Stages of preparation for the new year. How to prepare for the new year without haste, fuss and do everything. What to wear for new year

Hello everyone! The main holiday of the year is coming soon. And it needs to be taken very seriously. In order for it to go well and fun, without oddities and uncomfortable situations, you need a plan for preparing for the New Year. And today I will give you clear and precise advice on how to plan a holiday so that everything goes at the highest level.

In recent years, I have taken this issue very seriously. From December 1, the house begins to stir, fuss and fuss. But this process gives me great pleasure. The pre-holiday mood and the feeling of something unusual does not leave me for a minute. I can confidently say that this is the best time of the year.

I involve the whole family in preparing for the New Year. Children especially like it. They are happy to decorate the house, the Christmas tree, make fakes, draw Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Oh, how I wish this time would never end!

Something I dreamed about! Let's get straight to the point. In order for the New Year to become a pleasant memory for you and your guests, you need to prepare for this event in advance, clearly think over your steps. Cooking, setting the table, feeding guests is only a small part of the preparation. Taking everything into account is not an easy task, which only organized people can do. Well, now I will tell you how to do this ...

Preparing for the New Year without stress

“Prepare your sled in the summer” is the main principle of successful events. You need to start planning in advance, at least a month in advance. This time is enough for everything. Stock up on a pen and notepad. Write down everything that comes to mind, ideas and thoughts on the organization of the New Year. It happens that some trifle spoils the mood. This should not happen if you really take the preparation seriously.

And so I invite you to participate in the marathon of preparation for the NEW YEAR. This very joyful event should not be overshadowed by everyday troubles. To this end, I have prepared a step-by-step instruction for YOU, from which you will learn how to slowly but surely plan, perhaps, the most important holiday of the year within a month. This time of miracles and fulfillment of desires should be remembered for a long time.

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Sometimes overwhelming tasks fall on the shoulders of the hostess of the house. But we, women, also want to relax, rejoice and not miss a single important little thing in the life of our loved ones. I think each of us is waiting for the New Year with special trepidation. On this night, insults are forgiven, new plans are made, life begins from a new leaf. And in order for all the pre-holiday chores to go perfectly, without oddities and unpleasant troubles, you just need to trust me and go through the marathon of preparation for the home New Year to the end.

What form will the marathon take?

Everything is very simple. Add this page to your browser bookmarks and take a look from time to time, complete tasks, plan a holiday. As a gift, I give you a journal that will help you go through all the steps and not forget anything. It is best to print the forms on a printer, but if you do not have the opportunity to do this, just draw simple tables with a ruler and pencil on A4 sheet. If desired, they can be decorated with colored markers or pens. You just have to follow the advice, supplementing them, taking into account your desires and capabilities.

Festive marathon: "Preparing for the New Year: the first week."

So the start of the marathon of preparation for the New Year has come. I can't wait to get down to the fun stuff. I hope you do too! I am very glad that you decided to participate with me in such an event. It will be fun, I promise you! Thanks to step-by-step instructions, you will clearly know what to do, and the holidays will become a pleasant memory for you. And so, let's get started ... The first 6-7 days of the marathon will be devoted entirely to planning. This is a very important step. Under no circumstances should it be missed. Everything will depend on how well you plan all the moments. Every little thing, every detail simply must be worked out. You can complete all the weekly tasks that are here in a day or two, or you can distribute them by day of the week. The main thing is that THEY ALL BE IMPLEMENTED.

