take more time, but the result is worth it!

The following will help you make such beautiful cards:

Volumetric card with flowers and ribbons -

A charming postcard using the scrapbooking technique in the form of a window - master class

Postcards using origami technique

Postcards with dresses

What is a cocktail party?
This is a fun party for friends or colleagues on a special occasion or for no reason at all! Such a party can be bright, explosive and juicy!
But a cocktail dress should be original and stylish.

Today we will make a cocktail dress using the origami technique and decorate a postcard with it for March 8th.

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Here are the materials we will need for work:

  • base for a postcard or a sheet of light-colored cardboard;
  • brightly colored colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • decorative ribbon for decoration.

First, we will make a blank for the dress from colored paper. To do this, use a pencil and a ruler to draw and then carefully cut out a 10*10 cm square.
Now carefully bend the resulting square in half and in half again.

Next we make folds on each side. To do this, you need to fold the square along the central fold twice, first inward, then outward, as in the photo.

Now we fold the workpiece as shown in the photo.

To make the dress fluffy, you need to push the outer corners to the sides, carefully making small folds in the area of ​​the central transverse fold.

To design the neck line, mark 1/3 from the top point to the middle. Let's make a fold.

Then we turn the resulting fold back and form the corners, as shown in the photo.

Now you need to carefully bend the corners down.

Then you should turn the resulting corners up and turn the workpiece over.

Carefully bend the resulting corner to the wrong side, as shown in the photo.

Now you need to mark the waist line. To do this, you need to make an accordion fold in the middle.

In order for the dress to be fitted, you need to carefully bend 0.2-0.4 mm on the wrong side, as shown in the photo. Particular attention should be paid to the angles around the waist.

Let's turn the workpiece over and make a bow on the upper part of the bodice.
To do this, we will rotate the small corners by 45 * and unfold the resulting diamonds so that we get the petals of a bow.

The dress is ready!
All that remains is to design the front part of the card. To do this, we will use decorative tape. Cut the required amount of tape from it and glue it to one side of the card.
We prepare a congratulation and glue it. We position the dress and fix it with glue.

A bright dress for a party is ready!
This card will be a wonderful holiday gift.
Any woman will be pleased to receive such a congratulation!
We wish you success!

Master class “Blue dress” (postcard, origami)

I suggest using this wonderful dress as the basis for a greeting card. The card can be universal: Happy March 8, for mom, or just Happy Birthday. But the fact that it is intended for a girl or woman will be immediately obvious!

To make such a postcard with your own hands, we will need the following materials:

  • blue cardboard or card base;
  • blue and cyan colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • decorative tape; glue.

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Our dress will consist of two parts: a bodice and a skirt.

1. For the bodice we need to cut out a blue square with a side of 6-7 cm.
First you need to carefully mark, using a ruler and pencil, the middle of the square (vertical line). Now you need to fold each side of the square towards the middle. Let's look at the photo.

2. Then fold the resulting rectangle in half.

Handmade gifts are the most valuable. So, making a postcard for March 8th yourself is not only for children in kindergarten and first-graders. This is the best way to show how much you love and respect a person.

To work you will need:
  1. Scissors;
  2. Colored paper or cardboard;
  3. Stationery knife;
  4. Scotch;
  5. Glue, preferably transparent;
  6. Openwork napkin or lace;
  7. Wrapping paper;
  8. Pen;
  9. A beautiful photograph or image;
  10. Satin ribbon;
  11. Flowers, butterflies made of fabric, beads and other decorations to suit your taste.
The first step is to decide on the size of the postcard. It can be a banal A4 or A5, a giant A2 or a miniature A8. In this case, size certainly does not matter. A large card will take longer to decorate, but a small one will not be able to fit all your congratulatory words. Let's focus on size A4. We glue smaller colored paper onto thick cardboard of a dark color (burgundy, purple). You should get a frame from the bottom layer, and the tone of the paper should be slightly lighter than the cardboard. Using the principle of colored paper, we glue beautiful wrapping paper of an even smaller size on top. Wrapping paper can be replaced with scrap paper for greater effect.

We decorate the lower part of the card with an openwork napkin or lace using glue, having previously selected the desired size. You can paste a pattern of colored paper under the lace. Fold A5 size colored paper in half. On the front side of the resulting mini-card booklet we glue the recipient’s favorite photograph, an image of a teddy bear or a porcelain doll. This image should evoke positive emotions in the person for whom you are making this card. Inside this booklet we write a congratulatory text. We glue the mini-card onto a three-layer base, after placing a satin ribbon between them. Then we tie this ribbon with a beautiful bow, thereby tying the pages of the book together and closing the congratulatory text. At the corners of the base we glue fabric butterflies, flowers, or draw vintage patterns. You can leave traces of glue on the top of the card with your finger or a brush, and then sprinkle these places with beads or sequins. There should be no limit to your creativity and originality.

