What can you do on church holidays at home. They say that on major church holidays it is forbidden to work and bathe. Is it really better to go dirty on a holiday and lie on the couch

January 14 is a holiday. It was installed in memory of the fact that, according to the Old Testament tradition, the Infant Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day after His Nativity, and He was given the name - Jesus (Savior). so he said, explaining the meaning of the holiday: “He who intends to live according to the new laws must first fulfill the old ones. This will show that he is really a "law-abiding" person, and not a self-willed one. He only has the right to establish a new one who has fulfilled the old.

But for some, the essence of the holiday is that on this day it is impossible to wash, cut your hair, and it is not desirable to work. How to explain to such people that all these signs have nothing to do with the holiday? Is it worth talking if you're not being asked? And if they ask - how to answer correctly? Priests advise.

No unsolicited remarks

, rector Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi at the State Tretyakov Gallery, Dean of the Missionary Faculty of PSTGU:

- It’s not worth it to specially approach and start to reason when you are not asked. There are things that can be comprehended by coming to the Church, reading the Holy Scriptures, knowing the faith from the inside, and not looking from the outside. From our unsolicited remarks and edifications, a person will definitely not immediately begin to become churched.

“No one goes to hell for food and drink,” said one priest. Everyone needs to take care of themselves, set an example - how they should - this will be the mission. Perhaps you will want to approach him later with questions. But to intervene with advice and explanations when we are not asked - this can have an absolutely opposite effect.

Yes, people do not understand the meaning of the holidays, they do not wash, they do not clean, they do not braid their hair, they climb to swim - this is their own business. What, the Lord will punish them for this? It is worse when people understand everything, they know, but they get angry and condemn.

If a person himself came up with a question, then it is important to answer not haughtily, that you have been in the Church for a long time, you understand everything, and he is so “uneducated”. Only a benevolent answer, with love, can be heard.

If you feel that you cannot explain and tell intelligibly, it is better to refer the person to the priest.

Not just "broadcast"

Abbot of the Nikolsky Monastery of the Omsk Diocese

Hegumen Zosima (Balin)

– Before starting a story about a holiday or a church event, it is worth mentally asking for God's help and mobilizing all your inner potential of benevolence and philanthropy. Without these two components, all your efforts will be in vain.

The success of half the business (at least) depends on the attitude with which you “missionary”. You need to be prepared for the fact that your interlocutor is not at all eager to plunge into the abyss of high theology. Start a conversation at the household level, about candles and which icon to put them on. And then tell about the content of the holiday and its deep meaning.

Beware of "dumping" all your spiritual and intellectual baggage on the interlocutor.

You don’t just need to broadcast, you need to see and feel the reaction of a person. Stretch the connecting threads to things that are familiar to him, for example, tell us which church in your area has the icon that the conversation was about. Suggest, perhaps, to stop by to pray and light a candle when a free minute appears.

Do not hesitate to ask yourself the question more often: “How would I build a story about a church holiday, or a revered image, or the life of a saint of God?”

And, most importantly, remember that the result always depends on the Lord and His all-good will, so as not to be upset if your sowing does not bear fruit immediately.

First step, second step, third step...

Archpriest Igor Gagarin, rector of the John the Baptist Church in the village of Ivanovskoye:

Archpriest Igor Gagarin

- It is impossible to give one answer to this question, to advise a recipe for all occasions. You need to have a sense of tact. Sometimes it is necessary to speak, to explain, and sometimes to remain silent. It all depends on the specific situation, on the interlocutor, on how ready he is to hear.

On the one hand, of course, we must testify to our faith and, if possible, tell people about it what we consider necessary. But this must be done wisely.

Everyone knows the expression “cast no pearls before swine” (Matt. 7:6). It does not mean at all that I should look at all people as if they were pigs. But I must soberly assess the situation and see if there is the right soil, falling on which, my words will bear the proper fruit.

People in most cases do not like when they are taught to live, they get annoyed when you start correcting them, pointing out something to them. We certainly don't need that kind of reaction.

Trying to push a person towards faith is the best way to push them away from it.

So no need to push. But if you see that the person himself is looking for answers to some questions, he will gratefully accept what he hears from you, if you see that he himself is reaching out to find out, and not you are pushing him, this is a completely different matter.