  1. First of all, you need to print out the journal of preparation for the New Year. I made the tables as simple as possible, in black and white, no frills. You can add colors yourself and decorate it to your liking. You can download it from the link.
  2. Consult with your husband, relatives, children, how and where you will celebrate the New Year, how many guests you plan to invite, whether there will be small children. Will you have people with an overnight stay, where will you place them. Where are you going to set the table?
  3. Now it would not hurt to take care of the house. It should be clean, orderly and as organized as possible. Still, you need to enter the New Year without an extra unnecessary burden in the form of dirt and junk. Make a detailed house cleaning schedule for the month. Use the Cleaning Plan form. There are 3 columns. In the first of them, write down the most important things that must be done without fail. In the second column, the things that you want to do, but the third one, devote the maximum to the plan. Go through each room with a piece of paper and write down all the tasks in three columns. You don’t just need to consider what you do every day and weekly, for example, wash clothes, dust, pay attention to global problems, for example, clean the closet, sort out the kitchen set, and so on. Do not burden yourself heavily, you should have the strength to do other pleasant pre-holiday chores. From now on, take 10-15 minutes every day to get your house in order.
  4. Plan your holiday budget carefully. How much are you willing to spend on gifts, menus, home decorations, costumes and looks? Be sure to stick to your spending plan. Put the required amount of money in an envelope immediately so that there is no temptation to use it. Fill out the budget form.
  5. Based on the budget, make a list of gifts, cards. Use the form of the New Year's organizer. Write a list of people to congratulate by phone, email or social media. networks. Start filling out your shopping list (form).
  6. Think carefully about your image, the image of your husband and children. Sign up in advance for a beauty salon. If you are gathering at home, then choose a hairstyle, jewelry, shoes, a manicure option. Ask your children and husband how they would like to dress for the New Year. Fill out the appropriate form and shopping list.
  7. Let's move on to one of the most important issues - the menu. Depending on who you will celebrate the holiday with, make a detailed menu. Consider all the nuances. What dishes will you cook for the first, second, salads, drinks, snacks, sandwiches? What will be needed for this besides products, for example, foil, sleeve, canapé sticks, napkins, and so on? Fill out the Holiday Menu forms, continue filling out your grocery shopping list.
  8. Think about how you will decorate your home. What do you have for this, what will you do yourself or with your children, what do you need to buy. Fill out the “Home Decorations” form, include the necessary purchases in the list. Do not forget to spend 10-15 minutes during the week on cleaning according to the schedule.

Festive marathon: "Preparing for the New Year: week two."

So it's been a week of planning. For me personally, this time is the most difficult of all the monthly preparations for the New Year. It is necessary to take into account every little thing, in order to then bring it to life and allocate time so that. But I think everyone has done a good job. If you have any questions, feel free to email me, I will try to help you. At first, when I sketched out the marathon plan, I thought about dedicating each week to a separate area. For example, the first week is for planning, the second for gifts and menus, the third for personal care, and the fourth for home. But after thinking it over, I decided it was a bad idea. Therefore, do not be alarmed if you see completely different weekly tasks. It is this method that is the best and gives the maximum result. Moreover, it was personally tested by me last year. And so, here are the tasks waiting for you this week.

  1. We continue to devote 10-15 minutes a day to cleaning the house according to the plan.
  2. We are slowly starting to buy gifts. I propose to buy 1/3 of the entire part. If possible, more is possible. Be sure to check your holiday budget. Remember that the New Year is a very costly event. Many of the gifts can be made by hand.
  3. It's time to make decorations for the house. If you decide that you will buy them, then buy.
  4. Call the hairdresser and beautician, pre-register yourself, your husband and children for an appointment. In the last days of the outgoing year, all schedules will be full. And there is no guarantee that you will be lucky.
  5. This week we will be compiling. On New Year's Eve, we must look perfect. Make a detailed schedule of procedures, such as what days you will exercise, do hair masks, facials, foot baths, and so on. Pull yourself together and start eating right. In three weeks you can lose a couple of kilograms, I guarantee you.
  6. Make a program for the holiday. Make a selection of music, movies. If children are present, think about how they will have fun. Perhaps we should come up with a couple of contests with prizes. Don't forget to prepare a congratulatory speech for your guests.
  7. It happens that plans change. In this case, make amendments, revise previously made decisions, perhaps you overlooked something. And be sure to consult with loved ones.

Festive marathon: "Preparing for the New Year: week three."

Exactly half of our New Year's marathon has passed! How is it going? How are you? Does everything work out? You have already done quite a lot, there is very little left. The main thing is not to stop, but go forward, completing all the tasks. There won't be many of them this week.

  1. Spend 10-15 minutes every day cleaning your house.
  2. Follow your self-care schedule.
  3. Well analyze the New Year's menu. It may be necessary to make some adjustments. According to the list, buy those products that are stored for a long time (canned food, frost, meat, and so on).
  4. This week is the time to decorate the house. After all, everything is ready for this. Put up a Christmas tree and decorate it.
  5. Make an audit of cutlery for serving the festive table. If something is missing, then buy more (napkins, tablecloths, decor, spoons, forks, glasses, plates).
  6. If you have overnight guests staying, think about their sleeping place, where you can place them for the night. Prepare bed linen and towels in advance, as well as a change of clothes (if needed).
  7. Prepare the clothes in which you will be for the New Year, as well as the clothes of your husband and children. Don't forget jewelry and shoes. Iron everything and hang it on a coat hanger.
  8. This week, buy or make your own another 1/3 of the gifts, or all the rest.

