I join Just Masha.

Life is long, everything can be in it. But at work, it’s better not to have an affair. Think about what you are at risk - the whole team will instantly be aware of your sighs, the information will reach the family very quickly - how much crap is impossible to convey. Two kids. Life will turn to hell. And as a maximum - you will have to leave work (if anything), or her. And your reputation will be the subject of ridicule and jokes for a long time. What for?
Well, fantasize as much as you like. You are just flirting, and already imagine a happy family with a new wife. ) Boy!
I would start by writing 70 sentences of what you will lose and how your life will change. You need to start with negative scenarios. The girl will be madly flattered by your attention, the family budget will be cut a little by spending on her, then she will play with you. Maybe she wants to stay with her husband. Or maybe you will bother her in a couple of years. Besides, you have - what a trailer!

But if you really want to, then it is better to find girls in a neutral environment - not at work, or in a circle of acquaintances. So that there are no connections with your environment, a minimum of risks and responsibility.

Author. 5 years ago they told me about the same thing, well, except that my son (at that time was 4 years old) had a husband, my beloved was married, two children. They said a lot of things And that my child would be an orphan (fatherless), that they would drown me and leave me and all that .. They even said that I would go crazy and end up in a yellow house. But life goes on. My child communicates with dad as much as he can (and in the format in which he wants) and with the current man. Nobody left me. I can ALWAYS count on the father of my son. He's great. Does everything that is needed and the son largely on it. Including during my business trips, he fully provides it. Pays child support. And over the years (now his son is 9), he and his father are getting closer and closer. His father is in a new relationship now (not married, living together), a little strange from my point of view, but this is his life and he is quite happy for himself. As for my second relationship .. The man is divorced, we do not live together (due to a number of circumstances beyond our control and not related to divorce, etc.), but we are all free time together. Every day. All vacations and weekends. We have a common budget and so on. I can always count on him, my mother (and how she was against these relations I should only have seen) in him does not like a soul. And the son is not going smoothly. BUT .... Look how many topics when people did not dare to destroy their families and left for other realities (games, computer, alcohol, but at least work). Some heart-rendingly tried and are trying to improve relations with spouses. Like SUDDENLY we began to walk by the hand and project me - messages and everything went right and all the chicks bunches. I don’t believe in it. As well as the fact that I have not seen a single happy couple after the novels on the side. It all ends with anger at loved ones that I could not. Yes, and the wife's revenge has not been canceled (and who knows what it will be like). Many cannot communicate with children, because they perceive them as the cause of life's troubles. Many cannot communicate with their spouses, that is, de jure, the marriage has been preserved, all to the honor, but de facto, such a relationship is nah. Is it correct? Do I need to keep this. But while you still have an egg in your pope, and you are already dancing with a frying pan. You talk to your passion. Trying not to advertise. Chat tightly. Did she want to. Would you like to. It will be difficult, but will it be BAD, as they write to you, only you will know and only in your power to make it so that the bad is minimal. I do not call to "destroy the old world and on its fragments ..", but it is also not worth listening to what kind of tryndets you will make "if what". It should also be noted that the contingent (including myself) of the forum, for the most part, are aunties who have survived or are experiencing betrayal of their husbands. Good luck