It is necessary to talk about faith, but do it very carefully, tactfully, kindly, with love. And only if, I repeat, I have reason to believe that I will be heard, that a person will accept my words not as an attempt to impose something on him.

As for "stupid" questions... Don't rush to consider them stupid. In a question about faith addressed to us, no matter how stupid this question may seem, there is always something right and healthy.

After all, if a person comes up and asks, for example, to advise an icon “for good luck in work,” you can look at the situation from two sides. On the one hand, there is some kind of magical approach. A person thinks that it is necessary to do this, this and that, and the result should be positive. We want to condemn.

But, on the other hand, you can look differently: a person understands that he does not have enough of his own strength, he needs help from above. Here he is asking for this help. But, since he has no church experience, he can do it clumsily and, at first glance, even stupid.

Treat this with respect, say: “It is very right and good that you have come and understand that you need to turn to God and the Church for help, that you are looking for the good, God, look for a saint who will help you in this conversion.” Well, then it is important to try to benevolently explain to him that the point is not in front of which icon what to pray for ...

It is important not only what we say, but also how we say it. When we do this with patience, benevolently, perhaps expressing approval to a person, then there is a chance that we will be heard and understood correctly.

Goodwill, friendliness are indispensable conditions for successful missionary work.

It seems to me that we should always remember this in our communication with people who are only taking the first step in the Church, so that communication with us will awaken in them the desire to take both the second and the third...

Without illiterate demagoguery

, rector of the Trinity Cathedral in the city of Yakhroma, Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region:

—Since the biblical gospel times, everyday life often acquired an instructive character. Missionary testimony, outside the context of personal experience, easily deviates into demagogy, most often illiterate. This situation can be leveled only by the "everyday" preaching of people who are theologically literate and have personal experience in applying these truths in their personal lives, compared with the experience of Christ's Church.

Community is a counterbalance to personification and a guarantee that personal testimony is only the key to the door that opens up the experience of the Christian life. The life of the Eucharistic community as a single family, the head of which is Christ.

If a person is not yet ready to enter the community, then there is another way - self-education. Ideal conditions have been created for this - a mass of literature, various media, it's up to the little thing - the desire of a person to hear the word of the sermon, but this experience must also be compared with the experience of the people who make up the Church.

As for the issue of personal preaching, I think it is possible only in a situation where they want to hear you. Answers should be extremely honest, not hypocritical and not at odds with your life principles. Only in this case, it is possible to achieve the main goal of the Christian, even if it is a "everyday" mission - to awaken personal trust in Christ, in the Church, to awaken in a person the desire for salvation.

Many people have heard that certain activities are prohibited during church holidays.

However, not everyone can accurately answer the question of what cannot be done on church holidays.

Is it possible to knit on Sunday the opinions of the priests

Sunday is an important day for people.

Priests say that it was created not for everyday affairs, but for charitable deeds: going to church, doing charitable deeds, etc.

In case of emergency situations, for example, a blouse began to bloom in a child, then you can tie it up. It is important to remember that the main work should be planned for other days.

Is it possible to clean the house on Sunday

On the seventh day of the week, as mentioned above, it is better not to do household chores.

Sunday was created for attending services, reading prayers, spending time with loved ones.

It is considered a sin to do household chores, but some clergy say that cleaning is allowed in the case when its failure to do so can lead to sin.

Is it possible to sew on Sunday

Sewing on this day, as the main activity, is considered a sinful deed. At the same time, this should not be treated occultly. If necessary, sewing up a torn curtain or trousers is considered normal.

Is it possible to wash your hair on church holidays

This issue causes controversy among the clergy. Back in ancient times, it was considered sinful to appear dirty in the church.

But what about people who wash their hair daily? This case will be a sin if, instead of visiting the temple, you engage in water procedures, so you need to do everything without violating the proper routine.

Believing in superstitions that washing your hair will wash away happiness, etc. is erroneous.

Is it possible to embroider on church holidays

Embroidery is a hobby of many girls, women and some men who do what they love every day. You can often hear that it is a sin to embroider on church holidays.

In case of free time, you can take a seat and embroider. Free time refers to the time left after going to the temple, prayers, confession and communion.

There is information when the queens embroidered in their free time and at the same time said prayers. Therefore, you can embroider only under the above conditions.