Festive marathon: "Preparing for the New Year: the finish line."

Hurray, there are only a few girls left! We've worked hard and it's time to relax! Don't worry, we all make it. There will be no surprises or curiosities. You are great fellows!

In a few days we will be sitting at the festive table with friends and relatives. The last week is the hardest. There is not much work to be done. Just what it takes to cook all the dishes from the planned menu. But we are not afraid of anything! We're ready, right?

  1. Check the serviceability of the camera and video camera that will capture happy moments. Make sure there is enough space on the memory card for the new material. Charge the batteries.
  2. Choose one day and wash all dirty clothes.
  3. Buy all the remaining gifts on the list and wrap them. Put them in one place, let them wait for the appointed hour.
  4. Continue to take care of yourself and perform beauty treatments. The last 3 days before the New Year, I propose to paint in detail. It is very important.

December 29th- check all the lists again, make corrections (if necessary) to the program of the holiday, congratulations, check the New Year's to-do list. Buy all the remaining products for preparing New Year's menu dishes.

December 30th- devote a day to cleaning the house, no need to generalize, because you spent 15 minutes every day, and this is quite enough. Just clean up all the scattered things, wipe off the dust, put everything in its place. By the way, these things are quite easy and you can entrust them to your husband and children, or do all the work together. The only thing you need to pay special attention to is the toilet and bath. So that the next day is not torture for you, prepare some of the dishes on December 30, for example, salads, snacks, sandwiches. If you don’t have time for this, then at least just boil vegetables for salads, marinate meat, cut bread into sandwiches.

Dec. 31- the most responsible day. The list of things to do on this day is not so big, but still ....

  • Prepare all meals.
  • Lay the table.
  • Clean up in the kitchen.
  • Take a shower, do your hair and change. Dress your husband and kids
  • Check out your New Year's to-do list.
  • Praise yourself and say “What a great fellow I am!”


Well, that's the end of our New Year's marathon. I am very grateful to you that you did not give up and together with me reached the end. Ahead of us are happy and such long-awaited hours of the New Year! The hours when we move to a new stage in our lives. In the final word, I would like to wish you all the very best so that all your dreams come true and your goals are achieved! I love you all and kiss you, but new meetings in the NEW YEAR!

Popular belief says: As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it! New Year is a favorite holiday not only for children, but also for adults. This day is celebrated by everyone. Everyone wants to celebrate this holiday in a way that will be remembered for a long time. Therefore, all the details of a winter evening should be thought out in advance.

The main thing in the article

Symbol of the new year 2017

The symbol of the next year is the rooster of the fire element. According to the Eastern calendar, the red rooster will take full possession from January 28th. The symbol of the dawn will help all people in their endeavors, bring success.
It is not worth hoping that the coming year will be calm and balanced. The rooster is a balanced and courageous creature, but its belonging to the elements of fire makes some changes. This year, emotional stress will have to be experienced, because the fieryness of the rooster gives it martial qualities. But in the end, all experiences will bring benefits and material well-being, because the rooster symbolizes prosperity and victory in any endeavors. To do this, you should show diligence and perseverance, then this year will definitely bring you good luck.
The meeting of the new year 2017 should correspond to its symbol. Postponing the decoration of the house, choosing a dress and gifts at the last moment is not worth it, the fiery bird does not approve of frivolity.

How to meet the new 2017 year of the rooster?

The rooster is a family bird that appreciates and protects the peace of loved ones.

  • Astrologers recommend celebrating the new year with family and friends. A noisy company will contribute to the fun and activity of the holiday. Don't be afraid to invite lots of friends, the more the merrier. And gifts should not be bought expensive, you can completely get by with small presents, because attention is important, not the size of the gift.
  • You can appease a rooster by decorating your house in its color scheme. For this new year, it is not recommended to fly to distant countries, it is better to postpone the trip until later. The rooster is a family and economical bird; long-distance flights are not inherent in it.

Where to celebrate the New Year is not so important, the main thing is the company and the festive mood. It is not worth celebrating the holiday in dubious places where you can get involved in a conflict, the evening will be spoiled, and the memories are not very pleasant.

Preparing for the New Year 2017

Any hostess seeks to clean up on the eve of the holiday. This year, cleaning should be taken seriously, the symbol of the year is pedantic and appreciates order. Home decorations are also important.