Remember that not in all cases it is possible to get by with just one postcard. Perhaps your crush is expecting a more functional gift that will shorten her time in the kitchen or replenish her myriad of personal care products. And then her gratitude will not keep you waiting long...

International Women's Day is one of the brightest holidays: on this day we strive to please our beloved women with attention and care, arrange surprises and give gifts. And it’s hard to find a more touching gift than a card made by the loving hands of a child. On the eve of March 8, we have collected all kinds of postcard options that a child can handle on his own or with the participation of adults.

Children are little creators. Even for a two-year-old child, creating a postcard will be an extremely exciting and useful activity. At the ages of 2 to 4 years, it is safest and easiest for children to work with paints, so in kindergarten on March 8 they usually draw pictures.

It’s not easy for kids to handle brushes and colored pencils, but creativity gives free rein to imagination: you can draw with cotton swabs, crumpled paper, or just with your hands.

For example, to create a card with peonies, you only need two sheets of paper, a saucer, water and paints. Pour some water into the container and add the desired paint. On a thick sheet of paper we draw stems and leaves with a finger or a brush. Then we crumple the second sheet, dip it in a saucer and leave marks on the paper, forming a flower. And now, a bouquet of peonies is ready.

Or you can make a bouquet of bright handprints.

Very beautiful drawings are obtained if you draw using the poking method with cotton swabs. Sticks can be collected into bunches, tied with a rubber band or tape, dipped in paint and left behind, looking like small inflorescences. In this way you can depict mimosa, wildflowers, cherry or lilac branches.

Applications for March 8th in kindergarten, step-by-step application postcard.

In the senior group of kindergarten, a child can make an appliqué postcard. In your work you can use colored paper, plasticine, scraps of fabric, buttons, ribbons, straw, cereals, eggshells, cotton wool and many others.

The applique “Vase with voluminous flowers” ​​turns out very beautiful. Using the descriptions and templates provided below, you can create a unique postcard to suit your taste.

We will need: colored cardboard for the background, colored paper, glue, scissors, beads, satin ribbon or other decorations.

We make five templates of different sizes from hard cardboard. You can choose ready-made vase and flower templates at the end of this MK or draw them yourself. Next, select a sheet of colored paper, outline the blanks and cut them out. We should have five different blanks for one flower.

Now we need to carefully bend the petals to the center.

Then we open the petals, forming cups.

We assemble the flower: we coat the blanks with glue and put the smaller cup into the larger one. In this case, the petals should be positioned asymmetrically in relation to each other so that the flower looks more realistic.

We collect the remaining flowers. Then we cut out a vase from paper of a different color and begin to build the composition. It’s better not to rush and first place all the elements on a background sheet of cardboard without glue. After we determine the location of each flower, we can glue, starting with the vase. If desired, the vase can be decorated with a satin ribbon or a mosaic of colored paper, and beads of the same tone can be glued into the flower cups. And now we have a cute applique card.

You can use templates with a different number of petals and vase shape.

Postcards for March 8th in elementary school, step-by-step do-it-yourself drawing, master class.

The most common option among children's cards is still a picture postcard. And this is fair: they do not require special materials to create, they are simpler to design and, in their own way, charming.

To create such a postcard we will need: paper, watercolor paints, brush, scissors. It is better to use thick watercolor paper or whatman paper.

Fold the sheet in half and begin drawing blades of grass with light lines. Closer to the edge we draw flowers, in our case, these are cornflowers, but you can choose other field plants, for example, poppies.

We also draw grass inside, and then cut the edge on the front side with a smooth line, repeating the outlines of the flowers. And so, we have an unusual and very tender card.

Beautiful DIY postcard for March 8:

With the advent of the Internet, finding sources of inspiration has become easier. We have collected many wonderful ideas for creating a postcard for March 8th for your mother, grandmother, teacher or sister.

Using scrapbooking technique.

Using the quilling technique.

3D postcards.

Using buttons, beads, ribbons and many others.

for mom, 10 options

You can express your love for your mother with a card with heart-shaped flowers...

Or draw her favorite flowers.

Mother's favorite flowers can also be depicted on an applique postcard.

Original postcards-bags.

Even though it looks complicated, this card is very easy to make. You can use special paper or simply choose a background for scrapbooking on the Internet and print it. To make the bag stable and solid, it is better to stick the printed background onto thin cardboard. We print or draw a template, cut out a blank based on it, bend it, glue it and proceed to the most interesting part - decoration. For this you can use ribbons, lace, beads, buttons, rhinestones, fabric flowers, sparkles and many others.

Bag template and background for scrapbooking.

for grandma, 10 options

When our grandmothers were children themselves, postcards for March 8 were mostly drawn or made from improvised materials. Today there is a huge selection of different materials for needlework and painting. For example, we can surprise our grandmother with such postcards.

Vintage-style postcards look very cute and original, but they are more difficult to make, so it’s better to make them together with your mother.