Is it possible to heat the bath on parental Saturday

Parental Saturday is a time of remembrance for those who have gone to another world. The church commemorates all the dead, and parishioners, as a rule, their relatives and comrades.

It is called so because the memory of the deceased who went to their parents and ancestors is honored. It is believed that prayers help cleanse the souls. In addition to prayers and visiting the temple, people come to the cemetery to clean the graves.

Peasants on Parental Saturday without fail drowned the bathhouse and bathed with the whole family. After that, they left a broom and water for departed loved ones. Based on this, you can heat the bath.

Is it possible to wash on church holidays

Officially, there are no prohibitions regarding washing on church holidays. This does not mean at all that you can get up in the morning and do laundry all day long.

In the morning you need to devote time to God by going to church. Next, it is desirable to spend time with family, relatives and people close to you.

Then lunch will approach and if the laundry is very necessary on this day, then you can do it. If it is possible to transfer it to another day, then it is better to do so. The main thing is to make time for God.

Is it possible to bathe a child on Sunday

Even in ancient times, it was believed that a child should not be bathed on this day of the week. In our time, echoes of this superstition still remain.

Often grandmothers, mothers-in-law scold mothers for this. They assume that this will harm the child (the baby will be restless, sick, happiness is washed away from him, etc.).

In fact, no church confirms this. First of all, it is necessary to devote time to the Lord, to carry out merciful deeds, do not forget about loved ones, and then go about your own business.

Is it possible to work on the feast of the Kazan Mother of God

There are no strict prohibitions regarding work on this day. According to superstition, work on such a big holiday will be in vain or, worse, hurt.

Representatives of the church consider it necessary to adhere to God's commandments, namely: work for six days, and on the seventh, devote time to the Lord and loved ones.

Is it possible to treat teeth on a church holiday

Church holidays must be honored. However, in case of illness, it would be unreasonable for someone in need of urgent treatment to suffer from pain. Therefore, dental treatment is allowed.

Neglect of health will not be approved by any church.

If the pain is minor or the procedure can be performed on another day, then it is better to postpone the plans for the next day. You should also try to make time for the Lord.

Thus, prohibitions on various types of work and classes on Sundays or church holidays are the lot of superstition. Superstitions inspire fear, there is no real threat. Despite this, many continue to adhere to the myths.

However, this is everyone's business. Priests recommend spending this time visiting a church or temple, praying, spending time together with family and loved ones.

Is it possible to work on church holidays
Recently there was an Annunciation. And soon it will be Easter. Many villagers are constantly wondering: is it possible to work on church holidays? In the countryside, especially in spring and autumn, there is a lot of work in the garden and yards. Moreover, Sunday also belongs to church holidays throughout the year. To answer the question of when to work, when not to work, and on what particular church holidays, I will try to summarize all the information on this subject: what I heard and read personally, what I heard from our priests, what I heard from people who constantly go to church.

Where did it come from, since when is it forbidden to work on church holidays?

The fourth commandment of God says:

“Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy: do six days, and do all your works in them, on the seventh day, the Sabbath, to the Lord your God.”

By this commandment, the Lord God commands to work for six days and do the necessary things, to which one is called, and devote the seventh day to serving Him and to holy works. Deeds pleasing to Him include: caring for the salvation of one’s soul, praying in the temple of God and at home, studying the Word of God, enlightening the mind and heart with useful religious knowledge, pious religious conversations, helping the poor, visiting the sick and those imprisoned in prison, comforting the mourners and other things. mercy.

In the Old Testament, the Sabbath was celebrated. In the New Testament time in which we live, Sabbath in the first centuries of Christianity was replaced by Sunday.

Weekly withdrawal from ordinary activities enables a person to collect his thoughts, renew his physical and mental strength, comprehend the purpose of his labors and, in general, his earthly existence. Labor is necessary, but the most important thing is the salvation of the soul.

The fourth commandment is violated not only by those who work on Sunday, but also by those who are lazy to work on weekdays and evade their duties, because the commandment says: "work six days." The fourth commandment is also violated by those who, although they do not work on Sunday, do not dedicate this day to God, but spend it only in amusements, indulge in revelry and every excess.

