How to make wrinkle cream. How to make wrinkle creams with your own hands? Main useful components

It is very easy to prepare a wrinkle cream with your own hands. You can verify this from your own experience. In home cosmetics, especially anti-aging creams, there are many advantages. All of them add a huge plus to homemade cosmetics, in comparison with store-bought options.

Often, women after 30 buy more than one set of anti-wrinkle products, wanting to choose the most effective remedy. However, disappointed in all options, they use only care and decorative cosmetics. Few of them remember the old effective recipes of our grandmothers and their interpretations in a new way. But before, women kept their youth only with the help of natural products, which was no less effective than modern anti-aging procedures.

There are many natural DIY recipes. Some require special creaming skills, others require only desire and a minimum of ingredients. How to prepare simple but effective products that will help smooth out wrinkles and provide skin care, read in this article.

Simple natural wrinkle cream

This remedy is very easy to prepare and just as easy to use. One important nuance that must be observed is regular use. If you apply it irregularly, then you will not wait for a special effect.


  • Natural honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Vaseline - 1 teaspoon;
  • Castor oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Iodine - a couple of drops.

All components must be mixed in a clean container, in which you will use the cream in the future. It is desirable that the container be glass or porcelain.

The preparation of this remedy is simple. To do this, drip iodine to the bottom of the jar, add the remaining components and stir thoroughly. We recommend storing this anti-wrinkle cream in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month. Therefore, on the jar you need to attach a label on which the date of manufacture will be indicated.

It is necessary to apply this remedy 2 times a week, each time leaving the remedy for a couple of hours, then rinse with warm water.

It perfectly tightens the skin, restores its elasticity and smoothes wrinkles.

Wrinkle Wax Cream

This is an effective anti-wrinkle remedy that has been used by more than one generation. It's very easy to make at home and requires very few ingredients.


  • Beeswax - a piece the size of a matchbox;
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • ½ yolk.

It is recommended to take a larger container for cooking, since at one stage the mixture will increase several times. Pour olive oil into a saucepan, put on a slow fire and warm up slightly. We throw wax into warm oil and stir until it is completely dissolved. When the mixture has completely melted, but does not boil, you need to introduce half of the pounded yolk. Don't be alarmed - at this point the mixture will begin to foam and increase in volume. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. Remove from fire and cool. The consistency of the finished product should be creamy.

Homemade wax cream perfectly smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes the skin and clears it of pimples.

Night natural anti-wrinkle cream


  • EM (essential oil) frankincense - ½ teaspoon;
  • Lemon EM - ¼ teaspoon;
  • A handful of calendula flowers;
  • Almond oil - 40 ml;
  • Calendula oil - 20 ml;
  • Beeswax - 20 g;
  • Lemon juice - 10 ml.

It is necessary to make an infusion from the color of calendula, which will form the liquid base of the anti-wrinkle night cream. To do this, fill the flowers with about 300 ml of boiling water and leave to cool. After the infusion has cooled completely, it is filtered. The remaining infusion is stored in a cold place.

To prepare a remedy for wrinkles, it is recommended to use a saucepan, which is placed on a slow fire. Beeswax, almond and calendula oils are added to this container. The mixture is brought to complete dissolution of the wax, stirring constantly. Then gradually add 2 tbsp. spoons of herbal infusion and lemon juice. All this time it is recommended to stir with a wooden spoon.

Remove the pan from the heat, but do not stop stirring until the mass reaches body temperature. Add essential oils at this stage and mix thoroughly. Wait for the mass to cool completely and distribute the mass into prepared jars. In order for the product to retain its properties and the smell of essential oils for a long time, it is necessary to store it in a dark place.

Apply at least one hour before bed to clean, washed skin. Use it according to the face and neck area. Regular use will achieve excellent results and keep the youth of the face for a long time.


It is very easy to prepare a wrinkle cream with your own hands. To do this, you do not need to brew a miraculous potion or mix chemical elements. Use natural ingredients, food and nature's gifts to create a cream at home that will help maintain youthful and healthy skin. It is easy to hide your real age - for this it is enough to provide full-fledged care for the skin of the face. Good homemade cosmetics, prepared with your own hands, will help smooth out wrinkles and increase the elasticity of the skin.

Ready-made tightening products are known not only for their rarest ingredients and effectiveness, but also for their high price. At the same time, if you prepare an anti-wrinkle cream at home, you can not only save money, but also ensure the complete naturalness of the composition.