Home decoration for the new year

Home decor may vary, but the best option for 2017 is a rustic design. Decorations should be simple. For example:

  • Wooden and clay vases, crockery, candlesticks.
  • Use of linen cloths (napkins, tablecloths).
  • Vyshyvanka
  • Dried bouquets of wildflowers and herbs
  • Small pillows embroidered with a cross or stitch.
  • The color scheme of jewelry and decor items should match the symbol of the year. All shades of red, bright orange and rich green are welcome.
  • If you have the time and desire, and besides, your imagination does not fail, you can make stockings for gifts, balls of thread and multi-colored garlands with your own hands. So you will give your home a unique and individuality that will surely delight guests.
  • The symbolism of the rooster will not be superfluous at the holiday. The house may have magnets, knitted or plush cockerels. You can make a decorative nest and put apples, tangerines, chocolate eggs and nuts in it.
  • You can hang a wreath on the front door. Make it with the help of spruce twigs, red toys, tie it with golden and red ribbons. Already from the street it will be clear that a festive mood reigns in this house.
  • Hang garlands and lights, open fire of candles on New Year's Eve is also welcome.

Most importantly, do not forget one simple rule: everything should be in moderation. Do not overdo it with decorations so that your home does not look like a tastelessly decorated Christmas tree.

Christmas tree decoration

The Christmas tree is the center of the New Year holiday. Red and gold toys, lights and tinsel are suitable as decorations. Let there be few toys, like tinsel, but your Christmas tree will look stylish and elegant. Such restraint in the number of jewelry and their color is now in vogue.
Homemade animal figurines are welcome. If there are children in the house, you can hang some sweets in golden wrappers on the Christmas tree.

New Year at home. Festive table setting

To maintain a rustic feel, use pottery and earthenware with bright patterns.

  • Table setting is recommended in country style
  • Napkins for the table can be linen or cotton
  • Napkins for cutlery can be decorated with golden or red ribbons
  • Candles must be present on the table, this will give the dinner coziness and romance.
  • Candlesticks can be wooden, forged or ceramic
  • The tradition is the presence of treats to the symbol of the year. In the middle of the table, you can put a small clay pot with grain and nuts so that the rooster is completely appeased.

What dishes to prepare for the new year?

Each housewife will prepare her favorite dishes for the New Year's table.

  • Diversify the table should be light vegetable salads with herbs.
  • The rooster is a herbivore. Therefore, poultry meat should be excluded from the menu. The meat should be in moderation, you can cook thin slices, or put on sandwiches with the addition of vegetables.
  • Vegetarian food is welcome. In addition to tangerines, you can also put kiwi, mango, papaya in a basket or nest with fruit.
  • Homemade hot pastries will come in handy, for example, muffins and profiteroles.
  • Popular in 2017 are light cocktails - aperitifs (literally translated as "cock's tail").
  • You can serve wine, liquor, liquor, mulled wine and vermouth. These drinks will whet your guests' appetite and boost their mood.

Every housewife in the new year should look beautiful. The choice of dress, hairstyle and makeup should be approached very scrupulously.

Festive dresses for the new year 2017

To celebrate the new year, the designers pleased with the choice of outfit. Women should put aside boring casual outfits and look at the trendy models of 2017.
New Year's outfits are created for every taste. Chic evening dresses with an open back and shoulders, bright colors of all shades of red, orange and yellow are in fashion.

Cocktail dress or outfit in retro style, with intricate prints and unusual trims.

A miniskirt outfit combined with an extravagant blouse embellished with a romantic pattern is worth trying on for girls who are ready to impress all the bachelors of the party.

  • In order not to anger the symbol of the year, do not mention predators in your outfit, and do not complement your image with reptile skin accessories.
  • An intricate cockerel likes the boho style, in which designers have combined different textures of fabrics, naturalness and layering.
  • Fashionable colors are prints in the style of ethno and pop art, with the use of graphic and floral patterns.
  • You can complete your look with the help of catchy accessories of large sizes. For example: gold or silver jewelry with precious stones, pearl necklaces.

Hairstyle and makeup for the new year 2017

Hair and makeup should enhance natural beauty, not hide it. Many ladies, chasing fashion trends, turn themselves into a laughing stock. It is worth remembering that everything should be in moderation.
As a hairstyle, styling with large curls, unusual weaving, as well as tails can serve, it all depends on the chosen outfit.

Graphic make-up is popular. Clear lines of such makeup will emphasize the beauty of the shape of your eyes.

The trend of 2017 is also glamorous grunge. Against the background of pale skin, the eyes and lips are distinguished by a bright design.