By Sunday one must mean not only the resurrection, but also other holidays and fasts established by the Church.

Very detailed information about this and other commandments of God is written on the website 10zapovedei.ru.

Practical Application of the 4th Commandment

We are concerned with the practical application of this commandment in our time for the countryside, for people engaged in agriculture (the most noble occupation according to the Old Testament).

So, let's look at a real example of the question of how to relate to work on church holidays.

A familiar farmer, Oleg, who has already presented his personal experience on this site, after consulting with our local priests, does this:

On major holidays (list below) and Sundays, no one works in his household.
But ... if there was an emergency, for example, some turtle ate the wheat crops very quickly, then the chemical treatment work went on even on holidays, every hour was important.

From this follows one general rule: if there is work around the house, in the garden, which can be postponed, then it is better to postpone it and do it after the church holiday. For example, paint a fence, chop wood, dig a well, etc. A day or two will not decide anything, and the conscience will be clear, and everything will turn out later in the best possible way.

But ... you can chop wood if the firewood is over and you need to heat the stove in the house so that the family does not freeze. It's the same with laundry. If, for example, there are no clean clothes for the children and for the husband, then you can and should wash them. Also with ironing. What about feeding your family and pets? It is also possible and necessary. Even at Easter.

That is, everything must be approached with reasoning: it is necessary to look at the circumstances. If we take Orthodox monasteries where there are cows in the courtyard, then they are also fed and milked even on major church holidays. And there is no contradiction here.

Often people work in production, only weekends remain in the courtyard and garden. There is simply no other time. And for example, the timing of planting any garden crops is already leaving. Many people in our area do this in this case: they start work when the Sunday service departs, or at least from Sunday (holiday) lunch.

It has also been noticed, not only by me, but also by many people, that on a church holiday it is “bursting” to do some work that can be easily transferred to another day. This is the real temptation.

And you can also give a lot of examples when work on church holidays did not end with anything good. There were even tragic cases.

Some will say, but when to work, if according to the church calendar there are continuous holidays?

Far from it. There are not so many big holidays - 12. The rest is usually the days of the memory of the Saints and the days of veneration of the icons of the Queen of Heaven. These days you can work.

But in Russia there are also especially revered saints, or patronal feasts of temples. For that area, in this case, this is the day of the patron saint of this settlement. In these cases, if desired, you can also refrain from work.

So, the most important Christian holiday is the Bright Resurrection of Christ, called Holy Pascha. It is a movable holiday that falls on a different date each year.

7. Annunciation (angelic announcement to the Blessed Virgin Mary about the incarnation of the Son of God from Her) - April 7

8. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) - the last Sunday before Easter

9. Ascension of the Lord - on the fortieth day after Easter.

10. The descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles (Pentecost, or the day of the Holy Trinity) - on the fiftieth day after Easter (movable holiday)

It should be noted that the feast of the Holy Trinity always falls on a Sunday. Immediately after, on Monday, the Day of the Holy Spirit is celebrated - also a big holiday. It is undesirable to work unless absolutely necessary.

Other most honored holidays

I will give a universal recommendation if you do not know how to deal with work on a Holiday (Sunday) day. Ask your priest, and as he blesses, so do. In this case, he takes full responsibility. Just before you go to the priest, firmly decide for yourself that you will definitely follow his advice.

What to do on church holidays?

First, if possible, attend a divine service.

Secondly, you can devote time to loved ones who, due to everyday work, lack our care and attention. For example, take a walk with children, go with them to nature, go fishing, etc. You can visit elderly parents or just old acquaintances, or someone in the hospital.

And of course, no one forbids to gather with the whole family, with friends, acquaintances, sit at the festive table and drink something of alcohol. Of course, in moderation.

There are special holidays on which you can not do any specific business. These actions do not lead to good, so you should know what is at stake.
The Greatest Orthodox Holiday Christmas

On this day, you should stay at home or go to visit close relatives. This is a family holiday. On this day, you do not need to go hunting and in general any trips - an accident can happen. It is strictly forbidden to sew on this day, there is such a sign that this will lead to the blindness of one of the family members.

On the Meeting of the Lord, when winter meets spring, you cannot leave, move, and in general it is worth postponing any business related to travel, especially long-distance ones. In addition, people often disappear at the Candlemas, so be careful, but rather stay at home on this day.