Useful properties of components

Depending on the functions that the cream should perform, its composition can vary. For example, for skin after 45, not only the lifting effect is important, but also moisturizing. For a young epidermis, special importance should be given to protection from the effects of aggressive factors and cell nutrition.

What ingredients can be used in creams:

  • base oils. Produced by squeezing the fruits and seeds of various plants. During the cooking process, heat treatment can take place, but it reduces the beneficial properties. Therefore, for home use and the production of cosmetic products, it is better to give preference to cold-pressed products. Light, fast-absorbing substances are suitable for delicate skin and the treatment of wrinkles. Oil of watermelon and grape seeds, argan, baobab, coconut, hemp, green coffee and others;
  • Dairy products. They have a strong tightening effect, brighten the skin, help reduce wrinkles due to amino acids. Whole milk and kefir are especially popular as cream ingredients. They are completely organic, very rarely cause allergic reactions, do not clog pores (which is important for young skin) and moisturize;
  • Honey. Provides deep cell nutrition, activates the production of elastane and collagen. With regular use, it brightens age spots (age and hormonal), helps to get rid of chronic and mimic wrinkles. May cause allergic reactions;
  • Natural lifting ingredients. This is the yolk of a chicken egg, gelatin, clay, some pharmaceutical preparations (borax, iodine). They are mandatory components for intensive creams (required for a strong tightening effect);
  • plant extracts. To enrich the compositions, various extracts from plants are often used: extract of milk thistle, flax, parsley, rose, chamomile and others. You can buy them in specialized stores.

Creams based on base oils

To prepare light anti-wrinkle cream for skin 30+, two parts of coconut oil and 1 egg yolk are taken. Coconut substrate is heated in a water bath - within a few minutes, instead of a solid, an aromatic liquid is formed. You need to add the yolk to it, after which the product is thoroughly beaten (with a special whisk or fork). If desired, you can drop a little essential oil into the product - for aroma. This cream is suitable for daytime use, as coconut has good UV filters.

For intense nutrition and hydration of the skin, preventing the first signs of aging, a cream of 4 types of butters is ideal. You can use any available, for young skin we recommend taking shea (10%), cocoa (20%), macadamia (40%) and mango (10%). All oils are melted in hot water and mixed in a non-metallic container. We recommend adding blackcurrant extract or aloe juice to the resulting liquid (for early wrinkles). The mixture is thoroughly whipped to obtain a homogeneous composition. The finished product must be left for several hours to solidify. After use in the mornings and evenings, store exclusively in the refrigerator for no more than 30 days.

Simply super effect provides sea buckthorn oil for nutrition and hydration of the epidermis. It has the highest protective and regenerating properties. Due to the large amount of retinol in the composition, it contributes to a quick tightening and strengthening of the fibers. To prepare a soft vitamin cream, you will need:

  • 3 parts of a butter;
  • 1 hour vitamins (you can take an Aevit capsule or a separate oil solution of tocopherol and retinol in equal amounts);
  • Aloe pulp or juice - 1 tsp.

A yarrow sprig is washed under running water and cut in half. With the help of a teaspoon, the pulp is scraped out of it. For convenient mixing of the components, we still recommend squeezing the juice out of it - then it will be much easier to mix the components. Sea buckthorn oil is heated over a quiet fire or a water bath. Aloe and vitamins are added to it, the solution is thoroughly mixed and left to cool. Apply in the evening to the eye area and on the eyelids. The tool paints things, but helps to even out complexion, reduce mimic wrinkles and restore elasticity.

Creams based on milk

Many anti-wrinkle cream recipes that you can make at home are based on the regenerating effect of milk. It is saturated with essential amino acids, fats and beneficial mineral compounds. In addition, it has good indicators of absorbency and hypoallergenicity.

One of the most famous compounds is composition of Cleopatra. Its preparation is subject even to beginners, and the efficiency is the highest. You will need 20 grams of fresh milk (preferably with a minimum fat content) and 10 grams of honey. Before use, it is better to heat the sweet component in a water bath so that it mixes with milk more easily. The components are combined in a ceramic container and whipped with a whisk. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, the product is ready for use. It is not suitable for daytime use, but it will perfectly whiten and tighten the skin as a night cream.