Makeup with a metallic effect can easily make you stand out from the crowd. Metallic shadows with glitter or sequins not only highlight the eyes, but also give the overall look a spectacular effect. Such work should be entrusted to a professional, because makeup requires preliminary preparation.

Gifts for the new year 2017

In the year of the rooster, it is worth giving useful gifts.

  • It can be things for the home, cosmetics for skin care, the main thing is that your gift is useful, that it is used, and not left to gather dust in the closet.
  • In addition to items of use, tickets to the cinema or theater, excursion or concert will be an excellent gift.
  • It is worth attaching a figurine, a postcard or a magnet in the shape of a cockerel to any gift, this will flatter the feathered symbol of the year.
  • Packing gifts is in paper of bright colors - red, golden, green, orange.

In order for the new year to go well and be remembered as a bright moment of life, all preparations should be made in advance. It is important that you are rested on New Year's Eve, and not tired, because on the eve of running for gifts, decorating the house and preparing various dishes.
Psychologists advise letting go of all the fuss, relaxing, remembering the past year, spending it with a smile on your face and getting ready for a new stage in life. We wish you a magical new year with family and friends!

December, you need to make an appointment at a beauty salon. 4 weeks before the holiday, there are still no queues for specialists, you can choose procedures and conduct a whole course of rejuvenation, tightening, correcting the shape of the face, lightening the skin, use the solarium. In addition, there is time to experiment with the type of haircut, length and hair color.

If you don’t want to spend money on a beautician and hairdresser before the New Year, you can ask someone close to you to give you a certificate for salon services. Or make an "exchange" with your friends - buy gift cards for procedures for each other a month before the holiday.

Regular visits to the Russian bath or sauna can replace a trip to a beauty salon. But you will need at least 5-6 "procedures". Make it a rule to spend a couple of evenings a week in the bath in December, and the result will amaze you. There will be no trace of fatigue and nervousness, the skin will become fresh and elastic, fat deposits and traces of cellulite will disappear.

Try to eat right in December, so as not to go on a strict diet a week before the holiday. Perform a simple set of exercises in the morning and evening, fall asleep and wake up on time. And most importantly - eliminate cigarettes and alcohol from your life. These "joys" will be enough for the holidays.

3 weeks before the holiday

Start taking a smart bath every night 20 days before the New Year. Add 100 grams of soda and 150 grams of sea salt to the water. Such a bath, subject to daily use, will help to lose from 1.5 to 5 kg of excess weight.

To naturally restore hair and shine on a festive night, use moisturizers regularly. Try to wash them only with shampoo marked "facilitates combing."

The restoration of the epidermis occurs while we sleep. Go to bed at the same time. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep. Stock up on caring cosmetics for night use with the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals. Do not be lazy, thoroughly cleanse your skin of makeup, do masks, massage, steam baths for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

2 weeks before...

It's time to start actively using thermal water and clay masks. You can apply water every evening. Remember that it is forbidden to spray your face with thermal water before going outside, especially in winter.

The composition of the clay includes a huge amount of mineral salts and trace elements useful for the skin. It has been scientifically proven that such masks are most effective in terms of rejuvenation and lifting of the epidermis.

Do not look for new caring "super effective" cosmetics. Ingredients that are unusual for the skin can cause an allergic reaction, which will be completely out of place before the New Year.

One week before New Years

During this period, you can make daily nourishing and moisturizing masks, alternating them. Before applying the product, it is necessary to carefully prepare the skin. And after the mask is removed, be sure to apply a cream that matches the age and type of skin.

If it was not possible to sign up for a massage with a beautician, then you can and should do it yourself. Make it a habit, at least twice a day, to "pass" the skin of the face with the pads of your fingers, but without pressure, only lightly patting.

Unexpectedly appeared pimples do not need to be cauterized or removed mechanically, smeared with medicines that helped acquaintances, girlfriends or mother. Use aloe juice - a simple, inexpensive and reliable remedy.

Manicure should be done no earlier than 2-3 days before the festive night. Do not forget about hand skin care - baths, masks, cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing.


positive psychology 24.12.2013

Dear readers, there is very little time left before the New Year. As always, there is a lot to do, not enough time. Let's talk today about how best to prepare for the New Year and make the holiday unforgettable. It must be a very special holiday for all of us. Of course, his magical magic affects, the belief in a miracle left from childhood, that a wish made will come true. Symbolism also plays an important role - after all, we cross the threshold of a new period in our lives, leaving possible failures in the old year, taking with us only positive achievements and hope for future luck.