If you have little time left to create a gift, you can make a bright origami card. For example, here is a bouquet of tulips: simple and elegant.

Origami tulip patterns.

March 8 is also a spring holiday, which is why you can often see spring primroses or mimosa branches on postcards. Give your grandmother a mimosa appliqué made from napkins or treat her with flowers blooming on the windowsill.

for the teacher,10 options

Teachers receive March 8 cards from their students every year, so it's a little harder to impress them. But if you let your imagination run wild and put your mind to it, this is what can happen.

Application with a bouquet of flowers in mixed media.

If you master the quilling technique, you can make these unusual cards with your own hands.

You can make several of these flower meadows and decorate the nursery.

Three-dimensional postcard for March 8, master class

A voluminous postcard for March 8 is a cute gift that you can easily make with your own hands. We invite you to make a cute three-dimensional postcard “Blooming Tree”.

We will need: a thick sheet of colored double-sided A4 paper, colored paper, pencil, glue, scissors.

Print out the tree and petals template. We choose the colors of paper for the crown; it is desirable that we get 3-4 shades that are in harmony with each other. Let's start drawing the petals: bend a sheet of colored paper and apply the template with a dotted line to the fold, trace and cut out. Thus, we need to prepare a large number of blanks (7-8 petals per flower + petals for decoration). We cut out a tree trunk from a brown leaf. We fold the base sheet in half, glue the tree trunk in the center of the sheet and begin to form the crown, without glue yet.

After we have a harmonious composition in front of us, we begin to glue the petals to the lower part. The card is ready, in addition you can darken the flower cores with pencils to match, mark the bark on the tree with a black pen, write wishes on the inside of the petals or add other touches to your taste.

A postcard created by yourself is the warmth of your hands, care and attention embodied on paper. Don’t worry if something comes out a little crooked, the main thing in such a gift is your time and effort. Approach the creation process with imagination, imagine how happy they will be with your gift, and don’t be afraid to create: remember that in your head there is a wonderful world and the right, sincere words.

Video: drawing for mom

Video: postcard to mom

Video: postcard for teacher

A simple postcard for March 8th. Templates. Master class with step-by-step photos
Author - Naira Igorevna Nersesyan, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 144"

International Women's Day! The first holiday that we celebrate with the arrival of spring. On March 8, our beautiful women expect tenderness, flowers and gifts from us. This is the tradition of this day. We all look forward to this holiday and rejoice when it comes. Children take special care in preparing gifts for their beloved mothers and grandmothers.
- teachers of senior and preparatory groups, primary school teachers, inquisitive parents.
- making a postcard with your own hands from colored paper for the holiday on March 8th.
- continue to introduce paper work and deepen the skills of safe use of scissors, strengthen the skills of accurate cutting.
- continue to develop the child’s strong-willed qualities: determination, independence, endurance, organization, perseverance, patience.
- develop creativity and imagination.
- develop fine motor skills.
- to cultivate the desire to bring joy to loved ones, to enjoy not only receiving a gift from relatives, but also from giving it yourself.
- develop a sense of shape, color, their correct relationship.
Materials and tools needed to make a postcard:
double-sided multi-colored paper with printed flowers and butterflies in 3 sizes (large, medium, small) A4 format, multi-colored sequins, blue cardboard paper for an A4 postcard, glue stick, regular and curly scissors, printed congratulations and the inscription March 8, printed ribbon.


In fact, apart from cutting with scissors and gluing on each other in the necessary order, nothing else is needed. The base of the postcard is blue A4 cardboard, which we cut vertically with curly scissors. Fold the resulting cut pieces in half and smooth out the fold line with your fingers.

Also cut the edges with curly scissors. We cut out the printed butterflies and flowers. I printed them because there are a large number of children in the group, and while they will be tracing on the stencils for a long time, this will tire many of them. We print the flower stencil in different sizes.

We print a butterfly in the same way (dear readers, you can take a stencil and transfer it to colored paper).

We slowly cut everything out.

Let's move on to the printed congratulations and the inscription March 8. We cut off the number 8 from the word<марта>.

I also have a printed ribbon. It is not obligatory. We will write our names on the ribbon (you can simply write the child’s name under the congratulations). We also cut it out. All that remains is to glue everything onto the postcard. First, glue a butterfly in the upper right corner. Apply glue only in the middle, without gluing the wings. Our butterflies will flutter beautifully. The wings in the middle should be different in color from large and small. It looks better this way. We decorate the wings with sequins. In the lower left corner we glue a flower with sequins in the middle, as in the photo.

We open the card - there is a congratulation inside, and under it there is a ribbon.

The children are delighted that without the help of a teacher they received such a bright card for their beloved mothers.

Very simple and easy!!!

We always try to please our beloved mothers!!! You can decorate a group with butterflies - giving the mood...

Using the same stencil of butterflies, we print them on colored paper, cut them out in the same way and glue them on top of each other (as indicated above) and decorate them with sequins.