An effective cream will turn out if you combine dairy products and base oils. Butters will provide intense hydration and nutrition when milk becomes the guarantor of a tightening effect. As additional components, we recommend green or dill juice, parsley, honey or any available herbal extract. An easy-to-prepare, but high-quality, anti-wrinkle cream recipe:

  • 3 parts milk;
  • 3 hours of any available base substance (better - light, such as apricot pomace, grape and others);
  • 1 hour honey;
  • Half of white clay.

Milk and honey are heated in a water bath to a pleasant warmth (but do not let them get hot). After they are combined with each other, pre-melted butter and kaolin are added to them. The composition is thoroughly mixed and placed in a dark place to cool and harden. If the cream turned out to be too sticky, then you need to reduce the amount of honey (but this is all individual). If you are allergic to this component, it can be replaced with plant extracts.

For dry and aging skin, goat's milk and mink oil cream will be a real elixir of youth. Both ingredients are quite rare (especially in the city), but they have simply magical properties. The very manufacture of a miracle cream is not difficult, you just need to combine the components in equal amounts. Apply morning and evening (especially during the cold season, when the skin is constantly chapped and dehydrated).

Popular recipes for wrinkles

Simple anti-wrinkle gelatin cream at home has great reviews. It is affordable, effective and hypoallergenic. According to the girls who have tested it, the remedy helps to get rid of mimic wrinkles in a short time and reduce the size of deep chronic folds.

We make anti-wrinkle cream ourselves, from available components

How to make gelatin night cream:

  1. In a ceramic or glass container, you need to combine 5 grams of gelatin and about 100 ml of glycerin. The mixture will need to be beaten for a long time to obtain uniformity. To simplify the task somewhat, you can add a teaspoon of warm water to the composition, in which you need to dissolve the gelatin;
  2. Natural honey (15 grams) is added to the mass, the product is mixed again;
  3. If desired, the product can be enriched with a vitamin complex (for nutrition and strengthening), salicylic acid (against inflammation), natural base oils (for moisturizing and recovery).

After adding honey to glycerin, the cream may stop mixing properly. To make the mass homogeneous, you just need to heat it over low heat (but do not boil).

Proven over the years. It was used by various celebrities who sought to maintain the beauty and health of the skin for years to come. The composition of the product includes:

  • Egg yolk;
  • 5 gr. sour cream;
  • A glass of vodka;
    10 grams of glycerin combined with borax;
  • 5 gr. lemon juice.

All components must be beaten with a whisk and put in a dark place for infusion.

The product helps not only to quickly restore damaged collagen fibers, but also dry out inflammation, improve blood circulation in the skin. The consistency of the product will be quite liquid, but quickly absorbed.

All women want to be beautiful, regardless of age. In pursuit of beauty and youth, women spend exorbitant amounts of money on expensive creams, masks, tonics and other skin care products.
But often, the most effective and best remedy can be a cream that everyone can prepare in their own kitchen.

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The famous anti-wrinkle cream that will smooth out the worst skin in a week

On a note:
absorbed for a long time, more than an hour, so they need to be used 2 hours before bedtime. You will see the first result in 3 days.
The recipe is not complicated and really magical.

It will take.
Half a fresh yolk
2 teaspoons of almond oil (can be replaced with olive oil),
1 teaspoon sea salt
2 teaspoons of chamomile decoction (1 tablespoon of dry herb per 200 ml of water, boil for 15-20 minutes),
0.5 teaspoon of real honey,
2 teaspoons of cosmetic vaseline (sold in a pharmacy).



Cream preparation:
- Mix thoroughly with a spoon until smooth. And so several times, so that there is a uniform consistency. Keep refrigerated.
- Gently massage onto the skin. After 30 minutes, remove the residue with a cotton swab dipped in mineral water.

Anyone who respects their skin should really like the cream


Cheese mask for wrinkles


Beauticians have compiled a recipe for the best anti-wrinkle mask that every woman can make at home. The effect of its application is visible within 15 minutes after application.
Studies show that cheese has a noticeable anti-age effect.

The recipe for a rejuvenating mask is very simple:
you need to mix 1 part of hard cheese, chopped on a very fine grater, with 1 part of cream (or liquid sour cream).
Apply the resulting mixture on the skin of the face and leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

After the first application of this mask, the result is visible. The skin becomes velvety, more elastic, the complexion evens out. Regular use of the mask eliminates fine wrinkles.