And let skeptics and pragmatists insist that this is just a new leaf in the calendar, a day off and an opportunity to just take a break from work. For most of us - matured, wise, eternally busy, the New Year is a piece of a fairy tale, a bright cracker, a tradition that warms the soul and a look into the future full of hope.

New Year's Eve plan.

When we think about how to make a plan for preparing for the New Year, the saying involuntarily comes to mind: “How you meet the New Year, so you will spend it.” Just a saying, but in some way it encourages us to make every effort and celebrate this holiday exactly the way we want.

And, probably, many are familiar with the situation when you seem to remember that you need to prepare for the New Year, but there is always not enough time for this. And we leave all worries for a constant “later”, not noticing that Santa Claus, hurrying to us, will very soon knock on the house along with the chimes and the clink of glasses.

How to be? I propose to break the entire “front of work” into several stages and carry them out gradually. So you will not look for a festive outfit for yourself, having gone for food to the New Year's table, you will be able to streamline your actions, gradually fulfilling a certain point from the proposed meaning. I understand that for sure you have already implemented some of your plans regarding New Year's traditions or the design of the festival itself, but still I hope that everyone will find something useful and interesting for themselves.

So let's transgress. Let's start with, albeit from a banal, but traditional, integral and, probably, the most pleasant. What is a holiday without gifts?

What to give for the New Year? Ideas for gifts.

To begin with, I propose to make the most common list, in which you need to include all the relatives, relatives and friends whom you would like to present. Opposite the name of each "recipient" write what kind of gift you plan to give. I am sure that you have been looking for a gift for someone from your family for a long time, probably knowing what the person wants to receive.

But what to give to others? It’s better to think about it in advance so that at the last moment you don’t have to buy some trifle, just to “gift something”. Pay attention to the range of interests, type of professional activity, hobbies of the one to whom the gift will be intended. I always like to pick up something special and for the soul, as I say.

I think you will definitely understand what exactly to choose - the main thing is to find time, analyze and think. Ideas for gifts can be found on the Internet - on forums, thematic sites, where you can find many unusual offers for New Year's presents. By the way, you can also order an already selected gift via the Internet - this method will be a lifesaver for those who, well, do not have time for shopping at all.

It is easiest to please a child with a gift - children, as a rule, “share a secret” in advance, what they would like to find under the tree and even write about it to Santa Claus. So, most likely there will be no mistakes with the choice.

What to give your husband for Christmas?

If you don’t want to get moldy in marriage, you should always think about what to give your husband like this? Well, not socks, right? I hope we won't be so banal. It seems just everything with a gift for her husband. We know him, love him, and he will always gladly accept everything. But still, today I offer a little creativity and a little bit of humor somewhere. Want to? Then read about everything in more detail in my article. New Year's surprises for men. I think there are enough ideas and everyone will choose their own. Surprise your husband. And at the same time, remember that you have already made the main gift for him: you married him (I’m already smiling), but you could, by the way, change your mind ... That would be a surprise for him!

It would be nice to prepare a couple of gifts "in reserve". In case you get unexpectedly invited to visit. Let it be functional things that will definitely find their application - cosmetics, little things needed in everyday life, or even ordinary certificates for purchases in shopping centers. But the most touching will be gifts made by hand - with love and best wishes. And it can be not only souvenirs.

Do you know what kind of edible gifts to give? If there are few ideas, and they are all a little fed up, I invite you to look at Edible Gifts from Daria Chernenko. There's so much to see, it's dizzying. You can get acquainted with such gifts.

Now let's talk about ourselves. How to celebrate the New Year?

And even more specifically - about how to celebrate the New Year. When choosing an image, first of all, be guided by the format of your party: a home dinner, a corporate party, a fun party with friends or even New Year's Eve in the open air.

At the official celebration of the New Year in a restaurant, of course, you need to be irresistible, so you should think about choosing an outfit, hairstyle and accessories in advance. Use the great opportunity to buy a good evening dress on sale - they usually arrange after the summer season and you can find yourself a very good outfit. In order not to be disappointed with the contents of your home wardrobe, immediately worry about shoes. You may need to buy yourself a new pair of shoes.

If you are going to a costume party, think over your image and, based on the chosen “role”, look for an outfit at carnival costume rental and sale points. And perhaps, having shown your imagination, you will build an original and exclusive outfit from the stocks available at home. The main thing is to catch fire with the idea and not hold back the impulse.