According to the Annunciation, there is such a sign that on this day “a girl does not weave braids, a bird does not make a nest.” And really, you should not do hairstyles on this day. Leave your hair loose. Also, do not carry out any procedures related to hair on the head or on the body. According to signs, if you do not follow this rule, you can lose a loved one.
Ilyin's day

On Ilyin's day, you can not swim in rivers and lakes. In general, on this day in Russia, the bathing season officially ended. It was believed that after August 2 it was impossible to swim in the reservoirs. Namely, this day is the most dangerous for bathers.

On the day of the head of St. John, Orthodox do not use knives, saws, axes and other sharp objects. If you need to cook on this day, then the housewives prepare food the day before. The same is with cutting bread and any other products. Especially it is impossible to cut round objects - watermelons, melons, round heads of cheese and bread. It will bring misfortune.

All these superstitions originated among the people many centuries ago, but today's Orthodox Church is very skeptical about these superstitions. The use of sharp objects on the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist, loose hair on the Annunciation, as well as many other popular beliefs are considered false. The church perceives them as delusions that should not be followed. These are superstitions that have nothing to do with Orthodoxy.

On the other hand, folk wisdom collected over the years cannot be false. Even if you do not believe in signs and superstitions, it is better to avoid the actions described above on certain days, because, as they say, God saves the safe.

You can’t work on Orthodox holidays - almost everyone knows this, because anyone who breaks this law will be punished.

Another interesting and not very well-known fact is that on certain holidays of the Orthodox calendar, some actions will not attract good, rather the opposite.
So, what not to do on church holidays and why:
At Christmas in no case should you sew, because someone in your family will go blind. In addition, it is better not to go hiking, and even more so hunting, in order to avoid accidents. This is a family holiday that should be spent in the circle of relatives.
January 14 On Vasily, a man must enter the house first. This promises health and prosperity to all household members.
February, 15 Candlemas.
On this day, it is better not to leave and not move. Moreover, just on this day it is more, ideally, to generally stay at home, postponing all sorts of trips, since neither they nor the affairs connected with them will bring good luck. Moreover, on this day, most people are lost.
Therefore, be careful, especially keep an eye on children.
If you still need to go on the road and just on this day, pray, and then you can get ready to go.
On the first day of Lent(before Easter) women should not go from house to house - a bad omen, because this will attract sickness and misfortune to the house. April 7 on the feast of the Annunciation, women and girls are not recommended to do their hair, especially braiding. It's best to leave your hair loose.
In the Holy Scriptures on this occasion we find an indication: "Martha, Martha do not scratch yourself."
Therefore, you should postpone not only the visit to the hairdresser, but also to the beautician if you are going to do hair removal procedures. Also avoid wearing new clothes.
Why is it necessary to do so?
Because, as the saying goes, otherwise you can lose your loved one, or not meet him at all.
To Ilya (August 2) you can not swim in the reservoirs. It is on this day that most of the incidents and accidents on the water.
September 11 - the head of St. John.
On this day, the Orthodox avoid using sharp objects in everyday life, especially if you have to cut something round. The bread is broken off.
Housewives, on the eve of this holiday, prepare the necessary products in the future (they peel potatoes, cut cabbage, etc.), and everything so that they do not have to do this on the Section. On this day, watermelons are generally taboo, because in their shape and size they resemble a head.
There is a belief that on Exaltation (September 27) snakes are preparing for hibernation, and they crawl to their shelters, there are a lot of them in the forest at this time, so it’s better not to go there.
In such, as many say "superstitions", believe it or not, but it's still not worth checking.
It is better to follow folk wisdom on Orthodox holidays and not do what you should not do.

Every believer knows that on church holidays you can’t do anything about the housework and almost any work is excluded. But what kind of things are banned and can bring trouble? Below is a detailed list of holidays and superstitions about prohibited activities.

Beliefs against work

Any Orthodox holiday is a special, important day for a believer, which should be dedicated to church, prayers, a festive table, as well as communication with loved ones. Everything else is superfluous. Few people will, for example, wash the floor instead of making wishes under the chimes on New Year's Eve. So why should the Christian holiday be a less important distraction from the daily routine?