Lifting mask with flour and milk



A mask of flour and milk contributes to an excellent skin tightening, as well as its nutrition.

Pour 40 g of flour into a cup, pour 20 g of milk into it and mix thoroughly until the consistency of thick sour cream.
After that, apply an even layer of the mixture on the face and do not rinse until completely dry. Then you need to wash with warm water.


Anti-aging cream with iodine


This anti-aging cream softens the skin, makes it elastic, removes tightness and flaking, whitens the skin: freckles and birthmarks become lighter and less noticeable. You will look 10-15 years younger!

To make a face cream you will need:
25 g honey;
10 g of vaseline from a pharmacy;
2-3 k. iodine;
17 g castor oil;
glass container for mixing ingredients.

Preparation and application of cream:
We drip iodine into a glass container (important! no more than 1-2 drops). Add honey here and mix thoroughly with iodine. Then add castor oil and Vaseline oil, and mix well. It is permissible to store this cream at room temperature for no more than one month.

Apply the cream on a pre-clean face (before applying, stir the cream). Keep the cream on your face for at least 15 minutes, and better, if time permits, 2 hours. The remains of the cream, not absorbed into the skin, remove with a cosmetic napkin.



Lifting mask with banana and starch

This mask has an excellent tightening effect.


For cooking, you need only 2 components:
1 teaspoon starch;
1 banana.

Starch must be thoroughly mixed with banana pulp.

Apply the mask to the face and décolleté.
It is necessary to keep the mask until it dries (about 25-30 minutes). Then wash off the mask with warm water.

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Neck mask for women after 50 - perfectly smoothes wrinkles!


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Like it or not, the neck gives out the woman's age. Many try to cover their necks with high neck sweaters, scarves, etc. But with proper care, this can be avoided, especially after 50 years.
The easiest way to care for the skin of the neck is with a cream. The cream can be bought in the store, or you can make it yourself.

- 1 tablespoon Vaseline
- 1 tablespoon of lanolin
- 1 teaspoon honey
- 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil
- 1 teaspoon grape seed oil
- 1 yolk

Melt lanolin with vaseline in a water bath.
Pour in the jojoba oil and grape seed oil, mix and remove from heat.
Cool the mixture a little.
Grind the yolk with honey and add to the mixture, stirring constantly.
Stir the mixture well until smooth.

Transfer the cream to a glass jar and store in the refrigerator.

Apply the cream on the neck and décolleté every other day, at night.


Wishing to maintain youthful facial skin long after the onset of the aging process, women often spend considerable amounts on the purchase of professional cosmetics. Unfortunately, the effect of their use does not always correspond to desires. And given that such products contain chemical additives to improve the aroma and consistency, they often cause allergic reactions. To preserve beauty and money, you can prepare an anti-wrinkle cream at home.

When making homemade anti-wrinkle creams, there are a few things to keep in mind. Following simple recommendations will help you get a really effective remedy that will bring exceptional benefits to your skin.

First of all, you should remember:

  1. To prepare an anti-wrinkle cream at home, do not use metal utensils (including blender attachments). The fact is that when the metal comes into contact with the products, the latter are oxidized. This not only reduces the shelf life of the final product, but also provides an unpleasant odor and color.
  2. For accurate measuring of small volumes, one cannot do without special utensils and related tools - syringes, pipettes, measuring spoons.
  3. It is not recommended to change the basis of homemade anti-wrinkle face cream, its composition must correspond to the recipe. But additional ingredients that are not available can be replaced with similar ones.
  4. If there are essential oils in the recipe, their dosage should be observed very strictly. If you exceed their concentration, it is possible to get local irritations and even small burns of the upper layer of the dermis. This is especially true of the anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes, where the skin is most tender.
  5. Depending on the type of skin, the basis of the cream can be egg white, gelatin, glycerin (for oily dermis), wax, paraffin, cream (for dry skin).
  6. Due to the presence in the composition of natural products that are perishable, the shelf life of the finished cream is no more than two weeks. The ideal storage container is a glass jar with a tightly ground lid or a plastic food container.
  7. Due to the short shelf life, homemade cream should not be prepared in large volumes. 20 ml is enough for one course.

Wrinkle Cream Recipes for Dry Skin

Dry skin is particularly prone to flaking and wrinkling due to inadequate nutrition and moisture retention. In the presence of this type, the face looks haggard due to clearly visible wrinkles. To fix the problem, the following homemade recipes are suitable.