For an outdoor party, make sure you're dressed appropriately for the weather, or better yet, have an extra sweater and warm socks ready. But for an evening with your family, you can put on your favorite dress or a long-desired new thing.

I want to summarize and highlight the main points:

  1. The most important thing is to think over your outfit in advance.
  2. Remember that regardless of the chosen image - both clothes, shoes and hairstyle should be comfortable enough so as not to cause you anxiety during the long New Year's Eve. You may have to consider a “fallback” option that you can put on a little later - more comfortable shoes, clothes that do not restrict movement, etc.
  3. It is better to make a trip to the hairdresser at least a week before the holiday (unless, of course, you plan to do professional styling just before New Year's Eve). So you can understand if you guessed right with the new color, shape and style and, if necessary, correct something.
  4. And let yourself be pampered - take a course of natural masks for face and hair, go to the bath or sauna, for a manicure. Plan everything so that at “hour X” you feel 100%.

Preparing your home for the New Year

When decorating your home with New Year's paraphernalia, you can resort to traditional ideas focused on the classic style - beautiful fir wreaths, a neatly and practically designed Christmas tree. But it seems to me that such a cozy holiday as the New Year will become even warmer and homely if you decorate the rooms, calling on your ingenuity. Do not ignore children's imagination and let little helpers decorate the house with you - drawings on the New Year theme, dolls, crafts.

Remember how in childhood we took an ordinary notebook sheet and, having folded it several times, cut out intricate patterns, and then opened it and got a magnificent snowflake. How interesting it was, cutting out those circles and rhombuses, to guess how that simple, but such a cute decoration would turn out.

By the way, exactly preparing children for the new year perfectly reflects the meaning of the holiday. After all, they are happy simply because everything around is decorated, and in addition to the smell of tangerine, the real aroma of happiness is in the air. In the design of the house, you can use the wonderful ideas from the article.

A great idea would be to decorate the Christmas tree not only with sweets, but also with personally baked cookies. Make a small hole in the formed figures, and when the cookies are baked, you can thread a ribbon through it to hang a tasty decoration on the Christmas tree.

Well, as for the New Year's Eve itself, I'm sure that each family has its own traditions and customs. Many people spend this holiday with their families. But even if you have other plans for the night from the 31st to the 1st, then you can gather at a common table with close relatives on any day of the New Year holidays.

Here is a wonderful idea for a family tradition called "Time Machine" . You can put some little thing in the boxes that will symbolize the outgoing year - a children's drawing, a photo from a vacation, a check for a long-awaited purchase, or even a piece of clothing. And when you open it a year later, you will be surprised how much you have changed in 365 days - the kids began to draw more accurately, and the adults managed to visit new countries. This will remind you of pleasant moments that are worth replenishing your treasury of memories.

Can do reverse "Letter to the Future" . Put a mini-plan for the next year in an envelope: “I will learn to drive a car”, “I will lose 10 kg”, “I will learn Chinese”. You can also specify less global "Wishlist". Then a year later, evaluate how you were able to implement your plan and how your life goals have changed.

New Year is very close. I hope that in the general New Year's Eve commotion you will definitely have time to fulfill our mini-plan and get real pleasure from such pleasant New Year's Eve chores. Let this magical mood into your life and let your house, your hearts be filled with goodness and warmth.
Here are some ideas and thoughts from me on preparing for the New Year. I wish you all a creative approach and realize many of your dreams in the coming week. Make preparing for the New Year exciting and interesting.

My heartfelt gift for today winter fairy tale performed by the children's theater of the song "SvetAfor" A great video and such a touching song. Just a miracle...

I wish everyone to adequately prepare for the New Year. Health and new joys!

see also













    What is a holiday? This is a special time when people want not just to relax, but to forget about all the problems for a while. To make the event impressive and unforgettable, it should be carefully thought out. For example, when it comes to the New Year, it is important to take into account many points. Not only will you decorate the house, you should not forget about other nuances. So, in order for the holiday to be remembered and liked, you need to start with the mood.

    New Year mood

    Of course, it is difficult to predict this moment, especially if there are a lot of people at the event. It is impossible to guarantee that everyone will come in a great mood, but you can create a favorable atmosphere at work.

    It will be easy to do if you listen to the advice. In fact, everything ingenious is hidden in the simple. Therefore, in order for everyone to feel good on the day of the holiday, and a beautiful atmosphere reigned in the air, you need to start the morning right.