During the time of serfdom, the church holiday was one of the few days when it was possible not to work for the master. Rest was a rare occurrence, the right to it was valued, and any encroachments in its direction were considered a sinful occupation.

In addition, Orthodox traditions were built on the basis of pagan ones that existed in Russian lands before the baptism of Russia. The pagans also did not do household chores on the days dedicated to the Gods. One of the versions of the ban says that it was possible to gather former pagans in the temple, tearing them away from everyday affairs, only under the threat of God's punishment. Judging by the surviving decree of the 17th century, a similar problem existed in the 17th century. The document ordered to close baths and bazaars on a church holiday, so that believers would definitely get into the temple.

What exactly can't be done

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In matters of prohibitions, you should not go too far, because some deeds and duties are still worth doing. So, what specifically should not be done on church holidays, and what activities are still allowed?

During the Christian holiday it is impossible to work. Labor and work were separated. Labor is for the benefit of the family, work is for the benefit of the master. Accordingly, it is impossible to perform actions that generate income. That is, you can cook for family members or guests, but not for sale.

It is not worth planning cleaning, washing, working with plants on such days - it is quite possible to deal with them on weekdays. But one thing is a general cleaning, which can be moved to another day, and another unexpected minor nuisance that creates inconvenience right now. For example, the notorious sprinkled sugar, or a fresh stain on a blouse, you can quickly remove it on a holiday.

In addition, in the modern world, household chores have become much easier. It is difficult to call hard work pressing a button on a washing machine or slow cooker. In the past, cleaning, washing, and cooking could well take a whole day - instead of going to church and thinking about God.

Similar roots have a ban on washing. In the old days, for this it was necessary to perform a number of actions - chop wood, melt the stove, warm the water. It took a lot of time, so the peasants tried to wash themselves before the holiday. Now you can take a shower in a few minutes, and the washing process will not distract you from going to the temple.

Needlework is a hobby, not a job.

The same goes for needlework. Many women consider it their hobby, an occupation "for the soul", brightening up the weekend. And in the old days, needlework was a laborious occupation. One has only to look at museum exhibits and remember, say, embroidery omens to understand how hard it was for our great-grandmothers. The current church considers needlework to be a charitable occupation. No wonder it is a common thing in monasteries.

Modern priests do not see a sin in returning to worldly affairs after attending church. Some of them even consider it a charitable occupation to work on a holy day, if it is approached with prayer. In addition, spiritual affairs should not bring damage and become an excuse for laziness. You can’t go to the temple with a stain on your clothes or leave the cat tray to exude “aromas” until the next day?

Swearing, quarrels, showdown- under a special ban on holy days. The same applies to excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages. A serious sin is the killing of an animal. You should not go hunting and slaughter livestock on a holy day.

What holidays to cancel

On some Christian holidays, some activities are strictly prohibited. But there are also those that have long been practiced during church festivities.

So, it is on the day of veneration of Paraskeva Friday (November 10) that it is not customary to sew, embroider and knit. But it is supposed to demonstrate everything that has been created in a year. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa was considered the "woman's saint", the patroness of needlework.

Prophet Elisha

You can not swim in natural reservoirs, it is considered dangerous. On St. Basil's Day, the first person to enter the house should be a man - this will bring good luck.

On the day dedicated to John (September 11), you can not cut something round. It was on this day that the saint's head was cut off. Honor him by saving your watermelon or pumpkin treats for another day.

Following signs on the Trinity horticulturists traditionally plant radishes for a large harvest, despite the general ban on work on the Christian holiday. Also, pies are traditionally baked on Trinity. On Spirits Day (following the Trinity) it is customary to collect healing herbs - they are consecrated by the Holy Spirit.

The main 12 holidays of the Orthodox calendar are those very revered days when it is recommended not to do anything around the house. There are also days dedicated to saints. In addition, a church holiday is also Sunday. On this day of the week it is supposed to go to the service in the temple. Festive tables and congratulations are not expected, but traditionally it has always been dedicated to the spiritual life of a person.

In general, church prohibitions regarding work on holy days are not so strict. Most of them are associated with an outdated way of life and have nothing to do with the way of life inherent in modern man. If there is a need to perform certain everyday tasks, they need to be dealt with, but not to the detriment of the spiritual side of being.