With cocoa butter

The product perfectly nourishes dry, flaky skin. It can also be used as a daily hand cream. For cooking you need:

  • Mix half a teaspoon of cocoa butter and beeswax. To do this, they are melted in a water bath, not bringing to a boil.
  • After removing the mass from the fire, add 0.5 tsp. freshly squeezed aloe juice and 1 tsp. almond oil. Mix everything well.
  • After the base has cooled to a warm temperature, add one capsule of oil vitamin A and E, mix until smooth.
  • For better solidification of the cream, you can place the container in a bowl with ice, without ceasing to stir the contents.
  • After obtaining a viscous, creamy consistency, transfer the finished product to a pre-prepared jar and close the lid tightly. Store out of direct sunlight in a cool place.

With almond oil

The tool shows its properties especially well when applied to aging skin, with visible traces of flabbiness and sagging. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for women over 40 years old. If, after a while after application, the remains of the cream remain on the skin, it is not recommended to remove them with a cotton pad or rinse with water, you should wait until it dries completely. Therefore, the procedure is best done in the evening, before going to bed.

Such a cream for deep wrinkles at home is prepared as follows:

  • In a fireproof glass container, mix 1 part each of liquid honey and almond oil, as well as 2 parts of lanolin. Put on a small fire.
  • When heating the mass in a water bath, it should not be allowed to boil. While heating, stir constantly in one direction.
  • Remove from heat and let cool, stirring constantly. To speed up the process, the container should be lowered into cold water.
  • After cooling, the cream is transferred to a jar for storage.

With glycerin and gelatin

This homemade anti-wrinkle face cream recipe is suitable for older women who want to maintain a youthful complexion. In addition to intensive nutrition, it provides additional hydration for optimal cell regeneration.

Gelatin anti-wrinkle cream is made in several stages:

  • In a non-metal container, mix table gelatin (0.5 tsp), glycerin (50 ml), liquid honey (1.5 tbsp), 1 g of food acid (tartaric, citric, malic). Dilute the mixture with 50 ml of warm water.
  • Putting the container in a water bath, start heating, constantly stirring clockwise. The mass should be heated until the acid and gelatin are completely dissolved.
  • Then remove from heat and cool, avoiding the formation of gelatinous lumps. To do this, do not forget to stir the mass.
  • Pour the cream into a jar and close the lid tightly. Use three times a week before bed.

Night with beeswax

An excellent do-it-yourself wrinkle cream is prepared from available products. It is quite oily, so it takes a long time to absorb. Depending on the structural features of the skin, the time varies from 20 minutes to half an hour.

  • In a clean container, mix 2 incomplete tablespoons of freshly squeezed cucumber juice and 1 egg yolk.
  • Separately, mix half a teaspoon of glycerin and melted beeswax, as well as 1 tsp. olive oil.
  • Put the mixture for heating in a water bath. As the mass melts, stir more and more intensively.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous consistency, remove the cream from heat and cool to room temperature. Add to it a mixture of juice and yolk prepared in advance.
  • After mixing, transfer the cream to a storage container.

For eyelids

The skin of the eyelids is extremely thin, therefore, it is more prone to the appearance of early facial flaws. To moisturize it, you can prepare a cream for wrinkles around the eyes.

  • Grind a tablespoon of natural butter with one egg yolk.
  • Separately grind rose petals (rose hips, jasmine) in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. Add to base mix.
  • Mix and pour into a clean jar. Apply to eyelids before going to bed with a cotton swab.

For oily skin

Increased oiliness of the skin is indicated by greasy shine, as well as frequent rashes. They appear due to clogging of pores with sebum. Anti-wrinkle cream at home must be prepared taking into account these features.


This recipe is based on natural beeswax, which does not clog pores, but ensures the preservation of the structure of the cream. And essential oils and vitamins guarantee cleansing of the skin while nourishing it to get a beautiful color and eliminate wrinkles. Can also be used as a hand cream.

  • 10 g of wax is melted in a water bath. Remove from heat and cool to a comfortable temperature.
  • To it is added 10 ml of rose and 40 ml of almond oil, 1 ampoule of vitamins A and E.
  • The mass is diluted with 50 ml of rose water and laid out in a jar for storage in a dry and cool place.


An ugly greasy shine can bring many problems, ranging from complexes to constant purulent rashes. You can get rid of it with a simple recipe.