    Just imagine how happy friends and colleagues will be if everyone has a nice souvenir in the workplace. It can be a balloon or a Christmas toy. You can choose any small items for a small present. Even one sweet candy on the table will please a person. Do not forget that on this day you need to hurry to decorate the room. As psychologists say, this is also an important point.

    How to decorate the house for the new year?

    It is worth paying attention that on the eve of the New Year, you need to take care not only of the working premises. The mood of colleagues is important, just like the mood of relatives. Therefore, initially you should start with home comfort. People always clean up and strive to ensure that everything is fine at the holiday. Buying a Christmas tree and garlands, thinking over gifts - all this must be done by the family. If there are small children, then it will take a lot of time to create an interior and beauty.

    It is very good if, on one of the days off, you are engaged in the creation of snowflakes, garlands, toys, decorations. Firstly, it will be interesting and fun, and secondly, this way you will save a lot of money. When the preparation at home is completed, the same can be practiced at work. Creating toys with your best friends, you will feel the spirit of the holiday, harmony.

    What to wear for the new year?

    This question is relevant for everyone, so we will analyze it in detail. Each year is the year of a certain animal according to the eastern calendar, but the editors of the site advise you to adhere not only to a certain range of colors suitable for the symbol of the year, but also to certain recommendations:

    1. Wearing an outfit in the color of the symbol of the year, try not to overdo it. The color of the coming year is, of course, good, but it is completely optional to look like a parrot. Combine bright colors with discreet hues. Remember that accessories should not be too much. Do not wear too revealing outfits, the New Year is considered to be a family holiday, your acquaintances or friends may not understand you. And, do not forget that the New Year is a holiday, and therefore your clothes should be festive, unless you are going to a pajama party.

    2. Dresses, skirts and beautiful dazzling costumes - that's what women will have to wear. Men are required to follow the rules and wear beautiful colored shirts. For children, a lot of opportunities open up on New Year's Eve in terms of carnival costumes.

    New Year's dishes

    Not only what you wear is important, but also what you prepare. This year is completely different, so you need to think about the dishes in advance. You should think over the menu well, include the favorite dishes of the guests in it. In each prepared recipe, there must be something that will please the lady of the year and your loved ones.

    gingerbread recipe

    One of the most delicious options is baked meat with vegetables. This recipe will satisfy the requirements of all guests, and absolutely takes into account the love of monkeys for vegetables and fruits. Simple ingredients and simplicity of the recipe will become available to you.

    You will need:

    500-700 tons of meat (necessarily low-fat);

    2 onions and 2 tomatoes;

    One large carrot;

    1 eggplant;

    4 cloves of garlic (the proportion can be reduced to 2);

    Spices, salt, vegetable oil.

    This is the easiest recipe, because you need to put everything in a pot, put it in the oven for no more than 30 minutes - and be content with the result. Salt and pepper should be in the last minutes of baking, so as not to overdo it.

    Gift Ideas for the New Year

    There are countless options here, it all depends on who you are preparing a present for. For children, you need to choose a symbolic toy, and for adults, something created by yourself. If you are thinking about gifts for colleagues, then it is important to be attentive and learn about their tastes. For a wife, a beautiful decoration is suitable, and for a husband, any practical thing.

    Contests and games for the new year

    When you have taken care of everything else, you need to provide leisure. It is he who is traditionally considered the most fun time. When your treats are eaten, everyone will receive gifts and celebrate the chiming clock - it's time to start playing. For some reason, it so happened that the well-known children's game "Crocodile" managed to please adults as well.

    New Year's salad recipe

    Therefore, you can start with it. Simple conditions and the ability to play all together makes it very exciting. A person must show each hidden word without words, and when the word is guessed, the winner takes his place.

    Everything is simple and clear, this game and like it. But, if you are set for a competitive program, then you should prepare not only assignments, but also presentations. In addition to playing "Crocodile", you can also play the notorious game "Guess who you are."

    The rules of the game are simple: each participant writes a famous person or character on a piece of paper and passes the piece of paper to a neighbor who fastens it on his forehead without looking at it. Thus, all participants see the papers of all players, except for their own. The task of the game is to guess which of the celebrities or famous characters is fixed on your forehead. This must be done as quickly as possible. The guessing process begins with leading questions, for example, "Am I a human?", "Am I a fictional character?". The difficulty of the game is that you can only get a yes or no answer to all your questions. The first person to guess their character wins. The turn passes to the next player, after the questioner hears the answer No.!
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