  • Mix liquid beeswax (15 g) with any baby oil in an amount of 50 ml.
  • Separately dissolve in a water bath 0.5 tsp. borax (you can buy it at a pharmacy), add it to the first mixture. Add 50 ml of rose water to the mass.
  • Stir until the solids are completely dissolved and a uniform texture is obtained. Hide in a clean jar and put it in a cool place until it hardens.

Firming cream

To maintain the tone of aging skin, gelatin anti-wrinkle cream is excellent. Due to the presence of a natural source of collagen, the product helps to increase the firmness and elasticity of the dermis, tighten and smooth it, as well as saturate it with useful substances.

  • One tablespoon of edible gelatin pour 200 ml of purified water. After swelling (usually 20 minutes is enough), put in a water bath and bring to complete dissolution.
  • Remove from heat and let cool slightly (at least 30°C). Add 4 tbsp. l. liquid honey, leave for an hour to infuse.
  • Next, mix into the mass 50 ml of glycerin, 2 tbsp. l. water, 1 g salicylic acid. Mix until smooth.
  • Pour into a clean jar and refrigerate.

For normal skin

If the features of the skin correspond to the normal type, good hydration is enough to maintain its youth without additional nutrition. To smooth wrinkles, such recipes are suitable.

  1. Melt 10 g of lanolin in a water bath with peach oil (5 ml). Without bringing the mixture to a boil, dilute it with 10 ml of pure water and remove from heat. When cooling it, do not forget to stir to obtain a homogeneous structure.
  2. Beat 1 chicken egg, add 10 ml of liquid honey and 100 ml of high-fat cream to it. After mixing, add 3 drops of tea tree essential oil to the mass.
  3. 5 st. l. olive oil (grape seed or wheat germ oil is also suitable) add 2 drops of essential oil of verbena (rosemary, geranium). Stir until the components are completely dissolved and apply as a cream around the eyes at night.
  4. Finely chop the bunch of dill along with the stems. Add to it 5 g of dried violets in the form of powder and 5 tbsp. l. olive oil. Mix until smooth.

Despite a number of positive properties of homemade anti-wrinkle creams, they have several contraindications for use. The main one is individual sensitivity to basic or minor components.

To prevent the appearance of rashes on the face, it is recommended to apply a small amount of the product to the skin of the wrist and follow the local reaction. If it is absent, the cream can be used for its intended purpose.

Failure to follow the recipe may lead to undesirable consequences. So, if the concentration of the fatty base is exceeded, clogging of the pores is possible. As a result, blackheads or blackheads will appear, which will have to be dealt with separately. It is equally dangerous to "overdo it" with acids that can cause burns.

Do you use homemade wrinkle creams?

With the appearance of the first noticeable wrinkles, every woman begins to think about purchasing a high-quality caring cream. But it often happens that the average tool does not give the desired result, and effective premium segment products are too expensive. It is in such a situation that the idea comes to mind of creating a home analogue of expensive cosmetics, which will not contain a lot of preservatives and other harmful chemicals, and will not yield in terms of efficiency.


1. Ingredients:

  • purified water - 0.5 cups;
  • gelatin - 1 tbsp. l. without a slide;
  • liquid honey - 3 tbsp. l;
  • aspirin - 1 g;
  • glycerin (about half a cup).

Dissolve gelatin powder in water, add glycerin, honey and aspirin to the same bowl, mix. Put the mixture in a water bath, warm, stirring, until smooth. After cooling to room temperature, shake. The finished anti-wrinkle substance is poured into a container with a lid and kept in the refrigerator for a maximum of a week.

Further, it is recommended to use it as follows: wash your hands well with antibacterial soap, cleanse your face, walk on the skin with a tonic, put a small amount of cream on the palm of your hand with a clean spatula, and when it is at the same temperature with the body, apply a thin layer all over the face with the fingers of the other hand, avoiding the eye area. After a simple application, it is recommended to do a massage: run your fingers from the base of the eyebrows to the temples, from the chin to the forehead. All movements should be smooth, sliding and pulling.

In conclusion, it is good to tap your fingers on the skin - this will help to absorb faster and in full. It would be better to use the remedy every night before going to bed. At night, the muscles of the face do not work as actively as during the day, and the folds can be corrected faster.

2. Absolutely everyone loves a quick result of skin care, so you can independently prepare a mixture that has the effect of expensive Botox and immediately smoothes out many small and even large wrinkles.

To prepare it, take pharmacy Dimexide and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:10. The face is previously very well cleansed with the help of cosmetics. Wetting a cotton pad with a solution of Dimexide, wipe the skin with it. Next, a thick layer of Solcoseryl ointment is applied. You need to keep the mask for an hour, from time to time slightly wetting the surface with boiled water so that it does not freeze. After washing it off, a hypoallergenic cream should be applied to the skin. Doing this is also advised at night. It is advisable to use such a remedy for women after 40 years, since by this age, usually fine wrinkles begin to deepen. It can be done no more than once a month.

3. You need to take in equal proportions low-fat milk and liquid honey. Lubricate the face with the resulting composition, leave for 20 minutes, lying down in peace. After the time has elapsed, rinse with warm water. This procedure can be done daily, only each time it is necessary to prepare the mixture again. It perfectly replaces cosmetics for the skin around the eyes, smoothes fine wrinkles well.

4. Do-it-yourself anti-aging night anti-wrinkle cream preparation.


  • almond oil 2 tsp;
  • chamomile infusion 2 tsp;
  • pharmaceutical cosmetic vaseline 1.5 tsp;
  • liquid honey 1.5 tsp;
  • chicken yolk (half);
  • sea ​​salt 1 tsp

Almond oil is kneaded into the yolk (it can also be replaced with olive oil), chamomile infusion, honey and salt are added there. Melt Vaseline separately for a couple, add it to the rest of the mixture, beat a little with a fork. Place the finished cream in a glass jar with a lid and place in the freezer. It should be taken out with a spatula and applied to the face only when it reaches body temperature.

Such a tool will completely replace expensive cosmetics, especially if you wipe your face with a decoction of chamomile before applying - it will serve as a skin tonic, prepare cells to receive all the necessary substances to smooth wrinkles and fine wrinkles.

5. For oily skin types and in the fight against mimic folds and wrinkles under the eyes.


  • glycerin - 1 tbsp. l;
  • flour, as needed, about 0.5 cups;
  • egg white - 1;
  • liquid honey - 2 tsp

All ingredients except flour are mixed in a bowl until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Then add enough flour to reach the density of the cream. Apply to the face and neck, leave to soak for 15-20 minutes, wash off with a decoction of chamomile.

6. The following recipe will be very useful for dry and aging skin, as well as against wrinkles and deep folds.


  • chicken yolk - 1 pc;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l;
  • crushed rose hips / plums / persimmons - 3 tbsp. l;
  • liquid honey - 1 tsp

All the ingredients of the recipe are mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Apply to face for 20 minutes, rinse. Store the finished product in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.

7. Cream with vitamins.


  • chopped dill - 1 cup;
  • pharmaceutical violet herb powder;
  • vitamin A - 7-10 drops;
  • jojoba essential oil - 2 drops;
  • olive oil - 0.5 tsp

Place all ingredients in a blender and grind until smooth. The resulting cream is left on the face for 5-10 minutes. This time is usually enough for the prepared skin to take all the vitamins. The tool is very effective in the fight against wrinkles around the eyes.

8. With vitamins based on calendula.


  • decoction of calendula - 300 ml;
  • calendula oil - 20 ml;
  • almond oil - 30 ml;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l;
  • lemon essential oil - 0.5 tsp;
  • beeswax - 20 g.

Melt the wax by adding all the ingredients and 3 tablespoons of calendula decoction to it. The cream is applied to the face with a cosmetic brush, left for 20 minutes, mostly in the evening. This is a very effective anti-wrinkle home remedy that fights even deep wrinkles.

Storage Features

Each home remedy has its own shelf life. It all depends on the ingredients of the recipe. If it contains only herbal ingredients, pharmaceutical vitamins or is made on the basis of baby cream, then it is stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. Some recipes allow you to keep the finished product for up to 20 days. The freezer keeps fresh longer, so the shelf life can be up to 3 months.

If the recipe contains ingredients of animal origin (milk, butter, cottage cheese, eggs), then store it in the refrigerator for 1-2 days, and it is best to prepare a fresh cream for each use. After removing it from the refrigerator, the mass must warm up to body temperature so that the cells can take in all the necessary components.

Most of the ingredients are available in stores and pharmacies, and cooking does not take much time. Everyone can choose a rejuvenating cream to taste, adjust the amount of one or another ingredient.